path: root/contrib/tools/ragel6/rlparse.h
diff options
authorsmalov <smalov@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:36 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:47:36 +0300
commitf70d9720e13aef3a935e3f405b0eac554529e76e (patch)
tree5519c392aebdb16153197de07e4774c0a2be261a /contrib/tools/ragel6/rlparse.h
parent7b659037613268d5eac4a1b6a7c5eff3cd36d4bf (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <smalov@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/ragel6/rlparse.h')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/ragel6/rlparse.h b/contrib/tools/ragel6/rlparse.h
index e3f7c3c209..68ff0ae1a4 100644
--- a/contrib/tools/ragel6/rlparse.h
+++ b/contrib/tools/ragel6/rlparse.h
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
-/* Automatically generated by Kelbt from "rlparse.kh".
- *
- * Parts of this file are copied from Kelbt source covered by the GNU
- * GPL. As a special exception, you may use the parts of this file copied
- * from Kelbt source without restriction. The remainder is derived from
- * "rlparse.kh" and inherits the copyright status of that file.
- */
-#line 1 "rlparse.kh"
- * Copyright 2001-2007 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
- */
-/* This file is part of Ragel.
- *
- * Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
+/* Automatically generated by Kelbt from "rlparse.kh".
- * Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * Parts of this file are copied from Kelbt source covered by the GNU
+ * GPL. As a special exception, you may use the parts of this file copied
+ * from Kelbt source without restriction. The remainder is derived from
+ * "rlparse.kh" and inherits the copyright status of that file.
+ */
+#line 1 "rlparse.kh"
+ * Copyright 2001-2007 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
+ */
+/* This file is part of Ragel.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#ifndef _RLPARSE_H
-#define _RLPARSE_H
-#include <iostream>
-#include "avltree.h"
-#include "parsedata.h"
-/* Import scanner tokens. */
-#define IMP_Word 128
-#define IMP_Literal 129
-#define IMP_UInt 130
-#define IMP_Define 131
-/* This is used for tracking the include files/machine pairs. */
-struct IncludeHistoryItem
- IncludeHistoryItem( const char *fileName, const char *sectionName )
- : fileName(fileName), sectionName(sectionName) {}
- const char *fileName;
- const char *sectionName;
-typedef Vector<IncludeHistoryItem> IncludeHistory;
-struct Parser
-#line 102 "rlparse.kh"
- #line 63 "rlparse.h"
- struct Parser_Block *block;
- struct Parser_LangEl *freshEl;
- int freshPos;
- struct Parser_LangEl *pool;
- int numRetry;
- int numNodes;
- struct Parser_LangEl *stackTop;
- struct Parser_LangEl *lastFinal;
- int errCount;
- int curs;
-#line 105 "rlparse.kh"
- void init();
- int parseLangEl( int type, const Token *token );
- Parser( const char *fileName, char *sectionName, InputLoc &sectionLoc )
- : sectionName(sectionName)
- {
- pd = new ParseData( fileName, sectionName, sectionLoc );
- exportContext.append( false );
- includeHistory.append( IncludeHistoryItem(
- fileName, sectionName ) );
- }
- int token( InputLoc &loc, int tokId, char *tokstart, int toklen );
- void tryMachineDef( InputLoc &loc, char *name,
- MachineDef *machineDef, bool isInstance );
- /* Report an error encountered by the parser. */
- ostream &parse_error( int tokId, Token &token );
- ParseData *pd;
- /* The name of the root section, this does not change during an include. */
- char *sectionName;
- NameRef nameRef;
- NameRefList nameRefList;
- Vector<bool> exportContext;
- IncludeHistory includeHistory;
- Parser *prev, *next;
-#line 109 "rlparse.h"
-#define TK_Word 128
-#define TK_Literal 129
-#define TK_Number 130
-#define TK_EndSection 131
-#define TK_UInt 132
-#define TK_Hex 133
-#define TK_DotDot 134
-#define TK_ColonGt 135
-#define TK_ColonGtGt 136
-#define TK_LtColon 137
-#define TK_Arrow 138
-#define TK_DoubleArrow 139
-#define TK_StarStar 140
-#define TK_ColonEquals 141
-#define TK_NameSep 142
-#define TK_BarStar 143
-#define TK_DashDash 144
-#define TK_StartCond 145
-#define TK_AllCond 146
-#define TK_LeavingCond 147
-#define TK_Middle 148
-#define TK_StartGblError 149
-#define TK_AllGblError 150
-#define TK_FinalGblError 151
-#define TK_NotFinalGblError 152
-#define TK_NotStartGblError 153
-#define TK_MiddleGblError 154
-#define TK_StartLocalError 155
-#define TK_AllLocalError 156
-#define TK_FinalLocalError 157
-#define TK_NotFinalLocalError 158
-#define TK_NotStartLocalError 159
-#define TK_MiddleLocalError 160
-#define TK_StartEOF 161
-#define TK_AllEOF 162
-#define TK_FinalEOF 163
-#define TK_NotFinalEOF 164
-#define TK_NotStartEOF 165
-#define TK_MiddleEOF 166
-#define TK_StartToState 167
-#define TK_AllToState 168
-#define TK_FinalToState 169
-#define TK_NotFinalToState 170
-#define TK_NotStartToState 171
-#define TK_MiddleToState 172
-#define TK_StartFromState 173
-#define TK_AllFromState 174
-#define TK_FinalFromState 175
-#define TK_NotFinalFromState 176
-#define TK_NotStartFromState 177
-#define TK_MiddleFromState 178
-#define RE_Slash 179
-#define RE_SqOpen 180
-#define RE_SqOpenNeg 181
-#define RE_SqClose 182
-#define RE_Dot 183
-#define RE_Star 184
-#define RE_Dash 185
-#define RE_Char 186
-#define IL_WhiteSpace 187
-#define IL_Comment 188
-#define IL_Literal 189
-#define IL_Symbol 190
-#define KW_Machine 191
-#define KW_Include 192
-#define KW_Import 193
-#define KW_Write 194
-#define KW_Action 195
-#define KW_AlphType 196
-#define KW_Range 197
-#define KW_GetKey 198
-#define KW_InWhen 199
-#define KW_When 200
-#define KW_OutWhen 201
-#define KW_Eof 202
-#define KW_Err 203
-#define KW_Lerr 204
-#define KW_To 205
-#define KW_From 206
-#define KW_Export 207
-#define KW_PrePush 208
-#define KW_PostPop 209
-#define KW_Length 210
-#define KW_Break 211
-#define KW_Exec 212
-#define KW_Hold 213
-#define KW_PChar 214
-#define KW_Char 215
-#define KW_Goto 216
-#define KW_Call 217
-#define KW_Ret 218
-#define KW_CurState 219
-#define KW_TargState 220
-#define KW_Entry 221
-#define KW_Next 222
-#define KW_Variable 223
-#define KW_Access 224
-#define Parser_tk_eof 225
-#line 140 "rlparse.kh"
+ * Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef _RLPARSE_H
+#define _RLPARSE_H
+#include <iostream>
+#include "avltree.h"
+#include "parsedata.h"
+/* Import scanner tokens. */
+#define IMP_Word 128
+#define IMP_Literal 129
+#define IMP_UInt 130
+#define IMP_Define 131
+/* This is used for tracking the include files/machine pairs. */
+struct IncludeHistoryItem
+ IncludeHistoryItem( const char *fileName, const char *sectionName )
+ : fileName(fileName), sectionName(sectionName) {}
+ const char *fileName;
+ const char *sectionName;
+typedef Vector<IncludeHistoryItem> IncludeHistory;
+struct Parser
+#line 102 "rlparse.kh"
+ #line 63 "rlparse.h"
+ struct Parser_Block *block;
+ struct Parser_LangEl *freshEl;
+ int freshPos;
+ struct Parser_LangEl *pool;
+ int numRetry;
+ int numNodes;
+ struct Parser_LangEl *stackTop;
+ struct Parser_LangEl *lastFinal;
+ int errCount;
+ int curs;
+#line 105 "rlparse.kh"
+ void init();
+ int parseLangEl( int type, const Token *token );
+ Parser( const char *fileName, char *sectionName, InputLoc &sectionLoc )
+ : sectionName(sectionName)
+ {
+ pd = new ParseData( fileName, sectionName, sectionLoc );
+ exportContext.append( false );
+ includeHistory.append( IncludeHistoryItem(
+ fileName, sectionName ) );
+ }
+ int token( InputLoc &loc, int tokId, char *tokstart, int toklen );
+ void tryMachineDef( InputLoc &loc, char *name,
+ MachineDef *machineDef, bool isInstance );
+ /* Report an error encountered by the parser. */
+ ostream &parse_error( int tokId, Token &token );
+ ParseData *pd;
+ /* The name of the root section, this does not change during an include. */
+ char *sectionName;
+ NameRef nameRef;
+ NameRefList nameRefList;
+ Vector<bool> exportContext;
+ IncludeHistory includeHistory;
+ Parser *prev, *next;
+#line 109 "rlparse.h"
+#define TK_Word 128
+#define TK_Literal 129
+#define TK_Number 130
+#define TK_EndSection 131
+#define TK_UInt 132
+#define TK_Hex 133
+#define TK_DotDot 134
+#define TK_ColonGt 135
+#define TK_ColonGtGt 136
+#define TK_LtColon 137
+#define TK_Arrow 138
+#define TK_DoubleArrow 139
+#define TK_StarStar 140
+#define TK_ColonEquals 141
+#define TK_NameSep 142
+#define TK_BarStar 143
+#define TK_DashDash 144
+#define TK_StartCond 145
+#define TK_AllCond 146
+#define TK_LeavingCond 147
+#define TK_Middle 148
+#define TK_StartGblError 149
+#define TK_AllGblError 150
+#define TK_FinalGblError 151
+#define TK_NotFinalGblError 152
+#define TK_NotStartGblError 153
+#define TK_MiddleGblError 154
+#define TK_StartLocalError 155
+#define TK_AllLocalError 156
+#define TK_FinalLocalError 157
+#define TK_NotFinalLocalError 158
+#define TK_NotStartLocalError 159
+#define TK_MiddleLocalError 160
+#define TK_StartEOF 161
+#define TK_AllEOF 162
+#define TK_FinalEOF 163
+#define TK_NotFinalEOF 164
+#define TK_NotStartEOF 165
+#define TK_MiddleEOF 166
+#define TK_StartToState 167
+#define TK_AllToState 168
+#define TK_FinalToState 169
+#define TK_NotFinalToState 170
+#define TK_NotStartToState 171
+#define TK_MiddleToState 172
+#define TK_StartFromState 173
+#define TK_AllFromState 174
+#define TK_FinalFromState 175
+#define TK_NotFinalFromState 176
+#define TK_NotStartFromState 177
+#define TK_MiddleFromState 178
+#define RE_Slash 179
+#define RE_SqOpen 180
+#define RE_SqOpenNeg 181
+#define RE_SqClose 182
+#define RE_Dot 183
+#define RE_Star 184
+#define RE_Dash 185
+#define RE_Char 186
+#define IL_WhiteSpace 187
+#define IL_Comment 188
+#define IL_Literal 189
+#define IL_Symbol 190
+#define KW_Machine 191
+#define KW_Include 192
+#define KW_Import 193
+#define KW_Write 194
+#define KW_Action 195
+#define KW_AlphType 196
+#define KW_Range 197
+#define KW_GetKey 198
+#define KW_InWhen 199
+#define KW_When 200
+#define KW_OutWhen 201
+#define KW_Eof 202
+#define KW_Err 203
+#define KW_Lerr 204
+#define KW_To 205
+#define KW_From 206
+#define KW_Export 207
+#define KW_PrePush 208
+#define KW_PostPop 209
+#define KW_Length 210
+#define KW_Break 211
+#define KW_Exec 212
+#define KW_Hold 213
+#define KW_PChar 214
+#define KW_Char 215
+#define KW_Goto 216
+#define KW_Call 217
+#define KW_Ret 218
+#define KW_CurState 219
+#define KW_TargState 220
+#define KW_Entry 221
+#define KW_Next 222
+#define KW_Variable 223
+#define KW_Access 224
+#define Parser_tk_eof 225
+#line 140 "rlparse.kh"