path: root/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/errors.cpp
diff options
authormax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-07-29 00:02:16 +0300
committermax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-07-29 00:02:16 +0300
commit73b89de71748a21e102d27b9f3ed1bf658766cb5 (patch)
tree188bbd2d622fa91cdcbb1b6d6d77fbc84a0646f5 /yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/errors.cpp
parent528e321bcc2a2b67b53aeba58c3bd88305a141ee (diff)
YT-19210: expose YQL shared library for YT.
After this, a new target libyqlplugin.so appears. in open-source cmake build. Diff in open-source YDB repo looks like the following: https://paste.yandex-team.ru/f302bdb4-7ef2-4362-91c7-6ca45f329264
Diffstat (limited to 'yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/errors.cpp')
1 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/errors.cpp b/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/errors.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49a7c7cfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/errors.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+#include "errors.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yson/node/node_io.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/node/node_visitor.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/error_codes.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/writer.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+namespace NYT {
+using namespace NJson;
+static void WriteErrorDescription(const TYtError& error, IOutputStream* out)
+ (*out) << '\'' << error.GetMessage() << '\'';
+ const auto& innerErrorList = error.InnerErrors();
+ if (!innerErrorList.empty()) {
+ (*out) << " { ";
+ bool first = true;
+ for (const auto& innerError : innerErrorList) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ (*out) << " ; ";
+ }
+ WriteErrorDescription(innerError, out);
+ }
+ (*out) << " }";
+ }
+static void SerializeError(const TYtError& error, NYson::IYsonConsumer* consumer)
+ consumer->OnBeginMap();
+ {
+ consumer->OnKeyedItem("code");
+ consumer->OnInt64Scalar(error.GetCode());
+ consumer->OnKeyedItem("message");
+ consumer->OnStringScalar(error.GetMessage());
+ if (!error.GetAttributes().empty()) {
+ consumer->OnKeyedItem("attributes");
+ consumer->OnBeginMap();
+ {
+ for (const auto& item : error.GetAttributes()) {
+ consumer->OnKeyedItem(item.first);
+ TNodeVisitor(consumer).Visit(item.second);
+ }
+ }
+ consumer->OnEndMap();
+ }
+ if (!error.InnerErrors().empty()) {
+ consumer->OnKeyedItem("inner_errors");
+ {
+ consumer->OnBeginList();
+ for (const auto& innerError : error.InnerErrors()) {
+ SerializeError(innerError, consumer);
+ }
+ consumer->OnEndList();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ consumer->OnEndMap();
+static TString DumpJobInfoForException(const TOperationId& operationId, const TVector<TFailedJobInfo>& failedJobInfoList)
+ ::TStringBuilder output;
+ // Exceptions have limit to contain 65508 bytes of text, so we also limit stderr text
+ constexpr size_t MAX_SIZE = 65508 / 2;
+ size_t written = 0;
+ for (const auto& failedJobInfo : failedJobInfoList) {
+ if (written >= MAX_SIZE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ TStringStream nextChunk;
+ nextChunk << '\n';
+ nextChunk << "OperationId: " << GetGuidAsString(operationId) << " JobId: " << GetGuidAsString(failedJobInfo.JobId) << '\n';
+ nextChunk << "Error: " << failedJobInfo.Error.FullDescription() << '\n';
+ if (!failedJobInfo.Stderr.empty()) {
+ nextChunk << "Stderr: " << Endl;
+ size_t tmpWritten = written + nextChunk.Str().size();
+ if (tmpWritten >= MAX_SIZE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tmpWritten + failedJobInfo.Stderr.size() > MAX_SIZE) {
+ nextChunk << failedJobInfo.Stderr.substr(failedJobInfo.Stderr.size() - (MAX_SIZE - tmpWritten));
+ } else {
+ nextChunk << failedJobInfo.Stderr;
+ }
+ }
+ written += nextChunk.Str().size();
+ output << nextChunk.Str();
+ }
+ return output;
+ : Code_(0)
+{ }
+TYtError::TYtError(const TString& message)
+ : Code_(NYT::NClusterErrorCodes::Generic)
+ , Message_(message)
+{ }
+TYtError::TYtError(int code, const TString& message)
+ : Code_(code)
+ , Message_(message)
+{ }
+TYtError::TYtError(const TJsonValue& value)
+ const TJsonValue::TMapType& map = value.GetMap();
+ TJsonValue::TMapType::const_iterator it = map.find("message");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ Message_ = it->second.GetString();
+ }
+ it = map.find("code");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ Code_ = static_cast<int>(it->second.GetInteger());
+ } else {
+ Code_ = NYT::NClusterErrorCodes::Generic;
+ }
+ it = map.find("inner_errors");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ const TJsonValue::TArray& innerErrors = it->second.GetArray();
+ for (const auto& innerError : innerErrors) {
+ InnerErrors_.push_back(TYtError(innerError));
+ }
+ }
+ it = map.find("attributes");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ auto attributes = NYT::NodeFromJsonValue(it->second);
+ if (attributes.IsMap()) {
+ Attributes_ = std::move(attributes.AsMap());
+ }
+ }
+TYtError::TYtError(const TNode& node)
+ const auto& map = node.AsMap();
+ auto it = map.find("message");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ Message_ = it->second.AsString();
+ }
+ it = map.find("code");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ Code_ = static_cast<int>(it->second.AsInt64());
+ } else {
+ Code_ = NYT::NClusterErrorCodes::Generic;
+ }
+ it = map.find("inner_errors");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ const auto& innerErrors = it->second.AsList();
+ for (const auto& innerError : innerErrors) {
+ InnerErrors_.push_back(TYtError(innerError));
+ }
+ }
+ it = map.find("attributes");
+ if (it != map.end()) {
+ auto& attributes = it->second;
+ if (attributes.IsMap()) {
+ Attributes_ = std::move(attributes.AsMap());
+ }
+ }
+int TYtError::GetCode() const
+ return Code_;
+const TString& TYtError::GetMessage() const
+ return Message_;
+const TVector<TYtError>& TYtError::InnerErrors() const
+ return InnerErrors_;
+void TYtError::ParseFrom(const TString& jsonError)
+ TJsonValue value;
+ TStringInput input(jsonError);
+ ReadJsonTree(&input, &value);
+ *this = TYtError(value);
+TSet<int> TYtError::GetAllErrorCodes() const
+ TDeque<const TYtError*> queue = {this};
+ TSet<int> result;
+ while (!queue.empty()) {
+ const auto* current = queue.front();
+ queue.pop_front();
+ result.insert(current->Code_);
+ for (const auto& error : current->InnerErrors_) {
+ queue.push_back(&error);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+bool TYtError::ContainsErrorCode(int code) const
+ if (Code_ == code) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const auto& error : InnerErrors_) {
+ if (error.ContainsErrorCode(code)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool TYtError::ContainsText(const TStringBuf& text) const
+ if (Message_.Contains(text)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const auto& error : InnerErrors_) {
+ if (error.ContainsText(text)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool TYtError::HasAttributes() const
+ return !Attributes_.empty();
+const TNode::TMapType& TYtError::GetAttributes() const
+ return Attributes_;
+TString TYtError::GetYsonText() const
+ TStringStream out;
+ ::NYson::TYsonWriter writer(&out, NYson::EYsonFormat::Text);
+ SerializeError(*this, &writer);
+ return std::move(out.Str());
+TString TYtError::ShortDescription() const
+ TStringStream out;
+ WriteErrorDescription(*this, &out);
+ return std::move(out.Str());
+TString TYtError::FullDescription() const
+ TStringStream s;
+ WriteErrorDescription(*this, &s);
+ s << "; full error: " << GetYsonText();
+ return s.Str();
+TErrorResponse::TErrorResponse(int httpCode, const TString& requestId)
+ : HttpCode_(httpCode)
+ , RequestId_(requestId)
+{ }
+bool TErrorResponse::IsOk() const
+ return Error_.GetCode() == 0;
+void TErrorResponse::SetRawError(const TString& message)
+ Error_ = TYtError(message);
+ Setup();
+void TErrorResponse::SetError(TYtError error)
+ Error_ = std::move(error);
+ Setup();
+void TErrorResponse::ParseFromJsonError(const TString& jsonError)
+ Error_.ParseFrom(jsonError);
+ Setup();
+void TErrorResponse::SetIsFromTrailers(bool isFromTrailers)
+ IsFromTrailers_ = isFromTrailers;
+int TErrorResponse::GetHttpCode() const
+ return HttpCode_;
+bool TErrorResponse::IsFromTrailers() const
+ return IsFromTrailers_;
+bool TErrorResponse::IsTransportError() const
+ return HttpCode_ == 503;
+TString TErrorResponse::GetRequestId() const
+ return RequestId_;
+const TYtError& TErrorResponse::GetError() const
+ return Error_;
+bool TErrorResponse::IsResolveError() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NYTree::ResolveError);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsAccessDenied() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NSecurityClient::AuthorizationError);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsConcurrentTransactionLockConflict() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NCypressClient::ConcurrentTransactionLockConflict);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsRequestRateLimitExceeded() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NSecurityClient::RequestQueueSizeLimitExceeded);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsRequestQueueSizeLimitExceeded() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NRpc::RequestQueueSizeLimitExceeded);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsChunkUnavailable() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NChunkClient::ChunkUnavailable);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsRequestTimedOut() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::Timeout);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsNoSuchTransaction() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NTransactionClient::NoSuchTransaction);
+bool TErrorResponse::IsConcurrentOperationsLimitReached() const
+ return Error_.ContainsErrorCode(NClusterErrorCodes::NScheduler::TooManyOperations);
+void TErrorResponse::Setup()
+ TStringStream s;
+ *this << Error_.FullDescription();
+ EState state,
+ TOperationId id,
+ TYtError ytError,
+ TVector<TFailedJobInfo> failedJobInfo)
+ : State_(state)
+ , OperationId_(id)
+ , Error_(std::move(ytError))
+ , FailedJobInfo_(std::move(failedJobInfo))
+ *this << Error_.FullDescription();
+ if (!FailedJobInfo_.empty()) {
+ *this << DumpJobInfoForException(OperationId_, FailedJobInfo_);
+ }
+TOperationFailedError::EState TOperationFailedError::GetState() const
+ return State_;
+TOperationId TOperationFailedError::GetOperationId() const
+ return OperationId_;
+const TYtError& TOperationFailedError::GetError() const
+ return Error_;
+const TVector<TFailedJobInfo>& TOperationFailedError::GetFailedJobInfo() const
+ return FailedJobInfo_;
+} // namespace NYT