path: root/yql/tools/yqlrun/yqlrun.cpp
diff options
authoraneporada <aneporada@yandex-team.com>2024-12-04 22:35:38 +0300
committeraneporada <aneporada@yandex-team.com>2024-12-04 23:11:42 +0300
commitd2bd6dd9b9fd27437e1cf1de84fb2e439bb27146 (patch)
treee815a4342c7cbacd4152c24a8f7fd04d29939fbb /yql/tools/yqlrun/yqlrun.cpp
parent45cb9b1a063b56f1f41de10f8d64caae21faf18a (diff)
Relocate yqlrun and mrjob
Relocate yqlrun and mrjob commit_hash:642b0fa4afb6dfa2ce51bccd0f7e28003437d796
Diffstat (limited to 'yql/tools/yqlrun/yqlrun.cpp')
1 files changed, 1085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yql/tools/yqlrun/yqlrun.cpp b/yql/tools/yqlrun/yqlrun.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1ae1fc6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yql/tools/yqlrun/yqlrun.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1085 @@
+#include "gateway_spec.h"
+#include <yql/tools/yqlrun/http/yql_server.h>
+#include <yt/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file.h>
+#include <yt/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/yql_yt_file_services.h>
+#include <yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_provider.h>
+#include <yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_provider_impl.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/cbo/simple/cbo_simple.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/url_preprocessing/url_preprocessing.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/sql/v1/format/sql_format.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/pg/provider/yql_pg_provider.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/common/codec/yql_codec.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/common/provider/yql_provider_names.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/common/udf_resolve/yql_simple_udf_resolver.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/common/udf_resolve/yql_outproc_udf_resolver.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/common/udf_resolve/yql_udf_resolver_with_index.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/common/proto/gateways_config.pb.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/providers/common/comp_nodes/yql_factory.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/minikql/invoke_builtins/mkql_builtins.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/minikql/computation/mkql_computation_node.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/mkql_factories.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_function_registry.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_utils.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/protos/yql_mount.pb.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/protos/pg_ext.pb.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/yql_library_compiler.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/facade/yql_facade.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/pg_ext/yql_pg_ext.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/file_storage/file_storage.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/file_storage/http_download/http_download.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/file_storage/proto/file_storage.pb.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/peephole_opt/yql_opt_peephole_physical.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/core/services/mounts/yql_mounts.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/utils/log/log.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/utils/backtrace/backtrace.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/utils/log/tls_backend.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/public/udf/udf_validate.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/parser/pg_wrapper/interface/comp_factory.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/parser/pg_wrapper/interface/parser.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/public/result_format/yql_result_format_response.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/public/result_format/yql_result_format_type.h>
+#include <yql/essentials/public/result_format/yql_result_format_data.h>
+#include <library/cpp/logger/stream.h>
+#include <library/cpp/svnversion/svnversion.h>
+#include <library/cpp/getopt/last_getopt.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/public.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yson/writer.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
+#include <util/stream/file.h>
+#include <util/system/user.h>
+#include <util/folder/iterator.h>
+#include <util/folder/dirut.h>
+#include <util/string/join.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#ifdef __unix__
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+const ui32 PRETTY_FLAGS = NYql::TAstPrintFlags::PerLine | NYql::TAstPrintFlags::ShortQuote |
+ NYql::TAstPrintFlags::AdaptArbitraryContent;
+class TMultiProgs {
+ TMultiProgs(NYql::TProgramFactory& factory, const TString& programFile, const TString& programText, size_t concurrentCount = 1) {
+ Infos.reserve(concurrentCount);
+ BaseProg = factory.Create(programFile, programText);
+ if (concurrentCount) {
+ factory.UnrepeatableRandom();
+ }
+ for (auto i = concurrentCount; i > 0; --i) {
+ Infos.emplace_back(TProgInfo({factory.Create(programFile, programText), {}}));
+ }
+ }
+ bool ParseYql() {
+ bool result = BaseProg->ParseYql();
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ info.Prog->ParseYql();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool ParseSql(const NSQLTranslation::TTranslationSettings& settings) {
+ bool result = BaseProg->ParseSql(settings);
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ info.Prog->ParseSql(settings);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool Compile(const TString& username) {
+ bool result = BaseProg->Compile(username);
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ info.Prog->Compile(username);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ bool CompareStreams(const TString& compareGoal, IOutputStream& out, const T& base, const T& concurrent) const {
+ const auto baseSize = base.Size();
+ const auto concurentSize = concurrent.Size();
+ if (baseSize == concurentSize && memcmp(base.Data(), concurrent.Data(), baseSize) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ out << "Difference " << compareGoal << " of cuncurrent mode is not the same as base run. Size base: " << baseSize <<
+ ", size concurrent: " << concurentSize;
+ if (concurentSize) {
+ out << ", concurrent stream: " << Endl << concurrent.Data();
+ } else {
+ out << ", base stream: " << Endl << base.Data();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void PrintExprTo(IOutputStream& out) {
+ TStringStream baseSS;
+ auto baseAst = ConvertToAst(*BaseProg->ExprRoot(), BaseProg->ExprCtx(), NYql::TExprAnnotationFlags::None, true);
+ baseAst.Root->PrettyPrintTo(baseSS, PRETTY_FLAGS);
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ TStringStream ss;
+ auto ast = ConvertToAst(*info.Prog->ExprRoot(), BaseProg->ExprCtx(), NYql::TExprAnnotationFlags::None, true);
+ ast.Root->PrettyPrintTo(ss, PRETTY_FLAGS);
+ if (!CompareStreams("expr representation", out, baseSS, ss)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ out << baseSS.Data();
+ }
+ void FinalizeIssues() {
+ BaseProg->FinalizeIssues();
+ for (auto& info : Infos) {
+ info.Prog->FinalizeIssues();
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintErrorsTo(IOutputStream& out) const {
+ TStringStream baseSS;
+ BaseProg->PrintErrorsTo(baseSS);
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ TStringStream ss;
+ info.Prog->PrintErrorsTo(ss);
+ if (!CompareStreams("error", out, baseSS, ss)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ out << baseSS.Data();
+ }
+ void PrintAstTo(IOutputStream& out) const {
+ TStringStream baseSS;
+ BaseProg->AstRoot()->PrettyPrintTo(out, PRETTY_FLAGS);
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ TStringStream ss;
+ info.Prog->AstRoot()->PrettyPrintTo(out, PRETTY_FLAGS);
+ if (!CompareStreams("AST", out, baseSS, ss)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ out << baseSS.Data();
+ }
+ void SetProgressWriter(NYql::TOperationProgressWriter writer) {
+ BaseProg->SetProgressWriter(writer);
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ info.Prog->SetProgressWriter(writer);
+ }
+ }
+ void SetValidateOptions(NKikimr::NUdf::EValidateMode validateMode) {
+ BaseProg->SetValidateOptions(validateMode);
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ info.Prog->SetValidateOptions(validateMode);
+ }
+ }
+ void SetParametersYson(const TString& parameters) {
+ BaseProg->SetParametersYson(parameters);
+ for (auto& info : Infos) {
+ info.Prog->SetParametersYson(parameters);
+ }
+ }
+ void Print(IOutputStream* exprOut, IOutputStream* planOut) {
+ bool cleanPlan = true;
+ BaseProg->Print(exprOut, planOut, cleanPlan);
+ }
+ void ResultsOut(IOutputStream& out) {
+ if (BaseProg->HasResults()) {
+ BaseProg->ConfigureYsonResultFormat(NYson::EYsonFormat::Pretty);
+ out << BaseProg->ResultsAsString();
+ }
+ // Multirun results are ignored
+ }
+ void DiscoveredDataOut(IOutputStream& out) {
+ if (auto data = BaseProg->GetDiscoveredData()) {
+ TStringInput in(*data);
+ NYson::ReformatYsonStream(&in, &out, NYson::EYsonFormat::Pretty);
+ }
+ }
+ void LineageOut(IOutputStream& out) {
+ if (auto data = BaseProg->GetLineage()) {
+ TStringInput in(*data);
+ NYson::ReformatYsonStream(&in, &out, NYson::EYsonFormat::Pretty);
+ }
+ }
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus Run(const TString& username, IOutputStream* traceOut, IOutputStream* tracePlan, IOutputStream* exprOut, bool withTypes) {
+ YQL_ENSURE(Infos.empty());
+ return BaseProg->Run(username, traceOut, tracePlan, exprOut, withTypes);
+ }
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus Optimize(const TString& username, IOutputStream* traceOut, IOutputStream* tracePlan, IOutputStream* exprOut, bool withTypes) {
+ YQL_ENSURE(Infos.empty());
+ return BaseProg->Optimize(username, traceOut, tracePlan, exprOut, withTypes);
+ }
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus Validate(const TString& username, IOutputStream* exprOut, bool withTypes) {
+ YQL_ENSURE(Infos.empty());
+ return BaseProg->Validate(username, exprOut, withTypes);
+ }
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus Discover(const TString& username) {
+ YQL_ENSURE(Infos.empty());
+ return BaseProg->Discover(username);
+ }
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus Lineage(const TString& username, IOutputStream* traceOut, IOutputStream* exprOut, bool withTypes) {
+ YQL_ENSURE(Infos.empty());
+ return BaseProg->Lineage(username, traceOut, exprOut, withTypes);
+ }
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus Peephole(const TString& username, IOutputStream* exprOut, bool withTypes) {
+ YQL_ENSURE(Infos.empty());
+ using namespace NYql;
+ class TPeepHolePipelineConfigurator : public IPipelineConfigurator {
+ public:
+ TPeepHolePipelineConfigurator() = default;
+ void AfterCreate(TTransformationPipeline* pipeline) const final {
+ Y_UNUSED(pipeline);
+ }
+ void AfterTypeAnnotation(TTransformationPipeline* pipeline) const final {
+ Y_UNUSED(pipeline);
+ }
+ void AfterOptimize(TTransformationPipeline* pipeline) const final {
+ pipeline->Add(CreateYtWideFlowTransformer(nullptr), "WideFlow");
+ pipeline->Add(CreateYtBlockInputTransformer(nullptr), "BlockInput");
+ pipeline->Add(MakePeepholeOptimization(pipeline->GetTypeAnnotationContext()), "PeepHole");
+ }
+ };
+ TPeepHolePipelineConfigurator config;
+ auto status = BaseProg->OptimizeWithConfig(username, config);
+ if (exprOut && BaseProg->ExprRoot()) {
+ auto ast = ConvertToAst(*BaseProg->ExprRoot(), BaseProg->ExprCtx(), withTypes ? TExprAnnotationFlags::Types : TExprAnnotationFlags::None, true);
+ ui32 prettyFlags = TAstPrintFlags::ShortQuote;
+ if (!withTypes) {
+ prettyFlags |= TAstPrintFlags::PerLine;
+ }
+ ast.Root->PrettyPrintTo(*exprOut, prettyFlags);
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus RunAsyncAndWait(const TString& username, IOutputStream* traceOut, IOutputStream* tracePlan, IOutputStream* exprOut,
+ bool withTypes, bool& emulateOutputForMultirun) {
+ NYql::TProgram::TStatus baseStatus = BaseProg->Run(username, traceOut, tracePlan, exprOut, withTypes);
+ // switch this flag only after base run
+ emulateOutputForMultirun = true;
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ info.Future = info.Prog->RunAsync(username, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, withTypes);
+ YQL_ENSURE(info.Future.Initialized());
+ }
+ for (bool wasAsync = true; wasAsync;) {
+ wasAsync = false;
+ for (auto& info: Infos) {
+ auto status = info.Future.GetValueSync();
+ if (status == NYql::TProgram::TStatus::Async) {
+ wasAsync = true;
+ info.Future = info.Prog->ContinueAsync();
+ } else if (status == NYql::TProgram::TStatus::Error) {
+ baseStatus = status;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return baseStatus;
+ }
+ struct TProgInfo {
+ NYql::TProgramPtr Prog;
+ NYql::TProgram::TFutureStatus Future;
+ };
+ NYql::TProgramPtr BaseProg;
+ TVector<TProgInfo> Infos;
+using namespace NYql;
+using namespace NKikimr::NMiniKQL;
+using namespace NYql::NHttp;
+namespace NMiniKQL = NKikimr::NMiniKQL;
+class TStoreMappingFunctor: public NLastGetopt::IOptHandler {
+ TStoreMappingFunctor(THashMap<TString, TString>* target, char delim = '@')
+ : Target(target)
+ , Delim(delim)
+ {
+ }
+ void HandleOpt(const NLastGetopt::TOptsParser* parser) final {
+ const TStringBuf val(parser->CurValOrDef());
+ const auto service = TString(val.After(Delim));
+ auto res = Target->emplace(TString(val.Before(Delim)), service);
+ if (!res.second) {
+ /// force replace already exist parametr
+ res.first->second = service;
+ }
+ }
+ THashMap<TString, TString>* Target;
+ char Delim;
+void CommonInit(const NLastGetopt::TOptsParseResult& res, const TString& udfResolverPath, bool filterSysCalls,
+ const TVector<TString>& udfsPaths, TFileStoragePtr fileStorage,
+ IUdfResolver::TPtr& udfResolver, NKikimr::NMiniKQL::IFunctionRegistry::TPtr funcRegistry, TUdfIndex::TPtr& udfIndex) {
+ if (fileStorage && res.Has("scan-udfs")) {
+ if (!udfResolverPath) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "udf-resolver path must be specified when use 'scan-udfs'";
+ }
+ udfResolver = NCommon::CreateOutProcUdfResolver(funcRegistry.Get(), fileStorage, udfResolverPath, {}, {}, filterSysCalls, {});
+ Cerr << TInstant::Now().ToStringLocalUpToSeconds() << " Udf scanning started for " << udfsPaths.size() << " udfs ..." << Endl;
+ udfIndex = new TUdfIndex();
+ LoadRichMetadataToUdfIndex(*udfResolver, udfsPaths, false, TUdfIndex::EOverrideMode::RaiseError, *udfIndex);
+ Cerr << TInstant::Now().ToStringLocalUpToSeconds() << " UdfIndex done." << Endl;
+ udfResolver = NCommon::CreateUdfResolverWithIndex(udfIndex, udfResolver, fileStorage);
+ Cerr << TInstant::Now().ToStringLocalUpToSeconds() << " Udfs scanned" << Endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ udfResolver = fileStorage && udfResolverPath
+ ? NCommon::CreateOutProcUdfResolver(funcRegistry.Get(), fileStorage, udfResolverPath, {}, {}, false, {})
+ : NCommon::CreateSimpleUdfResolver(funcRegistry.Get(), fileStorage, true);
+template <typename TMessage>
+THolder<TMessage> ParseProtoConfig(const TString& cfgFile) {
+ auto config = MakeHolder<TMessage>();
+ TString configData = TFileInput(cfgFile).ReadAll();;
+ using ::google::protobuf::TextFormat;
+ if (!TextFormat::ParseFromString(configData, config.Get())) {
+ Cerr << "Bad format of gateways configuration";
+ return {};
+ }
+ return config;
+int Main(int argc, const char *argv[])
+ Y_UNUSED(NUdf::GetStaticSymbols());
+ using namespace NLastGetopt;
+ TOpts opts = TOpts::Default();
+ TString programFile;
+ TVector<TString> tablesMappingList;
+ TVector<TString> tablesDirMappingList;
+ THashMap<TString, TString> tablesMapping;
+ THashMap<TString, TString> tablesDirMapping;
+ TVector<TString> filesMappingList;
+ TUserDataTable filesMapping;
+ TVector<TString> urlsMappingList;
+ TString exprFile;
+ TString resultFile;
+ TString planFile;
+ TString errFile;
+ TString tmpDir;
+ TVector<TString> udfsPaths;
+ TString udfsDir;
+ TString validateModeStr(NUdf::ValidateModeAsStr(NUdf::EValidateMode::Greedy));
+ THashSet<TString> gatewayTypes;
+ TString mountConfig;
+ TString udfResolverPath;
+ bool udfResolverFilterSyscalls = false;
+ THashMap<TString, TString> clusterMapping;
+ THashSet<TString> sqlFlags;
+ clusterMapping["plato"] = YtProviderName;
+ clusterMapping["pg_catalog"] = PgProviderName;
+ clusterMapping["information_schema"] = PgProviderName;
+ ui32 progsConcurrentCount = 0;
+ TString paramsFile;
+ ui16 syntaxVersion;
+ ui64 memLimit;
+ TString gatewaysCfgFile;
+ TString fsCfgFile;
+ TString pgExtConfig;
+ opts.AddHelpOption();
+ opts.AddLongOption('p', "program", "program file").StoreResult<TString>(&programFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption('s', "sql", "program is SQL query").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("pg", "program has PG syntax").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('t', "table", "table@file").AppendTo(&tablesMappingList);
+ opts.AddLongOption("tables-dir", "cluster@dir").AppendTo(&tablesDirMappingList);
+ opts.AddLongOption('C', "cluster", "set cluster to service mapping").RequiredArgument("name@service").Handler(new TStoreMappingFunctor(&clusterMapping));
+ opts.AddLongOption("ndebug", "should be at first argument, do not show debug info in error output").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("parse-only", "exit after program has been parsed").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("print-ast", "print AST after loading").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("compile-only", "exit after program has been compiled").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("print-expr", "print rebuild AST before execution").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("with-types", "print types annotation").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("trace-opt", "print AST in the begin of each transformation").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("expr-file", "print AST to that file instead of stdout").StoreResult<TString>(&exprFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("print-result", "print program execution result to stdout").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("result-file", "print program execution result to file").StoreResult<TString>(&resultFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("plan-file", "print program plan to file").StoreResult<TString>(&planFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("err-file", "print validate/optimize/runtime errors to file").StoreResult<TString>(&errFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption('P',"trace-plan", "print plan before execution").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('L', "show-log", "show logs").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('D', "discover", "discover tables in the program").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("validate", "exit after program has been validated").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("lineage", "exit after data lineage has been calculated").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('O',"optimize", "optimize expression").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('R',"run", "run expression using input/output tables").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("peephole", "perform peephole stage of expression using input/output tables").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('M',"multirun", "run expression in multi-evaluate (race) mode, as option set concurrent count").StoreResult(&progsConcurrentCount).DefaultValue(progsConcurrentCount);
+ opts.AddLongOption('f', "file", "name@path").AppendTo(&filesMappingList);
+ opts.AddLongOption('U', "url", "name@path").AppendTo(&urlsMappingList);
+ opts.AddLongOption('m', "mounts", "Mount points config file.").StoreResult(&mountConfig);
+ opts.AddLongOption("opt-collision", "provider optimize collision mode").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("keep-temp", "keep temporary tables").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("full-expr", "avoid buffering of expr/plan").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("show-progress", "report operation progress").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("tmp-dir", "directory for temporary tables").StoreResult<TString>(&tmpDir);
+ opts.AddLongOption("reverse-mrkey", "reverse keys for Map/Reduce opeations").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('u', "udf", "Load shared library with UDF by given path").AppendTo(&udfsPaths);
+ opts.AddLongOption("udfs-dir", "Load all shared libraries with UDFs found in given directory").StoreResult(&udfsDir);
+ opts.AddLongOption("mem-info", "Print memory usage information").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("validate-mode", "validate udf mode, available values: " + NUdf::ValidateModeAvailables()).StoreResult<TString>(&validateModeStr).DefaultValue(validateModeStr);
+ opts.AddLongOption('G', "gateways", "used gateways").SplitHandler(&gatewayTypes, ',').DefaultValue(YtProviderName);
+ opts.AddLongOption("udf-resolver", "Path to udf-resolver").Optional().RequiredArgument("PATH").StoreResult(&udfResolverPath);
+ opts.AddLongOption("udf-resolver-filter-syscalls", "Filter syscalls in udf resolver")
+ .Optional()
+ .NoArgument()
+ .SetFlag(&udfResolverFilterSyscalls);
+ opts.AddLongOption("scan-udfs", "Scan specified udfs with external udf-resolver to use static function registry").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("params-file", "Query parameters values in YSON format").StoreResult(&paramsFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("sql-flags", "SQL translator pragma flags").SplitHandler(&sqlFlags, ',');
+ opts.AddLongOption("syntax-version", "SQL syntax version").StoreResult(&syntaxVersion).DefaultValue(1);
+ opts.AddLongOption("ansi-lexer", "Use ansi lexer").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("assume-ydb-on-slash", "Assume YDB provider if cluster name starts with '/'").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("mem-limit", "Set memory limit in megabytes").StoreResult(&memLimit).DefaultValue(0);
+ opts.AddLongOption("gateways-cfg", "gateways configuration file").Optional().RequiredArgument("FILE").StoreResult(&gatewaysCfgFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("fs-cfg", "fs configuration file").Optional().RequiredArgument("FILE").StoreResult(&fsCfgFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("test-format", "compare formatted query's AST with the original query's AST (only syntaxVersion=1 is supported)").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("show-kernels", "show all Arrow kernel families").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("pg-ext", "pg extensions config file").StoreResult(&pgExtConfig);
+ opts.AddLongOption("with-final-issues", "Include some final messages (like statistic) in issues").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("validate-result-format", "Check that result-format can parse Result").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption("test-antlr4", "check antlr4 parser").NoArgument();
+ opts.SetFreeArgsMax(0);
+ TOptsParseResult res(&opts, argc, argv);
+ auto builtins = CreateBuiltinRegistry();
+ if (res.Has("show-kernels")) {
+ auto families = builtins->GetAllKernelFamilies();
+ Sort(families, [](const auto& x, const auto& y) { return x.first < y.first; });
+ ui64 totalKernels = 0;
+ for (const auto& f : families) {
+ auto numKernels = f.second->GetAllKernels().size();
+ Cout << f.first << ": " << numKernels << " kernels\n";
+ totalKernels += numKernels;
+ }
+ Cout << "Total kernel families: " << families.size() << ", kernels: " << totalKernels << "\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ NPg::SetSqlLanguageParser(NSQLTranslationPG::CreateSqlLanguageParser());
+ NPg::LoadSystemFunctions(*NSQLTranslationPG::CreateSystemFunctionsParser());
+ if (!pgExtConfig.empty()) {
+ auto config = ParseProtoConfig<NProto::TPgExtensions>(pgExtConfig);
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(config);
+ TVector<NPg::TExtensionDesc> extensions;
+ PgExtensionsFromProto(*config, extensions);
+ NPg::RegisterExtensions(extensions, false,
+ *NSQLTranslationPG::CreateExtensionSqlParser(),
+ NKikimr::NMiniKQL::CreateExtensionLoader().get());
+ }
+ NPg::GetSqlLanguageParser()->Freeze();
+ const bool parseOnly = res.Has("parse-only");
+ const bool compileOnly = res.Has("compile-only");
+ const bool hasValidate = !parseOnly && !compileOnly;
+ if (hasValidate && !gatewayTypes.contains(YtProviderName)) {
+ Cerr << "At least one gateway from the list " << Join(",", YtProviderName).Quote() << " must be specified" << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (auto& s: tablesMappingList) {
+ TStringBuf tableName, filePath;
+ TStringBuf(s).Split('@', tableName, filePath);
+ if (tableName.empty() || filePath.empty()) {
+ Cerr << "Incorrect table mapping, expected form table@file, e.g. yt.plato.Input@input.txt" << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ tablesMapping[tableName] = filePath;
+ }
+ for (auto& s : tablesDirMappingList) {
+ TStringBuf clusterName, dirPath;
+ TStringBuf(s).Split('@', clusterName, dirPath);
+ if (clusterName.empty() || dirPath.empty()) {
+ Cerr << "Incorrect table directory mapping, expected form cluster@dir, e.g. yt.plato@/tmp/tables" << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ tablesDirMapping[clusterName] = dirPath;
+ for (const auto& entry : TDirIterator(TFsPath(dirPath))) {
+ if (auto entryPath = TFsPath(entry.fts_path); entryPath.IsFile() && entryPath.GetExtension() == "txt") {
+ auto tableName = TString(clusterName).append('.').append(entryPath.RelativeTo(TFsPath(dirPath)).GetPath());
+ tableName = tableName.substr(0, tableName.size() - 4); // remove .txt extension
+ tablesMapping[tableName] = entryPath.GetPath();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasValidate) {
+ for (auto& s : filesMappingList) {
+ TStringBuf fileName, filePath;
+ TStringBuf(s).Split('@', fileName, filePath);
+ if (fileName.empty() || filePath.empty()) {
+ Cerr << "Incorrect file mapping, expected form name@path, e.g. MyFile@file.txt" << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ auto& file = filesMapping[TUserDataKey::File(GetDefaultFilePrefix() + fileName)];
+ file.Type = EUserDataType::PATH;
+ file.Data = filePath;
+ }
+ for (auto& s : urlsMappingList) {
+ TStringBuf name, path;
+ TStringBuf(s).Split('@', name, path);
+ if (name.empty() || path.empty()) {
+ Cerr << "Incorrect url mapping, expected form name@path, e.g. MyFile@sbr:123456" << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ auto& block = filesMapping[TUserDataKey::File(GetDefaultFilePrefix() + name)];
+ block.Type = EUserDataType::URL;
+ block.Data = path;
+ }
+ }
+ if (memLimit) {
+#ifdef __unix__
+ memLimit *= 1024 * 1024;
+ struct rlimit rl;
+ if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rl)) {
+ throw TSystemError() << "Cannot getrlimit(RLIMIT_AS)";
+ }
+ rl.rlim_cur = memLimit;
+ if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rl)) {
+ throw TSystemError() << "Cannot setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS) to " << memLimit << " bytes";
+ }
+ Cerr << "Memory limit can not be set on this platfrom" << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ IOutputStream* errStream = &Cerr;
+ THolder<TFixedBufferFileOutput> errFileHolder;
+ if (!errFile.empty()) {
+ errFileHolder.Reset(new TFixedBufferFileOutput(errFile));
+ errStream = errFileHolder.Get();
+ }
+ TExprContext ctx;
+ ctx.NextUniqueId = NPg::GetSqlLanguageParser()->GetContext().NextUniqueId;
+ IModuleResolver::TPtr moduleResolver;
+ if (!mountConfig.empty()) {
+ TModulesTable modules;
+ auto mount = ParseProtoConfig<NYqlMountConfig::TMountConfig>(mountConfig);
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(mount);
+ FillUserDataTableFromFileSystem(*mount, filesMapping);
+ if (!CompileLibraries(filesMapping, ctx, modules)) {
+ *errStream << "Errors on compile libraries:" << Endl;
+ ctx.IssueManager.GetIssues().PrintTo(*errStream);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ moduleResolver = std::make_shared<TModuleResolver>(std::move(modules), ctx.NextUniqueId, clusterMapping, sqlFlags, hasValidate);
+ } else {
+ if (!GetYqlDefaultModuleResolver(ctx, moduleResolver, clusterMapping, hasValidate)) {
+ *errStream << "Errors loading default YQL libraries:" << Endl;
+ ctx.IssueManager.GetIssues().PrintTo(*errStream);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ TExprContext::TFreezeGuard freezeGuard(ctx);
+ TString programText;
+ if (programFile.empty()) {
+ Cerr << "Missing --program argument\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (programFile == TStringBuf("-")) {
+ programFile = TStringBuf("-stdin-");
+ programText = Cin.ReadAll();
+ } else {
+ programText = TFileInput(programFile).ReadAll();
+ }
+ THolder<TFileStorageConfig> fsConfig;
+ if (!fsCfgFile.empty()) {
+ fsConfig = ParseProtoConfig<TFileStorageConfig>(fsCfgFile);
+ if (!fsConfig) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fsConfig = MakeHolder<TFileStorageConfig>();
+ }
+ THolder<TGatewaysConfig> gatewaysConfig;
+ if (!gatewaysCfgFile.empty()) {
+ gatewaysConfig = ParseProtoConfig<TGatewaysConfig>(gatewaysCfgFile);
+ if (!gatewaysConfig) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (gatewaysConfig->HasSqlCore()) {
+ sqlFlags.insert(gatewaysConfig->GetSqlCore().GetTranslationFlags().begin(), gatewaysConfig->GetSqlCore().GetTranslationFlags().end());
+ }
+ }
+ TFileStoragePtr fileStorage;
+ if (hasValidate) {
+ NMiniKQL::FindUdfsInDir(udfsDir, &udfsPaths);
+ fileStorage = WithAsync(CreateFileStorage(*fsConfig));
+ }
+ IUdfResolver::TPtr udfResolver;
+ auto funcRegistry = CreateFunctionRegistry(&NYql::NBacktrace::KikimrBackTrace, CreateBuiltinRegistry(), true, udfsPaths);
+ TUdfIndex::TPtr udfIndex;
+ CommonInit(res, udfResolverPath, udfResolverFilterSyscalls, udfsPaths, fileStorage, udfResolver, funcRegistry, udfIndex);
+ TAutoPtr<IThreadPool> ytExecutionQueue;
+ TVector<TDataProviderInitializer> dataProvidersInit;
+ dataProvidersInit.push_back(GetPgDataProviderInitializer());
+ bool emulateOutputForMultirun = false;
+ if (hasValidate) {
+ if (gatewayTypes.contains(YtProviderName) || res.Has("opt-collision")) {
+ auto yqlNativeServices = NFile::TYtFileServices::Make(funcRegistry.Get(), tablesMapping, fileStorage, tmpDir, res.Has("keep-temp"), tablesDirMapping);
+ auto ytNativeGateway = CreateYtFileGateway(yqlNativeServices, &emulateOutputForMultirun);
+ dataProvidersInit.push_back(GetYtNativeDataProviderInitializer(ytNativeGateway, MakeSimpleCBOOptimizerFactory(), {}));
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasValidate && res.Has("opt-collision")) {
+ ExtProviderSpecific(funcRegistry.Get(), dataProvidersInit);
+ }
+ TProgramFactory factory(true, funcRegistry.Get(), ctx.NextUniqueId, dataProvidersInit, "yqlrun");
+ factory.AddUserDataTable(filesMapping);
+ factory.SetModules(moduleResolver);
+ factory.SetFileStorage(fileStorage);
+ if (gatewaysConfig && gatewaysConfig->HasFs()) {
+ factory.SetUrlPreprocessing(new NYql::TUrlPreprocessing(*gatewaysConfig));
+ }
+ factory.SetUdfIndex(udfIndex, new TUdfIndexPackageSet());
+ factory.SetUdfResolver(udfResolver);
+ factory.SetGatewaysConfig(gatewaysConfig.Get());
+ factory.EnableRangeComputeFor();
+ auto program = MakeHolder<TMultiProgs>(factory, programFile, programText, progsConcurrentCount);
+ if (res.Has("show-progress")) {
+ program->SetProgressWriter([](const TOperationProgress& progress) {
+ Cerr << "Operation: [" << progress.Category << "] " << progress.Id << ", state: " << progress.State << "\n";
+ });
+ }
+ if (paramsFile) {
+ TString parameters = TFileInput(paramsFile).ReadAll();
+ program->SetParametersYson(parameters);
+ }
+ if (res.Has("sql") || res.Has("pg")) {
+ google::protobuf::Arena arena;
+ NSQLTranslation::TTranslationSettings settings;
+ settings.Arena = &arena;
+ settings.PgParser = res.Has("pg");
+ settings.ClusterMapping = clusterMapping;
+ settings.Flags = sqlFlags;
+ settings.SyntaxVersion = syntaxVersion;
+ settings.AnsiLexer = res.Has("ansi-lexer");
+ settings.TestAntlr4 = res.Has("test-antlr4");
+ settings.V0Behavior = NSQLTranslation::EV0Behavior::Report;
+ settings.AssumeYdbOnClusterWithSlash = res.Has("assume-ydb-on-slash");
+ if (res.Has("discover")) {
+ settings.Mode = NSQLTranslation::ESqlMode::DISCOVERY;
+ }
+ if (!program->ParseSql(settings)) {
+ program->PrintErrorsTo(*errStream);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (res.Has("test-format") && syntaxVersion == 1) {
+ TString formattedProgramText;
+ NYql::TIssues issues;
+ auto formatter = NSQLFormat::MakeSqlFormatter(settings);
+ if (!formatter->Format(programText, formattedProgramText, issues)) {
+ Cerr << "Format failed: ";
+ issues.PrintTo(Cerr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ auto frmProgram = MakeHolder<TMultiProgs>(factory, "formatted SQL", formattedProgramText, progsConcurrentCount);
+ if (!frmProgram->ParseSql(settings)) {
+ frmProgram->PrintErrorsTo(*errStream);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ TStringStream SrcQuery, FrmQuery;
+ program->PrintAstTo(SrcQuery);
+ frmProgram->PrintAstTo(FrmQuery);
+ if (SrcQuery.Str() != FrmQuery.Str()) {
+ Cerr << "source query's AST and formatted query's AST are not same\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!program->ParseYql()) {
+ program->PrintErrorsTo(*errStream);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (res.Has("print-ast")) {
+ program->PrintAstTo(Cout);
+ }
+ if (res.Has("parse-only"))
+ return 0;
+ const TString username = GetUsername();
+ bool withTypes = res.Has("with-types");
+ IOutputStream* traceOut = res.Has("trace-opt") ? &Cerr : nullptr;
+ IOutputStream* exprOut = nullptr;
+ THolder<TFixedBufferFileOutput> exprFileHolder;
+ if (res.Has("print-expr")) {
+ exprOut = &Cout;
+ } else if (!exprFile.empty()) {
+ exprFileHolder.Reset(new TFixedBufferFileOutput(exprFile));
+ exprOut = exprFileHolder.Get();
+ }
+ IOutputStream* tracePlan = nullptr;
+ THolder<TFixedBufferFileOutput> planFileHolder;
+ if (res.Has("trace-plan")) {
+ tracePlan = &Cout;
+ }
+ else if (!planFile.empty()) {
+ planFileHolder.Reset(new TFixedBufferFileOutput(planFile));
+ tracePlan = planFileHolder.Get();
+ }
+ if (res.Has("show-log")) {
+ using namespace ::NYql::NLog;
+ InitLogger(&Cerr);
+ NLog::EComponentHelpers::ForEach([](NLog::EComponent c) {
+ YqlLogger().SetComponentLevel(c, ELevel::DEBUG);
+ });
+ }
+ if (res.Has("trace-opt")) {
+ NLog::YqlLogger().SetComponentLevel(NLog::EComponent::Core, NLog::ELevel::TRACE);
+ NLog::YqlLogger().SetComponentLevel(NLog::EComponent::CoreEval, NLog::ELevel::TRACE);
+ NLog::YqlLogger().SetComponentLevel(NLog::EComponent::CorePeepHole, NLog::ELevel::TRACE);
+ }
+ program->SetValidateOptions(NUdf::ValidateModeByStr(validateModeStr));
+ TProgram::TStatus status = TProgram::TStatus::Ok;
+ const bool fullExpr = res.Has("full-expr");
+ IOutputStream* fullTracePlan = fullExpr ? tracePlan : nullptr;
+ IOutputStream* fullExprOut = fullExpr ? exprOut : nullptr;
+ if (!program->Compile(username)) {
+ program->PrintErrorsTo(*errStream);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (res.Has("compile-only")) {
+ if (res.Has("print-expr")) {
+ program->PrintExprTo(Cout);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (res.Has("multirun")) {
+ status = program->RunAsyncAndWait(username, traceOut, fullTracePlan, fullExprOut, withTypes, emulateOutputForMultirun);
+ } else if (res.Has("peephole")) {
+ status = program->Peephole(username, exprOut, withTypes);
+ } else if (res.Has("run")) {
+ status = program->Run(username, traceOut, fullTracePlan, fullExprOut, withTypes);
+ } else if (res.Has("optimize")) {
+ status = program->Optimize(username, traceOut, fullTracePlan, fullExprOut, withTypes);
+ } else if (res.Has("validate")) {
+ status = program->Validate(username, exprOut, withTypes);
+ } else if (res.Has("discover")) {
+ status = program->Discover(username);
+ } else if (res.Has("lineage")) {
+ status = program->Lineage(username, traceOut, exprOut, withTypes);
+ }
+ if (res.Has("with-final-issues")) {
+ program->FinalizeIssues();
+ }
+ program->PrintErrorsTo(*errStream);
+ if (status == TProgram::TStatus::Error) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!fullExpr && !res.Has("peephole")) {
+ program->Print(exprOut, tracePlan);
+ }
+ IOutputStream* resultOut = nullptr;
+ THolder<TFixedBufferFileOutput> resultFileHolder;
+ if (res.Has("print-result")) {
+ resultOut = &Cout;
+ } else if (!resultFile.empty()) {
+ resultFileHolder.Reset(new TFixedBufferFileOutput(resultFile));
+ resultOut = resultFileHolder.Get();
+ }
+ if (resultOut) {
+ if (res.Has("discover")) {
+ program->DiscoveredDataOut(*resultOut);
+ } else if (res.Has("lineage")) {
+ program->LineageOut(*resultOut);
+ } else {
+ if (res.Has("validate-result-format")) {
+ TString str;
+ TStringOutput out(str);
+ program->ResultsOut(out);
+ if (!str.empty()) {
+ auto node = NYT::NodeFromYsonString(str);
+ for (const auto& r : NResult::ParseResponse(node)) {
+ for (const auto& write : r.Writes) {
+ if (write.Type) {
+ NResult::TEmptyTypeVisitor visitor;
+ NResult::ParseType(*write.Type, visitor);
+ }
+ if (write.Type && write.Data) {
+ NResult::TEmptyDataVisitor visitor;
+ NResult::ParseData(*write.Type, *write.Data, visitor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resultOut->Write(str.data(), str.size());
+ } else {
+ program->ResultsOut(*resultOut);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NLog::CleanupLogger();
+ return 0;
+int RunUI(int argc, const char* argv[])
+ TVector<TString> udfsPaths;
+ TString udfsDir;
+ TString mountConfig;
+ TVector<TString> filesMappingList;
+ TString udfResolverPath;
+ bool udfResolverFilterSyscalls = false;
+ TString gatewaysCfgFile;
+ TString fsCfgFile;
+ TString pgExtConfig;
+ THashMap<TString, TString> clusterMapping;
+ clusterMapping["plato"] = YtProviderName;
+ THashSet<TString> sqlFlags;
+ NLastGetopt::TOpts opts = NLastGetopt::TOpts::Default();
+ opts.AddLongOption('u', "udf", "Load shared library with UDF by given path").AppendTo(&udfsPaths);
+ opts.AddLongOption("udfs-dir", "Load all shared libraries with UDFs found in given directory").StoreResult(&udfsDir);
+ opts.AddLongOption('m', "mounts", "Mount points config file.").StoreResult(&mountConfig);
+ opts.AddLongOption('f', "file", "name@path").AppendTo(&filesMappingList);
+ opts.AddLongOption("udf-resolver", "Path to udf-resolver").Optional().RequiredArgument("PATH").StoreResult(&udfResolverPath);
+ opts.AddLongOption("udf-resolver-filter-syscalls", "Filter syscalls in udf resolver")
+ .Optional()
+ .NoArgument()
+ .SetFlag(&udfResolverFilterSyscalls);
+ opts.AddLongOption("scan-udfs", "Scan specified udfs with external udf resolver to use static function registry").NoArgument();
+ opts.AddLongOption('C', "cluster", "set cluster to service mapping").RequiredArgument("name@service").Handler(new TStoreMappingFunctor(&clusterMapping));
+ opts.AddLongOption("gateways-cfg", "gateways configuration file").Optional().RequiredArgument("FILE").StoreResult(&gatewaysCfgFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("fs-cfg", "fs configuration file").Optional().RequiredArgument("FILE").StoreResult(&fsCfgFile);
+ opts.AddLongOption("pg-ext", "pg extensions config file").StoreResult(&pgExtConfig);
+ opts.AddLongOption("sql-flags", "SQL translator pragma flags").SplitHandler(&sqlFlags, ',');
+ TServerConfig config;
+ config.SetAssetsPath("http/www");
+ config.InitCliOptions(opts);
+ NLastGetopt::TOptsParseResult res(&opts, argc, argv);
+ config.ParseFromCli(res);
+ TUserDataTable userData;
+ for (auto& s : filesMappingList) {
+ TStringBuf fileName, filePath;
+ TStringBuf(s).Split('@', fileName, filePath);
+ if (fileName.empty() || filePath.empty()) {
+ Cerr << "Incorrect file mapping, expected form name@path, e.g. MyFile@file.txt" << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ auto& file = userData[TUserDataKey::File(GetDefaultFilePrefix() + fileName)];
+ file.Type = EUserDataType::PATH;
+ file.Data = filePath;
+ }
+ NMiniKQL::FindUdfsInDir(udfsDir, &udfsPaths);
+ NPg::SetSqlLanguageParser(NSQLTranslationPG::CreateSqlLanguageParser());
+ NPg::LoadSystemFunctions(*NSQLTranslationPG::CreateSystemFunctionsParser());
+ if (!pgExtConfig.empty()) {
+ auto config = ParseProtoConfig<NProto::TPgExtensions>(pgExtConfig);
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(config);
+ TVector<NPg::TExtensionDesc> extensions;
+ PgExtensionsFromProto(*config, extensions);
+ NPg::RegisterExtensions(extensions, false,
+ *NSQLTranslationPG::CreateExtensionSqlParser(),
+ NKikimr::NMiniKQL::CreateExtensionLoader().get());
+ }
+ NPg::GetSqlLanguageParser()->Freeze();
+ THolder<TGatewaysConfig> gatewaysConfig;
+ if (!gatewaysCfgFile.empty()) {
+ gatewaysConfig = ParseProtoConfig<TGatewaysConfig>(gatewaysCfgFile);
+ if (!gatewaysConfig) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (gatewaysConfig->HasSqlCore()) {
+ sqlFlags.insert(gatewaysConfig->GetSqlCore().GetTranslationFlags().begin(), gatewaysConfig->GetSqlCore().GetTranslationFlags().end());
+ }
+ }
+ THolder<TFileStorageConfig> fsConfig;
+ if (!fsCfgFile.empty()) {
+ fsConfig = ParseProtoConfig<TFileStorageConfig>(fsCfgFile);
+ if (!fsConfig) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fsConfig = MakeHolder<TFileStorageConfig>();
+ }
+ auto fileStorage = WithAsync(CreateFileStorage(*fsConfig));
+ IUdfResolver::TPtr udfResolver;
+ auto funcRegistry = CreateFunctionRegistry(&NYql::NBacktrace::KikimrBackTrace, CreateBuiltinRegistry(), false, udfsPaths);
+ TUdfIndex::TPtr udfIndex;
+ CommonInit(res, udfResolverPath, udfResolverFilterSyscalls, udfsPaths, fileStorage, udfResolver, funcRegistry, udfIndex);
+ TExprContext ctx;
+ ctx.NextUniqueId = NPg::GetSqlLanguageParser()->GetContext().NextUniqueId;
+ IModuleResolver::TPtr moduleResolver;
+ if (!mountConfig.empty()) {
+ TModulesTable modules;
+ auto mount = ParseProtoConfig<NYqlMountConfig::TMountConfig>(mountConfig);
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(mount);
+ FillUserDataTableFromFileSystem(*mount, userData);
+ if (!CompileLibraries(userData, ctx, modules)) {
+ Cerr << "Errors on compile libraries:" << Endl;
+ ctx.IssueManager.GetIssues().PrintTo(Cerr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ moduleResolver = std::make_shared<TModuleResolver>(std::move(modules), ctx.NextUniqueId, clusterMapping, sqlFlags);
+ } else {
+ if (!GetYqlDefaultModuleResolver(ctx, moduleResolver, clusterMapping)) {
+ Cerr << "Errors loading default YQL libraries:" << Endl;
+ ctx.IssueManager.GetIssues().PrintTo(Cerr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ TString fn = "pkg/a/b/c.sql";
+ TString content0 = "$sqr = ($x) -> { return 2 * $x * $x; }; export $sqr;";
+ TString content1 = "$sqr = ($x) -> { return 3 * $x * $x; }; export $sqr;";
+ moduleResolver->RegisterPackage("a.b");
+ if (!moduleResolver->AddFromMemory(fn, content0, ctx, 1, 0) || !moduleResolver->AddFromMemory(fn, content1, ctx, 1, 1)) {
+ Cerr << "Unable to compile SQL library" << Endl;
+ ctx.IssueManager.GetIssues().PrintTo(Cerr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ TExprContext::TFreezeGuard freezeGuard(ctx);
+ NLog::YqlLoggerScope logger(new NLog::TTlsLogBackend(new TStreamLogBackend(&Cerr)));
+ NLog::YqlLogger().SetComponentLevel(NLog::EComponent::Core, NLog::ELevel::DEBUG);
+ NLog::YqlLogger().SetComponentLevel(NLog::EComponent::CoreEval, NLog::ELevel::DEBUG);
+ NLog::YqlLogger().SetComponentLevel(NLog::EComponent::CorePeepHole, NLog::ELevel::DEBUG);
+ auto server = CreateYqlServer(config,
+ funcRegistry.Get(), udfIndex, ctx.NextUniqueId,
+ userData,
+ std::move(gatewaysConfig),
+ sqlFlags,
+ moduleResolver, udfResolver, fileStorage);
+ server->Start();
+ server->Wait();
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
+ if (argc > 1 && TString(argv[1]) != TStringBuf("--ndebug")) {
+ Cerr << "yqlrun ABI version: " << NKikimr::NUdf::CurrentAbiVersionStr() << Endl;
+ }
+ NYql::NBacktrace::RegisterKikimrFatalActions();
+ NYql::NBacktrace::EnableKikimrSymbolize();
+ try {
+ if (argc > 1 && TString(argv[1]) == TStringBuf("ui")) {
+ return RunUI(argc, argv);
+ } else {
+ return Main(argc, argv);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ Cerr << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl;
+ return 1;
+ }