path: root/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.h
diff options
authorkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
committerkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
commit21c9b0e6b039e9765eb414c406c2b86e8cea6850 (patch)
treef40ebc18ff8958dfbd189954ad024043ca983ea5 /library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.h
parent9a4effa852abe489707139c2b260dccc6f4f9aa9 (diff)
Final part on compatibility layer: LOGBROKER-7215
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.h')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.h b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e546bbe030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "retry_settings.h"
+#include "roles_fetcher.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/async_updater.h>
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/threaded_updater.h>
+#include <util/generic/set.h>
+#include <util/random/fast.h>
+namespace NTvmAuth::NTvmApi {
+ using TDstSet = TSet<TClientSettings::TDst>;
+ class TThreadedUpdater: public TThreadedUpdaterBase {
+ public:
+ /*!
+ * Starts thread for updating of in-memory cache in background
+ * Reads cache from disk if specified
+ * @param settings
+ * @param logger is usefull for monitoring and debuging
+ */
+ static TAsyncUpdaterPtr Create(const TClientSettings& settings, TLoggerPtr logger);
+ ~TThreadedUpdater();
+ TClientStatus GetStatus() const override;
+ NRoles::TRolesPtr GetRoles() const override;
+ protected: // for tests
+ TClientStatus::ECode GetState() const;
+ TThreadedUpdater(const TClientSettings& settings, TLoggerPtr logger);
+ void Init();
+ void UpdateServiceTickets();
+ void UpdateAllServiceTickets();
+ TServiceTicketsPtr UpdateMissingServiceTickets(const TDstSet& required);
+ void UpdatePublicKeys();
+ void UpdateRoles();
+ TServiceTicketsPtr UpdateServiceTicketsCachePartly(TPairTicketsErrors&& tickets, size_t got);
+ void UpdateServiceTicketsCache(TPairTicketsErrors&& tickets, TInstant time);
+ void UpdatePublicKeysCache(const TString& publicKeys, TInstant time);
+ void ReadStateFromDisk();
+ struct TServiceTicketsFromDisk {
+ TPairTicketsErrors TicketsWithErrors;
+ TInstant BornDate;
+ TString FileBody;
+ };
+ TServiceTicketsFromDisk ReadServiceTicketsFromDisk() const;
+ std::pair<TString, TInstant> ReadPublicKeysFromDisk() const;
+ TString ReadRetrySettingsFromDisk() const;
+ struct THttpResult {
+ TPairTicketsErrors TicketsWithErrors;
+ TSmallVec<TString> Responses;
+ };
+ template <class Dsts>
+ THttpResult GetServiceTicketsFromHttp(const Dsts& dsts, const size_t dstLimit) const;
+ TString GetPublicKeysFromHttp() const;
+ virtual NUtils::TFetchResult FetchServiceTicketsFromHttp(const TString& body) const;
+ virtual NUtils::TFetchResult FetchPublicKeysFromHttp() const;
+ bool UpdateRetrySettings(const TString& header) const;
+ template <typename Func>
+ NUtils::TFetchResult FetchWithRetries(Func func, EScope scope) const;
+ void RandomSleep() const;
+ static TString PrepareRequestForServiceTickets(TTvmId src,
+ const TServiceContext& ctx,
+ const TClientSettings::TDstVector& dsts,
+ const NUtils::TProcInfo& procInfo,
+ time_t now = time(nullptr));
+ template <class Dsts>
+ void ParseTicketsFromResponse(TStringBuf resp,
+ const Dsts& dsts,
+ TPairTicketsErrors& out) const;
+ static TString PrepareTicketsForDisk(TStringBuf tvmResponse, TTvmId selfId);
+ static std::pair<TStringBuf, TTvmId> ParseTicketsFromDisk(TStringBuf data);
+ const TDstSet& GetDsts() const;
+ void AddDstToSettings(const TClientSettings::TDst& dst);
+ bool IsTimeToUpdateServiceTickets(TInstant lastUpdate) const;
+ bool IsTimeToUpdatePublicKeys(TInstant lastUpdate) const;
+ bool AreServicesTicketsOk() const;
+ bool IsServiceContextOk() const;
+ bool IsUserContextOk() const;
+ void Worker() override;
+ static TServiceTickets::TMapAliasId MakeAliasMap(const TClientSettings& settings);
+ static TClientSettings::TDstVector FindMissingDsts(TServiceTicketsPtr available, const TDstSet& required);
+ static TClientSettings::TDstVector FindMissingDsts(const TDstSet& available, const TDstSet& required);
+ static TString CreateJsonArray(const TSmallVec<TString>& responses);
+ static TString AppendToJsonArray(const TString& json, const TSmallVec<TString>& responses);
+ private:
+ TRetrySettings RetrySettings_;
+ protected:
+ mutable TExponentialBackoff ExpBackoff_;
+ private:
+ const TClientSettings Settings_;
+ const NUtils::TProcInfo ProcInfo_;
+ const TString PublicKeysUrl_;
+ const TServiceTickets::TMapAliasId DstAliases_;
+ const TKeepAliveHttpClient::THeaders Headers_;
+ TMaybe<TServiceContext> SigningContext_;
+ TDstSet Destinations_;
+ TString DiskCacheServiceTickets_;
+ bool NeedFetchMissingServiceTickets_ = true;
+ TString PublicKeysFilepath_;
+ TString ServiceTicketsFilepath_;
+ TString RetrySettingsFilepath_;
+ std::unique_ptr<TRolesFetcher> RolesFetcher_;
+ mutable TReallyFastRng32 Random_;
+ bool Inited_ = false;
+ };