path: root/devtools/ya/handlers/java
diff options
authorvitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-30 13:26:22 +0300
committervitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-30 15:44:45 +0300
commit0a98fece5a9b54f16afeb3a94b3eb3105e9c3962 (patch)
tree291d72dbd7e9865399f668c84d11ed86fb190bbf /devtools/ya/handlers/java
parentcb2c8d75065e5b3c47094067cb4aa407d4813298 (diff)
YQ Connector:Use docker-compose in integrational tests
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/ya/handlers/java')
3 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/ya/handlers/java/__init__.py b/devtools/ya/handlers/java/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c4c7c44e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/ya/handlers/java/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from . import helpers
+import app
+import core.yarg
+from build import build_opts
+import devtools.ya.test.opts as test_opts
+def default_options():
+ return [
+ build_opts.BuildTargetsOptions(with_free=True),
+ build_opts.BeVerboseOptions(),
+ build_opts.ShowHelpOptions(),
+ build_opts.YMakeDebugOptions(),
+ build_opts.YMakeBinOptions(),
+ build_opts.YMakeRetryOptions(),
+ build_opts.FlagsOptions(),
+ ]
+class JavaYaHandler(core.yarg.CompositeHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(JavaYaHandler, self).__init__(description='Java build helpers')
+ self['dependency-tree'] = core.yarg.OptsHandler(
+ action=app.execute(action=helpers.print_ymake_dep_tree),
+ description='Print dependency tree',
+ opts=default_options() + [build_opts.BuildTypeOptions('release')],
+ visible=True,
+ )
+ self['classpath'] = core.yarg.OptsHandler(
+ action=app.execute(action=helpers.print_classpath),
+ description='Print classpath',
+ opts=default_options() + [build_opts.BuildTypeOptions('release')],
+ visible=True,
+ )
+ self['test-classpath'] = core.yarg.OptsHandler(
+ action=app.execute(action=helpers.print_test_classpath),
+ description='Print run classpath for test module',
+ opts=default_options() + [test_opts.RunTestOptions()],
+ visible=True,
+ )
+ self['find-all-paths'] = core.yarg.OptsHandler(
+ action=app.execute(action=helpers.find_all_paths),
+ description='Find all PEERDIR paths of between two targets',
+ opts=default_options() + [build_opts.FindPathOptions()],
+ visible=True,
+ )
diff --git a/devtools/ya/handlers/java/helpers.py b/devtools/ya/handlers/java/helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a5a9cd35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/ya/handlers/java/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import print_function
+import time
+import sys
+import core.yarg
+import build.build_opts as build_opts
+import build.graph as build_graph
+import build.ya_make as ya_make
+from build.build_facade import gen_managed_dep_tree, gen_targets_classpath
+from exts.tmp import temp_dir
+import yalibrary.formatter as yaformatter
+from jbuild.gen import base
+from jbuild.gen import consts
+from six.moves import map
+def fix_windows(path):
+ return path.replace('\\', '/')
+def get_java_ctx_with_tests(opts):
+ jopts = core.yarg.merge_opts(build_opts.ya_make_options(free_build_targets=True)).params()
+ jopts.dump_sources = True
+ jopts.create_symlinks = False
+ jopts.__dict__.update(opts.__dict__)
+ jopts.debug_options.append('x')
+ jopts.flags["YA_IDE_IDEA"] = "yes"
+ import app_ctx # XXX: via args
+ _, tests, _, ctx, _ = build_graph.build_graph_and_tests(
+ jopts, check=True, ev_listener=ya_make.get_print_listener(jopts, app_ctx.display), display=app_ctx.display
+ )
+ return ctx, tests
+def get_java_ctx(opts):
+ ctx, _ = get_java_ctx_with_tests(opts)
+ return ctx
+NORMAL = '[[imp]]{path}[[rst]]'
+EXCLUDED = '[[unimp]]{path} (omitted because of [[c:red]]EXCLUDE[[unimp]])[[rst]]'
+CONFLICT = '[[unimp]]{path} (omitted because of [[c:yellow]]conflict with {conflict_resolution}[[unimp]])[[rst]]'
+MANAGED = '[[imp]]{path}[[unimp]] (replaced from [[c:blue]]{orig}[[unimp]] because of [[c:blue]]DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT[[unimp]])[[rst]]'
+IGNORED = '[[unimp]]{path} (omitted as contrib proxy library)[[rst]]'
+DUPLICATE = '[[unimp]]{path} (*)[[rst]]'
+DIRECT_MANAGED = '[[imp]]{path}[[unimp]] (replaced from [[c:blue]]unversioned[[unimp]] because of [[c:blue]]DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT[[unimp]])[[rst]]'
+ '[[imp]]{path}[[unimp]] (replaced from [[c:magenta]]unversioned[[unimp]] to [[c:magenta]]default[[unimp]])[[rst]]'
+def arrow_str(length):
+ s = ''
+ if length:
+ s += '| ' * (length - 1) + '|-->'
+ return '[[unimp]]' + s + '[[rst]]'
+def node_str(dep, excluded=False, expanded_above=False):
+ if expanded_above:
+ return DUPLICATE.format(path=dep.path)
+ elif excluded:
+ return EXCLUDED.format(path=dep.path)
+ elif dep.omitted_for_conflict:
+ return CONFLICT.format(path=dep.path, conflict_resolution=base.basename_unix_path(dep.conflict_resolution_path))
+ elif dep.replaced_for_dependency_management:
+ return MANAGED.format(path=dep.path, orig=base.basename_unix_path(dep.old_path_for_dependency_management))
+ elif dep.is_managed:
+ return DIRECT_MANAGED.format(path=dep.path)
+ elif dep.is_default:
+ return DIRECT_DEFAULT.format(path=dep.path)
+ else:
+ return NORMAL.format(path=dep.path)
+def graph_line(depth, dep, excluded=False, expanded_above=False):
+ return arrow_str(depth) + node_str(dep, excluded=excluded, expanded_above=expanded_above)
+def raise_not_a_java_path(path):
+ raise WrongInputException('{} is not a java module'.format(path))
+class WrongInputException(Exception):
+ mute = True
+def print_ymake_dep_tree(opts):
+ with temp_dir() as tmp:
+ res, evlog = gen_managed_dep_tree(
+ build_root=tmp,
+ build_type=opts.build_type,
+ build_targets=opts.abs_targets,
+ debug_options=opts.debug_options,
+ flags=opts.flags,
+ ymake_bin=opts.ymake_bin,
+ )
+ import app_ctx
+ ev_listener = ya_make.get_print_listener(opts, app_ctx.display)
+ for ev in evlog:
+ ev_listener(ev)
+ formatter = yaformatter.new_formatter(is_tty=sys.stdout.isatty())
+ print(formatter.format_message(res.stdout))
+ return any('Type' in ev and ev['Type'] == 'Error' for ev in evlog)
+def print_classpath(opts):
+ opts.flags['TRAVERSE_RECURSE'] = 'no'
+ opts.flags['TRAVERSE_RECURS_FOR_TEST'] = 'no'
+ with temp_dir() as tmp:
+ res, evlog = gen_targets_classpath(
+ build_root=tmp,
+ build_type=opts.build_type,
+ build_targets=opts.abs_targets,
+ debug_options=opts.debug_options,
+ flags=opts.flags,
+ ymake_bin=opts.ymake_bin,
+ )
+ import app_ctx
+ ev_listener = ya_make.get_print_listener(opts, app_ctx.display)
+ for ev in evlog:
+ ev_listener(ev)
+ formatter = yaformatter.new_formatter(is_tty=sys.stdout.isatty())
+ print(formatter.format_message(res.stdout))
+ return any('Type' in ev and ev['Type'] == 'Error' for ev in evlog)
+def print_test_classpath(opts):
+ opts.run_tests = 3
+ ctx, tests = get_java_ctx_with_tests(opts)
+ remaining_roots = set(map(fix_windows, opts.rel_targets))
+ formatter = yaformatter.new_formatter(is_tty=sys.stdout.isatty())
+ for test in tests:
+ if test.project_path not in remaining_roots:
+ continue
+ classpath = test.get_classpath()
+ if classpath is not None:
+ classpath = [item[len(consts.BUILD_ROOT) + 1 :] for item in classpath]
+ print(formatter.format_message("[[imp]]{}[[rst]]:\n\t{}".format(test.project_path, '\n\t'.join(classpath))))
+ remaining_roots.discard(test.project_path)
+ for path in remaining_roots:
+ print(formatter.format_message("[[imp]]{}[[rst]] is not a Java test".format(path)))
+def iter_all_routes(ctx, src_path, dest_path, route_callback, max_dist=None):
+ achievable = {}
+ def dest_achievable_from(path):
+ if path not in achievable:
+ achievable[path] = path == dest_path or any(dest_achievable_from(d.path) for d in ctx.by_path[path].deps)
+ return achievable[path]
+ stack = []
+ def visit(path):
+ stack.append(path)
+ if path == dest_path:
+ route_callback(stack)
+ stack.pop()
+ return # no loops
+ if max_dist is not None and len(stack) - 1 >= max_dist:
+ stack.pop()
+ return
+ for dep in ctx.by_path[path].deps:
+ dep_path = dep.path
+ if dest_achievable_from(dep_path):
+ visit(dep_path)
+ stack.pop()
+ if dest_achievable_from(src_path):
+ visit(src_path)
+def print_route(route):
+ dist = len(route) - 1
+ if dist < 4:
+ s = '[[c:green]]{}[[rst]]: '.format(dist)
+ elif dist < 7:
+ s = '[[c:yellow]]{}[[rst]]: '.format(dist)
+ else:
+ s = '[[c:red]]{}[[rst]]: '.format(dist)
+ s += '\n[[unimp]]-->'.join(['[[imp]]' + p for p in route])
+ return s
+def find_all_paths(opts):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ ctx = get_java_ctx(opts)
+ if len(opts.rel_targets) != 2:
+ raise WrongInputException(
+ 'Expected: <from> <to>\n' + 'Got: {}'.format(' '.join(['<' + p + '>' for p in opts.rel_targets]))
+ )
+ src_path = fix_windows(opts.rel_targets[0])
+ dest_path = fix_windows(opts.rel_targets[1])
+ if src_path not in ctx.by_path:
+ raise_not_a_java_path(src_path)
+ if dest_path not in ctx.by_path:
+ raise_not_a_java_path(dest_path)
+ count = [0]
+ formatter = yaformatter.new_formatter(is_tty=sys.stdout.isatty())
+ def route_callback(route):
+ print(formatter.format_message(print_route(route)))
+ count[0] += 1
+ try:
+ iter_all_routes(ctx, src_path, dest_path, route_callback, max_dist=opts.max_dist)
+ finally:
+ report = 'Found [[c:{}]]{}[[rst]] paths in [[c:yellow]]{}[[rst]] seconds'.format(
+ 'green' if count[0] else 'red', count[0], time.time() - start_time
+ )
+ print(formatter.format_message(report))
diff --git a/devtools/ya/handlers/java/ya.make b/devtools/ya/handlers/java/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96140c1bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/ya/handlers/java/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ NAMESPACE handlers.java
+ __init__.py
+ helpers.py
+ devtools/ya/app
+ devtools/ya/core/yarg
+ devtools/ya/build
+ devtools/ya/build/build_opts
+ devtools/ya/test/opts
+ bin
+ tests