path: root/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-document.cpp
diff options
authorsobols <sobols@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:08 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:08 +0300
commit03335cb18337a0ef51966452a66a69b01abea218 (patch)
treeb83306b6e37edeea782e9eed673d89286c4fef35 /library/cpp/xml/document/xml-document.cpp
parent09961b69c61f471ddd594e0fd877df62a8021562 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <sobols@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/xml/document/xml-document.cpp')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-document.cpp b/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-document.cpp
index 6907217a14..18a554d732 100644
--- a/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-document.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-document.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace NXml {
case RootName: {
- TDocHolder doc(xmlNewDoc(XMLCHAR("1.0")));
+ TDocHolder doc(xmlNewDoc(XMLCHAR("1.0")));
if (!doc)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create xml document.");
doc->encoding = xmlStrdup(XMLCHAR("utf-8"));
@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ namespace NXml {
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create root node.");
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc.Get(), node.Get());
- Doc = std::move(doc);
+ Doc = std::move(doc);
} break;
THROW(InvalidArgument, "Wrong source type");
- TDocument::TDocument(TDocument&& doc)
- : Doc(std::move(doc.Doc))
+ TDocument::TDocument(TDocument&& doc)
+ : Doc(std::move(doc.Doc))
- TDocument& TDocument::operator=(TDocument&& doc) {
+ TDocument& TDocument::operator=(TDocument&& doc) {
if (this != &doc)
- doc.Swap(*this);
+ doc.Swap(*this);
return *this;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace NXml {
if (!pctx)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create parser context");
- TDocHolder doc(xmlCtxtReadFile(pctx.Get(), file.c_str(), nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOCDATA));
+ TDocHolder doc(xmlCtxtReadFile(pctx.Get(), file.c_str(), nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOCDATA));
if (!doc)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't parse file " << file);
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace NXml {
if (res == -1)
THROW(XmlException, "XIncludes processing failed");
- Doc = std::move(doc);
+ Doc = std::move(doc);
void TDocument::ParseString(TZtStringBuf xml) {
@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ namespace NXml {
if (pctx.Get() == nullptr)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create parser context");
- TDocHolder doc(xmlCtxtReadMemory(pctx.Get(), xml.c_str(), (int)xml.size(), nullptr, nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOCDATA));
+ TDocHolder doc(xmlCtxtReadMemory(pctx.Get(), xml.c_str(), (int)xml.size(), nullptr, nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOCDATA));
if (!doc)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't parse string");
- Doc = std::move(doc);
+ Doc = std::move(doc);
TNode TDocument::Root() {
@@ -113,34 +113,34 @@ namespace NXml {
TXPathContextPtr TNode::CreateXPathContext(const TNamespacesForXPath& nss) const {
- TXPathContextPtr ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(DocPointer);
- if (!ctx)
- THROW(XmlException, "Can't create empty xpath context");
- for (const auto& ns : nss) {
- const int r = xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctx.Get(), XMLCHAR(ns.Prefix.c_str()), XMLCHAR(ns.Url.c_str()));
- if (r != 0)
- THROW(XmlException, "Can't register namespace " << ns.Url << " with prefix " << ns.Prefix);
- }
- return ctx;
- }
+ TXPathContextPtr ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(DocPointer);
+ if (!ctx)
+ THROW(XmlException, "Can't create empty xpath context");
+ for (const auto& ns : nss) {
+ const int r = xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctx.Get(), XMLCHAR(ns.Prefix.c_str()), XMLCHAR(ns.Url.c_str()));
+ if (r != 0)
+ THROW(XmlException, "Can't register namespace " << ns.Url << " with prefix " << ns.Prefix);
+ }
+ return ctx;
+ }
TConstNodes TNode::XPath(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) const {
- TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
- return XPath(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
- }
+ TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
+ return XPath(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
+ }
TConstNodes TNode::XPath(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) const {
- if (xmlXPathSetContextNode(NodePointer, &ctxt) != 0)
- THROW(XmlException, "Can't set xpath context node, probably the context is associated with another document");
- TXPathObjectPtr obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(XMLCHAR(xpath.c_str()), &ctxt);
- if (!obj)
- THROW(XmlException, "Can't evaluate xpath expression " << xpath);
- TConstNodes nodes(DocPointer, obj);
+ if (xmlXPathSetContextNode(NodePointer, &ctxt) != 0)
+ THROW(XmlException, "Can't set xpath context node, probably the context is associated with another document");
+ TXPathObjectPtr obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(XMLCHAR(xpath.c_str()), &ctxt);
+ if (!obj)
+ THROW(XmlException, "Can't evaluate xpath expression " << xpath);
+ TConstNodes nodes(DocPointer, obj);
if (nodes.Size() == 0 && !quiet)
THROW(NodeNotFound, xpath);
@@ -148,30 +148,30 @@ namespace NXml {
TConstNodes TNode::Nodes(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) const {
- TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
- return Nodes(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
- }
+ TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
+ return Nodes(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
+ }
TConstNodes TNode::Nodes(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) const {
- TConstNodes nodes = XPath(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
+ TConstNodes nodes = XPath(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
if (nodes.Size() != 0 && !nodes[0].IsElementNode())
THROW(XmlException, "xpath points to non-element nodes: " << xpath);
return nodes;
TNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) {
- TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
- return Node(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
- }
+ TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
+ return Node(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
+ }
TConstNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) const {
- TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
- return Node(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
- }
+ TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
+ return Node(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
+ }
TNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) {
- TConstNodes n = Nodes(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
+ TConstNodes n = Nodes(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
if (n.Size() == 0 && !quiet)
THROW(NodeNotFound, xpath);
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace NXml {
TConstNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) const {
- return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->Node(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
+ return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->Node(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
TNode TNode::FirstChild(TZtStringBuf name) {
@@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ namespace NXml {
TString TNode::Name() const {
- if (IsNull())
- THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
+ if (IsNull())
+ THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return CAST2CHAR(NodePointer->name);
@@ -294,9 +294,9 @@ namespace NXml {
bool TNode::IsText() const {
- if (IsNull())
- THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
+ if (IsNull())
+ THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return NodePointer->type == XML_TEXT_NODE;
@@ -368,10 +368,10 @@ namespace NXml {
return TConstNodesRef(*this);
- TConstNodes::TConstNodes(xmlDoc* doc, TXPathObjectPtr obj)
- : SizeValue(obj && obj->nodesetval ? obj->nodesetval->nodeNr : 0)
- , Doc(doc)
- , Obj(obj)
+ TConstNodes::TConstNodes(xmlDoc* doc, TXPathObjectPtr obj)
+ : SizeValue(obj && obj->nodesetval ? obj->nodesetval->nodeNr : 0)
+ , Doc(doc)
+ , Obj(obj)