path: root/ydb/library/yaml_config/public/yaml_config.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ydb/library/yaml_config/public/yaml_config.cpp')
1 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/library/yaml_config/public/yaml_config.cpp b/ydb/library/yaml_config/public/yaml_config.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de3e1221a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/library/yaml_config/public/yaml_config.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+#include "yaml_config.h"
+#include "yaml_config_impl.h"
+#include <util/digest/sequence.h>
+template <>
+struct THash<NYamlConfig::TLabel> {
+ inline size_t operator()(const NYamlConfig::TLabel& value) const {
+ return CombineHashes(THash<TString>{}(value.Value), (size_t)value.Type);
+ }
+template <>
+struct THash<TVector<TString>> {
+ inline size_t operator()(const TVector<TString>& value) const {
+ size_t result = 0;
+ for (auto& str : value) {
+ result = CombineHashes(result, THash<TString>{}(str));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <>
+struct THash<TVector<NYamlConfig::TLabel>> : public TSimpleRangeHash {};
+namespace NYamlConfig {
+inline const TMap<TString, EYamlConfigLabelTypeClass> ClassMapping{
+ std::pair{TString("enum"), EYamlConfigLabelTypeClass::Closed},
+ std::pair{TString("string"), EYamlConfigLabelTypeClass::Open},
+inline const TStringBuf inheritMapTag{"!inherit"};
+inline const TStringBuf inheritSeqTag{"!inherit:"};
+inline const TStringBuf inheritMapInSeqTag{"!inherit"};
+inline const TStringBuf removeTag{"!remove"};
+inline const TStringBuf appendTag{"!append"};
+TString GetKey(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& node, TString key) {
+ auto map = node.Map();
+ auto k = map.at(key).Scalar();
+ return k;
+bool Fit(const TSelector& selector, const TSet<TNamedLabel>& labels) {
+ bool result = true;
+ size_t matched = 0;
+ for (auto& label : labels) {
+ if (auto it = selector.NotIn.find(label.Name); it != selector.NotIn.end()
+ && it->second.Values.contains(label.Value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (auto it = selector.In.find(label.Name); it != selector.In.end()) {
+ if (!it->second.Values.contains(label.Value)) {
+ result = false;
+ } else {
+ ++matched;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (matched == selector.In.size()) && result;
+TSelector ParseSelector(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& selectors) {
+ TSelector result;
+ if (selectors) {
+ auto selectorsMap = selectors.Map();
+ for (auto it = selectorsMap.begin(); it != selectorsMap.end(); ++it) {
+ switch (it->Value().Type()) {
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Scalar:
+ {
+ auto [label, _] = result.In.try_emplace(
+ it->Key().Scalar(),
+ TLabelValueSet{});
+ label->second.Values.insert(it->Value().Scalar());
+ }
+ break;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Mapping:
+ {
+ auto in = it->Value().Map()["in"];
+ auto notIn = it->Value().Map()["not_in"];
+ if (in && notIn) {
+ ythrow TYamlConfigEx() << "Using both in and not_in for same label: "
+ << it->Value().Path();
+ }
+ if (in) {
+ auto inSeq = in.Sequence();
+ auto [label, _] = result.In.try_emplace(
+ it->Key().Scalar(),
+ TLabelValueSet{});
+ for(auto it3 = inSeq.begin(); it3 != inSeq.end(); ++it3) {
+ label->second.Values.insert(it3->Scalar());
+ }
+ }
+ if (notIn) {
+ auto notInSeq = notIn.Sequence();
+ auto [label, _] = result.NotIn.try_emplace(
+ it->Key().Scalar(),
+ TLabelValueSet{});
+ for(auto it3 = notInSeq.begin(); it3 != notInSeq.end(); ++it3) {
+ label->second.Values.insert(it3->Scalar());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ ythrow TYamlConfigEx() << "Selector should be scalar, \"in\" or \"not_in\": "
+ << it->Value().Path();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ythrow TYamlConfigEx() << "Selector shouldn't be empty";
+ }
+ return result;
+TYamlConfigModel ParseConfig(NFyaml::TDocument& doc) {
+ TYamlConfigModel res{.Doc = doc};
+ auto root = doc.Root().Map();
+ res.Config = root.at("config");
+ auto allowedLabels = root.at("allowed_labels").Map();
+ for (auto it = allowedLabels.begin(); it != allowedLabels.end(); ++it) {
+ auto type = it->Value().Map().at("type");
+ if (!type || type.Type() != NFyaml::ENodeType::Scalar) {
+ ythrow TYamlConfigEx() << "Label type should be Scalar";
+ }
+ EYamlConfigLabelTypeClass classType;
+ if (auto classIt = ClassMapping.find(type.Scalar()); classIt != ClassMapping.end()) {
+ classType = classIt->second;
+ } else {
+ ythrow TYamlConfigEx() << "Unsupported label type: " << type.Scalar();
+ }
+ auto label = res.AllowedLabels.try_emplace(
+ it->Key().Scalar(),
+ TLabelType{classType, TSet<TString>{""}});
+ if (auto labelDesc = it->Value().Map()["values"]; labelDesc) {
+ auto values = labelDesc.Map();
+ for(auto it2 = values.begin(); it2 != values.end(); ++it2) {
+ label.first->second.Values.insert(it2->Key().Scalar());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto selectorConfig = root.at("selector_config").Sequence();
+ for (auto it = selectorConfig.begin(); it != selectorConfig.end(); ++it) {
+ TYamlConfigModel::TSelectorModel selector;
+ auto selectorRoot = it->Map();
+ selector.Description = selectorRoot.at("description").Scalar();
+ selector.Config = selectorRoot.at("config");
+ selector.Selector = ParseSelector(selectorRoot.at("selector"));
+ res.Selectors.push_back(selector);
+ }
+ return res;
+TMap<TString, TLabelType> CollectLabels(NFyaml::TDocument& doc) {
+ auto config = ParseConfig(doc);
+ TMap<TString, TLabelType> result = config.AllowedLabels;
+ for (auto& selector : config.Selectors) {
+ for (auto& [name, valueSet] : selector.Selector.In) {
+ result[name].Values.insert(valueSet.Values.begin(), valueSet.Values.end());
+ }
+ for (auto& [name, valueSet] : selector.Selector.NotIn) {
+ result[name].Values.insert(valueSet.Values.begin(), valueSet.Values.end());
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+bool IsMapInherit(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& node) {
+ if (auto tag = node.Tag(); tag) {
+ switch (node.Type()) {
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Mapping:
+ return *tag == inheritMapTag;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Sequence:
+ return tag->StartsWith(inheritSeqTag);
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Scalar:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IsSeqInherit(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& node) {
+ if (auto tag = node.Tag(); tag) {
+ switch (node.Type()) {
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Mapping:
+ return *tag == inheritMapInSeqTag;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Sequence:
+ return false;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Scalar:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void Append(NFyaml::TNodeRef& to, const NFyaml::TNodeRef& from);
+bool IsSeqAppend(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& node) {
+ if (auto tag = node.Tag(); tag) {
+ switch (node.Type()) {
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Mapping:
+ return false;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Sequence:
+ return *tag == appendTag;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Scalar:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IsRemove(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& node) {
+ if (auto tag = node.Tag(); tag) {
+ return *tag == removeTag;
+ }
+ return false;
+void Inherit(NFyaml::TMapping& toMap, const NFyaml::TMapping& fromMap) {
+ for (auto it = fromMap.begin(); it != fromMap.end(); ++it) {
+ if (auto toEntry = toMap.pair_at_opt(it->Key().Scalar()); toEntry) {
+ auto fromNode = it->Value();
+ auto toNode = toEntry.Value();
+ if (IsMapInherit(fromNode)) {
+ Apply(toNode, fromNode);
+ } else if (IsSeqAppend(fromNode)) {
+ Append(toNode, fromNode);
+ } else {
+ toMap.Remove(toEntry.Key());
+ toMap.Append(it->Key().Copy().Ref(), it->Value().Copy().Ref());
+ }
+ } else {
+ toMap.Append(it->Key().Copy().Ref(), it->Value().Copy().Ref());
+ }
+ }
+void Inherit(NFyaml::TSequence& toSeq, const NFyaml::TSequence& fromSeq, const TString& key) {
+ TMap<TString, NFyaml::TNodeRef> nodes;
+ for (auto it = toSeq.begin(); it != toSeq.end(); ++it) {
+ nodes[GetKey(*it, key)] = *it;
+ }
+ for (auto it = fromSeq.begin(); it != fromSeq.end(); ++it) {
+ auto fromKey = GetKey(*it, key);
+ if (nodes.contains(fromKey)) {
+ if (IsSeqInherit(*it)) {
+ Apply(nodes[fromKey], *it);
+ } else if (IsSeqAppend(*it)) {
+ Append(nodes[fromKey], *it);
+ } else if (IsRemove(*it)) {
+ toSeq.Remove(nodes[fromKey]);
+ nodes.erase(fromKey);
+ } else {
+ auto newNode = it->Copy();
+ toSeq.InsertAfter(nodes[fromKey], newNode.Ref());
+ toSeq.Remove(nodes[fromKey]);
+ nodes[fromKey] = newNode.Ref();
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto newNode = it->Copy();
+ toSeq.Append(newNode.Ref());
+ nodes[fromKey] = newNode.Ref();
+ }
+ }
+void Append(NFyaml::TNodeRef& to, const NFyaml::TNodeRef& from) {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(to, TYamlConfigEx() << "Appending to empty value: "
+ << to.Path() << " <- " << from.Path());
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(to.Type() == NFyaml::ENodeType::Sequence && from.Type() == NFyaml::ENodeType::Sequence, TYamlConfigEx() << "Appending to wrong type"
+ << to.Path() << " <- " << from.Path());
+ auto fromSeq = from.Sequence();
+ auto toSeq = to.Sequence();
+ for (auto it = fromSeq.begin(); it != fromSeq.end(); ++it) {
+ auto newNode = it->Copy();
+ toSeq.Append(newNode.Ref());
+ }
+void Apply(NFyaml::TNodeRef& to, const NFyaml::TNodeRef& from) {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(to, TYamlConfigEx() << "Overriding empty value: "
+ << to.Path() << " <- " << from.Path());
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(to.Type() == from.Type(), TYamlConfigEx() << "Overriding value with different types: "
+ << to.Path() << " <- " << from.Path());
+ switch (from.Type()) {
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Mapping:
+ {
+ auto toMap = to.Map();
+ auto fromMap = from.Map();
+ Inherit(toMap, fromMap);
+ }
+ break;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Sequence:
+ {
+ auto tag = from.Tag();
+ auto key = tag->substr(inheritSeqTag.length());
+ auto toSeq = to.Sequence();
+ auto fromSeq = from.Sequence();
+ Inherit(toSeq, fromSeq, key);
+ }
+ break;
+ case NFyaml::ENodeType::Scalar:
+ {
+ ythrow TYamlConfigEx() << "Override with scalar: "
+ << to.Path() << " <- " << from.Path();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void RemoveTags(NFyaml::TDocument& doc) {
+ for (auto it = doc.begin(); it != doc.end(); ++it) {
+ it->RemoveTag();
+ }
+TDocumentConfig Resolve(
+ const NFyaml::TDocument& doc,
+ const TSet<TNamedLabel>& labels)
+ TDocumentConfig res{doc.Clone(), NFyaml::TNodeRef{}};
+ res.first.Resolve();
+ auto rootMap = res.first.Root().Map();
+ auto config = rootMap.at("config");
+ auto selectorConfig = rootMap.at("selector_config").Sequence();
+ for (auto it = selectorConfig.begin(); it != selectorConfig.end(); ++it) {
+ auto selectorMap = it->Map();
+ auto desc = selectorMap.at("description").Scalar();
+ auto selectorNode = selectorMap.at("selector");
+ auto selector = ParseSelector(selectorNode);
+ if (Fit(selector, labels)) {
+ Apply(config, selectorMap.at("config"));
+ }
+ }
+ RemoveTags(res.first);
+ res.second = config;
+ return res;
+void Combine(
+ TVector<TVector<TLabel>>& labelCombinations,
+ TVector<TLabel>& combination,
+ const TVector<std::pair<TString, TSet<TLabel>>>& labels,
+ size_t offset)
+ if (offset == labels.size()) {
+ labelCombinations.push_back(combination);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (auto& label : labels[offset].second) {
+ combination[offset] = label;
+ Combine(labelCombinations, combination, labels, offset + 1);
+ }
+bool Fit(
+ const TSelector& selector,
+ const TVector<TLabel>& labels,
+ const TVector<std::pair<TString, TSet<TLabel>>>& names)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++ i) {
+ auto& label = labels[i];
+ auto& name = names[i].first;
+ switch(label.Type) {
+ case TLabel::EType::Negative:
+ if (selector.In.contains(name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TLabel::EType::Empty: [[fallthrough]];
+ case TLabel::EType::Common:
+ if (auto it = selector.In.find(name); it != selector.In.end()
+ && !it->second.Values.contains(label.Value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (auto it = selector.NotIn.find(name); it != selector.NotIn.end()
+ && it->second.Values.contains(label.Value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+TResolvedConfig ResolveAll(NFyaml::TDocument& doc)
+ TVector<TString> labelNames;
+ TVector<std::pair<TString, TSet<TLabel>>> labels;
+ auto config = ParseConfig(doc);
+ auto namedLabels = CollectLabels(doc);
+ for (auto& [name, values]: namedLabels) {
+ TSet<TLabel> set;
+ if (values.Class == EYamlConfigLabelTypeClass::Open) {
+ set.insert(TLabel{TLabel::EType::Negative, {}});
+ }
+ for (auto& value: values.Values) {
+ if (value != "") {
+ set.insert(TLabel{TLabel::EType::Common, value});
+ } else {
+ set.insert(TLabel{TLabel::EType::Empty, {}});
+ }
+ }
+ labels.push_back({name, set});
+ labelNames.push_back(name);
+ }
+ TVector<TVector<TLabel>> labelCombinations;
+ TVector<TLabel> combination;
+ combination.resize(labels.size());
+ Combine(labelCombinations, combination, labels, 0);
+ auto cmp = [](const TVector<int>& lhs, const TVector<int>& rhs) {
+ auto lhsIt = lhs.begin();
+ auto rhsIt = rhs.begin();
+ while (lhsIt != lhs.end() && rhsIt != rhs.end() && (*lhsIt == *rhsIt)) {
+ lhsIt++;
+ rhsIt++;
+ }
+ if (lhsIt == lhs.end()) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (rhsIt == rhs.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return *lhsIt < *rhsIt;
+ };
+ using TTriePath = TVector<int>;
+ struct TTrieNode {
+ TSimpleSharedPtr<TDocumentConfig> ResolvedConfig;
+ TVector<TVector<TLabel>> LabelCombinations;
+ };
+ std::map<TTriePath, TSimpleSharedPtr<TDocumentConfig>, decltype(cmp)> selectorsTrie(cmp);
+ std::map<TTriePath, TTrieNode, decltype(cmp)> appliedSelectors(cmp);
+ auto rootConfig = TTrieNode {
+ MakeSimpleShared<TDocumentConfig>(std::move(doc), config.Config),
+ {},
+ };
+ selectorsTrie[{0}] = rootConfig.ResolvedConfig;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < labelCombinations.size(); ++j) {
+ TSimpleSharedPtr<TDocumentConfig> cur = rootConfig.ResolvedConfig;
+ TTriePath triePath({0});
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < config.Selectors.size(); ++i) {
+ if (Fit(config.Selectors[i].Selector, labelCombinations[j], labels)) {
+ triePath.push_back(i + 1);
+ if (auto it = selectorsTrie.find(triePath); it != selectorsTrie.end()) {
+ cur = it->second;
+ } else {
+ auto clone = cur->first.Clone();
+ auto cloneConfig = ParseConfig(clone);
+ Apply(cloneConfig.Config, cloneConfig.Selectors[i].Config);
+ cur = MakeSimpleShared<std::pair<NFyaml::TDocument, NFyaml::TNodeRef>>(
+ std::move(clone),
+ cloneConfig.Config),
+ selectorsTrie[triePath] = cur;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto it = appliedSelectors.find(triePath); it != appliedSelectors.end()) {
+ it->second.LabelCombinations.push_back(labelCombinations[j]);
+ } else {
+ appliedSelectors.try_emplace(triePath, TTrieNode{
+ cur,
+ {labelCombinations[j]}
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ selectorsTrie.clear();
+ TMap<TSet<TVector<TLabel>>, TDocumentConfig> configs;
+ for (auto& [_, value]: appliedSelectors) {
+ configs.try_emplace(
+ TSet<TVector<TLabel>>(
+ value.LabelCombinations.begin(),
+ value.LabelCombinations.end()),
+ std::make_pair(std::move(value.ResolvedConfig->first), value.ResolvedConfig->second));
+ }
+ return {labelNames, std::move(configs)};
+size_t Hash(const NFyaml::TNodeRef& resolved) {
+ TStringStream ss;
+ ss << resolved;
+ TString s = ss.Str();
+ return THash<TString>{}(s);
+size_t Hash(const TResolvedConfig& config)
+ size_t configsHash = 0;
+ for (auto& [labelSet, docConfig] : config.Configs) {
+ for (auto labels : labelSet) {
+ auto labelsHash = THash<TVector<TLabel>>{}(labels);
+ configsHash = CombineHashes(labelsHash, configsHash);
+ }
+ configsHash = CombineHashes(Hash(docConfig.second), configsHash);
+ }
+ return CombineHashes(THash<TVector<TString>>{}(config.Labels), configsHash);
+void ValidateVolatileConfig(NFyaml::TDocument& doc) {
+ auto root = doc.Root();
+ auto seq = root.Map().at("selector_config").Sequence();
+ if (seq.size() == 0) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Empty volatile config";
+ }
+ for (auto& elem : seq) {
+ auto map = elem.Map();
+ if (map.size() != 3) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Invalid volatile config element: " << elem.Path();
+ }
+ for (auto& mapElem : map) {
+ auto key = mapElem.Key().Scalar();
+ if (key == "description") {
+ mapElem.Value().Scalar();
+ } else if (key == "selector") {
+ mapElem.Value().Map();
+ } else if (key == "config") {
+ mapElem.Value().Map();
+ } else {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Unknown element in volatile config: " << elem.Path();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void AppendVolatileConfigs(NFyaml::TDocument& config, NFyaml::TDocument& volatileConfig) {
+ auto configRoot = config.Root();
+ auto volatileConfigRoot = volatileConfig.Root();
+ auto seq = volatileConfigRoot.Sequence();
+ auto selectors = configRoot.Map().at("selector_config").Sequence();
+ for (auto& elem : seq) {
+ auto node = elem.Copy(config);
+ selectors.Append(node.Ref());
+ }
+void AppendVolatileConfigs(NFyaml::TDocument& config, NFyaml::TNodeRef& volatileConfig) {
+ auto configRoot = config.Root();
+ auto seq = volatileConfig.Sequence();
+ auto selectors = configRoot.Map().at("selector_config").Sequence();
+ for (auto& elem : seq) {
+ auto node = elem.Copy(config);
+ selectors.Append(node.Ref());
+ }
+ui64 GetVersion(const TString& config) {
+ auto metadata = GetMetadata(config);
+ return metadata.Version.value_or(0);
+TMetadata GetMetadata(const TString& config) {
+ if (config.empty()) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(config);
+ if (auto node = doc.Root().Map()["metadata"]; node) {
+ auto versionNode = node.Map()["version"];
+ auto clusterNode = node.Map()["cluster"];
+ return TMetadata{
+ .Version = versionNode ? std::optional{FromString<ui64>(versionNode.Scalar())} : std::nullopt,
+ .Cluster = clusterNode ? std::optional{clusterNode.Scalar()} : std::nullopt,
+ };
+ }
+ return {};
+TVolatileMetadata GetVolatileMetadata(const TString& config) {
+ if (config.empty()) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(config);
+ if (auto node = doc.Root().Map().at("metadata"); node) {
+ auto versionNode = node.Map().at("version");
+ auto clusterNode = node.Map().at("cluster");
+ auto idNode = node.Map().at("id");
+ return TVolatileMetadata{
+ .Version = versionNode ? std::make_optional(FromString<ui64>(versionNode.Scalar())) : std::nullopt,
+ .Cluster = clusterNode ? std::make_optional(clusterNode.Scalar()) : std::nullopt,
+ .Id = idNode ? std::make_optional(FromString<ui64>(idNode.Scalar())) : std::nullopt,
+ };
+ }
+ return {};
+TString ReplaceMetadata(const TString& config, const std::function<void(TStringStream&)>& serializeMetadata) {
+ TStringStream sstr;
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(config);
+ if (doc.Root().Style() == NFyaml::ENodeStyle::Flow) {
+ if (auto pair = doc.Root().Map().pair_at_opt("metadata"); pair) {
+ doc.Root().Map().Remove(pair);
+ }
+ serializeMetadata(sstr);
+ sstr << "\n" << doc;
+ } else {
+ if (auto pair = doc.Root().Map().pair_at_opt("metadata"); pair) {
+ auto begin = pair.Key().BeginMark().InputPos;
+ auto end = pair.Value().EndMark().InputPos;
+ sstr << config.substr(0, begin);
+ serializeMetadata(sstr);
+ if (end < config.length() && config[end] == ':') {
+ end = end + 1;
+ }
+ sstr << config.substr(end, TString::npos);
+ } else {
+ if (doc.HasExplicitDocumentStart()) {
+ auto docStart = doc.BeginMark().InputPos + 4;
+ sstr << config.substr(0, docStart);
+ serializeMetadata(sstr);
+ sstr << "\n" << config.substr(docStart, TString::npos);
+ } else {
+ serializeMetadata(sstr);
+ sstr << "\n" << config;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sstr.Str();
+TString ReplaceMetadata(const TString& config, const TMetadata& metadata) {
+ auto serializeMetadata = [&](TStringStream& sstr) {
+ sstr
+ << "metadata:"
+ << "\n kind: MainConfig"
+ << "\n cluster: \"" << *metadata.Cluster << "\""
+ << "\n version: " << *metadata.Version;
+ };
+ return ReplaceMetadata(config, serializeMetadata);
+TString ReplaceMetadata(const TString& config, const TVolatileMetadata& metadata) {
+ auto serializeMetadata = [&](TStringStream& sstr) {
+ sstr
+ << "metadata:"
+ << "\n kind: VolatileConfig"
+ << "\n cluster: \"" << *metadata.Cluster << "\""
+ << "\n version: " << *metadata.Version
+ << "\n id: " << *metadata.Id;
+ };
+ return ReplaceMetadata(config, serializeMetadata);
+bool IsConfigKindEquals(const TString& config, const TString& kind) {
+ try {
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(config);
+ return doc.Root().Map().at("metadata").Map().at("kind").Scalar() == kind;
+ } catch (yexception& e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+bool IsVolatileConfig(const TString& config) {
+ return IsConfigKindEquals(config, "VolatileConfig");
+bool IsMainConfig(const TString& config) {
+ return IsConfigKindEquals(config, "MainConfig");
+TString StripMetadata(const TString& config) {
+ auto doc = NFyaml::TDocument::Parse(config);
+ TStringStream sstr;
+ if (auto pair = doc.Root().Map().pair_at_opt("metadata"); pair) {
+ auto begin = pair.Key().BeginMark().InputPos;
+ sstr << config.substr(0, begin);
+ auto end = pair.Value().EndMark().InputPos;
+ sstr << config.substr(end, TString::npos);
+ } else {
+ if (doc.HasExplicitDocumentStart()) {
+ auto docStart = doc.BeginMark().InputPos + 4;
+ sstr << config.substr(0, docStart);
+ sstr << "\n" << config.substr(docStart, TString::npos);
+ } else {
+ sstr << config;
+ }
+ }
+ return sstr.Str();
+} // namespace NYamlConfig
+template <>
+void Out<NYamlConfig::TLabel>(IOutputStream& out, const NYamlConfig::TLabel& value) {
+ out << (int)value.Type << ":" << value.Value;