path: root/generate_cmake
diff options
authorMaksim Kita <maksim-kita@yandex-team.ru>2023-07-26 15:44:44 +0000
committermaksim-kita <maksim-kita@yandex-team.com>2023-07-26 18:44:44 +0300
commitf112995ac962911827ed4ff8b1f0fdbac27c6072 (patch)
tree5136acad372e56fb98b02067ac4c29b9970de429 /generate_cmake
parentb6e3fc4bfaef9be7014a035044f5c91ce0133e55 (diff)
Generate cmake
Generate cmake Pull Request resolved: #272
Diffstat (limited to 'generate_cmake')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generate_cmake b/generate_cmake
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..78a8d1f7ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate_cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import multiprocessing
+import json
+import stat
+import filecmp
+import urllib.request
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+def mkdir(path):
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ except FileExistsError as e:
+ pass
+def remove_file(path):
+ try:
+ os.remove(path)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ pass
+def compare_files(lhs_file_path, rhs_file_path):
+ try:
+ return filecmp.cmp(lhs_file_path, rhs_file_path)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ return False
+def rmtree(path):
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ pass
+def make_file_executable(file_path):
+ st = os.stat(file_path)
+ os.chmod(file_path, st.st_mode + stat.S_IEXEC)
+def get_binary_id(resource_file_path):
+ with open(resource_file_path) as file:
+ ymake_file_json = json.load(file)
+ linux_uri = str(ymake_file_json["by_platform"]["linux"]["uri"])
+ return linux_uri.split(":")[1]
+def download_binary(root_path, binary_name, binary_path):
+ root_binary_resource_file_path = (
+ f"{root_path}/build/external_resources/{binary_name}/resources.json"
+ )
+ tmp_binary_resource_file_path = binary_path + "_resources.json"
+ if compare_files(root_binary_resource_file_path, tmp_binary_resource_file_path):
+ print(f"Use {binary_name} binary from cache {binary_path}")
+ else:
+ binary_id = get_binary_id(root_binary_resource_file_path)
+ devtools_registry_s3_url = "https://devtools-registry.s3.yandex.net"
+ devtools_registry_s3_binary_url = f"{devtools_registry_s3_url}/{binary_id}"
+ print(
+ f"Download {binary_name} binary from {devtools_registry_s3_binary_url} into {binary_path}"
+ )
+ remove_file(binary_path)
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve(devtools_registry_s3_binary_url, binary_path)
+ make_file_executable(binary_path)
+ shutil.copy(root_binary_resource_file_path, tmp_binary_resource_file_path)
+def generate_graph_for_platform(generate_graph_for_platform):
+ platform = generate_graph_for_platform[0]
+ generate_graph_command = generate_graph_for_platform[1]
+ output = subprocess.check_output(
+ generate_graph_command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True
+ ).decode("utf-8")
+ allowed_error_patterns = [
+ "to directory without ya.make: [[imp]]$S/build/platform/",
+ "to directory without ya.make: [[imp]]$S/build/external_resources/",
+ "could not resolve include file: [[imp]]openssl",
+ "could not resolve include file: [[imp]]zlib",
+ "could not resolve include file: [[imp]]ares.h",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/openssl/",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/zlib",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/c-ares",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/libc_compat/ubuntu_14/liblibs-libc_compat-ubuntu_14.a",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/linux-headers/libcontrib-libs-linux-headers.a",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/farmhash/",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/curl/",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/libxml/",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/",
+ "in $B/contrib/libs/grpc/",
+ "in $S/contrib/tools/protoc/plugins/cpp_styleguide/ya.make",
+ "in $S/contrib/tools/protoc/plugins/grpc_cpp",
+ "in $B/contrib/restricted/boost/",
+ "in $B/library/cpp/charset/",
+ "in $B/library/cpp/uri/",
+ "in $B/library/cpp/unicode/punycode/",
+ "in $B/library/cpp/config/",
+ "in $S/tools/rescompiler/bin/",
+ # Fix
+ "in $B/library/cpp/actors/dnsresolver/ut/library-cpp-actors-dnsresolver-ut",
+ "in $B/ydb/library/pdisk_io/libydb-library-pdisk_io",
+ ]
+ if platform == "windows-x86_64":
+ # Fix
+ allowed_error_patterns.append("in $B/ydb/core/tx/tiering/core-tx-tiering")
+ allowed_error_patterns.append(
+ "in $B/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/serializations/providers-s3-serializations"
+ )
+ result_errors = []
+ for line in output.split("\n"):
+ if not line.startswith("Error"):
+ continue
+ error_is_allowed = False
+ for allowed_error_pattern in allowed_error_patterns:
+ if allowed_error_pattern in line:
+ error_is_allowed = True
+ break
+ if error_is_allowed:
+ continue
+ result_errors.append(line)
+ return result_errors
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description="Generate CMake files from Ya make files")
+ parser.add_argument("--ymake_bin", help="Path to ymake binary")
+ parser.add_argument("--yexport_bin", help="Path to yexport binary")
+ parser.add_argument("--tmp", help="Path to tmp dir")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run script in debug mode"
+ )
+ try:
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ tmp_folder_path = args.tmp
+ if tmp_folder_path is None:
+ tmp_folder_path = "/tmp/ydb-generate-cmake"
+ ymake_binary_path = args.ymake_bin
+ yexport_binary_path = args.yexport_bin
+ debug = args.debug
+ ydb_tmp_folder_path = tmp_folder_path + "/ydb"
+ ydb_metadata_folder_path = tmp_folder_path + "/metadata"
+ ydb_bin_folder_path = tmp_folder_path + "/bin"
+ plugins_folder_path = ydb_tmp_folder_path + "/build/plugins"
+ mkdir(tmp_folder_path)
+ mkdir(ydb_metadata_folder_path)
+ mkdir(ydb_bin_folder_path)
+ root_folder = os.getcwd()
+ if ymake_binary_path is None:
+ ymake_binary_path = ydb_bin_folder_path + "/ymake"
+ download_binary(root_folder, "ymake", ymake_binary_path)
+ if yexport_binary_path is None:
+ yexport_binary_path = ydb_bin_folder_path + "/yexport"
+ download_binary(root_folder, "yexport", yexport_binary_path)
+ rmtree(ydb_tmp_folder_path)
+ shutil.copytree(root_folder, ydb_tmp_folder_path)
+ platforms = [
+ ("linux-x86_64", "default-linux-x86_64"),
+ ("linux-aarch64", "default-linux-aarch64"),
+ ("darwin-x86_64", "default-darwin-x86_64"),
+ ("windows-x86_64", "default-win-x86_64"),
+ ]
+ generate_graph_for_platform_commands = []
+ for platform, target_platform in platforms:
+ print(f"Platform {platform} target platform {target_platform}")
+ dump_export_path = f"{ydb_metadata_folder_path}/{platform}.conf"
+ graph_export_path = f"{ydb_metadata_folder_path}/sem.{platform}.json"
+ generate_dump_command = f"{root_folder}/scripts/generate_dump.sh {platform} {target_platform} > {dump_export_path}"
+ print(f"Generate dump command {generate_dump_command}")
+ subprocess.check_output(generate_dump_command, shell=True)
+ # In original script there are targets kikimr/docs/ru/docs_oss ydb ydb/tests/oss/launch library/cpp/actors tools/rescompiler/bin
+ generate_graph_command = f'{ymake_binary_path} --build-root "{ydb_tmp_folder_path}" --config "{dump_export_path}"\
+ --plugins-root "{plugins_folder_path}" --xs --xx --sem-graph --keep-going\
+ ydb ydb/tests/oss/launch library/cpp/actors tools/rescompiler/bin > {graph_export_path}'
+ print(f"Generate graph command {generate_graph_command}")
+ generate_graph_for_platform_commands.append((platform, generate_graph_command))
+ errors_for_platform = []
+ with multiprocessing.Pool(len(generate_graph_for_platform_commands)) as pool:
+ errors_for_platform = pool.map(
+ generate_graph_for_platform, generate_graph_for_platform_commands
+ )
+ for index, (platform, target_platform) in enumerate(platforms):
+ errors_for_platform_size = len(errors_for_platform[index])
+ if errors_for_platform_size == 0:
+ continue
+ print(
+ f"Found {errors_for_platform_size} errors for platform {platform}",
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ for error in errors_for_platform[index]:
+ print(error, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ yexport_command = f"{yexport_binary_path} --export-root \"{ydb_tmp_folder_path}\" --target YDB \
+ --semantic-graph \"{ydb_metadata_folder_path + '/sem.linux-x86_64.json'}\" --platforms linux-x86_64 \
+ --semantic-graph \"{ydb_metadata_folder_path + '/sem.linux-aarch64.json'}\" --platforms linux-aarch64 \
+ --semantic-graph \"{ydb_metadata_folder_path + '/sem.darwin-x86_64.json'}\" --platforms darwin-x86_64 \
+ --semantic-graph \"{ydb_metadata_folder_path + '/sem.windows-x86_64.json'}\" --platforms windows-x86_64"
+ print(f"yexport command {yexport_command}")
+ yexport_output = subprocess.check_output(
+ yexport_command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True
+ ).decode("utf-8")
+ if debug:
+ print("yexport output")
+ print(yexport_output)
+ rsync_command = f'rsync --recursive --delete --perms\
+ --exclude .git --exclude contrib --exclude library/cpp/actors\
+ "{ydb_tmp_folder_path}/" "{root_folder}/"'
+ print(f"rsync command {rsync_command}")
+ subprocess.check_output(rsync_command, shell=True)
+ sys.exit(0)