path: root/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/fwd.h
diff options
authormax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-06-30 03:37:03 +0300
committermax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-06-30 03:37:03 +0300
commitfac2bd72b4b31ec3238292caf8fb2a8aaa6d6c4a (patch)
treeb8cbc1deb00309c7f1a7ab6df520a76cf0b5c6d7 /yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/fwd.h
parent7bf166b1a7ed0af927f230022b245af618e998c1 (diff)
YT-19324: move YT provider to ydb/library/yql
This commit is formed by the following script: https://paste.yandex-team.ru/6f92e4b8-efc5-4d34-948b-15ee2accd7e7/text. This commit has zero effect on all projects that depend on YQL. The summary of changes: - `yql/providers/yt -> ydb/library/yql/providers/yt `- the whole implementation of YT provider is moved into YDB code base for further export as a part of YT YQL plugin shared library; - `yql/providers/stat/{expr_nodes,uploader} -> ydb/library/yql/providers/stat/{expr_nodes,uploader}` - a small interface without implementation and the description of stat expr nodes; - `yql/core/extract_predicate/ut -> ydb/library/yql/core/extract_predicate/ut`; - `yql/core/{ut,ut_common} -> ydb/library/yql/core/{ut,ut_common}`; - `yql/core` is gone; - `yql/library/url_preprocessing -> ydb/library/yql/core/url_preprocessing`. **NB**: all new targets inside `ydb/` are under `IF (NOT CMAKE_EXPORT)` clause which disables them from open-source cmake generation and ya make build. They will be enabled in the subsequent commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/fwd.h')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/fwd.h b/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/fwd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0434c03d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/fwd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+#pragma once
+/// @file yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/fwd.h
+/// Header containing mostly forward declarations of types.
+#include <util/generic/fwd.h>
+#include <util/system/types.h>
+#include <variant>
+/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
+namespace google::protobuf {
+ class Message;
+namespace NYT {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // batch_request.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class IBatchRequest;
+ using TBatchRequestPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IBatchRequest>;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // client.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ enum ELockMode : int;
+ struct TStartTransactionOptions;
+ struct TLockOptions;
+ template <class TDerived>
+ struct TTabletOptions;
+ struct TMountTableOptions;
+ struct TUnmountTableOptions;
+ struct TRemountTableOptions;
+ struct TReshardTableOptions;
+ struct TAlterTableOptions;
+ struct TLookupRowsOptions;
+ struct TSelectRowsOptions;
+ struct TCreateClientOptions;
+ struct TAlterTableReplicaOptions;
+ struct TGetFileFromCacheOptions;
+ struct TPutFileToCacheOptions;
+ struct TCheckPermissionResult;
+ struct TCheckPermissionResponse;
+ struct TCheckPermissionOptions;
+ struct TTabletInfo;
+ class ILock;
+ using ILockPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<ILock>;
+ class ITransaction;
+ using ITransactionPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<ITransaction>;
+ class ITransactionPinger;
+ using ITransactionPingerPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<ITransactionPinger>;
+ struct IOperation;
+ using IOperationPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IOperation>;
+ class IClientBase;
+ class IClient;
+ using IClientPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IClient>;
+ using IClientBasePtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IClientBase>;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // config.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ struct TConfig;
+ using TConfigPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<TConfig>;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // cypress.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ enum ENodeType : int;
+ struct TCreateOptions;
+ struct TRemoveOptions;
+ struct TGetOptions;
+ struct TSetOptions;
+ struct TMultisetAttributesOptions;
+ struct TListOptions;
+ struct TCopyOptions;
+ struct TMoveOptions;
+ struct TLinkOptions;
+ struct TConcatenateOptions;
+ struct TInsertRowsOptions;
+ struct TDeleteRowsOptions;
+ struct TTrimRowsOptions;
+ class ICypressClient;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // errors.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class TApiUsageError;
+ class TYtError;
+ class TErrorResponse;
+ struct TFailedJobInfo;
+ class TOperationFailedError;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // node.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class TNode;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // common.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ using TTransactionId = TGUID;
+ using TNodeId = TGUID;
+ using TLockId = TGUID;
+ using TOperationId = TGUID;
+ using TTabletCellId = TGUID;
+ using TReplicaId = TGUID;
+ using TJobId = TGUID;
+ using TYPath = TString;
+ using TLocalFilePath = TString;
+ template <class T, class TDerived = void>
+ struct TOneOrMany;
+ // key column values
+ using TKey = TOneOrMany<TNode>;
+ class TSortColumn;
+ // column names
+ using TColumnNames = TOneOrMany<TString>;
+ // key column descriptors.
+ class TSortColumns;
+ enum EValueType : int;
+ enum ESortOrder : int;
+ enum EOptimizeForAttr : i8;
+ enum EErasureCodecAttr : i8;
+ enum ESchemaModificationAttr : i8;
+ enum class EMasterReadKind : int;
+ class TColumnSchema;
+ class TTableSchema;
+ enum class ERelation;
+ struct TKeyBound;
+ struct TReadLimit;
+ struct TReadRange;
+ struct TRichYPath;
+ struct TAttributeFilter;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // io.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ enum class EFormatType : int;
+ struct TFormat;
+ class IFileReader;
+ using IFileReaderPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IFileReader>;
+ class IFileWriter;
+ using IFileWriterPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IFileWriter>;
+ class IBlobTableReader;
+ using IBlobTableReaderPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IBlobTableReader>;
+ class TRawTableReader;
+ using TRawTableReaderPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<TRawTableReader>;
+ class TRawTableWriter;
+ using TRawTableWriterPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<TRawTableWriter>;
+ template <class T, class = void>
+ class TTableReader;
+ template <class T, class = void>
+ class TTableRangesReader;
+ template <typename T>
+ using TTableRangesReaderPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<TTableRangesReader<T>>;
+ template <class T>
+ using TTableReaderPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<TTableReader<T>>;
+ template <class T, class = void>
+ class TTableWriter;
+ template <class T>
+ using TTableWriterPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<TTableWriter<T>>;
+ struct TYaMRRow;
+ using ::google::protobuf::Message;
+ class ISkiffRowParser;
+ using ISkiffRowParserPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<ISkiffRowParser>;
+ class ISkiffRowSkipper;
+ using ISkiffRowSkipperPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<ISkiffRowSkipper>;
+ namespace NDetail {
+ class TYdlGenericRowType;
+ } // namespace NDetail
+ template<class... TYdlRowTypes>
+ class TYdlOneOf;
+ template<class... TProtoRowTypes>
+ class TProtoOneOf;
+ template<class... TSkiffRowTypes>
+ class TSkiffRowOneOf;
+ using TYaMRReader = TTableReader<TYaMRRow>;
+ using TYaMRWriter = TTableWriter<TYaMRRow>;
+ using TNodeReader = TTableReader<TNode>;
+ using TNodeWriter = TTableWriter<TNode>;
+ using TMessageReader = TTableReader<Message>;
+ using TMessageWriter = TTableWriter<Message>;
+ using TYdlTableWriter = TTableWriter<NDetail::TYdlGenericRowType>;
+ template <class TDerived>
+ struct TIOOptions;
+ struct TFileReaderOptions;
+ struct TFileWriterOptions;
+ struct TTableReaderOptions;
+ class TSkiffRowHints;
+ struct TTableWriterOptions;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // job_statistics.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class TJobStatistics;
+ template <typename T>
+ class TJobStatisticsEntry;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // operation.h
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class TFormatHints;
+ struct TUserJobSpec;
+ struct TMapOperationSpec;
+ struct TRawMapOperationSpec;
+ struct TReduceOperationSpec;
+ struct TMapReduceOperationSpec;
+ struct TJoinReduceOperationSpec;
+ struct TSortOperationSpec;
+ class IIOperationPreparationContext;
+ class IJob;
+ using IJobPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IJob>;
+ class IRawJob;
+ using IRawJobPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IRawJob>;
+ enum EMergeMode : int;
+ struct TMergeOperationSpec;
+ struct TEraseOperationSpec;
+ template <class TR, class TW>
+ class IMapper;
+ template <class TR, class TW>
+ class IReducer;
+ template <class TR, class TW>
+ class IAggregatorReducer;
+ struct TSuspendOperationOptions;
+ struct TResumeOperationOptions;
+ enum class EOperationBriefState : int;
+ struct TOperationAttributes;
+ struct TOperationOptions;
+ enum class EOperationAttribute : int;
+ struct TOperationAttributeFilter;
+ struct TGetOperationOptions;
+ struct TListOperationsOptions;
+ struct TGetJobOptions;
+ struct TListJobsOptions;
+ struct IOperationClient;
+ enum class EFinishedJobState : int;
+ enum class EJobType : int;
+ enum class EJobState : int;
+ enum class ETaskName : int;
+ class TTaskName;
+ struct TJobBinaryDefault;
+ struct TJobBinaryLocalPath;
+ struct TJobBinaryCypressPath;
+ using TJobBinaryConfig = std::variant<
+ TJobBinaryDefault,
+ TJobBinaryLocalPath,
+ TJobBinaryCypressPath>;
+ struct TRetryConfig;
+ class IRetryConfigProvider;
+ using IRetryConfigProviderPtr = ::TIntrusivePtr<IRetryConfigProvider>;
+/// @endcond