path: root/library/cpp/microbdb/powersorter.h
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authorqrort <qrort@yandex-team.com>2022-11-30 23:47:12 +0300
committerqrort <qrort@yandex-team.com>2022-11-30 23:47:12 +0300
commit22f8ae0e3f5d68b92aecccdf96c1d841a0334311 (patch)
treebffa27765faf54126ad44bcafa89fadecb7a73d7 /library/cpp/microbdb/powersorter.h
parent332b99e2173f0425444abb759eebcb2fafaa9209 (diff)
validate canons without yatest_common
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/microbdb/powersorter.h')
1 files changed, 667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/microbdb/powersorter.h b/library/cpp/microbdb/powersorter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c40de9c23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/microbdb/powersorter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "safeopen.h"
+#include <util/generic/vector.h>
+#include <util/generic/deque.h>
+#include <util/system/mutex.h>
+#include <util/system/condvar.h>
+#include <util/thread/pool.h>
+template <
+ class TRecord,
+ template <typename T> class TCompare,
+ class TSieve,
+ class TMemoFile = TOutDatFile<TRecord>>
+class TDatSorterBuf {
+ typedef TRecord TRec;
+ typedef TVector<TRec*> TVectorType;
+ typedef TMemoFile TMemo;
+ typedef TCompare<TRecord> TComp;
+ TDatSorterBuf(size_t memory, size_t pageSize)
+ : Memo("memo", pageSize, memory, 0)
+ , Cur()
+ {
+ Memo.Open(nullptr);
+ Memo.Freeze();
+ }
+ ~TDatSorterBuf() {
+ Vector.clear();
+ Memo.Close();
+ }
+ const TRec* Push(const TRec* v) {
+ const TRec* u = Memo.Push(v);
+ if (u)
+ Vector.push_back((TRec*)u);
+ return u;
+ }
+ const TRec* Next() {
+ if (Ptr == Vector.end()) {
+ if (Cur)
+ TSieve::Sieve(Cur, Cur);
+ Cur = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ Cur = *Ptr++;
+ if (!TIsSieveFake<TSieve>::Result)
+ while (Ptr != Vector.end() && TSieve::Sieve(Cur, *Ptr))
+ ++Ptr;
+ }
+ return Cur;
+ }
+ const TRec* Current() {
+ return Cur;
+ }
+ size_t Size() {
+ return Vector.size();
+ }
+ void Sort() {
+ Ptr = Vector.begin();
+ Cur = nullptr;
+ MBDB_SORT_FUN(Vector.begin(), Vector.end(), TComp());
+ }
+ void Clear() {
+ Vector.clear();
+ Memo.Freeze();
+ Ptr = Vector.begin();
+ Cur = nullptr;
+ }
+ TVectorType Vector;
+ TMemo Memo;
+ typename TVectorType::iterator
+ Ptr;
+ TRec* Cur;
+template <
+ class TRecord,
+ class TInput,
+ template <typename T> class TCompare,
+ class TSieve>
+class TDatMerger {
+ typedef TRecord TRec;
+ typedef TCompare<TRecord> TComp;
+ typedef TSimpleSharedPtr<TInput> TInputPtr;
+ typedef TVector<TInputPtr> TInputVector;
+ ~TDatMerger() {
+ Close();
+ }
+ void Init(const TInputVector& inputs) {
+ Inputs = inputs;
+ TVector<TInput*> v;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.ysize(); ++i)
+ v.push_back(Inputs[i].Get());
+ HeapIter.Init(&v[0], v.size());
+ if (!TIsSieveFake<TSieve>::Result)
+ PNext = HeapIter.Next();
+ }
+ const TRec* Next() {
+ if (TIsSieveFake<TSieve>::Result) {
+ return HeapIter.Next();
+ }
+ if (!PNext) {
+ if (PCur) {
+ TSieve::Sieve(PCur, PCur);
+ PCur = nullptr;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ PCur = &Cur;
+ memcpy(PCur, PNext, SizeOf((const TRec*)PNext));
+ do {
+ PNext = HeapIter.Next();
+ } while (PNext && TSieve::Sieve(PCur, PNext));
+ return PCur;
+ }
+ const TRec* Current() {
+ return (TIsSieveFake<TSieve>::Result ? HeapIter.Current() : PCur);
+ }
+ void Close() {
+ Inputs.clear();
+ HeapIter.Term();
+ }
+ TInputVector Inputs;
+ THeapIter<TRec, TInput, TComp> HeapIter;
+ TRec Cur;
+ TRec* PCur = nullptr;
+ const TRec* PNext = nullptr;
+class TPortionManager {
+ void Open(const char* tempDir) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ TempDir = tempDir;
+ }
+ TString Next() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ if (Portions == 0)
+ DoOpen();
+ TString fname = GeneratePortionFilename(Portions++);
+ return fname;
+ }
+ void Close() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ Portions = 0;
+ }
+ void DoOpen() {
+ if (MakeSorterTempl(PortionFilenameTempl, TempDir.data())) {
+ PortionFilenameTempl[0] = 0;
+ ythrow yexception() << "portion-manager: bad tempdir \"" << TempDir.data() << "\": " << LastSystemErrorText();
+ }
+ }
+ TString GeneratePortionFilename(int i) {
+ char str[FILENAME_MAX];
+ snprintf(str, sizeof(str), PortionFilenameTempl, i);
+ return TString(str);
+ }
+ TMutex Mutex;
+ TString TempDir;
+ char PortionFilenameTempl[FILENAME_MAX] = {};
+ int Portions = 0;
+// A merger powered by threads
+template <
+ class TRecord,
+ template <typename T> class TCompare,
+ class TSieve,
+ class TInput = TInDatFile<TRecord>,
+ class TOutput = TOutDatFile<TRecord>>
+class TPowerMerger {
+ typedef TRecord TRec;
+ typedef TDatMerger<TRecord, TInput, TCompare, TSieve> TMerger;
+ typedef TSimpleSharedPtr<TMerger> TMergerPtr;
+ typedef TPowerMerger<TRecord, TCompare, TSieve, TInput, TOutput> TFileMerger;
+ struct TMergePortionTask: public IObjectInQueue {
+ TFileMerger* FileMerger;
+ int Begin;
+ int End;
+ TString OutFname;
+ TMergePortionTask(TFileMerger* fileMerger, int begin, int end, const TString& outFname)
+ : FileMerger(fileMerger)
+ , Begin(begin)
+ , End(end)
+ , OutFname(outFname)
+ {
+ }
+ void Process(void*) override {
+ THolder<TMergePortionTask> This(this);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "MergePortion: (%i, %i, %s)\n", Begin, End, ~OutFname);
+ FileMerger->MergePortion(Begin, End, OutFname);
+ }
+ };
+ TPowerMerger(const TSimpleSharedPtr<TThreadPool>& mtpQueue, const TSimpleSharedPtr<TPortionManager>& portMan,
+ int memory, int pageSize, bool autoUnlink)
+ : MtpQueue(mtpQueue)
+ , PortionManager(portMan)
+ , Memory(memory)
+ , PageSize(pageSize)
+ , AutoUnlink(autoUnlink)
+ {
+ }
+ TPowerMerger(const TSimpleSharedPtr<TThreadPool>& mtpQueue, const char* tempDir,
+ int memory, int pageSize, bool autoUnlink)
+ : MtpQueue(mtpQueue)
+ , PortionManager(new TPortionManager)
+ , Memory(memory)
+ , PageSize(pageSize)
+ , AutoUnlink(autoUnlink)
+ {
+ PortionManager->Open(tempDir);
+ }
+ ~TPowerMerger() {
+ Close();
+ }
+ void SetMtpQueue(const TSimpleSharedPtr<TThreadPool>& mtpQueue) {
+ MtpQueue = mtpQueue;
+ }
+ void MergePortion(int begin, int end, const TString& outFname) {
+ TMerger merger;
+ InitMerger(merger, begin, end);
+ TOutput out("mergeportion-tmpout", PageSize, BufSize, 0);
+ out.Open(outFname.data());
+ const TRec* rec;
+ while ((rec = merger.Next()))
+ out.Push(rec);
+ out.Close();
+ merger.Close();
+ {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ UnlinkFiles(begin, end);
+ Files.push_back(outFname);
+ --Tasks;
+ TaskFinishedCond.Signal();
+ }
+ }
+ void Add(const TString& fname) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "TPowerMerger::Add: %s\n", ~fname);
+ Files.push_back(fname);
+ if (InitialFilesEnd > 0)
+ ythrow yexception() << "TPowerMerger::Add: no more files allowed";
+ }
+ void Merge(int maxPortions) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ InitialFilesEnd = Files.ysize();
+ if (!InitialFilesEnd)
+ ythrow yexception() << "TPowerMerger::Merge: no files added";
+ Optimize(maxPortions);
+ MergeMT();
+ InitMerger(Merger, CPortions, Files.ysize());
+ }
+ void Close() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ Merger.Close();
+ UnlinkFiles(CPortions, Files.ysize());
+ InitialFilesEnd = CPortions = 0;
+ Files.clear();
+ }
+ const TRec* Next() {
+ return Merger.Next();
+ }
+ const TRec* Current() {
+ return Merger.Current();
+ }
+ int FileCount() const {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ return Files.ysize();
+ }
+ void InitMerger(TMerger& merger, int begin, int end) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ TVector<TSimpleSharedPtr<TInput>> inputs;
+ for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i) {
+ inputs.push_back(new TInput("mergeportion-tmpin", BufSize, 0));
+ inputs.back()->Open(Files[i]);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "InitMerger: %i, %s\n", i, ~Files[i]);
+ }
+ merger.Init(inputs);
+ }
+ void UnlinkFiles(int begin, int end) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i) {
+ if (i >= InitialFilesEnd || AutoUnlink)
+ unlink(Files[i].c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ void Optimize(int maxPortions, size_t maxBufSize = 4u << 20) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ maxPortions = std::min(maxPortions, Memory / PageSize - 1);
+ maxBufSize = std::max((size_t)PageSize, maxBufSize);
+ if (maxPortions <= 2) {
+ FPortions = MPortions = 2;
+ BufSize = PageSize;
+ return;
+ }
+ int Portions = Files.ysize();
+ if (maxPortions >= Portions) {
+ FPortions = MPortions = Portions;
+ } else if (((Portions + maxPortions - 1) / maxPortions) <= maxPortions) {
+ while (((Portions + maxPortions - 1) / maxPortions) <= maxPortions)
+ --maxPortions;
+ MPortions = ++maxPortions;
+ int total = ((Portions + MPortions - 1) / MPortions) + Portions;
+ FPortions = (total % MPortions) ? (total % MPortions) : (int)MPortions;
+ } else
+ FPortions = MPortions = maxPortions;
+ BufSize = std::min((size_t)(Memory / (MPortions + 1)), maxBufSize);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "Optimize: Portions=%i; MPortions=%i; FPortions=%i; Memory=%i; BufSize=%i\n",
+ // (int)Portions, (int)MPortions, (int)FPortions, (int)Memory, (int)BufSize);
+ }
+ void MergeMT() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ do {
+ int n;
+ while ((n = Files.ysize() - CPortions) > MPortions) {
+ int m = std::min((CPortions == 0 ? (int)FPortions : (int)MPortions), n);
+ TString fname = PortionManager->Next();
+ if (!MtpQueue->Add(new TMergePortionTask(this, CPortions, CPortions + m, fname)))
+ ythrow yexception() << "TPowerMerger::MergeMT: failed to add task";
+ CPortions += m;
+ ++Tasks;
+ }
+ if (Tasks > 0)
+ TaskFinishedCond.Wait(Mutex);
+ } while (Tasks > 0);
+ }
+ TMutex Mutex;
+ TCondVar TaskFinishedCond;
+ TMerger Merger;
+ TSimpleSharedPtr<TThreadPool> MtpQueue;
+ TSimpleSharedPtr<TPortionManager> PortionManager;
+ TVector<TString> Files;
+ int Tasks = 0;
+ int InitialFilesEnd = 0;
+ int CPortions = 0;
+ int MPortions = 0;
+ int FPortions = 0;
+ int Memory = 0;
+ int PageSize = 0;
+ int BufSize = 0;
+ bool AutoUnlink = false;
+// A sorter powered by threads
+template <
+ class TRecord,
+ template <typename T> class TCompare,
+ class TSieve = TFakeSieve<TRecord>,
+ class TTmpInput = TInDatFile<TRecord>,
+ class TTmpOutput = TOutDatFile<TRecord>>
+class TPowerSorter {
+ typedef TPowerSorter<TRecord, TCompare, TSieve, TTmpInput, TTmpOutput> TSorter;
+ typedef TRecord TRec;
+ typedef TTmpOutput TTmpOut;
+ typedef TTmpInput TTmpIn;
+ typedef TDatSorterBuf<TRecord, TCompare, TSieve> TSorterBuf;
+ typedef TCompare<TRecord> TComp;
+ typedef TPowerMerger<TRecord, TCompare, TSieve, TTmpInput, TTmpOutput> TFileMerger;
+ struct TSortPortionTask: public IObjectInQueue {
+ TSorter* Sorter;
+ TSorterBuf* SorterBuf;
+ int Portion;
+ TSortPortionTask(TSorter* sorter, TSorterBuf* sorterBuf, int portion)
+ : Sorter(sorter)
+ , SorterBuf(sorterBuf)
+ , Portion(portion)
+ {
+ }
+ void Process(void*) override {
+ TAutoPtr<TSortPortionTask> This(this);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "SortPortion: %i\n", Portion);
+ Sorter->SortPortion(SorterBuf);
+ }
+ };
+ class TSorterBufQueue {
+ private:
+ TMutex Mutex;
+ TCondVar Cond;
+ TVector<TSimpleSharedPtr<TSorterBuf>> V;
+ TDeque<TSorterBuf*> Q;
+ int Memory, PageSize, MaxSorterBufs;
+ public:
+ TSorterBufQueue(int memory, int pageSize, int maxSorterBufs)
+ : Memory(memory)
+ , PageSize(pageSize)
+ , MaxSorterBufs(maxSorterBufs)
+ {
+ }
+ void Push(TSorterBuf* sb) {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ sb->Clear();
+ Q.push_back(sb);
+ Cond.Signal();
+ }
+ TSorterBuf* Pop() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ if (!Q.size() && V.ysize() < MaxSorterBufs) {
+ V.push_back(new TSorterBuf(Memory / MaxSorterBufs, PageSize));
+ return V.back().Get();
+ } else {
+ while (!Q.size())
+ Cond.Wait(Mutex);
+ TSorterBuf* t = Q.front();
+ Q.pop_front();
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ void Clear() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ Q.clear();
+ V.clear();
+ }
+ void WaitAll() {
+ TGuard<TMutex> guard(Mutex);
+ while (Q.size() < V.size()) {
+ Cond.Wait(Mutex);
+ }
+ }
+ int GetMaxSorterBufs() const {
+ return MaxSorterBufs;
+ }
+ };
+ TPowerSorter(const TSimpleSharedPtr<TThreadPool>& mtpQueue, size_t maxSorterBufs,
+ const char* name, size_t memory, size_t pageSize, size_t bufSize)
+ : MaxSorterBufs(maxSorterBufs)
+ , Name(name)
+ , Memory(memory)
+ , PageSize(pageSize)
+ , BufSize(bufSize)
+ , MtpQueue(mtpQueue)
+ , PortionManager(new TPortionManager)
+ , SBQueue(Memory, PageSize, MaxSorterBufs)
+ , FileMerger(MtpQueue, PortionManager, Memory, PageSize, true)
+ {
+ }
+ TPowerSorter(size_t maxSorterBufs,
+ const char* name, size_t memory, size_t pageSize, size_t bufSize)
+ : MaxSorterBufs(maxSorterBufs)
+ , Name(name)
+ , Memory(memory)
+ , PageSize(pageSize)
+ , BufSize(bufSize)
+ , PortionManager(new TPortionManager)
+ , SBQueue(Memory, PageSize, maxSorterBufs)
+ , FileMerger(MtpQueue, PortionManager, Memory, PageSize, true)
+ {
+ }
+ TPowerSorter(const char* name, size_t memory, size_t pageSize, size_t bufSize)
+ : MaxSorterBufs(5)
+ , Name(name)
+ , Memory(memory)
+ , PageSize(pageSize)
+ , BufSize(bufSize)
+ , PortionManager(new TPortionManager)
+ , SBQueue(Memory, PageSize, MaxSorterBufs)
+ , FileMerger(MtpQueue, PortionManager, Memory, PageSize, true)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TPowerSorter() {
+ Close();
+ }
+ void Open(const char* tempDir) {
+ Close();
+ CurSB = SBQueue.Pop();
+ PortionManager->Open(tempDir);
+ }
+ void Reopen(const char* fname) {
+ Open(fname);
+ }
+ void Close() {
+ CurSB = nullptr;
+ SBQueue.Clear();
+ PortionCount = 0;
+ FileMerger.Close();
+ PortionManager->Close();
+ }
+ const TRec* Push(const TRec* v) {
+ CheckOpen("Push");
+ const TRec* u = CurSB->Push(v);
+ if (!u) {
+ NextPortion();
+ u = CurSB->Push(v);
+ }
+ return u;
+ }
+ void Sort(int maxPortions = 1000) {
+ CheckOpen("Sort");
+ if (!PortionCount) {
+ CurSB->Sort();
+ } else {
+ NextPortion();
+ SBQueue.Push(CurSB);
+ CurSB = nullptr;
+ SBQueue.WaitAll();
+ SBQueue.Clear();
+ FileMerger.Merge(maxPortions);
+ }
+ }
+ const TRec* Next() {
+ return PortionCount ? FileMerger.Next() : CurSB->Next();
+ }
+ const TRec* Current() {
+ return PortionCount ? FileMerger.Current() : CurSB->Current();
+ }
+ int GetBufSize() const {
+ return BufSize;
+ }
+ int GetPageSize() const {
+ return PageSize;
+ }
+ const char* GetName() const {
+ return Name.data();
+ }
+ void CheckOpen(const char* m) {
+ if (!CurSB)
+ ythrow yexception() << "TPowerSorter::" << m << ": the sorter is not open";
+ }
+ void NextPortion() {
+ if (!CurSB->Size())
+ return;
+ ++PortionCount;
+ if (MaxSorterBufs <= 1) {
+ SortPortion(CurSB);
+ } else {
+ if (!MtpQueue.Get()) {
+ MtpQueue.Reset(new TThreadPool);
+ MtpQueue->Start(MaxSorterBufs - 1);
+ FileMerger.SetMtpQueue(MtpQueue);
+ }
+ if (!MtpQueue->Add(new TSortPortionTask(this, CurSB, PortionCount)))
+ ythrow yexception() << "TPowerSorter::NextPortion: failed to add task";
+ }
+ CurSB = SBQueue.Pop();
+ }
+ void SortPortion(TSorterBuf* sorterBuf) {
+ TString portionFilename = PortionManager->Next();
+ try {
+ sorterBuf->Sort();
+ // fprintf(stderr, "TPowerSorter::SortPortion: -> %s\n", ~portionFilename);
+ TTmpOut out("powersorter-portion", PageSize, BufSize, 0);
+ out.Open(portionFilename.data());
+ while (sorterBuf->Next())
+ out.Push(sorterBuf->Current());
+ out.Close();
+ FileMerger.Add(portionFilename);
+ SBQueue.Push(sorterBuf);
+ } catch (const yexception& e) {
+ unlink(portionFilename.data());
+ ythrow yexception() << "SortPortion: " << e.what();
+ }
+ }
+ int MaxSorterBufs = 0;
+ TString Name;
+ int Memory = 0;
+ int PageSize = 0;
+ int BufSize = 0;
+ TMutex Mutex;
+ TSimpleSharedPtr<TThreadPool> MtpQueue;
+ TSimpleSharedPtr<TPortionManager> PortionManager;
+ TSorterBufQueue SBQueue;
+ TSorterBuf* CurSB = nullptr;
+ int PortionCount = 0;
+ TFileMerger FileMerger;