path: root/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
diff options
authordenplusplus <denplusplus@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:34 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:34 +0300
commit57c20d143e8a438cd76b9fdc3ca2e8ee3ac1f32a (patch)
treecc63639f8e502db19a82c20e2861c6d1edbf9fea /util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
parent464ba3814a83db4f2d5327393b0b6eaf0c86bfd7 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <denplusplus@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'util/datetime/cputimer.cpp')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp b/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
index 516d372c37..a4e8eb1cbc 100644
--- a/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
+++ b/util/datetime/cputimer.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-#include "cputimer.h"
+#include "cputimer.h"
-#include <util/system/defaults.h>
+#include <util/system/defaults.h>
#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
#include <util/string/printf.h>
#include <util/stream/output.h>
-#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
+#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
-#if defined(_unix_)
+#if defined(_unix_)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ TTimer::TTimer(const TStringBuf message) {
Message_.Reserve(message.length() + SMALL_DURATION_CHAR_LENGTH + 1); // +"\n"
Message_ << message;
// Do not measure the allocations above.
- Start_ = TInstant::Now();
-TTimer::~TTimer() {
+ Start_ = TInstant::Now();
+TTimer::~TTimer() {
const TDuration duration = TInstant::Now() - Start_;
Message_ << duration << "\n";
Cerr << Message_.Str();
static ui64 ManuallySetCyclesPerSecond = 0;
static ui64 GetCyclesPerSecond() {
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ static ui64 GetCyclesPerSecond() {
} else {
return NHPTimer::GetCyclesPerSecond();
void SetCyclesPerSecond(ui64 cycles) {
ManuallySetCyclesPerSecond = cycles;
@@ -58,79 +58,79 @@ ui64 DurationToCycles(TDuration duration) {
: Start(::GetCycleCount())
ui64 TPrecisionTimer::GetCycleCount() const {
return ::GetCycleCount() - Start;
TString FormatCycles(ui64 cycles) {
- ui64 milliseconds = cycles / GetCyclesPerMillisecond();
- ui32 ms = ui32(milliseconds % 1000);
- milliseconds /= 1000;
- ui32 secs = ui32(milliseconds % 60);
- milliseconds /= 60;
- ui32 mins = ui32(milliseconds);
+ ui64 milliseconds = cycles / GetCyclesPerMillisecond();
+ ui32 ms = ui32(milliseconds % 1000);
+ milliseconds /= 1000;
+ ui32 secs = ui32(milliseconds % 60);
+ milliseconds /= 60;
+ ui32 mins = ui32(milliseconds);
TString result;
- sprintf(result, "%" PRIu32 " m %.2" PRIu32 " s %.3" PRIu32 " ms", mins, secs, ms);
- return result;
+ sprintf(result, "%" PRIu32 " m %.2" PRIu32 " s %.3" PRIu32 " ms", mins, secs, ms);
+ return result;
TFormattedPrecisionTimer::TFormattedPrecisionTimer(const char* message, IOutputStream* out)
: Message(message)
, Out(out)
- Start = GetCycleCount();
+ Start = GetCycleCount();
TFormattedPrecisionTimer::~TFormattedPrecisionTimer() {
const ui64 end = GetCycleCount();
const ui64 diff = end - Start;
*Out << Message << ": " << diff << " ticks " << FormatCycles(diff) << Endl;
-TFuncTimer::TFuncTimer(const char* func)
- : Start_(TInstant::Now())
- , Func_(func)
- Cerr << "enter " << Func_ << Endl;
+TFuncTimer::TFuncTimer(const char* func)
+ : Start_(TInstant::Now())
+ , Func_(func)
+ Cerr << "enter " << Func_ << Endl;
TFuncTimer::~TFuncTimer() {
- Cerr << "leave " << Func_ << " -> " << (TInstant::Now() - Start_) << Endl;
+ Cerr << "leave " << Func_ << " -> " << (TInstant::Now() - Start_) << Endl;
TTimeLogger::TTimeLogger(const TString& message, bool verbose)
: Message(message)
- , Verbose(verbose)
+ , Verbose(verbose)
, OK(false)
, Begin(time(nullptr))
- , BeginCycles(GetCycleCount())
+ , BeginCycles(GetCycleCount())
- if (Verbose) {
- fprintf(stderr, "=========================================================\n");
+ if (Verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "=========================================================\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%s started: %.24s (%lu) (%d)\n", Message.data(), ctime(&Begin), (unsigned long)Begin, (int)getpid());
- }
+ }
-double TTimeLogger::ElapsedTime() const {
+double TTimeLogger::ElapsedTime() const {
return time(nullptr) - Begin;
void TTimeLogger::SetOK() {
OK = true;
TTimeLogger::~TTimeLogger() {
time_t tim = time(nullptr);
- ui64 endCycles = GetCycleCount();
- if (Verbose) {
- const char* prefix = (OK) ? "" : "!";
+ ui64 endCycles = GetCycleCount();
+ if (Verbose) {
+ const char* prefix = (OK) ? "" : "!";
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s ended: %.24s (%lu) (%d) (took %lus = %s)\n",
prefix, Message.data(), ctime(&tim), (unsigned long)tim, (int)getpid(),
(unsigned long)tim - (unsigned long)Begin, FormatCycles(endCycles - BeginCycles).data());
- fprintf(stderr, "%s=========================================================\n", prefix);
- }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s=========================================================\n", prefix);
+ }