path: root/contrib/python/pytest/py3/_pytest/fixtures.py
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authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/python/pytest/py3/_pytest/fixtures.py
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/pytest/py3/_pytest/fixtures.py')
1 files changed, 1480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/pytest/py3/_pytest/fixtures.py b/contrib/python/pytest/py3/_pytest/fixtures.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22964770d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pytest/py3/_pytest/fixtures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1480 @@
+import functools
+import inspect
+import itertools
+import sys
+import warnings
+from collections import defaultdict
+from collections import deque
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import List
+from typing import Tuple
+import attr
+import py
+import _pytest
+from _pytest._code.code import FormattedExcinfo
+from _pytest._code.code import TerminalRepr
+from _pytest._code.source import getfslineno
+from _pytest._io import TerminalWriter
+from _pytest.compat import _format_args
+from _pytest.compat import _PytestWrapper
+from _pytest.compat import get_real_func
+from _pytest.compat import get_real_method
+from _pytest.compat import getfuncargnames
+from _pytest.compat import getimfunc
+from _pytest.compat import getlocation
+from _pytest.compat import is_generator
+from _pytest.compat import NOTSET
+from _pytest.compat import safe_getattr
+from _pytest.compat import TYPE_CHECKING
+from _pytest.deprecated import FIXTURE_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENTS
+from _pytest.deprecated import FUNCARGNAMES
+from _pytest.mark import ParameterSet
+from _pytest.outcomes import fail
+from _pytest.outcomes import TEST_OUTCOME
+ from typing import Type
+ from _pytest import nodes
+ from _pytest.main import Session
+class PseudoFixtureDef:
+ cached_result = attr.ib()
+ scope = attr.ib()
+def pytest_sessionstart(session: "Session"):
+ import _pytest.python
+ import _pytest.nodes
+ scopename2class.update(
+ {
+ "package": _pytest.python.Package,
+ "class": _pytest.python.Class,
+ "module": _pytest.python.Module,
+ "function": _pytest.nodes.Item,
+ "session": _pytest.main.Session,
+ }
+ )
+ session._fixturemanager = FixtureManager(session)
+scopename2class = {} # type: Dict[str, Type[nodes.Node]]
+scope2props = dict(session=()) # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]
+scope2props["package"] = ("fspath",)
+scope2props["module"] = ("fspath", "module")
+scope2props["class"] = scope2props["module"] + ("cls",)
+scope2props["instance"] = scope2props["class"] + ("instance",)
+scope2props["function"] = scope2props["instance"] + ("function", "keywords")
+def scopeproperty(name=None, doc=None):
+ def decoratescope(func):
+ scopename = name or func.__name__
+ def provide(self):
+ if func.__name__ in scope2props[self.scope]:
+ return func(self)
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "{} not available in {}-scoped context".format(scopename, self.scope)
+ )
+ return property(provide, None, None, func.__doc__)
+ return decoratescope
+def get_scope_package(node, fixturedef):
+ import pytest
+ cls = pytest.Package
+ current = node
+ fixture_package_name = "{}/{}".format(fixturedef.baseid, "__init__.py")
+ while current and (
+ type(current) is not cls or fixture_package_name != current.nodeid
+ ):
+ current = current.parent
+ if current is None:
+ return node.session
+ return current
+def get_scope_node(node, scope):
+ cls = scopename2class.get(scope)
+ if cls is None:
+ raise ValueError("unknown scope")
+ return node.getparent(cls)
+def add_funcarg_pseudo_fixture_def(collector, metafunc, fixturemanager):
+ # this function will transform all collected calls to a functions
+ # if they use direct funcargs (i.e. direct parametrization)
+ # because we want later test execution to be able to rely on
+ # an existing FixtureDef structure for all arguments.
+ # XXX we can probably avoid this algorithm if we modify CallSpec2
+ # to directly care for creating the fixturedefs within its methods.
+ if not metafunc._calls[0].funcargs:
+ return # this function call does not have direct parametrization
+ # collect funcargs of all callspecs into a list of values
+ arg2params = {}
+ arg2scope = {}
+ for callspec in metafunc._calls:
+ for argname, argvalue in callspec.funcargs.items():
+ assert argname not in callspec.params
+ callspec.params[argname] = argvalue
+ arg2params_list = arg2params.setdefault(argname, [])
+ callspec.indices[argname] = len(arg2params_list)
+ arg2params_list.append(argvalue)
+ if argname not in arg2scope:
+ scopenum = callspec._arg2scopenum.get(argname, scopenum_function)
+ arg2scope[argname] = scopes[scopenum]
+ callspec.funcargs.clear()
+ # register artificial FixtureDef's so that later at test execution
+ # time we can rely on a proper FixtureDef to exist for fixture setup.
+ arg2fixturedefs = metafunc._arg2fixturedefs
+ for argname, valuelist in arg2params.items():
+ # if we have a scope that is higher than function we need
+ # to make sure we only ever create an according fixturedef on
+ # a per-scope basis. We thus store and cache the fixturedef on the
+ # node related to the scope.
+ scope = arg2scope[argname]
+ node = None
+ if scope != "function":
+ node = get_scope_node(collector, scope)
+ if node is None:
+ assert scope == "class" and isinstance(collector, _pytest.python.Module)
+ # use module-level collector for class-scope (for now)
+ node = collector
+ if node and argname in node._name2pseudofixturedef:
+ arg2fixturedefs[argname] = [node._name2pseudofixturedef[argname]]
+ else:
+ fixturedef = FixtureDef(
+ fixturemanager,
+ "",
+ argname,
+ get_direct_param_fixture_func,
+ arg2scope[argname],
+ valuelist,
+ False,
+ False,
+ )
+ arg2fixturedefs[argname] = [fixturedef]
+ if node is not None:
+ node._name2pseudofixturedef[argname] = fixturedef
+def getfixturemarker(obj):
+ """ return fixturemarker or None if it doesn't exist or raised
+ exceptions."""
+ try:
+ return getattr(obj, "_pytestfixturefunction", None)
+ except TEST_OUTCOME:
+ # some objects raise errors like request (from flask import request)
+ # we don't expect them to be fixture functions
+ return None
+def get_parametrized_fixture_keys(item, scopenum):
+ """ return list of keys for all parametrized arguments which match
+ the specified scope. """
+ assert scopenum < scopenum_function # function
+ try:
+ cs = item.callspec
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # cs.indices.items() is random order of argnames. Need to
+ # sort this so that different calls to
+ # get_parametrized_fixture_keys will be deterministic.
+ for argname, param_index in sorted(cs.indices.items()):
+ if cs._arg2scopenum[argname] != scopenum:
+ continue
+ if scopenum == 0: # session
+ key = (argname, param_index)
+ elif scopenum == 1: # package
+ key = (argname, param_index, item.fspath.dirpath())
+ elif scopenum == 2: # module
+ key = (argname, param_index, item.fspath)
+ elif scopenum == 3: # class
+ key = (argname, param_index, item.fspath, item.cls)
+ yield key
+# algorithm for sorting on a per-parametrized resource setup basis
+# it is called for scopenum==0 (session) first and performs sorting
+# down to the lower scopes such as to minimize number of "high scope"
+# setups and teardowns
+def reorder_items(items):
+ argkeys_cache = {}
+ items_by_argkey = {}
+ for scopenum in range(0, scopenum_function):
+ argkeys_cache[scopenum] = d = {}
+ items_by_argkey[scopenum] = item_d = defaultdict(deque)
+ for item in items:
+ keys = OrderedDict.fromkeys(get_parametrized_fixture_keys(item, scopenum))
+ if keys:
+ d[item] = keys
+ for key in keys:
+ item_d[key].append(item)
+ items = OrderedDict.fromkeys(items)
+ return list(reorder_items_atscope(items, argkeys_cache, items_by_argkey, 0))
+def fix_cache_order(item, argkeys_cache, items_by_argkey):
+ for scopenum in range(0, scopenum_function):
+ for key in argkeys_cache[scopenum].get(item, []):
+ items_by_argkey[scopenum][key].appendleft(item)
+def reorder_items_atscope(items, argkeys_cache, items_by_argkey, scopenum):
+ if scopenum >= scopenum_function or len(items) < 3:
+ return items
+ ignore = set()
+ items_deque = deque(items)
+ items_done = OrderedDict()
+ scoped_items_by_argkey = items_by_argkey[scopenum]
+ scoped_argkeys_cache = argkeys_cache[scopenum]
+ while items_deque:
+ no_argkey_group = OrderedDict()
+ slicing_argkey = None
+ while items_deque:
+ item = items_deque.popleft()
+ if item in items_done or item in no_argkey_group:
+ continue
+ argkeys = OrderedDict.fromkeys(
+ k for k in scoped_argkeys_cache.get(item, []) if k not in ignore
+ )
+ if not argkeys:
+ no_argkey_group[item] = None
+ else:
+ slicing_argkey, _ = argkeys.popitem()
+ # we don't have to remove relevant items from later in the deque because they'll just be ignored
+ matching_items = [
+ i for i in scoped_items_by_argkey[slicing_argkey] if i in items
+ ]
+ for i in reversed(matching_items):
+ fix_cache_order(i, argkeys_cache, items_by_argkey)
+ items_deque.appendleft(i)
+ break
+ if no_argkey_group:
+ no_argkey_group = reorder_items_atscope(
+ no_argkey_group, argkeys_cache, items_by_argkey, scopenum + 1
+ )
+ for item in no_argkey_group:
+ items_done[item] = None
+ ignore.add(slicing_argkey)
+ return items_done
+def fillfixtures(function):
+ """ fill missing funcargs for a test function. """
+ try:
+ request = function._request
+ except AttributeError:
+ # XXX this special code path is only expected to execute
+ # with the oejskit plugin. It uses classes with funcargs
+ # and we thus have to work a bit to allow this.
+ fm = function.session._fixturemanager
+ fi = fm.getfixtureinfo(function.parent, function.obj, None)
+ function._fixtureinfo = fi
+ request = function._request = FixtureRequest(function)
+ request._fillfixtures()
+ # prune out funcargs for jstests
+ newfuncargs = {}
+ for name in fi.argnames:
+ newfuncargs[name] = function.funcargs[name]
+ function.funcargs = newfuncargs
+ else:
+ request._fillfixtures()
+def get_direct_param_fixture_func(request):
+ return request.param
+class FuncFixtureInfo:
+ # original function argument names
+ argnames = attr.ib(type=tuple)
+ # argnames that function immediately requires. These include argnames +
+ # fixture names specified via usefixtures and via autouse=True in fixture
+ # definitions.
+ initialnames = attr.ib(type=tuple)
+ names_closure = attr.ib() # List[str]
+ name2fixturedefs = attr.ib() # List[str, List[FixtureDef]]
+ def prune_dependency_tree(self):
+ """Recompute names_closure from initialnames and name2fixturedefs
+ Can only reduce names_closure, which means that the new closure will
+ always be a subset of the old one. The order is preserved.
+ This method is needed because direct parametrization may shadow some
+ of the fixtures that were included in the originally built dependency
+ tree. In this way the dependency tree can get pruned, and the closure
+ of argnames may get reduced.
+ """
+ closure = set()
+ working_set = set(self.initialnames)
+ while working_set:
+ argname = working_set.pop()
+ # argname may be smth not included in the original names_closure,
+ # in which case we ignore it. This currently happens with pseudo
+ # FixtureDefs which wrap 'get_direct_param_fixture_func(request)'.
+ # So they introduce the new dependency 'request' which might have
+ # been missing in the original tree (closure).
+ if argname not in closure and argname in self.names_closure:
+ closure.add(argname)
+ if argname in self.name2fixturedefs:
+ working_set.update(self.name2fixturedefs[argname][-1].argnames)
+ self.names_closure[:] = sorted(closure, key=self.names_closure.index)
+class FixtureRequest:
+ """ A request for a fixture from a test or fixture function.
+ A request object gives access to the requesting test context
+ and has an optional ``param`` attribute in case
+ the fixture is parametrized indirectly.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pyfuncitem):
+ self._pyfuncitem = pyfuncitem
+ #: fixture for which this request is being performed
+ self.fixturename = None
+ #: Scope string, one of "function", "class", "module", "session"
+ self.scope = "function"
+ self._fixture_defs = {} # type: Dict[str, FixtureDef]
+ fixtureinfo = pyfuncitem._fixtureinfo
+ self._arg2fixturedefs = fixtureinfo.name2fixturedefs.copy()
+ self._arg2index = {}
+ self._fixturemanager = pyfuncitem.session._fixturemanager
+ @property
+ def fixturenames(self):
+ """names of all active fixtures in this request"""
+ result = list(self._pyfuncitem._fixtureinfo.names_closure)
+ result.extend(set(self._fixture_defs).difference(result))
+ return result
+ @property
+ def funcargnames(self):
+ """ alias attribute for ``fixturenames`` for pre-2.3 compatibility"""
+ warnings.warn(FUNCARGNAMES, stacklevel=2)
+ return self.fixturenames
+ @property
+ def node(self):
+ """ underlying collection node (depends on current request scope)"""
+ return self._getscopeitem(self.scope)
+ def _getnextfixturedef(self, argname):
+ fixturedefs = self._arg2fixturedefs.get(argname, None)
+ if fixturedefs is None:
+ # we arrive here because of a dynamic call to
+ # getfixturevalue(argname) usage which was naturally
+ # not known at parsing/collection time
+ parentid = self._pyfuncitem.parent.nodeid
+ fixturedefs = self._fixturemanager.getfixturedefs(argname, parentid)
+ self._arg2fixturedefs[argname] = fixturedefs
+ # fixturedefs list is immutable so we maintain a decreasing index
+ index = self._arg2index.get(argname, 0) - 1
+ if fixturedefs is None or (-index > len(fixturedefs)):
+ raise FixtureLookupError(argname, self)
+ self._arg2index[argname] = index
+ return fixturedefs[index]
+ @property
+ def config(self):
+ """ the pytest config object associated with this request. """
+ return self._pyfuncitem.config
+ @scopeproperty()
+ def function(self):
+ """ test function object if the request has a per-function scope. """
+ return self._pyfuncitem.obj
+ @scopeproperty("class")
+ def cls(self):
+ """ class (can be None) where the test function was collected. """
+ clscol = self._pyfuncitem.getparent(_pytest.python.Class)
+ if clscol:
+ return clscol.obj
+ @property
+ def instance(self):
+ """ instance (can be None) on which test function was collected. """
+ # unittest support hack, see _pytest.unittest.TestCaseFunction
+ try:
+ return self._pyfuncitem._testcase
+ except AttributeError:
+ function = getattr(self, "function", None)
+ return getattr(function, "__self__", None)
+ @scopeproperty()
+ def module(self):
+ """ python module object where the test function was collected. """
+ return self._pyfuncitem.getparent(_pytest.python.Module).obj
+ @scopeproperty()
+ def fspath(self) -> py.path.local:
+ """ the file system path of the test module which collected this test. """
+ # TODO: Remove ignore once _pyfuncitem is properly typed.
+ return self._pyfuncitem.fspath # type: ignore
+ @property
+ def keywords(self):
+ """ keywords/markers dictionary for the underlying node. """
+ return self.node.keywords
+ @property
+ def session(self):
+ """ pytest session object. """
+ return self._pyfuncitem.session
+ def addfinalizer(self, finalizer):
+ """ add finalizer/teardown function to be called after the
+ last test within the requesting test context finished
+ execution. """
+ # XXX usually this method is shadowed by fixturedef specific ones
+ self._addfinalizer(finalizer, scope=self.scope)
+ def _addfinalizer(self, finalizer, scope):
+ colitem = self._getscopeitem(scope)
+ self._pyfuncitem.session._setupstate.addfinalizer(
+ finalizer=finalizer, colitem=colitem
+ )
+ def applymarker(self, marker):
+ """ Apply a marker to a single test function invocation.
+ This method is useful if you don't want to have a keyword/marker
+ on all function invocations.
+ :arg marker: a :py:class:`_pytest.mark.MarkDecorator` object
+ created by a call to ``pytest.mark.NAME(...)``.
+ """
+ self.node.add_marker(marker)
+ def raiseerror(self, msg):
+ """ raise a FixtureLookupError with the given message. """
+ raise self._fixturemanager.FixtureLookupError(None, self, msg)
+ def _fillfixtures(self):
+ item = self._pyfuncitem
+ fixturenames = getattr(item, "fixturenames", self.fixturenames)
+ for argname in fixturenames:
+ if argname not in item.funcargs:
+ item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
+ def getfixturevalue(self, argname):
+ """ Dynamically run a named fixture function.
+ Declaring fixtures via function argument is recommended where possible.
+ But if you can only decide whether to use another fixture at test
+ setup time, you may use this function to retrieve it inside a fixture
+ or test function body.
+ """
+ return self._get_active_fixturedef(argname).cached_result[0]
+ def _get_active_fixturedef(self, argname):
+ try:
+ return self._fixture_defs[argname]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ fixturedef = self._getnextfixturedef(argname)
+ except FixtureLookupError:
+ if argname == "request":
+ cached_result = (self, [0], None)
+ scope = "function"
+ return PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result, scope)
+ raise
+ # remove indent to prevent the python3 exception
+ # from leaking into the call
+ self._compute_fixture_value(fixturedef)
+ self._fixture_defs[argname] = fixturedef
+ return fixturedef
+ def _get_fixturestack(self):
+ current = self
+ values = []
+ while 1:
+ fixturedef = getattr(current, "_fixturedef", None)
+ if fixturedef is None:
+ values.reverse()
+ return values
+ values.append(fixturedef)
+ current = current._parent_request
+ def _compute_fixture_value(self, fixturedef: "FixtureDef") -> None:
+ """
+ Creates a SubRequest based on "self" and calls the execute method of the given fixturedef object. This will
+ force the FixtureDef object to throw away any previous results and compute a new fixture value, which
+ will be stored into the FixtureDef object itself.
+ """
+ # prepare a subrequest object before calling fixture function
+ # (latter managed by fixturedef)
+ argname = fixturedef.argname
+ funcitem = self._pyfuncitem
+ scope = fixturedef.scope
+ try:
+ param = funcitem.callspec.getparam(argname)
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+ param = NOTSET
+ param_index = 0
+ has_params = fixturedef.params is not None
+ fixtures_not_supported = getattr(funcitem, "nofuncargs", False)
+ if has_params and fixtures_not_supported:
+ msg = (
+ "{name} does not support fixtures, maybe unittest.TestCase subclass?\n"
+ "Node id: {nodeid}\n"
+ "Function type: {typename}"
+ ).format(
+ name=funcitem.name,
+ nodeid=funcitem.nodeid,
+ typename=type(funcitem).__name__,
+ )
+ fail(msg, pytrace=False)
+ if has_params:
+ frame = inspect.stack()[3]
+ frameinfo = inspect.getframeinfo(frame[0])
+ source_path = py.path.local(frameinfo.filename)
+ source_lineno = frameinfo.lineno
+ rel_source_path = source_path.relto(funcitem.config.rootdir)
+ if rel_source_path:
+ source_path_str = rel_source_path
+ else:
+ source_path_str = str(source_path)
+ msg = (
+ "The requested fixture has no parameter defined for test:\n"
+ " {}\n\n"
+ "Requested fixture '{}' defined in:\n{}"
+ "\n\nRequested here:\n{}:{}".format(
+ funcitem.nodeid,
+ fixturedef.argname,
+ getlocation(fixturedef.func, funcitem.config.rootdir),
+ source_path_str,
+ source_lineno,
+ )
+ )
+ fail(msg, pytrace=False)
+ else:
+ param_index = funcitem.callspec.indices[argname]
+ # if a parametrize invocation set a scope it will override
+ # the static scope defined with the fixture function
+ paramscopenum = funcitem.callspec._arg2scopenum.get(argname)
+ if paramscopenum is not None:
+ scope = scopes[paramscopenum]
+ subrequest = SubRequest(self, scope, param, param_index, fixturedef)
+ # check if a higher-level scoped fixture accesses a lower level one
+ subrequest._check_scope(argname, self.scope, scope)
+ try:
+ # call the fixture function
+ fixturedef.execute(request=subrequest)
+ finally:
+ self._schedule_finalizers(fixturedef, subrequest)
+ def _schedule_finalizers(self, fixturedef, subrequest):
+ # if fixture function failed it might have registered finalizers
+ self.session._setupstate.addfinalizer(
+ functools.partial(fixturedef.finish, request=subrequest), subrequest.node
+ )
+ def _check_scope(self, argname, invoking_scope, requested_scope):
+ if argname == "request":
+ return
+ if scopemismatch(invoking_scope, requested_scope):
+ # try to report something helpful
+ lines = self._factorytraceback()
+ fail(
+ "ScopeMismatch: You tried to access the %r scoped "
+ "fixture %r with a %r scoped request object, "
+ "involved factories\n%s"
+ % ((requested_scope, argname, invoking_scope, "\n".join(lines))),
+ pytrace=False,
+ )
+ def _factorytraceback(self):
+ lines = []
+ for fixturedef in self._get_fixturestack():
+ factory = fixturedef.func
+ fs, lineno = getfslineno(factory)
+ p = self._pyfuncitem.session.fspath.bestrelpath(fs)
+ args = _format_args(factory)
+ lines.append("%s:%d: def %s%s" % (p, lineno + 1, factory.__name__, args))
+ return lines
+ def _getscopeitem(self, scope):
+ if scope == "function":
+ # this might also be a non-function Item despite its attribute name
+ return self._pyfuncitem
+ if scope == "package":
+ node = get_scope_package(self._pyfuncitem, self._fixturedef)
+ else:
+ node = get_scope_node(self._pyfuncitem, scope)
+ if node is None and scope == "class":
+ # fallback to function item itself
+ node = self._pyfuncitem
+ assert node, 'Could not obtain a node for scope "{}" for function {!r}'.format(
+ scope, self._pyfuncitem
+ )
+ return node
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<FixtureRequest for %r>" % (self.node)
+class SubRequest(FixtureRequest):
+ """ a sub request for handling getting a fixture from a
+ test function/fixture. """
+ def __init__(self, request, scope, param, param_index, fixturedef):
+ self._parent_request = request
+ self.fixturename = fixturedef.argname
+ if param is not NOTSET:
+ self.param = param
+ self.param_index = param_index
+ self.scope = scope
+ self._fixturedef = fixturedef
+ self._pyfuncitem = request._pyfuncitem
+ self._fixture_defs = request._fixture_defs
+ self._arg2fixturedefs = request._arg2fixturedefs
+ self._arg2index = request._arg2index
+ self._fixturemanager = request._fixturemanager
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<SubRequest {!r} for {!r}>".format(self.fixturename, self._pyfuncitem)
+ def addfinalizer(self, finalizer):
+ self._fixturedef.addfinalizer(finalizer)
+ def _schedule_finalizers(self, fixturedef, subrequest):
+ # if the executing fixturedef was not explicitly requested in the argument list (via
+ # getfixturevalue inside the fixture call) then ensure this fixture def will be finished
+ # first
+ if fixturedef.argname not in self.fixturenames:
+ fixturedef.addfinalizer(
+ functools.partial(self._fixturedef.finish, request=self)
+ )
+ super()._schedule_finalizers(fixturedef, subrequest)
+scopes = "session package module class function".split()
+scopenum_function = scopes.index("function")
+def scopemismatch(currentscope, newscope):
+ return scopes.index(newscope) > scopes.index(currentscope)
+def scope2index(scope, descr, where=None):
+ """Look up the index of ``scope`` and raise a descriptive value error
+ if not defined.
+ """
+ try:
+ return scopes.index(scope)
+ except ValueError:
+ fail(
+ "{} {}got an unexpected scope value '{}'".format(
+ descr, "from {} ".format(where) if where else "", scope
+ ),
+ pytrace=False,
+ )
+class FixtureLookupError(LookupError):
+ """ could not return a requested Fixture (missing or invalid). """
+ def __init__(self, argname, request, msg=None):
+ self.argname = argname
+ self.request = request
+ self.fixturestack = request._get_fixturestack()
+ self.msg = msg
+ def formatrepr(self) -> "FixtureLookupErrorRepr":
+ tblines = [] # type: List[str]
+ addline = tblines.append
+ stack = [self.request._pyfuncitem.obj]
+ stack.extend(map(lambda x: x.func, self.fixturestack))
+ msg = self.msg
+ if msg is not None:
+ # the last fixture raise an error, let's present
+ # it at the requesting side
+ stack = stack[:-1]
+ for function in stack:
+ fspath, lineno = getfslineno(function)
+ try:
+ lines, _ = inspect.getsourcelines(get_real_func(function))
+ except (IOError, IndexError, TypeError):
+ error_msg = "file %s, line %s: source code not available"
+ addline(error_msg % (fspath, lineno + 1))
+ else:
+ addline("file {}, line {}".format(fspath, lineno + 1))
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ addline(" " + line)
+ if line.lstrip().startswith("def"):
+ break
+ if msg is None:
+ fm = self.request._fixturemanager
+ available = set()
+ parentid = self.request._pyfuncitem.parent.nodeid
+ for name, fixturedefs in fm._arg2fixturedefs.items():
+ faclist = list(fm._matchfactories(fixturedefs, parentid))
+ if faclist:
+ available.add(name)
+ if self.argname in available:
+ msg = " recursive dependency involving fixture '{}' detected".format(
+ self.argname
+ )
+ else:
+ msg = "fixture '{}' not found".format(self.argname)
+ msg += "\n available fixtures: {}".format(", ".join(sorted(available)))
+ msg += "\n use 'pytest --fixtures [testpath]' for help on them."
+ return FixtureLookupErrorRepr(fspath, lineno, tblines, msg, self.argname)
+class FixtureLookupErrorRepr(TerminalRepr):
+ def __init__(self, filename, firstlineno, tblines, errorstring, argname):
+ self.tblines = tblines
+ self.errorstring = errorstring
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.firstlineno = firstlineno
+ self.argname = argname
+ def toterminal(self, tw: TerminalWriter) -> None:
+ # tw.line("FixtureLookupError: %s" %(self.argname), red=True)
+ for tbline in self.tblines:
+ tw.line(tbline.rstrip())
+ lines = self.errorstring.split("\n")
+ if lines:
+ tw.line(
+ "{} {}".format(FormattedExcinfo.fail_marker, lines[0].strip()),
+ red=True,
+ )
+ for line in lines[1:]:
+ tw.line(
+ "{} {}".format(FormattedExcinfo.flow_marker, line.strip()),
+ red=True,
+ )
+ tw.line()
+ tw.line("%s:%d" % (self.filename, self.firstlineno + 1))
+def fail_fixturefunc(fixturefunc, msg):
+ fs, lineno = getfslineno(fixturefunc)
+ location = "{}:{}".format(fs, lineno + 1)
+ source = _pytest._code.Source(fixturefunc)
+ fail(msg + ":\n\n" + str(source.indent()) + "\n" + location, pytrace=False)
+def call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs):
+ yieldctx = is_generator(fixturefunc)
+ if yieldctx:
+ it = fixturefunc(**kwargs)
+ res = next(it)
+ finalizer = functools.partial(_teardown_yield_fixture, fixturefunc, it)
+ request.addfinalizer(finalizer)
+ else:
+ res = fixturefunc(**kwargs)
+ return res
+def _teardown_yield_fixture(fixturefunc, it):
+ """Executes the teardown of a fixture function by advancing the iterator after the
+ yield and ensure the iteration ends (if not it means there is more than one yield in the function)"""
+ try:
+ next(it)
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ else:
+ fail_fixturefunc(
+ fixturefunc, "yield_fixture function has more than one 'yield'"
+ )
+def _eval_scope_callable(scope_callable, fixture_name, config):
+ try:
+ result = scope_callable(fixture_name=fixture_name, config=config)
+ except Exception:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Error evaluating {} while defining fixture '{}'.\n"
+ "Expected a function with the signature (*, fixture_name, config)".format(
+ scope_callable, fixture_name
+ )
+ )
+ if not isinstance(result, str):
+ fail(
+ "Expected {} to return a 'str' while defining fixture '{}', but it returned:\n"
+ "{!r}".format(scope_callable, fixture_name, result),
+ pytrace=False,
+ )
+ return result
+class FixtureDef:
+ """ A container for a factory definition. """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fixturemanager,
+ baseid,
+ argname,
+ func,
+ scope,
+ params,
+ unittest=False,
+ ids=None,
+ ):
+ self._fixturemanager = fixturemanager
+ self.baseid = baseid or ""
+ self.has_location = baseid is not None
+ self.func = func
+ self.argname = argname
+ if callable(scope):
+ scope = _eval_scope_callable(scope, argname, fixturemanager.config)
+ self.scope = scope
+ self.scopenum = scope2index(
+ scope or "function",
+ descr="Fixture '{}'".format(func.__name__),
+ where=baseid,
+ )
+ self.params = params
+ self.argnames = getfuncargnames(func, name=argname, is_method=unittest)
+ self.unittest = unittest
+ self.ids = ids
+ self.cached_result = None
+ self._finalizers = []
+ def addfinalizer(self, finalizer):
+ self._finalizers.append(finalizer)
+ def finish(self, request):
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ while self._finalizers:
+ try:
+ func = self._finalizers.pop()
+ func()
+ except BaseException as e:
+ # XXX Only first exception will be seen by user,
+ # ideally all should be reported.
+ if exc is None:
+ exc = e
+ if exc:
+ raise exc
+ finally:
+ hook = self._fixturemanager.session.gethookproxy(request.node.fspath)
+ hook.pytest_fixture_post_finalizer(fixturedef=self, request=request)
+ # even if finalization fails, we invalidate
+ # the cached fixture value and remove
+ # all finalizers because they may be bound methods which will
+ # keep instances alive
+ self.cached_result = None
+ self._finalizers = []
+ def execute(self, request):
+ # get required arguments and register our own finish()
+ # with their finalization
+ for argname in self.argnames:
+ fixturedef = request._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
+ if argname != "request":
+ fixturedef.addfinalizer(functools.partial(self.finish, request=request))
+ my_cache_key = self.cache_key(request)
+ if self.cached_result is not None:
+ result, cache_key, err = self.cached_result
+ # note: comparison with `==` can fail (or be expensive) for e.g.
+ # numpy arrays (#6497)
+ if my_cache_key is cache_key:
+ if err is not None:
+ _, val, tb = err
+ raise val.with_traceback(tb)
+ else:
+ return result
+ # we have a previous but differently parametrized fixture instance
+ # so we need to tear it down before creating a new one
+ self.finish(request)
+ assert self.cached_result is None
+ hook = self._fixturemanager.session.gethookproxy(request.node.fspath)
+ return hook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
+ def cache_key(self, request):
+ return request.param_index if not hasattr(request, "param") else request.param
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<FixtureDef argname={!r} scope={!r} baseid={!r}>".format(
+ self.argname, self.scope, self.baseid
+ )
+def resolve_fixture_function(fixturedef, request):
+ """Gets the actual callable that can be called to obtain the fixture value, dealing with unittest-specific
+ instances and bound methods.
+ """
+ fixturefunc = fixturedef.func
+ if fixturedef.unittest:
+ if request.instance is not None:
+ # bind the unbound method to the TestCase instance
+ fixturefunc = fixturedef.func.__get__(request.instance)
+ else:
+ # the fixture function needs to be bound to the actual
+ # request.instance so that code working with "fixturedef" behaves
+ # as expected.
+ if request.instance is not None:
+ # handle the case where fixture is defined not in a test class, but some other class
+ # (for example a plugin class with a fixture), see #2270
+ if hasattr(fixturefunc, "__self__") and not isinstance(
+ request.instance, fixturefunc.__self__.__class__
+ ):
+ return fixturefunc
+ fixturefunc = getimfunc(fixturedef.func)
+ if fixturefunc != fixturedef.func:
+ fixturefunc = fixturefunc.__get__(request.instance)
+ return fixturefunc
+def pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef, request):
+ """ Execution of fixture setup. """
+ kwargs = {}
+ for argname in fixturedef.argnames:
+ fixdef = request._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
+ assert fixdef.cached_result is not None
+ result, arg_cache_key, exc = fixdef.cached_result
+ request._check_scope(argname, request.scope, fixdef.scope)
+ kwargs[argname] = result
+ fixturefunc = resolve_fixture_function(fixturedef, request)
+ my_cache_key = fixturedef.cache_key(request)
+ try:
+ result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
+ except TEST_OUTCOME:
+ fixturedef.cached_result = (None, my_cache_key, sys.exc_info())
+ raise
+ fixturedef.cached_result = (result, my_cache_key, None)
+ return result
+def _ensure_immutable_ids(ids):
+ if ids is None:
+ return
+ if callable(ids):
+ return ids
+ return tuple(ids)
+def wrap_function_to_error_out_if_called_directly(function, fixture_marker):
+ """Wrap the given fixture function so we can raise an error about it being called directly,
+ instead of used as an argument in a test function.
+ """
+ message = (
+ 'Fixture "{name}" called directly. Fixtures are not meant to be called directly,\n'
+ "but are created automatically when test functions request them as parameters.\n"
+ "See https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html for more information about fixtures, and\n"
+ "https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/deprecations.html#calling-fixtures-directly about how to update your code."
+ ).format(name=fixture_marker.name or function.__name__)
+ @functools.wraps(function)
+ def result(*args, **kwargs):
+ fail(message, pytrace=False)
+ # keep reference to the original function in our own custom attribute so we don't unwrap
+ # further than this point and lose useful wrappings like @mock.patch (#3774)
+ result.__pytest_wrapped__ = _PytestWrapper(function)
+ return result
+class FixtureFunctionMarker:
+ scope = attr.ib()
+ params = attr.ib(converter=attr.converters.optional(tuple))
+ autouse = attr.ib(default=False)
+ # Ignore type because of https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6172.
+ ids = attr.ib(default=None, converter=_ensure_immutable_ids) # type: ignore
+ name = attr.ib(default=None)
+ def __call__(self, function):
+ if inspect.isclass(function):
+ raise ValueError("class fixtures not supported (maybe in the future)")
+ if getattr(function, "_pytestfixturefunction", False):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "fixture is being applied more than once to the same function"
+ )
+ function = wrap_function_to_error_out_if_called_directly(function, self)
+ name = self.name or function.__name__
+ if name == "request":
+ location = getlocation(function)
+ fail(
+ "'request' is a reserved word for fixtures, use another name:\n {}".format(
+ location
+ ),
+ pytrace=False,
+ )
+ function._pytestfixturefunction = self
+ return function
+FIXTURE_ARGS_ORDER = ("scope", "params", "autouse", "ids", "name")
+def _parse_fixture_args(callable_or_scope, *args, **kwargs):
+ arguments = {
+ "scope": "function",
+ "params": None,
+ "autouse": False,
+ "ids": None,
+ "name": None,
+ }
+ kwargs = {
+ key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if arguments.get(key) != value
+ }
+ fixture_function = None
+ if isinstance(callable_or_scope, str):
+ args = list(args)
+ args.insert(0, callable_or_scope)
+ else:
+ fixture_function = callable_or_scope
+ positionals = set()
+ for positional, argument_name in zip(args, FIXTURE_ARGS_ORDER):
+ arguments[argument_name] = positional
+ positionals.add(argument_name)
+ duplicated_kwargs = {kwarg for kwarg in kwargs.keys() if kwarg in positionals}
+ if duplicated_kwargs:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "The fixture arguments are defined as positional and keyword: {}. "
+ "Use only keyword arguments.".format(", ".join(duplicated_kwargs))
+ )
+ if positionals:
+ warnings.warn(FIXTURE_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENTS, stacklevel=2)
+ arguments.update(kwargs)
+ return fixture_function, arguments
+def fixture(
+ callable_or_scope=None,
+ *args,
+ scope="function",
+ params=None,
+ autouse=False,
+ ids=None,
+ name=None
+ """Decorator to mark a fixture factory function.
+ This decorator can be used, with or without parameters, to define a
+ fixture function.
+ The name of the fixture function can later be referenced to cause its
+ invocation ahead of running tests: test
+ modules or classes can use the ``pytest.mark.usefixtures(fixturename)``
+ marker.
+ Test functions can directly use fixture names as input
+ arguments in which case the fixture instance returned from the fixture
+ function will be injected.
+ Fixtures can provide their values to test functions using ``return`` or ``yield``
+ statements. When using ``yield`` the code block after the ``yield`` statement is executed
+ as teardown code regardless of the test outcome, and must yield exactly once.
+ :arg scope: the scope for which this fixture is shared, one of
+ ``"function"`` (default), ``"class"``, ``"module"``,
+ ``"package"`` or ``"session"`` (``"package"`` is considered **experimental**
+ at this time).
+ This parameter may also be a callable which receives ``(fixture_name, config)``
+ as parameters, and must return a ``str`` with one of the values mentioned above.
+ See :ref:`dynamic scope` in the docs for more information.
+ :arg params: an optional list of parameters which will cause multiple
+ invocations of the fixture function and all of the tests
+ using it.
+ The current parameter is available in ``request.param``.
+ :arg autouse: if True, the fixture func is activated for all tests that
+ can see it. If False (the default) then an explicit
+ reference is needed to activate the fixture.
+ :arg ids: list of string ids each corresponding to the params
+ so that they are part of the test id. If no ids are provided
+ they will be generated automatically from the params.
+ :arg name: the name of the fixture. This defaults to the name of the
+ decorated function. If a fixture is used in the same module in
+ which it is defined, the function name of the fixture will be
+ shadowed by the function arg that requests the fixture; one way
+ to resolve this is to name the decorated function
+ ``fixture_<fixturename>`` and then use
+ ``@pytest.fixture(name='<fixturename>')``.
+ """
+ if params is not None:
+ params = list(params)
+ fixture_function, arguments = _parse_fixture_args(
+ callable_or_scope,
+ *args,
+ scope=scope,
+ params=params,
+ autouse=autouse,
+ ids=ids,
+ name=name,
+ )
+ scope = arguments.get("scope")
+ params = arguments.get("params")
+ autouse = arguments.get("autouse")
+ ids = arguments.get("ids")
+ name = arguments.get("name")
+ if fixture_function and params is None and autouse is False:
+ # direct decoration
+ return FixtureFunctionMarker(scope, params, autouse, name=name)(
+ fixture_function
+ )
+ return FixtureFunctionMarker(scope, params, autouse, ids=ids, name=name)
+def yield_fixture(
+ callable_or_scope=None,
+ *args,
+ scope="function",
+ params=None,
+ autouse=False,
+ ids=None,
+ name=None
+ """ (return a) decorator to mark a yield-fixture factory function.
+ .. deprecated:: 3.0
+ Use :py:func:`pytest.fixture` directly instead.
+ """
+ return fixture(
+ callable_or_scope,
+ *args,
+ scope=scope,
+ params=params,
+ autouse=autouse,
+ ids=ids,
+ name=name,
+ )
+defaultfuncargprefixmarker = fixture()
+def pytestconfig(request):
+ """Session-scoped fixture that returns the :class:`_pytest.config.Config` object.
+ Example::
+ def test_foo(pytestconfig):
+ if pytestconfig.getoption("verbose") > 0:
+ ...
+ """
+ return request.config
+def pytest_addoption(parser):
+ parser.addini(
+ "usefixtures",
+ type="args",
+ default=[],
+ help="list of default fixtures to be used with this project",
+ )
+class FixtureManager:
+ """
+ pytest fixtures definitions and information is stored and managed
+ from this class.
+ During collection fm.parsefactories() is called multiple times to parse
+ fixture function definitions into FixtureDef objects and internal
+ data structures.
+ During collection of test functions, metafunc-mechanics instantiate
+ a FuncFixtureInfo object which is cached per node/func-name.
+ This FuncFixtureInfo object is later retrieved by Function nodes
+ which themselves offer a fixturenames attribute.
+ The FuncFixtureInfo object holds information about fixtures and FixtureDefs
+ relevant for a particular function. An initial list of fixtures is
+ assembled like this:
+ - ini-defined usefixtures
+ - autouse-marked fixtures along the collection chain up from the function
+ - usefixtures markers at module/class/function level
+ - test function funcargs
+ Subsequently the funcfixtureinfo.fixturenames attribute is computed
+ as the closure of the fixtures needed to setup the initial fixtures,
+ i. e. fixtures needed by fixture functions themselves are appended
+ to the fixturenames list.
+ Upon the test-setup phases all fixturenames are instantiated, retrieved
+ by a lookup of their FuncFixtureInfo.
+ """
+ FixtureLookupError = FixtureLookupError
+ FixtureLookupErrorRepr = FixtureLookupErrorRepr
+ def __init__(self, session):
+ self.session = session
+ self.config = session.config
+ self._arg2fixturedefs = {}
+ self._holderobjseen = set()
+ self._nodeid_and_autousenames = [("", self.config.getini("usefixtures"))]
+ session.config.pluginmanager.register(self, "funcmanage")
+ def _get_direct_parametrize_args(self, node):
+ """This function returns all the direct parametrization
+ arguments of a node, so we don't mistake them for fixtures
+ Check https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/5036
+ This things are done later as well when dealing with parametrization
+ so this could be improved
+ """
+ parametrize_argnames = []
+ for marker in node.iter_markers(name="parametrize"):
+ if not marker.kwargs.get("indirect", False):
+ p_argnames, _ = ParameterSet._parse_parametrize_args(
+ *marker.args, **marker.kwargs
+ )
+ parametrize_argnames.extend(p_argnames)
+ return parametrize_argnames
+ def getfixtureinfo(self, node, func, cls, funcargs=True):
+ if funcargs and not getattr(node, "nofuncargs", False):
+ argnames = getfuncargnames(func, name=node.name, cls=cls)
+ else:
+ argnames = ()
+ usefixtures = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ mark.args for mark in node.iter_markers(name="usefixtures")
+ )
+ initialnames = tuple(usefixtures) + argnames
+ fm = node.session._fixturemanager
+ initialnames, names_closure, arg2fixturedefs = fm.getfixtureclosure(
+ initialnames, node, ignore_args=self._get_direct_parametrize_args(node)
+ )
+ return FuncFixtureInfo(argnames, initialnames, names_closure, arg2fixturedefs)
+ def pytest_plugin_registered(self, plugin):
+ nodeid = None
+ try:
+ p = py.path.local(plugin.__file__).realpath()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ from _pytest import nodes
+ # construct the base nodeid which is later used to check
+ # what fixtures are visible for particular tests (as denoted
+ # by their test id)
+ if p.basename.startswith("conftest.py"):
+ nodeid = p.dirpath().relto(self.config.rootdir)
+ if p.sep != nodes.SEP:
+ nodeid = nodeid.replace(p.sep, nodes.SEP)
+ self.parsefactories(plugin, nodeid)
+ def _getautousenames(self, nodeid):
+ """ return a tuple of fixture names to be used. """
+ autousenames = []
+ for baseid, basenames in self._nodeid_and_autousenames:
+ if nodeid.startswith(baseid):
+ if baseid:
+ i = len(baseid)
+ nextchar = nodeid[i : i + 1]
+ if nextchar and nextchar not in ":/":
+ continue
+ autousenames.extend(basenames)
+ return autousenames
+ def getfixtureclosure(self, fixturenames, parentnode, ignore_args=()):
+ # collect the closure of all fixtures , starting with the given
+ # fixturenames as the initial set. As we have to visit all
+ # factory definitions anyway, we also return an arg2fixturedefs
+ # mapping so that the caller can reuse it and does not have
+ # to re-discover fixturedefs again for each fixturename
+ # (discovering matching fixtures for a given name/node is expensive)
+ parentid = parentnode.nodeid
+ fixturenames_closure = self._getautousenames(parentid)
+ def merge(otherlist):
+ for arg in otherlist:
+ if arg not in fixturenames_closure:
+ fixturenames_closure.append(arg)
+ merge(fixturenames)
+ # at this point, fixturenames_closure contains what we call "initialnames",
+ # which is a set of fixturenames the function immediately requests. We
+ # need to return it as well, so save this.
+ initialnames = tuple(fixturenames_closure)
+ arg2fixturedefs = {}
+ lastlen = -1
+ while lastlen != len(fixturenames_closure):
+ lastlen = len(fixturenames_closure)
+ for argname in fixturenames_closure:
+ if argname in ignore_args:
+ continue
+ if argname in arg2fixturedefs:
+ continue
+ fixturedefs = self.getfixturedefs(argname, parentid)
+ if fixturedefs:
+ arg2fixturedefs[argname] = fixturedefs
+ merge(fixturedefs[-1].argnames)
+ def sort_by_scope(arg_name):
+ try:
+ fixturedefs = arg2fixturedefs[arg_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ return scopes.index("function")
+ else:
+ return fixturedefs[-1].scopenum
+ fixturenames_closure.sort(key=sort_by_scope)
+ return initialnames, fixturenames_closure, arg2fixturedefs
+ def pytest_generate_tests(self, metafunc):
+ for argname in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ faclist = metafunc._arg2fixturedefs.get(argname)
+ if faclist:
+ fixturedef = faclist[-1]
+ if fixturedef.params is not None:
+ markers = list(metafunc.definition.iter_markers("parametrize"))
+ for parametrize_mark in markers:
+ if "argnames" in parametrize_mark.kwargs:
+ argnames = parametrize_mark.kwargs["argnames"]
+ else:
+ argnames = parametrize_mark.args[0]
+ if not isinstance(argnames, (tuple, list)):
+ argnames = [
+ x.strip() for x in argnames.split(",") if x.strip()
+ ]
+ if argname in argnames:
+ break
+ else:
+ metafunc.parametrize(
+ argname,
+ fixturedef.params,
+ indirect=True,
+ scope=fixturedef.scope,
+ ids=fixturedef.ids,
+ )
+ else:
+ continue # will raise FixtureLookupError at setup time
+ def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, items):
+ # separate parametrized setups
+ items[:] = reorder_items(items)
+ def parsefactories(self, node_or_obj, nodeid=NOTSET, unittest=False):
+ if nodeid is not NOTSET:
+ holderobj = node_or_obj
+ else:
+ holderobj = node_or_obj.obj
+ nodeid = node_or_obj.nodeid
+ if holderobj in self._holderobjseen:
+ return
+ self._holderobjseen.add(holderobj)
+ autousenames = []
+ for name in dir(holderobj):
+ # The attribute can be an arbitrary descriptor, so the attribute
+ # access below can raise. safe_getatt() ignores such exceptions.
+ obj = safe_getattr(holderobj, name, None)
+ marker = getfixturemarker(obj)
+ if not isinstance(marker, FixtureFunctionMarker):
+ # magic globals with __getattr__ might have got us a wrong
+ # fixture attribute
+ continue
+ if marker.name:
+ name = marker.name
+ # during fixture definition we wrap the original fixture function
+ # to issue a warning if called directly, so here we unwrap it in order to not emit the warning
+ # when pytest itself calls the fixture function
+ obj = get_real_method(obj, holderobj)
+ fixture_def = FixtureDef(
+ self,
+ nodeid,
+ name,
+ obj,
+ marker.scope,
+ marker.params,
+ unittest=unittest,
+ ids=marker.ids,
+ )
+ faclist = self._arg2fixturedefs.setdefault(name, [])
+ if fixture_def.has_location:
+ faclist.append(fixture_def)
+ else:
+ # fixturedefs with no location are at the front
+ # so this inserts the current fixturedef after the
+ # existing fixturedefs from external plugins but
+ # before the fixturedefs provided in conftests.
+ i = len([f for f in faclist if not f.has_location])
+ faclist.insert(i, fixture_def)
+ if marker.autouse:
+ autousenames.append(name)
+ if autousenames:
+ self._nodeid_and_autousenames.append((nodeid or "", autousenames))
+ def getfixturedefs(self, argname, nodeid):
+ """
+ Gets a list of fixtures which are applicable to the given node id.
+ :param str argname: name of the fixture to search for
+ :param str nodeid: full node id of the requesting test.
+ :return: list[FixtureDef]
+ """
+ try:
+ fixturedefs = self._arg2fixturedefs[argname]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ return tuple(self._matchfactories(fixturedefs, nodeid))
+ def _matchfactories(self, fixturedefs, nodeid):
+ from _pytest import nodes
+ for fixturedef in fixturedefs:
+ if nodes.ischildnode(fixturedef.baseid, nodeid):
+ yield fixturedef