path: root/library/cpp/yt/yson_string/convert.cpp
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/yt/yson_string/convert.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/yt/yson_string/convert.cpp')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/yt/yson_string/convert.cpp b/library/cpp/yt/yson_string/convert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27f5c30d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/yt/yson_string/convert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+#include "convert.h"
+#include "format.h"
+#include <library/cpp/yt/assert/assert.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/string/format.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/coding/varint.h>
+#include <library/cpp/yt/misc/cast.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <util/stream/mem.h>
+namespace NYT::NYson {
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<i8>(const i8& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(static_cast<i64>(value));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<i32>(const i32& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(static_cast<i64>(value));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<i64>(const i64& value)
+ std::array<char, 1 + MaxVarInt64Size> buffer;
+ auto* ptr = buffer.data();
+ *ptr++ = NDetail::Int64Marker;
+ ptr += WriteVarInt64(ptr, value);
+ return TYsonString(TStringBuf(buffer.data(), ptr - buffer.data()));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<ui8>(const ui8& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(static_cast<ui64>(value));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<ui32>(const ui32& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(static_cast<ui64>(value));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<ui64>(const ui64& value)
+ std::array<char, 1 + MaxVarInt64Size> buffer;
+ auto* ptr = buffer.data();
+ *ptr++ = NDetail::Uint64Marker;
+ ptr += WriteVarUint64(ptr, value);
+ return TYsonString(TStringBuf(buffer.data(), ptr - buffer.data()));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<TString>(const TString& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(static_cast<TStringBuf>(value));
+struct TConvertStringToYsonStringTag
+{ };
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<TStringBuf>(const TStringBuf& value)
+ auto buffer = TSharedMutableRef::Allocate<TConvertStringToYsonStringTag>(
+ 1 + MaxVarInt64Size + value.length(),
+ /*initializeStorage*/ false);
+ auto* ptr = buffer.Begin();
+ *ptr++ = NDetail::StringMarker;
+ ptr += WriteVarInt64(ptr, static_cast<i64>(value.length()));
+ ::memcpy(ptr, value.data(), value.length());
+ ptr += value.length();
+ return TYsonString(buffer.Slice(buffer.Begin(), ptr));
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString(const char* value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(TStringBuf(value));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<float>(const float& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(static_cast<double>(value));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<double>(const double& value)
+ std::array<char, 1 + sizeof(double)> buffer;
+ auto* ptr = buffer.data();
+ *ptr++ = NDetail::DoubleMarker;
+ ::memcpy(ptr, &value, sizeof(value));
+ ptr += sizeof(value);
+ return TYsonString(TStringBuf(buffer.data(), ptr - buffer.data()));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<bool>(const bool& value)
+ char ch = value ? NDetail::TrueMarker : NDetail::FalseMarker;
+ return TYsonString(TStringBuf(&ch, 1));
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<TInstant>(const TInstant& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(value.ToString());
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<TDuration>(const TDuration& value)
+ return ConvertToYsonString(value.MilliSeconds());
+template <>
+TYsonString ConvertToYsonString<TGuid>(const TGuid& value)
+ std::array<char, MaxGuidStringSize> guidBuffer;
+ auto guidLength = WriteGuidToBuffer(guidBuffer.data(), value) - guidBuffer.data();
+ std::array<char, 1 + MaxVarInt64Size + MaxGuidStringSize> ysonBuffer;
+ auto* ptr = ysonBuffer.data();
+ *ptr++ = NDetail::StringMarker;
+ ptr += WriteVarInt64(ptr, static_cast<i64>(guidLength));
+ ::memcpy(ptr, guidBuffer.data(), guidLength);
+ ptr += guidLength;
+ return TYsonString(TStringBuf(ysonBuffer.data(), ptr - ysonBuffer.data()));
+namespace {
+TString FormatUnexpectedMarker(char ch)
+ switch (ch) {
+ case NDetail::BeginListSymbol:
+ return "list";
+ case NDetail::BeginMapSymbol:
+ return "map";
+ case NDetail::BeginAttributesSymbol:
+ return "attributes";
+ case NDetail::EntitySymbol:
+ return "\"entity\" literal";
+ case NDetail::StringMarker:
+ return "\"string\" literal";
+ case NDetail::Int64Marker:
+ return "\"int64\" literal";
+ case NDetail::DoubleMarker:
+ return "\"double\" literal";
+ case NDetail::FalseMarker:
+ case NDetail::TrueMarker:
+ return "\"boolean\" literal";
+ case NDetail::Uint64Marker:
+ return "\"uint64\" literal";
+ default:
+ return Format("unexpected symbol %qv", ch);
+ }
+i64 ParseInt64FromYsonString(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ YT_ASSERT(str.GetType() == EYsonType::Node);
+ auto strBuf = str.AsStringBuf();
+ TMemoryInput input(strBuf.data(), strBuf.length());
+ char ch;
+ if (!input.ReadChar(ch)) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException("Missing type marker");
+ }
+ if (ch != NDetail::Int64Marker) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Unexpected %v",
+ FormatUnexpectedMarker(ch)));
+ }
+ i64 result;
+ try {
+ ReadVarInt64(&input, &result);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Failed to decode \"int64\" value");
+ }
+ return result;
+ui64 ParseUint64FromYsonString(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ YT_ASSERT(str.GetType() == EYsonType::Node);
+ auto strBuf = str.AsStringBuf();
+ TMemoryInput input(strBuf.data(), strBuf.length());
+ char ch;
+ if (!input.ReadChar(ch)) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException("Missing type marker");
+ }
+ if (ch != NDetail::Uint64Marker) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Unexpected %v",
+ FormatUnexpectedMarker(ch)));
+ }
+ ui64 result;
+ try {
+ ReadVarUint64(&input, &result);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Failed to decode \"uint64\" value");
+ }
+ return result;
+TString ParseStringFromYsonString(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ YT_ASSERT(str.GetType() == EYsonType::Node);
+ auto strBuf = str.AsStringBuf();
+ TMemoryInput input(strBuf.data(), strBuf.length());
+ char ch;
+ if (!input.ReadChar(ch)) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException("Missing type marker");
+ }
+ if (ch != NDetail::StringMarker) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Unexpected %v",
+ FormatUnexpectedMarker(ch)));
+ }
+ i64 length;
+ try {
+ ReadVarInt64(&input, &length);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Failed to decode string length");
+ }
+ if (length < 0) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Negative string length ",
+ length));
+ }
+ if (static_cast<i64>(input.Avail()) != length) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Incorrect remaining string length: expected %v, got %v",
+ length,
+ input.Avail()));
+ }
+ TString result;
+ result.ReserveAndResize(length);
+ YT_VERIFY(static_cast<i64>(input.Read(result.Detach(), length)) == length);
+ return result;
+double ParseDoubleFromYsonString(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ YT_ASSERT(str.GetType() == EYsonType::Node);
+ auto strBuf = str.AsStringBuf();
+ TMemoryInput input(strBuf.data(), strBuf.length());
+ char ch;
+ if (!input.ReadChar(ch)) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException("Missing type marker");
+ }
+ if (ch != NDetail::DoubleMarker) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Unexpected %v",
+ FormatUnexpectedMarker(ch)));
+ }
+ if (input.Avail() != sizeof(double)) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Incorrect remaining string length: expected %v, got %v",
+ sizeof(double),
+ input.Avail()));
+ }
+ double result;
+ YT_VERIFY(input.Read(&result, sizeof(result)));
+ return result;
+} // namespace
+#define PARSE(type, underlyingType) \
+ template <> \
+ type ConvertFromYsonString<type>(const TYsonStringBuf& str) \
+ { \
+ try { \
+ return CheckedIntegralCast<type>(Parse ## underlyingType ## FromYsonString(str)); \
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) { \
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"" #type "\" value from YSON"); \
+ } \
+ }
+PARSE(i8, Int64 )
+PARSE(i16, Int64 )
+PARSE(i32, Int64 )
+PARSE(i64, Int64 )
+PARSE(ui8, Uint64)
+PARSE(ui16, Uint64)
+PARSE(ui32, Uint64)
+PARSE(ui64, Uint64)
+#undef PARSE
+template <>
+TString ConvertFromYsonString<TString>(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ try {
+ return ParseStringFromYsonString(str);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"string\" value from YSON");
+ }
+template <>
+float ConvertFromYsonString<float>(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ try {
+ return static_cast<float>(ParseDoubleFromYsonString(str));
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"float\" value from YSON");
+ }
+template <>
+double ConvertFromYsonString<double>(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ try {
+ return ParseDoubleFromYsonString(str);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"double\" value from YSON");
+ }
+template <>
+bool ConvertFromYsonString<bool>(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ try {
+ YT_ASSERT(str.GetType() == EYsonType::Node);
+ auto strBuf = str.AsStringBuf();
+ TMemoryInput input(strBuf.data(), strBuf.length());
+ char ch;
+ if (!input.ReadChar(ch)) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException("Missing type marker");
+ }
+ if (ch != NDetail::TrueMarker && ch != NDetail::FalseMarker) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(Format("Unexpected %v",
+ FormatUnexpectedMarker(ch)));
+ }
+ return ch == NDetail::TrueMarker;
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"boolean\" value from YSON");
+ }
+template <>
+TInstant ConvertFromYsonString<TInstant>(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ try {
+ return TInstant::ParseIso8601(ParseStringFromYsonString(str));
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"instant\" value from YSON");
+ }
+template <>
+TDuration ConvertFromYsonString<TDuration>(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ try {
+ return TDuration::MilliSeconds(ParseUint64FromYsonString(str));
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"duration\" value from YSON");
+ }
+template <>
+TGuid ConvertFromYsonString<TGuid>(const TYsonStringBuf& str)
+ try {
+ return TGuid::FromString(ParseStringFromYsonString(str));
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ throw TYsonLiteralParseException(ex, "Error parsing \"guid\" value from YSON");
+ }
+} // namespace NYT::NYson