path: root/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/tool/threaded_updater.cpp
diff options
authorkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
committerkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
commit21c9b0e6b039e9765eb414c406c2b86e8cea6850 (patch)
treef40ebc18ff8958dfbd189954ad024043ca983ea5 /library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/tool/threaded_updater.cpp
parent9a4effa852abe489707139c2b260dccc6f4f9aa9 (diff)
Final part on compatibility layer: LOGBROKER-7215
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/tool/threaded_updater.cpp')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/tool/threaded_updater.cpp b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/tool/threaded_updater.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35bbe4f617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/tool/threaded_updater.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+#include "threaded_updater.h"
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/utils.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash_set.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/string/ascii.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+namespace NTvmAuth::NTvmTool {
+ TAsyncUpdaterPtr TThreadedUpdater::Create(const TClientSettings& settings, TLoggerPtr logger) {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(logger, TNonRetriableException() << "Logger is required");
+ THolder<TThreadedUpdater> p(new TThreadedUpdater(
+ settings.GetHostname(),
+ settings.GetPort(),
+ settings.GetSocketTimeout(),
+ settings.GetConnectTimeout(),
+ std::move(logger)));
+ p->Init(settings);
+ p->StartWorker();
+ return p.Release();
+ }
+ TThreadedUpdater::~TThreadedUpdater() {
+ StopWorker(); // Required here to avoid using of deleted members
+ }
+ TClientStatus TThreadedUpdater::GetStatus() const {
+ const TClientStatus::ECode state = GetState();
+ return TClientStatus(state, GetLastError(state == TClientStatus::Ok));
+ }
+ NRoles::TRolesPtr TThreadedUpdater::GetRoles() const {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(RolesFetcher_,
+ TBrokenTvmClientSettings() << "Roles were not configured in settings");
+ return RolesFetcher_->GetCurrentRoles();
+ }
+ TClientStatus::ECode TThreadedUpdater::GetState() const {
+ const TInstant now = TInstant::Now();
+ const TMetaInfo::TConfigPtr config = MetaInfo_.GetConfig();
+ if ((config->AreTicketsRequired() && AreServiceTicketsInvalid(now)) || ArePublicKeysInvalid(now)) {
+ return TClientStatus::Error;
+ }
+ if (config->AreTicketsRequired()) {
+ if (!GetCachedServiceTickets() || config->DstAliases.size() > GetCachedServiceTickets()->TicketsByAlias.size()) {
+ return TClientStatus::Error;
+ }
+ }
+ const TDuration st = now - GetUpdateTimeOfServiceTickets();
+ const TDuration pk = now - GetUpdateTimeOfPublicKeys();
+ if ((config->AreTicketsRequired() && st > ServiceTicketsDurations_.Expiring) || pk > PublicKeysDurations_.Expiring) {
+ return TClientStatus::Warning;
+ }
+ if (RolesFetcher_ && RolesFetcher_->ShouldWarn(now - GetUpdateTimeOfRoles())) {
+ return TClientStatus::Warning;
+ }
+ if (IsConfigWarnTime()) {
+ return TClientStatus::Warning;
+ }
+ return TClientStatus::Ok;
+ }
+ TThreadedUpdater::TThreadedUpdater(const TString& host, ui16 port, TDuration socketTimeout, TDuration connectTimeout, TLoggerPtr logger)
+ : TThreadedUpdaterBase(TDuration::Seconds(5), logger, host, port, socketTimeout, connectTimeout)
+ , MetaInfo_(logger)
+ , ConfigWarnDelay_(TDuration::Seconds(30))
+ {
+ ServiceTicketsDurations_.RefreshPeriod = TDuration::Minutes(10);
+ PublicKeysDurations_.RefreshPeriod = TDuration::Minutes(10);
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::Init(const TClientSettings& settings) {
+ const TMetaInfo::TConfigPtr config = MetaInfo_.Init(GetClient(), settings);
+ LastVisitForConfig_ = TInstant::Now();
+ SetBbEnv(config->BbEnv, settings.GetOverridedBlackboxEnv());
+ if (settings.GetOverridedBlackboxEnv()) {
+ LogInfo(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Meta: override blackbox env: " << config->BbEnv
+ << "->" << *settings.GetOverridedBlackboxEnv());
+ }
+ if (config->IdmSlug) {
+ RolesFetcher_ = std::make_unique<TRolesFetcher>(
+ TRolesFetcherSettings{
+ .SelfAlias = settings.GetSelfAlias(),
+ },
+ Logger_);
+ }
+ ui8 tries = 3;
+ do {
+ UpdateState();
+ } while (!IsEverythingOk(*config) && --tries > 0);
+ if (!IsEverythingOk(*config)) {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::UpdateState() {
+ bool wasUpdated = false;
+ try {
+ wasUpdated = MetaInfo_.TryUpdateConfig(GetClient());
+ LastVisitForConfig_ = TInstant::Now();
+ ClearError(EScope::TvmtoolConfig);
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ ProcessError(EType::Retriable, EScope::TvmtoolConfig, e.what());
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Error while fetching of tvmtool config: " << e.what());
+ }
+ if (IsConfigWarnTime()) {
+ LogError(TStringBuilder() << "Tvmtool config have not been refreshed for too long period");
+ }
+ TMetaInfo::TConfigPtr config = MetaInfo_.GetConfig();
+ if (wasUpdated || IsTimeToUpdateServiceTickets(*config, LastVisitForServiceTickets_)) {
+ try {
+ const TInstant updateTime = UpdateServiceTickets(*config);
+ SetUpdateTimeOfServiceTickets(updateTime);
+ LastVisitForServiceTickets_ = TInstant::Now();
+ if (AreServiceTicketsOk(*config)) {
+ ClearError(EScope::ServiceTickets);
+ }
+ LogDebug(TStringBuilder() << "Tickets fetched from tvmtool: " << updateTime);
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ ProcessError(EType::Retriable, EScope::ServiceTickets, e.what());
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Error while fetching of tickets: " << e.what());
+ }
+ if (TInstant::Now() - GetUpdateTimeOfServiceTickets() > ServiceTicketsDurations_.Expiring) {
+ LogError("Service tickets have not been refreshed for too long period");
+ }
+ }
+ if (wasUpdated || IsTimeToUpdatePublicKeys(LastVisitForPublicKeys_)) {
+ try {
+ const TInstant updateTime = UpdateKeys(*config);
+ SetUpdateTimeOfPublicKeys(updateTime);
+ LastVisitForPublicKeys_ = TInstant::Now();
+ if (ArePublicKeysOk()) {
+ ClearError(EScope::PublicKeys);
+ }
+ LogDebug(TStringBuilder() << "Public keys fetched from tvmtool: " << updateTime);
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ ProcessError(EType::Retriable, EScope::PublicKeys, e.what());
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Error while fetching of public keys: " << e.what());
+ }
+ if (TInstant::Now() - GetUpdateTimeOfPublicKeys() > PublicKeysDurations_.Expiring) {
+ LogError("Public keys have not been refreshed for too long period");
+ }
+ }
+ if (RolesFetcher_ && (wasUpdated || RolesFetcher_->IsTimeToUpdate(TInstant::Now() - GetUpdateTimeOfRoles()))) {
+ try {
+ RolesFetcher_->Update(RolesFetcher_->FetchActualRoles(MetaInfo_.GetAuthHeader(), GetClient()));
+ SetUpdateTimeOfRoles(TInstant::Now());
+ if (RolesFetcher_->AreRolesOk()) {
+ ClearError(EScope::Roles);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ ProcessError(EType::Retriable, EScope::Roles, e.what());
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to update roles: " << e.what());
+ }
+ if (RolesFetcher_->ShouldWarn(TInstant::Now() - GetUpdateTimeOfRoles())) {
+ LogError("Roles have not been refreshed for too long period");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TInstant TThreadedUpdater::UpdateServiceTickets(const TMetaInfo::TConfig& config) {
+ const std::pair<TString, TInstant> tickets = FetchServiceTickets(config);
+ if (TInstant::Now() - tickets.second >= ServiceTicketsDurations_.Invalid) {
+ throw yexception() << "Service tickets are too old: " << tickets.second;
+ }
+ TPairTicketsErrors p = ParseFetchTicketsResponse(tickets.first, config.DstAliases);
+ SetServiceTickets(MakeIntrusiveConst<TServiceTickets>(std::move(p.Tickets),
+ std::move(p.Errors),
+ config.DstAliases));
+ return tickets.second;
+ }
+ std::pair<TString, TInstant> TThreadedUpdater::FetchServiceTickets(const TMetaInfo::TConfig& config) const {
+ TStringStream s;
+ THttpHeaders headers;
+ const TString request = TMetaInfo::GetRequestForTickets(config);
+ auto code = GetClient().DoGet(request, &s, MetaInfo_.GetAuthHeader(), &headers);
+ Y_ENSURE(code == 200, ProcessHttpError(EScope::ServiceTickets, request, code, s.Str()));
+ return {s.Str(), GetBirthTimeFromResponse(headers, "tickets")};
+ }
+ static THashSet<TTvmId> GetAllTvmIds(const TMetaInfo::TDstAliases& dsts) {
+ THashSet<TTvmId> res;
+ res.reserve(dsts.size());
+ for (const auto& pair : dsts) {
+ res.insert(pair.second);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ TAsyncUpdaterBase::TPairTicketsErrors TThreadedUpdater::ParseFetchTicketsResponse(const TString& resp,
+ const TMetaInfo::TDstAliases& dsts) const {
+ const THashSet<TTvmId> allTvmIds = GetAllTvmIds(dsts);
+ TServiceTickets::TMapIdStr tickets;
+ TServiceTickets::TMapIdStr errors;
+ auto procErr = [this](const TString& msg) {
+ ProcessError(EType::NonRetriable, EScope::ServiceTickets, msg);
+ LogError(msg);
+ };
+ NJson::TJsonValue doc;
+ Y_ENSURE(NJson::ReadJsonTree(resp, &doc), "Invalid json from tvmtool: " << resp);
+ for (const auto& pair : doc.GetMap()) {
+ NJson::TJsonValue tvmId;
+ unsigned long long tvmIdNum = 0;
+ if (!pair.second.GetValue("tvm_id", &tvmId) ||
+ !tvmId.GetUInteger(&tvmIdNum)) {
+ procErr(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Failed to get 'tvm_id' from key, should never happend '"
+ << pair.first << "': " << resp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!allTvmIds.contains(tvmIdNum)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ NJson::TJsonValue val;
+ if (!pair.second.GetValue("ticket", &val)) {
+ TString err;
+ if (pair.second.GetValue("error", &val)) {
+ err = val.GetString();
+ } else {
+ err = "Failed to get 'ticket' and 'error', should never happend: " + pair.first;
+ }
+ procErr(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Failed to get ServiceTicket for " << pair.first
+ << " (" << tvmIdNum << "): " << err);
+ errors.insert({tvmIdNum, std::move(err)});
+ continue;
+ }
+ tickets.insert({tvmIdNum, val.GetString()});
+ }
+ // This work-around is required because of bug in old verions of tvmtool: PASSP-24829
+ for (const auto& pair : dsts) {
+ if (!tickets.contains(pair.second) && !errors.contains(pair.second)) {
+ TString err = "Missing tvm_id in response, should never happend: " + pair.first;
+ procErr(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Failed to get ServiceTicket for " << pair.first
+ << " (" << pair.second << "): " << err);
+ errors.emplace(pair.second, std::move(err));
+ }
+ }
+ return {std::move(tickets), std::move(errors)};
+ }
+ TInstant TThreadedUpdater::UpdateKeys(const TMetaInfo::TConfig& config) {
+ const std::pair<TString, TInstant> keys = FetchPublicKeys();
+ if (TInstant::Now() - keys.second >= PublicKeysDurations_.Invalid) {
+ throw yexception() << "Public keys are too old: " << keys.second;
+ }
+ SetServiceContext(MakeIntrusiveConst<TServiceContext>(
+ TServiceContext::CheckingFactory(config.SelfTvmId, keys.first)));
+ SetUserContext(keys.first);
+ return keys.second;
+ }
+ std::pair<TString, TInstant> TThreadedUpdater::FetchPublicKeys() const {
+ TStringStream s;
+ THttpHeaders headers;
+ auto code = GetClient().DoGet("/tvm/keys", &s, MetaInfo_.GetAuthHeader(), &headers);
+ Y_ENSURE(code == 200, ProcessHttpError(EScope::PublicKeys, "/tvm/keys", code, s.Str()));
+ return {s.Str(), GetBirthTimeFromResponse(headers, "public keys")};
+ }
+ TInstant TThreadedUpdater::GetBirthTimeFromResponse(const THttpHeaders& headers, TStringBuf errMsg) {
+ auto it = std::find_if(headers.begin(),
+ headers.end(),
+ [](const THttpInputHeader& h) {
+ return AsciiEqualsIgnoreCase(h.Name(), "X-Ya-Tvmtool-Data-Birthtime");
+ });
+ Y_ENSURE(it != headers.end(), "Failed to fetch bithtime of " << errMsg << " from tvmtool");
+ ui64 time = 0;
+ Y_ENSURE(TryIntFromString<10>(it->Value(), time),
+ "Bithtime of " << errMsg << " from tvmtool must be unixtime. Got: " << it->Value());
+ return TInstant::Seconds(time);
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsTimeToUpdateServiceTickets(const TMetaInfo::TConfig& config,
+ TInstant lastUpdate) const {
+ return config.AreTicketsRequired() &&
+ TInstant::Now() - lastUpdate > ServiceTicketsDurations_.RefreshPeriod;
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsTimeToUpdatePublicKeys(TInstant lastUpdate) const {
+ return TInstant::Now() - lastUpdate > PublicKeysDurations_.RefreshPeriod;
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsEverythingOk(const TMetaInfo::TConfig& config) const {
+ if (RolesFetcher_ && !RolesFetcher_->AreRolesOk()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return AreServiceTicketsOk(config) && ArePublicKeysOk();
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::AreServiceTicketsOk(const TMetaInfo::TConfig& config) const {
+ return AreServiceTicketsOk(config.DstAliases.size());
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::AreServiceTicketsOk(size_t requiredCount) const {
+ if (requiredCount == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ auto c = GetCachedServiceTickets();
+ return c && c->TicketsByAlias.size() == requiredCount;
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::ArePublicKeysOk() const {
+ return GetCachedServiceContext() && GetCachedUserContext();
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsConfigWarnTime() const {
+ return LastVisitForConfig_ + ConfigWarnDelay_ < TInstant::Now();
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::Worker() {
+ UpdateState();
+ }