path: root/library/cpp/testing/unittest/junit.cpp
diff options
authorgalaxycrab <UgnineSirdis@ydb.tech>2023-03-20 21:40:37 +0300
committergalaxycrab <UgnineSirdis@ydb.tech>2023-03-20 21:40:37 +0300
commitde1da5bba65d071a1fa8a3dde559560c1c4ba8a2 (patch)
tree055beacf08a82444b3bced0ee9fa7b367f691bdc /library/cpp/testing/unittest/junit.cpp
parente39b77e20d0ff8cd09554e97153f2c0a1770ee3d (diff)
Support --fork-tests in JUnitProcessor. Support more than one trace processor. Capture stderr/stdout logs, backtrace and time in JUnitProcesor
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/testing/unittest/junit.cpp')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/testing/unittest/junit.cpp b/library/cpp/testing/unittest/junit.cpp
index 984f1ec5ea..ff1d50fb21 100644
--- a/library/cpp/testing/unittest/junit.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/testing/unittest/junit.cpp
@@ -1,66 +1,225 @@
#include "junit.h"
+#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
+#include <util/generic/scope.h>
+#include <util/generic/size_literals.h>
+#include <util/system/env.h>
+#include <util/system/file.h>
#include <util/system/fs.h>
#include <util/system/file.h>
+#include <util/system/fstat.h>
+#include <util/system/tempfile.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined(_win_)
+#include <io.h>
namespace NUnitTest {
-#define CHECK_CALL(expr) if ((expr) < 0) { \
- Cerr << "Faield to write to xml" << Endl; \
- return; \
-#define XML_STR(s) ((const xmlChar*)(s))
+struct TJUnitProcessor::TOutputCapturer {
+ static constexpr int STDOUT_FD = 1;
+ static constexpr int STDERR_FD = 2;
-void TJUnitProcessor::Save() {
- TString path = FileName;
- auto sz = path.size();
- TFile lockFile;
- TFile reportFile;
- TString lockFileName;
- const int MaxReps = 200;
+ TOutputCapturer(int fd)
+ : FdToCapture(fd)
+ , TmpFile(MakeTempName())
+ {
+ {
#if defined(_win_)
- const char dirSeparator = '\\';
+ TFileHandle f((FHANDLE)_get_osfhandle(FdToCapture));
- const char dirSeparator = '/';
+ TFileHandle f(FdToCapture);
- if ((sz == 0) or (path[sz - 1] == dirSeparator)) {
- if (sz > 0) {
- NFs::MakeDirectoryRecursive(path);
+ TFileHandle other(f.Duplicate());
+ Original.Swap(other);
+ f.Release();
- TString reportFileName;
- for (int i = 0; i < MaxReps; i++) {
- TString suffix = (i > 0) ? ("-" + std::to_string(i)) : "";
- lockFileName = path + ExecName + suffix + ".lock";
+ TFileHandle captured(TmpFile.Name(), EOpenModeFlag::OpenAlways | EOpenModeFlag::RdWr);
+ fflush(nullptr);
+ captured.Duplicate2Posix(FdToCapture);
+ }
+ ~TOutputCapturer() {
+ Uncapture();
+ }
+ void Uncapture() {
+ if (Original.IsOpen()) {
+ fflush(nullptr);
+ Original.Duplicate2Posix(FdToCapture);
+ Original.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ TString GetCapturedString() {
+ Uncapture();
+ TFile captured(TmpFile.Name(), EOpenModeFlag::RdOnly);
+ i64 len = captured.GetLength();
+ if (len > 0) {
+ TString out;
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(len) > 10_KB) {
+ len = static_cast<i64>(10_KB);
+ }
+ out.resize(len);
try {
- lockFile = TFile(lockFileName, EOpenModeFlag::CreateNew);
- } catch (const TFileError&) {}
- if (lockFile.IsOpen()) {
- // Inside a lock, ensure the .xml file does not exist
- reportFileName = path + ExecName + suffix + ".xml";
- try {
- reportFile = TFile(reportFileName, EOpenModeFlag::OpenExisting | EOpenModeFlag::RdOnly);
- } catch (const TFileError&) {
- break;
- }
- reportFile.Close();
- lockFile.Close();
- NFs::Remove(lockFileName);
+ captured.Read((void*)out.data(), len);
+ return out;
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ Cerr << "Failed to read from captured output: " << ex.what() << Endl;
- if (!lockFile.IsOpen()) {
- Cerr << "Could not find a vacant file name to write report for path " << path << ", maximum number of reports: " << MaxReps << Endl;
- Y_FAIL("Cannot write report");
+ return {};
+ }
+ const int FdToCapture;
+ TFileHandle Original;
+ TTempFile TmpFile;
+TJUnitProcessor::TJUnitProcessor(TString file, TString exec)
+ : FileName(file)
+ , ExecName(exec)
+TJUnitProcessor::~TJUnitProcessor() {
+ Save();
+void TJUnitProcessor::OnBeforeTest(const TTest* test) {
+ Y_UNUSED(test);
+ if (!GetForkTests() || GetIsForked()) {
+ StdErrCapturer = MakeHolder<TOutputCapturer>(TOutputCapturer::STDERR_FD);
+ StdOutCapturer = MakeHolder<TOutputCapturer>(TOutputCapturer::STDOUT_FD);
+ StartCurrentTestTime = TInstant::Now();
+ }
+void TJUnitProcessor::OnError(const TError* descr) {
+ if (!GetForkTests() || GetIsForked()) {
+ auto* testCase = GetTestCase(descr->test);
+ TFailure& failure = testCase->Failures.emplace_back();
+ failure.Message = descr->msg;
+ failure.BackTrace = descr->BackTrace;
+ }
+void TJUnitProcessor::OnFinish(const TFinish* descr) {
+ if (!GetForkTests() || GetIsForked()) {
+ auto* testCase = GetTestCase(descr->test);
+ testCase->Success = descr->Success;
+ if (StartCurrentTestTime != TInstant::Zero()) {
+ testCase->DurationSecods = (TInstant::Now() - StartCurrentTestTime).SecondsFloat();
+ }
+ StartCurrentTestTime = TInstant::Zero();
+ if (StdOutCapturer) {
+ testCase->StdOut = StdOutCapturer->GetCapturedString();
+ StdOutCapturer = nullptr;
+ Cout.Write(testCase->StdOut);
+ }
+ if (StdErrCapturer) {
+ testCase->StdErr = StdErrCapturer->GetCapturedString();
+ StdErrCapturer = nullptr;
+ Cerr.Write(testCase->StdErr);
- path = reportFileName;
+ } else {
+ MergeSubprocessReport();
+ }
+TString TJUnitProcessor::BuildFileName(size_t index, const TStringBuf extension) const {
+ TStringBuilder result;
+ result << FileName << ExecName;
+ if (index > 0) {
+ result << "-"sv << index;
- auto file = xmlNewTextWriterFilename(path.c_str(), 0);
+ result << extension;
+ return std::move(result);
+void TJUnitProcessor::MakeReportFileName() {
+ constexpr size_t MaxReps = 200;
+#if defined(_win_)
+ constexpr char DirSeparator = '\\';
+ constexpr char DirSeparator = '/';
+ if (!ResultReportFileName.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GetIsForked() || !FileName.empty() && FileName.back() != DirSeparator) {
+ ResultReportFileName = FileName;
+ } else { // Directory is specified, => make unique report name
+ if (!FileName.empty()) {
+ NFs::MakeDirectoryRecursive(FileName);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxReps; ++i) {
+ TString uniqReportFileName = BuildFileName(i, ".xml"sv);
+ try {
+ TFile newUniqReportFile(uniqReportFileName, EOpenModeFlag::CreateNew);
+ newUniqReportFile.Close();
+ ResultReportFileName = std::move(uniqReportFileName);
+ break;
+ } catch (const TFileError&) {
+ // File already exists => try next name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ResultReportFileName.empty()) {
+ Cerr << "Could not find a vacant file name to write report for path " << FileName << ", maximum number of reports: " << MaxReps << Endl;
+ Y_FAIL("Cannot write report");
+ }
+void TJUnitProcessor::Save() {
+ MakeReportFileName();
+ SerializeToFile();
+void TJUnitProcessor::SetForkTestsParams(bool forkTests, bool isForked) {
+ ITestSuiteProcessor::SetForkTestsParams(forkTests, isForked);
+ MakeTmpFileNameForForkedTests();
+void TJUnitProcessor::MakeTmpFileNameForForkedTests() {
+ if (GetForkTests() && !GetIsForked()) {
+ TmpReportFile.ConstructInPlace(MakeTempName());
+ // Replace option for child processes
+ SetEnv(Y_UNITTEST_OUTPUT_CMDLINE_OPTION, TStringBuilder() << "xml:" << TmpReportFile->Name());
+ }
+#define CHECK_CALL(expr) if (int resultCode = (expr); resultCode < 0) { \
+ Cerr << "Faield to write to xml. Result code: " << resultCode << Endl; \
+ return; \
+#define XML_STR(s) ((const xmlChar*)(s))
+void TJUnitProcessor::SerializeToFile() {
+ auto file = xmlNewTextWriterFilename(ResultReportFileName.c_str(), 0);
if (!file) {
- Cerr << "Failed to open xml file for writing: " << path.c_str() << Endl;
+ Cerr << "Failed to open xml file for writing: " << ResultReportFileName << Endl;
+ xmlFreeTextWriter(file);
+ };
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterStartDocument(file, nullptr, "UTF-8", nullptr));
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterStartElement(file, XML_STR("testsuites")));
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("tests"), XML_STR(ToString(GetTestsCount()).c_str())));
@@ -72,19 +231,31 @@ void TJUnitProcessor::Save() {
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("id"), XML_STR(suiteName.c_str())));
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("tests"), XML_STR(ToString(suite.GetTestsCount()).c_str())));
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("failures"), XML_STR(ToString(suite.GetFailuresCount()).c_str())));
+ CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("time"), XML_STR(ToString(suite.GetDurationSeconds()).c_str())));
for (const auto& [testName, test] : suite.Cases) {
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterStartElement(file, XML_STR("testcase")));
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("name"), XML_STR(testName.c_str())));
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("id"), XML_STR(testName.c_str())));
+ CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("time"), XML_STR(ToString(test.DurationSecods).c_str())));
for (const auto& failure : test.Failures) {
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterStartElement(file, XML_STR("failure")));
- CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("message"), XML_STR(failure.c_str())));
+ CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("message"), XML_STR(failure.Message.c_str())));
CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(file, XML_STR("type"), XML_STR("ERROR")));
+ if (failure.BackTrace) {
+ CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteString(file, XML_STR(failure.BackTrace.c_str())));
+ }
+ if (!test.StdOut.empty()) {
+ CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteElement(file, XML_STR("system-out"), XML_STR(test.StdOut.c_str())));
+ }
+ if (!test.StdErr.empty()) {
+ CHECK_CALL(xmlTextWriterWriteElement(file, XML_STR("system-err"), XML_STR(test.StdErr.c_str())));
+ }
@@ -93,11 +264,111 @@ void TJUnitProcessor::Save() {
- xmlFreeTextWriter(file);
+#define C_STR(s) ((const char*)(s))
+#define STRBUF(s) TStringBuf(C_STR(s))
+#define NODE_NAME(node) STRBUF((node)->name)
+#define SAFE_CONTENT(node) (node && node->children ? STRBUF(node->children->content) : TStringBuf())
- if (lockFile.IsOpen()) {
- lockFile.Close();
- NFs::Remove(lockFileName.c_str());
+#define CHECK_NODE_NAME(node, expectedName) if (NODE_NAME(node) != (expectedName)) { \
+ ythrow yexception() << "Expected node name: \"" << (expectedName) \
+ << "\", but got \"" << TStringBuf(C_STR((node)->name)) << "\""; \
+static TString GetAttrValue(xmlNodePtr node, TStringBuf name, bool required = true) {
+ for (xmlAttrPtr attr = node->properties; attr != nullptr; attr = attr->next) {
+ if (NODE_NAME(attr) == name) {
+ return TString(SAFE_CONTENT(attr));
+ }
+ }
+ if (required) {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Attribute \"" << name << "\" was not found";
+ }
+ return {};
+void TJUnitProcessor::MergeSubprocessReport() {
+ {
+ const i64 len = GetFileLength(TmpReportFile->Name());
+ if (len < 0) {
+ Cerr << "Failed to get length of the output file for subprocess" << Endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (len == 0) {
+ return; // Empty file
+ }
+ }
+ TFile file(TmpReportFile->Name(), EOpenModeFlag::TruncExisting);
+ file.Close();
+ };
+ xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(TmpReportFile->Name().c_str());
+ if (!doc) {
+ Cerr << "Failed to parse xml output for subprocess" << Endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ };
+ xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
+ if (!root) {
+ Cerr << "Failed to parse xml output for subprocess: empty document" << Endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ CHECK_NODE_NAME(root, "testsuites");
+ for (xmlNodePtr suite = root->children; suite != nullptr; suite = suite->next) {
+ try {
+ CHECK_NODE_NAME(suite, "testsuite");
+ TString suiteName = GetAttrValue(suite, "id");
+ TTestSuite& suiteInfo = Suites[suiteName];
+ // Test cases
+ for (xmlNodePtr testCase = suite->children; testCase != nullptr; testCase = testCase->next) {
+ try {
+ CHECK_NODE_NAME(testCase, "testcase");
+ TString caseName = GetAttrValue(testCase, "id");
+ TTestCase& testCaseInfo = suiteInfo.Cases[caseName];
+ if (TString duration = GetAttrValue(testCase, "time")) {
+ TryFromString(duration, testCaseInfo.DurationSecods);
+ }
+ // Failures/stderr/stdout
+ for (xmlNodePtr testProp = testCase->children; testProp != nullptr; testProp = testProp->next) {
+ try {
+ if (NODE_NAME(testProp) == "failure") {
+ TString message = GetAttrValue(testProp, "message");
+ auto& failure = testCaseInfo.Failures.emplace_back();
+ failure.Message = message;
+ failure.BackTrace = TString(SAFE_CONTENT(testProp));
+ } else if (NODE_NAME(testProp) == "system-out") {
+ testCaseInfo.StdOut = TString(SAFE_CONTENT(testProp));
+ } else if (NODE_NAME(testProp) == "system-err") {
+ testCaseInfo.StdErr = TString(SAFE_CONTENT(testProp));
+ } else {
+ ythrow yexception() << "Unknown test case subprop: \"" << NODE_NAME(testProp) << "\"";
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ Cerr << "Failed to load test case " << caseName << " failure in suite " << suiteName << ": " << ex.what() << Endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ Cerr << "Failed to load test case info in suite " << suiteName << ": " << ex.what() << Endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ Cerr << "Failed to load test suite info from xml: " << ex.what() << Endl;
+ continue;
+ }