path: root/library/cpp/testing/unittest
diff options
authorlevysotsky <levysotsky@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:29 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:29 +0300
commit32b231c8474a1ade4bdf776ade6a20341691d9d7 (patch)
tree9814fbd1c3effac9b8377c5d604b367b14e2db55 /library/cpp/testing/unittest
parent57f874ffc2a75047c1c4fea7a9fc86cb0f56ed50 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <levysotsky@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/testing/unittest')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h b/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h
index 633be5ced9..44517a0092 100644
--- a/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h
+++ b/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h
@@ -363,12 +363,12 @@ public: \
#define UNIT_FAIL_IMPL(R, M) \
do { \
- ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(R, ::TStringBuilder() << R << " at " << __LOCATION__ << ", " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << M, true); \
+ ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(R, ::TStringBuilder() << R << " at " << __LOCATION__ << ", " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << M, true); \
} while (false)
do { \
- ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(R, ::TStringBuilder() << R << " at " << __LOCATION__ << ", " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << M, false); \
+ ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(R, ::TStringBuilder() << R << " at " << __LOCATION__ << ", " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << M, false); \
} while (false)
#define UNIT_FAIL(M) UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("forced failure", M)
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ public: \
do { \
if (!std::is_same<A, B>::value) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("types equal assertion failed", (::TStringBuilder() << #A << " (" << TypeName<A>() << ") != " << #B << " (" << TypeName<B>() << ")").data()); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("types equal assertion failed", (::TStringBuilder() << #A << " (" << TypeName<A>() << ") != " << #B << " (" << TypeName<B>() << ")").data()); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ public: \
const auto _es = ToString((long double)(E)); \
const auto _as = ToString((long double)(A)); \
const auto _ds = ToString((long double)(D)); \
- auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("std::abs(%s - %s) > %s %s", _es.data(), _as.data(), _ds.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("std::abs(%s - %s) > %s %s", _es.data(), _as.data(), _ds.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("assertion failure", failMsg); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -405,19 +405,19 @@ public: \
const auto _dd = (D); \
if (std::isnan((long double)_ed) && !std::isnan((long double)_ad)) { \
const auto _as = ToString((long double)_ad); \
- auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("expected NaN, got %s %s", _as.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("expected NaN, got %s %s", _as.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("assertion failure", failMsg); \
} \
if (!std::isnan((long double)_ed) && std::isnan((long double)_ad)) { \
const auto _es = ToString((long double)_ed); \
- auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("expected %s, got NaN %s", _es.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("expected %s, got NaN %s", _es.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("assertion failure", failMsg); \
} \
if (std::abs((_ed) - (_ad)) > (_dd)) { \
const auto _es = ToString((long double)_ed); \
const auto _as = ToString((long double)_ad); \
const auto _ds = ToString((long double)_dd); \
- auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("std::abs(%s - %s) > %s %s", _es.data(), _as.data(), _ds.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("std::abs(%s - %s) > %s %s", _es.data(), _as.data(), _ds.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("assertion failure", failMsg); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ public: \
const TString _a(A); \
const TString _b(B); \
if (_a != _b) { \
- auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("%s != %s %s", ToString(_a).data(), ToString(_b).data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("%s != %s %s", ToString(_a).data(), ToString(_b).data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("strings equal assertion failed", failMsg); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ public: \
const TString _a(A); \
const TString _b(B); \
if (!_a.Contains(_b)) { \
- auto&& msg = Sprintf("\"%s\" does not contain \"%s\", %s", ToString(_a).data(), ToString(_b).data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& msg = Sprintf("\"%s\" does not contain \"%s\", %s", ToString(_a).data(), ToString(_b).data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("strings contains assertion failed", msg); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ public: \
const TString _a(A); \
const TString _b(B); \
if (_a == _b) { \
- auto&& msg = Sprintf("%s == %s %s", ToString(_a).data(), ToString(_b).data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& msg = Sprintf("%s == %s %s", ToString(_a).data(), ToString(_b).data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("strings unequal assertion failed", msg); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ public: \
#define UNIT_ASSERT_C(A, C) \
do { \
if (!(A)) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("assertion failed", Sprintf("(%s) %s", #A, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("assertion failed", Sprintf("(%s) %s", #A, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ public: \
#define UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(A, B, C) \
do { \
if (!((A) == (B))) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("equal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s == %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("equal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s == %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ public: \
do { \
if ((A) == (B)) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("unequal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s != %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()));\
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("unequal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s != %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()));\
} \
} while (false)
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ public: \
#define UNIT_ASSERT_LT_C(A, B, C) \
do { \
if (!((A) < (B))) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("less-than assertion failed", Sprintf("%s < %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("less-than assertion failed", Sprintf("%s < %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ public: \
#define UNIT_ASSERT_LE_C(A, B, C) \
do { \
if (!((A) <= (B))) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("less-or-equal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s <= %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("less-or-equal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s <= %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ public: \
#define UNIT_ASSERT_GT_C(A, B, C) \
do { \
if (!((A) > (B))) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("greater-than assertion failed", Sprintf("%s > %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("greater-than assertion failed", Sprintf("%s > %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ public: \
#define UNIT_ASSERT_GE_C(A, B, C) \
do { \
if (!((A) >= (B))) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("greater-or-equal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s >= %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("greater-or-equal assertion failed", Sprintf("%s >= %s %s", #A, #B, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data())); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ public: \
} catch (const ::NUnitTest::TAssertException&) { \
throw; \
} catch (...) { \
- UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("exception-free assertion failed", Sprintf("%s throws %s\nException message: %s", #A, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data(), CurrentExceptionMessage().data())); \
+ UNIT_FAIL_IMPL("exception-free assertion failed", Sprintf("%s throws %s\nException message: %s", #A, (::TStringBuilder() << C).data(), CurrentExceptionMessage().data())); \
} \
} while (false)
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ public: \
TString _bsInd; \
bool _usePlainDiff; \
if (!::NUnitTest::NPrivate::CompareAndMakeStrings(A, B, _as, _asInd, _bs, _bsInd, _usePlainDiff, EQflag)) { \
- auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("(%s %s %s) failed: (%s %s %s) %s", #A, EQstr, #B, _as.data(), NEQstr, _bs.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
+ auto&& failMsg = Sprintf("(%s %s %s) failed: (%s %s %s) %s", #A, EQstr, #B, _as.data(), NEQstr, _bs.data(), (::TStringBuilder() << C).data()); \
if (EQflag && !_usePlainDiff) { \
failMsg += ", with diff:\n"; \
failMsg += ::NUnitTest::ColoredDiff(_asInd, _bsInd); \