path: root/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/settings.h
diff options
authorkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
committerkomels <komels@yandex-team.ru>2022-04-14 13:10:53 +0300
commit21c9b0e6b039e9765eb414c406c2b86e8cea6850 (patch)
treef40ebc18ff8958dfbd189954ad024043ca983ea5 /library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/settings.h
parent9a4effa852abe489707139c2b260dccc6f4f9aa9 (diff)
Final part on compatibility layer: LOGBROKER-7215
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/settings.h')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/settings.h b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/settings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..715ab3e02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/api/settings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/misc/settings.h>
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/client/exception.h>
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/checked_user_ticket.h>
+#include <library/cpp/tvmauth/type.h>
+#include <library/cpp/string_utils/secret_string/secret_string.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
+namespace NTvmAuth::NTvmApi {
+ /**
+ * Settings for TVM client. Uses https://tvm-api.yandex.net to get state.
+ * At least one of them is required:
+ * FetchServiceTicketsForDsts_/FetchServiceTicketsForDstsWithAliases_
+ * CheckServiceTickets_
+ * CheckUserTicketsWithBbEnv_
+ */
+ class TClientSettings: public NTvmAuth::TClientSettings {
+ public:
+ class TDst;
+ /**
+ * Alias is an internal name for destinations within your code.
+ * You can associate a name with an tvm_id once in your code and use the name as an alias for
+ * tvm_id to each calling point. Useful for several environments: prod/test/etc.
+ * @example:
+ * // init
+ * static const TString MY_BACKEND = "my backend";
+ * TDstMap map = {{MY_BACKEND, TDst(config.get("my_back_tvm_id"))}};
+ * ...
+ * // per request
+ * TString t = tvmClient.GetServiceTicket(MY_BACKEND);
+ */
+ using TDstMap = THashMap<TAlias, TDst>;
+ using TDstVector = TVector<TDst>;
+ public:
+ /*!
+ * NOTE: Please use this option: it provides the best reliability
+ * NOTE: Client requires read/write permissions
+ * WARNING: The same directory can be used only:
+ * - for TVM clients with the same settings
+ * OR
+ * - for new client replacing previous - with another config.
+ * System user must be the same for processes with these clients inside.
+ * Implementation doesn't provide other scenarios.
+ */
+ TString DiskCacheDir;
+ // Required for Service Ticket fetching or checking
+ TTvmId SelfTvmId = 0;
+ // Options for Service Tickets fetching
+ NSecretString::TSecretString Secret;
+ /*!
+ * Client will process both attrs:
+ * FetchServiceTicketsForDsts_, FetchServiceTicketsForDstsWithAliases_
+ * WARNING: It is not way to provide authorization for incoming ServiceTickets!
+ * It is way only to send your ServiceTickets to your backend!
+ */
+ TDstVector FetchServiceTicketsForDsts;
+ TDstMap FetchServiceTicketsForDstsWithAliases;
+ bool IsIncompleteTicketsSetAnError = true;
+ // Options for Service Tickets checking
+ bool CheckServiceTickets = false;
+ // Options for User Tickets checking
+ TMaybe<EBlackboxEnv> CheckUserTicketsWithBbEnv;
+ // Options for roles fetching
+ TString FetchRolesForIdmSystemSlug;
+ /*!
+ * By default client checks src from ServiceTicket or default uid from UserTicket -
+ * to prevent you from forgetting to check it yourself.
+ * It does binary checks only:
+ * ticket gets status NoRoles, if there is no role for src or default uid.
+ * You need to check roles on your own if you have a non-binary role system or
+ * you have disabled ShouldCheckSrc/ShouldCheckDefaultUid
+ *
+ * You may need to disable this check in the following cases:
+ * - You use GetRoles() to provide verbose message (with revision).
+ * Double check may be inconsistent:
+ * binary check inside client uses revision of roles X - i.e. src 100500 has no role,
+ * exact check in your code uses revision of roles Y - i.e. src 100500 has some roles.
+ */
+ bool ShouldCheckSrc = true;
+ bool ShouldCheckDefaultUid = true;
+ // Options for tests
+ TString TvmHost = "https://tvm-api.yandex.net";
+ ui16 TvmPort = 443;
+ TString TiroleHost = "https://tirole-api.yandex.net";
+ TDuration TvmSocketTimeout = TDuration::Seconds(5);
+ TDuration TvmConnectTimeout = TDuration::Seconds(30);
+ ui16 TirolePort = 443;
+ TTvmId TiroleTvmId = TIROLE_TVMID;
+ // for debug purposes
+ TString LibVersionPrefix;
+ void CheckValid() const;
+ TClientSettings CloneNormalized() const;
+ static inline const TTvmId TIROLE_TVMID = 2028120;
+ static inline const TTvmId TIROLE_TVMID_TEST = 2026536;
+ // TODO: get rid of it: PASSP-35377
+ public:
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void SetSelfTvmId(TTvmId selfTvmId) {
+ SelfTvmId = selfTvmId;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void EnableServiceTicketChecking() {
+ CheckServiceTickets = true;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void EnableUserTicketChecking(EBlackboxEnv env) {
+ CheckUserTicketsWithBbEnv = env;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void SetTvmHostPort(const TString& host, ui16 port) {
+ TvmHost = host;
+ TvmPort = port;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void SetTiroleHostPort(const TString& host, ui16 port) {
+ TiroleHost = host;
+ TirolePort = port;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void EnableRolesFetching(const TString& systemSlug, TTvmId tiroleTvmId = TIROLE_TVMID) {
+ TiroleTvmId = tiroleTvmId;
+ FetchRolesForIdmSystemSlug = systemSlug;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void DoNotCheckSrcByDefault() {
+ ShouldCheckSrc = false;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void DoNotCheckDefaultUidByDefault() {
+ ShouldCheckDefaultUid = false;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void SetDiskCacheDir(const TString& dir) {
+ DiskCacheDir = dir;
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void EnableServiceTicketsFetchOptions(const TStringBuf selfSecret,
+ TDstMap&& dsts,
+ const bool considerIncompleteTicketsSetAsError = true) {
+ IsIncompleteTicketsSetAnError = considerIncompleteTicketsSetAsError;
+ Secret = selfSecret;
+ FetchServiceTicketsForDsts = TDstVector{};
+ FetchServiceTicketsForDsts.reserve(dsts.size());
+ for (const auto& pair : dsts) {
+ FetchServiceTicketsForDsts.push_back(pair.second);
+ }
+ FetchServiceTicketsForDstsWithAliases = std::move(dsts);
+ }
+ // Deprecated: set attributes directly
+ void EnableServiceTicketsFetchOptions(const TStringBuf selfSecret,
+ TDstVector&& dsts,
+ const bool considerIncompleteTicketsSetAsError = true) {
+ IsIncompleteTicketsSetAnError = considerIncompleteTicketsSetAsError;
+ Secret = selfSecret;
+ FetchServiceTicketsForDsts = std::move(dsts);
+ }
+ public:
+ bool IsServiceTicketFetchingRequired() const {
+ return bool(Secret.Value());
+ }
+ const TStringBuf GetSelfSecret() const {
+ return Secret;
+ }
+ bool HasDstAliases() const {
+ return !FetchServiceTicketsForDstsWithAliases.empty();
+ }
+ const TDstMap& GetDstAliases() const {
+ return FetchServiceTicketsForDstsWithAliases;
+ }
+ const TDstVector& GetDestinations() const {
+ return FetchServiceTicketsForDsts;
+ }
+ bool IsUserTicketCheckingRequired() const {
+ return bool(CheckUserTicketsWithBbEnv);
+ }
+ EBlackboxEnv GetEnvForUserTickets() const {
+ return *CheckUserTicketsWithBbEnv;
+ }
+ bool IsServiceTicketCheckingRequired() const {
+ return CheckServiceTickets;
+ }
+ bool IsDiskCacheUsed() const {
+ return bool(DiskCacheDir);
+ }
+ TString GetDiskCacheDir() const {
+ return DiskCacheDir;
+ }
+ TTvmId GetSelfTvmId() const {
+ return SelfTvmId;
+ }
+ const TString& GetLibVersionPrefix() const {
+ return LibVersionPrefix;
+ }
+ const TString& GetTvmHost() const {
+ return TvmHost;
+ }
+ ui16 GetTvmPort() const {
+ return TvmPort;
+ }
+ bool IsRolesFetchingEnabled() const {
+ return bool(FetchRolesForIdmSystemSlug);
+ }
+ TTvmId GetTiroleTvmId() const {
+ return TiroleTvmId;
+ }
+ const TString& GetIdmSystemSlug() const {
+ return FetchRolesForIdmSystemSlug;
+ }
+ const TString& GetTiroleHost() const {
+ return TiroleHost;
+ }
+ ui16 GetTirolePort() const {
+ return TirolePort;
+ }
+ bool NeedServiceTicketsFetching() const {
+ return !FetchServiceTicketsForDsts.empty() ||
+ !FetchServiceTicketsForDstsWithAliases.empty() ||
+ FetchRolesForIdmSystemSlug;
+ }
+ // TODO: get rid of TDst: PASSP-35377
+ class TDst {
+ public:
+ TDst(TTvmId id)
+ : Id(id)
+ {
+ Y_ENSURE_EX(id != 0, TBrokenTvmClientSettings() << "TvmId cannot be 0");
+ }
+ TTvmId Id;
+ bool operator==(const TDst& o) const {
+ return Id == o.Id;
+ }
+ bool operator<(const TDst& o) const {
+ return Id < o.Id;
+ }
+ public: // for python binding
+ TDst()
+ : Id(0)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ public:
+ static void CheckPermissions(const TString& dir);
+ };