path: root/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Modules/java.cxx
diff options
authorthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com>2023-10-03 11:19:48 +0300
committerthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com>2023-10-03 11:43:28 +0300
commitcda0c13f23f6b169fb0a49dc504b40a0aaecea09 (patch)
tree26476e92e5af2c856e017afb1df8f8dff42495bf /contrib/tools/swig/Source/Modules/java.cxx
parent4854116da9c5e3c95bb8440f2ea997c54b6e1a61 (diff)
Move contrib/tools/jdk to build/platform/java/jdk/testing
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/swig/Source/Modules/java.cxx')
1 files changed, 4979 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Modules/java.cxx b/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Modules/java.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..773945af20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Modules/java.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,4979 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
+ * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
+ * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
+ * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
+ * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
+ * and at https://www.swig.org/legal.html.
+ *
+ * java.cxx
+ *
+ * Java language module for SWIG.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "swigmod.h"
+#include "cparse.h"
+#include <limits.h> // for INT_MAX
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "javadoc.h"
+/* Hash type used for upcalls from C/C++ */
+typedef DOH UpcallData;
+class JAVA:public Language {
+ static const char *usage;
+ const String *empty_string;
+ const String *public_string;
+ const String *protected_string;
+ Hash *swig_types_hash;
+ File *f_begin;
+ File *f_runtime;
+ File *f_runtime_h;
+ File *f_header;
+ File *f_wrappers;
+ File *f_init;
+ File *f_directors;
+ File *f_directors_h;
+ List *filenames_list;
+ bool proxy_flag; // Flag for generating proxy classes
+ bool nopgcpp_flag; // Flag for suppressing the premature garbage collection prevention parameter
+ bool native_function_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a native function
+ bool enum_constant_flag; // Flag for when wrapping an enum or constant
+ bool static_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a static functions or member variables
+ bool variable_wrapper_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a nonstatic member variable
+ bool wrapping_member_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a member variable/enum/const
+ bool global_variable_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a global variable
+ bool old_variable_names; // Flag for old style variable names in the intermediary class
+ bool member_func_flag; // flag set when wrapping a member function
+ bool doxygen; //flag for converting found doxygen to javadoc
+ bool comment_creation_chatter; //flag for getting information about where comments were created in java.cxx
+ String *imclass_name; // intermediary class name
+ String *module_class_name; // module class name
+ String *constants_interface_name; // constants interface name
+ String *imclass_class_code; // intermediary class code
+ String *proxy_class_def;
+ String *proxy_class_code;
+ String *interface_class_code; // if %feature("interface") was declared for a class, here goes the interface declaration
+ String *module_class_code;
+ String *proxy_class_name; // proxy class name
+ String *full_proxy_class_name;// fully qualified proxy class name when using nspace feature, otherwise same as proxy_class_name
+ String *full_imclass_name; // fully qualified intermediary class name when using nspace feature, otherwise same as imclass_name
+ String *variable_name; //Name of a variable being wrapped
+ String *proxy_class_constants_code;
+ String *module_class_constants_code;
+ String *enum_code;
+ String *package; // Optional package name
+ String *jnipackage; // Package name used in the JNI code
+ String *package_path; // Package name used internally by JNI (slashes)
+ String *imclass_imports; //intermediary class imports from %pragma
+ String *module_imports; //module imports from %pragma
+ String *imclass_baseclass; //inheritance for intermediary class class from %pragma
+ String *imclass_package; //package in which to generate the intermediary class
+ String *module_baseclass; //inheritance for module class from %pragma
+ String *imclass_interfaces; //interfaces for intermediary class class from %pragma
+ String *module_interfaces; //interfaces for module class from %pragma
+ String *imclass_class_modifiers; //class modifiers for intermediary class overridden by %pragma
+ String *module_class_modifiers; //class modifiers for module class overridden by %pragma
+ String *upcasts_code; //C++ casts for inheritance hierarchies C++ code
+ String *imclass_cppcasts_code; //C++ casts up inheritance hierarchies intermediary class code
+ String *imclass_directors; // Intermediate class director code
+ String *destructor_call; //C++ destructor call if any
+ String *destructor_throws_clause; //C++ destructor throws clause if any
+ // Director method stuff:
+ List *dmethods_seq;
+ Hash *dmethods_table;
+ int n_dmethods;
+ int n_directors;
+ int first_class_dmethod;
+ int curr_class_dmethod;
+ int nesting_depth;
+ enum EnumFeature { SimpleEnum, TypeunsafeEnum, TypesafeEnum, ProperEnum };
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * JAVA()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ JAVA():empty_string(NewString("")),
+ public_string(NewString("public")),
+ protected_string(NewString("protected")),
+ swig_types_hash(NULL),
+ f_begin(NULL),
+ f_runtime(NULL),
+ f_runtime_h(NULL),
+ f_header(NULL),
+ f_wrappers(NULL),
+ f_init(NULL),
+ f_directors(NULL),
+ f_directors_h(NULL),
+ filenames_list(NULL),
+ proxy_flag(true),
+ nopgcpp_flag(false),
+ native_function_flag(false),
+ enum_constant_flag(false),
+ static_flag(false),
+ variable_wrapper_flag(false),
+ wrapping_member_flag(false),
+ global_variable_flag(false),
+ old_variable_names(false),
+ member_func_flag(false),
+ doxygen(false),
+ comment_creation_chatter(false),
+ imclass_name(NULL),
+ module_class_name(NULL),
+ constants_interface_name(NULL),
+ imclass_class_code(NULL),
+ proxy_class_def(NULL),
+ proxy_class_code(NULL),
+ interface_class_code(NULL),
+ module_class_code(NULL),
+ proxy_class_name(NULL),
+ full_proxy_class_name(NULL),
+ full_imclass_name(NULL),
+ variable_name(NULL),
+ proxy_class_constants_code(NULL),
+ module_class_constants_code(NULL),
+ enum_code(NULL),
+ package(NULL),
+ jnipackage(NULL),
+ package_path(NULL),
+ imclass_imports(NULL),
+ module_imports(NULL),
+ imclass_baseclass(NULL),
+ imclass_package(NULL),
+ module_baseclass(NULL),
+ imclass_interfaces(NULL),
+ module_interfaces(NULL),
+ imclass_class_modifiers(NULL),
+ module_class_modifiers(NULL),
+ upcasts_code(NULL),
+ imclass_cppcasts_code(NULL),
+ imclass_directors(NULL),
+ destructor_call(NULL),
+ destructor_throws_clause(NULL),
+ dmethods_seq(NULL),
+ dmethods_table(NULL),
+ n_dmethods(0),
+ n_directors(0),
+ first_class_dmethod(0),
+ curr_class_dmethod(0),
+ nesting_depth(0){
+ /* for now, multiple inheritance in directors is disabled, this
+ should be easy to implement though */
+ director_multiple_inheritance = 0;
+ director_language = 1;
+ }
+ ~JAVA() {
+ delete doxygenTranslator;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * constructIntermediateClassName()
+ *
+ * Construct the fully qualified name of the intermediate class and set
+ * the full_imclass_name attribute accordingly.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void constructIntermediateClassName(Node *n) {
+ String *nspace = Getattr(n, "sym:nspace");
+ if (imclass_package && package)
+ full_imclass_name = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s", package, imclass_package, imclass_name);
+ else if (package && nspace)
+ full_imclass_name = NewStringf("%s.%s", package, imclass_name);
+ else if (imclass_package)
+ full_imclass_name = NewStringf("%s.%s", imclass_package, imclass_name);
+ else
+ full_imclass_name = NewStringf("%s", imclass_name);
+ if (nspace && !package) {
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name") ? Getattr(n, "name") : NewString("<unnamed>");
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_NSPACE_WITHOUT_PACKAGE, Getfile(n), Getline(n),
+ "The nspace feature is used on '%s' without -package. "
+ "The generated code may not compile as Java does not support types declared in a named package accessing types declared in an unnamed package.\n", SwigType_namestr(name));
+ }
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * getProxyName()
+ *
+ * Test to see if a type corresponds to something wrapped with a proxy class.
+ * Return NULL if not otherwise the proxy class name, fully qualified with
+ * package name if the nspace feature is used, unless jnidescriptor is true as
+ * the package name is handled differently (unfortunately for legacy reasons).
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *getProxyName(SwigType *t, bool jnidescriptor = false) {
+ String *proxyname = NULL;
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ Node *n = classLookup(t);
+ if (n) {
+ proxyname = Getattr(n, "proxyname");
+ if (!proxyname || jnidescriptor) {
+ String *nspace = Getattr(n, "sym:nspace");
+ String *symname = Copy(Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
+ if (symname && !GetFlag(n, "feature:flatnested")) {
+ for (Node *outer_class = Getattr(n, "nested:outer"); outer_class; outer_class = Getattr(outer_class, "nested:outer")) {
+ if (String* name = Getattr(outer_class, "sym:name")) {
+ Push(symname, jnidescriptor ? "$" : ".");
+ Push(symname, name);
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nspace) {
+ if (package && !jnidescriptor)
+ proxyname = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s", package, nspace, symname);
+ else
+ proxyname = NewStringf("%s.%s", nspace, symname);
+ } else {
+ proxyname = Copy(symname);
+ }
+ if (!jnidescriptor) {
+ Setattr(n, "proxyname", proxyname); // Cache it
+ Delete(proxyname);
+ }
+ Delete(symname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return proxyname;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * makeValidJniName()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *makeValidJniName(const String *name) {
+ String *valid_jni_name = NewString(name);
+ Replaceall(valid_jni_name, "_", "_1");
+ return valid_jni_name;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * main()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ SWIG_library_directory("java");
+ int doxygen_translator_flags = 0;
+ // Look for certain command line options
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (argv[i]) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-package") == 0) {
+ if (argv[i + 1]) {
+ package = NewString("");
+ Printf(package, argv[i + 1]);
+ if (Len(package) == 0) {
+ Delete(package);
+ package = 0;
+ }
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ Swig_mark_arg(i + 1);
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ Swig_arg_error();
+ }
+ } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-shadow") == 0) || ((strcmp(argv[i], "-proxy") == 0))) {
+ Printf(stderr, "Deprecated command line option: %s. Proxy classes are now generated by default.\n", argv[i]);
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ proxy_flag = true;
+ } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-doxygen") == 0)) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ doxygen = true;
+ scan_doxygen_comments = true;
+ } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-debug-doxygen-translator") == 0)) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ doxygen_translator_flags |= DoxygenTranslator::debug_translator;
+ } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-debug-doxygen-parser") == 0)) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ doxygen_translator_flags |= DoxygenTranslator::debug_parser;
+ } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-noproxy") == 0)) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ proxy_flag = false;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nopgcpp") == 0) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ nopgcpp_flag = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-oldvarnames") == 0) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ old_variable_names = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-jnic") == 0) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ Printf(stderr, "Deprecated command line option: -jnic. C JNI calling convention now used when -c++ not specified.\n");
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nofinalize") == 0) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ Printf(stderr, "Deprecated command line option: -nofinalize. Use the new javafinalize typemap instead.\n");
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-jnicpp") == 0) {
+ Swig_mark_arg(i);
+ Printf(stderr, "Deprecated command line option: -jnicpp. C++ JNI calling convention now used when -c++ specified.\n");
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) {
+ Printf(stdout, "%s\n", usage);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ doxygenTranslator = new JavaDocConverter(doxygen_translator_flags);
+ // Add a symbol to the parser for conditional compilation
+ Preprocessor_define("SWIGJAVA 1", 0);
+ // Add typemap definitions
+ SWIG_typemap_lang("java");
+ SWIG_config_file("java.swg");
+ allow_overloading();
+ Swig_interface_feature_enable();
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * top()
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int top(Node *n) {
+ // Get any options set in the module directive
+ Node *optionsnode = Getattr(Getattr(n, "module"), "options");
+ if (optionsnode) {
+ if (Getattr(optionsnode, "jniclassname"))
+ imclass_name = Copy(Getattr(optionsnode, "jniclassname"));
+ /* check if directors are enabled for this module. note: this
+ * is a "master" switch, without which no director code will be
+ * emitted. %feature("director") statements are also required
+ * to enable directors for individual classes or methods.
+ *
+ * use %module(directors="1") modulename at the start of the
+ * interface file to enable director generation.
+ */
+ if (Getattr(optionsnode, "directors")) {
+ allow_directors();
+ }
+ if (Getattr(optionsnode, "dirprot")) {
+ allow_dirprot();
+ }
+ allow_allprotected(GetFlag(optionsnode, "allprotected"));
+ }
+ /* Initialize all of the output files */
+ String *outfile = Getattr(n, "outfile");
+ String *outfile_h = Getattr(n, "outfile_h");
+ if (!outfile) {
+ Printf(stderr, "Unable to determine outfile\n");
+ }
+ f_begin = NewFile(outfile, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_begin) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(outfile);
+ }
+ if (directorsEnabled()) {
+ if (!outfile_h) {
+ Printf(stderr, "Unable to determine outfile_h\n");
+ }
+ f_runtime_h = NewFile(outfile_h, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_runtime_h) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(outfile_h);
+ }
+ }
+ f_runtime = NewString("");
+ f_init = NewString("");
+ f_header = NewString("");
+ f_wrappers = NewString("");
+ f_directors_h = NewString("");
+ f_directors = NewString("");
+ /* Register file targets with the SWIG file handler */
+ Swig_register_filebyname("begin", f_begin);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("header", f_header);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_wrappers);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_runtime);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("init", f_init);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("director", f_directors);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("director_h", f_directors_h);
+ swig_types_hash = NewHash();
+ filenames_list = NewList();
+ // Make the intermediary class and module class names. The intermediary class name can be set in the module directive.
+ if (!imclass_name) {
+ imclass_name = NewStringf("%sJNI", Getattr(n, "name"));
+ module_class_name = Copy(Getattr(n, "name"));
+ } else {
+ // Rename the module name if it is the same as intermediary class name - a backwards compatibility solution
+ if (Cmp(imclass_name, Getattr(n, "name")) == 0)
+ module_class_name = NewStringf("%sModule", Getattr(n, "name"));
+ else
+ module_class_name = Copy(Getattr(n, "name"));
+ }
+ constants_interface_name = NewStringf("%sConstants", module_class_name);
+ // module class and intermediary classes are always created
+ if (!addSymbol(imclass_name, n))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (!addSymbol(module_class_name, n))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ imclass_class_code = NewString("");
+ proxy_class_def = NewString("");
+ proxy_class_code = NewString("");
+ module_class_constants_code = NewString("");
+ imclass_baseclass = NewString("");
+ imclass_package = NULL;
+ imclass_interfaces = NewString("");
+ imclass_class_modifiers = NewString("");
+ module_class_code = NewString("");
+ module_baseclass = NewString("");
+ module_interfaces = NewString("");
+ module_imports = NewString("");
+ module_class_modifiers = NewString("");
+ imclass_imports = NewString("");
+ imclass_cppcasts_code = NewString("");
+ imclass_directors = NewString("");
+ upcasts_code = NewString("");
+ dmethods_seq = NewList();
+ dmethods_table = NewHash();
+ n_dmethods = 0;
+ n_directors = 0;
+ jnipackage = NewString("");
+ package_path = NewString("");
+ Swig_banner(f_begin);
+ Swig_obligatory_macros(f_runtime, "JAVA");
+ if (directorsEnabled()) {
+ Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_DIRECTORS\n");
+ /* Emit initial director header and director code: */
+ Swig_banner(f_directors_h);
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "#ifndef SWIG_%s_WRAP_H_\n", module_class_name);
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "#define SWIG_%s_WRAP_H_\n\n", module_class_name);
+ Printf(f_directors, "\n\n");
+ Printf(f_directors, "/* ---------------------------------------------------\n");
+ Printf(f_directors, " * C++ director class methods\n");
+ Printf(f_directors, " * --------------------------------------------------- */\n\n");
+ if (outfile_h) {
+ String *filename = Swig_file_filename(outfile_h);
+ Printf(f_directors, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", filename);
+ Delete(filename);
+ }
+ }
+ Printf(f_runtime, "\n");
+ String *wrapper_name = NewString("");
+ if (package) {
+ String *jniname = makeValidJniName(package);
+ Printv(jnipackage, jniname, NIL);
+ Delete(jniname);
+ Replaceall(jnipackage, ".", "_");
+ Append(jnipackage, "_");
+ Printv(package_path, package, NIL);
+ Replaceall(package_path, ".", "/");
+ }
+ String *jniname = makeValidJniName(imclass_name);
+ Printf(wrapper_name, "Java_%s%s_%%f", jnipackage, jniname);
+ Delete(jniname);
+ Swig_name_register("wrapper", Char(wrapper_name));
+ if (old_variable_names) {
+ Swig_name_register("set", "set_%n%v");
+ Swig_name_register("get", "get_%n%v");
+ }
+ Delete(wrapper_name);
+ Printf(f_wrappers, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
+ Printf(f_wrappers, "extern \"C\" {\n");
+ Printf(f_wrappers, "#endif\n\n");
+ /* Emit code */
+ Language::top(n);
+ if (directorsEnabled()) {
+ // Insert director runtime into the f_runtime file (make it occur before %header section)
+ Swig_insert_file("director_common.swg", f_runtime);
+ Swig_insert_file("director.swg", f_runtime);
+ }
+ // Generate the intermediary class
+ {
+ String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.java", outputDirectory(imclass_package), imclass_name);
+ File *f_im = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_im) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(filen);
+ }
+ Append(filenames_list, Copy(filen));
+ Delete(filen);
+ filen = NULL;
+ // Start writing out the intermediary class file
+ emitBanner(f_im);
+ if (imclass_package && package)
+ Printf(f_im, "package %s.%s;", package, imclass_package);
+ else if (imclass_package)
+ Printf(f_im, "package %s;", imclass_package);
+ else if (package)
+ Printf(f_im, "package %s;\n", package);
+ if (imclass_imports)
+ Printf(f_im, "%s\n", imclass_imports);
+ if (Len(imclass_class_modifiers) > 0)
+ Printf(f_im, "%s ", imclass_class_modifiers);
+ Printf(f_im, "%s ", imclass_name);
+ if (imclass_baseclass && *Char(imclass_baseclass))
+ Printf(f_im, "extends %s ", imclass_baseclass);
+ if (Len(imclass_interfaces) > 0)
+ Printv(f_im, "implements ", imclass_interfaces, " ", NIL);
+ Printf(f_im, "{\n");
+ // Add the intermediary class methods
+ Replaceall(imclass_class_code, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(imclass_class_code, "$imclassname", imclass_name);
+ Printv(f_im, imclass_class_code, NIL);
+ Printv(f_im, imclass_cppcasts_code, NIL);
+ if (Len(imclass_directors) > 0)
+ Printv(f_im, "\n", imclass_directors, NIL);
+ if (n_dmethods > 0) {
+ Putc('\n', f_im);
+ Printf(f_im, " private final static native void swig_module_init();\n");
+ Printf(f_im, " static {\n");
+ Printf(f_im, " swig_module_init();\n");
+ Printf(f_im, " }\n");
+ }
+ // Finish off the class
+ Printf(f_im, "}\n");
+ Delete(f_im);
+ }
+ // Generate the Java module class
+ {
+ String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.java", SWIG_output_directory(), module_class_name);
+ File *f_module = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_module) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(filen);
+ }
+ Append(filenames_list, Copy(filen));
+ Delete(filen);
+ filen = NULL;
+ // Start writing out the module class file
+ emitBanner(f_module);
+ if (package)
+ Printf(f_module, "package %s;\n", package);
+ if (module_imports)
+ Printf(f_module, "%s\n", module_imports);
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, 0);
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(f_module, "/* This was generated from top() */\n");
+ Printv(f_module, Char(doxygen_comments), NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ if (Len(module_class_modifiers) > 0)
+ Printf(f_module, "%s ", module_class_modifiers);
+ Printf(f_module, "%s ", module_class_name);
+ if (module_baseclass && *Char(module_baseclass))
+ Printf(f_module, "extends %s ", module_baseclass);
+ if (Len(module_interfaces) > 0) {
+ if (Len(module_class_constants_code) != 0)
+ Printv(f_module, "implements ", constants_interface_name, ", ", module_interfaces, " ", NIL);
+ else
+ Printv(f_module, "implements ", module_interfaces, " ", NIL);
+ } else {
+ if (Len(module_class_constants_code) != 0)
+ Printv(f_module, "implements ", constants_interface_name, " ", NIL);
+ }
+ Printf(f_module, "{\n");
+ Replaceall(module_class_code, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(module_class_constants_code, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(module_class_code, "$imclassname", imclass_name);
+ Replaceall(module_class_constants_code, "$imclassname", imclass_name);
+ // Add the wrapper methods
+ Printv(f_module, module_class_code, NIL);
+ // Finish off the class
+ Printf(f_module, "}\n");
+ Delete(f_module);
+ }
+ // Generate the Java constants interface
+ if (Len(module_class_constants_code) != 0) {
+ String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.java", SWIG_output_directory(), constants_interface_name);
+ File *f_module = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_module) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(filen);
+ }
+ Append(filenames_list, Copy(filen));
+ Delete(filen);
+ filen = NULL;
+ // Start writing out the Java constants interface file
+ emitBanner(f_module);
+ if (package)
+ Printf(f_module, "package %s;\n", package);
+ if (module_imports)
+ Printf(f_module, "%s\n", module_imports);
+ Printf(f_module, "public interface %s {\n", constants_interface_name);
+ // Write out all the global constants
+ Printv(f_module, module_class_constants_code, NIL);
+ // Finish off the Java interface
+ Printf(f_module, "}\n");
+ Delete(f_module);
+ }
+ if (upcasts_code)
+ Printv(f_wrappers, upcasts_code, NIL);
+ emitDirectorUpcalls();
+ Printf(f_wrappers, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
+ Printf(f_wrappers, "}\n");
+ Printf(f_wrappers, "#endif\n");
+ // Output a Java type wrapper class for each SWIG type
+ for (Iterator swig_type = First(swig_types_hash); swig_type.key; swig_type = Next(swig_type)) {
+ emitTypeWrapperClass(swig_type.key, swig_type.item);
+ }
+ // Check for overwriting file problems on filesystems that are case insensitive
+ Iterator it1;
+ Iterator it2;
+ for (it1 = First(filenames_list); it1.item; it1 = Next(it1)) {
+ String *item1_lower = Swig_string_lower(it1.item);
+ for (it2 = Next(it1); it2.item; it2 = Next(it2)) {
+ String *item2_lower = Swig_string_lower(it2.item);
+ if (it1.item && it2.item) {
+ if (Strcmp(item1_lower, item2_lower) == 0) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_LANG_PORTABILITY_FILENAME, input_file, line_number,
+ "Portability warning: File %s will be overwritten by %s on case insensitive filesystems such as "
+ "Windows' FAT32 and NTFS unless the class/module name is renamed\n", it1.item, it2.item);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(item2_lower);
+ }
+ Delete(item1_lower);
+ }
+ Delete(swig_types_hash);
+ swig_types_hash = NULL;
+ Delete(filenames_list);
+ filenames_list = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_name);
+ imclass_name = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_class_code);
+ imclass_class_code = NULL;
+ Delete(proxy_class_def);
+ proxy_class_def = NULL;
+ Delete(proxy_class_code);
+ proxy_class_code = NULL;
+ Delete(module_class_constants_code);
+ module_class_constants_code = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_baseclass);
+ imclass_baseclass = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_package);
+ imclass_package = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_interfaces);
+ imclass_interfaces = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_class_modifiers);
+ imclass_class_modifiers = NULL;
+ Delete(module_class_name);
+ module_class_name = NULL;
+ Delete(constants_interface_name);
+ constants_interface_name = NULL;
+ Delete(module_class_code);
+ module_class_code = NULL;
+ Delete(module_baseclass);
+ module_baseclass = NULL;
+ Delete(module_interfaces);
+ module_interfaces = NULL;
+ Delete(module_imports);
+ module_imports = NULL;
+ Delete(module_class_modifiers);
+ module_class_modifiers = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_imports);
+ imclass_imports = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_cppcasts_code);
+ imclass_cppcasts_code = NULL;
+ Delete(imclass_directors);
+ imclass_directors = NULL;
+ Delete(upcasts_code);
+ upcasts_code = NULL;
+ Delete(package);
+ package = NULL;
+ Delete(jnipackage);
+ jnipackage = NULL;
+ Delete(package_path);
+ package_path = NULL;
+ Delete(dmethods_seq);
+ dmethods_seq = NULL;
+ Delete(dmethods_table);
+ dmethods_table = NULL;
+ n_dmethods = 0;
+ /* Close all of the files */
+ Dump(f_header, f_runtime);
+ if (directorsEnabled()) {
+ Dump(f_directors, f_runtime);
+ Dump(f_directors_h, f_runtime_h);
+ Printf(f_runtime_h, "\n");
+ Printf(f_runtime_h, "#endif\n");
+ Delete(f_runtime_h);
+ f_runtime_h = NULL;
+ Delete(f_directors);
+ f_directors = NULL;
+ Delete(f_directors_h);
+ f_directors_h = NULL;
+ }
+ Dump(f_wrappers, f_runtime);
+ Wrapper_pretty_print(f_init, f_runtime);
+ Delete(f_header);
+ Delete(f_wrappers);
+ Delete(f_init);
+ Dump(f_runtime, f_begin);
+ Delete(f_runtime);
+ Delete(f_begin);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * emitBanner()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void emitBanner(File *f) {
+ Printf(f, "/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ Swig_banner_target_lang(f, " *");
+ Printf(f, " * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n");
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Add new director upcall signature
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ UpcallData *addUpcallMethod(String *imclass_method, String *class_method, String *imclass_desc, String *class_desc, String *decl) {
+ String *key = NewStringf("%s|%s", imclass_method, decl);
+ ++curr_class_dmethod;
+ String *imclass_methodidx = NewStringf("%d", n_dmethods);
+ String *class_methodidx = NewStringf("%d", n_dmethods - first_class_dmethod);
+ n_dmethods++;
+ Hash *new_udata = NewHash();
+ Append(dmethods_seq, new_udata);
+ Setattr(dmethods_table, key, new_udata);
+ Setattr(new_udata, "method", Copy(class_method));
+ Setattr(new_udata, "fdesc", Copy(class_desc));
+ Setattr(new_udata, "imclass_method", Copy(imclass_method));
+ Setattr(new_udata, "imclass_fdesc", Copy(imclass_desc));
+ Setattr(new_udata, "imclass_methodidx", imclass_methodidx);
+ Setattr(new_udata, "class_methodidx", class_methodidx);
+ Setattr(new_udata, "decl", Copy(decl));
+ Delete(key);
+ return new_udata;
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get director upcall signature
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ UpcallData *getUpcallMethodData(String *director_class, String *decl) {
+ String *key = NewStringf("%s|%s", director_class, decl);
+ UpcallData *udata = Getattr(dmethods_table, key);
+ Delete(key);
+ return udata;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * nativeWrapper()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int nativeWrapper(Node *n) {
+ String *wrapname = Getattr(n, "wrap:name");
+ if (!addSymbol(wrapname, n, imclass_name))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (Getattr(n, "type")) {
+ Swig_save("nativeWrapper", n, "name", NIL);
+ Setattr(n, "name", wrapname);
+ native_function_flag = true;
+ functionWrapper(n);
+ Swig_restore(n);
+ native_function_flag = false;
+ } else {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "No return type for %%native method %s.\n", Getattr(n, "wrap:name"));
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * functionWrapper()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n) {
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
+ ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ String *tm;
+ Parm *p;
+ int i;
+ String *c_return_type = NewString("");
+ String *im_return_type = NewString("");
+ String *cleanup = NewString("");
+ String *outarg = NewString("");
+ String *body = NewString("");
+ int num_arguments = 0;
+ int gencomma = 0;
+ bool is_void_return;
+ String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n);
+ String *nondir_args = NewString("");
+ bool is_destructor = (Cmp(Getattr(n, "nodeType"), "destructor") == 0);
+ if (!Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
+ if (!addSymbol(symname, n, imclass_name))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+ The rest of this function deals with generating the intermediary class wrapper function (that wraps
+ a c/c++ function) and generating the JNI c code. Each Java wrapper function has a
+ matching JNI c function call.
+ */
+ // A new wrapper function object
+ Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
+ // Make a wrapper name for this function
+ String *jniname = makeValidJniName(overloaded_name);
+ String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(jniname);
+ Delete(jniname);
+ /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list. */
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jni", l, f);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jtype", l, f);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jstype", l, f);
+ /* Get return types */
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("jni", n, "", 0))) {
+ Printf(c_return_type, "%s", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JNI_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jni typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("jtype", n, "", 0))) {
+ Printf(im_return_type, "%s", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jtype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ is_void_return = (Cmp(c_return_type, "void") == 0);
+ if (!is_void_return)
+ Wrapper_add_localv(f, "jresult", c_return_type, "jresult = 0", NIL);
+ Printv(f->def, "SWIGEXPORT ", c_return_type, " JNICALL ", wname, "(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls", NIL);
+ // Usually these function parameters are unused - The code below ensures
+ // that compilers do not issue such a warning if configured to do so.
+ Printv(f->code, " (void)jenv;\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f->code, " (void)jcls;\n", NIL);
+ // Emit all of the local variables for holding arguments.
+ emit_parameter_variables(l, f);
+ /* Attach the standard typemaps */
+ emit_attach_parmmaps(l, f);
+ // Parameter overloading
+ Setattr(n, "wrap:parms", l);
+ Setattr(n, "wrap:name", wname);
+ // Wrappers not wanted for some methods where the parameters cannot be overloaded in Java
+ if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
+ // Emit warnings for the few cases that can't be overloaded in Java and give up on generating wrapper
+ Swig_overload_check(n);
+ if (Getattr(n, "overload:ignore")) {
+ DelWrapper(f);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, " public final static native %s %s(", im_return_type, overloaded_name);
+ num_arguments = emit_num_arguments(l);
+ // Now walk the function parameter list and generate code to get arguments
+ for (i = 0, p = l; i < num_arguments; i++) {
+ while (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ }
+ SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
+ String *ln = Getattr(p, "lname");
+ String *im_param_type = NewString("");
+ String *c_param_type = NewString("");
+ String *arg = NewString("");
+ Printf(arg, "j%s", ln);
+ /* Get the JNI C types of the parameter */
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:jni"))) {
+ Printv(c_param_type, tm, NIL);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JNI_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jni typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ /* Get the intermediary class parameter types of the parameter */
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:jtype"))) {
+ Printv(im_param_type, tm, NIL);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jtype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ /* Add parameter to intermediary class method */
+ if (gencomma)
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, ", ");
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, "%s %s", im_param_type, arg);
+ // Add parameter to C function
+ Printv(f->def, ", ", c_param_type, " ", arg, NIL);
+ ++gencomma;
+ // Premature garbage collection prevention parameter
+ if (!is_destructor) {
+ String *pgc_parameter = prematureGarbageCollectionPreventionParameter(pt, p);
+ if (pgc_parameter) {
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, ", %s %s_", pgc_parameter, arg);
+ Printf(f->def, ", jobject %s_", arg);
+ Printf(f->code, " (void)%s_;\n", arg);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get typemap for this argument
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:in"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:in", p);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$arg", arg); /* deprecated? */
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg);
+ Setattr(p, "emit:input", arg);
+ Printf(nondir_args, "%s\n", tm);
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_IN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use type %s as a function argument.\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ Delete(im_param_type);
+ Delete(c_param_type);
+ Delete(arg);
+ }
+ Printv(f->code, nondir_args, NIL);
+ Delete(nondir_args);
+ /* Insert constraint checking code */
+ for (p = l; p;) {
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:check"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:check", p);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated? */
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
+ Printv(f->code, tm, "\n", NIL);
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:check:next");
+ } else {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Insert cleanup code */
+ for (p = l; p;) {
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:freearg", p);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated? */
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
+ Printv(cleanup, tm, "\n", NIL);
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg:next");
+ } else {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Insert argument output code */
+ for (p = l; p;) {
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:argout", p);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated? */
+ Replaceall(tm, "$result", "jresult");
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
+ Printv(outarg, tm, "\n", NIL);
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout:next");
+ } else {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get any Java exception classes in the throws typemap
+ ParmList *throw_parm_list = NULL;
+ if ((throw_parm_list = Getattr(n, "catchlist"))) {
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("throws", throw_parm_list, f);
+ for (p = throw_parm_list; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
+ if (Getattr(p, "tmap:throws")) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:throws", p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now write code to make the function call
+ if (!native_function_flag) {
+ Swig_director_emit_dynamic_cast(n, f);
+ String *actioncode = emit_action(n);
+ // Handle exception classes specified in the "except" feature's "throws" attribute
+ addThrows(n, "feature:except", n);
+ /* Return value if necessary */
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup_out("out", n, Swig_cresult_name(), f, actioncode))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:out", n);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$result", "jresult");
+ if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new"))
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "1");
+ else
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "0");
+ Printf(f->code, "%s", tm);
+ if (Len(tm))
+ Printf(f->code, "\n");
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use return type %s in function %s.\n", SwigType_str(t, 0), Getattr(n, "name"));
+ }
+ emit_return_variable(n, t, f);
+ }
+ /* Output argument output code */
+ Printv(f->code, outarg, NIL);
+ /* Output cleanup code */
+ Printv(f->code, cleanup, NIL);
+ /* Look to see if there is any newfree cleanup code */
+ if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) {
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("newfree", n, Swig_cresult_name(), 0))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:newfree", n);
+ Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
+ }
+ }
+ /* See if there is any return cleanup code */
+ if (!native_function_flag) {
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("ret", n, Swig_cresult_name(), 0))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:ret", n);
+ Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Finish C function and intermediary class function definitions */
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, ")");
+ generateThrowsClause(n, imclass_class_code);
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, ";\n");
+ Printf(f->def, ") {");
+ if (!is_void_return)
+ Printv(f->code, " return jresult;\n", NIL);
+ Printf(f->code, "}\n");
+ /* Substitute the cleanup code */
+ Replaceall(f->code, "$cleanup", cleanup);
+ /* Substitute the function name */
+ Replaceall(f->code, "$symname", symname);
+ /* Contract macro modification */
+ Replaceall(f->code, "SWIG_contract_assert(", "SWIG_contract_assert($null, ");
+ if (!is_void_return)
+ Replaceall(f->code, "$null", "0");
+ else
+ Replaceall(f->code, "$null", "");
+ /* Dump the function out */
+ if (!native_function_flag)
+ Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
+ if (!(proxy_flag && is_wrapping_class()) && !enum_constant_flag) {
+ moduleClassFunctionHandler(n);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Generate the proxy class getters/setters for public member variables.
+ * Not for enums and constants.
+ */
+ if (proxy_flag && wrapping_member_flag && !enum_constant_flag) {
+ // Capitalize the first letter in the variable to create a JavaBean type getter/setter function name
+ bool getter_flag = Cmp(symname, Swig_name_set(getNSpace(), Swig_name_member(0, getClassPrefix(), variable_name))) != 0;
+ String *getter_setter_name = NewString("");
+ if (!getter_flag)
+ Printf(getter_setter_name, "set");
+ else
+ Printf(getter_setter_name, "get");
+ Putc(toupper((int) *Char(variable_name)), getter_setter_name);
+ Printf(getter_setter_name, "%s", Char(variable_name) + 1);
+ Setattr(n, "proxyfuncname", getter_setter_name);
+ Setattr(n, "imfuncname", symname);
+ proxyClassFunctionHandler(n);
+ Delete(getter_setter_name);
+ }
+ Delete(c_return_type);
+ Delete(im_return_type);
+ Delete(cleanup);
+ Delete(outarg);
+ Delete(body);
+ Delete(overloaded_name);
+ DelWrapper(f);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * variableWrapper()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int variableWrapper(Node *n) {
+ variable_wrapper_flag = true;
+ Language::variableWrapper(n); /* Default to functions */
+ variable_wrapper_flag = false;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * globalvariableHandler()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ virtual int globalvariableHandler(Node *n) {
+ variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ global_variable_flag = true;
+ int ret = Language::globalvariableHandler(n);
+ global_variable_flag = false;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ String *getCurrentScopeName(String *nspace) {
+ String *scope = 0;
+ if (nspace || getCurrentClass()) {
+ scope = NewString("");
+ if (nspace)
+ Printf(scope, "%s", nspace);
+ if (Node* cls = getCurrentClass()) {
+ if (Node *outer = Getattr(cls, "nested:outer")) {
+ String *outerClassesPrefix = Copy(Getattr(outer, "sym:name"));
+ for (outer = Getattr(outer, "nested:outer"); outer != 0; outer = Getattr(outer, "nested:outer")) {
+ Push(outerClassesPrefix, ".");
+ Push(outerClassesPrefix, Getattr(outer, "sym:name"));
+ }
+ Printv(scope, nspace ? "." : "", outerClassesPrefix, ".", proxy_class_name, NIL);
+ Delete(outerClassesPrefix);
+ } else
+ Printv(scope, nspace ? "." : "", proxy_class_name, NIL);
+ }
+ }
+ return scope;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * enumDeclaration()
+ *
+ * C/C++ enums can be mapped in one of 4 ways, depending on the java:enum feature specified:
+ * 1) Simple enums - simple constant within the proxy class or module class
+ * 2) Typeunsafe enums - simple constant in a Java class (class named after the c++ enum name)
+ * 3) Typesafe enum - typesafe enum pattern (class named after the c++ enum name)
+ * 4) Proper enums - proper Java enum
+ * Anonymous enums always default to 1)
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int enumDeclaration(Node *n) {
+ if (!ImportMode) {
+ if (getCurrentClass() && (cplus_mode != PUBLIC))
+ return SWIG_NOWRAP;
+ String *nspace = Getattr(n, "sym:nspace"); // NSpace/getNSpace() only works during Language::enumDeclaration call
+ if (proxy_flag && !is_wrapping_class()) {
+ // Global enums / enums in a namespace
+ assert(!full_imclass_name);
+ constructIntermediateClassName(n);
+ }
+ enum_code = NewString("");
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ String *constants_code = (proxy_flag && is_wrapping_class())? proxy_class_constants_code : module_class_constants_code;
+ EnumFeature enum_feature = decodeEnumFeature(n);
+ String *typemap_lookup_type = Getattr(n, "name");
+ if ((enum_feature != SimpleEnum) && symname && typemap_lookup_type) {
+ // Wrap (non-anonymous) C/C++ enum within a typesafe, typeunsafe or proper Java enum
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, 0);
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(enum_code, "/* This was generated from enumDeclaration() */\n");
+ Printv(enum_code, Char(doxygen_comments), NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ String *scope = getCurrentScopeName(nspace);
+ if (!addSymbol(symname, n, scope))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ // Pure Java baseclass and interfaces
+ const String *pure_baseclass = typemapLookup(n, "javabase", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE);
+ const String *pure_interfaces = typemapLookup(n, "javainterfaces", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE);
+ // Emit the enum
+ Printv(enum_code, typemapLookup(n, "javaclassmodifiers", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_CLASSMOD_UNDEF), // Class modifiers (enum modifiers really)
+ " ", symname, *Char(pure_baseclass) ? // Bases
+ " extends " : "", pure_baseclass, *Char(pure_interfaces) ? // Interfaces
+ " implements " : "", pure_interfaces, " {\n", NIL);
+ if (proxy_flag && is_wrapping_class())
+ Replaceall(enum_code, "$static ", "static ");
+ else
+ Replaceall(enum_code, "$static ", "");
+ Delete(scope);
+ } else {
+ if (symname && !Getattr(n, "unnamedinstance"))
+ Printf(constants_code, " // %s \n", symname);
+ // Translate and write javadoc comment for the enum itself if flagged
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, " ");
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(constants_code, "/* This was generated from enumDeclaration() */\n");
+ Printf(constants_code, Char(doxygen_comments));
+ Printf(constants_code, "\n");
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ }
+ // Emit each enum item
+ Language::enumDeclaration(n);
+ if ((enum_feature != SimpleEnum) && symname && typemap_lookup_type) {
+ // Wrap (non-anonymous) C/C++ enum within a typesafe, typeunsafe or proper Java enum
+ // Finish the enum declaration
+ // Typemaps are used to generate the enum definition in a similar manner to proxy classes.
+ Printv(enum_code, (enum_feature == ProperEnum) ? ";\n" : "", typemapLookup(n, "javabody", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVABODY_UNDEF), // main body of class
+ typemapLookup(n, "javacode", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE), // extra Java code
+ "}", NIL);
+ Replaceall(enum_code, "$javaclassname", symname);
+ // Substitute $enumvalues - intended usage is for typesafe enums
+ if (Getattr(n, "enumvalues"))
+ Replaceall(enum_code, "$enumvalues", Getattr(n, "enumvalues"));
+ else
+ Replaceall(enum_code, "$enumvalues", "");
+ if (proxy_flag && is_wrapping_class()) {
+ // Enums defined within the C++ class are defined within the proxy class
+ // Add extra indentation
+ Replaceall(enum_code, "\n", "\n ");
+ Replaceall(enum_code, " \n", "\n");
+ Printv(proxy_class_constants_code, " ", enum_code, "\n\n", NIL);
+ } else {
+ // Global enums are defined in their own file
+ String *output_directory = outputDirectory(nspace);
+ String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.java", output_directory, symname);
+ File *f_enum = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_enum) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(filen);
+ }
+ Append(filenames_list, Copy(filen));
+ Delete(filen);
+ filen = NULL;
+ // Start writing out the enum file
+ emitBanner(f_enum);
+ if (package || nspace) {
+ Printf(f_enum, "package ");
+ if (package)
+ Printv(f_enum, package, nspace ? "." : "", NIL);
+ if (nspace)
+ Printv(f_enum, nspace, NIL);
+ Printf(f_enum, ";\n");
+ }
+ Printv(f_enum, typemapLookup(n, "javaimports", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE), // Import statements
+ "\n", enum_code, "\n", NIL);
+ Printf(f_enum, "\n");
+ Delete(f_enum);
+ Delete(output_directory);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Wrap C++ enum with simple constant
+ Printf(enum_code, "\n");
+ if (proxy_flag && is_wrapping_class())
+ Printv(proxy_class_constants_code, enum_code, NIL);
+ else
+ Printv(module_class_constants_code, enum_code, NIL);
+ }
+ Delete(enum_code);
+ enum_code = NULL;
+ if (proxy_flag && !is_wrapping_class()) {
+ Delete(full_imclass_name);
+ full_imclass_name = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * enumvalueDeclaration()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int enumvalueDeclaration(Node *n) {
+ if (getCurrentClass() && (cplus_mode != PUBLIC))
+ return SWIG_NOWRAP;
+ Swig_require("enumvalueDeclaration", n, "*name", "?value", NIL);
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ String *value = Getattr(n, "value");
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ Node *parent = parentNode(n);
+ int unnamedinstance = GetFlag(parent, "unnamedinstance");
+ String *parent_name = Getattr(parent, "name");
+ String *nspace = getNSpace();
+ String *newsymname = 0;
+ String *tmpValue;
+ // Strange hack from parent method
+ if (value)
+ tmpValue = NewString(value);
+ else
+ tmpValue = NewString(name);
+ // Note that this is used in enumValue() amongst other places
+ Setattr(n, "value", tmpValue);
+ // Deal with enum values that are not int
+ int swigtype = SwigType_type(Getattr(n, "type"));
+ if (swigtype == T_BOOL) {
+ const char *val = Equal(Getattr(n, "enumvalue"), "true") ? "1" : "0";
+ Setattr(n, "enumvalue", val);
+ } else if (swigtype == T_CHAR) {
+ String *val = NewStringf("'%(escape)s'", Getattr(n, "enumvalue"));
+ Setattr(n, "enumvalue", val);
+ Delete(val);
+ }
+ {
+ EnumFeature enum_feature = decodeEnumFeature(parent);
+ if ((enum_feature == SimpleEnum) && GetFlag(parent, "scopedenum")) {
+ newsymname = Swig_name_member(0, Getattr(parent, "sym:name"), symname);
+ symname = newsymname;
+ }
+ // Add to language symbol table
+ String *scope = 0;
+ if (unnamedinstance || !parent_name || enum_feature == SimpleEnum) {
+ String *enumClassPrefix = getEnumClassPrefix();
+ if (enumClassPrefix) {
+ scope = NewString("");
+ if (nspace)
+ Printf(scope, "%s.", nspace);
+ Printf(scope, "%s", enumClassPrefix);
+ } else {
+ scope = Copy(constants_interface_name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ scope = getCurrentScopeName(nspace);
+ if (!scope)
+ scope = Copy(Getattr(parent, "sym:name"));
+ else
+ Printf(scope, ".%s", Getattr(parent, "sym:name"));
+ }
+ if (!addSymbol(symname, n, scope))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if ((enum_feature == ProperEnum) && parent_name && !unnamedinstance) {
+ if (!GetFlag(n, "firstenumitem"))
+ Printf(enum_code, ",\n");
+ }
+ // Translate and write javadoc comment if flagged
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, " ");
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(enum_code, "/* This was generated from enumvalueDeclaration() */\n");
+ Printv(enum_code, Char(doxygen_comments), NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ if ((enum_feature == ProperEnum) && parent_name && !unnamedinstance) {
+ // Wrap (non-anonymous) C/C++ enum with a proper Java enum
+ // Emit the enum item.
+ Printf(enum_code, " %s", symname);
+ if (Getattr(n, "enumvalue")) {
+ String *value = enumValue(n);
+ Printf(enum_code, "(%s)", value);
+ Delete(value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Wrap C/C++ enums with constant integers or use the typesafe enum pattern
+ SwigType *typemap_lookup_type = parent_name ? parent_name : NewString("enum ");
+ Setattr(n, "type", typemap_lookup_type);
+ const String *tm = typemapLookup(n, "jstype", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JSTYPE_UNDEF);
+ String *return_type = Copy(tm);
+ substituteClassname(typemap_lookup_type, return_type);
+ const String *methodmods = Getattr(n, "feature:java:methodmodifiers");
+ methodmods = methodmods ? methodmods : (is_public(n) ? public_string : protected_string);
+ if ((enum_feature == TypesafeEnum) && parent_name && !unnamedinstance) {
+ // Wrap (non-anonymous) enum using the typesafe enum pattern
+ if (Getattr(n, "enumvalue")) {
+ String *value = enumValue(n);
+ Printf(enum_code, " %s final static %s %s = new %s(\"%s\", %s);\n", methodmods, return_type, symname, return_type, symname, value);
+ Delete(value);
+ } else {
+ Printf(enum_code, " %s final static %s %s = new %s(\"%s\");\n", methodmods, return_type, symname, return_type, symname);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Simple integer constants
+ // Note these are always generated for anonymous enums, no matter what enum_feature is specified
+ // Code generated is the same for SimpleEnum and TypeunsafeEnum -> the class it is generated into is determined later
+ String *value = enumValue(n);
+ Printf(enum_code, " %s final static %s %s = %s;\n", methodmods, return_type, symname, value);
+ Delete(value);
+ }
+ Delete(return_type);
+ }
+ // Add the enum value to the comma separated list being constructed in the enum declaration.
+ String *enumvalues = Getattr(parent, "enumvalues");
+ if (!enumvalues)
+ Setattr(parent, "enumvalues", Copy(symname));
+ else
+ Printv(enumvalues, ", ", symname, NIL);
+ Delete(scope);
+ }
+ Delete(newsymname);
+ Delete(tmpValue);
+ Swig_restore(n);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * constantWrapper()
+ * Used for wrapping constants - #define or %constant.
+ * Also for inline initialised const static primitive type member variables (short, int, double, enums etc).
+ * Java static final variables are generated for these.
+ * If the %javaconst(1) feature is used then the C constant value is used to initialise the Java final variable.
+ * If not, a JNI method is generated to get the C constant value for initialisation of the Java final variable.
+ * However, if the %javaconstvalue feature is used, it overrides all other ways to generate the initialisation.
+ * Also note that this method might be called for wrapping enum items (when the enum is using %javaconst(0)).
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n) {
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
+ SwigType *valuetype = Getattr(n, "valuetype");
+ ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ String *tm;
+ String *return_type = NewString("");
+ String *constants_code = NewString("");
+ Swig_save("constantWrapper", n, "value", NIL);
+ // Translate and write javadoc comment if flagged
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, " ");
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(constants_code, "/* This was generated from constantWrapper() */\n");
+ Printv(constants_code, Char(doxygen_comments), NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ bool is_enum_item = (Cmp(nodeType(n), "enumitem") == 0);
+ const String *itemname = (proxy_flag && wrapping_member_flag) ? variable_name : symname;
+ if (!is_enum_item) {
+ String *scope = 0;
+ if (proxy_class_name) {
+ String *nspace = getNSpace();
+ scope = NewString("");
+ if (nspace)
+ Printf(scope, "%s.", nspace);
+ Printf(scope, "%s", proxy_class_name);
+ } else {
+ scope = Copy(constants_interface_name);
+ }
+ if (!addSymbol(itemname, n, scope))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ Delete(scope);
+ }
+ // The %javaconst feature determines how the constant value is obtained
+ int const_feature_flag = GetFlag(n, "feature:java:const");
+ /* Adjust the enum type for the Swig_typemap_lookup.
+ * We want the same jstype typemap for all the enum items so we use the enum type (parent node). */
+ if (is_enum_item) {
+ t = Getattr(parentNode(n), "enumtype");
+ Setattr(n, "type", t);
+ }
+ /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list. */
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jstype", l, NULL);
+ /* Get Java return types */
+ bool classname_substituted_flag = false;
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("jstype", n, "", 0))) {
+ classname_substituted_flag = substituteClassname(t, tm);
+ Printf(return_type, "%s", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JSTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jstype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ // Add the stripped quotes back in
+ String *new_value = NewString("");
+ if (SwigType_type(t) == T_STRING) {
+ Printf(new_value, "\"%s\"", Copy(Getattr(n, "value")));
+ Setattr(n, "value", new_value);
+ } else if (SwigType_type(t) == T_CHAR) {
+ Printf(new_value, "\'%s\'", Copy(Getattr(n, "value")));
+ Setattr(n, "value", new_value);
+ }
+ const String *methodmods = Getattr(n, "feature:java:methodmodifiers");
+ methodmods = methodmods ? methodmods : (is_public(n) ? public_string : protected_string);
+ Printf(constants_code, " %s final static %s %s = ", methodmods, return_type, itemname);
+ // Check for the %javaconstvalue feature
+ String *value = Getattr(n, "feature:java:constvalue");
+ if (value) {
+ Printf(constants_code, "%s;\n", value);
+ } else if (!const_feature_flag) {
+ // Default enum and constant handling will work with any type of C constant and initialises the Java variable from C through a JNI call.
+ if (classname_substituted_flag) {
+ if (SwigType_isenum(t)) {
+ // This handles wrapping of inline initialised const enum static member variables (not when wrapping enum items - ignored later on)
+ Printf(constants_code, "%s.swigToEnum(%s.%s());\n", return_type, full_imclass_name ? full_imclass_name : imclass_name, Swig_name_get(getNSpace(), symname));
+ } else {
+ // This handles function pointers using the %constant directive
+ Printf(constants_code, "new %s(%s.%s(), false);\n", return_type, full_imclass_name ? full_imclass_name : imclass_name, Swig_name_get(getNSpace(), symname));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Printf(constants_code, "%s.%s();\n", full_imclass_name ? full_imclass_name : imclass_name, Swig_name_get(getNSpace(), symname));
+ }
+ // Each constant and enum value is wrapped with a separate JNI function call
+ SetFlag(n, "feature:immutable");
+ enum_constant_flag = true;
+ variableWrapper(n);
+ enum_constant_flag = false;
+ } else {
+ // Alternative constant handling will use the C syntax to make a true Java constant and hope that it compiles as Java code
+ if (Getattr(n, "wrappedasconstant")) {
+ if (SwigType_type(valuetype) == T_CHAR)
+ Printf(constants_code, "\'%(escape)s\';\n", Getattr(n, "staticmembervariableHandler:value"));
+ else
+ Printf(constants_code, "%s;\n", Getattr(n, "staticmembervariableHandler:value"));
+ } else {
+ Printf(constants_code, "%s;\n", Getattr(n, "value"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Emit the generated code to appropriate place
+ // Enums only emit the intermediate and JNI methods, so no proxy or module class wrapper methods needed
+ if (!is_enum_item) {
+ if (proxy_flag && wrapping_member_flag)
+ Printv(proxy_class_constants_code, constants_code, NIL);
+ else
+ Printv(module_class_constants_code, constants_code, NIL);
+ }
+ // Cleanup
+ Swig_restore(n);
+ Delete(new_value);
+ Delete(return_type);
+ Delete(constants_code);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * insertDirective()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int insertDirective(Node *n) {
+ int ret = SWIG_OK;
+ String *code = Getattr(n, "code");
+ String *section = Getattr(n, "section");
+ Replaceall(code, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(code, "$imclassname", imclass_name);
+ if (!ImportMode && (Cmp(section, "proxycode") == 0)) {
+ if (proxy_class_code) {
+ Swig_typemap_replace_embedded_typemap(code, n);
+ int offset = Len(code) > 0 && *Char(code) == '\n' ? 1 : 0;
+ Printv(proxy_class_code, Char(code) + offset, "\n", NIL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = Language::insertDirective(n);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * pragmaDirective()
+ *
+ * Valid Pragmas:
+ * jniclassbase - base (extends) for the intermediary class
+ * jniclasspackage - package in which to generate the intermediary class
+ * jniclassclassmodifiers - class modifiers for the intermediary class
+ * jniclasscode - text (java code) is copied verbatim to the intermediary class
+ * jniclassimports - import statements for the intermediary class
+ * jniclassinterfaces - interface (implements) for the intermediary class
+ *
+ * modulebase - base (extends) for the module class
+ * moduleclassmodifiers - class modifiers for the module class
+ * modulecode - text (java code) is copied verbatim to the module class
+ * moduleimports - import statements for the module class
+ * moduleinterfaces - interface (implements) for the module class
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int pragmaDirective(Node *n) {
+ if (!ImportMode) {
+ String *lang = Getattr(n, "lang");
+ String *code = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *value = Getattr(n, "value");
+ if (Strcmp(lang, "java") == 0) {
+ String *strvalue = NewString(value);
+ Replaceall(strvalue, "\\\"", "\"");
+ if (Strcmp(code, "jniclassbase") == 0) {
+ Delete(imclass_baseclass);
+ imclass_baseclass = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "jniclasspackage") == 0) {
+ Delete(imclass_package);
+ imclass_package = Copy(strvalue);
+ String *imclass_class_package_jniname = makeValidJniName(imclass_package);
+ Printv(jnipackage, imclass_class_package_jniname, NIL);
+ Delete(imclass_class_package_jniname);
+ Replaceall(jnipackage, NSPACE_SEPARATOR, "_");
+ Append(jnipackage, "_");
+ String *wrapper_name = NewString("");
+ String *imclass_class_jniname = makeValidJniName(imclass_name);
+ Printf(wrapper_name, "Java_%s%s_%%f", jnipackage, imclass_class_jniname);
+ Delete(imclass_class_jniname);
+ Swig_name_unregister("wrapper");
+ Swig_name_register("wrapper", Char(wrapper_name));
+ Delete(wrapper_name);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "jniclassclassmodifiers") == 0) {
+ Delete(imclass_class_modifiers);
+ imclass_class_modifiers = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "jniclasscode") == 0) {
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, "%s\n", strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "jniclassimports") == 0) {
+ Delete(imclass_imports);
+ imclass_imports = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "jniclassinterfaces") == 0) {
+ Delete(imclass_interfaces);
+ imclass_interfaces = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "modulebase") == 0) {
+ Delete(module_baseclass);
+ module_baseclass = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleclassmodifiers") == 0) {
+ Delete(module_class_modifiers);
+ module_class_modifiers = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "modulecode") == 0) {
+ Printf(module_class_code, "%s\n", strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleimports") == 0) {
+ Delete(module_imports);
+ module_imports = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleinterfaces") == 0) {
+ Delete(module_interfaces);
+ module_interfaces = Copy(strvalue);
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleimport") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use the moduleimports pragma.\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleinterface") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use the moduleinterfaces pragma.\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "modulemethodmodifiers") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%javamethodmodifiers.\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "allshadowimport") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javaimports).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "allshadowcode") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javacode).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "allshadowbase") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javabase).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "allshadowinterface") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javainterfaces).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "allshadowclassmodifiers") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javaclassmodifiers).\n");
+ } else if (proxy_flag) {
+ if (Strcmp(code, "shadowcode") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javacode).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "shadowimport") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javaimports).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "shadowbase") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javabase).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "shadowinterface") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javainterfaces).\n");
+ } else if (Strcmp(code, "shadowclassmodifiers") == 0) {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Deprecated pragma. Please use %%typemap(javaclassmodifiers).\n");
+ } else {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Unrecognized pragma.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "Unrecognized pragma.\n");
+ }
+ Delete(strvalue);
+ }
+ }
+ return Language::pragmaDirective(n);
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * getQualifiedInterfaceName()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *getQualifiedInterfaceName(Node *n) {
+ String *ret = Getattr(n, "interface:qname");
+ if (!ret) {
+ String *nspace = Getattr(n, "sym:nspace");
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "interface:name");
+ if (nspace) {
+ if (package)
+ ret = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s", package, nspace, symname);
+ else
+ ret = NewStringf("%s.%s", nspace, symname);
+ } else {
+ ret = Copy(symname);
+ }
+ Setattr(n, "interface:qname", ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * getInterfaceName()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *getInterfaceName(SwigType *t, bool qualified) {
+ String *interface_name = NULL;
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ Node *n = classLookup(t);
+ if (n && Getattr(n, "interface:name"))
+ interface_name = qualified ? getQualifiedInterfaceName(n) : Getattr(n, "interface:name");
+ }
+ return interface_name;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * addInterfaceNameAndUpcasts()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void addInterfaceNameAndUpcasts(SwigType *smart, String *interface_list, String *interface_upcasts, List *base_list, SwigType *c_classname) {
+ for (Iterator it = First(base_list); it.item; it = Next(it)) {
+ Node *base = it.item;
+ SwigType *c_baseclassname = Getattr(base, "name");
+ String *interface_name = Getattr(base, "interface:name");
+ if (Len(interface_list))
+ Append(interface_list, ", ");
+ Append(interface_list, interface_name);
+ Node *attributes = NewHash();
+ String *interface_code = Copy(typemapLookup(base, "javainterfacecode", Getattr(base, "classtypeobj"), WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_INTERFACECODE_UNDEF, attributes));
+ String *cptr_method_name = 0;
+ if (interface_code) {
+ Replaceall(interface_code, "$interfacename", interface_name);
+ Printv(interface_upcasts, interface_code, NIL);
+ cptr_method_name = Copy(Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javainterfacecode:cptrmethod"));
+ }
+ if (!cptr_method_name)
+ cptr_method_name = NewStringf("%s_GetInterfaceCPtr", interface_name);
+ Replaceall(cptr_method_name, ".", "_");
+ Replaceall(cptr_method_name, "$interfacename", interface_name);
+ String *upcast_method_name = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), cptr_method_name);
+ upcastsCode(smart, upcast_method_name, c_classname, c_baseclassname);
+ Delete(upcast_method_name);
+ Delete(cptr_method_name);
+ Delete(interface_code);
+ }
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * upcastsCode()
+ *
+ * Add code for C++ casting to base class
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void upcastsCode(SwigType *smart, String *upcast_method_name, SwigType *c_classname, SwigType *c_baseclassname) {
+ String *jniname = makeValidJniName(upcast_method_name);
+ String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(jniname);
+ Printf(imclass_cppcasts_code, " public final static native long %s(long jarg1);\n", upcast_method_name);
+ String *classname = SwigType_namestr(c_classname);
+ String *baseclassname = SwigType_namestr(c_baseclassname);
+ if (smart) {
+ String *smartnamestr = SwigType_namestr(smart);
+ String *bsmartnamestr = SwigType_namestr(smart);
+ // TODO: SwigType_typedef_resolve_all on a String instead of SwigType is incorrect for templates
+ SwigType *rclassname = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(classname);
+ SwigType *rbaseclassname = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(baseclassname);
+ Replaceall(bsmartnamestr, rclassname, rbaseclassname);
+ Printv(upcasts_code,
+ "SWIGEXPORT jlong JNICALL ", wname, "(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jlong jarg1) {\n",
+ " jlong baseptr = 0;\n"
+ " ", smartnamestr, " *argp1;\n"
+ " (void)jenv;\n"
+ " (void)jcls;\n"
+ " argp1 = *(", smartnamestr, " **)&jarg1;\n"
+ " *(", bsmartnamestr, " **)&baseptr = argp1 ? new ", bsmartnamestr, "(*argp1) : 0;\n"
+ " return baseptr;\n"
+ "}\n", "\n", NIL);
+ Delete(rbaseclassname);
+ Delete(rclassname);
+ Delete(bsmartnamestr);
+ Delete(smartnamestr);
+ } else {
+ Printv(upcasts_code,
+ "SWIGEXPORT jlong JNICALL ", wname, "(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jlong jarg1) {\n",
+ " jlong baseptr = 0;\n"
+ " (void)jenv;\n"
+ " (void)jcls;\n"
+ " *(", baseclassname, " **)&baseptr = *(", classname, " **)&jarg1;\n"
+ " return baseptr;\n"
+ "}\n", "\n", NIL);
+ }
+ Delete(baseclassname);
+ Delete(classname);
+ Delete(wname);
+ Delete(jniname);
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * emitProxyClassDefAndCPPCasts()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void emitProxyClassDefAndCPPCasts(Node *n) {
+ SwigType *c_classname = Getattr(n, "name");
+ SwigType *c_baseclassname = NULL;
+ String *baseclass = NULL;
+ String *interface_list = NewStringEmpty();
+ String *interface_upcasts = NewStringEmpty();
+ SwigType *typemap_lookup_type = Getattr(n, "classtypeobj");
+ bool feature_director = Swig_directorclass(n) ? true : false;
+ bool has_outerclass = Getattr(n, "nested:outer") != 0 && !GetFlag(n, "feature:flatnested");
+ SwigType *smart = Swig_cparse_smartptr(n);
+ // Inheritance from pure Java classes
+ Node *attributes = NewHash();
+ const String *pure_baseclass = typemapLookup(n, "javabase", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE, attributes);
+ bool purebase_replace = GetFlag(attributes, "tmap:javabase:replace") ? true : false;
+ bool purebase_notderived = GetFlag(attributes, "tmap:javabase:notderived") ? true : false;
+ Delete(attributes);
+ // C++ inheritance
+ if (!purebase_replace) {
+ List *baselist = Getattr(n, "bases");
+ if (baselist) {
+ Iterator base = First(baselist);
+ while (base.item) {
+ if (!(GetFlag(base.item, "feature:ignore") || GetFlag(base.item, "feature:interface"))) {
+ SwigType *baseclassname = Getattr(base.item, "name");
+ if (!c_baseclassname) {
+ String *name = getProxyName(baseclassname);
+ if (name) {
+ c_baseclassname = baseclassname;
+ baseclass = name;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Warn about multiple inheritance for additional base class(es) */
+ String *proxyclassname = Getattr(n, "classtypeobj");
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE, Getfile(n), Getline(n),
+ "Warning for %s, base %s ignored. Multiple inheritance is not supported in Java.\n", SwigType_namestr(proxyclassname), SwigType_namestr(baseclassname));
+ }
+ }
+ base = Next(base);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ List *interface_bases = Getattr(n, "interface:bases");
+ if (interface_bases)
+ addInterfaceNameAndUpcasts(smart, interface_list, interface_upcasts, interface_bases, c_classname);
+ bool derived = baseclass != 0;
+ if (derived && purebase_notderived)
+ pure_baseclass = empty_string;
+ const String *wanted_base = baseclass ? baseclass : pure_baseclass;
+ if (purebase_replace) {
+ wanted_base = pure_baseclass;
+ derived = false;
+ baseclass = NULL;
+ if (purebase_notderived)
+ Swig_error(Getfile(n), Getline(n), "The javabase typemap for proxy %s must contain just one of the 'replace' or 'notderived' attributes.\n", typemap_lookup_type);
+ } else if (Len(pure_baseclass) > 0 && Len(baseclass) > 0) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE, Getfile(n), Getline(n),
+ "Warning for %s, base %s ignored. Multiple inheritance is not supported in Java. "
+ "Perhaps you need one of the 'replace' or 'notderived' attributes in the javabase typemap?\n", typemap_lookup_type, pure_baseclass);
+ }
+ // Pure Java interfaces
+ const String *pure_interfaces = typemapLookup(n, "javainterfaces", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE);
+ if (*Char(interface_list) && *Char(pure_interfaces))
+ Append(interface_list, ", ");
+ Append(interface_list, pure_interfaces);
+ // Start writing the proxy class
+ if (!has_outerclass) // Import statements
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, typemapLookup(n, "javaimports", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE),"\n", NIL);
+ // Translate and write javadoc comment if flagged
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, 0);
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(proxy_class_def, "/* This was generated from emitProxyClassDefAndCPPCasts() */\n");
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, Char(doxygen_comments), NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ if (has_outerclass)
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, "static ", NIL); // C++ nested classes correspond to static java classes
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, typemapLookup(n, "javaclassmodifiers", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_CLASSMOD_UNDEF), // Class modifiers
+ " $javaclassname", // Class name and bases
+ (*Char(wanted_base)) ? " extends " : "", wanted_base, *Char(interface_list) ? // Pure Java interfaces
+ " implements " : "", interface_list, " {", derived ? typemapLookup(n, "javabody_derived", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVABODY_UNDEF) : // main body of class
+ typemapLookup(n, "javabody", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVABODY_UNDEF), // main body of class
+ NIL);
+ // C++ destructor is wrapped by the delete method
+ // Note that the method name is specified in a typemap attribute called methodname
+ String *destruct = NewString("");
+ const String *tm = NULL;
+ attributes = NewHash();
+ const String *destruct_methodname = NULL;
+ const String *destruct_methodmodifiers = NULL;
+ const String *destruct_parameters = NULL;
+ if (derived) {
+ tm = typemapLookup(n, "javadestruct_derived", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE, attributes);
+ destruct_methodname = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javadestruct_derived:methodname");
+ destruct_methodmodifiers = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javadestruct_derived:methodmodifiers");
+ destruct_parameters = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javadestruct_derived:parameters");
+ } else {
+ tm = typemapLookup(n, "javadestruct", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE, attributes);
+ destruct_methodname = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javadestruct:methodname");
+ destruct_methodmodifiers = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javadestruct:methodmodifiers");
+ destruct_parameters = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javadestruct:parameters");
+ }
+ if (tm && *Char(tm)) {
+ if (!destruct_methodname) {
+ Swig_error(Getfile(n), Getline(n), "No methodname attribute defined in javadestruct%s typemap for %s\n", (derived ? "_derived" : ""), proxy_class_name);
+ }
+ if (!destruct_methodmodifiers) {
+ Swig_error(Getfile(n), Getline(n), "No methodmodifiers attribute defined in javadestruct%s typemap for %s.\n", (derived ? "_derived" : ""), proxy_class_name);
+ }
+ if (!destruct_parameters)
+ destruct_parameters = empty_string;
+ }
+ // Emit the finalize and delete methods
+ if (tm) {
+ // Finalize method
+ if (*Char(destructor_call)) {
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, typemapLookup(n, "javafinalize", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE), NIL);
+ }
+ // delete method
+ Printv(destruct, tm, NIL);
+ if (*Char(destructor_call))
+ Replaceall(destruct, "$jnicall", destructor_call);
+ else
+ Replaceall(destruct, "$jnicall", "throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\"C++ destructor does not have public access\")");
+ if (*Char(destruct)) {
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, "\n ", NIL);
+ const String *methodmods = Getattr(n, "destructmethodmodifiers");
+ if (methodmods)
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, methodmods, NIL);
+ else
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, destruct_methodmodifiers, NIL);
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, " void ", destruct_methodname, "(", destruct_parameters, ")", destructor_throws_clause, " ", destruct, "\n", NIL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*Char(interface_upcasts))
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, interface_upcasts, NIL);
+ /* Insert directordisconnect typemap, if this class has directors enabled */
+ /* Also insert the swigTakeOwnership and swigReleaseOwnership methods */
+ if (feature_director) {
+ String *destruct_jnicall, *release_jnicall, *take_jnicall;
+ String *changeown_method_name = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), "change_ownership");
+ destruct_jnicall = NewStringf("%s()", destruct_methodname);
+ release_jnicall = NewStringf("%s.%s(this, swigCPtr, false)", full_imclass_name, changeown_method_name);
+ take_jnicall = NewStringf("%s.%s(this, swigCPtr, true)", full_imclass_name, changeown_method_name);
+ emitCodeTypemap(n, false, typemap_lookup_type, "directordisconnect", "methodname", destruct_jnicall);
+ emitCodeTypemap(n, false, typemap_lookup_type, "directorowner_release", "methodname", release_jnicall);
+ emitCodeTypemap(n, false, typemap_lookup_type, "directorowner_take", "methodname", take_jnicall);
+ Delete(destruct_jnicall);
+ Delete(changeown_method_name);
+ Delete(release_jnicall);
+ Delete(take_jnicall);
+ }
+ Delete(interface_upcasts);
+ Delete(interface_list);
+ Delete(attributes);
+ Delete(destruct);
+ // Emit extra user code
+ Printv(proxy_class_def, typemapLookup(n, "javacode", typemap_lookup_type, WARN_NONE), // extra Java code
+ "\n", NIL);
+ if (derived) {
+ String *upcast_method_name = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), smart != 0 ? "SWIGSmartPtrUpcast" : "SWIGUpcast");
+ upcastsCode(smart, upcast_method_name, c_classname, c_baseclassname);
+ Delete(upcast_method_name);
+ }
+ Delete(smart);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * emitInterfaceDeclaration()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void emitInterfaceDeclaration(Node *n, String *interface_name, File *f_interface, String *nspace) {
+ if (package || nspace) {
+ Printf(f_interface, "package ");
+ if (package)
+ Printv(f_interface, package, nspace ? "." : "", NIL);
+ if (nspace)
+ Printv(f_interface, nspace, NIL);
+ Printf(f_interface, ";\n");
+ }
+ Printv(f_interface, typemapLookup(n, "javaimports", Getattr(n, "classtypeobj"), WARN_NONE), "\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_interface, typemapLookup(n, "javainterfacemodifiers", Getattr(n, "classtypeobj"), WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_INTERFACEMODIFIERS_UNDEF), NIL);
+ Printf(f_interface, " %s", interface_name);
+ if (List *baselist = Getattr(n, "bases")) {
+ String *bases = 0;
+ for (Iterator base = First(baselist); base.item; base = Next(base)) {
+ if (GetFlag(base.item, "feature:ignore") || !GetFlag(base.item, "feature:interface"))
+ continue; // TODO: warn about skipped non-interface bases
+ String *base_iname = Getattr(base.item, "interface:name");
+ if (!bases)
+ bases = Copy(base_iname);
+ else {
+ Append(bases, ", ");
+ Append(bases, base_iname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bases) {
+ Printv(f_interface, " extends ", bases, NIL);
+ Delete(bases);
+ }
+ }
+ Printf(f_interface, " {\n");
+ Node *attributes = NewHash();
+ String *interface_code = Copy(typemapLookup(n, "javainterfacecode", Getattr(n, "classtypeobj"), WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_INTERFACECODE_UNDEF, attributes));
+ if (interface_code) {
+ String *interface_declaration = Copy(Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javainterfacecode:declaration"));
+ if (interface_declaration) {
+ Replaceall(interface_declaration, "$interfacename", interface_name);
+ Printv(f_interface, interface_declaration, NIL);
+ Delete(interface_declaration);
+ }
+ Delete(interface_code);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDeclaration()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int classDeclaration(Node *n) {
+ return Language::classDeclaration(n);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int classHandler(Node *n) {
+ File *f_proxy = NULL;
+ File *f_interface = NULL;
+ String *old_proxy_class_name = proxy_class_name;
+ String *old_full_proxy_class_name = full_proxy_class_name;
+ String *old_full_imclass_name = full_imclass_name;
+ String *old_destructor_call = destructor_call;
+ String *old_destructor_throws_clause = destructor_throws_clause;
+ String *old_proxy_class_constants_code = proxy_class_constants_code;
+ String *old_proxy_class_def = proxy_class_def;
+ String *old_proxy_class_code = proxy_class_code;
+ bool has_outerclass = Getattr(n, "nested:outer") && !GetFlag(n, "feature:flatnested");
+ String *old_interface_class_code = interface_class_code;
+ interface_class_code = 0;
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ proxy_class_name = NewString(Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
+ String *nspace = getNSpace();
+ constructIntermediateClassName(n);
+ String *outerClassesPrefix = 0;
+ if (Node *outer = Getattr(n, "nested:outer")) {
+ outerClassesPrefix = Copy(Getattr(outer, "sym:name"));
+ for (outer = Getattr(outer, "nested:outer"); outer != 0; outer = Getattr(outer, "nested:outer")) {
+ Push(outerClassesPrefix, ".");
+ Push(outerClassesPrefix, Getattr(outer, "sym:name"));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!nspace) {
+ full_proxy_class_name = outerClassesPrefix ? NewStringf("%s.%s", outerClassesPrefix, proxy_class_name) : NewStringf("%s", proxy_class_name);
+ if (Cmp(proxy_class_name, imclass_name) == 0) {
+ Printf(stderr, "Class name cannot be equal to intermediary class name: %s\n", proxy_class_name);
+ }
+ if (Cmp(proxy_class_name, module_class_name) == 0) {
+ Printf(stderr, "Class name cannot be equal to module class name: %s\n", proxy_class_name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (outerClassesPrefix) {
+ if (package)
+ full_proxy_class_name = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s.%s", package, nspace, outerClassesPrefix, proxy_class_name);
+ else
+ full_proxy_class_name = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s", nspace, outerClassesPrefix, proxy_class_name);
+ } else {
+ if (package)
+ full_proxy_class_name = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s", package, nspace, proxy_class_name);
+ else
+ full_proxy_class_name = NewStringf("%s.%s", nspace, proxy_class_name);
+ }
+ }
+ String *interface_name = GetFlag(n, "feature:interface") ? Getattr(n, "interface:name") : 0;
+ if (outerClassesPrefix) {
+ String *fnspace = nspace ? NewStringf("%s.%s", nspace, outerClassesPrefix) : outerClassesPrefix;
+ if (!addSymbol(proxy_class_name, n, fnspace))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (interface_name && !addInterfaceSymbol(interface_name, n, fnspace))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (nspace)
+ Delete(fnspace);
+ Delete(outerClassesPrefix);
+ } else {
+ if (!addSymbol(proxy_class_name, n, nspace))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (interface_name && !addInterfaceSymbol(interface_name, n, nspace))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ }
+ // Each outer proxy class goes into a separate file
+ if (!has_outerclass) {
+ String *output_directory = outputDirectory(nspace);
+ String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.java", output_directory, proxy_class_name);
+ f_proxy = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_proxy) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(filen);
+ }
+ Append(filenames_list, Copy(filen));
+ Delete(filen);
+ Delete(output_directory);
+ // Start writing out the proxy class file
+ emitBanner(f_proxy);
+ if (package || nspace) {
+ Printf(f_proxy, "package ");
+ if (package)
+ Printv(f_proxy, package, nspace ? "." : "", NIL);
+ if (nspace)
+ Printv(f_proxy, nspace, NIL);
+ Printf(f_proxy, ";\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ++nesting_depth;
+ proxy_class_def = NewString("");
+ proxy_class_code = NewString("");
+ destructor_call = NewString("");
+ destructor_throws_clause = NewString("");
+ proxy_class_constants_code = NewString("");
+ if (GetFlag(n, "feature:interface")) {
+ interface_class_code = NewString("");
+ String *output_directory = outputDirectory(nspace);
+ String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.java", output_directory, interface_name);
+ f_interface = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_interface) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(filen);
+ }
+ Append(filenames_list, filen); // file name ownership goes to the list
+ emitBanner(f_interface);
+ emitInterfaceDeclaration(n, interface_name, interface_class_code, nspace);
+ Delete(filen);
+ Delete(output_directory);
+ }
+ }
+ Language::classHandler(n);
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ emitProxyClassDefAndCPPCasts(n);
+ String *javaclazzname = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), ""); // mangled full proxy class name
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_def, "$javaclassname", proxy_class_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_code, "$javaclassname", proxy_class_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_constants_code, "$javaclassname", proxy_class_name);
+ Replaceall(interface_class_code, "$javaclassname", proxy_class_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_def, "$javaclazzname", javaclazzname);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_code, "$javaclazzname", javaclazzname);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_constants_code, "$javaclazzname", javaclazzname);
+ Replaceall(interface_class_code, "$javaclazzname", javaclazzname);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_def, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_code, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_constants_code, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(interface_class_code, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_def, "$imclassname", full_imclass_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_code, "$imclassname", full_imclass_name);
+ Replaceall(proxy_class_constants_code, "$imclassname", full_imclass_name);
+ Replaceall(interface_class_code, "$imclassname", full_imclass_name);
+ if (!has_outerclass)
+ Printv(f_proxy, proxy_class_def, proxy_class_code, NIL);
+ else {
+ Swig_offset_string(proxy_class_def, nesting_depth);
+ Append(old_proxy_class_code, proxy_class_def);
+ Swig_offset_string(proxy_class_code, nesting_depth);
+ Append(old_proxy_class_code, proxy_class_code);
+ }
+ // Write out all the constants
+ if (Len(proxy_class_constants_code) != 0) {
+ if (!has_outerclass)
+ Printv(f_proxy, proxy_class_constants_code, NIL);
+ else {
+ Swig_offset_string(proxy_class_constants_code, nesting_depth);
+ Append(old_proxy_class_code, proxy_class_constants_code);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!has_outerclass) {
+ Printf(f_proxy, "}\n");
+ Delete(f_proxy);
+ f_proxy = NULL;
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < nesting_depth; ++i)
+ Append(old_proxy_class_code, " ");
+ Append(old_proxy_class_code, "}\n\n");
+ --nesting_depth;
+ }
+ if (f_interface) {
+ Printv(f_interface, interface_class_code, "}\n", NIL);
+ Delete(f_interface);
+ f_interface = 0;
+ }
+ emitDirectorExtraMethods(n);
+ Delete(interface_class_code);
+ interface_class_code = old_interface_class_code;
+ Delete(javaclazzname);
+ Delete(proxy_class_name);
+ proxy_class_name = old_proxy_class_name;
+ Delete(full_proxy_class_name);
+ full_proxy_class_name = old_full_proxy_class_name;
+ Delete(full_imclass_name);
+ full_imclass_name = old_full_imclass_name;
+ Delete(destructor_call);
+ destructor_call = old_destructor_call;
+ Delete(destructor_throws_clause);
+ destructor_throws_clause = old_destructor_throws_clause;
+ Delete(proxy_class_constants_code);
+ proxy_class_constants_code = old_proxy_class_constants_code;
+ Delete(proxy_class_def);
+ proxy_class_def = old_proxy_class_def;
+ Delete(proxy_class_code);
+ proxy_class_code = old_proxy_class_code;
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * memberfunctionHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int memberfunctionHandler(Node *n) {
+ member_func_flag = true;
+ Language::memberfunctionHandler(n);
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n);
+ String *intermediary_function_name = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), overloaded_name);
+ Setattr(n, "proxyfuncname", Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
+ Setattr(n, "imfuncname", intermediary_function_name);
+ proxyClassFunctionHandler(n);
+ Delete(overloaded_name);
+ }
+ member_func_flag = false;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * staticmemberfunctionHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int staticmemberfunctionHandler(Node *n) {
+ static_flag = true;
+ member_func_flag = true;
+ Language::staticmemberfunctionHandler(n);
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n);
+ String *intermediary_function_name = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), overloaded_name);
+ Setattr(n, "proxyfuncname", Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
+ Setattr(n, "imfuncname", intermediary_function_name);
+ proxyClassFunctionHandler(n);
+ Delete(overloaded_name);
+ }
+ static_flag = false;
+ member_func_flag = false;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * proxyClassFunctionHandler()
+ *
+ * Function called for creating a Java wrapper function around a c++ function in the
+ * proxy class. Used for both static and non-static C++ class functions.
+ * C++ class static functions map to Java static functions.
+ * Two extra attributes in the Node must be available. These are "proxyfuncname" -
+ * the name of the Java class proxy function, which in turn will call "imfuncname" -
+ * the intermediary (JNI) function name in the intermediary class.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void proxyClassFunctionHandler(Node *n) {
+ SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
+ ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ String *intermediary_function_name = Getattr(n, "imfuncname");
+ String *proxy_function_name = Getattr(n, "proxyfuncname");
+ String *tm;
+ Parm *p;
+ int i;
+ String *imcall = NewString("");
+ String *return_type = NewString("");
+ String *function_code = NewString("");
+ bool setter_flag = false;
+ String *pre_code = NewString("");
+ String *post_code = NewString("");
+ bool is_interface = GetFlag(parentNode(n), "feature:interface") && !checkAttribute(n, "kind", "variable")
+ && !static_flag && Getattr(n, "interface:owner") == 0;
+ if (!proxy_flag)
+ return;
+ // Wrappers not wanted for some methods where the parameters cannot be overloaded in Java
+ if (Getattr(n, "overload:ignore"))
+ return;
+ // Don't generate proxy method for additional explicitcall method used in directors
+ if (GetFlag(n, "explicitcall"))
+ return;
+ if (l) {
+ if (SwigType_type(Getattr(l, "type")) == T_VOID) {
+ l = nextSibling(l);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list */
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("in", l, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jtype", l, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jstype", l, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("javain", l, NULL);
+ /* Get return types */
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("jstype", n, "", 0))) {
+ // Note that in the case of polymorphic (covariant) return types, the method's return type is changed to be the base of the C++ return type
+ SwigType *covariant = Getattr(n, "covariant");
+ substituteClassname(covariant ? covariant : t, tm);
+ Printf(return_type, "%s", tm);
+ if (covariant)
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_COVARIANT_RET, input_file, line_number,
+ "Covariant return types not supported in Java. Proxy method will return %s.\n", SwigType_str(covariant, 0));
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JSTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jstype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ if (wrapping_member_flag && !enum_constant_flag) {
+ // For wrapping member variables (Javabean setter)
+ setter_flag = (Cmp(Getattr(n, "sym:name"), Swig_name_set(getNSpace(), Swig_name_member(0, getClassPrefix(), variable_name))) == 0);
+ }
+ // Translate and write javadoc comment if flagged
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, " ");
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(function_code, "/* This was generated from proxyclassfunctionhandler() */\n");
+ Printv(function_code, Char(doxygen_comments), NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ /* Start generating the proxy function */
+ const String *methodmods = Getattr(n, "feature:java:methodmodifiers");
+ methodmods = methodmods ? methodmods : (is_public(n) ? public_string : protected_string);
+ Printf(function_code, " %s ", methodmods);
+ if (static_flag)
+ Printf(function_code, "static ");
+ Printf(function_code, "%s %s(", return_type, proxy_function_name);
+ if (is_interface)
+ Printf(interface_class_code, " %s %s(", return_type, proxy_function_name);
+ Printv(imcall, full_imclass_name, ".$imfuncname(", NIL);
+ if (!static_flag) {
+ Printf(imcall, "swigCPtr");
+ String *this_type = Copy(getClassType());
+ String *name = NewString("jself");
+ String *qualifier = Getattr(n, "qualifier");
+ if (qualifier)
+ SwigType_push(this_type, qualifier);
+ SwigType_add_pointer(this_type);
+ Parm *this_parm = NewParm(this_type, name, n);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jtype", this_parm, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jstype", this_parm, NULL);
+ if (prematureGarbageCollectionPreventionParameter(this_type, this_parm))
+ Printf(imcall, ", this");
+ Delete(this_parm);
+ Delete(name);
+ Delete(this_type);
+ }
+ emit_mark_varargs(l);
+ int gencomma = !static_flag;
+ /* Output each parameter */
+ for (i = 0, p = l; p; i++) {
+ /* Ignored varargs */
+ if (checkAttribute(p, "varargs:ignore", "1")) {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Ignored parameters */
+ if (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Ignore the 'this' argument for variable wrappers */
+ if (!(variable_wrapper_flag && i == 0) || static_flag) {
+ SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
+ String *param_type = NewString("");
+ /* Get the Java parameter type */
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:jstype"))) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, tm);
+ Printf(param_type, "%s", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JSTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jstype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ if (gencomma)
+ Printf(imcall, ", ");
+ String *arg = makeParameterName(n, p, i, setter_flag);
+ // Use typemaps to transform type used in Java proxy wrapper (in proxy class) to type used in JNI function (in intermediary class)
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:javain", p);
+ substituteClassname(pt, tm);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$javainput", arg);
+ String *pre = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:pre");
+ if (pre) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, pre);
+ Replaceall(pre, "$javainput", arg);
+ if (Len(pre_code) > 0)
+ Printf(pre_code, "\n");
+ Printv(pre_code, pre, NIL);
+ }
+ String *post = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:post");
+ if (post) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, post);
+ Replaceall(post, "$javainput", arg);
+ if (Len(post_code) > 0)
+ Printf(post_code, "\n");
+ Printv(post_code, post, NIL);
+ }
+ Printv(imcall, tm, NIL);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVAIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No javain typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ /* Add parameter to proxy function */
+ if (gencomma >= 2) {
+ Printf(function_code, ", ");
+ if (is_interface)
+ Printf(interface_class_code, ", ");
+ }
+ gencomma = 2;
+ Printf(function_code, "%s %s", param_type, arg);
+ if (is_interface)
+ Printf(interface_class_code, "%s %s", param_type, arg);
+ if (prematureGarbageCollectionPreventionParameter(pt, p)) {
+ String *pgcppname = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:pgcppname");
+ if (pgcppname) {
+ String *argname = Copy(pgcppname);
+ Replaceall(argname, "$javainput", arg);
+ Printf(imcall, ", %s", argname);
+ Delete(argname);
+ } else {
+ Printf(imcall, ", %s", arg);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(arg);
+ Delete(param_type);
+ }
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ }
+ Printf(imcall, ")");
+ Printf(function_code, ")");
+ // Transform return type used in JNI function (in intermediary class) to type used in Java wrapper function (in proxy class)
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("javaout", n, "", 0))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:javaout", n);
+ bool is_pre_code = Len(pre_code) > 0;
+ bool is_post_code = Len(post_code) > 0;
+ if (is_pre_code || is_post_code) {
+ Replaceall(tm, "\n ", "\n "); // add extra indentation to code in typemap
+ if (is_post_code) {
+ Insert(tm, 0, "\n try ");
+ Printv(tm, " finally {\n", post_code, "\n }", NIL);
+ } else {
+ Insert(tm, 0, "\n ");
+ }
+ if (is_pre_code) {
+ Insert(tm, 0, pre_code);
+ Insert(tm, 0, "\n");
+ }
+ Insert(tm, 0, "{");
+ Printf(tm, "\n }");
+ }
+ if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new"))
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "true");
+ else
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "false");
+ substituteClassname(t, tm);
+ // For director methods: generate code to selectively make a normal polymorphic call or
+ // an explicit method call - needed to prevent infinite recursion calls in director methods.
+ Node *explicit_n = Getattr(n, "explicitcallnode");
+ if (explicit_n) {
+ String *ex_overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(explicit_n);
+ String *ex_intermediary_function_name = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), ex_overloaded_name);
+ String *ex_imcall = Copy(imcall);
+ Replaceall(ex_imcall, "$imfuncname", ex_intermediary_function_name);
+ Replaceall(imcall, "$imfuncname", intermediary_function_name);
+ String *excode = NewString("");
+ if (!Cmp(return_type, "void"))
+ Printf(excode, "if (getClass() == %s.class) %s; else %s", proxy_class_name, imcall, ex_imcall);
+ else
+ Printf(excode, "(getClass() == %s.class) ? %s : %s", proxy_class_name, imcall, ex_imcall);
+ Clear(imcall);
+ Printv(imcall, excode, NIL);
+ Delete(ex_overloaded_name);
+ Delete(excode);
+ } else {
+ Replaceall(imcall, "$imfuncname", intermediary_function_name);
+ }
+ Replaceall(tm, "$imfuncname", intermediary_function_name);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$jnicall", imcall);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVAOUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No javaout typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ if (is_interface) {
+ Printf(interface_class_code, ")");
+ generateThrowsClause(n, interface_class_code);
+ Printf(interface_class_code, ";\n");
+ }
+ generateThrowsClause(n, function_code);
+ Printf(function_code, " %s\n\n", tm ? tm : empty_string);
+ Printv(proxy_class_code, function_code, NIL);
+ Delete(pre_code);
+ Delete(post_code);
+ Delete(function_code);
+ Delete(return_type);
+ Delete(imcall);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * constructorHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int constructorHandler(Node *n) {
+ ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ String *tm;
+ Parm *p;
+ int i;
+ String *function_code = NewString("");
+ String *helper_code = NewString(""); // Holds code for the constructor helper method generated only when the javain typemap has code in the pre or post attributes
+ String *helper_args = NewString("");
+ String *pre_code = NewString("");
+ String *post_code = NewString("");
+ String *im_return_type = NewString("");
+ bool feature_director = (parentNode(n) && Swig_directorclass(n));
+ Language::constructorHandler(n);
+ // Wrappers not wanted for some methods where the parameters cannot be overloaded in Java
+ if (Getattr(n, "overload:ignore"))
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n);
+ String *mangled_overname = Swig_name_construct(getNSpace(), overloaded_name);
+ String *imcall = NewString("");
+ const String *methodmods = Getattr(n, "feature:java:methodmodifiers");
+ methodmods = methodmods ? methodmods : (is_public(n) ? public_string : protected_string);
+ tm = Getattr(n, "tmap:jtype"); // typemaps were attached earlier to the node
+ Printf(im_return_type, "%s", tm);
+ // Translate and write javadoc comment if flagged
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, " ");
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(function_code, "/* This was generated from constructionhandler() */\n");
+ Printv(function_code, Char(doxygen_comments), NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ Printf(function_code, " %s %s(", methodmods, proxy_class_name);
+ Printf(helper_code, " static private %s SwigConstruct%s(", im_return_type, proxy_class_name);
+ Printv(imcall, full_imclass_name, ".", mangled_overname, "(", NIL);
+ /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list */
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("in", l, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jtype", l, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jstype", l, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("javain", l, NULL);
+ emit_mark_varargs(l);
+ int gencomma = 0;
+ /* Output each parameter */
+ for (i = 0, p = l; p; i++) {
+ /* Ignored varargs */
+ if (checkAttribute(p, "varargs:ignore", "1")) {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Ignored parameters */
+ if (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ continue;
+ }
+ SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
+ String *param_type = NewString("");
+ /* Get the Java parameter type */
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:jstype"))) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, tm);
+ Printf(param_type, "%s", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JSTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jstype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ if (gencomma)
+ Printf(imcall, ", ");
+ String *arg = makeParameterName(n, p, i, false);
+ // Use typemaps to transform type used in Java wrapper function (in proxy class) to type used in JNI function (in intermediary class)
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:javain", p);
+ substituteClassname(pt, tm);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$javainput", arg);
+ String *pre = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:pre");
+ if (pre) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, pre);
+ Replaceall(pre, "$javainput", arg);
+ if (Len(pre_code) > 0)
+ Printf(pre_code, "\n");
+ Printv(pre_code, pre, NIL);
+ }
+ String *post = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:post");
+ if (post) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, post);
+ Replaceall(post, "$javainput", arg);
+ if (Len(post_code) > 0)
+ Printf(post_code, "\n");
+ Printv(post_code, post, NIL);
+ }
+ Printv(imcall, tm, NIL);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVAIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No javain typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ /* Add parameter to proxy function */
+ if (gencomma) {
+ Printf(function_code, ", ");
+ Printf(helper_code, ", ");
+ Printf(helper_args, ", ");
+ }
+ Printf(function_code, "%s %s", param_type, arg);
+ Printf(helper_code, "%s %s", param_type, arg);
+ Printf(helper_args, "%s", arg);
+ ++gencomma;
+ if (prematureGarbageCollectionPreventionParameter(pt, p)) {
+ String *pgcppname = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:pgcppname");
+ if (pgcppname) {
+ String *argname = Copy(pgcppname);
+ Replaceall(argname, "$javainput", arg);
+ Printf(imcall, ", %s", argname);
+ Delete(argname);
+ } else {
+ Printf(imcall, ", %s", arg);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(arg);
+ Delete(param_type);
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ }
+ Printf(imcall, ")");
+ Printf(function_code, ")");
+ Printf(helper_code, ")");
+ generateThrowsClause(n, function_code);
+ /* Insert the javaconstruct typemap, doing the replacement for $directorconnect, as needed */
+ Hash *attributes = NewHash();
+ String *typemap_lookup_type = Getattr(getCurrentClass(), "classtypeobj");
+ String *construct_tm = Copy(typemapLookup(n, "javaconstruct", typemap_lookup_type,
+ if (construct_tm) {
+ if (!feature_director) {
+ Replaceall(construct_tm, "$directorconnect", "");
+ } else {
+ String *connect_attr = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:javaconstruct:directorconnect");
+ if (connect_attr) {
+ Replaceall(construct_tm, "$directorconnect", connect_attr);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_NO_DIRECTORCONNECT_ATTR, input_file, line_number, "\"directorconnect\" attribute missing in %s \"javaconstruct\" typemap.\n",
+ Getattr(n, "name"));
+ Replaceall(construct_tm, "$directorconnect", "");
+ }
+ }
+ Printv(function_code, " ", construct_tm, "\n", NIL);
+ }
+ bool is_pre_code = Len(pre_code) > 0;
+ bool is_post_code = Len(post_code) > 0;
+ if (is_pre_code || is_post_code) {
+ generateThrowsClause(n, helper_code);
+ Printf(helper_code, " {\n");
+ if (is_pre_code) {
+ Printv(helper_code, pre_code, "\n", NIL);
+ }
+ if (is_post_code) {
+ Printf(helper_code, " try {\n");
+ Printv(helper_code, " return ", imcall, ";\n", NIL);
+ Printv(helper_code, " } finally {\n", post_code, "\n }", NIL);
+ } else {
+ Printv(helper_code, " return ", imcall, ";", NIL);
+ }
+ Printf(helper_code, "\n }\n");
+ String *helper_name = NewStringf("%s.SwigConstruct%s(%s)", proxy_class_name, proxy_class_name, helper_args);
+ Printv(proxy_class_code, helper_code, "\n", NIL);
+ Replaceall(function_code, "$imcall", helper_name);
+ Delete(helper_name);
+ } else {
+ Replaceall(function_code, "$imcall", imcall);
+ }
+ Printv(proxy_class_code, function_code, "\n", NIL);
+ Delete(helper_args);
+ Delete(im_return_type);
+ Delete(pre_code);
+ Delete(post_code);
+ Delete(construct_tm);
+ Delete(attributes);
+ Delete(overloaded_name);
+ Delete(imcall);
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * destructorHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int destructorHandler(Node *n) {
+ Language::destructorHandler(n);
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ Printv(destructor_call, full_imclass_name, ".", Swig_name_destroy(getNSpace(), symname), "(swigCPtr)", NIL);
+ generateThrowsClause(n, destructor_throws_clause);
+ const String *methodmods = Getattr(n, "feature:java:methodmodifiers");
+ if (methodmods)
+ Setattr(getCurrentClass(), "destructmethodmodifiers", methodmods);
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * membervariableHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int membervariableHandler(Node *n) {
+ variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ wrapping_member_flag = true;
+ variable_wrapper_flag = true;
+ Language::membervariableHandler(n);
+ wrapping_member_flag = false;
+ variable_wrapper_flag = false;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * staticmembervariableHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int staticmembervariableHandler(Node *n) {
+ variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ wrapping_member_flag = true;
+ static_flag = true;
+ Language::staticmembervariableHandler(n);
+ wrapping_member_flag = false;
+ static_flag = false;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * memberconstantHandler()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ virtual int memberconstantHandler(Node *n) {
+ variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ wrapping_member_flag = true;
+ Language::memberconstantHandler(n);
+ wrapping_member_flag = false;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * getOverloadedName()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *getOverloadedName(Node *n) {
+ /* Although JNI functions are designed to handle overloaded Java functions,
+ * a Java long is used for all classes in the SWIG intermediary class.
+ * The intermediary class methods are thus mangled when overloaded to give
+ * a unique name. */
+ String *overloaded_name = NewStringf("%s", Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
+ if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
+ Printv(overloaded_name, Getattr(n, "sym:overname"), NIL);
+ }
+ return overloaded_name;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * moduleClassFunctionHandler()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void moduleClassFunctionHandler(Node *n) {
+ SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
+ ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ String *tm;
+ Parm *p;
+ int i;
+ String *imcall = NewString("");
+ String *return_type = NewString("");
+ String *function_code = NewString("");
+ int num_arguments = 0;
+ String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n);
+ String *func_name = NULL;
+ bool setter_flag = false;
+ String *pre_code = NewString("");
+ String *post_code = NewString("");
+ // Translate and write javadoc comment if flagged
+ if (doxygen && doxygenTranslator->hasDocumentation(n)) {
+ String *doxygen_comments = doxygenTranslator->getDocumentation(n, " ");
+ if (comment_creation_chatter)
+ Printf(function_code, "/* This was generated from moduleClassFunctionHandler() */\n");
+ Printv(function_code, doxygen_comments, NIL);
+ Delete(doxygen_comments);
+ }
+ if (l) {
+ if (SwigType_type(Getattr(l, "type")) == T_VOID) {
+ l = nextSibling(l);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list */
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jstype", l, NULL);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("javain", l, NULL);
+ /* Get return types */
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("jstype", n, "", 0))) {
+ substituteClassname(t, tm);
+ Printf(return_type, "%s", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JSTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jstype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ /* Change function name for global variables */
+ if (proxy_flag && global_variable_flag) {
+ // Capitalize the first letter in the variable to create a JavaBean type getter/setter function name
+ func_name = NewString("");
+ setter_flag = (Cmp(Getattr(n, "sym:name"), Swig_name_set(getNSpace(), variable_name)) == 0);
+ if (setter_flag)
+ Printf(func_name, "set");
+ else
+ Printf(func_name, "get");
+ Putc(toupper((int) *Char(variable_name)), func_name);
+ Printf(func_name, "%s", Char(variable_name) + 1);
+ } else {
+ func_name = Copy(Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
+ }
+ /* Start generating the function */
+ const String *methodmods = Getattr(n, "feature:java:methodmodifiers");
+ methodmods = methodmods ? methodmods : (is_public(n) ? public_string : protected_string);
+ Printf(function_code, " %s static %s %s(", methodmods, return_type, func_name);
+ Printv(imcall, imclass_name, ".", overloaded_name, "(", NIL);
+ /* Get number of required and total arguments */
+ num_arguments = emit_num_arguments(l);
+ bool global_or_member_variable = global_variable_flag || (wrapping_member_flag && !enum_constant_flag);
+ int gencomma = 0;
+ /* Output each parameter */
+ for (i = 0, p = l; i < num_arguments; i++) {
+ /* Ignored parameters */
+ while (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ }
+ SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
+ String *param_type = NewString("");
+ /* Get the Java parameter type */
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:jstype"))) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, tm);
+ Printf(param_type, "%s", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JSTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jstype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ if (gencomma)
+ Printf(imcall, ", ");
+ String *arg = makeParameterName(n, p, i, global_or_member_variable);
+ // Use typemaps to transform type used in Java wrapper function (in proxy class) to type used in JNI function (in intermediary class)
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:javain", p);
+ substituteClassname(pt, tm);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$javainput", arg);
+ String *pre = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:pre");
+ if (pre) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, pre);
+ Replaceall(pre, "$javainput", arg);
+ if (Len(pre_code) > 0)
+ Printf(pre_code, "\n");
+ Printv(pre_code, pre, NIL);
+ }
+ String *post = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:post");
+ if (post) {
+ substituteClassname(pt, post);
+ Replaceall(post, "$javainput", arg);
+ if (Len(post_code) > 0)
+ Printf(post_code, "\n");
+ Printv(post_code, post, NIL);
+ }
+ Printv(imcall, tm, NIL);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVAIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No javain typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
+ }
+ /* Add parameter to module class function */
+ if (gencomma >= 2)
+ Printf(function_code, ", ");
+ gencomma = 2;
+ Printf(function_code, "%s %s", param_type, arg);
+ if (prematureGarbageCollectionPreventionParameter(pt, p)) {
+ String *pgcppname = Getattr(p, "tmap:javain:pgcppname");
+ if (pgcppname) {
+ String *argname = Copy(pgcppname);
+ Replaceall(argname, "$javainput", arg);
+ Printf(imcall, ", %s", argname);
+ Delete(argname);
+ } else {
+ Printf(imcall, ", %s", arg);
+ }
+ }
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
+ Delete(arg);
+ Delete(param_type);
+ }
+ Printf(imcall, ")");
+ Printf(function_code, ")");
+ // Transform return type used in JNI function (in intermediary class) to type used in Java wrapper function (in module class)
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("javaout", n, "", 0))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:javaout", n);
+ bool is_pre_code = Len(pre_code) > 0;
+ bool is_post_code = Len(post_code) > 0;
+ if (is_pre_code || is_post_code) {
+ Replaceall(tm, "\n ", "\n "); // add extra indentation to code in typemap
+ if (is_post_code) {
+ Insert(tm, 0, "\n try ");
+ Printv(tm, " finally {\n", post_code, "\n }", NIL);
+ } else {
+ Insert(tm, 0, "\n ");
+ }
+ if (is_pre_code) {
+ Insert(tm, 0, pre_code);
+ Insert(tm, 0, "\n");
+ }
+ Insert(tm, 0, "{");
+ Printf(tm, "\n }");
+ }
+ if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new"))
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "true");
+ else
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "false");
+ substituteClassname(t, tm);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$imfuncname", overloaded_name);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$jnicall", imcall);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVAOUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No javaout typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ generateThrowsClause(n, function_code);
+ Printf(function_code, " %s\n\n", tm ? tm : empty_string);
+ Printv(module_class_code, function_code, NIL);
+ Delete(pre_code);
+ Delete(post_code);
+ Delete(function_code);
+ Delete(return_type);
+ Delete(imcall);
+ Delete(func_name);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * replaceSpecialVariables()
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ virtual void replaceSpecialVariables(String *method, String *tm, Parm *parm) {
+ (void)method;
+ SwigType *type = Getattr(parm, "type");
+ substituteClassname(type, tm);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * decodeEnumFeature()
+ * Decode the possible enum features, which are one of:
+ * %javaenum(simple)
+ * %javaenum(typeunsafe) - default
+ * %javaenum(typesafe)
+ * %javaenum(proper)
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ EnumFeature decodeEnumFeature(Node *n) {
+ EnumFeature enum_feature = TypeunsafeEnum;
+ String *feature = Getattr(n, "feature:java:enum");
+ if (feature) {
+ if (Cmp(feature, "simple") == 0)
+ enum_feature = SimpleEnum;
+ else if (Cmp(feature, "typesafe") == 0)
+ enum_feature = TypesafeEnum;
+ else if (Cmp(feature, "proper") == 0)
+ enum_feature = ProperEnum;
+ }
+ return enum_feature;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * enumValue()
+ * This method will return a string with an enum value to use in Java generated
+ * code. If the %javaconst feature is not used, the string will contain the intermediary
+ * class call to obtain the enum value. The intermediary class and JNI methods to obtain
+ * the enum value will be generated. Otherwise the C/C++ enum value will be used if there
+ * is one and hopefully it will compile as Java code - e.g. 20 as in: enum E{e=20};
+ * The %javaconstvalue feature overrides all other ways to generate the constant value.
+ * The caller must delete memory allocated for the returned string.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ String *enumValue(Node *n) {
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ // Check for the %javaconstvalue feature
+ String *value = Getattr(n, "feature:java:constvalue");
+ if (!value) {
+ // The %javaconst feature determines how the constant value is obtained
+ int const_feature_flag = GetFlag(n, "feature:java:const");
+ if (const_feature_flag) {
+ // Use the C syntax to make a true Java constant and hope that it compiles as Java code
+ value = Getattr(n, "enumvalue") ? Copy(Getattr(n, "enumvalue")) : Copy(Getattr(n, "enumvalueex"));
+ } else {
+ String *newsymname = 0;
+ if (!getCurrentClass() || !proxy_flag) {
+ String *enumClassPrefix = getEnumClassPrefix();
+ if (enumClassPrefix) {
+ // A global scoped enum
+ newsymname = Swig_name_member(0, enumClassPrefix, symname);
+ symname = newsymname;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the enumvalue from a JNI call
+ if (!getCurrentClass() || !cparse_cplusplus || !proxy_flag) {
+ // Strange hack to change the name
+ Setattr(n, "name", Getattr(n, "value")); /* for wrapping of enums in a namespace when emit_action is used */
+ constantWrapper(n);
+ value = NewStringf("%s.%s()", full_imclass_name ? full_imclass_name : imclass_name, Swig_name_get(getNSpace(), symname));
+ } else {
+ memberconstantHandler(n);
+ value = NewStringf("%s.%s()", full_imclass_name ? full_imclass_name : imclass_name, Swig_name_get(getNSpace(), Swig_name_member(0, getEnumClassPrefix(), symname)));
+ }
+ Delete(newsymname);
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * getEnumName()
+ *
+ * If jnidescriptor is set, inner class names are separated with '$' otherwise a '.'
+ * and the package is also not added to the name.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *getEnumName(SwigType *t, bool jnidescriptor) {
+ Node *enumname = NULL;
+ Node *n = enumLookup(t);
+ if (n) {
+ enumname = Getattr(n, "enumname");
+ if (!enumname || jnidescriptor) {
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ if (symname) {
+ // Add in class scope when referencing enum if not a global enum
+ String *scopename_prefix = Swig_scopename_prefix(Getattr(n, "name"));
+ String *proxyname = 0;
+ if (scopename_prefix) {
+ proxyname = getProxyName(scopename_prefix, jnidescriptor);
+ }
+ if (proxyname) {
+ const char *class_separator = jnidescriptor ? "$" : ".";
+ enumname = NewStringf("%s%s%s", proxyname, class_separator, symname);
+ } else {
+ // global enum or enum in a namespace
+ String *nspace = Getattr(n, "sym:nspace");
+ if (nspace) {
+ if (package && !jnidescriptor)
+ enumname = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s", package, nspace, symname);
+ else
+ enumname = NewStringf("%s.%s", nspace, symname);
+ } else {
+ enumname = Copy(symname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!jnidescriptor) {
+ Setattr(n, "enumname", enumname); // Cache it
+ Delete(enumname);
+ }
+ Delete(scopename_prefix);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return enumname;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * substituteClassname()
+ *
+ * Substitute the special variable $javaclassname with the proxy class name for classes/structs/unions
+ * that SWIG knows about. Also substitutes enums with enum name.
+ * Otherwise use the $descriptor name for the Java class name. Note that the $&javaclassname substitution
+ * is the same as a $&descriptor substitution, ie one pointer added to descriptor name.
+ * Note that the path separator is a '.' unless jnidescriptor is set.
+ * Inputs:
+ * pt - parameter type
+ * tm - typemap contents that might contain the special variable to be replaced
+ * jnidescriptor - if set, inner class names are separated with '$' otherwise a '/' is used for the path separator
+ * Outputs:
+ * tm - typemap contents complete with the special variable substitution
+ * Return:
+ * substitution_performed - flag indicating if a substitution was performed
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ bool substituteClassname(SwigType *pt, String *tm, bool jnidescriptor = false) {
+ bool substitution_performed = false;
+ SwigType *type = Copy(SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(pt));
+ SwigType *strippedtype = SwigType_strip_qualifiers(type);
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$javaclassname")) {
+ SwigType *classnametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ substituteClassnameSpecialVariable(classnametype, tm, "$javaclassname", jnidescriptor);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ Delete(classnametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$*javaclassname")) {
+ SwigType *classnametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ Delete(SwigType_pop(classnametype));
+ if (Len(classnametype) > 0) {
+ substituteClassnameSpecialVariable(classnametype, tm, "$*javaclassname", jnidescriptor);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ }
+ Delete(classnametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$&javaclassname")) {
+ SwigType *classnametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ SwigType_add_pointer(classnametype);
+ substituteClassnameSpecialVariable(classnametype, tm, "$&javaclassname", jnidescriptor);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ Delete(classnametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$javainterfacename")) {
+ SwigType *interfacenametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable(interfacenametype, tm, "$javainterfacename", jnidescriptor, true);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ Delete(interfacenametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$*javainterfacename")) {
+ SwigType *interfacenametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ Delete(SwigType_pop(interfacenametype));
+ if (Len(interfacenametype) > 0) {
+ substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable(interfacenametype, tm, "$*javainterfacename", jnidescriptor, true);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ }
+ Delete(interfacenametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$&javainterfacename")) {
+ SwigType *interfacenametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ SwigType_add_pointer(interfacenametype);
+ substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable(interfacenametype, tm, "$&javainterfacename", jnidescriptor, true);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ Delete(interfacenametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$interfacename")) {
+ SwigType *interfacenametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable(interfacenametype, tm, "$interfacename", jnidescriptor, false);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ Delete(interfacenametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$*interfacename")) {
+ SwigType *interfacenametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ Delete(SwigType_pop(interfacenametype));
+ if (Len(interfacenametype) > 0) {
+ substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable(interfacenametype, tm, "$*interfacename", jnidescriptor, false);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ }
+ Delete(interfacenametype);
+ }
+ if (Strstr(tm, "$&interfacename")) {
+ SwigType *interfacenametype = Copy(strippedtype);
+ SwigType_add_pointer(interfacenametype);
+ substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable(interfacenametype, tm, "$&interfacename", jnidescriptor, false);
+ substitution_performed = true;
+ Delete(interfacenametype);
+ }
+ Delete(strippedtype);
+ Delete(type);
+ return substitution_performed;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * substituteClassnameSpecialVariable()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void substituteClassnameSpecialVariable(SwigType *classnametype, String *tm, const char *classnamespecialvariable, bool jnidescriptor) {
+ String *replacementname;
+ if (SwigType_isenum(classnametype)) {
+ String *enumname = getEnumName(classnametype, jnidescriptor);
+ if (enumname) {
+ replacementname = Copy(enumname);
+ } else {
+ bool anonymous_enum = (Cmp(classnametype, "enum ") == 0);
+ if (anonymous_enum) {
+ replacementname = NewString("int");
+ } else {
+ // An unknown enum - one that has not been parsed (neither a C enum forward reference nor a definition) or an ignored enum
+ replacementname = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", SwigType_manglestr(classnametype));
+ Replace(replacementname, "enum ", "", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
+ Setattr(swig_types_hash, replacementname, classnametype);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ String *classname = getProxyName(classnametype, jnidescriptor); // getProxyName() works for pointers to classes too
+ if (classname) {
+ replacementname = Copy(classname);
+ } else {
+ // use $descriptor if SWIG does not know anything about this type. Note that any typedefs are resolved.
+ replacementname = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", SwigType_manglestr(classnametype));
+ // Add to hash table so that the type wrapper classes can be created later
+ Setattr(swig_types_hash, replacementname, classnametype);
+ }
+ }
+ if (jnidescriptor)
+ Replaceall(replacementname,".","/");
+ Replaceall(tm, classnamespecialvariable, replacementname);
+ Delete(replacementname);
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void substituteInterfacenameSpecialVariable(SwigType *interfacenametype, String *tm, const char *interfacenamespecialvariable, bool jnidescriptor, bool qualified) {
+ String *interfacename = getInterfaceName(interfacenametype/*, jnidescriptor*/, qualified);
+ if (interfacename) {
+ String *replacementname = Copy(interfacename);
+ if (jnidescriptor)
+ Replaceall(replacementname,".","/");
+ Replaceall(tm, interfacenamespecialvariable, replacementname);
+ Delete(replacementname);
+ }
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * emitTypeWrapperClass()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void emitTypeWrapperClass(String *classname, SwigType *type) {
+ Node *n = NewHash();
+ Setfile(n, input_file);
+ Setline(n, line_number);
+ String *swigtype = NewString("");
+ String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.java", SWIG_output_directory(), classname);
+ File *f_swigtype = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files());
+ if (!f_swigtype) {
+ FileErrorDisplay(filen);
+ }
+ Append(filenames_list, Copy(filen));
+ Delete(filen);
+ filen = NULL;
+ // Start writing out the type wrapper class file
+ emitBanner(f_swigtype);
+ if (package)
+ Printf(f_swigtype, "package %s;\n", package);
+ // Pure Java baseclass and interfaces
+ const String *pure_baseclass = typemapLookup(n, "javabase", type, WARN_NONE);
+ const String *pure_interfaces = typemapLookup(n, "javainterfaces", type, WARN_NONE);
+ // Emit the class
+ Printv(swigtype, typemapLookup(n, "javaimports", type, WARN_NONE), // Import statements
+ "\n", typemapLookup(n, "javaclassmodifiers", type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_CLASSMOD_UNDEF), // Class modifiers
+ " $javaclassname", // Class name and bases
+ *Char(pure_baseclass) ? " extends " : "", pure_baseclass, *Char(pure_interfaces) ? // Interfaces
+ " implements " : "", pure_interfaces, " {", typemapLookup(n, "javabody", type, WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVABODY_UNDEF), // main body of class
+ typemapLookup(n, "javacode", type, WARN_NONE), // extra Java code
+ "}\n", "\n", NIL);
+ Replaceall(swigtype, "$javaclassname", classname);
+ Replaceall(swigtype, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(swigtype, "$imclassname", imclass_name);
+ // For unknown enums
+ Replaceall(swigtype, "$static ", "");
+ Replaceall(swigtype, "$enumvalues", "");
+ Printv(f_swigtype, swigtype, NIL);
+ Delete(f_swigtype);
+ Delete(swigtype);
+ Delete(n);
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * typemapLookup()
+ * n - for input only and must contain info for Getfile(n) and Getline(n) to work
+ * tmap_method - typemap method name
+ * type - typemap type to lookup
+ * warning - warning number to issue if no typemaps found
+ * typemap_attributes - the typemap attributes are attached to this node and will
+ * also be used for temporary storage if non null
+ * return is never NULL, unlike Swig_typemap_lookup()
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ const String *typemapLookup(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, SwigType *type, int warning, Node *typemap_attributes = 0) {
+ Node *node = !typemap_attributes ? NewHash() : typemap_attributes;
+ Setattr(node, "type", type);
+ Setfile(node, Getfile(n));
+ Setline(node, Getline(n));
+ const String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup(tmap_method, node, "", 0);
+ if (!tm) {
+ tm = empty_string;
+ if (warning != WARN_NONE)
+ Swig_warning(warning, Getfile(n), Getline(n), "No %s typemap defined for %s\n", tmap_method, SwigType_str(type, 0));
+ }
+ if (!typemap_attributes)
+ Delete(node);
+ return tm;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * addThrows()
+ *
+ * Adds exception classes to a throws list. The throws list is the list of classes
+ * that will form the Java throws clause. Mainly for checked exceptions.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void addThrows(Node *n, const String *attribute, Node *parameter) {
+ // Get the comma separated exception classes for the throws clause - held in typemap/feature's "throws" attribute
+ String *throws_attribute = NewStringf("%s:throws", attribute);
+ String *throws = Getattr(parameter, throws_attribute);
+ if (throws && Len(throws) > 0) {
+ String *throws_list = Getattr(n, "java:throwslist");
+ if (!throws_list) {
+ throws_list = NewList();
+ Setattr(n, "java:throwslist", throws_list);
+ }
+ // Put the exception classes in the throws clause into a temporary List
+ List *temp_classes_list = Split(throws, ',', INT_MAX);
+ // Add the exception classes to the node throws list, but don't duplicate if already in list
+ if (temp_classes_list && Len(temp_classes_list) > 0) {
+ for (Iterator cls = First(temp_classes_list); cls.item; cls = Next(cls)) {
+ String *exception_class = NewString(cls.item);
+ Replaceall(exception_class, " ", ""); // remove spaces
+ Replaceall(exception_class, "\t", ""); // remove tabs
+ if (Len(exception_class) > 0) {
+ // $javaclassname substitution
+ SwigType *pt = Getattr(parameter, "type");
+ substituteClassname(pt, exception_class);
+ // Don't duplicate the Java exception class in the throws clause
+ bool found_flag = false;
+ for (Iterator item = First(throws_list); item.item; item = Next(item)) {
+ if (Strcmp(item.item, exception_class) == 0)
+ found_flag = true;
+ }
+ if (!found_flag)
+ Append(throws_list, exception_class);
+ }
+ Delete(exception_class);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(temp_classes_list);
+ }
+ Delete(throws_attribute);
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * generateThrowsClause()
+ *
+ * Generates throws clause for checked exception
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void generateThrowsClause(Node *n, String *code) {
+ // Add the throws clause into code
+ List *throws_list = Getattr(n, "java:throwslist");
+ if (throws_list) {
+ Iterator cls = First(throws_list);
+ Printf(code, " throws %s", cls.item);
+ while ((cls = Next(cls)).item)
+ Printf(code, ", %s", cls.item);
+ }
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * prematureGarbageCollectionPreventionParameter()
+ *
+ * Get the proxy class name for use in an additional generated parameter. The
+ * additional parameter is added to a native method call purely to prevent
+ * premature garbage collection of proxy classes which pass their C++ class pointer
+ * in a Java long to the JNI layer.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *prematureGarbageCollectionPreventionParameter(SwigType *t, Parm *p) {
+ String *pgcpp_java_type = 0;
+ String *jtype = NewString(Getattr(p, "tmap:jtype"));
+ // Strip C comments
+ String *stripped_jtype = Swig_strip_c_comments(jtype);
+ if (stripped_jtype) {
+ Delete(jtype);
+ jtype = stripped_jtype;
+ }
+ // Remove whitespace
+ Replaceall(jtype, " ", "");
+ Replaceall(jtype, "\t", "");
+ if (Cmp(jtype, "long") == 0) {
+ if (proxy_flag) {
+ if (!GetFlag(p, "tmap:jtype:nopgcpp") && !nopgcpp_flag) {
+ String *interface_name = getInterfaceName(t, true);
+ pgcpp_java_type = interface_name ? interface_name : getProxyName(t);
+ if (!pgcpp_java_type) {
+ // Look for proxy class parameters passed to C++ layer using non-default typemaps, ie not one of above types
+ String *jstype = NewString(Getattr(p, "tmap:jstype"));
+ if (jstype) {
+ Hash *classes = getClassHash();
+ if (classes) {
+ // Strip C comments
+ String *stripped_jstype = Swig_strip_c_comments(jstype);
+ if (stripped_jstype) {
+ Delete(jstype);
+ jstype = stripped_jstype;
+ }
+ // Remove whitespace
+ Replaceall(jstype, " ", "");
+ Replaceall(jstype, "\t", "");
+ Iterator ki;
+ for (ki = First(classes); ki.key; ki = Next(ki)) {
+ Node *cls = ki.item;
+ if (cls && !Getattr(cls, "feature:ignore")) {
+ String *symname = Getattr(cls, "sym:name");
+ if (symname && Strcmp(symname, jstype) == 0) {
+ pgcpp_java_type = symname;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(jstype);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(jtype);
+ return pgcpp_java_type;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * outputDirectory()
+ *
+ * Return the directory to use for generating Java classes/enums and create the
+ * subdirectory (does not create if language specific outdir does not exist).
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *outputDirectory(String *nspace) {
+ String *output_directory = Copy(SWIG_output_directory());
+ if (nspace) {
+ String *nspace_subdirectory = Copy(nspace);
+ Replaceall(nspace_subdirectory, ".", SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER);
+ String *newdir_error = Swig_new_subdirectory(output_directory, nspace_subdirectory);
+ if (newdir_error) {
+ Printf(stderr, "%s\n", newdir_error);
+ Delete(newdir_error);
+ }
+ Printv(output_directory, nspace_subdirectory, SWIG_FILE_DELIMITER, 0);
+ Delete(nspace_subdirectory);
+ }
+ return output_directory;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Start of director methods
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * getUpcallJNIMethod()
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ String *getUpcallJNIMethod(String *descrip) {
+ static struct {
+ char code;
+ const char *method;
+ } upcall_methods[] = {
+ {
+ 'B', "CallStaticByteMethod"}, {
+ 'C', "CallStaticCharMethod"}, {
+ 'D', "CallStaticDoubleMethod"}, {
+ 'F', "CallStaticFloatMethod"}, {
+ 'I', "CallStaticIntMethod"}, {
+ 'J', "CallStaticLongMethod"}, {
+ 'L', "CallStaticObjectMethod"}, {
+ 'S', "CallStaticShortMethod"}, {
+ 'V', "CallStaticVoidMethod"}, {
+ 'Z', "CallStaticBooleanMethod"}, {
+ '[', "CallStaticObjectMethod"}
+ };
+ char code;
+ int i;
+ code = *Char(descrip);
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) (sizeof(upcall_methods) / sizeof(upcall_methods[0])); ++i)
+ if (code == upcall_methods[i].code)
+ return NewString(upcall_methods[i].method);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * emitDirectorUpcalls()
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void emitDirectorUpcalls() {
+ if (n_dmethods) {
+ Wrapper *w = NewWrapper();
+ String *jni_imclass_name = makeValidJniName(imclass_name);
+ String *swig_module_init = NewString("swig_module_init");
+ String *swig_module_init_jni = makeValidJniName(swig_module_init);
+ String *dmethod_data = NewString("");
+ int n_methods = 0;
+ Iterator udata_iter;
+ udata_iter = First(dmethods_seq);
+ while (udata_iter.item) {
+ UpcallData *udata = udata_iter.item;
+ Printf(dmethod_data, " { \"%s\", \"%s\" }", Getattr(udata, "imclass_method"), Getattr(udata, "imclass_fdesc"));
+ ++n_methods;
+ udata_iter = Next(udata_iter);
+ if (udata_iter.item)
+ Putc(',', dmethod_data);
+ Putc('\n', dmethod_data);
+ }
+ Printf(f_runtime, "namespace Swig {\n");
+ Printf(f_runtime, " namespace {\n");
+ Printf(f_runtime, " jclass jclass_%s = NULL;\n", imclass_name);
+ Printf(f_runtime, " jmethodID director_method_ids[%d];\n", n_methods);
+ Printf(f_runtime, " }\n");
+ Printf(f_runtime, "}\n");
+ Printf(w->def, "SWIGEXPORT void JNICALL Java_%s%s_%s(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls) {", jnipackage, jni_imclass_name, swig_module_init_jni);
+ Printf(w->code, "static struct {\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " const char *method;\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " const char *signature;\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "} methods[%d] = {\n", n_methods);
+ Printv(w->code, dmethod_data, NIL);
+ Printf(w->code, "};\n");
+ Wrapper_add_local(w, "i", "int i");
+ Printf(w->code, "Swig::jclass_%s = (jclass) jenv->NewGlobalRef(jcls);\n", imclass_name);
+ Printf(w->code, "if (!Swig::jclass_%s) return;\n", imclass_name);
+ Printf(w->code, "for (i = 0; i < (int) (sizeof(methods)/sizeof(methods[0])); ++i) {\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " Swig::director_method_ids[i] = jenv->GetStaticMethodID(jcls, methods[i].method, methods[i].signature);\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " if (!Swig::director_method_ids[i]) return;\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ Wrapper_print(w, f_wrappers);
+ Delete(dmethod_data);
+ Delete(swig_module_init_jni);
+ Delete(swig_module_init);
+ Delete(jni_imclass_name);
+ DelWrapper(w);
+ }
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * emitDirectorExtraMethods()
+ *
+ * This is where the director connect method is generated.
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void emitDirectorExtraMethods(Node *n) {
+ if (!Swig_directorclass(n))
+ return;
+ // Output the director connect method:
+ String *jni_imclass_name = makeValidJniName(imclass_name);
+ String *norm_name = SwigType_namestr(Getattr(n, "name"));
+ String *swig_director_connect = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), "director_connect");
+ String *swig_director_connect_jni = makeValidJniName(swig_director_connect);
+ String *smartptr = Getattr(n, "feature:smartptr");
+ String *dirClassName = directorClassName(n);
+ Wrapper *code_wrap;
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, " public final static native void %s(%s obj, long cptr, boolean mem_own, boolean weak_global);\n",
+ swig_director_connect, full_proxy_class_name);
+ code_wrap = NewWrapper();
+ Printf(code_wrap->def,
+ "SWIGEXPORT void JNICALL Java_%s%s_%s(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jobject jself, jlong objarg, jboolean jswig_mem_own, "
+ "jboolean jweak_global) {\n", jnipackage, jni_imclass_name, swig_director_connect_jni);
+ if (smartptr) {
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *obj = *((%s **)&objarg);\n", smartptr, smartptr);
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " (void)jcls;\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " // Keep a local instance of the smart pointer around while we are using the raw pointer\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " // Avoids using smart pointer specific API.\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *director = static_cast<%s *>(obj->operator->());\n", dirClassName, dirClassName);
+ }
+ else {
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *obj = *((%s **)&objarg);\n", norm_name, norm_name);
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " (void)jcls;\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *director = static_cast<%s *>(obj);\n", dirClassName, dirClassName);
+ }
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " director->swig_connect_director(jenv, jself, jenv->GetObjectClass(jself), "
+ "(jswig_mem_own == JNI_TRUE), (jweak_global == JNI_TRUE));\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, "}\n");
+ Wrapper_print(code_wrap, f_wrappers);
+ DelWrapper(code_wrap);
+ Delete(swig_director_connect_jni);
+ Delete(swig_director_connect);
+ // Output the swigReleaseOwnership, swigTakeOwnership methods:
+ String *changeown_method_name = Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), getClassPrefix(), "change_ownership");
+ String *changeown_jnimethod_name = makeValidJniName(changeown_method_name);
+ Printf(imclass_class_code, " public final static native void %s(%s obj, long cptr, boolean take_or_release);\n", changeown_method_name, full_proxy_class_name);
+ code_wrap = NewWrapper();
+ Printf(code_wrap->def,
+ "SWIGEXPORT void JNICALL Java_%s%s_%s(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jobject jself, jlong objarg, jboolean jtake_or_release) {\n",
+ jnipackage, jni_imclass_name, changeown_jnimethod_name);
+ if (Len(smartptr)) {
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *obj = *((%s **)&objarg);\n", smartptr, smartptr);
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " // Keep a local instance of the smart pointer around while we are using the raw pointer\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " // Avoids using smart pointer specific API.\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *director = dynamic_cast<%s *>(obj->operator->());\n", dirClassName, dirClassName);
+ } else {
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *obj = *((%s **)&objarg);\n", norm_name, norm_name);
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " %s *director = dynamic_cast<%s *>(obj);\n", dirClassName, dirClassName);
+ }
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " (void)jcls;\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " if (director) {\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " director->swig_java_change_ownership(jenv, jself, jtake_or_release ? true : false);\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, " }\n");
+ Printf(code_wrap->code, "}\n");
+ Wrapper_print(code_wrap, f_wrappers);
+ DelWrapper(code_wrap);
+ Delete(changeown_method_name);
+ Delete(changeown_jnimethod_name);
+ Delete(norm_name);
+ Delete(dirClassName);
+ Delete(jni_imclass_name);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * emitCodeTypemap()
+ *
+ * Output a code typemap that uses $methodname and $jnicall, as used
+ * in the directordisconnect, director_release and director_take
+ * typemaps.
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void emitCodeTypemap(Node *n, bool derived, SwigType *lookup_type, const String *typemap, const String *methodname, const String *jnicall) {
+ const String *tm = NULL;
+ Node *tmattrs = NewHash();
+ String *lookup_tmname = NewString(typemap);
+ String *method_attr_name;
+ String *method_attr;
+ if (derived) {
+ Append(lookup_tmname, "_derived");
+ }
+ tm = typemapLookup(n, lookup_tmname, lookup_type, WARN_NONE, tmattrs);
+ method_attr_name = NewStringf("tmap:%s:%s", lookup_tmname, methodname);
+ method_attr = Getattr(tmattrs, method_attr_name);
+ if (*Char(tm)) {
+ if (method_attr) {
+ String *codebody = Copy(tm);
+ Replaceall(codebody, "$methodname", method_attr);
+ Replaceall(codebody, "$jnicall", jnicall);
+ Append(proxy_class_def, codebody);
+ Delete(codebody);
+ } else {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "No %s method name attribute for %s\n", lookup_tmname, proxy_class_name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "No %s typemap for %s\n", lookup_tmname, proxy_class_name);
+ }
+ Delete(tmattrs);
+ Delete(lookup_tmname);
+ // Delete(method_attr);
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * substitutePackagePath()
+ *
+ * Replace $packagepath using the javapackage typemap associated with passed
+ * parm or global package if p is 0. "$packagepath/" is replaced with "" if
+ * no package is set. Note that the path separator is a '/'.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void substitutePackagePath(String *text, Parm *p) {
+ String *pkg_path= 0;
+ if (p)
+ pkg_path = Swig_typemap_lookup("javapackage", p, "", 0);
+ if (!pkg_path || Len(pkg_path) == 0)
+ pkg_path = Copy(package_path);
+ if (Len(pkg_path) > 0) {
+ Replaceall(pkg_path, ".", "/");
+ Replaceall(text, "$packagepath", pkg_path);
+ } else {
+ Replaceall(text, "$packagepath/", empty_string);
+ Replaceall(text, "$packagepath", empty_string);
+ }
+ Delete(pkg_path);
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Canonicalize the JNI field descriptor
+ *
+ * Replace the $packagepath and $javaclassname family of special
+ * variables with the desired package and Java proxy name as
+ * required in the JNI field descriptors.
+ *
+ * !!SFM!! If $packagepath occurs in the field descriptor, but
+ * package_path isn't set (length == 0), then strip it and the
+ * optional trailing '/' from the resulting name.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ String *canonicalizeJNIDescriptor(String *descriptor_in, Parm *p) {
+ SwigType *type = Getattr(p, "type");
+ String *descriptor_out = Copy(descriptor_in);
+ substituteClassname(type, descriptor_out, true);
+ substitutePackagePath(descriptor_out, p);
+ return descriptor_out;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDirectorMethod()
+ *
+ * Emit a virtual director method to pass a method call on to the
+ * underlying Java object.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int classDirectorMethod(Node *n, Node *parent, String *super) {
+ String *c_classname = Getattr(parent, "name");
+ String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
+ SwigType *returntype = Getattr(n, "type");
+ String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n);
+ String *storage = Getattr(n, "storage");
+ String *value = Getattr(n, "value");
+ String *decl = Getattr(n, "decl");
+ String *declaration = NewString("");
+ String *tm;
+ Parm *p;
+ int i;
+ Wrapper *w = NewWrapper();
+ ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ bool is_void = !(Cmp(returntype, "void"));
+ String *qualified_return = 0;
+ bool pure_virtual = (!(Cmp(storage, "virtual")) && !(Cmp(value, "0")));
+ int status = SWIG_OK;
+ bool output_director = true;
+ String *dirclassname = directorClassName(parent);
+ String *qualified_name = NewStringf("%s::%s", dirclassname, name);
+ String *jnidesc = NewString("");
+ String *classdesc = NewString("");
+ String *jniret_desc = NewString("");
+ String *classret_desc = NewString("");
+ SwigType *c_ret_type = NULL;
+ String *jupcall_args = NewString("swigjobj");
+ String *imclass_dmethod;
+ String *callback_def = NewString("");
+ String *callback_code = NewString("");
+ String *imcall_args = NewString("");
+ int classmeth_off = curr_class_dmethod - first_class_dmethod;
+ bool ignored_method = GetFlag(n, "feature:ignore") ? true : false;
+ String *qualified_classname = getProxyName(getClassName());
+ // Kludge Alert: functionWrapper sets sym:overload properly, but it
+ // isn't at this point, so we have to manufacture it ourselves. At least
+ // we're consistent with the sym:overload name in functionWrapper. (?? when
+ // does the overloaded method name get set?)
+ imclass_dmethod = NewStringf("%s", Swig_name_member(getNSpace(), dirclassname, overloaded_name));
+ qualified_return = SwigType_rcaststr(returntype, "c_result");
+ if (!is_void && (!ignored_method || pure_virtual)) {
+ if (!SwigType_isclass(returntype)) {
+ if (!(SwigType_ispointer(returntype) || SwigType_isreference(returntype))) {
+ String *construct_result = NewStringf("= SwigValueInit< %s >()", SwigType_lstr(returntype, 0));
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "c_result", SwigType_lstr(returntype, "c_result"), construct_result, NIL);
+ Delete(construct_result);
+ } else {
+ String *base_typename = SwigType_base(returntype);
+ String *resolved_typename = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(base_typename);
+ Symtab *symtab = Getattr(n, "sym:symtab");
+ Node *typenode = Swig_symbol_clookup(resolved_typename, symtab);
+ if (SwigType_ispointer(returntype) || (typenode && Getattr(typenode, "abstracts"))) {
+ /* initialize pointers to something sane. Same for abstract
+ classes when a reference is returned. */
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "c_result", SwigType_lstr(returntype, "c_result"), "= 0", NIL);
+ } else {
+ /* If returning a reference, initialize the pointer to a sane
+ default - if a Java exception occurs, then the pointer returns
+ something other than a NULL-initialized reference. */
+ SwigType *noref_type = SwigType_del_reference(Copy(returntype));
+ String *noref_ltype = SwigType_lstr(noref_type, 0);
+ String *return_ltype = SwigType_lstr(returntype, 0);
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "result_default", "static", noref_ltype, "result_default", NIL);
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "c_result", return_ltype, "c_result", NIL);
+ Printf(w->code, "result_default = SwigValueInit< %s >();\n", noref_ltype);
+ Printf(w->code, "c_result = &result_default;\n");
+ Delete(return_ltype);
+ Delete(noref_ltype);
+ Delete(noref_type);
+ }
+ Delete(base_typename);
+ Delete(resolved_typename);
+ }
+ } else {
+ SwigType *vt;
+ vt = cplus_value_type(returntype);
+ if (!vt) {
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "c_result", SwigType_lstr(returntype, "c_result"), NIL);
+ } else {
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "c_result", SwigType_lstr(vt, "c_result"), NIL);
+ Delete(vt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Create the intermediate class wrapper */
+ tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("jtype", n, "", 0);
+ if (tm) {
+ Printf(callback_def, " public static %s %s(%s jself", tm, imclass_dmethod, qualified_classname);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jtype typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(returntype, 0));
+ }
+ String *cdesc = NULL;
+ SwigType *covariant = Getattr(n, "covariant");
+ SwigType *adjustedreturntype = covariant ? covariant : returntype;
+ Parm *adjustedreturntypeparm = NewParmNode(adjustedreturntype, n);
+ if (Swig_typemap_lookup("directorin", adjustedreturntypeparm, "", 0)
+ && (cdesc = Getattr(adjustedreturntypeparm, "tmap:directorin:descriptor"))) {
+ // Note that in the case of polymorphic (covariant) return types, the
+ // method's return type is changed to be the base of the C++ return
+ // type
+ String *jnidesc_canon = canonicalizeJNIDescriptor(cdesc, adjustedreturntypeparm);
+ Append(classret_desc, jnidesc_canon);
+ Delete(jnidesc_canon);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTORIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No or improper directorin typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(returntype, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ /* Get the JNI field descriptor for this return type, add the JNI field descriptor
+ to jniret_desc */
+ if ((c_ret_type = Swig_typemap_lookup("jni", n, "", 0))) {
+ Parm *tp = NewParmNode(c_ret_type, n);
+ if (!is_void && !ignored_method) {
+ String *jretval_decl = NewStringf("%s jresult", c_ret_type);
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "jresult", jretval_decl, "= 0", NIL);
+ Delete(jretval_decl);
+ }
+ String *jdesc = NULL;
+ if (Swig_typemap_lookup("directorin", tp, "", 0)
+ && (jdesc = Getattr(tp, "tmap:directorin:descriptor"))) {
+ // Objects marshalled passing a Java class across JNI boundary use jobject - the nouse flag indicates this
+ // We need the specific Java class name instead of the generic 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
+ if (GetFlag(tp, "tmap:directorin:nouse"))
+ jdesc = cdesc;
+ String *jnidesc_canon = canonicalizeJNIDescriptor(jdesc, tp);
+ Append(jniret_desc, jnidesc_canon);
+ Delete(jnidesc_canon);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTORIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
+ "No or improper directorin typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(c_ret_type, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ Delete(tp);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JNI_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jni typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(returntype, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ Delete(adjustedreturntypeparm);
+ Swig_director_parms_fixup(l);
+ /* Attach the standard typemaps */
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("out", l, 0);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jni", l, 0);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("jtype", l, 0);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("directorin", l, w);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("javadirectorin", l, 0);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("directorargout", l, w);
+ if (!ignored_method) {
+ /* Add Java environment pointer to wrapper */
+ String *jenvstr = NewString("jenv");
+ String *jobjstr = NewString("swigjobj");
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, "swigjnienv", "JNIEnvWrapper", "swigjnienv(this)", NIL, NIL);
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, jenvstr, "JNIEnv *", jenvstr, "= swigjnienv.getJNIEnv()", NIL);
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, jobjstr, "jobject", jobjstr, "= (jobject) NULL", NIL);
+ Delete(jenvstr);
+ Delete(jobjstr);
+ /* Preamble code */
+ Printf(w->code, "if (!swig_override[%d]) {\n", classmeth_off);
+ }
+ if (!pure_virtual) {
+ String *super_call = Swig_method_call(super, l);
+ if (is_void) {
+ Printf(w->code, "%s;\n", super_call);
+ if (!ignored_method)
+ Printf(w->code, "return;\n");
+ } else {
+ Printf(w->code, "return %s;\n", super_call);
+ }
+ Delete(super_call);
+ } else {
+ Printf(w->code, "SWIG_JavaThrowException(JNIEnvWrapper(this).getJNIEnv(), SWIG_JavaDirectorPureVirtual, ");
+ Printf(w->code, "\"Attempted to invoke pure virtual method %s::%s.\");\n", SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ /* Make sure that we return something in the case of a pure
+ * virtual method call for syntactical reasons. */
+ if (!is_void)
+ Printf(w->code, "return %s;", qualified_return);
+ else if (!ignored_method)
+ Printf(w->code, "return;\n");
+ }
+ if (!ignored_method) {
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "swigjobj = swig_get_self(jenv);\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "if (swigjobj && jenv->IsSameObject(swigjobj, NULL) == JNI_FALSE) {\n");
+ }
+ /* Start the Java field descriptor for the intermediate class's upcall (insert jself object) */
+ Parm *tp = NewParmNode(c_classname, n);
+ String *jdesc;
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("directorin", tp, "", 0))
+ && (jdesc = Getattr(tp, "tmap:directorin:descriptor"))) {
+ String *jni_canon = canonicalizeJNIDescriptor(jdesc, tp);
+ Append(jnidesc, jni_canon);
+ Delete(jni_canon);
+ Delete(tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTORIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
+ "No or improper directorin typemap for type %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(returntype, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ Delete(tp);
+ /* Go through argument list, convert from native to Java */
+ for (i = 0, p = l; p; ++i) {
+ /* Is this superfluous? */
+ while (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:directorin:numinputs", "0")) {
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin:next");
+ }
+ SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
+ String *ln = makeParameterName(n, p, i, false);
+ String *c_param_type = NULL;
+ String *c_decl = NewString("");
+ String *arg = NewString("");
+ Printf(arg, "j%s", ln);
+ /* Add various typemap's 'throws' clauses */
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:directorin", p);
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:out", p);
+ /* And add to the upcall args */
+ Printf(jupcall_args, ", %s", arg);
+ /* Get parameter's intermediary C type */
+ if ((c_param_type = Getattr(p, "tmap:jni"))) {
+ Parm *tp = NewParm(c_param_type, Getattr(p, "name"), n);
+ String *desc_tm = NULL, *jdesc = NULL, *cdesc = NULL;
+ /* Add to local variables */
+ Printf(c_decl, "%s %s", c_param_type, arg);
+ if (!ignored_method)
+ Wrapper_add_localv(w, arg, c_decl, (!(SwigType_ispointer(pt) || SwigType_isreference(pt)) ? "" : "= 0"), NIL);
+ /* Add input marshalling code and update JNI field descriptor */
+ if ((desc_tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("directorin", tp, "", 0))
+ && (jdesc = Getattr(tp, "tmap:directorin:descriptor"))
+ && (tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin"))
+ && (cdesc = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin:descriptor"))) {
+ // Objects marshalled by passing a Java class across the JNI boundary use jobject as the JNI type -
+ // the nouse flag indicates this. We need the specific Java class name instead of the generic 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
+ if (GetFlag(tp, "tmap:directorin:nouse"))
+ jdesc = cdesc;
+ String *jni_canon = canonicalizeJNIDescriptor(jdesc, tp);
+ Append(jnidesc, jni_canon);
+ Delete(jni_canon);
+ Setattr(p, "emit:directorinput", arg);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "0");
+ if (Len(tm))
+ if (!ignored_method)
+ Printf(w->code, "%s\n", tm);
+ /* Add parameter to the intermediate class code if generating the
+ * intermediate's upcall code */
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:jtype"))) {
+ String *din = Copy(Getattr(p, "tmap:javadirectorin"));
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:javadirectorin", p);
+ if (din) {
+ Replaceall(din, "$module", module_class_name);
+ Replaceall(din, "$imclassname", imclass_name);
+ substituteClassname(pt, din);
+ Replaceall(din, "$jniinput", ln);
+ if (i > 0)
+ Printf(imcall_args, ", ");
+ Printf(callback_def, ", %s %s", tm, ln);
+ if (Cmp(din, ln)) {
+ Printv(imcall_args, din, NIL);
+ } else
+ Printv(imcall_args, ln, NIL);
+ jni_canon = canonicalizeJNIDescriptor(cdesc, p);
+ Append(classdesc, jni_canon);
+ Delete(jni_canon);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVADIRECTORIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No javadirectorin typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(pt, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JTYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jtype typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(pt, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin:next");
+ Delete(desc_tm);
+ } else {
+ if (!desc_tm) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVADIRECTORIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
+ "No or improper directorin typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(c_param_type, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ } else if (!jdesc) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_DIRECTORIN_NODESC, input_file, line_number,
+ "Missing JNI descriptor in directorin typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(c_param_type, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin:next");
+ } else if (!tm) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JAVADIRECTORIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
+ "No or improper directorin typemap defined for argument %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(pt, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ } else if (!cdesc) {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_DIRECTORIN_NODESC, input_file, line_number,
+ "Missing JNI descriptor in directorin typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(pt, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorin:next");
+ }
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_JAVA_TYPEMAP_JNI_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No jni typemap defined for %s for use in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(pt, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ Delete(arg);
+ Delete(c_decl);
+ Delete(ln);
+ }
+ /* header declaration, start wrapper definition */
+ String *target;
+ SwigType *rtype = Getattr(n, "conversion_operator") ? 0 : Getattr(n, "classDirectorMethods:type");
+ target = Swig_method_decl(rtype, decl, qualified_name, l, 0);
+ Printf(w->def, "%s", target);
+ Delete(qualified_name);
+ Delete(target);
+ target = Swig_method_decl(rtype, decl, name, l, 1);
+ Printf(declaration, " virtual %s", target);
+ Delete(target);
+ // Add any exception specifications to the methods in the director class
+ // Get any Java exception classes in the throws typemap
+ ParmList *throw_parm_list = NULL;
+ // May need to add Java throws clause to director methods if %catches defined
+ // Get any Java exception classes in the throws typemap
+ ParmList *catches_list = Getattr(n, "catchlist");
+ if (catches_list) {
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("throws", catches_list, 0);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("directorthrows", catches_list, 0);
+ for (p = catches_list; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:throws", p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Getattr(n, "noexcept")) {
+ Append(w->def, " noexcept");
+ Append(declaration, " noexcept");
+ }
+ if ((throw_parm_list = Getattr(n, "throws")) || Getattr(n, "throw")) {
+ int gencomma = 0;
+ Append(w->def, " throw(");
+ Append(declaration, " throw(");
+ if (throw_parm_list) {
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("throws", throw_parm_list, 0);
+ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("directorthrows", throw_parm_list, 0);
+ }
+ for (p = throw_parm_list; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
+ if (Getattr(p, "tmap:throws")) {
+ // %catches replaces the specified exception specification
+ if (!catches_list) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:throws", p);
+ }
+ if (gencomma++) {
+ Append(w->def, ", ");
+ Append(declaration, ", ");
+ }
+ Printf(w->def, "%s", SwigType_str(Getattr(p, "type"), 0));
+ Printf(declaration, "%s", SwigType_str(Getattr(p, "type"), 0));
+ }
+ }
+ Append(w->def, ")");
+ Append(declaration, ")");
+ }
+ Append(w->def, " {");
+ Append(declaration, ";\n");
+ /* Emit the intermediate class's upcall to the actual class */
+ String *upcall = NewStringf("jself.%s(%s)", symname, imcall_args);
+ // Handle exception classes specified in the "except" feature's "throws" attribute
+ addThrows(n, "feature:except", n);
+ if (!is_void) {
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("javadirectorout", n, "", 0))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:javadirectorout", n);
+ substituteClassname(returntype, tm);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$javacall", upcall);
+ Printf(callback_code, " return %s;\n", tm);
+ }
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("out", n, "", 0)))
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:out", n);
+ Delete(tm);
+ } else
+ Printf(callback_code, " %s;\n", upcall);
+ Printf(callback_code, " }\n");
+ Delete(upcall);
+ /* Finish off the inherited upcall's definition */
+ Putc(')', callback_def);
+ generateThrowsClause(n, callback_def);
+ Printf(callback_def, " {\n");
+ if (!ignored_method) {
+ /* Emit the actual upcall through */
+ String *imclass_desc = NewStringf("(%s)%s", jnidesc, jniret_desc);
+ String *class_desc = NewStringf("(%s)%s", classdesc, classret_desc);
+ UpcallData *udata = addUpcallMethod(imclass_dmethod, symname, imclass_desc, class_desc, decl);
+ String *methid = Getattr(udata, "imclass_methodidx");
+ String *methop = getUpcallJNIMethod(jniret_desc);
+ if (!is_void)
+ Printf(w->code, "jresult = (%s) ", c_ret_type);
+ Printf(w->code, "jenv->%s(Swig::jclass_%s, Swig::director_method_ids[%s], %s);\n", methop, imclass_name, methid, jupcall_args);
+ // Generate code to handle any Java exception thrown by director delegation
+ directorExceptHandler(n, catches_list ? catches_list : throw_parm_list, w);
+ if (!is_void) {
+ String *jresult_str = NewString("jresult");
+ String *result_str = NewString("c_result");
+ /* Copy jresult into c_result... */
+ if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("directorout", n, result_str, w))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:directorout", n);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", jresult_str);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$result", result_str);
+ Printf(w->code, "%s\n", tm);
+ } else {
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTOROUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number,
+ "Unable to use return type %s used in %s::%s (skipping director method)\n",
+ SwigType_str(returntype, 0), SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ output_director = false;
+ }
+ Delete(jresult_str);
+ Delete(result_str);
+ }
+ /* Marshal outputs */
+ for (p = l; p;) {
+ if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorargout"))) {
+ addThrows(n, "tmap:directorargout", p);
+ Replaceall(tm, "$result", makeParameterName(n, p, i, false));
+ Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:directorinput"));
+ Printv(w->code, tm, "\n", NIL);
+ p = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorargout:next");
+ } else {
+ p = nextSibling(p);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(imclass_desc);
+ Delete(class_desc);
+ /* Terminate wrapper code */
+ Printf(w->code, "} else {\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, \"null upcall object in %s::%s \");\n",
+ SwigType_namestr(c_classname), SwigType_namestr(name));
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "if (swigjobj) jenv->DeleteLocalRef(swigjobj);\n");
+ if (!is_void)
+ Printf(w->code, "return %s;", qualified_return);
+ }
+ Printf(w->code, "}");
+ // We expose virtual protected methods via an extra public inline method which makes a straight call to the wrapped class' method
+ String *inline_extra_method = NewString("");
+ if (dirprot_mode() && !is_public(n) && !pure_virtual) {
+ Printv(inline_extra_method, declaration, NIL);
+ String *extra_method_name = NewStringf("%sSwigPublic", name);
+ Replaceall(inline_extra_method, name, extra_method_name);
+ Replaceall(inline_extra_method, ";\n", " {\n ");
+ if (!is_void)
+ Printf(inline_extra_method, "return ");
+ String *methodcall = Swig_method_call(super, l);
+ Printv(inline_extra_method, methodcall, ";\n }\n", NIL);
+ Delete(methodcall);
+ Delete(extra_method_name);
+ }
+ /* emit the director method */
+ if (status == SWIG_OK && output_director) {
+ if (!is_void) {
+ Replaceall(w->code, "$null", qualified_return);
+ } else {
+ Replaceall(w->code, "$null", "");
+ }
+ if (!GetFlag(n, "feature:ignore"))
+ Printv(imclass_directors, callback_def, callback_code, NIL);
+ if (!Getattr(n, "defaultargs")) {
+ Replaceall(w->code, "$symname", symname);
+ Wrapper_print(w, f_directors);
+ Printv(f_directors_h, declaration, NIL);
+ Printv(f_directors_h, inline_extra_method, NIL);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(inline_extra_method);
+ Delete(qualified_return);
+ Delete(jnidesc);
+ Delete(c_ret_type);
+ Delete(jniret_desc);
+ Delete(declaration);
+ Delete(callback_def);
+ Delete(callback_code);
+ DelWrapper(w);
+ return status;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * directorExceptHandler()
+ *
+ * Emit code to map Java exceptions back to C++ exceptions when
+ * feature("director:except") is applied to a method node.
+ * This is generated after the Java method upcall.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ void directorExceptHandler(Node *n, ParmList *throw_parm_list, Wrapper *w) {
+ String *directorexcept = Getattr(n, "feature:director:except");
+ if (!directorexcept) {
+ directorexcept = NewString("");
+ Printf(directorexcept, "jthrowable $error = jenv->ExceptionOccurred();\n");
+ Printf(directorexcept, "if ($error) {");
+ Printf(directorexcept, "$directorthrowshandlers\n");
+ Printf(directorexcept, " Swig::DirectorException::raise(jenv, $error);\n");
+ Printf(directorexcept, "}\n");
+ } else {
+ directorexcept = Copy(directorexcept);
+ }
+ // Can explicitly disable director:except by setting to "" or "0"
+ if (Len(directorexcept) > 0 && Cmp(directorexcept, "0") != 0) {
+ // Replace $packagepath
+ substitutePackagePath(directorexcept, 0);
+ // Replace $directorthrowshandlers with any defined typemap handlers (or nothing)
+ if (Strstr(directorexcept, "$directorthrowshandlers")) {
+ String *directorthrowshandlers_code = NewString("");
+ for (Parm *p = throw_parm_list; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
+ String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:directorthrows");
+ if (tm) {
+ // replace $packagepath/$javaclassname
+ String *directorthrows = canonicalizeJNIDescriptor(tm, p);
+ Printv(directorthrowshandlers_code, directorthrows, NIL);
+ Delete(directorthrows);
+ } else {
+ String *t = Getattr(p,"type");
+ Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTORTHROWS_UNDEF, Getfile(n), Getline(n), "No directorthrows typemap defined for %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ Replaceall(directorexcept, "$directorthrowshandlers", directorthrowshandlers_code);
+ Delete(directorthrowshandlers_code);
+ }
+ Replaceall(directorexcept, "$error", "swigerror");
+ Printf(w->code, " %s\n", directorexcept);
+ }
+ Delete(directorexcept);
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * directorPrefixArgs()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ void directorPrefixArgs(Node *n) {
+ Parm *p;
+ /* Need to prepend 'jenv' to the director constructor's argument list */
+ String *jenv_type = NewString("JNIEnv");
+ SwigType_add_pointer(jenv_type);
+ p = NewParm(jenv_type, NewString("jenv"), n);
+ Setattr(p, "arg:byname", "1");
+ set_nextSibling(p, NULL);
+ Setattr(n, "director:prefix_args", p);
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDirectorConstructor()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ int classDirectorConstructor(Node *n) {
+ Node *parent = parentNode(n);
+ String *decl = Getattr(n, "decl");
+ String *supername = Swig_class_name(parent);
+ String *dirclassname = directorClassName(parent);
+ String *sub = NewString("");
+ Parm *p;
+ ParmList *superparms = Getattr(n, "parms");
+ ParmList *parms;
+ int argidx = 0;
+ /* Assign arguments to superclass's parameters, if not already done */
+ for (p = superparms; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
+ String *pname = Getattr(p, "name");
+ if (!pname) {
+ pname = NewStringf("arg%d", argidx++);
+ Setattr(p, "name", pname);
+ }
+ }
+ /* insert jenv prefix argument */
+ parms = CopyParmList(superparms);
+ String *jenv_type = NewString("JNIEnv");
+ SwigType_add_pointer(jenv_type);
+ p = NewParm(jenv_type, NewString("jenv"), n);
+ set_nextSibling(p, parms);
+ parms = p;
+ directorPrefixArgs(n);
+ if (!Getattr(n, "defaultargs")) {
+ /* constructor */
+ {
+ String *basetype = Getattr(parent, "classtype");
+ String *target = Swig_method_decl(0, decl, dirclassname, parms, 0);
+ String *call = Swig_csuperclass_call(0, basetype, superparms);
+ String *classtype = SwigType_namestr(Getattr(n, "name"));
+ Printf(f_directors, "%s::%s : %s, %s {\n", dirclassname, target, call, Getattr(parent, "director:ctor"));
+ Printf(f_directors, "}\n\n");
+ Delete(classtype);
+ Delete(target);
+ Delete(call);
+ }
+ /* constructor header */
+ {
+ String *target = Swig_method_decl(0, decl, dirclassname, parms, 1);
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " %s;\n", target);
+ Delete(target);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(sub);
+ Delete(supername);
+ Delete(jenv_type);
+ Delete(parms);
+ Delete(dirclassname);
+ return Language::classDirectorConstructor(n);
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDirectorDefaultConstructor()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ int classDirectorDefaultConstructor(Node *n) {
+ String *classname = Swig_class_name(n);
+ String *classtype = SwigType_namestr(Getattr(n, "name"));
+ String *dirClassName = directorClassName(n);
+ Wrapper *w = NewWrapper();
+ Printf(w->def, "%s::%s(JNIEnv *jenv) : %s {", dirClassName, dirClassName, Getattr(n, "director:ctor"));
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ Wrapper_print(w, f_directors);
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " %s(JNIEnv *jenv);\n", dirClassName);
+ DelWrapper(w);
+ Delete(classtype);
+ Delete(classname);
+ Delete(dirClassName);
+ directorPrefixArgs(n);
+ return Language::classDirectorDefaultConstructor(n);
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDirectorInit()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ int classDirectorInit(Node *n) {
+ Delete(none_comparison);
+ none_comparison = NewString(""); // not used
+ Delete(director_ctor_code);
+ director_ctor_code = NewString("$director_new");
+ directorDeclaration(n);
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "%s {\n", Getattr(n, "director:decl"));
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "\npublic:\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global);\n");
+ /* Keep track of the director methods for this class */
+ first_class_dmethod = curr_class_dmethod = n_dmethods;
+ return Language::classDirectorInit(n);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDirectorDestructor()
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int classDirectorDestructor(Node *n) {
+ Node *current_class = getCurrentClass();
+ String *full_classname = Getattr(current_class, "name");
+ String *classname = Swig_class_name(current_class);
+ String *dirClassName = directorClassName(current_class);
+ Wrapper *w = NewWrapper();
+ if (Getattr(n, "noexcept")) {
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " virtual ~%s() noexcept;\n", dirClassName);
+ Printf(w->def, "%s::~%s() noexcept {\n", dirClassName, dirClassName);
+ } else if (Getattr(n, "throw")) {
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " virtual ~%s() throw();\n", dirClassName);
+ Printf(w->def, "%s::~%s() throw() {\n", dirClassName, dirClassName);
+ } else {
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " virtual ~%s();\n", dirClassName);
+ Printf(w->def, "%s::~%s() {\n", dirClassName, dirClassName);
+ }
+ /* Ensure that correct directordisconnect typemap's method name is called
+ * here: */
+ Node *disconn_attr = NewHash();
+ String *disconn_methodname = NULL;
+ typemapLookup(n, "directordisconnect", full_classname, WARN_NONE, disconn_attr);
+ disconn_methodname = Getattr(disconn_attr, "tmap:directordisconnect:methodname");
+ Printv(w->code, " swig_disconnect_director_self(\"", disconn_methodname, "\");\n", "}\n", NIL);
+ Wrapper_print(w, f_directors);
+ DelWrapper(w);
+ Delete(disconn_attr);
+ Delete(classname);
+ Delete(dirClassName);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDirectorEnd()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ int classDirectorEnd(Node *n) {
+ String *full_classname = Getattr(n, "name");
+ String *classname = getProxyName(full_classname, true);
+ String *director_classname = directorClassName(n);
+ String *internal_classname;
+ Wrapper *w = NewWrapper();
+ if (Len(package_path) > 0)
+ internal_classname = NewStringf("%s/%s", package_path, classname);
+ else
+ internal_classname = NewStringf("%s", classname);
+ // If the namespace is multiple levels, the result of getNSpace() will have inserted
+ // .'s to delimit namespaces, so we need to replace those with /'s
+ Replace(internal_classname, NSPACE_SEPARATOR, "/", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
+ Printf(w->def, "void %s::swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global) {", director_classname);
+ Printf(w->def, "static jclass baseclass = swig_new_global_ref(jenv, \"%s\");\n", internal_classname);
+ Printf(w->def, "if (!baseclass) return;\n");
+ if (first_class_dmethod != curr_class_dmethod) {
+ Printf(w->def, "static SwigDirectorMethod methods[] = {\n");
+ for (int i = first_class_dmethod; i < curr_class_dmethod; ++i) {
+ UpcallData *udata = Getitem(dmethods_seq, i);
+ Printf(w->def, "SwigDirectorMethod(jenv, baseclass, \"%s\", \"%s\")", Getattr(udata, "method"), Getattr(udata, "fdesc"));
+ if (i != curr_class_dmethod - 1)
+ Putc(',', w->def);
+ Putc('\n', w->def);
+ }
+ Printf(w->def, "};");
+ }
+ Printf(w->code, "if (swig_set_self(jenv, jself, swig_mem_own, weak_global)) {\n");
+ int n_methods = curr_class_dmethod - first_class_dmethod;
+ if (n_methods) {
+ /* Emit the swig_overrides() method and the swig_override array */
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "public:\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " bool swig_overrides(int n) {\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " return (n < %d ? swig_override[n] : false);\n", n_methods);
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " }\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "protected:\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " Swig::BoolArray<%d> swig_override;\n", n_methods);
+ /* Emit the code to look up the class's methods, initialize the override array */
+ Printf(w->code, " bool derived = (jenv->IsSameObject(baseclass, jcls) ? false : true);\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " for (int i = 0; i < %d; ++i) {\n", n_methods);
+ // Generally, derived classes have a mix of overridden and
+ // non-overridden methods and it is worth making a GetMethodID
+ // check during initialization to determine if each method is
+ // overridden, thus avoiding unnecessary calls into Java.
+ //
+ // On the other hand, when derived classes are
+ // expected to override all director methods then the
+ // GetMethodID calls are inefficient, and it is better to let
+ // the director unconditionally call up into Java. The resulting code
+ // will still behave correctly (though less efficiently) when Java
+ // code doesn't override a given method.
+ //
+ // The assumeoverride feature on a director controls whether or not
+ // overrides are assumed.
+ if (GetFlag(n, "feature:director:assumeoverride")) {
+ Printf(w->code, " swig_override[i] = derived;\n");
+ } else {
+ Printf(w->code, " swig_override[i] = false;\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " if (derived) {\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " jmethodID methid = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, methods[i].name, methods[i].desc);\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " swig_override[i] = methods[i].methid && (methid != methods[i].methid);\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " jenv->ExceptionClear();\n");
+ Printf(w->code, " }\n");
+ }
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ } else {
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "public:\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " bool swig_overrides(int n) {\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " return false;\n");
+ Printf(f_directors_h, " }\n");
+ }
+ Printf(f_directors_h, "};\n\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ Printf(w->code, "}\n");
+ Wrapper_print(w, f_directors);
+ DelWrapper(w);
+ Delete(internal_classname);
+ return Language::classDirectorEnd(n);
+ }
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * classDirectorDisown()
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ virtual int classDirectorDisown(Node *n) {
+ (void) n;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * extraDirectorProtectedCPPMethodsRequired()
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ bool extraDirectorProtectedCPPMethodsRequired() const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * directorDeclaration()
+ *
+ * Generate the director class's declaration
+ * e.g. "class SwigDirector_myclass : public myclass, public Swig::Director {"
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void directorDeclaration(Node *n) {
+ String *base = Getattr(n, "classtype");
+ String *class_ctor = NewString("Swig::Director(jenv)");
+ String *directorname = directorClassName(n);
+ String *declaration = Swig_class_declaration(n, directorname);
+ Printf(declaration, " : public %s, public Swig::Director", base);
+ // Stash stuff for later.
+ Setattr(n, "director:decl", declaration);
+ Setattr(n, "director:ctor", class_ctor);
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * nestedClassesSupport()
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ NestedClassSupport nestedClassesSupport() const {
+ return NCS_Full;
+ }
+}; /* class JAVA */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * swig_java() - Instantiate module
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static Language *new_swig_java() {
+ return new JAVA();
+extern "C" Language *swig_java(void) {
+ return new_swig_java();
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Static member variables
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+const char *JAVA::usage = "\
+Java Options (available with -java)\n\
+ -doxygen - Convert C++ doxygen comments to JavaDoc comments in proxy classes\n\
+ -debug-doxygen-parser - Display doxygen parser module debugging information\n\
+ -debug-doxygen-translator - Display doxygen translator module debugging information\n\
+ -nopgcpp - Suppress premature garbage collection prevention parameter\n\
+ -noproxy - Generate the low-level functional interface instead\n\
+ of proxy classes\n\
+ -oldvarnames - Old intermediary method names for variable wrappers\n\
+ -package <name> - Set name of the Java package to <name>\n\