path: root/library/cpp/neh/neh.h
diff options
authormonster <monster@ydb.tech>2022-07-07 14:41:37 +0300
committermonster <monster@ydb.tech>2022-07-07 14:41:37 +0300
commit06e5c21a835c0e923506c4ff27929f34e00761c2 (patch)
tree75efcbc6854ef9bd476eb8bf00cc5c900da436a2 /library/cpp/neh/neh.h
parent03f024c4412e3aa613bb543cf1660176320ba8f4 (diff)
fix ya.make
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/neh/neh.h')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/neh/neh.h b/library/cpp/neh/neh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0211a7dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/neh/neh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "wfmo.h"
+#include "stat.h"
+#include <library/cpp/http/io/headers.h>
+#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
+#include <util/generic/string.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <utility>
+namespace NNeh {
+ struct TMessage {
+ TMessage() = default;
+ inline TMessage(TString addr, TString data)
+ : Addr(std::move(addr))
+ , Data(std::move(data))
+ {
+ }
+ static TMessage FromString(TStringBuf request);
+ TString Addr;
+ TString Data;
+ };
+ using TMessageRef = TAutoPtr<TMessage>;
+ struct TError {
+ public:
+ enum TType {
+ UnknownType,
+ Cancelled,
+ ProtocolSpecific
+ };
+ TError(TString text, TType type = UnknownType, i32 code = 0, i32 systemCode = 0)
+ : Type(std::move(type))
+ , Code(code)
+ , Text(text)
+ , SystemCode(systemCode)
+ {
+ }
+ TType Type = UnknownType;
+ i32 Code = 0; // protocol specific code (example(http): 404)
+ TString Text;
+ i32 SystemCode = 0; // system error code
+ };
+ using TErrorRef = TAutoPtr<TError>;
+ struct TResponse;
+ using TResponseRef = TAutoPtr<TResponse>;
+ struct TResponse {
+ inline TResponse(TMessage req,
+ TString data,
+ const TDuration duration)
+ : TResponse(std::move(req), std::move(data), duration, {} /* firstLine */, {} /* headers */, {} /* error */)
+ {
+ }
+ inline TResponse(TMessage req,
+ TString data,
+ const TDuration duration,
+ TString firstLine,
+ THttpHeaders headers)
+ : TResponse(std::move(req), std::move(data), duration, std::move(firstLine), std::move(headers), {} /* error */)
+ {
+ }
+ inline TResponse(TMessage req,
+ TString data,
+ const TDuration duration,
+ TString firstLine,
+ THttpHeaders headers,
+ TErrorRef error)
+ : Request(std::move(req))
+ , Data(std::move(data))
+ , Duration(duration)
+ , FirstLine(std::move(firstLine))
+ , Headers(std::move(headers))
+ , Error_(std::move(error))
+ {
+ }
+ inline static TResponseRef FromErrorText(TMessage msg, TString error, const TDuration duration) {
+ return new TResponse(std::move(msg), {} /* data */, duration, {} /* firstLine */, {} /* headers */, new TError(std::move(error)));
+ }
+ inline static TResponseRef FromError(TMessage msg, TErrorRef error, const TDuration duration) {
+ return new TResponse(std::move(msg), {} /* data */, duration, {} /* firstLine */, {} /* headers */, error);
+ }
+ inline static TResponseRef FromError(TMessage msg, TErrorRef error, const TDuration duration,
+ TString data, TString firstLine, THttpHeaders headers)
+ {
+ return new TResponse(std::move(msg), std::move(data), duration, std::move(firstLine), std::move(headers), error);
+ }
+ inline static TResponseRef FromError(
+ TMessage msg,
+ TErrorRef error,
+ TString data,
+ const TDuration duration,
+ TString firstLine,
+ THttpHeaders headers)
+ {
+ return new TResponse(std::move(msg), std::move(data), duration, std::move(firstLine), std::move(headers), error);
+ }
+ inline bool IsError() const {
+ return Error_.Get();
+ }
+ inline TError::TType GetErrorType() const {
+ return Error_.Get() ? Error_->Type : TError::UnknownType;
+ }
+ inline i32 GetErrorCode() const {
+ return Error_.Get() ? Error_->Code : 0;
+ }
+ inline i32 GetSystemErrorCode() const {
+ return Error_.Get() ? Error_->SystemCode : 0;
+ }
+ inline TString GetErrorText() const {
+ return Error_.Get() ? Error_->Text : TString();
+ }
+ const TMessage Request;
+ const TString Data;
+ const TDuration Duration;
+ const TString FirstLine;
+ THttpHeaders Headers;
+ private:
+ THolder<TError> Error_;
+ };
+ class THandle;
+ class IOnRecv {
+ public:
+ virtual ~IOnRecv() = default;
+ virtual void OnNotify(THandle&) {
+ } //callback on receive response
+ virtual void OnEnd() {
+ } //response was extracted by Wait() method, - OnRecv() will not be called
+ virtual void OnRecv(THandle& resp) = 0; //callback on destroy handler
+ };
+ class THandle: public TThrRefBase, public TWaitHandle {
+ public:
+ inline THandle(IOnRecv* f, TStatCollector* s = nullptr) noexcept
+ : F_(f)
+ , Stat_(s)
+ {
+ }
+ ~THandle() override {
+ if (F_) {
+ try {
+ F_->OnRecv(*this);
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual bool MessageSendedCompletely() const noexcept {
+ //TODO
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void Cancel() noexcept {
+ //TODO
+ if (!!Stat_)
+ Stat_->OnCancel();
+ }
+ inline const TResponse* Response() const noexcept {
+ return R_.Get();
+ }
+ //method MUST be called only after success Wait() for this handle or from callback IOnRecv::OnRecv()
+ //else exist chance for memory leak (race between Get()/Notify())
+ inline TResponseRef Get() noexcept {
+ return R_;
+ }
+ inline bool Wait(TResponseRef& msg, const TInstant deadLine) {
+ if (WaitForOne(*this, deadLine)) {
+ if (F_) {
+ F_->OnEnd();
+ F_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ msg = Get();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool Wait(TResponseRef& msg, const TDuration timeOut) {
+ return Wait(msg, timeOut.ToDeadLine());
+ }
+ inline bool Wait(TResponseRef& msg) {
+ return Wait(msg, TInstant::Max());
+ }
+ inline TResponseRef Wait(const TInstant deadLine) {
+ TResponseRef ret;
+ Wait(ret, deadLine);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline TResponseRef Wait(const TDuration timeOut) {
+ return Wait(timeOut.ToDeadLine());
+ }
+ inline TResponseRef Wait() {
+ return Wait(TInstant::Max());
+ }
+ protected:
+ inline void Notify(TResponseRef resp) {
+ if (!!Stat_) {
+ if (!resp || resp->IsError()) {
+ Stat_->OnFail();
+ } else {
+ Stat_->OnSuccess();
+ }
+ }
+ R_.Swap(resp);
+ if (F_) {
+ try {
+ F_->OnNotify(*this);
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ }
+ Signal();
+ }
+ IOnRecv* F_;
+ private:
+ TResponseRef R_;
+ THolder<TStatCollector> Stat_;
+ };
+ using THandleRef = TIntrusivePtr<THandle>;
+ THandleRef Request(const TMessage& msg, IOnRecv* fallback, bool useAsyncSendRequest = false);
+ inline THandleRef Request(const TMessage& msg) {
+ return Request(msg, nullptr);
+ }
+ THandleRef Request(const TString& req, IOnRecv* fallback);
+ inline THandleRef Request(const TString& req) {
+ return Request(req, nullptr);
+ }
+ class IMultiRequester {
+ public:
+ virtual ~IMultiRequester() = default;
+ virtual void Add(const THandleRef& req) = 0;
+ virtual void Del(const THandleRef& req) = 0;
+ virtual bool Wait(THandleRef& req, TInstant deadLine) = 0;
+ virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;
+ inline void Schedule(const TString& req) {
+ Add(Request(req));
+ }
+ inline bool Wait(THandleRef& req, TDuration timeOut) {
+ return Wait(req, timeOut.ToDeadLine());
+ }
+ inline bool Wait(THandleRef& req) {
+ return Wait(req, TInstant::Max());
+ }
+ inline bool Wait(TResponseRef& resp, TInstant deadLine) {
+ THandleRef req;
+ while (Wait(req, deadLine)) {
+ resp = req->Get();
+ if (!!resp) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool Wait(TResponseRef& resp) {
+ return Wait(resp, TInstant::Max());
+ }
+ };
+ using IMultiRequesterRef = TAutoPtr<IMultiRequester>;
+ IMultiRequesterRef CreateRequester();
+ bool SetProtocolOption(TStringBuf protoOption, TStringBuf value);