path: root/yql/essentials/tests/postgresql/cases/dbsize.out
diff options
authorAlexander Smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2024-11-20 11:14:58 +0000
committerAlexander Smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2024-11-20 11:14:58 +0000
commit31773f157bf8164364649b5f470f52dece0a4317 (patch)
tree33d0f7eef45303ab68cf08ab381ce5e5e36c5240 /yql/essentials/tests/postgresql/cases/dbsize.out
parent2c7938962d8689e175574fc1e817c05049f27905 (diff)
parenteff600952d5dfe17942f38f510a8ac2b203bb3a5 (diff)
Merge branch 'rightlib' into mergelibs-241120-1113
Diffstat (limited to 'yql/essentials/tests/postgresql/cases/dbsize.out')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yql/essentials/tests/postgresql/cases/dbsize.out b/yql/essentials/tests/postgresql/cases/dbsize.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55e68ac48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yql/essentials/tests/postgresql/cases/dbsize.out
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+-- pg_size_bytes() tests
+SELECT size, pg_size_bytes(size) FROM
+ (VALUES ('1'), ('123bytes'), ('1kB'), ('1MB'), (' 1 GB'), ('1.5 GB '),
+ ('1TB'), ('3000 TB'), ('1e6 MB')) x(size);
+ size | pg_size_bytes
+ 1 | 1
+ 123bytes | 123
+ 1kB | 1024
+ 1MB | 1048576
+ 1 GB | 1073741824
+ 1.5 GB | 1610612736
+ 1TB | 1099511627776
+ 3000 TB | 3298534883328000
+ 1e6 MB | 1048576000000
+(9 rows)
+-- case-insensitive units are supported
+SELECT size, pg_size_bytes(size) FROM
+ (VALUES ('1'), ('123bYteS'), ('1kb'), ('1mb'), (' 1 Gb'), ('1.5 gB '),
+ ('1tb'), ('3000 tb'), ('1e6 mb')) x(size);
+ size | pg_size_bytes
+ 1 | 1
+ 123bYteS | 123
+ 1kb | 1024
+ 1mb | 1048576
+ 1 Gb | 1073741824
+ 1.5 gB | 1610612736
+ 1tb | 1099511627776
+ 3000 tb | 3298534883328000
+ 1e6 mb | 1048576000000
+(9 rows)
+-- negative numbers are supported
+SELECT size, pg_size_bytes(size) FROM
+ (VALUES ('-1'), ('-123bytes'), ('-1kb'), ('-1mb'), (' -1 Gb'), ('-1.5 gB '),
+ ('-1tb'), ('-3000 TB'), ('-10e-1 MB')) x(size);
+ size | pg_size_bytes
+ -1 | -1
+ -123bytes | -123
+ -1kb | -1024
+ -1mb | -1048576
+ -1 Gb | -1073741824
+ -1.5 gB | -1610612736
+ -1tb | -1099511627776
+ -3000 TB | -3298534883328000
+ -10e-1 MB | -1048576
+(9 rows)
+-- different cases with allowed points
+SELECT size, pg_size_bytes(size) FROM
+ (VALUES ('-1.'), ('-1.kb'), ('-1. kb'), ('-0. gb'),
+ ('-.1'), ('-.1kb'), ('-.1 kb'), ('-.0 gb')) x(size);
+ size | pg_size_bytes
+ -1. | -1
+ -1.kb | -1024
+ -1. kb | -1024
+ -0. gb | 0
+ -.1 | 0
+ -.1kb | -102
+ -.1 kb | -102
+ -.0 gb | 0
+(8 rows)
+-- invalid inputs
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('1 AB');
+ERROR: invalid size: "1 AB"
+DETAIL: Invalid size unit: "AB".
+HINT: Valid units are "bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB", and "TB".
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('1 AB A');
+ERROR: invalid size: "1 AB A"
+DETAIL: Invalid size unit: "AB A".
+HINT: Valid units are "bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB", and "TB".
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('1 AB A ');
+ERROR: invalid size: "1 AB A "
+DETAIL: Invalid size unit: "AB A".
+HINT: Valid units are "bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB", and "TB".
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('9223372036854775807.9');
+ERROR: bigint out of range
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('1e100');
+ERROR: bigint out of range
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('1e1000000000000000000');
+ERROR: value overflows numeric format
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('1 byte'); -- the singular "byte" is not supported
+ERROR: invalid size: "1 byte"
+DETAIL: Invalid size unit: "byte".
+HINT: Valid units are "bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB", and "TB".
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('');
+ERROR: invalid size: ""
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('kb');
+ERROR: invalid size: "kb"
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('..');
+ERROR: invalid size: ".."
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('-.');
+ERROR: invalid size: "-."
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('-.kb');
+ERROR: invalid size: "-.kb"
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('-. kb');
+ERROR: invalid size: "-. kb"
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('.+912');
+ERROR: invalid size: ".+912"
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('+912+ kB');
+ERROR: invalid size: "+912+ kB"
+DETAIL: Invalid size unit: "+ kB".
+HINT: Valid units are "bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB", and "TB".
+SELECT pg_size_bytes('++123 kB');
+ERROR: invalid size: "++123 kB"