path: root/contrib/tools/python3/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/python3/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8e0578a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/internal/pycore_symtable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
+# error "this header requires Py_BUILD_CORE define"
+struct _mod; // Type defined in pycore_ast.h
+typedef enum _block_type {
+ FunctionBlock, ClassBlock, ModuleBlock,
+ // Used for annotations if 'from __future__ import annotations' is active.
+ // Annotation blocks cannot bind names and are not evaluated.
+ AnnotationBlock,
+ // Used for generics and type aliases. These work mostly like functions
+ // (see PEP 695 for details). The three different blocks function identically;
+ // they are different enum entries only so that error messages can be more
+ // precise.
+ TypeVarBoundBlock, TypeAliasBlock, TypeParamBlock
+} _Py_block_ty;
+typedef enum _comprehension_type {
+ NoComprehension = 0,
+ ListComprehension = 1,
+ DictComprehension = 2,
+ SetComprehension = 3,
+ GeneratorExpression = 4 } _Py_comprehension_ty;
+struct _symtable_entry;
+struct symtable {
+ PyObject *st_filename; /* name of file being compiled,
+ decoded from the filesystem encoding */
+ struct _symtable_entry *st_cur; /* current symbol table entry */
+ struct _symtable_entry *st_top; /* symbol table entry for module */
+ PyObject *st_blocks; /* dict: map AST node addresses
+ * to symbol table entries */
+ PyObject *st_stack; /* list: stack of namespace info */
+ PyObject *st_global; /* borrowed ref to st_top->ste_symbols */
+ int st_nblocks; /* number of blocks used. kept for
+ consistency with the corresponding
+ compiler structure */
+ PyObject *st_private; /* name of current class or NULL */
+ PyFutureFeatures *st_future; /* module's future features that affect
+ the symbol table */
+ int recursion_depth; /* current recursion depth */
+ int recursion_limit; /* recursion limit */
+typedef struct _symtable_entry {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyObject *ste_id; /* int: key in ste_table->st_blocks */
+ PyObject *ste_symbols; /* dict: variable names to flags */
+ PyObject *ste_name; /* string: name of current block */
+ PyObject *ste_varnames; /* list of function parameters */
+ PyObject *ste_children; /* list of child blocks */
+ PyObject *ste_directives;/* locations of global and nonlocal statements */
+ _Py_block_ty ste_type;
+ int ste_nested; /* true if block is nested */
+ unsigned ste_free : 1; /* true if block has free variables */
+ unsigned ste_child_free : 1; /* true if a child block has free vars,
+ including free refs to globals */
+ unsigned ste_generator : 1; /* true if namespace is a generator */
+ unsigned ste_coroutine : 1; /* true if namespace is a coroutine */
+ _Py_comprehension_ty ste_comprehension; /* Kind of comprehension (if any) */
+ unsigned ste_varargs : 1; /* true if block has varargs */
+ unsigned ste_varkeywords : 1; /* true if block has varkeywords */
+ unsigned ste_returns_value : 1; /* true if namespace uses return with
+ an argument */
+ unsigned ste_needs_class_closure : 1; /* for class scopes, true if a
+ closure over __class__
+ should be created */
+ unsigned ste_needs_classdict : 1; /* for class scopes, true if a closure
+ over the class dict should be created */
+ unsigned ste_comp_inlined : 1; /* true if this comprehension is inlined */
+ unsigned ste_comp_iter_target : 1; /* true if visiting comprehension target */
+ unsigned ste_can_see_class_scope : 1; /* true if this block can see names bound in an
+ enclosing class scope */
+ int ste_comp_iter_expr; /* non-zero if visiting a comprehension range expression */
+ int ste_lineno; /* first line of block */
+ int ste_col_offset; /* offset of first line of block */
+ int ste_end_lineno; /* end line of block */
+ int ste_end_col_offset; /* end offset of first line of block */
+ int ste_opt_lineno; /* lineno of last exec or import * */
+ int ste_opt_col_offset; /* offset of last exec or import * */
+ struct symtable *ste_table;
+} PySTEntryObject;
+extern PyTypeObject PySTEntry_Type;
+#define PySTEntry_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PySTEntry_Type)
+extern long _PyST_GetSymbol(PySTEntryObject *, PyObject *);
+extern int _PyST_GetScope(PySTEntryObject *, PyObject *);
+extern int _PyST_IsFunctionLike(PySTEntryObject *);
+extern struct symtable* _PySymtable_Build(
+ struct _mod *mod,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ PyFutureFeatures *future);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PySTEntryObject *) PySymtable_Lookup(struct symtable *, void *);
+extern void _PySymtable_Free(struct symtable *);
+extern PyObject* _Py_Mangle(PyObject *p, PyObject *name);
+/* Flags for def-use information */
+#define DEF_GLOBAL 1 /* global stmt */
+#define DEF_LOCAL 2 /* assignment in code block */
+#define DEF_PARAM 2<<1 /* formal parameter */
+#define DEF_NONLOCAL 2<<2 /* nonlocal stmt */
+#define USE 2<<3 /* name is used */
+#define DEF_FREE 2<<4 /* name used but not defined in nested block */
+#define DEF_FREE_CLASS 2<<5 /* free variable from class's method */
+#define DEF_IMPORT 2<<6 /* assignment occurred via import */
+#define DEF_ANNOT 2<<7 /* this name is annotated */
+#define DEF_COMP_ITER 2<<8 /* this name is a comprehension iteration variable */
+#define DEF_TYPE_PARAM 2<<9 /* this name is a type parameter */
+#define DEF_COMP_CELL 2<<10 /* this name is a cell in an inlined comprehension */
+/* GLOBAL_EXPLICIT and GLOBAL_IMPLICIT are used internally by the symbol
+ table. GLOBAL is returned from PyST_GetScope() for either of them.
+ It is stored in ste_symbols at bits 13-16.
+#define SCOPE_OFFSET 12
+#define LOCAL 1
+#define FREE 4
+#define CELL 5
+#define GENERATOR 1
+// Used by symtablemodule.c
+extern struct symtable* _Py_SymtableStringObjectFlags(
+ const char *str,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int start,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+int _PyFuture_FromAST(
+ struct _mod * mod,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ PyFutureFeatures* futures);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_INTERNAL_SYMTABLE_H */