path: root/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Doxygen/doxyparser.h
diff options
authorthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com>2023-10-03 11:19:48 +0300
committerthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com>2023-10-03 11:43:28 +0300
commitcda0c13f23f6b169fb0a49dc504b40a0aaecea09 (patch)
tree26476e92e5af2c856e017afb1df8f8dff42495bf /contrib/tools/swig/Source/Doxygen/doxyparser.h
parent4854116da9c5e3c95bb8440f2ea997c54b6e1a61 (diff)
Move contrib/tools/jdk to build/platform/java/jdk/testing
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/swig/Source/Doxygen/doxyparser.h')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Doxygen/doxyparser.h b/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Doxygen/doxyparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a60446517b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/swig/Source/Doxygen/doxyparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
+ * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
+ * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
+ * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
+ * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
+ * and at https://www.swig.org/legal.html.
+ *
+ * doxyparser.h
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include "swig.h"
+#include "doxyentity.h"
+// Utility function to return the base part of a command that may
+// include options, e.g. param[in] -> param
+std::string getBaseCommand(const std::string &cmd);
+class DoxygenParser {
+ enum DoxyCommandEnum {
+ NONE = -1,
+ };
+ /** This class contains parts of Doxygen comment as a token. */
+ class Token {
+ public:
+ DoxyCommandEnum m_tokenType;
+ std::string m_tokenString; /* the data , such as param for @param */
+ Token(DoxyCommandEnum tType, std::string tString) : m_tokenType(tType), m_tokenString(tString) {
+ }
+ std::string toString() const {
+ switch (m_tokenType) {
+ case END_LINE:
+ return "{END OF LINE}";
+ return "{END OF PARAGRAPH}";
+ return "{PLAINSTRING :" + m_tokenString + "}";
+ case COMMAND:
+ return "{COMMAND : " + m_tokenString + "}";
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Token> TokenList;
+ typedef TokenList::const_iterator TokenListCIt;
+ typedef TokenList::iterator TokenListIt;
+ TokenList m_tokenList;
+ TokenListCIt m_tokenListIt;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, DoxyCommandEnum> DoxyCommandsMap;
+ typedef DoxyCommandsMap::iterator DoxyCommandsMapIt;
+ /*
+ * Map of Doxygen commands to determine if a string is a
+ * command and how it needs to be parsed
+ */
+ static DoxyCommandsMap doxygenCommands;
+ static std::set<std::string> doxygenSectionIndicators;
+ bool m_isVerbatimText; // used to handle \htmlonly and \verbatim commands
+ bool m_isInQuotedString;
+ Node *m_node;
+ std::string m_fileName;
+ int m_fileLineNo;
+ /*
+ * Return the end command for a command appearing in "ignore" feature or empty
+ * string if this is a simple command and not a block one.
+ */
+ std::string getIgnoreFeatureEndCommand(const std::string &theCommand) const;
+ /*
+ * Helper for getting the value of doxygen:ignore feature or its argument.
+ */
+ String *getIgnoreFeature(const std::string &theCommand, const char *argument = NULL) const;
+ /*
+ * Whether to print lots of debug info during parsing
+ */
+ bool noisy;
+ /*
+ *Changes a std::string to all lower case
+ */
+ std::string stringToLower(const std::string &stringToConvert);
+ /*
+ * isSectionIndicator returns a boolean if the command is a section indicator
+ * This is a helper method for finding the end of a paragraph
+ * by Doxygen's terms
+ */
+ bool isSectionIndicator(const std::string &smallString);
+ /*
+ * Determines how a command should be handled (what group it belongs to
+ * for parsing rules
+ */
+ DoxyCommandEnum commandBelongs(const std::string &theCommand);
+ /*
+ *prints the parse tree
+ */
+ void printTree(const std::list<DoxygenEntity> &rootList);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the next token is end of line token. This is important
+ * when single word commands like \c are at the end of line.
+ */
+ bool isEndOfLine();
+ /**
+ * Skips spaces, tabs, and end of line tokens.
+ */
+ void skipWhitespaceTokens();
+ /**
+ * Removes all spaces and tabs from beginning end end of string.
+ */
+ std::string trim(const std::string &text);
+ /*
+ * Returns string of the next token if the next token is PLAINSTRING. Returns
+ * empty string otherwise.
+ */
+ std::string getNextToken();
+ /*
+ * Returns the next word ON THE CURRENT LINE ONLY
+ * if a new line is encountered, returns a blank std::string.
+ * Updates the iterator if successful.
+ */
+ std::string getNextWord();
+ /*
+ * Returns the next word, which is not necessarily on the same line.
+ * Updates the iterator if successful.
+ */
+ std::string getNextWordInComment();
+ /*
+ * Returns the location of the end of the line as
+ * an iterator.
+ */
+ TokenListCIt getOneLine(const TokenList &tokList);
+ /*
+ * Returns a properly formatted std::string
+ * up til ANY command or end of line is encountered.
+ */
+ std::string getStringTilCommand(const TokenList &tokList);
+ /*
+ * Returns a properly formatted std::string
+ * up til the command specified is encountered
+ */
+ //TODO check that this behaves properly for formulas
+ std::string getStringTilEndCommand(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList);
+ /*
+ * Returns the end of a Paragraph as an iterator-
+ * Paragraph is defined in Doxygen to be a paragraph of text
+ * separated by either a structural command or a blank line
+ */
+ TokenListCIt getEndOfParagraph(const TokenList &tokList);
+ /*
+ * Returns the end of a section, defined as the first blank line OR first
+ * encounter of the same command. Example of this behaviour is \arg.
+ * If no end is encountered, returns the last token of the std::list.
+ */
+ TokenListCIt getEndOfSection(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList);
+ /*
+ * This method is for returning the end of a specific form of doxygen command
+ * that begins with a \command and ends in \endcommand
+ * such as \code and \endcode. The proper usage is
+ * progressTilEndCommand("endcode", tokenList);
+ * If the end is never encountered, it returns the end of the std::list.
+ */
+ TokenListCIt getEndCommand(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList);
+ /*
+ * A special method for commands such as \arg that end at the end of a
+ * paragraph OR when another \arg is encountered
+ //TODO getTilAnyCommand
+ TokenListCIt getTilAnyCommand(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList);
+ */
+ /**
+ * This methods skips end of line token, if it is the next token to be
+ * processed. It is called with comment commands which have args till the
+ * end of line, such as 'addtogroup' or 'addindex'.
+ * It is up to translator to specific language to decide whether
+ * to insert eol or not. For example, if a command is ignored in target
+ * language, new lines may make formatting ugly (Python).
+ */
+ void skipEndOfLine();
+ /*
+ * Method for Adding a Simple Command
+ * Format: @command
+ * Plain commands, such as newline etc, they contain no other data
+ * \n \\ \@ \& \$ \# \< \> \% \{ \}
+ */
+ void addSimpleCommand(const std::string &theCommand, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * CommandWord
+ * Format: @command <word>
+ * Commands with a single WORD after then such as @b
+ * "a", "b", "c", "e", "em", "p", "def", "enum", "example", "package",
+ * "relates", "namespace", "relatesalso","anchor", "dontinclude", "include",
+ * "includelineno"
+ */
+ void addCommandWord(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * CommandLine
+ * Format: @command (line)
+ * Commands with a single LINE after then such as @var
+ * "addindex", "fn", "name", "line", "var", "skipline", "typedef", "skip",
+ * "until", "property"
+ */
+ void addCommandLine(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * CommandParagraph
+ * Format: @command {paragraph}
+ * Commands with a single paragraph after then such as @return
+ * "return", "remarks", "since", "test", "sa", "see", "pre", "post",
+ * "details", "invariant", "deprecated", "date", "note", "warning",
+ * "version", "todo", "bug", "attention", "brief", "arg", "author"
+ */
+ void addCommandParagraph(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * Command EndCommand
+ * Format: @command and ends at @endcommand
+ * Commands that take in a block of text such as @code:
+ * "code", "dot", "msc", "f$", "f[", "f{environment}{", "htmlonly",
+ * "latexonly", "manonly", "verbatim", "xmlonly", "cond", "if", "ifnot",
+ * "link"
+ * Returns 1 if success, 0 if the endcommand is never encountered.
+ */
+ void addCommandEndCommand(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * CommandWordParagraph
+ * Format: @command <word> {paragraph}
+ * Commands such as param
+ * "param", "tparam", "throw", "throws", "retval", "exception"
+ */
+ void addCommandWordParagraph(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * CommandWordLine
+ * Format: @command <word> (line)
+ * Commands such as param
+ * "page", "subsection", "subsubsection", "section", "paragraph", "defgroup"
+ */
+ void addCommandWordLine(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * Command Word Optional Word Optional Word
+ * Format: @command <word> [<header-file>] [<header-name>]
+ * Commands such as class
+ * "category", "class", "protocol", "interface", "struct", "union"
+ */
+ void addCommandWordOWordOWord(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * Command Optional Word
+ * Format: @command [<word>]
+ * Commands such as dir
+ * "dir", "file", "cond"
+ */
+ void addCommandOWord(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * Commands that should not be encountered (such as PHP only)
+ * goes til the end of line then returns
+ */
+ void addCommandErrorThrow(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ void addCommandHtml(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ void addCommandHtmlEntity(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ *Adds the unique commands- different process for each unique command
+ */
+ void addCommandUnique(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * Replace the given command with its predefined alias expansion.
+ */
+ void aliasCommand(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * Simply ignore the given command, possibly with the word following it or
+ * until the matching end command.
+ */
+ void ignoreCommand(const std::string &theCommand, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ /*
+ * The actual "meat" of the doxygen parser. Calls the correct addCommand...()
+ * function.
+ */
+ void addCommand(const std::string &commandString, const TokenList &tokList, DoxygenEntityList &doxyList);
+ DoxygenEntityList parse(TokenListCIt endParsingIndex, const TokenList &tokList, bool root = false);
+ /*
+ * Fill static doxygenCommands and sectionIndicators containers
+ */
+ void fillTables();
+ /** Processes comment when \htmlonly and \verbatim commands are encountered. */
+ size_t processVerbatimText(size_t pos, const std::string &line);
+ bool processEscapedChars(size_t &pos, const std::string &line);
+ void processWordCommands(size_t &pos, const std::string &line);
+ void processHtmlTags(size_t &pos, const std::string &line);
+ void processHtmlEntities(size_t &pos, const std::string &line);
+ /** Processes comment outside \htmlonly and \verbatim commands. */
+ size_t processNormalComment(size_t pos, const std::string &line);
+ void tokenizeDoxygenComment(const std::string &doxygenComment, const std::string &fileName, int fileLine);
+ void printList();
+ void printListError(int warningType, const std::string &message);
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
+ typedef StringVector::const_iterator StringVectorCIt;
+ StringVector split(const std::string &text, char separator);
+ bool isStartOfDoxyCommentChar(char c);
+ bool addDoxyCommand(DoxygenParser::TokenList &tokList, const std::string &cmd);
+ DoxygenParser(bool noisy = false);
+ virtual ~DoxygenParser();
+ DoxygenEntityList createTree(Node *node, String *documentation);