path: root/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/job_statistics.h
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authormax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-06-30 11:13:34 +0300
committermax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-06-30 11:13:34 +0300
commit3e1899838408bbad47622007aa382bc8a2b01f87 (patch)
tree0f21c1e6add187ddb6c3ccc048a7d640ce03fb87 /yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/job_statistics.h
parent5463eb3f5e72a86f858a3d27c886470a724ede34 (diff)
Revert "YT-19324: move YT provider to ydb/library/yql"
This reverts commit ca272f12fdd0e8d5c3e957fc87939148f1caaf72, reversing changes made to 49f8acfc8b0b5c0071b804423bcf53fda26c7c12.
Diffstat (limited to 'yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/job_statistics.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/job_statistics.h b/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/job_statistics.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af751604f..0000000000
--- a/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/job_statistics.h
+++ /dev/null
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-#pragma once
-/// @file yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/job_statistics.h
-/// Header containing classes and utility functions to work with
-/// [job statistics](https://docs.yandex-team.ru/yt/problems/jobstatistics).
-#include "fwd.h"
-#include <library/cpp/yson/node/node.h>
-#include <util/system/defaults.h>
-#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
-#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-namespace NYT {
-/// @brief Convert i64 representation of statistics to other type.
-/// Library defines this template for types TDuration and i64.
-/// Users may define it for their types.
-/// @see @ref NYT::TJobStatistics::GetStatisticsAs method.
-template <typename T>
-T ConvertJobStatisticsEntry(i64 value);
-/// Class representing a collection of job statistics.
-class TJobStatistics
- ///
- /// Construct empty statistics.
- TJobStatistics();
- ///
- /// Construct statistics from statistics node.
- TJobStatistics(const NYT::TNode& statistics);
- TJobStatistics(const TJobStatistics& jobStatistics);
- TJobStatistics(TJobStatistics&& jobStatistics);
- TJobStatistics& operator=(const TJobStatistics& jobStatistics);
- TJobStatistics& operator=(TJobStatistics&& jobStatistics);
- ~TJobStatistics();
- ///
- /// @brief Filter statistics by task name.
- ///
- /// @param taskNames What task names to include (empty means all).
- TJobStatistics TaskName(TVector<TTaskName> taskNames) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Filter statistics by job state.
- ///
- /// @param filter What job states to include (empty means all).
- ///
- /// @note Default statistics include only (successfully) completed jobs.
- TJobStatistics JobState(TVector<EJobState> filter) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Filter statistics by job type.
- ///
- /// @param filter What job types to include (empty means all).
- ///
- /// @deprecated Use @ref TJobStatistics::TaskName instead.
- ///
- /// @see https://yt.yandex-team.ru/docs/description/mr/jobs#obshaya-shema
- TJobStatistics JobType(TVector<EJobType> filter) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Check that given statistics exist.
- ///
- /// @param name Slash separated statistics name, e.g. "time/total" (like it appears in web interface).
- bool HasStatistics(TStringBuf name) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Get statistics by name.
- ///
- /// @param name Slash separated statistics name, e.g. "time/total" (like it appears in web interface).
- ///
- /// @note If statistics is missing an exception is thrown. If because of filters
- /// no fields remain the returned value is empty (all fields are `Nothing`).
- ///
- /// @note We don't use `TMaybe<TJobStatisticsEntry>` here;
- /// instead, @ref NYT::TJobStatisticsEntry methods return `TMaybe<i64>`,
- /// so user easier use `.GetOrElse`:
- /// ```
- /// jobStatistics.GetStatistics("some/statistics/name").Max().GetOrElse(0);
- /// ```
- TJobStatisticsEntry<i64> GetStatistics(TStringBuf name) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Get statistics by name.
- ///
- /// @param name Slash separated statistics name, e.g. "time/total" (like it appears in web interface).
- ///
- /// @note In order to use `GetStatisticsAs` method, @ref NYT::ConvertJobStatisticsEntry function must be defined
- /// (the library defines it for `i64` and `TDuration`, user may define it for other types).
- template <typename T>
- TJobStatisticsEntry<T> GetStatisticsAs(TStringBuf name) const;
- ///
- /// Get (slash separated) names of statistics.
- TVector<TString> GetStatisticsNames() const;
- ///
- /// @brief Check if given custom statistics exists.
- ///
- /// @param name Slash separated custom statistics name.
- bool HasCustomStatistics(TStringBuf name) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Get custom statistics (those the user can write in job with @ref NYT::WriteCustomStatistics).
- ///
- /// @param name Slash separated custom statistics name.
- TJobStatisticsEntry<i64> GetCustomStatistics(TStringBuf name) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Get custom statistics (those the user can write in job with @ref NYT::WriteCustomStatistics).
- ///
- /// @param name Slash separated custom statistics name.
- template <typename T>
- TJobStatisticsEntry<T> GetCustomStatisticsAs(TStringBuf name) const;
- ///
- /// Get names of all custom statistics.
- TVector<TString> GetCustomStatisticsNames() const;
- class TData;
- struct TFilter;
- struct TDataEntry {
- i64 Max;
- i64 Min;
- i64 Sum;
- i64 Count;
- };
- static const TString CustomStatisticsNamePrefix_;
- TJobStatistics(::TIntrusivePtr<TData> data, ::TIntrusivePtr<TFilter> filter);
- TMaybe<TDataEntry> GetStatisticsImpl(TStringBuf name) const;
- ::TIntrusivePtr<TData> Data_;
- ::TIntrusivePtr<TFilter> Filter_;
- template<typename T>
- friend class TJobStatisticsEntry;
-/// Class representing single statistic.
-template <typename T>
-class TJobStatisticsEntry
- TJobStatisticsEntry(TMaybe<TJobStatistics::TDataEntry> data)
- : Data_(std::move(data))
- { }
- /// Sum of the statistic over all jobs.
- TMaybe<T> Sum() const
- {
- if (Data_) {
- return ConvertJobStatisticsEntry<T>(Data_->Sum);
- }
- return Nothing();
- }
- /// @brief Average of the statistic over all jobs.
- ///
- /// @note Only jobs that emitted statistics are taken into account.
- TMaybe<T> Avg() const
- {
- if (Data_ && Data_->Count) {
- return ConvertJobStatisticsEntry<T>(Data_->Sum / Data_->Count);
- }
- return Nothing();
- }
- /// @brief Number of jobs that emitted this statistic.
- TMaybe<T> Count() const
- {
- if (Data_) {
- return ConvertJobStatisticsEntry<T>(Data_->Count);
- }
- return Nothing();
- }
- /// @brief Maximum value of the statistic over all jobs.
- TMaybe<T> Max() const
- {
- if (Data_) {
- return ConvertJobStatisticsEntry<T>(Data_->Max);
- }
- return Nothing();
- }
- /// @brief Minimum value of the statistic over all jobs.
- TMaybe<T> Min() const
- {
- if (Data_) {
- return ConvertJobStatisticsEntry<T>(Data_->Min);
- }
- return Nothing();
- }
- TMaybe<TJobStatistics::TDataEntry> Data_;
- friend class TJobStatistics;
-template <typename T>
-TJobStatisticsEntry<T> TJobStatistics::GetStatisticsAs(TStringBuf name) const
- return TJobStatisticsEntry<T>(GetStatisticsImpl(name));
-template <typename T>
-TJobStatisticsEntry<T> TJobStatistics::GetCustomStatisticsAs(TStringBuf name) const
- return TJobStatisticsEntry<T>(GetStatisticsImpl(CustomStatisticsNamePrefix_ + name));
-/// @brief Write [custom statistics](https://yt.yandex-team.ru/docs/description/mr/jobs#user_stats).
-/// @param path Slash-separated path (length must not exceed 512 bytes).
-/// @param value Value of the statistic.
-/// @note The function must be called in job.
-/// Total number of statistics (with different paths) must not exceed 128.
-void WriteCustomStatistics(TStringBuf path, i64 value);
-/// @brief Write several [custom statistics](https://yt.yandex-team.ru/docs/description/mr/jobs#user_stats) at once.
-/// @param statistics A tree of map nodes with leaves of type `i64`.
-/// @note The call is equivalent to calling @ref NYT::WriteCustomStatistics(TStringBuf, i64) for every path in the given map.
-void WriteCustomStatistics(const TNode& statistics);
-/// @brief Flush [custom statistics stream](https://yt.yandex-team.ru/docs/description/mr/jobs#user_stats)
-void FlushCustomStatisticsStream();
-} // namespace NYT