path: root/yql/essentials/minikql/dom/json.cpp
diff options
authorvvvv <vvvv@yandex-team.com>2024-11-06 23:54:28 +0300
committervvvv <vvvv@yandex-team.com>2024-11-07 00:04:25 +0300
commitcf2a23963ac10add28c50cc114fbf48953eca5aa (patch)
tree174b849b8ecfa96b0c8e4409ab3287721a9210c8 /yql/essentials/minikql/dom/json.cpp
parent3a3113a2bf5a7fab32bde414932082b264c559fc (diff)
Prepare move yql/minikql YQL-19206
types,jsonpath,dom commit_hash:6b54be5968b6a30b6d97fe3a1611574bcefc749e
Diffstat (limited to 'yql/essentials/minikql/dom/json.cpp')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yql/essentials/minikql/dom/json.cpp b/yql/essentials/minikql/dom/json.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a29d044adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yql/essentials/minikql/dom/json.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#include "json.h"
+#include "node.h"
+#include <library/cpp/containers/stack_vector/stack_vec.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_writer.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/generic/stack.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+#include <util/system/compiler.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <ctype.h>
+namespace NYql::NDom {
+using namespace NUdf;
+using namespace NJson;
+namespace {
+size_t AsciiSize(const TStringBuf& str) {
+ size_t s = 0U;
+ while (s < str.size() && isascii(str[s]))
+ ++s;
+ return s;
+TString EncodeUtf(const TStringBuf& str, size_t from)
+ TString result(str.substr(0, from));
+ while (from < str.size()) {
+ const auto c = str[from++];
+ if (isascii(c)) {
+ result.append(c);
+ } else {
+ result.append((c >> '\x06') & '\x03' | '\xC0');
+ result.append(c & '\x3F' | '\x80');
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+TString DecodeUtf(const TStringBuf& str, size_t from)
+ TString result(str);
+ auto i = from;
+ while (from < str.size()) {
+ const auto c = str[from++];
+ if (isascii(c)) {
+ result[i++] = c;
+ } else if ((c & '\xFC') == '\xC0') {
+ result[i++] = ((c & '\x03') << '\x06') | (str[from++] & '\x3F');
+ } else {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Unicode symbols with codes greater than 255 are not supported.";
+ }
+ }
+ result.resize(i);
+ return result;
+template<bool DecodeUtf8>
+class TDomCallbacks : public TJsonCallbacks {
+ TDomCallbacks(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, bool throwException)
+ : TJsonCallbacks(throwException)
+ , ValueBuilder(valueBuilder)
+ {
+ Result.push({});
+ }
+ bool OnNull() override {
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeEntity());
+ }
+ bool OnBoolean(bool value) override {
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeBool(value));
+ }
+ bool OnInteger(long long value) override {
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeInt64(static_cast<i64>(value)));
+ }
+ bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long value) override {
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeUint64(static_cast<ui64>(value)));
+ }
+ bool OnDouble(double value) override {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(std::isinf(value))) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "JSON number is infinite";
+ }
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeDouble(value));
+ }
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf& value) override {
+ if constexpr (DecodeUtf8) {
+ if (const auto from = AsciiSize(value); from < value.size()) {
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeString(DecodeUtf(value, from), ValueBuilder));
+ }
+ }
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeString(value, ValueBuilder));
+ }
+ bool OnOpenMap() override {
+ return OnCollectionOpen();
+ }
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf& value) override {
+ return OnString(value);
+ }
+ bool OnCloseMap() override {
+ Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(!Result.empty());
+ auto& items = Result.top();
+ Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(items.size() % 2 == 0);
+ TSmallVec<TPair, TStdAllocatorForUdf<TPair>> pairs;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i += 2) {
+ pairs.emplace_back(std::move(items[i]), std::move(items[i + 1]));
+ }
+ Result.pop();
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(MakeDict(pairs.data(), pairs.size()));
+ }
+ bool OnOpenArray() override {
+ return OnCollectionOpen();
+ }
+ bool OnCloseArray() override {
+ Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(!Result.empty());
+ auto& items = Result.top();
+ TUnboxedValue list = MakeList(items.data(), items.size(), ValueBuilder);
+ Result.pop();
+ return PushToCurrentCollection(std::move(list));
+ }
+ bool OnEnd() override {
+ return IsResultSingle();
+ }
+ TUnboxedValue GetResult() && {
+ Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(IsResultSingle());
+ return std::move(Result.top()[0]);
+ }
+ bool OnCollectionOpen() {
+ Result.emplace();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool PushToCurrentCollection(TUnboxedValue&& value) {
+ Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(!Result.empty());
+ Result.top().emplace_back(std::move(value));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool IsResultSingle() {
+ return Result.size() == 1 && Result.top().size() == 1;
+ }
+ const IValueBuilder* ValueBuilder;
+ using TUnboxedValues = TSmallVec<TUnboxedValue, TStdAllocatorForUdf<TUnboxedValue>>;
+ std::stack<TUnboxedValues, TSmallVec<TUnboxedValues, TStdAllocatorForUdf<TUnboxedValues>>> Result;
+class TTestCallbacks : public TJsonCallbacks {
+ TTestCallbacks()
+ : TJsonCallbacks(false)
+ {}
+ bool OnNull() final { return true; }
+ bool OnBoolean(bool) final { return true; }
+ bool OnInteger(long long) final { return true; }
+ bool OnUInteger(unsigned long long) final { return true; }
+ bool OnDouble(double value) final { return !std::isinf(value); }
+ bool OnString(const TStringBuf&) final { return true; }
+ bool OnOpenMap() final { return true; }
+ bool OnMapKey(const TStringBuf&) final { return true; }
+ bool OnCloseMap() final { return true; }
+ bool OnOpenArray() final { return true; }
+ bool OnCloseArray() final { return true; }
+ bool OnEnd() final {
+ if (HasResult)
+ return false;
+ return HasResult = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool HasResult = false;
+bool IsEntity(const TUnboxedValuePod value) {
+ switch (GetNodeType(value)) {
+ case ENodeType::Entity: return true;
+ case ENodeType::Attr: return IsEntity(value.GetVariantItem().Release());
+ default: return false;
+ }
+template<bool SkipMapEntity, bool EncodeUtf8>
+void WriteValue(const TUnboxedValuePod value, TJsonWriter& writer);
+template<bool SkipMapEntity, bool EncodeUtf8>
+void WriteArray(const TUnboxedValuePod value, TJsonWriter& writer) {
+ writer.OpenArray();
+ if (value.IsBoxed()) {
+ if (const auto elements = value.GetElements()) {
+ const auto size = value.GetListLength();
+ for (ui64 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ WriteValue<SkipMapEntity, EncodeUtf8>(elements[i], writer);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const auto it = value.GetListIterator();
+ for (TUnboxedValue v; it.Next(v); WriteValue<SkipMapEntity, EncodeUtf8>(v, writer))
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ writer.CloseArray();
+template<bool SkipMapEntity, bool EncodeUtf8>
+void WriteMap(const TUnboxedValuePod value, TJsonWriter& writer) {
+ writer.OpenMap();
+ if (value.IsBoxed()) {
+ TUnboxedValue key, payload;
+ for (const auto it = value.GetDictIterator(); it.NextPair(key, payload);) {
+ if constexpr (SkipMapEntity)
+ if (IsEntity(payload))
+ continue;
+ const TStringBuf str = key.AsStringRef();
+ if constexpr (EncodeUtf8)
+ if (const auto from = AsciiSize(str); from < str.size())
+ writer.WriteKey(EncodeUtf(str, from));
+ else
+ writer.WriteKey(str);
+ else
+ writer.WriteKey(str);
+ WriteValue<SkipMapEntity, EncodeUtf8>(payload, writer);
+ }
+ }
+ writer.CloseMap();
+template<bool SkipMapEntity, bool EncodeUtf8>
+void WriteValue(const TUnboxedValuePod value, TJsonWriter& writer) {
+ switch (GetNodeType(value)) {
+ case ENodeType::String: {
+ const TStringBuf str = value.AsStringRef();
+ if constexpr (EncodeUtf8) {
+ if (const auto from = AsciiSize(str); from < str.size()) {
+ return writer.Write(EncodeUtf(str, from));
+ }
+ }
+ return writer.Write(str);
+ }
+ case ENodeType::Bool:
+ return writer.Write(value.Get<bool>());
+ case ENodeType::Int64:
+ return writer.Write(value.Get<i64>());
+ case ENodeType::Uint64:
+ return writer.Write(value.Get<ui64>());
+ case ENodeType::Double:
+ return writer.Write(value.Get<double>());
+ case ENodeType::Entity:
+ return writer.WriteNull();
+ case ENodeType::List:
+ return WriteArray<SkipMapEntity, EncodeUtf8>(value, writer);
+ case ENodeType::Dict:
+ return WriteMap<SkipMapEntity, EncodeUtf8>(value, writer);
+ case ENodeType::Attr:
+ writer.OpenMap();
+ writer.WriteKey("$attributes");
+ WriteMap<SkipMapEntity, EncodeUtf8>(value, writer);
+ writer.WriteKey("$value");
+ WriteValue<SkipMapEntity, EncodeUtf8>(value.GetVariantItem().Release(), writer);
+ writer.CloseMap();
+ }
+bool IsValidJson(const TStringBuf json) {
+ TMemoryInput input(json.data(), json.size());
+ TTestCallbacks callbacks;
+ return ReadJson(&input, &callbacks);
+TUnboxedValue TryParseJsonDom(const TStringBuf json, const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, bool dencodeUtf8) {
+ TMemoryInput input(json.data(), json.size());
+ if (dencodeUtf8) {
+ TDomCallbacks<true> callbacks(valueBuilder, /* throwException */ true);
+ if (!ReadJson(&input, &callbacks)) {
+ UdfTerminate("Internal error: parser error occurred but corresponding callback was not called");
+ }
+ return std::move(callbacks).GetResult();
+ } else {
+ TDomCallbacks<false> callbacks(valueBuilder, /* throwException */ true);
+ if (!ReadJson(&input, &callbacks)) {
+ UdfTerminate("Internal error: parser error occurred but corresponding callback was not called");
+ }
+ return std::move(callbacks).GetResult();
+ }
+TString SerializeJsonDom(const NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod dom, bool skipMapEntity, bool encodeUtf8, bool writeNanAsString) {
+ TStringStream output;
+ TJsonWriterConfig config;
+ config.SetFormatOutput(false);
+ config.WriteNanAsString = writeNanAsString;
+ config.FloatToStringMode = EFloatToStringMode::PREC_AUTO;
+ TJsonWriter writer(&output, config);
+ if (skipMapEntity)
+ if (encodeUtf8)
+ WriteValue<true, true>(dom, writer);
+ else
+ WriteValue<true, false>(dom, writer);
+ else
+ if (encodeUtf8)
+ WriteValue<false, true>(dom, writer);
+ else
+ WriteValue<false, false>(dom, writer);
+ writer.Flush();
+ return output.Str();