path: root/library/python/pytest/plugins/ya.py
diff options
authorromakudlakov <romakudlakov@yandex-team.com>2023-02-09 15:18:47 +0300
committerromakudlakov <romakudlakov@yandex-team.com>2023-02-09 15:18:47 +0300
commit4a1daf15c300c771ad7cf30dc9463212cf5c208f (patch)
tree7ef46fd25021df73729269e0b83e5adc13f5041d /library/python/pytest/plugins/ya.py
parentc1b5b017b42bf0a9642f78f3212ad9915b24b459 (diff)
Add path to trace message
Add path to test_item
Diffstat (limited to 'library/python/pytest/plugins/ya.py')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/library/python/pytest/plugins/ya.py b/library/python/pytest/plugins/ya.py
index 1a2f438118..e849d18bb8 100644
--- a/library/python/pytest/plugins/ya.py
+++ b/library/python/pytest/plugins/ya.py
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
yatest_logger.info("Test setup")
- test_item = CrashedTestItem(item.nodeid, pytest_config.option.test_suffix)
+ test_item = CrashedTestItem(item.nodeid, item.location[0], pytest_config.option.test_suffix)
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ def pytest_deselected(items):
config = pytest_config
if config.option.report_deselected:
for item in items:
- deselected_item = DeselectedTestItem(item.nodeid, config.option.test_suffix)
+ deselected_item = DeselectedTestItem(item.nodeid, item.location[0], config.option.test_suffix)
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items, config):
filtered_items = []
deselected_items = []
for item in items:
- canonical_node_id = str(CustomTestItem(item.nodeid, pytest_config.option.test_suffix))
+ canonical_node_id = str(CustomTestItem(item.nodeid, item.location[0], pytest_config.option.test_suffix))
matched = False
for flt in filters:
if "::" not in flt and "*" not in flt:
@@ -498,14 +498,14 @@ def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items, config):
if config.option.mode == yatest_lib.ya.RunMode.Run:
for item in items:
- test_item = NotLaunchedTestItem(item.nodeid, config.option.test_suffix)
+ test_item = NotLaunchedTestItem(item.nodeid, item.location[0], config.option.test_suffix)
elif config.option.mode == yatest_lib.ya.RunMode.List:
tests = []
for item in items:
- item = CustomTestItem(item.nodeid, pytest_config.option.test_suffix, item.keywords)
+ item = CustomTestItem(item.nodeid, item.location[0], pytest_config.option.test_suffix, item.keywords)
record = {
"class": item.class_name,
"test": item.test_name,
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items, config):
def pytest_collectreport(report):
if not report.passed:
if hasattr(pytest_config, 'ya_trace_reporter'):
- test_item = TestItem(report, None, pytest_config.option.test_suffix)
+ test_item = TestItem(report, None, None, pytest_config.option.test_suffix)
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ def pytest_pyfunc_call(pyfuncitem):
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
def logreport(report, result, call, markers):
- test_item = TestItem(report, result, pytest_config.option.test_suffix, markers=markers)
+ test_item = TestItem(report, item.location[0], result, pytest_config.option.test_suffix, markers=markers)
if not pytest_config.suite_metrics and context.Ctx.get("YA_PYTEST_START_TIMESTAMP"):
pytest_config.suite_metrics["pytest_startup_duration"] = call.start - context.Ctx["YA_PYTEST_START_TIMESTAMP"]
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
if hasattr(item, 'retval') and item.retval is not None:
result = item.retval
if not pytest_config.from_ya_test:
- ti = TestItem(rep, result, pytest_config.option.test_suffix)
+ ti = TestItem(rep, item.location[0], result, pytest_config.option.test_suffix)
tr = pytest_config.pluginmanager.getplugin('terminalreporter')
tr.write_line("{} - Validating canonical data is not supported when running standalone binary".format(ti), yellow=True, bold=True)
logreport(rep, result, call, item.own_markers)
@@ -630,16 +630,16 @@ def colorize(longrepr):
class TestItem(object):
- def __init__(self, report, result, test_suffix, markers=None):
+ def __init__(self, report, location, result, test_suffix, markers=None):
self._result = result
self.nodeid = report.nodeid
self._class_name, self._test_name = tools.split_node_id(self.nodeid, test_suffix)
self._error = ""
self._status = None
+ self._location = location
self._duration = hasattr(report, 'duration') and report.duration or 0
self._keywords = getattr(report, "keywords", {})
self._xfaildiff = any(m.name == 'xfaildiff' for m in (markers or []))
def _process_report(self, report):
@@ -688,6 +688,10 @@ class TestItem(object):
def error(self):
return self._error
+ @property
+ def location(self):
+ return self._location
def set_error(self, entry, marker='bad'):
assert entry != ""
if isinstance(entry, _pytest.reports.BaseReport):
@@ -715,9 +719,10 @@ class TestItem(object):
class CustomTestItem(TestItem):
- def __init__(self, nodeid, test_suffix, keywords=None):
+ def __init__(self, nodeid, location, test_suffix, keywords=None):
self._result = None
self.nodeid = nodeid
+ self._location = location
self._class_name, self._test_name = tools.split_node_id(nodeid, test_suffix)
self._duration = 0
self._error = ""
@@ -726,22 +731,22 @@ class CustomTestItem(TestItem):
class NotLaunchedTestItem(CustomTestItem):
- def __init__(self, nodeid, test_suffix):
- super(NotLaunchedTestItem, self).__init__(nodeid, test_suffix)
+ def __init__(self, nodeid, location, test_suffix):
+ super(NotLaunchedTestItem, self).__init__(nodeid, location, test_suffix)
self._status = "not_launched"
class CrashedTestItem(CustomTestItem):
- def __init__(self, nodeid, test_suffix):
- super(CrashedTestItem, self).__init__(nodeid, test_suffix)
+ def __init__(self, nodeid, location, test_suffix):
+ super(CrashedTestItem, self).__init__(nodeid, location, test_suffix)
self._status = "crashed"
class DeselectedTestItem(CustomTestItem):
- def __init__(self, nodeid, test_suffix):
- super(DeselectedTestItem, self).__init__(nodeid, test_suffix)
+ def __init__(self, nodeid, location, test_suffix):
+ super(DeselectedTestItem, self).__init__(nodeid, location, test_suffix)
self._status = "deselected"
@@ -818,6 +823,9 @@ class TraceReportGenerator(object):
'class': class_name,
'subtest': subtest_name,
+ # Enable when CI is ready, see YA-465
+ if False and test_item.location:
+ message['path'] = test_item.location
if test_item.nodeid in pytest_config.test_logs:
message['logs'] = pytest_config.test_logs[test_item.nodeid]
@@ -851,6 +859,9 @@ class TraceReportGenerator(object):
'is_diff_test': 'diff_test' in test_item.keywords,
'tags': _get_item_tags(test_item),
+ # Enable when CI is ready, see YA-465
+ if False and test_item.location:
+ message['path'] = test_item.location
if test_item.nodeid in pytest_config.test_logs:
message['logs'] = pytest_config.test_logs[test_item.nodeid]