path: root/yt/cpp/mapreduce/client/init.cpp
diff options
authormax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-06-30 03:37:03 +0300
committermax42 <max42@yandex-team.com>2023-06-30 03:37:03 +0300
commitfac2bd72b4b31ec3238292caf8fb2a8aaa6d6c4a (patch)
treeb8cbc1deb00309c7f1a7ab6df520a76cf0b5c6d7 /yt/cpp/mapreduce/client/init.cpp
parent7bf166b1a7ed0af927f230022b245af618e998c1 (diff)
YT-19324: move YT provider to ydb/library/yql
This commit is formed by the following script: https://paste.yandex-team.ru/6f92e4b8-efc5-4d34-948b-15ee2accd7e7/text. This commit has zero effect on all projects that depend on YQL. The summary of changes: - `yql/providers/yt -> ydb/library/yql/providers/yt `- the whole implementation of YT provider is moved into YDB code base for further export as a part of YT YQL plugin shared library; - `yql/providers/stat/{expr_nodes,uploader} -> ydb/library/yql/providers/stat/{expr_nodes,uploader}` - a small interface without implementation and the description of stat expr nodes; - `yql/core/extract_predicate/ut -> ydb/library/yql/core/extract_predicate/ut`; - `yql/core/{ut,ut_common} -> ydb/library/yql/core/{ut,ut_common}`; - `yql/core` is gone; - `yql/library/url_preprocessing -> ydb/library/yql/core/url_preprocessing`. **NB**: all new targets inside `ydb/` are under `IF (NOT CMAKE_EXPORT)` clause which disables them from open-source cmake generation and ya make build. They will be enabled in the subsequent commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'yt/cpp/mapreduce/client/init.cpp')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yt/cpp/mapreduce/client/init.cpp b/yt/cpp/mapreduce/client/init.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c74598ba14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/cpp/mapreduce/client/init.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#include "init.h"
+#include "abortable_registry.h"
+#include "job_profiler.h"
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/http/requests.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/config.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/init.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/operation.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/logging/logger.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/logging/yt_log.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/io/job_reader.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/common/helpers.h>
+#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/common/wait_proxy.h>
+#include <library/cpp/sighandler/async_signals_handler.h>
+#include <util/folder/dirut.h>
+#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/string/type.h>
+#include <util/system/env.h>
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+namespace NYT {
+namespace {
+void WriteVersionToLog()
+ YT_LOG_INFO("Wrapper version: %v",
+ TProcessState::Get()->ClientVersion);
+static TNode SecureVaultContents; // safe
+void InitializeSecureVault()
+ SecureVaultContents = NodeFromYsonString(
+ GetEnv("YT_SECURE_VAULT", "{}"));
+const TNode& GetJobSecureVault()
+ return SecureVaultContents;
+class TAbnormalTerminator
+ TAbnormalTerminator() = default;
+ static void SetErrorTerminationHandler()
+ {
+ if (Instance().OldHandler_ != nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Instance().OldHandler_ = std::set_terminate(&TerminateHandler);
+ SetAsyncSignalFunction(SIGINT, SignalHandler);
+ SetAsyncSignalFunction(SIGTERM, SignalHandler);
+ }
+ static TAbnormalTerminator& Instance()
+ {
+ return *Singleton<TAbnormalTerminator>();
+ }
+ static void* Invoke(void* opaque)
+ {
+ (*reinterpret_cast<std::function<void()>*>(opaque))();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ static void TerminateWithTimeout(
+ const TDuration& timeout,
+ const std::function<void(void)>& exitFunction,
+ const TString& logMessage)
+ {
+ std::function<void()> threadFun = [=] {
+ YT_LOG_INFO("%v",
+ logMessage);
+ NDetail::TAbortableRegistry::Get()->AbortAllAndBlockForever();
+ };
+ TThread thread(TThread::TParams(Invoke, &threadFun).SetName("aborter"));
+ thread.Start();
+ thread.Detach();
+ Sleep(timeout);
+ exitFunction();
+ }
+ static void SignalHandler(int signalNumber)
+ {
+ TerminateWithTimeout(
+ TDuration::Seconds(5),
+ std::bind(_exit, -signalNumber),
+ ::TStringBuilder() << "Signal " << signalNumber << " received, aborting transactions. Waiting 5 seconds...");
+ }
+ static void TerminateHandler()
+ {
+ TerminateWithTimeout(
+ TDuration::Seconds(5),
+ [&] {
+ if (Instance().OldHandler_) {
+ Instance().OldHandler_();
+ } else {
+ abort();
+ }
+ },
+ ::TStringBuilder() << "Terminate called, aborting transactions. Waiting 5 seconds...");
+ }
+ std::terminate_handler OldHandler_ = nullptr;
+namespace NDetail {
+EInitStatus& GetInitStatus()
+ static EInitStatus initStatus = EInitStatus::NotInitialized;
+ return initStatus;
+static void ElevateInitStatus(const EInitStatus newStatus) {
+ NDetail::GetInitStatus() = Max(NDetail::GetInitStatus(), newStatus);
+void CommonInitialize(int argc, const char** argv)
+ auto logLevelStr = to_lower(TConfig::Get()->LogLevel);
+ ILogger::ELevel logLevel;
+ if (!TryFromString(logLevelStr, logLevel)) {
+ Cerr << "Invalid log level: " << TConfig::Get()->LogLevel << Endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ SetLogger(CreateStdErrLogger(logLevel));
+ TProcessState::Get()->SetCommandLine(argc, argv);
+void NonJobInitialize(const TInitializeOptions& options)
+ if (FromString<bool>(GetEnv("YT_CLEANUP_ON_TERMINATION", "0")) || options.CleanupOnTermination_) {
+ TAbnormalTerminator::SetErrorTerminationHandler();
+ }
+ if (options.WaitProxy_) {
+ NDetail::TWaitProxy::Get()->SetProxy(options.WaitProxy_);
+ }
+ WriteVersionToLog();
+void ExecJob(int argc, const char** argv, const TInitializeOptions& options)
+ // Now we are definitely in job.
+ // We take this setting from environment variable to be consistent with client code.
+ TConfig::Get()->UseClientProtobuf = IsTrue(GetEnv("YT_USE_CLIENT_PROTOBUF", ""));
+ auto execJobImpl = [&options](TString jobName, i64 outputTableCount, bool hasState) {
+ auto jobProfiler = CreateJobProfiler();
+ jobProfiler->Start();
+ InitializeSecureVault();
+ NDetail::OutputTableCount = static_cast<i64>(outputTableCount);
+ THolder<IInputStream> jobStateStream;
+ if (hasState) {
+ jobStateStream = MakeHolder<TIFStream>("jobstate");
+ } else {
+ jobStateStream = MakeHolder<TBufferStream>(0);
+ }
+ int ret = 1;
+ try {
+ ret = TJobFactory::Get()->GetJobFunction(jobName.data())(outputTableCount, *jobStateStream);
+ } catch (const TSystemError& ex) {
+ if (ex.Status() == EPIPE) {
+ // 32 == EPIPE, write number here so it's easier to grep this exit code in source files
+ exit(32);
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ jobProfiler->Stop();
+ if (options.JobOnExitFunction_) {
+ (*options.JobOnExitFunction_)();
+ }
+ exit(ret);
+ };
+ auto jobArguments = NodeFromYsonString(GetEnv("YT_JOB_ARGUMENTS", "#"));
+ if (jobArguments.HasValue()) {
+ execJobImpl(
+ jobArguments["job_name"].AsString(),
+ jobArguments["output_table_count"].AsInt64(),
+ jobArguments["has_state"].AsBool());
+ }
+ TString jobType = argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : TString();
+ if (argc != 5 || jobType != "--yt-map" && jobType != "--yt-reduce") {
+ // We are inside job but probably using old API
+ // (i.e. both NYT::Initialize and NMR::Initialize are called).
+ WriteVersionToLog();
+ return;
+ }
+ TString jobName(argv[2]);
+ i64 outputTableCount = FromString<i64>(argv[3]);
+ int hasState = FromString<int>(argv[4]);
+ execJobImpl(jobName, outputTableCount, hasState);
+} // namespace NDetail
+void JoblessInitialize(const TInitializeOptions& options)
+ static const char* fakeArgv[] = {"unknown..."};
+ NDetail::CommonInitialize(1, fakeArgv);
+ NDetail::NonJobInitialize(options);
+ NDetail::ElevateInitStatus(NDetail::EInitStatus::JoblessInitialization);
+void Initialize(int argc, const char* argv[], const TInitializeOptions& options)
+ NDetail::CommonInitialize(argc, argv);
+ NDetail::ElevateInitStatus(NDetail::EInitStatus::FullInitialization);
+ const bool isInsideJob = !GetEnv("YT_JOB_ID").empty();
+ if (isInsideJob) {
+ NDetail::ExecJob(argc, argv, options);
+ } else {
+ NDetail::NonJobInitialize(options);
+ }
+void Initialize(int argc, char* argv[], const TInitializeOptions& options)
+ return Initialize(argc, const_cast<const char**>(argv), options);
+void Initialize(const TInitializeOptions& options)
+ static const char* fakeArgv[] = {"unknown..."};
+ Initialize(1, fakeArgv, options);
+} // namespace NYT