path: root/library/python/monlib/encoder.pyx
diff options
authorrobot-ydb-importer <robot-ydb-importer@yandex-team.com>2024-02-14 19:47:36 +0300
committerrobot-ydb-importer <robot-ydb-importer@yandex-team.com>2024-02-14 21:51:48 +0300
commitccc9ad1a6914b4cce50935b1b3fd868ed69fed13 (patch)
tree9dea935eaf96e944bf8262a295eb8bccb7bce077 /library/python/monlib/encoder.pyx
parent37ca0ae098448d6f7d13b7c651f38c282915ad3a (diff)
YDB Import 566
Diffstat (limited to 'library/python/monlib/encoder.pyx')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/python/monlib/encoder.pyx b/library/python/monlib/encoder.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05cf4fec9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/python/monlib/encoder.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+from util.generic.string cimport TString, TStringBuf
+from util.generic.ptr cimport THolder
+from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+from os import dup
+cdef extern from "util/stream/fwd.h" nogil:
+ cdef cppclass TAdaptivelyBuffered[T]:
+ TAdaptivelyBuffered(TFile) except +
+ ctypedef TAdaptivelyBuffered[TUnbufferedFileOutput] TFileOutput
+cdef extern from "util/stream/mem.h" nogil:
+ cdef cppclass TMemoryInput:
+ TMemoryInput(const TStringBuf buf)
+cdef extern from "util/stream/file.h" nogil:
+ cdef cppclass TUnbufferedFileOutput:
+ TUnbufferedFileOutput(TFile)
+ cdef cppclass TFileInput:
+ TFileInput(TFile) except +
+cdef extern from "util/stream/str.h" nogil:
+ cdef cppclass TStringStream:
+ const TString& Str() const
+cdef class Encoder:
+ cdef IMetricEncoder* native(self):
+ return self.__wrapped.Get()
+ def close(self):
+ deref(self.__wrapped.Get()).Close()
+ def dumps(self):
+ return (<TStringStream&?>deref(self.__stream.Get())).Str()
+ cdef _make_stream(self, py_stream):
+ if py_stream is not None:
+ fd = Duplicate(py_stream.fileno())
+ self.__file.Reset(new TFile(fd))
+ f = self.__file.Get()
+ self.__stream.Reset(<IOutputStream*>(new TFileOutput(deref(f))))
+ else:
+ self.__stream.Reset(<IOutputStream*>(new TStringStream()))
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Encoder create_spack(object stream, ETimePrecision precision, ECompression compression):
+ cdef Encoder wrapper = Encoder.__new__(Encoder)
+ wrapper._make_stream(stream)
+ wrapper.__wrapped = EncoderSpackV1(wrapper.__stream.Get(),
+ precision,
+ compression)
+ return wrapper
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Encoder create_json(object stream, int indent):
+ cdef Encoder wrapper = Encoder.__new__(Encoder)
+ wrapper._make_stream(stream)
+ wrapper.__wrapped = EncoderJson(wrapper.__stream.Get(), indent)
+ return wrapper
+cpdef Encoder create_json_encoder(object stream, int indent):
+ return Encoder.create_json(stream, indent)
+cdef class TimePrecision:
+ Millis = <int>MILLIS
+ Seconds = <int>SECONDS
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef ETimePrecision to_native(int p) except *:
+ if p == TimePrecision.Millis:
+ return MILLIS
+ elif p == TimePrecision.Seconds:
+ return SECONDS
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported TimePrecision value')
+cdef class Compression:
+ Identity = <int>IDENTITY
+ Lz4 = <int>LZ4
+ Zlib = <int>ZLIB
+ Zstd = <int>ZSTD
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef ECompression to_native(int p) except *:
+ if p == Compression.Identity:
+ return IDENTITY
+ elif p == Compression.Lz4:
+ return LZ4
+ elif p == Compression.Zlib:
+ return ZLIB
+ elif p == Compression.Zstd:
+ return ZSTD
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported Compression value')
+# XXX: timestamps
+def dump(registry, fp, format='spack', **kwargs):
+ """
+ Dumps metrics held by the metric registry to a file. Output can be additionally
+ adjusted using kwargs, which may differ depending on the selected format.
+ :param registry: Metric registry object
+ :param fp: File descriptor to serialize to
+ :param format: Format to serialize to (allowed values: spack). Default: json
+ Keyword arguments:
+ :param time_precision: Time precision (spack)
+ :param compression: Compression codec (spack)
+ :param indent: Pretty-print indentation for object members and arrays (json)
+ :param timestamp: Metric timestamp datetime
+ :returns: Nothing
+ """
+ if not hasattr(fp, 'fileno'):
+ raise TypeError('Expected a file-like object, but got ' + str(type(fp)))
+ if format == 'spack':
+ time_precision = TimePrecision.to_native(kwargs.get('time_precision', TimePrecision.Seconds))
+ compression = Compression.to_native(kwargs.get('compression', Compression.Identity))
+ encoder = Encoder.create_spack(fp, time_precision, compression)
+ elif format == 'json':
+ indent = int(kwargs.get('indent', 0))
+ encoder = Encoder.create_json(fp, indent)
+ timestamp = kwargs.get('timestamp', datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))
+ registry.accept(timestamp, encoder)
+ encoder.close()
+def dumps(registry, format='spack', **kwargs):
+ """
+ Dumps metrics held by the metric registry to a string. Output can be additionally
+ adjusted using kwargs, which may differ depending on the selected format.
+ :param registry: Metric registry object
+ :param format: Format to serialize to (allowed values: spack). Default: json
+ Keyword arguments:
+ :param time_precision: Time precision (spack)
+ :param compression: Compression codec (spack)
+ :param indent: Pretty-print indentation for object members and arrays (json)
+ :param timestamp: Metric timestamp datetime
+ :returns: A string of the specified format
+ """
+ if format == 'spack':
+ time_precision = TimePrecision.to_native(kwargs.get('time_precision', TimePrecision.Seconds))
+ compression = Compression.to_native(kwargs.get('compression', Compression.Identity))
+ encoder = Encoder.create_spack(None, time_precision, compression)
+ elif format == 'json':
+ indent = int(kwargs.get('indent', 0))
+ encoder = Encoder.create_json(None, indent)
+ timestamp = kwargs.get('timestamp', datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))
+ registry.accept(timestamp, encoder)
+ encoder.close()
+ s = encoder.dumps()
+ return s
+def load(fp, from_format='spack', to_format='json'):
+ """
+ Converts metrics from one format to another.
+ :param fp: File to load data from
+ :param from_format: Source string format (allowed values: json, spack, unistat). Default: spack
+ :param to_format: Target format (allowed values: json, spack). Default: json
+ :returns: a string containing metrics in the specified format
+ """
+ if from_format == to_format:
+ return fp.read()
+ cdef THolder[TFile] file
+ file.Reset(new TFile(Duplicate(fp.fileno())))
+ cdef THolder[TFileInput] input
+ input.Reset(new TFileInput(deref(file.Get())))
+ if to_format == 'json':
+ encoder = Encoder.create_json(None, 0)
+ elif to_format == 'spack':
+ encoder = Encoder.create_spack(None, SECONDS, IDENTITY)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported format ' + to_format)
+ if from_format == 'spack':
+ DecodeSpackV1(<IInputStream*>(input.Get()), <IMetricConsumer*?>encoder.native())
+ elif from_format == 'json':
+ s = open(fp, 'r').read()
+ DecodeJson(TStringBuf(s), <IMetricConsumer*?>encoder.native())
+ elif from_format == 'unistat':
+ s = open(fp, 'r').read()
+ DecodeJson(TStringBuf(s), <IMetricConsumer*?>encoder.native())
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported format ' + from_format)
+ encoder.close()
+ s = encoder.dumps()
+ return s
+def loads(s, from_format='spack', to_format='json', compression=Compression.Identity):
+ """
+ Converts metrics from one format to another.
+ :param s: String to load from
+ :param from_format: Source string format (allowed values: json, spack, unistat). Default: spack
+ :param to_format: Target format (allowed values: json, spack). Default: json
+ :returns: a string containing metrics in the specified format
+ """
+ if from_format == to_format:
+ return s
+ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and not isinstance(s, bytes):
+ s = s.encode('iso-8859-15')
+ cdef THolder[TMemoryInput] input
+ if to_format == 'json':
+ encoder = Encoder.create_json(None, 0)
+ elif to_format == 'spack':
+ comp = Compression.to_native(compression)
+ encoder = Encoder.create_spack(None, SECONDS, comp)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported format ' + to_format)
+ if from_format == 'spack':
+ input.Reset(new TMemoryInput(s))
+ DecodeSpackV1(<IInputStream*>(input.Get()), <IMetricConsumer*?>encoder.native())
+ elif from_format == 'json':
+ DecodeJson(TStringBuf(s), <IMetricConsumer*?>encoder.native())
+ elif from_format == 'unistat':
+ DecodeUnistat(TStringBuf(s), <IMetricConsumer*?>encoder.native())
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported format ' + from_format)
+ encoder.close()
+ s = encoder.dumps()
+ return s