path: root/library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/spack_v1_encoder.cpp
diff options
authorSergey Polovko <sergey@polovko.me>2022-02-10 16:47:03 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:03 +0300
commit2e714b5ebd40a1f4cc31c27f1ad6e49ca6d895f5 (patch)
treeb83306b6e37edeea782e9eed673d89286c4fef35 /library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/spack_v1_encoder.cpp
parent3e0b762a82514bac89c1dd6ea7211e381d8aa248 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for Sergey Polovko <sergey@polovko.me>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/spack_v1_encoder.cpp')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/spack_v1_encoder.cpp b/library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/spack_v1_encoder.cpp
index f4f5b88073..a2b0bb5f50 100644
--- a/library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/spack_v1_encoder.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/spack_v1_encoder.cpp
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
-#include "spack_v1.h"
-#include "compression.h"
-#include "varint.h"
-#include <library/cpp/monlib/encode/buffered/buffered_encoder_base.h>
-#include <util/generic/cast.h>
-#include <util/datetime/base.h>
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
-#ifndef _little_endian_
-#error Unsupported platform
-namespace NMonitoring {
- namespace {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TEncoderSpackV1
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+#include "spack_v1.h"
+#include "compression.h"
+#include "varint.h"
+#include <library/cpp/monlib/encode/buffered/buffered_encoder_base.h>
+#include <util/generic/cast.h>
+#include <util/datetime/base.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+#ifndef _little_endian_
+#error Unsupported platform
+namespace NMonitoring {
+ namespace {
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // TEncoderSpackV1
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class TEncoderSpackV1 final: public TBufferedEncoderBase {
- public:
- TEncoderSpackV1(
- IOutputStream* out,
- ETimePrecision timePrecision,
+ public:
+ TEncoderSpackV1(
+ IOutputStream* out,
+ ETimePrecision timePrecision,
ECompression compression,
EMetricsMergingMode mergingMode,
ESpackV1Version version,
TStringBuf metricNameLabel
- : Out_(out)
- , TimePrecision_(timePrecision)
- , Compression_(compression)
+ : Out_(out)
+ , TimePrecision_(timePrecision)
+ , Compression_(compression)
, Version_(version)
, MetricName_(Version_ >= SV1_02 ? LabelNamesPool_.PutIfAbsent(metricNameLabel) : nullptr)
- {
- MetricsMergingMode_ = mergingMode;
+ {
+ MetricsMergingMode_ = mergingMode;
- }
+ }
~TEncoderSpackV1() override {
- Close();
- }
- private:
- void OnDouble(TInstant time, double value) override {
+ Close();
+ }
+ private:
+ void OnDouble(TInstant time, double value) override {
TBufferedEncoderBase::OnDouble(time, value);
- }
- void OnInt64(TInstant time, i64 value) override {
- TBufferedEncoderBase::OnInt64(time, value);
- }
- void OnUint64(TInstant time, ui64 value) override {
+ }
+ void OnInt64(TInstant time, i64 value) override {
+ TBufferedEncoderBase::OnInt64(time, value);
+ }
+ void OnUint64(TInstant time, ui64 value) override {
TBufferedEncoderBase::OnUint64(time, value);
- }
- void OnHistogram(TInstant time, IHistogramSnapshotPtr snapshot) override {
- TBufferedEncoderBase::OnHistogram(time, snapshot);
- }
+ }
+ void OnHistogram(TInstant time, IHistogramSnapshotPtr snapshot) override {
+ TBufferedEncoderBase::OnHistogram(time, snapshot);
+ }
void OnSummaryDouble(TInstant time, ISummaryDoubleSnapshotPtr snapshot) override {
TBufferedEncoderBase::OnSummaryDouble(time, snapshot);
@@ -68,70 +68,70 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
TBufferedEncoderBase::OnLogHistogram(time, snapshot);
- void Close() override {
- if (Closed_) {
- return;
- }
- Closed_ = true;
+ void Close() override {
+ if (Closed_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Closed_ = true;
// Sort all points uniquely by ts -- the size can decrease
ui64 pointsCount = 0;
- for (TMetric& metric : Metrics_) {
- if (metric.TimeSeries.Size() > 1) {
- metric.TimeSeries.SortByTs();
+ for (TMetric& metric : Metrics_) {
+ if (metric.TimeSeries.Size() > 1) {
+ metric.TimeSeries.SortByTs();
- pointsCount += metric.TimeSeries.Size();
+ pointsCount += metric.TimeSeries.Size();
- // (1) write header
- TSpackHeader header;
+ // (1) write header
+ TSpackHeader header;
header.Version = Version_;
- header.TimePrecision = EncodeTimePrecision(TimePrecision_);
- header.Compression = EncodeCompression(Compression_);
- header.LabelNamesSize = static_cast<ui32>(
- LabelNamesPool_.BytesSize() + LabelNamesPool_.Count());
- header.LabelValuesSize = static_cast<ui32>(
- LabelValuesPool_.BytesSize() + LabelValuesPool_.Count());
- header.MetricCount = Metrics_.size();
+ header.TimePrecision = EncodeTimePrecision(TimePrecision_);
+ header.Compression = EncodeCompression(Compression_);
+ header.LabelNamesSize = static_cast<ui32>(
+ LabelNamesPool_.BytesSize() + LabelNamesPool_.Count());
+ header.LabelValuesSize = static_cast<ui32>(
+ LabelValuesPool_.BytesSize() + LabelValuesPool_.Count());
+ header.MetricCount = Metrics_.size();
header.PointsCount = pointsCount;
- Out_->Write(&header, sizeof(header));
- // if compression enabled all below writes must go throught compressor
- auto compressedOut = CompressedOutput(Out_, Compression_);
- if (compressedOut) {
- Out_ = compressedOut.Get();
- }
- // (2) write string pools
- auto strPoolWrite = [this](TStringBuf str, ui32, ui32) {
- Out_->Write(str);
- Out_->Write('\0');
- };
- LabelNamesPool_.ForEach(strPoolWrite);
- LabelValuesPool_.ForEach(strPoolWrite);
- // (3) write common time
- WriteTime(CommonTime_);
- // (4) write common labels' indexes
+ Out_->Write(&header, sizeof(header));
+ // if compression enabled all below writes must go throught compressor
+ auto compressedOut = CompressedOutput(Out_, Compression_);
+ if (compressedOut) {
+ Out_ = compressedOut.Get();
+ }
+ // (2) write string pools
+ auto strPoolWrite = [this](TStringBuf str, ui32, ui32) {
+ Out_->Write(str);
+ Out_->Write('\0');
+ };
+ LabelNamesPool_.ForEach(strPoolWrite);
+ LabelValuesPool_.ForEach(strPoolWrite);
+ // (3) write common time
+ WriteTime(CommonTime_);
+ // (4) write common labels' indexes
WriteLabels(CommonLabels_, nullptr);
- // (5) write metrics
- // metrics count already written in header
- for (TMetric& metric : Metrics_) {
- // (5.1) types byte
- ui8 typesByte = PackTypes(metric);
- Out_->Write(&typesByte, sizeof(typesByte));
- // TODO: implement
- ui8 flagsByte = 0x00;
- Out_->Write(&flagsByte, sizeof(flagsByte));
+ // (5) write metrics
+ // metrics count already written in header
+ for (TMetric& metric : Metrics_) {
+ // (5.1) types byte
+ ui8 typesByte = PackTypes(metric);
+ Out_->Write(&typesByte, sizeof(typesByte));
+ // TODO: implement
+ ui8 flagsByte = 0x00;
+ Out_->Write(&flagsByte, sizeof(flagsByte));
// v1.2 format addition — metric name
if (Version_ >= SV1_02) {
const auto it = FindIf(metric.Labels, [&](const auto& l) {
@@ -143,53 +143,53 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
WriteVarUInt32(Out_, it->Value->Index);
- // (5.2) labels
+ // (5.2) labels
WriteLabels(metric.Labels, MetricName_);
- // (5.3) values
- switch (metric.TimeSeries.Size()) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1: {
- const auto& point = metric.TimeSeries[0];
- if (point.GetTime() != TInstant::Zero()) {
- WriteTime(point.GetTime());
- }
- EMetricValueType valueType = metric.TimeSeries.GetValueType();
- WriteValue(metric.MetricType, valueType, point.GetValue());
- break;
- }
- default:
- WriteVarUInt32(Out_, static_cast<ui32>(metric.TimeSeries.Size()));
- const TMetricTimeSeries& ts = metric.TimeSeries;
- EMetricType metricType = metric.MetricType;
- ts.ForEach([this, metricType](TInstant time, EMetricValueType valueType, TMetricValue value) {
- // workaround for GCC bug
- // https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=61636
- this->WriteTime(time);
- this->WriteValue(metricType, valueType, value);
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // store metric type and values type in one byte
- ui8 PackTypes(const TMetric& metric) {
- EValueType valueType;
- if (metric.TimeSeries.Empty()) {
- valueType = EValueType::NONE;
- } else if (metric.TimeSeries.Size() == 1) {
- TInstant time = metric.TimeSeries[0].GetTime();
- valueType = (time == TInstant::Zero())
- ? EValueType::ONE_WITHOUT_TS
- : EValueType::ONE_WITH_TS;
- } else {
- valueType = EValueType::MANY_WITH_TS;
- }
- return (static_cast<ui8>(metric.MetricType) << 2) | static_cast<ui8>(valueType);
- }
+ // (5.3) values
+ switch (metric.TimeSeries.Size()) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1: {
+ const auto& point = metric.TimeSeries[0];
+ if (point.GetTime() != TInstant::Zero()) {
+ WriteTime(point.GetTime());
+ }
+ EMetricValueType valueType = metric.TimeSeries.GetValueType();
+ WriteValue(metric.MetricType, valueType, point.GetValue());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ WriteVarUInt32(Out_, static_cast<ui32>(metric.TimeSeries.Size()));
+ const TMetricTimeSeries& ts = metric.TimeSeries;
+ EMetricType metricType = metric.MetricType;
+ ts.ForEach([this, metricType](TInstant time, EMetricValueType valueType, TMetricValue value) {
+ // workaround for GCC bug
+ // https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=61636
+ this->WriteTime(time);
+ this->WriteValue(metricType, valueType, value);
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // store metric type and values type in one byte
+ ui8 PackTypes(const TMetric& metric) {
+ EValueType valueType;
+ if (metric.TimeSeries.Empty()) {
+ valueType = EValueType::NONE;
+ } else if (metric.TimeSeries.Size() == 1) {
+ TInstant time = metric.TimeSeries[0].GetTime();
+ valueType = (time == TInstant::Zero())
+ ? EValueType::ONE_WITHOUT_TS
+ : EValueType::ONE_WITH_TS;
+ } else {
+ valueType = EValueType::MANY_WITH_TS;
+ }
+ return (static_cast<ui8>(metric.MetricType) << 2) | static_cast<ui8>(valueType);
+ }
void WriteLabels(const TPooledLabels& labels, const TPooledStr* skipKey) {
WriteVarUInt32(Out_, static_cast<ui32>(skipKey ? labels.size() - 1 : labels.size()));
for (auto&& label : labels) {
@@ -198,30 +198,30 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
WriteVarUInt32(Out_, label.Key->Index);
WriteVarUInt32(Out_, label.Value->Index);
- }
- }
- void WriteValue(EMetricType metricType, EMetricValueType valueType, TMetricValue value) {
- switch (metricType) {
- case EMetricType::GAUGE:
- WriteFixed(value.AsDouble(valueType));
- break;
- case EMetricType::IGAUGE:
- WriteFixed(value.AsInt64(valueType));
- break;
- case EMetricType::COUNTER:
- case EMetricType::RATE:
- WriteFixed(value.AsUint64(valueType));
- break;
- case EMetricType::HIST:
- case EMetricType::HIST_RATE:
- WriteHistogram(*value.AsHistogram());
- break;
- case EMetricType::DSUMMARY:
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteValue(EMetricType metricType, EMetricValueType valueType, TMetricValue value) {
+ switch (metricType) {
+ case EMetricType::GAUGE:
+ WriteFixed(value.AsDouble(valueType));
+ break;
+ case EMetricType::IGAUGE:
+ WriteFixed(value.AsInt64(valueType));
+ break;
+ case EMetricType::COUNTER:
+ case EMetricType::RATE:
+ WriteFixed(value.AsUint64(valueType));
+ break;
+ case EMetricType::HIST:
+ case EMetricType::HIST_RATE:
+ WriteHistogram(*value.AsHistogram());
+ break;
+ case EMetricType::DSUMMARY:
@@ -229,44 +229,44 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
- default:
- ythrow yexception() << "unsupported metric type: " << metricType;
- }
- }
- void WriteTime(TInstant instant) {
- switch (TimePrecision_) {
- case ETimePrecision::SECONDS: {
- ui32 time = static_cast<ui32>(instant.Seconds());
- Out_->Write(&time, sizeof(time));
- break;
- }
- case ETimePrecision::MILLIS: {
- ui64 time = static_cast<ui64>(instant.MilliSeconds());
- Out_->Write(&time, sizeof(time));
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- void WriteFixed(T value) {
- Out_->Write(&value, sizeof(value));
- }
- void WriteHistogram(const IHistogramSnapshot& histogram) {
- ui32 count = histogram.Count();
- WriteVarUInt32(Out_, count);
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ default:
+ ythrow yexception() << "unsupported metric type: " << metricType;
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteTime(TInstant instant) {
+ switch (TimePrecision_) {
+ case ETimePrecision::SECONDS: {
+ ui32 time = static_cast<ui32>(instant.Seconds());
+ Out_->Write(&time, sizeof(time));
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETimePrecision::MILLIS: {
+ ui64 time = static_cast<ui64>(instant.MilliSeconds());
+ Out_->Write(&time, sizeof(time));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void WriteFixed(T value) {
+ Out_->Write(&value, sizeof(value));
+ }
+ void WriteHistogram(const IHistogramSnapshot& histogram) {
+ ui32 count = histogram.Count();
+ WriteVarUInt32(Out_, count);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
double bound = histogram.UpperBound(i);
- Out_->Write(&bound, sizeof(bound));
- }
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- ui64 value = histogram.Value(i);
- Out_->Write(&value, sizeof(value));
- }
- }
+ Out_->Write(&bound, sizeof(bound));
+ }
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ ui64 value = histogram.Value(i);
+ Out_->Write(&value, sizeof(value));
+ }
+ }
void WriteLogHistogram(const TLogHistogramSnapshot& logHist) {
@@ -285,26 +285,26 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
- private:
- IOutputStream* Out_;
- ETimePrecision TimePrecision_;
- ECompression Compression_;
+ private:
+ IOutputStream* Out_;
+ ETimePrecision TimePrecision_;
+ ECompression Compression_;
ESpackV1Version Version_;
const TPooledStr* MetricName_;
- bool Closed_ = false;
- };
- }
- IMetricEncoderPtr EncoderSpackV1(
- IOutputStream* out,
- ETimePrecision timePrecision,
+ bool Closed_ = false;
+ };
+ }
+ IMetricEncoderPtr EncoderSpackV1(
+ IOutputStream* out,
+ ETimePrecision timePrecision,
ECompression compression,
- EMetricsMergingMode mergingMode
+ EMetricsMergingMode mergingMode
) {
return MakeHolder<TEncoderSpackV1>(out, timePrecision, compression, mergingMode, SV1_01, "");
- }
+ }
IMetricEncoderPtr EncoderSpackV12(
IOutputStream* out,
ETimePrecision timePrecision,
@@ -315,4 +315,4 @@ namespace NMonitoring {
Y_ENSURE(!metricNameLabel.Empty(), "metricNameLabel can't be empty");
return MakeHolder<TEncoderSpackV1>(out, timePrecision, compression, mergingMode, SV1_02, metricNameLabel);