path: root/library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h
diff options
authorivanzhukov <ivanzhukov@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:49:40 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:49:40 +0300
commit0892d79ab411592ad25175c4bdadbcb09b466cf5 (patch)
tree98dfdd45463c9bd747101748a9ca25d2917390fd /library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h
parent1b7466cb957659079ebebbb5d76e64e51f3306f0 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <ivanzhukov@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h b/library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h
index e8acf6ac2b..494634eedd 100644
--- a/library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h
+++ b/library/cpp/monlib/metrics/histogram_snapshot.h
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
#include <util/generic/array_ref.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
+#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
-#include <cmath>
+#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
namespace NMonitoring {
using TBucketBound = double;
@@ -45,166 +45,166 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
using IHistogramSnapshotPtr = TIntrusivePtr<IHistogramSnapshot>;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TLinearHistogramSnapshot
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TLinearHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot {
- public:
- TLinearHistogramSnapshot(
- TBucketBound startValue, TBucketBound bucketWidth, TBucketValues values)
- : StartValue_(startValue)
- , BucketWidth_(bucketWidth)
- , Values_(std::move(values))
- {
- }
- ui32 Count() const override {
- return static_cast<ui32>(Values_.size());
- }
- TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
- Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
- if (index == Count() - 1) {
- return Max<TBucketBound>();
- }
- return StartValue_ + BucketWidth_ * index;
- }
- TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
- Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
- return Values_[index];
- }
- ui64 MemorySizeBytes() {
- return sizeof(*this) + Values_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(Values_)::value_type);
- }
- private:
- TBucketBound StartValue_;
- TBucketBound BucketWidth_;
- TBucketValues Values_;
- };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TLinearHistogramSnapshot
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class TLinearHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot {
+ public:
+ TLinearHistogramSnapshot(
+ TBucketBound startValue, TBucketBound bucketWidth, TBucketValues values)
+ : StartValue_(startValue)
+ , BucketWidth_(bucketWidth)
+ , Values_(std::move(values))
+ {
+ }
+ ui32 Count() const override {
+ return static_cast<ui32>(Values_.size());
+ }
+ TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
+ Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
+ if (index == Count() - 1) {
+ return Max<TBucketBound>();
+ }
+ return StartValue_ + BucketWidth_ * index;
+ }
+ TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
+ Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
+ return Values_[index];
+ }
+ ui64 MemorySizeBytes() {
+ return sizeof(*this) + Values_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(Values_)::value_type);
+ }
+ private:
+ TBucketBound StartValue_;
+ TBucketBound BucketWidth_;
+ TBucketValues Values_;
+ };
- // TExponentialHistogramSnapshot
+ // TExponentialHistogramSnapshot
- class TExponentialHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot {
- public:
- TExponentialHistogramSnapshot(
- double base, double scale, TBucketValues values)
- : Base_(base)
- , Scale_(scale)
- , Values_(std::move(values))
- {
- }
- ui32 Count() const override {
- return static_cast<ui32>(Values_.size());
- }
- TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
- Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
- if (index == Values_.size() - 1) {
- return Max<TBucketBound>();
- }
- return std::round(Scale_ * std::pow(Base_, index));
- }
- TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
- Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
- return Values_[index];
- }
- ui64 MemorySizeBytes() {
- return sizeof(*this) + Values_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(Values_)::value_type);
- }
- private:
- double Base_;
- double Scale_;
- TBucketValues Values_;
- };
- using TBucket = std::pair<TBucketBound, TBucketValue>;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TExplicitHistogramSnapshot
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Memory layout (single contiguous block):
- //
- // +------+-----------+--------------+--------+--------+- -+--------+--------+
- // | vptr | RefsCount | BucketsCount | Bound1 | Value1 | ... | BoundN | ValueN |
- // +------+-----------+--------------+--------+--------+- -+--------+--------+
- //
- class TExplicitHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot, private TNonCopyable {
- public:
- static TIntrusivePtr<TExplicitHistogramSnapshot> New(ui32 bucketsCount) {
- size_t bucketsSize = bucketsCount * sizeof(TBucket);
- Y_ENSURE(bucketsCount <= HISTOGRAM_MAX_BUCKETS_COUNT, "Cannot allocate a histogram with " << bucketsCount
- << " buckets. Bucket count is limited to " << HISTOGRAM_MAX_BUCKETS_COUNT);
- return new(bucketsSize) TExplicitHistogramSnapshot(bucketsCount);
- }
- TBucket& operator[](ui32 index) noexcept {
- return Bucket(index);
- }
- ui32 Count() const override {
- return BucketsCount_;
- }
- TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
- return Bucket(index).first;
- }
- TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
- return Bucket(index).second;
- }
- ui64 MemorySizeBytes() const {
- return sizeof(*this) + BucketsCount_ * sizeof(TBucket);
- }
- private:
- explicit TExplicitHistogramSnapshot(ui32 bucketsCount) noexcept
- : BucketsCount_(bucketsCount)
- {
- }
- static void* operator new(size_t size, size_t bucketsSize) {
- return ::operator new(size + bucketsSize);
- }
- static void operator delete(void* mem) {
- ::operator delete(mem);
- }
- static void operator delete(void* mem, size_t, size_t) {
- // this operator can be called as paired for custom new operator
- ::operator delete(mem);
- }
- TBucket& Bucket(ui32 index) noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(index < BucketsCount_);
- return *(reinterpret_cast<TBucket*>(this + 1) + index);
- }
- const TBucket& Bucket(ui32 index) const noexcept {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(index < BucketsCount_);
- return *(reinterpret_cast<const TBucket*>(this + 1) + index);
- }
- private:
- ui32 BucketsCount_;
- };
- static_assert(alignof(TExplicitHistogramSnapshot) == alignof(TBucket),
- "mismatched alingments of THistogramSnapshot and TBucket");
+ class TExponentialHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot {
+ public:
+ TExponentialHistogramSnapshot(
+ double base, double scale, TBucketValues values)
+ : Base_(base)
+ , Scale_(scale)
+ , Values_(std::move(values))
+ {
+ }
+ ui32 Count() const override {
+ return static_cast<ui32>(Values_.size());
+ }
+ TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
+ Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
+ if (index == Values_.size() - 1) {
+ return Max<TBucketBound>();
+ }
+ return std::round(Scale_ * std::pow(Base_, index));
+ }
+ TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
+ Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
+ return Values_[index];
+ }
+ ui64 MemorySizeBytes() {
+ return sizeof(*this) + Values_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(Values_)::value_type);
+ }
+ private:
+ double Base_;
+ double Scale_;
+ TBucketValues Values_;
+ };
+ using TBucket = std::pair<TBucketBound, TBucketValue>;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TExplicitHistogramSnapshot
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Memory layout (single contiguous block):
+ //
+ // +------+-----------+--------------+--------+--------+- -+--------+--------+
+ // | vptr | RefsCount | BucketsCount | Bound1 | Value1 | ... | BoundN | ValueN |
+ // +------+-----------+--------------+--------+--------+- -+--------+--------+
+ //
+ class TExplicitHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot, private TNonCopyable {
+ public:
+ static TIntrusivePtr<TExplicitHistogramSnapshot> New(ui32 bucketsCount) {
+ size_t bucketsSize = bucketsCount * sizeof(TBucket);
+ Y_ENSURE(bucketsCount <= HISTOGRAM_MAX_BUCKETS_COUNT, "Cannot allocate a histogram with " << bucketsCount
+ << " buckets. Bucket count is limited to " << HISTOGRAM_MAX_BUCKETS_COUNT);
+ return new(bucketsSize) TExplicitHistogramSnapshot(bucketsCount);
+ }
+ TBucket& operator[](ui32 index) noexcept {
+ return Bucket(index);
+ }
+ ui32 Count() const override {
+ return BucketsCount_;
+ }
+ TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
+ return Bucket(index).first;
+ }
+ TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
+ return Bucket(index).second;
+ }
+ ui64 MemorySizeBytes() const {
+ return sizeof(*this) + BucketsCount_ * sizeof(TBucket);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit TExplicitHistogramSnapshot(ui32 bucketsCount) noexcept
+ : BucketsCount_(bucketsCount)
+ {
+ }
+ static void* operator new(size_t size, size_t bucketsSize) {
+ return ::operator new(size + bucketsSize);
+ }
+ static void operator delete(void* mem) {
+ ::operator delete(mem);
+ }
+ static void operator delete(void* mem, size_t, size_t) {
+ // this operator can be called as paired for custom new operator
+ ::operator delete(mem);
+ }
+ TBucket& Bucket(ui32 index) noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(index < BucketsCount_);
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<TBucket*>(this + 1) + index);
+ }
+ const TBucket& Bucket(ui32 index) const noexcept {
+ Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(index < BucketsCount_);
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<const TBucket*>(this + 1) + index);
+ }
+ private:
+ ui32 BucketsCount_;
+ };
+ static_assert(alignof(TExplicitHistogramSnapshot) == alignof(TBucket),
+ "mismatched alingments of THistogramSnapshot and TBucket");
IHistogramSnapshotPtr ExplicitHistogramSnapshot(TConstArrayRef<TBucketBound> bounds, TConstArrayRef<TBucketValue> values);
-} // namespace NMonitoring
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NMonitoring::IHistogramSnapshot& hist);
+} // namespace NMonitoring
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NMonitoring::IHistogramSnapshot& hist);