path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web
diff options
authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web')
41 files changed, 20898 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/__init__.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/__init__.py
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index 0000000000..806dc4a2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Twisted Web: HTTP clients and servers, plus tools for implementing them.
+Contains a L{web server<twisted.web.server>} (including an
+L{HTTP implementation<twisted.web.http>}, a
+L{resource model<twisted.web.resource>}), and
+a L{web client<twisted.web.client>}.
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/__init__.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a58870091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_httpauth -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HTTP header-based authentication migrated from web2
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/basic.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/basic.py
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index 0000000000..9eed46928f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/basic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_httpauth -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HTTP BASIC authentication.
+@see: U{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1945}
+@see: U{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616}
+@see: U{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617}
+import binascii
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.cred import credentials, error
+from twisted.web.iweb import ICredentialFactory
+class BasicCredentialFactory:
+ """
+ Credential Factory for HTTP Basic Authentication
+ @type authenticationRealm: L{bytes}
+ @ivar authenticationRealm: The HTTP authentication realm which will be issued in
+ challenges.
+ """
+ scheme = b"basic"
+ def __init__(self, authenticationRealm):
+ self.authenticationRealm = authenticationRealm
+ def getChallenge(self, request):
+ """
+ Return a challenge including the HTTP authentication realm with which
+ this factory was created.
+ """
+ return {"realm": self.authenticationRealm}
+ def decode(self, response, request):
+ """
+ Parse the base64-encoded, colon-separated username and password into a
+ L{credentials.UsernamePassword} instance.
+ """
+ try:
+ creds = binascii.a2b_base64(response + b"===")
+ except binascii.Error:
+ raise error.LoginFailed("Invalid credentials")
+ creds = creds.split(b":", 1)
+ if len(creds) == 2:
+ return credentials.UsernamePassword(*creds)
+ else:
+ raise error.LoginFailed("Invalid credentials")
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/digest.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/digest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e77f337905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/digest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_httpauth -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Implementation of RFC2617: HTTP Digest Authentication
+@see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html}
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.cred import credentials
+from twisted.web.iweb import ICredentialFactory
+class DigestCredentialFactory:
+ """
+ Wrapper for L{digest.DigestCredentialFactory} that implements the
+ L{ICredentialFactory} interface.
+ """
+ scheme = b"digest"
+ def __init__(self, algorithm, authenticationRealm):
+ """
+ Create the digest credential factory that this object wraps.
+ """
+ self.digest = credentials.DigestCredentialFactory(
+ algorithm, authenticationRealm
+ )
+ def getChallenge(self, request):
+ """
+ Generate the challenge for use in the WWW-Authenticate header
+ @param request: The L{IRequest} to with access was denied and for the
+ response to which this challenge is being generated.
+ @return: The L{dict} that can be used to generate a WWW-Authenticate
+ header.
+ """
+ return self.digest.getChallenge(request.getClientAddress().host)
+ def decode(self, response, request):
+ """
+ Create a L{twisted.cred.credentials.DigestedCredentials} object
+ from the given response and request.
+ @see: L{ICredentialFactory.decode}
+ """
+ return self.digest.decode(
+ response, request.method, request.getClientAddress().host
+ )
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/wrapper.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/wrapper.py
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index 0000000000..cffdcff66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_auth/wrapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_httpauth -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+A guard implementation which supports HTTP header-based authentication
+If no I{Authorization} header is supplied, an anonymous login will be
+attempted by using a L{Anonymous} credentials object. If such a header is
+supplied and does not contain allowed credentials, or if anonymous login is
+denied, a 401 will be sent in the response along with I{WWW-Authenticate}
+headers for each of the allowed authentication schemes.
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.cred import error
+from twisted.cred.credentials import Anonymous
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
+from twisted.web import util
+from twisted.web.resource import IResource, _UnsafeErrorPage
+class UnauthorizedResource:
+ """
+ Simple IResource to escape Resource dispatch
+ """
+ isLeaf = True
+ def __init__(self, factories):
+ self._credentialFactories = factories
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Send www-authenticate headers to the client
+ """
+ def ensureBytes(s):
+ return s.encode("ascii") if isinstance(s, str) else s
+ def generateWWWAuthenticate(scheme, challenge):
+ lst = []
+ for k, v in challenge.items():
+ k = ensureBytes(k)
+ v = ensureBytes(v)
+ lst.append(k + b"=" + quoteString(v))
+ return b" ".join([scheme, b", ".join(lst)])
+ def quoteString(s):
+ return b'"' + s.replace(b"\\", rb"\\").replace(b'"', rb"\"") + b'"'
+ request.setResponseCode(401)
+ for fact in self._credentialFactories:
+ challenge = fact.getChallenge(request)
+ request.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(
+ b"www-authenticate", generateWWWAuthenticate(fact.scheme, challenge)
+ )
+ if request.method == b"HEAD":
+ return b""
+ return b"Unauthorized"
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request):
+ """
+ Disable resource dispatch
+ """
+ return self
+ def putChild(self, path, child):
+ # IResource.putChild
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class HTTPAuthSessionWrapper:
+ """
+ Wrap a portal, enforcing supported header-based authentication schemes.
+ @ivar _portal: The L{Portal} which will be used to retrieve L{IResource}
+ avatars.
+ @ivar _credentialFactories: A list of L{ICredentialFactory} providers which
+ will be used to decode I{Authorization} headers into L{ICredentials}
+ providers.
+ """
+ isLeaf = False
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, portal, credentialFactories):
+ """
+ Initialize a session wrapper
+ @type portal: C{Portal}
+ @param portal: The portal that will authenticate the remote client
+ @type credentialFactories: C{Iterable}
+ @param credentialFactories: The portal that will authenticate the
+ remote client based on one submitted C{ICredentialFactory}
+ """
+ self._portal = portal
+ self._credentialFactories = credentialFactories
+ def _authorizedResource(self, request):
+ """
+ Get the L{IResource} which the given request is authorized to receive.
+ If the proper authorization headers are present, the resource will be
+ requested from the portal. If not, an anonymous login attempt will be
+ made.
+ """
+ authheader = request.getHeader(b"authorization")
+ if not authheader:
+ return util.DeferredResource(self._login(Anonymous()))
+ factory, respString = self._selectParseHeader(authheader)
+ if factory is None:
+ return UnauthorizedResource(self._credentialFactories)
+ try:
+ credentials = factory.decode(respString, request)
+ except error.LoginFailed:
+ return UnauthorizedResource(self._credentialFactories)
+ except BaseException:
+ self._log.failure("Unexpected failure from credentials factory")
+ return _UnsafeErrorPage(500, "Internal Error", "")
+ else:
+ return util.DeferredResource(self._login(credentials))
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Find the L{IResource} avatar suitable for the given request, if
+ possible, and render it. Otherwise, perhaps render an error page
+ requiring authorization or describing an internal server failure.
+ """
+ return self._authorizedResource(request).render(request)
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request):
+ """
+ Inspect the Authorization HTTP header, and return a deferred which,
+ when fired after successful authentication, will return an authorized
+ C{Avatar}. On authentication failure, an C{UnauthorizedResource} will
+ be returned, essentially halting further dispatch on the wrapped
+ resource and all children
+ """
+ # Don't consume any segments of the request - this class should be
+ # transparent!
+ request.postpath.insert(0, request.prepath.pop())
+ return self._authorizedResource(request)
+ def _login(self, credentials):
+ """
+ Get the L{IResource} avatar for the given credentials.
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with an L{IResource}
+ avatar or which will errback if authentication fails.
+ """
+ d = self._portal.login(credentials, None, IResource)
+ d.addCallbacks(self._loginSucceeded, self._loginFailed)
+ return d
+ def _loginSucceeded(self, args):
+ """
+ Handle login success by wrapping the resulting L{IResource} avatar
+ so that the C{logout} callback will be invoked when rendering is
+ complete.
+ """
+ interface, avatar, logout = args
+ class ResourceWrapper(proxyForInterface(IResource, "resource")):
+ """
+ Wrap an L{IResource} so that whenever it or a child of it
+ completes rendering, the cred logout hook will be invoked.
+ An assumption is made here that exactly one L{IResource} from
+ among C{avatar} and all of its children will be rendered. If
+ more than one is rendered, C{logout} will be invoked multiple
+ times and probably earlier than desired.
+ """
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, name, request):
+ """
+ Pass through the lookup to the wrapped resource, wrapping
+ the result in L{ResourceWrapper} to ensure C{logout} is
+ called when rendering of the child is complete.
+ """
+ return ResourceWrapper(self.resource.getChildWithDefault(name, request))
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Hook into response generation so that when rendering has
+ finished completely (with or without error), C{logout} is
+ called.
+ """
+ request.notifyFinish().addBoth(lambda ign: logout())
+ return super().render(request)
+ return ResourceWrapper(avatar)
+ def _loginFailed(self, result):
+ """
+ Handle login failure by presenting either another challenge (for
+ expected authentication/authorization-related failures) or a server
+ error page (for anything else).
+ """
+ if result.check(error.Unauthorized, error.LoginFailed):
+ return UnauthorizedResource(self._credentialFactories)
+ else:
+ self._log.failure(
+ "HTTPAuthSessionWrapper.getChildWithDefault encountered "
+ "unexpected error",
+ failure=result,
+ )
+ return _UnsafeErrorPage(500, "Internal Error", "")
+ def _selectParseHeader(self, header):
+ """
+ Choose an C{ICredentialFactory} from C{_credentialFactories}
+ suitable to use to decode the given I{Authenticate} header.
+ @return: A two-tuple of a factory and the remaining portion of the
+ header value to be decoded or a two-tuple of L{None} if no
+ factory can decode the header value.
+ """
+ elements = header.split(b" ")
+ scheme = elements[0].lower()
+ for fact in self._credentialFactories:
+ if fact.scheme == scheme:
+ return (fact, b" ".join(elements[1:]))
+ return (None, None)
+ def putChild(self, path, child):
+ # IResource.putChild
+ raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_element.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_element.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81d724071e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_element.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_template -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+import itertools
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Callable,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ TypeVar,
+ Union,
+ overload,
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.web.error import (
+ MissingRenderMethod,
+ MissingTemplateLoader,
+ UnexposedMethodError,
+from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable, IRequest, ITemplateLoader
+ from twisted.web.template import Flattenable, Tag
+T = TypeVar("T")
+_Tc = TypeVar("_Tc", bound=Callable[..., object])
+class Expose:
+ """
+ Helper for exposing methods for various uses using a simple decorator-style
+ callable.
+ Instances of this class can be called with one or more functions as
+ positional arguments. The names of these functions will be added to a list
+ on the class object of which they are methods.
+ """
+ def __call__(self, f: _Tc, /, *funcObjs: Callable[..., object]) -> _Tc:
+ """
+ Add one or more functions to the set of exposed functions.
+ This is a way to declare something about a class definition, similar to
+ L{zope.interface.implementer}. Use it like this::
+ magic = Expose('perform extra magic')
+ class Foo(Bar):
+ def twiddle(self, x, y):
+ ...
+ def frob(self, a, b):
+ ...
+ magic(twiddle, frob)
+ Later you can query the object::
+ aFoo = Foo()
+ magic.get(aFoo, 'twiddle')(x=1, y=2)
+ The call to C{get} will fail if the name it is given has not been
+ exposed using C{magic}.
+ @param funcObjs: One or more function objects which will be exposed to
+ the client.
+ @return: The first of C{funcObjs}.
+ """
+ for fObj in itertools.chain([f], funcObjs):
+ exposedThrough: List[Expose] = getattr(fObj, "exposedThrough", [])
+ exposedThrough.append(self)
+ setattr(fObj, "exposedThrough", exposedThrough)
+ return f
+ _nodefault = object()
+ @overload
+ def get(self, instance: object, methodName: str) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+ ...
+ @overload
+ def get(
+ self, instance: object, methodName: str, default: T
+ ) -> Union[Callable[..., Any], T]:
+ ...
+ def get(
+ self, instance: object, methodName: str, default: object = _nodefault
+ ) -> object:
+ """
+ Retrieve an exposed method with the given name from the given instance.
+ @raise UnexposedMethodError: Raised if C{default} is not specified and
+ there is no exposed method with the given name.
+ @return: A callable object for the named method assigned to the given
+ instance.
+ """
+ method = getattr(instance, methodName, None)
+ exposedThrough = getattr(method, "exposedThrough", [])
+ if self not in exposedThrough:
+ if default is self._nodefault:
+ raise UnexposedMethodError(self, methodName)
+ return default
+ return method
+def exposer(thunk: Callable[..., object]) -> Expose:
+ expose = Expose()
+ expose.__doc__ = thunk.__doc__
+ return expose
+def renderer() -> None:
+ """
+ Decorate with L{renderer} to use methods as template render directives.
+ For example::
+ class Foo(Element):
+ @renderer
+ def twiddle(self, request, tag):
+ return tag('Hello, world.')
+ <div xmlns:t="http://twistedmatrix.com/ns/twisted.web.template/0.1">
+ <span t:render="twiddle" />
+ </div>
+ Will result in this final output::
+ <div>
+ <span>Hello, world.</span>
+ </div>
+ """
+class Element:
+ """
+ Base for classes which can render part of a page.
+ An Element is a renderer that can be embedded in a stan document and can
+ hook its template (from the loader) up to render methods.
+ An Element might be used to encapsulate the rendering of a complex piece of
+ data which is to be displayed in multiple different contexts. The Element
+ allows the rendering logic to be easily re-used in different ways.
+ Element returns render methods which are registered using
+ L{twisted.web._element.renderer}. For example::
+ class Menu(Element):
+ @renderer
+ def items(self, request, tag):
+ ....
+ Render methods are invoked with two arguments: first, the
+ L{twisted.web.http.Request} being served and second, the tag object which
+ "invoked" the render method.
+ @ivar loader: The factory which will be used to load documents to
+ return from C{render}.
+ """
+ loader: Optional[ITemplateLoader] = None
+ def __init__(self, loader: Optional[ITemplateLoader] = None):
+ if loader is not None:
+ self.loader = loader
+ def lookupRenderMethod(
+ self, name: str
+ ) -> Callable[[Optional[IRequest], "Tag"], "Flattenable"]:
+ """
+ Look up and return the named render method.
+ """
+ method = renderer.get(self, name, None)
+ if method is None:
+ raise MissingRenderMethod(self, name)
+ return method
+ def render(self, request: Optional[IRequest]) -> "Flattenable":
+ """
+ Implement L{IRenderable} to allow one L{Element} to be embedded in
+ another's template or rendering output.
+ (This will simply load the template from the C{loader}; when used in a
+ template, the flattening engine will keep track of this object
+ separately as the object to lookup renderers on and call
+ L{Element.renderer} to look them up. The resulting object from this
+ method is not directly associated with this L{Element}.)
+ """
+ loader = self.loader
+ if loader is None:
+ raise MissingTemplateLoader(self)
+ return loader.load()
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_flatten.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_flatten.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87a8bf2dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_flatten.py
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_flatten,twisted.web.test.test_template -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Context-free flattener/serializer for rendering Python objects, possibly
+complex or arbitrarily nested, as strings.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from inspect import iscoroutine
+from io import BytesIO
+from sys import exc_info
+from traceback import extract_tb
+from types import GeneratorType
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Callable,
+ Coroutine,
+ Generator,
+ List,
+ Mapping,
+ Optional,
+ Sequence,
+ Tuple,
+ TypeVar,
+ Union,
+ cast,
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, ensureDeferred
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.web._stan import CDATA, CharRef, Comment, Tag, slot, voidElements
+from twisted.web.error import FlattenerError, UnfilledSlot, UnsupportedType
+from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable, IRequest
+T = TypeVar("T")
+FlattenableRecursive = Any
+For documentation purposes, read C{FlattenableRecursive} as L{Flattenable}.
+However, since mypy doesn't support recursive type definitions (yet?),
+we'll put Any in the actual definition.
+Flattenable = Union[
+ bytes,
+ str,
+ slot,
+ Comment,
+ Tag,
+ Tuple[FlattenableRecursive, ...],
+ List[FlattenableRecursive],
+ Generator[FlattenableRecursive, None, None],
+ CharRef,
+ Deferred[FlattenableRecursive],
+ Coroutine[Deferred[FlattenableRecursive], object, FlattenableRecursive],
+ IRenderable,
+Type alias containing all types that can be flattened by L{flatten()}.
+# The maximum number of bytes to synchronously accumulate in the flattener
+# buffer before delivering them onwards.
+BUFFER_SIZE = 2**16
+def escapeForContent(data: Union[bytes, str]) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Escape some character or UTF-8 byte data for inclusion in an HTML or XML
+ document, by replacing metacharacters (C{&<>}) with their entity
+ equivalents (C{&amp;&lt;&gt;}).
+ This is used as an input to L{_flattenElement}'s C{dataEscaper} parameter.
+ @param data: The string to escape.
+ @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is L{str}, return a utf-8
+ encoded string.
+ """
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ data = data.encode("utf-8")
+ data = data.replace(b"&", b"&amp;").replace(b"<", b"&lt;").replace(b">", b"&gt;")
+ return data
+def attributeEscapingDoneOutside(data: Union[bytes, str]) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Escape some character or UTF-8 byte data for inclusion in the top level of
+ an attribute. L{attributeEscapingDoneOutside} actually passes the data
+ through unchanged, because L{writeWithAttributeEscaping} handles the
+ quoting of the text within attributes outside the generator returned by
+ L{_flattenElement}; this is used as the C{dataEscaper} argument to that
+ L{_flattenElement} call so that that generator does not redundantly escape
+ its text output.
+ @param data: The string to escape.
+ @return: The string, unchanged, except for encoding.
+ """
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ return data.encode("utf-8")
+ return data
+def writeWithAttributeEscaping(
+ write: Callable[[bytes], object]
+) -> Callable[[bytes], None]:
+ """
+ Decorate a C{write} callable so that all output written is properly quoted
+ for inclusion within an XML attribute value.
+ If a L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{x} is flattened within the context
+ of the contents of another L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{y}, the
+ metacharacters (C{<>&"}) delimiting C{x} should be passed through
+ unchanged, but the textual content of C{x} should still be quoted, as
+ usual. For example: C{<y><x>&amp;</x></y>}. That is the default behavior
+ of L{_flattenElement} when L{escapeForContent} is passed as the
+ C{dataEscaper}.
+ However, when a L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{x} is flattened within
+ the context of an I{attribute} of another L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}
+ C{y}, then the metacharacters delimiting C{x} should be quoted so that it
+ can be parsed from the attribute's value. In the DOM itself, this is not a
+ valid thing to do, but given that renderers and slots may be freely moved
+ around in a L{twisted.web.template} template, it is a condition which may
+ arise in a document and must be handled in a way which produces valid
+ output. So, for example, you should be able to get C{<y attr="&lt;x /&gt;"
+ />}. This should also be true for other XML/HTML meta-constructs such as
+ comments and CDATA, so if you were to serialize a L{comment
+ <twisted.web.template.Comment>} in an attribute you should get C{<y
+ attr="&lt;-- comment --&gt;" />}. Therefore in order to capture these
+ meta-characters, flattening is done with C{write} callable that is wrapped
+ with L{writeWithAttributeEscaping}.
+ The final case, and hopefully the much more common one as compared to
+ serializing L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} and arbitrary L{IRenderable}
+ objects within an attribute, is to serialize a simple string, and those
+ should be passed through for L{writeWithAttributeEscaping} to quote
+ without applying a second, redundant level of quoting.
+ @param write: A callable which will be invoked with the escaped L{bytes}.
+ @return: A callable that writes data with escaping.
+ """
+ def _write(data: bytes) -> None:
+ write(escapeForContent(data).replace(b'"', b"&quot;"))
+ return _write
+def escapedCDATA(data: Union[bytes, str]) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Escape CDATA for inclusion in a document.
+ @param data: The string to escape.
+ @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8
+ encoded string.
+ """
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ data = data.encode("utf-8")
+ return data.replace(b"]]>", b"]]]]><![CDATA[>")
+def escapedComment(data: Union[bytes, str]) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Within comments the sequence C{-->} can be mistaken as the end of the comment.
+ To ensure consistent parsing and valid output the sequence is replaced with C{--&gt;}.
+ Furthermore, whitespace is added when a comment ends in a dash. This is done to break
+ the connection of the ending C{-} with the closing C{-->}.
+ @param data: The string to escape.
+ @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8
+ encoded string.
+ """
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ data = data.encode("utf-8")
+ data = data.replace(b"-->", b"--&gt;")
+ if data and data[-1:] == b"-":
+ data += b" "
+ return data
+def _getSlotValue(
+ name: str,
+ slotData: Sequence[Optional[Mapping[str, Flattenable]]],
+ default: Optional[Flattenable] = None,
+) -> Flattenable:
+ """
+ Find the value of the named slot in the given stack of slot data.
+ """
+ for slotFrame in reversed(slotData):
+ if slotFrame is not None and name in slotFrame:
+ return slotFrame[name]
+ else:
+ if default is not None:
+ return default
+ raise UnfilledSlot(name)
+def _fork(d: Deferred[T]) -> Deferred[T]:
+ """
+ Create a new L{Deferred} based on C{d} that will fire and fail with C{d}'s
+ result or error, but will not modify C{d}'s callback type.
+ """
+ d2: Deferred[T] = Deferred(lambda _: d.cancel())
+ def callback(result: T) -> T:
+ d2.callback(result)
+ return result
+ def errback(failure: Failure) -> Failure:
+ d2.errback(failure)
+ return failure
+ d.addCallbacks(callback, errback)
+ return d2
+def _flattenElement(
+ request: Optional[IRequest],
+ root: Flattenable,
+ write: Callable[[bytes], object],
+ slotData: List[Optional[Mapping[str, Flattenable]]],
+ renderFactory: Optional[IRenderable],
+ dataEscaper: Callable[[Union[bytes, str]], bytes],
+ # This is annotated as Generator[T, None, None] instead of Iterator[T]
+ # because mypy does not consider an Iterator to be an instance of
+ # GeneratorType.
+) -> Generator[Union[Generator[Any, Any, Any], Deferred[Flattenable]], None, None]:
+ """
+ Make C{root} slightly more flat by yielding all its immediate contents as
+ strings, deferreds or generators that are recursive calls to itself.
+ @param request: A request object which will be passed to
+ L{IRenderable.render}.
+ @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode},
+ L{str}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple}, L{list},
+ L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or an object that implements
+ L{IRenderable}.
+ @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced
+ by flattening C{root}.
+ @param slotData: A L{list} of L{dict} mapping L{str} slot names to data
+ with which those slots will be replaced.
+ @param renderFactory: If not L{None}, an object that provides
+ L{IRenderable}.
+ @param dataEscaper: A 1-argument callable which takes L{bytes} or
+ L{unicode} and returns L{bytes}, quoted as appropriate for the
+ rendering context. This is really only one of two values:
+ L{attributeEscapingDoneOutside} or L{escapeForContent}, depending on
+ whether the rendering context is within an attribute or not. See the
+ explanation in L{writeWithAttributeEscaping}.
+ @return: An iterator that eventually writes L{bytes} to C{write}.
+ It can yield other iterators or L{Deferred}s; if it yields another
+ iterator, the caller will iterate it; if it yields a L{Deferred},
+ the result of that L{Deferred} will be another generator, in which
+ case it is iterated. See L{_flattenTree} for the trampoline that
+ consumes said values.
+ """
+ def keepGoing(
+ newRoot: Flattenable,
+ dataEscaper: Callable[[Union[bytes, str]], bytes] = dataEscaper,
+ renderFactory: Optional[IRenderable] = renderFactory,
+ write: Callable[[bytes], object] = write,
+ ) -> Generator[Union[Flattenable, Deferred[Flattenable]], None, None]:
+ return _flattenElement(
+ request, newRoot, write, slotData, renderFactory, dataEscaper
+ )
+ def keepGoingAsync(result: Deferred[Flattenable]) -> Deferred[Flattenable]:
+ return result.addCallback(keepGoing)
+ if isinstance(root, (bytes, str)):
+ write(dataEscaper(root))
+ elif isinstance(root, slot):
+ slotValue = _getSlotValue(root.name, slotData, root.default)
+ yield keepGoing(slotValue)
+ elif isinstance(root, CDATA):
+ write(b"<![CDATA[")
+ write(escapedCDATA(root.data))
+ write(b"]]>")
+ elif isinstance(root, Comment):
+ write(b"<!--")
+ write(escapedComment(root.data))
+ write(b"-->")
+ elif isinstance(root, Tag):
+ slotData.append(root.slotData)
+ rendererName = root.render
+ if rendererName is not None:
+ if renderFactory is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Tag wants to be rendered by method "{rendererName}" '
+ f"but is not contained in any IRenderable"
+ )
+ rootClone = root.clone(False)
+ rootClone.render = None
+ renderMethod = renderFactory.lookupRenderMethod(rendererName)
+ result = renderMethod(request, rootClone)
+ yield keepGoing(result)
+ slotData.pop()
+ return
+ if not root.tagName:
+ yield keepGoing(root.children)
+ return
+ write(b"<")
+ if isinstance(root.tagName, str):
+ tagName = root.tagName.encode("ascii")
+ else:
+ tagName = root.tagName
+ write(tagName)
+ for k, v in root.attributes.items():
+ if isinstance(k, str):
+ k = k.encode("ascii")
+ write(b" " + k + b'="')
+ # Serialize the contents of the attribute, wrapping the results of
+ # that serialization so that _everything_ is quoted.
+ yield keepGoing(
+ v, attributeEscapingDoneOutside, write=writeWithAttributeEscaping(write)
+ )
+ write(b'"')
+ if root.children or nativeString(tagName) not in voidElements:
+ write(b">")
+ # Regardless of whether we're in an attribute or not, switch back
+ # to the escapeForContent dataEscaper. The contents of a tag must
+ # be quoted no matter what; in the top-level document, just so
+ # they're valid, and if they're within an attribute, they have to
+ # be quoted so that after applying the *un*-quoting required to re-
+ # parse the tag within the attribute, all the quoting is still
+ # correct.
+ yield keepGoing(root.children, escapeForContent)
+ write(b"</" + tagName + b">")
+ else:
+ write(b" />")
+ elif isinstance(root, (tuple, list, GeneratorType)):
+ for element in root:
+ yield keepGoing(element)
+ elif isinstance(root, CharRef):
+ escaped = "&#%d;" % (root.ordinal,)
+ write(escaped.encode("ascii"))
+ elif isinstance(root, Deferred):
+ yield keepGoingAsync(_fork(root))
+ elif iscoroutine(root):
+ yield keepGoingAsync(
+ Deferred.fromCoroutine(
+ cast(Coroutine[Deferred[Flattenable], object, Flattenable], root)
+ )
+ )
+ elif IRenderable.providedBy(root):
+ result = root.render(request)
+ yield keepGoing(result, renderFactory=root)
+ else:
+ raise UnsupportedType(root)
+async def _flattenTree(
+ request: Optional[IRequest], root: Flattenable, write: Callable[[bytes], object]
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Make C{root} into an iterable of L{bytes} and L{Deferred} by doing a depth
+ first traversal of the tree.
+ @param request: A request object which will be passed to
+ L{IRenderable.render}.
+ @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode},
+ L{bytes}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple},
+ L{list}, L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or something providing
+ L{IRenderable}.
+ @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced
+ by flattening C{root}.
+ @return: A C{Deferred}-returning coroutine that resolves to C{None}.
+ """
+ buf = []
+ bufSize = 0
+ # Accumulate some bytes up to the buffer size so that we don't annoy the
+ # upstream writer with a million tiny string.
+ def bufferedWrite(bs: bytes) -> None:
+ nonlocal bufSize
+ buf.append(bs)
+ bufSize += len(bs)
+ if bufSize >= BUFFER_SIZE:
+ flushBuffer()
+ # Deliver the buffered content to the upstream writer as a single string.
+ # This is how a "big enough" buffer gets delivered, how a buffer of any
+ # size is delivered before execution is suspended to wait for an
+ # asynchronous value, and how anything left in the buffer when we're
+ # finished is delivered.
+ def flushBuffer() -> None:
+ nonlocal bufSize
+ if bufSize > 0:
+ write(b"".join(buf))
+ del buf[:]
+ bufSize = 0
+ stack: List[Generator[Any, Any, Any]] = [
+ _flattenElement(request, root, bufferedWrite, [], None, escapeForContent)
+ ]
+ while stack:
+ try:
+ frame = stack[-1].gi_frame
+ element = next(stack[-1])
+ if isinstance(element, Deferred):
+ # Before suspending flattening for an unknown amount of time,
+ # flush whatever data we have collected so far.
+ flushBuffer()
+ element = await element
+ except StopIteration:
+ stack.pop()
+ except Exception as e:
+ stack.pop()
+ roots = []
+ for generator in stack:
+ roots.append(generator.gi_frame.f_locals["root"])
+ roots.append(frame.f_locals["root"])
+ raise FlattenerError(e, roots, extract_tb(exc_info()[2]))
+ else:
+ stack.append(element)
+ # Flush any data that remains in the buffer before finishing.
+ flushBuffer()
+def flatten(
+ request: Optional[IRequest], root: Flattenable, write: Callable[[bytes], object]
+) -> Deferred[None]:
+ """
+ Incrementally write out a string representation of C{root} using C{write}.
+ In order to create a string representation, C{root} will be decomposed into
+ simpler objects which will themselves be decomposed and so on until strings
+ or objects which can easily be converted to strings are encountered.
+ @param request: A request object which will be passed to the C{render}
+ method of any L{IRenderable} provider which is encountered.
+ @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type L{str},
+ L{bytes}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple},
+ L{list}, L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or something that
+ provides L{IRenderable}.
+ @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced
+ by flattening C{root}.
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with C{None} when C{root}
+ has been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked
+ if an unexpected exception occurs.
+ """
+ return ensureDeferred(_flattenTree(request, root, write))
+def flattenString(request: Optional[IRequest], root: Flattenable) -> Deferred[bytes]:
+ """
+ Collate a string representation of C{root} into a single string.
+ This is basically gluing L{flatten} to an L{io.BytesIO} and returning
+ the results. See L{flatten} for the exact meanings of C{request} and
+ C{root}.
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with a single UTF-8 encoded
+ string as its result when C{root} has been completely flattened or which
+ will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs.
+ """
+ io = BytesIO()
+ d = flatten(request, root, io.write)
+ d.addCallback(lambda _: io.getvalue())
+ return cast(Deferred[bytes], d)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57762e1805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_http2 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HTTP2 Implementation
+This is the basic server-side protocol implementation used by the Twisted
+Web server for HTTP2. This functionality is intended to be combined with the
+HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 functionality in twisted.web.http to provide complete
+protocol support for HTTP-type protocols.
+This API is currently considered private because it's in early draft form. When
+it has stabilised, it'll be made public.
+import io
+from collections import deque
+from typing import List
+from zope.interface import implementer
+import h2.config # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.connection # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.errors # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.events # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.exceptions # type: ignore[import]
+import priority # type: ignore[import]
+from twisted.internet._producer_helpers import _PullToPush
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionLost
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import (
+ IConsumer,
+ IProtocol,
+ IPushProducer,
+ ISSLTransport,
+ ITransport,
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.protocols.policies import TimeoutMixin
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.web.error import ExcessiveBufferingError
+# This API is currently considered private.
+__all__: List[str] = []
+@implementer(IProtocol, IPushProducer)
+class H2Connection(Protocol, TimeoutMixin):
+ """
+ A class representing a single HTTP/2 connection.
+ This implementation of L{IProtocol} works hand in hand with L{H2Stream}.
+ This is because we have the requirement to register multiple producers for
+ a single HTTP/2 connection, one for each stream. The standard Twisted
+ interfaces don't really allow for this, so instead there's a custom
+ interface between the two objects that allows them to work hand-in-hand here.
+ @ivar conn: The HTTP/2 connection state machine.
+ @type conn: L{h2.connection.H2Connection}
+ @ivar streams: A mapping of stream IDs to L{H2Stream} objects, used to call
+ specific methods on streams when events occur.
+ @type streams: L{dict}, mapping L{int} stream IDs to L{H2Stream} objects.
+ @ivar priority: A HTTP/2 priority tree used to ensure that responses are
+ prioritised appropriately.
+ @type priority: L{priority.PriorityTree}
+ @ivar _consumerBlocked: A flag tracking whether or not the L{IConsumer}
+ that is consuming this data has asked us to stop producing.
+ @type _consumerBlocked: L{bool}
+ @ivar _sendingDeferred: A L{Deferred} used to restart the data-sending loop
+ when more response data has been produced. Will not be present if there
+ is outstanding data still to send.
+ @type _consumerBlocked: A L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}, or L{None}
+ @ivar _outboundStreamQueues: A map of stream IDs to queues, used to store
+ data blocks that are yet to be sent on the connection. These are used
+ both to handle producers that do not respect L{IConsumer} but also to
+ allow priority to multiplex data appropriately.
+ @type _outboundStreamQueues: A L{dict} mapping L{int} stream IDs to
+ L{collections.deque} queues, which contain either L{bytes} objects or
+ @ivar _sender: A handle to the data-sending loop, allowing it to be
+ terminated if needed.
+ @type _sender: L{twisted.internet.task.LoopingCall}
+ @ivar abortTimeout: The number of seconds to wait after we attempt to shut
+ the transport down cleanly to give up and forcibly terminate it. This
+ is only used when we time a connection out, to prevent errors causing
+ the FD to get leaked. If this is L{None}, we will wait forever.
+ @type abortTimeout: L{int}
+ @ivar _abortingCall: The L{twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall} that will be
+ used to forcibly close the transport if it doesn't close cleanly.
+ @type _abortingCall: L{twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall}
+ """
+ factory = None
+ site = None
+ abortTimeout = 15
+ _log = Logger()
+ _abortingCall = None
+ def __init__(self, reactor=None):
+ config = h2.config.H2Configuration(client_side=False, header_encoding=None)
+ self.conn = h2.connection.H2Connection(config=config)
+ self.streams = {}
+ self.priority = priority.PriorityTree()
+ self._consumerBlocked = None
+ self._sendingDeferred = None
+ self._outboundStreamQueues = {}
+ self._streamCleanupCallbacks = {}
+ self._stillProducing = True
+ # Limit the number of buffered control frame (e.g. PING and
+ # SETTINGS) bytes.
+ self._maxBufferedControlFrameBytes = 1024 * 17
+ self._bufferedControlFrames = deque()
+ self._bufferedControlFrameBytes = 0
+ if reactor is None:
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ # Start the data sending function.
+ self._reactor.callLater(0, self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ # Implementation of IProtocol
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ """
+ Called by the reactor when a connection is received. May also be called
+ by the L{twisted.web.http._GenericHTTPChannelProtocol} during upgrade
+ to HTTP/2.
+ """
+ self.setTimeout(self.timeOut)
+ self.conn.initiate_connection()
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Called whenever a chunk of data is received from the transport.
+ @param data: The data received from the transport.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ try:
+ events = self.conn.receive_data(data)
+ except h2.exceptions.ProtocolError:
+ stillActive = self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ if stillActive:
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self.connectionLost(Failure(), _cancelTimeouts=False)
+ return
+ # Only reset the timeout if we've received an actual H2
+ # protocol message
+ self.resetTimeout()
+ for event in events:
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.RequestReceived):
+ self._requestReceived(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.DataReceived):
+ self._requestDataReceived(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamEnded):
+ self._requestEnded(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamReset):
+ self._requestAborted(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.WindowUpdated):
+ self._handleWindowUpdate(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.PriorityUpdated):
+ self._handlePriorityUpdate(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.ConnectionTerminated):
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self.connectionLost(
+ Failure(ConnectionLost("Remote peer sent GOAWAY")),
+ _cancelTimeouts=False,
+ )
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def timeoutConnection(self):
+ """
+ Called when the connection has been inactive for
+ L{self.timeOut<twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin.timeOut>}
+ seconds. Cleanly tears the connection down, attempting to notify the
+ peer if needed.
+ We override this method to add two extra bits of functionality:
+ - We want to log the timeout.
+ - We want to send a GOAWAY frame indicating that the connection is
+ being terminated, and whether it was clean or not. We have to do this
+ before the connection is torn down.
+ """
+ self._log.info("Timing out client {client}", client=self.transport.getPeer())
+ # Check whether there are open streams. If there are, we're going to
+ # want to use the error code PROTOCOL_ERROR. If there aren't, use
+ if self.conn.open_outbound_streams > 0 or self.conn.open_inbound_streams > 0:
+ error_code = h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
+ else:
+ error_code = h2.errors.ErrorCodes.NO_ERROR
+ self.conn.close_connection(error_code=error_code)
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ # Don't let the client hold this connection open too long.
+ if self.abortTimeout is not None:
+ # We use self.callLater because that's what TimeoutMixin does, even
+ # though we have a perfectly good reactor sitting around. See
+ # https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8488.
+ self._abortingCall = self.callLater(
+ self.abortTimeout, self.forceAbortClient
+ )
+ # We're done, throw the connection away.
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def forceAbortClient(self):
+ """
+ Called if C{abortTimeout} seconds have passed since the timeout fired,
+ and the connection still hasn't gone away. This can really only happen
+ on extremely bad connections or when clients are maliciously attempting
+ to keep connections open.
+ """
+ self._log.info(
+ "Forcibly timing out client: {client}", client=self.transport.getPeer()
+ )
+ # We want to lose track of the _abortingCall so that no-one tries to
+ # cancel it.
+ self._abortingCall = None
+ self.transport.abortConnection()
+ def connectionLost(self, reason, _cancelTimeouts=True):
+ """
+ Called when the transport connection is lost.
+ Informs all outstanding response handlers that the connection
+ has been lost, and cleans up all internal state.
+ @param reason: See L{IProtocol.connectionLost}
+ @param _cancelTimeouts: Propagate the C{reason} to this
+ connection's streams but don't cancel any timers, so that
+ peers who never read the data we've written are eventually
+ timed out.
+ """
+ self._stillProducing = False
+ if _cancelTimeouts:
+ self.setTimeout(None)
+ for stream in self.streams.values():
+ stream.connectionLost(reason)
+ for streamID in list(self.streams.keys()):
+ self._requestDone(streamID)
+ # If we were going to force-close the transport, we don't have to now.
+ if _cancelTimeouts and self._abortingCall is not None:
+ self._abortingCall.cancel()
+ self._abortingCall = None
+ # Implementation of IPushProducer
+ #
+ # Here's how we handle IPushProducer. We have multiple outstanding
+ # H2Streams. Each of these exposes an IConsumer interface to the response
+ # handler that allows it to push data into the H2Stream. The H2Stream then
+ # writes the data into the H2Connection object.
+ #
+ # The H2Connection needs to manage these writes to account for:
+ #
+ # - flow control
+ # - priority
+ #
+ # We manage each of these in different ways.
+ #
+ # For flow control, we simply use the equivalent of the IPushProducer
+ # interface. We simply tell the H2Stream: "Hey, you can't send any data
+ # right now, sorry!". When that stream becomes unblocked, we free it up
+ # again. This allows the H2Stream to propagate this backpressure up the
+ # chain.
+ #
+ # For priority, we need to keep a backlog of data frames that we can send,
+ # and interleave them appropriately. This backlog is most sensibly kept in
+ # the H2Connection object itself. We keep one queue per stream, which is
+ # where the writes go, and then we have a loop that manages popping these
+ # streams off in priority order.
+ #
+ # Logically then, we go as follows:
+ #
+ # 1. Stream calls writeDataToStream(). This causes a DataFrame to be placed
+ # on the queue for that stream. It also informs the priority
+ # implementation that this stream is unblocked.
+ # 2. The _sendPrioritisedData() function spins in a tight loop. Each
+ # iteration it asks the priority implementation which stream should send
+ # next, and pops a data frame off that stream's queue. If, after sending
+ # that frame, there is no data left on that stream's queue, the function
+ # informs the priority implementation that the stream is blocked.
+ #
+ # If all streams are blocked, or if there are no outstanding streams, the
+ # _sendPrioritisedData function waits to be awoken when more data is ready
+ # to send.
+ #
+ # Note that all of this only applies to *data*. Headers and other control
+ # frames deliberately skip this processing as they are not subject to flow
+ # control or priority constraints. Instead, they are stored in their own buffer
+ # which is used primarily to detect excessive buffering.
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ Stop producing data.
+ This tells the L{H2Connection} that its consumer has died, so it must
+ stop producing data for good.
+ """
+ self.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionLost("Producing stopped")))
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ Pause producing data.
+ Tells the L{H2Connection} that it has produced too much data to process
+ for the time being, and to stop until resumeProducing() is called.
+ """
+ self._consumerBlocked = Deferred()
+ # Ensure pending control data (if any) are sent first.
+ self._consumerBlocked.addCallback(self._flushBufferedControlData)
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ Resume producing data.
+ This tells the L{H2Connection} to re-add itself to the main loop and
+ produce more data for the consumer.
+ """
+ if self._consumerBlocked is not None:
+ d = self._consumerBlocked
+ self._consumerBlocked = None
+ d.callback(None)
+ def _sendPrioritisedData(self, *args):
+ """
+ The data sending loop. This function repeatedly calls itself, either
+ from L{Deferred}s or from
+ L{reactor.callLater<twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.callLater>}
+ This function sends data on streams according to the rules of HTTP/2
+ priority. It ensures that the data from each stream is interleved
+ according to the priority signalled by the client, making sure that the
+ connection is used with maximal efficiency.
+ This function will execute if data is available: if all data is
+ exhausted, the function will place a deferred onto the L{H2Connection}
+ object and wait until it is called to resume executing.
+ """
+ # If producing has stopped, we're done. Don't reschedule ourselves
+ if not self._stillProducing:
+ return
+ stream = None
+ while stream is None:
+ try:
+ stream = next(self.priority)
+ except priority.DeadlockError:
+ # All streams are currently blocked or not progressing. Wait
+ # until a new one becomes available.
+ assert self._sendingDeferred is None
+ self._sendingDeferred = Deferred()
+ self._sendingDeferred.addCallback(self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ return
+ # Wait behind the transport.
+ if self._consumerBlocked is not None:
+ self._consumerBlocked.addCallback(self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ return
+ self.resetTimeout()
+ remainingWindow = self.conn.local_flow_control_window(stream)
+ frameData = self._outboundStreamQueues[stream].popleft()
+ maxFrameSize = min(self.conn.max_outbound_frame_size, remainingWindow)
+ if frameData is _END_STREAM_SENTINEL:
+ # There's no error handling here even though this can throw
+ # ProtocolError because we really shouldn't encounter this problem.
+ # If we do, that's a nasty bug.
+ self.conn.end_stream(stream)
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ # Clean up the stream
+ self._requestDone(stream)
+ else:
+ # Respect the max frame size.
+ if len(frameData) > maxFrameSize:
+ excessData = frameData[maxFrameSize:]
+ frameData = frameData[:maxFrameSize]
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[stream].appendleft(excessData)
+ # There's deliberately no error handling here, because this just
+ # absolutely should not happen.
+ # If for whatever reason the max frame length is zero and so we
+ # have no frame data to send, don't send any.
+ if frameData:
+ self.conn.send_data(stream, frameData)
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ # If there's no data left, this stream is now blocked.
+ if not self._outboundStreamQueues[stream]:
+ self.priority.block(stream)
+ # Also, if the stream's flow control window is exhausted, tell it
+ # to stop.
+ if self.remainingOutboundWindow(stream) <= 0:
+ self.streams[stream].flowControlBlocked()
+ self._reactor.callLater(0, self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ # Internal functions.
+ def _requestReceived(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a request has been received.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ received request.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.RequestReceived}
+ """
+ stream = H2Stream(
+ event.stream_id,
+ self,
+ event.headers,
+ self.requestFactory,
+ self.site,
+ self.factory,
+ )
+ self.streams[event.stream_id] = stream
+ self._streamCleanupCallbacks[event.stream_id] = Deferred()
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[event.stream_id] = deque()
+ # Add the stream to the priority tree but immediately block it.
+ try:
+ self.priority.insert_stream(event.stream_id)
+ except priority.DuplicateStreamError:
+ # Stream already in the tree. This can happen if we received a
+ # PRIORITY frame before a HEADERS frame. Just move on: we set the
+ # stream up properly in _handlePriorityUpdate.
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.priority.block(event.stream_id)
+ def _requestDataReceived(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a chunk of data is received for a given
+ request.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ received data.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.DataReceived}
+ """
+ stream = self.streams[event.stream_id]
+ stream.receiveDataChunk(event.data, event.flow_controlled_length)
+ def _requestEnded(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a request is complete, and we expect no
+ further data for that request.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ completed stream.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.StreamEnded}
+ """
+ stream = self.streams[event.stream_id]
+ stream.requestComplete()
+ def _requestAborted(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a request is aborted by a remote peer.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ reset stream.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.StreamReset}
+ """
+ stream = self.streams[event.stream_id]
+ stream.connectionLost(
+ Failure(ConnectionLost("Stream reset with code %s" % event.error_code))
+ )
+ self._requestDone(event.stream_id)
+ def _handlePriorityUpdate(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a stream priority is updated.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ stream reprioritization.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.PriorityUpdated}
+ """
+ try:
+ self.priority.reprioritize(
+ stream_id=event.stream_id,
+ depends_on=event.depends_on or None,
+ weight=event.weight,
+ exclusive=event.exclusive,
+ )
+ except priority.MissingStreamError:
+ # A PRIORITY frame arrived before the HEADERS frame that would
+ # trigger us to insert the stream into the tree. That's fine: we
+ # can create the stream here and mark it as blocked.
+ self.priority.insert_stream(
+ stream_id=event.stream_id,
+ depends_on=event.depends_on or None,
+ weight=event.weight,
+ exclusive=event.exclusive,
+ )
+ self.priority.block(event.stream_id)
+ def writeHeaders(self, version, code, reason, headers, streamID):
+ """
+ Called by L{twisted.web.http.Request} objects to write a complete set
+ of HTTP headers to a stream.
+ @param version: The HTTP version in use. Unused in HTTP/2.
+ @type version: L{bytes}
+ @param code: The HTTP status code to write.
+ @type code: L{bytes}
+ @param reason: The HTTP reason phrase to write. Unused in HTTP/2.
+ @type reason: L{bytes}
+ @param headers: The headers to write to the stream.
+ @type headers: L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers}
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the headers to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ headers.insert(0, (b":status", code))
+ try:
+ self.conn.send_headers(streamID, headers)
+ except h2.exceptions.StreamClosedError:
+ # Stream was closed by the client at some point. We need to not
+ # explode here: just swallow the error. That's what write() does
+ # when a connection is lost, so that's what we do too.
+ return
+ else:
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def writeDataToStream(self, streamID, data):
+ """
+ May be called by L{H2Stream} objects to write response data to a given
+ stream. Writes a single data frame.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the data to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @param data: The data chunk to write to the stream.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID].append(data)
+ # There's obviously no point unblocking this stream and the sending
+ # loop if the data can't actually be sent, so confirm that there's
+ # some room to send data.
+ if self.conn.local_flow_control_window(streamID) > 0:
+ self.priority.unblock(streamID)
+ if self._sendingDeferred is not None:
+ d = self._sendingDeferred
+ self._sendingDeferred = None
+ d.callback(streamID)
+ if self.remainingOutboundWindow(streamID) <= 0:
+ self.streams[streamID].flowControlBlocked()
+ def endRequest(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called by L{H2Stream} objects to signal completion of a response.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the data to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID].append(_END_STREAM_SENTINEL)
+ self.priority.unblock(streamID)
+ if self._sendingDeferred is not None:
+ d = self._sendingDeferred
+ self._sendingDeferred = None
+ d.callback(streamID)
+ def abortRequest(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called by L{H2Stream} objects to request early termination of a stream.
+ This emits a RstStream frame and then removes all stream state.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the data to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ self.conn.reset_stream(streamID)
+ stillActive = self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ if stillActive:
+ self._requestDone(streamID)
+ def _requestDone(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called internally by the data sending loop to clean up state that was
+ being used for the stream. Called when the stream is complete.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to clean up state for.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ del self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID]
+ self.priority.remove_stream(streamID)
+ del self.streams[streamID]
+ cleanupCallback = self._streamCleanupCallbacks.pop(streamID)
+ cleanupCallback.callback(streamID)
+ def remainingOutboundWindow(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called to determine how much room is left in the send window for a
+ given stream. Allows us to handle blocking and unblocking producers.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream whose flow control window we'll
+ check.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @return: The amount of room remaining in the send window for the given
+ stream, including the data queued to be sent.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ # TODO: This involves a fair bit of looping and computation for
+ # something that is called a lot. Consider caching values somewhere.
+ windowSize = self.conn.local_flow_control_window(streamID)
+ sendQueue = self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID]
+ alreadyConsumed = sum(
+ len(chunk) for chunk in sendQueue if chunk is not _END_STREAM_SENTINEL
+ )
+ return windowSize - alreadyConsumed
+ def _handleWindowUpdate(self, event):
+ """
+ Manage flow control windows.
+ Streams that are blocked on flow control will register themselves with
+ the connection. This will fire deferreds that wake those streams up and
+ allow them to continue processing.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ flow control window change.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.WindowUpdated}
+ """
+ streamID = event.stream_id
+ if streamID:
+ if not self._streamIsActive(streamID):
+ # We may have already cleaned up our stream state, making this
+ # a late WINDOW_UPDATE frame. That's fine: the update is
+ # unnecessary but benign. We'll ignore it.
+ return
+ # If we haven't got any data to send, don't unblock the stream. If
+ # we do, we'll eventually get an exception inside the
+ # _sendPrioritisedData loop some time later.
+ if self._outboundStreamQueues.get(streamID):
+ self.priority.unblock(streamID)
+ self.streams[streamID].windowUpdated()
+ else:
+ # Update strictly applies to all streams.
+ for stream in self.streams.values():
+ stream.windowUpdated()
+ # If we still have data to send for this stream, unblock it.
+ if self._outboundStreamQueues.get(stream.streamID):
+ self.priority.unblock(stream.streamID)
+ def getPeer(self):
+ """
+ Get the remote address of this connection.
+ Treat this method with caution. It is the unfortunate result of the
+ CGI and Jabber standards, but should not be considered reliable for
+ the usual host of reasons; port forwarding, proxying, firewalls, IP
+ masquerading, etc.
+ @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ return self.transport.getPeer()
+ def getHost(self):
+ """
+ Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the
+ connection.
+ @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ return self.transport.getHost()
+ def openStreamWindow(self, streamID, increment):
+ """
+ Open the stream window by a given increment.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream whose window needs to be opened.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @param increment: The amount by which the stream window must be
+ incremented.
+ @type increment: L{int}
+ """
+ self.conn.acknowledge_received_data(increment, streamID)
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def _isSecure(self):
+ """
+ Returns L{True} if this channel is using a secure transport.
+ @returns: L{True} if this channel is secure.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ # A channel is secure if its transport is ISSLTransport.
+ return ISSLTransport(self.transport, None) is not None
+ def _send100Continue(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Sends a 100 Continue response, used to signal to clients that further
+ processing will be performed.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream that needs the 100 Continue
+ response
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ headers = [(b":status", b"100")]
+ self.conn.send_headers(headers=headers, stream_id=streamID)
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def _respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect(self, streamID):
+ """
+ This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests.
+ As described by HTTP standard we should be patient and accept the
+ whole request from the client before sending a polite bad request
+ response, even in the case when clients send tons of data.
+ Unlike in the HTTP/1.1 case, this does not actually disconnect the
+ underlying transport: there's no need. This instead just sends a 400
+ response and terminates the stream.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream that needs the 100 Continue
+ response
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ headers = [(b":status", b"400")]
+ self.conn.send_headers(headers=headers, stream_id=streamID, end_stream=True)
+ stillActive = self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ if stillActive:
+ stream = self.streams[streamID]
+ stream.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionLost("Invalid request")))
+ self._requestDone(streamID)
+ def _streamIsActive(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Checks whether Twisted has still got state for a given stream and so
+ can process events for that stream.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream that needs processing.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @return: Whether the stream still has state allocated.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ return streamID in self.streams
+ def _tryToWriteControlData(self):
+ """
+ Checks whether the connection is blocked on flow control and,
+ if it isn't, writes any buffered control data.
+ @return: L{True} if the connection is still active and
+ L{False} if it was aborted because too many bytes have
+ been written but not consumed by the other end.
+ """
+ bufferedBytes = self.conn.data_to_send()
+ if not bufferedBytes:
+ return True
+ if self._consumerBlocked is None and not self._bufferedControlFrames:
+ # The consumer isn't blocked, and we don't have any buffered frames:
+ # write this directly.
+ self.transport.write(bufferedBytes)
+ return True
+ else:
+ # Either the consumer is blocked or we have buffered frames. If the
+ # consumer is blocked, we'll write this when we unblock. If we have
+ # buffered frames, we have presumably been re-entered from
+ # transport.write, and so to avoid reordering issues we'll buffer anyway.
+ self._bufferedControlFrames.append(bufferedBytes)
+ self._bufferedControlFrameBytes += len(bufferedBytes)
+ if self._bufferedControlFrameBytes >= self._maxBufferedControlFrameBytes:
+ maxBuffCtrlFrameBytes = self._maxBufferedControlFrameBytes
+ self._log.error(
+ "Maximum number of control frame bytes buffered: "
+ "{bufferedControlFrameBytes} > = "
+ "{maxBufferedControlFrameBytes}. "
+ "Aborting connection to client: {client} ",
+ bufferedControlFrameBytes=self._bufferedControlFrameBytes,
+ maxBufferedControlFrameBytes=maxBuffCtrlFrameBytes,
+ client=self.transport.getPeer(),
+ )
+ # We've exceeded a reasonable buffer size for max buffered
+ # control frames. This is a denial of service risk, so we're
+ # going to drop this connection.
+ self.transport.abortConnection()
+ self.connectionLost(Failure(ExcessiveBufferingError()))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _flushBufferedControlData(self, *args):
+ """
+ Called when the connection is marked writable again after being marked unwritable.
+ Attempts to flush buffered control data if there is any.
+ """
+ # To respect backpressure here we send each write in order, paying attention to whether
+ # we got blocked
+ while self._consumerBlocked is None and self._bufferedControlFrames:
+ nextWrite = self._bufferedControlFrames.popleft()
+ self._bufferedControlFrameBytes -= len(nextWrite)
+ self.transport.write(nextWrite)
+@implementer(ITransport, IConsumer, IPushProducer)
+class H2Stream:
+ """
+ A class representing a single HTTP/2 stream.
+ This class works hand-in-hand with L{H2Connection}. It acts to provide an
+ implementation of L{ITransport}, L{IConsumer}, and L{IProducer} that work
+ for a single HTTP/2 connection, while tightly cleaving to the interface
+ provided by those interfaces. It does this by having a tight coupling to
+ L{H2Connection}, which allows associating many of the functions of
+ L{ITransport}, L{IConsumer}, and L{IProducer} to objects on a
+ stream-specific level.
+ @ivar streamID: The numerical stream ID that this object corresponds to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @ivar producing: Whether this stream is currently allowed to produce data
+ to its consumer.
+ @type producing: L{bool}
+ @ivar command: The HTTP verb used on the request.
+ @type command: L{unicode}
+ @ivar path: The HTTP path used on the request.
+ @type path: L{unicode}
+ @ivar producer: The object producing the response, if any.
+ @type producer: L{IProducer}
+ @ivar site: The L{twisted.web.server.Site} object this stream belongs to,
+ if any.
+ @type site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ @ivar factory: The L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory} object that constructed
+ this stream's parent connection.
+ @type factory: L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory}
+ @ivar _producerProducing: Whether the producer stored in producer is
+ currently producing data.
+ @type _producerProducing: L{bool}
+ @ivar _inboundDataBuffer: Any data that has been received from the network
+ but has not yet been received by the consumer.
+ @type _inboundDataBuffer: A L{collections.deque} containing L{bytes}
+ @ivar _conn: A reference to the connection this stream belongs to.
+ @type _conn: L{H2Connection}
+ @ivar _request: A request object that this stream corresponds to.
+ @type _request: L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}
+ @ivar _buffer: A buffer containing data produced by the producer that could
+ not be sent on the network at this time.
+ @type _buffer: L{io.BytesIO}
+ """
+ # We need a transport property for t.w.h.Request, but HTTP/2 doesn't want
+ # to expose it. So we just set it to None.
+ transport = None
+ def __init__(self, streamID, connection, headers, requestFactory, site, factory):
+ """
+ Initialize this HTTP/2 stream.
+ @param streamID: The numerical stream ID that this object corresponds
+ to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @param connection: The HTTP/2 connection this stream belongs to.
+ @type connection: L{H2Connection}
+ @param headers: The HTTP/2 request headers.
+ @type headers: A L{list} of L{tuple}s of header name and header value,
+ both as L{bytes}.
+ @param requestFactory: A function that builds appropriate request
+ request objects.
+ @type requestFactory: A callable that returns a
+ L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}.
+ @param site: The L{twisted.web.server.Site} object this stream belongs
+ to, if any.
+ @type site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ @param factory: The L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory} object that
+ constructed this stream's parent connection.
+ @type factory: L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory}
+ """
+ self.streamID = streamID
+ self.site = site
+ self.factory = factory
+ self.producing = True
+ self.command = None
+ self.path = None
+ self.producer = None
+ self._producerProducing = False
+ self._hasStreamingProducer = None
+ self._inboundDataBuffer = deque()
+ self._conn = connection
+ self._request = requestFactory(self, queued=False)
+ self._buffer = io.BytesIO()
+ self._convertHeaders(headers)
+ def _convertHeaders(self, headers):
+ """
+ This method converts the HTTP/2 header set into something that looks
+ like HTTP/1.1. In particular, it strips the 'special' headers and adds
+ a Host: header.
+ @param headers: The HTTP/2 header set.
+ @type headers: A L{list} of L{tuple}s of header name and header value,
+ both as L{bytes}.
+ """
+ gotLength = False
+ for header in headers:
+ if not header[0].startswith(b":"):
+ gotLength = _addHeaderToRequest(self._request, header) or gotLength
+ elif header[0] == b":method":
+ self.command = header[1]
+ elif header[0] == b":path":
+ self.path = header[1]
+ elif header[0] == b":authority":
+ # This is essentially the Host: header from HTTP/1.1
+ _addHeaderToRequest(self._request, (b"host", header[1]))
+ if not gotLength:
+ if self.command in (b"GET", b"HEAD"):
+ self._request.gotLength(0)
+ else:
+ self._request.gotLength(None)
+ self._request.parseCookies()
+ expectContinue = self._request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"expect")
+ if expectContinue and expectContinue[0].lower() == b"100-continue":
+ self._send100Continue()
+ # Methods called by the H2Connection
+ def receiveDataChunk(self, data, flowControlledLength):
+ """
+ Called when the connection has received a chunk of data from the
+ underlying transport. If the stream has been registered with a
+ consumer, and is currently able to push data, immediately passes it
+ through. Otherwise, buffers the chunk until we can start producing.
+ @param data: The chunk of data that was received.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ @param flowControlledLength: The total flow controlled length of this
+ chunk, which is used when we want to re-open the window. May be
+ different to C{len(data)}.
+ @type flowControlledLength: L{int}
+ """
+ if not self.producing:
+ # Buffer data.
+ self._inboundDataBuffer.append((data, flowControlledLength))
+ else:
+ self._request.handleContentChunk(data)
+ self._conn.openStreamWindow(self.streamID, flowControlledLength)
+ def requestComplete(self):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when the all data for a request has been
+ received. Currently, with the legacy L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ object, just calls requestReceived unless the producer wants us to be
+ quiet.
+ """
+ if self.producing:
+ self._request.requestReceived(self.command, self.path, b"HTTP/2")
+ else:
+ self._inboundDataBuffer.append((_END_STREAM_SENTINEL, None))
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when a connection is lost or a stream is
+ reset.
+ @param reason: The reason the connection was lost.
+ @type reason: L{str}
+ """
+ self._request.connectionLost(reason)
+ def windowUpdated(self):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when this stream's flow control window
+ has been opened.
+ """
+ # If we don't have a producer, we have no-one to tell.
+ if not self.producer:
+ return
+ # If we're not blocked on flow control, we don't care.
+ if self._producerProducing:
+ return
+ # We check whether the stream's flow control window is actually above
+ # 0, and then, if a producer is registered and we still have space in
+ # the window, we unblock it.
+ remainingWindow = self._conn.remainingOutboundWindow(self.streamID)
+ if not remainingWindow > 0:
+ return
+ # We have a producer and space in the window, so that producer can
+ # start producing again!
+ self._producerProducing = True
+ self.producer.resumeProducing()
+ def flowControlBlocked(self):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when this stream's flow control window
+ has been exhausted.
+ """
+ if not self.producer:
+ return
+ if self._producerProducing:
+ self.producer.pauseProducing()
+ self._producerProducing = False
+ # Methods called by the consumer (usually an IRequest).
+ def writeHeaders(self, version, code, reason, headers):
+ """
+ Called by the consumer to write headers to the stream.
+ @param version: The HTTP version.
+ @type version: L{bytes}
+ @param code: The status code.
+ @type code: L{int}
+ @param reason: The reason phrase. Ignored in HTTP/2.
+ @type reason: L{bytes}
+ @param headers: The HTTP response headers.
+ @type headers: Any iterable of two-tuples of L{bytes}, representing header
+ names and header values.
+ """
+ self._conn.writeHeaders(version, code, reason, headers, self.streamID)
+ def requestDone(self, request):
+ """
+ Called by a consumer to clean up whatever permanent state is in use.
+ @param request: The request calling the method.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}
+ """
+ self._conn.endRequest(self.streamID)
+ def _send100Continue(self):
+ """
+ Sends a 100 Continue response, used to signal to clients that further
+ processing will be performed.
+ """
+ self._conn._send100Continue(self.streamID)
+ def _respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect(self):
+ """
+ This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests.
+ As described by HTTP standard we should be patient and accept the
+ whole request from the client before sending a polite bad request
+ response, even in the case when clients send tons of data.
+ Unlike in the HTTP/1.1 case, this does not actually disconnect the
+ underlying transport: there's no need. This instead just sends a 400
+ response and terminates the stream.
+ """
+ self._conn._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect(self.streamID)
+ # Implementation: ITransport
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ Write a single chunk of data into a data frame.
+ @param data: The data chunk to send.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ self._conn.writeDataToStream(self.streamID, data)
+ return
+ def writeSequence(self, iovec):
+ """
+ Write a sequence of chunks of data into data frames.
+ @param iovec: A sequence of chunks to send.
+ @type iovec: An iterable of L{bytes} chunks.
+ """
+ for chunk in iovec:
+ self.write(chunk)
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ """
+ Close the connection after writing all pending data.
+ """
+ self._conn.endRequest(self.streamID)
+ def abortConnection(self):
+ """
+ Forcefully abort the connection by sending a RstStream frame.
+ """
+ self._conn.abortRequest(self.streamID)
+ def getPeer(self):
+ """
+ Get information about the peer.
+ """
+ return self._conn.getPeer()
+ def getHost(self):
+ """
+ Similar to getPeer, but for this side of the connection.
+ """
+ return self._conn.getHost()
+ def isSecure(self):
+ """
+ Returns L{True} if this channel is using a secure transport.
+ @returns: L{True} if this channel is secure.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ return self._conn._isSecure()
+ # Implementation: IConsumer
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ """
+ Register to receive data from a producer.
+ This sets self to be a consumer for a producer. When this object runs
+ out of data (as when a send(2) call on a socket succeeds in moving the
+ last data from a userspace buffer into a kernelspace buffer), it will
+ ask the producer to resumeProducing().
+ For L{IPullProducer} providers, C{resumeProducing} will be called once
+ each time data is required.
+ For L{IPushProducer} providers, C{pauseProducing} will be called
+ whenever the write buffer fills up and C{resumeProducing} will only be
+ called when it empties.
+ @param producer: The producer to register.
+ @type producer: L{IProducer} provider
+ @param streaming: L{True} if C{producer} provides L{IPushProducer},
+ L{False} if C{producer} provides L{IPullProducer}.
+ @type streaming: L{bool}
+ @raise RuntimeError: If a producer is already registered.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ if self.producer:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "registering producer %s before previous one (%s) was "
+ "unregistered" % (producer, self.producer)
+ )
+ if not streaming:
+ self.hasStreamingProducer = False
+ producer = _PullToPush(producer, self)
+ producer.startStreaming()
+ else:
+ self.hasStreamingProducer = True
+ self.producer = producer
+ self._producerProducing = True
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IConsumer.unregisterProducer}
+ """
+ # When the producer is unregistered, we're done.
+ if self.producer is not None and not self.hasStreamingProducer:
+ self.producer.stopStreaming()
+ self._producerProducing = False
+ self.producer = None
+ self.hasStreamingProducer = None
+ # Implementation: IPushProducer
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IProducer.stopProducing}
+ """
+ self.producing = False
+ self.abortConnection()
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IPushProducer.pauseProducing}
+ """
+ self.producing = False
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IPushProducer.resumeProducing}
+ """
+ self.producing = True
+ consumedLength = 0
+ while self.producing and self._inboundDataBuffer:
+ # Allow for pauseProducing to be called in response to a call to
+ # resumeProducing.
+ chunk, flowControlledLength = self._inboundDataBuffer.popleft()
+ if chunk is _END_STREAM_SENTINEL:
+ self.requestComplete()
+ else:
+ consumedLength += flowControlledLength
+ self._request.handleContentChunk(chunk)
+ self._conn.openStreamWindow(self.streamID, consumedLength)
+def _addHeaderToRequest(request, header):
+ """
+ Add a header tuple to a request header object.
+ @param request: The request to add the header tuple to.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ @param header: The header tuple to add to the request.
+ @type header: A L{tuple} with two elements, the header name and header
+ value, both as L{bytes}.
+ @return: If the header being added was the C{Content-Length} header.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ requestHeaders = request.requestHeaders
+ name, value = header
+ values = requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(name)
+ if values is not None:
+ values.append(value)
+ else:
+ requestHeaders.setRawHeaders(name, [value])
+ if name == b"content-length":
+ request.gotLength(int(value))
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_newclient.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_newclient.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fd1ac21ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_newclient.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1727 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_newclient -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+An U{HTTP 1.1<http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html>} client.
+The way to use the functionality provided by this module is to:
+ - Connect a L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} to an HTTP server
+ - Create a L{Request} with the appropriate data
+ - Pass the request to L{HTTP11ClientProtocol.request}
+ - The returned Deferred will fire with a L{Response} object
+ - Create a L{IProtocol} provider which can handle the response body
+ - Connect it to the response with L{Response.deliverBody}
+ - When the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called, the response is
+ complete. See L{Response.deliverBody} for details.
+Various other classes in this module support this usage:
+ - HTTPParser is the basic HTTP parser. It can handle the parts of HTTP which
+ are symmetric between requests and responses.
+ - HTTPClientParser extends HTTPParser to handle response-specific parts of
+ HTTP. One instance is created for each request to parse the corresponding
+ response.
+import re
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.internet.defer import (
+ CancelledError,
+ Deferred,
+ fail,
+ maybeDeferred,
+ succeed,
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IConsumer, IPushProducer
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
+from twisted.python.compat import networkString
+from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.python.reflect import fullyQualifiedName
+from twisted.web.http import (
+ PotentialDataLoss,
+ _ChunkedTransferDecoder,
+ _DataLoss,
+ _IdentityTransferDecoder,
+from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
+from twisted.web.iweb import UNKNOWN_LENGTH, IClientRequest, IResponse
+# States HTTPParser can be in
+_moduleLog = Logger()
+class BadHeaders(Exception):
+ """
+ Headers passed to L{Request} were in some way invalid.
+ """
+class ExcessWrite(Exception):
+ """
+ The body L{IBodyProducer} for a request tried to write data after
+ indicating it had finished writing data.
+ """
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ """
+ Some received data could not be parsed.
+ @ivar data: The string which could not be parsed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reason, data):
+ Exception.__init__(self, reason, data)
+ self.data = data
+class BadResponseVersion(ParseError):
+ """
+ The version string in a status line was unparsable.
+ """
+class _WrapperException(Exception):
+ """
+ L{_WrapperException} is the base exception type for exceptions which
+ include one or more other exceptions as the low-level causes.
+ @ivar reasons: A L{list} of one or more L{Failure} instances encountered
+ during an HTTP request. See subclass documentation for more details.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reasons):
+ Exception.__init__(self, reasons)
+ self.reasons = reasons
+class RequestGenerationFailed(_WrapperException):
+ """
+ There was an error while creating the bytes which make up a request.
+ @ivar reasons: A C{list} of one or more L{Failure} instances giving the
+ reasons the request generation was considered to have failed.
+ """
+class RequestTransmissionFailed(_WrapperException):
+ """
+ There was an error while sending the bytes which make up a request.
+ @ivar reasons: A C{list} of one or more L{Failure} instances giving the
+ reasons the request transmission was considered to have failed.
+ """
+class ConnectionAborted(Exception):
+ """
+ The connection was explicitly aborted by application code.
+ """
+class WrongBodyLength(Exception):
+ """
+ An L{IBodyProducer} declared the number of bytes it was going to
+ produce (via its C{length} attribute) and then produced a different number
+ of bytes.
+ """
+class ResponseDone(Exception):
+ """
+ L{ResponseDone} may be passed to L{IProtocol.connectionLost} on the
+ protocol passed to L{Response.deliverBody} and indicates that the entire
+ response has been delivered.
+ """
+class ResponseFailed(_WrapperException):
+ """
+ L{ResponseFailed} indicates that all of the response to a request was not
+ received for some reason.
+ @ivar reasons: A C{list} of one or more L{Failure} instances giving the
+ reasons the response was considered to have failed.
+ @ivar response: If specified, the L{Response} received from the server (and
+ in particular the status code and the headers).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reasons, response=None):
+ _WrapperException.__init__(self, reasons)
+ self.response = response
+class ResponseNeverReceived(ResponseFailed):
+ """
+ A L{ResponseFailed} that knows no response bytes at all have been received.
+ """
+class RequestNotSent(Exception):
+ """
+ L{RequestNotSent} indicates that an attempt was made to issue a request but
+ for reasons unrelated to the details of the request itself, the request
+ could not be sent. For example, this may indicate that an attempt was made
+ to send a request using a protocol which is no longer connected to a
+ server.
+ """
+def _callAppFunction(function):
+ """
+ Call C{function}. If it raises an exception, log it with a minimal
+ description of the source.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ try:
+ function()
+ except BaseException:
+ _moduleLog.failure(
+ "Unexpected exception from {name}", name=fullyQualifiedName(function)
+ )
+class HTTPParser(LineReceiver):
+ """
+ L{HTTPParser} handles the parsing side of HTTP processing. With a suitable
+ subclass, it can parse either the client side or the server side of the
+ connection.
+ @ivar headers: All of the non-connection control message headers yet
+ received.
+ @ivar state: State indicator for the response parsing state machine. One
+ @ivar _partialHeader: L{None} or a C{list} of the lines of a multiline
+ header while that header is being received.
+ """
+ # NOTE: According to HTTP spec, we're supposed to eat the
+ # 'Proxy-Authenticate' and 'Proxy-Authorization' headers also, but that
+ # doesn't sound like a good idea to me, because it makes it impossible to
+ # have a non-authenticating transparent proxy in front of an authenticating
+ # proxy. An authenticating proxy can eat them itself. -jknight
+ #
+ # Further, quoting
+ # http://homepages.tesco.net/J.deBoynePollard/FGA/web-proxy-connection-header.html
+ # regarding the 'Proxy-Connection' header:
+ #
+ # The Proxy-Connection: header is a mistake in how some web browsers
+ # use HTTP. Its name is the result of a false analogy. It is not a
+ # standard part of the protocol. There is a different standard
+ # protocol mechanism for doing what it does. And its existence
+ # imposes a requirement upon HTTP servers such that no proxy HTTP
+ # server can be standards-conforming in practice.
+ #
+ # -exarkun
+ # Some servers (like http://news.ycombinator.com/) return status lines and
+ # HTTP headers delimited by \n instead of \r\n.
+ delimiter = b"\n"
+ b"content-length",
+ b"connection",
+ b"keep-alive",
+ b"te",
+ b"trailers",
+ b"transfer-encoding",
+ b"upgrade",
+ b"proxy-connection",
+ }
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.headers = Headers()
+ self.connHeaders = Headers()
+ self.state = STATUS
+ self._partialHeader = None
+ def switchToBodyMode(self, decoder):
+ """
+ Switch to body parsing mode - interpret any more bytes delivered as
+ part of the message body and deliver them to the given decoder.
+ """
+ if self.state == BODY:
+ raise RuntimeError("already in body mode")
+ self.bodyDecoder = decoder
+ self.state = BODY
+ self.setRawMode()
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ """
+ Handle one line from a response.
+ """
+ # Handle the normal CR LF case.
+ if line[-1:] == b"\r":
+ line = line[:-1]
+ if self.state == STATUS:
+ self.statusReceived(line)
+ self.state = HEADER
+ elif self.state == HEADER:
+ if not line or line[0] not in b" \t":
+ if self._partialHeader is not None:
+ header = b"".join(self._partialHeader)
+ name, value = header.split(b":", 1)
+ value = value.strip()
+ self.headerReceived(name, value)
+ if not line:
+ # Empty line means the header section is over.
+ self.allHeadersReceived()
+ else:
+ # Line not beginning with LWS is another header.
+ self._partialHeader = [line]
+ else:
+ # A line beginning with LWS is a continuation of a header
+ # begun on a previous line.
+ self._partialHeader.append(line)
+ def rawDataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Pass data from the message body to the body decoder object.
+ """
+ self.bodyDecoder.dataReceived(data)
+ def isConnectionControlHeader(self, name):
+ """
+ Return C{True} if the given lower-cased name is the name of a
+ connection control header (rather than an entity header).
+ According to RFC 2616, section 14.10, the tokens in the Connection
+ header are probably relevant here. However, I am not sure what the
+ practical consequences of either implementing or ignoring that are.
+ So I leave it unimplemented for the time being.
+ """
+ return name in self.CONNECTION_CONTROL_HEADERS
+ def statusReceived(self, status):
+ """
+ Callback invoked whenever the first line of a new message is received.
+ Override this.
+ @param status: The first line of an HTTP request or response message
+ without trailing I{CR LF}.
+ @type status: C{bytes}
+ """
+ def headerReceived(self, name, value):
+ """
+ Store the given header in C{self.headers}.
+ """
+ name = name.lower()
+ if self.isConnectionControlHeader(name):
+ headers = self.connHeaders
+ else:
+ headers = self.headers
+ headers.addRawHeader(name, value)
+ def allHeadersReceived(self):
+ """
+ Callback invoked after the last header is passed to C{headerReceived}.
+ Override this to change to the C{BODY} or C{DONE} state.
+ """
+ self.switchToBodyMode(None)
+class HTTPClientParser(HTTPParser):
+ """
+ An HTTP parser which only handles HTTP responses.
+ @ivar request: The request with which the expected response is associated.
+ @type request: L{Request}
+ @ivar NO_BODY_CODES: A C{set} of response codes which B{MUST NOT} have a
+ body.
+ @ivar finisher: A callable to invoke when this response is fully parsed.
+ @ivar _responseDeferred: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with the
+ response when all headers in the response have been received.
+ Thereafter, L{None}.
+ @ivar _everReceivedData: C{True} if any bytes have been received.
+ """
+ _transferDecoders = {
+ b"chunked": _ChunkedTransferDecoder,
+ }
+ bodyDecoder = None
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, request, finisher):
+ self.request = request
+ self.finisher = finisher
+ self._responseDeferred = Deferred()
+ self._everReceivedData = False
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Override so that we know if any response has been received.
+ """
+ self._everReceivedData = True
+ HTTPParser.dataReceived(self, data)
+ def parseVersion(self, strversion):
+ """
+ Parse version strings of the form Protocol '/' Major '.' Minor. E.g.
+ b'HTTP/1.1'. Returns (protocol, major, minor). Will raise ValueError
+ on bad syntax.
+ """
+ try:
+ proto, strnumber = strversion.split(b"/")
+ major, minor = strnumber.split(b".")
+ major, minor = int(major), int(minor)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise BadResponseVersion(str(e), strversion)
+ if major < 0 or minor < 0:
+ raise BadResponseVersion("version may not be negative", strversion)
+ return (proto, major, minor)
+ def statusReceived(self, status):
+ """
+ Parse the status line into its components and create a response object
+ to keep track of this response's state.
+ """
+ parts = status.split(b" ", 2)
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ # Some broken servers omit the required `phrase` portion of
+ # `status-line`. One such server identified as
+ # "cloudflare-nginx". Others fail to identify themselves
+ # entirely. Fill in an empty phrase for such cases.
+ version, codeBytes = parts
+ phrase = b""
+ elif len(parts) == 3:
+ version, codeBytes, phrase = parts
+ else:
+ raise ParseError("wrong number of parts", status)
+ try:
+ statusCode = int(codeBytes)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ParseError("non-integer status code", status)
+ self.response = Response._construct(
+ self.parseVersion(version),
+ statusCode,
+ phrase,
+ self.headers,
+ self.transport,
+ self.request,
+ )
+ def _finished(self, rest):
+ """
+ Called to indicate that an entire response has been received. No more
+ bytes will be interpreted by this L{HTTPClientParser}. Extra bytes are
+ passed up and the state of this L{HTTPClientParser} is set to I{DONE}.
+ @param rest: A C{bytes} giving any extra bytes delivered to this
+ L{HTTPClientParser} which are not part of the response being
+ parsed.
+ """
+ self.state = DONE
+ self.finisher(rest)
+ def isConnectionControlHeader(self, name):
+ """
+ Content-Length in the response to a HEAD request is an entity header,
+ not a connection control header.
+ """
+ if self.request.method == b"HEAD" and name == b"content-length":
+ return False
+ return HTTPParser.isConnectionControlHeader(self, name)
+ def allHeadersReceived(self):
+ """
+ Figure out how long the response body is going to be by examining
+ headers and stuff.
+ """
+ if 100 <= self.response.code < 200:
+ # RFC 7231 Section 6.2 says that if we receive a 1XX status code
+ # and aren't expecting it, we MAY ignore it. That's what we're
+ # going to do. We reset the parser here, but we leave
+ # _everReceivedData in its True state because we have, in fact,
+ # received data.
+ self._log.info(
+ "Ignoring unexpected {code} response", code=self.response.code
+ )
+ self.connectionMade()
+ del self.response
+ return
+ if self.response.code in self.NO_BODY_CODES or self.request.method == b"HEAD":
+ self.response.length = 0
+ # The order of the next two lines might be of interest when adding
+ # support for pipelining.
+ self._finished(self.clearLineBuffer())
+ self.response._bodyDataFinished()
+ else:
+ transferEncodingHeaders = self.connHeaders.getRawHeaders(
+ b"transfer-encoding"
+ )
+ if transferEncodingHeaders:
+ # This could be a KeyError. However, that would mean we do not
+ # know how to decode the response body, so failing the request
+ # is as good a behavior as any. Perhaps someday we will want
+ # to normalize/document/test this specifically, but failing
+ # seems fine to me for now.
+ transferDecoder = self._transferDecoders[
+ transferEncodingHeaders[0].lower()
+ ]
+ # If anyone ever invents a transfer encoding other than
+ # chunked (yea right), and that transfer encoding can predict
+ # the length of the response body, it might be sensible to
+ # allow the transfer decoder to set the response object's
+ # length attribute.
+ else:
+ contentLengthHeaders = self.connHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"content-length")
+ if contentLengthHeaders is None:
+ contentLength = None
+ elif len(contentLengthHeaders) == 1:
+ contentLength = int(contentLengthHeaders[0])
+ self.response.length = contentLength
+ else:
+ # "HTTP Message Splitting" or "HTTP Response Smuggling"
+ # potentially happening. Or it's just a buggy server.
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Too many Content-Length headers; " "response is invalid"
+ )
+ if contentLength == 0:
+ self._finished(self.clearLineBuffer())
+ transferDecoder = None
+ else:
+ transferDecoder = lambda x, y: _IdentityTransferDecoder(
+ contentLength, x, y
+ )
+ if transferDecoder is None:
+ self.response._bodyDataFinished()
+ else:
+ # Make sure as little data as possible from the response body
+ # gets delivered to the response object until the response
+ # object actually indicates it is ready to handle bytes
+ # (probably because an application gave it a way to interpret
+ # them).
+ self.transport.pauseProducing()
+ self.switchToBodyMode(
+ transferDecoder(self.response._bodyDataReceived, self._finished)
+ )
+ # This must be last. If it were first, then application code might
+ # change some state (for example, registering a protocol to receive the
+ # response body). Then the pauseProducing above would be wrong since
+ # the response is ready for bytes and nothing else would ever resume
+ # the transport.
+ self._responseDeferred.callback(self.response)
+ del self._responseDeferred
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ if self.bodyDecoder is not None:
+ try:
+ try:
+ self.bodyDecoder.noMoreData()
+ except PotentialDataLoss:
+ self.response._bodyDataFinished(Failure())
+ except _DataLoss:
+ self.response._bodyDataFinished(
+ Failure(ResponseFailed([reason, Failure()], self.response))
+ )
+ else:
+ self.response._bodyDataFinished()
+ except BaseException:
+ # Handle exceptions from both the except suites and the else
+ # suite. Those functions really shouldn't raise exceptions,
+ # but maybe there's some buggy application code somewhere
+ # making things difficult.
+ self._log.failure("")
+ elif self.state != DONE:
+ if self._everReceivedData:
+ exceptionClass = ResponseFailed
+ else:
+ exceptionClass = ResponseNeverReceived
+ self._responseDeferred.errback(Failure(exceptionClass([reason])))
+ del self._responseDeferred
+_VALID_METHOD = re.compile(
+ rb"\A[%s]+\Z"
+ % (
+ bytes().join(
+ (
+ b"!",
+ b"#",
+ b"$",
+ b"%",
+ b"&",
+ b"'",
+ b"*",
+ b"+",
+ b"-",
+ b".",
+ b"^",
+ b"_",
+ b"`",
+ b"|",
+ b"~",
+ b"\x30-\x39",
+ b"\x41-\x5a",
+ b"\x61-\x7A",
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+def _ensureValidMethod(method):
+ """
+ An HTTP method is an HTTP token, which consists of any visible
+ ASCII character that is not a delimiter (i.e. one of
+ C{"(),/:;<=>?@[\\]{}}.)
+ @param method: the method to check
+ @type method: L{bytes}
+ @return: the method if it is valid
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @raise ValueError: if the method is not valid
+ @see: U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.1.1},
+ U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.6},
+ U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234#appendix-B.1}
+ """
+ if _VALID_METHOD.match(method):
+ return method
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid method {method!r}")
+_VALID_URI = re.compile(rb"\A[\x21-\x7e]+\Z")
+def _ensureValidURI(uri):
+ """
+ A valid URI cannot contain control characters (i.e., characters
+ between 0-32, inclusive and 127) or non-ASCII characters (i.e.,
+ characters with values between 128-255, inclusive).
+ @param uri: the URI to check
+ @type uri: L{bytes}
+ @return: the URI if it is valid
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @raise ValueError: if the URI is not valid
+ @see: U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3},
+ U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#appendix-A},
+ U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234#appendix-B.1}
+ """
+ if _VALID_URI.match(uri):
+ return uri
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid URI {uri!r}")
+class Request:
+ """
+ A L{Request} instance describes an HTTP request to be sent to an HTTP
+ server.
+ @ivar method: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar uri: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar headers: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar bodyProducer: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar persistent: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar _parsedURI: Parsed I{URI} for the request, or L{None}.
+ @type _parsedURI: L{twisted.web.client.URI} or L{None}
+ """
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, method, uri, headers, bodyProducer, persistent=False):
+ """
+ @param method: The HTTP method for this request, ex: b'GET', b'HEAD',
+ b'POST', etc.
+ @type method: L{bytes}
+ @param uri: The relative URI of the resource to request. For example,
+ C{b'/foo/bar?baz=quux'}.
+ @type uri: L{bytes}
+ @param headers: Headers to be sent to the server. It is important to
+ note that this object does not create any implicit headers. So it
+ is up to the HTTP Client to add required headers such as 'Host'.
+ @type headers: L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers}
+ @param bodyProducer: L{None} or an L{IBodyProducer} provider which
+ produces the content body to send to the remote HTTP server.
+ @param persistent: Set to C{True} when you use HTTP persistent
+ connection, defaults to C{False}.
+ @type persistent: L{bool}
+ """
+ self.method = _ensureValidMethod(method)
+ self.uri = _ensureValidURI(uri)
+ self.headers = headers
+ self.bodyProducer = bodyProducer
+ self.persistent = persistent
+ self._parsedURI = None
+ @classmethod
+ def _construct(
+ cls, method, uri, headers, bodyProducer, persistent=False, parsedURI=None
+ ):
+ """
+ Private constructor.
+ @param method: See L{__init__}.
+ @param uri: See L{__init__}.
+ @param headers: See L{__init__}.
+ @param bodyProducer: See L{__init__}.
+ @param persistent: See L{__init__}.
+ @param parsedURI: See L{Request._parsedURI}.
+ @return: L{Request} instance.
+ """
+ request = cls(method, uri, headers, bodyProducer, persistent)
+ request._parsedURI = parsedURI
+ return request
+ @property
+ def absoluteURI(self):
+ """
+ The absolute URI of the request as C{bytes}, or L{None} if the
+ absolute URI cannot be determined.
+ """
+ return getattr(self._parsedURI, "toBytes", lambda: None)()
+ def _writeHeaders(self, transport, TEorCL):
+ hosts = self.headers.getRawHeaders(b"host", ())
+ if len(hosts) != 1:
+ raise BadHeaders("Exactly one Host header required")
+ # In the future, having the protocol version be a parameter to this
+ # method would probably be good. It would be nice if this method
+ # weren't limited to issuing HTTP/1.1 requests.
+ requestLines = []
+ requestLines.append(
+ b" ".join(
+ [
+ _ensureValidMethod(self.method),
+ _ensureValidURI(self.uri),
+ b"HTTP/1.1\r\n",
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ if not self.persistent:
+ requestLines.append(b"Connection: close\r\n")
+ if TEorCL is not None:
+ requestLines.append(TEorCL)
+ for name, values in self.headers.getAllRawHeaders():
+ requestLines.extend([name + b": " + v + b"\r\n" for v in values])
+ requestLines.append(b"\r\n")
+ transport.writeSequence(requestLines)
+ def _writeToBodyProducerChunked(self, transport):
+ """
+ Write this request to the given transport using chunked
+ transfer-encoding to frame the body.
+ @param transport: See L{writeTo}.
+ @return: See L{writeTo}.
+ """
+ self._writeHeaders(transport, b"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n")
+ encoder = ChunkedEncoder(transport)
+ encoder.registerProducer(self.bodyProducer, True)
+ d = self.bodyProducer.startProducing(encoder)
+ def cbProduced(ignored):
+ encoder.unregisterProducer()
+ def ebProduced(err):
+ encoder._allowNoMoreWrites()
+ # Don't call the encoder's unregisterProducer because it will write
+ # a zero-length chunk. This would indicate to the server that the
+ # request body is complete. There was an error, though, so we
+ # don't want to do that.
+ transport.unregisterProducer()
+ return err
+ d.addCallbacks(cbProduced, ebProduced)
+ return d
+ def _writeToBodyProducerContentLength(self, transport):
+ """
+ Write this request to the given transport using content-length to frame
+ the body.
+ @param transport: See L{writeTo}.
+ @return: See L{writeTo}.
+ """
+ self._writeHeaders(
+ transport,
+ networkString("Content-Length: %d\r\n" % (self.bodyProducer.length,)),
+ )
+ # This Deferred is used to signal an error in the data written to the
+ # encoder below. It can only errback and it will only do so before too
+ # many bytes have been written to the encoder and before the producer
+ # Deferred fires.
+ finishedConsuming = Deferred()
+ # This makes sure the producer writes the correct number of bytes for
+ # the request body.
+ encoder = LengthEnforcingConsumer(
+ self.bodyProducer, transport, finishedConsuming
+ )
+ transport.registerProducer(self.bodyProducer, True)
+ finishedProducing = self.bodyProducer.startProducing(encoder)
+ def combine(consuming, producing):
+ # This Deferred is returned and will be fired when the first of
+ # consuming or producing fires. If it's cancelled, forward that
+ # cancellation to the producer.
+ def cancelConsuming(ign):
+ finishedProducing.cancel()
+ ultimate = Deferred(cancelConsuming)
+ # Keep track of what has happened so far. This initially
+ # contains None, then an integer uniquely identifying what
+ # sequence of events happened. See the callbacks and errbacks
+ # defined below for the meaning of each value.
+ state = [None]
+ def ebConsuming(err):
+ if state == [None]:
+ # The consuming Deferred failed first. This means the
+ # overall writeTo Deferred is going to errback now. The
+ # producing Deferred should not fire later (because the
+ # consumer should have called stopProducing on the
+ # producer), but if it does, a callback will be ignored
+ # and an errback will be logged.
+ state[0] = 1
+ ultimate.errback(err)
+ else:
+ # The consuming Deferred errbacked after the producing
+ # Deferred fired. This really shouldn't ever happen.
+ # If it does, I goofed. Log the error anyway, just so
+ # there's a chance someone might notice and complain.
+ self._log.failure(
+ "Buggy state machine in {request}/[{state}]: "
+ "ebConsuming called",
+ failure=err,
+ request=repr(self),
+ state=state[0],
+ )
+ def cbProducing(result):
+ if state == [None]:
+ # The producing Deferred succeeded first. Nothing will
+ # ever happen to the consuming Deferred. Tell the
+ # encoder we're done so it can check what the producer
+ # wrote and make sure it was right.
+ state[0] = 2
+ try:
+ encoder._noMoreWritesExpected()
+ except BaseException:
+ # Fail the overall writeTo Deferred - something the
+ # producer did was wrong.
+ ultimate.errback()
+ else:
+ # Success - succeed the overall writeTo Deferred.
+ ultimate.callback(None)
+ # Otherwise, the consuming Deferred already errbacked. The
+ # producing Deferred wasn't supposed to fire, but it did
+ # anyway. It's buggy, but there's not really anything to be
+ # done about it. Just ignore this result.
+ def ebProducing(err):
+ if state == [None]:
+ # The producing Deferred failed first. This means the
+ # overall writeTo Deferred is going to errback now.
+ # Tell the encoder that we're done so it knows to reject
+ # further writes from the producer (which should not
+ # happen, but the producer may be buggy).
+ state[0] = 3
+ encoder._allowNoMoreWrites()
+ ultimate.errback(err)
+ else:
+ # The producing Deferred failed after the consuming
+ # Deferred failed. It shouldn't have, so it's buggy.
+ # Log the exception in case anyone who can fix the code
+ # is watching.
+ self._log.failure("Producer is buggy", failure=err)
+ consuming.addErrback(ebConsuming)
+ producing.addCallbacks(cbProducing, ebProducing)
+ return ultimate
+ d = combine(finishedConsuming, finishedProducing)
+ def f(passthrough):
+ # Regardless of what happens with the overall Deferred, once it
+ # fires, the producer registered way up above the definition of
+ # combine should be unregistered.
+ transport.unregisterProducer()
+ return passthrough
+ d.addBoth(f)
+ return d
+ def _writeToEmptyBodyContentLength(self, transport):
+ """
+ Write this request to the given transport using content-length to frame
+ the (empty) body.
+ @param transport: See L{writeTo}.
+ @return: See L{writeTo}.
+ """
+ self._writeHeaders(transport, b"Content-Length: 0\r\n")
+ return succeed(None)
+ def writeTo(self, transport):
+ """
+ Format this L{Request} as an HTTP/1.1 request and write it to the given
+ transport. If bodyProducer is not None, it will be associated with an
+ L{IConsumer}.
+ @param transport: The transport to which to write.
+ @type transport: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.ITransport} provider
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with L{None} when the request has
+ been completely written to the transport or with a L{Failure} if
+ there is any problem generating the request bytes.
+ """
+ if self.bodyProducer is None:
+ # If the method semantics anticipate a body, include a
+ # Content-Length even if it is 0.
+ # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2
+ if self.method in (b"PUT", b"POST"):
+ self._writeToEmptyBodyContentLength(transport)
+ else:
+ self._writeHeaders(transport, None)
+ elif self.bodyProducer.length is UNKNOWN_LENGTH:
+ return self._writeToBodyProducerChunked(transport)
+ else:
+ return self._writeToBodyProducerContentLength(transport)
+ def stopWriting(self):
+ """
+ Stop writing this request to the transport. This can only be called
+ after C{writeTo} and before the L{Deferred} returned by C{writeTo}
+ fires. It should cancel any asynchronous task started by C{writeTo}.
+ The L{Deferred} returned by C{writeTo} need not be fired if this method
+ is called.
+ """
+ # If bodyProducer is None, then the Deferred returned by writeTo has
+ # fired already and this method cannot be called.
+ _callAppFunction(self.bodyProducer.stopProducing)
+class LengthEnforcingConsumer:
+ """
+ An L{IConsumer} proxy which enforces an exact length requirement on the
+ total data written to it.
+ @ivar _length: The number of bytes remaining to be written.
+ @ivar _producer: The L{IBodyProducer} which is writing to this
+ consumer.
+ @ivar _consumer: The consumer to which at most C{_length} bytes will be
+ forwarded.
+ @ivar _finished: A L{Deferred} which will be fired with a L{Failure} if too
+ many bytes are written to this consumer.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, producer, consumer, finished):
+ self._length = producer.length
+ self._producer = producer
+ self._consumer = consumer
+ self._finished = finished
+ def _allowNoMoreWrites(self):
+ """
+ Indicate that no additional writes are allowed. Attempts to write
+ after calling this method will be met with an exception.
+ """
+ self._finished = None
+ def write(self, bytes):
+ """
+ Write C{bytes} to the underlying consumer unless
+ C{_noMoreWritesExpected} has been called or there are/have been too
+ many bytes.
+ """
+ if self._finished is None:
+ # No writes are supposed to happen any more. Try to convince the
+ # calling code to stop calling this method by calling its
+ # stopProducing method and then throwing an exception at it. This
+ # exception isn't documented as part of the API because you're
+ # never supposed to expect it: only buggy code will ever receive
+ # it.
+ self._producer.stopProducing()
+ raise ExcessWrite()
+ if len(bytes) <= self._length:
+ self._length -= len(bytes)
+ self._consumer.write(bytes)
+ else:
+ # No synchronous exception is raised in *this* error path because
+ # we still have _finished which we can use to report the error to a
+ # better place than the direct caller of this method (some
+ # arbitrary application code).
+ _callAppFunction(self._producer.stopProducing)
+ self._finished.errback(WrongBodyLength("too many bytes written"))
+ self._allowNoMoreWrites()
+ def _noMoreWritesExpected(self):
+ """
+ Called to indicate no more bytes will be written to this consumer.
+ Check to see that the correct number have been written.
+ @raise WrongBodyLength: If not enough bytes have been written.
+ """
+ if self._finished is not None:
+ self._allowNoMoreWrites()
+ if self._length:
+ raise WrongBodyLength("too few bytes written")
+def makeStatefulDispatcher(name, template):
+ """
+ Given a I{dispatch} name and a function, return a function which can be
+ used as a method and which, when called, will call another method defined
+ on the instance and return the result. The other method which is called is
+ determined by the value of the C{_state} attribute of the instance.
+ @param name: A string which is used to construct the name of the subsidiary
+ method to invoke. The subsidiary method is named like C{'_%s_%s' %
+ (name, _state)}.
+ @param template: A function object which is used to give the returned
+ function a docstring.
+ @return: The dispatcher function.
+ """
+ def dispatcher(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ func = getattr(self, "_" + name + "_" + self._state, None)
+ if func is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"{self!r} has no {name} method in state {self._state}")
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ dispatcher.__doc__ = template.__doc__
+ return dispatcher
+# This proxy class is used only in the private constructor of the Response
+# class below, in order to prevent users relying on any property of the
+# concrete request object: they can only use what is provided by
+# IClientRequest.
+_ClientRequestProxy = proxyForInterface(IClientRequest)
+class Response:
+ """
+ A L{Response} instance describes an HTTP response received from an HTTP
+ server.
+ L{Response} should not be subclassed or instantiated.
+ @ivar _transport: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar _bodyProtocol: The L{IProtocol} provider to which the body is
+ delivered. L{None} before one has been registered with
+ C{deliverBody}.
+ @ivar _bodyBuffer: A C{list} of the strings passed to C{bodyDataReceived}
+ before C{deliverBody} is called. L{None} afterwards.
+ @ivar _state: Indicates what state this L{Response} instance is in,
+ particularly with respect to delivering bytes from the response body
+ to an application-supplied protocol object. This may be one of
+ with the following meanings:
+ - INITIAL: This is the state L{Response} objects start in. No
+ protocol has yet been provided and the underlying transport may
+ still have bytes to deliver to it.
+ - DEFERRED_CLOSE: If the underlying transport indicates all bytes
+ have been delivered but no application-provided protocol is yet
+ available, the L{Response} moves to this state. Data is
+ buffered and waiting for a protocol to be delivered to.
+ - CONNECTED: If a protocol is provided when the state is INITIAL,
+ the L{Response} moves to this state. Any buffered data is
+ delivered and any data which arrives from the transport
+ subsequently is given directly to the protocol.
+ - FINISHED: If a protocol is provided in the DEFERRED_CLOSE state,
+ the L{Response} moves to this state after delivering all
+ buffered data to the protocol. Otherwise, if the L{Response} is
+ in the CONNECTED state, if the transport indicates there is no
+ more data, the L{Response} moves to this state. Nothing else
+ can happen once the L{Response} is in this state.
+ @type _state: C{str}
+ """
+ _bodyProtocol = None
+ _bodyFinished = False
+ def __init__(self, version, code, phrase, headers, _transport):
+ """
+ @param version: HTTP version components protocol, major, minor. E.g.
+ C{(b'HTTP', 1, 1)} to mean C{b'HTTP/1.1'}.
+ @param code: HTTP status code.
+ @type code: L{int}
+ @param phrase: HTTP reason phrase, intended to give a short description
+ of the HTTP status code.
+ @param headers: HTTP response headers.
+ @type headers: L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers}
+ @param _transport: The transport which is delivering this response.
+ """
+ self.version = version
+ self.code = code
+ self.phrase = phrase
+ self.headers = headers
+ self._transport = _transport
+ self._bodyBuffer = []
+ self._state = "INITIAL"
+ self.request = None
+ self.previousResponse = None
+ @classmethod
+ def _construct(cls, version, code, phrase, headers, _transport, request):
+ """
+ Private constructor.
+ @param version: See L{__init__}.
+ @param code: See L{__init__}.
+ @param phrase: See L{__init__}.
+ @param headers: See L{__init__}.
+ @param _transport: See L{__init__}.
+ @param request: See L{IResponse.request}.
+ @return: L{Response} instance.
+ """
+ response = Response(version, code, phrase, headers, _transport)
+ response.request = _ClientRequestProxy(request)
+ return response
+ def setPreviousResponse(self, previousResponse):
+ self.previousResponse = previousResponse
+ def deliverBody(self, protocol):
+ """
+ Dispatch the given L{IProtocol} depending of the current state of the
+ response.
+ """
+ deliverBody = makeStatefulDispatcher("deliverBody", deliverBody)
+ def _deliverBody_INITIAL(self, protocol):
+ """
+ Deliver any buffered data to C{protocol} and prepare to deliver any
+ future data to it. Move to the C{'CONNECTED'} state.
+ """
+ protocol.makeConnection(self._transport)
+ self._bodyProtocol = protocol
+ for data in self._bodyBuffer:
+ self._bodyProtocol.dataReceived(data)
+ self._bodyBuffer = None
+ self._state = "CONNECTED"
+ # Now that there's a protocol to consume the body, resume the
+ # transport. It was previously paused by HTTPClientParser to avoid
+ # reading too much data before it could be handled. We need to do this
+ # after we transition our state as it may recursively lead to more data
+ # being delivered, or even the body completing.
+ self._transport.resumeProducing()
+ def _deliverBody_CONNECTED(self, protocol):
+ """
+ It is invalid to attempt to deliver data to a protocol when it is
+ already being delivered to another protocol.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Response already has protocol %r, cannot deliverBody "
+ "again" % (self._bodyProtocol,)
+ )
+ def _deliverBody_DEFERRED_CLOSE(self, protocol):
+ """
+ Deliver any buffered data to C{protocol} and then disconnect the
+ protocol. Move to the C{'FINISHED'} state.
+ """
+ # Unlike _deliverBody_INITIAL, there is no need to resume the
+ # transport here because all of the response data has been received
+ # already. Some higher level code may want to resume the transport if
+ # that code expects further data to be received over it.
+ protocol.makeConnection(self._transport)
+ for data in self._bodyBuffer:
+ protocol.dataReceived(data)
+ self._bodyBuffer = None
+ protocol.connectionLost(self._reason)
+ self._state = "FINISHED"
+ def _deliverBody_FINISHED(self, protocol):
+ """
+ It is invalid to attempt to deliver data to a protocol after the
+ response body has been delivered to another protocol.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("Response already finished, cannot deliverBody now.")
+ def _bodyDataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Called by HTTPClientParser with chunks of data from the response body.
+ They will be buffered or delivered to the protocol passed to
+ deliverBody.
+ """
+ _bodyDataReceived = makeStatefulDispatcher("bodyDataReceived", _bodyDataReceived)
+ def _bodyDataReceived_INITIAL(self, data):
+ """
+ Buffer any data received for later delivery to a protocol passed to
+ C{deliverBody}.
+ Little or no data should be buffered by this method, since the
+ transport has been paused and will not be resumed until a protocol
+ is supplied.
+ """
+ self._bodyBuffer.append(data)
+ def _bodyDataReceived_CONNECTED(self, data):
+ """
+ Deliver any data received to the protocol to which this L{Response}
+ is connected.
+ """
+ self._bodyProtocol.dataReceived(data)
+ def _bodyDataReceived_DEFERRED_CLOSE(self, data):
+ """
+ It is invalid for data to be delivered after it has been indicated
+ that the response body has been completely delivered.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot receive body data after _bodyDataFinished")
+ def _bodyDataReceived_FINISHED(self, data):
+ """
+ It is invalid for data to be delivered after the response body has
+ been delivered to a protocol.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot receive body data after " "protocol disconnected")
+ def _bodyDataFinished(self, reason=None):
+ """
+ Called by HTTPClientParser when no more body data is available. If the
+ optional reason is supplied, this indicates a problem or potential
+ problem receiving all of the response body.
+ """
+ _bodyDataFinished = makeStatefulDispatcher("bodyDataFinished", _bodyDataFinished)
+ def _bodyDataFinished_INITIAL(self, reason=None):
+ """
+ Move to the C{'DEFERRED_CLOSE'} state to wait for a protocol to
+ which to deliver the response body.
+ """
+ self._state = "DEFERRED_CLOSE"
+ if reason is None:
+ reason = Failure(ResponseDone("Response body fully received"))
+ self._reason = reason
+ def _bodyDataFinished_CONNECTED(self, reason=None):
+ """
+ Disconnect the protocol and move to the C{'FINISHED'} state.
+ """
+ if reason is None:
+ reason = Failure(ResponseDone("Response body fully received"))
+ self._bodyProtocol.connectionLost(reason)
+ self._bodyProtocol = None
+ self._state = "FINISHED"
+ def _bodyDataFinished_DEFERRED_CLOSE(self):
+ """
+ It is invalid to attempt to notify the L{Response} of the end of the
+ response body data more than once.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot finish body data more than once")
+ def _bodyDataFinished_FINISHED(self):
+ """
+ It is invalid to attempt to notify the L{Response} of the end of the
+ response body data more than once.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot finish body data after " "protocol disconnected")
+class ChunkedEncoder:
+ """
+ Helper object which exposes L{IConsumer} on top of L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}
+ for streaming request bodies to the server.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, transport):
+ self.transport = transport
+ def _allowNoMoreWrites(self):
+ """
+ Indicate that no additional writes are allowed. Attempts to write
+ after calling this method will be met with an exception.
+ """
+ self.transport = None
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ """
+ Register the given producer with C{self.transport}.
+ """
+ self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ Write the given request body bytes to the transport using chunked
+ encoding.
+ @type data: C{bytes}
+ """
+ if self.transport is None:
+ raise ExcessWrite()
+ self.transport.writeSequence(
+ (networkString("%x\r\n" % len(data)), data, b"\r\n")
+ )
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ """
+ Indicate that the request body is complete and finish the request.
+ """
+ self.write(b"")
+ self.transport.unregisterProducer()
+ self._allowNoMoreWrites()
+class TransportProxyProducer:
+ """
+ An L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer} implementation which
+ wraps another such thing and proxies calls to it until it is told to stop.
+ @ivar _producer: The wrapped L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer}
+ provider or L{None} after this proxy has been stopped.
+ """
+ # LineReceiver uses this undocumented attribute of transports to decide
+ # when to stop calling lineReceived or rawDataReceived (if it finds it to
+ # be true, it doesn't bother to deliver any more data). Set disconnecting
+ # to False here and never change it to true so that all data is always
+ # delivered to us and so that LineReceiver doesn't fail with an
+ # AttributeError.
+ disconnecting = False
+ def __init__(self, producer):
+ self._producer = producer
+ def stopProxying(self):
+ """
+ Stop forwarding calls of L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer}
+ methods to the underlying L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer}
+ provider.
+ """
+ self._producer = None
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ Proxy the stoppage to the underlying producer, unless this proxy has
+ been stopped.
+ """
+ if self._producer is not None:
+ self._producer.stopProducing()
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ Proxy the resumption to the underlying producer, unless this proxy has
+ been stopped.
+ """
+ if self._producer is not None:
+ self._producer.resumeProducing()
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ Proxy the pause to the underlying producer, unless this proxy has been
+ stopped.
+ """
+ if self._producer is not None:
+ self._producer.pauseProducing()
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ """
+ Proxy the request to lose the connection to the underlying producer,
+ unless this proxy has been stopped.
+ """
+ if self._producer is not None:
+ self._producer.loseConnection()
+class HTTP11ClientProtocol(Protocol):
+ """
+ L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} is an implementation of the HTTP 1.1 client
+ protocol. It supports as few features as possible.
+ @ivar _parser: After a request is issued, the L{HTTPClientParser} to
+ which received data making up the response to that request is
+ delivered.
+ @ivar _finishedRequest: After a request is issued, the L{Deferred} which
+ will fire when a L{Response} object corresponding to that request is
+ available. This allows L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} to fail the request
+ if there is a connection or parsing problem.
+ @ivar _currentRequest: After a request is issued, the L{Request}
+ instance used to make that request. This allows
+ L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} to stop request generation if necessary (for
+ example, if the connection is lost).
+ @ivar _transportProxy: After a request is issued, the
+ L{TransportProxyProducer} to which C{_parser} is connected. This
+ allows C{_parser} to pause and resume the transport in a way which
+ L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} can exert some control over.
+ @ivar _responseDeferred: After a request is issued, the L{Deferred} from
+ C{_parser} which will fire with a L{Response} when one has been
+ received. This is eventually chained with C{_finishedRequest}, but
+ only in certain cases to avoid double firing that Deferred.
+ @ivar _state: Indicates what state this L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} instance
+ is in with respect to transmission of a request and reception of a
+ response. This may be one of the following strings:
+ - QUIESCENT: This is the state L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} instances
+ start in. Nothing is happening: no request is being sent and no
+ response is being received or expected.
+ - TRANSMITTING: When a request is made (via L{request}), the
+ instance moves to this state. L{Request.writeTo} has been used
+ to start to send a request but it has not yet finished.
+ complete response but the request has not yet been fully sent
+ yet. The instance will remain in this state until the request
+ is fully sent.
+ - GENERATION_FAILED: There was an error while the request. The
+ request was not fully sent to the network.
+ - WAITING: The request was fully sent to the network. The
+ instance is now waiting for the response to be fully received.
+ - ABORTING: Application code has requested that the HTTP connection
+ be aborted.
+ - CONNECTION_LOST: The connection has been lost.
+ @type _state: C{str}
+ @ivar _abortDeferreds: A list of C{Deferred} instances that will fire when
+ the connection is lost.
+ """
+ _state = "QUIESCENT"
+ _parser = None
+ _finishedRequest = None
+ _currentRequest = None
+ _transportProxy = None
+ _responseDeferred = None
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, quiescentCallback=lambda c: None):
+ self._quiescentCallback = quiescentCallback
+ self._abortDeferreds = []
+ @property
+ def state(self):
+ return self._state
+ def request(self, request):
+ """
+ Issue C{request} over C{self.transport} and return a L{Deferred} which
+ will fire with a L{Response} instance or an error.
+ @param request: The object defining the parameters of the request to
+ issue.
+ @type request: L{Request}
+ @rtype: L{Deferred}
+ @return: The deferred may errback with L{RequestGenerationFailed} if
+ the request was not fully written to the transport due to a local
+ error. It may errback with L{RequestTransmissionFailed} if it was
+ not fully written to the transport due to a network error. It may
+ errback with L{ResponseFailed} if the request was sent (not
+ necessarily received) but some or all of the response was lost. It
+ may errback with L{RequestNotSent} if it is not possible to send
+ any more requests using this L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}.
+ """
+ if self._state != "QUIESCENT":
+ return fail(RequestNotSent())
+ self._state = "TRANSMITTING"
+ _requestDeferred = maybeDeferred(request.writeTo, self.transport)
+ def cancelRequest(ign):
+ # Explicitly cancel the request's deferred if it's still trying to
+ # write when this request is cancelled.
+ _requestDeferred.cancel()
+ else:
+ self.transport.abortConnection()
+ self._disconnectParser(Failure(CancelledError()))
+ self._finishedRequest = Deferred(cancelRequest)
+ # Keep track of the Request object in case we need to call stopWriting
+ # on it.
+ self._currentRequest = request
+ self._transportProxy = TransportProxyProducer(self.transport)
+ self._parser = HTTPClientParser(request, self._finishResponse)
+ self._parser.makeConnection(self._transportProxy)
+ self._responseDeferred = self._parser._responseDeferred
+ def cbRequestWritten(ignored):
+ if self._state == "TRANSMITTING":
+ self._state = "WAITING"
+ self._responseDeferred.chainDeferred(self._finishedRequest)
+ def ebRequestWriting(err):
+ if self._state == "TRANSMITTING":
+ self._state = "GENERATION_FAILED"
+ self.transport.abortConnection()
+ self._finishedRequest.errback(Failure(RequestGenerationFailed([err])))
+ else:
+ self._log.failure(
+ "Error writing request, but not in valid state "
+ "to finalize request: {state}",
+ failure=err,
+ state=self._state,
+ )
+ _requestDeferred.addCallbacks(cbRequestWritten, ebRequestWriting)
+ return self._finishedRequest
+ def _finishResponse(self, rest):
+ """
+ Called by an L{HTTPClientParser} to indicate that it has parsed a
+ complete response.
+ @param rest: A C{bytes} giving any trailing bytes which were given to
+ the L{HTTPClientParser} which were not part of the response it
+ was parsing.
+ """
+ _finishResponse = makeStatefulDispatcher("finishResponse", _finishResponse)
+ def _finishResponse_WAITING(self, rest):
+ # Currently the rest parameter is ignored. Don't forget to use it if
+ # we ever add support for pipelining. And maybe check what trailers
+ # mean.
+ if self._state == "WAITING":
+ self._state = "QUIESCENT"
+ else:
+ # The server sent the entire response before we could send the
+ # whole request. That sucks. Oh well. Fire the request()
+ # Deferred with the response. But first, make sure that if the
+ # request does ever finish being written that it won't try to fire
+ # that Deferred.
+ self._responseDeferred.chainDeferred(self._finishedRequest)
+ # This will happen if we're being called due to connection being lost;
+ # if so, no need to disconnect parser again, or to call
+ # _quiescentCallback.
+ if self._parser is None:
+ return
+ reason = ConnectionDone("synthetic!")
+ connHeaders = self._parser.connHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"connection", ())
+ if (
+ (b"close" in connHeaders)
+ or self._state != "QUIESCENT"
+ or not self._currentRequest.persistent
+ ):
+ self._giveUp(Failure(reason))
+ else:
+ # Just in case we had paused the transport, resume it before
+ # considering it quiescent again.
+ self.transport.resumeProducing()
+ # We call the quiescent callback first, to ensure connection gets
+ # added back to connection pool before we finish the request.
+ try:
+ self._quiescentCallback(self)
+ except BaseException:
+ # If callback throws exception, just log it and disconnect;
+ # keeping persistent connections around is an optimisation:
+ self._log.failure("")
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self._disconnectParser(reason)
+ _finishResponse_TRANSMITTING = _finishResponse_WAITING
+ def _disconnectParser(self, reason):
+ """
+ If there is still a parser, call its C{connectionLost} method with the
+ given reason. If there is not, do nothing.
+ @type reason: L{Failure}
+ """
+ if self._parser is not None:
+ parser = self._parser
+ self._parser = None
+ self._currentRequest = None
+ self._finishedRequest = None
+ self._responseDeferred = None
+ # The parser is no longer allowed to do anything to the real
+ # transport. Stop proxying from the parser's transport to the real
+ # transport before telling the parser it's done so that it can't do
+ # anything.
+ self._transportProxy.stopProxying()
+ self._transportProxy = None
+ parser.connectionLost(reason)
+ def _giveUp(self, reason):
+ """
+ Lose the underlying connection and disconnect the parser with the given
+ L{Failure}.
+ Use this method instead of calling the transport's loseConnection
+ method directly otherwise random things will break.
+ """
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self._disconnectParser(reason)
+ def dataReceived(self, bytes):
+ """
+ Handle some stuff from some place.
+ """
+ try:
+ self._parser.dataReceived(bytes)
+ except BaseException:
+ self._giveUp(Failure())
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ The underlying transport went away. If appropriate, notify the parser
+ object.
+ """
+ connectionLost = makeStatefulDispatcher("connectionLost", connectionLost)
+ def _connectionLost_QUIESCENT(self, reason):
+ """
+ Nothing is currently happening. Move to the C{'CONNECTION_LOST'}
+ state but otherwise do nothing.
+ """
+ self._state = "CONNECTION_LOST"
+ def _connectionLost_GENERATION_FAILED(self, reason):
+ """
+ The connection was in an inconsistent state. Move to the
+ C{'CONNECTION_LOST'} state but otherwise do nothing.
+ """
+ self._state = "CONNECTION_LOST"
+ def _connectionLost_TRANSMITTING(self, reason):
+ """
+ Fail the L{Deferred} for the current request, notify the request
+ object that it does not need to continue transmitting itself, and
+ move to the C{'CONNECTION_LOST'} state.
+ """
+ self._state = "CONNECTION_LOST"
+ self._finishedRequest.errback(Failure(RequestTransmissionFailed([reason])))
+ del self._finishedRequest
+ # Tell the request that it should stop bothering now.
+ self._currentRequest.stopWriting()
+ def _connectionLost_TRANSMITTING_AFTER_RECEIVING_RESPONSE(self, reason):
+ """
+ Move to the C{'CONNECTION_LOST'} state.
+ """
+ self._state = "CONNECTION_LOST"
+ def _connectionLost_WAITING(self, reason):
+ """
+ Disconnect the response parser so that it can propagate the event as
+ necessary (for example, to call an application protocol's
+ C{connectionLost} method, or to fail a request L{Deferred}) and move
+ to the C{'CONNECTION_LOST'} state.
+ """
+ self._disconnectParser(reason)
+ self._state = "CONNECTION_LOST"
+ def _connectionLost_ABORTING(self, reason):
+ """
+ Disconnect the response parser with a L{ConnectionAborted} failure, and
+ move to the C{'CONNECTION_LOST'} state.
+ """
+ self._disconnectParser(Failure(ConnectionAborted()))
+ self._state = "CONNECTION_LOST"
+ for d in self._abortDeferreds:
+ d.callback(None)
+ self._abortDeferreds = []
+ def abort(self):
+ """
+ Close the connection and cause all outstanding L{request} L{Deferred}s
+ to fire with an error.
+ """
+ if self._state == "CONNECTION_LOST":
+ return succeed(None)
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self._state = "ABORTING"
+ d = Deferred()
+ self._abortDeferreds.append(d)
+ return d
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_responses.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_responses.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b93229350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_responses.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_http -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HTTP response code definitions.
+_CONTINUE = 100
+OK = 200
+CREATED = 201
+FOUND = 302
+SEE_OTHER = 303
+USE_PROXY = 305
+NOT_FOUND = 404
+GONE = 410
+ # 100
+ _CONTINUE: b"Continue",
+ SWITCHING: b"Switching Protocols",
+ # 200
+ OK: b"OK",
+ CREATED: b"Created",
+ ACCEPTED: b"Accepted",
+ NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION: b"Non-Authoritative Information",
+ NO_CONTENT: b"No Content",
+ RESET_CONTENT: b"Reset Content.",
+ PARTIAL_CONTENT: b"Partial Content",
+ MULTI_STATUS: b"Multi-Status",
+ # 300
+ MULTIPLE_CHOICE: b"Multiple Choices",
+ MOVED_PERMANENTLY: b"Moved Permanently",
+ FOUND: b"Found",
+ SEE_OTHER: b"See Other",
+ NOT_MODIFIED: b"Not Modified",
+ USE_PROXY: b"Use Proxy",
+ # 306 not defined??
+ TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: b"Temporary Redirect",
+ PERMANENT_REDIRECT: b"Permanent Redirect",
+ # 400
+ BAD_REQUEST: b"Bad Request",
+ UNAUTHORIZED: b"Unauthorized",
+ PAYMENT_REQUIRED: b"Payment Required",
+ FORBIDDEN: b"Forbidden",
+ NOT_FOUND: b"Not Found",
+ NOT_ALLOWED: b"Method Not Allowed",
+ NOT_ACCEPTABLE: b"Not Acceptable",
+ PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED: b"Proxy Authentication Required",
+ REQUEST_TIMEOUT: b"Request Time-out",
+ CONFLICT: b"Conflict",
+ GONE: b"Gone",
+ LENGTH_REQUIRED: b"Length Required",
+ PRECONDITION_FAILED: b"Precondition Failed",
+ REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: b"Request Entity Too Large",
+ REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: b"Request-URI Too Long",
+ UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: b"Unsupported Media Type",
+ REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: b"Requested Range not satisfiable",
+ EXPECTATION_FAILED: b"Expectation Failed",
+ # 500
+ INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: b"Internal Server Error",
+ NOT_IMPLEMENTED: b"Not Implemented",
+ BAD_GATEWAY: b"Bad Gateway",
+ SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: b"Service Unavailable",
+ GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: b"Gateway Time-out",
+ HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: b"HTTP Version not supported",
+ INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE_SPACE: b"Insufficient Storage Space",
+ NOT_EXTENDED: b"Not Extended",
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88e82d2dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_stan.py
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_stan -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+An s-expression-like syntax for expressing xml in pure python.
+Stan tags allow you to build XML documents using Python.
+Stan is a DOM, or Document Object Model, implemented using basic Python types
+and functions called "flatteners". A flattener is a function that knows how to
+turn an object of a specific type into something that is closer to an HTML
+string. Stan differs from the W3C DOM by not being as cumbersome and heavy
+weight. Since the object model is built using simple python types such as lists,
+strings, and dictionaries, the API is simpler and constructing a DOM less
+@var voidElements: the names of HTML 'U{void
+ elements<http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/syntax.html#void-elements>}';
+ those which can't have contents and can therefore be self-closing in the
+ output.
+from inspect import iscoroutine, isgenerator
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from warnings import warn
+import attr
+ from twisted.web.template import Flattenable
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class slot:
+ """
+ Marker for markup insertion in a template.
+ """
+ name: str
+ """
+ The name of this slot.
+ The key which must be used in L{Tag.fillSlots} to fill it.
+ """
+ children: List["Tag"] = attr.ib(init=False, factory=list)
+ """
+ The L{Tag} objects included in this L{slot}'s template.
+ """
+ default: Optional["Flattenable"] = None
+ """
+ The default contents of this slot, if it is left unfilled.
+ If this is L{None}, an L{UnfilledSlot} will be raised, rather than
+ L{None} actually being used.
+ """
+ filename: Optional[str] = None
+ """
+ The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ lineNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ columnNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class Tag:
+ """
+ A L{Tag} represents an XML tags with a tag name, attributes, and children.
+ A L{Tag} can be constructed using the special L{twisted.web.template.tags}
+ object, or it may be constructed directly with a tag name. L{Tag}s have a
+ special method, C{__call__}, which makes representing trees of XML natural
+ using pure python syntax.
+ """
+ tagName: Union[bytes, str]
+ """
+ The name of the represented element.
+ For a tag like C{<div></div>}, this would be C{"div"}.
+ """
+ attributes: Dict[Union[bytes, str], "Flattenable"] = attr.ib(factory=dict)
+ """The attributes of the element."""
+ children: List["Flattenable"] = attr.ib(factory=list)
+ """The contents of this C{Tag}."""
+ render: Optional[str] = None
+ """
+ The name of the render method to use for this L{Tag}.
+ This name will be looked up at render time by the
+ L{twisted.web.template.Element} doing the rendering,
+ via L{twisted.web.template.Element.lookupRenderMethod},
+ to determine which method to call.
+ """
+ filename: Optional[str] = None
+ """
+ The name of the XML file from which this tag was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ lineNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The line number on which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ columnNumber: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The column number at which this tag was encountered in the XML file
+ from which it was parsed.
+ If it was not parsed from an XML file, L{None}.
+ """
+ slotData: Optional[Dict[str, "Flattenable"]] = attr.ib(init=False, default=None)
+ """
+ The data which can fill slots.
+ If present, a dictionary mapping slot names to renderable values.
+ The values in this dict might be anything that can be present as
+ the child of a L{Tag}: strings, lists, L{Tag}s, generators, etc.
+ """
+ def fillSlots(self, **slots: "Flattenable") -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Remember the slots provided at this position in the DOM.
+ During the rendering of children of this node, slots with names in
+ C{slots} will be rendered as their corresponding values.
+ @return: C{self}. This enables the idiom C{return tag.fillSlots(...)} in
+ renderers.
+ """
+ if self.slotData is None:
+ self.slotData = {}
+ self.slotData.update(slots)
+ return self
+ def __call__(self, *children: "Flattenable", **kw: "Flattenable") -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Add children and change attributes on this tag.
+ This is implemented using __call__ because it then allows the natural
+ syntax::
+ table(tr1, tr2, width="100%", height="50%", border="1")
+ Children may be other tag instances, strings, functions, or any other
+ object which has a registered flatten.
+ Attributes may be 'transparent' tag instances (so that
+ C{a(href=transparent(data="foo", render=myhrefrenderer))} works),
+ strings, functions, or any other object which has a registered
+ flattener.
+ If the attribute is a python keyword, such as 'class', you can add an
+ underscore to the name, like 'class_'.
+ There is one special keyword argument, 'render', which will be used as
+ the name of the renderer and saved as the 'render' attribute of this
+ instance, rather than the DOM 'render' attribute in the attributes
+ dictionary.
+ """
+ self.children.extend(children)
+ for k, v in kw.items():
+ if k[-1] == "_":
+ k = k[:-1]
+ if k == "render":
+ if not isinstance(v, str):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f'Value for "render" attribute must be str, got {v!r}'
+ )
+ self.render = v
+ else:
+ self.attributes[k] = v
+ return self
+ def _clone(self, obj: "Flattenable", deep: bool) -> "Flattenable":
+ """
+ Clone a C{Flattenable} object; used by L{Tag.clone}.
+ Note that both lists and tuples are cloned into lists.
+ @param obj: an object with a clone method, a list or tuple, or something
+ which should be immutable.
+ @param deep: whether to continue cloning child objects; i.e. the
+ contents of lists, the sub-tags within a tag.
+ @return: a clone of C{obj}.
+ """
+ if hasattr(obj, "clone"):
+ return obj.clone(deep)
+ elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+ return [self._clone(x, deep) for x in obj]
+ elif isgenerator(obj):
+ warn(
+ "Cloning a Tag which contains a generator is unsafe, "
+ "since the generator can be consumed only once; "
+ "this is deprecated since Twisted 21.7.0 and will raise "
+ "an exception in the future",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ )
+ return obj
+ elif iscoroutine(obj):
+ warn(
+ "Cloning a Tag which contains a coroutine is unsafe, "
+ "since the coroutine can run only once; "
+ "this is deprecated since Twisted 21.7.0 and will raise "
+ "an exception in the future",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ )
+ return obj
+ else:
+ return obj
+ def clone(self, deep: bool = True) -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Return a clone of this tag. If deep is True, clone all of this tag's
+ children. Otherwise, just shallow copy the children list without copying
+ the children themselves.
+ """
+ if deep:
+ newchildren = [self._clone(x, True) for x in self.children]
+ else:
+ newchildren = self.children[:]
+ newattrs = self.attributes.copy()
+ for key in newattrs.keys():
+ newattrs[key] = self._clone(newattrs[key], True)
+ newslotdata = None
+ if self.slotData:
+ newslotdata = self.slotData.copy()
+ for key in newslotdata:
+ newslotdata[key] = self._clone(newslotdata[key], True)
+ newtag = Tag(
+ self.tagName,
+ attributes=newattrs,
+ children=newchildren,
+ render=self.render,
+ filename=self.filename,
+ lineNumber=self.lineNumber,
+ columnNumber=self.columnNumber,
+ )
+ newtag.slotData = newslotdata
+ return newtag
+ def clear(self) -> "Tag":
+ """
+ Clear any existing children from this tag.
+ """
+ self.children = []
+ return self
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ rstr = ""
+ if self.attributes:
+ rstr += ", attributes=%r" % self.attributes
+ if self.children:
+ rstr += ", children=%r" % self.children
+ return f"Tag({self.tagName!r}{rstr})"
+voidElements = (
+ "img",
+ "br",
+ "hr",
+ "base",
+ "meta",
+ "link",
+ "param",
+ "area",
+ "input",
+ "col",
+ "basefont",
+ "isindex",
+ "frame",
+ "command",
+ "embed",
+ "keygen",
+ "source",
+ "track",
+ "wbs",
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class CDATA:
+ """
+ A C{<![CDATA[]]>} block from a template. Given a separate representation in
+ the DOM so that they may be round-tripped through rendering without losing
+ information.
+ """
+ data: str
+ """The data between "C{<![CDATA[}" and "C{]]>}"."""
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"CDATA({self.data!r})"
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class Comment:
+ """
+ A C{<!-- -->} comment from a template. Given a separate representation in
+ the DOM so that they may be round-tripped through rendering without losing
+ information.
+ """
+ data: str
+ """The data between "C{<!--}" and "C{-->}"."""
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"Comment({self.data!r})"
+@attr.s(hash=False, eq=False, repr=False, auto_attribs=True)
+class CharRef:
+ """
+ A numeric character reference. Given a separate representation in the DOM
+ so that non-ASCII characters may be output as pure ASCII.
+ @since: 12.0
+ """
+ ordinal: int
+ """The ordinal value of the unicode character to which this object refers."""
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "CharRef(%d)" % (self.ordinal,)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_template_util.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_template_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a9f7f2100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_template_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+twisted.web.util and twisted.web.template merged to avoid cyclic deps
+import io
+import linecache
+import warnings
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from html import escape
+from typing import (
+ IO,
+ Any,
+ AnyStr,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ List,
+ Mapping,
+ Optional,
+ Tuple,
+ Union,
+ cast,
+from xml.sax import handler, make_parser
+from xml.sax.xmlreader import Locator
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.python import urlpath
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+from twisted.python.reflect import fullyQualifiedName
+from twisted.web import resource
+from twisted.web._element import Element, renderer
+from twisted.web._flatten import Flattenable, flatten, flattenString
+from twisted.web._stan import CDATA, Comment, Tag, slot
+from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable, IRequest, ITemplateLoader
+def _PRE(text):
+ """
+ Wraps <pre> tags around some text and HTML-escape it.
+ This is here since once twisted.web.html was deprecated it was hard to
+ migrate the html.PRE from current code to twisted.web.template.
+ For new code consider using twisted.web.template.
+ @return: Escaped text wrapped in <pre> tags.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ """
+ return f"<pre>{escape(text)}</pre>"
+def redirectTo(URL: bytes, request: IRequest) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Generate a redirect to the given location.
+ @param URL: A L{bytes} giving the location to which to redirect.
+ @param request: The request object to use to generate the redirect.
+ @type request: L{IRequest<twisted.web.iweb.IRequest>} provider
+ @raise TypeError: If the type of C{URL} a L{str} instead of L{bytes}.
+ @return: A L{bytes} containing HTML which tries to convince the client
+ agent
+ to visit the new location even if it doesn't respect the I{FOUND}
+ response code. This is intended to be returned from a render method,
+ eg::
+ def render_GET(self, request):
+ return redirectTo(b"http://example.com/", request)
+ """
+ if not isinstance(URL, bytes):
+ raise TypeError("URL must be bytes")
+ request.setHeader(b"Content-Type", b"text/html; charset=utf-8")
+ request.redirect(URL)
+ # FIXME: The URL should be HTML-escaped.
+ # https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/9839
+ content = b"""
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=%(url)s\">
+ </head>
+ <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\">
+ <a href=\"%(url)s\">click here</a>
+ </body>
+""" % {
+ b"url": URL
+ }
+ return content
+class Redirect(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ Resource that redirects to a specific URL.
+ @ivar url: Redirect target URL to put in the I{Location} response header.
+ @type url: L{bytes}
+ """
+ isLeaf = True
+ def __init__(self, url: bytes):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.url = url
+ def render(self, request):
+ return redirectTo(self.url, request)
+ def getChild(self, name, request):
+ return self
+# FIXME: This is totally broken, see https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/9838
+class ChildRedirector(Redirect):
+ isLeaf = False
+ def __init__(self, url):
+ # XXX is this enough?
+ if (
+ (url.find("://") == -1)
+ and (not url.startswith(".."))
+ and (not url.startswith("/"))
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ (
+ "It seems you've given me a redirect (%s) that is a child of"
+ " myself! That's not good, it'll cause an infinite redirect."
+ )
+ % url
+ )
+ Redirect.__init__(self, url)
+ def getChild(self, name, request):
+ newUrl = self.url
+ if not newUrl.endswith("/"):
+ newUrl += "/"
+ newUrl += name
+ return ChildRedirector(newUrl)
+class ParentRedirect(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ Redirect to the nearest directory and strip any query string.
+ This generates redirects like::
+ / \u2192 /
+ /foo \u2192 /
+ /foo?bar \u2192 /
+ /foo/ \u2192 /foo/
+ /foo/bar \u2192 /foo/
+ /foo/bar?baz \u2192 /foo/
+ However, the generated I{Location} header contains an absolute URL rather
+ than a path.
+ The response is the same regardless of HTTP method.
+ """
+ isLeaf = 1
+ def render(self, request: IRequest) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Respond to all requests by redirecting to nearest directory.
+ """
+ here = str(urlpath.URLPath.fromRequest(request).here()).encode("ascii")
+ return redirectTo(here, request)
+class DeferredResource(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ I wrap up a Deferred that will eventually result in a Resource
+ object.
+ """
+ isLeaf = 1
+ def __init__(self, d):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.d = d
+ def getChild(self, name, request):
+ return self
+ def render(self, request):
+ self.d.addCallback(self._cbChild, request).addErrback(self._ebChild, request)
+ from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
+ return NOT_DONE_YET
+ def _cbChild(self, child, request):
+ request.render(resource.getChildForRequest(child, request))
+ def _ebChild(self, reason, request):
+ request.processingFailed(reason)
+class _SourceLineElement(Element):
+ """
+ L{_SourceLineElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render a single line of
+ source code.
+ @ivar number: A C{int} giving the line number of the source code to be
+ rendered.
+ @ivar source: A C{str} giving the source code to be rendered.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, loader, number, source):
+ Element.__init__(self, loader)
+ self.number = number
+ self.source = source
+ @renderer
+ def sourceLine(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the line of source as a child of C{tag}.
+ """
+ return tag(self.source.replace(" ", " \N{NO-BREAK SPACE}"))
+ @renderer
+ def lineNumber(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the line number as a child of C{tag}.
+ """
+ return tag(str(self.number))
+class _SourceFragmentElement(Element):
+ """
+ L{_SourceFragmentElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render several lines
+ of source code near the line number of a particular frame object.
+ @ivar frame: A L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}-style frame object
+ for which to load a source line to render. This is really a tuple
+ holding some information from a frame object. See
+ L{Failure.frames<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} for specifics.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, loader, frame):
+ Element.__init__(self, loader)
+ self.frame = frame
+ def _getSourceLines(self):
+ """
+ Find the source line references by C{self.frame} and yield, in source
+ line order, it and the previous and following lines.
+ @return: A generator which yields two-tuples. Each tuple gives a source
+ line number and the contents of that source line.
+ """
+ filename = self.frame[1]
+ lineNumber = self.frame[2]
+ for snipLineNumber in range(lineNumber - 1, lineNumber + 2):
+ yield (snipLineNumber, linecache.getline(filename, snipLineNumber).rstrip())
+ @renderer
+ def sourceLines(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the source line indicated by C{self.frame} and several
+ surrounding lines. The active line will be given a I{class} of
+ C{"snippetHighlightLine"}. Other lines will be given a I{class} of
+ C{"snippetLine"}.
+ """
+ for lineNumber, sourceLine in self._getSourceLines():
+ newTag = tag.clone()
+ if lineNumber == self.frame[2]:
+ cssClass = "snippetHighlightLine"
+ else:
+ cssClass = "snippetLine"
+ loader = TagLoader(newTag(**{"class": cssClass}))
+ yield _SourceLineElement(loader, lineNumber, sourceLine)
+class _FrameElement(Element):
+ """
+ L{_FrameElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render details about one
+ frame from a L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}.
+ @ivar frame: A L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}-style frame object
+ for which to load a source line to render. This is really a tuple
+ holding some information from a frame object. See
+ L{Failure.frames<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} for specifics.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, loader, frame):
+ Element.__init__(self, loader)
+ self.frame = frame
+ @renderer
+ def filename(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the name of the file this frame references as a child of C{tag}.
+ """
+ return tag(self.frame[1])
+ @renderer
+ def lineNumber(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the source line number this frame references as a child of
+ C{tag}.
+ """
+ return tag(str(self.frame[2]))
+ @renderer
+ def function(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the function name this frame references as a child of C{tag}.
+ """
+ return tag(self.frame[0])
+ @renderer
+ def source(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the source code surrounding the line this frame references,
+ replacing C{tag}.
+ """
+ return _SourceFragmentElement(TagLoader(tag), self.frame)
+class _StackElement(Element):
+ """
+ L{_StackElement} renders an L{IRenderable} which can render a list of frames.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, loader, stackFrames):
+ Element.__init__(self, loader)
+ self.stackFrames = stackFrames
+ @renderer
+ def frames(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the list of frames in this L{_StackElement}, replacing C{tag}.
+ """
+ return [
+ _FrameElement(TagLoader(tag.clone()), frame) for frame in self.stackFrames
+ ]
+class _NSContext:
+ """
+ A mapping from XML namespaces onto their prefixes in the document.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent: Optional["_NSContext"] = None):
+ """
+ Pull out the parent's namespaces, if there's no parent then default to
+ XML.
+ """
+ self.parent = parent
+ if parent is not None:
+ self.nss: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]] = OrderedDict(parent.nss)
+ else:
+ self.nss = {"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace": "xml"}
+ def get(self, k: Optional[str], d: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
+ """
+ Get a prefix for a namespace.
+ @param d: The default prefix value.
+ """
+ return self.nss.get(k, d)
+ def __setitem__(self, k: Optional[str], v: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ """
+ Proxy through to setting the prefix for the namespace.
+ """
+ self.nss.__setitem__(k, v)
+ def __getitem__(self, k: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+ """
+ Proxy through to getting the prefix for the namespace.
+ """
+ return self.nss.__getitem__(k)
+TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE = "http://twistedmatrix.com/ns/twisted.web.template/0.1"
+class _ToStan(handler.ContentHandler, handler.EntityResolver):
+ """
+ A SAX parser which converts an XML document to the Twisted STAN
+ Document Object Model.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sourceFilename: Optional[str]):
+ """
+ @param sourceFilename: the filename the XML was loaded out of.
+ """
+ self.sourceFilename = sourceFilename
+ self.prefixMap = _NSContext()
+ self.inCDATA = False
+ def setDocumentLocator(self, locator: Locator) -> None:
+ """
+ Set the document locator, which knows about line and character numbers.
+ """
+ self.locator = locator
+ def startDocument(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Initialise the document.
+ """
+ # Depending on our active context, the element type can be Tag, slot
+ # or str. Since mypy doesn't understand that context, it would be
+ # a pain to not use Any here.
+ self.document: List[Any] = []
+ self.current = self.document
+ self.stack: List[Any] = []
+ self.xmlnsAttrs: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ def endDocument(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Document ended.
+ """
+ def processingInstruction(self, target: str, data: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Processing instructions are ignored.
+ """
+ def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix: Optional[str], uri: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Set up the prefix mapping, which maps fully qualified namespace URIs
+ onto namespace prefixes.
+ This gets called before startElementNS whenever an C{xmlns} attribute
+ is seen.
+ """
+ self.prefixMap = _NSContext(self.prefixMap)
+ self.prefixMap[uri] = prefix
+ # Ignore the template namespace; we'll replace those during parsing.
+ return
+ # Add to a list that will be applied once we have the element.
+ if prefix is None:
+ self.xmlnsAttrs.append(("xmlns", uri))
+ else:
+ self.xmlnsAttrs.append(("xmlns:%s" % prefix, uri))
+ def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ """
+ "Pops the stack" on the prefix mapping.
+ Gets called after endElementNS.
+ """
+ parent = self.prefixMap.parent
+ assert parent is not None, "More prefix mapping ends than starts"
+ self.prefixMap = parent
+ def startElementNS(
+ self,
+ namespaceAndName: Tuple[str, str],
+ qname: Optional[str],
+ attrs: Mapping[Tuple[Optional[str], str], str],
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Gets called when we encounter a new xmlns attribute.
+ @param namespaceAndName: a (namespace, name) tuple, where name
+ determines which type of action to take, if the namespace matches
+ @param qname: ignored.
+ @param attrs: attributes on the element being started.
+ """
+ filename = self.sourceFilename
+ lineNumber = self.locator.getLineNumber()
+ columnNumber = self.locator.getColumnNumber()
+ ns, name = namespaceAndName
+ if name == "transparent":
+ name = ""
+ elif name == "slot":
+ default: Optional[str]
+ try:
+ # Try to get the default value for the slot
+ default = attrs[(None, "default")]
+ except KeyError:
+ # If there wasn't one, then use None to indicate no
+ # default.
+ default = None
+ sl = slot(
+ attrs[(None, "name")],
+ default=default,
+ filename=filename,
+ lineNumber=lineNumber,
+ columnNumber=columnNumber,
+ )
+ self.stack.append(sl)
+ self.current.append(sl)
+ self.current = sl.children
+ return
+ render = None
+ attrs = OrderedDict(attrs)
+ for k, v in list(attrs.items()):
+ attrNS, justTheName = k
+ continue
+ if justTheName == "render":
+ render = v
+ del attrs[k]
+ # nonTemplateAttrs is a dictionary mapping attributes that are *not* in
+ # TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE to their values. Those in TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE were
+ # just removed from 'attrs' in the loop immediately above. The key in
+ # nonTemplateAttrs is either simply the attribute name (if it was not
+ # specified as having a namespace in the template) or prefix:name,
+ # preserving the xml namespace prefix given in the document.
+ nonTemplateAttrs = OrderedDict()
+ for (attrNs, attrName), v in attrs.items():
+ nsPrefix = self.prefixMap.get(attrNs)
+ if nsPrefix is None:
+ attrKey = attrName
+ else:
+ attrKey = f"{nsPrefix}:{attrName}"
+ nonTemplateAttrs[attrKey] = v
+ if ns == TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE and name == "attr":
+ if not self.stack:
+ # TODO: define a better exception for this?
+ raise AssertionError(
+ f"<{{{TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE}}}attr> as top-level element"
+ )
+ if "name" not in nonTemplateAttrs:
+ # TODO: same here
+ raise AssertionError(
+ f"<{{{TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE}}}attr> requires a name attribute"
+ )
+ el = Tag(
+ "",
+ render=render,
+ filename=filename,
+ lineNumber=lineNumber,
+ columnNumber=columnNumber,
+ )
+ self.stack[-1].attributes[nonTemplateAttrs["name"]] = el
+ self.stack.append(el)
+ self.current = el.children
+ return
+ # Apply any xmlns attributes
+ if self.xmlnsAttrs:
+ nonTemplateAttrs.update(OrderedDict(self.xmlnsAttrs))
+ self.xmlnsAttrs = []
+ # Add the prefix that was used in the parsed template for non-template
+ # namespaces (which will not be consumed anyway).
+ if ns != TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE and ns is not None:
+ prefix = self.prefixMap[ns]
+ if prefix is not None:
+ name = f"{self.prefixMap[ns]}:{name}"
+ el = Tag(
+ name,
+ attributes=OrderedDict(
+ cast(Mapping[Union[bytes, str], str], nonTemplateAttrs)
+ ),
+ render=render,
+ filename=filename,
+ lineNumber=lineNumber,
+ columnNumber=columnNumber,
+ )
+ self.stack.append(el)
+ self.current.append(el)
+ self.current = el.children
+ def characters(self, ch: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Called when we receive some characters. CDATA characters get passed
+ through as is.
+ """
+ if self.inCDATA:
+ self.stack[-1].append(ch)
+ return
+ self.current.append(ch)
+ def endElementNS(self, name: Tuple[str, str], qname: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ """
+ A namespace tag is closed. Pop the stack, if there's anything left in
+ it, otherwise return to the document's namespace.
+ """
+ self.stack.pop()
+ if self.stack:
+ self.current = self.stack[-1].children
+ else:
+ self.current = self.document
+ def startDTD(self, name: str, publicId: str, systemId: str) -> None:
+ """
+ DTDs are ignored.
+ """
+ def endDTD(self, *args: object) -> None:
+ """
+ DTDs are ignored.
+ """
+ def startCDATA(self) -> None:
+ """
+ We're starting to be in a CDATA element, make a note of this.
+ """
+ self.inCDATA = True
+ self.stack.append([])
+ def endCDATA(self) -> None:
+ """
+ We're no longer in a CDATA element. Collect up the characters we've
+ parsed and put them in a new CDATA object.
+ """
+ self.inCDATA = False
+ comment = "".join(self.stack.pop())
+ self.current.append(CDATA(comment))
+ def comment(self, content: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Add an XML comment which we've encountered.
+ """
+ self.current.append(Comment(content))
+def _flatsaxParse(fl: Union[IO[AnyStr], str]) -> List["Flattenable"]:
+ """
+ Perform a SAX parse of an XML document with the _ToStan class.
+ @param fl: The XML document to be parsed.
+ @return: a C{list} of Stan objects.
+ """
+ parser = make_parser()
+ parser.setFeature(handler.feature_validation, 0)
+ parser.setFeature(handler.feature_namespaces, 1)
+ parser.setFeature(handler.feature_external_ges, 0)
+ parser.setFeature(handler.feature_external_pes, 0)
+ s = _ToStan(getattr(fl, "name", None))
+ parser.setContentHandler(s)
+ parser.setEntityResolver(s)
+ parser.setProperty(handler.property_lexical_handler, s)
+ parser.parse(fl)
+ return s.document
+class XMLString:
+ """
+ An L{ITemplateLoader} that loads and parses XML from a string.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, s: Union[str, bytes]):
+ """
+ Run the parser on a L{io.StringIO} copy of the string.
+ @param s: The string from which to load the XML.
+ @type s: L{str}, or a UTF-8 encoded L{bytes}.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ s = s.decode("utf8")
+ self._loadedTemplate: List["Flattenable"] = _flatsaxParse(io.StringIO(s))
+ """The loaded document."""
+ def load(self) -> List["Flattenable"]:
+ """
+ Return the document.
+ @return: the loaded document.
+ """
+ return self._loadedTemplate
+class FailureElement(Element):
+ """
+ L{FailureElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render detailed information
+ about a L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}.
+ @ivar failure: The L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} instance which
+ will be rendered.
+ @since: 12.1
+ """
+ loader = XMLString(
+ """
+<div xmlns:t="http://twistedmatrix.com/ns/twisted.web.template/0.1">
+ <style type="text/css">
+ div.error {
+ color: red;
+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ div {
+ font-family: Verdana, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
+ }
+ div.stackTrace {
+ }
+ div.frame {
+ padding: 1em;
+ background: white;
+ border-bottom: thin black dashed;
+ }
+ div.frame:first-child {
+ padding: 1em;
+ background: white;
+ border-top: thin black dashed;
+ border-bottom: thin black dashed;
+ }
+ div.location {
+ }
+ span.function {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-family: "Courier New", courier, monospace;
+ }
+ div.snippet {
+ margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+ margin-left: 1em;
+ background: #FFFFDD;
+ }
+ div.snippetHighlightLine {
+ color: red;
+ }
+ span.code {
+ font-family: "Courier New", courier, monospace;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <div class="error">
+ <span t:render="type" />: <span t:render="value" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="stackTrace" t:render="traceback">
+ <div class="frame" t:render="frames">
+ <div class="location">
+ <span t:render="filename" />:<span t:render="lineNumber" /> in
+ <span class="function" t:render="function" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="snippet" t:render="source">
+ <div t:render="sourceLines">
+ <span class="lineno" t:render="lineNumber" />
+ <code class="code" t:render="sourceLine" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="error">
+ <span t:render="type" />: <span t:render="value" />
+ </div>
+ )
+ def __init__(self, failure, loader=None):
+ Element.__init__(self, loader)
+ self.failure = failure
+ @renderer
+ def type(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the exception type as a child of C{tag}.
+ """
+ return tag(fullyQualifiedName(self.failure.type))
+ @renderer
+ def value(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render the exception value as a child of C{tag}.
+ """
+ return tag(str(self.failure.value).encode("utf8"))
+ @renderer
+ def traceback(self, request, tag):
+ """
+ Render all the frames in the wrapped
+ L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}'s traceback stack, replacing
+ C{tag}.
+ """
+ return _StackElement(TagLoader(tag), self.failure.frames)
+def formatFailure(myFailure):
+ """
+ Construct an HTML representation of the given failure.
+ Consider using L{FailureElement} instead.
+ @type myFailure: L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @return: A string containing the HTML representation of the given failure.
+ """
+ result = []
+ flattenString(None, FailureElement(myFailure)).addBoth(result.append)
+ if isinstance(result[0], bytes):
+ # Ensure the result string is all ASCII, for compatibility with the
+ # default encoding expected by browsers.
+ return result[0].decode("utf-8").encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")
+ result[0].raiseException()
+# Go read the definition of NOT_DONE_YET. For lulz. This is totally
+# equivalent. And this turns out to be necessary, because trying to import
+# NOT_DONE_YET in this module causes a circular import which we cannot escape
+# from. From which we cannot escape. Etc. glyph is okay with this solution for
+# now, and so am I, as long as this comment stays to explain to future
+# maintainers what it means. ~ C.
+# See http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5557 for progress on fixing this.
+_moduleLog = Logger()
+class TagLoader:
+ """
+ An L{ITemplateLoader} that loads an existing flattenable object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tag: "Flattenable"):
+ """
+ @param tag: The object which will be loaded.
+ """
+ self.tag: "Flattenable" = tag
+ """The object which will be loaded."""
+ def load(self) -> List["Flattenable"]:
+ return [self.tag]
+class XMLFile:
+ """
+ An L{ITemplateLoader} that loads and parses XML from a file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path: FilePath[Any]):
+ """
+ Run the parser on a file.
+ @param path: The file from which to load the XML.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(path, FilePath):
+ warnings.warn( # type: ignore[unreachable]
+ "Passing filenames or file objects to XMLFile is deprecated "
+ "since Twisted 12.1. Pass a FilePath instead.",
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ self._loadedTemplate: Optional[List["Flattenable"]] = None
+ """The loaded document, or L{None}, if not loaded."""
+ self._path: FilePath[Any] = path
+ """The file that is being loaded from."""
+ def _loadDoc(self) -> List["Flattenable"]:
+ """
+ Read and parse the XML.
+ @return: the loaded document.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(self._path, FilePath):
+ return _flatsaxParse(self._path) # type: ignore[unreachable]
+ else:
+ with self._path.open("r") as f:
+ return _flatsaxParse(f)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<XMLFile of {self._path!r}>"
+ def load(self) -> List["Flattenable"]:
+ """
+ Return the document, first loading it if necessary.
+ @return: the loaded document.
+ """
+ if self._loadedTemplate is None:
+ self._loadedTemplate = self._loadDoc()
+ return self._loadedTemplate
+# Last updated October 2011, using W3Schools as a reference. Link:
+# http://www.w3schools.com/html5/html5_reference.asp
+# Note that <xmp> is explicitly omitted; its semantics do not work with
+# t.w.template and it is officially deprecated.
+ "a",
+ "abbr",
+ "acronym",
+ "address",
+ "applet",
+ "area",
+ "article",
+ "aside",
+ "audio",
+ "b",
+ "base",
+ "basefont",
+ "bdi",
+ "bdo",
+ "big",
+ "blockquote",
+ "body",
+ "br",
+ "button",
+ "canvas",
+ "caption",
+ "center",
+ "cite",
+ "code",
+ "col",
+ "colgroup",
+ "command",
+ "datalist",
+ "dd",
+ "del",
+ "details",
+ "dfn",
+ "dir",
+ "div",
+ "dl",
+ "dt",
+ "em",
+ "embed",
+ "fieldset",
+ "figcaption",
+ "figure",
+ "font",
+ "footer",
+ "form",
+ "frame",
+ "frameset",
+ "h1",
+ "h2",
+ "h3",
+ "h4",
+ "h5",
+ "h6",
+ "head",
+ "header",
+ "hgroup",
+ "hr",
+ "html",
+ "i",
+ "iframe",
+ "img",
+ "input",
+ "ins",
+ "isindex",
+ "keygen",
+ "kbd",
+ "label",
+ "legend",
+ "li",
+ "link",
+ "map",
+ "mark",
+ "menu",
+ "meta",
+ "meter",
+ "nav",
+ "noframes",
+ "noscript",
+ "object",
+ "ol",
+ "optgroup",
+ "option",
+ "output",
+ "p",
+ "param",
+ "pre",
+ "progress",
+ "q",
+ "rp",
+ "rt",
+ "ruby",
+ "s",
+ "samp",
+ "script",
+ "section",
+ "select",
+ "small",
+ "source",
+ "span",
+ "strike",
+ "strong",
+ "style",
+ "sub",
+ "summary",
+ "sup",
+ "table",
+ "tbody",
+ "td",
+ "textarea",
+ "tfoot",
+ "th",
+ "thead",
+ "time",
+ "title",
+ "tr",
+ "tt",
+ "u",
+ "ul",
+ "var",
+ "video",
+ "wbr",
+class _TagFactory:
+ """
+ A factory for L{Tag} objects; the implementation of the L{tags} object.
+ This allows for the syntactic convenience of C{from twisted.web.template
+ import tags; tags.a(href="linked-page.html")}, where 'a' can be basically
+ any HTML tag.
+ The class is not exposed publicly because you only ever need one of these,
+ and we already made it for you.
+ @see: L{tags}
+ """
+ def __getattr__(self, tagName: str) -> Tag:
+ if tagName == "transparent":
+ return Tag("")
+ # allow for E.del as E.del_
+ tagName = tagName.rstrip("_")
+ if tagName not in VALID_HTML_TAG_NAMES:
+ raise AttributeError(f"unknown tag {tagName!r}")
+ return Tag(tagName)
+tags = _TagFactory()
+def renderElement(
+ request: IRequest,
+ element: IRenderable,
+ doctype: Optional[bytes] = b"<!DOCTYPE html>",
+ _failElement: Optional[Callable[[Failure], "Element"]] = None,
+) -> object:
+ """
+ Render an element or other L{IRenderable}.
+ @param request: The L{IRequest} being rendered to.
+ @param element: An L{IRenderable} which will be rendered.
+ @param doctype: A L{bytes} which will be written as the first line of
+ the request, or L{None} to disable writing of a doctype. The argument
+ should not include a trailing newline and will default to the HTML5
+ doctype C{'<!DOCTYPE html>'}.
+ @returns: NOT_DONE_YET
+ @since: 12.1
+ """
+ if doctype is not None:
+ request.write(doctype)
+ request.write(b"\n")
+ if _failElement is None:
+ _failElement = FailureElement
+ d = flatten(request, element, request.write)
+ def eb(failure: Failure) -> Optional[Deferred[None]]:
+ _moduleLog.failure(
+ "An error occurred while rendering the response.", failure=failure
+ )
+ site = getattr(request, "site", None)
+ if site is not None and site.displayTracebacks:
+ assert _failElement is not None
+ return flatten(request, _failElement(failure), request.write)
+ else:
+ request.write(
+ b'<div style="font-size:800%;'
+ b"background-color:#FFF;"
+ b"color:#F00"
+ b'">An error occurred while rendering the response.</div>'
+ )
+ return None
+ def finish(result: object, *, request: IRequest = request) -> object:
+ request.finish()
+ return result
+ d.addErrback(eb)
+ d.addBoth(finish)
+ return NOT_DONE_YET
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/client.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a0d5e9e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1789 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_webclient,twisted.web.test.test_agent -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HTTP client.
+import collections
+import os
+import warnings
+import zlib
+from functools import wraps
+from typing import Iterable
+from urllib.parse import urldefrag, urljoin, urlunparse as _urlunparse
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from incremental import Version
+from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, task
+from twisted.internet.abstract import isIPv6Address
+from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint, wrapClientTLS
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IOpenSSLContextFactory, IProtocol
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, networkString
+from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
+from twisted.python.deprecate import (
+ deprecatedModuleAttribute,
+ getDeprecationWarningString,
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.web import error, http
+from twisted.web._newclient import _ensureValidMethod, _ensureValidURI
+from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
+from twisted.web.iweb import (
+ IAgent,
+ IAgentEndpointFactory,
+ IBodyProducer,
+ IPolicyForHTTPS,
+ IResponse,
+def urlunparse(parts):
+ result = _urlunparse(tuple(p.decode("charmap") for p in parts))
+ return result.encode("charmap")
+class PartialDownloadError(error.Error):
+ """
+ Page was only partially downloaded, we got disconnected in middle.
+ @ivar response: All of the response body which was downloaded.
+ """
+class URI:
+ """
+ A URI object.
+ @see: U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-21}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, scheme, netloc, host, port, path, params, query, fragment):
+ """
+ @type scheme: L{bytes}
+ @param scheme: URI scheme specifier.
+ @type netloc: L{bytes}
+ @param netloc: Network location component.
+ @type host: L{bytes}
+ @param host: Host name. For IPv6 address literals the brackets are
+ stripped.
+ @type port: L{int}
+ @param port: Port number.
+ @type path: L{bytes}
+ @param path: Hierarchical path.
+ @type params: L{bytes}
+ @param params: Parameters for last path segment.
+ @type query: L{bytes}
+ @param query: Query string.
+ @type fragment: L{bytes}
+ @param fragment: Fragment identifier.
+ """
+ self.scheme = scheme
+ self.netloc = netloc
+ self.host = host.strip(b"[]")
+ self.port = port
+ self.path = path
+ self.params = params
+ self.query = query
+ self.fragment = fragment
+ @classmethod
+ def fromBytes(cls, uri, defaultPort=None):
+ """
+ Parse the given URI into a L{URI}.
+ @type uri: C{bytes}
+ @param uri: URI to parse.
+ @type defaultPort: C{int} or L{None}
+ @param defaultPort: An alternate value to use as the port if the URI
+ does not include one.
+ @rtype: L{URI}
+ @return: Parsed URI instance.
+ """
+ uri = uri.strip()
+ scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = http.urlparse(uri)
+ if defaultPort is None:
+ if scheme == b"https":
+ defaultPort = 443
+ else:
+ defaultPort = 80
+ if b":" in netloc:
+ host, port = netloc.rsplit(b":", 1)
+ try:
+ port = int(port)
+ except ValueError:
+ host, port = netloc, defaultPort
+ else:
+ host, port = netloc, defaultPort
+ return cls(scheme, netloc, host, port, path, params, query, fragment)
+ def toBytes(self):
+ """
+ Assemble the individual parts of the I{URI} into a fully formed I{URI}.
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ @return: A fully formed I{URI}.
+ """
+ return urlunparse(
+ (
+ self.scheme,
+ self.netloc,
+ self.path,
+ self.params,
+ self.query,
+ self.fragment,
+ )
+ )
+ @property
+ def originForm(self):
+ """
+ The absolute I{URI} path including I{URI} parameters, query string and
+ fragment identifier.
+ @see: U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-21#section-5.3}
+ @return: The absolute path in original form.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ # The HTTP bis draft says the origin form should not include the
+ # fragment.
+ path = urlunparse((b"", b"", self.path, self.params, self.query, b""))
+ if path == b"":
+ path = b"/"
+ return path
+def _urljoin(base, url):
+ """
+ Construct a full ("absolute") URL by combining a "base URL" with another
+ URL. Informally, this uses components of the base URL, in particular the
+ addressing scheme, the network location and (part of) the path, to provide
+ missing components in the relative URL.
+ Additionally, the fragment identifier is preserved according to the HTTP
+ 1.1 bis draft.
+ @type base: C{bytes}
+ @param base: Base URL.
+ @type url: C{bytes}
+ @param url: URL to combine with C{base}.
+ @return: An absolute URL resulting from the combination of C{base} and
+ C{url}.
+ @see: L{urllib.parse.urljoin()}
+ @see: U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-22#section-7.1.2}
+ """
+ base, baseFrag = urldefrag(base)
+ url, urlFrag = urldefrag(urljoin(base, url))
+ return urljoin(url, b"#" + (urlFrag or baseFrag))
+def _makeGetterFactory(url, factoryFactory, contextFactory=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create and connect an HTTP page getting factory.
+ Any additional positional or keyword arguments are used when calling
+ C{factoryFactory}.
+ @param factoryFactory: Factory factory that is called with C{url}, C{args}
+ and C{kwargs} to produce the getter
+ @param contextFactory: Context factory to use when creating a secure
+ connection, defaulting to L{None}
+ @return: The factory created by C{factoryFactory}
+ """
+ uri = URI.fromBytes(_ensureValidURI(url.strip()))
+ factory = factoryFactory(url, *args, **kwargs)
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ if uri.scheme == b"https":
+ from twisted.internet import ssl
+ if contextFactory is None:
+ contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
+ reactor.connectSSL(nativeString(uri.host), uri.port, factory, contextFactory)
+ else:
+ reactor.connectTCP(nativeString(uri.host), uri.port, factory)
+ return factory
+# The code which follows is based on the new HTTP client implementation. It
+# should be significantly better than anything above, though it is not yet
+# feature equivalent.
+from twisted.web._newclient import (
+ HTTP11ClientProtocol,
+ PotentialDataLoss,
+ Request,
+ RequestGenerationFailed,
+ RequestNotSent,
+ RequestTransmissionFailed,
+ Response,
+ ResponseDone,
+ ResponseFailed,
+ ResponseNeverReceived,
+ _WrapperException,
+from twisted.web.error import SchemeNotSupported
+ from OpenSSL import SSL
+except ImportError:
+ SSL = None # type: ignore[assignment]
+ from twisted.internet.ssl import (
+ CertificateOptions,
+ optionsForClientTLS,
+ platformTrust,
+ )
+def _requireSSL(decoratee):
+ """
+ The decorated method requires pyOpenSSL to be present, or it raises
+ L{NotImplementedError}.
+ @param decoratee: A function which requires pyOpenSSL.
+ @type decoratee: L{callable}
+ @return: A function which raises L{NotImplementedError} if pyOpenSSL is not
+ installed; otherwise, if it is installed, simply return C{decoratee}.
+ @rtype: L{callable}
+ """
+ if SSL is None:
+ @wraps(decoratee)
+ def raiseNotImplemented(*a, **kw):
+ """
+ pyOpenSSL is not available.
+ @param a: The positional arguments for C{decoratee}.
+ @param kw: The keyword arguments for C{decoratee}.
+ @raise NotImplementedError: Always.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("SSL support unavailable")
+ return raiseNotImplemented
+ return decoratee
+class WebClientContextFactory:
+ """
+ This class is deprecated. Please simply use L{Agent} as-is, or if you want
+ to customize something, use L{BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS}.
+ A L{WebClientContextFactory} is an HTTPS policy which totally ignores the
+ hostname and port. It performs basic certificate verification, however the
+ lack of validation of service identity (e.g. hostname validation) means it
+ is still vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Don't use it any more.
+ """
+ def _getCertificateOptions(self, hostname, port):
+ """
+ Return a L{CertificateOptions}.
+ @param hostname: ignored
+ @param port: ignored
+ @return: A new CertificateOptions instance.
+ @rtype: L{CertificateOptions}
+ """
+ return CertificateOptions(method=SSL.SSLv23_METHOD, trustRoot=platformTrust())
+ @_requireSSL
+ def getContext(self, hostname, port):
+ """
+ Return an L{OpenSSL.SSL.Context}.
+ @param hostname: ignored
+ @param port: ignored
+ @return: A new SSL context.
+ @rtype: L{OpenSSL.SSL.Context}
+ """
+ return self._getCertificateOptions(hostname, port).getContext()
+class BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS:
+ """
+ SSL connection creator for web clients.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, trustRoot=None):
+ self._trustRoot = trustRoot
+ @_requireSSL
+ def creatorForNetloc(self, hostname, port):
+ """
+ Create a L{client connection creator
+ <twisted.internet.interfaces.IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>} for a
+ given network location.
+ @param hostname: The hostname part of the URI.
+ @type hostname: L{bytes}
+ @param port: The port part of the URI.
+ @type port: L{int}
+ @return: a connection creator with appropriate verification
+ restrictions set
+ @rtype: L{client connection creator
+ <twisted.internet.interfaces.IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>}
+ """
+ return optionsForClientTLS(hostname.decode("ascii"), trustRoot=self._trustRoot)
+ Version("Twisted", 14, 0, 0),
+ getDeprecationWarningString(
+ WebClientContextFactory,
+ Version("Twisted", 14, 0, 0),
+ replacement=BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS,
+ ).split("; ")[1],
+ WebClientContextFactory.__module__,
+ WebClientContextFactory.__name__,
+class HostnameCachingHTTPSPolicy:
+ """
+ IPolicyForHTTPS that wraps a L{IPolicyForHTTPS} and caches the created
+ L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator}.
+ This policy will cache up to C{cacheSize}
+ L{client connection creators <twisted.internet.interfaces.
+ IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>} for reuse in subsequent requests to
+ the same hostname.
+ @ivar _policyForHTTPS: See C{policyforHTTPS} parameter of L{__init__}.
+ @ivar _cache: A cache associating hostnames to their
+ L{client connection creators <twisted.internet.interfaces.
+ IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>}.
+ @type _cache: L{collections.OrderedDict}
+ @ivar _cacheSize: See C{cacheSize} parameter of L{__init__}.
+ @since: Twisted 19.2.0
+ """
+ def __init__(self, policyforHTTPS, cacheSize=20):
+ """
+ @param policyforHTTPS: The IPolicyForHTTPS to wrap.
+ @type policyforHTTPS: L{IPolicyForHTTPS}
+ @param cacheSize: The maximum size of the hostname cache.
+ @type cacheSize: L{int}
+ """
+ self._policyForHTTPS = policyforHTTPS
+ self._cache = collections.OrderedDict()
+ self._cacheSize = cacheSize
+ def creatorForNetloc(self, hostname, port):
+ """
+ Create a L{client connection creator
+ <twisted.internet.interfaces.IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>} for a
+ given network location and cache it for future use.
+ @param hostname: The hostname part of the URI.
+ @type hostname: L{bytes}
+ @param port: The port part of the URI.
+ @type port: L{int}
+ @return: a connection creator with appropriate verification
+ restrictions set
+ @rtype: L{client connection creator
+ <twisted.internet.interfaces.IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>}
+ """
+ host = hostname.decode("ascii")
+ try:
+ creator = self._cache.pop(host)
+ except KeyError:
+ creator = self._policyForHTTPS.creatorForNetloc(hostname, port)
+ self._cache[host] = creator
+ if len(self._cache) > self._cacheSize:
+ self._cache.popitem(last=False)
+ return creator
+class _ContextFactoryWithContext:
+ """
+ A L{_ContextFactoryWithContext} is like a
+ L{twisted.internet.ssl.ContextFactory} with a pre-created context.
+ @ivar _context: A Context.
+ @type _context: L{OpenSSL.SSL.Context}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, context):
+ """
+ Initialize a L{_ContextFactoryWithContext} with a context.
+ @param context: An SSL context.
+ @type context: L{OpenSSL.SSL.Context}
+ """
+ self._context = context
+ def getContext(self):
+ """
+ Return the context created by
+ L{_DeprecatedToCurrentPolicyForHTTPS._webContextFactory}.
+ @return: A context.
+ @rtype: L{OpenSSL.SSL.Context}
+ """
+ return self._context
+class _DeprecatedToCurrentPolicyForHTTPS:
+ """
+ Adapt a web context factory to a normal context factory.
+ @ivar _webContextFactory: An object providing a getContext method with
+ C{hostname} and C{port} arguments.
+ @type _webContextFactory: L{WebClientContextFactory} (or object with a
+ similar C{getContext} method).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, webContextFactory):
+ """
+ Wrap a web context factory in an L{IPolicyForHTTPS}.
+ @param webContextFactory: An object providing a getContext method with
+ C{hostname} and C{port} arguments.
+ @type webContextFactory: L{WebClientContextFactory} (or object with a
+ similar C{getContext} method).
+ """
+ self._webContextFactory = webContextFactory
+ def creatorForNetloc(self, hostname, port):
+ """
+ Called the wrapped web context factory's C{getContext} method with a
+ hostname and port number and return the resulting context object.
+ @param hostname: The hostname part of the URI.
+ @type hostname: L{bytes}
+ @param port: The port part of the URI.
+ @type port: L{int}
+ @return: A context factory.
+ @rtype: L{IOpenSSLContextFactory}
+ """
+ context = self._webContextFactory.getContext(hostname, port)
+ return _ContextFactoryWithContext(context)
+class FileBodyProducer:
+ """
+ L{FileBodyProducer} produces bytes from an input file object incrementally
+ and writes them to a consumer.
+ Since file-like objects cannot be read from in an event-driven manner,
+ L{FileBodyProducer} uses a L{Cooperator} instance to schedule reads from
+ the file. This process is also paused and resumed based on notifications
+ from the L{IConsumer} provider being written to.
+ The file is closed after it has been read, or if the producer is stopped
+ early.
+ @ivar _inputFile: Any file-like object, bytes read from which will be
+ written to a consumer.
+ @ivar _cooperate: A method like L{Cooperator.cooperate} which is used to
+ schedule all reads.
+ @ivar _readSize: The number of bytes to read from C{_inputFile} at a time.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, inputFile, cooperator=task, readSize=2**16):
+ self._inputFile = inputFile
+ self._cooperate = cooperator.cooperate
+ self._readSize = readSize
+ self.length = self._determineLength(inputFile)
+ def _determineLength(self, fObj):
+ """
+ Determine how many bytes can be read out of C{fObj} (assuming it is not
+ modified from this point on). If the determination cannot be made,
+ """
+ try:
+ seek = fObj.seek
+ tell = fObj.tell
+ except AttributeError:
+ originalPosition = tell()
+ seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+ end = tell()
+ seek(originalPosition, os.SEEK_SET)
+ return end - originalPosition
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ Permanently stop writing bytes from the file to the consumer by
+ stopping the underlying L{CooperativeTask}.
+ """
+ self._inputFile.close()
+ try:
+ self._task.stop()
+ except task.TaskFinished:
+ pass
+ def startProducing(self, consumer):
+ """
+ Start a cooperative task which will read bytes from the input file and
+ write them to C{consumer}. Return a L{Deferred} which fires after all
+ bytes have been written. If this L{Deferred} is cancelled before it is
+ fired, stop reading and writing bytes.
+ @param consumer: Any L{IConsumer} provider
+ """
+ self._task = self._cooperate(self._writeloop(consumer))
+ d = self._task.whenDone()
+ def maybeStopped(reason):
+ if reason.check(defer.CancelledError):
+ self.stopProducing()
+ elif reason.check(task.TaskStopped):
+ pass
+ else:
+ return reason
+ # IBodyProducer.startProducing's Deferred isn't supposed to fire if
+ # stopProducing is called.
+ return defer.Deferred()
+ d.addCallbacks(lambda ignored: None, maybeStopped)
+ return d
+ def _writeloop(self, consumer):
+ """
+ Return an iterator which reads one chunk of bytes from the input file
+ and writes them to the consumer for each time it is iterated.
+ """
+ while True:
+ bytes = self._inputFile.read(self._readSize)
+ if not bytes:
+ self._inputFile.close()
+ break
+ consumer.write(bytes)
+ yield None
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ Temporarily suspend copying bytes from the input file to the consumer
+ by pausing the L{CooperativeTask} which drives that activity.
+ """
+ self._task.pause()
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ Undo the effects of a previous C{pauseProducing} and resume copying
+ bytes to the consumer by resuming the L{CooperativeTask} which drives
+ the write activity.
+ """
+ self._task.resume()
+class _HTTP11ClientFactory(protocol.Factory):
+ """
+ A factory for L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}, used by L{HTTPConnectionPool}.
+ @ivar _quiescentCallback: The quiescent callback to be passed to protocol
+ instances, used to return them to the connection pool.
+ @ivar _metadata: Metadata about the low-level connection details,
+ used to make the repr more useful.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, quiescentCallback, metadata):
+ self._quiescentCallback = quiescentCallback
+ self._metadata = metadata
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "_HTTP11ClientFactory({}, {})".format(
+ self._quiescentCallback, self._metadata
+ )
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ return HTTP11ClientProtocol(self._quiescentCallback)
+class _RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol:
+ """
+ A wrapper for L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} that automatically retries requests.
+ @ivar _clientProtocol: The underlying L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}.
+ @ivar _newConnection: A callable that creates a new connection for a
+ retry.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, clientProtocol, newConnection):
+ self._clientProtocol = clientProtocol
+ self._newConnection = newConnection
+ def _shouldRetry(self, method, exception, bodyProducer):
+ """
+ Indicate whether request should be retried.
+ Only returns C{True} if method is idempotent, no response was
+ received, the reason for the failed request was not due to
+ user-requested cancellation, and no body was sent. The latter
+ requirement may be relaxed in the future, and PUT added to approved
+ method list.
+ @param method: The method of the request.
+ @type method: L{bytes}
+ """
+ if method not in (b"GET", b"HEAD", b"OPTIONS", b"DELETE", b"TRACE"):
+ return False
+ if not isinstance(
+ exception,
+ (RequestNotSent, RequestTransmissionFailed, ResponseNeverReceived),
+ ):
+ return False
+ if isinstance(exception, _WrapperException):
+ for aFailure in exception.reasons:
+ if aFailure.check(defer.CancelledError):
+ return False
+ if bodyProducer is not None:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def request(self, request):
+ """
+ Do a request, and retry once (with a new connection) if it fails in
+ a retryable manner.
+ @param request: A L{Request} instance that will be requested using the
+ wrapped protocol.
+ """
+ d = self._clientProtocol.request(request)
+ def failed(reason):
+ if self._shouldRetry(request.method, reason.value, request.bodyProducer):
+ return self._newConnection().addCallback(
+ lambda connection: connection.request(request)
+ )
+ else:
+ return reason
+ d.addErrback(failed)
+ return d
+class HTTPConnectionPool:
+ """
+ A pool of persistent HTTP connections.
+ Features:
+ - Cached connections will eventually time out.
+ - Limits on maximum number of persistent connections.
+ Connections are stored using keys, which should be chosen such that any
+ connections stored under a given key can be used interchangeably.
+ Failed requests done using previously cached connections will be retried
+ once if they use an idempotent method (e.g. GET), in case the HTTP server
+ timed them out.
+ @ivar persistent: Boolean indicating whether connections should be
+ persistent. Connections are persistent by default.
+ @ivar maxPersistentPerHost: The maximum number of cached persistent
+ connections for a C{host:port} destination.
+ @type maxPersistentPerHost: C{int}
+ @ivar cachedConnectionTimeout: Number of seconds a cached persistent
+ connection will stay open before disconnecting.
+ @ivar retryAutomatically: C{boolean} indicating whether idempotent
+ requests should be retried once if no response was received.
+ @ivar _factory: The factory used to connect to the proxy.
+ @ivar _connections: Map (scheme, host, port) to lists of
+ L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} instances.
+ @ivar _timeouts: Map L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} instances to a
+ C{IDelayedCall} instance of their timeout.
+ @since: 12.1
+ """
+ _factory = _HTTP11ClientFactory
+ maxPersistentPerHost = 2
+ cachedConnectionTimeout = 240
+ retryAutomatically = True
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, reactor, persistent=True):
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self.persistent = persistent
+ self._connections = {}
+ self._timeouts = {}
+ def getConnection(self, key, endpoint):
+ """
+ Supply a connection, newly created or retrieved from the pool, to be
+ used for one HTTP request.
+ The connection will remain out of the pool (not available to be
+ returned from future calls to this method) until one HTTP request has
+ been completed over it.
+ Afterwards, if the connection is still open, it will automatically be
+ added to the pool.
+ @param key: A unique key identifying connections that can be used
+ interchangeably.
+ @param endpoint: An endpoint that can be used to open a new connection
+ if no cached connection is available.
+ @return: A C{Deferred} that will fire with a L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}
+ (or a wrapper) that can be used to send a single HTTP request.
+ """
+ # Try to get cached version:
+ connections = self._connections.get(key)
+ while connections:
+ connection = connections.pop(0)
+ # Cancel timeout:
+ self._timeouts[connection].cancel()
+ del self._timeouts[connection]
+ if connection.state == "QUIESCENT":
+ if self.retryAutomatically:
+ newConnection = lambda: self._newConnection(key, endpoint)
+ connection = _RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol(
+ connection, newConnection
+ )
+ return defer.succeed(connection)
+ return self._newConnection(key, endpoint)
+ def _newConnection(self, key, endpoint):
+ """
+ Create a new connection.
+ This implements the new connection code path for L{getConnection}.
+ """
+ def quiescentCallback(protocol):
+ self._putConnection(key, protocol)
+ factory = self._factory(quiescentCallback, repr(endpoint))
+ return endpoint.connect(factory)
+ def _removeConnection(self, key, connection):
+ """
+ Remove a connection from the cache and disconnect it.
+ """
+ connection.transport.loseConnection()
+ self._connections[key].remove(connection)
+ del self._timeouts[connection]
+ def _putConnection(self, key, connection):
+ """
+ Return a persistent connection to the pool. This will be called by
+ L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} when the connection becomes quiescent.
+ """
+ if connection.state != "QUIESCENT":
+ # Log with traceback for debugging purposes:
+ try:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "BUG: Non-quiescent protocol added to connection pool."
+ )
+ except BaseException:
+ self._log.failure(
+ "BUG: Non-quiescent protocol added to connection pool."
+ )
+ return
+ connections = self._connections.setdefault(key, [])
+ if len(connections) == self.maxPersistentPerHost:
+ dropped = connections.pop(0)
+ dropped.transport.loseConnection()
+ self._timeouts[dropped].cancel()
+ del self._timeouts[dropped]
+ connections.append(connection)
+ cid = self._reactor.callLater(
+ self.cachedConnectionTimeout, self._removeConnection, key, connection
+ )
+ self._timeouts[connection] = cid
+ def closeCachedConnections(self):
+ """
+ Close all persistent connections and remove them from the pool.
+ @return: L{defer.Deferred} that fires when all connections have been
+ closed.
+ """
+ results = []
+ for protocols in self._connections.values():
+ for p in protocols:
+ results.append(p.abort())
+ self._connections = {}
+ for dc in self._timeouts.values():
+ dc.cancel()
+ self._timeouts = {}
+ return defer.gatherResults(results).addCallback(lambda ign: None)
+class _AgentBase:
+ """
+ Base class offering common facilities for L{Agent}-type classes.
+ @ivar _reactor: The C{IReactorTime} implementation which will be used by
+ the pool, and perhaps by subclasses as well.
+ @ivar _pool: The L{HTTPConnectionPool} used to manage HTTP connections.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reactor, pool):
+ if pool is None:
+ pool = HTTPConnectionPool(reactor, False)
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self._pool = pool
+ def _computeHostValue(self, scheme, host, port):
+ """
+ Compute the string to use for the value of the I{Host} header, based on
+ the given scheme, host name, and port number.
+ """
+ if isIPv6Address(nativeString(host)):
+ host = b"[" + host + b"]"
+ if (scheme, port) in ((b"http", 80), (b"https", 443)):
+ return host
+ return b"%b:%d" % (host, port)
+ def _requestWithEndpoint(
+ self, key, endpoint, method, parsedURI, headers, bodyProducer, requestPath
+ ):
+ """
+ Issue a new request, given the endpoint and the path sent as part of
+ the request.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(method, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(f"method={method!r} is {type(method)}, but must be bytes")
+ method = _ensureValidMethod(method)
+ # Create minimal headers, if necessary:
+ if headers is None:
+ headers = Headers()
+ if not headers.hasHeader(b"host"):
+ headers = headers.copy()
+ headers.addRawHeader(
+ b"host",
+ self._computeHostValue(
+ parsedURI.scheme, parsedURI.host, parsedURI.port
+ ),
+ )
+ d = self._pool.getConnection(key, endpoint)
+ def cbConnected(proto):
+ return proto.request(
+ Request._construct(
+ method,
+ requestPath,
+ headers,
+ bodyProducer,
+ persistent=self._pool.persistent,
+ parsedURI=parsedURI,
+ )
+ )
+ d.addCallback(cbConnected)
+ return d
+class _StandardEndpointFactory:
+ """
+ Standard HTTP endpoint destinations - TCP for HTTP, TCP+TLS for HTTPS.
+ @ivar _policyForHTTPS: A web context factory which will be used to create
+ SSL context objects for any SSL connections the agent needs to make.
+ @ivar _connectTimeout: If not L{None}, the timeout passed to
+ L{HostnameEndpoint} for specifying the connection timeout.
+ @ivar _bindAddress: If not L{None}, the address passed to
+ L{HostnameEndpoint} for specifying the local address to bind to.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reactor, contextFactory, connectTimeout, bindAddress):
+ """
+ @param reactor: A provider to use to create endpoints.
+ @type reactor: see L{HostnameEndpoint.__init__} for acceptable reactor
+ types.
+ @param contextFactory: A factory for TLS contexts, to control the
+ verification parameters of OpenSSL.
+ @type contextFactory: L{IPolicyForHTTPS}.
+ @param connectTimeout: The amount of time that this L{Agent} will wait
+ for the peer to accept a connection.
+ @type connectTimeout: L{float} or L{None}
+ @param bindAddress: The local address for client sockets to bind to.
+ @type bindAddress: L{bytes} or L{None}
+ """
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self._policyForHTTPS = contextFactory
+ self._connectTimeout = connectTimeout
+ self._bindAddress = bindAddress
+ def endpointForURI(self, uri):
+ """
+ Connect directly over TCP for C{b'http'} scheme, and TLS for
+ C{b'https'}.
+ @param uri: L{URI} to connect to.
+ @return: Endpoint to connect to.
+ @rtype: L{IStreamClientEndpoint}
+ """
+ kwargs = {}
+ if self._connectTimeout is not None:
+ kwargs["timeout"] = self._connectTimeout
+ kwargs["bindAddress"] = self._bindAddress
+ try:
+ host = nativeString(uri.host)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ raise ValueError(
+ (
+ "The host of the provided URI ({uri.host!r}) "
+ "contains non-ASCII octets, it should be ASCII "
+ "decodable."
+ ).format(uri=uri)
+ )
+ endpoint = HostnameEndpoint(self._reactor, host, uri.port, **kwargs)
+ if uri.scheme == b"http":
+ return endpoint
+ elif uri.scheme == b"https":
+ connectionCreator = self._policyForHTTPS.creatorForNetloc(
+ uri.host, uri.port
+ )
+ return wrapClientTLS(connectionCreator, endpoint)
+ else:
+ raise SchemeNotSupported(f"Unsupported scheme: {uri.scheme!r}")
+class Agent(_AgentBase):
+ """
+ L{Agent} is a very basic HTTP client. It supports I{HTTP} and I{HTTPS}
+ scheme URIs.
+ @ivar _pool: An L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance.
+ @ivar _endpointFactory: The L{IAgentEndpointFactory} which will
+ be used to create endpoints for outgoing connections.
+ @since: 9.0
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ reactor,
+ contextFactory=BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS(),
+ connectTimeout=None,
+ bindAddress=None,
+ pool=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Create an L{Agent}.
+ @param reactor: A reactor for this L{Agent} to place outgoing
+ connections.
+ @type reactor: see L{HostnameEndpoint.__init__} for acceptable reactor
+ types.
+ @param contextFactory: A factory for TLS contexts, to control the
+ verification parameters of OpenSSL. The default is to use a
+ L{BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS}, so unless you have special
+ requirements you can leave this as-is.
+ @type contextFactory: L{IPolicyForHTTPS}.
+ @param connectTimeout: The amount of time that this L{Agent} will wait
+ for the peer to accept a connection.
+ @type connectTimeout: L{float}
+ @param bindAddress: The local address for client sockets to bind to.
+ @type bindAddress: L{bytes}
+ @param pool: An L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance, or L{None}, in which
+ case a non-persistent L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance will be
+ created.
+ @type pool: L{HTTPConnectionPool}
+ """
+ if not IPolicyForHTTPS.providedBy(contextFactory):
+ warnings.warn(
+ repr(contextFactory)
+ + " was passed as the HTTPS policy for an Agent, but it does "
+ "not provide IPolicyForHTTPS. Since Twisted 14.0, you must "
+ "pass a provider of IPolicyForHTTPS.",
+ stacklevel=2,
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ )
+ contextFactory = _DeprecatedToCurrentPolicyForHTTPS(contextFactory)
+ endpointFactory = _StandardEndpointFactory(
+ reactor, contextFactory, connectTimeout, bindAddress
+ )
+ self._init(reactor, endpointFactory, pool)
+ @classmethod
+ def usingEndpointFactory(cls, reactor, endpointFactory, pool=None):
+ """
+ Create a new L{Agent} that will use the endpoint factory to figure
+ out how to connect to the server.
+ @param reactor: A reactor for this L{Agent} to place outgoing
+ connections.
+ @type reactor: see L{HostnameEndpoint.__init__} for acceptable reactor
+ types.
+ @param endpointFactory: Used to construct endpoints which the
+ HTTP client will connect with.
+ @type endpointFactory: an L{IAgentEndpointFactory} provider.
+ @param pool: An L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance, or L{None}, in which
+ case a non-persistent L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance will be
+ created.
+ @type pool: L{HTTPConnectionPool}
+ @return: A new L{Agent}.
+ """
+ agent = cls.__new__(cls)
+ agent._init(reactor, endpointFactory, pool)
+ return agent
+ def _init(self, reactor, endpointFactory, pool):
+ """
+ Initialize a new L{Agent}.
+ @param reactor: A reactor for this L{Agent} to place outgoing
+ connections.
+ @type reactor: see L{HostnameEndpoint.__init__} for acceptable reactor
+ types.
+ @param endpointFactory: Used to construct endpoints which the
+ HTTP client will connect with.
+ @type endpointFactory: an L{IAgentEndpointFactory} provider.
+ @param pool: An L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance, or L{None}, in which
+ case a non-persistent L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance will be
+ created.
+ @type pool: L{HTTPConnectionPool}
+ @return: A new L{Agent}.
+ """
+ _AgentBase.__init__(self, reactor, pool)
+ self._endpointFactory = endpointFactory
+ def _getEndpoint(self, uri):
+ """
+ Get an endpoint for the given URI, using C{self._endpointFactory}.
+ @param uri: The URI of the request.
+ @type uri: L{URI}
+ @return: An endpoint which can be used to connect to given address.
+ """
+ return self._endpointFactory.endpointForURI(uri)
+ def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
+ """
+ Issue a request to the server indicated by the given C{uri}.
+ An existing connection from the connection pool may be used or a new
+ one may be created.
+ I{HTTP} and I{HTTPS} schemes are supported in C{uri}.
+ @see: L{twisted.web.iweb.IAgent.request}
+ """
+ uri = _ensureValidURI(uri.strip())
+ parsedURI = URI.fromBytes(uri)
+ try:
+ endpoint = self._getEndpoint(parsedURI)
+ except SchemeNotSupported:
+ return defer.fail(Failure())
+ key = (parsedURI.scheme, parsedURI.host, parsedURI.port)
+ return self._requestWithEndpoint(
+ key,
+ endpoint,
+ method,
+ parsedURI,
+ headers,
+ bodyProducer,
+ parsedURI.originForm,
+ )
+class ProxyAgent(_AgentBase):
+ """
+ An HTTP agent able to cross HTTP proxies.
+ @ivar _proxyEndpoint: The endpoint used to connect to the proxy.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, endpoint, reactor=None, pool=None):
+ if reactor is None:
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ _AgentBase.__init__(self, reactor, pool)
+ self._proxyEndpoint = endpoint
+ def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
+ """
+ Issue a new request via the configured proxy.
+ """
+ uri = _ensureValidURI(uri.strip())
+ # Cache *all* connections under the same key, since we are only
+ # connecting to a single destination, the proxy:
+ key = ("http-proxy", self._proxyEndpoint)
+ # To support proxying HTTPS via CONNECT, we will use key
+ # ("http-proxy-CONNECT", scheme, host, port), and an endpoint that
+ # wraps _proxyEndpoint with an additional callback to do the CONNECT.
+ return self._requestWithEndpoint(
+ key,
+ self._proxyEndpoint,
+ method,
+ URI.fromBytes(uri),
+ headers,
+ bodyProducer,
+ uri,
+ )
+class _FakeUrllib2Request:
+ """
+ A fake C{urllib2.Request} object for C{cookielib} to work with.
+ @see: U{http://docs.python.org/library/urllib2.html#request-objects}
+ @type uri: native L{str}
+ @ivar uri: Request URI.
+ @type headers: L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers}
+ @ivar headers: Request headers.
+ @type type: native L{str}
+ @ivar type: The scheme of the URI.
+ @type host: native L{str}
+ @ivar host: The host[:port] of the URI.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, uri):
+ """
+ Create a fake Urllib2 request.
+ @param uri: Request URI.
+ @type uri: L{bytes}
+ """
+ self.uri = nativeString(uri)
+ self.headers = Headers()
+ _uri = URI.fromBytes(uri)
+ self.type = nativeString(_uri.scheme)
+ self.host = nativeString(_uri.host)
+ if (_uri.scheme, _uri.port) not in ((b"http", 80), (b"https", 443)):
+ # If it's not a schema on the regular port, add the port.
+ self.host += ":" + str(_uri.port)
+ self.origin_req_host = nativeString(_uri.host)
+ self.unverifiable = lambda _: False
+ def has_header(self, header):
+ return self.headers.hasHeader(networkString(header))
+ def add_unredirected_header(self, name, value):
+ self.headers.addRawHeader(networkString(name), networkString(value))
+ def get_full_url(self):
+ return self.uri
+ def get_header(self, name, default=None):
+ headers = self.headers.getRawHeaders(networkString(name), default)
+ if headers is not None:
+ headers = [nativeString(x) for x in headers]
+ return headers[0]
+ return None
+ def get_host(self):
+ return self.host
+ def get_type(self):
+ return self.type
+ def is_unverifiable(self):
+ # In theory this shouldn't be hardcoded.
+ return False
+class _FakeUrllib2Response:
+ """
+ A fake C{urllib2.Response} object for C{cookielib} to work with.
+ @type response: C{twisted.web.iweb.IResponse}
+ @ivar response: Underlying Twisted Web response.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, response):
+ self.response = response
+ def info(self):
+ class _Meta:
+ def getheaders(zelf, name):
+ # PY2
+ headers = self.response.headers.getRawHeaders(name, [])
+ return headers
+ def get_all(zelf, name, default):
+ # PY3
+ headers = self.response.headers.getRawHeaders(
+ networkString(name), default
+ )
+ h = [nativeString(x) for x in headers]
+ return h
+ return _Meta()
+class CookieAgent:
+ """
+ L{CookieAgent} extends the basic L{Agent} to add RFC-compliant
+ handling of HTTP cookies. Cookies are written to and extracted
+ from a C{cookielib.CookieJar} instance.
+ The same cookie jar instance will be used for any requests through this
+ agent, mutating it whenever a I{Set-Cookie} header appears in a response.
+ @type _agent: L{twisted.web.client.Agent}
+ @ivar _agent: Underlying Twisted Web agent to issue requests through.
+ @type cookieJar: C{cookielib.CookieJar}
+ @ivar cookieJar: Initialized cookie jar to read cookies from and store
+ cookies to.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, agent, cookieJar):
+ self._agent = agent
+ self.cookieJar = cookieJar
+ def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
+ """
+ Issue a new request to the wrapped L{Agent}.
+ Send a I{Cookie} header if a cookie for C{uri} is stored in
+ L{CookieAgent.cookieJar}. Cookies are automatically extracted and
+ stored from requests.
+ If a C{'cookie'} header appears in C{headers} it will override the
+ automatic cookie header obtained from the cookie jar.
+ @see: L{Agent.request}
+ """
+ if headers is None:
+ headers = Headers()
+ lastRequest = _FakeUrllib2Request(uri)
+ # Setting a cookie header explicitly will disable automatic request
+ # cookies.
+ if not headers.hasHeader(b"cookie"):
+ self.cookieJar.add_cookie_header(lastRequest)
+ cookieHeader = lastRequest.get_header("Cookie", None)
+ if cookieHeader is not None:
+ headers = headers.copy()
+ headers.addRawHeader(b"cookie", networkString(cookieHeader))
+ d = self._agent.request(method, uri, headers, bodyProducer)
+ d.addCallback(self._extractCookies, lastRequest)
+ return d
+ def _extractCookies(self, response, request):
+ """
+ Extract response cookies and store them in the cookie jar.
+ @type response: L{twisted.web.iweb.IResponse}
+ @param response: Twisted Web response.
+ @param request: A urllib2 compatible request object.
+ """
+ resp = _FakeUrllib2Response(response)
+ self.cookieJar.extract_cookies(resp, request)
+ return response
+class GzipDecoder(proxyForInterface(IResponse)): # type: ignore[misc]
+ """
+ A wrapper for a L{Response} instance which handles gzip'ed body.
+ @ivar original: The original L{Response} object.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, response):
+ self.original = response
+ self.length = UNKNOWN_LENGTH
+ def deliverBody(self, protocol):
+ """
+ Override C{deliverBody} to wrap the given C{protocol} with
+ L{_GzipProtocol}.
+ """
+ self.original.deliverBody(_GzipProtocol(protocol, self.original))
+class _GzipProtocol(proxyForInterface(IProtocol)): # type: ignore[misc]
+ """
+ A L{Protocol} implementation which wraps another one, transparently
+ decompressing received data.
+ @ivar _zlibDecompress: A zlib decompress object used to decompress the data
+ stream.
+ @ivar _response: A reference to the original response, in case of errors.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, protocol, response):
+ self.original = protocol
+ self._response = response
+ self._zlibDecompress = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Decompress C{data} with the zlib decompressor, forwarding the raw data
+ to the original protocol.
+ """
+ try:
+ rawData = self._zlibDecompress.decompress(data)
+ except zlib.error:
+ raise ResponseFailed([Failure()], self._response)
+ if rawData:
+ self.original.dataReceived(rawData)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ Forward the connection lost event, flushing remaining data from the
+ decompressor if any.
+ """
+ try:
+ rawData = self._zlibDecompress.flush()
+ except zlib.error:
+ raise ResponseFailed([reason, Failure()], self._response)
+ if rawData:
+ self.original.dataReceived(rawData)
+ self.original.connectionLost(reason)
+class ContentDecoderAgent:
+ """
+ An L{Agent} wrapper to handle encoded content.
+ It takes care of declaring the support for content in the
+ I{Accept-Encoding} header and automatically decompresses the received data
+ if the I{Content-Encoding} header indicates a supported encoding.
+ For example::
+ agent = ContentDecoderAgent(Agent(reactor),
+ [(b'gzip', GzipDecoder)])
+ @param agent: The agent to wrap
+ @type agent: L{IAgent}
+ @param decoders: A sequence of (name, decoder) objects. The name
+ declares which encoding the decoder supports. The decoder must accept
+ an L{IResponse} and return an L{IResponse} when called. The order
+ determines how the decoders are advertised to the server. Names must
+ be unique.not be duplicated.
+ @type decoders: sequence of (L{bytes}, L{callable}) tuples
+ @since: 11.1
+ @see: L{GzipDecoder}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, agent, decoders):
+ self._agent = agent
+ self._decoders = dict(decoders)
+ self._supported = b",".join([decoder[0] for decoder in decoders])
+ def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
+ """
+ Send a client request which declares supporting compressed content.
+ @see: L{Agent.request}.
+ """
+ if headers is None:
+ headers = Headers()
+ else:
+ headers = headers.copy()
+ headers.addRawHeader(b"accept-encoding", self._supported)
+ deferred = self._agent.request(method, uri, headers, bodyProducer)
+ return deferred.addCallback(self._handleResponse)
+ def _handleResponse(self, response):
+ """
+ Check if the response is encoded, and wrap it to handle decompression.
+ """
+ contentEncodingHeaders = response.headers.getRawHeaders(b"content-encoding", [])
+ contentEncodingHeaders = b",".join(contentEncodingHeaders).split(b",")
+ while contentEncodingHeaders:
+ name = contentEncodingHeaders.pop().strip()
+ decoder = self._decoders.get(name)
+ if decoder is not None:
+ response = decoder(response)
+ else:
+ # Add it back
+ contentEncodingHeaders.append(name)
+ break
+ if contentEncodingHeaders:
+ response.headers.setRawHeaders(
+ b"content-encoding", [b",".join(contentEncodingHeaders)]
+ )
+ else:
+ response.headers.removeHeader(b"content-encoding")
+ return response
+_canonicalHeaderName = Headers()._canonicalNameCaps
+_defaultSensitiveHeaders = frozenset(
+ [
+ b"Authorization",
+ b"Cookie",
+ b"Cookie2",
+ b"Proxy-Authorization",
+ b"WWW-Authenticate",
+ ]
+class RedirectAgent:
+ """
+ An L{Agent} wrapper which handles HTTP redirects.
+ The implementation is rather strict: 301 and 302 behaves like 307, not
+ redirecting automatically on methods different from I{GET} and I{HEAD}.
+ See L{BrowserLikeRedirectAgent} for a redirecting Agent that behaves more
+ like a web browser.
+ @param redirectLimit: The maximum number of times the agent is allowed to
+ follow redirects before failing with a L{error.InfiniteRedirection}.
+ @param sensitiveHeaderNames: An iterable of C{bytes} enumerating the names
+ of headers that must not be transmitted when redirecting to a different
+ origins. These will be consulted in addition to the protocol-specified
+ set of headers that contain sensitive information.
+ @cvar _redirectResponses: A L{list} of HTTP status codes to be redirected
+ for I{GET} and I{HEAD} methods.
+ @cvar _seeOtherResponses: A L{list} of HTTP status codes to be redirected
+ for any method and the method altered to I{GET}.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ _redirectResponses = [
+ http.FOUND,
+ ]
+ _seeOtherResponses = [http.SEE_OTHER]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ agent: IAgent,
+ redirectLimit: int = 20,
+ sensitiveHeaderNames: Iterable[bytes] = (),
+ ):
+ self._agent = agent
+ self._redirectLimit = redirectLimit
+ sensitive = {_canonicalHeaderName(each) for each in sensitiveHeaderNames}
+ sensitive.update(_defaultSensitiveHeaders)
+ self._sensitiveHeaderNames = sensitive
+ def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
+ """
+ Send a client request following HTTP redirects.
+ @see: L{Agent.request}.
+ """
+ deferred = self._agent.request(method, uri, headers, bodyProducer)
+ return deferred.addCallback(self._handleResponse, method, uri, headers, 0)
+ def _resolveLocation(self, requestURI, location):
+ """
+ Resolve the redirect location against the request I{URI}.
+ @type requestURI: C{bytes}
+ @param requestURI: The request I{URI}.
+ @type location: C{bytes}
+ @param location: The redirect location.
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ @return: Final resolved I{URI}.
+ """
+ return _urljoin(requestURI, location)
+ def _handleRedirect(self, response, method, uri, headers, redirectCount):
+ """
+ Handle a redirect response, checking the number of redirects already
+ followed, and extracting the location header fields.
+ """
+ if redirectCount >= self._redirectLimit:
+ err = error.InfiniteRedirection(
+ response.code, b"Infinite redirection detected", location=uri
+ )
+ raise ResponseFailed([Failure(err)], response)
+ locationHeaders = response.headers.getRawHeaders(b"location", [])
+ if not locationHeaders:
+ err = error.RedirectWithNoLocation(
+ response.code, b"No location header field", uri
+ )
+ raise ResponseFailed([Failure(err)], response)
+ location = self._resolveLocation(uri, locationHeaders[0])
+ if headers:
+ parsedURI = URI.fromBytes(uri)
+ parsedLocation = URI.fromBytes(location)
+ sameOrigin = (
+ (parsedURI.scheme == parsedLocation.scheme)
+ and (parsedURI.host == parsedLocation.host)
+ and (parsedURI.port == parsedLocation.port)
+ )
+ if not sameOrigin:
+ headers = Headers(
+ {
+ rawName: rawValue
+ for rawName, rawValue in headers.getAllRawHeaders()
+ if rawName not in self._sensitiveHeaderNames
+ }
+ )
+ deferred = self._agent.request(method, location, headers)
+ def _chainResponse(newResponse):
+ newResponse.setPreviousResponse(response)
+ return newResponse
+ deferred.addCallback(_chainResponse)
+ return deferred.addCallback(
+ self._handleResponse, method, uri, headers, redirectCount + 1
+ )
+ def _handleResponse(self, response, method, uri, headers, redirectCount):
+ """
+ Handle the response, making another request if it indicates a redirect.
+ """
+ if response.code in self._redirectResponses:
+ if method not in (b"GET", b"HEAD"):
+ err = error.PageRedirect(response.code, location=uri)
+ raise ResponseFailed([Failure(err)], response)
+ return self._handleRedirect(response, method, uri, headers, redirectCount)
+ elif response.code in self._seeOtherResponses:
+ return self._handleRedirect(response, b"GET", uri, headers, redirectCount)
+ return response
+class BrowserLikeRedirectAgent(RedirectAgent):
+ """
+ An L{Agent} wrapper which handles HTTP redirects in the same fashion as web
+ browsers.
+ Unlike L{RedirectAgent}, the implementation is more relaxed: 301 and 302
+ behave like 303, redirecting automatically on any method and altering the
+ redirect request to a I{GET}.
+ @see: L{RedirectAgent}
+ @since: 13.1
+ """
+ _redirectResponses = [http.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT]
+ _seeOtherResponses = [
+ http.FOUND,
+ http.SEE_OTHER,
+ ]
+class _ReadBodyProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
+ """
+ Protocol that collects data sent to it.
+ This is a helper for L{IResponse.deliverBody}, which collects the body and
+ fires a deferred with it.
+ @ivar deferred: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar status: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar message: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar dataBuffer: list of byte-strings received
+ @type dataBuffer: L{list} of L{bytes}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, status, message, deferred):
+ """
+ @param status: Status of L{IResponse}
+ @ivar status: L{int}
+ @param message: Message of L{IResponse}
+ @type message: L{bytes}
+ @param deferred: deferred to fire when response is complete
+ @type deferred: L{Deferred} firing with L{bytes}
+ """
+ self.deferred = deferred
+ self.status = status
+ self.message = message
+ self.dataBuffer = []
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Accumulate some more bytes from the response.
+ """
+ self.dataBuffer.append(data)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ Deliver the accumulated response bytes to the waiting L{Deferred}, if
+ the response body has been completely received without error.
+ """
+ if reason.check(ResponseDone):
+ self.deferred.callback(b"".join(self.dataBuffer))
+ elif reason.check(PotentialDataLoss):
+ self.deferred.errback(
+ PartialDownloadError(
+ self.status, self.message, b"".join(self.dataBuffer)
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ self.deferred.errback(reason)
+def readBody(response: IResponse) -> defer.Deferred[bytes]:
+ """
+ Get the body of an L{IResponse} and return it as a byte string.
+ This is a helper function for clients that don't want to incrementally
+ receive the body of an HTTP response.
+ @param response: The HTTP response for which the body will be read.
+ @type response: L{IResponse} provider
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which will fire with the body of the response.
+ Cancelling it will close the connection to the server immediately.
+ """
+ def cancel(deferred: defer.Deferred[bytes]) -> None:
+ """
+ Cancel a L{readBody} call, close the connection to the HTTP server
+ immediately, if it is still open.
+ @param deferred: The cancelled L{defer.Deferred}.
+ """
+ abort = getAbort()
+ if abort is not None:
+ abort()
+ d: defer.Deferred[bytes] = defer.Deferred(cancel)
+ protocol = _ReadBodyProtocol(response.code, response.phrase, d)
+ def getAbort():
+ return getattr(protocol.transport, "abortConnection", None)
+ response.deliverBody(protocol)
+ if protocol.transport is not None and getAbort() is None:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Using readBody with a transport that does not have an "
+ "abortConnection method",
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ return d
+__all__ = [
+ "Agent",
+ "BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS",
+ "BrowserLikeRedirectAgent",
+ "ContentDecoderAgent",
+ "CookieAgent",
+ "GzipDecoder",
+ "HTTPConnectionPool",
+ "PartialDownloadError",
+ "ProxyAgent",
+ "readBody",
+ "RedirectAgent",
+ "RequestGenerationFailed",
+ "RequestTransmissionFailed",
+ "Response",
+ "ResponseDone",
+ "ResponseFailed",
+ "ResponseNeverReceived",
+ "URI",
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/demo.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/demo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c8a3b69be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/demo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+I am a simple test resource.
+from twisted.web import static
+class Test(static.Data):
+ isLeaf = True
+ def __init__(self):
+ static.Data.__init__(
+ self,
+ b"""
+ <html>
+ <head><title>Twisted Web Demo</title><head>
+ <body>
+ Hello! This is a Twisted Web test page.
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ """,
+ "text/html",
+ )
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/distrib.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/distrib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f25c03ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/distrib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_distrib -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Distributed web servers.
+This is going to have to be refactored so that argument parsing is done
+by each subprocess and not by the main web server (i.e. GET, POST etc.).
+import copy
+import os
+import sys
+ import pwd
+except ImportError:
+ pwd = None # type: ignore[assignment]
+from io import BytesIO
+from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation
+from twisted.internet import address, reactor
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.persisted import styles
+from twisted.spread import pb
+from twisted.spread.banana import SIZE_LIMIT
+from twisted.web import http, resource, server, static, util
+from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
+class _ReferenceableProducerWrapper(pb.Referenceable):
+ def __init__(self, producer):
+ self.producer = producer
+ def remote_resumeProducing(self):
+ self.producer.resumeProducing()
+ def remote_pauseProducing(self):
+ self.producer.pauseProducing()
+ def remote_stopProducing(self):
+ self.producer.stopProducing()
+class Request(pb.RemoteCopy, server.Request):
+ """
+ A request which was received by a L{ResourceSubscription} and sent via
+ PB to a distributed node.
+ """
+ def setCopyableState(self, state):
+ """
+ Initialize this L{twisted.web.distrib.Request} based on the copied
+ state so that it closely resembles a L{twisted.web.server.Request}.
+ """
+ for k in "host", "client":
+ tup = state[k]
+ addrdesc = {"INET": "TCP", "UNIX": "UNIX"}[tup[0]]
+ addr = {
+ "TCP": lambda: address.IPv4Address(addrdesc, tup[1], tup[2]),
+ "UNIX": lambda: address.UNIXAddress(tup[1]),
+ }[addrdesc]()
+ state[k] = addr
+ state["requestHeaders"] = Headers(dict(state["requestHeaders"]))
+ pb.RemoteCopy.setCopyableState(self, state)
+ # Emulate the local request interface --
+ self.content = BytesIO(self.content_data)
+ self.finish = self.remote.remoteMethod("finish")
+ self.setHeader = self.remote.remoteMethod("setHeader")
+ self.addCookie = self.remote.remoteMethod("addCookie")
+ self.setETag = self.remote.remoteMethod("setETag")
+ self.setResponseCode = self.remote.remoteMethod("setResponseCode")
+ self.setLastModified = self.remote.remoteMethod("setLastModified")
+ # To avoid failing if a resource tries to write a very long string
+ # all at once, this one will be handled slightly differently.
+ self._write = self.remote.remoteMethod("write")
+ def write(self, bytes):
+ """
+ Write the given bytes to the response body.
+ @param bytes: The bytes to write. If this is longer than 640k, it
+ will be split up into smaller pieces.
+ """
+ start = 0
+ end = SIZE_LIMIT
+ while True:
+ self._write(bytes[start:end])
+ start += SIZE_LIMIT
+ end += SIZE_LIMIT
+ if start >= len(bytes):
+ break
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ self.remote.callRemote(
+ "registerProducer", _ReferenceableProducerWrapper(producer), streaming
+ ).addErrback(self.fail)
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ self.remote.callRemote("unregisterProducer").addErrback(self.fail)
+ def fail(self, failure):
+ self._log.failure("", failure=failure)
+pb.setUnjellyableForClass(server.Request, Request)
+class Issue:
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, request):
+ self.request = request
+ def finished(self, result):
+ if result is not server.NOT_DONE_YET:
+ assert isinstance(result, str), "return value not a string"
+ self.request.write(result)
+ self.request.finish()
+ def failed(self, failure):
+ # XXX: Argh. FIXME.
+ failure = str(failure)
+ self.request.write(
+ resource._UnsafeErrorPage(
+ "Server Connection Lost",
+ # GHSA-vg46-2rrj-3647 note: _PRE does HTML-escape the input.
+ "Connection to distributed server lost:" + util._PRE(failure),
+ ).render(self.request)
+ )
+ self.request.finish()
+ self._log.info(failure)
+class ResourceSubscription(resource.Resource):
+ isLeaf = 1
+ waiting = 0
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, host, port):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.pending = []
+ self.publisher = None
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ """Get persistent state for this ResourceSubscription."""
+ # When I unserialize,
+ state = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
+ # Publisher won't be connected...
+ state["publisher"] = None
+ # I won't be making a connection
+ state["waiting"] = 0
+ # There will be no pending requests.
+ state["pending"] = []
+ return state
+ def connected(self, publisher):
+ """I've connected to a publisher; I'll now send all my requests."""
+ self._log.info("connected to publisher")
+ publisher.broker.notifyOnDisconnect(self.booted)
+ self.publisher = publisher
+ self.waiting = 0
+ for request in self.pending:
+ self.render(request)
+ self.pending = []
+ def notConnected(self, msg):
+ """I can't connect to a publisher; I'll now reply to all pending
+ requests.
+ """
+ self._log.info("could not connect to distributed web service: {msg}", msg=msg)
+ self.waiting = 0
+ self.publisher = None
+ for request in self.pending:
+ request.write("Unable to connect to distributed server.")
+ request.finish()
+ self.pending = []
+ def booted(self):
+ self.notConnected("connection dropped")
+ def render(self, request):
+ """Render this request, from my server.
+ This will always be asynchronous, and therefore return NOT_DONE_YET.
+ It spins off a request to the pb client, and either adds it to the list
+ of pending issues or requests it immediately, depending on if the
+ client is already connected.
+ """
+ if not self.publisher:
+ self.pending.append(request)
+ if not self.waiting:
+ self.waiting = 1
+ bf = pb.PBClientFactory()
+ timeout = 10
+ if self.host == "unix":
+ reactor.connectUNIX(self.port, bf, timeout)
+ else:
+ reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port, bf, timeout)
+ d = bf.getRootObject()
+ d.addCallbacks(self.connected, self.notConnected)
+ else:
+ i = Issue(request)
+ self.publisher.callRemote("request", request).addCallbacks(
+ i.finished, i.failed
+ )
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+class ResourcePublisher(pb.Root, styles.Versioned):
+ """
+ L{ResourcePublisher} exposes a remote API which can be used to respond
+ to request.
+ @ivar site: The site which will be used for resource lookup.
+ @type site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ """
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, site):
+ self.site = site
+ persistenceVersion = 2
+ def upgradeToVersion2(self):
+ self.application.authorizer.removeIdentity("web")
+ del self.application.services[self.serviceName]
+ del self.serviceName
+ del self.application
+ del self.perspectiveName
+ def getPerspectiveNamed(self, name):
+ return self
+ def remote_request(self, request):
+ """
+ Look up the resource for the given request and render it.
+ """
+ res = self.site.getResourceFor(request)
+ self._log.info(request)
+ result = res.render(request)
+ if result is not server.NOT_DONE_YET:
+ request.write(result)
+ request.finish()
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+class UserDirectory(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ A resource which lists available user resources and serves them as
+ children.
+ @ivar _pwd: An object like L{pwd} which is used to enumerate users and
+ their home directories.
+ """
+ userDirName = "public_html"
+ userSocketName = ".twistd-web-pb"
+ template = """
+ <head>
+ <title>twisted.web.distrib.UserDirectory</title>
+ <style>
+ a
+ {
+ font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ color: #369;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+ th
+ {
+ font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-align: left;
+ }
+ pre, code
+ {
+ font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
+ }
+ p, body, td, ol, ul, menu, blockquote, div
+ {
+ font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ color: #000;
+ }
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>twisted.web.distrib.UserDirectory</h1>
+ %(users)s
+ def __init__(self, userDatabase=None):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ if userDatabase is None:
+ userDatabase = pwd
+ self._pwd = userDatabase
+ def _users(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of two-tuples giving links to user resources and text to
+ associate with those links.
+ """
+ users = []
+ for user in self._pwd.getpwall():
+ name, passwd, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = user
+ realname = gecos.split(",")[0]
+ if not realname:
+ realname = name
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, self.userDirName)):
+ users.append((name, realname + " (file)"))
+ twistdsock = os.path.join(dir, self.userSocketName)
+ if os.path.exists(twistdsock):
+ linkName = name + ".twistd"
+ users.append((linkName, realname + " (twistd)"))
+ return users
+ def render_GET(self, request):
+ """
+ Render as HTML a listing of all known users with links to their
+ personal resources.
+ """
+ domImpl = getDOMImplementation()
+ newDoc = domImpl.createDocument(None, "ul", None)
+ listing = newDoc.documentElement
+ for link, text in self._users():
+ linkElement = newDoc.createElement("a")
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", link + "/")
+ textNode = newDoc.createTextNode(text)
+ linkElement.appendChild(textNode)
+ item = newDoc.createElement("li")
+ item.appendChild(linkElement)
+ listing.appendChild(item)
+ htmlDoc = self.template % ({"users": listing.toxml()})
+ return htmlDoc.encode("utf-8")
+ def getChild(self, name, request):
+ if name == b"":
+ return self
+ td = b".twistd"
+ if name.endswith(td):
+ username = name[: -len(td)]
+ sub = 1
+ else:
+ username = name
+ sub = 0
+ try:
+ # Decode using the filesystem encoding to reverse a transformation
+ # done in the pwd module.
+ (
+ pw_name,
+ pw_passwd,
+ pw_uid,
+ pw_gid,
+ pw_gecos,
+ pw_dir,
+ pw_shell,
+ ) = self._pwd.getpwnam(username.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
+ except KeyError:
+ return resource._UnsafeNoResource()
+ if sub:
+ twistdsock = os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userSocketName)
+ rs = ResourceSubscription("unix", twistdsock)
+ self.putChild(name, rs)
+ return rs
+ else:
+ path = os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userDirName)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ return resource._UnsafeNoResource()
+ return static.File(path)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/domhelpers.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/domhelpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..326c3f8485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/domhelpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_domhelpers -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+A library for performing interesting tasks with DOM objects.
+This module is now deprecated.
+import warnings
+from io import StringIO
+from incremental import Version, getVersionString
+from twisted.web import microdom
+from twisted.web.microdom import escape, getElementsByTagName, unescape
+warningString = "twisted.web.domhelpers was deprecated at {}".format(
+ getVersionString(Version("Twisted", 23, 10, 0))
+warnings.warn(warningString, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
+# These modules are imported here as a shortcut.
+class NodeLookupError(Exception):
+ pass
+def substitute(request, node, subs):
+ """
+ Look through the given node's children for strings, and
+ attempt to do string substitution with the given parameter.
+ """
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ if hasattr(child, "nodeValue") and child.nodeValue:
+ child.replaceData(0, len(child.nodeValue), child.nodeValue % subs)
+ substitute(request, child, subs)
+def _get(node, nodeId, nodeAttrs=("id", "class", "model", "pattern")):
+ """
+ (internal) Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
+ C{id} or C{pattern} attributes.
+ """
+ if hasattr(node, "hasAttributes") and node.hasAttributes():
+ for nodeAttr in nodeAttrs:
+ if str(node.getAttribute(nodeAttr)) == nodeId:
+ return node
+ if node.hasChildNodes():
+ if hasattr(node.childNodes, "length"):
+ length = node.childNodes.length
+ else:
+ length = len(node.childNodes)
+ for childNum in range(length):
+ result = _get(node.childNodes[childNum], nodeId)
+ if result:
+ return result
+def get(node, nodeId):
+ """
+ Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
+ C{id} or C{pattern} attributes. If there is no such node, raise
+ L{NodeLookupError}.
+ """
+ result = _get(node, nodeId)
+ if result:
+ return result
+ raise NodeLookupError(nodeId)
+def getIfExists(node, nodeId):
+ """
+ Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
+ C{id} or C{pattern} attributes. If there is no such node, return
+ L{None}.
+ """
+ return _get(node, nodeId)
+def getAndClear(node, nodeId):
+ """Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
+ C{id} or C{pattern} attributes. If there is no such node, raise
+ L{NodeLookupError}. Remove all child nodes before returning.
+ """
+ result = get(node, nodeId)
+ if result:
+ clearNode(result)
+ return result
+def clearNode(node):
+ """
+ Remove all children from the given node.
+ """
+ node.childNodes[:] = []
+def locateNodes(nodeList, key, value, noNesting=1):
+ """
+ Find subnodes in the given node where the given attribute
+ has the given value.
+ """
+ returnList = []
+ if not isinstance(nodeList, type([])):
+ return locateNodes(nodeList.childNodes, key, value, noNesting)
+ for childNode in nodeList:
+ if not hasattr(childNode, "getAttribute"):
+ continue
+ if str(childNode.getAttribute(key)) == value:
+ returnList.append(childNode)
+ if noNesting:
+ continue
+ returnList.extend(locateNodes(childNode, key, value, noNesting))
+ return returnList
+def superSetAttribute(node, key, value):
+ if not hasattr(node, "setAttribute"):
+ return
+ node.setAttribute(key, value)
+ if node.hasChildNodes():
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ superSetAttribute(child, key, value)
+def superPrependAttribute(node, key, value):
+ if not hasattr(node, "setAttribute"):
+ return
+ old = node.getAttribute(key)
+ if old:
+ node.setAttribute(key, value + "/" + old)
+ else:
+ node.setAttribute(key, value)
+ if node.hasChildNodes():
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ superPrependAttribute(child, key, value)
+def superAppendAttribute(node, key, value):
+ if not hasattr(node, "setAttribute"):
+ return
+ old = node.getAttribute(key)
+ if old:
+ node.setAttribute(key, old + "/" + value)
+ else:
+ node.setAttribute(key, value)
+ if node.hasChildNodes():
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ superAppendAttribute(child, key, value)
+def gatherTextNodes(iNode, dounescape=0, joinWith=""):
+ """Visit each child node and collect its text data, if any, into a string.
+ For example::
+ >>> doc=microdom.parseString('<a>1<b>2<c>3</c>4</b></a>')
+ >>> gatherTextNodes(doc.documentElement)
+ '1234'
+ With dounescape=1, also convert entities back into normal characters.
+ @return: the gathered nodes as a single string
+ @rtype: str"""
+ gathered = []
+ gathered_append = gathered.append
+ slice = [iNode]
+ while len(slice) > 0:
+ c = slice.pop(0)
+ if hasattr(c, "nodeValue") and c.nodeValue is not None:
+ if dounescape:
+ val = unescape(c.nodeValue)
+ else:
+ val = c.nodeValue
+ gathered_append(val)
+ slice[:0] = c.childNodes
+ return joinWith.join(gathered)
+class RawText(microdom.Text):
+ """This is an evil and horrible speed hack. Basically, if you have a big
+ chunk of XML that you want to insert into the DOM, but you don't want to
+ incur the cost of parsing it, you can construct one of these and insert it
+ into the DOM. This will most certainly only work with microdom as the API
+ for converting nodes to xml is different in every DOM implementation.
+ This could be improved by making this class a Lazy parser, so if you
+ inserted this into the DOM and then later actually tried to mutate this
+ node, it would be parsed then.
+ """
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ writer,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes=None,
+ namespace=None,
+ ):
+ writer.write(f"{indent}{self.data}{newl}")
+def findNodes(parent, matcher, accum=None):
+ if accum is None:
+ accum = []
+ if not parent.hasChildNodes():
+ return accum
+ for child in parent.childNodes:
+ # print child, child.nodeType, child.nodeName
+ if matcher(child):
+ accum.append(child)
+ findNodes(child, matcher, accum)
+ return accum
+def findNodesShallowOnMatch(parent, matcher, recurseMatcher, accum=None):
+ if accum is None:
+ accum = []
+ if not parent.hasChildNodes():
+ return accum
+ for child in parent.childNodes:
+ # print child, child.nodeType, child.nodeName
+ if matcher(child):
+ accum.append(child)
+ if recurseMatcher(child):
+ findNodesShallowOnMatch(child, matcher, recurseMatcher, accum)
+ return accum
+def findNodesShallow(parent, matcher, accum=None):
+ if accum is None:
+ accum = []
+ if not parent.hasChildNodes():
+ return accum
+ for child in parent.childNodes:
+ if matcher(child):
+ accum.append(child)
+ else:
+ findNodes(child, matcher, accum)
+ return accum
+def findElementsWithAttributeShallow(parent, attribute):
+ """
+ Return an iterable of the elements which are direct children of C{parent}
+ and which have the C{attribute} attribute.
+ """
+ return findNodesShallow(
+ parent,
+ lambda n: getattr(n, "tagName", None) is not None and n.hasAttribute(attribute),
+ )
+def findElements(parent, matcher):
+ """
+ Return an iterable of the elements which are children of C{parent} for
+ which the predicate C{matcher} returns true.
+ """
+ return findNodes(
+ parent,
+ lambda n, matcher=matcher: getattr(n, "tagName", None) is not None
+ and matcher(n),
+ )
+def findElementsWithAttribute(parent, attribute, value=None):
+ if value:
+ return findElements(
+ parent,
+ lambda n, attribute=attribute, value=value: n.hasAttribute(attribute)
+ and n.getAttribute(attribute) == value,
+ )
+ else:
+ return findElements(
+ parent, lambda n, attribute=attribute: n.hasAttribute(attribute)
+ )
+def findNodesNamed(parent, name):
+ return findNodes(parent, lambda n, name=name: n.nodeName == name)
+def writeNodeData(node, oldio):
+ for subnode in node.childNodes:
+ if hasattr(subnode, "data"):
+ oldio.write("" + subnode.data)
+ else:
+ writeNodeData(subnode, oldio)
+def getNodeText(node):
+ oldio = StringIO()
+ writeNodeData(node, oldio)
+ return oldio.getvalue()
+def getParents(node):
+ l = []
+ while node:
+ l.append(node)
+ node = node.parentNode
+ return l
+def namedChildren(parent, nodeName):
+ """namedChildren(parent, nodeName) -> children (not descendants) of parent
+ that have tagName == nodeName
+ """
+ return [n for n in parent.childNodes if getattr(n, "tagName", "") == nodeName]
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/error.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/error.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc151d4205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/error.py
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_error -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Exception definitions for L{twisted.web}.
+__all__ = [
+ "Error",
+ "PageRedirect",
+ "InfiniteRedirection",
+ "RenderError",
+ "MissingRenderMethod",
+ "MissingTemplateLoader",
+ "UnexposedMethodError",
+ "UnfilledSlot",
+ "UnsupportedType",
+ "FlattenerError",
+ "RedirectWithNoLocation",
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+from typing import Optional, Union, cast
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString
+from twisted.web._responses import RESPONSES
+def _codeToMessage(code: Union[int, bytes]) -> Optional[bytes]:
+ """
+ Returns the response message corresponding to an HTTP code, or None
+ if the code is unknown or unrecognized.
+ @param code: HTTP status code, for example C{http.NOT_FOUND}.
+ @return: A string message or none
+ """
+ try:
+ return RESPONSES.get(int(code))
+ except (ValueError, AttributeError):
+ return None
+class Error(Exception):
+ """
+ A basic HTTP error.
+ @ivar status: Refers to an HTTP status code, for example C{http.NOT_FOUND}.
+ @param message: A short error message, for example "NOT FOUND".
+ @ivar response: A complete HTML document for an error page.
+ """
+ status: bytes
+ message: Optional[bytes]
+ response: Optional[bytes]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ code: Union[int, bytes],
+ message: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ response: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Initializes a basic exception.
+ @type code: L{bytes} or L{int}
+ @param code: Refers to an HTTP status code (for example, 200) either as
+ an integer or a bytestring representing such. If no C{message} is
+ given, C{code} is mapped to a descriptive bytestring that is used
+ instead.
+ @type message: L{bytes}
+ @param message: A short error message, for example C{b"NOT FOUND"}.
+ @type response: L{bytes}
+ @param response: A complete HTML document for an error page.
+ """
+ message = message or _codeToMessage(code)
+ Exception.__init__(self, code, message, response)
+ if isinstance(code, int):
+ # If we're given an int, convert it to a bytestring
+ # downloadPage gives a bytes, Agent gives an int, and it worked by
+ # accident previously, so just make it keep working.
+ code = b"%d" % (code,)
+ elif len(code) != 3 or not code.isdigit():
+ # Status codes must be 3 digits. See
+ # https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc9110.html#status.code.extensibility
+ raise ValueError(f"Not a valid HTTP status code: {code!r}")
+ self.status = code
+ self.message = message
+ self.response = response
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ s = self.status
+ if self.message:
+ s += b" " + self.message
+ return nativeString(s)
+class PageRedirect(Error):
+ """
+ A request resulted in an HTTP redirect.
+ @ivar location: The location of the redirect which was not followed.
+ """
+ location: Optional[bytes]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ code: Union[int, bytes],
+ message: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ response: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ location: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Initializes a page redirect exception.
+ @type code: L{bytes}
+ @param code: Refers to an HTTP status code, for example
+ C{http.NOT_FOUND}. If no C{message} is given, C{code} is mapped to a
+ descriptive string that is used instead.
+ @type message: L{bytes}
+ @param message: A short error message, for example C{b"NOT FOUND"}.
+ @type response: L{bytes}
+ @param response: A complete HTML document for an error page.
+ @type location: L{bytes}
+ @param location: The location response-header field value. It is an
+ absolute URI used to redirect the receiver to a location other than
+ the Request-URI so the request can be completed.
+ """
+ Error.__init__(self, code, message, response)
+ if self.message and location:
+ self.message = self.message + b" to " + location
+ self.location = location
+class InfiniteRedirection(Error):
+ """
+ HTTP redirection is occurring endlessly.
+ @ivar location: The first URL in the series of redirections which was
+ not followed.
+ """
+ location: Optional[bytes]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ code: Union[int, bytes],
+ message: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ response: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ location: Optional[bytes] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Initializes an infinite redirection exception.
+ @param code: Refers to an HTTP status code, for example
+ C{http.NOT_FOUND}. If no C{message} is given, C{code} is mapped to a
+ descriptive string that is used instead.
+ @param message: A short error message, for example C{b"NOT FOUND"}.
+ @param response: A complete HTML document for an error page.
+ @param location: The location response-header field value. It is an
+ absolute URI used to redirect the receiver to a location other than
+ the Request-URI so the request can be completed.
+ """
+ Error.__init__(self, code, message, response)
+ if self.message and location:
+ self.message = self.message + b" to " + location
+ self.location = location
+class RedirectWithNoLocation(Error):
+ """
+ Exception passed to L{ResponseFailed} if we got a redirect without a
+ C{Location} header field.
+ @type uri: L{bytes}
+ @ivar uri: The URI which failed to give a proper location header
+ field.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ message: bytes
+ uri: bytes
+ def __init__(self, code: Union[bytes, int], message: bytes, uri: bytes) -> None:
+ """
+ Initializes a page redirect exception when no location is given.
+ @type code: L{bytes}
+ @param code: Refers to an HTTP status code, for example
+ C{http.NOT_FOUND}. If no C{message} is given, C{code} is mapped to
+ a descriptive string that is used instead.
+ @type message: L{bytes}
+ @param message: A short error message.
+ @type uri: L{bytes}
+ @param uri: The URI which failed to give a proper location header
+ field.
+ """
+ Error.__init__(self, code, message)
+ self.message = self.message + b" to " + uri
+ self.uri = uri
+class UnsupportedMethod(Exception):
+ """
+ Raised by a resource when faced with a strange request method.
+ RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1) gives us two choices when faced with this situation:
+ If the type of request is known to us, but not allowed for the requested
+ resource, respond with NOT_ALLOWED. Otherwise, if the request is something
+ we don't know how to deal with in any case, respond with NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
+ When this exception is raised by a Resource's render method, the server
+ will make the appropriate response.
+ This exception's first argument MUST be a sequence of the methods the
+ resource *does* support.
+ """
+ allowedMethods = ()
+ def __init__(self, allowedMethods, *args):
+ Exception.__init__(self, allowedMethods, *args)
+ self.allowedMethods = allowedMethods
+ if not isinstance(allowedMethods, Sequence):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "First argument must be a sequence of supported methods, "
+ "but my first argument is not a sequence."
+ )
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"Expected one of {self.allowedMethods!r}"
+class SchemeNotSupported(Exception):
+ """
+ The scheme of a URI was not one of the supported values.
+ """
+class RenderError(Exception):
+ """
+ Base exception class for all errors which can occur during template
+ rendering.
+ """
+class MissingRenderMethod(RenderError):
+ """
+ Tried to use a render method which does not exist.
+ @ivar element: The element which did not have the render method.
+ @ivar renderName: The name of the renderer which could not be found.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, element, renderName):
+ RenderError.__init__(self, element, renderName)
+ self.element = element
+ self.renderName = renderName
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "{!r}: {!r} had no render method named {!r}".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.element,
+ self.renderName,
+ )
+class MissingTemplateLoader(RenderError):
+ """
+ L{MissingTemplateLoader} is raised when trying to render an Element without
+ a template loader, i.e. a C{loader} attribute.
+ @ivar element: The Element which did not have a document factory.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, element):
+ RenderError.__init__(self, element)
+ self.element = element
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__!r}: {self.element!r} had no loader"
+class UnexposedMethodError(Exception):
+ """
+ Raised on any attempt to get a method which has not been exposed.
+ """
+class UnfilledSlot(Exception):
+ """
+ During flattening, a slot with no associated data was encountered.
+ """
+class UnsupportedType(Exception):
+ """
+ During flattening, an object of a type which cannot be flattened was
+ encountered.
+ """
+class ExcessiveBufferingError(Exception):
+ """
+ The HTTP/2 protocol has been forced to buffer an excessive amount of
+ outbound data, and has therefore closed the connection and dropped all
+ outbound data.
+ """
+class FlattenerError(Exception):
+ """
+ An error occurred while flattening an object.
+ @ivar _roots: A list of the objects on the flattener's stack at the time
+ the unflattenable object was encountered. The first element is least
+ deeply nested object and the last element is the most deeply nested.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, exception, roots, traceback):
+ self._exception = exception
+ self._roots = roots
+ self._traceback = traceback
+ Exception.__init__(self, exception, roots, traceback)
+ def _formatRoot(self, obj):
+ """
+ Convert an object from C{self._roots} to a string suitable for
+ inclusion in a render-traceback (like a normal Python traceback, but
+ can include "frame" source locations which are not in Python source
+ files).
+ @param obj: Any object which can be a render step I{root}.
+ Typically, L{Tag}s, strings, and other simple Python types.
+ @return: A string representation of C{obj}.
+ @rtype: L{str}
+ """
+ # There's a circular dependency between this class and 'Tag', although
+ # only for an isinstance() check.
+ from twisted.web.template import Tag
+ if isinstance(obj, (bytes, str)):
+ # It's somewhat unlikely that there will ever be a str in the roots
+ # list. However, something like a MemoryError during a str.replace
+ # call (eg, replacing " with &quot;) could possibly cause this.
+ # Likewise, UTF-8 encoding a unicode string to a byte string might
+ # fail like this.
+ if len(obj) > 40:
+ if isinstance(obj, str):
+ ellipsis = "<...>"
+ else:
+ ellipsis = b"<...>"
+ return ascii(obj[:20] + ellipsis + obj[-20:])
+ else:
+ return ascii(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, Tag):
+ if obj.filename is None:
+ return "Tag <" + obj.tagName + ">"
+ else:
+ return 'File "%s", line %d, column %d, in "%s"' % (
+ obj.filename,
+ obj.lineNumber,
+ obj.columnNumber,
+ obj.tagName,
+ )
+ else:
+ return ascii(obj)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Present a string representation which includes a template traceback, so
+ we can tell where this error occurred in the template, as well as in
+ Python.
+ """
+ # Avoid importing things unnecessarily until we actually need them;
+ # since this is an 'error' module we should be extra paranoid about
+ # that.
+ from traceback import format_list
+ if self._roots:
+ roots = (
+ " " + "\n ".join([self._formatRoot(r) for r in self._roots]) + "\n"
+ )
+ else:
+ roots = ""
+ if self._traceback:
+ traceback = (
+ "\n".join(
+ [
+ line
+ for entry in format_list(self._traceback)
+ for line in entry.splitlines()
+ ]
+ )
+ + "\n"
+ )
+ else:
+ traceback = ""
+ return cast(
+ str,
+ (
+ "Exception while flattening:\n"
+ + roots
+ + traceback
+ + self._exception.__class__.__name__
+ + ": "
+ + str(self._exception)
+ + "\n"
+ ),
+ )
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return repr(self)
+class UnsupportedSpecialHeader(Exception):
+ """
+ A HTTP/2 request was received that contained a HTTP/2 pseudo-header field
+ that is not recognised by Twisted.
+ """
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/guard.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/guard.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..894823f814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/guard.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_httpauth -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Resource traversal integration with L{twisted.cred} to allow for
+authentication and authorization of HTTP requests.
+from twisted.web._auth.basic import BasicCredentialFactory
+from twisted.web._auth.digest import DigestCredentialFactory
+# Expose HTTP authentication classes here.
+from twisted.web._auth.wrapper import HTTPAuthSessionWrapper
+__all__ = [
+ "HTTPAuthSessionWrapper",
+ "BasicCredentialFactory",
+ "DigestCredentialFactory",
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/html.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/html.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8253b3ef5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/html.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_html -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+"""I hold HTML generation helpers.
+from html import escape
+from io import StringIO
+from incremental import Version
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated
+@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 15, 3, 0), replacement="twisted.web.template")
+def PRE(text):
+ "Wrap <pre> tags around some text and HTML-escape it."
+ return "<pre>" + escape(text) + "</pre>"
+@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 15, 3, 0), replacement="twisted.web.template")
+def UL(lst):
+ io = StringIO()
+ io.write("<ul>\n")
+ for el in lst:
+ io.write("<li> %s</li>\n" % el)
+ io.write("</ul>")
+ return io.getvalue()
+@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 15, 3, 0), replacement="twisted.web.template")
+def linkList(lst):
+ io = StringIO()
+ io.write("<ul>\n")
+ for hr, el in lst:
+ io.write(f'<li> <a href="{hr}">{el}</a></li>\n')
+ io.write("</ul>")
+ return io.getvalue()
+@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 15, 3, 0), replacement="twisted.web.template")
+def output(func, *args, **kw):
+ """output(func, *args, **kw) -> html string
+ Either return the result of a function (which presumably returns an
+ HTML-legal string) or a sparse HTMLized error message and a message
+ in the server log.
+ """
+ try:
+ return func(*args, **kw)
+ except BaseException:
+ log.msg(f"Error calling {func!r}:")
+ log.err()
+ return PRE("An error occurred.")
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/http.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/http.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bad1471dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/http.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3305 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_http -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HyperText Transfer Protocol implementation.
+This is the basic server-side protocol implementation used by the Twisted
+Web server. It can parse HTTP 1.0 requests and supports many HTTP 1.1
+features as well. Additionally, some functionality implemented here is
+also useful for HTTP clients (such as the chunked encoding parser).
+@var CACHED: A marker value to be returned from cache-related request methods
+ to indicate to the caller that a cached response will be usable and no
+ response body should be generated.
+@var FOUND: An HTTP response code indicating a temporary redirect.
+@var NOT_MODIFIED: An HTTP response code indicating that a requested
+ pre-condition (for example, the condition represented by an
+ I{If-Modified-Since} header is present in the request) has succeeded. This
+ indicates a response body cached by the client can be used.
+@var PRECONDITION_FAILED: An HTTP response code indicating that a requested
+ pre-condition (for example, the condition represented by an I{If-None-Match}
+ header is present in the request) has failed. This should typically
+ indicate that the server has not taken the requested action.
+@var maxChunkSizeLineLength: Maximum allowable length of the CRLF-terminated
+ line that indicates the size of a chunk and the extensions associated with
+ it, as in the HTTP 1.1 chunked I{Transfer-Encoding} (RFC 7230 section 4.1).
+ This limits how much data may be buffered when decoding the line.
+__all__ = [
+ "OK",
+ "FOUND",
+ "GONE",
+ "urlparse",
+ "parse_qs",
+ "datetimeToString",
+ "datetimeToLogString",
+ "timegm",
+ "stringToDatetime",
+ "toChunk",
+ "fromChunk",
+ "parseContentRange",
+ "StringTransport",
+ "HTTPClient",
+ "Request",
+ "PotentialDataLoss",
+ "HTTPChannel",
+ "HTTPFactory",
+import base64
+import binascii
+import calendar
+import cgi
+import math
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+import time
+import warnings
+from io import BytesIO
+from typing import AnyStr, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
+from urllib.parse import (
+ ParseResultBytes,
+ unquote_to_bytes as unquote,
+ urlparse as _urlparse,
+from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface, implementer, provider
+from incremental import Version
+from twisted.internet import address, interfaces, protocol
+from twisted.internet._producer_helpers import _PullToPush
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IProtocol
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.protocols import basic, policies
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, networkString
+from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
+from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+# twisted imports
+from twisted.web._responses import (
+ OK,
+from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers, _sanitizeLinearWhitespace
+from twisted.web.iweb import IAccessLogFormatter, INonQueuedRequestFactory, IRequest
+ from twisted.web._http2 import H2Connection
+ H2_ENABLED = True
+except ImportError:
+ H2_ENABLED = False
+# A common request timeout -- 1 minute. This is roughly what nginx uses, and
+# so it seems to be a good choice for us too.
+protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1"
+CACHED = """Magic constant returned by http.Request methods to set cache
+validation headers when the request is conditional and the value fails
+the condition."""
+# backwards compatibility
+responses = RESPONSES
+# datetime parsing and formatting
+weekdayname = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
+monthname = [
+ None,
+ "Jan",
+ "Feb",
+ "Mar",
+ "Apr",
+ "May",
+ "Jun",
+ "Jul",
+ "Aug",
+ "Sep",
+ "Oct",
+ "Nov",
+ "Dec",
+weekdayname_lower = [name.lower() for name in weekdayname]
+monthname_lower = [name and name.lower() for name in monthname]
+def _parseHeader(line):
+ # cgi.parse_header requires a str
+ key, pdict = cgi.parse_header(line.decode("charmap"))
+ # We want the key as bytes, and cgi.parse_multipart (which consumes
+ # pdict) expects a dict of str keys but bytes values
+ key = key.encode("charmap")
+ pdict = {x: y.encode("charmap") for x, y in pdict.items()}
+ return (key, pdict)
+def urlparse(url):
+ """
+ Parse an URL into six components.
+ This is similar to C{urlparse.urlparse}, but rejects C{str} input
+ and always produces C{bytes} output.
+ @type url: C{bytes}
+ @raise TypeError: The given url was a C{str} string instead of a
+ C{bytes}.
+ @return: The scheme, net location, path, params, query string, and fragment
+ of the URL - all as C{bytes}.
+ @rtype: C{ParseResultBytes}
+ """
+ if isinstance(url, str):
+ raise TypeError("url must be bytes, not unicode")
+ scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = _urlparse(url)
+ if isinstance(scheme, str):
+ scheme = scheme.encode("ascii")
+ netloc = netloc.encode("ascii")
+ path = path.encode("ascii")
+ query = query.encode("ascii")
+ fragment = fragment.encode("ascii")
+ return ParseResultBytes(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment)
+def parse_qs(qs, keep_blank_values=0, strict_parsing=0):
+ """
+ Like C{cgi.parse_qs}, but with support for parsing byte strings on Python 3.
+ @type qs: C{bytes}
+ """
+ d = {}
+ items = [s2 for s1 in qs.split(b"&") for s2 in s1.split(b";")]
+ for item in items:
+ try:
+ k, v = item.split(b"=", 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ if strict_parsing:
+ raise
+ continue
+ if v or keep_blank_values:
+ k = unquote(k.replace(b"+", b" "))
+ v = unquote(v.replace(b"+", b" "))
+ if k in d:
+ d[k].append(v)
+ else:
+ d[k] = [v]
+ return d
+def datetimeToString(msSinceEpoch=None):
+ """
+ Convert seconds since epoch to HTTP datetime string.
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+ if msSinceEpoch == None:
+ msSinceEpoch = time.time()
+ year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time.gmtime(msSinceEpoch)
+ s = networkString(
+ "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT"
+ % (weekdayname[wd], day, monthname[month], year, hh, mm, ss)
+ )
+ return s
+def datetimeToLogString(msSinceEpoch=None):
+ """
+ Convert seconds since epoch to log datetime string.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ """
+ if msSinceEpoch == None:
+ msSinceEpoch = time.time()
+ year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time.gmtime(msSinceEpoch)
+ s = "[%02d/%3s/%4d:%02d:%02d:%02d +0000]" % (
+ day,
+ monthname[month],
+ year,
+ hh,
+ mm,
+ ss,
+ )
+ return s
+def timegm(year, month, day, hour, minute, second):
+ """
+ Convert time tuple in GMT to seconds since epoch, GMT
+ """
+ EPOCH = 1970
+ if year < EPOCH:
+ raise ValueError("Years prior to %d not supported" % (EPOCH,))
+ assert 1 <= month <= 12
+ days = 365 * (year - EPOCH) + calendar.leapdays(EPOCH, year)
+ for i in range(1, month):
+ days = days + calendar.mdays[i]
+ if month > 2 and calendar.isleap(year):
+ days = days + 1
+ days = days + day - 1
+ hours = days * 24 + hour
+ minutes = hours * 60 + minute
+ seconds = minutes * 60 + second
+ return seconds
+def stringToDatetime(dateString):
+ """
+ Convert an HTTP date string (one of three formats) to seconds since epoch.
+ @type dateString: C{bytes}
+ """
+ parts = nativeString(dateString).split()
+ if not parts[0][0:3].lower() in weekdayname_lower:
+ # Weekday is stupid. Might have been omitted.
+ try:
+ return stringToDatetime(b"Sun, " + dateString)
+ except ValueError:
+ # Guess not.
+ pass
+ partlen = len(parts)
+ if (partlen == 5 or partlen == 6) and parts[1].isdigit():
+ # 1st date format: Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
+ # (Note: "GMT" is literal, not a variable timezone)
+ # (also handles without "GMT")
+ # This is the normal format
+ day = parts[1]
+ month = parts[2]
+ year = parts[3]
+ time = parts[4]
+ elif (partlen == 3 or partlen == 4) and parts[1].find("-") != -1:
+ # 2nd date format: Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT
+ # (Note: "GMT" is literal, not a variable timezone)
+ # (also handles without without "GMT")
+ # Two digit year, yucko.
+ day, month, year = parts[1].split("-")
+ time = parts[2]
+ year = int(year)
+ if year < 69:
+ year = year + 2000
+ elif year < 100:
+ year = year + 1900
+ elif len(parts) == 5:
+ # 3rd date format: Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994
+ # ANSI C asctime() format.
+ day = parts[2]
+ month = parts[1]
+ year = parts[4]
+ time = parts[3]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown datetime format %r" % dateString)
+ day = int(day)
+ month = int(monthname_lower.index(month.lower()))
+ year = int(year)
+ hour, min, sec = map(int, time.split(":"))
+ return int(timegm(year, month, day, hour, min, sec))
+def toChunk(data):
+ """
+ Convert string to a chunk.
+ @type data: C{bytes}
+ @returns: a tuple of C{bytes} representing the chunked encoding of data
+ """
+ return (networkString(f"{len(data):x}"), b"\r\n", data, b"\r\n")
+def _ishexdigits(b: bytes) -> bool:
+ """
+ Is the string case-insensitively hexidecimal?
+ It must be composed of one or more characters in the ranges a-f, A-F
+ and 0-9.
+ """
+ for c in b:
+ if c not in b"0123456789abcdefABCDEF":
+ return False
+ return b != b""
+def _hexint(b: bytes) -> int:
+ """
+ Decode a hexadecimal integer.
+ Unlike L{int(b, 16)}, this raises L{ValueError} when the integer has
+ a prefix like C{b'0x'}, C{b'+'}, or C{b'-'}, which is desirable when
+ parsing network protocols.
+ """
+ if not _ishexdigits(b):
+ raise ValueError(b)
+ return int(b, 16)
+def fromChunk(data: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
+ """
+ Convert chunk to string.
+ Note that this function is not specification compliant: it doesn't handle
+ chunk extensions.
+ @type data: C{bytes}
+ @return: tuple of (result, remaining) - both C{bytes}.
+ @raise ValueError: If the given data is not a correctly formatted chunked
+ byte string.
+ """
+ prefix, rest = data.split(b"\r\n", 1)
+ length = _hexint(prefix)
+ if length < 0:
+ raise ValueError("Chunk length must be >= 0, not %d" % (length,))
+ if rest[length : length + 2] != b"\r\n":
+ raise ValueError("chunk must end with CRLF")
+ return rest[:length], rest[length + 2 :]
+def parseContentRange(header):
+ """
+ Parse a content-range header into (start, end, realLength).
+ realLength might be None if real length is not known ('*').
+ """
+ kind, other = header.strip().split()
+ if kind.lower() != "bytes":
+ raise ValueError("a range of type %r is not supported")
+ startend, realLength = other.split("/")
+ start, end = map(int, startend.split("-"))
+ if realLength == "*":
+ realLength = None
+ else:
+ realLength = int(realLength)
+ return (start, end, realLength)
+class _IDeprecatedHTTPChannelToRequestInterface(Interface):
+ """
+ The interface L{HTTPChannel} expects of L{Request}.
+ """
+ requestHeaders = Attribute(
+ "A L{http_headers.Headers} instance giving all received HTTP request "
+ "headers."
+ )
+ responseHeaders = Attribute(
+ "A L{http_headers.Headers} instance holding all HTTP response "
+ "headers to be sent."
+ )
+ def connectionLost(reason):
+ """
+ The underlying connection has been lost.
+ @param reason: A failure instance indicating the reason why
+ the connection was lost.
+ @type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
+ """
+ def gotLength(length):
+ """
+ Called when L{HTTPChannel} has determined the length, if any,
+ of the incoming request's body.
+ @param length: The length of the request's body.
+ @type length: L{int} if the request declares its body's length
+ and L{None} if it does not.
+ """
+ def handleContentChunk(data):
+ """
+ Deliver a received chunk of body data to the request. Note
+ this does not imply chunked transfer encoding.
+ @param data: The received chunk.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def parseCookies():
+ """
+ Parse the request's cookies out of received headers.
+ """
+ def requestReceived(command, path, version):
+ """
+ Called when the entire request, including its body, has been
+ received.
+ @param command: The request's HTTP command.
+ @type command: L{bytes}
+ @param path: The request's path. Note: this is actually what
+ RFC7320 calls the URI.
+ @type path: L{bytes}
+ @param version: The request's HTTP version.
+ @type version: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def __eq__(other: object) -> bool:
+ """
+ Determines if two requests are the same object.
+ @param other: Another object whose identity will be compared
+ to this instance's.
+ @return: L{True} when the two are the same object and L{False}
+ when not.
+ """
+ def __ne__(other: object) -> bool:
+ """
+ Determines if two requests are not the same object.
+ @param other: Another object whose identity will be compared
+ to this instance's.
+ @return: L{True} when the two are not the same object and
+ L{False} when they are.
+ """
+ def __hash__():
+ """
+ Generate a hash value for the request.
+ @return: The request's hash value.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+class StringTransport:
+ """
+ I am a BytesIO wrapper that conforms for the transport API. I support
+ the `writeSequence' method.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.s = BytesIO()
+ def writeSequence(self, seq):
+ self.s.write(b"".join(seq))
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self.__dict__["s"], attr)
+class HTTPClient(basic.LineReceiver):
+ """
+ A client for HTTP 1.0.
+ Notes:
+ You probably want to send a 'Host' header with the name of the site you're
+ connecting to, in order to not break name based virtual hosting.
+ @ivar length: The length of the request body in bytes.
+ @type length: C{int}
+ @ivar firstLine: Are we waiting for the first header line?
+ @type firstLine: C{bool}
+ @ivar __buffer: The buffer that stores the response to the HTTP request.
+ @type __buffer: A C{BytesIO} object.
+ @ivar _header: Part or all of an HTTP request header.
+ @type _header: C{bytes}
+ """
+ length = None
+ firstLine = True
+ __buffer = None
+ _header = b""
+ def sendCommand(self, command, path):
+ self.transport.writeSequence([command, b" ", path, b" HTTP/1.0\r\n"])
+ def sendHeader(self, name, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, bytes):
+ # XXX Deprecate this case
+ value = networkString(str(value))
+ santizedName = _sanitizeLinearWhitespace(name)
+ santizedValue = _sanitizeLinearWhitespace(value)
+ self.transport.writeSequence([santizedName, b": ", santizedValue, b"\r\n"])
+ def endHeaders(self):
+ self.transport.write(b"\r\n")
+ def extractHeader(self, header):
+ """
+ Given a complete HTTP header, extract the field name and value and
+ process the header.
+ @param header: a complete HTTP request header of the form
+ 'field-name: value'.
+ @type header: C{bytes}
+ """
+ key, val = header.split(b":", 1)
+ val = val.lstrip()
+ self.handleHeader(key, val)
+ if key.lower() == b"content-length":
+ self.length = int(val)
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ """
+ Parse the status line and headers for an HTTP request.
+ @param line: Part of an HTTP request header. Request bodies are parsed
+ in L{HTTPClient.rawDataReceived}.
+ @type line: C{bytes}
+ """
+ if self.firstLine:
+ self.firstLine = False
+ l = line.split(None, 2)
+ version = l[0]
+ status = l[1]
+ try:
+ message = l[2]
+ except IndexError:
+ # sometimes there is no message
+ message = b""
+ self.handleStatus(version, status, message)
+ return
+ if not line:
+ if self._header != b"":
+ # Only extract headers if there are any
+ self.extractHeader(self._header)
+ self.__buffer = BytesIO()
+ self.handleEndHeaders()
+ self.setRawMode()
+ return
+ if line.startswith(b"\t") or line.startswith(b" "):
+ # This line is part of a multiline header. According to RFC 822, in
+ # "unfolding" multiline headers you do not strip the leading
+ # whitespace on the continuing line.
+ self._header = self._header + line
+ elif self._header:
+ # This line starts a new header, so process the previous one.
+ self.extractHeader(self._header)
+ self._header = line
+ else: # First header
+ self._header = line
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ self.handleResponseEnd()
+ def handleResponseEnd(self):
+ """
+ The response has been completely received.
+ This callback may be invoked more than once per request.
+ """
+ if self.__buffer is not None:
+ b = self.__buffer.getvalue()
+ self.__buffer = None
+ self.handleResponse(b)
+ def handleResponsePart(self, data):
+ self.__buffer.write(data)
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ pass
+ def handleStatus(self, version, status, message):
+ """
+ Called when the status-line is received.
+ @param version: e.g. 'HTTP/1.0'
+ @param status: e.g. '200'
+ @type status: C{bytes}
+ @param message: e.g. 'OK'
+ """
+ def handleHeader(self, key, val):
+ """
+ Called every time a header is received.
+ """
+ def handleEndHeaders(self):
+ """
+ Called when all headers have been received.
+ """
+ def rawDataReceived(self, data):
+ if self.length is not None:
+ data, rest = data[: self.length], data[self.length :]
+ self.length -= len(data)
+ else:
+ rest = b""
+ self.handleResponsePart(data)
+ if self.length == 0:
+ self.handleResponseEnd()
+ self.setLineMode(rest)
+# response codes that must have empty bodies
+NO_BODY_CODES = (204, 304)
+# Sentinel object that detects people explicitly passing `queued` to Request.
+_QUEUED_SENTINEL = object()
+def _getContentFile(length):
+ """
+ Get a writeable file-like object to which request content can be written.
+ """
+ if length is not None and length < 100000:
+ return BytesIO()
+ return tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+_hostHeaderExpression = re.compile(rb"^\[?(?P<host>.*?)\]?(:\d+)?$")
+@implementer(interfaces.IConsumer, _IDeprecatedHTTPChannelToRequestInterface)
+class Request:
+ """
+ A HTTP request.
+ Subclasses should override the process() method to determine how
+ the request will be processed.
+ @ivar method: The HTTP method that was used, e.g. C{b'GET'}.
+ @type method: L{bytes}
+ @ivar uri: The full encoded URI which was requested (including query
+ arguments), e.g. C{b'/a/b%20/c?q=v'}.
+ @type uri: L{bytes}
+ @ivar path: The encoded path of the request URI (not including query
+ arguments), e.g. C{b'/a/b%20/c'}.
+ @type path: L{bytes}
+ @ivar args: A mapping of decoded query argument names as L{bytes} to
+ corresponding query argument values as L{list}s of L{bytes}.
+ For example, for a URI with C{foo=bar&foo=baz&quux=spam}
+ as its query part C{args} will be C{{b'foo': [b'bar', b'baz'],
+ b'quux': [b'spam']}}.
+ @type args: L{dict} of L{bytes} to L{list} of L{bytes}
+ @ivar content: A file-like object giving the request body. This may be
+ a file on disk, an L{io.BytesIO}, or some other type. The
+ implementation is free to decide on a per-request basis.
+ @type content: L{typing.BinaryIO}
+ @ivar cookies: The cookies that will be sent in the response.
+ @type cookies: L{list} of L{bytes}
+ @type requestHeaders: L{http_headers.Headers}
+ @ivar requestHeaders: All received HTTP request headers.
+ @type responseHeaders: L{http_headers.Headers}
+ @ivar responseHeaders: All HTTP response headers to be sent.
+ @ivar notifications: A L{list} of L{Deferred}s which are waiting for
+ notification that the response to this request has been finished
+ (successfully or with an error). Don't use this attribute directly,
+ instead use the L{Request.notifyFinish} method.
+ @ivar _disconnected: A flag which is C{False} until the connection over
+ which this request was received is closed and which is C{True} after
+ that.
+ @type _disconnected: L{bool}
+ @ivar _log: A logger instance for request related messages.
+ @type _log: L{twisted.logger.Logger}
+ """
+ producer = None
+ finished = 0
+ code = OK
+ code_message = RESPONSES[OK]
+ method = b"(no method yet)"
+ clientproto = b"(no clientproto yet)"
+ uri = b"(no uri yet)"
+ startedWriting = 0
+ chunked = 0
+ sentLength = 0 # content-length of response, or total bytes sent via chunking
+ etag = None
+ lastModified = None
+ args = None
+ path = None
+ content = None
+ _forceSSL = 0
+ _disconnected = False
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, channel, queued=_QUEUED_SENTINEL):
+ """
+ @param channel: the channel we're connected to.
+ @param queued: (deprecated) are we in the request queue, or can we
+ start writing to the transport?
+ """
+ self.notifications: List[Deferred[None]] = []
+ self.channel = channel
+ # Cache the client and server information, we'll need this
+ # later to be serialized and sent with the request so CGIs
+ # will work remotely
+ self.client = self.channel.getPeer()
+ self.host = self.channel.getHost()
+ self.requestHeaders: Headers = Headers()
+ self.received_cookies = {}
+ self.responseHeaders: Headers = Headers()
+ self.cookies = [] # outgoing cookies
+ self.transport = self.channel.transport
+ if queued is _QUEUED_SENTINEL:
+ queued = False
+ self.queued = queued
+ def _cleanup(self):
+ """
+ Called when have finished responding and are no longer queued.
+ """
+ if self.producer:
+ self._log.failure(
+ "",
+ Failure(RuntimeError(f"Producer was not unregistered for {self.uri}")),
+ )
+ self.unregisterProducer()
+ self.channel.requestDone(self)
+ del self.channel
+ if self.content is not None:
+ try:
+ self.content.close()
+ except OSError:
+ # win32 suckiness, no idea why it does this
+ pass
+ del self.content
+ for d in self.notifications:
+ d.callback(None)
+ self.notifications = []
+ # methods for channel - end users should not use these
+ @deprecated(Version("Twisted", 16, 3, 0))
+ def noLongerQueued(self):
+ """
+ Notify the object that it is no longer queued.
+ We start writing whatever data we have to the transport, etc.
+ This method is not intended for users.
+ In 16.3 this method was changed to become a no-op, as L{Request}
+ objects are now never queued.
+ """
+ pass
+ def gotLength(self, length):
+ """
+ Called when HTTP channel got length of content in this request.
+ This method is not intended for users.
+ @param length: The length of the request body, as indicated by the
+ request headers. L{None} if the request headers do not indicate a
+ length.
+ """
+ self.content = _getContentFile(length)
+ def parseCookies(self):
+ """
+ Parse cookie headers.
+ This method is not intended for users.
+ """
+ cookieheaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"cookie")
+ if cookieheaders is None:
+ return
+ for cookietxt in cookieheaders:
+ if cookietxt:
+ for cook in cookietxt.split(b";"):
+ cook = cook.lstrip()
+ try:
+ k, v = cook.split(b"=", 1)
+ self.received_cookies[k] = v
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def handleContentChunk(self, data):
+ """
+ Write a chunk of data.
+ This method is not intended for users.
+ """
+ self.content.write(data)
+ def requestReceived(self, command, path, version):
+ """
+ Called by channel when all data has been received.
+ This method is not intended for users.
+ @type command: C{bytes}
+ @param command: The HTTP verb of this request. This has the case
+ supplied by the client (eg, it maybe "get" rather than "GET").
+ @type path: C{bytes}
+ @param path: The URI of this request.
+ @type version: C{bytes}
+ @param version: The HTTP version of this request.
+ """
+ clength = self.content.tell()
+ self.content.seek(0, 0)
+ self.args = {}
+ self.method, self.uri = command, path
+ self.clientproto = version
+ x = self.uri.split(b"?", 1)
+ if len(x) == 1:
+ self.path = self.uri
+ else:
+ self.path, argstring = x
+ self.args = parse_qs(argstring, 1)
+ # Argument processing
+ args = self.args
+ ctype = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"content-type")
+ if ctype is not None:
+ ctype = ctype[0]
+ if self.method == b"POST" and ctype and clength:
+ mfd = b"multipart/form-data"
+ key, pdict = _parseHeader(ctype)
+ # This weird CONTENT-LENGTH param is required by
+ # cgi.parse_multipart() in some versions of Python 3.7+, see
+ # bpo-29979. It looks like this will be relaxed and backported, see
+ # https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/8530.
+ pdict["CONTENT-LENGTH"] = clength
+ if key == b"application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
+ args.update(parse_qs(self.content.read(), 1))
+ elif key == mfd:
+ try:
+ cgiArgs = cgi.parse_multipart(
+ self.content,
+ pdict,
+ encoding="utf8",
+ errors="surrogateescape",
+ )
+ # The parse_multipart function on Python 3.7+
+ # decodes the header bytes as iso-8859-1 and
+ # decodes the body bytes as utf8 with
+ # surrogateescape -- we want bytes
+ self.args.update(
+ {
+ x.encode("iso-8859-1"): [
+ z.encode("utf8", "surrogateescape")
+ if isinstance(z, str)
+ else z
+ for z in y
+ ]
+ for x, y in cgiArgs.items()
+ if isinstance(x, str)
+ }
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ # It was a bad request, or we got a signal.
+ self.channel._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ if isinstance(e, (TypeError, ValueError, KeyError)):
+ return
+ else:
+ # If it's not a userspace error from CGI, reraise
+ raise
+ self.content.seek(0, 0)
+ self.process()
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Return a string description of the request including such information
+ as the request method and request URI.
+ @return: A string loosely describing this L{Request} object.
+ @rtype: L{str}
+ """
+ return "<{} at 0x{:x} method={} uri={} clientproto={}>".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ id(self),
+ nativeString(self.method),
+ nativeString(self.uri),
+ nativeString(self.clientproto),
+ )
+ def process(self):
+ """
+ Override in subclasses.
+ This method is not intended for users.
+ """
+ pass
+ # consumer interface
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ """
+ Register a producer.
+ """
+ if self.producer:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "registering producer %s before previous one (%s) was "
+ "unregistered" % (producer, self.producer)
+ )
+ self.streamingProducer = streaming
+ self.producer = producer
+ self.channel.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ """
+ Unregister the producer.
+ """
+ self.channel.unregisterProducer()
+ self.producer = None
+ # The following is the public interface that people should be
+ # writing to.
+ def getHeader(self, key: AnyStr) -> Optional[AnyStr]:
+ """
+ Get an HTTP request header.
+ @type key: C{bytes} or C{str}
+ @param key: The name of the header to get the value of.
+ @rtype: C{bytes} or C{str} or L{None}
+ @return: The value of the specified header, or L{None} if that header
+ was not present in the request. The string type of the result
+ matches the type of C{key}.
+ """
+ value = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(key)
+ if value is not None:
+ return value[-1]
+ return None
+ def getCookie(self, key):
+ """
+ Get a cookie that was sent from the network.
+ @type key: C{bytes}
+ @param key: The name of the cookie to get.
+ @rtype: C{bytes} or C{None}
+ @returns: The value of the specified cookie, or L{None} if that cookie
+ was not present in the request.
+ """
+ return self.received_cookies.get(key)
+ def notifyFinish(self) -> Deferred[None]:
+ """
+ Notify when the response to this request has finished.
+ @note: There are some caveats around the reliability of the delivery of
+ this notification.
+ 1. If this L{Request}'s channel is paused, the notification
+ will not be delivered. This can happen in one of two ways;
+ either you can call C{request.transport.pauseProducing}
+ yourself, or,
+ 2. In order to deliver this notification promptly when a client
+ disconnects, the reactor must continue reading from the
+ transport, so that it can tell when the underlying network
+ connection has gone away. Twisted Web will only keep
+ reading up until a finite (small) maximum buffer size before
+ it gives up and pauses the transport itself. If this
+ occurs, you will not discover that the connection has gone
+ away until a timeout fires or until the application attempts
+ to send some data via L{Request.write}.
+ 3. It is theoretically impossible to distinguish between
+ successfully I{sending} a response and the peer successfully
+ I{receiving} it. There are several networking edge cases
+ where the L{Deferred}s returned by C{notifyFinish} will
+ indicate success, but the data will never be received.
+ There are also edge cases where the connection will appear
+ to fail, but in reality the response was delivered. As a
+ result, the information provided by the result of the
+ L{Deferred}s returned by this method should be treated as a
+ guess; do not make critical decisions in your applications
+ based upon it.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred}
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which will be triggered when the request is
+ finished -- with a L{None} value if the request finishes
+ successfully or with an error if the request is interrupted by an
+ error (for example, the client closing the connection prematurely).
+ """
+ self.notifications.append(Deferred())
+ return self.notifications[-1]
+ def finish(self):
+ """
+ Indicate that all response data has been written to this L{Request}.
+ """
+ if self._disconnected:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Request.finish called on a request after its connection was lost; "
+ "use Request.notifyFinish to keep track of this."
+ )
+ if self.finished:
+ warnings.warn("Warning! request.finish called twice.", stacklevel=2)
+ return
+ if not self.startedWriting:
+ # write headers
+ self.write(b"")
+ if self.chunked:
+ # write last chunk and closing CRLF
+ self.channel.write(b"0\r\n\r\n")
+ # log request
+ if hasattr(self.channel, "factory") and self.channel.factory is not None:
+ self.channel.factory.log(self)
+ self.finished = 1
+ if not self.queued:
+ self._cleanup()
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ Write some data as a result of an HTTP request. The first
+ time this is called, it writes out response data.
+ @type data: C{bytes}
+ @param data: Some bytes to be sent as part of the response body.
+ """
+ if self.finished:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Request.write called on a request after " "Request.finish was called."
+ )
+ if self._disconnected:
+ # Don't attempt to write any data to a disconnected client.
+ # The RuntimeError exception will be thrown as usual when
+ # request.finish is called
+ return
+ if not self.startedWriting:
+ self.startedWriting = 1
+ version = self.clientproto
+ code = b"%d" % (self.code,)
+ reason = self.code_message
+ headers = []
+ # if we don't have a content length, we send data in
+ # chunked mode, so that we can support pipelining in
+ # persistent connections.
+ if (
+ (version == b"HTTP/1.1")
+ and (self.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"content-length") is None)
+ and self.method != b"HEAD"
+ and self.code not in NO_BODY_CODES
+ ):
+ headers.append((b"Transfer-Encoding", b"chunked"))
+ self.chunked = 1
+ if self.lastModified is not None:
+ if self.responseHeaders.hasHeader(b"last-modified"):
+ self._log.info(
+ "Warning: last-modified specified both in"
+ " header list and lastModified attribute."
+ )
+ else:
+ self.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(
+ b"last-modified", [datetimeToString(self.lastModified)]
+ )
+ if self.etag is not None:
+ self.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(b"ETag", [self.etag])
+ for name, values in self.responseHeaders.getAllRawHeaders():
+ for value in values:
+ headers.append((name, value))
+ for cookie in self.cookies:
+ headers.append((b"Set-Cookie", cookie))
+ self.channel.writeHeaders(version, code, reason, headers)
+ # if this is a "HEAD" request, we shouldn't return any data
+ if self.method == b"HEAD":
+ self.write = lambda data: None
+ return
+ # for certain result codes, we should never return any data
+ if self.code in NO_BODY_CODES:
+ self.write = lambda data: None
+ return
+ self.sentLength = self.sentLength + len(data)
+ if data:
+ if self.chunked:
+ self.channel.writeSequence(toChunk(data))
+ else:
+ self.channel.write(data)
+ def addCookie(
+ self,
+ k,
+ v,
+ expires=None,
+ domain=None,
+ path=None,
+ max_age=None,
+ comment=None,
+ secure=None,
+ httpOnly=False,
+ sameSite=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Set an outgoing HTTP cookie.
+ In general, you should consider using sessions instead of cookies, see
+ L{twisted.web.server.Request.getSession} and the
+ L{twisted.web.server.Session} class for details.
+ @param k: cookie name
+ @type k: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param v: cookie value
+ @type v: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param expires: cookie expire attribute value in
+ "Wdy, DD Mon YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT" format
+ @type expires: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param domain: cookie domain
+ @type domain: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param path: cookie path
+ @type path: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param max_age: cookie expiration in seconds from reception
+ @type max_age: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param comment: cookie comment
+ @type comment: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param secure: direct browser to send the cookie on encrypted
+ connections only
+ @type secure: L{bool}
+ @param httpOnly: direct browser not to expose cookies through channels
+ other than HTTP (and HTTPS) requests
+ @type httpOnly: L{bool}
+ @param sameSite: One of L{None} (default), C{'lax'} or C{'strict'}.
+ Direct browsers not to send this cookie on cross-origin requests.
+ Please see:
+ U{https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies-07}
+ @type sameSite: L{None}, L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @raise ValueError: If the value for C{sameSite} is not supported.
+ """
+ def _ensureBytes(val):
+ """
+ Ensure that C{val} is bytes, encoding using UTF-8 if
+ needed.
+ @param val: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @return: L{bytes}
+ """
+ if val is None:
+ # It's None, so we don't want to touch it
+ return val
+ if isinstance(val, bytes):
+ return val
+ else:
+ return val.encode("utf8")
+ def _sanitize(val):
+ r"""
+ Replace linear whitespace (C{\r}, C{\n}, C{\r\n}) and
+ semicolons C{;} in C{val} with a single space.
+ @param val: L{bytes}
+ @return: L{bytes}
+ """
+ return _sanitizeLinearWhitespace(val).replace(b";", b" ")
+ cookie = _sanitize(_ensureBytes(k)) + b"=" + _sanitize(_ensureBytes(v))
+ if expires is not None:
+ cookie = cookie + b"; Expires=" + _sanitize(_ensureBytes(expires))
+ if domain is not None:
+ cookie = cookie + b"; Domain=" + _sanitize(_ensureBytes(domain))
+ if path is not None:
+ cookie = cookie + b"; Path=" + _sanitize(_ensureBytes(path))
+ if max_age is not None:
+ cookie = cookie + b"; Max-Age=" + _sanitize(_ensureBytes(max_age))
+ if comment is not None:
+ cookie = cookie + b"; Comment=" + _sanitize(_ensureBytes(comment))
+ if secure:
+ cookie = cookie + b"; Secure"
+ if httpOnly:
+ cookie = cookie + b"; HttpOnly"
+ if sameSite:
+ sameSite = _ensureBytes(sameSite).lower()
+ if sameSite not in [b"lax", b"strict"]:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid value for sameSite: " + repr(sameSite))
+ cookie += b"; SameSite=" + sameSite
+ self.cookies.append(cookie)
+ def setResponseCode(self, code, message=None):
+ """
+ Set the HTTP response code.
+ @type code: L{int}
+ @type message: L{bytes}
+ """
+ if not isinstance(code, int):
+ raise TypeError("HTTP response code must be int or long")
+ self.code = code
+ if message:
+ if not isinstance(message, bytes):
+ raise TypeError("HTTP response status message must be bytes")
+ self.code_message = message
+ else:
+ self.code_message = RESPONSES.get(code, b"Unknown Status")
+ def setHeader(self, name, value):
+ """
+ Set an HTTP response header. Overrides any previously set values for
+ this header.
+ @type name: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param name: The name of the header for which to set the value.
+ @type value: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param value: The value to set for the named header. A L{str} will be
+ UTF-8 encoded, which may not interoperable with other
+ implementations. Avoid passing non-ASCII characters if possible.
+ """
+ self.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(name, [value])
+ def redirect(self, url):
+ """
+ Utility function that does a redirect.
+ Set the response code to L{FOUND} and the I{Location} header to the
+ given URL.
+ The request should have C{finish()} called after this.
+ @param url: I{Location} header value.
+ @type url: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ """
+ self.setResponseCode(FOUND)
+ self.setHeader(b"location", url)
+ def setLastModified(self, when):
+ """
+ Set the C{Last-Modified} time for the response to this request.
+ If I am called more than once, I ignore attempts to set
+ Last-Modified earlier, only replacing the Last-Modified time
+ if it is to a later value.
+ If I am a conditional request, I may modify my response code
+ to L{NOT_MODIFIED} if appropriate for the time given.
+ @param when: The last time the resource being returned was
+ modified, in seconds since the epoch.
+ @type when: number
+ @return: If I am a I{If-Modified-Since} conditional request and
+ the time given is not newer than the condition, I return
+ L{http.CACHED<CACHED>} to indicate that you should write no
+ body. Otherwise, I return a false value.
+ """
+ # time.time() may be a float, but the HTTP-date strings are
+ # only good for whole seconds.
+ when = int(math.ceil(when))
+ if (not self.lastModified) or (self.lastModified < when):
+ self.lastModified = when
+ modifiedSince = self.getHeader(b"if-modified-since")
+ if modifiedSince:
+ firstPart = modifiedSince.split(b";", 1)[0]
+ try:
+ modifiedSince = stringToDatetime(firstPart)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ if modifiedSince >= self.lastModified:
+ self.setResponseCode(NOT_MODIFIED)
+ return CACHED
+ return None
+ def setETag(self, etag):
+ """
+ Set an C{entity tag} for the outgoing response.
+ That's \"entity tag\" as in the HTTP/1.1 C{ETag} header, \"used
+ for comparing two or more entities from the same requested
+ resource.\"
+ If I am a conditional request, I may modify my response code
+ to L{NOT_MODIFIED} or L{PRECONDITION_FAILED}, if appropriate
+ for the tag given.
+ @param etag: The entity tag for the resource being returned.
+ @type etag: string
+ @return: If I am a C{If-None-Match} conditional request and
+ the tag matches one in the request, I return
+ L{http.CACHED<CACHED>} to indicate that you should write
+ no body. Otherwise, I return a false value.
+ """
+ if etag:
+ self.etag = etag
+ tags = self.getHeader(b"if-none-match")
+ if tags:
+ tags = tags.split()
+ if (etag in tags) or (b"*" in tags):
+ self.setResponseCode(
+ ((self.method in (b"HEAD", b"GET")) and NOT_MODIFIED)
+ )
+ return CACHED
+ return None
+ def getAllHeaders(self):
+ """
+ Return dictionary mapping the names of all received headers to the last
+ value received for each.
+ Since this method does not return all header information,
+ C{self.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders()} may be preferred.
+ """
+ headers = {}
+ for k, v in self.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders():
+ headers[k.lower()] = v[-1]
+ return headers
+ def getRequestHostname(self):
+ """
+ Get the hostname that the HTTP client passed in to the request.
+ @see: L{IRequest.getRequestHostname}
+ @returns: the requested hostname
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+ host = self.getHeader(b"host")
+ if host is not None:
+ match = _hostHeaderExpression.match(host)
+ if match is not None:
+ return match.group("host")
+ return networkString(self.getHost().host)
+ def getHost(self):
+ """
+ Get my originally requesting transport's host.
+ Don't rely on the 'transport' attribute, since Request objects may be
+ copied remotely. For information on this method's return value, see
+ L{twisted.internet.tcp.Port}.
+ """
+ return self.host
+ def setHost(self, host, port, ssl=0):
+ """
+ Change the host and port the request thinks it's using.
+ This method is useful for working with reverse HTTP proxies (e.g.
+ both Squid and Apache's mod_proxy can do this), when the address
+ the HTTP client is using is different than the one we're listening on.
+ For example, Apache may be listening on https://www.example.com/, and
+ then forwarding requests to http://localhost:8080/, but we don't want
+ HTML produced by Twisted to say b'http://localhost:8080/', they should
+ say b'https://www.example.com/', so we do::
+ request.setHost(b'www.example.com', 443, ssl=1)
+ @type host: C{bytes}
+ @param host: The value to which to change the host header.
+ @type ssl: C{bool}
+ @param ssl: A flag which, if C{True}, indicates that the request is
+ considered secure (if C{True}, L{isSecure} will return C{True}).
+ """
+ self._forceSSL = ssl # set first so isSecure will work
+ if self.isSecure():
+ default = 443
+ else:
+ default = 80
+ if port == default:
+ hostHeader = host
+ else:
+ hostHeader = b"%b:%d" % (host, port)
+ self.requestHeaders.setRawHeaders(b"host", [hostHeader])
+ self.host = address.IPv4Address("TCP", host, port)
+ @deprecated(Version("Twisted", 18, 4, 0), replacement="getClientAddress")
+ def getClientIP(self):
+ """
+ Return the IP address of the client who submitted this request.
+ This method is B{deprecated}. Use L{getClientAddress} instead.
+ @returns: the client IP address
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ """
+ if isinstance(self.client, (address.IPv4Address, address.IPv6Address)):
+ return self.client.host
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getClientAddress(self):
+ """
+ Return the address of the client who submitted this request.
+ This may not be a network address (e.g., a server listening on
+ a UNIX domain socket will cause this to return
+ L{UNIXAddress}). Callers must check the type of the returned
+ address.
+ @since: 18.4
+ @return: the client's address.
+ @rtype: L{IAddress}
+ """
+ return self.client
+ def isSecure(self):
+ """
+ Return L{True} if this request is using a secure transport.
+ Normally this method returns L{True} if this request's L{HTTPChannel}
+ instance is using a transport that implements
+ L{interfaces.ISSLTransport}.
+ This will also return L{True} if L{Request.setHost} has been called
+ with C{ssl=True}.
+ @returns: L{True} if this request is secure
+ @rtype: C{bool}
+ """
+ if self._forceSSL:
+ return True
+ channel = getattr(self, "channel", None)
+ if channel is None:
+ return False
+ return channel.isSecure()
+ def _authorize(self):
+ # Authorization, (mostly) per the RFC
+ try:
+ authh = self.getHeader(b"Authorization")
+ if not authh:
+ self.user = self.password = b""
+ return
+ bas, upw = authh.split()
+ if bas.lower() != b"basic":
+ raise ValueError()
+ upw = base64.b64decode(upw)
+ self.user, self.password = upw.split(b":", 1)
+ except (binascii.Error, ValueError):
+ self.user = self.password = b""
+ except BaseException:
+ self._log.failure("")
+ self.user = self.password = b""
+ def getUser(self):
+ """
+ Return the HTTP user sent with this request, if any.
+ If no user was supplied, return the empty string.
+ @returns: the HTTP user, if any
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.user
+ except BaseException:
+ pass
+ self._authorize()
+ return self.user
+ def getPassword(self):
+ """
+ Return the HTTP password sent with this request, if any.
+ If no password was supplied, return the empty string.
+ @returns: the HTTP password, if any
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.password
+ except BaseException:
+ pass
+ self._authorize()
+ return self.password
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ There is no longer a connection for this request to respond over.
+ Clean up anything which can't be useful anymore.
+ """
+ self._disconnected = True
+ self.channel = None
+ if self.content is not None:
+ self.content.close()
+ for d in self.notifications:
+ d.errback(reason)
+ self.notifications = []
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ """
+ Pass the loseConnection through to the underlying channel.
+ """
+ if self.channel is not None:
+ self.channel.loseConnection()
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
+ """
+ Determines if two requests are the same object.
+ @param other: Another object whose identity will be compared
+ to this instance's.
+ @return: L{True} when the two are the same object and L{False}
+ when not.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ # When other is not an instance of request, return
+ # NotImplemented so that Python uses other.__eq__ to perform
+ # the comparison. This ensures that a Request proxy generated
+ # by proxyForInterface compares equal to an actual Request
+ # instanceby turning request != proxy into proxy != request.
+ if isinstance(other, Request):
+ return self is other
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """
+ A C{Request} is hashable so that it can be used as a mapping key.
+ @return: A C{int} based on the instance's identity.
+ """
+ return id(self)
+class _DataLoss(Exception):
+ """
+ L{_DataLoss} indicates that not all of a message body was received. This
+ is only one of several possible exceptions which may indicate that data
+ was lost. Because of this, it should not be checked for by
+ specifically; any unexpected exception should be treated as having
+ caused data loss.
+ """
+class PotentialDataLoss(Exception):
+ """
+ L{PotentialDataLoss} may be raised by a transfer encoding decoder's
+ C{noMoreData} method to indicate that it cannot be determined if the
+ entire response body has been delivered. This only occurs when making
+ requests to HTTP servers which do not set I{Content-Length} or a
+ I{Transfer-Encoding} in the response because in this case the end of the
+ response is indicated by the connection being closed, an event which may
+ also be due to a transient network problem or other error.
+ """
+class _MalformedChunkedDataError(Exception):
+ """
+ C{_ChunkedTransferDecoder} raises L{_MalformedChunkedDataError} from its
+ C{dataReceived} method when it encounters malformed data. This exception
+ indicates a client-side error. If this exception is raised, the connection
+ should be dropped with a 400 error.
+ """
+class _IdentityTransferDecoder:
+ """
+ Protocol for accumulating bytes up to a specified length. This handles the
+ case where no I{Transfer-Encoding} is specified.
+ @ivar contentLength: Counter keeping track of how many more bytes there are
+ to receive.
+ @ivar dataCallback: A one-argument callable which will be invoked each
+ time application data is received.
+ @ivar finishCallback: A one-argument callable which will be invoked when
+ the terminal chunk is received. It will be invoked with all bytes
+ which were delivered to this protocol which came after the terminal
+ chunk.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, contentLength, dataCallback, finishCallback):
+ self.contentLength = contentLength
+ self.dataCallback = dataCallback
+ self.finishCallback = finishCallback
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Interpret the next chunk of bytes received. Either deliver them to the
+ data callback or invoke the finish callback if enough bytes have been
+ received.
+ @raise RuntimeError: If the finish callback has already been invoked
+ during a previous call to this methood.
+ """
+ if self.dataCallback is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "_IdentityTransferDecoder cannot decode data after finishing"
+ )
+ if self.contentLength is None:
+ self.dataCallback(data)
+ elif len(data) < self.contentLength:
+ self.contentLength -= len(data)
+ self.dataCallback(data)
+ else:
+ # Make the state consistent before invoking any code belonging to
+ # anyone else in case noMoreData ends up being called beneath this
+ # stack frame.
+ contentLength = self.contentLength
+ dataCallback = self.dataCallback
+ finishCallback = self.finishCallback
+ self.dataCallback = self.finishCallback = None
+ self.contentLength = 0
+ dataCallback(data[:contentLength])
+ finishCallback(data[contentLength:])
+ def noMoreData(self):
+ """
+ All data which will be delivered to this decoder has been. Check to
+ make sure as much data as was expected has been received.
+ @raise PotentialDataLoss: If the content length is unknown.
+ @raise _DataLoss: If the content length is known and fewer than that
+ many bytes have been delivered.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ finishCallback = self.finishCallback
+ self.dataCallback = self.finishCallback = None
+ if self.contentLength is None:
+ finishCallback(b"")
+ raise PotentialDataLoss()
+ elif self.contentLength != 0:
+ raise _DataLoss()
+maxChunkSizeLineLength = 1024
+_chunkExtChars = (
+ b"\t !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@"
+ b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
+ b"\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f"
+ b"\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f"
+ b"\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf"
+ b"\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf"
+ b"\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf"
+ b"\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf"
+ b"\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef"
+ b"\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff"
+Characters that are valid in a chunk extension.
+See RFC 7230 section 4.1.1::
+ chunk-ext = *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] )
+ chunk-ext-name = token
+ chunk-ext-val = token / quoted-string
+And section 3.2.6::
+ token = 1*tchar
+ tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*"
+ / "+" / "-" / "." / "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~"
+ ; any VCHAR, except delimiters
+ quoted-string = DQUOTE *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) DQUOTE
+ qdtext = HTAB / SP /%x21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / obs-text
+ obs-text = %x80-FF
+We don't check if chunk extensions are well-formed beyond validating that they
+don't contain characters outside this range.
+class _ChunkedTransferDecoder:
+ """
+ Protocol for decoding I{chunked} Transfer-Encoding, as defined by RFC 7230,
+ section 4.1. This protocol can interpret the contents of a request or
+ response body which uses the I{chunked} Transfer-Encoding. It cannot
+ interpret any of the rest of the HTTP protocol.
+ It may make sense for _ChunkedTransferDecoder to be an actual IProtocol
+ implementation. Currently, the only user of this class will only ever
+ call dataReceived on it. However, it might be an improvement if the
+ user could connect this to a transport and deliver connection lost
+ notification. This way, `dataCallback` becomes `self.transport.write`
+ and perhaps `finishCallback` becomes `self.transport.loseConnection()`
+ (although I'm not sure where the extra data goes in that case). This
+ could also allow this object to indicate to the receiver of data that
+ the stream was not completely received, an error case which should be
+ noticed. -exarkun
+ @ivar dataCallback: A one-argument callable which will be invoked each
+ time application data is received. This callback is not reentrant.
+ @ivar finishCallback: A one-argument callable which will be invoked when
+ the terminal chunk is received. It will be invoked with all bytes
+ which were delivered to this protocol which came after the terminal
+ chunk.
+ @ivar length: Counter keeping track of how many more bytes in a chunk there
+ are to receive.
+ @ivar state: One of C{'CHUNK_LENGTH'}, C{'CRLF'}, C{'TRAILER'},
+ C{'BODY'}, or C{'FINISHED'}. For C{'CHUNK_LENGTH'}, data for the
+ chunk length line is currently being read. For C{'CRLF'}, the CR LF
+ pair which follows each chunk is being read. For C{'TRAILER'}, the CR
+ LF pair which follows the terminal 0-length chunk is currently being
+ read. For C{'BODY'}, the contents of a chunk are being read. For
+ C{'FINISHED'}, the last chunk has been completely read and no more
+ input is valid.
+ @ivar _buffer: Accumulated received data for the current state. At each
+ state transition this is truncated at the front so that index 0 is
+ where the next state shall begin.
+ @ivar _start: While in the C{'CHUNK_LENGTH'} state, tracks the index into
+ the buffer at which search for CRLF should resume. Resuming the search
+ at this position avoids doing quadratic work if the chunk length line
+ arrives over many calls to C{dataReceived}.
+ Not used in any other state.
+ """
+ state = "CHUNK_LENGTH"
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dataCallback: Callable[[bytes], None],
+ finishCallback: Callable[[bytes], None],
+ ) -> None:
+ self.dataCallback = dataCallback
+ self.finishCallback = finishCallback
+ self._buffer = bytearray()
+ self._start = 0
+ def _dataReceived_CHUNK_LENGTH(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Read the chunk size line, ignoring any extensions.
+ @returns: C{True} once the line has been read and removed from
+ C{self._buffer}. C{False} when more data is required.
+ @raises _MalformedChunkedDataError: when the chunk size cannot be
+ decoded or the length of the line exceeds L{maxChunkSizeLineLength}.
+ """
+ eolIndex = self._buffer.find(b"\r\n", self._start)
+ if eolIndex >= maxChunkSizeLineLength or (
+ eolIndex == -1 and len(self._buffer) > maxChunkSizeLineLength
+ ):
+ raise _MalformedChunkedDataError(
+ "Chunk size line exceeds maximum of {} bytes.".format(
+ maxChunkSizeLineLength
+ )
+ )
+ if eolIndex == -1:
+ # Restart the search upon receipt of more data at the start of the
+ # new data, minus one in case the last character of the buffer is
+ # CR.
+ self._start = len(self._buffer) - 1
+ return False
+ endOfLengthIndex = self._buffer.find(b";", 0, eolIndex)
+ if endOfLengthIndex == -1:
+ endOfLengthIndex = eolIndex
+ rawLength = self._buffer[0:endOfLengthIndex]
+ try:
+ length = _hexint(rawLength)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise _MalformedChunkedDataError("Chunk-size must be an integer.")
+ ext = self._buffer[endOfLengthIndex + 1 : eolIndex]
+ if ext and ext.translate(None, _chunkExtChars) != b"":
+ raise _MalformedChunkedDataError(
+ f"Invalid characters in chunk extensions: {ext!r}."
+ )
+ if length == 0:
+ self.state = "TRAILER"
+ else:
+ self.state = "BODY"
+ self.length = length
+ del self._buffer[0 : eolIndex + 2]
+ self._start = 0
+ return True
+ def _dataReceived_CRLF(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Await the carriage return and line feed characters that are the end of
+ chunk marker that follow the chunk data.
+ @returns: C{True} when the CRLF have been read, otherwise C{False}.
+ @raises _MalformedChunkedDataError: when anything other than CRLF are
+ received.
+ """
+ if len(self._buffer) < 2:
+ return False
+ if not self._buffer.startswith(b"\r\n"):
+ raise _MalformedChunkedDataError("Chunk did not end with CRLF")
+ self.state = "CHUNK_LENGTH"
+ del self._buffer[0:2]
+ return True
+ def _dataReceived_TRAILER(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Await the carriage return and line feed characters that follow the
+ terminal zero-length chunk. Then invoke C{finishCallback} and switch to
+ state C{'FINISHED'}.
+ @returns: C{False}, as there is either insufficient data to continue,
+ or no data remains.
+ @raises _MalformedChunkedDataError: when anything other than CRLF is
+ received.
+ """
+ if len(self._buffer) < 2:
+ return False
+ if not self._buffer.startswith(b"\r\n"):
+ raise _MalformedChunkedDataError("Chunk did not end with CRLF")
+ data = memoryview(self._buffer)[2:].tobytes()
+ del self._buffer[:]
+ self.state = "FINISHED"
+ self.finishCallback(data)
+ return False
+ def _dataReceived_BODY(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Deliver any available chunk data to the C{dataCallback}. When all the
+ remaining data for the chunk arrives, switch to state C{'CRLF'}.
+ @returns: C{True} to continue processing of any buffered data.
+ """
+ if len(self._buffer) >= self.length:
+ chunk = memoryview(self._buffer)[: self.length].tobytes()
+ del self._buffer[: self.length]
+ self.state = "CRLF"
+ self.dataCallback(chunk)
+ else:
+ chunk = bytes(self._buffer)
+ self.length -= len(chunk)
+ del self._buffer[:]
+ self.dataCallback(chunk)
+ return True
+ def _dataReceived_FINISHED(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Once C{finishCallback} has been invoked receipt of additional data
+ raises L{RuntimeError} because it represents a programming error in
+ the caller.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "_ChunkedTransferDecoder.dataReceived called after last "
+ "chunk was processed"
+ )
+ def dataReceived(self, data: bytes) -> None:
+ """
+ Interpret data from a request or response body which uses the
+ I{chunked} Transfer-Encoding.
+ """
+ self._buffer += data
+ goOn = True
+ while goOn and self._buffer:
+ goOn = getattr(self, "_dataReceived_" + self.state)()
+ def noMoreData(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Verify that all data has been received. If it has not been, raise
+ L{_DataLoss}.
+ """
+ if self.state != "FINISHED":
+ raise _DataLoss(
+ "Chunked decoder in %r state, still expecting more data to "
+ "get to 'FINISHED' state." % (self.state,)
+ )
+class _NoPushProducer:
+ """
+ A no-op version of L{interfaces.IPushProducer}, used to abstract over the
+ possibility that a L{HTTPChannel} transport does not provide
+ L{IPushProducer}.
+ """
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ Pause producing data.
+ Tells a producer that it has produced too much data to process for
+ the time being, and to stop until resumeProducing() is called.
+ """
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ Resume producing data.
+ This tells a producer to re-add itself to the main loop and produce
+ more data for its consumer.
+ """
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ """
+ Register to receive data from a producer.
+ @param producer: The producer to register.
+ @param streaming: Whether this is a streaming producer or not.
+ """
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ """
+ Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting.
+ """
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ IProducer.stopProducing
+ """
+@implementer(interfaces.ITransport, interfaces.IPushProducer, interfaces.IConsumer)
+class HTTPChannel(basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
+ """
+ A receiver for HTTP requests.
+ The L{HTTPChannel} provides L{interfaces.ITransport} and
+ L{interfaces.IConsumer} to the L{Request} objects it creates. It also
+ implements L{interfaces.IPushProducer} to C{self.transport}, allowing the
+ transport to pause it.
+ @ivar MAX_LENGTH: Maximum length for initial request line and each line
+ from the header.
+ @ivar _transferDecoder: L{None} or a decoder instance if the request body
+ uses the I{chunked} Transfer-Encoding.
+ @type _transferDecoder: L{_ChunkedTransferDecoder}
+ @ivar maxHeaders: Maximum number of headers allowed per request.
+ @type maxHeaders: C{int}
+ @ivar totalHeadersSize: Maximum bytes for request line plus all headers
+ from the request.
+ @type totalHeadersSize: C{int}
+ @ivar _receivedHeaderSize: Bytes received so far for the header.
+ @type _receivedHeaderSize: C{int}
+ @ivar _handlingRequest: Whether a request is currently being processed.
+ @type _handlingRequest: L{bool}
+ @ivar _dataBuffer: Any data that has been received from the connection
+ while processing an outstanding request.
+ @type _dataBuffer: L{list} of L{bytes}
+ @ivar _networkProducer: Either the transport, if it provides
+ L{interfaces.IPushProducer}, or a null implementation of
+ L{interfaces.IPushProducer}. Used to attempt to prevent the transport
+ from producing excess data when we're responding to a request.
+ @type _networkProducer: L{interfaces.IPushProducer}
+ @ivar _requestProducer: If the L{Request} object or anything it calls
+ registers itself as an L{interfaces.IProducer}, it will be stored here.
+ This is used to create a producing pipeline: pause/resume producing
+ methods will be propagated from the C{transport}, through the
+ L{HTTPChannel} instance, to the c{_requestProducer}.
+ The reason we proxy through the producing methods rather than the old
+ behaviour (where we literally just set the L{Request} object as the
+ producer on the transport) is because we want to be able to exert
+ backpressure on the client to prevent it from sending in arbitrarily
+ many requests without ever reading responses. Essentially, if the
+ client never reads our responses we will eventually stop reading its
+ requests.
+ @type _requestProducer: L{interfaces.IPushProducer}
+ @ivar _requestProducerStreaming: A boolean that tracks whether the producer
+ on the L{Request} side of this channel has registered itself as a
+ L{interfaces.IPushProducer} or an L{interfaces.IPullProducer}.
+ @type _requestProducerStreaming: L{bool} or L{None}
+ @ivar _waitingForTransport: A boolean that tracks whether the transport has
+ asked us to stop producing. This is used to keep track of what we're
+ waiting for: if the transport has asked us to stop producing then we
+ don't want to unpause the transport until it asks us to produce again.
+ @type _waitingForTransport: L{bool}
+ @ivar abortTimeout: The number of seconds to wait after we attempt to shut
+ the transport down cleanly to give up and forcibly terminate it. This
+ is only used when we time a connection out, to prevent errors causing
+ the FD to get leaked. If this is L{None}, we will wait forever.
+ @type abortTimeout: L{int}
+ @ivar _abortingCall: The L{twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall} that will be
+ used to forcibly close the transport if it doesn't close cleanly.
+ @type _abortingCall: L{twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall}
+ @ivar _optimisticEagerReadSize: When a resource takes a long time to answer
+ a request (via L{twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET}, hopefully one day by
+ a L{Deferred}), we would like to be able to let that resource know
+ about the underlying transport disappearing as promptly as possible,
+ via L{Request.notifyFinish}, and therefore via
+ C{self.requests[...].connectionLost()} on this L{HTTPChannel}.
+ However, in order to simplify application logic, we implement
+ head-of-line blocking, and do not relay pipelined requests to the
+ application until the previous request has been answered. This means
+ that said application cannot dispose of any entity-body that comes in
+ from those subsequent requests, which may be arbitrarily large, and it
+ may need to be buffered in memory.
+ To implement this tradeoff between prompt notification when possible
+ (in the most frequent case of non-pipelined requests) and correct
+ behavior when not (say, if a client sends a very long-running GET
+ request followed by a PUT request with a very large body) we will
+ continue reading pipelined requests into C{self._dataBuffer} up to a
+ given limit.
+ C{_optimisticEagerReadSize} is the number of bytes we will accept from
+ the client and buffer before pausing the transport.
+ This behavior has been in place since Twisted 17.9.0 .
+ @type _optimisticEagerReadSize: L{int}
+ """
+ maxHeaders = 500
+ totalHeadersSize = 16384
+ abortTimeout = 15
+ length = 0
+ persistent = 1
+ __header = b""
+ __first_line = 1
+ __content = None
+ # set in instances or subclasses
+ requestFactory = Request
+ _savedTimeOut = None
+ _receivedHeaderCount = 0
+ _receivedHeaderSize = 0
+ _requestProducer = None
+ _requestProducerStreaming = None
+ _waitingForTransport = False
+ _abortingCall = None
+ _optimisticEagerReadSize = 0x4000
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self):
+ # the request queue
+ self.requests = []
+ self._handlingRequest = False
+ self._dataBuffer = []
+ self._transferDecoder = None
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.setTimeout(self.timeOut)
+ self._networkProducer = interfaces.IPushProducer(
+ self.transport, _NoPushProducer()
+ )
+ self._networkProducer.registerProducer(self, True)
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ """
+ Called for each line from request until the end of headers when
+ it enters binary mode.
+ """
+ self.resetTimeout()
+ self._receivedHeaderSize += len(line)
+ if self._receivedHeaderSize > self.totalHeadersSize:
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ return
+ if self.__first_line:
+ # if this connection is not persistent, drop any data which
+ # the client (illegally) sent after the last request.
+ if not self.persistent:
+ self.dataReceived = self.lineReceived = lambda *args: None
+ return
+ # IE sends an extraneous empty line (\r\n) after a POST request;
+ # eat up such a line, but only ONCE
+ if not line and self.__first_line == 1:
+ self.__first_line = 2
+ return
+ # create a new Request object
+ if INonQueuedRequestFactory.providedBy(self.requestFactory):
+ request = self.requestFactory(self)
+ else:
+ request = self.requestFactory(self, len(self.requests))
+ self.requests.append(request)
+ self.__first_line = 0
+ parts = line.split()
+ if len(parts) != 3:
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ return
+ command, request, version = parts
+ try:
+ command.decode("ascii")
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ return
+ self._command = command
+ self._path = request
+ self._version = version
+ elif line == b"":
+ # End of headers.
+ if self.__header:
+ ok = self.headerReceived(self.__header)
+ # If the last header we got is invalid, we MUST NOT proceed
+ # with processing. We'll have sent a 400 anyway, so just stop.
+ if not ok:
+ return
+ self.__header = b""
+ self.allHeadersReceived()
+ if self.length == 0:
+ self.allContentReceived()
+ else:
+ self.setRawMode()
+ elif line[0] in b" \t":
+ # Continuation of a multi line header.
+ self.__header += b" " + line.lstrip(b" \t")
+ # Regular header line.
+ # Processing of header line is delayed to allow accumulating multi
+ # line headers.
+ else:
+ if self.__header:
+ self.headerReceived(self.__header)
+ self.__header = line
+ def _finishRequestBody(self, data):
+ self.allContentReceived()
+ self._dataBuffer.append(data)
+ def _maybeChooseTransferDecoder(self, header, data):
+ """
+ If the provided header is C{content-length} or
+ C{transfer-encoding}, choose the appropriate decoder if any.
+ Returns L{True} if the request can proceed and L{False} if not.
+ """
+ def fail():
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ self.length = None
+ return False
+ # Can this header determine the length?
+ if header == b"content-length":
+ if not data.isdigit():
+ return fail()
+ try:
+ length = int(data)
+ except ValueError:
+ return fail()
+ newTransferDecoder = _IdentityTransferDecoder(
+ length, self.requests[-1].handleContentChunk, self._finishRequestBody
+ )
+ elif header == b"transfer-encoding":
+ # XXX Rather poorly tested code block, apparently only exercised by
+ # test_chunkedEncoding
+ if data.lower() == b"chunked":
+ length = None
+ newTransferDecoder = _ChunkedTransferDecoder(
+ self.requests[-1].handleContentChunk, self._finishRequestBody
+ )
+ elif data.lower() == b"identity":
+ return True
+ else:
+ return fail()
+ else:
+ # It's not a length related header, so exit
+ return True
+ if self._transferDecoder is not None:
+ return fail()
+ else:
+ self.length = length
+ self._transferDecoder = newTransferDecoder
+ return True
+ def headerReceived(self, line):
+ """
+ Do pre-processing (for content-length) and store this header away.
+ Enforce the per-request header limit.
+ @type line: C{bytes}
+ @param line: A line from the header section of a request, excluding the
+ line delimiter.
+ @return: A flag indicating whether the header was valid.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ try:
+ header, data = line.split(b":", 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ return False
+ if not header or header[-1:].isspace():
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ return False
+ header = header.lower()
+ data = data.strip(b" \t")
+ if not self._maybeChooseTransferDecoder(header, data):
+ return False
+ reqHeaders = self.requests[-1].requestHeaders
+ values = reqHeaders.getRawHeaders(header)
+ if values is not None:
+ values.append(data)
+ else:
+ reqHeaders.setRawHeaders(header, [data])
+ self._receivedHeaderCount += 1
+ if self._receivedHeaderCount > self.maxHeaders:
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ return False
+ return True
+ def allContentReceived(self):
+ command = self._command
+ path = self._path
+ version = self._version
+ # reset ALL state variables, so we don't interfere with next request
+ self.length = 0
+ self._receivedHeaderCount = 0
+ self._receivedHeaderSize = 0
+ self.__first_line = 1
+ self._transferDecoder = None
+ del self._command, self._path, self._version
+ # Disable the idle timeout, in case this request takes a long
+ # time to finish generating output.
+ if self.timeOut:
+ self._savedTimeOut = self.setTimeout(None)
+ self._handlingRequest = True
+ # We go into raw mode here even though we will be receiving lines next
+ # in the protocol; however, this data will be buffered and then passed
+ # back to line mode in the setLineMode call in requestDone.
+ self.setRawMode()
+ req = self.requests[-1]
+ req.requestReceived(command, path, version)
+ def rawDataReceived(self, data: bytes) -> None:
+ """
+ This is called when this HTTP/1.1 parser is in raw mode rather than
+ line mode.
+ It may be in raw mode for one of two reasons:
+ 1. All the headers of a request have been received and this
+ L{HTTPChannel} is currently receiving its body.
+ 2. The full content of a request has been received and is currently
+ being processed asynchronously, and this L{HTTPChannel} is
+ buffering the data of all subsequent requests to be parsed
+ later.
+ In the second state, the data will be played back later.
+ @note: This isn't really a public API, and should be invoked only by
+ L{LineReceiver}'s line parsing logic. If you wish to drive an
+ L{HTTPChannel} from a custom data source, call C{dataReceived} on
+ it directly.
+ @see: L{LineReceive.rawDataReceived}
+ """
+ if self._handlingRequest:
+ self._dataBuffer.append(data)
+ if (
+ sum(map(len, self._dataBuffer)) > self._optimisticEagerReadSize
+ ) and not self._waitingForTransport:
+ # If we received more data than a small limit while processing
+ # the head-of-line request, apply TCP backpressure to our peer
+ # to get them to stop sending more request data until we're
+ # ready. See docstring for _optimisticEagerReadSize above.
+ self._networkProducer.pauseProducing()
+ return
+ self.resetTimeout()
+ try:
+ self._transferDecoder.dataReceived(data)
+ except _MalformedChunkedDataError:
+ self._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect()
+ def allHeadersReceived(self):
+ req = self.requests[-1]
+ req.parseCookies()
+ self.persistent = self.checkPersistence(req, self._version)
+ req.gotLength(self.length)
+ # Handle 'Expect: 100-continue' with automated 100 response code,
+ # a simplistic implementation of RFC 2686 8.2.3:
+ expectContinue = req.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"expect")
+ if (
+ expectContinue
+ and expectContinue[0].lower() == b"100-continue"
+ and self._version == b"HTTP/1.1"
+ ):
+ self._send100Continue()
+ def checkPersistence(self, request, version):
+ """
+ Check if the channel should close or not.
+ @param request: The request most recently received over this channel
+ against which checks will be made to determine if this connection
+ can remain open after a matching response is returned.
+ @type version: C{bytes}
+ @param version: The version of the request.
+ @rtype: C{bool}
+ @return: A flag which, if C{True}, indicates that this connection may
+ remain open to receive another request; if C{False}, the connection
+ must be closed in order to indicate the completion of the response
+ to C{request}.
+ """
+ connection = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"connection")
+ if connection:
+ tokens = [t.lower() for t in connection[0].split(b" ")]
+ else:
+ tokens = []
+ # Once any HTTP 0.9 or HTTP 1.0 request is received, the connection is
+ # no longer allowed to be persistent. At this point in processing the
+ # request, we don't yet know if it will be possible to set a
+ # Content-Length in the response. If it is not, then the connection
+ # will have to be closed to end an HTTP 0.9 or HTTP 1.0 response.
+ # If the checkPersistence call happened later, after the Content-Length
+ # has been determined (or determined not to be set), it would probably
+ # be possible to have persistent connections with HTTP 0.9 and HTTP 1.0.
+ # This may not be worth the effort, though. Just use HTTP 1.1, okay?
+ if version == b"HTTP/1.1":
+ if b"close" in tokens:
+ request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(b"connection", [b"close"])
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def requestDone(self, request):
+ """
+ Called by first request in queue when it is done.
+ """
+ if request != self.requests[0]:
+ raise TypeError
+ del self.requests[0]
+ # We should only resume the producer if we're not waiting for the
+ # transport.
+ if not self._waitingForTransport:
+ self._networkProducer.resumeProducing()
+ if self.persistent:
+ self._handlingRequest = False
+ if self._savedTimeOut:
+ self.setTimeout(self._savedTimeOut)
+ # Receive our buffered data, if any.
+ data = b"".join(self._dataBuffer)
+ self._dataBuffer = []
+ self.setLineMode(data)
+ else:
+ self.loseConnection()
+ def timeoutConnection(self):
+ self._log.info("Timing out client: {peer}", peer=str(self.transport.getPeer()))
+ if self.abortTimeout is not None:
+ # We use self.callLater because that's what TimeoutMixin does.
+ self._abortingCall = self.callLater(
+ self.abortTimeout, self.forceAbortClient
+ )
+ self.loseConnection()
+ def forceAbortClient(self):
+ """
+ Called if C{abortTimeout} seconds have passed since the timeout fired,
+ and the connection still hasn't gone away. This can really only happen
+ on extremely bad connections or when clients are maliciously attempting
+ to keep connections open.
+ """
+ self._log.info(
+ "Forcibly timing out client: {peer}", peer=str(self.transport.getPeer())
+ )
+ # We want to lose track of the _abortingCall so that no-one tries to
+ # cancel it.
+ self._abortingCall = None
+ self.transport.abortConnection()
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ self.setTimeout(None)
+ for request in self.requests:
+ request.connectionLost(reason)
+ # If we were going to force-close the transport, we don't have to now.
+ if self._abortingCall is not None:
+ self._abortingCall.cancel()
+ self._abortingCall = None
+ def isSecure(self):
+ """
+ Return L{True} if this channel is using a secure transport.
+ Normally this method returns L{True} if this instance is using a
+ transport that implements L{interfaces.ISSLTransport}.
+ @returns: L{True} if this request is secure
+ @rtype: C{bool}
+ """
+ if interfaces.ISSLTransport(self.transport, None) is not None:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def writeHeaders(self, version, code, reason, headers):
+ """
+ Called by L{Request} objects to write a complete set of HTTP headers to
+ a transport.
+ @param version: The HTTP version in use.
+ @type version: L{bytes}
+ @param code: The HTTP status code to write.
+ @type code: L{bytes}
+ @param reason: The HTTP reason phrase to write.
+ @type reason: L{bytes}
+ @param headers: The headers to write to the transport.
+ @type headers: L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers}
+ """
+ sanitizedHeaders = Headers()
+ for name, value in headers:
+ sanitizedHeaders.addRawHeader(name, value)
+ responseLine = version + b" " + code + b" " + reason + b"\r\n"
+ headerSequence = [responseLine]
+ headerSequence.extend(
+ name + b": " + value + b"\r\n"
+ for name, values in sanitizedHeaders.getAllRawHeaders()
+ for value in values
+ )
+ headerSequence.append(b"\r\n")
+ self.transport.writeSequence(headerSequence)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ Called by L{Request} objects to write response data.
+ @param data: The data chunk to write to the stream.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ self.transport.write(data)
+ def writeSequence(self, iovec):
+ """
+ Write a list of strings to the HTTP response.
+ @param iovec: A list of byte strings to write to the stream.
+ @type iovec: L{list} of L{bytes}
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ self.transport.writeSequence(iovec)
+ def getPeer(self):
+ """
+ Get the remote address of this connection.
+ @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ return self.transport.getPeer()
+ def getHost(self):
+ """
+ Get the local address of this connection.
+ @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ return self.transport.getHost()
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ """
+ Closes the connection. Will write any data that is pending to be sent
+ on the network, but if this response has not yet been written to the
+ network will not write anything.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ self._networkProducer.unregisterProducer()
+ return self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ """
+ Register to receive data from a producer.
+ This sets self to be a consumer for a producer. When this object runs
+ out of data (as when a send(2) call on a socket succeeds in moving the
+ last data from a userspace buffer into a kernelspace buffer), it will
+ ask the producer to resumeProducing().
+ For L{IPullProducer} providers, C{resumeProducing} will be called once
+ each time data is required.
+ For L{IPushProducer} providers, C{pauseProducing} will be called
+ whenever the write buffer fills up and C{resumeProducing} will only be
+ called when it empties.
+ @type producer: L{IProducer} provider
+ @param producer: The L{IProducer} that will be producing data.
+ @type streaming: L{bool}
+ @param streaming: C{True} if C{producer} provides L{IPushProducer},
+ C{False} if C{producer} provides L{IPullProducer}.
+ @raise RuntimeError: If a producer is already registered.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ if self._requestProducer is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Cannot register producer %s, because producer %s was never "
+ "unregistered." % (producer, self._requestProducer)
+ )
+ if not streaming:
+ producer = _PullToPush(producer, self)
+ self._requestProducer = producer
+ self._requestProducerStreaming = streaming
+ if not streaming:
+ producer.startStreaming()
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ """
+ Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ if self._requestProducer is None:
+ return
+ if not self._requestProducerStreaming:
+ self._requestProducer.stopStreaming()
+ self._requestProducer = None
+ self._requestProducerStreaming = None
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ Stop producing data.
+ The HTTPChannel doesn't *actually* implement this, beacuse the
+ assumption is that it will only be called just before C{loseConnection}
+ is called. There's nothing sensible we can do other than call
+ C{loseConnection} anyway.
+ """
+ if self._requestProducer is not None:
+ self._requestProducer.stopProducing()
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ Pause producing data.
+ This will be called by the transport when the send buffers have been
+ filled up. We want to simultaneously pause the producing L{Request}
+ object and also pause our transport.
+ The logic behind pausing the transport is specifically to avoid issues
+ like https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8868. In this case, our
+ inability to send does not prevent us handling more requests, which
+ means we increasingly queue up more responses in our send buffer
+ without end. The easiest way to handle this is to ensure that if we are
+ unable to send our responses, we will not read further data from the
+ connection until the client pulls some data out. This is a bit of a
+ blunt instrument, but it's ok.
+ Note that this potentially interacts with timeout handling in a
+ positive way. Once the transport is paused the client may run into a
+ timeout which will cause us to tear the connection down. That's a good
+ thing!
+ """
+ self._waitingForTransport = True
+ # The first step is to tell any producer we might currently have
+ # registered to stop producing. If we can slow our applications down
+ # we should.
+ if self._requestProducer is not None:
+ self._requestProducer.pauseProducing()
+ # The next step here is to pause our own transport, as discussed in the
+ # docstring.
+ if not self._handlingRequest:
+ self._networkProducer.pauseProducing()
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ Resume producing data.
+ This will be called by the transport when the send buffer has dropped
+ enough to actually send more data. When this happens we can unpause any
+ outstanding L{Request} producers we have, and also unpause our
+ transport.
+ """
+ self._waitingForTransport = False
+ if self._requestProducer is not None:
+ self._requestProducer.resumeProducing()
+ # We only want to resume the network producer if we're not currently
+ # waiting for a response to show up.
+ if not self._handlingRequest:
+ self._networkProducer.resumeProducing()
+ def _send100Continue(self):
+ """
+ Sends a 100 Continue response, used to signal to clients that further
+ processing will be performed.
+ """
+ self.transport.write(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
+ def _respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect(self):
+ """
+ This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests.
+ As described by HTTP standard we should be patient and accept the
+ whole request from the client before sending a polite bad request
+ response, even in the case when clients send tons of data.
+ """
+ self.transport.write(b"HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n")
+ self.loseConnection()
+def _escape(s):
+ """
+ Return a string like python repr, but always escaped as if surrounding
+ quotes were double quotes.
+ @param s: The string to escape.
+ @type s: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @return: An escaped string.
+ @rtype: L{str}
+ """
+ if not isinstance(s, bytes):
+ s = s.encode("ascii")
+ r = repr(s)
+ if not isinstance(r, str):
+ r = r.decode("ascii")
+ if r.startswith("b"):
+ r = r[1:]
+ if r.startswith("'"):
+ return r[1:-1].replace('"', '\\"').replace("\\'", "'")
+ return r[1:-1]
+def combinedLogFormatter(timestamp, request):
+ """
+ @return: A combined log formatted log line for the given request.
+ @see: L{IAccessLogFormatter}
+ """
+ clientAddr = request.getClientAddress()
+ if isinstance(
+ clientAddr, (address.IPv4Address, address.IPv6Address, _XForwardedForAddress)
+ ):
+ ip = clientAddr.host
+ else:
+ ip = b"-"
+ referrer = _escape(request.getHeader(b"referer") or b"-")
+ agent = _escape(request.getHeader(b"user-agent") or b"-")
+ line = (
+ '"%(ip)s" - - %(timestamp)s "%(method)s %(uri)s %(protocol)s" '
+ '%(code)d %(length)s "%(referrer)s" "%(agent)s"'
+ % dict(
+ ip=_escape(ip),
+ timestamp=timestamp,
+ method=_escape(request.method),
+ uri=_escape(request.uri),
+ protocol=_escape(request.clientproto),
+ code=request.code,
+ length=request.sentLength or "-",
+ referrer=referrer,
+ agent=agent,
+ )
+ )
+ return line
+class _XForwardedForAddress:
+ """
+ L{IAddress} which represents the client IP to log for a request, as gleaned
+ from an X-Forwarded-For header.
+ @ivar host: An IP address or C{b"-"}.
+ @type host: L{bytes}
+ @see: L{proxiedLogFormatter}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host):
+ self.host = host
+class _XForwardedForRequest(proxyForInterface(IRequest, "_request")): # type: ignore[misc]
+ """
+ Add a layer on top of another request that only uses the value of an
+ X-Forwarded-For header as the result of C{getClientAddress}.
+ """
+ def getClientAddress(self):
+ """
+ The client address (the first address) in the value of the
+ I{X-Forwarded-For header}. If the header is not present, the IP is
+ considered to be C{b"-"}.
+ @return: L{_XForwardedForAddress} which wraps the client address as
+ expected by L{combinedLogFormatter}.
+ """
+ host = (
+ self._request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"x-forwarded-for", [b"-"])[0]
+ .split(b",")[0]
+ .strip()
+ )
+ return _XForwardedForAddress(host)
+ # These are missing from the interface. Forward them manually.
+ @property
+ def clientproto(self):
+ """
+ @return: The protocol version in the request.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ return self._request.clientproto
+ @property
+ def code(self):
+ """
+ @return: The response code for the request.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ return self._request.code
+ @property
+ def sentLength(self):
+ """
+ @return: The number of bytes sent in the response body.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ return self._request.sentLength
+def proxiedLogFormatter(timestamp, request):
+ """
+ @return: A combined log formatted log line for the given request but use
+ the value of the I{X-Forwarded-For} header as the value for the client
+ IP address.
+ @see: L{IAccessLogFormatter}
+ """
+ return combinedLogFormatter(timestamp, _XForwardedForRequest(request))
+class _GenericHTTPChannelProtocol(proxyForInterface(IProtocol, "_channel")): # type: ignore[misc]
+ """
+ A proxy object that wraps one of the HTTP protocol objects, and switches
+ between them depending on TLS negotiated protocol.
+ @ivar _negotiatedProtocol: The protocol negotiated with ALPN or NPN, if
+ any.
+ @type _negotiatedProtocol: Either a bytestring containing the ALPN token
+ for the negotiated protocol, or L{None} if no protocol has yet been
+ negotiated.
+ @ivar _channel: The object capable of behaving like a L{HTTPChannel} that
+ is backing this object. By default this is a L{HTTPChannel}, but if a
+ HTTP protocol upgrade takes place this may be a different channel
+ object. Must implement L{IProtocol}.
+ @type _channel: L{HTTPChannel}
+ @ivar _requestFactory: A callable to use to build L{IRequest} objects.
+ @type _requestFactory: L{IRequest}
+ @ivar _site: A reference to the creating L{twisted.web.server.Site} object.
+ @type _site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ @ivar _factory: A reference to the creating L{HTTPFactory} object.
+ @type _factory: L{HTTPFactory}
+ @ivar _timeOut: A timeout value to pass to the backing channel.
+ @type _timeOut: L{int} or L{None}
+ @ivar _callLater: A value for the C{callLater} callback.
+ @type _callLater: L{callable}
+ """
+ _negotiatedProtocol = None
+ _requestFactory = Request
+ _factory = None
+ _site = None
+ _timeOut = None
+ _callLater = None
+ @property
+ def factory(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{_genericHTTPChannelProtocolFactory}
+ """
+ return self._channel.factory
+ @factory.setter
+ def factory(self, value):
+ self._factory = value
+ self._channel.factory = value
+ @property
+ def requestFactory(self):
+ """
+ A callable to use to build L{IRequest} objects.
+ Retries the object from the current backing channel.
+ """
+ return self._channel.requestFactory
+ @requestFactory.setter
+ def requestFactory(self, value):
+ """
+ A callable to use to build L{IRequest} objects.
+ Sets the object on the backing channel and also stores the value for
+ propagation to any new channel.
+ @param value: The new callable to use.
+ @type value: A L{callable} returning L{IRequest}
+ """
+ self._requestFactory = value
+ self._channel.requestFactory = value
+ @property
+ def site(self):
+ """
+ A reference to the creating L{twisted.web.server.Site} object.
+ Returns the site object from the backing channel.
+ """
+ return self._channel.site
+ @site.setter
+ def site(self, value):
+ """
+ A reference to the creating L{twisted.web.server.Site} object.
+ Sets the object on the backing channel and also stores the value for
+ propagation to any new channel.
+ @param value: The L{twisted.web.server.Site} object to set.
+ @type value: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ """
+ self._site = value
+ self._channel.site = value
+ @property
+ def timeOut(self):
+ """
+ The idle timeout for the backing channel.
+ """
+ return self._channel.timeOut
+ @timeOut.setter
+ def timeOut(self, value):
+ """
+ The idle timeout for the backing channel.
+ Sets the idle timeout on both the backing channel and stores it for
+ propagation to any new backing channel.
+ @param value: The timeout to set.
+ @type value: L{int} or L{float}
+ """
+ self._timeOut = value
+ self._channel.timeOut = value
+ @property
+ def callLater(self):
+ """
+ A value for the C{callLater} callback. This callback is used by the
+ L{twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin} to handle timeouts.
+ """
+ return self._channel.callLater
+ @callLater.setter
+ def callLater(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the value for the C{callLater} callback. This callback is used by
+ the L{twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin} to handle timeouts.
+ @param value: The new callback to use.
+ @type value: L{callable}
+ """
+ self._callLater = value
+ self._channel.callLater = value
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ An override of L{IProtocol.dataReceived} that checks what protocol we're
+ using.
+ """
+ if self._negotiatedProtocol is None:
+ try:
+ negotiatedProtocol = self._channel.transport.negotiatedProtocol
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Plaintext HTTP, always HTTP/1.1
+ negotiatedProtocol = b"http/1.1"
+ if negotiatedProtocol is None:
+ negotiatedProtocol = b"http/1.1"
+ if negotiatedProtocol == b"h2":
+ if not H2_ENABLED:
+ raise ValueError("Negotiated HTTP/2 without support.")
+ # We need to make sure that the HTTPChannel is unregistered
+ # from the transport so that the H2Connection can register
+ # itself if possible.
+ networkProducer = self._channel._networkProducer
+ networkProducer.unregisterProducer()
+ # Cancel the old channel's timeout.
+ self._channel.setTimeout(None)
+ transport = self._channel.transport
+ self._channel = H2Connection()
+ self._channel.requestFactory = self._requestFactory
+ self._channel.site = self._site
+ self._channel.factory = self._factory
+ self._channel.timeOut = self._timeOut
+ self._channel.callLater = self._callLater
+ self._channel.makeConnection(transport)
+ # Register the H2Connection as the transport's
+ # producer, so that the transport can apply back
+ # pressure.
+ networkProducer.registerProducer(self._channel, True)
+ else:
+ # Only HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 are supported right now.
+ assert (
+ negotiatedProtocol == b"http/1.1"
+ ), "Unsupported protocol negotiated"
+ self._negotiatedProtocol = negotiatedProtocol
+ return self._channel.dataReceived(data)
+def _genericHTTPChannelProtocolFactory(self):
+ """
+ Returns an appropriately initialized _GenericHTTPChannelProtocol.
+ """
+ return _GenericHTTPChannelProtocol(HTTPChannel())
+class HTTPFactory(protocol.ServerFactory):
+ """
+ Factory for HTTP server.
+ @ivar _logDateTime: A cached datetime string for log messages, updated by
+ C{_logDateTimeCall}.
+ @type _logDateTime: C{str}
+ @ivar _logDateTimeCall: A delayed call for the next update to the cached
+ log datetime string.
+ @type _logDateTimeCall: L{IDelayedCall} provided
+ @ivar _logFormatter: See the C{logFormatter} parameter to L{__init__}
+ @ivar _nativeize: A flag that indicates whether the log file being written
+ to wants native strings (C{True}) or bytes (C{False}). This is only to
+ support writing to L{twisted.python.log} which, unfortunately, works
+ with native strings.
+ @ivar reactor: An L{IReactorTime} provider used to manage connection
+ timeouts and compute logging timestamps.
+ """
+ # We need to ignore the mypy error here, because
+ # _genericHTTPChannelProtocolFactory is a callable which returns a proxy
+ # to a Protocol, instead of a concrete Protocol object, as expected in
+ # the protocol.Factory interface
+ protocol = _genericHTTPChannelProtocolFactory # type: ignore[assignment]
+ logPath = None
+ def __init__(
+ self, logPath=None, timeout=_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, logFormatter=None, reactor=None
+ ):
+ """
+ @param logPath: File path to which access log messages will be written
+ or C{None} to disable logging.
+ @type logPath: L{str} or L{bytes}
+ @param timeout: The initial value of L{timeOut}, which defines the idle
+ connection timeout in seconds, or C{None} to disable the idle
+ timeout.
+ @type timeout: L{float}
+ @param logFormatter: An object to format requests into log lines for
+ the access log. L{combinedLogFormatter} when C{None} is passed.
+ @type logFormatter: L{IAccessLogFormatter} provider
+ @param reactor: An L{IReactorTime} provider used to manage connection
+ timeouts and compute logging timestamps. Defaults to the global
+ reactor.
+ """
+ if not reactor:
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ self.reactor = reactor
+ if logPath is not None:
+ logPath = os.path.abspath(logPath)
+ self.logPath = logPath
+ self.timeOut = timeout
+ if logFormatter is None:
+ logFormatter = combinedLogFormatter
+ self._logFormatter = logFormatter
+ # For storing the cached log datetime and the callback to update it
+ self._logDateTime = None
+ self._logDateTimeCall = None
+ def _updateLogDateTime(self):
+ """
+ Update log datetime periodically, so we aren't always recalculating it.
+ """
+ self._logDateTime = datetimeToLogString(self.reactor.seconds())
+ self._logDateTimeCall = self.reactor.callLater(1, self._updateLogDateTime)
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ p = protocol.ServerFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
+ # This is a bit of a hack to ensure that the HTTPChannel timeouts
+ # occur on the same reactor as the one we're using here. This could
+ # ideally be resolved by passing the reactor more generally to the
+ # HTTPChannel, but that won't work for the TimeoutMixin until we fix
+ # https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8488
+ p.callLater = self.reactor.callLater
+ # timeOut needs to be on the Protocol instance cause
+ # TimeoutMixin expects it there
+ p.timeOut = self.timeOut
+ return p
+ def startFactory(self):
+ """
+ Set up request logging if necessary.
+ """
+ if self._logDateTimeCall is None:
+ self._updateLogDateTime()
+ if self.logPath:
+ self.logFile = self._openLogFile(self.logPath)
+ else:
+ self.logFile = log.logfile
+ def stopFactory(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "logFile"):
+ if self.logFile != log.logfile:
+ self.logFile.close()
+ del self.logFile
+ if self._logDateTimeCall is not None and self._logDateTimeCall.active():
+ self._logDateTimeCall.cancel()
+ self._logDateTimeCall = None
+ def _openLogFile(self, path):
+ """
+ Override in subclasses, e.g. to use L{twisted.python.logfile}.
+ """
+ f = open(path, "ab", 1)
+ return f
+ def log(self, request):
+ """
+ Write a line representing C{request} to the access log file.
+ @param request: The request object about which to log.
+ @type request: L{Request}
+ """
+ try:
+ logFile = self.logFile
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ line = self._logFormatter(self._logDateTime, request) + "\n"
+ logFile.write(line.encode("utf8"))
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/http_headers.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/http_headers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f810f4bc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/http_headers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_http_headers -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+An API for storing HTTP header names and values.
+from collections.abc import Sequence as _Sequence
+from typing import (
+ AnyStr,
+ Dict,
+ Iterator,
+ List,
+ Mapping,
+ Optional,
+ Sequence,
+ Tuple,
+ TypeVar,
+ Union,
+ overload,
+from twisted.python.compat import cmp, comparable
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+def _dashCapitalize(name: bytes) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Return a byte string which is capitalized using '-' as a word separator.
+ @param name: The name of the header to capitalize.
+ @return: The given header capitalized using '-' as a word separator.
+ """
+ return b"-".join([word.capitalize() for word in name.split(b"-")])
+def _sanitizeLinearWhitespace(headerComponent: bytes) -> bytes:
+ r"""
+ Replace linear whitespace (C{\n}, C{\r\n}, C{\r}) in a header key
+ or value with a single space.
+ @param headerComponent: The header key or value to sanitize.
+ @return: The sanitized header key or value.
+ """
+ return b" ".join(headerComponent.splitlines())
+class Headers:
+ """
+ Stores HTTP headers in a key and multiple value format.
+ When passed L{str}, header names (e.g. 'Content-Type')
+ are encoded using ISO-8859-1 and header values (e.g.
+ 'text/html;charset=utf-8') are encoded using UTF-8. Some methods that return
+ values will return them in the same type as the name given.
+ If the header keys or values cannot be encoded or decoded using the rules
+ above, using just L{bytes} arguments to the methods of this class will
+ ensure no decoding or encoding is done, and L{Headers} will treat the keys
+ and values as opaque byte strings.
+ @cvar _caseMappings: A L{dict} that maps lowercase header names
+ to their canonicalized representation.
+ @ivar _rawHeaders: A L{dict} mapping header names as L{bytes} to L{list}s of
+ header values as L{bytes}.
+ """
+ _caseMappings = {
+ b"content-md5": b"Content-MD5",
+ b"dnt": b"DNT",
+ b"etag": b"ETag",
+ b"p3p": b"P3P",
+ b"te": b"TE",
+ b"www-authenticate": b"WWW-Authenticate",
+ b"x-xss-protection": b"X-XSS-Protection",
+ }
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ rawHeaders: Optional[Mapping[AnyStr, Sequence[AnyStr]]] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._rawHeaders: Dict[bytes, List[bytes]] = {}
+ if rawHeaders is not None:
+ for name, values in rawHeaders.items():
+ self.setRawHeaders(name, values)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Return a string fully describing the headers set on this object.
+ """
+ return "{}({!r})".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self._rawHeaders,
+ )
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ """
+ Define L{Headers} instances as being equal to each other if they have
+ the same raw headers.
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, Headers):
+ return cmp(
+ sorted(self._rawHeaders.items()), sorted(other._rawHeaders.items())
+ )
+ return NotImplemented
+ def _encodeName(self, name: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Encode the name of a header (eg 'Content-Type') to an ISO-8859-1 encoded
+ bytestring if required.
+ @param name: A HTTP header name
+ @return: C{name}, encoded if required, lowercased
+ """
+ if isinstance(name, str):
+ return name.lower().encode("iso-8859-1")
+ return name.lower()
+ def copy(self):
+ """
+ Return a copy of itself with the same headers set.
+ @return: A new L{Headers}
+ """
+ return self.__class__(self._rawHeaders)
+ def hasHeader(self, name: AnyStr) -> bool:
+ """
+ Check for the existence of a given header.
+ @param name: The name of the HTTP header to check for.
+ @return: C{True} if the header exists, otherwise C{False}.
+ """
+ return self._encodeName(name) in self._rawHeaders
+ def removeHeader(self, name: AnyStr) -> None:
+ """
+ Remove the named header from this header object.
+ @param name: The name of the HTTP header to remove.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ self._rawHeaders.pop(self._encodeName(name), None)
+ @overload
+ def setRawHeaders(self, name: Union[str, bytes], values: Sequence[bytes]) -> None:
+ ...
+ @overload
+ def setRawHeaders(self, name: Union[str, bytes], values: Sequence[str]) -> None:
+ ...
+ @overload
+ def setRawHeaders(
+ self, name: Union[str, bytes], values: Sequence[Union[str, bytes]]
+ ) -> None:
+ ...
+ def setRawHeaders(self, name: Union[str, bytes], values: object) -> None:
+ """
+ Sets the raw representation of the given header.
+ @param name: The name of the HTTP header to set the values for.
+ @param values: A list of strings each one being a header value of
+ the given name.
+ @raise TypeError: Raised if C{values} is not a sequence of L{bytes}
+ or L{str}, or if C{name} is not L{bytes} or L{str}.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ if not isinstance(values, _Sequence):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Header entry %r should be sequence but found "
+ "instance of %r instead" % (name, type(values))
+ )
+ if not isinstance(name, (bytes, str)):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Header name is an instance of {type(name)!r}, not bytes or str"
+ )
+ for count, value in enumerate(values):
+ if not isinstance(value, (bytes, str)):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Header value at position %s is an instance of %r, not "
+ "bytes or str"
+ % (
+ count,
+ type(value),
+ )
+ )
+ _name = _sanitizeLinearWhitespace(self._encodeName(name))
+ encodedValues: List[bytes] = []
+ for v in values:
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ _v = v.encode("utf8")
+ else:
+ _v = v
+ encodedValues.append(_sanitizeLinearWhitespace(_v))
+ self._rawHeaders[_name] = encodedValues
+ def addRawHeader(self, name: Union[str, bytes], value: Union[str, bytes]) -> None:
+ """
+ Add a new raw value for the given header.
+ @param name: The name of the header for which to set the value.
+ @param value: The value to set for the named header.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(name, (bytes, str)):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Header name is an instance of {type(name)!r}, not bytes or str"
+ )
+ if not isinstance(value, (bytes, str)):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Header value is an instance of %r, not "
+ "bytes or str" % (type(value),)
+ )
+ self._rawHeaders.setdefault(
+ _sanitizeLinearWhitespace(self._encodeName(name)), []
+ ).append(
+ _sanitizeLinearWhitespace(
+ value.encode("utf8") if isinstance(value, str) else value
+ )
+ )
+ @overload
+ def getRawHeaders(self, name: AnyStr) -> Optional[Sequence[AnyStr]]:
+ ...
+ @overload
+ def getRawHeaders(self, name: AnyStr, default: _T) -> Union[Sequence[AnyStr], _T]:
+ ...
+ def getRawHeaders(
+ self, name: AnyStr, default: Optional[_T] = None
+ ) -> Union[Sequence[AnyStr], Optional[_T]]:
+ """
+ Returns a sequence of headers matching the given name as the raw string
+ given.
+ @param name: The name of the HTTP header to get the values of.
+ @param default: The value to return if no header with the given C{name}
+ exists.
+ @return: If the named header is present, a sequence of its
+ values. Otherwise, C{default}.
+ """
+ encodedName = self._encodeName(name)
+ values = self._rawHeaders.get(encodedName, [])
+ if not values:
+ return default
+ if isinstance(name, str):
+ return [v.decode("utf8") for v in values]
+ return values
+ def getAllRawHeaders(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[bytes, Sequence[bytes]]]:
+ """
+ Return an iterator of key, value pairs of all headers contained in this
+ object, as L{bytes}. The keys are capitalized in canonical
+ capitalization.
+ """
+ for k, v in self._rawHeaders.items():
+ yield self._canonicalNameCaps(k), v
+ def _canonicalNameCaps(self, name: bytes) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Return the canonical name for the given header.
+ @param name: The all-lowercase header name to capitalize in its
+ canonical form.
+ @return: The canonical name of the header.
+ """
+ return self._caseMappings.get(name, _dashCapitalize(name))
+__all__ = ["Headers"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/iweb.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/iweb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1aeb152fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/iweb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Interface definitions for L{twisted.web}.
+@var UNKNOWN_LENGTH: An opaque object which may be used as the value of
+ L{IBodyProducer.length} to indicate that the length of the entity
+ body is not known in advance.
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, List, Optional
+from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface
+from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernameDigestHash
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPushProducer
+from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
+ from twisted.web.template import Flattenable, Tag
+class IRequest(Interface):
+ """
+ An HTTP request.
+ @since: 9.0
+ """
+ method = Attribute("A L{bytes} giving the HTTP method that was used.")
+ uri = Attribute(
+ "A L{bytes} giving the full encoded URI which was requested (including"
+ " query arguments)."
+ )
+ path = Attribute(
+ "A L{bytes} giving the encoded query path of the request URI (not "
+ "including query arguments)."
+ )
+ args = Attribute(
+ "A mapping of decoded query argument names as L{bytes} to "
+ "corresponding query argument values as L{list}s of L{bytes}. "
+ "For example, for a URI with C{foo=bar&foo=baz&quux=spam} "
+ "for its query part, C{args} will be C{{b'foo': [b'bar', b'baz'], "
+ "b'quux': [b'spam']}}."
+ )
+ prepath = Attribute(
+ "The URL path segments which have been processed during resource "
+ "traversal, as a list of L{bytes}."
+ )
+ postpath = Attribute(
+ "The URL path segments which have not (yet) been processed "
+ "during resource traversal, as a list of L{bytes}."
+ )
+ requestHeaders = Attribute(
+ "A L{http_headers.Headers} instance giving all received HTTP request "
+ "headers."
+ )
+ content = Attribute(
+ "A file-like object giving the request body. This may be a file on "
+ "disk, an L{io.BytesIO}, or some other type. The implementation is "
+ "free to decide on a per-request basis."
+ )
+ responseHeaders = Attribute(
+ "A L{http_headers.Headers} instance holding all HTTP response "
+ "headers to be sent."
+ )
+ def getHeader(key):
+ """
+ Get an HTTP request header.
+ @type key: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param key: The name of the header to get the value of.
+ @rtype: L{bytes} or L{str} or L{None}
+ @return: The value of the specified header, or L{None} if that header
+ was not present in the request. The string type of the result
+ matches the type of C{key}.
+ """
+ def getCookie(key):
+ """
+ Get a cookie that was sent from the network.
+ @type key: L{bytes}
+ @param key: The name of the cookie to get.
+ @rtype: L{bytes} or L{None}
+ @returns: The value of the specified cookie, or L{None} if that cookie
+ was not present in the request.
+ """
+ def getAllHeaders():
+ """
+ Return dictionary mapping the names of all received headers to the last
+ value received for each.
+ Since this method does not return all header information,
+ C{requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders()} may be preferred.
+ """
+ def getRequestHostname():
+ """
+ Get the hostname that the HTTP client passed in to the request.
+ This will either use the C{Host:} header (if it is available; which,
+ for a spec-compliant request, it will be) or the IP address of the host
+ we are listening on if the header is unavailable.
+ @note: This is the I{host portion} of the requested resource, which
+ means that:
+ 1. it might be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, not just a DNS host
+ name,
+ 2. there's no guarantee it's even a I{valid} host name or IP
+ address, since the C{Host:} header may be malformed,
+ 3. it does not include the port number.
+ @returns: the requested hostname
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def getHost():
+ """
+ Get my originally requesting transport's host.
+ @return: An L{IAddress<twisted.internet.interfaces.IAddress>}.
+ """
+ def getClientAddress():
+ """
+ Return the address of the client who submitted this request.
+ The address may not be a network address. Callers must check
+ its type before using it.
+ @since: 18.4
+ @return: the client's address.
+ @rtype: an L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ def getClientIP():
+ """
+ Return the IP address of the client who submitted this request.
+ This method is B{deprecated}. See L{getClientAddress} instead.
+ @returns: the client IP address or L{None} if the request was submitted
+ over a transport where IP addresses do not make sense.
+ @rtype: L{str} or L{None}
+ """
+ def getUser():
+ """
+ Return the HTTP user sent with this request, if any.
+ If no user was supplied, return the empty string.
+ @returns: the HTTP user, if any
+ @rtype: L{str}
+ """
+ def getPassword():
+ """
+ Return the HTTP password sent with this request, if any.
+ If no password was supplied, return the empty string.
+ @returns: the HTTP password, if any
+ @rtype: L{str}
+ """
+ def isSecure():
+ """
+ Return True if this request is using a secure transport.
+ Normally this method returns True if this request's HTTPChannel
+ instance is using a transport that implements ISSLTransport.
+ This will also return True if setHost() has been called
+ with ssl=True.
+ @returns: True if this request is secure
+ @rtype: C{bool}
+ """
+ def getSession(sessionInterface=None):
+ """
+ Look up the session associated with this request or create a new one if
+ there is not one.
+ @return: The L{Session} instance identified by the session cookie in
+ the request, or the C{sessionInterface} component of that session
+ if C{sessionInterface} is specified.
+ """
+ def URLPath():
+ """
+ @return: A L{URLPath<twisted.python.urlpath.URLPath>} instance
+ which identifies the URL for which this request is.
+ """
+ def prePathURL():
+ """
+ At any time during resource traversal or resource rendering,
+ returns an absolute URL to the most nested resource which has
+ yet been reached.
+ @see: {twisted.web.server.Request.prepath}
+ @return: An absolute URL.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def rememberRootURL():
+ """
+ Remember the currently-processed part of the URL for later
+ recalling.
+ """
+ def getRootURL():
+ """
+ Get a previously-remembered URL.
+ @return: An absolute URL.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ # Methods for outgoing response
+ def finish():
+ """
+ Indicate that the response to this request is complete.
+ """
+ def write(data):
+ """
+ Write some data to the body of the response to this request. Response
+ headers are written the first time this method is called, after which
+ new response headers may not be added.
+ @param data: Bytes of the response body.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def addCookie(
+ k,
+ v,
+ expires=None,
+ domain=None,
+ path=None,
+ max_age=None,
+ comment=None,
+ secure=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Set an outgoing HTTP cookie.
+ In general, you should consider using sessions instead of cookies, see
+ L{twisted.web.server.Request.getSession} and the
+ L{twisted.web.server.Session} class for details.
+ """
+ def setResponseCode(code, message=None):
+ """
+ Set the HTTP response code.
+ @type code: L{int}
+ @type message: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def setHeader(k, v):
+ """
+ Set an HTTP response header. Overrides any previously set values for
+ this header.
+ @type k: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param k: The name of the header for which to set the value.
+ @type v: L{bytes} or L{str}
+ @param v: The value to set for the named header. A L{str} will be
+ UTF-8 encoded, which may not interoperable with other
+ implementations. Avoid passing non-ASCII characters if possible.
+ """
+ def redirect(url):
+ """
+ Utility function that does a redirect.
+ The request should have finish() called after this.
+ """
+ def setLastModified(when):
+ """
+ Set the C{Last-Modified} time for the response to this request.
+ If I am called more than once, I ignore attempts to set Last-Modified
+ earlier, only replacing the Last-Modified time if it is to a later
+ value.
+ If I am a conditional request, I may modify my response code to
+ L{NOT_MODIFIED<http.NOT_MODIFIED>} if appropriate for the time given.
+ @param when: The last time the resource being returned was modified, in
+ seconds since the epoch.
+ @type when: L{int} or L{float}
+ @return: If I am a C{If-Modified-Since} conditional request and the time
+ given is not newer than the condition, I return
+ L{CACHED<http.CACHED>} to indicate that you should write no body.
+ Otherwise, I return a false value.
+ """
+ def setETag(etag):
+ """
+ Set an C{entity tag} for the outgoing response.
+ That's "entity tag" as in the HTTP/1.1 I{ETag} header, "used for
+ comparing two or more entities from the same requested resource."
+ If I am a conditional request, I may modify my response code to
+ L{PRECONDITION_FAILED<http.PRECONDITION_FAILED>}, if appropriate for the
+ tag given.
+ @param etag: The entity tag for the resource being returned.
+ @type etag: L{str}
+ @return: If I am a C{If-None-Match} conditional request and the tag
+ matches one in the request, I return L{CACHED<http.CACHED>} to
+ indicate that you should write no body. Otherwise, I return a
+ false value.
+ """
+ def setHost(host, port, ssl=0):
+ """
+ Change the host and port the request thinks it's using.
+ This method is useful for working with reverse HTTP proxies (e.g. both
+ Squid and Apache's mod_proxy can do this), when the address the HTTP
+ client is using is different than the one we're listening on.
+ For example, Apache may be listening on https://www.example.com, and
+ then forwarding requests to http://localhost:8080, but we don't want
+ HTML produced by Twisted to say 'http://localhost:8080', they should
+ say 'https://www.example.com', so we do::
+ request.setHost('www.example.com', 443, ssl=1)
+ """
+class INonQueuedRequestFactory(Interface):
+ """
+ A factory of L{IRequest} objects that does not take a ``queued`` parameter.
+ """
+ def __call__(channel):
+ """
+ Create an L{IRequest} that is operating on the given channel. There
+ must only be one L{IRequest} object processing at any given time on a
+ channel.
+ @param channel: A L{twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel} object.
+ @type channel: L{twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel}
+ @return: A request object.
+ @rtype: L{IRequest}
+ """
+class IAccessLogFormatter(Interface):
+ """
+ An object which can represent an HTTP request as a line of text for
+ inclusion in an access log file.
+ """
+ def __call__(timestamp, request):
+ """
+ Generate a line for the access log.
+ @param timestamp: The time at which the request was completed in the
+ standard format for access logs.
+ @type timestamp: L{unicode}
+ @param request: The request object about which to log.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.server.Request}
+ @return: One line describing the request without a trailing newline.
+ @rtype: L{unicode}
+ """
+class ICredentialFactory(Interface):
+ """
+ A credential factory defines a way to generate a particular kind of
+ authentication challenge and a way to interpret the responses to these
+ challenges. It creates
+ L{ICredentials<twisted.cred.credentials.ICredentials>} providers from
+ responses. These objects will be used with L{twisted.cred} to authenticate
+ an authorize requests.
+ """
+ scheme = Attribute(
+ "A L{str} giving the name of the authentication scheme with which "
+ "this factory is associated. For example, C{'basic'} or C{'digest'}."
+ )
+ def getChallenge(request):
+ """
+ Generate a new challenge to be sent to a client.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ @param request: The request the response to which this challenge will
+ be included.
+ @rtype: L{dict}
+ @return: A mapping from L{str} challenge fields to associated L{str}
+ values.
+ """
+ def decode(response, request):
+ """
+ Create a credentials object from the given response.
+ @type response: L{str}
+ @param response: scheme specific response string
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ @param request: The request being processed (from which the response
+ was taken).
+ @raise twisted.cred.error.LoginFailed: If the response is invalid.
+ @rtype: L{twisted.cred.credentials.ICredentials} provider
+ @return: The credentials represented by the given response.
+ """
+class IBodyProducer(IPushProducer):
+ """
+ Objects which provide L{IBodyProducer} write bytes to an object which
+ provides L{IConsumer<twisted.internet.interfaces.IConsumer>} by calling its
+ C{write} method repeatedly.
+ L{IBodyProducer} providers may start producing as soon as they have an
+ L{IConsumer<twisted.internet.interfaces.IConsumer>} provider. That is, they
+ should not wait for a C{resumeProducing} call to begin writing data.
+ L{IConsumer.unregisterProducer<twisted.internet.interfaces.IConsumer.unregisterProducer>}
+ must not be called. Instead, the
+ L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>} returned from C{startProducing}
+ must be fired when all bytes have been written.
+ L{IConsumer.write<twisted.internet.interfaces.IConsumer.write>} may
+ synchronously invoke any of C{pauseProducing}, C{resumeProducing}, or
+ C{stopProducing}. These methods must be implemented with this in mind.
+ @since: 9.0
+ """
+ # Despite the restrictions above and the additional requirements of
+ # stopProducing documented below, this interface still needs to be an
+ # IPushProducer subclass. Providers of it will be passed to IConsumer
+ # providers which only know about IPushProducer and IPullProducer, not
+ # about this interface. This interface needs to remain close enough to one
+ # of those interfaces for consumers to work with it.
+ length = Attribute(
+ """
+ C{length} is a L{int} indicating how many bytes in total this
+ L{IBodyProducer} will write to the consumer or L{UNKNOWN_LENGTH}
+ if this is not known in advance.
+ """
+ )
+ def startProducing(consumer):
+ """
+ Start producing to the given
+ L{IConsumer<twisted.internet.interfaces.IConsumer>} provider.
+ @return: A L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>} which stops
+ production of data when L{Deferred.cancel} is called, and which
+ fires with L{None} when all bytes have been produced or with a
+ L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} if there is any problem
+ before all bytes have been produced.
+ """
+ def stopProducing():
+ """
+ In addition to the standard behavior of
+ L{IProducer.stopProducing<twisted.internet.interfaces.IProducer.stopProducing>}
+ (stop producing data), make sure the
+ L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>} returned by
+ C{startProducing} is never fired.
+ """
+class IRenderable(Interface):
+ """
+ An L{IRenderable} is an object that may be rendered by the
+ L{twisted.web.template} templating system.
+ """
+ def lookupRenderMethod(
+ name: str,
+ ) -> Callable[[Optional[IRequest], "Tag"], "Flattenable"]:
+ """
+ Look up and return the render method associated with the given name.
+ @param name: The value of a render directive encountered in the
+ document returned by a call to L{IRenderable.render}.
+ @return: A two-argument callable which will be invoked with the request
+ being responded to and the tag object on which the render directive
+ was encountered.
+ """
+ def render(request: Optional[IRequest]) -> "Flattenable":
+ """
+ Get the document for this L{IRenderable}.
+ @param request: The request in response to which this method is being
+ invoked.
+ @return: An object which can be flattened.
+ """
+class ITemplateLoader(Interface):
+ """
+ A loader for templates; something usable as a value for
+ L{twisted.web.template.Element}'s C{loader} attribute.
+ """
+ def load() -> List["Flattenable"]:
+ """
+ Load a template suitable for rendering.
+ @return: a L{list} of flattenable objects, such as byte and unicode
+ strings, L{twisted.web.template.Element}s and L{IRenderable} providers.
+ """
+class IResponse(Interface):
+ """
+ An object representing an HTTP response received from an HTTP server.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ version = Attribute(
+ "A three-tuple describing the protocol and protocol version "
+ "of the response. The first element is of type L{str}, the second "
+ "and third are of type L{int}. For example, C{(b'HTTP', 1, 1)}."
+ )
+ code = Attribute("The HTTP status code of this response, as a L{int}.")
+ phrase = Attribute("The HTTP reason phrase of this response, as a L{str}.")
+ headers = Attribute("The HTTP response L{Headers} of this response.")
+ length = Attribute(
+ "The L{int} number of bytes expected to be in the body of this "
+ "response or L{UNKNOWN_LENGTH} if the server did not indicate how "
+ "many bytes to expect. For I{HEAD} responses, this will be 0; if "
+ "the response includes a I{Content-Length} header, it will be "
+ "available in C{headers}."
+ )
+ request = Attribute("The L{IClientRequest} that resulted in this response.")
+ previousResponse = Attribute(
+ "The previous L{IResponse} from a redirect, or L{None} if there was no "
+ "previous response. This can be used to walk the response or request "
+ "history for redirections."
+ )
+ def deliverBody(protocol):
+ """
+ Register an L{IProtocol<twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol>} provider
+ to receive the response body.
+ The protocol will be connected to a transport which provides
+ L{IPushProducer}. The protocol's C{connectionLost} method will be
+ called with:
+ - ResponseDone, which indicates that all bytes from the response
+ have been successfully delivered.
+ - PotentialDataLoss, which indicates that it cannot be determined
+ if the entire response body has been delivered. This only occurs
+ when making requests to HTTP servers which do not set
+ I{Content-Length} or a I{Transfer-Encoding} in the response.
+ - ResponseFailed, which indicates that some bytes from the response
+ were lost. The C{reasons} attribute of the exception may provide
+ more specific indications as to why.
+ """
+ def setPreviousResponse(response):
+ """
+ Set the reference to the previous L{IResponse}.
+ The value of the previous response can be read via
+ L{IResponse.previousResponse}.
+ """
+class _IRequestEncoder(Interface):
+ """
+ An object encoding data passed to L{IRequest.write}, for example for
+ compression purpose.
+ @since: 12.3
+ """
+ def encode(data):
+ """
+ Encode the data given and return the result.
+ @param data: The content to encode.
+ @type data: L{str}
+ @return: The encoded data.
+ @rtype: L{str}
+ """
+ def finish():
+ """
+ Callback called when the request is closing.
+ @return: If necessary, the pending data accumulated from previous
+ C{encode} calls.
+ @rtype: L{str}
+ """
+class _IRequestEncoderFactory(Interface):
+ """
+ A factory for returing L{_IRequestEncoder} instances.
+ @since: 12.3
+ """
+ def encoderForRequest(request):
+ """
+ If applicable, returns a L{_IRequestEncoder} instance which will encode
+ the request.
+ """
+class IClientRequest(Interface):
+ """
+ An object representing an HTTP request to make to an HTTP server.
+ @since: 13.1
+ """
+ method = Attribute(
+ "The HTTP method for this request, as L{bytes}. For example: "
+ "C{b'GET'}, C{b'HEAD'}, C{b'POST'}, etc."
+ )
+ absoluteURI = Attribute(
+ "The absolute URI of the requested resource, as L{bytes}; or L{None} "
+ "if the absolute URI cannot be determined."
+ )
+ headers = Attribute(
+ "Headers to be sent to the server, as "
+ "a L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers} instance."
+ )
+class IAgent(Interface):
+ """
+ An agent makes HTTP requests.
+ The way in which requests are issued is left up to each implementation.
+ Some may issue them directly to the server indicated by the net location
+ portion of the request URL. Others may use a proxy specified by system
+ configuration.
+ Processing of responses is also left very widely specified. An
+ implementation may perform no special handling of responses, or it may
+ implement redirect following or content negotiation, it may implement a
+ cookie store or automatically respond to authentication challenges. It may
+ implement many other unforeseen behaviors as well.
+ It is also intended that L{IAgent} implementations be composable. An
+ implementation which provides cookie handling features should re-use an
+ implementation that provides connection pooling and this combination could
+ be used by an implementation which adds content negotiation functionality.
+ Some implementations will be completely self-contained, such as those which
+ actually perform the network operations to send and receive requests, but
+ most or all other implementations should implement a small number of new
+ features (perhaps one new feature) and delegate the rest of the
+ request/response machinery to another implementation.
+ This allows for great flexibility in the behavior an L{IAgent} will
+ provide. For example, an L{IAgent} with web browser-like behavior could be
+ obtained by combining a number of (hypothetical) implementations::
+ baseAgent = Agent(reactor)
+ decode = ContentDecoderAgent(baseAgent, [(b"gzip", GzipDecoder())])
+ cookie = CookieAgent(decode, diskStore.cookie)
+ authenticate = AuthenticateAgent(
+ cookie, [diskStore.credentials, GtkAuthInterface()])
+ cache = CacheAgent(authenticate, diskStore.cache)
+ redirect = BrowserLikeRedirectAgent(cache, limit=10)
+ doSomeRequests(cache)
+ """
+ def request(
+ method: bytes,
+ uri: bytes,
+ headers: Optional[Headers] = None,
+ bodyProducer: Optional[IBodyProducer] = None,
+ ) -> Deferred[IResponse]:
+ """
+ Request the resource at the given location.
+ @param method: The request method to use, such as C{b"GET"}, C{b"HEAD"},
+ C{b"PUT"}, C{b"POST"}, etc.
+ @param uri: The location of the resource to request. This should be an
+ absolute URI but some implementations may support relative URIs
+ (with absolute or relative paths). I{HTTP} and I{HTTPS} are the
+ schemes most likely to be supported but others may be as well.
+ @param headers: The headers to send with the request (or L{None} to
+ send no extra headers). An implementation may add its own headers
+ to this (for example for client identification or content
+ negotiation).
+ @param bodyProducer: An object which can generate bytes to make up the
+ body of this request (for example, the properly encoded contents of
+ a file for a file upload). Or, L{None} if the request is to have
+ no body.
+ @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with an L{IResponse} provider when
+ the header of the response has been received (regardless of the
+ response status code) or with a L{Failure} if there is any problem
+ which prevents that response from being received (including
+ problems that prevent the request from being sent).
+ """
+class IPolicyForHTTPS(Interface):
+ """
+ An L{IPolicyForHTTPS} provides a policy for verifying the certificates of
+ HTTPS connections, in the form of a L{client connection creator
+ <twisted.internet.interfaces.IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>} per network
+ location.
+ @since: 14.0
+ """
+ def creatorForNetloc(hostname, port):
+ """
+ Create a L{client connection creator
+ <twisted.internet.interfaces.IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>}
+ appropriate for the given URL "netloc"; i.e. hostname and port number
+ pair.
+ @param hostname: The name of the requested remote host.
+ @type hostname: L{bytes}
+ @param port: The number of the requested remote port.
+ @type port: L{int}
+ @return: A client connection creator expressing the security
+ requirements for the given remote host.
+ @rtype: L{client connection creator
+ <twisted.internet.interfaces.IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator>}
+ """
+class IAgentEndpointFactory(Interface):
+ """
+ An L{IAgentEndpointFactory} provides a way of constructing an endpoint
+ used for outgoing Agent requests. This is useful in the case of needing to
+ proxy outgoing connections, or to otherwise vary the transport used.
+ @since: 15.0
+ """
+ def endpointForURI(uri):
+ """
+ Construct and return an L{IStreamClientEndpoint} for the outgoing
+ request's connection.
+ @param uri: The URI of the request.
+ @type uri: L{twisted.web.client.URI}
+ @return: An endpoint which will have its C{connect} method called to
+ issue the request.
+ @rtype: an L{IStreamClientEndpoint} provider
+ @raises twisted.internet.error.SchemeNotSupported: If the given
+ URI's scheme cannot be handled by this factory.
+ """
+__all__ = [
+ "IUsernameDigestHash",
+ "ICredentialFactory",
+ "IRequest",
+ "IBodyProducer",
+ "IRenderable",
+ "IResponse",
+ "_IRequestEncoder",
+ "_IRequestEncoderFactory",
+ "IClientRequest",
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/microdom.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/microdom.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b80db5394e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/microdom.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_xml -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Micro Document Object Model: a partial DOM implementation with SUX.
+This is an implementation of what we consider to be the useful subset of the
+DOM. The chief advantage of this library is that, not being burdened with
+standards compliance, it can remain very stable between versions. We can also
+implement utility 'pythonic' ways to access and mutate the XML tree.
+Since this has not subjected to a serious trial by fire, it is not recommended
+to use this outside of Twisted applications. However, it seems to work just
+fine for the documentation generator, which parses a fairly representative
+sample of XML.
+Microdom mainly focuses on working with HTML and XHTML.
+This module is now deprecated.
+from __future__ import annotations
+# System Imports
+import re
+import warnings
+from io import BytesIO, StringIO
+from incremental import Version, getVersionString
+# Twisted Imports
+from twisted.python.compat import ioType
+from twisted.python.util import InsensitiveDict
+from twisted.web.sux import ParseError, XMLParser
+warningString = "twisted.web.microdom was deprecated at {}".format(
+ getVersionString(Version("Twisted", 23, 10, 0))
+warnings.warn(warningString, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
+def getElementsByTagName(iNode, name):
+ """
+ Return a list of all child elements of C{iNode} with a name matching
+ C{name}.
+ Note that this implementation does not conform to the DOM Level 1 Core
+ specification because it may return C{iNode}.
+ @param iNode: An element at which to begin searching. If C{iNode} has a
+ name matching C{name}, it will be included in the result.
+ @param name: A C{str} giving the name of the elements to return.
+ @return: A C{list} of direct or indirect child elements of C{iNode} with
+ the name C{name}. This may include C{iNode}.
+ """
+ matches = []
+ matches_append = matches.append # faster lookup. don't do this at home
+ slice = [iNode]
+ while len(slice) > 0:
+ c = slice.pop(0)
+ if c.nodeName == name:
+ matches_append(c)
+ slice[:0] = c.childNodes
+ return matches
+def getElementsByTagNameNoCase(iNode, name):
+ name = name.lower()
+ matches = []
+ matches_append = matches.append
+ slice = [iNode]
+ while len(slice) > 0:
+ c = slice.pop(0)
+ if c.nodeName.lower() == name:
+ matches_append(c)
+ slice[:0] = c.childNodes
+ return matches
+def _streamWriteWrapper(stream):
+ if ioType(stream) == bytes:
+ def w(s):
+ if isinstance(s, str):
+ s = s.encode("utf-8")
+ stream.write(s)
+ else:
+ def w(s):
+ if isinstance(s, bytes):
+ s = s.decode("utf-8")
+ stream.write(s)
+ return w
+# order is important
+ ("&", "&amp;"), # don't add any entities before this one
+ ("<", "&lt;"),
+ (">", "&gt;"),
+ ('"', "&quot;"),
+XML_ESCAPE_CHARS = HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS + (("'", "&apos;"),)
+def unescape(text, chars=REV_HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS):
+ """
+ Perform the exact opposite of 'escape'.
+ """
+ for s, h in chars:
+ text = text.replace(h, s)
+ return text
+def escape(text, chars=HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS):
+ """
+ Escape a few XML special chars with XML entities.
+ """
+ for s, h in chars:
+ text = text.replace(s, h)
+ return text
+class MismatchedTags(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, filename, expect, got, endLine, endCol, begLine, begCol):
+ (
+ self.filename,
+ self.expect,
+ self.got,
+ self.begLine,
+ self.begCol,
+ self.endLine,
+ self.endCol,
+ ) = (filename, expect, got, begLine, begCol, endLine, endCol)
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return (
+ "expected </%s>, got </%s> line: %s col: %s, "
+ "began line: %s col: %s"
+ % (
+ self.expect,
+ self.got,
+ self.endLine,
+ self.endCol,
+ self.begLine,
+ self.begCol,
+ )
+ )
+class Node:
+ nodeName = "Node"
+ def __init__(self, parentNode=None):
+ self.parentNode = parentNode
+ self.childNodes = []
+ def isEqualToNode(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare this node to C{other}. If the nodes have the same number of
+ children and corresponding children are equal to each other, return
+ C{True}, otherwise return C{False}.
+ @type other: L{Node}
+ @rtype: C{bool}
+ """
+ if len(self.childNodes) != len(other.childNodes):
+ return False
+ for a, b in zip(self.childNodes, other.childNodes):
+ if not a.isEqualToNode(b):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ stream,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes={},
+ namespace="",
+ ):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def toxml(
+ self, indent="", addindent="", newl="", strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=""
+ ):
+ s = StringIO()
+ self.writexml(s, indent, addindent, newl, strip, nsprefixes, namespace)
+ rv = s.getvalue()
+ return rv
+ def writeprettyxml(self, stream, indent="", addindent=" ", newl="\n", strip=0):
+ return self.writexml(stream, indent, addindent, newl, strip)
+ def toprettyxml(self, indent="", addindent=" ", newl="\n", strip=0):
+ return self.toxml(indent, addindent, newl, strip)
+ def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def hasChildNodes(self):
+ if self.childNodes:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def appendChild(self, child):
+ """
+ Make the given L{Node} the last child of this node.
+ @param child: The L{Node} which will become a child of this node.
+ @raise TypeError: If C{child} is not a C{Node} instance.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(child, Node):
+ raise TypeError("expected Node instance")
+ self.childNodes.append(child)
+ child.parentNode = self
+ def insertBefore(self, new, ref):
+ """
+ Make the given L{Node} C{new} a child of this node which comes before
+ the L{Node} C{ref}.
+ @param new: A L{Node} which will become a child of this node.
+ @param ref: A L{Node} which is already a child of this node which
+ C{new} will be inserted before.
+ @raise TypeError: If C{new} or C{ref} is not a C{Node} instance.
+ @return: C{new}
+ """
+ if not isinstance(new, Node) or not isinstance(ref, Node):
+ raise TypeError("expected Node instance")
+ i = self.childNodes.index(ref)
+ new.parentNode = self
+ self.childNodes.insert(i, new)
+ return new
+ def removeChild(self, child):
+ """
+ Remove the given L{Node} from this node's children.
+ @param child: A L{Node} which is a child of this node which will no
+ longer be a child of this node after this method is called.
+ @raise TypeError: If C{child} is not a C{Node} instance.
+ @return: C{child}
+ """
+ if not isinstance(child, Node):
+ raise TypeError("expected Node instance")
+ if child in self.childNodes:
+ self.childNodes.remove(child)
+ child.parentNode = None
+ return child
+ def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
+ """
+ Replace a L{Node} which is already a child of this node with a
+ different node.
+ @param newChild: A L{Node} which will be made a child of this node.
+ @param oldChild: A L{Node} which is a child of this node which will
+ give up its position to C{newChild}.
+ @raise TypeError: If C{newChild} or C{oldChild} is not a C{Node}
+ instance.
+ @raise ValueError: If C{oldChild} is not a child of this C{Node}.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(newChild, Node) or not isinstance(oldChild, Node):
+ raise TypeError("expected Node instance")
+ if oldChild.parentNode is not self:
+ raise ValueError("oldChild is not a child of this node")
+ self.childNodes[self.childNodes.index(oldChild)] = newChild
+ oldChild.parentNode = None
+ newChild.parentNode = self
+ def lastChild(self):
+ return self.childNodes[-1]
+ def firstChild(self):
+ if len(self.childNodes):
+ return self.childNodes[0]
+ return None
+ # def get_ownerDocument(self):
+ # """This doesn't really get the owner document; microdom nodes
+ # don't even have one necessarily. This gets the root node,
+ # which is usually what you really meant.
+ # """
+ # node=self
+ # while (node.parentNode): node=node.parentNode
+ # return node
+ # ownerDocument=node.get_ownerDocument()
+ # leaving commented for discussion; see also domhelpers.getParents(node)
+class Document(Node):
+ def __init__(self, documentElement=None):
+ Node.__init__(self)
+ if documentElement:
+ self.appendChild(documentElement)
+ def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None):
+ d = Document()
+ d.doctype = self.doctype
+ if deep:
+ newEl = self.documentElement.cloneNode(1, self)
+ else:
+ newEl = self.documentElement
+ d.appendChild(newEl)
+ return d
+ doctype: None | str = None
+ def isEqualToDocument(self, n):
+ return (self.doctype == n.doctype) and Node.isEqualToNode(self, n)
+ isEqualToNode = isEqualToDocument
+ @property
+ def documentElement(self):
+ return self.childNodes[0]
+ def appendChild(self, child):
+ """
+ Make the given L{Node} the I{document element} of this L{Document}.
+ @param child: The L{Node} to make into this L{Document}'s document
+ element.
+ @raise ValueError: If this document already has a document element.
+ """
+ if self.childNodes:
+ raise ValueError("Only one element per document.")
+ Node.appendChild(self, child)
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ stream,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes={},
+ namespace="",
+ ):
+ w = _streamWriteWrapper(stream)
+ w('<?xml version="1.0"?>' + newl)
+ if self.doctype:
+ w(f"<!DOCTYPE {self.doctype}>{newl}")
+ self.documentElement.writexml(
+ stream, indent, addindent, newl, strip, nsprefixes, namespace
+ )
+ # of dubious utility (?)
+ def createElement(self, name, **kw):
+ return Element(name, **kw)
+ def createTextNode(self, text):
+ return Text(text)
+ def createComment(self, text):
+ return Comment(text)
+ def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
+ if self.documentElement.caseInsensitive:
+ return getElementsByTagNameNoCase(self, name)
+ return getElementsByTagName(self, name)
+ def getElementById(self, id):
+ childNodes = self.childNodes[:]
+ while childNodes:
+ node = childNodes.pop(0)
+ if node.childNodes:
+ childNodes.extend(node.childNodes)
+ if hasattr(node, "getAttribute") and node.getAttribute("id") == id:
+ return node
+class EntityReference(Node):
+ def __init__(self, eref, parentNode=None):
+ Node.__init__(self, parentNode)
+ self.eref = eref
+ self.nodeValue = self.data = "&" + eref + ";"
+ def isEqualToEntityReference(self, n):
+ if not isinstance(n, EntityReference):
+ return 0
+ return (self.eref == n.eref) and (self.nodeValue == n.nodeValue)
+ isEqualToNode = isEqualToEntityReference
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ stream,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes={},
+ namespace="",
+ ):
+ w = _streamWriteWrapper(stream)
+ w("" + self.nodeValue)
+ def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None):
+ return EntityReference(self.eref, parent)
+class CharacterData(Node):
+ def __init__(self, data, parentNode=None):
+ Node.__init__(self, parentNode)
+ self.value = self.data = self.nodeValue = data
+ def isEqualToCharacterData(self, n):
+ return self.value == n.value
+ isEqualToNode = isEqualToCharacterData
+class Comment(CharacterData):
+ """
+ A comment node.
+ """
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ stream,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes={},
+ namespace="",
+ ):
+ w = _streamWriteWrapper(stream)
+ val = self.data
+ w(f"<!--{val}-->")
+ def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None):
+ return Comment(self.nodeValue, parent)
+class Text(CharacterData):
+ def __init__(self, data, parentNode=None, raw=0):
+ CharacterData.__init__(self, data, parentNode)
+ self.raw = raw
+ def isEqualToNode(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare this text to C{text}. If the underlying values and the C{raw}
+ flag are the same, return C{True}, otherwise return C{False}.
+ """
+ return CharacterData.isEqualToNode(self, other) and self.raw == other.raw
+ def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None):
+ return Text(self.nodeValue, parent, self.raw)
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ stream,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes={},
+ namespace="",
+ ):
+ w = _streamWriteWrapper(stream)
+ if self.raw:
+ val = self.nodeValue
+ if not isinstance(val, str):
+ val = str(self.nodeValue)
+ else:
+ v = self.nodeValue
+ if not isinstance(v, str):
+ v = str(v)
+ if strip:
+ v = " ".join(v.split())
+ val = escape(v)
+ w(val)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "Text(%s" % repr(self.nodeValue) + ")"
+class CDATASection(CharacterData):
+ def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None):
+ return CDATASection(self.nodeValue, parent)
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ stream,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes={},
+ namespace="",
+ ):
+ w = _streamWriteWrapper(stream)
+ w("<![CDATA[")
+ w("" + self.nodeValue)
+ w("]]>")
+def _genprefix():
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ yield "p" + str(i)
+ i = i + 1
+genprefix = _genprefix()
+class _Attr(CharacterData):
+ "Support class for getAttributeNode."
+class Element(Node):
+ preserveCase = 0
+ caseInsensitive = 1
+ nsprefixes = None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ tagName,
+ attributes=None,
+ parentNode=None,
+ filename=None,
+ markpos=None,
+ caseInsensitive=1,
+ preserveCase=0,
+ namespace=None,
+ ):
+ Node.__init__(self, parentNode)
+ self.preserveCase = preserveCase or not caseInsensitive
+ self.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive
+ if not preserveCase:
+ tagName = tagName.lower()
+ if attributes is None:
+ self.attributes = {}
+ else:
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ for k, v in self.attributes.items():
+ self.attributes[k] = unescape(v)
+ if caseInsensitive:
+ self.attributes = InsensitiveDict(self.attributes, preserve=preserveCase)
+ self.endTagName = self.nodeName = self.tagName = tagName
+ self._filename = filename
+ self._markpos = markpos
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ def addPrefixes(self, pfxs):
+ if self.nsprefixes is None:
+ self.nsprefixes = pfxs
+ else:
+ self.nsprefixes.update(pfxs)
+ def endTag(self, endTagName):
+ if not self.preserveCase:
+ endTagName = endTagName.lower()
+ self.endTagName = endTagName
+ def isEqualToElement(self, n):
+ if self.caseInsensitive:
+ return (self.attributes == n.attributes) and (
+ self.nodeName.lower() == n.nodeName.lower()
+ )
+ return (self.attributes == n.attributes) and (self.nodeName == n.nodeName)
+ def isEqualToNode(self, other):
+ """
+ Compare this element to C{other}. If the C{nodeName}, C{namespace},
+ C{attributes}, and C{childNodes} are all the same, return C{True},
+ otherwise return C{False}.
+ """
+ return (
+ self.nodeName.lower() == other.nodeName.lower()
+ and self.namespace == other.namespace
+ and self.attributes == other.attributes
+ and Node.isEqualToNode(self, other)
+ )
+ def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None):
+ clone = Element(
+ self.tagName,
+ parentNode=parent,
+ namespace=self.namespace,
+ preserveCase=self.preserveCase,
+ caseInsensitive=self.caseInsensitive,
+ )
+ clone.attributes.update(self.attributes)
+ if deep:
+ clone.childNodes = [child.cloneNode(1, clone) for child in self.childNodes]
+ else:
+ clone.childNodes = []
+ return clone
+ def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
+ if self.caseInsensitive:
+ return getElementsByTagNameNoCase(self, name)
+ return getElementsByTagName(self, name)
+ def hasAttributes(self):
+ return 1
+ def getAttribute(self, name, default=None):
+ return self.attributes.get(name, default)
+ def getAttributeNS(self, ns, name, default=None):
+ nsk = (ns, name)
+ if nsk in self.attributes:
+ return self.attributes[nsk]
+ if ns == self.namespace:
+ return self.attributes.get(name, default)
+ return default
+ def getAttributeNode(self, name):
+ return _Attr(self.getAttribute(name), self)
+ def setAttribute(self, name, attr):
+ self.attributes[name] = attr
+ def removeAttribute(self, name):
+ if name in self.attributes:
+ del self.attributes[name]
+ def hasAttribute(self, name):
+ return name in self.attributes
+ def writexml(
+ self,
+ stream,
+ indent="",
+ addindent="",
+ newl="",
+ strip=0,
+ nsprefixes={},
+ namespace="",
+ ):
+ """
+ Serialize this L{Element} to the given stream.
+ @param stream: A file-like object to which this L{Element} will be
+ written.
+ @param nsprefixes: A C{dict} mapping namespace URIs as C{str} to
+ prefixes as C{str}. This defines the prefixes which are already in
+ scope in the document at the point at which this L{Element} exists.
+ This is essentially an implementation detail for namespace support.
+ Applications should not try to use it.
+ @param namespace: The namespace URI as a C{str} which is the default at
+ the point in the document at which this L{Element} exists. This is
+ essentially an implementation detail for namespace support.
+ Applications should not try to use it.
+ """
+ # write beginning
+ "img",
+ "br",
+ "hr",
+ "base",
+ "meta",
+ "link",
+ "param",
+ "area",
+ "input",
+ "col",
+ "basefont",
+ "isindex",
+ "frame",
+ )
+ "html",
+ "head",
+ "body",
+ "noscript",
+ "ins",
+ "del",
+ "h1",
+ "h2",
+ "h3",
+ "h4",
+ "h5",
+ "h6",
+ "script",
+ "ul",
+ "ol",
+ "dl",
+ "pre",
+ "hr",
+ "blockquote",
+ "address",
+ "p",
+ "div",
+ "fieldset",
+ "table",
+ "tr",
+ "form",
+ "object",
+ "fieldset",
+ "applet",
+ "map",
+ )
+ FORMATNICELY = ("tr", "ul", "ol", "head")
+ # this should never be necessary unless people start
+ # changing .tagName on the fly(?)
+ if not self.preserveCase:
+ self.endTagName = self.tagName
+ w = _streamWriteWrapper(stream)
+ if self.nsprefixes:
+ newprefixes = self.nsprefixes.copy()
+ for ns in nsprefixes.keys():
+ if ns in newprefixes:
+ del newprefixes[ns]
+ else:
+ newprefixes = {}
+ begin = ["<"]
+ if self.tagName in BLOCKELEMENTS:
+ begin = [newl, indent] + begin
+ bext = begin.extend
+ writeattr = lambda _atr, _val: bext((" ", _atr, '="', escape(_val), '"'))
+ # Make a local for tracking what end tag will be used. If namespace
+ # prefixes are involved, this will be changed to account for that
+ # before it's actually used.
+ endTagName = self.endTagName
+ if namespace != self.namespace and self.namespace is not None:
+ # If the current default namespace is not the namespace of this tag
+ # (and this tag has a namespace at all) then we'll write out
+ # something related to namespaces.
+ if self.namespace in nsprefixes:
+ # This tag's namespace already has a prefix bound to it. Use
+ # that prefix.
+ prefix = nsprefixes[self.namespace]
+ bext(prefix + ":" + self.tagName)
+ # Also make sure we use it for the end tag.
+ endTagName = prefix + ":" + self.endTagName
+ else:
+ # This tag's namespace has no prefix bound to it. Change the
+ # default namespace to this tag's namespace so we don't need
+ # prefixes. Alternatively, we could add a new prefix binding.
+ # I'm not sure why the code was written one way rather than the
+ # other. -exarkun
+ bext(self.tagName)
+ writeattr("xmlns", self.namespace)
+ # The default namespace just changed. Make sure any children
+ # know about this.
+ namespace = self.namespace
+ else:
+ # This tag has no namespace or its namespace is already the default
+ # namespace. Nothing extra to do here.
+ bext(self.tagName)
+ j = "".join
+ for attr, val in sorted(self.attributes.items()):
+ if isinstance(attr, tuple):
+ ns, key = attr
+ if ns in nsprefixes:
+ prefix = nsprefixes[ns]
+ else:
+ prefix = next(genprefix)
+ newprefixes[ns] = prefix
+ assert val is not None
+ writeattr(prefix + ":" + key, val)
+ else:
+ assert val is not None
+ writeattr(attr, val)
+ if newprefixes:
+ for ns, prefix in newprefixes.items():
+ if prefix:
+ writeattr("xmlns:" + prefix, ns)
+ newprefixes.update(nsprefixes)
+ downprefixes = newprefixes
+ else:
+ downprefixes = nsprefixes
+ w(j(begin))
+ if self.childNodes:
+ w(">")
+ newindent = indent + addindent
+ for child in self.childNodes:
+ if self.tagName in BLOCKELEMENTS and self.tagName in FORMATNICELY:
+ w(j((newl, newindent)))
+ child.writexml(
+ stream, newindent, addindent, newl, strip, downprefixes, namespace
+ )
+ if self.tagName in BLOCKELEMENTS:
+ w(j((newl, indent)))
+ w(j(("</", endTagName, ">")))
+ elif self.tagName.lower() not in ALLOWSINGLETON:
+ w(j(("></", endTagName, ">")))
+ else:
+ w(" />")
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ rep = "Element(%s" % repr(self.nodeName)
+ if self.attributes:
+ rep += f", attributes={self.attributes!r}"
+ if self._filename:
+ rep += f", filename={self._filename!r}"
+ if self._markpos:
+ rep += f", markpos={self._markpos!r}"
+ return rep + ")"
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ rep = "<" + self.nodeName
+ if self._filename or self._markpos:
+ rep += " ("
+ if self._filename:
+ rep += repr(self._filename)
+ if self._markpos:
+ rep += " line %s column %s" % self._markpos
+ if self._filename or self._markpos:
+ rep += ")"
+ for item in self.attributes.items():
+ rep += " %s=%r" % item
+ if self.hasChildNodes():
+ rep += " >...</%s>" % self.nodeName
+ else:
+ rep += " />"
+ return rep
+def _unescapeDict(d):
+ dd = {}
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ dd[k] = unescape(v)
+ return dd
+def _reverseDict(d):
+ dd = {}
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ dd[v] = k
+ return dd
+class MicroDOMParser(XMLParser):
+ # <dash> glyph: a quick scan thru the DTD says BODY, AREA, LINK, IMG, HR,
+ # TD, HEAD, BASE, META, HTML all have optional closing tags
+ soonClosers = "area link br img hr input base meta".split()
+ laterClosers = {
+ "p": ["p", "dt"],
+ "dt": ["dt", "dd"],
+ "dd": ["dt", "dd"],
+ "li": ["li"],
+ "tbody": ["thead", "tfoot", "tbody"],
+ "thead": ["thead", "tfoot", "tbody"],
+ "tfoot": ["thead", "tfoot", "tbody"],
+ "colgroup": ["colgroup"],
+ "col": ["col"],
+ "tr": ["tr"],
+ "td": ["td"],
+ "th": ["th"],
+ "head": ["body"],
+ "title": ["head", "body"], # this looks wrong...
+ "option": ["option"],
+ }
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ beExtremelyLenient=0,
+ caseInsensitive=1,
+ preserveCase=0,
+ soonClosers=soonClosers,
+ laterClosers=laterClosers,
+ ):
+ self.elementstack = []
+ d = {"xmlns": "xmlns", "": None}
+ dr = _reverseDict(d)
+ self.nsstack = [(d, None, dr)]
+ self.documents = []
+ self._mddoctype = None
+ self.beExtremelyLenient = beExtremelyLenient
+ self.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive
+ self.preserveCase = preserveCase or not caseInsensitive
+ self.soonClosers = soonClosers
+ self.laterClosers = laterClosers
+ # self.indentlevel = 0
+ def shouldPreserveSpace(self):
+ for edx in range(len(self.elementstack)):
+ el = self.elementstack[-edx]
+ if el.tagName == "pre" or el.getAttribute("xml:space", "") == "preserve":
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def _getparent(self):
+ if self.elementstack:
+ return self.elementstack[-1]
+ else:
+ return None
+ COMMENT = re.compile(r"\s*/[/*]\s*")
+ def _fixScriptElement(self, el):
+ # this deals with case where there is comment or CDATA inside
+ # <script> tag and we want to do the right thing with it
+ if not self.beExtremelyLenient or not len(el.childNodes) == 1:
+ return
+ c = el.firstChild()
+ if isinstance(c, Text):
+ # deal with nasty people who do stuff like:
+ # <script> // <!--
+ # x = 1;
+ # // --></script>
+ # tidy does this, for example.
+ prefix = ""
+ oldvalue = c.value
+ match = self.COMMENT.match(oldvalue)
+ if match:
+ prefix = match.group()
+ oldvalue = oldvalue[len(prefix) :]
+ # now see if contents are actual node and comment or CDATA
+ try:
+ e = parseString("<a>%s</a>" % oldvalue).childNodes[0]
+ except (ParseError, MismatchedTags):
+ return
+ if len(e.childNodes) != 1:
+ return
+ e = e.firstChild()
+ if isinstance(e, (CDATASection, Comment)):
+ el.childNodes = []
+ if prefix:
+ el.childNodes.append(Text(prefix))
+ el.childNodes.append(e)
+ def gotDoctype(self, doctype):
+ self._mddoctype = doctype
+ def gotTagStart(self, name, attributes):
+ # print ' '*self.indentlevel, 'start tag',name
+ # self.indentlevel += 1
+ parent = self._getparent()
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient and isinstance(parent, Element):
+ parentName = parent.tagName
+ myName = name
+ if self.caseInsensitive:
+ parentName = parentName.lower()
+ myName = myName.lower()
+ if myName in self.laterClosers.get(parentName, []):
+ self.gotTagEnd(parent.tagName)
+ parent = self._getparent()
+ attributes = _unescapeDict(attributes)
+ namespaces = self.nsstack[-1][0]
+ newspaces = {}
+ keysToDelete = []
+ for k, v in attributes.items():
+ if k.startswith("xmlns"):
+ spacenames = k.split(":", 1)
+ if len(spacenames) == 2:
+ newspaces[spacenames[1]] = v
+ else:
+ newspaces[""] = v
+ keysToDelete.append(k)
+ for k in keysToDelete:
+ del attributes[k]
+ if newspaces:
+ namespaces = namespaces.copy()
+ namespaces.update(newspaces)
+ keysToDelete = []
+ for k, v in attributes.items():
+ ksplit = k.split(":", 1)
+ if len(ksplit) == 2:
+ pfx, tv = ksplit
+ if pfx != "xml" and pfx in namespaces:
+ attributes[namespaces[pfx], tv] = v
+ keysToDelete.append(k)
+ for k in keysToDelete:
+ del attributes[k]
+ el = Element(
+ name,
+ attributes,
+ parent,
+ self.filename,
+ self.saveMark(),
+ caseInsensitive=self.caseInsensitive,
+ preserveCase=self.preserveCase,
+ namespace=namespaces.get(""),
+ )
+ revspaces = _reverseDict(newspaces)
+ el.addPrefixes(revspaces)
+ if newspaces:
+ rscopy = self.nsstack[-1][2].copy()
+ rscopy.update(revspaces)
+ self.nsstack.append((namespaces, el, rscopy))
+ self.elementstack.append(el)
+ if parent:
+ parent.appendChild(el)
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient and el.tagName in self.soonClosers:
+ self.gotTagEnd(name)
+ def _gotStandalone(self, factory, data):
+ parent = self._getparent()
+ te = factory(data, parent)
+ if parent:
+ parent.appendChild(te)
+ elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ self.documents.append(te)
+ def gotText(self, data):
+ if data.strip() or self.shouldPreserveSpace():
+ self._gotStandalone(Text, data)
+ def gotComment(self, data):
+ self._gotStandalone(Comment, data)
+ def gotEntityReference(self, entityRef):
+ self._gotStandalone(EntityReference, entityRef)
+ def gotCData(self, cdata):
+ self._gotStandalone(CDATASection, cdata)
+ def gotTagEnd(self, name):
+ # print ' '*self.indentlevel, 'end tag',name
+ # self.indentlevel -= 1
+ if not self.elementstack:
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ return
+ raise MismatchedTags(
+ *((self.filename, "NOTHING", name) + self.saveMark() + (0, 0))
+ )
+ el = self.elementstack.pop()
+ pfxdix = self.nsstack[-1][2]
+ if self.nsstack[-1][1] is el:
+ nstuple = self.nsstack.pop()
+ else:
+ nstuple = None
+ if self.caseInsensitive:
+ tn = el.tagName.lower()
+ cname = name.lower()
+ else:
+ tn = el.tagName
+ cname = name
+ nsplit = name.split(":", 1)
+ if len(nsplit) == 2:
+ pfx, newname = nsplit
+ ns = pfxdix.get(pfx, None)
+ if ns is not None:
+ if el.namespace != ns:
+ if not self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ raise MismatchedTags(
+ *(
+ (self.filename, el.tagName, name)
+ + self.saveMark()
+ + el._markpos
+ )
+ )
+ if not (tn == cname):
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ if self.elementstack:
+ lastEl = self.elementstack[0]
+ for idx in range(len(self.elementstack)):
+ if self.elementstack[-(idx + 1)].tagName == cname:
+ self.elementstack[-(idx + 1)].endTag(name)
+ break
+ else:
+ # this was a garbage close tag; wait for a real one
+ self.elementstack.append(el)
+ if nstuple is not None:
+ self.nsstack.append(nstuple)
+ return
+ del self.elementstack[-(idx + 1) :]
+ if not self.elementstack:
+ self.documents.append(lastEl)
+ return
+ else:
+ raise MismatchedTags(
+ *((self.filename, el.tagName, name) + self.saveMark() + el._markpos)
+ )
+ el.endTag(name)
+ if not self.elementstack:
+ self.documents.append(el)
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient and el.tagName == "script":
+ self._fixScriptElement(el)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ XMLParser.connectionLost(self, reason) # This can cause more events!
+ if self.elementstack:
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ self.documents.append(self.elementstack[0])
+ else:
+ raise MismatchedTags(
+ *(
+ (self.filename, self.elementstack[-1], "END_OF_FILE")
+ + self.saveMark()
+ + self.elementstack[-1]._markpos
+ )
+ )
+def parse(readable, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Parse HTML or XML readable.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(readable, "read"):
+ readable = open(readable, "rb")
+ mdp = MicroDOMParser(*args, **kwargs)
+ mdp.filename = getattr(readable, "name", "<xmlfile />")
+ mdp.makeConnection(None)
+ if hasattr(readable, "getvalue"):
+ mdp.dataReceived(readable.getvalue())
+ else:
+ r = readable.read(1024)
+ while r:
+ mdp.dataReceived(r)
+ r = readable.read(1024)
+ mdp.connectionLost(None)
+ if not mdp.documents:
+ raise ParseError(mdp.filename, 0, 0, "No top-level Nodes in document")
+ if mdp.beExtremelyLenient:
+ if len(mdp.documents) == 1:
+ d = mdp.documents[0]
+ if not isinstance(d, Element):
+ el = Element("html")
+ el.appendChild(d)
+ d = el
+ else:
+ d = Element("html")
+ for child in mdp.documents:
+ d.appendChild(child)
+ else:
+ d = mdp.documents[0]
+ doc = Document(d)
+ doc.doctype = mdp._mddoctype
+ return doc
+def parseString(st, *args, **kw):
+ if isinstance(st, str):
+ # this isn't particularly ideal, but it does work.
+ return parse(BytesIO(st.encode("UTF-16")), *args, **kw)
+ return parse(BytesIO(st), *args, **kw)
+def parseXML(readable):
+ """
+ Parse an XML readable object.
+ """
+ return parse(readable, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1)
+def parseXMLString(st):
+ """
+ Parse an XML readable object.
+ """
+ return parseString(st, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1)
+class lmx:
+ """
+ Easy creation of XML.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, node="div"):
+ if isinstance(node, str):
+ node = Element(node)
+ self.node = node
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name[0] == "_":
+ raise AttributeError("no private attrs")
+ return lambda **kw: self.add(name, **kw)
+ def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+ self.node.setAttribute(key, val)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.node.getAttribute(key)
+ def text(self, txt, raw=0):
+ nn = Text(txt, raw=raw)
+ self.node.appendChild(nn)
+ return self
+ def add(self, tagName, **kw):
+ newNode = Element(tagName, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=0)
+ self.node.appendChild(newNode)
+ xf = lmx(newNode)
+ for k, v in kw.items():
+ if k[0] == "_":
+ k = k[1:]
+ xf[k] = v
+ return xf
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/newsfragments/.gitignore b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/newsfragments/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f935021a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/newsfragments/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/pages.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/pages.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54ea1c431b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/pages.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_pages -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Utility implementations of L{IResource}.
+__all__ = (
+ "errorPage",
+ "notFound",
+ "forbidden",
+from typing import cast
+from twisted.web import http
+from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable, IRequest
+from twisted.web.resource import IResource, Resource
+from twisted.web.template import renderElement, tags
+class _ErrorPage(Resource):
+ """
+ L{_ErrorPage} is a resource that responds to all requests with a particular
+ (parameterized) HTTP status code and an HTML body containing some
+ descriptive text. This is useful for rendering simple error pages.
+ @see: L{twisted.web.pages.errorPage}
+ @ivar _code: An integer HTTP status code which will be used for the
+ response.
+ @ivar _brief: A short string which will be included in the response body as
+ the page title.
+ @ivar _detail: A longer string which will be included in the response body.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, code: int, brief: str, detail: str) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self._code: int = code
+ self._brief: str = brief
+ self._detail: str = detail
+ def render(self, request: IRequest) -> object:
+ """
+ Respond to all requests with the given HTTP status code and an HTML
+ document containing the explanatory strings.
+ """
+ request.setResponseCode(self._code)
+ request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"text/html; charset=utf-8")
+ return renderElement(
+ request,
+ # cast because the type annotations here seem off; Tag isn't an
+ # IRenderable but also probably should be? See
+ # https://github.com/twisted/twisted/issues/4982
+ cast(
+ IRenderable,
+ tags.html(
+ tags.head(tags.title(f"{self._code} - {self._brief}")),
+ tags.body(tags.h1(self._brief), tags.p(self._detail)),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ def getChild(self, path: bytes, request: IRequest) -> Resource:
+ """
+ Handle all requests for which L{_ErrorPage} lacks a child by returning
+ this error page.
+ @param path: A path segment.
+ @param request: HTTP request
+ """
+ return self
+def errorPage(code: int, brief: str, detail: str) -> IResource:
+ """
+ Build a resource that responds to all requests with a particular HTTP
+ status code and an HTML body containing some descriptive text. This is
+ useful for rendering simple error pages.
+ The resource dynamically handles all paths below it. Use
+ L{IResource.putChild()} to override a specific path.
+ @param code: An integer HTTP status code which will be used for the
+ response.
+ @param brief: A short string which will be included in the response
+ body as the page title.
+ @param detail: A longer string which will be included in the
+ response body.
+ @returns: An L{IResource}
+ """
+ return _ErrorPage(code, brief, detail)
+def notFound(
+ brief: str = "No Such Resource",
+ message: str = "Sorry. No luck finding that resource.",
+) -> IResource:
+ """
+ Generate an L{IResource} with a 404 Not Found status code.
+ @see: L{twisted.web.pages.errorPage}
+ @param brief: A short string displayed as the page title.
+ @param brief: A longer string displayed in the page body.
+ @returns: An L{IResource}
+ """
+ return _ErrorPage(http.NOT_FOUND, brief, message)
+def forbidden(
+ brief: str = "Forbidden Resource", message: str = "Sorry, resource is forbidden."
+) -> IResource:
+ """
+ Generate an L{IResource} with a 403 Forbidden status code.
+ @see: L{twisted.web.pages.errorPage}
+ @param brief: A short string displayed as the page title.
+ @param brief: A longer string displayed in the page body.
+ @returns: An L{IResource}
+ """
+ return _ErrorPage(http.FORBIDDEN, brief, message)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/proxy.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e31ec7a65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_proxy -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Simplistic HTTP proxy support.
+This comes in two main variants - the Proxy and the ReverseProxy.
+When a Proxy is in use, a browser trying to connect to a server (say,
+www.yahoo.com) will be intercepted by the Proxy, and the proxy will covertly
+connect to the server, and return the result.
+When a ReverseProxy is in use, the client connects directly to the ReverseProxy
+(say, www.yahoo.com) which farms off the request to one of a pool of servers,
+and returns the result.
+Normally, a Proxy is used on the client end of an Internet connection, while a
+ReverseProxy is used on the server end.
+from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote, urlparse, urlunparse
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory
+from twisted.web.http import _QUEUED_SENTINEL, HTTPChannel, HTTPClient, Request
+from twisted.web.resource import Resource
+from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
+class ProxyClient(HTTPClient):
+ """
+ Used by ProxyClientFactory to implement a simple web proxy.
+ @ivar _finished: A flag which indicates whether or not the original request
+ has been finished yet.
+ """
+ _finished = False
+ def __init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father):
+ self.father = father
+ self.command = command
+ self.rest = rest
+ if b"proxy-connection" in headers:
+ del headers[b"proxy-connection"]
+ headers[b"connection"] = b"close"
+ headers.pop(b"keep-alive", None)
+ self.headers = headers
+ self.data = data
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.sendCommand(self.command, self.rest)
+ for header, value in self.headers.items():
+ self.sendHeader(header, value)
+ self.endHeaders()
+ self.transport.write(self.data)
+ def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
+ self.father.setResponseCode(int(code), message)
+ def handleHeader(self, key, value):
+ # t.web.server.Request sets default values for these headers in its
+ # 'process' method. When these headers are received from the remote
+ # server, they ought to override the defaults, rather than append to
+ # them.
+ if key.lower() in [b"server", b"date", b"content-type"]:
+ self.father.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(key, [value])
+ else:
+ self.father.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(key, value)
+ def handleResponsePart(self, buffer):
+ self.father.write(buffer)
+ def handleResponseEnd(self):
+ """
+ Finish the original request, indicating that the response has been
+ completely written to it, and disconnect the outgoing transport.
+ """
+ if not self._finished:
+ self._finished = True
+ self.father.finish()
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+class ProxyClientFactory(ClientFactory):
+ """
+ Used by ProxyRequest to implement a simple web proxy.
+ """
+ # Type is wrong. See: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/10006
+ protocol = ProxyClient # type: ignore[assignment]
+ def __init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father):
+ self.father = father
+ self.command = command
+ self.rest = rest
+ self.headers = headers
+ self.data = data
+ self.version = version
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ return self.protocol(
+ self.command, self.rest, self.version, self.headers, self.data, self.father
+ )
+ def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+ """
+ Report a connection failure in a response to the incoming request as
+ an error.
+ """
+ self.father.setResponseCode(501, b"Gateway error")
+ self.father.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(b"Content-Type", b"text/html")
+ self.father.write(b"<H1>Could not connect</H1>")
+ self.father.finish()
+class ProxyRequest(Request):
+ """
+ Used by Proxy to implement a simple web proxy.
+ @ivar reactor: the reactor used to create connections.
+ @type reactor: object providing L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP}
+ """
+ protocols = {b"http": ProxyClientFactory}
+ ports = {b"http": 80}
+ def __init__(self, channel, queued=_QUEUED_SENTINEL, reactor=reactor):
+ Request.__init__(self, channel, queued)
+ self.reactor = reactor
+ def process(self):
+ parsed = urlparse(self.uri)
+ protocol = parsed[0]
+ host = parsed[1].decode("ascii")
+ port = self.ports[protocol]
+ if ":" in host:
+ host, port = host.split(":")
+ port = int(port)
+ rest = urlunparse((b"", b"") + parsed[2:])
+ if not rest:
+ rest = rest + b"/"
+ class_ = self.protocols[protocol]
+ headers = self.getAllHeaders().copy()
+ if b"host" not in headers:
+ headers[b"host"] = host.encode("ascii")
+ self.content.seek(0, 0)
+ s = self.content.read()
+ clientFactory = class_(self.method, rest, self.clientproto, headers, s, self)
+ self.reactor.connectTCP(host, port, clientFactory)
+class Proxy(HTTPChannel):
+ """
+ This class implements a simple web proxy.
+ Since it inherits from L{twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel}, to use it you
+ should do something like this::
+ from twisted.web import http
+ f = http.HTTPFactory()
+ f.protocol = Proxy
+ Make the HTTPFactory a listener on a port as per usual, and you have
+ a fully-functioning web proxy!
+ """
+ requestFactory = ProxyRequest
+class ReverseProxyRequest(Request):
+ """
+ Used by ReverseProxy to implement a simple reverse proxy.
+ @ivar proxyClientFactoryClass: a proxy client factory class, used to create
+ new connections.
+ @type proxyClientFactoryClass: L{ClientFactory}
+ @ivar reactor: the reactor used to create connections.
+ @type reactor: object providing L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP}
+ """
+ proxyClientFactoryClass = ProxyClientFactory
+ def __init__(self, channel, queued=_QUEUED_SENTINEL, reactor=reactor):
+ Request.__init__(self, channel, queued)
+ self.reactor = reactor
+ def process(self):
+ """
+ Handle this request by connecting to the proxied server and forwarding
+ it there, then forwarding the response back as the response to this
+ request.
+ """
+ self.requestHeaders.setRawHeaders(b"host", [self.factory.host.encode("ascii")])
+ clientFactory = self.proxyClientFactoryClass(
+ self.method,
+ self.uri,
+ self.clientproto,
+ self.getAllHeaders(),
+ self.content.read(),
+ self,
+ )
+ self.reactor.connectTCP(self.factory.host, self.factory.port, clientFactory)
+class ReverseProxy(HTTPChannel):
+ """
+ Implements a simple reverse proxy.
+ For details of usage, see the file examples/reverse-proxy.py.
+ """
+ requestFactory = ReverseProxyRequest
+class ReverseProxyResource(Resource):
+ """
+ Resource that renders the results gotten from another server
+ Put this resource in the tree to cause everything below it to be relayed
+ to a different server.
+ @ivar proxyClientFactoryClass: a proxy client factory class, used to create
+ new connections.
+ @type proxyClientFactoryClass: L{ClientFactory}
+ @ivar reactor: the reactor used to create connections.
+ @type reactor: object providing L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP}
+ """
+ proxyClientFactoryClass = ProxyClientFactory
+ def __init__(self, host, port, path, reactor=reactor):
+ """
+ @param host: the host of the web server to proxy.
+ @type host: C{str}
+ @param port: the port of the web server to proxy.
+ @type port: C{port}
+ @param path: the base path to fetch data from. Note that you shouldn't
+ put any trailing slashes in it, it will be added automatically in
+ request. For example, if you put B{/foo}, a request on B{/bar} will
+ be proxied to B{/foo/bar}. Any required encoding of special
+ characters (such as " " or "/") should have been done already.
+ @type path: C{bytes}
+ """
+ Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.path = path
+ self.reactor = reactor
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ """
+ Create and return a proxy resource with the same proxy configuration
+ as this one, except that its path also contains the segment given by
+ C{path} at the end.
+ """
+ return ReverseProxyResource(
+ self.host,
+ self.port,
+ self.path + b"/" + urlquote(path, safe=b"").encode("utf-8"),
+ self.reactor,
+ )
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Render a request by forwarding it to the proxied server.
+ """
+ # RFC 2616 tells us that we can omit the port if it's the default port,
+ # but we have to provide it otherwise
+ if self.port == 80:
+ host = self.host
+ else:
+ host = "%s:%d" % (self.host, self.port)
+ request.requestHeaders.setRawHeaders(b"host", [host.encode("ascii")])
+ request.content.seek(0, 0)
+ qs = urlparse(request.uri)[4]
+ if qs:
+ rest = self.path + b"?" + qs
+ else:
+ rest = self.path
+ clientFactory = self.proxyClientFactoryClass(
+ request.method,
+ rest,
+ request.clientproto,
+ request.getAllHeaders(),
+ request.content.read(),
+ request,
+ )
+ self.reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port, clientFactory)
+ return NOT_DONE_YET
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/resource.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/resource.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33b172cdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_web, twisted.web.test.test_resource -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Implementation of the lowest-level Resource class.
+See L{twisted.web.pages} for some utility implementations.
+__all__ = [
+ "IResource",
+ "getChildForRequest",
+ "Resource",
+ "ErrorPage",
+ "NoResource",
+ "ForbiddenResource",
+ "EncodingResourceWrapper",
+import warnings
+from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface, implementer
+from incremental import Version
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString
+from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
+from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
+from twisted.python.reflect import prefixedMethodNames
+from twisted.web._responses import FORBIDDEN, NOT_FOUND
+from twisted.web.error import UnsupportedMethod
+class IResource(Interface):
+ """
+ A web resource.
+ """
+ isLeaf = Attribute(
+ """
+ Signal if this IResource implementor is a "leaf node" or not. If True,
+ getChildWithDefault will not be called on this Resource.
+ """
+ )
+ def getChildWithDefault(name, request):
+ """
+ Return a child with the given name for the given request.
+ This is the external interface used by the Resource publishing
+ machinery. If implementing IResource without subclassing
+ Resource, it must be provided. However, if subclassing Resource,
+ getChild overridden instead.
+ @param name: A single path component from a requested URL. For example,
+ a request for I{http://example.com/foo/bar} will result in calls to
+ this method with C{b"foo"} and C{b"bar"} as values for this
+ argument.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @param request: A representation of all of the information about the
+ request that is being made for this child.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.server.Request}
+ """
+ def putChild(path: bytes, child: "IResource") -> None:
+ """
+ Put a child L{IResource} implementor at the given path.
+ @param path: A single path component, to be interpreted relative to the
+ path this resource is found at, at which to put the given child.
+ For example, if resource A can be found at I{http://example.com/foo}
+ then a call like C{A.putChild(b"bar", B)} will make resource B
+ available at I{http://example.com/foo/bar}.
+ The path component is I{not} URL-encoded -- pass C{b'foo bar'}
+ rather than C{b'foo%20bar'}.
+ """
+ def render(request):
+ """
+ Render a request. This is called on the leaf resource for a request.
+ @return: Either C{server.NOT_DONE_YET} to indicate an asynchronous or a
+ C{bytes} instance to write as the response to the request. If
+ C{NOT_DONE_YET} is returned, at some point later (for example, in a
+ Deferred callback) call C{request.write(b"<html>")} to write data to
+ the request, and C{request.finish()} to send the data to the
+ browser.
+ @raise twisted.web.error.UnsupportedMethod: If the HTTP verb
+ requested is not supported by this resource.
+ """
+def getChildForRequest(resource, request):
+ """
+ Traverse resource tree to find who will handle the request.
+ """
+ while request.postpath and not resource.isLeaf:
+ pathElement = request.postpath.pop(0)
+ request.prepath.append(pathElement)
+ resource = resource.getChildWithDefault(pathElement, request)
+ return resource
+class Resource:
+ """
+ Define a web-accessible resource.
+ This serves two main purposes: one is to provide a standard representation
+ for what HTTP specification calls an 'entity', and the other is to provide
+ an abstract directory structure for URL retrieval.
+ """
+ entityType = IResource
+ server = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Initialize.
+ """
+ self.children = {}
+ isLeaf = 0
+ ### Abstract Collection Interface
+ def listStaticNames(self):
+ return list(self.children.keys())
+ def listStaticEntities(self):
+ return list(self.children.items())
+ def listNames(self):
+ return list(self.listStaticNames()) + self.listDynamicNames()
+ def listEntities(self):
+ return list(self.listStaticEntities()) + self.listDynamicEntities()
+ def listDynamicNames(self):
+ return []
+ def listDynamicEntities(self, request=None):
+ return []
+ def getStaticEntity(self, name):
+ return self.children.get(name)
+ def getDynamicEntity(self, name, request):
+ if name not in self.children:
+ return self.getChild(name, request)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def delEntity(self, name):
+ del self.children[name]
+ def reallyPutEntity(self, name, entity):
+ self.children[name] = entity
+ # Concrete HTTP interface
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ """
+ Retrieve a 'child' resource from me.
+ Implement this to create dynamic resource generation -- resources which
+ are always available may be registered with self.putChild().
+ This will not be called if the class-level variable 'isLeaf' is set in
+ your subclass; instead, the 'postpath' attribute of the request will be
+ left as a list of the remaining path elements.
+ For example, the URL /foo/bar/baz will normally be::
+ | site.resource.getChild('foo').getChild('bar').getChild('baz').
+ However, if the resource returned by 'bar' has isLeaf set to true, then
+ the getChild call will never be made on it.
+ Parameters and return value have the same meaning and requirements as
+ those defined by L{IResource.getChildWithDefault}.
+ """
+ return _UnsafeNoResource()
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request):
+ """
+ Retrieve a static or dynamically generated child resource from me.
+ First checks if a resource was added manually by putChild, and then
+ call getChild to check for dynamic resources. Only override if you want
+ to affect behaviour of all child lookups, rather than just dynamic
+ ones.
+ This will check to see if I have a pre-registered child resource of the
+ given name, and call getChild if I do not.
+ @see: L{IResource.getChildWithDefault}
+ """
+ if path in self.children:
+ return self.children[path]
+ return self.getChild(path, request)
+ def getChildForRequest(self, request):
+ """
+ Deprecated in favor of L{getChildForRequest}.
+ @see: L{twisted.web.resource.getChildForRequest}.
+ """
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Please use module level getChildForRequest.", DeprecationWarning, 2
+ )
+ return getChildForRequest(self, request)
+ def putChild(self, path: bytes, child: IResource) -> None:
+ """
+ Register a static child.
+ You almost certainly don't want '/' in your path. If you
+ intended to have the root of a folder, e.g. /foo/, you want
+ path to be ''.
+ @param path: A single path component.
+ @param child: The child resource to register.
+ @see: L{IResource.putChild}
+ """
+ if not isinstance(path, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(f"Path segment must be bytes, but {path!r} is {type(path)}")
+ self.children[path] = child
+ # IResource is incomplete and doesn't mention this server attribute, see
+ # https://github.com/twisted/twisted/issues/11717
+ child.server = self.server # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Render a given resource. See L{IResource}'s render method.
+ I delegate to methods of self with the form 'render_METHOD'
+ where METHOD is the HTTP that was used to make the
+ request. Examples: render_GET, render_HEAD, render_POST, and
+ so on. Generally you should implement those methods instead of
+ overriding this one.
+ render_METHOD methods are expected to return a byte string which will be
+ the rendered page, unless the return value is C{server.NOT_DONE_YET}, in
+ which case it is this class's responsibility to write the results using
+ C{request.write(data)} and then call C{request.finish()}.
+ Old code that overrides render() directly is likewise expected
+ to return a byte string or NOT_DONE_YET.
+ @see: L{IResource.render}
+ """
+ m = getattr(self, "render_" + nativeString(request.method), None)
+ if not m:
+ try:
+ allowedMethods = self.allowedMethods
+ except AttributeError:
+ allowedMethods = _computeAllowedMethods(self)
+ raise UnsupportedMethod(allowedMethods)
+ return m(request)
+ def render_HEAD(self, request):
+ """
+ Default handling of HEAD method.
+ I just return self.render_GET(request). When method is HEAD,
+ the framework will handle this correctly.
+ """
+ return self.render_GET(request)
+def _computeAllowedMethods(resource):
+ """
+ Compute the allowed methods on a C{Resource} based on defined render_FOO
+ methods. Used when raising C{UnsupportedMethod} but C{Resource} does
+ not define C{allowedMethods} attribute.
+ """
+ allowedMethods = []
+ for name in prefixedMethodNames(resource.__class__, "render_"):
+ # Potentially there should be an API for encode('ascii') in this
+ # situation - an API for taking a Python native string (bytes on Python
+ # 2, text on Python 3) and returning a socket-compatible string type.
+ allowedMethods.append(name.encode("ascii"))
+ return allowedMethods
+class _UnsafeErrorPage(Resource):
+ """
+ L{_UnsafeErrorPage}, publicly available via the deprecated alias
+ C{ErrorPage}, is a resource which responds with a particular
+ (parameterized) status and a body consisting of HTML containing some
+ descriptive text. This is useful for rendering simple error pages.
+ Deprecated in Twisted 22.10.0 because it permits HTML injection; use
+ L{twisted.web.pages.errorPage} instead.
+ @ivar template: A native string which will have a dictionary interpolated
+ into it to generate the response body. The dictionary has the following
+ keys:
+ - C{"code"}: The status code passed to L{_UnsafeErrorPage.__init__}.
+ - C{"brief"}: The brief description passed to
+ L{_UnsafeErrorPage.__init__}.
+ - C{"detail"}: The detailed description passed to
+ L{_UnsafeErrorPage.__init__}.
+ @ivar code: An integer status code which will be used for the response.
+ @type code: C{int}
+ @ivar brief: A short string which will be included in the response body as
+ the page title.
+ @type brief: C{str}
+ @ivar detail: A longer string which will be included in the response body.
+ @type detail: C{str}
+ """
+ template = """
+ <head><title>%(code)s - %(brief)s</title></head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>%(brief)s</h1>
+ <p>%(detail)s</p>
+ </body>
+ def __init__(self, status, brief, detail):
+ Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.code = status
+ self.brief = brief
+ self.detail = detail
+ def render(self, request):
+ request.setResponseCode(self.code)
+ request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"text/html; charset=utf-8")
+ interpolated = self.template % dict(
+ code=self.code, brief=self.brief, detail=self.detail
+ )
+ if isinstance(interpolated, str):
+ return interpolated.encode("utf-8")
+ return interpolated
+ def getChild(self, chnam, request):
+ return self
+class _UnsafeNoResource(_UnsafeErrorPage):
+ """
+ L{_UnsafeNoResource}, publicly available via the deprecated alias
+ C{NoResource}, is a specialization of L{_UnsafeErrorPage} which
+ returns the HTTP response code I{NOT FOUND}.
+ Deprecated in Twisted 22.10.0 because it permits HTML injection; use
+ L{twisted.web.pages.notFound} instead.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message="Sorry. No luck finding that resource."):
+ _UnsafeErrorPage.__init__(self, NOT_FOUND, "No Such Resource", message)
+class _UnsafeForbiddenResource(_UnsafeErrorPage):
+ """
+ L{_UnsafeForbiddenResource}, publicly available via the deprecated alias
+ C{ForbiddenResource} is a specialization of L{_UnsafeErrorPage} which
+ returns the I{FORBIDDEN} HTTP response code.
+ Deprecated in Twisted 22.10.0 because it permits HTML injection; use
+ L{twisted.web.pages.forbidden} instead.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message="Sorry, resource is forbidden."):
+ _UnsafeErrorPage.__init__(self, FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden Resource", message)
+# Deliberately undocumented public aliases. See GHSA-vg46-2rrj-3647.
+ErrorPage = _UnsafeErrorPage
+NoResource = _UnsafeNoResource
+ForbiddenResource = _UnsafeForbiddenResource
+ Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0),
+ "Use twisted.web.pages.errorPage instead, which properly escapes HTML.",
+ __name__,
+ "ErrorPage",
+ Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0),
+ "Use twisted.web.pages.notFound instead, which properly escapes HTML.",
+ __name__,
+ "NoResource",
+ Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0),
+ "Use twisted.web.pages.forbidden instead, which properly escapes HTML.",
+ __name__,
+ "ForbiddenResource",
+class _IEncodingResource(Interface):
+ """
+ A resource which knows about L{_IRequestEncoderFactory}.
+ @since: 12.3
+ """
+ def getEncoder(request):
+ """
+ Parse the request and return an encoder if applicable, using
+ L{_IRequestEncoderFactory.encoderForRequest}.
+ @return: A L{_IRequestEncoder}, or L{None}.
+ """
+class EncodingResourceWrapper(proxyForInterface(IResource)): # type: ignore[misc]
+ """
+ Wrap a L{IResource}, potentially applying an encoding to the response body
+ generated.
+ Note that the returned children resources won't be wrapped, so you have to
+ explicitly wrap them if you want the encoding to be applied.
+ @ivar encoders: A list of
+ L{_IRequestEncoderFactory<twisted.web.iweb._IRequestEncoderFactory>}
+ returning L{_IRequestEncoder<twisted.web.iweb._IRequestEncoder>} that
+ may transform the data passed to C{Request.write}. The list must be
+ sorted in order of priority: the first encoder factory handling the
+ request will prevent the others from doing the same.
+ @type encoders: C{list}.
+ @since: 12.3
+ """
+ def __init__(self, original, encoders):
+ super().__init__(original)
+ self._encoders = encoders
+ def getEncoder(self, request):
+ """
+ Browser the list of encoders looking for one applicable encoder.
+ """
+ for encoderFactory in self._encoders:
+ encoder = encoderFactory.encoderForRequest(request)
+ if encoder is not None:
+ return encoder
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/rewrite.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/rewrite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73f3c45b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/rewrite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from twisted.web import resource
+class RewriterResource(resource.Resource):
+ def __init__(self, orig, *rewriteRules):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.resource = orig
+ self.rewriteRules = list(rewriteRules)
+ def _rewrite(self, request):
+ for rewriteRule in self.rewriteRules:
+ rewriteRule(request)
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ request.postpath.insert(0, path)
+ request.prepath.pop()
+ self._rewrite(request)
+ path = request.postpath.pop(0)
+ request.prepath.append(path)
+ return self.resource.getChildWithDefault(path, request)
+ def render(self, request):
+ self._rewrite(request)
+ return self.resource.render(request)
+def tildeToUsers(request):
+ if request.postpath and request.postpath[0][:1] == "~":
+ request.postpath[:1] = ["users", request.postpath[0][1:]]
+ request.path = "/" + "/".join(request.prepath + request.postpath)
+def alias(aliasPath, sourcePath):
+ """
+ I am not a very good aliaser. But I'm the best I can be. If I'm
+ aliasing to a Resource that generates links, and it uses any parts
+ of request.prepath to do so, the links will not be relative to the
+ aliased path, but rather to the aliased-to path. That I can't
+ alias static.File directory listings that nicely. However, I can
+ still be useful, as many resources will play nice.
+ """
+ sourcePath = sourcePath.split("/")
+ aliasPath = aliasPath.split("/")
+ def rewriter(request):
+ if request.postpath[: len(aliasPath)] == aliasPath:
+ after = request.postpath[len(aliasPath) :]
+ request.postpath = sourcePath + after
+ request.path = "/" + "/".join(request.prepath + request.postpath)
+ return rewriter
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/script.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc4a90f748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_script -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+I contain PythonScript, which is a very simple python script resource.
+import os
+import traceback
+from io import StringIO
+from twisted import copyright
+from twisted.python.compat import execfile, networkString
+from twisted.python.filepath import _coerceToFilesystemEncoding
+from twisted.web import http, resource, server, static, util
+rpyNoResource = """<p>You forgot to assign to the variable "resource" in your script. For example:</p>
+# MyCoolWebApp.rpy
+import mygreatresource
+resource = mygreatresource.MyGreatResource()
+class AlreadyCached(Exception):
+ """
+ This exception is raised when a path has already been cached.
+ """
+class CacheScanner:
+ def __init__(self, path, registry):
+ self.path = path
+ self.registry = registry
+ self.doCache = 0
+ def cache(self):
+ c = self.registry.getCachedPath(self.path)
+ if c is not None:
+ raise AlreadyCached(c)
+ self.recache()
+ def recache(self):
+ self.doCache = 1
+noRsrc = resource._UnsafeErrorPage(500, "Whoops! Internal Error", rpyNoResource)
+def ResourceScript(path, registry):
+ """
+ I am a normal py file which must define a 'resource' global, which should
+ be an instance of (a subclass of) web.resource.Resource; it will be
+ renderred.
+ """
+ cs = CacheScanner(path, registry)
+ glob = {
+ "__file__": _coerceToFilesystemEncoding("", path),
+ "resource": noRsrc,
+ "registry": registry,
+ "cache": cs.cache,
+ "recache": cs.recache,
+ }
+ try:
+ execfile(path, glob, glob)
+ except AlreadyCached as ac:
+ return ac.args[0]
+ rsrc = glob["resource"]
+ if cs.doCache and rsrc is not noRsrc:
+ registry.cachePath(path, rsrc)
+ return rsrc
+def ResourceTemplate(path, registry):
+ from quixote import ptl_compile # type: ignore[import]
+ glob = {
+ "__file__": _coerceToFilesystemEncoding("", path),
+ "resource": resource._UnsafeErrorPage(
+ 500, "Whoops! Internal Error", rpyNoResource
+ ),
+ "registry": registry,
+ }
+ with open(path) as f: # Not closed by quixote as of 2.9.1
+ e = ptl_compile.compile_template(f, path)
+ code = compile(e, "<source>", "exec")
+ eval(code, glob, glob)
+ return glob["resource"]
+class ResourceScriptWrapper(resource.Resource):
+ def __init__(self, path, registry=None):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.path = path
+ self.registry = registry or static.Registry()
+ def render(self, request):
+ res = ResourceScript(self.path, self.registry)
+ return res.render(request)
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request):
+ res = ResourceScript(self.path, self.registry)
+ return res.getChildWithDefault(path, request)
+class ResourceScriptDirectory(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ L{ResourceScriptDirectory} is a resource which serves scripts from a
+ filesystem directory. File children of a L{ResourceScriptDirectory} will
+ be served using L{ResourceScript}. Directory children will be served using
+ another L{ResourceScriptDirectory}.
+ @ivar path: A C{str} giving the filesystem path in which children will be
+ looked up.
+ @ivar registry: A L{static.Registry} instance which will be used to decide
+ how to interpret scripts found as children of this resource.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pathname, registry=None):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.path = pathname
+ self.registry = registry or static.Registry()
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ fn = os.path.join(self.path, path)
+ if os.path.isdir(fn):
+ return ResourceScriptDirectory(fn, self.registry)
+ if os.path.exists(fn):
+ return ResourceScript(fn, self.registry)
+ return resource._UnsafeNoResource()
+ def render(self, request):
+ return resource._UnsafeNoResource().render(request)
+class PythonScript(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ I am an extremely simple dynamic resource; an embedded python script.
+ This will execute a file (usually of the extension '.epy') as Python code,
+ internal to the webserver.
+ """
+ isLeaf = True
+ def __init__(self, filename, registry):
+ """
+ Initialize me with a script name.
+ """
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.registry = registry
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Render me to a web client.
+ Load my file, execute it in a special namespace (with 'request' and
+ '__file__' global vars) and finish the request. Output to the web-page
+ will NOT be handled with print - standard output goes to the log - but
+ with request.write.
+ """
+ request.setHeader(
+ b"x-powered-by", networkString("Twisted/%s" % copyright.version)
+ )
+ namespace = {
+ "request": request,
+ "__file__": _coerceToFilesystemEncoding("", self.filename),
+ "registry": self.registry,
+ }
+ try:
+ execfile(self.filename, namespace, namespace)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == 2: # file not found
+ request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
+ request.write(
+ resource._UnsafeNoResource("File not found.").render(request)
+ )
+ except BaseException:
+ io = StringIO()
+ traceback.print_exc(file=io)
+ output = util._PRE(io.getvalue())
+ output = output.encode("utf8")
+ request.write(output)
+ request.finish()
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/server.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8e01ec781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_web -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+This is a web server which integrates with the twisted.internet infrastructure.
+@var NOT_DONE_YET: A token value which L{twisted.web.resource.IResource.render}
+ implementations can return to indicate that the application will later call
+ C{.write} and C{.finish} to complete the request, and that the HTTP
+ connection should be left open.
+@type NOT_DONE_YET: Opaque; do not depend on any particular type for this
+ value.
+import copy
+import os
+import re
+import zlib
+from binascii import hexlify
+from html import escape
+from typing import List, Optional
+from urllib.parse import quote as _quote
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from incremental import Version
+from twisted import copyright
+from twisted.internet import address, interfaces
+from twisted.internet.error import AlreadyCalled, AlreadyCancelled
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.python import components, failure, reflect
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, networkString
+from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
+from twisted.spread.pb import Copyable, ViewPoint
+from twisted.web import http, iweb, resource, util
+from twisted.web.error import UnsupportedMethod
+from twisted.web.http import unquote
+__all__ = [
+ "supportedMethods",
+ "Request",
+ "Session",
+ "Site",
+ "version",
+ "GzipEncoderFactory",
+# backwards compatibility
+ Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
+ "Please use twisted.web.http.datetimeToString instead",
+ "twisted.web.server",
+ "date_time_string",
+ Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
+ "Please use twisted.web.http.stringToDatetime instead",
+ "twisted.web.server",
+ "string_date_time",
+date_time_string = http.datetimeToString
+string_date_time = http.stringToDatetime
+# Support for other methods may be implemented on a per-resource basis.
+supportedMethods = (b"GET", b"HEAD", b"POST")
+def quote(string, *args, **kwargs):
+ return _quote(string.decode("charmap"), *args, **kwargs).encode("charmap")
+def _addressToTuple(addr):
+ if isinstance(addr, address.IPv4Address):
+ return ("INET", addr.host, addr.port)
+ elif isinstance(addr, address.UNIXAddress):
+ return ("UNIX", addr.name)
+ else:
+ return tuple(addr)
+class Request(Copyable, http.Request, components.Componentized):
+ """
+ An HTTP request.
+ @ivar defaultContentType: A L{bytes} giving the default I{Content-Type}
+ value to send in responses if no other value is set. L{None} disables
+ the default.
+ @ivar _insecureSession: The L{Session} object representing state that will
+ be transmitted over plain-text HTTP.
+ @ivar _secureSession: The L{Session} object representing the state that
+ will be transmitted only over HTTPS.
+ """
+ defaultContentType = b"text/html"
+ site = None
+ appRootURL = None
+ prepath: Optional[List[bytes]] = None
+ postpath: Optional[List[bytes]] = None
+ __pychecker__ = "unusednames=issuer"
+ _inFakeHead = False
+ _encoder = None
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ http.Request.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ components.Componentized.__init__(self)
+ def getStateToCopyFor(self, issuer):
+ x = self.__dict__.copy()
+ del x["transport"]
+ # XXX refactor this attribute out; it's from protocol
+ # del x['server']
+ del x["channel"]
+ del x["content"]
+ del x["site"]
+ self.content.seek(0, 0)
+ x["content_data"] = self.content.read()
+ x["remote"] = ViewPoint(issuer, self)
+ # Address objects aren't jellyable
+ x["host"] = _addressToTuple(x["host"])
+ x["client"] = _addressToTuple(x["client"])
+ # Header objects also aren't jellyable.
+ x["requestHeaders"] = list(x["requestHeaders"].getAllRawHeaders())
+ return x
+ # HTML generation helpers
+ def sibLink(self, name):
+ """
+ Return the text that links to a sibling of the requested resource.
+ @param name: The sibling resource
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @return: A relative URL.
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+ if self.postpath:
+ return (len(self.postpath) * b"../") + name
+ else:
+ return name
+ def childLink(self, name):
+ """
+ Return the text that links to a child of the requested resource.
+ @param name: The child resource
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @return: A relative URL.
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+ lpp = len(self.postpath)
+ if lpp > 1:
+ return ((lpp - 1) * b"../") + name
+ elif lpp == 1:
+ return name
+ else: # lpp == 0
+ if len(self.prepath) and self.prepath[-1]:
+ return self.prepath[-1] + b"/" + name
+ else:
+ return name
+ def gotLength(self, length):
+ """
+ Called when HTTP channel got length of content in this request.
+ This method is not intended for users.
+ @param length: The length of the request body, as indicated by the
+ request headers. L{None} if the request headers do not indicate a
+ length.
+ """
+ try:
+ getContentFile = self.channel.site.getContentFile
+ except AttributeError:
+ http.Request.gotLength(self, length)
+ else:
+ self.content = getContentFile(length)
+ def process(self):
+ """
+ Process a request.
+ Find the addressed resource in this request's L{Site},
+ and call L{self.render()<Request.render()>} with it.
+ @see: L{Site.getResourceFor()}
+ """
+ # get site from channel
+ self.site = self.channel.site
+ # set various default headers
+ self.setHeader(b"server", version)
+ self.setHeader(b"date", http.datetimeToString())
+ # Resource Identification
+ self.prepath = []
+ self.postpath = list(map(unquote, self.path[1:].split(b"/")))
+ # Short-circuit for requests whose path is '*'.
+ if self.path == b"*":
+ self._handleStar()
+ return
+ try:
+ resrc = self.site.getResourceFor(self)
+ if resource._IEncodingResource.providedBy(resrc):
+ encoder = resrc.getEncoder(self)
+ if encoder is not None:
+ self._encoder = encoder
+ self.render(resrc)
+ except BaseException:
+ self.processingFailed(failure.Failure())
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ Write data to the transport (if not responding to a HEAD request).
+ @param data: A string to write to the response.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ if not self.startedWriting:
+ # Before doing the first write, check to see if a default
+ # Content-Type header should be supplied. We omit it on
+ # NOT_MODIFIED and NO_CONTENT responses. We also omit it if there
+ # is a Content-Length header set to 0, as empty bodies don't need
+ # a content-type.
+ needsCT = self.code not in (http.NOT_MODIFIED, http.NO_CONTENT)
+ contentType = self.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"content-type")
+ contentLength = self.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"content-length")
+ contentLengthZero = contentLength and (contentLength[0] == b"0")
+ if (
+ needsCT
+ and contentType is None
+ and self.defaultContentType is not None
+ and not contentLengthZero
+ ):
+ self.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(
+ b"content-type", [self.defaultContentType]
+ )
+ # Only let the write happen if we're not generating a HEAD response by
+ # faking out the request method. Note, if we are doing that,
+ # startedWriting will never be true, and the above logic may run
+ # multiple times. It will only actually change the responseHeaders
+ # once though, so it's still okay.
+ if not self._inFakeHead:
+ if self._encoder:
+ data = self._encoder.encode(data)
+ http.Request.write(self, data)
+ def finish(self):
+ """
+ Override C{http.Request.finish} for possible encoding.
+ """
+ if self._encoder:
+ data = self._encoder.finish()
+ if data:
+ http.Request.write(self, data)
+ return http.Request.finish(self)
+ def render(self, resrc):
+ """
+ Ask a resource to render itself.
+ If the resource does not support the requested method,
+ generate a C{NOT IMPLEMENTED} or C{NOT ALLOWED} response.
+ @param resrc: The resource to render.
+ @type resrc: L{twisted.web.resource.IResource}
+ @see: L{IResource.render()<twisted.web.resource.IResource.render()>}
+ """
+ try:
+ body = resrc.render(self)
+ except UnsupportedMethod as e:
+ allowedMethods = e.allowedMethods
+ if (self.method == b"HEAD") and (b"GET" in allowedMethods):
+ # We must support HEAD (RFC 2616, 5.1.1). If the
+ # resource doesn't, fake it by giving the resource
+ # a 'GET' request and then return only the headers,
+ # not the body.
+ self._log.info(
+ "Using GET to fake a HEAD request for {resrc}", resrc=resrc
+ )
+ self.method = b"GET"
+ self._inFakeHead = True
+ body = resrc.render(self)
+ if body is NOT_DONE_YET:
+ self._log.info(
+ "Tried to fake a HEAD request for {resrc}, but "
+ "it got away from me.",
+ resrc=resrc,
+ )
+ # Oh well, I guess we won't include the content length.
+ else:
+ self.setHeader(b"content-length", b"%d" % (len(body),))
+ self._inFakeHead = False
+ self.method = b"HEAD"
+ self.write(b"")
+ self.finish()
+ return
+ if self.method in (supportedMethods):
+ # We MUST include an Allow header
+ # (RFC 2616, 10.4.6 and 14.7)
+ self.setHeader(b"Allow", b", ".join(allowedMethods))
+ s = (
+ """Your browser approached me (at %(URI)s) with"""
+ """ the method "%(method)s". I only allow"""
+ """ the method%(plural)s %(allowed)s here."""
+ % {
+ "URI": escape(nativeString(self.uri)),
+ "method": nativeString(self.method),
+ "plural": ((len(allowedMethods) > 1) and "s") or "",
+ "allowed": ", ".join([nativeString(x) for x in allowedMethods]),
+ }
+ )
+ epage = resource._UnsafeErrorPage(
+ http.NOT_ALLOWED, "Method Not Allowed", s
+ )
+ body = epage.render(self)
+ else:
+ epage = resource._UnsafeErrorPage(
+ "Huh?",
+ "I don't know how to treat a %s request."
+ % (escape(self.method.decode("charmap")),),
+ )
+ body = epage.render(self)
+ # end except UnsupportedMethod
+ if body is NOT_DONE_YET:
+ return
+ if not isinstance(body, bytes):
+ body = resource._UnsafeErrorPage(
+ "Request did not return bytes",
+ "Request: "
+ # GHSA-vg46-2rrj-3647 note: _PRE does HTML-escape the input.
+ + util._PRE(reflect.safe_repr(self))
+ + "<br />"
+ + "Resource: "
+ + util._PRE(reflect.safe_repr(resrc))
+ + "<br />"
+ + "Value: "
+ + util._PRE(reflect.safe_repr(body)),
+ ).render(self)
+ if self.method == b"HEAD":
+ if len(body) > 0:
+ # This is a Bad Thing (RFC 2616, 9.4)
+ self._log.info(
+ "Warning: HEAD request {slf} for resource {resrc} is"
+ " returning a message body. I think I'll eat it.",
+ slf=self,
+ resrc=resrc,
+ )
+ self.setHeader(b"content-length", b"%d" % (len(body),))
+ self.write(b"")
+ else:
+ self.setHeader(b"content-length", b"%d" % (len(body),))
+ self.write(body)
+ self.finish()
+ def processingFailed(self, reason):
+ """
+ Finish this request with an indication that processing failed and
+ possibly display a traceback.
+ @param reason: Reason this request has failed.
+ @type reason: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
+ @return: The reason passed to this method.
+ @rtype: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure}
+ """
+ self._log.failure("", failure=reason)
+ if self.site.displayTracebacks:
+ body = (
+ b"<html><head><title>web.Server Traceback"
+ b" (most recent call last)</title></head>"
+ b"<body><b>web.Server Traceback"
+ b" (most recent call last):</b>\n\n"
+ + util.formatFailure(reason)
+ + b"\n\n</body></html>\n"
+ )
+ else:
+ body = (
+ b"<html><head><title>Processing Failed"
+ b"</title></head><body>"
+ b"<b>Processing Failed</b></body></html>"
+ )
+ self.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ self.setHeader(b"content-type", b"text/html")
+ self.setHeader(b"content-length", b"%d" % (len(body),))
+ self.write(body)
+ self.finish()
+ return reason
+ def view_write(self, issuer, data):
+ """Remote version of write; same interface."""
+ self.write(data)
+ def view_finish(self, issuer):
+ """Remote version of finish; same interface."""
+ self.finish()
+ def view_addCookie(self, issuer, k, v, **kwargs):
+ """Remote version of addCookie; same interface."""
+ self.addCookie(k, v, **kwargs)
+ def view_setHeader(self, issuer, k, v):
+ """Remote version of setHeader; same interface."""
+ self.setHeader(k, v)
+ def view_setLastModified(self, issuer, when):
+ """Remote version of setLastModified; same interface."""
+ self.setLastModified(when)
+ def view_setETag(self, issuer, tag):
+ """Remote version of setETag; same interface."""
+ self.setETag(tag)
+ def view_setResponseCode(self, issuer, code, message=None):
+ """
+ Remote version of setResponseCode; same interface.
+ """
+ self.setResponseCode(code, message)
+ def view_registerProducer(self, issuer, producer, streaming):
+ """Remote version of registerProducer; same interface.
+ (requires a remote producer.)
+ """
+ self.registerProducer(_RemoteProducerWrapper(producer), streaming)
+ def view_unregisterProducer(self, issuer):
+ self.unregisterProducer()
+ ### these calls remain local
+ _secureSession = None
+ _insecureSession = None
+ @property
+ def session(self):
+ """
+ If a session has already been created or looked up with
+ L{Request.getSession}, this will return that object. (This will always
+ be the session that matches the security of the request; so if
+ C{forceNotSecure} is used on a secure request, this will not return
+ that session.)
+ @return: the session attribute
+ @rtype: L{Session} or L{None}
+ """
+ if self.isSecure():
+ return self._secureSession
+ else:
+ return self._insecureSession
+ def getSession(self, sessionInterface=None, forceNotSecure=False):
+ """
+ Check if there is a session cookie, and if not, create it.
+ By default, the cookie with be secure for HTTPS requests and not secure
+ for HTTP requests. If for some reason you need access to the insecure
+ cookie from a secure request you can set C{forceNotSecure = True}.
+ @param forceNotSecure: Should we retrieve a session that will be
+ transmitted over HTTP, even if this L{Request} was delivered over
+ @type forceNotSecure: L{bool}
+ """
+ # Make sure we aren't creating a secure session on a non-secure page
+ secure = self.isSecure() and not forceNotSecure
+ if not secure:
+ cookieString = b"TWISTED_SESSION"
+ sessionAttribute = "_insecureSession"
+ else:
+ cookieString = b"TWISTED_SECURE_SESSION"
+ sessionAttribute = "_secureSession"
+ session = getattr(self, sessionAttribute)
+ if session is not None:
+ # We have a previously created session.
+ try:
+ # Refresh the session, to keep it alive.
+ session.touch()
+ except (AlreadyCalled, AlreadyCancelled):
+ # Session has already expired.
+ session = None
+ if session is None:
+ # No session was created yet for this request.
+ cookiename = b"_".join([cookieString] + self.sitepath)
+ sessionCookie = self.getCookie(cookiename)
+ if sessionCookie:
+ try:
+ session = self.site.getSession(sessionCookie)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # if it still hasn't been set, fix it up.
+ if not session:
+ session = self.site.makeSession()
+ self.addCookie(cookiename, session.uid, path=b"/", secure=secure)
+ setattr(self, sessionAttribute, session)
+ if sessionInterface:
+ return session.getComponent(sessionInterface)
+ return session
+ def _prePathURL(self, prepath):
+ port = self.getHost().port
+ if self.isSecure():
+ default = 443
+ else:
+ default = 80
+ if port == default:
+ hostport = ""
+ else:
+ hostport = ":%d" % port
+ prefix = networkString(
+ "http%s://%s%s/"
+ % (
+ self.isSecure() and "s" or "",
+ nativeString(self.getRequestHostname()),
+ hostport,
+ )
+ )
+ path = b"/".join([quote(segment, safe=b"") for segment in prepath])
+ return prefix + path
+ def prePathURL(self):
+ return self._prePathURL(self.prepath)
+ def URLPath(self):
+ from twisted.python import urlpath
+ return urlpath.URLPath.fromRequest(self)
+ def rememberRootURL(self):
+ """
+ Remember the currently-processed part of the URL for later
+ recalling.
+ """
+ url = self._prePathURL(self.prepath[:-1])
+ self.appRootURL = url
+ def getRootURL(self):
+ """
+ Get a previously-remembered URL.
+ @return: An absolute URL.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ return self.appRootURL
+ def _handleStar(self):
+ """
+ Handle receiving a request whose path is '*'.
+ RFC 7231 defines an OPTIONS * request as being something that a client
+ can send as a low-effort way to probe server capabilities or readiness.
+ Rather than bother the user with this, we simply fast-path it back to
+ an empty 200 OK. Any non-OPTIONS verb gets a 405 Method Not Allowed
+ telling the client they can only use OPTIONS.
+ """
+ if self.method == b"OPTIONS":
+ self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
+ else:
+ self.setResponseCode(http.NOT_ALLOWED)
+ self.setHeader(b"Allow", b"OPTIONS")
+ # RFC 7231 says we MUST set content-length 0 when responding to this
+ # with no body.
+ self.setHeader(b"Content-Length", b"0")
+ self.finish()
+class GzipEncoderFactory:
+ """
+ @cvar compressLevel: The compression level used by the compressor, default
+ to 9 (highest).
+ @since: 12.3
+ """
+ _gzipCheckRegex = re.compile(rb"(:?^|[\s,])gzip(:?$|[\s,])")
+ compressLevel = 9
+ def encoderForRequest(self, request):
+ """
+ Check the headers if the client accepts gzip encoding, and encodes the
+ request if so.
+ """
+ acceptHeaders = b",".join(
+ request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"accept-encoding", [])
+ )
+ if self._gzipCheckRegex.search(acceptHeaders):
+ encoding = request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"content-encoding")
+ if encoding:
+ encoding = b",".join(encoding + [b"gzip"])
+ else:
+ encoding = b"gzip"
+ request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(b"content-encoding", [encoding])
+ return _GzipEncoder(self.compressLevel, request)
+class _GzipEncoder:
+ """
+ An encoder which supports gzip.
+ @ivar _zlibCompressor: The zlib compressor instance used to compress the
+ stream.
+ @ivar _request: A reference to the originating request.
+ @since: 12.3
+ """
+ _zlibCompressor = None
+ def __init__(self, compressLevel, request):
+ self._zlibCompressor = zlib.compressobj(
+ compressLevel, zlib.DEFLATED, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS
+ )
+ self._request = request
+ def encode(self, data):
+ """
+ Write to the request, automatically compressing data on the fly.
+ """
+ if not self._request.startedWriting:
+ # Remove the content-length header, we can't honor it
+ # because we compress on the fly.
+ self._request.responseHeaders.removeHeader(b"content-length")
+ return self._zlibCompressor.compress(data)
+ def finish(self):
+ """
+ Finish handling the request request, flushing any data from the zlib
+ buffer.
+ """
+ remain = self._zlibCompressor.flush()
+ self._zlibCompressor = None
+ return remain
+class _RemoteProducerWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, remote):
+ self.resumeProducing = remote.remoteMethod("resumeProducing")
+ self.pauseProducing = remote.remoteMethod("pauseProducing")
+ self.stopProducing = remote.remoteMethod("stopProducing")
+class Session(components.Componentized):
+ """
+ A user's session with a system.
+ This utility class contains no functionality, but is used to
+ represent a session.
+ @ivar site: The L{Site} that generated the session.
+ @type site: L{Site}
+ @ivar uid: A unique identifier for the session.
+ @type uid: L{bytes}
+ @ivar _reactor: An object providing L{IReactorTime} to use for scheduling
+ expiration.
+ @ivar sessionTimeout: Time after last modification the session will expire,
+ in seconds.
+ @type sessionTimeout: L{float}
+ @ivar lastModified: Time the C{touch()} method was last called (or time the
+ session was created). A UNIX timestamp as returned by
+ L{IReactorTime.seconds()}.
+ @type lastModified: L{float}
+ """
+ sessionTimeout = 900
+ _expireCall = None
+ def __init__(self, site, uid, reactor=None):
+ """
+ Initialize a session with a unique ID for that session.
+ @param reactor: L{IReactorTime} used to schedule expiration of the
+ session. If C{None}, the reactor associated with I{site} is used.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ if reactor is None:
+ reactor = site.reactor
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self.site = site
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.expireCallbacks = []
+ self.touch()
+ self.sessionNamespaces = {}
+ def startCheckingExpiration(self):
+ """
+ Start expiration tracking.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ self._expireCall = self._reactor.callLater(self.sessionTimeout, self.expire)
+ def notifyOnExpire(self, callback):
+ """
+ Call this callback when the session expires or logs out.
+ """
+ self.expireCallbacks.append(callback)
+ def expire(self):
+ """
+ Expire/logout of the session.
+ """
+ del self.site.sessions[self.uid]
+ for c in self.expireCallbacks:
+ c()
+ self.expireCallbacks = []
+ if self._expireCall and self._expireCall.active():
+ self._expireCall.cancel()
+ # Break reference cycle.
+ self._expireCall = None
+ def touch(self):
+ """
+ Mark the session as modified, which resets expiration timer.
+ """
+ self.lastModified = self._reactor.seconds()
+ if self._expireCall is not None:
+ self._expireCall.reset(self.sessionTimeout)
+version = networkString(f"TwistedWeb/{copyright.version}")
+class Site(http.HTTPFactory):
+ """
+ A web site: manage log, sessions, and resources.
+ @ivar requestFactory: A factory which is called with (channel)
+ and creates L{Request} instances. Default to L{Request}.
+ @ivar displayTracebacks: If set, unhandled exceptions raised during
+ rendering are returned to the client as HTML. Default to C{False}.
+ @ivar sessionFactory: factory for sessions objects. Default to L{Session}.
+ @ivar sessions: Mapping of session IDs to objects returned by
+ C{sessionFactory}.
+ @type sessions: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{Session} given the default
+ C{sessionFactory}
+ @ivar counter: The number of sessions that have been generated.
+ @type counter: L{int}
+ @ivar sessionCheckTime: Deprecated and unused. See
+ L{Session.sessionTimeout} instead.
+ """
+ counter = 0
+ requestFactory = Request
+ displayTracebacks = False
+ sessionFactory = Session
+ sessionCheckTime = 1800
+ _entropy = os.urandom
+ def __init__(self, resource, requestFactory=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ @param resource: The root of the resource hierarchy. All request
+ traversal for requests received by this factory will begin at this
+ resource.
+ @type resource: L{IResource} provider
+ @param requestFactory: Overwrite for default requestFactory.
+ @type requestFactory: C{callable} or C{class}.
+ @see: L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory.__init__}
+ """
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.sessions = {}
+ self.resource = resource
+ if requestFactory is not None:
+ self.requestFactory = requestFactory
+ def _openLogFile(self, path):
+ from twisted.python import logfile
+ return logfile.LogFile(os.path.basename(path), os.path.dirname(path))
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ d = self.__dict__.copy()
+ d["sessions"] = {}
+ return d
+ def _mkuid(self):
+ """
+ (internal) Generate an opaque, unique ID for a user's session.
+ """
+ self.counter = self.counter + 1
+ return hexlify(self._entropy(32))
+ def makeSession(self):
+ """
+ Generate a new Session instance, and store it for future reference.
+ """
+ uid = self._mkuid()
+ session = self.sessions[uid] = self.sessionFactory(self, uid)
+ session.startCheckingExpiration()
+ return session
+ def getSession(self, uid):
+ """
+ Get a previously generated session.
+ @param uid: Unique ID of the session.
+ @type uid: L{bytes}.
+ @raise KeyError: If the session is not found.
+ """
+ return self.sessions[uid]
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ """
+ Generate a channel attached to this site.
+ """
+ channel = super().buildProtocol(addr)
+ channel.requestFactory = self.requestFactory
+ channel.site = self
+ return channel
+ isLeaf = 0
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Redirect because a Site is always a directory.
+ """
+ request.redirect(request.prePathURL() + b"/")
+ request.finish()
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, pathEl, request):
+ """
+ Emulate a resource's getChild method.
+ """
+ request.site = self
+ return self.resource.getChildWithDefault(pathEl, request)
+ def getResourceFor(self, request):
+ """
+ Get a resource for a request.
+ This iterates through the resource hierarchy, calling
+ getChildWithDefault on each resource it finds for a path element,
+ stopping when it hits an element where isLeaf is true.
+ """
+ request.site = self
+ # Sitepath is used to determine cookie names between distributed
+ # servers and disconnected sites.
+ request.sitepath = copy.copy(request.prepath)
+ return resource.getChildForRequest(self.resource, request)
+ # IProtocolNegotiationFactory
+ def acceptableProtocols(self):
+ """
+ Protocols this server can speak.
+ """
+ baseProtocols = [b"http/1.1"]
+ if http.H2_ENABLED:
+ baseProtocols.insert(0, b"h2")
+ return baseProtocols
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/soap.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/soap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c60bc92b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/soap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_soap -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+SOAP support for twisted.web.
+Requires SOAPpy 0.10.1 or later.
+Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
+Future plans:
+SOAPContext support of some kind.
+Pluggable method lookup policies.
+# SOAPpy
+import SOAPpy # type: ignore[import]
+from twisted.internet import defer
+# twisted imports
+from twisted.web import client, resource, server
+class SOAPPublisher(resource.Resource):
+ """Publish SOAP methods.
+ By default, publish methods beginning with 'soap_'. If the method
+ has an attribute 'useKeywords', it well get the arguments passed
+ as keyword args.
+ """
+ isLeaf = 1
+ # override to change the encoding used for responses
+ encoding = "UTF-8"
+ def lookupFunction(self, functionName):
+ """Lookup published SOAP function.
+ Override in subclasses. Default behaviour - publish methods
+ starting with soap_.
+ @return: callable or None if not found.
+ """
+ return getattr(self, "soap_%s" % functionName, None)
+ def render(self, request):
+ """Handle a SOAP command."""
+ data = request.content.read()
+ p, header, body, attrs = SOAPpy.parseSOAPRPC(data, 1, 1, 1)
+ methodName, args, kwargs = p._name, p._aslist, p._asdict
+ # deal with changes in SOAPpy 0.11
+ if callable(args):
+ args = args()
+ if callable(kwargs):
+ kwargs = kwargs()
+ function = self.lookupFunction(methodName)
+ if not function:
+ self._methodNotFound(request, methodName)
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+ else:
+ if hasattr(function, "useKeywords"):
+ keywords = {}
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ keywords[str(k)] = v
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, **keywords)
+ else:
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, *args)
+ d.addCallback(self._gotResult, request, methodName)
+ d.addErrback(self._gotError, request, methodName)
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+ def _methodNotFound(self, request, methodName):
+ response = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(
+ SOAPpy.faultType(
+ "%s:Client" % SOAPpy.NS.ENV_T, "Method %s not found" % methodName
+ ),
+ encoding=self.encoding,
+ )
+ self._sendResponse(request, response, status=500)
+ def _gotResult(self, result, request, methodName):
+ if not isinstance(result, SOAPpy.voidType):
+ result = {"Result": result}
+ response = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(
+ kw={"%sResponse" % methodName: result}, encoding=self.encoding
+ )
+ self._sendResponse(request, response)
+ def _gotError(self, failure, request, methodName):
+ e = failure.value
+ if isinstance(e, SOAPpy.faultType):
+ fault = e
+ else:
+ fault = SOAPpy.faultType(
+ "%s:Server" % SOAPpy.NS.ENV_T, "Method %s failed." % methodName
+ )
+ response = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(fault, encoding=self.encoding)
+ self._sendResponse(request, response, status=500)
+ def _sendResponse(self, request, response, status=200):
+ request.setResponseCode(status)
+ if self.encoding is not None:
+ mimeType = 'text/xml; charset="%s"' % self.encoding
+ else:
+ mimeType = "text/xml"
+ request.setHeader("Content-type", mimeType)
+ request.setHeader("Content-length", str(len(response)))
+ request.write(response)
+ request.finish()
+class Proxy:
+ """A Proxy for making remote SOAP calls.
+ Pass the URL of the remote SOAP server to the constructor.
+ Use proxy.callRemote('foobar', 1, 2) to call remote method
+ 'foobar' with args 1 and 2, proxy.callRemote('foobar', x=1)
+ will call foobar with named argument 'x'.
+ """
+ # at some point this should have encoding etc. kwargs
+ def __init__(self, url, namespace=None, header=None):
+ self.url = url
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.header = header
+ def _cbGotResult(self, result):
+ result = SOAPpy.parseSOAPRPC(result)
+ if hasattr(result, "Result"):
+ return result.Result
+ elif len(result) == 1:
+ ## SOAPpy 0.11.6 wraps the return results in a containing structure.
+ ## This check added to make Proxy behaviour emulate SOAPProxy, which
+ ## flattens the structure by default.
+ ## This behaviour is OK because even singleton lists are wrapped in
+ ## another singleton structType, which is almost always useless.
+ return result[0]
+ else:
+ return result
+ def callRemote(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
+ payload = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(
+ args=args,
+ kw=kwargs,
+ method=method,
+ header=self.header,
+ namespace=self.namespace,
+ )
+ return client.getPage(
+ self.url,
+ postdata=payload,
+ method="POST",
+ headers={"content-type": "text/xml", "SOAPAction": method},
+ ).addCallback(self._cbGotResult)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/static.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/static.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aeffd03fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/static.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_static -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Static resources for L{twisted.web}.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import errno
+import itertools
+import mimetypes
+import os
+import time
+import warnings
+from html import escape
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence
+from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from incremental import Version
+from typing_extensions import Literal
+from twisted.internet import abstract, interfaces
+from twisted.python import components, filepath, log
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, networkString
+from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated
+from twisted.python.runtime import platformType
+from twisted.python.url import URL
+from twisted.python.util import InsensitiveDict
+from twisted.web import http, resource, server
+from twisted.web.util import redirectTo
+dangerousPathError = resource._UnsafeNoResource("Invalid request URL.")
+def isDangerous(path):
+ return path == b".." or b"/" in path or networkString(os.sep) in path
+class Data(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ This is a static, in-memory resource.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data, type):
+ """
+ @param data: The bytes that make up this data resource.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ @param type: A native string giving the Internet media type for this
+ content.
+ @type type: L{str}
+ """
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.data = data
+ self.type = type
+ def render_GET(self, request):
+ request.setHeader(b"content-type", networkString(self.type))
+ request.setHeader(b"content-length", b"%d" % (len(self.data),))
+ if request.method == b"HEAD":
+ return b""
+ return self.data
+ render_HEAD = render_GET
+@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 16, 0, 0))
+def addSlash(request):
+ """
+ Add a trailing slash to C{request}'s URI. Deprecated, do not use.
+ """
+ return _addSlash(request)
+def _addSlash(request):
+ """
+ Add a trailing slash to C{request}'s URI.
+ @param request: The incoming request to add the ending slash to.
+ @type request: An object conforming to L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}
+ @return: A URI with a trailing slash, with query and fragment preserved.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ url = URL.fromText(request.uri.decode("ascii"))
+ # Add an empty path segment at the end, so that it adds a trailing slash
+ url = url.replace(path=list(url.path) + [""])
+ return url.asText().encode("ascii")
+class Redirect(resource.Resource):
+ def __init__(self, request):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.url = _addSlash(request)
+ def render(self, request):
+ return redirectTo(self.url, request)
+class Registry(components.Componentized):
+ """
+ I am a Componentized object that will be made available to internal Twisted
+ file-based dynamic web content such as .rpy and .epy scripts.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ components.Componentized.__init__(self)
+ self._pathCache = {}
+ def cachePath(self, path, rsrc):
+ self._pathCache[path] = rsrc
+ def getCachedPath(self, path):
+ return self._pathCache.get(path)
+def loadMimeTypes(mimetype_locations=None, init=mimetypes.init):
+ """
+ Produces a mapping of extensions (with leading dot) to MIME types.
+ It does this by calling the C{init} function of the L{mimetypes} module.
+ This will have the side effect of modifying the global MIME types cache
+ in that module.
+ Multiple file locations containing mime-types can be passed as a list.
+ The files will be sourced in that order, overriding mime-types from the
+ files sourced beforehand, but only if a new entry explicitly overrides
+ the current entry.
+ @param mimetype_locations: Optional. List of paths to C{mime.types} style
+ files that should be used.
+ @type mimetype_locations: iterable of paths or L{None}
+ @param init: The init function to call. Defaults to the global C{init}
+ function of the C{mimetypes} module. For internal use (testing) only.
+ @type init: callable
+ """
+ init(mimetype_locations)
+ mimetypes.types_map.update(
+ {
+ ".conf": "text/plain",
+ ".diff": "text/plain",
+ ".flac": "audio/x-flac",
+ ".java": "text/plain",
+ ".oz": "text/x-oz",
+ ".swf": "application/x-shockwave-flash",
+ ".wml": "text/vnd.wap.wml",
+ ".xul": "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml",
+ ".patch": "text/plain",
+ }
+ )
+ return mimetypes.types_map
+def getTypeAndEncoding(filename, types, encodings, defaultType):
+ p, ext = filepath.FilePath(filename).splitext()
+ ext = filepath._coerceToFilesystemEncoding("", ext.lower())
+ if ext in encodings:
+ enc = encodings[ext]
+ ext = os.path.splitext(p)[1].lower()
+ else:
+ enc = None
+ type = types.get(ext, defaultType)
+ return type, enc
+class File(resource.Resource, filepath.FilePath[str]):
+ """
+ File is a resource that represents a plain non-interpreted file
+ (although it can look for an extension like .rpy or .cgi and hand the
+ file to a processor for interpretation if you wish). Its constructor
+ takes a file path.
+ Alternatively, you can give a directory path to the constructor. In this
+ case the resource will represent that directory, and its children will
+ be files underneath that directory. This provides access to an entire
+ filesystem tree with a single Resource.
+ If you map the URL 'http://server/FILE' to a resource created as
+ File('/tmp'), then http://server/FILE/ will return an HTML-formatted
+ listing of the /tmp/ directory, and http://server/FILE/foo/bar.html will
+ return the contents of /tmp/foo/bar.html .
+ @cvar childNotFound: L{Resource} used to render 404 Not Found error pages.
+ @cvar forbidden: L{Resource} used to render 403 Forbidden error pages.
+ @ivar contentTypes: a mapping of extensions to MIME types used to set the
+ default value for the Content-Type header.
+ It is initialized with the values returned by L{loadMimeTypes}.
+ @type contentTypes: C{dict}
+ @ivar contentEncodings: a mapping of extensions to encoding types used to
+ set default value for the Content-Encoding header.
+ @type contentEncodings: C{dict}
+ """
+ contentTypes = loadMimeTypes()
+ contentEncodings = {".gz": "gzip", ".bz2": "bzip2"}
+ processors: Dict[str, Callable[[str, Any], Data]] = {}
+ indexNames = ["index", "index.html", "index.htm", "index.rpy"]
+ type = None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ path: str,
+ defaultType: str = "text/html",
+ ignoredExts: Sequence[str] = (),
+ registry: Registry | None = None,
+ allowExt: Literal[0] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Create a file with the given path.
+ @param path: The filename of the file from which this L{File} will
+ serve data.
+ @type path: C{str}
+ @param defaultType: A I{major/minor}-style MIME type specifier
+ indicating the I{Content-Type} with which this L{File}'s data
+ will be served if a MIME type cannot be determined based on
+ C{path}'s extension.
+ @type defaultType: C{str}
+ @param ignoredExts: A sequence giving the extensions of paths in the
+ filesystem which will be ignored for the purposes of child
+ lookup. For example, if C{ignoredExts} is C{(".bar",)} and
+ C{path} is a directory containing a file named C{"foo.bar"}, a
+ request for the C{"foo"} child of this resource will succeed
+ with a L{File} pointing to C{"foo.bar"}.
+ @param registry: The registry object being used to handle this
+ request. If L{None}, one will be created.
+ @type registry: L{Registry}
+ @param allowExt: Ignored parameter, only present for backwards
+ compatibility. Do not pass a value for this parameter.
+ """
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ filepath.FilePath.__init__(self, path)
+ self.defaultType = defaultType
+ if ignoredExts in (0, 1) or allowExt:
+ warnings.warn("ignoredExts should receive a list, not a boolean")
+ if ignoredExts or allowExt:
+ self.ignoredExts = ["*"]
+ else:
+ self.ignoredExts = []
+ else:
+ self.ignoredExts = list(ignoredExts)
+ self.registry = registry or Registry()
+ def ignoreExt(self, ext):
+ """Ignore the given extension.
+ Serve file.ext if file is requested
+ """
+ self.ignoredExts.append(ext)
+ childNotFound = resource._UnsafeNoResource("File not found.")
+ forbidden = resource._UnsafeForbiddenResource()
+ def directoryListing(self):
+ """
+ Return a resource that generates an HTML listing of the
+ directory this path represents.
+ @return: A resource that renders the directory to HTML.
+ @rtype: L{DirectoryLister}
+ """
+ path = self.path
+ names = self.listNames()
+ return DirectoryLister(
+ path, names, self.contentTypes, self.contentEncodings, self.defaultType
+ )
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ """
+ If this L{File}"s path refers to a directory, return a L{File}
+ referring to the file named C{path} in that directory.
+ If C{path} is the empty string, return a L{DirectoryLister}
+ instead.
+ @param path: The current path segment.
+ @type path: L{bytes}
+ @param request: The incoming request.
+ @type request: An that provides L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}.
+ @return: A resource representing the requested file or
+ directory, or L{NoResource} if the path cannot be
+ accessed.
+ @rtype: An object that provides L{resource.IResource}.
+ """
+ if isinstance(path, bytes):
+ try:
+ # Request calls urllib.unquote on each path segment,
+ # leaving us with raw bytes.
+ path = path.decode("utf-8")
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ log.err(None, f"Could not decode path segment as utf-8: {path!r}")
+ return self.childNotFound
+ self.restat(reraise=False)
+ if not self.isdir():
+ return self.childNotFound
+ if path:
+ try:
+ fpath = self.child(path)
+ except filepath.InsecurePath:
+ return self.childNotFound
+ else:
+ fpath = self.childSearchPreauth(*self.indexNames)
+ if fpath is None:
+ return self.directoryListing()
+ if not fpath.exists():
+ fpath = fpath.siblingExtensionSearch(*self.ignoredExts)
+ if fpath is None:
+ return self.childNotFound
+ extension = fpath.splitext()[1]
+ if platformType == "win32":
+ # don't want .RPY to be different than .rpy, since that would allow
+ # source disclosure.
+ processor = InsensitiveDict(self.processors).get(extension)
+ else:
+ processor = self.processors.get(extension)
+ if processor:
+ return resource.IResource(processor(fpath.path, self.registry))
+ return self.createSimilarFile(fpath.path)
+ # methods to allow subclasses to e.g. decrypt files on the fly:
+ def openForReading(self):
+ """Open a file and return it."""
+ return self.open()
+ def getFileSize(self):
+ """Return file size."""
+ return self.getsize()
+ def _parseRangeHeader(self, range):
+ """
+ Parse the value of a Range header into (start, stop) pairs.
+ In a given pair, either of start or stop can be None, signifying that
+ no value was provided, but not both.
+ @return: A list C{[(start, stop)]} of pairs of length at least one.
+ @raise ValueError: if the header is syntactically invalid or if the
+ Bytes-Unit is anything other than "bytes'.
+ """
+ try:
+ kind, value = range.split(b"=", 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("Missing '=' separator")
+ kind = kind.strip()
+ if kind != b"bytes":
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Bytes-Unit: {kind!r}")
+ unparsedRanges = list(filter(None, map(bytes.strip, value.split(b","))))
+ parsedRanges = []
+ for byteRange in unparsedRanges:
+ try:
+ start, end = byteRange.split(b"-", 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid Byte-Range: {byteRange!r}")
+ if start:
+ try:
+ start = int(start)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid Byte-Range: {byteRange!r}")
+ else:
+ start = None
+ if end:
+ try:
+ end = int(end)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid Byte-Range: {byteRange!r}")
+ else:
+ end = None
+ if start is not None:
+ if end is not None and start > end:
+ # Start must be less than or equal to end or it is invalid.
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid Byte-Range: {byteRange!r}")
+ elif end is None:
+ # One or both of start and end must be specified. Omitting
+ # both is invalid.
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid Byte-Range: {byteRange!r}")
+ parsedRanges.append((start, end))
+ return parsedRanges
+ def _rangeToOffsetAndSize(self, start, end):
+ """
+ Convert a start and end from a Range header to an offset and size.
+ This method checks that the resulting range overlaps with the resource
+ being served (and so has the value of C{getFileSize()} as an indirect
+ input).
+ Either but not both of start or end can be L{None}:
+ - Omitted start means that the end value is actually a start value
+ relative to the end of the resource.
+ - Omitted end means the end of the resource should be the end of
+ the range.
+ End is interpreted as inclusive, as per RFC 2616.
+ If this range doesn't overlap with any of this resource, C{(0, 0)} is
+ returned, which is not otherwise a value return value.
+ @param start: The start value from the header, or L{None} if one was
+ not present.
+ @param end: The end value from the header, or L{None} if one was not
+ present.
+ @return: C{(offset, size)} where offset is how far into this resource
+ this resource the range begins and size is how long the range is,
+ or C{(0, 0)} if the range does not overlap this resource.
+ """
+ size = self.getFileSize()
+ if start is None:
+ start = size - end
+ end = size
+ elif end is None:
+ end = size
+ elif end < size:
+ end += 1
+ elif end > size:
+ end = size
+ if start >= size:
+ start = end = 0
+ return start, (end - start)
+ def _contentRange(self, offset, size):
+ """
+ Return a string suitable for the value of a Content-Range header for a
+ range with the given offset and size.
+ The offset and size are not sanity checked in any way.
+ @param offset: How far into this resource the range begins.
+ @param size: How long the range is.
+ @return: The value as appropriate for the value of a Content-Range
+ header.
+ """
+ return networkString(
+ "bytes %d-%d/%d" % (offset, offset + size - 1, self.getFileSize())
+ )
+ def _doSingleRangeRequest(self, request, startAndEnd):
+ """
+ Set up the response for Range headers that specify a single range.
+ This method checks if the request is satisfiable and sets the response
+ code and Content-Range header appropriately. The return value
+ indicates which part of the resource to return.
+ @param request: The Request object.
+ @param startAndEnd: A 2-tuple of start of the byte range as specified by
+ the header and the end of the byte range as specified by the header.
+ At most one of the start and end may be L{None}.
+ @return: A 2-tuple of the offset and size of the range to return.
+ offset == size == 0 indicates that the request is not satisfiable.
+ """
+ start, end = startAndEnd
+ offset, size = self._rangeToOffsetAndSize(start, end)
+ if offset == size == 0:
+ # This range doesn't overlap with any of this resource, so the
+ # request is unsatisfiable.
+ request.setResponseCode(http.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE)
+ request.setHeader(
+ b"content-range", networkString("bytes */%d" % (self.getFileSize(),))
+ )
+ else:
+ request.setResponseCode(http.PARTIAL_CONTENT)
+ request.setHeader(b"content-range", self._contentRange(offset, size))
+ return offset, size
+ def _doMultipleRangeRequest(self, request, byteRanges):
+ """
+ Set up the response for Range headers that specify a single range.
+ This method checks if the request is satisfiable and sets the response
+ code and Content-Type and Content-Length headers appropriately. The
+ return value, which is a little complicated, indicates which parts of
+ the resource to return and the boundaries that should separate the
+ parts.
+ In detail, the return value is a tuple rangeInfo C{rangeInfo} is a
+ list of 3-tuples C{(partSeparator, partOffset, partSize)}. The
+ response to this request should be, for each element of C{rangeInfo},
+ C{partSeparator} followed by C{partSize} bytes of the resource
+ starting at C{partOffset}. Each C{partSeparator} includes the
+ MIME-style boundary and the part-specific Content-type and
+ Content-range headers. It is convenient to return the separator as a
+ concrete string from this method, because this method needs to compute
+ the number of bytes that will make up the response to be able to set
+ the Content-Length header of the response accurately.
+ @param request: The Request object.
+ @param byteRanges: A list of C{(start, end)} values as specified by
+ the header. For each range, at most one of C{start} and C{end}
+ may be L{None}.
+ @return: See above.
+ """
+ matchingRangeFound = False
+ rangeInfo = []
+ contentLength = 0
+ boundary = networkString(f"{int(time.time() * 1000000):x}{os.getpid():x}")
+ if self.type:
+ contentType = self.type
+ else:
+ contentType = b"bytes" # It's what Apache does...
+ for start, end in byteRanges:
+ partOffset, partSize = self._rangeToOffsetAndSize(start, end)
+ if partOffset == partSize == 0:
+ continue
+ contentLength += partSize
+ matchingRangeFound = True
+ partContentRange = self._contentRange(partOffset, partSize)
+ partSeparator = networkString(
+ (
+ "\r\n"
+ "--%s\r\n"
+ "Content-type: %s\r\n"
+ "Content-range: %s\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ )
+ % (
+ nativeString(boundary),
+ nativeString(contentType),
+ nativeString(partContentRange),
+ )
+ )
+ contentLength += len(partSeparator)
+ rangeInfo.append((partSeparator, partOffset, partSize))
+ if not matchingRangeFound:
+ request.setResponseCode(http.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE)
+ request.setHeader(b"content-length", b"0")
+ request.setHeader(
+ b"content-range", networkString("bytes */%d" % (self.getFileSize(),))
+ )
+ return [], b""
+ finalBoundary = b"\r\n--" + boundary + b"--\r\n"
+ rangeInfo.append((finalBoundary, 0, 0))
+ request.setResponseCode(http.PARTIAL_CONTENT)
+ request.setHeader(
+ b"content-type",
+ networkString(f'multipart/byteranges; boundary="{nativeString(boundary)}"'),
+ )
+ request.setHeader(
+ b"content-length", b"%d" % (contentLength + len(finalBoundary),)
+ )
+ return rangeInfo
+ def _setContentHeaders(self, request, size=None):
+ """
+ Set the Content-length and Content-type headers for this request.
+ This method is not appropriate for requests for multiple byte ranges;
+ L{_doMultipleRangeRequest} will set these headers in that case.
+ @param request: The L{twisted.web.http.Request} object.
+ @param size: The size of the response. If not specified, default to
+ C{self.getFileSize()}.
+ """
+ if size is None:
+ size = self.getFileSize()
+ request.setHeader(b"content-length", b"%d" % (size,))
+ if self.type:
+ request.setHeader(b"content-type", networkString(self.type))
+ if self.encoding:
+ request.setHeader(b"content-encoding", networkString(self.encoding))
+ def makeProducer(self, request, fileForReading):
+ """
+ Make a L{StaticProducer} that will produce the body of this response.
+ This method will also set the response code and Content-* headers.
+ @param request: The L{twisted.web.http.Request} object.
+ @param fileForReading: The file object containing the resource.
+ @return: A L{StaticProducer}. Calling C{.start()} on this will begin
+ producing the response.
+ """
+ byteRange = request.getHeader(b"range")
+ if byteRange is None:
+ self._setContentHeaders(request)
+ request.setResponseCode(http.OK)
+ return NoRangeStaticProducer(request, fileForReading)
+ try:
+ parsedRanges = self._parseRangeHeader(byteRange)
+ except ValueError:
+ log.msg(f"Ignoring malformed Range header {byteRange.decode()!r}")
+ self._setContentHeaders(request)
+ request.setResponseCode(http.OK)
+ return NoRangeStaticProducer(request, fileForReading)
+ if len(parsedRanges) == 1:
+ offset, size = self._doSingleRangeRequest(request, parsedRanges[0])
+ self._setContentHeaders(request, size)
+ return SingleRangeStaticProducer(request, fileForReading, offset, size)
+ else:
+ rangeInfo = self._doMultipleRangeRequest(request, parsedRanges)
+ return MultipleRangeStaticProducer(request, fileForReading, rangeInfo)
+ def render_GET(self, request):
+ """
+ Begin sending the contents of this L{File} (or a subset of the
+ contents, based on the 'range' header) to the given request.
+ """
+ self.restat(False)
+ if self.type is None:
+ self.type, self.encoding = getTypeAndEncoding(
+ self.basename(),
+ self.contentTypes,
+ self.contentEncodings,
+ self.defaultType,
+ )
+ if not self.exists():
+ return self.childNotFound.render(request)
+ if self.isdir():
+ return self.redirect(request)
+ request.setHeader(b"accept-ranges", b"bytes")
+ try:
+ fileForReading = self.openForReading()
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+ return self.forbidden.render(request)
+ else:
+ raise
+ if request.setLastModified(self.getModificationTime()) is http.CACHED:
+ # `setLastModified` also sets the response code for us, so if the
+ # request is cached, we close the file now that we've made sure that
+ # the request would otherwise succeed and return an empty body.
+ fileForReading.close()
+ return b""
+ if request.method == b"HEAD":
+ # Set the content headers here, rather than making a producer.
+ self._setContentHeaders(request)
+ # We've opened the file to make sure it's accessible, so close it
+ # now that we don't need it.
+ fileForReading.close()
+ return b""
+ producer = self.makeProducer(request, fileForReading)
+ producer.start()
+ # and make sure the connection doesn't get closed
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+ render_HEAD = render_GET
+ def redirect(self, request):
+ return redirectTo(_addSlash(request), request)
+ def listNames(self):
+ if not self.isdir():
+ return []
+ directory = self.listdir()
+ directory.sort()
+ return directory
+ def listEntities(self):
+ return list(
+ map(
+ lambda fileName, self=self: self.createSimilarFile(
+ os.path.join(self.path, fileName)
+ ),
+ self.listNames(),
+ )
+ )
+ def createSimilarFile(self, path):
+ f = self.__class__(path, self.defaultType, self.ignoredExts, self.registry)
+ # refactoring by steps, here - constructor should almost certainly take these
+ f.processors = self.processors
+ f.indexNames = self.indexNames[:]
+ f.childNotFound = self.childNotFound
+ return f
+class StaticProducer:
+ """
+ Superclass for classes that implement the business of producing.
+ @ivar request: The L{IRequest} to write the contents of the file to.
+ @ivar fileObject: The file the contents of which to write to the request.
+ """
+ bufferSize = abstract.FileDescriptor.bufferSize
+ def __init__(self, request, fileObject):
+ """
+ Initialize the instance.
+ """
+ self.request = request
+ self.fileObject = fileObject
+ def start(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError(self.start)
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError(self.resumeProducing)
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ Stop producing data.
+ L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IProducer.stopProducing}
+ is called when our consumer has died, and subclasses also call this
+ method when they are done producing data.
+ """
+ self.fileObject.close()
+ self.request = None
+class NoRangeStaticProducer(StaticProducer):
+ """
+ A L{StaticProducer} that writes the entire file to the request.
+ """
+ def start(self):
+ self.request.registerProducer(self, False)
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ if not self.request:
+ return
+ data = self.fileObject.read(self.bufferSize)
+ if data:
+ # this .write will spin the reactor, calling .doWrite and then
+ # .resumeProducing again, so be prepared for a re-entrant call
+ self.request.write(data)
+ else:
+ self.request.unregisterProducer()
+ self.request.finish()
+ self.stopProducing()
+class SingleRangeStaticProducer(StaticProducer):
+ """
+ A L{StaticProducer} that writes a single chunk of a file to the request.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, request, fileObject, offset, size):
+ """
+ Initialize the instance.
+ @param request: See L{StaticProducer}.
+ @param fileObject: See L{StaticProducer}.
+ @param offset: The offset into the file of the chunk to be written.
+ @param size: The size of the chunk to write.
+ """
+ StaticProducer.__init__(self, request, fileObject)
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.size = size
+ def start(self):
+ self.fileObject.seek(self.offset)
+ self.bytesWritten = 0
+ self.request.registerProducer(self, 0)
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ if not self.request:
+ return
+ data = self.fileObject.read(min(self.bufferSize, self.size - self.bytesWritten))
+ if data:
+ self.bytesWritten += len(data)
+ # this .write will spin the reactor, calling .doWrite and then
+ # .resumeProducing again, so be prepared for a re-entrant call
+ self.request.write(data)
+ if self.request and self.bytesWritten == self.size:
+ self.request.unregisterProducer()
+ self.request.finish()
+ self.stopProducing()
+class MultipleRangeStaticProducer(StaticProducer):
+ """
+ A L{StaticProducer} that writes several chunks of a file to the request.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, request, fileObject, rangeInfo):
+ """
+ Initialize the instance.
+ @param request: See L{StaticProducer}.
+ @param fileObject: See L{StaticProducer}.
+ @param rangeInfo: A list of tuples C{[(boundary, offset, size)]}
+ where:
+ - C{boundary} will be written to the request first.
+ - C{offset} the offset into the file of chunk to write.
+ - C{size} the size of the chunk to write.
+ """
+ StaticProducer.__init__(self, request, fileObject)
+ self.rangeInfo = rangeInfo
+ def start(self):
+ self.rangeIter = iter(self.rangeInfo)
+ self._nextRange()
+ self.request.registerProducer(self, 0)
+ def _nextRange(self):
+ self.partBoundary, partOffset, self._partSize = next(self.rangeIter)
+ self._partBytesWritten = 0
+ self.fileObject.seek(partOffset)
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ if not self.request:
+ return
+ data = []
+ dataLength = 0
+ done = False
+ while dataLength < self.bufferSize:
+ if self.partBoundary:
+ dataLength += len(self.partBoundary)
+ data.append(self.partBoundary)
+ self.partBoundary = None
+ p = self.fileObject.read(
+ min(
+ self.bufferSize - dataLength,
+ self._partSize - self._partBytesWritten,
+ )
+ )
+ self._partBytesWritten += len(p)
+ dataLength += len(p)
+ data.append(p)
+ if self.request and self._partBytesWritten == self._partSize:
+ try:
+ self._nextRange()
+ except StopIteration:
+ done = True
+ break
+ self.request.write(b"".join(data))
+ if done:
+ self.request.unregisterProducer()
+ self.request.finish()
+ self.stopProducing()
+class ASISProcessor(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ Serve files exactly as responses without generating a status-line or any
+ headers. Inspired by Apache's mod_asis.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, registry=None):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.path = path
+ self.registry = registry or Registry()
+ def render(self, request):
+ request.startedWriting = 1
+ res = File(self.path, registry=self.registry)
+ return res.render(request)
+def formatFileSize(size):
+ """
+ Format the given file size in bytes to human readable format.
+ """
+ if size < 1024:
+ return "%iB" % size
+ elif size < (1024**2):
+ return "%iK" % (size / 1024)
+ elif size < (1024**3):
+ return "%iM" % (size / (1024**2))
+ else:
+ return "%iG" % (size / (1024**3))
+class DirectoryLister(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ Print the content of a directory.
+ @ivar template: page template used to render the content of the directory.
+ It must contain the format keys B{header} and B{tableContent}.
+ @type template: C{str}
+ @ivar linePattern: template used to render one line in the listing table.
+ It must contain the format keys B{class}, B{href}, B{text}, B{size},
+ B{type} and B{encoding}.
+ @type linePattern: C{str}
+ @ivar contentTypes: a mapping of extensions to MIME types used to populate
+ the information of a member of this directory.
+ It is initialized with the value L{File.contentTypes}.
+ @type contentTypes: C{dict}
+ @ivar contentEncodings: a mapping of extensions to encoding types.
+ It is initialized with the value L{File.contentEncodings}.
+ @type contentEncodings: C{dict}
+ @ivar defaultType: default type used when no mimetype is detected.
+ @type defaultType: C{str}
+ @ivar dirs: filtered content of C{path}, if the whole content should not be
+ displayed (default to L{None}, which means the actual content of
+ C{path} is printed).
+ @type dirs: L{None} or C{list}
+ @ivar path: directory which content should be listed.
+ @type path: C{str}
+ """
+ template = """<html>
+.even-dir { background-color: #efe0ef }
+.even { background-color: #eee }
+.odd-dir {background-color: #f0d0ef }
+.odd { background-color: #dedede }
+.icon { text-align: center }
+.listing {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ width: 50%%;
+ padding: 0.1em;
+ }
+body { border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: #efefef; }
+h1 {padding: 0.1em; background-color: #777; color: white; border-bottom: thin white dashed;}
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Filename</th>
+ <th>Size</th>
+ <th>Content type</th>
+ <th>Content encoding</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ </tbody>
+ linePattern = """<tr class="%(class)s">
+ <td><a href="%(href)s">%(text)s</a></td>
+ <td>%(size)s</td>
+ <td>%(type)s</td>
+ <td>%(encoding)s</td>
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ pathname,
+ dirs=None,
+ contentTypes=File.contentTypes,
+ contentEncodings=File.contentEncodings,
+ defaultType="text/html",
+ ):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.contentTypes = contentTypes
+ self.contentEncodings = contentEncodings
+ self.defaultType = defaultType
+ # dirs allows usage of the File to specify what gets listed
+ self.dirs = dirs
+ self.path = pathname
+ def _getFilesAndDirectories(self, directory):
+ """
+ Helper returning files and directories in given directory listing, with
+ attributes to be used to build a table content with
+ C{self.linePattern}.
+ @return: tuple of (directories, files)
+ @rtype: C{tuple} of C{list}
+ """
+ files = []
+ dirs = []
+ for path in directory:
+ if isinstance(path, bytes):
+ path = path.decode("utf8")
+ url = quote(path, "/")
+ escapedPath = escape(path)
+ childPath = filepath.FilePath(self.path).child(path)
+ if childPath.isdir():
+ dirs.append(
+ {
+ "text": escapedPath + "/",
+ "href": url + "/",
+ "size": "",
+ "type": "[Directory]",
+ "encoding": "",
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ mimetype, encoding = getTypeAndEncoding(
+ path, self.contentTypes, self.contentEncodings, self.defaultType
+ )
+ try:
+ size = childPath.getsize()
+ except OSError:
+ continue
+ files.append(
+ {
+ "text": escapedPath,
+ "href": url,
+ "type": "[%s]" % mimetype,
+ "encoding": (encoding and "[%s]" % encoding or ""),
+ "size": formatFileSize(size),
+ }
+ )
+ return dirs, files
+ def _buildTableContent(self, elements):
+ """
+ Build a table content using C{self.linePattern} and giving elements odd
+ and even classes.
+ """
+ tableContent = []
+ rowClasses = itertools.cycle(["odd", "even"])
+ for element, rowClass in zip(elements, rowClasses):
+ element["class"] = rowClass
+ tableContent.append(self.linePattern % element)
+ return tableContent
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Render a listing of the content of C{self.path}.
+ """
+ request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"text/html; charset=utf-8")
+ if self.dirs is None:
+ directory = os.listdir(self.path)
+ directory.sort()
+ else:
+ directory = self.dirs
+ dirs, files = self._getFilesAndDirectories(directory)
+ tableContent = "".join(self._buildTableContent(dirs + files))
+ header = "Directory listing for {}".format(
+ escape(unquote(nativeString(request.uri))),
+ )
+ done = self.template % {"header": header, "tableContent": tableContent}
+ done = done.encode("utf8")
+ return done
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "<DirectoryLister of %r>" % self.path
+ __str__ = __repr__
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/sux.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/sux.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69ad4dff95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/sux.py
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_xml -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+*S*mall, *U*ncomplicated *X*ML.
+This is a very simple implementation of XML/HTML as a network
+protocol. It is not at all clever. Its main features are that it
+does not:
+ - support namespaces
+ - mung mnemonic entity references
+ - validate
+ - perform *any* external actions (such as fetching URLs or writing files)
+ under *any* circumstances
+ - has lots and lots of horrible hacks for supporting broken HTML (as an
+ option, they're not on by default).
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
+from twisted.python.reflect import prefixedMethodNames
+# Elements of the three-tuples in the state table.
+identChars = ".-_:"
+lenientIdentChars = identChars + ";+#/%~"
+def nop(*args, **kw):
+ "Do nothing."
+def unionlist(*args):
+ l = []
+ for x in args:
+ l.extend(x)
+ d = {x: 1 for x in l}
+ return d.keys()
+def zipfndict(*args, **kw):
+ default = kw.get("default", nop)
+ d = {}
+ for key in unionlist(*(fndict.keys() for fndict in args)):
+ d[key] = tuple(x.get(key, default) for x in args)
+ return d
+def prefixedMethodClassDict(clazz, prefix):
+ return {
+ name: getattr(clazz, prefix + name)
+ for name in prefixedMethodNames(clazz, prefix)
+ }
+def prefixedMethodObjDict(obj, prefix):
+ return {
+ name: getattr(obj, prefix + name)
+ for name in prefixedMethodNames(obj.__class__, prefix)
+ }
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, filename, line, col, message):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.line = line
+ self.col = col
+ self.message = message
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self.filename}:{self.line}:{self.col}: {self.message}"
+class XMLParser(Protocol):
+ state = None
+ encodings = None
+ filename = "<xml />"
+ beExtremelyLenient = 0
+ _prepend = None
+ # _leadingBodyData will sometimes be set before switching to the
+ # 'bodydata' state, when we "accidentally" read a byte of bodydata
+ # in a different state.
+ _leadingBodyData = None
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.lineno = 1
+ self.colno = 0
+ self.encodings = []
+ def saveMark(self):
+ """Get the line number and column of the last character parsed"""
+ # This gets replaced during dataReceived, restored afterwards
+ return (self.lineno, self.colno)
+ def _parseError(self, message):
+ raise ParseError(*((self.filename,) + self.saveMark() + (message,)))
+ def _buildStateTable(self):
+ """Return a dictionary of begin, do, end state function tuples"""
+ # _buildStateTable leaves something to be desired but it does what it
+ # does.. probably slowly, so I'm doing some evil caching so it doesn't
+ # get called more than once per class.
+ stateTable = getattr(self.__class__, "__stateTable", None)
+ if stateTable is None:
+ stateTable = self.__class__.__stateTable = zipfndict(
+ *(
+ prefixedMethodObjDict(self, prefix)
+ for prefix in ("begin_", "do_", "end_")
+ )
+ )
+ return stateTable
+ def _decode(self, data):
+ if "UTF-16" in self.encodings or "UCS-2" in self.encodings:
+ assert not len(data) & 1, "UTF-16 must come in pairs for now"
+ if self._prepend:
+ data = self._prepend + data
+ for encoding in self.encodings:
+ data = str(data, encoding)
+ return data
+ def maybeBodyData(self):
+ if self.endtag:
+ return "bodydata"
+ # Get ready for fun! We're going to allow
+ # <script>if (foo < bar)</script> to work!
+ # We do this by making everything between <script> and
+ # </script> a Text
+ # BUT <script src="foo"> will be special-cased to do regular,
+ # lenient behavior, because those may not have </script>
+ # -radix
+ if self.tagName == "script" and "src" not in self.tagAttributes:
+ # we do this ourselves rather than having begin_waitforendscript
+ # because that can get called multiple times and we don't want
+ # bodydata to get reset other than the first time.
+ self.begin_bodydata(None)
+ return "waitforendscript"
+ return "bodydata"
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ stateTable = self._buildStateTable()
+ if not self.state:
+ # all UTF-16 starts with this string
+ if data.startswith((b"\xff\xfe", b"\xfe\xff")):
+ self._prepend = data[0:2]
+ self.encodings.append("UTF-16")
+ data = data[2:]
+ self.state = "begin"
+ if self.encodings:
+ data = self._decode(data)
+ else:
+ data = data.decode("utf-8")
+ # bring state, lineno, colno into local scope
+ lineno, colno = self.lineno, self.colno
+ curState = self.state
+ # replace saveMark with a nested scope function
+ _saveMark = self.saveMark
+ def saveMark():
+ return (lineno, colno)
+ self.saveMark = saveMark
+ # fetch functions from the stateTable
+ beginFn, doFn, endFn = stateTable[curState]
+ try:
+ for byte in data:
+ # do newline stuff
+ if byte == "\n":
+ lineno += 1
+ colno = 0
+ else:
+ colno += 1
+ newState = doFn(byte)
+ if newState is not None and newState != curState:
+ # this is the endFn from the previous state
+ endFn()
+ curState = newState
+ beginFn, doFn, endFn = stateTable[curState]
+ beginFn(byte)
+ finally:
+ self.saveMark = _saveMark
+ self.lineno, self.colno = lineno, colno
+ # state doesn't make sense if there's an exception..
+ self.state = curState
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ End the last state we were in.
+ """
+ stateTable = self._buildStateTable()
+ stateTable[self.state][END_HANDLER]()
+ # state methods
+ def do_begin(self, byte):
+ if byte.isspace():
+ return
+ if byte != "<":
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ self._leadingBodyData = byte
+ return "bodydata"
+ self._parseError(f"First char of document [{byte!r}] wasn't <")
+ return "tagstart"
+ def begin_comment(self, byte):
+ self.commentbuf = ""
+ def do_comment(self, byte):
+ self.commentbuf += byte
+ if self.commentbuf.endswith("-->"):
+ self.gotComment(self.commentbuf[:-3])
+ return "bodydata"
+ def begin_tagstart(self, byte):
+ self.tagName = "" # name of the tag
+ self.tagAttributes = {} # attributes of the tag
+ self.termtag = 0 # is the tag self-terminating
+ self.endtag = 0
+ def do_tagstart(self, byte):
+ if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
+ self.tagName += byte
+ if self.tagName == "!--":
+ return "comment"
+ elif byte.isspace():
+ if self.tagName:
+ if self.endtag:
+ # properly strict thing to do here is probably to only
+ # accept whitespace
+ return "waitforgt"
+ return "attrs"
+ else:
+ self._parseError("Whitespace before tag-name")
+ elif byte == ">":
+ if self.endtag:
+ self.gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
+ return "bodydata"
+ else:
+ self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, {})
+ return (
+ (not self.beExtremelyLenient) and "bodydata" or self.maybeBodyData()
+ )
+ elif byte == "/":
+ if self.tagName:
+ return "afterslash"
+ else:
+ self.endtag = 1
+ elif byte in "!?":
+ if self.tagName:
+ if not self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ self._parseError("Invalid character in tag-name")
+ else:
+ self.tagName += byte
+ self.termtag = 1
+ elif byte == "[":
+ if self.tagName == "!":
+ return "expectcdata"
+ else:
+ self._parseError("Invalid '[' in tag-name")
+ else:
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ self.bodydata = "<"
+ return "unentity"
+ self._parseError("Invalid tag character: %r" % byte)
+ def begin_unentity(self, byte):
+ self.bodydata += byte
+ def do_unentity(self, byte):
+ self.bodydata += byte
+ return "bodydata"
+ def end_unentity(self):
+ self.gotText(self.bodydata)
+ def begin_expectcdata(self, byte):
+ self.cdatabuf = byte
+ def do_expectcdata(self, byte):
+ self.cdatabuf += byte
+ cdb = self.cdatabuf
+ cd = "[CDATA["
+ if len(cd) > len(cdb):
+ if cd.startswith(cdb):
+ return
+ elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ ## WHAT THE CRAP!? MSWord9 generates HTML that includes these
+ ## bizarre <![if !foo]> <![endif]> chunks, so I've gotta ignore
+ ## 'em as best I can. this should really be a separate parse
+ ## state but I don't even have any idea what these _are_.
+ return "waitforgt"
+ else:
+ self._parseError("Mal-formed CDATA header")
+ if cd == cdb:
+ self.cdatabuf = ""
+ return "cdata"
+ self._parseError("Mal-formed CDATA header")
+ def do_cdata(self, byte):
+ self.cdatabuf += byte
+ if self.cdatabuf.endswith("]]>"):
+ self.cdatabuf = self.cdatabuf[:-3]
+ return "bodydata"
+ def end_cdata(self):
+ self.gotCData(self.cdatabuf)
+ self.cdatabuf = ""
+ def do_attrs(self, byte):
+ if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
+ # XXX FIXME really handle !DOCTYPE at some point
+ if self.tagName == "!DOCTYPE":
+ return "doctype"
+ if self.tagName[0] in "!?":
+ return "waitforgt"
+ return "attrname"
+ elif byte.isspace():
+ return
+ elif byte == ">":
+ self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
+ return (not self.beExtremelyLenient) and "bodydata" or self.maybeBodyData()
+ elif byte == "/":
+ return "afterslash"
+ elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ # discard and move on? Only case I've seen of this so far was:
+ # <foo bar="baz"">
+ return
+ self._parseError("Unexpected character: %r" % byte)
+ def begin_doctype(self, byte):
+ self.doctype = byte
+ def do_doctype(self, byte):
+ if byte == ">":
+ return "bodydata"
+ self.doctype += byte
+ def end_doctype(self):
+ self.gotDoctype(self.doctype)
+ self.doctype = None
+ def do_waitforgt(self, byte):
+ if byte == ">":
+ if self.endtag or not self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ return "bodydata"
+ return self.maybeBodyData()
+ def begin_attrname(self, byte):
+ self.attrname = byte
+ self._attrname_termtag = 0
+ def do_attrname(self, byte):
+ if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
+ self.attrname += byte
+ return
+ elif byte == "=":
+ return "beforeattrval"
+ elif byte.isspace():
+ return "beforeeq"
+ elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ if byte in "\"'":
+ return "attrval"
+ if byte in lenientIdentChars or byte.isalnum():
+ self.attrname += byte
+ return
+ if byte == "/":
+ self._attrname_termtag = 1
+ return
+ if byte == ">":
+ self.attrval = "True"
+ self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
+ self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
+ if self._attrname_termtag:
+ self.gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
+ return "bodydata"
+ return self.maybeBodyData()
+ # something is really broken. let's leave this attribute where it
+ # is and move on to the next thing
+ return
+ self._parseError(f"Invalid attribute name: {self.attrname!r} {byte!r}")
+ def do_beforeattrval(self, byte):
+ if byte in "\"'":
+ return "attrval"
+ elif byte.isspace():
+ return
+ elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ if byte in lenientIdentChars or byte.isalnum():
+ return "messyattr"
+ if byte == ">":
+ self.attrval = "True"
+ self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
+ self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
+ return self.maybeBodyData()
+ if byte == "\\":
+ # I saw this in actual HTML once:
+ # <font size=\"3\"><sup>SM</sup></font>
+ return
+ self._parseError(
+ "Invalid initial attribute value: %r; Attribute values must be quoted."
+ % byte
+ )
+ attrname = ""
+ attrval = ""
+ def begin_beforeeq(self, byte):
+ self._beforeeq_termtag = 0
+ def do_beforeeq(self, byte):
+ if byte == "=":
+ return "beforeattrval"
+ elif byte.isspace():
+ return
+ elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
+ self.attrval = "True"
+ self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
+ return "attrname"
+ elif byte == ">":
+ self.attrval = "True"
+ self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
+ self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
+ if self._beforeeq_termtag:
+ self.gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
+ return "bodydata"
+ return self.maybeBodyData()
+ elif byte == "/":
+ self._beforeeq_termtag = 1
+ return
+ self._parseError("Invalid attribute")
+ def begin_attrval(self, byte):
+ self.quotetype = byte
+ self.attrval = ""
+ def do_attrval(self, byte):
+ if byte == self.quotetype:
+ return "attrs"
+ self.attrval += byte
+ def end_attrval(self):
+ self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
+ self.attrname = self.attrval = ""
+ def begin_messyattr(self, byte):
+ self.attrval = byte
+ def do_messyattr(self, byte):
+ if byte.isspace():
+ return "attrs"
+ elif byte == ">":
+ endTag = 0
+ if self.attrval.endswith("/"):
+ endTag = 1
+ self.attrval = self.attrval[:-1]
+ self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
+ self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
+ if endTag:
+ self.gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
+ return "bodydata"
+ return self.maybeBodyData()
+ else:
+ self.attrval += byte
+ def end_messyattr(self):
+ if self.attrval:
+ self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
+ def begin_afterslash(self, byte):
+ self._after_slash_closed = 0
+ def do_afterslash(self, byte):
+ # this state is only after a self-terminating slash, e.g. <foo/>
+ if self._after_slash_closed:
+ self._parseError("Mal-formed") # XXX When does this happen??
+ if byte != ">":
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ return
+ else:
+ self._parseError("No data allowed after '/'")
+ self._after_slash_closed = 1
+ self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
+ self.gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
+ # don't need maybeBodyData here because there better not be
+ # any javascript code after a <script/>... we'll see :(
+ return "bodydata"
+ def begin_bodydata(self, byte):
+ if self._leadingBodyData:
+ self.bodydata = self._leadingBodyData
+ del self._leadingBodyData
+ else:
+ self.bodydata = ""
+ def do_bodydata(self, byte):
+ if byte == "<":
+ return "tagstart"
+ if byte == "&":
+ return "entityref"
+ self.bodydata += byte
+ def end_bodydata(self):
+ self.gotText(self.bodydata)
+ self.bodydata = ""
+ def do_waitforendscript(self, byte):
+ if byte == "<":
+ return "waitscriptendtag"
+ self.bodydata += byte
+ def begin_waitscriptendtag(self, byte):
+ self.temptagdata = ""
+ self.tagName = ""
+ self.endtag = 0
+ def do_waitscriptendtag(self, byte):
+ # 1 enforce / as first byte read
+ # 2 enforce following bytes to be subset of "script" until
+ # tagName == "script"
+ # 2a when that happens, gotText(self.bodydata) and gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
+ # 3 spaces can happen anywhere, they're ignored
+ # e.g. < / script >
+ # 4 anything else causes all data I've read to be moved to the
+ # bodydata, and switch back to waitforendscript state
+ # If it turns out this _isn't_ a </script>, we need to
+ # remember all the data we've been through so we can append it
+ # to bodydata
+ self.temptagdata += byte
+ # 1
+ if byte == "/":
+ self.endtag = True
+ elif not self.endtag:
+ self.bodydata += "<" + self.temptagdata
+ return "waitforendscript"
+ # 2
+ elif byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
+ self.tagName += byte
+ if not "script".startswith(self.tagName):
+ self.bodydata += "<" + self.temptagdata
+ return "waitforendscript"
+ elif self.tagName == "script":
+ self.gotText(self.bodydata)
+ self.gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
+ return "waitforgt"
+ # 3
+ elif byte.isspace():
+ return "waitscriptendtag"
+ # 4
+ else:
+ self.bodydata += "<" + self.temptagdata
+ return "waitforendscript"
+ def begin_entityref(self, byte):
+ self.erefbuf = ""
+ self.erefextra = "" # extra bit for lenient mode
+ def do_entityref(self, byte):
+ if byte.isspace() or byte == "<":
+ if self.beExtremelyLenient:
+ # '&foo' probably was '&amp;foo'
+ if self.erefbuf and self.erefbuf != "amp":
+ self.erefextra = self.erefbuf
+ self.erefbuf = "amp"
+ if byte == "<":
+ return "tagstart"
+ else:
+ self.erefextra += byte
+ return "spacebodydata"
+ self._parseError("Bad entity reference")
+ elif byte != ";":
+ self.erefbuf += byte
+ else:
+ return "bodydata"
+ def end_entityref(self):
+ self.gotEntityReference(self.erefbuf)
+ # hacky support for space after & in entityref in beExtremelyLenient
+ # state should only happen in that case
+ def begin_spacebodydata(self, byte):
+ self.bodydata = self.erefextra
+ self.erefextra = None
+ do_spacebodydata = do_bodydata
+ end_spacebodydata = end_bodydata
+ # Sorta SAX-ish API
+ def gotTagStart(self, name, attributes):
+ """Encountered an opening tag.
+ Default behaviour is to print."""
+ print("begin", name, attributes)
+ def gotText(self, data):
+ """Encountered text
+ Default behaviour is to print."""
+ print("text:", repr(data))
+ def gotEntityReference(self, entityRef):
+ """Encountered mnemonic entity reference
+ Default behaviour is to print."""
+ print("entityRef: &%s;" % entityRef)
+ def gotComment(self, comment):
+ """Encountered comment.
+ Default behaviour is to ignore."""
+ pass
+ def gotCData(self, cdata):
+ """Encountered CDATA
+ Default behaviour is to call the gotText method"""
+ self.gotText(cdata)
+ def gotDoctype(self, doctype):
+ """Encountered DOCTYPE
+ This is really grotty: it basically just gives you everything between
+ '<!DOCTYPE' and '>' as an argument.
+ """
+ print("!DOCTYPE", repr(doctype))
+ def gotTagEnd(self, name):
+ """Encountered closing tag
+ Default behaviour is to print."""
+ print("end", name)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/tap.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/tap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ed783848a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/tap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_tap -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Support for creating a service which runs a web server.
+import os
+import warnings
+import incremental
+from twisted.application import service, strports
+from twisted.internet import interfaces, reactor
+from twisted.python import deprecate, reflect, threadpool, usage
+from twisted.spread import pb
+from twisted.web import demo, distrib, resource, script, server, static, twcgi, wsgi
+class Options(usage.Options):
+ """
+ Define the options accepted by the I{twistd web} plugin.
+ """
+ synopsis = "[web options]"
+ optParameters = [
+ ["logfile", "l", None, "Path to web CLF (Combined Log Format) log file."],
+ [
+ "certificate",
+ "c",
+ "server.pem",
+ "(DEPRECATED: use --listen) " "SSL certificate to use for HTTPS. ",
+ ],
+ [
+ "privkey",
+ "k",
+ "server.pem",
+ "(DEPRECATED: use --listen) " "SSL certificate to use for HTTPS.",
+ ],
+ ]
+ optFlags = [
+ [
+ "notracebacks",
+ "n",
+ (
+ "(DEPRECATED: Tracebacks are disabled by default. "
+ "See --enable-tracebacks to turn them on."
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ "display-tracebacks",
+ "",
+ (
+ "Show uncaught exceptions during rendering tracebacks to "
+ "the client. WARNING: This may be a security risk and "
+ "expose private data!"
+ ),
+ ],
+ ]
+ optFlags.append(
+ [
+ "personal",
+ "",
+ "Instead of generating a webserver, generate a "
+ "ResourcePublisher which listens on the port given by "
+ "--listen, or ~/%s " % (distrib.UserDirectory.userSocketName,)
+ + "if --listen is not specified.",
+ ]
+ )
+ compData = usage.Completions(
+ optActions={
+ "logfile": usage.CompleteFiles("*.log"),
+ "certificate": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem"),
+ "privkey": usage.CompleteFiles("*.pem"),
+ }
+ )
+ longdesc = """\
+This starts a webserver. If you specify no arguments, it will be a
+demo webserver that has the Test class from twisted.web.demo in it."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ usage.Options.__init__(self)
+ self["indexes"] = []
+ self["root"] = None
+ self["extraHeaders"] = []
+ self["ports"] = []
+ self["port"] = self["https"] = None
+ def opt_port(self, port):
+ """
+ (DEPRECATED: use --listen)
+ Strports description of port to start the server on
+ """
+ msg = deprecate.getDeprecationWarningString(
+ self.opt_port, incremental.Version("Twisted", 18, 4, 0)
+ )
+ warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ self["port"] = port
+ opt_p = opt_port
+ def opt_https(self, port):
+ """
+ (DEPRECATED: use --listen)
+ Port to listen on for Secure HTTP.
+ """
+ msg = deprecate.getDeprecationWarningString(
+ self.opt_https, incremental.Version("Twisted", 18, 4, 0)
+ )
+ warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ self["https"] = port
+ def opt_listen(self, port):
+ """
+ Add an strports description of port to start the server on.
+ [default: tcp:8080]
+ """
+ self["ports"].append(port)
+ def opt_index(self, indexName):
+ """
+ Add the name of a file used to check for directory indexes.
+ [default: index, index.html]
+ """
+ self["indexes"].append(indexName)
+ opt_i = opt_index
+ def opt_user(self):
+ """
+ Makes a server with ~/public_html and ~/.twistd-web-pb support for
+ users.
+ """
+ self["root"] = distrib.UserDirectory()
+ opt_u = opt_user
+ def opt_path(self, path):
+ """
+ <path> is either a specific file or a directory to be set as the root
+ of the web server. Use this if you have a directory full of HTML, cgi,
+ epy, or rpy files or any other files that you want to be served up raw.
+ """
+ self["root"] = static.File(os.path.abspath(path))
+ self["root"].processors = {
+ ".epy": script.PythonScript,
+ ".rpy": script.ResourceScript,
+ }
+ self["root"].processors[".cgi"] = twcgi.CGIScript
+ def opt_processor(self, proc):
+ """
+ `ext=class' where `class' is added as a Processor for files ending
+ with `ext'.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
+ raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --processor after --path.")
+ ext, klass = proc.split("=", 1)
+ self["root"].processors[ext] = reflect.namedClass(klass)
+ def opt_class(self, className):
+ """
+ Create a Resource subclass with a zero-argument constructor.
+ """
+ classObj = reflect.namedClass(className)
+ self["root"] = classObj()
+ def opt_resource_script(self, name):
+ """
+ An .rpy file to be used as the root resource of the webserver.
+ """
+ self["root"] = script.ResourceScriptWrapper(name)
+ def opt_wsgi(self, name):
+ """
+ The FQPN of a WSGI application object to serve as the root resource of
+ the webserver.
+ """
+ try:
+ application = reflect.namedAny(name)
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+ raise usage.UsageError(f"No such WSGI application: {name!r}")
+ pool = threadpool.ThreadPool()
+ reactor.callWhenRunning(pool.start)
+ reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("after", "shutdown", pool.stop)
+ self["root"] = wsgi.WSGIResource(reactor, pool, application)
+ def opt_mime_type(self, defaultType):
+ """
+ Specify the default mime-type for static files.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
+ raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --mime_type after --path.")
+ self["root"].defaultType = defaultType
+ opt_m = opt_mime_type
+ def opt_allow_ignore_ext(self):
+ """
+ Specify whether or not a request for 'foo' should return 'foo.ext'
+ """
+ if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
+ raise usage.UsageError(
+ "You can only use --allow_ignore_ext " "after --path."
+ )
+ self["root"].ignoreExt("*")
+ def opt_ignore_ext(self, ext):
+ """
+ Specify an extension to ignore. These will be processed in order.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(self["root"], static.File):
+ raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --ignore_ext " "after --path.")
+ self["root"].ignoreExt(ext)
+ def opt_add_header(self, header):
+ """
+ Specify an additional header to be included in all responses. Specified
+ as "HeaderName: HeaderValue".
+ """
+ name, value = header.split(":", 1)
+ self["extraHeaders"].append((name.strip(), value.strip()))
+ def postOptions(self):
+ """
+ Set up conditional defaults and check for dependencies.
+ If SSL is not available but an HTTPS server was configured, raise a
+ L{UsageError} indicating that this is not possible.
+ If no server port was supplied, select a default appropriate for the
+ other options supplied.
+ """
+ if self["port"] is not None:
+ self["ports"].append(self["port"])
+ if self["https"] is not None:
+ try:
+ reflect.namedModule("OpenSSL.SSL")
+ except ImportError:
+ raise usage.UsageError("SSL support not installed")
+ sslStrport = "ssl:port={}:privateKey={}:certKey={}".format(
+ self["https"],
+ self["privkey"],
+ self["certificate"],
+ )
+ self["ports"].append(sslStrport)
+ if len(self["ports"]) == 0:
+ if self["personal"]:
+ path = os.path.expanduser(
+ os.path.join("~", distrib.UserDirectory.userSocketName)
+ )
+ self["ports"].append("unix:" + path)
+ else:
+ self["ports"].append("tcp:8080")
+def makePersonalServerFactory(site):
+ """
+ Create and return a factory which will respond to I{distrib} requests
+ against the given site.
+ @type site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ @rtype: L{twisted.internet.protocol.Factory}
+ """
+ return pb.PBServerFactory(distrib.ResourcePublisher(site))
+class _AddHeadersResource(resource.Resource):
+ def __init__(self, originalResource, headers):
+ self._originalResource = originalResource
+ self._headers = headers
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, name, request):
+ for k, v in self._headers:
+ request.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(k, v)
+ return self._originalResource.getChildWithDefault(name, request)
+def makeService(config):
+ s = service.MultiService()
+ if config["root"]:
+ root = config["root"]
+ if config["indexes"]:
+ config["root"].indexNames = config["indexes"]
+ else:
+ # This really ought to be web.Admin or something
+ root = demo.Test()
+ if isinstance(root, static.File):
+ root.registry.setComponent(interfaces.IServiceCollection, s)
+ if config["extraHeaders"]:
+ root = _AddHeadersResource(root, config["extraHeaders"])
+ if config["logfile"]:
+ site = server.Site(root, logPath=config["logfile"])
+ else:
+ site = server.Site(root)
+ if config["display-tracebacks"]:
+ site.displayTracebacks = True
+ # Deprecate --notracebacks/-n
+ if config["notracebacks"]:
+ msg = deprecate._getDeprecationWarningString(
+ "--notracebacks", incremental.Version("Twisted", 19, 7, 0)
+ )
+ warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ if config["personal"]:
+ site = makePersonalServerFactory(site)
+ for port in config["ports"]:
+ svc = strports.service(port, site)
+ svc.setServiceParent(s)
+ return s
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/template.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/template.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..162dc7d206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/template.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_template -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HTML rendering for twisted.web.
+@var VALID_HTML_TAG_NAMES: A list of recognized HTML tag names, used by the
+ L{tag} object.
+@var TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE: The XML namespace used to identify attributes and
+ elements used by the templating system, which should be removed from the
+ final output document.
+@var tags: A convenience object which can produce L{Tag} objects on demand via
+ attribute access. For example: C{tags.div} is equivalent to C{Tag("div")}.
+ Tags not specified in L{VALID_HTML_TAG_NAMES} will result in an
+ L{AttributeError}.
+__all__ = [
+ "Element",
+ "Flattenable",
+ "TagLoader",
+ "XMLString",
+ "XMLFile",
+ "renderer",
+ "flatten",
+ "flattenString",
+ "tags",
+ "Comment",
+ "CDATA",
+ "Tag",
+ "slot",
+ "CharRef",
+ "renderElement",
+from ._stan import CharRef
+from ._template_util import (
+ Comment,
+ Element,
+ Flattenable,
+ Tag,
+ TagLoader,
+ XMLFile,
+ XMLString,
+ flatten,
+ flattenString,
+ renderElement,
+ renderer,
+ slot,
+ tags,
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/test/requesthelper.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/test/requesthelper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3b0904427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/test/requesthelper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Helpers related to HTTP requests, used by tests.
+from __future__ import annotations
+__all__ = ["DummyChannel", "DummyRequest"]
+from io import BytesIO
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from zope.interface import implementer, verify
+from incremental import Version
+from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address, IPv6Address
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IAddress, ISSLTransport
+from twisted.internet.task import Clock
+from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.web._responses import FOUND
+from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
+from twisted.web.resource import Resource
+from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET, Session, Site
+textLinearWhitespaceComponents = [f"Foo{lw}bar" for lw in ["\r", "\n", "\r\n"]]
+sanitizedText = "Foo bar"
+bytesLinearWhitespaceComponents = [
+ component.encode("ascii") for component in textLinearWhitespaceComponents
+sanitizedBytes = sanitizedText.encode("ascii")
+class NullAddress:
+ """
+ A null implementation of L{IAddress}.
+ """
+class DummyChannel:
+ class TCP:
+ port = 80
+ disconnected = False
+ def __init__(self, peer=None):
+ if peer is None:
+ peer = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 12344)
+ self._peer = peer
+ self.written = BytesIO()
+ self.producers = []
+ def getPeer(self):
+ return self._peer
+ def write(self, data):
+ if not isinstance(data, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(f"Can only write bytes to a transport, not {data!r}")
+ self.written.write(data)
+ def writeSequence(self, iovec):
+ for data in iovec:
+ self.write(data)
+ def getHost(self):
+ return IPv4Address("TCP", "", self.port)
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ self.producers.append((producer, streaming))
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ pass
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ self.disconnected = True
+ @implementer(ISSLTransport)
+ class SSL(TCP):
+ def abortConnection(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.abortConnection
+ pass
+ def getTcpKeepAlive(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.getTcpKeepAlive
+ pass
+ def getTcpNoDelay(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.getTcpNoDelay
+ pass
+ def loseWriteConnection(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.loseWriteConnection
+ pass
+ def setTcpKeepAlive(self, enabled):
+ # ITCPTransport.setTcpKeepAlive
+ pass
+ def setTcpNoDelay(self, enabled):
+ # ITCPTransport.setTcpNoDelay
+ pass
+ def getPeerCertificate(self):
+ # ISSLTransport.getPeerCertificate
+ pass
+ site = Site(Resource())
+ def __init__(self, peer=None):
+ self.transport = self.TCP(peer)
+ def requestDone(self, request):
+ pass
+ def writeHeaders(self, version, code, reason, headers):
+ response_line = version + b" " + code + b" " + reason + b"\r\n"
+ headerSequence = [response_line]
+ headerSequence.extend(name + b": " + value + b"\r\n" for name, value in headers)
+ headerSequence.append(b"\r\n")
+ self.transport.writeSequence(headerSequence)
+ def getPeer(self):
+ return self.transport.getPeer()
+ def getHost(self):
+ return self.transport.getHost()
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ self.transport.unregisterProducer()
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.transport.write(data)
+ def writeSequence(self, iovec):
+ self.transport.writeSequence(iovec)
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def endRequest(self):
+ pass
+ def isSecure(self):
+ return isinstance(self.transport, self.SSL)
+ def abortConnection(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.abortConnection
+ pass
+ def getTcpKeepAlive(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.getTcpKeepAlive
+ pass
+ def getTcpNoDelay(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.getTcpNoDelay
+ pass
+ def loseWriteConnection(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.loseWriteConnection
+ pass
+ def setTcpKeepAlive(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.setTcpKeepAlive
+ pass
+ def setTcpNoDelay(self):
+ # ITCPTransport.setTcpNoDelay
+ pass
+ def getPeerCertificate(self):
+ # ISSLTransport.getPeerCertificate
+ pass
+class DummyRequest:
+ """
+ Represents a dummy or fake request. See L{twisted.web.server.Request}.
+ @ivar _finishedDeferreds: L{None} or a C{list} of L{Deferreds} which will
+ be called back with L{None} when C{finish} is called or which will be
+ errbacked if C{processingFailed} is called.
+ @type requestheaders: C{Headers}
+ @ivar requestheaders: A Headers instance that stores values for all request
+ headers.
+ @type responseHeaders: C{Headers}
+ @ivar responseHeaders: A Headers instance that stores values for all
+ response headers.
+ @type responseCode: C{int}
+ @ivar responseCode: The response code which was passed to
+ C{setResponseCode}.
+ @type written: C{list} of C{bytes}
+ @ivar written: The bytes which have been written to the request.
+ """
+ uri = b"http://dummy/"
+ method = b"GET"
+ client: Optional[IAddress] = None
+ sitepath: List[bytes]
+ written: List[bytes]
+ prepath: List[bytes]
+ args: Dict[bytes, List[bytes]]
+ _finishedDeferreds: List[Deferred[None]]
+ def registerProducer(self, prod, s):
+ """
+ Call an L{IPullProducer}'s C{resumeProducing} method in a
+ loop until it unregisters itself.
+ @param prod: The producer.
+ @type prod: L{IPullProducer}
+ @param s: Whether or not the producer is streaming.
+ """
+ # XXX: Handle IPushProducers
+ self.go = 1
+ while self.go:
+ prod.resumeProducing()
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ self.go = 0
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ postpath: list[bytes],
+ session: Optional[Session] = None,
+ client: Optional[IAddress] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.sitepath = []
+ self.written = []
+ self.finished = 0
+ self.postpath = postpath
+ self.prepath = []
+ self.session = None
+ self.protoSession = session or Session(site=None, uid=b"0", reactor=Clock())
+ self.args = {}
+ self.requestHeaders = Headers()
+ self.responseHeaders = Headers()
+ self.responseCode = None
+ self._finishedDeferreds = []
+ self._serverName = b"dummy"
+ self.clientproto = b"HTTP/1.0"
+ def getAllHeaders(self):
+ """
+ Return dictionary mapping the names of all received headers to the last
+ value received for each.
+ Since this method does not return all header information,
+ C{self.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders()} may be preferred.
+ NOTE: This function is a direct copy of
+ C{twisted.web.http.Request.getAllRawHeaders}.
+ """
+ headers = {}
+ for k, v in self.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders():
+ headers[k.lower()] = v[-1]
+ return headers
+ def getHeader(self, name):
+ """
+ Retrieve the value of a request header.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @param name: The name of the request header for which to retrieve the
+ value. Header names are compared case-insensitively.
+ @rtype: C{bytes} or L{None}
+ @return: The value of the specified request header.
+ """
+ return self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(name.lower(), [None])[0]
+ def setHeader(self, name, value):
+ """TODO: make this assert on write() if the header is content-length"""
+ self.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(name, value)
+ def getSession(self, sessionInterface=None):
+ if self.session:
+ return self.session
+ assert (
+ not self.written
+ ), "Session cannot be requested after data has been written."
+ self.session = self.protoSession
+ return self.session
+ def render(self, resource):
+ """
+ Render the given resource as a response to this request.
+ This implementation only handles a few of the most common behaviors of
+ resources. It can handle a render method that returns a string or
+ C{NOT_DONE_YET}. It doesn't know anything about the semantics of
+ request methods (eg HEAD) nor how to set any particular headers.
+ Basically, it's largely broken, but sufficient for some tests at least.
+ It should B{not} be expanded to do all the same stuff L{Request} does.
+ Instead, L{DummyRequest} should be phased out and L{Request} (or some
+ other real code factored in a different way) used.
+ """
+ result = resource.render(self)
+ if result is NOT_DONE_YET:
+ return
+ self.write(result)
+ self.finish()
+ def write(self, data):
+ if not isinstance(data, bytes):
+ raise TypeError("write() only accepts bytes")
+ self.written.append(data)
+ def notifyFinish(self) -> Deferred[None]:
+ """
+ Return a L{Deferred} which is called back with L{None} when the request
+ is finished. This will probably only work if you haven't called
+ C{finish} yet.
+ """
+ finished: Deferred[None] = Deferred()
+ self._finishedDeferreds.append(finished)
+ return finished
+ def finish(self):
+ """
+ Record that the request is finished and callback and L{Deferred}s
+ waiting for notification of this.
+ """
+ self.finished = self.finished + 1
+ if self._finishedDeferreds is not None:
+ observers = self._finishedDeferreds
+ self._finishedDeferreds = None
+ for obs in observers:
+ obs.callback(None)
+ def processingFailed(self, reason):
+ """
+ Errback and L{Deferreds} waiting for finish notification.
+ """
+ if self._finishedDeferreds is not None:
+ observers = self._finishedDeferreds
+ self._finishedDeferreds = None
+ for obs in observers:
+ obs.errback(reason)
+ def addArg(self, name, value):
+ self.args[name] = [value]
+ def setResponseCode(self, code, message=None):
+ """
+ Set the HTTP status response code, but takes care that this is called
+ before any data is written.
+ """
+ assert (
+ not self.written
+ ), "Response code cannot be set after data has" "been written: {}.".format(
+ "@@@@".join(self.written)
+ )
+ self.responseCode = code
+ self.responseMessage = message
+ def setLastModified(self, when):
+ assert (
+ not self.written
+ ), "Last-Modified cannot be set after data has " "been written: {}.".format(
+ "@@@@".join(self.written)
+ )
+ def setETag(self, tag):
+ assert (
+ not self.written
+ ), "ETag cannot be set after data has been " "written: {}.".format(
+ "@@@@".join(self.written)
+ )
+ @deprecated(Version("Twisted", 18, 4, 0), replacement="getClientAddress")
+ def getClientIP(self):
+ """
+ Return the IPv4 address of the client which made this request, if there
+ is one, otherwise L{None}.
+ """
+ if isinstance(self.client, (IPv4Address, IPv6Address)):
+ return self.client.host
+ return None
+ def getClientAddress(self):
+ """
+ Return the L{IAddress} of the client that made this request.
+ @return: an address.
+ @rtype: an L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ if self.client is None:
+ return NullAddress()
+ return self.client
+ def getRequestHostname(self):
+ """
+ Get a dummy hostname associated to the HTTP request.
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ @returns: a dummy hostname
+ """
+ return self._serverName
+ def getHost(self):
+ """
+ Get a dummy transport's host.
+ @rtype: C{IPv4Address}
+ @returns: a dummy transport's host
+ """
+ return IPv4Address("TCP", "", 80)
+ def setHost(self, host, port, ssl=0):
+ """
+ Change the host and port the request thinks it's using.
+ @type host: C{bytes}
+ @param host: The value to which to change the host header.
+ @type ssl: C{bool}
+ @param ssl: A flag which, if C{True}, indicates that the request is
+ considered secure (if C{True}, L{isSecure} will return C{True}).
+ """
+ self._forceSSL = ssl # set first so isSecure will work
+ if self.isSecure():
+ default = 443
+ else:
+ default = 80
+ if port == default:
+ hostHeader = host
+ else:
+ hostHeader = b"%b:%d" % (host, port)
+ self.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b"host", hostHeader)
+ def redirect(self, url):
+ """
+ Utility function that does a redirect.
+ The request should have finish() called after this.
+ """
+ self.setResponseCode(FOUND)
+ self.setHeader(b"location", url)
+class DummyRequestTests(unittest.SynchronousTestCase):
+ """
+ Tests for L{DummyRequest}.
+ """
+ def test_getClientIPDeprecated(self):
+ """
+ L{DummyRequest.getClientIP} is deprecated in favor of
+ L{DummyRequest.getClientAddress}
+ """
+ request = DummyRequest([])
+ request.getClientIP()
+ warnings = self.flushWarnings(
+ offendingFunctions=[self.test_getClientIPDeprecated]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
+ [warning] = warnings
+ self.assertEqual(warning.get("category"), DeprecationWarning)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ warning.get("message"),
+ (
+ "twisted.web.test.requesthelper.DummyRequest.getClientIP "
+ "was deprecated in Twisted 18.4.0; "
+ "please use getClientAddress instead"
+ ),
+ )
+ def test_getClientIPSupportsIPv6(self):
+ """
+ L{DummyRequest.getClientIP} supports IPv6 addresses, just like
+ L{twisted.web.http.Request.getClientIP}.
+ """
+ request = DummyRequest([])
+ client = IPv6Address("TCP", "::1", 12345)
+ request.client = client
+ self.assertEqual("::1", request.getClientIP())
+ def test_getClientAddressWithoutClient(self):
+ """
+ L{DummyRequest.getClientAddress} returns an L{IAddress}
+ provider no C{client} has been set.
+ """
+ request = DummyRequest([])
+ null = request.getClientAddress()
+ verify.verifyObject(IAddress, null)
+ def test_getClientAddress(self):
+ """
+ L{DummyRequest.getClientAddress} returns the C{client}.
+ """
+ request = DummyRequest([])
+ client = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 12345)
+ request.client = client
+ address = request.getClientAddress()
+ self.assertIs(address, client)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/twcgi.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/twcgi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcf831108b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/twcgi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_cgi -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+I hold resource classes and helper classes that deal with CGI scripts.
+# System Imports
+import os
+import urllib
+from typing import AnyStr
+# Twisted Imports
+from twisted.internet import protocol
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.python import filepath
+from twisted.spread import pb
+from twisted.web import http, resource, server, static
+class CGIDirectory(resource.Resource, filepath.FilePath[AnyStr]):
+ def __init__(self, pathname):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ filepath.FilePath.__init__(self, pathname)
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ fnp = self.child(path)
+ if not fnp.exists():
+ return static.File.childNotFound
+ elif fnp.isdir():
+ return CGIDirectory(fnp.path)
+ else:
+ return CGIScript(fnp.path)
+ def render(self, request):
+ notFound = resource.NoResource(
+ "CGI directories do not support directory listing."
+ )
+ return notFound.render(request)
+class CGIScript(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ L{CGIScript} is a resource which runs child processes according to the CGI
+ specification.
+ The implementation is complex due to the fact that it requires asynchronous
+ IPC with an external process with an unpleasant protocol.
+ """
+ isLeaf = 1
+ def __init__(self, filename, registry=None, reactor=None):
+ """
+ Initialize, with the name of a CGI script file.
+ """
+ self.filename = filename
+ if reactor is None:
+ # This installs a default reactor, if None was installed before.
+ # We do a late import here, so that importing the current module
+ # won't directly trigger installing a default reactor.
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Do various things to conform to the CGI specification.
+ I will set up the usual slew of environment variables, then spin off a
+ process.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ @param request: An HTTP request.
+ """
+ scriptName = b"/" + b"/".join(request.prepath)
+ serverName = request.getRequestHostname().split(b":")[0]
+ env = {
+ "SERVER_SOFTWARE": server.version,
+ "SERVER_NAME": serverName,
+ "SERVER_PROTOCOL": request.clientproto,
+ "SERVER_PORT": str(request.getHost().port),
+ "REQUEST_METHOD": request.method,
+ "SCRIPT_NAME": scriptName,
+ "SCRIPT_FILENAME": self.filename,
+ "REQUEST_URI": request.uri,
+ }
+ ip = request.getClientAddress().host
+ if ip is not None:
+ env["REMOTE_ADDR"] = ip
+ pp = request.postpath
+ if pp:
+ env["PATH_INFO"] = "/" + "/".join(pp)
+ if hasattr(request, "content"):
+ # 'request.content' is either a StringIO or a TemporaryFile, and
+ # the file pointer is sitting at the beginning (seek(0,0))
+ request.content.seek(0, 2)
+ length = request.content.tell()
+ request.content.seek(0, 0)
+ env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = str(length)
+ try:
+ qindex = request.uri.index(b"?")
+ except ValueError:
+ env["QUERY_STRING"] = ""
+ qargs = []
+ else:
+ qs = env["QUERY_STRING"] = request.uri[qindex + 1 :]
+ if b"=" in qs:
+ qargs = []
+ else:
+ qargs = [urllib.parse.unquote(x.decode()) for x in qs.split(b"+")]
+ # Propagate HTTP headers
+ for title, header in request.getAllHeaders().items():
+ envname = title.replace(b"-", b"_").upper()
+ if title not in (b"content-type", b"content-length", b"proxy"):
+ envname = b"HTTP_" + envname
+ env[envname] = header
+ # Propagate our environment
+ for key, value in os.environ.items():
+ if key not in env:
+ env[key] = value
+ # And they're off!
+ self.runProcess(env, request, qargs)
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+ def runProcess(self, env, request, qargs=[]):
+ """
+ Run the cgi script.
+ @type env: A L{dict} of L{str}, or L{None}
+ @param env: The environment variables to pass to the process that will
+ get spawned. See
+ L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorProcess.spawnProcess} for
+ more information about environments and process creation.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ @param request: An HTTP request.
+ @type qargs: A L{list} of L{str}
+ @param qargs: The command line arguments to pass to the process that
+ will get spawned.
+ """
+ p = CGIProcessProtocol(request)
+ self._reactor.spawnProcess(
+ p,
+ self.filename,
+ [self.filename] + qargs,
+ env,
+ os.path.dirname(self.filename),
+ )
+class FilteredScript(CGIScript):
+ """
+ I am a special version of a CGI script, that uses a specific executable.
+ This is useful for interfacing with other scripting languages that adhere
+ to the CGI standard. My C{filter} attribute specifies what executable to
+ run, and my C{filename} init parameter describes which script to pass to
+ the first argument of that script.
+ To customize me for a particular location of a CGI interpreter, override
+ C{filter}.
+ @type filter: L{str}
+ @ivar filter: The absolute path to the executable.
+ """
+ filter = "/usr/bin/cat"
+ def runProcess(self, env, request, qargs=[]):
+ """
+ Run a script through the C{filter} executable.
+ @type env: A L{dict} of L{str}, or L{None}
+ @param env: The environment variables to pass to the process that will
+ get spawned. See
+ L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorProcess.spawnProcess}
+ for more information about environments and process creation.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ @param request: An HTTP request.
+ @type qargs: A L{list} of L{str}
+ @param qargs: The command line arguments to pass to the process that
+ will get spawned.
+ """
+ p = CGIProcessProtocol(request)
+ self._reactor.spawnProcess(
+ p,
+ self.filter,
+ [self.filter, self.filename] + qargs,
+ env,
+ os.path.dirname(self.filename),
+ )
+class CGIProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol, pb.Viewable):
+ handling_headers = 1
+ headers_written = 0
+ headertext = b""
+ errortext = b""
+ _log = Logger()
+ _requestFinished = False
+ # Remotely relay producer interface.
+ def view_resumeProducing(self, issuer):
+ self.resumeProducing()
+ def view_pauseProducing(self, issuer):
+ self.pauseProducing()
+ def view_stopProducing(self, issuer):
+ self.stopProducing()
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ self.transport.resumeProducing()
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ self.transport.pauseProducing()
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def __init__(self, request):
+ self.request = request
+ self.request.notifyFinish().addBoth(self._finished)
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.request.registerProducer(self, 1)
+ self.request.content.seek(0, 0)
+ content = self.request.content.read()
+ if content:
+ self.transport.write(content)
+ self.transport.closeStdin()
+ def errReceived(self, error):
+ self.errortext = self.errortext + error
+ def outReceived(self, output):
+ """
+ Handle a chunk of input
+ """
+ # First, make sure that the headers from the script are sorted
+ # out (we'll want to do some parsing on these later.)
+ if self.handling_headers:
+ text = self.headertext + output
+ headerEnds = []
+ for delimiter in b"\n\n", b"\r\n\r\n", b"\r\r", b"\n\r\n":
+ headerend = text.find(delimiter)
+ if headerend != -1:
+ headerEnds.append((headerend, delimiter))
+ if headerEnds:
+ # The script is entirely in control of response headers;
+ # disable the default Content-Type value normally provided by
+ # twisted.web.server.Request.
+ self.request.defaultContentType = None
+ headerEnds.sort()
+ headerend, delimiter = headerEnds[0]
+ self.headertext = text[:headerend]
+ # This is a final version of the header text.
+ linebreak = delimiter[: len(delimiter) // 2]
+ headers = self.headertext.split(linebreak)
+ for header in headers:
+ br = header.find(b": ")
+ if br == -1:
+ self._log.error(
+ "ignoring malformed CGI header: {header!r}", header=header
+ )
+ else:
+ headerName = header[:br].lower()
+ headerText = header[br + 2 :]
+ if headerName == b"location":
+ self.request.setResponseCode(http.FOUND)
+ if headerName == b"status":
+ try:
+ # "XXX <description>" sometimes happens.
+ statusNum = int(headerText[:3])
+ except BaseException:
+ self._log.error("malformed status header")
+ else:
+ self.request.setResponseCode(statusNum)
+ else:
+ # Don't allow the application to control
+ # these required headers.
+ if headerName.lower() not in (b"server", b"date"):
+ self.request.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(
+ headerName, headerText
+ )
+ output = text[headerend + len(delimiter) :]
+ self.handling_headers = 0
+ if self.handling_headers:
+ self.headertext = text
+ if not self.handling_headers:
+ self.request.write(output)
+ def processEnded(self, reason):
+ if reason.value.exitCode != 0:
+ self._log.error(
+ "CGI {uri} exited with exit code {exitCode}",
+ uri=self.request.uri,
+ exitCode=reason.value.exitCode,
+ )
+ if self.errortext:
+ self._log.error(
+ "Errors from CGI {uri}: {errorText}",
+ uri=self.request.uri,
+ errorText=self.errortext,
+ )
+ if self.handling_headers:
+ self._log.error(
+ "Premature end of headers in {uri}: {headerText}",
+ uri=self.request.uri,
+ headerText=self.headertext,
+ )
+ if not self._requestFinished:
+ self.request.write(
+ resource.ErrorPage(
+ "CGI Script Error",
+ "Premature end of script headers.",
+ ).render(self.request)
+ )
+ if not self._requestFinished:
+ self.request.unregisterProducer()
+ self.request.finish()
+ def _finished(self, ignored):
+ """
+ Record the end of the response generation for the request being
+ serviced.
+ """
+ self._requestFinished = True
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/util.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3135f05cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_util -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+An assortment of web server-related utilities.
+__all__ = [
+ "redirectTo",
+ "Redirect",
+ "ChildRedirector",
+ "ParentRedirect",
+ "DeferredResource",
+ "FailureElement",
+ "formatFailure",
+ # publicized by unit tests:
+ "_FrameElement",
+ "_SourceFragmentElement",
+ "_SourceLineElement",
+ "_StackElement",
+ "_PRE",
+from ._template_util import (
+ _PRE,
+ ChildRedirector,
+ DeferredResource,
+ FailureElement,
+ ParentRedirect,
+ Redirect,
+ _FrameElement,
+ _SourceFragmentElement,
+ _SourceLineElement,
+ _StackElement,
+ formatFailure,
+ redirectTo,
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/vhost.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/vhost.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9576252b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/vhost.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+I am a virtual hosts implementation.
+# Twisted Imports
+from twisted.python import roots
+from twisted.web import pages, resource
+class VirtualHostCollection(roots.Homogenous):
+ """Wrapper for virtual hosts collection.
+ This exists for configuration purposes.
+ """
+ entityType = resource.Resource
+ def __init__(self, nvh):
+ self.nvh = nvh
+ def listStaticEntities(self):
+ return self.nvh.hosts.items()
+ def getStaticEntity(self, name):
+ return self.nvh.hosts.get(self)
+ def reallyPutEntity(self, name, entity):
+ self.nvh.addHost(name, entity)
+ def delEntity(self, name):
+ self.nvh.removeHost(name)
+class NameVirtualHost(resource.Resource):
+ """I am a resource which represents named virtual hosts."""
+ default = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize."""
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.hosts = {}
+ def listStaticEntities(self):
+ return resource.Resource.listStaticEntities(self) + [
+ ("Virtual Hosts", VirtualHostCollection(self))
+ ]
+ def getStaticEntity(self, name):
+ if name == "Virtual Hosts":
+ return VirtualHostCollection(self)
+ else:
+ return resource.Resource.getStaticEntity(self, name)
+ def addHost(self, name, resrc):
+ """Add a host to this virtual host.
+ This will take a host named `name', and map it to a resource
+ `resrc'. For example, a setup for our virtual hosts would be::
+ nvh.addHost('divunal.com', divunalDirectory)
+ nvh.addHost('www.divunal.com', divunalDirectory)
+ nvh.addHost('twistedmatrix.com', twistedMatrixDirectory)
+ nvh.addHost('www.twistedmatrix.com', twistedMatrixDirectory)
+ """
+ self.hosts[name] = resrc
+ def removeHost(self, name):
+ """Remove a host."""
+ del self.hosts[name]
+ def _getResourceForRequest(self, request):
+ """(Internal) Get the appropriate resource for the given host."""
+ hostHeader = request.getHeader(b"host")
+ if hostHeader is None:
+ return self.default or pages.notFound()
+ else:
+ host = hostHeader.lower().split(b":", 1)[0]
+ return self.hosts.get(host, self.default) or pages.notFound(
+ "Not Found",
+ f"host {host.decode('ascii', 'replace')!r} not in vhost map",
+ )
+ def render(self, request):
+ """Implementation of resource.Resource's render method."""
+ resrc = self._getResourceForRequest(request)
+ return resrc.render(request)
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ """Implementation of resource.Resource's getChild method."""
+ resrc = self._getResourceForRequest(request)
+ if resrc.isLeaf:
+ request.postpath.insert(0, request.prepath.pop(-1))
+ return resrc
+ else:
+ return resrc.getChildWithDefault(path, request)
+class _HostResource(resource.Resource):
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ if b":" in path:
+ host, port = path.split(b":", 1)
+ port = int(port)
+ else:
+ host, port = path, 80
+ request.setHost(host, port)
+ prefixLen = 3 + request.isSecure() + 4 + len(path) + len(request.prepath[-3])
+ request.path = b"/" + b"/".join(request.postpath)
+ request.uri = request.uri[prefixLen:]
+ del request.prepath[:3]
+ return request.site.getResourceFor(request)
+class VHostMonsterResource(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ Use this to be able to record the hostname and method (http vs. https)
+ in the URL without disturbing your web site. If you put this resource
+ in a URL http://foo.com/bar then requests to
+ http://foo.com/bar/http/baz.com/something will be equivalent to
+ http://foo.com/something, except that the hostname the request will
+ appear to be accessing will be "baz.com". So if "baz.com" is redirecting
+ all requests for to foo.com, while foo.com is inaccessible from the outside,
+ then redirect and url generation will work correctly
+ """
+ def getChild(self, path, request):
+ if path == b"http":
+ request.isSecure = lambda: 0
+ elif path == b"https":
+ request.isSecure = lambda: 1
+ return _HostResource()
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/wsgi.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/wsgi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43227f40e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/wsgi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+An implementation of
+U{Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1<http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/>}.
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+from sys import exc_info
+from warnings import warn
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.internet.threads import blockingCallFromThread
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.web.http import INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+from twisted.web.resource import IResource
+from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
+# PEP-3333 -- which has superseded PEP-333 -- states that, in both Python 2
+# and Python 3, text strings MUST be represented using the platform's native
+# string type, limited to characters defined in ISO-8859-1. Byte strings are
+# used only for values read from wsgi.input, passed to write() or yielded by
+# the application.
+# Put another way:
+# - In Python 2, all text strings and binary data are of type str/bytes and
+# NEVER of type unicode. Whether the strings contain binary data or
+# ISO-8859-1 text depends on context.
+# - In Python 3, all text strings are of type str, and all binary data are of
+# type bytes. Text MUST always be limited to that which can be encoded as
+# ISO-8859-1, U+0000 to U+00FF inclusive.
+# The following pair of functions -- _wsgiString() and _wsgiStringToBytes() --
+# are used to make Twisted's WSGI support compliant with the standard.
+if str is bytes:
+ def _wsgiString(string): # Python 2.
+ """
+ Convert C{string} to an ISO-8859-1 byte string, if it is not already.
+ @type string: C{str}/C{bytes} or C{unicode}
+ @rtype: C{str}/C{bytes}
+ @raise UnicodeEncodeError: If C{string} contains non-ISO-8859-1 chars.
+ """
+ if isinstance(string, str):
+ return string
+ else:
+ return string.encode("iso-8859-1")
+ def _wsgiStringToBytes(string): # Python 2.
+ """
+ Return C{string} as is; a WSGI string is a byte string in Python 2.
+ @type string: C{str}/C{bytes}
+ @rtype: C{str}/C{bytes}
+ """
+ return string
+ def _wsgiString(string): # Python 3.
+ """
+ Convert C{string} to a WSGI "bytes-as-unicode" string.
+ If it's a byte string, decode as ISO-8859-1. If it's a Unicode string,
+ round-trip it to bytes and back using ISO-8859-1 as the encoding.
+ @type string: C{str} or C{bytes}
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @raise UnicodeEncodeError: If C{string} contains non-ISO-8859-1 chars.
+ """
+ if isinstance(string, str):
+ return string.encode("iso-8859-1").decode("iso-8859-1")
+ else:
+ return string.decode("iso-8859-1")
+ def _wsgiStringToBytes(string): # Python 3.
+ """
+ Convert C{string} from a WSGI "bytes-as-unicode" string to an
+ ISO-8859-1 byte string.
+ @type string: C{str}
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ @raise UnicodeEncodeError: If C{string} contains non-ISO-8859-1 chars.
+ """
+ return string.encode("iso-8859-1")
+class _ErrorStream:
+ """
+ File-like object instances of which are used as the value for the
+ C{'wsgi.errors'} key in the C{environ} dictionary passed to the application
+ object.
+ This simply passes writes on to L{logging<twisted.logger>} system as
+ error events from the C{'wsgi'} system. In the future, it may be desirable
+ to expose more information in the events it logs, such as the application
+ object which generated the message.
+ """
+ _log = Logger()
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ Generate an event for the logging system with the given bytes as the
+ message.
+ This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
+ @type data: str
+ @raise TypeError: On Python 3, if C{data} is not a native string. On
+ Python 2 a warning will be issued.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, str):
+ if str is bytes:
+ warn(
+ "write() argument should be str, not %r (%s)"
+ % (data, type(data).__name__),
+ category=UnicodeWarning,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "write() argument must be str, not %r (%s)"
+ % (data, type(data).__name__)
+ )
+ # Note that in old style, message was a tuple. logger._legacy
+ # will overwrite this value if it is not properly formatted here.
+ self._log.error(data, system="wsgi", isError=True, message=(data,))
+ def writelines(self, iovec):
+ """
+ Join the given lines and pass them to C{write} to be handled in the
+ usual way.
+ This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
+ @param iovec: A C{list} of C{'\\n'}-terminated C{str} which will be
+ logged.
+ @raise TypeError: On Python 3, if C{iovec} contains any non-native
+ strings. On Python 2 a warning will be issued.
+ """
+ self.write("".join(iovec))
+ def flush(self):
+ """
+ Nothing is buffered, so flushing does nothing. This method is required
+ to exist by PEP 333, though.
+ This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
+ """
+class _InputStream:
+ """
+ File-like object instances of which are used as the value for the
+ C{'wsgi.input'} key in the C{environ} dictionary passed to the application
+ object.
+ This only exists to make the handling of C{readline(-1)} consistent across
+ different possible underlying file-like object implementations. The other
+ supported methods pass through directly to the wrapped object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input):
+ """
+ Initialize the instance.
+ This is called in the I/O thread, not a WSGI application thread.
+ """
+ self._wrapped = input
+ def read(self, size=None):
+ """
+ Pass through to the underlying C{read}.
+ This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
+ """
+ # Avoid passing None because cStringIO and file don't like it.
+ if size is None:
+ return self._wrapped.read()
+ return self._wrapped.read(size)
+ def readline(self, size=None):
+ """
+ Pass through to the underlying C{readline}, with a size of C{-1} replaced
+ with a size of L{None}.
+ This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
+ """
+ # Check for -1 because StringIO doesn't handle it correctly. Check for
+ # None because files and tempfiles don't accept that.
+ if size == -1 or size is None:
+ return self._wrapped.readline()
+ return self._wrapped.readline(size)
+ def readlines(self, size=None):
+ """
+ Pass through to the underlying C{readlines}.
+ This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
+ """
+ # Avoid passing None because cStringIO and file don't like it.
+ if size is None:
+ return self._wrapped.readlines()
+ return self._wrapped.readlines(size)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """
+ Pass through to the underlying C{__iter__}.
+ This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
+ """
+ return iter(self._wrapped)
+class _WSGIResponse:
+ """
+ Helper for L{WSGIResource} which drives the WSGI application using a
+ threadpool and hooks it up to the L{http.Request}.
+ @ivar started: A L{bool} indicating whether or not the response status and
+ headers have been written to the request yet. This may only be read or
+ written in the WSGI application thread.
+ @ivar reactor: An L{IReactorThreads} provider which is used to call methods
+ on the request in the I/O thread.
+ @ivar threadpool: A L{ThreadPool} which is used to call the WSGI
+ application object in a non-I/O thread.
+ @ivar application: The WSGI application object.
+ @ivar request: The L{http.Request} upon which the WSGI environment is
+ based and to which the application's output will be sent.
+ @ivar environ: The WSGI environment L{dict}.
+ @ivar status: The HTTP response status L{str} supplied to the WSGI
+ I{start_response} callable by the application.
+ @ivar headers: A list of HTTP response headers supplied to the WSGI
+ I{start_response} callable by the application.
+ @ivar _requestFinished: A flag which indicates whether it is possible to
+ generate more response data or not. This is L{False} until
+ L{http.Request.notifyFinish} tells us the request is done,
+ then L{True}.
+ """
+ _requestFinished = False
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, reactor, threadpool, application, request):
+ self.started = False
+ self.reactor = reactor
+ self.threadpool = threadpool
+ self.application = application
+ self.request = request
+ self.request.notifyFinish().addBoth(self._finished)
+ if request.prepath:
+ scriptName = b"/" + b"/".join(request.prepath)
+ else:
+ scriptName = b""
+ if request.postpath:
+ pathInfo = b"/" + b"/".join(request.postpath)
+ else:
+ pathInfo = b""
+ parts = request.uri.split(b"?", 1)
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ queryString = b""
+ else:
+ queryString = parts[1]
+ # All keys and values need to be native strings, i.e. of type str in
+ # *both* Python 2 and Python 3, so says PEP-3333.
+ self.environ = {
+ "REQUEST_METHOD": _wsgiString(request.method),
+ "REMOTE_ADDR": _wsgiString(request.getClientAddress().host),
+ "SCRIPT_NAME": _wsgiString(scriptName),
+ "PATH_INFO": _wsgiString(pathInfo),
+ "QUERY_STRING": _wsgiString(queryString),
+ "CONTENT_TYPE": _wsgiString(request.getHeader(b"content-type") or ""),
+ "CONTENT_LENGTH": _wsgiString(request.getHeader(b"content-length") or ""),
+ "SERVER_NAME": _wsgiString(request.getRequestHostname()),
+ "SERVER_PORT": _wsgiString(str(request.getHost().port)),
+ "SERVER_PROTOCOL": _wsgiString(request.clientproto),
+ }
+ # The application object is entirely in control of response headers;
+ # disable the default Content-Type value normally provided by
+ # twisted.web.server.Request.
+ self.request.defaultContentType = None
+ for name, values in request.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders():
+ name = "HTTP_" + _wsgiString(name).upper().replace("-", "_")
+ # It might be preferable for http.HTTPChannel to clear out
+ # newlines.
+ self.environ[name] = ",".join(_wsgiString(v) for v in values).replace(
+ "\n", " "
+ )
+ self.environ.update(
+ {
+ "wsgi.version": (1, 0),
+ "wsgi.url_scheme": request.isSecure() and "https" or "http",
+ "wsgi.run_once": False,
+ "wsgi.multithread": True,
+ "wsgi.multiprocess": False,
+ "wsgi.errors": _ErrorStream(),
+ # Attend: request.content was owned by the I/O thread up until
+ # this point. By wrapping it and putting the result into the
+ # environment dictionary, it is effectively being given to
+ # another thread. This means that whatever it is, it has to be
+ # safe to access it from two different threads. The access
+ # *should* all be serialized (first the I/O thread writes to
+ # it, then the WSGI thread reads from it, then the I/O thread
+ # closes it). However, since the request is made available to
+ # arbitrary application code during resource traversal, it's
+ # possible that some other code might decide to use it in the
+ # I/O thread concurrently with its use in the WSGI thread.
+ # More likely than not, this will break. This seems like an
+ # unlikely possibility to me, but if it is to be allowed,
+ # something here needs to change. -exarkun
+ "wsgi.input": _InputStream(request.content),
+ }
+ )
+ def _finished(self, ignored):
+ """
+ Record the end of the response generation for the request being
+ serviced.
+ """
+ self._requestFinished = True
+ def startResponse(self, status, headers, excInfo=None):
+ """
+ The WSGI I{start_response} callable. The given values are saved until
+ they are needed to generate the response.
+ This will be called in a non-I/O thread.
+ """
+ if self.started and excInfo is not None:
+ raise excInfo[1].with_traceback(excInfo[2])
+ # PEP-3333 mandates that status should be a native string. In practice
+ # this is mandated by Twisted's HTTP implementation too, so we enforce
+ # on both Python 2 and Python 3.
+ if not isinstance(status, str):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "status must be str, not {!r} ({})".format(
+ status, type(status).__name__
+ )
+ )
+ # PEP-3333 mandates that headers should be a plain list, but in
+ # practice we work with any sequence type and only warn when it's not
+ # a plain list.
+ if isinstance(headers, list):
+ pass # This is okay.
+ elif isinstance(headers, Sequence):
+ warn(
+ "headers should be a list, not %r (%s)"
+ % (headers, type(headers).__name__),
+ category=RuntimeWarning,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "headers must be a list, not %r (%s)"
+ % (headers, type(headers).__name__)
+ )
+ # PEP-3333 mandates that each header should be a (str, str) tuple, but
+ # in practice we work with any sequence type and only warn when it's
+ # not a plain list.
+ for header in headers:
+ if isinstance(header, tuple):
+ pass # This is okay.
+ elif isinstance(header, Sequence):
+ warn(
+ "header should be a (str, str) tuple, not %r (%s)"
+ % (header, type(header).__name__),
+ category=RuntimeWarning,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "header must be a (str, str) tuple, not %r (%s)"
+ % (header, type(header).__name__)
+ )
+ # However, the sequence MUST contain only 2 elements.
+ if len(header) != 2:
+ raise TypeError(f"header must be a (str, str) tuple, not {header!r}")
+ # Both elements MUST be native strings. Non-native strings will be
+ # rejected by the underlying HTTP machinery in any case, but we
+ # reject them here in order to provide a more informative error.
+ for elem in header:
+ if not isinstance(elem, str):
+ raise TypeError(f"header must be (str, str) tuple, not {header!r}")
+ self.status = status
+ self.headers = headers
+ return self.write
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ The WSGI I{write} callable returned by the I{start_response} callable.
+ The given bytes will be written to the response body, possibly flushing
+ the status and headers first.
+ This will be called in a non-I/O thread.
+ """
+ # PEP-3333 states:
+ #
+ # The server or gateway must transmit the yielded bytestrings to the
+ # client in an unbuffered fashion, completing the transmission of
+ # each bytestring before requesting another one.
+ #
+ # This write() method is used for the imperative and (indirectly) for
+ # the more familiar iterable-of-bytestrings WSGI mechanism. It uses
+ # C{blockingCallFromThread} to schedule writes. This allows exceptions
+ # to propagate up from the underlying HTTP implementation. However,
+ # that underlying implementation does not, as yet, provide any way to
+ # know if the written data has been transmitted, so this method
+ # violates the above part of PEP-3333.
+ #
+ # PEP-3333 also says that a server may:
+ #
+ # Use a different thread to ensure that the block continues to be
+ # transmitted while the application produces the next block.
+ #
+ # Which suggests that this is actually compliant with PEP-3333,
+ # because writes are done in the reactor thread.
+ #
+ # However, providing some back-pressure may nevertheless be a Good
+ # Thing at some point in the future.
+ def wsgiWrite(started):
+ if not started:
+ self._sendResponseHeaders()
+ self.request.write(data)
+ try:
+ return blockingCallFromThread(self.reactor, wsgiWrite, self.started)
+ finally:
+ self.started = True
+ def _sendResponseHeaders(self):
+ """
+ Set the response code and response headers on the request object, but
+ do not flush them. The caller is responsible for doing a write in
+ order for anything to actually be written out in response to the
+ request.
+ This must be called in the I/O thread.
+ """
+ code, message = self.status.split(None, 1)
+ code = int(code)
+ self.request.setResponseCode(code, _wsgiStringToBytes(message))
+ for name, value in self.headers:
+ # Don't allow the application to control these required headers.
+ if name.lower() not in ("server", "date"):
+ self.request.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(
+ _wsgiStringToBytes(name), _wsgiStringToBytes(value)
+ )
+ def start(self):
+ """
+ Start the WSGI application in the threadpool.
+ This must be called in the I/O thread.
+ """
+ self.threadpool.callInThread(self.run)
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Call the WSGI application object, iterate it, and handle its output.
+ This must be called in a non-I/O thread (ie, a WSGI application
+ thread).
+ """
+ try:
+ appIterator = self.application(self.environ, self.startResponse)
+ for elem in appIterator:
+ if elem:
+ self.write(elem)
+ if self._requestFinished:
+ break
+ close = getattr(appIterator, "close", None)
+ if close is not None:
+ close()
+ except BaseException:
+ def wsgiError(started, type, value, traceback):
+ self._log.failure(
+ "WSGI application error", failure=Failure(value, type, traceback)
+ )
+ if started:
+ self.request.loseConnection()
+ else:
+ self.request.setResponseCode(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ self.request.finish()
+ self.reactor.callFromThread(wsgiError, self.started, *exc_info())
+ else:
+ def wsgiFinish(started):
+ if not self._requestFinished:
+ if not started:
+ self._sendResponseHeaders()
+ self.request.finish()
+ self.reactor.callFromThread(wsgiFinish, self.started)
+ self.started = True
+class WSGIResource:
+ """
+ An L{IResource} implementation which delegates responsibility for all
+ resources hierarchically inferior to it to a WSGI application.
+ @ivar _reactor: An L{IReactorThreads} provider which will be passed on to
+ L{_WSGIResponse} to schedule calls in the I/O thread.
+ @ivar _threadpool: A L{ThreadPool} which will be passed on to
+ L{_WSGIResponse} to run the WSGI application object.
+ @ivar _application: The WSGI application object.
+ """
+ # Further resource segments are left up to the WSGI application object to
+ # handle.
+ isLeaf = True
+ def __init__(self, reactor, threadpool, application):
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self._threadpool = threadpool
+ self._application = application
+ def render(self, request):
+ """
+ Turn the request into the appropriate C{environ} C{dict} suitable to be
+ passed to the WSGI application object and then pass it on.
+ The WSGI application object is given almost complete control of the
+ rendering process. C{NOT_DONE_YET} will always be returned in order
+ and response completion will be dictated by the application object, as
+ will the status, headers, and the response body.
+ """
+ response = _WSGIResponse(
+ self._reactor, self._threadpool, self._application, request
+ )
+ response.start()
+ return NOT_DONE_YET
+ def getChildWithDefault(self, name, request):
+ """
+ Reject attempts to retrieve a child resource. All path segments beyond
+ the one which refers to this resource are handled by the WSGI
+ application object.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot get IResource children from WSGIResource")
+ def putChild(self, path, child):
+ """
+ Reject attempts to add a child resource to this resource. The WSGI
+ application object handles all path segments beneath this resource, so
+ L{IResource} children can never be found.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot put IResource children under WSGIResource")
+__all__ = ["WSGIResource"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/xmlrpc.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/xmlrpc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25797efc2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/xmlrpc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_xmlrpc -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+A generic resource for publishing objects via XML-RPC.
+Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
+@var Fault: See L{xmlrpclib.Fault}
+@type Fault: L{xmlrpclib.Fault}
+# System Imports
+import base64
+import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from xmlrpc.client import Binary, Boolean, DateTime, Fault
+from twisted.internet import defer, error, protocol
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.python import failure, reflect
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString
+# Sibling Imports
+from twisted.web import http, resource, server
+# These are deprecated, use the class level definitions
+NOT_FOUND = 8001
+FAILURE = 8002
+def withRequest(f):
+ """
+ Decorator to cause the request to be passed as the first argument
+ to the method.
+ If an I{xmlrpc_} method is wrapped with C{withRequest}, the
+ request object is passed as the first argument to that method.
+ For example::
+ @withRequest
+ def xmlrpc_echo(self, request, s):
+ return s
+ @since: 10.2
+ """
+ f.withRequest = True
+ return f
+class NoSuchFunction(Fault):
+ """
+ There is no function by the given name.
+ """
+class Handler:
+ """
+ Handle a XML-RPC request and store the state for a request in progress.
+ Override the run() method and return result using self.result,
+ a Deferred.
+ We require this class since we're not using threads, so we can't
+ encapsulate state in a running function if we're going to have
+ to wait for results.
+ For example, lets say we want to authenticate against twisted.cred,
+ run a LDAP query and then pass its result to a database query, all
+ as a result of a single XML-RPC command. We'd use a Handler instance
+ to store the state of the running command.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, resource, *args):
+ self.resource = resource # the XML-RPC resource we are connected to
+ self.result = defer.Deferred()
+ self.run(*args)
+ def run(self, *args):
+ # event driven equivalent of 'raise UnimplementedError'
+ self.result.errback(NotImplementedError("Implement run() in subclasses"))
+class XMLRPC(resource.Resource):
+ """
+ A resource that implements XML-RPC.
+ You probably want to connect this to '/RPC2'.
+ Methods published can return XML-RPC serializable results, Faults,
+ Binary, Boolean, DateTime, Deferreds, or Handler instances.
+ By default methods beginning with 'xmlrpc_' are published.
+ Sub-handlers for prefixed methods (e.g., system.listMethods)
+ can be added with putSubHandler. By default, prefixes are
+ separated with a '.'. Override self.separator to change this.
+ @ivar allowNone: Permit XML translating of Python constant None.
+ @type allowNone: C{bool}
+ @ivar useDateTime: Present C{datetime} values as C{datetime.datetime}
+ objects?
+ @type useDateTime: C{bool}
+ """
+ # Error codes for Twisted, if they conflict with yours then
+ # modify them at runtime.
+ NOT_FOUND = 8001
+ FAILURE = 8002
+ isLeaf = 1
+ separator = "."
+ allowedMethods = (b"POST",)
+ _log = Logger()
+ def __init__(self, allowNone=False, useDateTime=False):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.subHandlers = {}
+ self.allowNone = allowNone
+ self.useDateTime = useDateTime
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ def putSubHandler(self, prefix, handler):
+ self.subHandlers[prefix] = handler
+ def getSubHandler(self, prefix):
+ return self.subHandlers.get(prefix, None)
+ def getSubHandlerPrefixes(self):
+ return list(self.subHandlers.keys())
+ def render_POST(self, request):
+ request.content.seek(0, 0)
+ request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"text/xml; charset=utf-8")
+ try:
+ args, functionPath = xmlrpclib.loads(
+ request.content.read(), use_datetime=self.useDateTime
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ f = Fault(self.FAILURE, f"Can't deserialize input: {e}")
+ self._cbRender(f, request)
+ else:
+ try:
+ function = self.lookupProcedure(functionPath)
+ except Fault as f:
+ self._cbRender(f, request)
+ else:
+ # Use this list to track whether the response has failed or not.
+ # This will be used later on to decide if the result of the
+ # Deferred should be written out and Request.finish called.
+ responseFailed = []
+ request.notifyFinish().addErrback(responseFailed.append)
+ if getattr(function, "withRequest", False):
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, request, *args)
+ else:
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, *args)
+ d.addErrback(self._ebRender)
+ d.addCallback(self._cbRender, request, responseFailed)
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+ def _cbRender(self, result, request, responseFailed=None):
+ if responseFailed:
+ return
+ if isinstance(result, Handler):
+ result = result.result
+ if not isinstance(result, Fault):
+ result = (result,)
+ try:
+ try:
+ content = xmlrpclib.dumps(
+ result, methodresponse=True, allow_none=self.allowNone
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ f = Fault(self.FAILURE, f"Can't serialize output: {e}")
+ content = xmlrpclib.dumps(
+ f, methodresponse=True, allow_none=self.allowNone
+ )
+ if isinstance(content, str):
+ content = content.encode("utf8")
+ request.setHeader(b"content-length", b"%d" % (len(content),))
+ request.write(content)
+ except Exception:
+ self._log.failure("")
+ request.finish()
+ def _ebRender(self, failure):
+ if isinstance(failure.value, Fault):
+ return failure.value
+ self._log.failure("", failure)
+ return Fault(self.FAILURE, "error")
+ def lookupProcedure(self, procedurePath):
+ """
+ Given a string naming a procedure, return a callable object for that
+ procedure or raise NoSuchFunction.
+ The returned object will be called, and should return the result of the
+ procedure, a Deferred, or a Fault instance.
+ Override in subclasses if you want your own policy. The base
+ implementation that given C{'foo'}, C{self.xmlrpc_foo} will be returned.
+ If C{procedurePath} contains C{self.separator}, the sub-handler for the
+ initial prefix is used to search for the remaining path.
+ If you override C{lookupProcedure}, you may also want to override
+ C{listProcedures} to accurately report the procedures supported by your
+ resource, so that clients using the I{system.listMethods} procedure
+ receive accurate results.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ if procedurePath.find(self.separator) != -1:
+ prefix, procedurePath = procedurePath.split(self.separator, 1)
+ handler = self.getSubHandler(prefix)
+ if handler is None:
+ raise NoSuchFunction(self.NOT_FOUND, "no such subHandler %s" % prefix)
+ return handler.lookupProcedure(procedurePath)
+ f = getattr(self, "xmlrpc_%s" % procedurePath, None)
+ if not f:
+ raise NoSuchFunction(
+ self.NOT_FOUND, "procedure %s not found" % procedurePath
+ )
+ elif not callable(f):
+ raise NoSuchFunction(
+ self.NOT_FOUND, "procedure %s not callable" % procedurePath
+ )
+ else:
+ return f
+ def listProcedures(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of the names of all xmlrpc procedures.
+ @since: 11.1
+ """
+ return reflect.prefixedMethodNames(self.__class__, "xmlrpc_")
+class XMLRPCIntrospection(XMLRPC):
+ """
+ Implement the XML-RPC Introspection API.
+ By default, the methodHelp method returns the 'help' method attribute,
+ if it exists, otherwise the __doc__ method attribute, if it exists,
+ otherwise the empty string.
+ To enable the methodSignature method, add a 'signature' method attribute
+ containing a list of lists. See methodSignature's documentation for the
+ format. Note the type strings should be XML-RPC types, not Python types.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ """
+ Implement Introspection support for an XMLRPC server.
+ @param parent: the XMLRPC server to add Introspection support to.
+ @type parent: L{XMLRPC}
+ """
+ XMLRPC.__init__(self)
+ self._xmlrpc_parent = parent
+ def xmlrpc_listMethods(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of the method names implemented by this server.
+ """
+ functions = []
+ todo = [(self._xmlrpc_parent, "")]
+ while todo:
+ obj, prefix = todo.pop(0)
+ functions.extend([prefix + name for name in obj.listProcedures()])
+ todo.extend(
+ [
+ (obj.getSubHandler(name), prefix + name + obj.separator)
+ for name in obj.getSubHandlerPrefixes()
+ ]
+ )
+ return functions
+ xmlrpc_listMethods.signature = [["array"]] # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ def xmlrpc_methodHelp(self, method):
+ """
+ Return a documentation string describing the use of the given method.
+ """
+ method = self._xmlrpc_parent.lookupProcedure(method)
+ return getattr(method, "help", None) or getattr(method, "__doc__", None) or ""
+ xmlrpc_methodHelp.signature = [["string", "string"]] # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ def xmlrpc_methodSignature(self, method):
+ """
+ Return a list of type signatures.
+ Each type signature is a list of the form [rtype, type1, type2, ...]
+ where rtype is the return type and typeN is the type of the Nth
+ argument. If no signature information is available, the empty
+ string is returned.
+ """
+ method = self._xmlrpc_parent.lookupProcedure(method)
+ return getattr(method, "signature", None) or ""
+ xmlrpc_methodSignature.signature = [ # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ ["array", "string"],
+ ["string", "string"],
+ ]
+def addIntrospection(xmlrpc):
+ """
+ Add Introspection support to an XMLRPC server.
+ @param xmlrpc: the XMLRPC server to add Introspection support to.
+ @type xmlrpc: L{XMLRPC}
+ """
+ xmlrpc.putSubHandler("system", XMLRPCIntrospection(xmlrpc))
+class QueryProtocol(http.HTTPClient):
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self._response = None
+ self.sendCommand(b"POST", self.factory.path)
+ self.sendHeader(b"User-Agent", b"Twisted/XMLRPClib")
+ self.sendHeader(b"Host", self.factory.host)
+ self.sendHeader(b"Content-type", b"text/xml; charset=utf-8")
+ payload = self.factory.payload
+ self.sendHeader(b"Content-length", b"%d" % (len(payload),))
+ if self.factory.user:
+ auth = b":".join([self.factory.user, self.factory.password])
+ authHeader = b"".join([b"Basic ", base64.b64encode(auth)])
+ self.sendHeader(b"Authorization", authHeader)
+ self.endHeaders()
+ self.transport.write(payload)
+ def handleStatus(self, version, status, message):
+ if status != b"200":
+ self.factory.badStatus(status, message)
+ def handleResponse(self, contents):
+ """
+ Handle the XML-RPC response received from the server.
+ Specifically, disconnect from the server and store the XML-RPC
+ response so that it can be properly handled when the disconnect is
+ finished.
+ """
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self._response = contents
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ The connection to the server has been lost.
+ If we have a full response from the server, then parse it and fired a
+ Deferred with the return value or C{Fault} that the server gave us.
+ """
+ if not reason.check(error.ConnectionDone, error.ConnectionLost):
+ # for example, ssl.SSL.Error
+ self.factory.clientConnectionLost(None, reason)
+ http.HTTPClient.connectionLost(self, reason)
+ if self._response is not None:
+ response, self._response = self._response, None
+ self.factory.parseResponse(response)
+payloadTemplate = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
+class QueryFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
+ """
+ XML-RPC Client Factory
+ @ivar path: The path portion of the URL to which to post method calls.
+ @type path: L{bytes}
+ @ivar host: The value to use for the Host HTTP header.
+ @type host: L{bytes}
+ @ivar user: The username with which to authenticate with the server
+ when making calls.
+ @type user: L{bytes} or L{None}
+ @ivar password: The password with which to authenticate with the server
+ when making calls.
+ @type password: L{bytes} or L{None}
+ @ivar useDateTime: Accept datetime values as datetime.datetime objects.
+ also passed to the underlying xmlrpclib implementation. Defaults to
+ C{False}.
+ @type useDateTime: C{bool}
+ """
+ deferred = None
+ protocol = QueryProtocol
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ path,
+ host,
+ method,
+ user=None,
+ password=None,
+ allowNone=False,
+ args=(),
+ canceller=None,
+ useDateTime=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ @param method: The name of the method to call.
+ @type method: C{str}
+ @param allowNone: allow the use of None values in parameters. It's
+ passed to the underlying xmlrpclib implementation. Defaults to
+ C{False}.
+ @type allowNone: C{bool} or L{None}
+ @param args: the arguments to pass to the method.
+ @type args: C{tuple}
+ @param canceller: A 1-argument callable passed to the deferred as the
+ canceller callback.
+ @type canceller: callable or L{None}
+ """
+ self.path, self.host = path, host
+ self.user, self.password = user, password
+ self.payload = payloadTemplate % (
+ method,
+ xmlrpclib.dumps(args, allow_none=allowNone),
+ )
+ if isinstance(self.payload, str):
+ self.payload = self.payload.encode("utf8")
+ self.deferred = defer.Deferred(canceller)
+ self.useDateTime = useDateTime
+ def parseResponse(self, contents):
+ if not self.deferred:
+ return
+ try:
+ response = xmlrpclib.loads(contents, use_datetime=self.useDateTime)[0][0]
+ except BaseException:
+ deferred, self.deferred = self.deferred, None
+ deferred.errback(failure.Failure())
+ else:
+ deferred, self.deferred = self.deferred, None
+ deferred.callback(response)
+ def clientConnectionLost(self, _, reason):
+ if self.deferred is not None:
+ deferred, self.deferred = self.deferred, None
+ deferred.errback(reason)
+ clientConnectionFailed = clientConnectionLost
+ def badStatus(self, status, message):
+ deferred, self.deferred = self.deferred, None
+ deferred.errback(ValueError(status, message))
+class Proxy:
+ """
+ A Proxy for making remote XML-RPC calls.
+ Pass the URL of the remote XML-RPC server to the constructor.
+ Use C{proxy.callRemote('foobar', *args)} to call remote method
+ 'foobar' with *args.
+ @ivar user: The username with which to authenticate with the server
+ when making calls. If specified, overrides any username information
+ embedded in C{url}. If not specified, a value may be taken from
+ C{url} if present.
+ @type user: L{bytes} or L{None}
+ @ivar password: The password with which to authenticate with the server
+ when making calls. If specified, overrides any password information
+ embedded in C{url}. If not specified, a value may be taken from
+ C{url} if present.
+ @type password: L{bytes} or L{None}
+ @ivar allowNone: allow the use of None values in parameters. It's
+ passed to the underlying L{xmlrpclib} implementation. Defaults to
+ C{False}.
+ @type allowNone: C{bool} or L{None}
+ @ivar useDateTime: Accept datetime values as datetime.datetime objects.
+ also passed to the underlying L{xmlrpclib} implementation. Defaults to
+ C{False}.
+ @type useDateTime: C{bool}
+ @ivar connectTimeout: Number of seconds to wait before assuming the
+ connection has failed.
+ @type connectTimeout: C{float}
+ @ivar _reactor: The reactor used to create connections.
+ @type _reactor: Object providing L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP}
+ @ivar queryFactory: Object returning a factory for XML-RPC protocol. Use
+ this for testing, or to manipulate the XML-RPC parsing behavior. For
+ example, you may set this to a custom "debugging" factory object that
+ reimplements C{parseResponse} in order to log the raw XML-RPC contents
+ from the server before continuing on with parsing. Another possibility
+ is to implement your own XML-RPC marshaller here to handle non-standard
+ XML-RPC traffic.
+ @type queryFactory: L{twisted.web.xmlrpc.QueryFactory}
+ """
+ queryFactory = QueryFactory
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ url,
+ user=None,
+ password=None,
+ allowNone=False,
+ useDateTime=False,
+ connectTimeout=30.0,
+ reactor=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ @param url: The URL to which to post method calls. Calls will be made
+ over SSL if the scheme is HTTPS. If netloc contains username or
+ password information, these will be used to authenticate, as long as
+ the C{user} and C{password} arguments are not specified.
+ @type url: L{bytes}
+ """
+ if reactor is None:
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(url)
+ netlocParts = netloc.split(b"@")
+ if len(netlocParts) == 2:
+ userpass = netlocParts.pop(0).split(b":")
+ self.user = userpass.pop(0)
+ try:
+ self.password = userpass.pop(0)
+ except BaseException:
+ self.password = None
+ else:
+ self.user = self.password = None
+ hostport = netlocParts[0].split(b":")
+ self.host = hostport.pop(0)
+ try:
+ self.port = int(hostport.pop(0))
+ except BaseException:
+ self.port = None
+ self.path = path
+ if self.path in [b"", None]:
+ self.path = b"/"
+ self.secure = scheme == b"https"
+ if user is not None:
+ self.user = user
+ if password is not None:
+ self.password = password
+ self.allowNone = allowNone
+ self.useDateTime = useDateTime
+ self.connectTimeout = connectTimeout
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ def callRemote(self, method, *args):
+ """
+ Call remote XML-RPC C{method} with given arguments.
+ @return: a L{defer.Deferred} that will fire with the method response,
+ or a failure if the method failed. Generally, the failure type will
+ be L{Fault}, but you can also have an C{IndexError} on some buggy
+ servers giving empty responses.
+ If the deferred is cancelled before the request completes, the
+ connection is closed and the deferred will fire with a
+ L{defer.CancelledError}.
+ """
+ def cancel(d):
+ factory.deferred = None
+ connector.disconnect()
+ factory = self.queryFactory(
+ self.path,
+ self.host,
+ method,
+ self.user,
+ self.password,
+ self.allowNone,
+ args,
+ cancel,
+ self.useDateTime,
+ )
+ if self.secure:
+ from twisted.internet import ssl
+ contextFactory = ssl.optionsForClientTLS(hostname=nativeString(self.host))
+ connector = self._reactor.connectSSL(
+ nativeString(self.host),
+ self.port or 443,
+ factory,
+ contextFactory,
+ timeout=self.connectTimeout,
+ )
+ else:
+ connector = self._reactor.connectTCP(
+ nativeString(self.host),
+ self.port or 80,
+ factory,
+ timeout=self.connectTimeout,
+ )
+ return factory.deferred
+__all__ = [
+ "Handler",
+ "NoSuchFunction",
+ "Proxy",
+ "Fault",
+ "Binary",
+ "Boolean",
+ "DateTime",