path: root/library/cpp/containers/str_map/str_map.h
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/containers/str_map/str_map.h
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/containers/str_map/str_map.h')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/containers/str_map/str_map.h b/library/cpp/containers/str_map/str_map.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31b00d1b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/containers/str_map/str_map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <util/memory/segmented_string_pool.h>
+#include <util/generic/map.h>
+#include <util/generic/hash.h>
+#include <util/generic/buffer.h>
+#include <util/str_stl.h> // less<> and equal_to<> for const char*
+#include <utility>
+#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
+template <class T, class HashFcn = THash<const char*>, class EqualTo = TEqualTo<const char*>, class Alloc = std::allocator<const char*>>
+class string_hash;
+template <class T, class HashFcn = THash<const char*>, class EqualTo = TEqualTo<const char*>>
+class segmented_string_hash;
+template <class Map>
+inline std::pair<typename Map::iterator, bool>
+pool_insert(Map* m, const char* key, const typename Map::mapped_type& data, TBuffer& pool) {
+ std::pair<typename Map::iterator, bool> ins = m->insert(typename Map::value_type(key, data));
+ if (ins.second) { // new?
+ size_t buflen = strlen(key) + 1; // strlen???
+ const char* old_pool = pool.Begin();
+ pool.Append(key, buflen);
+ if (pool.Begin() != old_pool) // repoint?
+ for (typename Map::iterator it = m->begin(); it != m->end(); ++it)
+ if ((*it).first != key)
+ const_cast<const char*&>((*it).first) += (pool.Begin() - old_pool);
+ const_cast<const char*&>((*ins.first).first) = pool.End() - buflen;
+ }
+ return ins;
+#define HASH_SIZE_DEFAULT 100
+template <class T, class HashFcn, class EqualTo, class Alloc>
+class string_hash: public THashMap<const char*, T, HashFcn, EqualTo, Alloc> {
+ TBuffer pool;
+ using yh = THashMap<const char*, T, HashFcn, EqualTo, Alloc>;
+ using iterator = typename yh::iterator;
+ using const_iterator = typename yh::const_iterator;
+ using mapped_type = typename yh::mapped_type;
+ using size_type = typename yh::size_type;
+ using pool_size_type = typename yh::size_type;
+ string_hash() {
+ pool.Reserve(HASH_SIZE_DEFAULT * AVERAGEWORD_BUF); // reserve here
+ }
+ string_hash(size_type hash_size, pool_size_type pool_size)
+ : THashMap<const char*, T, HashFcn, EqualTo, Alloc>(hash_size)
+ {
+ pool.Reserve(pool_size); // reserve here
+ }
+ std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_copy(const char* key, const mapped_type& data) {
+ return ::pool_insert(this, key, data, pool);
+ }
+ void clear_hash() {
+ yh::clear();
+ pool.Clear();
+ }
+ pool_size_type pool_size() const {
+ return pool.Size();
+ }
+ string_hash(const string_hash& sh)
+ : THashMap<const char*, T, HashFcn, EqualTo, Alloc>()
+ {
+ for (const_iterator i = sh.begin(); i != sh.end(); ++i)
+ insert_copy((*i).first, (*i).second);
+ }
+ /* May be faster?
+ string_hash(const string_hash& sh)
+ : THashMap<const char *, T, HashFcn, EqualTo>(sh)
+ {
+ pool = sh.pool;
+ size_t delta = pool.begin() - sh.pool.begin();
+ for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
+ (const char*&)(*i).first += delta;
+ }
+ */
+ string_hash& operator=(const string_hash& sh) {
+ if (&sh != this) {
+ clear_hash();
+ for (const_iterator i = sh.begin(); i != sh.end(); ++i)
+ insert_copy((*i).first, (*i).second);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ mapped_type& operator[](const char* key) {
+ iterator I = yh::find(key);
+ if (I == yh::end())
+ I = insert_copy(key, mapped_type()).first;
+ return (*I).second;
+ }
+template <class C, class T, class HashFcn, class EqualTo>
+class THashWithSegmentedPoolForKeys: protected THashMap<const C*, T, HashFcn, EqualTo>, TNonCopyable {
+ segmented_pool<C> pool;
+ using yh = THashMap<const C*, T, HashFcn, EqualTo>;
+ using iterator = typename yh::iterator;
+ using const_iterator = typename yh::const_iterator;
+ using mapped_type = typename yh::mapped_type;
+ using size_type = typename yh::size_type;
+ using key_type = typename yh::key_type;
+ using value_type = typename yh::value_type;
+ THashWithSegmentedPoolForKeys(size_type hash_size = HASH_SIZE_DEFAULT, size_t segsize = HASH_SIZE_DEFAULT * AVERAGEWORD_BUF, bool afs = false)
+ : yh(hash_size)
+ , pool(segsize)
+ {
+ if (afs)
+ pool.alloc_first_seg();
+ }
+ std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_copy(const C* key, size_t keylen, const mapped_type& data) {
+ std::pair<iterator, bool> ins = this->insert(value_type(key, data));
+ if (ins.second) // new?
+ (const C*&)(*ins.first).first = pool.append(key, keylen);
+ return ins;
+ }
+ void clear_hash() {
+ yh::clear();
+ pool.restart();
+ }
+ size_t pool_size() const {
+ return pool.size();
+ }
+ size_t size() const {
+ return yh::size();
+ }
+ bool empty() const {
+ return yh::empty();
+ }
+ iterator begin() {
+ return yh::begin();
+ }
+ iterator end() {
+ return yh::end();
+ }
+ const_iterator begin() const {
+ return yh::begin();
+ }
+ const_iterator end() const {
+ return yh::end();
+ }
+ iterator find(const key_type& key) {
+ return yh::find(key);
+ }
+ const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const {
+ return yh::find(key);
+ }
+ const yh& get_THashMap() const {
+ return static_cast<const yh&>(*this);
+ }
+template <class T, class HashFcn, class EqualTo>
+class segmented_string_hash: public THashWithSegmentedPoolForKeys<char, T, HashFcn, EqualTo> {
+ using Base = THashWithSegmentedPoolForKeys<char, T, HashFcn, EqualTo>;
+ using iterator = typename Base::iterator;
+ using const_iterator = typename Base::const_iterator;
+ using mapped_type = typename Base::mapped_type;
+ using size_type = typename Base::size_type;
+ using key_type = typename Base::key_type;
+ using value_type = typename Base::value_type;
+ segmented_string_hash(size_type hash_size = HASH_SIZE_DEFAULT, size_t segsize = HASH_SIZE_DEFAULT * AVERAGEWORD_BUF, bool afs = false)
+ : Base(hash_size, segsize, afs)
+ {
+ }
+ std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_copy(const char* key, const mapped_type& data) {
+ return Base::insert_copy(key, strlen(key) + 1, data);
+ }
+ mapped_type& operator[](const char* key) {
+ iterator I = Base::find(key);
+ if (I == Base::end())
+ I = insert_copy(key, mapped_type()).first;
+ return (*I).second;
+ }