path: root/library/cpp/netliba/v6/ib_cs.cpp
diff options
authormonster <monster@ydb.tech>2022-07-07 14:41:37 +0300
committermonster <monster@ydb.tech>2022-07-07 14:41:37 +0300
commit06e5c21a835c0e923506c4ff27929f34e00761c2 (patch)
tree75efcbc6854ef9bd476eb8bf00cc5c900da436a2 /library/cpp/netliba/v6/ib_cs.cpp
parent03f024c4412e3aa613bb543cf1660176320ba8f4 (diff)
fix ya.make
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/netliba/v6/ib_cs.cpp')
1 files changed, 776 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/netliba/v6/ib_cs.cpp b/library/cpp/netliba/v6/ib_cs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dbe7bb0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/netliba/v6/ib_cs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "ib_cs.h"
+#include "ib_buffers.h"
+#include "ib_mem.h"
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/digest/murmur.h>
+ does rdma work?
+ what is RC latency?
+ 3us if measured by completion event arrival
+ 2.3us if bind to socket 0 & use inline send
+ memory region - can we use memory from some offset?
+ yes
+ is send_inplace supported and is it faster?
+ yes, supported, 1024 bytes limit, inline is faster (2.4 vs 2.9)
+ is srq a penalty compared to regular rq?
+ rdma is faster anyway, so why bother
+collective ops
+ support asymmetric configurations by additional transfers (overlap 1 or 2 hosts is allowed)
+remove commented stuff all around
+next gen
+ shared+registered large mem blocks for easy transfer
+ no crc calcs
+ direct channel exposure
+ make ui64 packet id? otherwise we could get duplicate id (highly improbable but possible)
+ lock free allocation in ib_mem
+namespace NNetliba {
+ const int WELCOME_QKEY = 0x13081976;
+ const int MAX_SEND_COUNT = (128 - 10) / 4;
+ const int QP_SEND_QUEUE_SIZE = (MAX_SEND_COUNT * 2 + 10) + 10;
+ const int WELCOME_QP_SEND_SIZE = 10000;
+ const int MAX_SRQ_WORK_REQUESTS = 10000;
+ const int MAX_CQ_EVENTS = MAX_SRQ_WORK_REQUESTS; //1000;
+ const double CHANNEL_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1.;
+ const int TRAFFIC_SL = 4; // 4 is mandatory for RoCE to work, it's the only lossless priority(?)
+ const int CONNECT_SL = 1;
+ class TIBClientServer: public IIBClientServer {
+ enum ECmd {
+ };
+#pragma pack(1)
+ struct TCmdHandshake {
+ char Command;
+ int QPN, PSN;
+ TGUID SocketId;
+ TUdpAddress MyAddress; // address of the handshake sender as viewed from receiver
+ };
+ struct TCmdHandshakeAck {
+ char Command;
+ int QPN, PSN;
+ int YourQPN;
+ };
+ struct TCmdConfirm {
+ char Command;
+ };
+ struct TCmdDataTiny {
+ struct THeader {
+ char Command;
+ ui16 Size;
+ TGUID PacketGuid;
+ } Header;
+ typedef char TDataVec[SMALL_PKT_SIZE - sizeof(THeader)];
+ TDataVec Data;
+ static int GetMaxDataSize() {
+ return sizeof(TDataVec);
+ }
+ };
+ struct TCmdDataInit {
+ char Command;
+ size_t Size;
+ TGUID PacketGuid;
+ };
+ struct TCmdBufferReady {
+ char Command;
+ TGUID PacketGuid;
+ ui64 RemoteAddr;
+ ui32 RemoteKey;
+ };
+ struct TCmdDataComplete {
+ char Command;
+ TGUID PacketGuid;
+ ui64 DataHash;
+ };
+ struct TCmdKeepAlive {
+ char Command;
+ };
+#pragma pack()
+ struct TCompleteInfo {
+ enum {
+ };
+ int Type;
+ int BufId;
+ TIBMsgHandle MsgHandle;
+ TCompleteInfo(int t, int bufId, TIBMsgHandle msg)
+ : Type(t)
+ , BufId(bufId)
+ , MsgHandle(msg)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct TPendingQueuedSend {
+ TGUID PacketGuid;
+ TIBMsgHandle MsgHandle;
+ TRopeDataPacket* Data;
+ TPendingQueuedSend()
+ : MsgHandle(0)
+ {
+ }
+ TPendingQueuedSend(const TGUID& packetGuid, TIBMsgHandle msgHandle, TRopeDataPacket* data)
+ : PacketGuid(packetGuid)
+ , MsgHandle(msgHandle)
+ , Data(data)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct TQueuedSend {
+ TGUID PacketGuid;
+ TIBMsgHandle MsgHandle;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBMemBlock> MemBlock;
+ ui64 RemoteAddr;
+ ui32 RemoteKey;
+ TQueuedSend() = default;
+ TQueuedSend(const TGUID& packetGuid, TIBMsgHandle msgHandle)
+ : PacketGuid(packetGuid)
+ , MsgHandle(msgHandle)
+ , RemoteAddr(0)
+ , RemoteKey(0)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct TQueuedRecv {
+ TGUID PacketGuid;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBMemBlock> Data;
+ TQueuedRecv() = default;
+ TQueuedRecv(const TGUID& packetGuid, TPtrArg<TIBMemBlock> data)
+ : PacketGuid(packetGuid)
+ , Data(data)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct TIBPeer: public IIBPeer {
+ TUdpAddress PeerAddress;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TRCQueuePair> QP;
+ EState State;
+ int SendCount;
+ NHPTimer::STime LastRecv;
+ TDeque<TPendingQueuedSend> PendingSendQueue;
+ // these lists have limited size and potentially just circle buffers
+ TDeque<TQueuedSend> SendQueue;
+ TDeque<TQueuedRecv> RecvQueue;
+ TDeque<TCompleteInfo> OutMsgs;
+ TIBPeer(const TUdpAddress& peerAddress, TPtrArg<TRCQueuePair> qp)
+ : PeerAddress(peerAddress)
+ , QP(qp)
+ , SendCount(0)
+ {
+ NHPTimer::GetTime(&LastRecv);
+ }
+ ~TIBPeer() override {
+ //printf("IBPeer destroyed\n");
+ }
+ EState GetState() override {
+ return State;
+ }
+ TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator GetSend(const TGUID& packetGuid) {
+ for (TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator z = SendQueue.begin(); z != SendQueue.end(); ++z) {
+ if (z->PacketGuid == packetGuid) {
+ return z;
+ }
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "no send by guid");
+ return SendQueue.begin();
+ }
+ TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator GetSend(TIBMsgHandle msgHandle) {
+ for (TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator z = SendQueue.begin(); z != SendQueue.end(); ++z) {
+ if (z->MsgHandle == msgHandle) {
+ return z;
+ }
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "no send by handle");
+ return SendQueue.begin();
+ }
+ TDeque<TQueuedRecv>::iterator GetRecv(const TGUID& packetGuid) {
+ for (TDeque<TQueuedRecv>::iterator z = RecvQueue.begin(); z != RecvQueue.end(); ++z) {
+ if (z->PacketGuid == packetGuid) {
+ return z;
+ }
+ }
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "no recv by guid");
+ return RecvQueue.begin();
+ }
+ void PostRDMA(TQueuedSend& qs) {
+ Y_ASSERT(qs.RemoteAddr != 0 && qs.MemBlock.Get() != nullptr);
+ QP->PostRDMAWrite(qs.RemoteAddr, qs.RemoteKey,
+ qs.MemBlock->GetMemRegion(), 0, qs.MemBlock->GetData(), qs.MemBlock->GetSize());
+ OutMsgs.push_back(TCompleteInfo(TCompleteInfo::CI_RDMA_COMPLETE, 0, qs.MsgHandle));
+ //printf("Post rdma write, size %d\n", qs.Data->GetSize());
+ }
+ void PostSend(TIBBufferPool& bp, const void* data, size_t len, int t, TIBMsgHandle msgHandle) {
+ int bufId = bp.PostSend(QP, data, len);
+ OutMsgs.push_back(TCompleteInfo(t, bufId, msgHandle));
+ }
+ };
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBPort> Port;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBMemPool> MemPool;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBMemPool::TCopyResultStorage> CopyResults;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TComplectionQueue> CQ;
+ TIBBufferPool BP;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TUDQueuePair> WelcomeQP;
+ int WelcomeQPN;
+ TIBConnectInfo ConnectInfo;
+ TDeque<TIBSendResult> SendResults;
+ TDeque<TRequest*> ReceivedList;
+ typedef THashMap<int, TIntrusivePtr<TIBPeer>> TPeerChannelHash;
+ TPeerChannelHash Channels;
+ TIBMsgHandle MsgCounter;
+ NHPTimer::STime LastCheckTime;
+ ~TIBClientServer() override {
+ for (auto& z : ReceivedList) {
+ delete z;
+ }
+ }
+ TIBPeer* GetChannelByQPN(int qpn) {
+ TPeerChannelHash::iterator z = Channels.find(qpn);
+ if (z == Channels.end()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return z->second.Get();
+ }
+ // IIBClientServer
+ TRequest* GetRequest() override {
+ if (ReceivedList.empty()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ TRequest* res = ReceivedList.front();
+ ReceivedList.pop_front();
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool GetSendResult(TIBSendResult* res) override {
+ if (SendResults.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *res = SendResults.front();
+ SendResults.pop_front();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void StartSend(TPtrArg<TIBPeer> peer, const TGUID& packetGuid, TIBMsgHandle msgHandle, TRopeDataPacket* data) {
+ int sz = data->GetSize();
+ if (sz <= TCmdDataTiny::GetMaxDataSize()) {
+ TCmdDataTiny dataTiny;
+ dataTiny.Header.Command = CMD_DATA_TINY;
+ dataTiny.Header.Size = (ui16)sz;
+ dataTiny.Header.PacketGuid = packetGuid;
+ TBlockChainIterator bc(data->GetChain());
+ bc.Read(dataTiny.Data, sz);
+ peer->PostSend(BP, &dataTiny, sizeof(dataTiny.Header) + sz, TCompleteInfo::CI_DATA_TINY, msgHandle);
+ //printf("Send CMD_DATA_TINY\n");
+ } else {
+ MemPool->CopyData(data, msgHandle, peer, CopyResults);
+ peer->SendQueue.push_back(TQueuedSend(packetGuid, msgHandle));
+ {
+ TQueuedSend& msg = peer->SendQueue.back();
+ TCmdDataInit dataInit;
+ dataInit.Command = CMD_DATA_INIT;
+ dataInit.PacketGuid = msg.PacketGuid;
+ dataInit.Size = data->GetSize();
+ peer->PostSend(BP, &dataInit, sizeof(dataInit), TCompleteInfo::CI_IGNORE, 0);
+ //printf("Send CMD_DATA_INIT\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ++peer->SendCount;
+ }
+ void SendCompleted(TPtrArg<TIBPeer> peer, TIBMsgHandle msgHandle) {
+ SendResults.push_back(TIBSendResult(msgHandle, true));
+ if (--peer->SendCount < MAX_SEND_COUNT) {
+ if (!peer->PendingSendQueue.empty()) {
+ TPendingQueuedSend& qs = peer->PendingSendQueue.front();
+ StartSend(peer, qs.PacketGuid, qs.MsgHandle, qs.Data);
+ //printf("Sending pending %d\n", qs.MsgHandle);
+ peer->PendingSendQueue.pop_front();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void SendFailed(TPtrArg<TIBPeer> peer, TIBMsgHandle msgHandle) {
+ //printf("IB SendFailed()\n");
+ SendResults.push_back(TIBSendResult(msgHandle, false));
+ --peer->SendCount;
+ }
+ void PeerFailed(TPtrArg<TIBPeer> peer) {
+ //printf("PeerFailed(), peer %p, state %d (%d pending, %d queued, %d out, %d sendcount)\n",
+ // peer.Get(), peer->State,
+ // (int)peer->PendingSendQueue.size(),
+ // (int)peer->SendQueue.size(),
+ // (int)peer->OutMsgs.size(),
+ // peer->SendCount);
+ peer->State = IIBPeer::FAILED;
+ while (!peer->PendingSendQueue.empty()) {
+ TPendingQueuedSend& qs = peer->PendingSendQueue.front();
+ SendResults.push_back(TIBSendResult(qs.MsgHandle, false));
+ peer->PendingSendQueue.pop_front();
+ }
+ while (!peer->SendQueue.empty()) {
+ TQueuedSend& qs = peer->SendQueue.front();
+ SendFailed(peer, qs.MsgHandle);
+ peer->SendQueue.pop_front();
+ }
+ while (!peer->OutMsgs.empty()) {
+ TCompleteInfo& cc = peer->OutMsgs.front();
+ //printf("Don't wait completion for sent packet (QPN %d), bufId %d\n", peer->QP->GetQPN(), cc.BufId);
+ if (cc.Type == TCompleteInfo::CI_DATA_TINY) {
+ SendFailed(peer, cc.MsgHandle);
+ }
+ BP.FreeBuf(cc.BufId);
+ peer->OutMsgs.pop_front();
+ }
+ {
+ Y_ASSERT(peer->SendCount == 0);
+ //printf("Remove peer %p from hash (QPN %d)\n", peer.Get(), peer->QP->GetQPN());
+ TPeerChannelHash::iterator z = Channels.find(peer->QP->GetQPN());
+ if (z == Channels.end()) {
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "peer failed for unregistered peer");
+ }
+ Channels.erase(z);
+ }
+ }
+ TIBMsgHandle Send(TPtrArg<IIBPeer> peerArg, TRopeDataPacket* data, const TGUID& packetGuid) override {
+ TIBPeer* peer = static_cast<TIBPeer*>(peerArg.Get()); // trust me, I'm professional
+ if (peer == nullptr || peer->State != IIBPeer::OK) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Y_ASSERT(Channels.find(peer->QP->GetQPN())->second == peer);
+ TIBMsgHandle msgHandle = ++MsgCounter;
+ if (peer->SendCount >= MAX_SEND_COUNT) {
+ peer->PendingSendQueue.push_back(TPendingQueuedSend(packetGuid, msgHandle, data));
+ } else {
+ //printf("Sending direct %d\n", msgHandle);
+ StartSend(peer, packetGuid, msgHandle, data);
+ }
+ return msgHandle;
+ }
+ void ParsePacket(ibv_wc* wc, NHPTimer::STime tCurrent) {
+ if (wc->status != IBV_WC_SUCCESS) {
+ TIBPeer* peer = GetChannelByQPN(wc->qp_num);
+ if (peer) {
+ //printf("failed recv packet (status %d)\n", wc->status);
+ PeerFailed(peer);
+ } else {
+ //printf("Ignoring recv error for closed/non existing QPN %d\n", wc->qp_num);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ TIBRecvPacketProcess pkt(BP, *wc);
+ TIBPeer* peer = GetChannelByQPN(wc->qp_num);
+ if (peer) {
+ Y_ASSERT(peer->State != IIBPeer::FAILED);
+ peer->LastRecv = tCurrent;
+ char cmdId = *(const char*)pkt.GetData();
+ switch (cmdId) {
+ //printf("got confirm\n");
+ Y_ASSERT(peer->State == IIBPeer::CONNECTING);
+ peer->State = IIBPeer::OK;
+ break;
+ //printf("Recv CMD_DATA_TINY\n");
+ {
+ const TCmdDataTiny& dataTiny = *(TCmdDataTiny*)pkt.GetData();
+ TRequest* req = new TRequest;
+ req->Address = peer->PeerAddress;
+ req->Guid = dataTiny.Header.PacketGuid;
+ req->Data = new TRopeDataPacket;
+ req->Data->Write(dataTiny.Data, dataTiny.Header.Size);
+ ReceivedList.push_back(req);
+ }
+ break;
+ //printf("Recv CMD_DATA_INIT\n");
+ {
+ const TCmdDataInit& data = *(TCmdDataInit*)pkt.GetData();
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBMemBlock> blk = MemPool->Alloc(data.Size);
+ peer->RecvQueue.push_back(TQueuedRecv(data.PacketGuid, blk));
+ TCmdBufferReady ready;
+ ready.Command = CMD_BUFFER_READY;
+ ready.PacketGuid = data.PacketGuid;
+ ready.RemoteAddr = blk->GetData() - (char*)nullptr;
+ ready.RemoteKey = blk->GetMemRegion()->GetRKey();
+ peer->PostSend(BP, &ready, sizeof(ready), TCompleteInfo::CI_IGNORE, 0);
+ //printf("Send CMD_BUFFER_READY\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ //printf("Recv CMD_BUFFER_READY\n");
+ {
+ const TCmdBufferReady& ready = *(TCmdBufferReady*)pkt.GetData();
+ TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator z = peer->GetSend(ready.PacketGuid);
+ TQueuedSend& qs = *z;
+ qs.RemoteAddr = ready.RemoteAddr;
+ qs.RemoteKey = ready.RemoteKey;
+ if (qs.MemBlock.Get()) {
+ peer->PostRDMA(qs);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ //printf("Recv CMD_DATA_COMPLETE\n");
+ {
+ const TCmdDataComplete& cmd = *(TCmdDataComplete*)pkt.GetData();
+ TDeque<TQueuedRecv>::iterator z = peer->GetRecv(cmd.PacketGuid);
+ TQueuedRecv& qr = *z;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ Y_VERIFY(MurmurHash<ui64>(qr.Data->GetData(), qr.Data->GetSize()) == cmd.DataHash || cmd.DataHash == 0, "RDMA data hash mismatch");
+ TRequest* req = new TRequest;
+ req->Address = peer->PeerAddress;
+ req->Guid = qr.PacketGuid;
+ req->Data = new TRopeDataPacket;
+ req->Data->AddBlock(qr.Data.Get(), qr.Data->GetData(), qr.Data->GetSize());
+ ReceivedList.push_back(req);
+ peer->RecvQueue.erase(z);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // can get here
+ //printf("Ignoring packet for closed/non existing QPN %d\n", wc->qp_num);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnComplete(ibv_wc* wc, NHPTimer::STime tCurrent) {
+ TIBPeer* peer = GetChannelByQPN(wc->qp_num);
+ if (peer) {
+ if (!peer->OutMsgs.empty()) {
+ peer->LastRecv = tCurrent;
+ if (wc->status != IBV_WC_SUCCESS) {
+ //printf("completed with status %d\n", wc->status);
+ PeerFailed(peer);
+ } else {
+ const TCompleteInfo& cc = peer->OutMsgs.front();
+ switch (cc.Type) {
+ case TCompleteInfo::CI_DATA_TINY:
+ //printf("Completed data_tiny\n");
+ SendCompleted(peer, cc.MsgHandle);
+ break;
+ case TCompleteInfo::CI_RDMA_COMPLETE:
+ //printf("Completed rdma_complete\n");
+ {
+ TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator z = peer->GetSend(cc.MsgHandle);
+ TQueuedSend& qs = *z;
+ TCmdDataComplete complete;
+ complete.Command = CMD_DATA_COMPLETE;
+ complete.PacketGuid = qs.PacketGuid;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ complete.DataHash = MurmurHash<ui64>(qs.MemBlock->GetData(), qs.MemBlock->GetSize());
+ complete.DataHash = 0;
+ peer->PostSend(BP, &complete, sizeof(complete), TCompleteInfo::CI_DATA_SENT, qs.MsgHandle);
+ //printf("Send CMD_DATA_COMPLETE\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case TCompleteInfo::CI_DATA_SENT:
+ //printf("Completed data_sent\n");
+ {
+ TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator z = peer->GetSend(cc.MsgHandle);
+ TIBMsgHandle msgHandle = z->MsgHandle;
+ peer->SendQueue.erase(z);
+ SendCompleted(peer, msgHandle);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TCompleteInfo::CI_KEEP_ALIVE:
+ break;
+ case TCompleteInfo::CI_IGNORE:
+ //printf("Completed ignored\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ peer->OutMsgs.pop_front();
+ BP.FreeBuf(wc->wr_id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "got completion without outstanding messages");
+ }
+ } else {
+ //printf("Got completion for non existing qpn %d, bufId %d (status %d)\n", wc->qp_num, (int)wc->wr_id, (int)wc->status);
+ if (wc->status == IBV_WC_SUCCESS) {
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "only errors should go unmatched");
+ }
+ // no need to free buf since it has to be freed in PeerFailed()
+ }
+ }
+ void ParseWelcomePacket(ibv_wc* wc) {
+ TIBRecvPacketProcess pkt(BP, *wc);
+ char cmdId = *(const char*)pkt.GetUDData();
+ switch (cmdId) {
+ //printf("got handshake\n");
+ const TCmdHandshake& handshake = *(TCmdHandshake*)pkt.GetUDData();
+ if (handshake.SocketId != ConnectInfo.SocketId) {
+ // connection attempt from wrong IB subnet
+ break;
+ }
+ TIntrusivePtr<TRCQueuePair> rcQP;
+ rcQP = new TRCQueuePair(Port->GetCtx(), CQ, BP.GetSRQ(), QP_SEND_QUEUE_SIZE);
+ int qpn = rcQP->GetQPN();
+ Y_ASSERT(Channels.find(qpn) == Channels.end());
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBPeer>& peer = Channels[qpn];
+ peer = new TIBPeer(handshake.MyAddress, rcQP);
+ ibv_ah_attr peerAddr;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TAddressHandle> ahPeer;
+ Port->GetAHAttr(wc, pkt.GetGRH(), &peerAddr);
+ ahPeer = new TAddressHandle(Port->GetCtx(), &peerAddr);
+ peerAddr.sl = TRAFFIC_SL;
+ rcQP->Init(peerAddr, handshake.QPN, handshake.PSN);
+ TCmdHandshakeAck handshakeAck;
+ handshakeAck.Command = CMD_HANDSHAKE_ACK;
+ handshakeAck.PSN = rcQP->GetPSN();
+ handshakeAck.QPN = rcQP->GetQPN();
+ handshakeAck.YourQPN = handshake.QPN;
+ // if ack gets lost we'll create new Peer Channel
+ // and this one will be erased in Step() by timeout counted from LastRecv
+ BP.PostSend(WelcomeQP, ahPeer, wc->src_qp, WELCOME_QKEY, &handshakeAck, sizeof(handshakeAck));
+ //printf("send handshake_ack\n");
+ } break;
+ //printf("got handshake_ack\n");
+ const TCmdHandshakeAck& handshakeAck = *(TCmdHandshakeAck*)pkt.GetUDData();
+ TIBPeer* peer = GetChannelByQPN(handshakeAck.YourQPN);
+ if (peer) {
+ ibv_ah_attr peerAddr;
+ Port->GetAHAttr(wc, pkt.GetGRH(), &peerAddr);
+ peerAddr.sl = TRAFFIC_SL;
+ peer->QP->Init(peerAddr, handshakeAck.QPN, handshakeAck.PSN);
+ peer->State = IIBPeer::OK;
+ TCmdConfirm confirm;
+ confirm.Command = CMD_CONFIRM;
+ peer->PostSend(BP, &confirm, sizeof(confirm), TCompleteInfo::CI_IGNORE, 0);
+ //printf("send confirm\n");
+ } else {
+ // respective QPN was deleted or never existed
+ // silently ignore and peer channel on remote side
+ // will not get into confirmed state and will be deleted
+ }
+ } break;
+ default:
+ Y_ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool Step(NHPTimer::STime tCurrent) override {
+ bool rv = false;
+ // only have to process completions, everything is done on completion of something
+ ibv_wc wcArr[10];
+ for (;;) {
+ int wcCount = CQ->Poll(wcArr, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(wcArr));
+ if (wcCount == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ rv = true;
+ for (int z = 0; z < wcCount; ++z) {
+ ibv_wc& wc = wcArr[z];
+ if (wc.opcode & IBV_WC_RECV) {
+ // received msg
+ if ((int)wc.qp_num == WelcomeQPN) {
+ if (wc.status != IBV_WC_SUCCESS) {
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "ud recv op completed with error %d\n", (int)wc.status);
+ }
+ Y_ASSERT(wc.opcode == IBV_WC_RECV | IBV_WC_SEND);
+ ParseWelcomePacket(&wc);
+ } else {
+ ParsePacket(&wc, tCurrent);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // send completion
+ if ((int)wc.qp_num == WelcomeQPN) {
+ // ok
+ BP.FreeBuf(wc.wr_id);
+ } else {
+ OnComplete(&wc, tCurrent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBMemBlock> memBlock;
+ i64 msgHandle;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBPeer> peer;
+ while (CopyResults->GetCopyResult(&memBlock, &msgHandle, &peer)) {
+ if (peer->GetState() != IIBPeer::OK) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TDeque<TQueuedSend>::iterator z = peer->GetSend(msgHandle);
+ if (z == peer->SendQueue.end()) {
+ Y_VERIFY(0, "peer %p, copy completed, msg %d not found?\n", peer.Get(), (int)msgHandle);
+ continue;
+ }
+ TQueuedSend& qs = *z;
+ qs.MemBlock = memBlock;
+ if (qs.RemoteAddr != 0) {
+ peer->PostRDMA(qs);
+ }
+ rv = true;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ NHPTimer::STime t1 = LastCheckTime;
+ if (NHPTimer::GetTimePassed(&t1) > CHANNEL_CHECK_INTERVAL) {
+ for (TPeerChannelHash::iterator z = Channels.begin(); z != Channels.end();) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBPeer> peer = z->second;
+ ++z; // peer can be removed from Channels
+ Y_ASSERT(peer->State != IIBPeer::FAILED);
+ NHPTimer::STime t2 = peer->LastRecv;
+ double timeSinceLastRecv = NHPTimer::GetTimePassed(&t2);
+ if (timeSinceLastRecv > CHANNEL_CHECK_INTERVAL) {
+ if (peer->State == IIBPeer::CONNECTING) {
+ Y_ASSERT(peer->OutMsgs.empty() && peer->SendCount == 0);
+ // if handshake does not seem to work out - close connection
+ //printf("IB connecting timed out\n");
+ PeerFailed(peer);
+ } else {
+ // if we have outmsg we hope that IB will report us if there are any problems
+ // with connectivity
+ if (peer->OutMsgs.empty()) {
+ //printf("Sending keep alive\n");
+ TCmdKeepAlive keep;
+ keep.Command = CMD_KEEP_ALIVE;
+ peer->PostSend(BP, &keep, sizeof(keep), TCompleteInfo::CI_KEEP_ALIVE, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LastCheckTime = t1;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ IIBPeer* ConnectPeer(const TIBConnectInfo& info, const TUdpAddress& peerAddr, const TUdpAddress& myAddr) override {
+ for (auto& channel : Channels) {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBPeer> peer = channel.second;
+ if (peer->PeerAddress == peerAddr) {
+ return peer.Get();
+ }
+ }
+ TIntrusivePtr<TRCQueuePair> rcQP;
+ rcQP = new TRCQueuePair(Port->GetCtx(), CQ, BP.GetSRQ(), QP_SEND_QUEUE_SIZE);
+ int qpn = rcQP->GetQPN();
+ Y_ASSERT(Channels.find(qpn) == Channels.end());
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBPeer>& peer = Channels[qpn];
+ peer = new TIBPeer(peerAddr, rcQP);
+ TCmdHandshake handshake;
+ handshake.Command = CMD_HANDSHAKE;
+ handshake.PSN = rcQP->GetPSN();
+ handshake.QPN = rcQP->GetQPN();
+ handshake.SocketId = info.SocketId;
+ handshake.MyAddress = myAddr;
+ TIntrusivePtr<TAddressHandle> serverAH;
+ if (info.LID != 0) {
+ serverAH = new TAddressHandle(Port, info.LID, CONNECT_SL);
+ } else {
+ //ibv_gid addr;
+ //addr.global.subnet_prefix = info.Subnet;
+ //addr.global.interface_id = info.Interface;
+ //serverAH = new TAddressHandle(Port, addr, CONNECT_SL);
+ TUdpAddress local = myAddr;
+ local.Port = 0;
+ TUdpAddress remote = peerAddr;
+ remote.Port = 0;
+ //printf("local Addr %s\n", GetAddressAsString(local).c_str());
+ //printf("remote Addr %s\n", GetAddressAsString(remote).c_str());
+ // CRAP - somehow prevent connecting machines from different RoCE isles
+ serverAH = new TAddressHandle(Port, remote, local, CONNECT_SL);
+ if (!serverAH->IsValid()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ BP.PostSend(WelcomeQP, serverAH, info.QPN, WELCOME_QKEY, &handshake, sizeof(handshake));
+ //printf("send handshake\n");
+ return peer.Get();
+ }
+ const TIBConnectInfo& GetConnectInfo() override {
+ return ConnectInfo;
+ }
+ public:
+ TIBClientServer(TPtrArg<TIBPort> port)
+ : Port(port)
+ , MemPool(GetIBMemPool())
+ , CQ(new TComplectionQueue(port->GetCtx(), MAX_CQ_EVENTS))
+ , BP(port->GetCtx(), MAX_SRQ_WORK_REQUESTS)
+ , WelcomeQP(new TUDQueuePair(port, CQ, BP.GetSRQ(), WELCOME_QP_SEND_SIZE))
+ , WelcomeQPN(WelcomeQP->GetQPN())
+ , MsgCounter(1)
+ {
+ CopyResults = new TIBMemPool::TCopyResultStorage;
+ CreateGuid(&ConnectInfo.SocketId);
+ ibv_gid addr;
+ port->GetGID(&addr);
+ ConnectInfo.Interface = addr.global.interface_id;
+ ConnectInfo.Subnet = addr.global.subnet_prefix;
+ //printf("connect addr subnet %lx, iface %lx\n", addr.global.subnet_prefix, addr.global.interface_id);
+ ConnectInfo.LID = port->GetLID();
+ ConnectInfo.QPN = WelcomeQPN;
+ WelcomeQP->Init(WELCOME_QKEY);
+ NHPTimer::GetTime(&LastCheckTime);
+ }
+ };
+ IIBClientServer* CreateIBClientServer() {
+ TIntrusivePtr<TIBPort> port = GetIBDevice();
+ if (port.Get() == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return new TIBClientServer(port);
+ }