path: root/library/cpp/containers
diff options
authorqrort <qrort@yandex-team.com>2022-11-30 23:47:12 +0300
committerqrort <qrort@yandex-team.com>2022-11-30 23:47:12 +0300
commit22f8ae0e3f5d68b92aecccdf96c1d841a0334311 (patch)
treebffa27765faf54126ad44bcafa89fadecb7a73d7 /library/cpp/containers
parent332b99e2173f0425444abb759eebcb2fafaa9209 (diff)
validate canons without yatest_common
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/containers')
3 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/containers/concurrent_hash/concurrent_hash.h b/library/cpp/containers/concurrent_hash/concurrent_hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f15a1c3d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/containers/concurrent_hash/concurrent_hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/system/spinlock.h>
+#include <array>
+template <typename K, typename V, size_t BucketCount = 64, typename L = TAdaptiveLock>
+class TConcurrentHashMap {
+ using TActualMap = THashMap<K, V>;
+ using TLock = L;
+ struct TBucket {
+ friend class TConcurrentHashMap;
+ private:
+ TActualMap Map;
+ mutable TLock Mutex;
+ public:
+ TLock& GetMutex() const {
+ return Mutex;
+ }
+ TActualMap& GetMap() {
+ return Map;
+ }
+ const TActualMap& GetMap() const {
+ return Map;
+ }
+ const V& GetUnsafe(const K& key) const {
+ typename TActualMap::const_iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Map.end(), "not found by key");
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ V& GetUnsafe(const K& key) {
+ typename TActualMap::iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Map.end(), "not found by key");
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ V RemoveUnsafe(const K& key) {
+ typename TActualMap::iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ Y_VERIFY(it != Map.end(), "removing non-existent key");
+ V r = std::move(it->second);
+ Map.erase(it);
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool HasUnsafe(const K& key) const {
+ typename TActualMap::const_iterator it = Map.find(key);
+ return (it != Map.end());
+ }
+ };
+ std::array<TBucket, BucketCount> Buckets;
+ TBucket& GetBucketForKey(const K& key) {
+ return Buckets[THash<K>()(key) % BucketCount];
+ }
+ const TBucket& GetBucketForKey(const K& key) const {
+ return Buckets[THash<K>()(key) % BucketCount];
+ }
+ void Insert(const K& key, const V& value) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ bucket.Map[key] = value;
+ }
+ void InsertUnique(const K& key, const V& value) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ if (!bucket.Map.insert(std::make_pair(key, value)).second) {
+ Y_FAIL("non-unique key");
+ }
+ }
+ V& InsertIfAbsent(const K& key, const V& value) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.Map.insert(std::make_pair(key, value)).first->second;
+ }
+ template <typename Callable>
+ V& InsertIfAbsentWithInit(const K& key, Callable initFunc) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ if (bucket.HasUnsafe(key)) {
+ return bucket.GetUnsafe(key);
+ }
+ return bucket.Map.insert(std::make_pair(key, initFunc())).first->second;
+ }
+ V Get(const K& key) const {
+ const TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.GetUnsafe(key);
+ }
+ bool Get(const K& key, V& result) const {
+ const TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ if (bucket.HasUnsafe(key)) {
+ result = bucket.GetUnsafe(key);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ V Remove(const K& key) {
+ TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.RemoveUnsafe(key);
+ }
+ bool Has(const K& key) const {
+ const TBucket& bucket = GetBucketForKey(key);
+ TGuard<TLock> guard(bucket.Mutex);
+ return bucket.HasUnsafe(key);
+ }
diff --git a/library/cpp/containers/str_hash/str_hash.cpp b/library/cpp/containers/str_hash/str_hash.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1298638533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/containers/str_hash/str_hash.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "str_hash.h"
+#include <library/cpp/charset/ci_string.h>
+#include <util/stream/output.h>
+#include <util/stream/input.h>
+HashSet::HashSet(const char** array, size_type size) {
+ Resize(size);
+ while (*array && **array)
+ AddPermanent(*array++);
+void HashSet::Read(IInputStream* input) {
+ TString s;
+ while (input->ReadLine(s)) {
+ AddUniq(TCiString(s).c_str());
+ }
+void HashSet::Write(IOutputStream* output) const {
+ for (const auto& it : *this) {
+ *output << it.first << "\n";
+ }
+#include <ctime>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+using namespace std;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ printf("usage: stoplist <stop-words file ...\n");
+ }
+ Hash hash;
+ hash.Read(cin);
+ for (--argc, ++argv; argc > 0; --argc, ++argv) {
+ ifstream input(argv[0]);
+ if (!input.good()) {
+ perror(argv[0]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ TCiString s;
+ while (input >> s) {
+ if (!hash.Has(s))
+ cout << s << "\n";
+ else
+ cout << "[[" << s << "]]"
+ << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS; // EX_OK
diff --git a/library/cpp/containers/str_hash/str_hash.h b/library/cpp/containers/str_hash/str_hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25f960dbb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/containers/str_hash/str_hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <library/cpp/containers/str_map/str_map.h>
+#include <library/cpp/charset/ci_string.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+#include <util/memory/tempbuf.h>
+#include <memory>
+class IInputStream;
+class IOutputStream;
+template <class T, class Alloc = std::allocator<const char*>>
+class Hash;
+struct yvoid {
+ yvoid() = default;
+template <typename T, class Alloc>
+class Hash: public string_hash<T, ci_hash, ci_equal_to, Alloc> {
+ using ci_string_hash = string_hash<T, ci_hash, ci_equal_to, Alloc>;
+ using ci_string_hash::pool;
+ using size_type = typename ci_string_hash::size_type;
+ using const_iterator = typename ci_string_hash::const_iterator;
+ using iterator = typename ci_string_hash::iterator;
+ using value_type = typename ci_string_hash::value_type;
+ using ci_string_hash::begin;
+ using ci_string_hash::end;
+ using ci_string_hash::find;
+ using ci_string_hash::size;
+ Hash()
+ : ci_string_hash()
+ {
+ }
+ explicit Hash(size_type theSize)
+ : ci_string_hash(theSize, theSize * AVERAGEWORD_BUF)
+ {
+ }
+ Hash(const char** strings, size_type size = 0, T* = 0); // must end with NULL or "\0"
+ virtual ~Hash();
+ bool Has(const char* s, size_t len, T* pp = nullptr) const;
+ bool Has(const char* s, T* pp = nullptr) const {
+ const_iterator it;
+ if ((it = find(s)) == end())
+ return false;
+ else if (pp)
+ *pp = (*it).second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Add(const char* s, T data) {
+ // in fact it is the same insert_unique as in AddUnique.
+ // it's impossible to have _FAST_ version of insert() in 'hash_map'
+ // you have to use 'hash_mmap' to get the _kind_ of desired effect.
+ // BUT still there will be "Checks" inside -
+ // to make the same keys close to each other (see insert_equal())
+ this->insert_copy(s, data);
+ }
+ bool AddUniq(const char* s, T data) {
+ return this->insert_copy(s, data).second;
+ }
+ // new function to get rid of allocations completely! -- e.g. in constructors
+ void AddPermanent(const char* s, T data) {
+ this->insert(value_type(s, data));
+ }
+ T Detach(const char* s) {
+ iterator it = find(s);
+ if (it == end())
+ return T();
+ T data = (*it).second;
+ this->erase(it);
+ return data;
+ }
+ size_type NumEntries() const {
+ return size();
+ }
+ bool ForEach(bool (*func)(const char* key, T data, void* cookie), void* cookie = nullptr);
+ void Resize(size_type theSize) {
+ this->reserve(theSize);
+ // no pool resizing here.
+ }
+ virtual void Clear();
+ char* Pool() {
+ if (pool.Size() < 2 || pool.End()[-2] != '\0')
+ pool.Append("\0", 1);
+ return pool.Begin();
+ }
+template <class T, class Alloc>
+Hash<T, Alloc>::Hash(const char** array, size_type theSize, T* data) {
+ // must end with NULL or "\0"
+ Y_ASSERT(data != nullptr);
+ Resize(theSize);
+ while (*array && **array)
+ AddPermanent(*array++, *data++);
+template <class T, class Alloc>
+bool Hash<T, Alloc>::Has(const char* s, size_t len, T* pp) const {
+ TTempArray<char> buf(len + 1);
+ char* const allocated = buf.Data();
+ memcpy(allocated, s, len);
+ allocated[len] = '\x00';
+ return Has(allocated, pp);
+template <class T, class Alloc>
+Hash<T, Alloc>::~Hash() {
+ Clear();
+template <class T, class Alloc>
+void Hash<T, Alloc>::Clear() {
+ ci_string_hash::clear_hash(); // to make the key pool empty
+template <class T, class Alloc>
+bool Hash<T, Alloc>::ForEach(bool (*func)(const char* key, T data, void* cookie), void* cookie) {
+ for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
+ if (!func((*it).first, (*it).second, cookie))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+class HashSet: public Hash<yvoid> {
+ HashSet(const char** array, size_type size = 0);
+ HashSet()
+ : Hash<yvoid>()
+ {
+ }
+ void Read(IInputStream* input);
+ void Write(IOutputStream* output) const;
+ void Add(const char* s) {
+ // in fact it is the same insert_unique as in AddUnique.
+ // it's impossible to have _FAST_ version of insert() in 'hash_map'
+ // you have to use 'hash_mmap' to get the _kind_ of desired effect.
+ // BUT still there will be "Checks" inside -
+ // to make the same keys close to each other (see insert_equal())
+ insert_copy(s, yvoid());
+ }
+ bool AddUniq(const char* s) {
+ return insert_copy(s, yvoid()).second;
+ }
+ // new function to get rid of allocations completely! -- e.g. in constructors
+ void AddPermanent(const char* s) {
+ insert(value_type(s, yvoid()));
+ }
+template <class T, class HashFcn = THash<T>, class EqualKey = TEqualTo<T>, class Alloc = std::allocator<T>>
+class TStaticHash: private THashMap<T, T, HashFcn, EqualKey> {
+ using TBase = THashMap<T, T, HashFcn, EqualKey>;
+ TStaticHash(T arr[][2], size_t size) {
+ TBase::reserve(size);
+ while (size) {
+ TBase::insert(typename TBase::value_type(arr[0][0], arr[0][1]));
+ arr++;
+ size--;
+ }
+ }
+ T operator[](const T& key) const { // !!! it is not lvalue nor it used to be
+ typename TBase::const_iterator it = TBase::find(key);
+ if (it == TBase::end())
+ return nullptr;
+ return it->second;
+ }
+using TStHash = TStaticHash<const char*, ci_hash, ci_equal_to>;