path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py')
1 files changed, 1283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py
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index 0000000000..57762e1805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/web/_http2.py
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+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_http2 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+HTTP2 Implementation
+This is the basic server-side protocol implementation used by the Twisted
+Web server for HTTP2. This functionality is intended to be combined with the
+HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 functionality in twisted.web.http to provide complete
+protocol support for HTTP-type protocols.
+This API is currently considered private because it's in early draft form. When
+it has stabilised, it'll be made public.
+import io
+from collections import deque
+from typing import List
+from zope.interface import implementer
+import h2.config # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.connection # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.errors # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.events # type: ignore[import]
+import h2.exceptions # type: ignore[import]
+import priority # type: ignore[import]
+from twisted.internet._producer_helpers import _PullToPush
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionLost
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import (
+ IConsumer,
+ IProtocol,
+ IPushProducer,
+ ISSLTransport,
+ ITransport,
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.protocols.policies import TimeoutMixin
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.web.error import ExcessiveBufferingError
+# This API is currently considered private.
+__all__: List[str] = []
+@implementer(IProtocol, IPushProducer)
+class H2Connection(Protocol, TimeoutMixin):
+ """
+ A class representing a single HTTP/2 connection.
+ This implementation of L{IProtocol} works hand in hand with L{H2Stream}.
+ This is because we have the requirement to register multiple producers for
+ a single HTTP/2 connection, one for each stream. The standard Twisted
+ interfaces don't really allow for this, so instead there's a custom
+ interface between the two objects that allows them to work hand-in-hand here.
+ @ivar conn: The HTTP/2 connection state machine.
+ @type conn: L{h2.connection.H2Connection}
+ @ivar streams: A mapping of stream IDs to L{H2Stream} objects, used to call
+ specific methods on streams when events occur.
+ @type streams: L{dict}, mapping L{int} stream IDs to L{H2Stream} objects.
+ @ivar priority: A HTTP/2 priority tree used to ensure that responses are
+ prioritised appropriately.
+ @type priority: L{priority.PriorityTree}
+ @ivar _consumerBlocked: A flag tracking whether or not the L{IConsumer}
+ that is consuming this data has asked us to stop producing.
+ @type _consumerBlocked: L{bool}
+ @ivar _sendingDeferred: A L{Deferred} used to restart the data-sending loop
+ when more response data has been produced. Will not be present if there
+ is outstanding data still to send.
+ @type _consumerBlocked: A L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}, or L{None}
+ @ivar _outboundStreamQueues: A map of stream IDs to queues, used to store
+ data blocks that are yet to be sent on the connection. These are used
+ both to handle producers that do not respect L{IConsumer} but also to
+ allow priority to multiplex data appropriately.
+ @type _outboundStreamQueues: A L{dict} mapping L{int} stream IDs to
+ L{collections.deque} queues, which contain either L{bytes} objects or
+ @ivar _sender: A handle to the data-sending loop, allowing it to be
+ terminated if needed.
+ @type _sender: L{twisted.internet.task.LoopingCall}
+ @ivar abortTimeout: The number of seconds to wait after we attempt to shut
+ the transport down cleanly to give up and forcibly terminate it. This
+ is only used when we time a connection out, to prevent errors causing
+ the FD to get leaked. If this is L{None}, we will wait forever.
+ @type abortTimeout: L{int}
+ @ivar _abortingCall: The L{twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall} that will be
+ used to forcibly close the transport if it doesn't close cleanly.
+ @type _abortingCall: L{twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall}
+ """
+ factory = None
+ site = None
+ abortTimeout = 15
+ _log = Logger()
+ _abortingCall = None
+ def __init__(self, reactor=None):
+ config = h2.config.H2Configuration(client_side=False, header_encoding=None)
+ self.conn = h2.connection.H2Connection(config=config)
+ self.streams = {}
+ self.priority = priority.PriorityTree()
+ self._consumerBlocked = None
+ self._sendingDeferred = None
+ self._outboundStreamQueues = {}
+ self._streamCleanupCallbacks = {}
+ self._stillProducing = True
+ # Limit the number of buffered control frame (e.g. PING and
+ # SETTINGS) bytes.
+ self._maxBufferedControlFrameBytes = 1024 * 17
+ self._bufferedControlFrames = deque()
+ self._bufferedControlFrameBytes = 0
+ if reactor is None:
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ # Start the data sending function.
+ self._reactor.callLater(0, self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ # Implementation of IProtocol
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ """
+ Called by the reactor when a connection is received. May also be called
+ by the L{twisted.web.http._GenericHTTPChannelProtocol} during upgrade
+ to HTTP/2.
+ """
+ self.setTimeout(self.timeOut)
+ self.conn.initiate_connection()
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Called whenever a chunk of data is received from the transport.
+ @param data: The data received from the transport.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ try:
+ events = self.conn.receive_data(data)
+ except h2.exceptions.ProtocolError:
+ stillActive = self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ if stillActive:
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self.connectionLost(Failure(), _cancelTimeouts=False)
+ return
+ # Only reset the timeout if we've received an actual H2
+ # protocol message
+ self.resetTimeout()
+ for event in events:
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.RequestReceived):
+ self._requestReceived(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.DataReceived):
+ self._requestDataReceived(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamEnded):
+ self._requestEnded(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamReset):
+ self._requestAborted(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.WindowUpdated):
+ self._handleWindowUpdate(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.PriorityUpdated):
+ self._handlePriorityUpdate(event)
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.ConnectionTerminated):
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ self.connectionLost(
+ Failure(ConnectionLost("Remote peer sent GOAWAY")),
+ _cancelTimeouts=False,
+ )
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def timeoutConnection(self):
+ """
+ Called when the connection has been inactive for
+ L{self.timeOut<twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin.timeOut>}
+ seconds. Cleanly tears the connection down, attempting to notify the
+ peer if needed.
+ We override this method to add two extra bits of functionality:
+ - We want to log the timeout.
+ - We want to send a GOAWAY frame indicating that the connection is
+ being terminated, and whether it was clean or not. We have to do this
+ before the connection is torn down.
+ """
+ self._log.info("Timing out client {client}", client=self.transport.getPeer())
+ # Check whether there are open streams. If there are, we're going to
+ # want to use the error code PROTOCOL_ERROR. If there aren't, use
+ if self.conn.open_outbound_streams > 0 or self.conn.open_inbound_streams > 0:
+ error_code = h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
+ else:
+ error_code = h2.errors.ErrorCodes.NO_ERROR
+ self.conn.close_connection(error_code=error_code)
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ # Don't let the client hold this connection open too long.
+ if self.abortTimeout is not None:
+ # We use self.callLater because that's what TimeoutMixin does, even
+ # though we have a perfectly good reactor sitting around. See
+ # https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8488.
+ self._abortingCall = self.callLater(
+ self.abortTimeout, self.forceAbortClient
+ )
+ # We're done, throw the connection away.
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def forceAbortClient(self):
+ """
+ Called if C{abortTimeout} seconds have passed since the timeout fired,
+ and the connection still hasn't gone away. This can really only happen
+ on extremely bad connections or when clients are maliciously attempting
+ to keep connections open.
+ """
+ self._log.info(
+ "Forcibly timing out client: {client}", client=self.transport.getPeer()
+ )
+ # We want to lose track of the _abortingCall so that no-one tries to
+ # cancel it.
+ self._abortingCall = None
+ self.transport.abortConnection()
+ def connectionLost(self, reason, _cancelTimeouts=True):
+ """
+ Called when the transport connection is lost.
+ Informs all outstanding response handlers that the connection
+ has been lost, and cleans up all internal state.
+ @param reason: See L{IProtocol.connectionLost}
+ @param _cancelTimeouts: Propagate the C{reason} to this
+ connection's streams but don't cancel any timers, so that
+ peers who never read the data we've written are eventually
+ timed out.
+ """
+ self._stillProducing = False
+ if _cancelTimeouts:
+ self.setTimeout(None)
+ for stream in self.streams.values():
+ stream.connectionLost(reason)
+ for streamID in list(self.streams.keys()):
+ self._requestDone(streamID)
+ # If we were going to force-close the transport, we don't have to now.
+ if _cancelTimeouts and self._abortingCall is not None:
+ self._abortingCall.cancel()
+ self._abortingCall = None
+ # Implementation of IPushProducer
+ #
+ # Here's how we handle IPushProducer. We have multiple outstanding
+ # H2Streams. Each of these exposes an IConsumer interface to the response
+ # handler that allows it to push data into the H2Stream. The H2Stream then
+ # writes the data into the H2Connection object.
+ #
+ # The H2Connection needs to manage these writes to account for:
+ #
+ # - flow control
+ # - priority
+ #
+ # We manage each of these in different ways.
+ #
+ # For flow control, we simply use the equivalent of the IPushProducer
+ # interface. We simply tell the H2Stream: "Hey, you can't send any data
+ # right now, sorry!". When that stream becomes unblocked, we free it up
+ # again. This allows the H2Stream to propagate this backpressure up the
+ # chain.
+ #
+ # For priority, we need to keep a backlog of data frames that we can send,
+ # and interleave them appropriately. This backlog is most sensibly kept in
+ # the H2Connection object itself. We keep one queue per stream, which is
+ # where the writes go, and then we have a loop that manages popping these
+ # streams off in priority order.
+ #
+ # Logically then, we go as follows:
+ #
+ # 1. Stream calls writeDataToStream(). This causes a DataFrame to be placed
+ # on the queue for that stream. It also informs the priority
+ # implementation that this stream is unblocked.
+ # 2. The _sendPrioritisedData() function spins in a tight loop. Each
+ # iteration it asks the priority implementation which stream should send
+ # next, and pops a data frame off that stream's queue. If, after sending
+ # that frame, there is no data left on that stream's queue, the function
+ # informs the priority implementation that the stream is blocked.
+ #
+ # If all streams are blocked, or if there are no outstanding streams, the
+ # _sendPrioritisedData function waits to be awoken when more data is ready
+ # to send.
+ #
+ # Note that all of this only applies to *data*. Headers and other control
+ # frames deliberately skip this processing as they are not subject to flow
+ # control or priority constraints. Instead, they are stored in their own buffer
+ # which is used primarily to detect excessive buffering.
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ Stop producing data.
+ This tells the L{H2Connection} that its consumer has died, so it must
+ stop producing data for good.
+ """
+ self.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionLost("Producing stopped")))
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ Pause producing data.
+ Tells the L{H2Connection} that it has produced too much data to process
+ for the time being, and to stop until resumeProducing() is called.
+ """
+ self._consumerBlocked = Deferred()
+ # Ensure pending control data (if any) are sent first.
+ self._consumerBlocked.addCallback(self._flushBufferedControlData)
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ Resume producing data.
+ This tells the L{H2Connection} to re-add itself to the main loop and
+ produce more data for the consumer.
+ """
+ if self._consumerBlocked is not None:
+ d = self._consumerBlocked
+ self._consumerBlocked = None
+ d.callback(None)
+ def _sendPrioritisedData(self, *args):
+ """
+ The data sending loop. This function repeatedly calls itself, either
+ from L{Deferred}s or from
+ L{reactor.callLater<twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.callLater>}
+ This function sends data on streams according to the rules of HTTP/2
+ priority. It ensures that the data from each stream is interleved
+ according to the priority signalled by the client, making sure that the
+ connection is used with maximal efficiency.
+ This function will execute if data is available: if all data is
+ exhausted, the function will place a deferred onto the L{H2Connection}
+ object and wait until it is called to resume executing.
+ """
+ # If producing has stopped, we're done. Don't reschedule ourselves
+ if not self._stillProducing:
+ return
+ stream = None
+ while stream is None:
+ try:
+ stream = next(self.priority)
+ except priority.DeadlockError:
+ # All streams are currently blocked or not progressing. Wait
+ # until a new one becomes available.
+ assert self._sendingDeferred is None
+ self._sendingDeferred = Deferred()
+ self._sendingDeferred.addCallback(self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ return
+ # Wait behind the transport.
+ if self._consumerBlocked is not None:
+ self._consumerBlocked.addCallback(self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ return
+ self.resetTimeout()
+ remainingWindow = self.conn.local_flow_control_window(stream)
+ frameData = self._outboundStreamQueues[stream].popleft()
+ maxFrameSize = min(self.conn.max_outbound_frame_size, remainingWindow)
+ if frameData is _END_STREAM_SENTINEL:
+ # There's no error handling here even though this can throw
+ # ProtocolError because we really shouldn't encounter this problem.
+ # If we do, that's a nasty bug.
+ self.conn.end_stream(stream)
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ # Clean up the stream
+ self._requestDone(stream)
+ else:
+ # Respect the max frame size.
+ if len(frameData) > maxFrameSize:
+ excessData = frameData[maxFrameSize:]
+ frameData = frameData[:maxFrameSize]
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[stream].appendleft(excessData)
+ # There's deliberately no error handling here, because this just
+ # absolutely should not happen.
+ # If for whatever reason the max frame length is zero and so we
+ # have no frame data to send, don't send any.
+ if frameData:
+ self.conn.send_data(stream, frameData)
+ self.transport.write(self.conn.data_to_send())
+ # If there's no data left, this stream is now blocked.
+ if not self._outboundStreamQueues[stream]:
+ self.priority.block(stream)
+ # Also, if the stream's flow control window is exhausted, tell it
+ # to stop.
+ if self.remainingOutboundWindow(stream) <= 0:
+ self.streams[stream].flowControlBlocked()
+ self._reactor.callLater(0, self._sendPrioritisedData)
+ # Internal functions.
+ def _requestReceived(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a request has been received.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ received request.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.RequestReceived}
+ """
+ stream = H2Stream(
+ event.stream_id,
+ self,
+ event.headers,
+ self.requestFactory,
+ self.site,
+ self.factory,
+ )
+ self.streams[event.stream_id] = stream
+ self._streamCleanupCallbacks[event.stream_id] = Deferred()
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[event.stream_id] = deque()
+ # Add the stream to the priority tree but immediately block it.
+ try:
+ self.priority.insert_stream(event.stream_id)
+ except priority.DuplicateStreamError:
+ # Stream already in the tree. This can happen if we received a
+ # PRIORITY frame before a HEADERS frame. Just move on: we set the
+ # stream up properly in _handlePriorityUpdate.
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.priority.block(event.stream_id)
+ def _requestDataReceived(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a chunk of data is received for a given
+ request.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ received data.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.DataReceived}
+ """
+ stream = self.streams[event.stream_id]
+ stream.receiveDataChunk(event.data, event.flow_controlled_length)
+ def _requestEnded(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a request is complete, and we expect no
+ further data for that request.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ completed stream.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.StreamEnded}
+ """
+ stream = self.streams[event.stream_id]
+ stream.requestComplete()
+ def _requestAborted(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a request is aborted by a remote peer.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ reset stream.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.StreamReset}
+ """
+ stream = self.streams[event.stream_id]
+ stream.connectionLost(
+ Failure(ConnectionLost("Stream reset with code %s" % event.error_code))
+ )
+ self._requestDone(event.stream_id)
+ def _handlePriorityUpdate(self, event):
+ """
+ Internal handler for when a stream priority is updated.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ stream reprioritization.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.PriorityUpdated}
+ """
+ try:
+ self.priority.reprioritize(
+ stream_id=event.stream_id,
+ depends_on=event.depends_on or None,
+ weight=event.weight,
+ exclusive=event.exclusive,
+ )
+ except priority.MissingStreamError:
+ # A PRIORITY frame arrived before the HEADERS frame that would
+ # trigger us to insert the stream into the tree. That's fine: we
+ # can create the stream here and mark it as blocked.
+ self.priority.insert_stream(
+ stream_id=event.stream_id,
+ depends_on=event.depends_on or None,
+ weight=event.weight,
+ exclusive=event.exclusive,
+ )
+ self.priority.block(event.stream_id)
+ def writeHeaders(self, version, code, reason, headers, streamID):
+ """
+ Called by L{twisted.web.http.Request} objects to write a complete set
+ of HTTP headers to a stream.
+ @param version: The HTTP version in use. Unused in HTTP/2.
+ @type version: L{bytes}
+ @param code: The HTTP status code to write.
+ @type code: L{bytes}
+ @param reason: The HTTP reason phrase to write. Unused in HTTP/2.
+ @type reason: L{bytes}
+ @param headers: The headers to write to the stream.
+ @type headers: L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers}
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the headers to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ headers.insert(0, (b":status", code))
+ try:
+ self.conn.send_headers(streamID, headers)
+ except h2.exceptions.StreamClosedError:
+ # Stream was closed by the client at some point. We need to not
+ # explode here: just swallow the error. That's what write() does
+ # when a connection is lost, so that's what we do too.
+ return
+ else:
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def writeDataToStream(self, streamID, data):
+ """
+ May be called by L{H2Stream} objects to write response data to a given
+ stream. Writes a single data frame.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the data to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @param data: The data chunk to write to the stream.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID].append(data)
+ # There's obviously no point unblocking this stream and the sending
+ # loop if the data can't actually be sent, so confirm that there's
+ # some room to send data.
+ if self.conn.local_flow_control_window(streamID) > 0:
+ self.priority.unblock(streamID)
+ if self._sendingDeferred is not None:
+ d = self._sendingDeferred
+ self._sendingDeferred = None
+ d.callback(streamID)
+ if self.remainingOutboundWindow(streamID) <= 0:
+ self.streams[streamID].flowControlBlocked()
+ def endRequest(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called by L{H2Stream} objects to signal completion of a response.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the data to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID].append(_END_STREAM_SENTINEL)
+ self.priority.unblock(streamID)
+ if self._sendingDeferred is not None:
+ d = self._sendingDeferred
+ self._sendingDeferred = None
+ d.callback(streamID)
+ def abortRequest(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called by L{H2Stream} objects to request early termination of a stream.
+ This emits a RstStream frame and then removes all stream state.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to write the data to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ self.conn.reset_stream(streamID)
+ stillActive = self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ if stillActive:
+ self._requestDone(streamID)
+ def _requestDone(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called internally by the data sending loop to clean up state that was
+ being used for the stream. Called when the stream is complete.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream to clean up state for.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ del self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID]
+ self.priority.remove_stream(streamID)
+ del self.streams[streamID]
+ cleanupCallback = self._streamCleanupCallbacks.pop(streamID)
+ cleanupCallback.callback(streamID)
+ def remainingOutboundWindow(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Called to determine how much room is left in the send window for a
+ given stream. Allows us to handle blocking and unblocking producers.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream whose flow control window we'll
+ check.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @return: The amount of room remaining in the send window for the given
+ stream, including the data queued to be sent.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ # TODO: This involves a fair bit of looping and computation for
+ # something that is called a lot. Consider caching values somewhere.
+ windowSize = self.conn.local_flow_control_window(streamID)
+ sendQueue = self._outboundStreamQueues[streamID]
+ alreadyConsumed = sum(
+ len(chunk) for chunk in sendQueue if chunk is not _END_STREAM_SENTINEL
+ )
+ return windowSize - alreadyConsumed
+ def _handleWindowUpdate(self, event):
+ """
+ Manage flow control windows.
+ Streams that are blocked on flow control will register themselves with
+ the connection. This will fire deferreds that wake those streams up and
+ allow them to continue processing.
+ @param event: The Hyper-h2 event that encodes information about the
+ flow control window change.
+ @type event: L{h2.events.WindowUpdated}
+ """
+ streamID = event.stream_id
+ if streamID:
+ if not self._streamIsActive(streamID):
+ # We may have already cleaned up our stream state, making this
+ # a late WINDOW_UPDATE frame. That's fine: the update is
+ # unnecessary but benign. We'll ignore it.
+ return
+ # If we haven't got any data to send, don't unblock the stream. If
+ # we do, we'll eventually get an exception inside the
+ # _sendPrioritisedData loop some time later.
+ if self._outboundStreamQueues.get(streamID):
+ self.priority.unblock(streamID)
+ self.streams[streamID].windowUpdated()
+ else:
+ # Update strictly applies to all streams.
+ for stream in self.streams.values():
+ stream.windowUpdated()
+ # If we still have data to send for this stream, unblock it.
+ if self._outboundStreamQueues.get(stream.streamID):
+ self.priority.unblock(stream.streamID)
+ def getPeer(self):
+ """
+ Get the remote address of this connection.
+ Treat this method with caution. It is the unfortunate result of the
+ CGI and Jabber standards, but should not be considered reliable for
+ the usual host of reasons; port forwarding, proxying, firewalls, IP
+ masquerading, etc.
+ @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ return self.transport.getPeer()
+ def getHost(self):
+ """
+ Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the
+ connection.
+ @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
+ """
+ return self.transport.getHost()
+ def openStreamWindow(self, streamID, increment):
+ """
+ Open the stream window by a given increment.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream whose window needs to be opened.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @param increment: The amount by which the stream window must be
+ incremented.
+ @type increment: L{int}
+ """
+ self.conn.acknowledge_received_data(increment, streamID)
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def _isSecure(self):
+ """
+ Returns L{True} if this channel is using a secure transport.
+ @returns: L{True} if this channel is secure.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ # A channel is secure if its transport is ISSLTransport.
+ return ISSLTransport(self.transport, None) is not None
+ def _send100Continue(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Sends a 100 Continue response, used to signal to clients that further
+ processing will be performed.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream that needs the 100 Continue
+ response
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ headers = [(b":status", b"100")]
+ self.conn.send_headers(headers=headers, stream_id=streamID)
+ self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ def _respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect(self, streamID):
+ """
+ This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests.
+ As described by HTTP standard we should be patient and accept the
+ whole request from the client before sending a polite bad request
+ response, even in the case when clients send tons of data.
+ Unlike in the HTTP/1.1 case, this does not actually disconnect the
+ underlying transport: there's no need. This instead just sends a 400
+ response and terminates the stream.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream that needs the 100 Continue
+ response
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ """
+ headers = [(b":status", b"400")]
+ self.conn.send_headers(headers=headers, stream_id=streamID, end_stream=True)
+ stillActive = self._tryToWriteControlData()
+ if stillActive:
+ stream = self.streams[streamID]
+ stream.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionLost("Invalid request")))
+ self._requestDone(streamID)
+ def _streamIsActive(self, streamID):
+ """
+ Checks whether Twisted has still got state for a given stream and so
+ can process events for that stream.
+ @param streamID: The ID of the stream that needs processing.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @return: Whether the stream still has state allocated.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ return streamID in self.streams
+ def _tryToWriteControlData(self):
+ """
+ Checks whether the connection is blocked on flow control and,
+ if it isn't, writes any buffered control data.
+ @return: L{True} if the connection is still active and
+ L{False} if it was aborted because too many bytes have
+ been written but not consumed by the other end.
+ """
+ bufferedBytes = self.conn.data_to_send()
+ if not bufferedBytes:
+ return True
+ if self._consumerBlocked is None and not self._bufferedControlFrames:
+ # The consumer isn't blocked, and we don't have any buffered frames:
+ # write this directly.
+ self.transport.write(bufferedBytes)
+ return True
+ else:
+ # Either the consumer is blocked or we have buffered frames. If the
+ # consumer is blocked, we'll write this when we unblock. If we have
+ # buffered frames, we have presumably been re-entered from
+ # transport.write, and so to avoid reordering issues we'll buffer anyway.
+ self._bufferedControlFrames.append(bufferedBytes)
+ self._bufferedControlFrameBytes += len(bufferedBytes)
+ if self._bufferedControlFrameBytes >= self._maxBufferedControlFrameBytes:
+ maxBuffCtrlFrameBytes = self._maxBufferedControlFrameBytes
+ self._log.error(
+ "Maximum number of control frame bytes buffered: "
+ "{bufferedControlFrameBytes} > = "
+ "{maxBufferedControlFrameBytes}. "
+ "Aborting connection to client: {client} ",
+ bufferedControlFrameBytes=self._bufferedControlFrameBytes,
+ maxBufferedControlFrameBytes=maxBuffCtrlFrameBytes,
+ client=self.transport.getPeer(),
+ )
+ # We've exceeded a reasonable buffer size for max buffered
+ # control frames. This is a denial of service risk, so we're
+ # going to drop this connection.
+ self.transport.abortConnection()
+ self.connectionLost(Failure(ExcessiveBufferingError()))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _flushBufferedControlData(self, *args):
+ """
+ Called when the connection is marked writable again after being marked unwritable.
+ Attempts to flush buffered control data if there is any.
+ """
+ # To respect backpressure here we send each write in order, paying attention to whether
+ # we got blocked
+ while self._consumerBlocked is None and self._bufferedControlFrames:
+ nextWrite = self._bufferedControlFrames.popleft()
+ self._bufferedControlFrameBytes -= len(nextWrite)
+ self.transport.write(nextWrite)
+@implementer(ITransport, IConsumer, IPushProducer)
+class H2Stream:
+ """
+ A class representing a single HTTP/2 stream.
+ This class works hand-in-hand with L{H2Connection}. It acts to provide an
+ implementation of L{ITransport}, L{IConsumer}, and L{IProducer} that work
+ for a single HTTP/2 connection, while tightly cleaving to the interface
+ provided by those interfaces. It does this by having a tight coupling to
+ L{H2Connection}, which allows associating many of the functions of
+ L{ITransport}, L{IConsumer}, and L{IProducer} to objects on a
+ stream-specific level.
+ @ivar streamID: The numerical stream ID that this object corresponds to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @ivar producing: Whether this stream is currently allowed to produce data
+ to its consumer.
+ @type producing: L{bool}
+ @ivar command: The HTTP verb used on the request.
+ @type command: L{unicode}
+ @ivar path: The HTTP path used on the request.
+ @type path: L{unicode}
+ @ivar producer: The object producing the response, if any.
+ @type producer: L{IProducer}
+ @ivar site: The L{twisted.web.server.Site} object this stream belongs to,
+ if any.
+ @type site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ @ivar factory: The L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory} object that constructed
+ this stream's parent connection.
+ @type factory: L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory}
+ @ivar _producerProducing: Whether the producer stored in producer is
+ currently producing data.
+ @type _producerProducing: L{bool}
+ @ivar _inboundDataBuffer: Any data that has been received from the network
+ but has not yet been received by the consumer.
+ @type _inboundDataBuffer: A L{collections.deque} containing L{bytes}
+ @ivar _conn: A reference to the connection this stream belongs to.
+ @type _conn: L{H2Connection}
+ @ivar _request: A request object that this stream corresponds to.
+ @type _request: L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}
+ @ivar _buffer: A buffer containing data produced by the producer that could
+ not be sent on the network at this time.
+ @type _buffer: L{io.BytesIO}
+ """
+ # We need a transport property for t.w.h.Request, but HTTP/2 doesn't want
+ # to expose it. So we just set it to None.
+ transport = None
+ def __init__(self, streamID, connection, headers, requestFactory, site, factory):
+ """
+ Initialize this HTTP/2 stream.
+ @param streamID: The numerical stream ID that this object corresponds
+ to.
+ @type streamID: L{int}
+ @param connection: The HTTP/2 connection this stream belongs to.
+ @type connection: L{H2Connection}
+ @param headers: The HTTP/2 request headers.
+ @type headers: A L{list} of L{tuple}s of header name and header value,
+ both as L{bytes}.
+ @param requestFactory: A function that builds appropriate request
+ request objects.
+ @type requestFactory: A callable that returns a
+ L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}.
+ @param site: The L{twisted.web.server.Site} object this stream belongs
+ to, if any.
+ @type site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
+ @param factory: The L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory} object that
+ constructed this stream's parent connection.
+ @type factory: L{twisted.web.http.HTTPFactory}
+ """
+ self.streamID = streamID
+ self.site = site
+ self.factory = factory
+ self.producing = True
+ self.command = None
+ self.path = None
+ self.producer = None
+ self._producerProducing = False
+ self._hasStreamingProducer = None
+ self._inboundDataBuffer = deque()
+ self._conn = connection
+ self._request = requestFactory(self, queued=False)
+ self._buffer = io.BytesIO()
+ self._convertHeaders(headers)
+ def _convertHeaders(self, headers):
+ """
+ This method converts the HTTP/2 header set into something that looks
+ like HTTP/1.1. In particular, it strips the 'special' headers and adds
+ a Host: header.
+ @param headers: The HTTP/2 header set.
+ @type headers: A L{list} of L{tuple}s of header name and header value,
+ both as L{bytes}.
+ """
+ gotLength = False
+ for header in headers:
+ if not header[0].startswith(b":"):
+ gotLength = _addHeaderToRequest(self._request, header) or gotLength
+ elif header[0] == b":method":
+ self.command = header[1]
+ elif header[0] == b":path":
+ self.path = header[1]
+ elif header[0] == b":authority":
+ # This is essentially the Host: header from HTTP/1.1
+ _addHeaderToRequest(self._request, (b"host", header[1]))
+ if not gotLength:
+ if self.command in (b"GET", b"HEAD"):
+ self._request.gotLength(0)
+ else:
+ self._request.gotLength(None)
+ self._request.parseCookies()
+ expectContinue = self._request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"expect")
+ if expectContinue and expectContinue[0].lower() == b"100-continue":
+ self._send100Continue()
+ # Methods called by the H2Connection
+ def receiveDataChunk(self, data, flowControlledLength):
+ """
+ Called when the connection has received a chunk of data from the
+ underlying transport. If the stream has been registered with a
+ consumer, and is currently able to push data, immediately passes it
+ through. Otherwise, buffers the chunk until we can start producing.
+ @param data: The chunk of data that was received.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ @param flowControlledLength: The total flow controlled length of this
+ chunk, which is used when we want to re-open the window. May be
+ different to C{len(data)}.
+ @type flowControlledLength: L{int}
+ """
+ if not self.producing:
+ # Buffer data.
+ self._inboundDataBuffer.append((data, flowControlledLength))
+ else:
+ self._request.handleContentChunk(data)
+ self._conn.openStreamWindow(self.streamID, flowControlledLength)
+ def requestComplete(self):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when the all data for a request has been
+ received. Currently, with the legacy L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ object, just calls requestReceived unless the producer wants us to be
+ quiet.
+ """
+ if self.producing:
+ self._request.requestReceived(self.command, self.path, b"HTTP/2")
+ else:
+ self._inboundDataBuffer.append((_END_STREAM_SENTINEL, None))
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when a connection is lost or a stream is
+ reset.
+ @param reason: The reason the connection was lost.
+ @type reason: L{str}
+ """
+ self._request.connectionLost(reason)
+ def windowUpdated(self):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when this stream's flow control window
+ has been opened.
+ """
+ # If we don't have a producer, we have no-one to tell.
+ if not self.producer:
+ return
+ # If we're not blocked on flow control, we don't care.
+ if self._producerProducing:
+ return
+ # We check whether the stream's flow control window is actually above
+ # 0, and then, if a producer is registered and we still have space in
+ # the window, we unblock it.
+ remainingWindow = self._conn.remainingOutboundWindow(self.streamID)
+ if not remainingWindow > 0:
+ return
+ # We have a producer and space in the window, so that producer can
+ # start producing again!
+ self._producerProducing = True
+ self.producer.resumeProducing()
+ def flowControlBlocked(self):
+ """
+ Called by the L{H2Connection} when this stream's flow control window
+ has been exhausted.
+ """
+ if not self.producer:
+ return
+ if self._producerProducing:
+ self.producer.pauseProducing()
+ self._producerProducing = False
+ # Methods called by the consumer (usually an IRequest).
+ def writeHeaders(self, version, code, reason, headers):
+ """
+ Called by the consumer to write headers to the stream.
+ @param version: The HTTP version.
+ @type version: L{bytes}
+ @param code: The status code.
+ @type code: L{int}
+ @param reason: The reason phrase. Ignored in HTTP/2.
+ @type reason: L{bytes}
+ @param headers: The HTTP response headers.
+ @type headers: Any iterable of two-tuples of L{bytes}, representing header
+ names and header values.
+ """
+ self._conn.writeHeaders(version, code, reason, headers, self.streamID)
+ def requestDone(self, request):
+ """
+ Called by a consumer to clean up whatever permanent state is in use.
+ @param request: The request calling the method.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.iweb.IRequest}
+ """
+ self._conn.endRequest(self.streamID)
+ def _send100Continue(self):
+ """
+ Sends a 100 Continue response, used to signal to clients that further
+ processing will be performed.
+ """
+ self._conn._send100Continue(self.streamID)
+ def _respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect(self):
+ """
+ This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests.
+ As described by HTTP standard we should be patient and accept the
+ whole request from the client before sending a polite bad request
+ response, even in the case when clients send tons of data.
+ Unlike in the HTTP/1.1 case, this does not actually disconnect the
+ underlying transport: there's no need. This instead just sends a 400
+ response and terminates the stream.
+ """
+ self._conn._respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect(self.streamID)
+ # Implementation: ITransport
+ def write(self, data):
+ """
+ Write a single chunk of data into a data frame.
+ @param data: The data chunk to send.
+ @type data: L{bytes}
+ """
+ self._conn.writeDataToStream(self.streamID, data)
+ return
+ def writeSequence(self, iovec):
+ """
+ Write a sequence of chunks of data into data frames.
+ @param iovec: A sequence of chunks to send.
+ @type iovec: An iterable of L{bytes} chunks.
+ """
+ for chunk in iovec:
+ self.write(chunk)
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ """
+ Close the connection after writing all pending data.
+ """
+ self._conn.endRequest(self.streamID)
+ def abortConnection(self):
+ """
+ Forcefully abort the connection by sending a RstStream frame.
+ """
+ self._conn.abortRequest(self.streamID)
+ def getPeer(self):
+ """
+ Get information about the peer.
+ """
+ return self._conn.getPeer()
+ def getHost(self):
+ """
+ Similar to getPeer, but for this side of the connection.
+ """
+ return self._conn.getHost()
+ def isSecure(self):
+ """
+ Returns L{True} if this channel is using a secure transport.
+ @returns: L{True} if this channel is secure.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ return self._conn._isSecure()
+ # Implementation: IConsumer
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ """
+ Register to receive data from a producer.
+ This sets self to be a consumer for a producer. When this object runs
+ out of data (as when a send(2) call on a socket succeeds in moving the
+ last data from a userspace buffer into a kernelspace buffer), it will
+ ask the producer to resumeProducing().
+ For L{IPullProducer} providers, C{resumeProducing} will be called once
+ each time data is required.
+ For L{IPushProducer} providers, C{pauseProducing} will be called
+ whenever the write buffer fills up and C{resumeProducing} will only be
+ called when it empties.
+ @param producer: The producer to register.
+ @type producer: L{IProducer} provider
+ @param streaming: L{True} if C{producer} provides L{IPushProducer},
+ L{False} if C{producer} provides L{IPullProducer}.
+ @type streaming: L{bool}
+ @raise RuntimeError: If a producer is already registered.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ if self.producer:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "registering producer %s before previous one (%s) was "
+ "unregistered" % (producer, self.producer)
+ )
+ if not streaming:
+ self.hasStreamingProducer = False
+ producer = _PullToPush(producer, self)
+ producer.startStreaming()
+ else:
+ self.hasStreamingProducer = True
+ self.producer = producer
+ self._producerProducing = True
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IConsumer.unregisterProducer}
+ """
+ # When the producer is unregistered, we're done.
+ if self.producer is not None and not self.hasStreamingProducer:
+ self.producer.stopStreaming()
+ self._producerProducing = False
+ self.producer = None
+ self.hasStreamingProducer = None
+ # Implementation: IPushProducer
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IProducer.stopProducing}
+ """
+ self.producing = False
+ self.abortConnection()
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IPushProducer.pauseProducing}
+ """
+ self.producing = False
+ def resumeProducing(self):
+ """
+ @see: L{IPushProducer.resumeProducing}
+ """
+ self.producing = True
+ consumedLength = 0
+ while self.producing and self._inboundDataBuffer:
+ # Allow for pauseProducing to be called in response to a call to
+ # resumeProducing.
+ chunk, flowControlledLength = self._inboundDataBuffer.popleft()
+ if chunk is _END_STREAM_SENTINEL:
+ self.requestComplete()
+ else:
+ consumedLength += flowControlledLength
+ self._request.handleContentChunk(chunk)
+ self._conn.openStreamWindow(self.streamID, consumedLength)
+def _addHeaderToRequest(request, header):
+ """
+ Add a header tuple to a request header object.
+ @param request: The request to add the header tuple to.
+ @type request: L{twisted.web.http.Request}
+ @param header: The header tuple to add to the request.
+ @type header: A L{tuple} with two elements, the header name and header
+ value, both as L{bytes}.
+ @return: If the header being added was the C{Content-Length} header.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ requestHeaders = request.requestHeaders
+ name, value = header
+ values = requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(name)
+ if values is not None:
+ values.append(value)
+ else:
+ requestHeaders.setRawHeaders(name, [value])
+ if name == b"content-length":
+ request.gotLength(int(value))
+ return True
+ return False