path: root/library/cpp/threading/local_executor/local_executor.cpp
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/threading/local_executor/local_executor.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/threading/local_executor/local_executor.cpp')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/threading/local_executor/local_executor.cpp b/library/cpp/threading/local_executor/local_executor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d3fbb4bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/threading/local_executor/local_executor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+#include "local_executor.h"
+#include <library/cpp/threading/future/future.h>
+#include <util/generic/utility.h>
+#include <util/system/atomic.h>
+#include <util/system/event.h>
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+#include <util/system/tls.h>
+#include <util/system/yield.h>
+#include <util/thread/lfqueue.h>
+#include <utility>
+#ifdef _win_
+static void RegularYield() {
+// unix actually has cooperative multitasking! :)
+// without this function program runs slower and system lags for some magic reason
+static void RegularYield() {
+ SchedYield();
+namespace {
+ struct TFunctionWrapper : NPar::ILocallyExecutable {
+ NPar::TLocallyExecutableFunction Exec;
+ TFunctionWrapper(NPar::TLocallyExecutableFunction exec)
+ : Exec(std::move(exec))
+ {
+ }
+ void LocalExec(int id) override {
+ Exec(id);
+ }
+ };
+ class TFunctionWrapperWithPromise: public NPar::ILocallyExecutable {
+ private:
+ NPar::TLocallyExecutableFunction Exec;
+ int FirstId, LastId;
+ TVector<NThreading::TPromise<void>> Promises;
+ public:
+ TFunctionWrapperWithPromise(NPar::TLocallyExecutableFunction exec, int firstId, int lastId)
+ : Exec(std::move(exec))
+ , FirstId(firstId)
+ , LastId(lastId)
+ {
+ Y_ASSERT(FirstId <= LastId);
+ const int rangeSize = LastId - FirstId;
+ Promises.resize(rangeSize, NThreading::NewPromise());
+ for (auto& promise : Promises) {
+ promise = NThreading::NewPromise();
+ }
+ }
+ void LocalExec(int id) override {
+ Y_ASSERT(FirstId <= id && id < LastId);
+ NThreading::NImpl::SetValue(Promises[id - FirstId], [=] { Exec(id); });
+ }
+ TVector<NThreading::TFuture<void>> GetFutures() const {
+ TVector<NThreading::TFuture<void>> out;
+ out.reserve(Promises.ysize());
+ for (auto& promise : Promises) {
+ out.push_back(promise.GetFuture());
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ };
+ struct TSingleJob {
+ TIntrusivePtr<NPar::ILocallyExecutable> Exec;
+ int Id{0};
+ TSingleJob() = default;
+ TSingleJob(TIntrusivePtr<NPar::ILocallyExecutable> exec, int id)
+ : Exec(std::move(exec))
+ , Id(id)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class TLocalRangeExecutor: public NPar::ILocallyExecutable {
+ TIntrusivePtr<NPar::ILocallyExecutable> Exec;
+ alignas(64) TAtomic Counter;
+ alignas(64) TAtomic WorkerCount;
+ int LastId;
+ void LocalExec(int) override {
+ AtomicAdd(WorkerCount, 1);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!DoSingleOp())
+ break;
+ }
+ AtomicAdd(WorkerCount, -1);
+ }
+ public:
+ TLocalRangeExecutor(TIntrusivePtr<ILocallyExecutable> exec, int firstId, int lastId)
+ : Exec(std::move(exec))
+ , Counter(firstId)
+ , WorkerCount(0)
+ , LastId(lastId)
+ {
+ }
+ bool DoSingleOp() {
+ const int id = AtomicAdd(Counter, 1) - 1;
+ if (id >= LastId)
+ return false;
+ Exec->LocalExec(id);
+ RegularYield();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void WaitComplete() {
+ while (AtomicGet(WorkerCount) > 0)
+ RegularYield();
+ }
+ int GetRangeSize() const {
+ return Max<int>(LastId - Counter, 0);
+ }
+ };
+class NPar::TLocalExecutor::TImpl {
+ TLockFreeQueue<TSingleJob> JobQueue;
+ TLockFreeQueue<TSingleJob> MedJobQueue;
+ TLockFreeQueue<TSingleJob> LowJobQueue;
+ alignas(64) TSystemEvent HasJob;
+ TAtomic ThreadCount{0};
+ alignas(64) TAtomic QueueSize{0};
+ TAtomic MPQueueSize{0};
+ TAtomic LPQueueSize{0};
+ TAtomic ThreadId{0};
+ Y_THREAD(int)
+ CurrentTaskPriority;
+ Y_THREAD(int)
+ WorkerThreadId;
+ static void* HostWorkerThread(void* p);
+ bool GetJob(TSingleJob* job);
+ void RunNewThread();
+ void LaunchRange(TIntrusivePtr<TLocalRangeExecutor> execRange, int queueSizeLimit,
+ TAtomic* queueSize, TLockFreeQueue<TSingleJob>* jobQueue);
+ TImpl() = default;
+ ~TImpl();
+NPar::TLocalExecutor::TImpl::~TImpl() {
+ AtomicAdd(QueueSize, 1);
+ JobQueue.Enqueue(TSingleJob(nullptr, 0));
+ HasJob.Signal();
+ while (AtomicGet(ThreadCount)) {
+ ThreadYield();
+ }
+void* NPar::TLocalExecutor::TImpl::HostWorkerThread(void* p) {
+ static const int FAST_ITERATIONS = 200;
+ auto* const ctx = (TImpl*)p;
+ TThread::SetCurrentThreadName("ParLocalExecutor");
+ ctx->WorkerThreadId = AtomicAdd(ctx->ThreadId, 1);
+ for (bool cont = true; cont;) {
+ TSingleJob job;
+ bool gotJob = false;
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < FAST_ITERATIONS; ++iter) {
+ if (ctx->GetJob(&job)) {
+ gotJob = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!gotJob) {
+ ctx->HasJob.Reset();
+ if (!ctx->GetJob(&job)) {
+ ctx->HasJob.Wait();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (job.Exec.Get()) {
+ job.Exec->LocalExec(job.Id);
+ RegularYield();
+ } else {
+ AtomicAdd(ctx->QueueSize, 1);
+ ctx->JobQueue.Enqueue(job);
+ ctx->HasJob.Signal();
+ cont = false;
+ }
+ }
+ AtomicAdd(ctx->ThreadCount, -1);
+ return nullptr;
+bool NPar::TLocalExecutor::TImpl::GetJob(TSingleJob* job) {
+ if (JobQueue.Dequeue(job)) {
+ CurrentTaskPriority = TLocalExecutor::HIGH_PRIORITY;
+ AtomicAdd(QueueSize, -1);
+ return true;
+ } else if (MedJobQueue.Dequeue(job)) {
+ CurrentTaskPriority = TLocalExecutor::MED_PRIORITY;
+ AtomicAdd(MPQueueSize, -1);
+ return true;
+ } else if (LowJobQueue.Dequeue(job)) {
+ CurrentTaskPriority = TLocalExecutor::LOW_PRIORITY;
+ AtomicAdd(LPQueueSize, -1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void NPar::TLocalExecutor::TImpl::RunNewThread() {
+ AtomicAdd(ThreadCount, 1);
+ TThread thr(HostWorkerThread, this);
+ thr.Start();
+ thr.Detach();
+void NPar::TLocalExecutor::TImpl::LaunchRange(TIntrusivePtr<TLocalRangeExecutor> rangeExec,
+ int queueSizeLimit,
+ TAtomic* queueSize,
+ TLockFreeQueue<TSingleJob>* jobQueue) {
+ int count = Min<int>(ThreadCount + 1, rangeExec->GetRangeSize());
+ if (queueSizeLimit >= 0 && AtomicGet(*queueSize) >= queueSizeLimit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ AtomicAdd(*queueSize, count);
+ jobQueue->EnqueueAll(TVector<TSingleJob>{size_t(count), TSingleJob(rangeExec, 0)});
+ HasJob.Signal();
+ : Impl_{MakeHolder<TImpl>()} {
+NPar::TLocalExecutor::~TLocalExecutor() = default;
+void NPar::TLocalExecutor::RunAdditionalThreads(int threadCount) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
+ Impl_->RunNewThread();
+void NPar::TLocalExecutor::Exec(TIntrusivePtr<ILocallyExecutable> exec, int id, int flags) {
+ Y_ASSERT((flags & WAIT_COMPLETE) == 0); // unsupported
+ int prior = Max<int>(Impl_->CurrentTaskPriority, flags & PRIORITY_MASK);
+ switch (prior) {
+ AtomicAdd(Impl_->QueueSize, 1);
+ Impl_->JobQueue.Enqueue(TSingleJob(std::move(exec), id));
+ break;
+ AtomicAdd(Impl_->MPQueueSize, 1);
+ Impl_->MedJobQueue.Enqueue(TSingleJob(std::move(exec), id));
+ break;
+ AtomicAdd(Impl_->LPQueueSize, 1);
+ Impl_->LowJobQueue.Enqueue(TSingleJob(std::move(exec), id));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ Impl_->HasJob.Signal();
+void NPar::ILocalExecutor::Exec(TLocallyExecutableFunction exec, int id, int flags) {
+ Exec(new TFunctionWrapper(std::move(exec)), id, flags);
+void NPar::TLocalExecutor::ExecRange(TIntrusivePtr<ILocallyExecutable> exec, int firstId, int lastId, int flags) {
+ Y_ASSERT(lastId >= firstId);
+ if (TryExecRangeSequentially([=] (int id) { exec->LocalExec(id); }, firstId, lastId, flags)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto rangeExec = MakeIntrusive<TLocalRangeExecutor>(std::move(exec), firstId, lastId);
+ int queueSizeLimit = (flags & WAIT_COMPLETE) ? 10000 : -1;
+ int prior = Max<int>(Impl_->CurrentTaskPriority, flags & PRIORITY_MASK);
+ switch (prior) {
+ Impl_->LaunchRange(rangeExec, queueSizeLimit, &Impl_->QueueSize, &Impl_->JobQueue);
+ break;
+ Impl_->LaunchRange(rangeExec, queueSizeLimit, &Impl_->MPQueueSize, &Impl_->MedJobQueue);
+ break;
+ Impl_->LaunchRange(rangeExec, queueSizeLimit, &Impl_->LPQueueSize, &Impl_->LowJobQueue);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flags & WAIT_COMPLETE) {
+ int keepPrior = Impl_->CurrentTaskPriority;
+ Impl_->CurrentTaskPriority = prior;
+ while (rangeExec->DoSingleOp()) {
+ }
+ Impl_->CurrentTaskPriority = keepPrior;
+ rangeExec->WaitComplete();
+ }
+void NPar::ILocalExecutor::ExecRange(TLocallyExecutableFunction exec, int firstId, int lastId, int flags) {
+ if (TryExecRangeSequentially(exec, firstId, lastId, flags)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ExecRange(new TFunctionWrapper(exec), firstId, lastId, flags);
+void NPar::ILocalExecutor::ExecRangeWithThrow(TLocallyExecutableFunction exec, int firstId, int lastId, int flags) {
+ Y_VERIFY((flags & WAIT_COMPLETE) != 0, "ExecRangeWithThrow() requires WAIT_COMPLETE to wait if exceptions arise.");
+ if (TryExecRangeSequentially(exec, firstId, lastId, flags)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TVector<NThreading::TFuture<void>> currentRun = ExecRangeWithFutures(exec, firstId, lastId, flags);
+ for (auto& result : currentRun) {
+ result.GetValueSync(); // Exception will be rethrown if exists. If several exception - only the one with minimal id is rethrown.
+ }
+NPar::ILocalExecutor::ExecRangeWithFutures(TLocallyExecutableFunction exec, int firstId, int lastId, int flags) {
+ TFunctionWrapperWithPromise* execWrapper = new TFunctionWrapperWithPromise(exec, firstId, lastId);
+ TVector<NThreading::TFuture<void>> out = execWrapper->GetFutures();
+ ExecRange(execWrapper, firstId, lastId, flags);
+ return out;
+void NPar::TLocalExecutor::ClearLPQueue() {
+ for (bool cont = true; cont;) {
+ cont = false;
+ TSingleJob job;
+ while (Impl_->LowJobQueue.Dequeue(&job)) {
+ AtomicAdd(Impl_->LPQueueSize, -1);
+ cont = true;
+ }
+ while (Impl_->MedJobQueue.Dequeue(&job)) {
+ AtomicAdd(Impl_->MPQueueSize, -1);
+ cont = true;
+ }
+ }
+int NPar::TLocalExecutor::GetQueueSize() const noexcept {
+ return AtomicGet(Impl_->QueueSize);
+int NPar::TLocalExecutor::GetMPQueueSize() const noexcept {
+ return AtomicGet(Impl_->MPQueueSize);
+int NPar::TLocalExecutor::GetLPQueueSize() const noexcept {
+ return AtomicGet(Impl_->LPQueueSize);
+int NPar::TLocalExecutor::GetWorkerThreadId() const noexcept {
+ return Impl_->WorkerThreadId;
+int NPar::TLocalExecutor::GetThreadCount() const noexcept {
+ return AtomicGet(Impl_->ThreadCount);