path: root/yql/essentials/tests/common/test_framework/test_file_common.py
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authorMaxim Yurchuk <maxim-yurchuk@ydb.tech>2024-11-20 17:37:57 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-11-20 17:37:57 +0000
commitf76323e9b295c15751e51e3443aa47a36bee8023 (patch)
tree4113c8cad473a33e0f746966e0cf087252fa1d7a /yql/essentials/tests/common/test_framework/test_file_common.py
parent753ecb8d410a4cb459c26f3a0082fb2d1724fe63 (diff)
parenta7b9a6afea2a9d7a7bfac4c5eb4c1a8e60adb9e6 (diff)
Merge pull request #11788 from ydb-platform/mergelibs-241120-1113
Library import 241120-1113
Diffstat (limited to 'yql/essentials/tests/common/test_framework/test_file_common.py')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yql/essentials/tests/common/test_framework/test_file_common.py b/yql/essentials/tests/common/test_framework/test_file_common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b33076e561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yql/essentials/tests/common/test_framework/test_file_common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+import codecs
+import os
+import pytest
+import re
+import cyson
+import yql.essentials.providers.common.proto.gateways_config_pb2 as gateways_config_pb2
+from google.protobuf import text_format
+from yql_utils import execute_sql, get_supported_providers, get_tables, get_files, get_http_files, \
+ get_pragmas, KSV_ATTR, is_xfail, get_param, YQLExecResult, yql_binary_path
+from yqlrun import YQLRun
+from test_utils import get_parameters_json, DATA_PATH, replace_vars
+def get_gateways_config(http_files, yql_http_file_server, force_blocks=False, is_hybrid=False):
+ config = None
+ if http_files or force_blocks or is_hybrid:
+ config_message = gateways_config_pb2.TGatewaysConfig()
+ if http_files:
+ schema = config_message.Fs.CustomSchemes.add()
+ schema.Pattern = 'http_test://(.*)'
+ schema.TargetUrl = yql_http_file_server.compose_http_link('$1')
+ if force_blocks:
+ config_message.SqlCore.TranslationFlags.extend(['EmitAggApply'])
+ flags = config_message.YqlCore.Flags.add()
+ flags.Name = 'UseBlocks'
+ if is_hybrid:
+ activate_hybrid = config_message.Yt.DefaultSettings.add()
+ activate_hybrid.Name = "HybridDqExecution"
+ activate_hybrid.Value = "1"
+ deactivate_dq = config_message.Dq.DefaultSettings.add()
+ deactivate_dq.Name = "AnalyzeQuery"
+ deactivate_dq.Value = "0"
+ config = text_format.MessageToString(config_message)
+ return config
+def is_hybrid(provider):
+ return provider == 'hybrid'
+def check_provider(provider, config):
+ if provider not in get_supported_providers(config):
+ pytest.skip('%s provider is not supported here' % provider)
+def get_sql_query(provider, suite, case, config):
+ pragmas = get_pragmas(config)
+ if get_param('TARGET_PLATFORM'):
+ if "yson" in case or "regexp" in case or "match" in case:
+ pytest.skip('yson/match/regexp is not supported on non-default target platform')
+ if get_param('TARGET_PLATFORM') and is_xfail(config):
+ pytest.skip('xfail is not supported on non-default target platform')
+ program_sql = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, suite, '%s.sql' % case)
+ with codecs.open(program_sql, encoding='utf-8') as program_file_descr:
+ sql_query = program_file_descr.read()
+ if get_param('TARGET_PLATFORM'):
+ if "Yson::" in sql_query:
+ pytest.skip('yson udf is not supported on non-default target platform')
+ if (provider + 'file can not' in sql_query) or (is_hybrid(provider) and ('ytfile can not' in sql_query)):
+ pytest.skip(provider + ' can not execute this')
+ pragmas.append(sql_query)
+ sql_query = ';\n'.join(pragmas)
+ if 'Python' in sql_query or 'Javascript' in sql_query:
+ pytest.skip('ScriptUdf')
+ assert 'UseBlocks' not in sql_query, 'UseBlocks should not be used directly, only via ForceBlocks'
+ return sql_query
+def run_file_no_cache(provider, suite, case, cfg, config, yql_http_file_server, yqlrun_binary=None, extra_args=[], force_blocks=False):
+ check_provider(provider, config)
+ sql_query = get_sql_query(provider, suite, case, config)
+ sql_query = replace_vars(sql_query, "yqlrun_var")
+ xfail = is_xfail(config)
+ in_tables, out_tables = get_tables(suite, config, DATA_PATH, def_attr=KSV_ATTR)
+ files = get_files(suite, config, DATA_PATH)
+ http_files = get_http_files(suite, config, DATA_PATH)
+ http_files_urls = yql_http_file_server.register_files({}, http_files)
+ for table in in_tables:
+ if cyson.loads(table.attr).get("type") == "document":
+ content = table.content
+ else:
+ content = table.attr
+ if 'Python' in content or 'Javascript' in content:
+ pytest.skip('ScriptUdf')
+ parameters = get_parameters_json(suite, config)
+ yqlrun = YQLRun(
+ prov=provider,
+ keep_temp=not re.search(r"yt\.ReleaseTempData", sql_query),
+ binary=yqlrun_binary,
+ gateway_config=get_gateways_config(http_files, yql_http_file_server, force_blocks=force_blocks, is_hybrid=is_hybrid(provider)),
+ extra_args=extra_args,
+ udfs_dir=yql_binary_path('yql/essentials/tests/common/test_framework/udfs_deps')
+ )
+ res, tables_res = execute_sql(
+ yqlrun,
+ program=sql_query,
+ input_tables=in_tables,
+ output_tables=out_tables,
+ files=files,
+ urls=http_files_urls,
+ check_error=not xfail,
+ verbose=True,
+ parameters=parameters)
+ fixed_stderr = res.std_err
+ if xfail:
+ assert res.execution_result.exit_code != 0
+ custom_error = re.search(r"/\* custom error:(.*)\*/", sql_query)
+ if custom_error:
+ err_string = custom_error.group(1)
+ assert res.std_err.find(err_string) != -1
+ fixed_stderr = None
+ fixed_result = YQLExecResult(res.std_out,
+ fixed_stderr,
+ res.results,
+ res.results_file,
+ res.opt,
+ res.opt_file,
+ res.plan,
+ res.plan_file,
+ res.program,
+ res.execution_result,
+ None)
+ return fixed_result, tables_res
+def run_file(provider, suite, case, cfg, config, yql_http_file_server, yqlrun_binary=None, extra_args=[], force_blocks=False):
+ if (suite, case, cfg) not in run_file.cache:
+ run_file.cache[(suite, case, cfg)] = run_file_no_cache(provider, suite, case, cfg, config, yql_http_file_server, yqlrun_binary, extra_args, force_blocks=force_blocks)
+ return run_file.cache[(suite, case, cfg)]
+run_file.cache = {}