path: root/library/cpp/coroutine/engine/impl.cpp
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/coroutine/engine/impl.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/coroutine/engine/impl.cpp')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/coroutine/engine/impl.cpp b/library/cpp/coroutine/engine/impl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ae6f74051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/coroutine/engine/impl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#include "impl.h"
+#include "stack/stack_allocator.h"
+#include "stack/stack_guards.h"
+#include <util/generic/scope.h>
+#include <util/thread/singleton.h>
+#include <util/stream/format.h>
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+TCont::TJoinWait::TJoinWait(TCont& c) noexcept
+ : Cont_(c)
+void TCont::TJoinWait::Wake() noexcept {
+ Cont_.ReSchedule();
+TCont::TCont(NCoro::NStack::IAllocator& allocator,
+ uint32_t stackSize,
+ TContExecutor& executor,
+ NCoro::TTrampoline::TFunc func,
+ const char* name) noexcept
+ : Executor_(executor)
+ , Name_(name)
+ , Trampoline_(
+ allocator,
+ stackSize,
+ std::move(func),
+ this
+ )
+void TCont::PrintMe(IOutputStream& out) const noexcept {
+ out << "cont("
+ << "name = " << Name_ << ", "
+ << "addr = " << Hex((size_t)this)
+ << ")";
+bool TCont::Join(TCont* c, TInstant deadLine) noexcept {
+ TJoinWait ev(*this);
+ c->Waiters_.PushBack(&ev);
+ do {
+ if (SleepD(deadLine) == ETIMEDOUT || Cancelled()) {
+ if (!ev.Empty()) {
+ c->Cancel();
+ do {
+ Switch();
+ } while (!ev.Empty());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (!ev.Empty());
+ return true;
+int TCont::SleepD(TInstant deadline) noexcept {
+ TTimerEvent event(this, deadline);
+ return ExecuteEvent(&event);
+void TCont::Switch() noexcept {
+ Executor()->RunScheduler();
+void TCont::Yield() noexcept {
+ if (SleepD(TInstant::Zero())) {
+ ReScheduleAndSwitch();
+ }
+void TCont::ReScheduleAndSwitch() noexcept {
+ ReSchedule();
+ Switch();
+void TCont::Terminate() {
+ while (!Waiters_.Empty()) {
+ Waiters_.PopFront()->Wake();
+ }
+ Executor()->Exit(this);
+bool TCont::IAmRunning() const noexcept {
+ return this == Executor()->Running();
+void TCont::Cancel() noexcept {
+ if (Cancelled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Cancelled_ = true;
+ if (!IAmRunning()) {
+ ReSchedule();
+ }
+void TCont::ReSchedule() noexcept {
+ if (Cancelled()) {
+ // Legacy code may expect a Cancelled coroutine to be scheduled without delay.
+ Executor()->ScheduleExecutionNow(this);
+ } else {
+ Executor()->ScheduleExecution(this);
+ }
+ uint32_t defaultStackSize,
+ THolder<IPollerFace> poller,
+ NCoro::IScheduleCallback* scheduleCallback,
+ NCoro::IEnterPollerCallback* enterPollerCallback,
+ NCoro::NStack::EGuard defaultGuard,
+ TMaybe<NCoro::NStack::TPoolAllocatorSettings> poolSettings,
+ NCoro::ITime* time
+ : ScheduleCallback_(scheduleCallback)
+ , EnterPollerCallback_(enterPollerCallback)
+ , DefaultStackSize_(defaultStackSize)
+ , Poller_(std::move(poller))
+ , Time_(time)
+ StackAllocator_ = NCoro::NStack::GetAllocator(poolSettings, defaultGuard);
+TContExecutor::~TContExecutor() {
+ Y_VERIFY(Allocated_ == 0, "leaked %u coroutines", (ui32)Allocated_);
+void TContExecutor::Execute() noexcept {
+ auto nop = [](void*){};
+ Execute(nop);
+void TContExecutor::Execute(TContFunc func, void* arg) noexcept {
+ CreateOwned([=](TCont* cont) {
+ func(cont, arg);
+ }, "sys_main");
+ RunScheduler();
+void TContExecutor::WaitForIO() {
+ while (Ready_.Empty() && !WaitQueue_.Empty()) {
+ const auto now = Now();
+ // Waking a coroutine puts it into ReadyNext_ list
+ const auto next = WaitQueue_.WakeTimedout(now);
+ if (!UserEvents_.Empty()) {
+ TIntrusiveList<IUserEvent> userEvents;
+ userEvents.Swap(UserEvents_);
+ do {
+ userEvents.PopFront()->Execute();
+ } while (!userEvents.Empty());
+ }
+ // Polling will return as soon as there is an event to process or a timeout.
+ // If there are woken coroutines we do not want to sleep in the poller
+ // yet still we want to check for new io
+ // to prevent ourselves from locking out of io by constantly waking coroutines.
+ if (ReadyNext_.Empty()) {
+ if (EnterPollerCallback_) {
+ EnterPollerCallback_->OnEnterPoller();
+ }
+ Poll(next);
+ if (EnterPollerCallback_) {
+ EnterPollerCallback_->OnExitPoller();
+ }
+ } else if (LastPoll_ + TDuration::MilliSeconds(5) < now) {
+ if (EnterPollerCallback_) {
+ EnterPollerCallback_->OnEnterPoller();
+ }
+ Poll(now);
+ if (EnterPollerCallback_) {
+ EnterPollerCallback_->OnExitPoller();
+ }
+ }
+ Ready_.Append(ReadyNext_);
+ }
+void TContExecutor::Poll(TInstant deadline) {
+ Poller_.Wait(PollerEvents_, deadline);
+ LastPoll_ = Now();
+ // Waking a coroutine puts it into ReadyNext_ list
+ for (auto event : PollerEvents_) {
+ auto* lst = (NCoro::TPollEventList*)event.Data;
+ const int status = event.Status;
+ if (status) {
+ for (auto it = lst->Begin(); it != lst->End();) {
+ (it++)->OnPollEvent(status);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const ui16 filter = event.Filter;
+ for (auto it = lst->Begin(); it != lst->End();) {
+ if (it->What() & filter) {
+ (it++)->OnPollEvent(0);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void TContExecutor::Abort() noexcept {
+ WaitQueue_.Abort();
+ auto visitor = [](TCont* c) {
+ c->Cancel();
+ };
+ Ready_.ForEach(visitor);
+ ReadyNext_.ForEach(visitor);
+TCont* TContExecutor::Create(
+ TContFunc func,
+ void* arg,
+ const char* name,
+ TMaybe<ui32> customStackSize
+) noexcept {
+ return CreateOwned([=](TCont* cont) {
+ func(cont, arg);
+ }, name, customStackSize);
+TCont* TContExecutor::CreateOwned(
+ NCoro::TTrampoline::TFunc func,
+ const char* name,
+ TMaybe<ui32> customStackSize
+) noexcept {
+ Allocated_ += 1;
+ if (!customStackSize) {
+ customStackSize = DefaultStackSize_;
+ }
+ auto* cont = new TCont(*StackAllocator_, *customStackSize, *this, std::move(func), name);
+ ScheduleExecution(cont);
+ return cont;
+NCoro::NStack::TAllocatorStats TContExecutor::GetAllocatorStats() const noexcept {
+ return StackAllocator_->GetStackStats();
+void TContExecutor::Release(TCont* cont) noexcept {
+ delete cont;
+ Allocated_ -= 1;
+void TContExecutor::ScheduleToDelete(TCont* cont) noexcept {
+ ToDelete_.PushBack(cont);
+void TContExecutor::ScheduleExecution(TCont* cont) noexcept {
+ cont->Scheduled_ = true;
+ ReadyNext_.PushBack(cont);
+void TContExecutor::ScheduleExecutionNow(TCont* cont) noexcept {
+ cont->Scheduled_ = true;
+ Ready_.PushBack(cont);
+namespace {
+ inline TContExecutor*& ThisThreadExecutor() {
+ struct TThisThreadExecutorHolder {
+ TContExecutor* Executor = nullptr;
+ };
+ return FastTlsSingletonWithPriority<TThisThreadExecutorHolder, 0>()->Executor;
+ }
+void TContExecutor::DeleteScheduled() noexcept {
+ ToDelete_.ForEach([this](TCont* c) {
+ Release(c);
+ });
+TCont* RunningCont() {
+ TContExecutor* thisThreadExecutor = ThisThreadExecutor();
+ return thisThreadExecutor ? thisThreadExecutor->Running() : nullptr;
+void TContExecutor::RunScheduler() noexcept {
+ try {
+ TContExecutor* const prev = ThisThreadExecutor();
+ ThisThreadExecutor() = this;
+ TCont* caller = Current_;
+ TExceptionSafeContext* context = caller ? caller->Trampoline_.Context() : &SchedContext_;
+ ThisThreadExecutor() = prev;
+ };
+ while (true) {
+ if (ScheduleCallback_ && Current_) {
+ ScheduleCallback_->OnUnschedule(*this);
+ }
+ WaitForIO();
+ DeleteScheduled();
+ Ready_.Append(ReadyNext_);
+ if (Ready_.Empty()) {
+ Current_ = nullptr;
+ if (caller) {
+ context->SwitchTo(&SchedContext_);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ TCont* cont = Ready_.PopFront();
+ if (ScheduleCallback_) {
+ ScheduleCallback_->OnSchedule(*this, *cont);
+ }
+ Current_ = cont;
+ cont->Scheduled_ = false;
+ if (cont == caller) {
+ break;
+ }
+ context->SwitchTo(cont->Trampoline_.Context());
+ if (Paused_) {
+ Paused_ = false;
+ Current_ = nullptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (caller) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ TBackTrace::FromCurrentException().PrintTo(Cerr);
+ Y_FAIL("Uncaught exception in the scheduler: %s", CurrentExceptionMessage().c_str());
+ }
+void TContExecutor::Pause() {
+ if (auto cont = Running()) {
+ Paused_ = true;
+ ScheduleExecutionNow(cont);
+ cont->SwitchTo(&SchedContext_);
+ }
+void TContExecutor::Exit(TCont* cont) noexcept {
+ ScheduleToDelete(cont);
+ cont->SwitchTo(&SchedContext_);
+ Y_FAIL("can not return from exit");
+TInstant TContExecutor::Now() {
+ return Y_LIKELY(Time_ == nullptr) ? TInstant::Now() : Time_->Now();
+template <>
+void Out<TCont>(IOutputStream& out, const TCont& c) {
+ c.PrintMe(out);