path: root/library/cpp/getopt/small/completion_generator.h
diff options
authoramatanhead <amatanhead@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:50:04 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:50:04 +0300
commitb6f3a80f7c2c8b7dbb0c01b056fdc1fd8cd820e9 (patch)
tree5d5cb817648f650d76cf1076100726fd9b8448e8 /library/cpp/getopt/small/completion_generator.h
parent8879605a63ac17539be5b3bd41b529791f4d4b02 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <amatanhead@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/getopt/small/completion_generator.h')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/getopt/small/completion_generator.h b/library/cpp/getopt/small/completion_generator.h
index ac076e4d90..4241bb7d6c 100644
--- a/library/cpp/getopt/small/completion_generator.h
+++ b/library/cpp/getopt/small/completion_generator.h
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "completer.h"
-#include "formatted_output.h"
-#include "last_getopt_opts.h"
-#include "modchooser.h"
-#include <util/generic/variant.h>
-#include <util/string/builder.h>
-namespace NLastGetopt {
- class TCompletionGenerator {
- public:
- explicit TCompletionGenerator(const TModChooser* modChooser);
- explicit TCompletionGenerator(const TOpts* opts);
- virtual ~TCompletionGenerator() = default;
- public:
- virtual void Generate(TStringBuf command, IOutputStream& stream) = 0;
- protected:
+#pragma once
+#include "completer.h"
+#include "formatted_output.h"
+#include "last_getopt_opts.h"
+#include "modchooser.h"
+#include <util/generic/variant.h>
+#include <util/string/builder.h>
+namespace NLastGetopt {
+ class TCompletionGenerator {
+ public:
+ explicit TCompletionGenerator(const TModChooser* modChooser);
+ explicit TCompletionGenerator(const TOpts* opts);
+ virtual ~TCompletionGenerator() = default;
+ public:
+ virtual void Generate(TStringBuf command, IOutputStream& stream) = 0;
+ protected:
std::variant<const TModChooser*, const TOpts*> Options_;
- };
- class TZshCompletionGenerator: public TCompletionGenerator {
- public:
- using TCompletionGenerator::TCompletionGenerator;
- public:
- void Generate(TStringBuf command, IOutputStream& stream) override;
- private:
- static void GenerateModesCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TModChooser& chooser, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
- static void GenerateOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TOpts& opts, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
- static void GenerateDefaultOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
- static void GenerateOptCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TOpts& opts, const TOpt& opt, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
- };
- class TBashCompletionGenerator: public TCompletionGenerator {
- public:
- using TCompletionGenerator::TCompletionGenerator;
- public:
- void Generate(TStringBuf command, IOutputStream& stream) override;
- private:
- static void GenerateModesCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TModChooser& chooser, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager, size_t level);
- static void GenerateOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TOpts& opts, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager, size_t level);
- static void GenerateDefaultOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
- };
- namespace NEscaping {
- /// Escape ':', '-', '=', '[', ']' for use in zsh _arguments
- TString Q(TStringBuf string);
- TString QQ(TStringBuf string);
- /// Escape colons for use in zsh _alternative and _arguments
- TString C(TStringBuf string);
- TString CC(TStringBuf string);
- /// Simple escape for use in zsh single-quoted strings
- TString S(TStringBuf string);
- TString SS(TStringBuf string);
- /// Simple escape for use in bash single-quoted strings
- TString B(TStringBuf string);
- TString BB(TStringBuf string);
- }
+ };
+ class TZshCompletionGenerator: public TCompletionGenerator {
+ public:
+ using TCompletionGenerator::TCompletionGenerator;
+ public:
+ void Generate(TStringBuf command, IOutputStream& stream) override;
+ private:
+ static void GenerateModesCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TModChooser& chooser, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
+ static void GenerateOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TOpts& opts, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
+ static void GenerateDefaultOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
+ static void GenerateOptCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TOpts& opts, const TOpt& opt, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
+ };
+ class TBashCompletionGenerator: public TCompletionGenerator {
+ public:
+ using TCompletionGenerator::TCompletionGenerator;
+ public:
+ void Generate(TStringBuf command, IOutputStream& stream) override;
+ private:
+ static void GenerateModesCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TModChooser& chooser, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager, size_t level);
+ static void GenerateOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, const TOpts& opts, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager, size_t level);
+ static void GenerateDefaultOptsCompletion(TFormattedOutput& out, NComp::TCompleterManager& manager);
+ };
+ namespace NEscaping {
+ /// Escape ':', '-', '=', '[', ']' for use in zsh _arguments
+ TString Q(TStringBuf string);
+ TString QQ(TStringBuf string);
+ /// Escape colons for use in zsh _alternative and _arguments
+ TString C(TStringBuf string);
+ TString CC(TStringBuf string);
+ /// Simple escape for use in zsh single-quoted strings
+ TString S(TStringBuf string);
+ TString SS(TStringBuf string);
+ /// Simple escape for use in bash single-quoted strings
+ TString B(TStringBuf string);
+ TString BB(TStringBuf string);
+ }