path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88e82d2dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_stan -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+An s-expression-like syntax for expressing xml in pure python.
+Stan tags allow you to build XML documents using Python.
+Stan is a DOM, or Document Object Model, implemented using basic Python types
+and functions called "flatteners". A flattener is a function that knows how to
+turn an object of a specific type into something that is closer to an HTML
+string. Stan differs from the W3C DOM by not being as cumbersome and heavy
+weight. Since the object model is built using simple python types such as lists,
+strings, and dictionaries, the API is simpler and constructing a DOM less
+@var voidElements: the names of HTML 'U{void
+ elements<http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/syntax.html#void-elements>}';
+ those which can't have contents and can therefore be self-closing in the
+ output.
+from inspect import iscoroutine, isgenerator
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from warnings import warn
+import attr
+ from twisted.web.template import Flattenable
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class slot:
+ """
+ Marker for markup insertion in a template.
+ """
+ name: str
+ """
+ The name of this slot.
+ The key which must be used in L{Tag.fillSlots} to fill it.
+ """
+ children: List["Tag"] = attr.ib(init=False, factory=list)
+ """
+ The L{Tag} objects included in this L{slot}'s template.
+ """
+ default: Optional["Flattenable"] = None
+ """
+ The default contents of this slot, if it is left unfilled.
+ If this is L{None}, an L{UnfilledSlot} will be raised, rather than
+ L{None} actually being used.
+ """
+ filename: Optional[str] = None
+ """
+ The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ lineNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ columnNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class Tag:
+ """
+ A L{Tag} represents an XML tags with a tag name, attributes, and children.
+ A L{Tag} can be constructed using the special L{twisted.web.template.tags}
+ object, or it may be constructed directly with a tag name. L{Tag}s have a
+ special method, C{__call__}, which makes representing trees of XML natural
+ using pure python syntax.
+ """
+ tagName: Union[bytes, str]
+ """
+ The name of the represented element.
+ For a tag like C{<div></div>}, this would be C{"div"}.
+ """
+ attributes: Dict[Union[bytes, str], "Flattenable"] = attr.ib(factory=dict)
+ """The attributes of the element."""
+ children: List["Flattenable"] = attr.ib(factory=list)
+ """The contents of this C{Tag}."""
+ render: Optional[str] = None
+ """
+ The name of the render method to use for this L{Tag}.
+ This name will be looked up at render time by the
+ L{twisted.web.template.Element} doing the rendering,
+ via L{twisted.web.template.Element.lookupRenderMethod},
+ to determine which method to call.
+ """
+ filename: Optional[str] = None
+ """
+ The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ lineNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ columnNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ slotData: Optional[Dict[str, "Flattenable"]] = attr.ib(init=False, default=None)
+ """
+ The data which can fill slots.
+ If present, a dictionary mapping slot names to renderable values.
+ The values in this dict might be anything that can be present as
+ the child of a L{Tag}: strings, lists, L{Tag}s, generators, etc.
+ """
+ def fillSlots(self, **slots: "Flattenable") -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Remember the slots provided at this position in the DOM.
+ During the rendering of children of this node, slots with names in
+ C{slots} will be rendered as their corresponding values.
+ @return: C{self}. This enables the idiom C{return tag.fillSlots(...)} in
+ renderers.
+ """
+ if self.slotData is None:
+ self.slotData = {}
+ self.slotData.update(slots)
+ return self
+ def __call__(self, *children: "Flattenable", **kw: "Flattenable") -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Add children and change attributes on this tag.
+ This is implemented using __call__ because it then allows the natural
+ syntax::
+ table(tr1, tr2, width="100%", height="50%", border="1")
+ Children may be other tag instances, strings, functions, or any other
+ object which has a registered flatten.
+ Attributes may be 'transparent' tag instances (so that
+ C{a(href=transparent(data="foo", render=myhrefrenderer))} works),
+ strings, functions, or any other object which has a registered
+ flattener.
+ If the attribute is a python keyword, such as 'class', you can add an
+ underscore to the name, like 'class_'.
+ There is one special keyword argument, 'render', which will be used as
+ the name of the renderer and saved as the 'render' attribute of this
+ instance, rather than the DOM 'render' attribute in the attributes
+ dictionary.
+ """
+ self.children.extend(children)
+ for k, v in kw.items():
+ if k[-1] == "_":
+ k = k[:-1]
+ if k == "render":
+ if not isinstance(v, str):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f'Value for "render" attribute must be str, got {v!r}'
+ )
+ self.render = v
+ else:
+ self.attributes[k] = v
+ return self
+ def _clone(self, obj: "Flattenable", deep: bool) -> "Flattenable":
+ """
+ Clone a C{Flattenable} object; used by L{Tag.clone}.
+ Note that both lists and tuples are cloned into lists.
+ @param obj: an object with a clone method, a list or tuple, or something
+ which should be immutable.
+ @param deep: whether to continue cloning child objects; i.e. the
+ contents of lists, the sub-tags within a tag.
+ @return: a clone of C{obj}.
+ """
+ if hasattr(obj, "clone"):
+ return obj.clone(deep)
+ elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+ return [self._clone(x, deep) for x in obj]
+ elif isgenerator(obj):
+ warn(
+ "Cloning a Tag which contains a generator is unsafe, "
+ "since the generator can be consumed only once; "
+ "this is deprecated since Twisted 21.7.0 and will raise "
+ "an exception in the future",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ )
+ return obj
+ elif iscoroutine(obj):
+ warn(
+ "Cloning a Tag which contains a coroutine is unsafe, "
+ "since the coroutine can run only once; "
+ "this is deprecated since Twisted 21.7.0 and will raise "
+ "an exception in the future",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ )
+ return obj
+ else:
+ return obj
+ def clone(self, deep: bool = True) -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Return a clone of this tag. If deep is True, clone all of this tag's
+ children. Otherwise, just shallow copy the children list without copying
+ the children themselves.
+ """
+ if deep:
+ newchildren = [self._clone(x, True) for x in self.children]
+ else:
+ newchildren = self.children[:]
+ newattrs = self.attributes.copy()
+ for key in newattrs.keys():
+ newattrs[key] = self._clone(newattrs[key], True)
+ newslotdata = None
+ if self.slotData:
+ newslotdata = self.slotData.copy()
+ for key in newslotdata:
+ newslotdata[key] = self._clone(newslotdata[key], True)
+ newtag = Tag(
+ self.tagName,
+ attributes=newattrs,
+ children=newchildren,
+ render=self.render,
+ filename=self.filename,
+ lineNumber=self.lineNumber,
+ columnNumber=self.columnNumber,
+ )
+ newtag.slotData = newslotdata
+ return newtag
+ def clear(self) -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Clear any existing children from this tag.
+ """
+ self.children = []
+ return self
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ rstr = ""
+ if self.attributes:
+ rstr += ", attributes=%r" % self.attributes
+ if self.children:
+ rstr += ", children=%r" % self.children
+ return f"Tag({self.tagName!r}{rstr})"
+voidElements = (
+ "img",
+ "br",
+ "hr",
+ "base",
+ "meta",
+ "link",
+ "param",
+ "area",
+ "input",
+ "col",
+ "basefont",
+ "isindex",
+ "frame",
+ "command",
+ "embed",
+ "keygen",
+ "source",
+ "track",
+ "wbs",
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class CDATA:
+ """
+ A C{<![CDATA[]]>} block from a template. Given a separate representation in
+ the DOM so that they may be round-tripped through rendering without losing
+ information.
+ """
+ data: str
+ """The data between "C{<![CDATA[}" and "C{]]>}"."""
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"CDATA({self.data!r})"
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class Comment:
+ """
+ A C{<!-- -->} comment from a template. Given a separate representation in
+ the DOM so that they may be round-tripped through rendering without losing
+ information.
+ """
+ data: str
+ """The data between "C{<!--}" and "C{-->}"."""
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"Comment({self.data!r})"
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class CharRef:
+ """
+ A numeric character reference. Given a separate representation in the DOM
+ so that non-ASCII characters may be output as pure ASCII.
+ @since: 12.0
+ """
+ ordinal: int
+ """The ordinal value of the unicode character to which this object refers."""
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "CharRef(%d)" % (self.ordinal,)