path: root/library/cpp/scheme/scimpl.h
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/scheme/scimpl.h
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/scheme/scimpl.h')
1 files changed, 858 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/scheme/scimpl.h b/library/cpp/scheme/scimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f68f16290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/scheme/scimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "scheme.h"
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+namespace NSc {
+ struct TValue::TScCore : TAtomicRefCount<TScCore, TDestructor>, TNonCopyable {
+ TPoolPtr Pool;
+ double FloatNumber = 0;
+ i64 IntNumber = 0;
+ TStringBuf String;
+ TDict Dict;
+ TArray Array;
+ TValue::EType ValueType = TValue::EType::Null;
+ TScCore(TPoolPtr& p)
+ : Pool(p)
+ , Dict(Pool->Get())
+ , Array(Pool->Get())
+ {
+ }
+ bool IsNull() const {
+ return TValue::EType::Null == ValueType;
+ }
+ bool IsBool() const {
+ return TValue::EType::Bool == ValueType;
+ }
+ bool IsIntNumber() const {
+ return TValue::EType::IntNumber == ValueType || IsBool();
+ }
+ bool IsNumber() const {
+ return TValue::EType::FloatNumber == ValueType || IsIntNumber();
+ }
+ bool IsString() const {
+ return TValue::EType::String == ValueType;
+ }
+ bool IsArray() const {
+ return TValue::EType::Array == ValueType;
+ }
+ bool IsDict() const {
+ return TValue::EType::Dict == ValueType;
+ }
+ bool HasChildren() const {
+ return GetDict().size() + GetArray().size();
+ }
+ void SetNull() {
+ ValueType = TValue::EType::Null;
+ }
+ void SetArray() {
+ if (Y_LIKELY(IsArray())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ValueType = TValue::EType::Array;
+ Array.clear();
+ }
+ void SetDict() {
+ if (Y_LIKELY(IsDict())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ValueType = TValue::EType::Dict;
+ Dict.clear();
+ }
+ void SetNumber(double n) {
+ ValueType = TValue::EType::FloatNumber;
+ FloatNumber = n;
+ }
+ void SetIntNumber(i64 n) {
+ ValueType = TValue::EType::IntNumber;
+ IntNumber = n;
+ }
+ void SetBool(bool b) {
+ ValueType = TValue::EType::Bool;
+ IntNumber = b;
+ }
+ void SetString(TStringBuf s) {
+ SetOwnedString(Pool->AppendBuf(s));
+ }
+ void SetOwnedString(TStringBuf s) {
+ ValueType = TValue::EType::String;
+ String = s;
+ }
+ double& GetNumberMutable(double defaultnum) {
+ switch (ValueType) {
+ case TValue::EType::Bool:
+ SetNumber(bool(IntNumber));
+ break;
+ case TValue::EType::IntNumber:
+ SetNumber(IntNumber);
+ break;
+ case TValue::EType::FloatNumber:
+ break;
+ default:
+ SetNumber(defaultnum);
+ break;
+ }
+ return FloatNumber;
+ }
+ i64& GetIntNumberMutable(i64 defaultnum) {
+ switch (ValueType) {
+ case TValue::EType::Bool:
+ SetIntNumber(bool(IntNumber));
+ break;
+ case TValue::EType::IntNumber:
+ break;
+ case TValue::EType::FloatNumber:
+ SetIntNumber(FloatNumber);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SetIntNumber(defaultnum);
+ break;
+ }
+ return IntNumber;
+ }
+ void ClearArray() {
+ if (!IsArray()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Array.clear();
+ }
+ void ClearDict() {
+ if (!IsDict()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Dict.clear();
+ }
+ double GetNumber(double d = 0) const {
+ switch (ValueType) {
+ case TValue::EType::Bool:
+ return (bool)IntNumber;
+ case TValue::EType::IntNumber:
+ return IntNumber;
+ case TValue::EType::FloatNumber:
+ return FloatNumber;
+ default:
+ return d;
+ }
+ }
+ i64 GetIntNumber(i64 n = 0) const {
+ switch (ValueType) {
+ case TValue::EType::Bool:
+ return (bool)IntNumber;
+ case TValue::EType::IntNumber:
+ return IntNumber;
+ case TValue::EType::FloatNumber:
+ return FloatNumber;
+ default:
+ return n;
+ }
+ }
+ bool GetBool(bool b = false) const {
+ return GetIntNumber(b);
+ }
+ TStringBuf GetString(TStringBuf s = TStringBuf()) const {
+ return IsString() ? String : s;
+ }
+ const TArray& GetArray() const {
+ return IsArray() ? Array : TValue::DefaultArray();
+ }
+ TArray& GetArrayMutable() {
+ SetArray();
+ return Array;
+ }
+ TDict& GetDictMutable() {
+ SetDict();
+ return Dict;
+ }
+ const TDict& GetDict() const {
+ return IsDict() ? Dict : TValue::DefaultDict();
+ }
+ static void DoPush(TPoolPtr& p, TArray& a) {
+ a.push_back(TValue(p));
+ a.back().CopyOnWrite = false;
+ }
+ TValue& Push() {
+ SetArray();
+ DoPush(Pool, Array);
+ return Array.back();
+ }
+ TValue Pop() {
+ if (!IsArray() || Array.empty()) {
+ return TValue::DefaultValue();
+ }
+ TValue v = Array.back();
+ Array.pop_back();
+ return v;
+ }
+ const TValue& Get(size_t key) const {
+ return IsArray() && Array.size() > key ? Array[key] : TValue::DefaultValue();
+ }
+ TValue* GetNoAdd(size_t key) {
+ return IsArray() && Array.size() > key ? &Array[key] : nullptr;
+ }
+ TValue& GetOrAdd(size_t key) {
+ SetArray();
+ for (size_t i = Array.size(); i <= key; ++i) {
+ DoPush(Pool, Array);
+ }
+ return Array[key];
+ }
+ TValue& Back() {
+ SetArray();
+ if (Array.empty()) {
+ DoPush(Pool, Array);
+ }
+ return Array.back();
+ }
+ TValue& Insert(size_t key) {
+ SetArray();
+ if (Array.size() <= key) {
+ return GetOrAdd(key);
+ } else {
+ Array.insert(Array.begin() + key, TValue(Pool));
+ Array[key].CopyOnWrite = false;
+ return Array[key];
+ }
+ }
+ TValue Delete(size_t key) {
+ if (!IsArray() || Array.size() <= key) {
+ return TValue::DefaultValue();
+ }
+ TValue v = Array[key];
+ Array.erase(Array.begin() + key);
+ return v;
+ }
+ const TValue& Get(TStringBuf key) const {
+ if (!IsDict()) {
+ return TValue::DefaultValue();
+ }
+ TDict::const_iterator it = Dict.find(key);
+ return it != Dict.end() ? it->second : TValue::DefaultValue();
+ }
+ TValue* GetNoAdd(TStringBuf key) {
+ if (!IsDict()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return Dict.FindPtr(key);
+ }
+ TValue& Add(TStringBuf key) {
+ SetDict();
+ TDict::iterator it = Dict.insert(std::make_pair(Pool->AppendBuf(key), TValue(Pool))).first;
+ it->second.CopyOnWrite = false;
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ TValue& GetOrAdd(TStringBuf key) {
+ SetDict();
+ TDict::insert_ctx ctx;
+ TDict::iterator it = Dict.find(key, ctx);
+ if (it == Dict.end()) {
+ it = Dict.insert_direct(std::make_pair(Pool->AppendBuf(key), TValue(Pool)), ctx);
+ it->second.CopyOnWrite = false;
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ TValue Delete(TStringBuf key) {
+ if (!IsDict()) {
+ return TValue::DefaultValue();
+ }
+ TDict::iterator it = Dict.find(key);
+ if (it == Dict.end()) {
+ return TValue::DefaultValue();
+ }
+ TValue v = it->second;
+ Dict.erase(key);
+ return v;
+ }
+ };
+ TValue::TScCore* TValue::NewCore(TPoolPtr& p) {
+ return new (p->Pool.Allocate<TScCore>()) TScCore(p);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue() {
+ auto p = TPoolPtr(new NDefinitions::TPool);
+ TheCore = NewCore(p);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(double t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(unsigned long long t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(unsigned long t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(unsigned t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(long long t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(long t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(int t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ //TValue::TValue(bool t)
+ // : TValue()
+ //{
+ // SetBool(t);
+ //}
+ TValue::TValue(TStringBuf t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetString(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(const char* t)
+ : TValue()
+ {
+ SetString(t);
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(TValue& v)
+ : TheCore(v.TheCore)
+ , CopyOnWrite(v.CopyOnWrite)
+ {
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(const TValue& v)
+ : TheCore(v.TheCore)
+ , CopyOnWrite(true)
+ {
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(TValue&& v) noexcept
+ : TheCore(std::move(v.TheCore))
+ , CopyOnWrite(v.CopyOnWrite)
+ {}
+ TValue::operator double() const {
+ return GetNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator float() const {
+ return GetNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator long long() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator long() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator int() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator short() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator char() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator unsigned long long() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator unsigned long() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator unsigned() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator unsigned short() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator unsigned char() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator signed char() const {
+ return GetIntNumber();
+ }
+ TValue::operator TStringBuf() const {
+ return GetString();
+ }
+ TValue::operator const ::NSc::TArray&() const {
+ return GetArray();
+ }
+ TValue::operator const ::NSc::TDict&() const {
+ return GetDict();
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(double t) {
+ return SetNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(unsigned long long t) {
+ return SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(unsigned long t) {
+ return SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(unsigned t) {
+ return SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(long long t) {
+ return SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(long t) {
+ return SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(int t) {
+ return SetIntNumber(t);
+ }
+ //TValue& TValue::operator=(bool t) {
+ // return SetBool(t);
+ //}
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(TStringBuf t) {
+ return SetString(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(const char* t) {
+ return SetString(t);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(TValue& v) & {
+ if (!Same(*this, v)) {
+ //Extend TheCore lifetime not to trigger possible v deletion via parent-child chain
+ auto tmpCore = TheCore;
+ TheCore = v.TheCore;
+ CopyOnWrite = v.CopyOnWrite;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(const TValue& v) & {
+ if (!Same(*this, v)) {
+ //Extend TheCore lifetime not to trigger possible v deletion via parent-child chain
+ auto tmpCore = TheCore;
+ TheCore = v.TheCore;
+ CopyOnWrite = true;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::operator=(TValue&& v) & noexcept {
+ if (!Same(*this, v)) {
+ //Extend TheCore lifetime not to trigger possible v deletion via parent-child chain
+ auto tmpCore = TheCore;
+ TheCore = std::move(v.TheCore);
+ CopyOnWrite = v.CopyOnWrite;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool TValue::Has(size_t idx) const {
+ return IsArray() && GetArray().size() > idx;
+ }
+ bool TValue::Has(TStringBuf s) const {
+ return GetDict().contains(s);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::GetOrAddUnsafe(size_t idx) {
+ return CoreMutable().GetOrAdd(idx);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::GetOrAdd(TStringBuf idx) {
+ return CoreMutable().GetOrAdd(idx);
+ }
+ const TValue& TValue::Get(size_t idx) const {
+ return Core().Get(idx);
+ }
+ TValue* TValue::GetNoAdd(size_t idx) {
+ return CoreMutable().GetNoAdd(idx);
+ }
+ const TValue& TValue::Get(TStringBuf idx) const {
+ return Core().Get(idx);
+ }
+ TValue* TValue::GetNoAdd(TStringBuf key) {
+ return CoreMutable().GetNoAdd(key);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::Back() {
+ return CoreMutable().Back();
+ }
+ const TValue& TValue::Back() const {
+ const TArray& arr = GetArray();
+ return arr.empty() ? DefaultValue() : arr.back();
+ }
+ TValue TValue::Delete(size_t idx) {
+ return CoreMutable().Delete(idx);
+ }
+ TValue TValue::Delete(TStringBuf idx) {
+ return CoreMutable().Delete(idx);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::AddAll(std::initializer_list<std::pair<TStringBuf, TValue>> t) {
+ for (const auto& el : t) {
+ Add(el.first) = el.second;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::InsertUnsafe(size_t idx) {
+ return CoreMutable().Insert(idx);
+ }
+ template <class TIt>
+ TValue& TValue::AppendAll(TIt begin, TIt end) {
+ GetArrayMutable().AppendAll(begin, end);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class TColl>
+ TValue& TValue::AppendAll(TColl&& coll) {
+ return AppendAll(std::begin(coll), std::end(coll));
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::AppendAll(std::initializer_list<TValue> coll) {
+ return AppendAll(coll.begin(), coll.end());
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::Push() {
+ return CoreMutable().Push();
+ }
+ TValue TValue::Pop() {
+ return CoreMutable().Pop();
+ }
+ TValue::EType TValue::GetType() const {
+ return Core().ValueType;
+ }
+ bool TValue::IsNull() const {
+ return Core().IsNull();
+ }
+ bool TValue::IsNumber() const {
+ return Core().IsNumber();
+ }
+ bool TValue::IsIntNumber() const {
+ return Core().IsIntNumber();
+ }
+ bool TValue::IsBool() const {
+ return Core().IsBool();
+ }
+ bool TValue::IsString() const {
+ return Core().IsString();
+ }
+ bool TValue::IsArray() const {
+ return Core().IsArray();
+ }
+ bool TValue::IsDict() const {
+ return Core().IsDict();
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::SetNumber(double i) {
+ CoreMutableForSet().SetNumber(i);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::SetIntNumber(i64 n) {
+ CoreMutableForSet().SetIntNumber(n);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::SetBool(bool val) {
+ CoreMutableForSet().SetBool(val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::SetString(TStringBuf s) {
+ CoreMutableForSet().SetString(s);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ double TValue::GetNumber(double d) const {
+ return Core().GetNumber(d);
+ }
+ i64 TValue::GetIntNumber(i64 n) const {
+ return Core().GetIntNumber(n);
+ }
+ bool TValue::GetBool(bool b) const {
+ return Core().GetBool(b);
+ }
+ double& TValue::GetNumberMutable(double defaultval) {
+ return CoreMutable().GetNumberMutable(defaultval);
+ }
+ i64& TValue::GetIntNumberMutable(i64 defaultval) {
+ return CoreMutable().GetIntNumberMutable(defaultval);
+ }
+ TStringBuf TValue::GetString(TStringBuf d) const {
+ return Core().GetString(d);
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::SetArray() {
+ CoreMutable().SetArray();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::ClearArray() {
+ CoreMutable().ClearArray();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::SetDict() {
+ CoreMutable().SetDict();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::ClearDict() {
+ CoreMutable().ClearDict();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const TArray& TValue::GetArray() const {
+ return Core().GetArray();
+ }
+ TArray& TValue::GetArrayMutable() {
+ return CoreMutable().GetArrayMutable();
+ }
+ const TDict& TValue::GetDict() const {
+ return Core().GetDict();
+ }
+ TDict& TValue::GetDictMutable() {
+ return CoreMutable().GetDictMutable();
+ }
+ size_t TValue::StringSize() const {
+ return GetString().size();
+ }
+ size_t TValue::ArraySize() const {
+ return GetArray().size();
+ }
+ size_t TValue::DictSize() const {
+ return GetDict().size();
+ }
+ bool TValue::StringEmpty() const {
+ return GetString().empty();
+ }
+ bool TValue::ArrayEmpty() const {
+ return GetArray().empty();
+ }
+ bool TValue::DictEmpty() const {
+ return GetDict().empty();
+ }
+ TValue::TValue(TPoolPtr& p)
+ : TheCore(NewCore(p))
+ {
+ }
+ TValue::TScCore& TValue::CoreMutable() {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!TheCore)) {
+ *this = TValue();
+ } else if (Y_UNLIKELY(CopyOnWrite) && Y_UNLIKELY(TheCore->RefCount() > 1)) {
+ *this = Clone();
+ }
+ CopyOnWrite = false;
+ return *TheCore;
+ }
+ TValue::TScCore& TValue::CoreMutableForSet() {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!TheCore) || Y_UNLIKELY(CopyOnWrite) && Y_UNLIKELY(TheCore->RefCount() > 1)) {
+ *this = TValue();
+ }
+ CopyOnWrite = false;
+ return *TheCore;
+ }
+ const TValue::TScCore& TValue::Core() const {
+ return TheCore ? *TheCore : DefaultCore();
+ }
+ TValue& TValue::SetNull() {
+ CoreMutableForSet().SetNull();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ namespace NPrivate {
+ int CompareStr(const NSc::TValue& a, TStringBuf b);
+ int CompareInt(const NSc::TValue& a, i64 r);
+ int CompareFloat(const NSc::TValue& a, double r);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const TValue& a, const TValue& b);
+ bool operator!=(const TValue& a, const TValue& b);
+ bool operator<=(const TValue&, const TValue&) = delete;
+ bool operator>=(const TValue&, const TValue&) = delete;
+ bool operator<(const TValue&, const TValue&) = delete;
+ bool operator>(const TValue&, const TValue&) = delete;
+ bool operator==(const NSc::TValue& a, T b); \
+ bool operator==(T b, const NSc::TValue& a); \
+ bool operator!=(const NSc::TValue& a, T b); \
+ bool operator!=(T b, const NSc::TValue& a); \
+ bool operator<=(const NSc::TValue& a, T b); \
+ bool operator<=(T b, const NSc::TValue& a); \
+ bool operator>=(const NSc::TValue& a, T b); \
+ bool operator>=(T b, const NSc::TValue& a); \
+ bool operator<(const NSc::TValue& a, T b); \
+ bool operator<(T b, const NSc::TValue& a); \
+ bool operator>(const NSc::TValue& a, T b); \
+ bool operator>(T b, const NSc::TValue& a);
+ LIBRARY_SCHEME_DECLARE_TVALUE_OPS(const char* const, CompareStr)