path: root/library/cpp/unified_agent_client/client_impl.cpp
diff options
authorhor911 <hor911@ydb.tech>2023-02-09 12:40:11 +0300
committerhor911 <hor911@ydb.tech>2023-02-09 12:40:11 +0300
commit24689527cd888aa8a640ecb5077e656b3520d373 (patch)
treea613ff4cd9567b7113e8376a17f8b85897a42790 /library/cpp/unified_agent_client/client_impl.cpp
parent8642d3642932f03663ba7d2d9670707c192207fd (diff)
Log backend move
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/unified_agent_client/client_impl.cpp')
1 files changed, 1274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/unified_agent_client/client_impl.cpp b/library/cpp/unified_agent_client/client_impl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4db98120fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/unified_agent_client/client_impl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@
+#include "client_impl.h"
+#include "helpers.h"
+#include <contrib/libs/grpc/include/grpc/grpc.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/gpr/string.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/gprpp/fork.h>
+#include <contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/iomgr/executor.h>
+#include <util/charset/utf8.h>
+#include <util/generic/size_literals.h>
+#include <util/system/env.h>
+using namespace NThreading;
+using namespace NMonitoring;
+namespace NUnifiedAgent::NPrivate {
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> CreateChannel(const grpc::string& target) {
+ grpc::ChannelArguments args;
+ args.SetCompressionAlgorithm(GRPC_COMPRESS_NONE);
+ args.SetMaxReceiveMessageSize(Max<int>());
+ args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_KEEPALIVE_TIME_MS, 60000);
+ args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_TCP_READ_CHUNK_SIZE, 1024*1024);
+ return grpc::CreateCustomChannel(target, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials(), args);
+ }
+ void AddMeta(NUnifiedAgentProto::Request_Initialize& init, const TString& name, const TString& value) {
+ auto* metaItem = init.MutableMeta()->Add();
+ metaItem->SetName(name);
+ metaItem->SetValue(value);
+ }
+ std::atomic<ui64> TClient::Id{0};
+ TClient::TClient(const TClientParameters& parameters, std::shared_ptr<TForkProtector> forkProtector)
+ : Parameters(parameters)
+ , ForkProtector(forkProtector)
+ , Counters(parameters.Counters ? parameters.Counters : MakeIntrusive<TClientCounters>())
+ , Log(parameters.Log)
+ , MainLogger(Log, MakeFMaybe(Parameters.LogRateLimitBytes))
+ , Logger(MainLogger.Child(Sprintf("ua_%lu", Id.fetch_add(1))))
+ , Channel(nullptr)
+ , Stub(nullptr)
+ , ActiveCompletionQueue(nullptr)
+ , SessionLogLabel(0)
+ , ActiveSessions()
+ , Started(false)
+ , Destroyed(false)
+ , Lock()
+ {
+ MainLogger.SetDroppedBytesCounter(&Counters->ClientLogDroppedBytes);
+ if (ForkProtector != nullptr) {
+ ForkProtector->Register(*this);
+ }
+ EnsureStarted();
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("created, uri [%s]", Parameters.Uri.c_str()));
+ }
+ TClient::~TClient() {
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ Y_VERIFY(ActiveSessions.empty(), "active sessions found");
+ EnsureStoppedNoLock();
+ Destroyed = true;
+ }
+ if (ForkProtector != nullptr) {
+ ForkProtector->Unregister(*this);
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("destroyed, uri [%s]", Parameters.Uri.c_str()));
+ }
+ TClientSessionPtr TClient::CreateSession(const TSessionParameters& parameters) {
+ return MakeIntrusive<TClientSession>(this, parameters);
+ }
+ void TClient::StartTracing(ELogPriority logPriority) {
+ MainLogger.StartTracing(logPriority);
+ StartGrpcTracing();
+ YLOG_INFO("tracing started");
+ }
+ void TClient::FinishTracing() {
+ FinishGrpcTracing();
+ MainLogger.FinishTracing();
+ YLOG_INFO("tracing finished");
+ }
+ void TClient::RegisterSession(TClientSession* session) {
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ ActiveSessions.push_back(session);
+ }
+ }
+ void TClient::UnregisterSession(TClientSession* session) {
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ const auto it = Find(ActiveSessions, session);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != ActiveSessions.end());
+ ActiveSessions.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ void TClient::PreFork() {
+ YLOG_INFO("pre fork started");
+ Lock.Acquire();
+ auto futures = TVector<TFuture<void>>(Reserve(ActiveSessions.size()));
+ for (auto* s: ActiveSessions) {
+ futures.push_back(s->PreFork());
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO("waiting for sessions");
+ WaitAll(futures).Wait();
+ EnsureStoppedNoLock();
+ YLOG_INFO("shutdown grpc executor");
+ grpc_core::Executor::SetThreadingAll(false);
+ YLOG_INFO("pre fork finished");
+ }
+ void TClient::PostForkParent() {
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork parent started");
+ if (!Destroyed) {
+ EnsureStartedNoLock();
+ }
+ Lock.Release();
+ for (auto* s: ActiveSessions) {
+ s->PostForkParent();
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork parent finished");
+ }
+ void TClient::PostForkChild() {
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork child started");
+ Lock.Release();
+ for (auto* s: ActiveSessions) {
+ s->PostForkChild();
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork child finished");
+ }
+ void TClient::EnsureStarted() {
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ EnsureStartedNoLock();
+ }
+ }
+ void TClient::EnsureStartedNoLock() {
+ // Lock must be held
+ if (Started) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Channel = CreateChannel(Parameters.Uri);
+ Stub = NUnifiedAgentProto::UnifiedAgentService::NewStub(Channel);
+ ActiveCompletionQueue = MakeHolder<TGrpcCompletionQueueHost>();
+ ActiveCompletionQueue->Start();
+ Started = true;
+ }
+ void TClient::EnsureStoppedNoLock() {
+ // Lock must be held
+ if (!Started) {
+ return;
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO("stopping");
+ ActiveCompletionQueue->Stop();
+ ActiveCompletionQueue = nullptr;
+ Stub = nullptr;
+ Channel = nullptr;
+ YLOG_INFO("stopped");
+ Started = false;
+ }
+ TScopeLogger TClient::CreateSessionLogger() {
+ return Logger.Child(ToString(SessionLogLabel.fetch_add(1)));
+ }
+ TForkProtector::TForkProtector()
+ : Clients()
+ , GrpcInitializer()
+ , Enabled(grpc_core::Fork::Enabled())
+ , Lock()
+ {
+ }
+ void TForkProtector::Register(TClient& client) {
+ if (!Enabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(grpc_is_initialized());
+ Y_VERIFY(grpc_core::Fork::Enabled());
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ Clients.push_back(&client);
+ }
+ }
+ void TForkProtector::Unregister(TClient& client) {
+ if (!Enabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ const auto it = Find(Clients, &client);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Clients.end());
+ Clients.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<TForkProtector> TForkProtector::Get(bool createIfNotExists) {
+ with_lock(InstanceLock) {
+ auto result = Instance.lock();
+ if (!result && createIfNotExists) {
+ result = std::make_shared<TForkProtector>();
+ if (!result->Enabled) {
+ TLog log("cerr");
+ TLogger logger(log, Nothing());
+ auto scopeLogger = logger.Child("ua client");
+ "Grpc is already initialized, can't enable fork support. "
+ "If forks are possible, please set environment variable GRPC_ENABLE_FORK_SUPPORT to 'true'. "
+ "If not, you can suppress this warning by setting EnableForkSupport "
+ "to false when creating the ua client.",
+ scopeLogger);
+ } else if (!SubscribedToForks) {
+ SubscribedToForks = true;
+ #ifdef _unix_
+ pthread_atfork(
+ &TForkProtector::PreFork,
+ &TForkProtector::PostForkParent,
+ &TForkProtector::PostForkChild);
+ #endif
+ }
+ Instance = result;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ void TForkProtector::PreFork() {
+ auto self = Get(false);
+ if (!self) {
+ return;
+ }
+ self->Lock.Acquire();
+ for (auto* c : self->Clients) {
+ c->PreFork();
+ }
+ }
+ void TForkProtector::PostForkParent() {
+ auto self = Get(false);
+ if (!self) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (auto* c : self->Clients) {
+ c->PostForkParent();
+ }
+ self->Lock.Release();
+ }
+ void TForkProtector::PostForkChild() {
+ auto self = Get(false);
+ if (!self) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (auto* c : self->Clients) {
+ c->PostForkChild();
+ }
+ self->Lock.Release();
+ }
+ std::weak_ptr<TForkProtector> TForkProtector::Instance{};
+ TMutex TForkProtector::InstanceLock{};
+ bool TForkProtector::SubscribedToForks{false};
+ TClientSession::TClientSession(const TIntrusivePtr<TClient>& client, const TSessionParameters& parameters)
+ : AsyncJoiner()
+ , Client(client)
+ , OriginalSessionId(MakeFMaybe(parameters.SessionId))
+ , SessionId(OriginalSessionId)
+ , Meta(MakeFMaybe(parameters.Meta))
+ , Logger(Client->CreateSessionLogger())
+ , CloseStarted(false)
+ , ForcedCloseStarted(false)
+ , Closed(false)
+ , ForkInProgressLocal(false)
+ , Started(false)
+ , ClosePromise()
+ , ActiveGrpcCall(nullptr)
+ , WriteQueue()
+ , TrimmedCount(0)
+ , NextIndex(0)
+ , AckSeqNo(Nothing())
+ , PollerLastEventTimestamp()
+ , Counters(parameters.Counters ? parameters.Counters : Client->GetCounters()->GetDefaultSessionCounters())
+ , MakeGrpcCallTimer(nullptr)
+ , ForceCloseTimer(nullptr)
+ , PollTimer(nullptr)
+ , GrpcInflightMessages(0)
+ , GrpcInflightBytes(0)
+ , InflightBytes(0)
+ , CloseRequested(false)
+ , EventsBatchSize(0)
+ , PollingStatus(EPollingStatus::Inactive)
+ , EventNotification(nullptr)
+ , EventNotificationTriggered(false)
+ , EventsBatch()
+ , SecondaryEventsBatch()
+ , ForkInProgress(false)
+ , Lock()
+ , MaxInflightBytes(
+ parameters.MaxInflightBytes.GetOrElse(Client->GetParameters().MaxInflightBytes))
+ , AgentMaxReceiveMessage(Nothing()) {
+ if (Meta.Defined() && !IsUtf8(*Meta)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("session meta contains non UTF-8 characters");
+ }
+ Y_ENSURE(!(Client->GetParameters().EnableForkSupport && SessionId.Defined()),
+ "explicit session id is not supported with forks");
+ Client->RegisterSession(this);
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ DoStart();
+ }
+ }
+ TFuture<void> TClientSession::PreFork() {
+ YLOG_INFO("pre fork started");
+ Lock.Acquire();
+ YLOG_INFO("triggering event notification");
+ if (!EventNotificationTriggered) {
+ EventNotificationTriggered = true;
+ EventNotification->Trigger();
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO("setting 'fork in progress' flag");
+ ForkInProgress.store(true);
+ if (!Started) {
+ ClosePromise.TrySetValue();
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO("pre fork finished");
+ return ClosePromise.GetFuture();
+ }
+ void TClientSession::PostForkParent() {
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork parent started");
+ ForkInProgress.store(false);
+ ForkInProgressLocal = false;
+ Started = false;
+ if (!CloseRequested) {
+ DoStart();
+ YLOG_INFO("triggering event notification");
+ EventNotificationTriggered = true;
+ EventNotification->Trigger();
+ }
+ Lock.Release();
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork parent finished");
+ }
+ void TClientSession::PostForkChild() {
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork child started");
+ ForkInProgress.store(false);
+ ForkInProgressLocal = false;
+ Started = false;
+ SessionId.Clear();
+ TrimmedCount = 0;
+ NextIndex = 0;
+ AckSeqNo.Clear();
+ PurgeWriteQueue();
+ EventsBatch.clear();
+ SecondaryEventsBatch.clear();
+ EventsBatchSize = 0;
+ Lock.Release();
+ YLOG_INFO("post fork child finished");
+ }
+ void TClientSession::SetAgentMaxReceiveMessage(size_t newValue) {
+ AgentMaxReceiveMessage = newValue;
+ }
+ void TClientSession::DoStart() {
+ // Lock must be held
+ Y_VERIFY(!Started);
+ YLOG_INFO("starting");
+ Client->EnsureStarted();
+ MakeGrpcCallTimer = MakeHolder<TGrpcTimer>(Client->GetCompletionQueue(),
+ MakeIOCallback([this](EIOStatus status) {
+ if (status == EIOStatus::Error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MakeGrpcCall();
+ }, &AsyncJoiner));
+ ForceCloseTimer = MakeHolder<TGrpcTimer>(Client->GetCompletionQueue(),
+ MakeIOCallback([this](EIOStatus status) {
+ if (status == EIOStatus::Error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO("ForceCloseTimer");
+ BeginClose(TInstant::Zero());
+ }, &AsyncJoiner));
+ PollTimer = MakeHolder<TGrpcTimer>(Client->GetCompletionQueue(),
+ MakeIOCallback([this](EIOStatus status) {
+ if (status == EIOStatus::Error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Poll();
+ }, &AsyncJoiner));
+ EventNotification = MakeHolder<TGrpcNotification>(Client->GetCompletionQueue(),
+ MakeIOCallback([this](EIOStatus status) {
+ Y_VERIFY(status == EIOStatus::Ok);
+ Poll();
+ }, &AsyncJoiner));
+ CloseStarted = false;
+ ForcedCloseStarted = false;
+ Closed = false;
+ ClosePromise = NewPromise();
+ EventNotificationTriggered = false;
+ PollerLastEventTimestamp = Now();
+ PollingStatus = EPollingStatus::Inactive;
+ ++Client->GetCounters()->ActiveSessionsCount;
+ MakeGrpcCallTimer->Set(Now());
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("started, sessionId [%s]", OriginalSessionId.GetOrElse("").c_str()));
+ Started = true;
+ }
+ void TClientSession::MakeGrpcCall() {
+ if (Closed) {
+ YLOG_INFO("MakeGrpcCall, session already closed");
+ return;
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(!ForcedCloseStarted);
+ Y_VERIFY(!ActiveGrpcCall);
+ ActiveGrpcCall = MakeIntrusive<TGrpcCall>(*this);
+ ActiveGrpcCall->Start();
+ ++Counters->GrpcCalls;
+ if (CloseStarted) {
+ ActiveGrpcCall->BeginClose(false);
+ }
+ }
+ TClientSession::~TClientSession() {
+ Close(TInstant::Zero());
+ AsyncJoiner.Join().Wait();
+ Client->UnregisterSession(this);
+ YLOG_INFO("destroyed");
+ }
+ void TClientSession::Send(TClientMessage&& message) {
+ const auto messageSize = SizeOf(message);
+ ++Counters->ReceivedMessages;
+ Counters->ReceivedBytes += messageSize;
+ if (messageSize > Client->GetParameters().GrpcMaxMessageSize) {
+ YLOG_ERR(Sprintf("message size [%lu] is greater than max grpc message size [%lu], message dropped",
+ messageSize, Client->GetParameters().GrpcMaxMessageSize));
+ ++Counters->DroppedMessages;
+ Counters->DroppedBytes += messageSize;
+ ++Counters->ErrorsCount;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (message.Meta.Defined() && !IsUtf8(*message.Meta)) {
+ YLOG_ERR("message meta contains non UTF-8 characters, message dropped");
+ ++Counters->DroppedMessages;
+ Counters->DroppedBytes += messageSize;
+ ++Counters->ErrorsCount;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!message.Timestamp.Defined()) {
+ message.Timestamp = TInstant::Now();
+ }
+ ++Counters->InflightMessages;
+ Counters->InflightBytes += messageSize;
+ {
+ auto g = Guard(Lock);
+ if (!Started) {
+ DoStart();
+ }
+ if (CloseRequested) {
+ g.Release();
+ YLOG_ERR(Sprintf("session is closing, message dropped, [%lu] bytes", messageSize));
+ --Counters->InflightMessages;
+ Counters->InflightBytes -= messageSize;
+ ++Counters->DroppedMessages;
+ Counters->DroppedBytes += messageSize;
+ ++Counters->ErrorsCount;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (InflightBytes.load() + messageSize > MaxInflightBytes) {
+ g.Release();
+ YLOG_ERR(Sprintf("max inflight of [%lu] bytes reached, [%lu] bytes dropped",
+ MaxInflightBytes, messageSize));
+ --Counters->InflightMessages;
+ Counters->InflightBytes -= messageSize;
+ ++Counters->DroppedMessages;
+ Counters->DroppedBytes += messageSize;
+ ++Counters->ErrorsCount;
+ return;
+ }
+ InflightBytes.fetch_add(messageSize);
+ EventsBatch.push_back(TMessageReceivedEvent{std::move(message), messageSize});
+ EventsBatchSize += messageSize;
+ if ((PollingStatus == EPollingStatus::Inactive ||
+ EventsBatchSize >= Client->GetParameters().GrpcMaxMessageSize) &&
+ !EventNotificationTriggered)
+ {
+ EventNotificationTriggered = true;
+ EventNotification->Trigger();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TFuture<void> TClientSession::CloseAsync(TInstant deadline) {
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("close, deadline [%s]", ToString(deadline).c_str()));
+ if (!ClosePromise.GetFuture().HasValue()) {
+ with_lock(Lock) {
+ if (!Started) {
+ return MakeFuture();
+ }
+ CloseRequested = true;
+ EventsBatch.push_back(TCloseRequestedEvent{deadline});
+ if (!EventNotificationTriggered) {
+ EventNotificationTriggered = true;
+ EventNotification->Trigger();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ClosePromise.GetFuture();
+ }
+ void TClientSession::BeginClose(TInstant deadline) {
+ if (Closed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!CloseStarted) {
+ CloseStarted = true;
+ YLOG_INFO("close started");
+ }
+ const auto force = deadline == TInstant::Zero();
+ if (force && !ForcedCloseStarted) {
+ ForcedCloseStarted = true;
+ YLOG_INFO("forced close started");
+ }
+ if (!ActiveGrpcCall && (ForcedCloseStarted || WriteQueue.empty())) {
+ DoClose();
+ } else {
+ if (!force) {
+ ForceCloseTimer->Set(deadline);
+ }
+ if (ActiveGrpcCall) {
+ ActiveGrpcCall->BeginClose(ForcedCloseStarted);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TClientSession::Poll() {
+ if (ForkInProgressLocal) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto now = Now();
+ const auto sendDelay = Client->GetParameters().GrpcSendDelay;
+ const auto oldPollingStatus = PollingStatus;
+ {
+ if (!Lock.TryAcquire()) {
+ TSpinWait sw;
+ while (Lock.IsLocked() || !Lock.TryAcquire()) {
+ if (ForkInProgress.load()) {
+ YLOG_INFO("poller 'fork in progress' signal received, stopping session");
+ ForkInProgressLocal = true;
+ if (!ActiveGrpcCall || !ActiveGrpcCall->Initialized()) {
+ BeginClose(TInstant::Max());
+ } else if (ActiveGrpcCall->ReuseSessions()) {
+ ActiveGrpcCall->Poison();
+ BeginClose(TInstant::Max());
+ } else {
+ BeginClose(TInstant::Zero());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ sw.Sleep();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!EventsBatch.empty()) {
+ DoSwap(EventsBatch, SecondaryEventsBatch);
+ EventsBatchSize = 0;
+ PollerLastEventTimestamp = now;
+ }
+ const auto needNextPollStep = sendDelay != TDuration::Zero() &&
+ !CloseRequested &&
+ (now - PollerLastEventTimestamp) < 10 * sendDelay;
+ PollingStatus = needNextPollStep ? EPollingStatus::Active : EPollingStatus::Inactive;
+ EventNotificationTriggered = false;
+ Lock.Release();
+ }
+ if (PollingStatus == EPollingStatus::Active) {
+ PollTimer->Set(now + sendDelay);
+ }
+ if (PollingStatus != oldPollingStatus) {
+ YLOG_DEBUG(Sprintf("poller %s", PollingStatus == EPollingStatus::Active ? "started" : "stopped"));
+ }
+ if (auto& batch = SecondaryEventsBatch; !batch.empty()) {
+ auto closeIt = FindIf(batch, [](const auto& e) {
+ return std::holds_alternative<TCloseRequestedEvent>(e);
+ });
+ if (auto it = begin(batch); it != closeIt) {
+ Y_VERIFY(!CloseStarted);
+ do {
+ auto& e = std::get<TMessageReceivedEvent>(*it++);
+ WriteQueue.push_back({std::move(e.Message), e.Size, false});
+ } while (it != closeIt);
+ if (ActiveGrpcCall) {
+ ActiveGrpcCall->NotifyMessageAdded();
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto endIt = end(batch); closeIt != endIt; ++closeIt) {
+ const auto& e = std::get<TCloseRequestedEvent>(*closeIt);
+ BeginClose(e.Deadline);
+ }
+ batch.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ void TClientSession::PrepareInitializeRequest(NUnifiedAgentProto::Request& target) {
+ auto& initializeMessage = *target.MutableInitialize();
+ if (SessionId.Defined()) {
+ initializeMessage.SetSessionId(*SessionId);
+ }
+ if (Client->GetParameters().SharedSecretKey.Defined()) {
+ initializeMessage.SetSharedSecretKey(*Client->GetParameters().SharedSecretKey);
+ }
+ if (Meta.Defined()) {
+ for (const auto& p: *Meta) {
+ AddMeta(initializeMessage, p.first, p.second);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Meta.Defined() || Meta->find("_reusable") == Meta->end()) {
+ AddMeta(initializeMessage, "_reusable", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ TClientSession::TRequestBuilder::TRequestBuilder(NUnifiedAgentProto::Request& target, size_t RequestPayloadLimitBytes,
+ TFMaybe<size_t> serializedRequestLimitBytes)
+ : Target(target)
+ , PwTarget(MakeFMaybe<NPW::TRequest>())
+ , MetaItems()
+ , RequestPayloadSize(0)
+ , RequestPayloadLimitBytes(RequestPayloadLimitBytes)
+ , SerializedRequestSize(0)
+ , SerializedRequestLimitBytes(serializedRequestLimitBytes)
+ , CountersInvalid(false)
+ {
+ }
+ void TClientSession::TRequestBuilder::ResetCounters() {
+ RequestPayloadSize = 0;
+ SerializedRequestSize = 0;
+ PwTarget.Clear();
+ PwTarget.ConstructInPlace();
+ CountersInvalid = false;
+ }
+ TClientSession::TRequestBuilder::TAddResult TClientSession::TRequestBuilder::TryAddMessage(
+ const TPendingMessage& message, size_t seqNo) {
+ Y_VERIFY(!CountersInvalid);
+ {
+ // add item to pwRequest to increase calculated size
+ PwTarget->DataBatch.SeqNo.Add(seqNo);
+ PwTarget->DataBatch.Timestamp.Add(message.Message.Timestamp->MicroSeconds());
+ PwTarget->DataBatch.Payload.Add().SetValue(message.Message.Payload);
+ if (message.Message.Meta.Defined()) {
+ for (const auto &m: *message.Message.Meta) {
+ TMetaItemBuilder *metaItemBuilder = nullptr;
+ {
+ auto it = MetaItems.find(m.first);
+ if (it == MetaItems.end()) {
+ PwTarget->DataBatch.Meta.Add().Key.SetValue(m.first);
+ } else {
+ metaItemBuilder = &it->second;
+ }
+ }
+ size_t metaItemIdx = (metaItemBuilder != nullptr) ? metaItemBuilder->ItemIndex :
+ PwTarget->DataBatch.Meta.GetSize() - 1;
+ auto &pwMetaItem = PwTarget->DataBatch.Meta.Get(metaItemIdx);
+ pwMetaItem.Value.Add().SetValue(m.second);
+ const auto index = Target.GetDataBatch().SeqNoSize();
+ if ((metaItemBuilder != nullptr && metaItemBuilder->ValueIndex != index) ||
+ (metaItemBuilder == nullptr && index != 0)) {
+ const auto valueIdx = (metaItemBuilder) ? metaItemBuilder->ValueIndex : 0;
+ pwMetaItem.SkipStart.Add(valueIdx);
+ pwMetaItem.SkipLength.Add(index - valueIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const auto newSerializedRequestSize = PwTarget->ByteSizeLong();
+ const auto newPayloadSize = RequestPayloadSize + message.Size;
+ if ((SerializedRequestLimitBytes.Defined() && newSerializedRequestSize > *SerializedRequestLimitBytes) ||
+ newPayloadSize > RequestPayloadLimitBytes) {
+ CountersInvalid = true;
+ return {true, newPayloadSize, newSerializedRequestSize};
+ }
+ {
+ // add item to the real request
+ auto& batch = *Target.MutableDataBatch();
+ batch.AddSeqNo(seqNo);
+ batch.AddTimestamp(message.Message.Timestamp->MicroSeconds());
+ batch.AddPayload(message.Message.Payload);
+ if (message.Message.Meta.Defined()) {
+ for (const auto &m: *message.Message.Meta) {
+ TMetaItemBuilder *metaItemBuilder;
+ {
+ auto it = MetaItems.find(m.first);
+ if (it == MetaItems.end()) {
+ batch.AddMeta()->SetKey(m.first);
+ auto insertResult = MetaItems.insert({m.first, {batch.MetaSize() - 1}});
+ Y_VERIFY(insertResult.second);
+ metaItemBuilder = &insertResult.first->second;
+ } else {
+ metaItemBuilder = &it->second;
+ }
+ }
+ auto *metaItem = batch.MutableMeta(metaItemBuilder->ItemIndex);
+ metaItem->AddValue(m.second);
+ const auto index = batch.SeqNoSize() - 1;
+ if (metaItemBuilder->ValueIndex != index) {
+ metaItem->AddSkipStart(metaItemBuilder->ValueIndex);
+ metaItem->AddSkipLength(index - metaItemBuilder->ValueIndex);
+ }
+ metaItemBuilder->ValueIndex = index + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ SerializedRequestSize = newSerializedRequestSize;
+ RequestPayloadSize = newPayloadSize;
+ }
+ return {false, newPayloadSize, newSerializedRequestSize};
+ }
+ void TClientSession::PrepareWriteBatchRequest(NUnifiedAgentProto::Request& target) {
+ Y_VERIFY(AckSeqNo.Defined());
+ TRequestBuilder requestBuilder(target, Client->GetParameters().GrpcMaxMessageSize, AgentMaxReceiveMessage);
+ const auto startIndex = NextIndex - TrimmedCount;
+ for (size_t i = startIndex; i < WriteQueue.size(); ++i) {
+ auto& queueItem = WriteQueue[i];
+ if (queueItem.Skipped) {
+ NextIndex++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto addResult = requestBuilder.TryAddMessage(queueItem, *AckSeqNo + i + 1);
+ const auto serializedLimitToLog = AgentMaxReceiveMessage.Defined() ? *AgentMaxReceiveMessage : 0;
+ if (addResult.LimitExceeded && target.GetDataBatch().SeqNoSize() == 0) {
+ YLOG_ERR(Sprintf("single serialized message is too large [%lu] > [%lu], dropping it",
+ addResult.NewSerializedRequestSize, serializedLimitToLog));
+ queueItem.Skipped = true;
+ ++Counters->DroppedMessages;
+ Counters->DroppedBytes += queueItem.Size;
+ ++Counters->ErrorsCount;
+ NextIndex++;
+ requestBuilder.ResetCounters();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (addResult.LimitExceeded) {
+ YLOG_DEBUG(Sprintf(
+ "batch limit exceeded: [%lu] > [%lu] (limit for serialized batch)"
+ "OR [%lu] > [%lu] (limit for raw batch)",
+ addResult.NewSerializedRequestSize, serializedLimitToLog,
+ addResult.NewRequestPayloadSize, Client->GetParameters().GrpcMaxMessageSize));
+ break;
+ }
+ NextIndex++;
+ }
+ const auto messagesCount = target.GetDataBatch().SeqNoSize();
+ if (messagesCount == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(requestBuilder.GetSerializedRequestSize() == target.ByteSizeLong(),
+ "failed to calculate size for message [%s]", target.ShortDebugString().c_str());
+ GrpcInflightMessages += messagesCount;
+ GrpcInflightBytes += requestBuilder.GetRequestPayloadSize();
+ YLOG_DEBUG(Sprintf("new write batch, [%lu] messages, [%lu] bytes, first seq_no [%lu], serialized size [%lu]",
+ messagesCount, requestBuilder.GetRequestPayloadSize(),
+ *target.GetDataBatch().GetSeqNo().begin(), requestBuilder.GetSerializedRequestSize()));
+ ++Counters->GrpcWriteBatchRequests;
+ Counters->GrpcInflightMessages += messagesCount;
+ Counters->GrpcInflightBytes += requestBuilder.GetRequestPayloadSize();
+ }
+ void TClientSession::Acknowledge(ui64 seqNo) {
+ size_t messagesCount = 0;
+ size_t bytesCount = 0;
+ size_t skippedMessagesCount = 0;
+ size_t skippedBytesCount = 0;
+ if (AckSeqNo.Defined()) {
+ while (!WriteQueue.empty() && ((*AckSeqNo < seqNo) || WriteQueue.front().Skipped)) {
+ if (WriteQueue.front().Skipped) {
+ skippedMessagesCount++;
+ skippedBytesCount += WriteQueue.front().Size;
+ } else {
+ ++messagesCount;
+ bytesCount += WriteQueue.front().Size;
+ }
+ ++(*AckSeqNo);
+ WriteQueue.pop_front();
+ ++TrimmedCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!AckSeqNo.Defined() || seqNo > *AckSeqNo) {
+ AckSeqNo = seqNo;
+ }
+ Counters->AcknowledgedMessages += messagesCount;
+ Counters->AcknowledgedBytes += bytesCount;
+ Counters->InflightMessages -= (messagesCount + skippedMessagesCount);
+ Counters->InflightBytes -= (bytesCount + skippedBytesCount);
+ InflightBytes.fetch_sub(bytesCount);
+ Counters->GrpcInflightMessages -= messagesCount;
+ Counters->GrpcInflightBytes -= bytesCount;
+ GrpcInflightMessages -= messagesCount;
+ GrpcInflightBytes -= bytesCount;
+ YLOG_DEBUG(Sprintf("ack [%lu], [%lu] messages, [%lu] bytes", seqNo, messagesCount, bytesCount));
+ }
+ void TClientSession::OnGrpcCallInitialized(const TString& sessionId, ui64 lastSeqNo) {
+ SessionId = sessionId;
+ Acknowledge(lastSeqNo);
+ NextIndex = TrimmedCount;
+ ++Counters->GrpcCallsInitialized;
+ Counters->GrpcInflightMessages -= GrpcInflightMessages;
+ Counters->GrpcInflightBytes -= GrpcInflightBytes;
+ GrpcInflightMessages = 0;
+ GrpcInflightBytes = 0;
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("grpc call initialized, session_id [%s], last_seq_no [%lu]",
+ sessionId.c_str(), lastSeqNo));
+ }
+ void TClientSession::OnGrpcCallFinished() {
+ Y_VERIFY(!Closed);
+ Y_VERIFY(ActiveGrpcCall);
+ ActiveGrpcCall = nullptr;
+ if (CloseStarted && (ForcedCloseStarted || WriteQueue.empty())) {
+ DoClose();
+ } else {
+ const auto reconnectTime = TInstant::Now() + Client->GetParameters().GrpcReconnectDelay;
+ MakeGrpcCallTimer->Set(reconnectTime);
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("grpc call delayed until [%s]", reconnectTime.ToString().c_str()));
+ }
+ }
+ auto TClientSession::PurgeWriteQueue() -> TPurgeWriteQueueStats {
+ size_t bytesCount = 0;
+ for (const auto& m: WriteQueue) {
+ bytesCount += m.Size;
+ }
+ auto result = TPurgeWriteQueueStats{WriteQueue.size(), bytesCount};
+ Counters->DroppedMessages += WriteQueue.size();
+ Counters->DroppedBytes += bytesCount;
+ Counters->InflightMessages -= WriteQueue.size();
+ Counters->InflightBytes -= bytesCount;
+ Counters->GrpcInflightMessages -= GrpcInflightMessages;
+ Counters->GrpcInflightBytes -= GrpcInflightBytes;
+ InflightBytes.fetch_sub(bytesCount);
+ GrpcInflightMessages = 0;
+ GrpcInflightBytes = 0;
+ WriteQueue.clear();
+ return result;
+ }
+ void TClientSession::DoClose() {
+ Y_VERIFY(CloseStarted);
+ Y_VERIFY(!Closed);
+ Y_VERIFY(!ClosePromise.HasValue());
+ MakeGrpcCallTimer->Cancel();
+ ForceCloseTimer->Cancel();
+ PollTimer->Cancel();
+ if (!ForkInProgressLocal && WriteQueue.size() > 0) {
+ const auto stats = PurgeWriteQueue();
+ ++Counters->ErrorsCount;
+ YLOG_ERR(Sprintf("DoClose, dropped [%lu] messages, [%lu] bytes",
+ stats.PurgedMessages, stats.PurgedBytes));
+ }
+ --Client->GetCounters()->ActiveSessionsCount;
+ Closed = true;
+ ClosePromise.SetValue();
+ YLOG_INFO("session closed");
+ }
+ TGrpcCall::TGrpcCall(TClientSession& session)
+ : Session(session)
+ , AsyncJoinerToken(&Session.GetAsyncJoiner())
+ , AcceptTag(MakeIOCallback(this, &TGrpcCall::EndAccept))
+ , ReadTag(MakeIOCallback(this, &TGrpcCall::EndRead))
+ , WriteTag(MakeIOCallback(this, &TGrpcCall::EndWrite))
+ , WritesDoneTag(MakeIOCallback(this, &TGrpcCall::EndWritesDone))
+ , FinishTag(MakeIOCallback(this, &TGrpcCall::EndFinish))
+ , Logger(session.GetLogger().Child("grpc"))
+ , AcceptPending(false)
+ , Initialized_(false)
+ , ReadPending(false)
+ , ReadsDone(false)
+ , WritePending(false)
+ , WritesBlocked(false)
+ , WritesDonePending(false)
+ , WritesDone(false)
+ , ErrorOccured(false)
+ , FinishRequested(false)
+ , FinishStarted(false)
+ , FinishDone(false)
+ , Cancelled(false)
+ , Poisoned(false)
+ , PoisonPillSent(false)
+ , ReuseSessions_(false)
+ , FinishStatus()
+ , ClientContext()
+ , ReaderWriter(nullptr)
+ , Request()
+ , Response()
+ {
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::Start() {
+ AcceptPending = true;
+ auto& client = Session.GetClient();
+ ReaderWriter = client.GetStub().AsyncSession(&ClientContext,
+ &client.GetCompletionQueue(),
+ AcceptTag->Ref());
+ YLOG_INFO("AsyncSession started");
+ }
+ TGrpcCall::~TGrpcCall() {
+ YLOG_INFO("destroyed");
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::EnsureFinishStarted() {
+ if (!FinishStarted) {
+ FinishStarted = true;
+ ReaderWriter->Finish(&FinishStatus, FinishTag->Ref());
+ YLOG_INFO("Finish started");
+ }
+ }
+ bool TGrpcCall::CheckHasError(EIOStatus status, const char* method) {
+ if (status == EIOStatus::Error) {
+ SetError(Sprintf("%s %s", method, ToString(status).c_str()));
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (ErrorOccured) {
+ ScheduleFinishOnError();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::SetError(const TString& error) {
+ if (!Cancelled) {
+ YLOG_ERR(error);
+ ++Session.GetCounters().ErrorsCount;
+ }
+ ErrorOccured = true;
+ ScheduleFinishOnError();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::ScheduleFinishOnError() {
+ if (!AcceptPending && !WritePending && !WritesDonePending) {
+ EnsureFinishStarted();
+ }
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::BeginClose(bool force) {
+ if (force) {
+ if (!Cancelled) {
+ Cancelled = true;
+ ClientContext.TryCancel();
+ SetError("forced close");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("Close Initialized [%d], AcceptPending [%d], "
+ "WritePending [%d], FinishRequested [%d], "
+ "ErrorOccured [%d]",
+ static_cast<int>(Initialized_),
+ static_cast<int>(AcceptPending),
+ static_cast<int>(WritePending),
+ static_cast<int>(FinishRequested),
+ static_cast<int>(ErrorOccured)));
+ if (ErrorOccured || FinishRequested) {
+ return;
+ }
+ FinishRequested = true;
+ if (!Initialized_ || WritePending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ WritesBlocked = true;
+ BeginWritesDone();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::Poison() {
+ Poisoned = true;
+ NotifyMessageAdded();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::NotifyMessageAdded() {
+ if (WritePending || !Initialized_ || ErrorOccured || FinishRequested) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ScheduleWrite();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::ScheduleWrite() {
+ Request.Clear();
+ if (!Poisoned) {
+ Session.PrepareWriteBatchRequest(Request);
+ } else if (!PoisonPillSent) {
+ PoisonPillSent = true;
+ auto& batch = *Request.mutable_data_batch();
+ batch.AddSeqNo(std::numeric_limits<::google::protobuf::uint64>::max());
+ batch.AddTimestamp(Now().MicroSeconds());
+ batch.AddPayload("");
+ YLOG_INFO("poison pill sent");
+ }
+ if (Request.GetDataBatch().GetSeqNo().empty()) {
+ if (FinishRequested) {
+ WritesBlocked = true;
+ BeginWritesDone();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ BeginWrite();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::EndAccept(EIOStatus status) {
+ Y_VERIFY(AcceptPending);
+ AcceptPending = false;
+ if (CheckHasError(status, "EndAccept")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ BeginRead();
+ Request.Clear();
+ Session.PrepareInitializeRequest(Request);
+ BeginWrite();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::EndRead(EIOStatus status) {
+ ReadPending = false;
+ if (FinishDone) {
+ Session.OnGrpcCallFinished();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!ErrorOccured && status == EIOStatus::Error && WritesBlocked) {
+ Y_VERIFY(!WritePending);
+ YLOG_INFO("EndRead ReadsDone");
+ ReadsDone = true;
+ if (WritesDone) {
+ EnsureFinishStarted();
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (CheckHasError(status, "EndRead")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!Initialized_) {
+ const auto metadata = ClientContext.GetServerInitialMetadata();
+ {
+ const auto it = metadata.find("ua-reuse-sessions");
+ if (it != metadata.end() && it->second == "true") {
+ ReuseSessions_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const auto it = metadata.find("ua-max-receive-message-size");
+ if (it != metadata.end()) {
+ Session.SetAgentMaxReceiveMessage(FromString<size_t>(TString{it->second.begin(), it->second.end()}));
+ }
+ }
+ if (Response.response_case() != NUnifiedAgentProto::Response::kInitialized) {
+ SetError(Sprintf("EndRead while initializing, unexpected response_case [%d]",
+ static_cast<int>(Response.response_case())));
+ return;
+ }
+ Session.OnGrpcCallInitialized(Response.GetInitialized().GetSessionId(),
+ Response.GetInitialized().GetLastSeqNo());
+ Initialized_ = true;
+ if (!WritePending) {
+ ScheduleWrite();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (Response.response_case() != NUnifiedAgentProto::Response::kAck) {
+ SetError(Sprintf("EndRead unexpected response_case [%d]",
+ static_cast<int>(Response.response_case())));
+ return;
+ }
+ Session.Acknowledge(Response.GetAck().GetSeqNo());
+ }
+ BeginRead();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::EndWrite(EIOStatus status) {
+ WritePending = false;
+ if (CheckHasError(status, "EndWrite")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!Initialized_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ScheduleWrite();
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::EndFinish(EIOStatus status) {
+ FinishDone = true;
+ const auto finishStatus = status == EIOStatus::Error
+ ? grpc::Status(grpc::UNKNOWN, "finish error")
+ : FinishStatus;
+ YLOG(finishStatus.ok() || Cancelled || Poisoned ? TLOG_INFO : TLOG_ERR,
+ Sprintf("EndFinish, code [%s], message [%s]",
+ ToString(finishStatus.error_code()).c_str(),
+ finishStatus.error_message().c_str()),
+ Logger);
+ if (!finishStatus.ok() && !Cancelled) {
+ ++Session.GetCounters().ErrorsCount;
+ }
+ if (!ReadPending) {
+ Session.OnGrpcCallFinished();
+ }
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::EndWritesDone(EIOStatus status) {
+ YLOG_INFO(Sprintf("EndWritesDone [%s]", ToString(status).c_str()));
+ Y_VERIFY(!WritePending && !WritesDone && WritesDonePending);
+ WritesDonePending = false;
+ WritesDone = true;
+ if (CheckHasError(status, "EndWriteDone")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ReadsDone) {
+ EnsureFinishStarted();
+ }
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::BeginWritesDone() {
+ WritesDonePending = true;
+ ReaderWriter->WritesDone(WritesDoneTag->Ref());
+ YLOG_INFO("WritesDone started");
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::BeginRead() {
+ ReadPending = true;
+ Response.Clear();
+ ReaderWriter->Read(&Response, ReadTag->Ref());
+ YLOG_DEBUG("Read started");
+ }
+ void TGrpcCall::BeginWrite() {
+ WritePending = true;
+ ReaderWriter->Write(Request, WriteTag->Ref());
+ YLOG_DEBUG("Write started");
+ }
+namespace NUnifiedAgent {
+ size_t SizeOf(const TClientMessage& message) {
+ auto result = message.Payload.Size() + sizeof(TInstant);
+ if (message.Meta.Defined()) {
+ for (const auto& m: *message.Meta) {
+ result += m.first.Size() + m.second.Size();
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ TClientParameters::TClientParameters(const TString& uri)
+ : Uri(uri)
+ , SharedSecretKey(Nothing())
+ , MaxInflightBytes(DefaultMaxInflightBytes)
+ , Log(TLoggerOperator<TGlobalLog>::Log())
+ , LogRateLimitBytes(Nothing())
+ , GrpcReconnectDelay(TDuration::MilliSeconds(50))
+ , GrpcSendDelay(DefaultGrpcSendDelay)
+ , EnableForkSupport(false)
+ , GrpcMaxMessageSize(DefaultGrpcMaxMessageSize)
+ , Counters(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ TSessionParameters::TSessionParameters()
+ : SessionId(Nothing())
+ , Meta(Nothing())
+ , Counters(nullptr)
+ , MaxInflightBytes()
+ {
+ }
+ const size_t TClientParameters::DefaultMaxInflightBytes = 10_MB;
+ const size_t TClientParameters::DefaultGrpcMaxMessageSize = 1_MB;
+ const TDuration TClientParameters::DefaultGrpcSendDelay = TDuration::MilliSeconds(10);
+ TClientPtr MakeClient(const TClientParameters& parameters) {
+ if (!grpc_is_initialized()) {
+ EnsureGrpcConfigured();
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<NPrivate::TForkProtector> forkProtector{};
+#ifdef _unix_
+ if (parameters.EnableForkSupport) {
+ forkProtector = NPrivate::TForkProtector::Get(true);
+ }
+ return MakeIntrusive<NPrivate::TClient>(parameters, forkProtector);
+ }