path: root/library/python
diff options
authorprettyboy <prettyboy@yandex-team.com>2022-12-27 22:16:38 +0300
committerprettyboy <prettyboy@yandex-team.com>2022-12-27 22:16:38 +0300
commitec1f04b090c6fe1f12ee28b92c680006da5c58f1 (patch)
treee2853db3d76e725867da74ec6a941c3abe96a439 /library/python
parentd51beecd387a655ea5c2031f7a8b3e5bde77f22b (diff)
[devtools/ya/yalibrary/formatter] Moved string method to library/python/strings
Diffstat (limited to 'library/python')
3 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/python/strings/__init__.py b/library/python/strings/__init__.py
index c7da1463cf..ae27ddbdae 100644
--- a/library/python/strings/__init__.py
+++ b/library/python/strings/__init__.py
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
from .strings import (
+ Whence,
+ fix_utf8,
@@ -14,5 +16,6 @@ from .strings import (
+ truncate,
diff --git a/library/python/strings/strings.py b/library/python/strings/strings.py
index 916ae96742..07b7fc194f 100644
--- a/library/python/strings/strings.py
+++ b/library/python/strings/strings.py
@@ -136,3 +136,40 @@ def encode(value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
if isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
value = value.decode(encoding, errors='ignore')
return value.encode(encoding)
+class Whence(object):
+ Start = 0
+ End = 1
+ Middle = 2
+def truncate(data, limit, whence=None, msg=None):
+ msg = "..." if msg is None else msg
+ msg = six.ensure_binary(msg)
+ whence = Whence.End if whence is None else whence
+ data = six.ensure_binary(data)
+ if len(data) <= limit:
+ return six.ensure_str(data)
+ text_limit = limit - len(msg)
+ assert text_limit >= 0
+ if whence == Whence.Start:
+ data = msg + data[-text_limit:]
+ elif whence == Whence.End:
+ data = data[:text_limit] + msg
+ elif whence == Whence.Middle:
+ headpos = limit // 2 - len(msg) // 2
+ tailpos = len(data) - (text_limit - headpos)
+ data = data[:headpos] + msg + data[tailpos:]
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("Unknown whence: %s" % str(whence))
+ return fix_utf8(data)
+def fix_utf8(data):
+ # type: (six.string_types) -> str
+ # remove destroyed symbol code
+ udata = six.ensure_text(data, 'utf-8', 'ignore')
+ return six.ensure_str(udata, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
diff --git a/library/python/strings/ut/test_strings.py b/library/python/strings/ut/test_strings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6177c10b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/python/strings/ut/test_strings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+import pytest
+import six
+from library.python import strings
+class Convertible(object):
+ text = u'текст'
+ text_utf8 = text.encode('utf-8')
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.text
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.text_utf8
+class ConvertibleToUnicodeOnly(Convertible):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.text.encode('ascii')
+class ConvertibleToStrOnly(Convertible):
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.text_utf8.decode('ascii')
+class NonConvertible(ConvertibleToUnicodeOnly, ConvertibleToStrOnly):
+ pass
+def test_to_basestring():
+ assert strings.to_basestring('str') == 'str'
+ assert strings.to_basestring(u'юникод') == u'юникод'
+ if six.PY2: # __str__ should return str not bytes in Python3
+ assert strings.to_basestring(Convertible()) == Convertible.text
+ assert strings.to_basestring(ConvertibleToUnicodeOnly()) == Convertible.text
+ assert strings.to_basestring(ConvertibleToStrOnly()) == Convertible.text_utf8
+ assert strings.to_basestring(NonConvertible())
+def test_to_unicode():
+ assert strings.to_unicode(u'юникод') == u'юникод'
+ assert strings.to_unicode('str') == u'str'
+ assert strings.to_unicode(u'строка'.encode('utf-8')) == u'строка'
+ assert strings.to_unicode(u'строка'.encode('cp1251'), 'cp1251') == u'строка'
+ if six.PY2: # __str__ should return str not bytes in Python3
+ assert strings.to_unicode(Convertible()) == Convertible.text
+ assert strings.to_unicode(ConvertibleToUnicodeOnly()) == Convertible.text
+ with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
+ strings.to_unicode(ConvertibleToStrOnly())
+ with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
+ strings.to_unicode(NonConvertible())
+def test_to_unicode_errors_replace():
+ assert strings.to_unicode(u'abcабв'.encode('utf-8'), 'ascii')
+ assert strings.to_unicode(u'абв'.encode('utf-8'), 'ascii')
+def test_to_str():
+ assert strings.to_str('str') == 'str' if six.PY2 else b'str'
+ assert strings.to_str(u'unicode') == 'unicode' if six.PY2 else b'unicode'
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод', 'cp1251') == u'юникод'.encode('cp1251')
+ if six.PY2:
+ assert strings.to_str(Convertible()) == Convertible.text_utf8
+ with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
+ strings.to_str(ConvertibleToUnicodeOnly())
+ assert strings.to_str(ConvertibleToStrOnly()) == Convertible.text_utf8
+ with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
+ strings.to_str(NonConvertible())
+def test_to_str_errors_replace():
+ assert strings.to_str(u'abcабв', 'ascii')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'абв', 'ascii')
+def test_to_str_transcode():
+ assert strings.to_str('str', from_enc='ascii') == 'str' if six.PY2 else b'str'
+ assert strings.to_str('str', from_enc='utf-8') == 'str' if six.PY2 else b'str'
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8'), from_enc='utf-8') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8'), to_enc='utf-8', from_enc='utf-8') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8'), to_enc='cp1251', from_enc='utf-8') == u'юникод'.encode('cp1251')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('cp1251'), from_enc='cp1251') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('cp1251'), to_enc='cp1251', from_enc='cp1251') == u'юникод'.encode('cp1251')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('cp1251'), to_enc='utf-8', from_enc='cp1251') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('koi8-r'), from_enc='koi8-r') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('koi8-r'), to_enc='koi8-r', from_enc='koi8-r') == u'юникод'.encode('koi8-r')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('koi8-r'), to_enc='cp1251', from_enc='koi8-r') == u'юникод'.encode('cp1251')
+def test_to_str_transcode_wrong():
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8'), from_enc='cp1251')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('cp1251'), from_enc='utf-8')
+def test_to_str_transcode_disabled():
+ # No transcoding enabled, set from_enc to enable
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8'), to_enc='utf-8') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8'), to_enc='cp1251') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('cp1251'), to_enc='utf-8') == u'юникод'.encode('cp1251')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('cp1251'), to_enc='cp1251') == u'юникод'.encode('cp1251')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('cp1251'), to_enc='koi8-r') == u'юникод'.encode('cp1251')
+ assert strings.to_str(u'юникод'.encode('koi8-r'), to_enc='cp1251') == u'юникод'.encode('koi8-r')
+def test_stringize_deep():
+ assert strings.stringize_deep(
+ {
+ 'key 1': 'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2': u'значение 2',
+ 'list': [u'ключ 2', 'key 1', (u'к', 2)],
+ }
+ ) == {
+ 'key 1' if six.PY2 else b'key 1': 'value 1' if six.PY2 else b'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2'.encode('utf-8'): u'значение 2'.encode('utf-8'),
+ ('list' if six.PY2 else b'list'): [
+ u'ключ 2'.encode('utf-8'),
+ 'key 1' if six.PY2 else b'key 1',
+ (u'к'.encode('utf-8'), 2),
+ ],
+ }
+def test_stringize_deep_doesnt_transcode():
+ assert strings.stringize_deep(
+ {
+ u'ключ 1'.encode('utf-8'): u'значение 1'.encode('utf-8'),
+ u'ключ 2'.encode('cp1251'): u'значение 2'.encode('cp1251'),
+ }
+ ) == {
+ u'ключ 1'.encode('utf-8'): u'значение 1'.encode('utf-8'),
+ u'ключ 2'.encode('cp1251'): u'значение 2'.encode('cp1251'),
+ }
+def test_stringize_deep_nested():
+ assert strings.stringize_deep(
+ {
+ 'key 1': 'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2': {
+ 'subkey 1': 'value 1',
+ u'подключ 2': u'value 2',
+ },
+ }
+ ) == {
+ 'key 1' if six.PY2 else b'key 1': 'value 1' if six.PY2 else b'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2'.encode('utf-8'): {
+ ('subkey 1' if six.PY2 else b'subkey 1'): 'value 1' if six.PY2 else b'value 1',
+ u'подключ 2'.encode('utf-8'): u'value 2'.encode('utf-8'),
+ },
+ }
+def test_stringize_deep_plain():
+ assert strings.stringize_deep('str') == 'str' if six.PY2 else b'str'
+ assert strings.stringize_deep(u'юникод') == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+ assert strings.stringize_deep(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')) == u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')
+def test_stringize_deep_nonstr():
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ strings.stringize_deep(Convertible(), relaxed=False)
+ x = Convertible()
+ assert x == strings.stringize_deep(x)
+def test_unicodize_deep():
+ assert strings.unicodize_deep(
+ {
+ 'key 1': 'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2': u'значение 2',
+ u'ключ 3'.encode('utf-8'): u'значение 3'.encode('utf-8'),
+ }
+ ) == {
+ u'key 1': u'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2': u'значение 2',
+ u'ключ 3': u'значение 3',
+ }
+def test_unicodize_deep_nested():
+ assert strings.unicodize_deep(
+ {
+ 'key 1': 'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2': {
+ 'subkey 1': 'value 1',
+ u'подключ 2': u'значение 2',
+ u'подключ 3'.encode('utf-8'): u'значение 3'.encode('utf-8'),
+ },
+ }
+ ) == {
+ u'key 1': u'value 1',
+ u'ключ 2': {
+ u'subkey 1': u'value 1',
+ u'подключ 2': u'значение 2',
+ u'подключ 3': u'значение 3',
+ },
+ }
+def test_unicodize_deep_plain():
+ assert strings.unicodize_deep('str') == u'str'
+ assert strings.unicodize_deep(u'юникод') == u'юникод'
+ assert strings.unicodize_deep(u'юникод'.encode('utf-8')) == u'юникод'
+def test_unicodize_deep_nonstr():
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ strings.unicodize_deep(Convertible(), relaxed=False)
+ x = Convertible()
+ assert x == strings.stringize_deep(x)
+truncate_utf_8_data = [
+ ("hello", 5, None, None, "hello"),
+ ("hello", 6, None, None, "hello"),
+ ("hello", 4, None, None, "h..."),
+ ("hello", 4, None, "", "hell"),
+ ("hello", 4, None, ".", "hel."),
+ ("hello", 4, strings.Whence.End, ".", "hel."),
+ ("hello", 5, strings.Whence.Start, None, "hello"),
+ ("hello", 4, strings.Whence.Start, None, "...o"),
+ ("hello", 4, strings.Whence.Start, ".", ".llo"),
+ ("yoloha", 5, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "y...a"),
+ ("hello", 5, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "hello"),
+ ("hello", 4, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "h..."),
+ ("hello", 4, strings.Whence.Middle, ".", "he.o"),
+ # destroyed symbol code must be removed
+ ("меледа", 4, None, None, "..."),
+ ("меледа", 5, None, None, "м..."),
+ ("меледа", 7, None, None, "ме..."),
+ ("меледа", 12, None, None, "меледа"),
+ ("меледа", 4, None, ".", "м."),
+ ("меледа", 5, None, "ак", "ак"),
+ ("меледа", 6, None, "ак", "мак"),
+ ("меледа", 4, strings.Whence.Start, None, "..."),
+ ("меледа", 5, strings.Whence.Start, None, "...а"),
+ ("меледа", 12, strings.Whence.Start, None, "меледа"),
+ ("меледа", 9, strings.Whence.Start, ".", ".леда"),
+ ("меледа", 10, strings.Whence.Start, ".", ".леда"),
+ # half code from symbol 'м' plus half from symbol 'а' - nothing in the end
+ ("меледа", 5, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "..."),
+ ("меледа", 6, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "м..."),
+ ("меледа", 7, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "м...а"),
+ ("меледа", 12, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "меледа"),
+ ("меледа", 8, strings.Whence.Middle, ".", "ме.а"),
+ ("меледа", 9, strings.Whence.Middle, ".", "ме.да"),
+ ("меледа", 10, strings.Whence.Middle, ".", "ме.да"),
+ ("меледа", 11, strings.Whence.Middle, ".", "ме.да"),
+ (u"меледа", 6, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "м..."),
+ (u"меледа", 12, strings.Whence.Middle, None, "меледа"),
+ (u"меледа", 8, strings.Whence.Middle, ".", "ме.а"),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("data, limit, Whence, msg, expected", truncate_utf_8_data)
+def test_truncate_utf_8_text(data, limit, Whence, msg, expected):
+ assert strings.truncate(data, limit, Whence, msg) == expected
+def test_truncate_utf_8_text_wrong_limit():
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ strings.truncate("hell", 2)
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ strings.truncate("hello", 4, msg="long msg")