path: root/library/cpp/threading/local_executor/README.md
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authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/threading/local_executor/README.md
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1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Library for parallel task execution in thread pool
+This library allows easy parallelization of existing code and cycles.
+It provides `NPar::TLocalExecutor` class and `NPar::LocalExecutor()` singleton accessor.
+At start, `TLocalExecutor` has no threads in thread pool and all async tasks will be queued for later execution when extra threads appear.
+All tasks should be `NPar::ILocallyExecutable` child class or function equal to `std::function<void(int)>`
+## TLocalExecutor methods
+`TLocalExecutor::Run(int threadcount)` - add threads to thread pool (**WARNING!** `Run(threadcount)` will *add* `threadcount` threads to pool)
+`void TLocalExecutor::Exec(TLocallyExecutableFunction exec, int id, int flags)` - run one task and pass id as task function input, flags - bitmask composition of:
+- `TLocalExecutor::HIGH_PRIORITY = 0` - put task in high priority queue
+- `TLocalExecutor::MED_PRIORITY = 1` - put task in medium priority queue
+- `TLocalExecutor::LOW_PRIORITY = 2` - put task in low priority queue
+- `TLocalExecutor::WAIT_COMPLETE = 4` - wait for task completion
+`void TLocalExecutor::ExecRange(TLocallyExecutableFunction exec, TExecRangeParams blockParams, int flags);` - run range of tasks `[TExecRangeParams::FirstId, TExecRangeParams::LastId).`
+`flags` is the same as for `TLocalExecutor::Exec`.
+`TExecRangeParams` is a structure that describes the range.
+By default each task is executed separately. Threads from thread pool are taking
+the tasks in the manner first come first serve.
+It is also possible to partition range of tasks in consequtive blocks and execute each block as a bigger task.
+`TExecRangeParams::SetBlockCountToThreadCount()` will result in thread count tasks,
+ where thread count is the count of threads in thread pool.
+ each thread will execute approximately equal count of tasks from range.
+`TExecRangeParams::SetBlockSize()` and `TExecRangeParams::SetBlockCount()` will partition
+the range of tasks into consequtive blocks of approximately given size, or of size calculated
+ by partitioning the range into approximately equal size blocks of given count.
+## Examples
+### Simple task async exec with medium priority
+using namespace NPar;
+TEvent event;
+LocalExecutor().Exec([](int) {
+ SomeFunc();
+ event.Signal();
+}, 0, TLocalExecutor::MED_PRIORITY);
+### Execute task range and wait completion
+using namespace NPar;
+LocalExecutor().ExecRange([](int id) {
+ SomeFunc(id);
+}, TExecRangeParams(0, 10), TLocalExecutor::WAIT_COMPLETE | TLocalExecutor::MED_PRIORITY);
+### Exception handling
+By default if a not caught exception arise in a task which runs through the Local Executor, then std::terminate() will be called immediately. The exception will be printed to stderr before the termination. Best practice is to handle exception within a task, or avoid throwing exceptions at all for performance reasons.
+However, if you'd like to handle and/or rethrow exceptions outside of a range, you can use ExecRangeWithFuture().
+It returns vector [0 .. LastId-FirstId] elements, where i-th element is a TFuture corresponding to task with id = (FirstId + i).
+Use method .HasValue() of the element to check in Async mode if the corresponding task is complete.
+Use .GetValue() or .GetValueSync() to wait for completion of the corresponding task. GetValue() and GetValueSync() will also rethrow an exception if it appears during execution of the task.
+You may also use ExecRangeWithThrow() to just receive an exception from a range if it appears. It rethrows an exception from a task with minimal id if such an exception exists, and guarantees normal flow if no exception arise.