path: root/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.cpp
diff options
authorkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
committerkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
commit21c9b0e6b039e9765eb414c406c2b86e8cea6850 (patch)
treef40ebc18ff8958dfbd189954ad024043ca983ea5 /library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.cpp
parent9a4effa852abe489707139c2b260dccc6f4f9aa9 (diff)
Final part on compatibility layer: LOGBROKER-7215
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.cpp')
1 files changed, 954 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.cpp b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7df49c05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/threaded_updater.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
+#include "threaded_updater.h"
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/disk_cache.h>
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/utils.h>
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/retry_settings/v1/settings.pb.h>
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/logger.h>
+#include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h>
+#include <util/stream/str.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+namespace NTvmAuth::NTvmApi {
+ static TString CreatePublicKeysUrl(const TClientSettings& settings,
+ const NUtils::TProcInfo& procInfo) {
+ TStringStream s;
+ s << "/2/keys";
+ s << "?";
+ procInfo.AddToRequest(s);
+ s << "&get_retry_settings=yes";
+ if (settings.GetSelfTvmId() != 0) {
+ s << "&src=" << settings.GetSelfTvmId();
+ }
+ if (settings.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ s << "&env=" << static_cast<int>(settings.GetEnvForUserTickets());
+ }
+ return s.Str();
+ }
+ TAsyncUpdaterPtr TThreadedUpdater::Create(const TClientSettings& settings, TLoggerPtr logger) {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(logger, TNonRetriableException() << "Logger is required");
+ THolder<TThreadedUpdater> p(new TThreadedUpdater(settings, std::move(logger)));
+ p->Init();
+ p->StartWorker();
+ return p.Release();
+ }
+ TThreadedUpdater::~TThreadedUpdater() {
+ ExpBackoff_.SetEnabled(false);
+ ExpBackoff_.Interrupt();
+ StopWorker(); // Required here to avoid using of deleted members
+ }
+ TClientStatus TThreadedUpdater::GetStatus() const {
+ const TClientStatus::ECode state = GetState();
+ return TClientStatus(state, GetLastError(state == TClientStatus::Ok || state == TClientStatus::IncompleteTicketsSet));
+ }
+ NRoles::TRolesPtr TThreadedUpdater::GetRoles() const {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(RolesFetcher_,
+ TBrokenTvmClientSettings() << "Roles were not configured in settings");
+ return RolesFetcher_->GetCurrentRoles();
+ }
+ TClientStatus::ECode TThreadedUpdater::GetState() const {
+ const TInstant now = TInstant::Now();
+ if (Settings_.IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired()) {
+ if (AreServiceTicketsInvalid(now)) {
+ return TClientStatus::Error;
+ }
+ auto tickets = GetCachedServiceTickets();
+ if (!tickets) {
+ return TClientStatus::Error;
+ }
+ if (tickets->TicketsById.size() < Destinations_.size()) {
+ if (Settings_.IsIncompleteTicketsSetAnError) {
+ return TClientStatus::Error;
+ } else {
+ return TClientStatus::IncompleteTicketsSet;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((Settings_.IsServiceTicketCheckingRequired() || Settings_.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) && ArePublicKeysInvalid(now)) {
+ return TClientStatus::Error;
+ }
+ const TDuration sincePublicKeysUpdate = now - GetUpdateTimeOfPublicKeys();
+ const TDuration sinceServiceTicketsUpdate = now - GetUpdateTimeOfServiceTickets();
+ const TDuration sinceRolesUpdate = now - GetUpdateTimeOfRoles();
+ if (Settings_.IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired() && sinceServiceTicketsUpdate > ServiceTicketsDurations_.Expiring) {
+ return TClientStatus::Warning;
+ }
+ if ((Settings_.IsServiceTicketCheckingRequired() || Settings_.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) &&
+ sincePublicKeysUpdate > PublicKeysDurations_.Expiring)
+ {
+ return TClientStatus::Warning;
+ }
+ if (RolesFetcher_ && TRolesFetcher::ShouldWarn(RetrySettings_, sinceRolesUpdate)) {
+ return TClientStatus::Warning;
+ }
+ return TClientStatus::Ok;
+ }
+ TThreadedUpdater::TThreadedUpdater(const TClientSettings& settings, TLoggerPtr logger)
+ : TThreadedUpdaterBase(
+ TRetrySettings{}.WorkerAwakingPeriod,
+ std::move(logger),
+ settings.GetTvmHost(),
+ settings.GetTvmPort(),
+ settings.TvmSocketTimeout,
+ settings.TvmConnectTimeout)
+ , ExpBackoff_(RetrySettings_.BackoffSettings)
+ , Settings_(settings.CloneNormalized())
+ , ProcInfo_(NUtils::TProcInfo::Create(Settings_.GetLibVersionPrefix()))
+ , PublicKeysUrl_(CreatePublicKeysUrl(Settings_, ProcInfo_))
+ , DstAliases_(MakeAliasMap(Settings_))
+ , Headers_({{"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}})
+ , Random_(TInstant::Now().MicroSeconds())
+ {
+ if (Settings_.IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired()) {
+ SigningContext_ = TServiceContext::SigningFactory(Settings_.GetSelfSecret());
+ }
+ if (Settings_.IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired()) {
+ Destinations_ = {Settings_.GetDestinations().begin(), Settings_.GetDestinations().end()};
+ }
+ PublicKeysDurations_.RefreshPeriod = TDuration::Days(1);
+ ServiceTicketsDurations_.RefreshPeriod = TDuration::Hours(1);
+ if (Settings_.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ SetBbEnv(Settings_.GetEnvForUserTickets());
+ }
+ if (Settings_.IsRolesFetchingEnabled()) {
+ RolesFetcher_ = std::make_unique<TRolesFetcher>(
+ TRolesFetcherSettings{
+ Settings_.GetTiroleHost(),
+ Settings_.GetTirolePort(),
+ Settings_.GetDiskCacheDir(),
+ ProcInfo_,
+ Settings_.GetSelfTvmId(),
+ Settings_.GetIdmSystemSlug(),
+ },
+ Logger_);
+ }
+ if (Settings_.IsDiskCacheUsed()) {
+ TString path = Settings_.GetDiskCacheDir();
+ if (path.back() != '/') {
+ path.push_back('/');
+ }
+ if (Settings_.IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired()) {
+ ServiceTicketsFilepath_ = path;
+ ServiceTicketsFilepath_.append("service_tickets");
+ }
+ if (Settings_.IsServiceTicketCheckingRequired() || Settings_.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ PublicKeysFilepath_ = path;
+ PublicKeysFilepath_.append("public_keys");
+ }
+ RetrySettingsFilepath_ = path + "retry_settings";
+ } else {
+ LogInfo("Disk cache disabled. Please set disk cache directory in settings for best reliability");
+ }
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::Init() {
+ ReadStateFromDisk();
+ ClearErrors();
+ ExpBackoff_.SetEnabled(false);
+ // First of all try to get tickets: there are a lot of reasons to fail this request.
+ // As far as disk cache usually disabled, client will not fetch keys before fail on every ctor call.
+ UpdateServiceTickets();
+ if (!AreServicesTicketsOk()) {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ UpdatePublicKeys();
+ if (!IsServiceContextOk() || !IsUserContextOk()) {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ UpdateRoles();
+ if (RolesFetcher_ && !RolesFetcher_->AreRolesOk()) {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ Inited_ = true;
+ ExpBackoff_.SetEnabled(true);
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::UpdateServiceTickets() {
+ if (!Settings_.IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TInstant stut = GetUpdateTimeOfServiceTickets();
+ try {
+ if (IsTimeToUpdateServiceTickets(stut)) {
+ UpdateAllServiceTickets();
+ NeedFetchMissingServiceTickets_ = false;
+ } else if (NeedFetchMissingServiceTickets_ && GetCachedServiceTickets()->TicketsById.size() < Destinations_.size()) {
+ UpdateMissingServiceTickets(Destinations_);
+ NeedFetchMissingServiceTickets_ = false;
+ }
+ if (AreServicesTicketsOk()) {
+ ClearError(EScope::ServiceTickets);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ ProcessError(EType::Retriable, EScope::ServiceTickets, e.what());
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to update service tickets: " << e.what());
+ if (TInstant::Now() - stut > ServiceTicketsDurations_.Expiring) {
+ LogError("Service tickets have not been refreshed for too long period");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::UpdateAllServiceTickets() {
+ THttpResult st = GetServiceTicketsFromHttp(Destinations_, RetrySettings_.DstsLimit);
+ auto oldCache = GetCachedServiceTickets();
+ if (oldCache) {
+ for (const auto& pair : oldCache->ErrorsById) {
+ st.TicketsWithErrors.Errors.insert(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateServiceTicketsCache(std::move(st.TicketsWithErrors), TInstant::Now());
+ if (ServiceTicketsFilepath_) {
+ DiskCacheServiceTickets_ = CreateJsonArray(st.Responses);
+ TDiskWriter w(ServiceTicketsFilepath_, Logger_.Get());
+ w.Write(PrepareTicketsForDisk(DiskCacheServiceTickets_, Settings_.GetSelfTvmId()));
+ }
+ }
+ TServiceTicketsPtr TThreadedUpdater::UpdateMissingServiceTickets(const TDstSet& required) {
+ TServiceTicketsPtr cache = GetCachedServiceTickets();
+ TClientSettings::TDstVector dsts = FindMissingDsts(cache, required);
+ if (dsts.empty()) {
+ return cache;
+ }
+ THttpResult st = GetServiceTicketsFromHttp(dsts, RetrySettings_.DstsLimit);
+ size_t gotTickets = st.TicketsWithErrors.Tickets.size();
+ for (const auto& pair : cache->TicketsById) {
+ st.TicketsWithErrors.Tickets.insert(pair);
+ }
+ for (const auto& pair : cache->ErrorsById) {
+ st.TicketsWithErrors.Errors.insert(pair);
+ }
+ for (const auto& pair : st.TicketsWithErrors.Tickets) {
+ st.TicketsWithErrors.Errors.erase(pair.first);
+ }
+ TServiceTicketsPtr c = UpdateServiceTicketsCachePartly(
+ std::move(st.TicketsWithErrors),
+ gotTickets);
+ if (!c) {
+ LogWarning("UpdateMissingServiceTickets: new cache is NULL. BUG?");
+ c = cache;
+ }
+ if (!ServiceTicketsFilepath_) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ DiskCacheServiceTickets_ = AppendToJsonArray(DiskCacheServiceTickets_, st.Responses);
+ TDiskWriter w(ServiceTicketsFilepath_, Logger_.Get());
+ w.Write(PrepareTicketsForDisk(DiskCacheServiceTickets_, Settings_.GetSelfTvmId()));
+ return c;
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::UpdatePublicKeys() {
+ if (!Settings_.IsServiceTicketCheckingRequired() && !Settings_.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TInstant pkut = GetUpdateTimeOfPublicKeys();
+ if (!IsTimeToUpdatePublicKeys(pkut)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ TString publicKeys = GetPublicKeysFromHttp();
+ UpdatePublicKeysCache(publicKeys, TInstant::Now());
+ if (PublicKeysFilepath_) {
+ TDiskWriter w(PublicKeysFilepath_, Logger_.Get());
+ w.Write(publicKeys);
+ }
+ if (IsServiceContextOk() && IsUserContextOk()) {
+ ClearError(EScope::PublicKeys);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ ProcessError(EType::Retriable, EScope::PublicKeys, e.what());
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to update public keys: " << e.what());
+ if (TInstant::Now() - pkut > PublicKeysDurations_.Expiring) {
+ LogError("Public keys have not been refreshed for too long period");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::UpdateRoles() {
+ if (!RolesFetcher_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TInstant rut = GetUpdateTimeOfRoles();
+ if (!TRolesFetcher::IsTimeToUpdate(RetrySettings_, TInstant::Now() - rut)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ struct TCloser {
+ TRolesFetcher* Fetcher;
+ ~TCloser() {
+ Fetcher->ResetConnection();
+ }
+ } closer{RolesFetcher_.get()};
+ try {
+ TServiceTicketsPtr st = GetCachedServiceTickets();
+ Y_ENSURE(st, "No one service ticket in memory: how it possible?");
+ auto it = st->TicketsById.find(Settings_.GetTiroleTvmId());
+ Y_ENSURE(it != st->TicketsById.end(),
+ "Missing tvmid for tirole in cache: " << Settings_.GetTiroleTvmId());
+ RolesFetcher_->Update(
+ FetchWithRetries(
+ [&]() { return RolesFetcher_->FetchActualRoles(it->second); },
+ EScope::Roles));
+ SetUpdateTimeOfRoles(TInstant::Now());
+ if (RolesFetcher_->AreRolesOk()) {
+ ClearError(EScope::Roles);
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ ProcessError(EType::Retriable, EScope::Roles, e.what());
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to update roles: " << e.what());
+ if (TRolesFetcher::ShouldWarn(RetrySettings_, TInstant::Now() - rut)) {
+ LogError("Roles have not been refreshed for too long period");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TServiceTicketsPtr TThreadedUpdater::UpdateServiceTicketsCachePartly(
+ TAsyncUpdaterBase::TPairTicketsErrors&& tickets,
+ size_t got) {
+ size_t count = tickets.Tickets.size();
+ TServiceTicketsPtr c = MakeIntrusiveConst<TServiceTickets>(std::move(tickets.Tickets),
+ std::move(tickets.Errors),
+ DstAliases_);
+ SetServiceTickets(c);
+ LogInfo(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Cache was partly updated with " << got
+ << " service ticket(s). total: " << count);
+ return c;
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::UpdateServiceTicketsCache(TPairTicketsErrors&& tickets, TInstant time) {
+ size_t count = tickets.Tickets.size();
+ SetServiceTickets(MakeIntrusiveConst<TServiceTickets>(std::move(tickets.Tickets),
+ std::move(tickets.Errors),
+ DstAliases_));
+ SetUpdateTimeOfServiceTickets(time);
+ if (count > 0) {
+ LogInfo(TStringBuilder() << "Cache was updated with " << count << " service ticket(s): " << time);
+ }
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::UpdatePublicKeysCache(const TString& publicKeys, TInstant time) {
+ if (publicKeys.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Settings_.IsServiceTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ SetServiceContext(MakeIntrusiveConst<TServiceContext>(
+ TServiceContext::CheckingFactory(Settings_.GetSelfTvmId(),
+ publicKeys)));
+ }
+ if (Settings_.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ SetUserContext(publicKeys);
+ }
+ SetUpdateTimeOfPublicKeys(time);
+ LogInfo(TStringBuilder() << "Cache was updated with public keys: " << time);
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::ReadStateFromDisk() {
+ try {
+ TServiceTicketsFromDisk st = ReadServiceTicketsFromDisk();
+ UpdateServiceTicketsCache(std::move(st.TicketsWithErrors), st.BornDate);
+ DiskCacheServiceTickets_ = st.FileBody;
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to read service tickets from disk: " << e.what());
+ }
+ try {
+ std::pair<TString, TInstant> pk = ReadPublicKeysFromDisk();
+ UpdatePublicKeysCache(pk.first, pk.second);
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to read public keys from disk: " << e.what());
+ }
+ try {
+ TString rs = ReadRetrySettingsFromDisk();
+ UpdateRetrySettings(rs);
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to read retry settings from disk: " << e.what());
+ }
+ try {
+ if (RolesFetcher_) {
+ SetUpdateTimeOfRoles(RolesFetcher_->ReadFromDisk());
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to read roles from disk: " << e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ TThreadedUpdater::TServiceTicketsFromDisk TThreadedUpdater::ReadServiceTicketsFromDisk() const {
+ if (!ServiceTicketsFilepath_) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ TDiskReader r(ServiceTicketsFilepath_, Logger_.Get());
+ if (!r.Read()) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ std::pair<TStringBuf, TTvmId> data = ParseTicketsFromDisk(r.Data());
+ if (data.second != Settings_.GetSelfTvmId()) {
+ TStringStream s;
+ s << "Disk cache is for another tvmId (" << data.second << "). ";
+ s << "Self=" << Settings_.GetSelfTvmId();
+ LogWarning(s.Str());
+ return {};
+ }
+ TPairTicketsErrors res;
+ ParseTicketsFromResponse(data.first, Destinations_, res);
+ if (IsInvalid(TServiceTickets::GetInvalidationTime(res.Tickets), TInstant::Now())) {
+ LogWarning("Disk cache (service tickets) is too old");
+ return {};
+ }
+ LogInfo(TStringBuilder() << "Got " << res.Tickets.size() << " service ticket(s) from disk");
+ return {std::move(res), r.Time(), TString(data.first)};
+ }
+ std::pair<TString, TInstant> TThreadedUpdater::ReadPublicKeysFromDisk() const {
+ if (!PublicKeysFilepath_) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ TDiskReader r(PublicKeysFilepath_, Logger_.Get());
+ if (!r.Read()) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ if (TInstant::Now() - r.Time() > PublicKeysDurations_.Invalid) {
+ LogWarning("Disk cache (public keys) is too old");
+ return {};
+ }
+ return {r.Data(), r.Time()};
+ }
+ TString TThreadedUpdater::ReadRetrySettingsFromDisk() const {
+ if (!RetrySettingsFilepath_) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ TDiskReader r(RetrySettingsFilepath_, Logger_.Get());
+ if (!r.Read()) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return r.Data();
+ }
+ template <class Dsts>
+ TThreadedUpdater::THttpResult TThreadedUpdater::GetServiceTicketsFromHttp(const Dsts& dsts, const size_t dstLimit) const {
+ Y_ENSURE(SigningContext_, "Internal error");
+ TClientSettings::TDstVector part;
+ part.reserve(dstLimit);
+ THttpResult res;
+ res.TicketsWithErrors.Tickets.reserve(dsts.size());
+ res.Responses.reserve(dsts.size() / dstLimit + 1);
+ for (auto it = dsts.begin(); it != dsts.end();) {
+ part.clear();
+ for (size_t count = 0; it != dsts.end() && count < dstLimit; ++count, ++it) {
+ part.push_back(*it);
+ }
+ TString response =
+ FetchWithRetries(
+ [this, &part]() {
+ // create request here to keep 'ts' actual
+ return FetchServiceTicketsFromHttp(PrepareRequestForServiceTickets(
+ Settings_.GetSelfTvmId(),
+ *SigningContext_,
+ part,
+ ProcInfo_));
+ },
+ EScope::ServiceTickets)
+ .Response;
+ ParseTicketsFromResponse(response, part, res.TicketsWithErrors);
+ LogDebug(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Response with service tickets for " << part.size()
+ << " destination(s) was successfully fetched from " << TvmUrl_);
+ res.Responses.push_back(response);
+ }
+ LogDebug(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Got responses with service tickets with " << res.Responses.size() << " pages for "
+ << dsts.size() << " destination(s)");
+ for (const auto& p : res.TicketsWithErrors.Errors) {
+ LogError(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Failed to get service ticket for dst=" << p.first << ": " << p.second);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ TString TThreadedUpdater::GetPublicKeysFromHttp() const {
+ TString publicKeys =
+ FetchWithRetries(
+ [this]() { return FetchPublicKeysFromHttp(); },
+ EScope::PublicKeys)
+ .Response;
+ LogDebug("Public keys were successfully fetched from " + TvmUrl_);
+ return publicKeys;
+ }
+ NUtils::TFetchResult TThreadedUpdater::FetchServiceTicketsFromHttp(const TString& body) const {
+ TStringStream s;
+ THttpHeaders outHeaders;
+ TKeepAliveHttpClient::THttpCode code = GetClient().DoPost("/2/ticket", body, &s, Headers_, &outHeaders);
+ const THttpInputHeader* settings = outHeaders.FindHeader("X-Ya-Retry-Settings");
+ return {code, {}, "/2/ticket", s.Str(), settings ? settings->Value() : ""};
+ }
+ NUtils::TFetchResult TThreadedUpdater::FetchPublicKeysFromHttp() const {
+ TStringStream s;
+ THttpHeaders outHeaders;
+ TKeepAliveHttpClient::THttpCode code = GetClient().DoGet(PublicKeysUrl_, &s, {}, &outHeaders);
+ const THttpInputHeader* settings = outHeaders.FindHeader("X-Ya-Retry-Settings");
+ return {code, {}, "/2/keys", s.Str(), settings ? settings->Value() : ""};
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::UpdateRetrySettings(const TString& header) const {
+ if (header.empty()) {
+ // Probably it is some kind of test?
+ return false;
+ }
+ try {
+ TString raw = NUtils::Base64url2bin(header);
+ Y_ENSURE(raw, "Invalid base64url in settings");
+ retry_settings::v1::Settings proto;
+ Y_ENSURE(proto.ParseFromString(raw), "Invalid proto");
+ // This ugly hack helps to process these settings in any case
+ TThreadedUpdater& this_ = *const_cast<TThreadedUpdater*>(this);
+ TRetrySettings& res = this_.RetrySettings_;
+ TStringStream diff;
+ auto update = [&diff](auto& l, const auto& r, TStringBuf desc) {
+ if (l != r) {
+ diff << desc << ":" << l << "->" << r << ";";
+ l = r;
+ }
+ };
+ if (proto.has_exponential_backoff_min_sec()) {
+ update(res.BackoffSettings.Min,
+ TDuration::Seconds(proto.exponential_backoff_min_sec()),
+ "exponential_backoff_min");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_exponential_backoff_max_sec()) {
+ update(res.BackoffSettings.Max,
+ TDuration::Seconds(proto.exponential_backoff_max_sec()),
+ "exponential_backoff_max");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_exponential_backoff_factor()) {
+ update(res.BackoffSettings.Factor,
+ proto.exponential_backoff_factor(),
+ "exponential_backoff_factor");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_exponential_backoff_jitter()) {
+ update(res.BackoffSettings.Jitter,
+ proto.exponential_backoff_jitter(),
+ "exponential_backoff_jitter");
+ }
+ this_.ExpBackoff_.UpdateSettings(res.BackoffSettings);
+ if (proto.has_max_random_sleep_default()) {
+ update(res.MaxRandomSleepDefault,
+ TDuration::MilliSeconds(proto.max_random_sleep_default()),
+ "max_random_sleep_default");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_max_random_sleep_when_ok()) {
+ update(res.MaxRandomSleepWhenOk,
+ TDuration::MilliSeconds(proto.max_random_sleep_when_ok()),
+ "max_random_sleep_when_ok");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_retries_on_start()) {
+ Y_ENSURE(proto.retries_on_start(), "retries_on_start==0");
+ update(res.RetriesOnStart,
+ proto.retries_on_start(),
+ "retries_on_start");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_retries_in_background()) {
+ Y_ENSURE(proto.retries_in_background(), "retries_in_background==0");
+ update(res.RetriesInBackground,
+ proto.retries_in_background(),
+ "retries_in_background");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_worker_awaking_period_sec()) {
+ update(res.WorkerAwakingPeriod,
+ TDuration::Seconds(proto.worker_awaking_period_sec()),
+ "worker_awaking_period");
+ this_.WorkerAwakingPeriod_ = res.WorkerAwakingPeriod;
+ }
+ if (proto.has_dsts_limit()) {
+ Y_ENSURE(proto.dsts_limit(), "dsts_limit==0");
+ update(res.DstsLimit,
+ proto.dsts_limit(),
+ "dsts_limit");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_roles_update_period_sec()) {
+ Y_ENSURE(proto.roles_update_period_sec(), "roles_update_period==0");
+ update(res.RolesUpdatePeriod,
+ TDuration::Seconds(proto.roles_update_period_sec()),
+ "roles_update_period_sec");
+ }
+ if (proto.has_roles_warn_period_sec()) {
+ Y_ENSURE(proto.roles_warn_period_sec(), "roles_warn_period_sec==0");
+ update(res.RolesWarnPeriod,
+ TDuration::Seconds(proto.roles_warn_period_sec()),
+ "roles_warn_period_sec");
+ }
+ if (diff.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ LogDebug("Retry settings were updated: " + diff.Str());
+ return true;
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder()
+ << "Failed to update retry settings from server, header '"
+ << header << "': "
+ << e.what());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ NUtils::TFetchResult TThreadedUpdater::FetchWithRetries(Func func, EScope scope) const {
+ const ui32 tries = Inited_ ? RetrySettings_.RetriesInBackground
+ : RetrySettings_.RetriesOnStart;
+ for (size_t idx = 1;; ++idx) {
+ RandomSleep();
+ try {
+ NUtils::TFetchResult result = func();
+ if (UpdateRetrySettings(result.RetrySettings) && RetrySettingsFilepath_) {
+ TDiskWriter w(RetrySettingsFilepath_, Logger_.Get());
+ w.Write(result.RetrySettings);
+ }
+ if (400 <= result.Code && result.Code <= 499) {
+ throw TNonRetriableException() << ProcessHttpError(scope, result.Path, result.Code, result.Response);
+ }
+ if (result.Code < 200 || result.Code >= 399) {
+ throw yexception() << ProcessHttpError(scope, result.Path, result.Code, result.Response);
+ }
+ ExpBackoff_.Decrease();
+ return result;
+ } catch (const TNonRetriableException& e) {
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to get " << scope << ": " << e.what());
+ ExpBackoff_.Increase();
+ throw;
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ LogWarning(TStringBuilder() << "Failed to get " << scope << ": " << e.what());
+ ExpBackoff_.Increase();
+ if (idx >= tries) {
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ throw yexception() << "unreachable";
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::RandomSleep() const {
+ const TDuration maxSleep = TClientStatus::ECode::Ok == GetState()
+ ? RetrySettings_.MaxRandomSleepWhenOk
+ : RetrySettings_.MaxRandomSleepDefault;
+ if (maxSleep) {
+ ui32 toSleep = Random_.GenRand() % maxSleep.MilliSeconds();
+ ExpBackoff_.Sleep(TDuration::MilliSeconds(toSleep));
+ }
+ }
+ TString TThreadedUpdater::PrepareRequestForServiceTickets(TTvmId src,
+ const TServiceContext& ctx,
+ const TClientSettings::TDstVector& dsts,
+ const NUtils::TProcInfo& procInfo,
+ time_t now) {
+ TStringStream s;
+ const TString ts = IntToString<10>(now);
+ TStringStream dst;
+ dst.Reserve(10 * dsts.size());
+ for (const TClientSettings::TDst& d : dsts) {
+ if (dst.Str()) {
+ dst << ',';
+ }
+ dst << d.Id;
+ }
+ s << "grant_type=client_credentials";
+ s << "&src=" << src;
+ s << "&dst=" << dst.Str();
+ s << "&ts=" << ts;
+ s << "&sign=" << ctx.SignCgiParamsForTvm(ts, dst.Str());
+ s << "&get_retry_settings=yes";
+ s << "&";
+ procInfo.AddToRequest(s);
+ return s.Str();
+ }
+ template <class Dsts>
+ void TThreadedUpdater::ParseTicketsFromResponse(TStringBuf resp,
+ const Dsts& dsts,
+ TPairTicketsErrors& out) const {
+ NJson::TJsonValue doc;
+ Y_ENSURE(NJson::ReadJsonTree(resp, &doc), "Invalid json from tvm-api: " << resp);
+ const NJson::TJsonValue* currentResp = doc.IsMap() ? &doc : nullptr;
+ auto find = [&currentResp, &doc](TTvmId id, NJson::TJsonValue& obj) -> bool {
+ const TString idStr = IntToString<10>(id);
+ if (currentResp && currentResp->GetValue(idStr, &obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const NJson::TJsonValue& val : doc.GetArray()) {
+ currentResp = &val;
+ if (currentResp->GetValue(idStr, &obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ for (const TClientSettings::TDst& d : dsts) {
+ NJson::TJsonValue obj;
+ NJson::TJsonValue val;
+ if (!find(d.Id, obj) || !obj.GetValue("ticket", &val)) {
+ TString err;
+ if (obj.GetValue("error", &val)) {
+ err = val.GetString();
+ } else {
+ err = "Missing tvm_id in response, should never happend: " + IntToString<10>(d.Id);
+ }
+ TStringStream s;
+ s << "Failed to get ServiceTicket for " << d.Id << ": " << err;
+ ProcessError(EType::NonRetriable, EScope::ServiceTickets, s.Str());
+ out.Errors.insert({d.Id, std::move(err)});
+ continue;
+ }
+ out.Tickets.insert({d.Id, val.GetString()});
+ }
+ }
+ static const char DELIMETER = '\t';
+ TString TThreadedUpdater::PrepareTicketsForDisk(TStringBuf tvmResponse, TTvmId selfId) {
+ TStringStream s;
+ s << tvmResponse << DELIMETER << selfId;
+ return s.Str();
+ }
+ std::pair<TStringBuf, TTvmId> TThreadedUpdater::ParseTicketsFromDisk(TStringBuf data) {
+ TStringBuf tvmId = data.RNextTok(DELIMETER);
+ return {data, IntFromString<TTvmId, 10>(tvmId)};
+ }
+ const TDstSet& TThreadedUpdater::GetDsts() const {
+ return Destinations_;
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::AddDstToSettings(const TClientSettings::TDst& dst) {
+ Destinations_.insert(dst);
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsTimeToUpdateServiceTickets(TInstant lastUpdate) const {
+ return TInstant::Now() - lastUpdate > ServiceTicketsDurations_.RefreshPeriod;
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsTimeToUpdatePublicKeys(TInstant lastUpdate) const {
+ return TInstant::Now() - lastUpdate > PublicKeysDurations_.RefreshPeriod;
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::AreServicesTicketsOk() const {
+ if (!Settings_.IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ auto c = GetCachedServiceTickets();
+ return c && (!Settings_.IsIncompleteTicketsSetAnError || c->TicketsById.size() == Destinations_.size());
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsServiceContextOk() const {
+ if (!Settings_.IsServiceTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return bool(GetCachedServiceContext());
+ }
+ bool TThreadedUpdater::IsUserContextOk() const {
+ if (!Settings_.IsUserTicketCheckingRequired()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return bool(GetCachedUserContext());
+ }
+ void TThreadedUpdater::Worker() {
+ UpdateServiceTickets();
+ UpdatePublicKeys();
+ UpdateRoles();
+ }
+ TServiceTickets::TMapAliasId TThreadedUpdater::MakeAliasMap(const TClientSettings& settings) {
+ TServiceTickets::TMapAliasId res;
+ if (settings.HasDstAliases()) {
+ for (const auto& pair : settings.GetDstAliases()) {
+ res.insert({pair.first, pair.second.Id});
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ TClientSettings::TDstVector TThreadedUpdater::FindMissingDsts(TServiceTicketsPtr available, const TDstSet& required) {
+ Y_ENSURE(available);
+ TDstSet set;
+ // available->TicketsById is not sorted
+ for (const auto& pair : available->TicketsById) {
+ set.insert(pair.first);
+ }
+ return FindMissingDsts(set, required);
+ }
+ TClientSettings::TDstVector TThreadedUpdater::FindMissingDsts(const TDstSet& available, const TDstSet& required) {
+ TClientSettings::TDstVector res;
+ std::set_difference(required.begin(), required.end(),
+ available.begin(), available.end(),
+ std::inserter(res, res.begin()));
+ return res;
+ }
+ TString TThreadedUpdater::CreateJsonArray(const TSmallVec<TString>& responses) {
+ if (responses.empty()) {
+ return "[]";
+ }
+ size_t size = 0;
+ for (const TString& r : responses) {
+ size += r.size() + 1;
+ }
+ TString res;
+ res.reserve(size + 2);
+ res.push_back('[');
+ for (const TString& r : responses) {
+ res.append(r).push_back(',');
+ }
+ res.back() = ']';
+ return res;
+ }
+ TString TThreadedUpdater::AppendToJsonArray(const TString& json, const TSmallVec<TString>& responses) {
+ Y_ENSURE(json, "previous body required");
+ size_t size = 0;
+ for (const TString& r : responses) {
+ size += r.size() + 1;
+ }
+ TString res;
+ res.reserve(size + 2 + json.size());
+ res.push_back('[');
+ if (json.StartsWith('[')) {
+ Y_ENSURE(json.EndsWith(']'), "array is broken:" << json);
+ res.append(TStringBuf(json).Chop(1).Skip(1));
+ } else {
+ res.append(json);
+ }
+ res.push_back(',');
+ for (const TString& r : responses) {
+ res.append(r).push_back(',');
+ }
+ res.back() = ']';
+ return res;
+ }