path: root/library/cpp/codecs/huffman_codec.cpp
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /library/cpp/codecs/huffman_codec.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'library/cpp/codecs/huffman_codec.cpp')
1 files changed, 592 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/cpp/codecs/huffman_codec.cpp b/library/cpp/codecs/huffman_codec.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..650fe7cdfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/codecs/huffman_codec.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+#include "huffman_codec.h"
+#include <library/cpp/bit_io/bitinput.h>
+#include <library/cpp/bit_io/bitoutput.h>
+#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
+#include <util/generic/bitops.h>
+#include <util/stream/buffer.h>
+#include <util/stream/length.h>
+#include <util/string/printf.h>
+namespace NCodecs {
+ template <typename T>
+ struct TCanonicalCmp {
+ bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const {
+ if (a.CodeLength == b.CodeLength) {
+ return a.Char < b.Char;
+ } else {
+ return a.CodeLength < b.CodeLength;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct TByCharCmp {
+ bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const {
+ return a.Char < b.Char;
+ }
+ };
+ struct TTreeEntry {
+ static const ui32 InvalidBranch = (ui32)-1;
+ ui64 Freq = 0;
+ ui32 Branches[2]{InvalidBranch, InvalidBranch};
+ ui32 CodeLength = 0;
+ ui8 Char = 0;
+ bool Invalid = false;
+ TTreeEntry() = default;
+ static bool ByFreq(const TTreeEntry& a, const TTreeEntry& b) {
+ return a.Freq < b.Freq;
+ }
+ static bool ByFreqRev(const TTreeEntry& a, const TTreeEntry& b) {
+ return a.Freq > b.Freq;
+ }
+ };
+ using TCodeTree = TVector<TTreeEntry>;
+ void InitTreeByFreqs(TCodeTree& tree, const ui64 freqs[256]) {
+ tree.reserve(255 * 256 / 2); // worst case - balanced tree
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
+ tree.emplace_back();
+ tree.back().Char = i;
+ tree.back().Freq = freqs[i];
+ }
+ StableSort(tree.begin(), tree.end(), TTreeEntry::ByFreq);
+ }
+ void InitTree(TCodeTree& tree, ISequenceReader* in) {
+ using namespace NPrivate;
+ ui64 freqs[256];
+ Zero(freqs);
+ TStringBuf r;
+ while (in->NextRegion(r)) {
+ for (ui64 i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i)
+ ++freqs[(ui8)r[i]];
+ }
+ InitTreeByFreqs(tree, freqs);
+ }
+ void CalculateCodeLengths(TCodeTree& tree) {
+ Y_ENSURE(tree.size() == 256, " ");
+ const ui32 firstbranch = tree.size();
+ ui32 curleaf = 0;
+ ui32 curbranch = firstbranch;
+ // building code tree. two priority queues are combined in one.
+ while (firstbranch - curleaf + tree.size() - curbranch >= 2) {
+ TTreeEntry e;
+ for (auto& branche : e.Branches) {
+ ui32 br;
+ if (curleaf >= firstbranch)
+ br = curbranch++;
+ else if (curbranch >= tree.size())
+ br = curleaf++;
+ else if (tree[curleaf].Freq < tree[curbranch].Freq)
+ br = curleaf++;
+ else
+ br = curbranch++;
+ Y_ENSURE(br < tree.size(), " ");
+ branche = br;
+ e.Freq += tree[br].Freq;
+ }
+ tree.push_back(e);
+ PushHeap(tree.begin() + curbranch, tree.end(), TTreeEntry::ByFreqRev);
+ }
+ // computing code lengths
+ for (ui64 i = tree.size() - 1; i >= firstbranch; --i) {
+ TTreeEntry e = tree[i];
+ for (auto branche : e.Branches)
+ tree[branche].CodeLength = e.CodeLength + 1;
+ }
+ // chopping off the branches
+ tree.resize(firstbranch);
+ Sort(tree.begin(), tree.end(), TCanonicalCmp<TTreeEntry>());
+ // simplification: we are stripping codes longer than 64 bits
+ while (!tree.empty() && tree.back().CodeLength > 64)
+ tree.pop_back();
+ // will not compress
+ if (tree.empty())
+ return;
+ // special invalid code word
+ tree.back().Invalid = true;
+ }
+ struct TEncoderEntry {
+ ui64 Code = 0;
+ ui8 CodeLength = 0;
+ ui8 Char = 0;
+ ui8 Invalid = true;
+ explicit TEncoderEntry(TTreeEntry e)
+ : CodeLength(e.CodeLength)
+ , Char(e.Char)
+ , Invalid(e.Invalid)
+ {
+ }
+ TEncoderEntry() = default;
+ };
+ struct TEncoderTable {
+ TEncoderEntry Entries[256];
+ void Save(IOutputStream* out) const {
+ ui16 nval = 0;
+ for (auto entrie : Entries)
+ nval += !entrie.Invalid;
+ ::Save(out, nval);
+ for (auto entrie : Entries) {
+ if (!entrie.Invalid) {
+ ::Save(out, entrie.Char);
+ ::Save(out, entrie.CodeLength);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Load(IInputStream* in) {
+ ui16 nval = 0;
+ ::Load(in, nval);
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
+ Entries[i].Char = i;
+ for (ui32 i = 0; i < nval; ++i) {
+ ui8 ch = 0;
+ ui8 len = 0;
+ ::Load(in, ch);
+ ::Load(in, len);
+ Entries[ch].CodeLength = len;
+ Entries[ch].Invalid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct TDecoderEntry {
+ ui32 NextTable : 10;
+ ui32 Char : 8;
+ ui32 Invalid : 1;
+ ui32 Bad : 1;
+ TDecoderEntry()
+ : NextTable()
+ , Char()
+ , Invalid()
+ , Bad()
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct TDecoderTable: public TIntrusiveListItem<TDecoderTable> {
+ ui64 Length = 0;
+ ui64 BaseCode = 0;
+ TDecoderEntry Entries[256];
+ TDecoderTable() {
+ Zero(Entries);
+ }
+ };
+ const int CACHE_BITS_COUNT = 16;
+ class THuffmanCodec::TImpl: public TAtomicRefCount<TImpl> {
+ TEncoderTable Encoder;
+ TDecoderTable Decoder[256];
+ TEncoderEntry Invalid;
+ ui32 SubTablesNum;
+ class THuffmanCache {
+ struct TCacheEntry {
+ int EndOffset : 24;
+ int BitsLeft : 8;
+ };
+ TVector<char> DecodeCache;
+ TVector<TCacheEntry> CacheEntries;
+ const TImpl& Original;
+ public:
+ THuffmanCache(const THuffmanCodec::TImpl& encoder);
+ void Decode(NBitIO::TBitInput& in, TBuffer& out) const;
+ };
+ THolder<THuffmanCache> Cache;
+ public:
+ TImpl()
+ : SubTablesNum(1)
+ {
+ Invalid.CodeLength = 255;
+ }
+ ui8 Encode(TStringBuf in, TBuffer& out) const {
+ out.Clear();
+ if (in.empty()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ out.Reserve(in.size() * 2);
+ {
+ NBitIO::TBitOutputVector<TBuffer> bout(&out);
+ TStringBuf tin = in;
+ // data is under compression
+ bout.Write(1, 1);
+ for (auto t : tin) {
+ const TEncoderEntry& ce = Encoder.Entries[(ui8)t];
+ bout.Write(ce.Code, ce.CodeLength);
+ if (ce.Invalid) {
+ bout.Write(t, 8);
+ }
+ }
+ // in canonical huffman coding there cannot be a code having no 0 in the suffix
+ // and shorter than 8 bits.
+ bout.Write((ui64)-1, bout.GetByteReminder());
+ return bout.GetByteReminder();
+ }
+ }
+ void Decode(TStringBuf in, TBuffer& out) const {
+ out.Clear();
+ if (in.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ NBitIO::TBitInput bin(in);
+ ui64 f = 0;
+ bin.ReadK<1>(f);
+ // if data is uncompressed
+ if (!f) {
+ in.Skip(1);
+ out.Append(in.data(), in.size());
+ } else {
+ out.Reserve(in.size() * 8);
+ if (Cache.Get()) {
+ Cache->Decode(bin, out);
+ } else {
+ while (ReadNextChar(bin, out)) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Y_FORCE_INLINE int ReadNextChar(NBitIO::TBitInput& bin, TBuffer& out) const {
+ const TDecoderTable* table = Decoder;
+ TDecoderEntry e;
+ int bitsRead = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ ui64 code = 0;
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!bin.Read(code, table->Length)))
+ return 0;
+ bitsRead += table->Length;
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(code < table->BaseCode))
+ return 0;
+ code -= table->BaseCode;
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(code > 255))
+ return 0;
+ e = table->Entries[code];
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(e.Bad))
+ return 0;
+ if (e.NextTable) {
+ table = Decoder + e.NextTable;
+ } else {
+ if (e.Invalid) {
+ code = 0;
+ bin.ReadK<8>(code);
+ bitsRead += 8;
+ out.Append((ui8)code);
+ } else {
+ out.Append((ui8)e.Char);
+ }
+ return bitsRead;
+ }
+ }
+ Y_ENSURE(false, " could not decode input");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void GenerateEncoder(TCodeTree& tree) {
+ const ui64 sz = tree.size();
+ TEncoderEntry lastcode = Encoder.Entries[tree[0].Char] = TEncoderEntry(tree[0]);
+ for (ui32 i = 1; i < sz; ++i) {
+ const TTreeEntry& te = tree[i];
+ TEncoderEntry& e = Encoder.Entries[te.Char];
+ e = TEncoderEntry(te);
+ e.Code = (lastcode.Code + 1) << (e.CodeLength - lastcode.CodeLength);
+ lastcode = e;
+ e.Code = ReverseBits(e.Code, e.CodeLength);
+ if (e.Invalid)
+ Invalid = e;
+ }
+ for (auto& e : Encoder.Entries) {
+ if (e.Invalid)
+ e = Invalid;
+ Y_ENSURE(e.CodeLength, " ");
+ }
+ }
+ void RegenerateEncoder() {
+ for (auto& entrie : Encoder.Entries) {
+ if (entrie.Invalid)
+ entrie.CodeLength = Invalid.CodeLength;
+ }
+ Sort(Encoder.Entries, Encoder.Entries + 256, TCanonicalCmp<TEncoderEntry>());
+ TEncoderEntry lastcode = Encoder.Entries[0];
+ for (ui32 i = 1; i < 256; ++i) {
+ TEncoderEntry& e = Encoder.Entries[i];
+ e.Code = (lastcode.Code + 1) << (e.CodeLength - lastcode.CodeLength);
+ lastcode = e;
+ e.Code = ReverseBits(e.Code, e.CodeLength);
+ }
+ for (auto& entrie : Encoder.Entries) {
+ if (entrie.Invalid) {
+ Invalid = entrie;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Sort(Encoder.Entries, Encoder.Entries + 256, TByCharCmp<TEncoderEntry>());
+ for (auto& entrie : Encoder.Entries) {
+ if (entrie.Invalid)
+ entrie = Invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ void BuildDecoder() {
+ TEncoderTable enc = Encoder;
+ Sort(enc.Entries, enc.Entries + 256, TCanonicalCmp<TEncoderEntry>());
+ TEncoderEntry& e1 = enc.Entries[0];
+ Decoder[0].BaseCode = e1.Code;
+ Decoder[0].Length = e1.CodeLength;
+ for (auto e2 : enc.Entries) {
+ SetEntry(Decoder, e2.Code, e2.CodeLength, e2);
+ }
+ Cache.Reset(new THuffmanCache(*this));
+ }
+ void SetEntry(TDecoderTable* t, ui64 code, ui64 len, TEncoderEntry e) {
+ Y_ENSURE(len >= t->Length, len << " < " << t->Length);
+ ui64 idx = (code & MaskLowerBits(t->Length)) - t->BaseCode;
+ TDecoderEntry& d = t->Entries[idx];
+ if (len == t->Length) {
+ Y_ENSURE(!d.NextTable, " ");
+ d.Char = e.Char;
+ d.Invalid = e.Invalid;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!d.NextTable) {
+ Y_ENSURE(SubTablesNum < Y_ARRAY_SIZE(Decoder), " ");
+ d.NextTable = SubTablesNum++;
+ TDecoderTable* nt = Decoder + d.NextTable;
+ nt->Length = Min<ui64>(8, len - t->Length);
+ nt->BaseCode = (code >> t->Length) & MaskLowerBits(nt->Length);
+ }
+ SetEntry(Decoder + d.NextTable, code >> t->Length, len - t->Length, e);
+ }
+ void Learn(ISequenceReader* in) {
+ {
+ TCodeTree tree;
+ InitTree(tree, in);
+ CalculateCodeLengths(tree);
+ Y_ENSURE(!tree.empty(), " ");
+ GenerateEncoder(tree);
+ }
+ BuildDecoder();
+ }
+ void LearnByFreqs(const TArrayRef<std::pair<char, ui64>>& freqs) {
+ TCodeTree tree;
+ ui64 freqsArray[256];
+ Zero(freqsArray);
+ for (const auto& freq : freqs)
+ freqsArray[static_cast<ui8>(freq.first)] += freq.second;
+ InitTreeByFreqs(tree, freqsArray);
+ CalculateCodeLengths(tree);
+ Y_ENSURE(!tree.empty(), " ");
+ GenerateEncoder(tree);
+ BuildDecoder();
+ }
+ void Save(IOutputStream* out) {
+ ::Save(out, Invalid.CodeLength);
+ Encoder.Save(out);
+ }
+ void Load(IInputStream* in) {
+ ::Load(in, Invalid.CodeLength);
+ Encoder.Load(in);
+ RegenerateEncoder();
+ BuildDecoder();
+ }
+ };
+ THuffmanCodec::TImpl::THuffmanCache::THuffmanCache(const THuffmanCodec::TImpl& codec)
+ : Original(codec)
+ {
+ CacheEntries.resize(1 << CACHE_BITS_COUNT);
+ DecodeCache.reserve(CacheEntries.size() * 2);
+ char buffer[2];
+ TBuffer decoded;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < CacheEntries.size(); i++) {
+ buffer[1] = i >> 8;
+ buffer[0] = i;
+ NBitIO::TBitInput bin(buffer, buffer + sizeof(buffer));
+ int totalBits = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ decoded.Resize(0);
+ int bits = codec.ReadNextChar(bin, decoded);
+ if (totalBits + bits > 16 || !bits) {
+ TCacheEntry e = {static_cast<int>(DecodeCache.size()), 16 - totalBits};
+ CacheEntries[i] = e;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (TBuffer::TConstIterator it = decoded.Begin(); it != decoded.End(); ++it) {
+ DecodeCache.push_back(*it);
+ }
+ totalBits += bits;
+ }
+ }
+ DecodeCache.push_back(0);
+ CacheEntries.shrink_to_fit();
+ DecodeCache.shrink_to_fit();
+ }
+ void THuffmanCodec::TImpl::THuffmanCache::Decode(NBitIO::TBitInput& bin, TBuffer& out) const {
+ int bits = 0;
+ ui64 code = 0;
+ while (!bin.Eof()) {
+ ui64 f = 0;
+ const int toRead = 16 - bits;
+ if (toRead > 0 && bin.Read(f, toRead)) {
+ code = (code >> (16 - bits)) | (f << bits);
+ code &= 0xFFFF;
+ TCacheEntry entry = CacheEntries[code];
+ int start = code > 0 ? CacheEntries[code - 1].EndOffset : 0;
+ out.Append((const char*)&DecodeCache[start], (const char*)&DecodeCache[entry.EndOffset]);
+ bits = entry.BitsLeft;
+ } else { // should never happen until there are exceptions or unaligned input
+ bin.Back(bits);
+ if (!Original.ReadNextChar(bin, out))
+ break;
+ code = 0;
+ bits = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ THuffmanCodec::THuffmanCodec()
+ : Impl(new TImpl)
+ {
+ MyTraits.NeedsTraining = true;
+ MyTraits.PreservesPrefixGrouping = true;
+ MyTraits.PaddingBit = 1;
+ MyTraits.SizeOnEncodeMultiplier = 2;
+ MyTraits.SizeOnDecodeMultiplier = 8;
+ MyTraits.RecommendedSampleSize = 1 << 21;
+ }
+ THuffmanCodec::~THuffmanCodec() = default;
+ ui8 THuffmanCodec::Encode(TStringBuf in, TBuffer& bbb) const {
+ if (Y_UNLIKELY(!Trained))
+ ythrow TCodecException() << " not trained";
+ return Impl->Encode(in, bbb);
+ }
+ void THuffmanCodec::Decode(TStringBuf in, TBuffer& bbb) const {
+ Impl->Decode(in, bbb);
+ }
+ void THuffmanCodec::Save(IOutputStream* out) const {
+ Impl->Save(out);
+ }
+ void THuffmanCodec::Load(IInputStream* in) {
+ Impl->Load(in);
+ }
+ void THuffmanCodec::DoLearn(ISequenceReader& in) {
+ Impl->Learn(&in);
+ }
+ void THuffmanCodec::LearnByFreqs(const TArrayRef<std::pair<char, ui64>>& freqs) {
+ Impl->LearnByFreqs(freqs);
+ Trained = true;
+ }