path: root/tools
diff options
authorrobot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com>2023-12-01 16:59:11 +0300
committerrobot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com>2023-12-01 19:54:31 +0300
commit3715aa9254f65ae1058290101351a72a6d3a67d4 (patch)
tree9ac5a1cdab42dfc7cd095a06a362e0681cb1482f /tools
parentb20a8c04fb7e595955ca9d1b943033342b6580cb (diff)
Intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1632 deletions
diff --git a/tools/event2cpp/bin/ya.make b/tools/event2cpp/bin/ya.make
deleted file mode 100644
index c56449821b..0000000000
--- a/tools/event2cpp/bin/ya.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-SET(IDE_FOLDER "_Builders")
- ADDINCL contrib/libs/protobuf
- contrib/libs/protoc
- library/cpp/eventlog/proto
- tools/event2cpp
- proto_events.cpp
diff --git a/tools/event2cpp/proto_events.cpp b/tools/event2cpp/proto_events.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 66e9296d2c..0000000000
--- a/tools/event2cpp/proto_events.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,893 +0,0 @@
-#include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_helpers.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h>
-#include <util/string/cast.h>
-#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
-#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
-#include <library/cpp/eventlog/proto/events_extension.pb.h>
-#include "proto_events.h"
-namespace NProtoBuf::NCompiler::NPlugins {
-namespace NInternal {
- using namespace google::protobuf;
- using namespace google::protobuf::compiler;
- using namespace google::protobuf::compiler::cpp;
- typedef std::map<TProtoStringType, TProtoStringType> TVariables;
- void CheckMessageId(size_t id, const TProtoStringType& name) {
- typedef std::map<size_t, TProtoStringType> TMessageIds;
- TMessageIds* ids = Singleton<TMessageIds>();
- TMessageIds::const_iterator it = ids->find(id);
- if (it != ids->end()) {
- throw yexception() << "Duplicate message_id = " << id
- << " in messages " << name
- << " and " << it->second << Endl;
- }
- (*ids)[id] = name;
- }
- void SetCommonFieldVariables(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor, TVariables* variables) {
- (*variables)["rname"] = descriptor->name();
- (*variables)["name"] = FieldName(descriptor);
- }
- TProtoStringType HeaderFileName(const FileDescriptor* file) {
- TProtoStringType basename = cpp::StripProto(file->name());
- return basename.append(".pb.h");
- }
- TProtoStringType SourceFileName(const FileDescriptor* file) {
- TProtoStringType basename = cpp::StripProto(file->name());
- return basename.append(".pb.cc");
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCycle(TVariables vars, TProtoStringType printTemplate, io::Printer* printer) {
- printer->Print("\n{\n");
- printer->Indent();
- printer->Print(vars,
- "NProtoBuf::$repeated_field_type$< $type$ >::const_iterator b = $name$().begin();\n"
- "NProtoBuf::$repeated_field_type$< $type$ >::const_iterator e = $name$().end();\n\n");
- printer->Print("output << \"[\";\n");
- printer->Print("if (b != e) {\n");
- vars["obj"] = "(*b++)";
- printer->Print(vars, printTemplate.c_str());
- printer->Print(";\n");
- printer->Print(vars,
- "for (NProtoBuf::$repeated_field_type$< $type$ >::const_iterator it = b; it != e; ++it) {\n");
- printer->Indent();
- printer->Print("output << \",\";\n");
- vars["obj"] = "(*it)";
- printer->Print(vars, printTemplate.c_str());
- printer->Print(";\n");
- printer->Outdent();
- printer->Print("}\n}\n");
- printer->Print("output << \"]\";\n");
- printer->Outdent();
- printer->Print("}\n");
- }
- class TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : Descriptor_(field)
- {
- SetCommonFieldVariables(Descriptor_, &Variables_);
- }
- virtual ~TFieldExtGenerator() {
- }
- virtual bool NeedProtobufMessageFieldPrinter() const {
- return false;
- }
- virtual void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) = 0;
- virtual void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) = 0;
- virtual void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) = 0;
- protected:
- const FieldDescriptor* Descriptor_;
- TVariables Variables_;
- };
- class TMessageFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TMessageFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["type"] = ClassName(Descriptor_->message_type(), true);
- Variables_["has_print_function"] = Descriptor_->message_type()->options().HasExtension(message_id) ? "true" : "false";
- }
- bool NeedProtobufMessageFieldPrinter() const override {
- return true;
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "const $type$& arg_$name$");
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$prefix$mutable_$name$()->CopyFrom(arg_$name$);\n");
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print("output << \"{\";\n");
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "protobufMessageFieldPrinter.PrintProtobufMessageFieldToOutput<$type$, $has_print_function$>($name$(), escapedOutput);\n");
- printer->Print("output << \"}\";\n");
- }
- };
- class TMapFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TMapFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* /* printer */) override {
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* /* printer */, const TString& /* prefix */) override {
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* /* printer */) override {
- }
- };
- class TRepeatedMessageFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TRepeatedMessageFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["type"] = ClassName(Descriptor_->message_type(), true);
- Variables_["repeated_field_type"] = "RepeatedPtrField";
- Variables_["has_print_function"] = Descriptor_->message_type()->options().HasExtension(message_id) ? "true" : "false";
- }
- bool NeedProtobufMessageFieldPrinter() const override {
- return true;
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "const $type$& arg_$name$");
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$prefix$add_$name$()->CopyFrom(arg_$name$);\n");
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- GeneratePrintingCycle(Variables_, "protobufMessageFieldPrinter.PrintProtobufMessageFieldToOutput<$type$, $has_print_function$>($obj$, escapedOutput)", printer);
- }
- };
- class TStringFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TStringFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["pointer_type"] = Descriptor_->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ? "void" : "char";
- Variables_["type"] = "TProtoStringType";
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- (Descriptor_->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ?
- "const $pointer_type$* arg_$name$, size_t arg_$name$_size" : "const $type$& arg_$name$")
- );
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(
- Variables_,
- Descriptor_->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ?
- "$prefix$set_$name$(arg_$name$, arg_$name$_size);\n" :
- "$prefix$set_$name$(arg_$name$);\n"
- );
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- Repr::ReprType fmt = Repr::none;
- if (Descriptor_->options().HasExtension(repr)) {
- fmt = Descriptor_->options().GetExtension(repr);
- }
- switch (fmt) {
- case Repr::as_base64:
- printer->Print(Variables_, "NProtoBuf::PrintAsBase64($name$(), output);\n");
- break;
- case Repr::none:
- /* TODO: proper error handling?*/
- default:
- printer->Print(Variables_, "escapedOutput << $name$();\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- class TRepeatedStringFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TRepeatedStringFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["pointer_type"] = Descriptor_->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ? "void" : "char";
- Variables_["type"] = "TProtoStringType";
- Variables_["repeated_field_type"] = "RepeatedPtrField";
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- (Descriptor_->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ?
- "const $pointer_type$* arg_$name$, size_t arg_$name$_size": "const $type$& arg_$name$")
- );
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(
- Variables_,
- Descriptor_->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES ?
- "$prefix$add_$name$(arg_$name$, arg_$name$_size);\n" :
- "$prefix$add_$name$(arg_$name$);\n"
- );
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- GeneratePrintingCycle(Variables_, "output << \"\\\"\" << $obj$ << \"\\\"\"", printer);
- }
- };
- class TEnumFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TEnumFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["type"] = ClassName(Descriptor_->enum_type(), true);
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$type$ arg_$name$");
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$prefix$set_$name$(arg_$name$);\n");
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "output << $type$_Name($name$());\n");
- }
- };
- class TRepeatedEnumFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TRepeatedEnumFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["type"] = ClassName(Descriptor_->enum_type(), true);
- Variables_["repeated_field_type"] = "RepeatedField";
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$type$ arg_$name$");
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$prefix$add_$name$(arg_$name$);\n");
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- TStringStream pattern;
- TProtoStringType type = Variables_["type"];
- pattern << "output << " << type << "_Name(" << type << "($obj$))";
- Variables_["type"] = "int";
- GeneratePrintingCycle(Variables_, pattern.Str(), printer);
- Variables_["type"] = type;
- }
- };
- class TPrimitiveFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TPrimitiveFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["type"] = PrimitiveTypeName(Descriptor_->cpp_type());
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$type$ arg_$name$");
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$prefix$set_$name$(arg_$name$);\n");
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- Repr::ReprType fmt = Repr::none;
- if (Descriptor_->options().HasExtension(repr)) {
- fmt = Descriptor_->options().GetExtension(repr);
- }
- switch (fmt) {
- case Repr::as_bytes:
- printer->Print(Variables_, "NProtoBuf::PrintAsBytes($name$(), output);\n");
- break;
- case Repr::as_hex:
- printer->Print(Variables_, "NProtoBuf::PrintAsHex($name$(), output);\n");
- break;
- case Repr::none:
- /* TODO: proper error handling? */
- default:
- printer->Print(Variables_, "output << $name$();\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- class TRepeatedPrimitiveFieldExtGenerator: public TFieldExtGenerator {
- public:
- TRepeatedPrimitiveFieldExtGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field)
- : TFieldExtGenerator(field)
- {
- Variables_["type"] = PrimitiveTypeName(Descriptor_->cpp_type());
- Variables_["repeated_field_type"] = "RepeatedField";
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgument(io::Printer* printer) override {
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$type$ arg_$name$");
- }
- void GenerateInitializer(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) override {
- Variables_["prefix"] = prefix;
- printer->Print(Variables_,
- "$prefix$add_$name$(arg_$name$);\n");
- }
- void GeneratePrintingCode(io::Printer* printer) override {
- GeneratePrintingCycle(Variables_, "output << $obj$", printer);
- }
- };
- std::unique_ptr<TFieldExtGenerator> MakeGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
- if (field->is_map()) {
- return std::make_unique<TMapFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- } else if (field->is_repeated()) {
- switch (field->cpp_type()) {
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE:
- return std::make_unique<TRepeatedMessageFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING:
- switch (field->options().ctype()) {
- default: // RepeatedStringFieldExtGenerator handles unknown ctypes.
- case FieldOptions::STRING:
- return std::make_unique<TRepeatedStringFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- }
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM:
- return std::make_unique<TRepeatedEnumFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- default:
- return std::make_unique<TRepeatedPrimitiveFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- }
- } else {
- switch (field->cpp_type()) {
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE:
- return std::make_unique<TMessageFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING:
- switch (field->options().ctype()) {
- default: // StringFieldGenerator handles unknown ctypes.
- case FieldOptions::STRING:
- return std::make_unique<TStringFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- }
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM:
- return std::make_unique<TEnumFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- default:
- return std::make_unique<TPrimitiveFieldExtGenerator>(field);
- }
- }
- }
- class TMessageExtGenerator {
- public:
- TMessageExtGenerator(const Descriptor* descriptor, OutputDirectory* outputDirectory)
- : Descriptor_(descriptor)
- , HasMessageId_(Descriptor_->options().HasExtension(message_id))
- , ClassName_(ClassName(Descriptor_, false))
- , OutputDirectory_(outputDirectory)
- , HasGeneratorWithProtobufMessageFieldPrinter_(false)
- , CanGenerateSpecialConstructor_(false)
- {
- NestedGenerators_.reserve(descriptor->nested_type_count());
- for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->nested_type_count(); i++) {
- NestedGenerators_.emplace_back(descriptor->nested_type(i), OutputDirectory_);
- }
- if (HasMessageId_) {
- FieldGenerators_.reserve(descriptor->field_count());
- for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
- FieldGenerators_.emplace_back(MakeGenerator(descriptor->field(i)));
- HasGeneratorWithProtobufMessageFieldPrinter_ |= FieldGenerators_.back()->NeedProtobufMessageFieldPrinter();
- }
- }
- {
- size_t intFieldCount = 0;
- size_t mapFieldCount = 0;
- size_t nonMapFieldCount = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < Descriptor_->field_count(); ++i) {
- const FieldDescriptor* field = Descriptor_->field(i);
- if (field->is_map()) {
- ++mapFieldCount;
- } else {
- ++nonMapFieldCount;
- }
- switch (field->cpp_type()) {
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32:
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64:
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32:
- case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64:
- ++intFieldCount;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- CanGenerateSpecialConstructor_ = (
- // Certain field combinations would result in ambiguous constructor generation.
- // Do not generate special contructor for such combinations.
- (intFieldCount != nonMapFieldCount || nonMapFieldCount != 2) &&
- // Generate special contructor only if there is at least one non-map Field.
- nonMapFieldCount > 0
- );
- }
- }
- void GenerateClassDefinitionExtension() {
- if (Descriptor_->options().HasExtension(realm_name) || Descriptor_->options().HasExtension(message_id)) {
- GeneratePseudonim();
- }
- if (!HasMessageId_) {
- return;
- }
- CheckMessageId(Descriptor_->options().GetExtension(message_id), ClassName_);
- TProtoStringType fileName = HeaderFileName(Descriptor_->file());
- TProtoStringType scope = "class_scope:" + Descriptor_->full_name();
- std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
- OutputDirectory_->OpenForInsert(fileName, scope));
- io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
- printer.Print("//Yandex events extension.\n");
- GenerateHeaderImpl(&printer);
- for (auto& nestedGenerator: NestedGenerators_) {
- nestedGenerator.GenerateClassDefinitionExtension();
- }
- }
- bool GenerateClassExtension() {
- TProtoStringType fileName = SourceFileName(Descriptor_->file());
- std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
- OutputDirectory_->OpenForInsert(fileName, "namespace_scope"));
- io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
- bool hasEventExtension = GenerateSourceImpl(&printer);
- for (auto& nestedGenerator: NestedGenerators_) {
- hasEventExtension |= nestedGenerator.GenerateSourceImpl(&printer);
- }
- return hasEventExtension;
- }
- void GenerateRegistration(io::Printer* printer) {
- if (!HasMessageId_) {
- return;
- }
- TVariables vars;
- vars["classname"] = ClassName_;
- printer->Print(vars, "NProtoBuf::TEventFactory::Instance()->RegisterEvent($classname$::descriptor()->options().GetExtension(message_id), factory->GetPrototype($classname$::descriptor()), $classname$::Print);\n");
- }
- private:
- void GenerateHeaderImpl(io::Printer* printer) {
- TVariables vars;
- TProtoStringType mId(ToString(Descriptor_->options().GetExtension(message_id)));
- vars["classname"] = ClassName_;
- vars["messageid"] = mId.data();
- vars["superclass"] = SuperClassName(Descriptor_, Options{});
- printer->Print(vars,
- "enum {ID = $messageid$};\n\n");
- {
- /*
- * Unconditionally generate FromFields() factory method,
- * so it could be used in template code
- */
- printer->Print(vars, "static $classname$ FromFields(\n");
- GenerateCtorArgs(printer);
- printer->Print(");\n");
- }
- if (CanGenerateSpecialConstructor_) {
- printer->Print(vars, "$classname$(\n");
- GenerateCtorArgs(printer);
- printer->Print(");\n");
- }
- {
- printer->Print("void Print(IOutputStream& output, EFieldOutputFlags outputFlags = {}) const;\n");
- printer->Print("static void Print(const google::protobuf::Message* ev, IOutputStream& output, EFieldOutputFlags outputFlags = {});\n");
- }
- }
- void GeneratePseudonim() {
- TProtoStringType fileName = HeaderFileName(Descriptor_->file());
- std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
- OutputDirectory_->OpenForInsert(fileName, "namespace_scope"));
- io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
- std::vector<TProtoStringType> realm_parts;
- if (Descriptor_->options().HasExtension(realm_name)) {
- SplitStringUsing(Descriptor_->options().GetExtension(realm_name), ".", &realm_parts);
- }
- if (realm_parts.size() > 0) printer.Print("\n");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < realm_parts.size(); ++i) {
- printer.Print("namespace $part$ {\n",
- "part", realm_parts[i]);
- }
- printer.Print("typedef $fullclassname$ T$classname$;\n",
- "fullclassname", FullClassName(Descriptor_),
- "classname", ClassName_);
- for (size_t i = realm_parts.size(); i > 0; --i) {
- printer.Print("} // namespace $part$\n",
- "part", realm_parts[i - 1]);
- }
- }
- TProtoStringType FullClassName(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
- TProtoStringType result;
- std::vector<TProtoStringType> parts;
- SplitStringUsing(descriptor->file()->package(), ".", &parts);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) {
- result += "::" + parts[i];
- }
- result += "::" + ClassName(descriptor, false);
- return result;
- }
- bool GenerateSourceImpl(io::Printer* printer) {
- if (!HasMessageId_) {
- return false;
- }
- TVariables vars;
- vars["classname"] = ClassName_;
- {
- // Generate static $classname$::FromFields impl.
- printer->Print(vars, "$classname$ $classname$::FromFields(\n");
- GenerateCtorArgs(printer);
- printer->Print(")\n");
- printer->Print("{\n");
- printer->Indent();
- printer->Print(vars, "$classname$ result;\n");
- GenerateFieldInitializers(printer, /* prefix = */ "result.");
- printer->Print("return result;\n");
- printer->Outdent();
- printer->Print("}\n\n");
- }
- if (CanGenerateSpecialConstructor_) {
- // Generate special constructor impl.
- printer->Print(vars, "$classname$::$classname$(\n");
- GenerateCtorArgs(printer);
- printer->Print(")\n");
- printer->Print("{\n");
- printer->Indent();
- printer->Print("SharedCtor();\n");
- GenerateFieldInitializers(printer, /* prefix = */ "");
- printer->Outdent();
- printer->Print("}\n\n");
- }
- {
- // Generate $classname$::Print impl.
- const size_t fieldCount = Descriptor_->field_count();
- if (fieldCount > 0) {
- printer->Print(vars,
- "void $classname$::Print(IOutputStream& output, EFieldOutputFlags outputFlags) const {\n");
- printer->Indent();
- printer->Print(
- "TEventFieldOutput escapedOutput{output, outputFlags};\n"
- "Y_UNUSED(escapedOutput);\n");
- if (HasGeneratorWithProtobufMessageFieldPrinter_) {
- printer->Print(
- "TEventProtobufMessageFieldPrinter protobufMessageFieldPrinter(EProtobufMessageFieldPrintMode::DEFAULT);\n");
- }
- } else {
- printer->Print(vars,
- "void $classname$::Print(IOutputStream& output, EFieldOutputFlags) const {\n");
- printer->Indent();
- }
- printer->Print(vars,
- "output << \"$classname$\";\n");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i) {
- printer->Print("output << \"\\t\";\n");
- FieldGenerators_[i]->GeneratePrintingCode(printer);
- }
- printer->Outdent();
- printer->Print("}\n\n");
- }
- {
- // Generate static $classname$::Print impl.
- printer->Print(vars,
- "void $classname$::Print(const google::protobuf::Message* ev, IOutputStream& output, EFieldOutputFlags outputFlags) {\n");
- printer->Indent();
- printer->Print(vars,
- "const $classname$* This(CheckedCast<const $classname$*>(ev));\n");
- printer->Print(
- "This->Print(output, outputFlags);\n");
- printer->Outdent();
- printer->Print("}\n\n");
- }
- return true;
- }
- void GenerateCtorArgs(io::Printer* printer) {
- printer->Indent();
- const size_t fieldCount = Descriptor_->field_count();
- bool isFirst = true;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i) {
- if (Descriptor_->field(i)->is_map()) {
- continue;
- }
- const char* delimiter = isFirst ? "" : ", ";
- isFirst = false;
- printer->Print(delimiter);
- FieldGenerators_[i]->GenerateCtorArgument(printer);
- }
- printer->Outdent();
- }
- void GenerateFieldInitializers(io::Printer* printer, const TString& prefix) {
- for (auto& fieldGeneratorHolder: FieldGenerators_) {
- fieldGeneratorHolder->GenerateInitializer(printer, prefix);
- }
- }
- private:
- const Descriptor* Descriptor_;
- const bool HasMessageId_;
- TProtoStringType ClassName_;
- OutputDirectory* OutputDirectory_;
- bool HasGeneratorWithProtobufMessageFieldPrinter_;
- bool CanGenerateSpecialConstructor_;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TFieldExtGenerator>> FieldGenerators_;
- std::vector<TMessageExtGenerator> NestedGenerators_;
- };
- class TFileExtGenerator {
- public:
- TFileExtGenerator(const FileDescriptor* file, OutputDirectory* output_directory)
- : OutputDirectory_(output_directory)
- , File_(file)
- {
- MessageGenerators_.reserve(file->message_type_count());
- for (int i = 0; i < file->message_type_count(); i++) {
- MessageGenerators_.emplace_back(file->message_type(i), OutputDirectory_);
- }
- }
- void GenerateHeaderExtensions() {
- TProtoStringType fileName = HeaderFileName(File_);
- std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
- OutputDirectory_->OpenForInsert(fileName, "includes"));
- io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
- printer.Print("#include <library/cpp/eventlog/event_field_output.h>\n");
- printer.Print("#include <library/cpp/eventlog/event_field_printer.h>\n");
- for (auto& messageGenerator: MessageGenerators_) {
- messageGenerator.GenerateClassDefinitionExtension();
- }
- }
- void GenerateSourceExtensions() {
- TProtoStringType fileName = SourceFileName(File_);
- std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
- OutputDirectory_->OpenForInsert(fileName, "includes"));
- io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
- printer.Print("#include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h>\n");
- printer.Print("#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h>\n");
- printer.Print("#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>\n");
- printer.Print("#include <library/cpp/eventlog/events_extension.h>\n");
- printer.Print("#include <util/generic/cast.h>\n");
- printer.Print("#include <util/stream/output.h>\n");
- bool hasEventExtension = false;
- for (auto& messageGenerator: MessageGenerators_) {
- hasEventExtension |= messageGenerator.GenerateClassExtension();
- }
- if (hasEventExtension) {
- GenerateEventRegistrations();
- }
- }
- void GenerateEventRegistrations() {
- TVariables vars;
- TProtoStringType fileId = FilenameIdentifier(File_->name());
- vars["regfunction"] = "regevent_" + fileId;
- vars["regclassname"] = "TRegister_" + fileId;
- vars["regvarname"] = "registrator_" + fileId ;
- vars["filename"] = File_->name();
- {
- TProtoStringType fileName = SourceFileName(File_);
- std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
- OutputDirectory_->OpenForInsert(fileName, "namespace_scope"));
- io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
- GenerateRegistrationFunction(vars, printer);
- GenerateRegistratorDefinition(vars, printer);
- }
- {
- TProtoStringType fileName = HeaderFileName(File_);
- std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
- OutputDirectory_->OpenForInsert(fileName, "namespace_scope"));
- io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
- GenerateRegistratorDeclaration(vars, printer);
- }
- }
- void GenerateRegistrationFunction(const TVariables& vars, io::Printer& printer) {
- printer.Print(vars,
- "void $regfunction$() {\n");
- printer.Indent();
- printer.Print("google::protobuf::MessageFactory* factory = google::protobuf::MessageFactory::generated_factory();\n\n");
- for (auto& messageGenerator: MessageGenerators_) {
- messageGenerator.GenerateRegistration(&printer);
- }
- printer.Outdent();
- printer.Print("}\n\n");
- }
- void GenerateRegistratorDeclaration(const TVariables& vars, io::Printer& printer) {
- printer.Print(vars, "\nclass $regclassname$ {\n");
- printer.Print("public:\n");
- printer.Indent();
- printer.Print(vars, "$regclassname$();\n");
- printer.Outdent();
- printer.Print("private:\n");
- printer.Indent();
- printer.Print("static bool Registered;\n");
- printer.Outdent();
- printer.Print(vars, "};\n");
- printer.Print(vars, "static $regclassname$ $regvarname$;\n\n");
- }
- void GenerateRegistratorDefinition(const TVariables& vars, io::Printer& printer) {
- printer.Print(vars, "$regclassname$::$regclassname$() {\n");
- printer.Indent();
- printer.Print("if (!Registered) {\n");
- printer.Indent();
- printer.Print(vars, "NProtoBuf::TEventFactory::Instance()->ScheduleRegistration(&$regfunction$);\n");
- printer.Print("Registered = true;\n");
- printer.Outdent();
- printer.Print("}\n");
- printer.Outdent();
- printer.Print("}\n\n");
- printer.Print(vars, "bool $regclassname$::Registered;\n\n");
- }
- private:
- OutputDirectory* OutputDirectory_;
- const FileDescriptor* File_;
- std::vector<TMessageExtGenerator> MessageGenerators_;
- };
- bool TProtoEventExtensionGenerator::Generate(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file,
- const TProtoStringType& parameter,
- google::protobuf::compiler::OutputDirectory* outputDirectory,
- TProtoStringType* error) const {
- Y_UNUSED(parameter);
- Y_UNUSED(error);
- NInternal::TFileExtGenerator fileGenerator(file, outputDirectory);
- // Generate header.
- fileGenerator.GenerateHeaderExtensions();
- // Generate cc file.
- fileGenerator.GenerateSourceExtensions();
- return true;
- }
-} // namespace NProtoBuf::NCompiler::NPlugins
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- // Don't print a silly message or stick a modal dialog box in my face,
- // please.
- _set_abort_behavior(0u, ~0u);
-#endif // !_MSC_VER
- try {
- NProtoBuf::NCompiler::NPlugins::TProtoEventExtensionGenerator generator;
- return google::protobuf::compiler::PluginMain(argc, argv, &generator);
- } catch (yexception& e) {
- Cerr << e.what() << Endl;
- } catch (...) {
- Cerr << "Unknown error in TProtoEventExtensionGenerator" << Endl;
- }
- return 1;
diff --git a/tools/event2cpp/proto_events.h b/tools/event2cpp/proto_events.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 628b4856af..0000000000
--- a/tools/event2cpp/proto_events.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/compiler/code_generator.h>
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
-namespace NProtoBuf::NCompiler::NPlugins {
-class TProtoEventExtensionGenerator : public google::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator {
- public:
- TProtoEventExtensionGenerator() {}
- ~TProtoEventExtensionGenerator() override {}
- bool Generate(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file,
- const TProtoStringType& parameter,
- google::protobuf::compiler::OutputDirectory* output_directory,
- TProtoStringType* error) const override;
-} // namespace NProtoBuf::NCompiler::NPlugins
diff --git a/tools/event2cpp/ya.make b/tools/event2cpp/ya.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a89909346..0000000000
--- a/tools/event2cpp/ya.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-SET(IDE_FOLDER "_Builders")
- INCLUDE(${ARCADIA_ROOT}/build/prebuilt/tools/event2cpp/ya.make.prebuilt)
- INCLUDE(${ARCADIA_ROOT}/tools/event2cpp/bin/ya.make)
- bin
diff --git a/tools/struct2fieldcalc/parsestruct.rl b/tools/struct2fieldcalc/parsestruct.rl
deleted file mode 100644
index eec9022a40..0000000000
--- a/tools/struct2fieldcalc/parsestruct.rl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-#include <library/cpp/getopt/small/opt2.h>
-#include <library/cpp/deprecated/fgood/fgood.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/string/split.h>
-#include <util/string/printf.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-// For ragel
-static char *tokstart, *tokend;
-static int act, cs;
-static int curly_level = 0;
-static int wanted_curly_level = -1;
-static int wanted_curly_level2 = -1; // for nested anonymous union / struct
-static char *dmp_name_start = 0;
-static char *dmp_name_end = 0;
-static char *dmp_from_start = 0;
-static char *dmp_from_end = 0;
-static char *dmp_to_start = 0;
-static char *dmp_to_end = 0;
-static char *dmp_mode_start = 0;
-// Parser state
-static TString current_struct;
-static TString current_enum;
-static TString last_expression;
-int line;
-int last_entry_line;
-TString current_file;
-// List of all emitted callbacks
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<TString, int> > callback_list;
-static callback_list getvals;
-static callback_list prints;
-// Enum -> vector of enumerators name map
-typedef std::vector<TString> enumerators_list;
-typedef std::map<TString, enumerators_list> enums_map;
-static enums_map enums;
-struct dump_items_list : public std::vector<std::pair<TString, TString> > {
- std::set<TString> wanted_enums;
- std::vector<TString> efunctions;
-typedef std::map<TString, dump_items_list> structs_map;
-static structs_map structs;
-// Token types for parser
-enum TokenType {
-// Structure for single token found by ragel
-struct Token {
- Token(int t, char *begin, int length): type(t), string(begin, length) {}
- bool check(int t) {
- return t == type;
- }
- int type;
- TString string;
-// Stack of currently accumilated tokens
-typedef std::vector<Token> TokenStack;
-TokenStack token_stack;
-// Parser state
-static enum {
-} state = DEFAULT;
-void errexit(const char *fmt, ...) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", current_file.data(), line);
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- exit(1);
-void emit_entry(const TString &name, bool nosave, const char *fmt, ...) {
- char buffer[1024];
- TString expression;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- if (vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, fmt, ap) >= (int)sizeof(buffer) - 1)
- errexit("expression buffer overflow");
- va_end(ap);
- expression = buffer;
- if (!nosave)
- last_expression = expression;
- last_entry_line = line;
- structs[current_struct].push_back(std::make_pair(name, expression));
-void emit_message(const char *fmt, ...) {
- char buffer[1024];
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- if (vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, fmt, ap) >= (int)sizeof(buffer) - 1)
- errexit("expression buffer overflow");
- va_end(ap);
- structs[current_struct].push_back(std::make_pair(TString(), buffer));
-// Checks token stack to match specific length and token type pattern
-bool check_token_stack(int count, ...) {
- int len = token_stack.size();
- if (len < count)
- return false;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, count);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- if (!token_stack[i+len-count].check(va_arg(ap, int))) {
- va_end(ap);
- return false;
- }
- }
- va_end(ap);
- return true;
-// Test all available patterns when parsing enums
-bool check_enum_patterns() {
- int len = token_stack.size();
- /* enumerator: IDENTIFIER = DECIMAL */
- if (check_token_stack(3, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_EQUALS, TT_DECIMAL)) {
- enums[current_enum].push_back(token_stack[len - 3].string);
- return true;
- }
- if (check_token_stack(4, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_PIPE, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_COMMA)) {
- int i = token_stack.size() - 3;
- for (; i > 0; i--)
- if (!token_stack[i].check(TT_IDENTIFIER) && !token_stack[i].check(TT_PIPE))
- break;
- if (i > 0 && token_stack[i].check(TT_EQUALS) && token_stack[i - 1].check(TT_IDENTIFIER)) {
- enums[current_enum].push_back(token_stack[i - 1].string);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// Test all available patterns when parsing structs
-bool check_struct_patterns() {
- int len = token_stack.size();
- if (check_token_stack(3, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_SEMICOLON)) {
- emit_entry(token_stack[len - 2].string, false, "&((%s*)0)->%s", current_struct.data(), token_stack[len - 2].string.c_str());
- return true;
- }
- const TString &type = token_stack[len - 5].string;
- const TString &name = token_stack[len - 4].string;
- structs[current_struct].efunctions.push_back(Sprintf("%s Get%sFrom%s(const %s *ptr){ return ptr->%s; }", type.data(), name.data(), current_struct.data(), current_struct.data(), name.data()));
- emit_entry(token_stack[len - 4].string, false, "dump_item((%s_ext_fn_t)Get%sFrom%s, \"%s\")", type.data(), name.data(), current_struct.data(), name.data());
- //errexit("bitfields currently unsupported");
- return true;
- }
- emit_entry(token_stack[len - 5].string, false, "dump_item(&((%s*)0)->%s[0], %s)", current_struct.data(), token_stack[len - 5].string.c_str(), token_stack[len - 3].string.c_str());
- return true;
- }
- /* array field: char [IDENTIFIER ...] IDENTIFIER [ IDENTIFIER */
- if (check_token_stack(4, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_OPENSQUARE, TT_IDENTIFIER) && token_stack[len - 4].string == "char") {
- emit_entry(token_stack[len - 3].string, false, "dump_item(&((%s*)0)->%s[0])", current_struct.data(), token_stack[len - 3].string.c_str());
- return true;
- }
- /* simple function: IDENTIFIER [IDENTIFIER ...] IDENTIFIER ( ) const { */
- emit_entry(token_stack[len - 5].string, false, "(%s_fn_t)&%s::%s", token_stack[len-6].string.c_str(), current_struct.data(), token_stack[len - 5].string.c_str());
- return true;
- }
- /* special function: COMPLEXTYPE IDENTIFIER ( ) const { */
- emit_entry(token_stack[len - 5].string, false, "(%s_fn_t)&%s::%s", /*token_stack[len-6].string.c_str()*/"str", current_struct.data(), token_stack[len - 5].string.c_str());
- return true;
- }
- /* special function: COMPLEXTYPE IDENTIFIER (TString &buf, COMPLEXTYPE IDENTIFIER) const { */
- emit_entry(token_stack[len - 11].string, false, "(%s_fn_t)&%s::%s", /*token_stack[len-12].string.c_str()*/"strbuf_2", current_struct.data(), token_stack[len - 11].string.c_str());
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// Process single token
-void process_token(int type) {
- // Skip stuff with higher nesting level than we need
- if (wanted_curly_level > 0 && curly_level > wanted_curly_level2)
- return;
- // Add token to stack
- token_stack.push_back(Token(type, tokstart, tokend - tokstart));
- int len = token_stack.size();
- // Match end of token stack with patterns depending on mode
- switch(state) {
- case ENUM:
- if (check_enum_patterns())
- token_stack.clear();
- return;
- case STRUCT:
- if (check_struct_patterns())
- token_stack.clear();
- if (check_token_stack(2, TT_STRUCT, TT_OPENCURLY) || check_token_stack(2, TT_UNION, TT_OPENCURLY))
- wanted_curly_level2 = curly_level + 1;
- return;
- default: // state == DEFAULT
- {
- // enum encountered
- if (check_token_stack(3, TT_ENUM, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_OPENCURLY)) {
- state = ENUM;
- current_enum = token_stack[len - 2].string;
- current_struct = "";
- wanted_curly_level = wanted_curly_level2 = curly_level + 1;
- token_stack.clear();
- return;
- }
- // struct encountered
- int id_pos = 0, base_pos = 0;
- if (check_token_stack(3, TT_STRUCT, TT_IDENTIFIER, TT_OPENCURLY))
- id_pos = len - 2;
- id_pos = len - 4, base_pos = len - 2;
- id_pos = len - 5, base_pos = len - 2;
- if (id_pos) {
- state = STRUCT;
- current_enum = "";
- current_struct = token_stack[id_pos].string;
- wanted_curly_level = wanted_curly_level2 = curly_level+1;
- if (structs.find(current_struct) != structs.end())
- errexit("struct %s was already met", current_struct.data());
- if (base_pos) {
- TString base_struct = token_stack[base_pos].string;
- // May duplicate dumped enums
- structs_map::iterator base = structs.find(token_stack[base_pos].string);
- if (base == structs.end())
- errexit("for struct %s, base struct %s was not found!\n", current_struct.data(), base_struct.data());
- // Copy members of base struct
- structs[current_struct].insert(structs[current_struct].end(), base->second.begin(), base->second.end());
- structs[current_struct].wanted_enums.insert(base->second.wanted_enums.begin(), base->second.wanted_enums.end());
- }
- emit_message("// members of struct %s...", current_struct.data());
- token_stack.clear();
- return;
- }
- current_enum = current_struct = "";
- }
- }
- machine Scanner;
- write data nofinal;
- # Floating literals.
- fract_const = digit* '.' digit+ | digit+ '.';
- exponent = [eE] [+\-]? digit+;
- float_suffix = [flFL];
- identifier = [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*;
- chrtype = "const" space+ "char" space* "*";
- c_comment :=
- ('\n' %{line++;} | any)* :>> '*/' @{ fgoto main; };
- main := |*
- # high priority single-char tokens
- '{' {
- process_token(TT_OPENCURLY);
- curly_level++;
- };
- '}' {
- curly_level--;
- process_token(TT_CLOSECURLY);
- if (curly_level < wanted_curly_level) {
- state = DEFAULT;
- wanted_curly_level = wanted_curly_level2 = -1;
- }
- if (curly_level < wanted_curly_level2) {
- wanted_curly_level2 = curly_level;
- }
- };
- ',' { process_token(TT_COMMA); };
- '=' { process_token(TT_EQUALS); };
- ';' { process_token(TT_SEMICOLON); };
- ':' { process_token(TT_COLON); };
- '[' { process_token(TT_OPENSQUARE); };
- ']' { process_token(TT_CLOSESQUARE); };
- '(' { process_token(TT_OPENPAREN); };
- ')' { process_token(TT_CLOSEPAREN); };
- '|' { process_token(TT_PIPE); };
- # Single and double literals.
- 'L'? "'" ( [^'\\\n] | /\\./ )* "'" {
- process_token(TT_OTHER);
- };
- 'L'? '"' ( [^"\\\n] | /\\./ )* '"' {
- process_token(TT_OTHER);
- };
- # Identifiers & reserved words
- "enum" { process_token(TT_ENUM); };
- "struct" { process_token(TT_STRUCT); };
- "union" { process_token(TT_UNION); };
- "const" { process_token(TT_CONST); };
- "public" { process_token(TT_PUBLIC); };
- chrtype { process_token(TT_COMPLEXTYPE); };
- identifier { process_token(TT_IDENTIFIER); };
- # Floating literals.
- fract_const exponent? float_suffix? | digit+ exponent float_suffix? {
- process_token(TT_OTHER);
- };
- # Integer decimal. Leading part buffered by float.
- ( '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ) [ulUL]{0,3} {
- process_token(TT_DECIMAL);
- };
- # Integer octal. Leading part buffered by float.
- '0' [0-9]+ [ulUL]{0,2} {
- process_token(TT_OTHER);
- };
- # Integer hex. Leading 0 buffered by float.
- '0' ( 'x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ [ulUL]{0,2} ) {
- process_token(TT_OTHER);
- };
- # Only buffer the second item, first buffered by symbol. */
- '::' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '==' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '!=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '&&' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '||' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '*=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '/=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '%=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '+=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '-=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '&=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '^=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '|=' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '++' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '--' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '->' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '->*' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- '.*' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- # Three char compounds, first item already buffered. */
- '...' { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- # Single char symbols.
- ( punct - [_"'] ) { process_token(TT_OTHER); };
- # Comments with special meaning
- '//' [^\n]* '@nodmp' [^\n]* '\n' {
- if (line != last_entry_line)
- errexit("cannot find which entry @nodmp belongs to (last entry was at line %d)", last_entry_line);
- structs[current_struct].pop_back();
- line++;
- };
- '//' space*
- ( '@dmp'
- >{
- dmp_name_start = dmp_from_start = dmp_to_start =
- dmp_name_end = dmp_from_end = dmp_to_end =
- dmp_mode_start = 0;
- }
- )
- space* ( ( 'bitmask' | 'val' ) > { dmp_mode_start = p; } ) space*
- ( identifier
- >{ dmp_name_start = p; }
- %{ dmp_name_end = p-1; }
- )
- space* 'eff_name' space* 's/^'
- ( [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
- >{ dmp_from_start = p; }
- %{ dmp_from_end = p-1; }
- )
- '/'
- ( [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
- >{ dmp_to_start = p; }
- %{ dmp_to_end = p-1; }
- )
- '/' [^\n]* '\n'
- {
- if (line != last_entry_line)
- errexit("cannot find which entry @dmp belongs to (last entry was at line %d)", last_entry_line);
- // @dmp processor
- TString enum_name = "";
- TString prefix_del = "";
- TString prefix_add = "";
- // Put enum name for current item to TString
- if (dmp_name_start && dmp_name_end && dmp_name_start < dmp_name_end)
- enum_name = TString(dmp_name_start, dmp_name_end-dmp_name_start+1);
- // Put prefix for current item to TString
- if (dmp_from_start && dmp_from_end && dmp_from_start < dmp_from_end)
- prefix_del = TString(dmp_from_start, dmp_from_end-dmp_from_start+1);
- // Put replace prefix for current item to TString
- if (dmp_to_start && dmp_to_end && dmp_to_start < dmp_to_end)
- prefix_add = TString(dmp_to_start, dmp_to_end-dmp_to_start+1);
- // Find corresponding enum
- enums_map::iterator en = enums.find(enum_name);
- if (en == enums.end())
- errexit("bad enum name: %s", enum_name.c_str());
- if (prefix_del == "" && prefix_add == "")
- errexit("enum name should be changed, /^// does nothing");
- if (!dmp_mode_start || (*dmp_mode_start != 'b' && *dmp_mode_start != 'v'))
- errexit("unknown enum alias mode");
- emit_message("// enum-aliases for last field: enum=%s, prefix=%s, replace=%s",
- enum_name.c_str(), prefix_del.c_str(), prefix_add.c_str());
- // Make sure we have enum constants dumped
- structs[current_struct].wanted_enums.insert(enum_name);
- // Emit a callback for all enumerators
- for (enumerators_list::iterator i = en->second.begin(); i != en->second.end(); ++i) {
- TString enumerator_name = *i;
- if (!enumerator_name.StartsWith(prefix_del))
- errexit("bad prefix %s for enumerator %s", prefix_del.c_str(), enumerator_name.c_str());
- enumerator_name.replace(0, prefix_del.length(), prefix_add);
- emit_entry(enumerator_name, true, "dump_item(%s, %s, %s)", last_expression.data(), i->data(), *dmp_mode_start == 'b' ? "true" : "false");
- }
- emit_message("// end enum-aliases");
- line++;
- };
- # Comments and whitespace.
- '/*' { fgoto c_comment; };
- '//' [^\n]* '\n' { line++; };
- '\n' { line++; };
- ( any - 33..126 );
- *|;
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- TVector<TString> wanted_structures;
- TVector<TString> wanted_enums_v;
- TVector<TString> tmp;
- Opt2 opt(argc, argv, "s:e:ESR:");
- for (auto s : opt.MArg('s', "<name1,name2,...> - structs to process")) {
- Split(s, ",", tmp);
- wanted_structures.insert(wanted_structures.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
- }
- for (auto s : opt.MArg('e', "<name1,name2,...> - enums to process")) {
- Split(s, ",", tmp);
- wanted_enums_v.insert(wanted_enums_v.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
- }
- TString srcRoot = opt.Arg('R', "<dir> - project source root (to make includes relative to)", 0);
- bool dump_all_enums = opt.Has('E', " - dump all enums (don't need -e)");
- bool add_stream_out = opt.Has('S', " - generate Out<>() for IOutputStream output (slow)");
- opt.AutoUsageErr("include.h ...");
- if (wanted_structures.empty() && wanted_enums_v.empty() && !dump_all_enums)
- warnx("nothing to dump");
- if (srcRoot && srcRoot.back() != '/')
- srcRoot += '/';
- // Header
- printf("// Generated by struct2fieldcalc with command line:");
- for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
- TStringBuf arg = argv[i];
- if (srcRoot && arg.StartsWith(srcRoot)) {
- arg.Skip(srcRoot.size());
- printf(" ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/%.*s", (int)arg.size(), arg.data());
- } else
- printf(" %.*s", (int)arg.size(), arg.data());
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- printf("#include <library/cpp/fieldcalc/field_calc_int.h>\n\n");
- for (size_t arg = 0; arg < opt.Pos.size(); arg++) {
- current_file = opt.Pos[arg];
- line = 0;
- last_entry_line = 0;
- %% write init;
- // Open input file
- TFILEPtr f(opt.Pos[arg], "rb");
- TVector<char> buf(f.length());
- if (f.read(buf.begin(), 1, buf.size()) != buf.size())
- errexit("short read in input file");
- f.close();
- char *p = buf.begin();
- char *pe = buf.end();
- TStringBuf arc_path = opt.Pos[arg];
- if (srcRoot && arc_path.StartsWith(srcRoot))
- arc_path.Skip(srcRoot.size());
- printf("#include <%.*s>\n", (int)arc_path.size(), arc_path.data());
- line = 1;
- // Parse file, emits functions
- %% write exec;
- // Done
- if (cs == Scanner_error)
- errexit("parse error");
- }
- printf("\n");
- if (wanted_structures.empty())
- for (structs_map::iterator s = structs.begin(); s != structs.end(); ++s)
- wanted_structures.push_back(s->first);
- for (TVector<TString>::iterator ws = wanted_structures.begin(); ws != wanted_structures.end(); ++ws) {
- structs_map::iterator s = structs.find(*ws);
- if (s == structs.end())
- errx(1, "Structure %s not found in input files", ws->data());
- if (!s->second.efunctions.empty()) {
- printf("namespace {\n");
- for (auto f : s->second.efunctions)
- printf(" %s\n", f.data());
- printf("}\n");
- }
- printf("template <> std::pair<const named_dump_item*, size_t> get_named_dump_items<%s>() {\n", s->first.c_str());
- printf(" static named_dump_item items[] = {\n");
- std::set<TString> avail_names;
- // dump structure fields
- for (dump_items_list::iterator i = s->second.begin(); i != s->second.end(); ++i) {
- if (!i->first)
- printf(" %s\n", i->second.data());
- else {
- if (avail_names.find(i->first) != avail_names.end()) {
- warnx("Identifier %s is already used (while processing struct %s) - NOT DUMPING!", i->first.data(), ws->data());
- continue;
- }
- avail_names.insert(i->first);
- printf(" { \"%s\", %s },\n", i->first.data(), i->second.data());
- }
- }
- std::set<TString> &wanted_enums = s->second.wanted_enums;
- if (dump_all_enums)
- for (enums_map::iterator en = enums.begin(); en != enums.end(); ++en)
- wanted_enums.insert(en->first);
- else
- wanted_enums.insert(wanted_enums_v.begin(), wanted_enums_v.end());
- // dump enum values for the structure
- for (std::set<TString>::iterator wen = wanted_enums.begin(); wen != wanted_enums.end(); ++wen) {
- enums_map::iterator en = enums.find(*wen);
- if (en == enums.end())
- errx(1, "Unexpected: enum %s not found (while processing struct %s)", wen->data(), ws->data());
- printf(" // members of enum %s\n", en->first.c_str());
- for (enumerators_list::iterator e = en->second.begin(); e != en->second.end(); ++e) {
- if (avail_names.find(*e) != avail_names.end())
- errx(1, "Identifier %s is already used (while processing enum %s for struct %s)", e->data(), wen->data(), ws->data());
- printf(" { \"%s\", (long)%s },\n", e->data(), e->data());
- }
- }
- printf(" };\n\n");
- printf(" return std::make_pair(items, sizeof(items)/sizeof(*items));\n");
- printf("}\n\n");
- if (add_stream_out) {
- printf("template<>"
- "void Out<%s>(IOutputStream& os, TTypeTraits<%s>::TFuncParam s) {\n"
- " TFieldCalculator<%s>().DumpAll(os, s, \" \");\n"
- "}\n\n", s->first.data(), s->first.data(), s->first.data());
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/tools/struct2fieldcalc/ya.make b/tools/struct2fieldcalc/ya.make
deleted file mode 100644
index a75d06b306..0000000000
--- a/tools/struct2fieldcalc/ya.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- library/cpp/getopt/small
- library/cpp/deprecated/fgood
- ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/library/cpp/fieldcalc/field_calc_int.h
- parsestruct.rl