path: root/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython
diff options
authorAlexSm <alex@ydb.tech>2024-03-05 10:40:59 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-03-05 12:40:59 +0300
commit1ac13c847b5358faba44dbb638a828e24369467b (patch)
tree07672b4dd3604ad3dee540a02c6494cb7d10dc3d /contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython
parentffcca3e7f7958ddc6487b91d3df8c01054bd0638 (diff)
Library import 16 (#2433)
Co-authored-by: robot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: deshevoy <deshevoy@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-contrib <robot-contrib@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: thegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-ya-builder <robot-ya-builder@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: svidyuk <svidyuk@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: shadchin <shadchin@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-ratatosk <robot-ratatosk@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: innokentii <innokentii@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: arkady-e1ppa <arkady-e1ppa@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: snermolaev <snermolaev@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: dimdim11 <dimdim11@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: kickbutt <kickbutt@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: abdullinsaid <abdullinsaid@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: korsunandrei <korsunandrei@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: petrk <petrk@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: miroslav2 <miroslav2@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: serjflint <serjflint@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: akhropov <akhropov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: prettyboy <prettyboy@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: ilikepugs <ilikepugs@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: hiddenpath <hiddenpath@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: mikhnenko <mikhnenko@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: spreis <spreis@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: andreyshspb <andreyshspb@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: dimaandreev <dimaandreev@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: rashid <rashid@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-ydb-importer <robot-ydb-importer@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: r-vetrov <r-vetrov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: ypodlesov <ypodlesov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: zaverden <zaverden@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: vpozdyayev <vpozdyayev@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-cozmo <robot-cozmo@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: v-korovin <v-korovin@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: arikon <arikon@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: khoden <khoden@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: psydmm <psydmm@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-javacom <robot-javacom@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: dtorilov <dtorilov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: sennikovmv <sennikovmv@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: hcpp <hcpp@ydb.tech>
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython')
50 files changed, 5926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/abstract.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b27aab2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* === Object Protocol ================================================== */
+# define _PyObject_CallMethodId _PyObject_CallMethodId_SizeT
+/* Convert keyword arguments from the FASTCALL (stack: C array, kwnames: tuple)
+ format to a Python dictionary ("kwargs" dict).
+ The type of kwnames keys is not checked. The final function getting
+ arguments is responsible to check if all keys are strings, for example using
+ PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() or PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments().
+ Duplicate keys are merged using the last value. If duplicate keys must raise
+ an exception, the caller is responsible to implement an explicit keys on
+ kwnames. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyStack_AsDict(
+ PyObject *const *values,
+ PyObject *kwnames);
+/* Suggested size (number of positional arguments) for arrays of PyObject*
+ allocated on a C stack to avoid allocating memory on the heap memory. Such
+ array is used to pass positional arguments to call functions of the
+ PyObject_Vectorcall() family.
+ The size is chosen to not abuse the C stack and so limit the risk of stack
+ overflow. The size is also chosen to allow using the small stack for most
+ function calls of the Python standard library. On 64-bit CPU, it allocates
+ 40 bytes on the stack. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _Py_CheckFunctionResult(
+ PyThreadState *tstate,
+ PyObject *callable,
+ PyObject *result,
+ const char *where);
+/* === Vectorcall protocol (PEP 590) ============================= */
+/* Call callable using tp_call. Arguments are like PyObject_Vectorcall()
+ or PyObject_FastCallDict() (both forms are supported),
+ except that nargs is plainly the number of arguments without flags. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_MakeTpCall(
+ PyThreadState *tstate,
+ PyObject *callable,
+ PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs,
+ PyObject *keywords);
+// PyVectorcall_NARGS() is exported as a function for the stable ABI.
+// Here (when we are not using the stable ABI), the name is overridden to
+// call a static inline function for best performance.
+#define PyVectorcall_NARGS(n) _PyVectorcall_NARGS(n)
+static inline Py_ssize_t
+_PyVectorcall_NARGS(size_t n)
+PyAPI_FUNC(vectorcallfunc) PyVectorcall_Function(PyObject *callable);
+// Backwards compatibility aliases for API that was provisional in Python 3.8
+#define _PyObject_Vectorcall PyObject_Vectorcall
+#define _PyObject_VectorcallMethod PyObject_VectorcallMethod
+#define _PyObject_FastCallDict PyObject_VectorcallDict
+#define _PyVectorcall_Function PyVectorcall_Function
+#define _PyObject_CallOneArg PyObject_CallOneArg
+#define _PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs
+#define _PyObject_CallMethodOneArg PyObject_CallMethodOneArg
+/* Same as PyObject_Vectorcall except that keyword arguments are passed as
+ dict, which may be NULL if there are no keyword arguments. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_VectorcallDict(
+ PyObject *callable,
+ PyObject *const *args,
+ size_t nargsf,
+ PyObject *kwargs);
+// Same as PyObject_Vectorcall(), except without keyword arguments
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_FastCall(
+ PyObject *func,
+ PyObject *const *args,
+ Py_ssize_t nargs);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallOneArg(PyObject *func, PyObject *arg);
+static inline PyObject *
+PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs(PyObject *self, PyObject *name)
+ return PyObject_VectorcallMethod(name, &self, nargsf, _Py_NULL);
+static inline PyObject *
+PyObject_CallMethodOneArg(PyObject *self, PyObject *name, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *args[2] = {self, arg};
+ assert(arg != NULL);
+ return PyObject_VectorcallMethod(name, args, nargsf, _Py_NULL);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethod(PyObject *obj,
+ PyObject *name,
+ const char *format, ...);
+/* Like PyObject_CallMethod(), but expect a _Py_Identifier*
+ as the method name. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethodId(PyObject *obj,
+ _Py_Identifier *name,
+ const char *format, ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethodId_SizeT(PyObject *obj,
+ _Py_Identifier *name,
+ const char *format,
+ ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethodIdObjArgs(
+ PyObject *obj,
+ _Py_Identifier *name,
+ ...);
+static inline PyObject *
+ _Py_Identifier *name, PyObject *const *args,
+ size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames)
+ PyObject *oname = _PyUnicode_FromId(name); /* borrowed */
+ if (!oname) {
+ return _Py_NULL;
+ }
+ return PyObject_VectorcallMethod(oname, args, nargsf, kwnames);
+static inline PyObject *
+_PyObject_CallMethodIdNoArgs(PyObject *self, _Py_Identifier *name)
+ return _PyObject_VectorcallMethodId(name, &self, nargsf, _Py_NULL);
+static inline PyObject *
+_PyObject_CallMethodIdOneArg(PyObject *self, _Py_Identifier *name, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *args[2] = {self, arg};
+ assert(arg != NULL);
+ return _PyObject_VectorcallMethodId(name, args, nargsf, _Py_NULL);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_HasLen(PyObject *o);
+/* Guess the size of object 'o' using len(o) or o.__length_hint__().
+ If neither of those return a non-negative value, then return the default
+ value. If one of the calls fails, this function returns -1. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyObject_LengthHint(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t);
+/* === Sequence protocol ================================================ */
+/* Assume tp_as_sequence and sq_item exist and that 'i' does not
+ need to be corrected for a negative index. */
+#define PySequence_ITEM(o, i)\
+ ( Py_TYPE(o)->tp_as_sequence->sq_item((o), (i)) )
+/* Iterate over seq.
+ Result depends on the operation:
+ PY_ITERSEARCH_COUNT: return # of times obj appears in seq; -1 if
+ error.
+ PY_ITERSEARCH_INDEX: return 0-based index of first occurrence of
+ obj in seq; set ValueError and return -1 if none found;
+ also return -1 on error.
+ PY_ITERSEARCH_CONTAINS: return 1 if obj in seq, else 0; -1 on
+ error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PySequence_IterSearch(PyObject *seq,
+ PyObject *obj, int operation);
+/* === Mapping protocol ================================================= */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_RealIsInstance(PyObject *inst, PyObject *cls);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_RealIsSubclass(PyObject *derived, PyObject *cls);
+PyAPI_FUNC(char *const *) _PySequence_BytesToCharpArray(PyObject* self);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_FreeCharPArray(char *const array[]);
+/* For internal use by buffer API functions */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_add_one_to_index_F(int nd, Py_ssize_t *index,
+ const Py_ssize_t *shape);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_add_one_to_index_C(int nd, Py_ssize_t *index,
+ const Py_ssize_t *shape);
+/* Convert Python int to Py_ssize_t. Do nothing if the argument is None. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_convert_optional_to_ssize_t(PyObject *, void *);
+/* Same as PyNumber_Index but can return an instance of a subclass of int. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyNumber_Index(PyObject *o);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/bytearrayobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/bytearrayobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ba176eb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/bytearrayobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* Object layout */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ Py_ssize_t ob_alloc; /* How many bytes allocated in ob_bytes */
+ char *ob_bytes; /* Physical backing buffer */
+ char *ob_start; /* Logical start inside ob_bytes */
+ Py_ssize_t ob_exports; /* How many buffer exports */
+} PyByteArrayObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(char) _PyByteArray_empty_string[];
+/* Macros and static inline functions, trading safety for speed */
+#define _PyByteArray_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyByteArray_Check(op)), _Py_CAST(PyByteArrayObject*, op))
+static inline char* PyByteArray_AS_STRING(PyObject *op)
+ PyByteArrayObject *self = _PyByteArray_CAST(op);
+ if (Py_SIZE(self)) {
+ return self->ob_start;
+ }
+ return _PyByteArray_empty_string;
+#define PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self) PyByteArray_AS_STRING(_PyObject_CAST(self))
+static inline Py_ssize_t PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(PyObject *op) {
+ PyByteArrayObject *self = _PyByteArray_CAST(op);
+ return Py_SIZE(self);
+#define PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self) PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(_PyObject_CAST(self))
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/bytesobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/bytesobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e982031c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/bytesobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ Py_DEPRECATED(3.11) Py_hash_t ob_shash;
+ char ob_sval[1];
+ /* Invariants:
+ * ob_sval contains space for 'ob_size+1' elements.
+ * ob_sval[ob_size] == 0.
+ * ob_shash is the hash of the byte string or -1 if not computed yet.
+ */
+} PyBytesObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyBytes_Resize(PyObject **, Py_ssize_t);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyBytes_FormatEx(
+ const char *format,
+ Py_ssize_t format_len,
+ PyObject *args,
+ int use_bytearray);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyBytes_FromHex(
+ PyObject *string,
+ int use_bytearray);
+/* Helper for PyBytes_DecodeEscape that detects invalid escape chars. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyBytes_DecodeEscape(const char *, Py_ssize_t,
+ const char *, const char **);
+/* Macros and static inline functions, trading safety for speed */
+#define _PyBytes_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyBytes_Check(op)), _Py_CAST(PyBytesObject*, op))
+static inline char* PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyObject *op)
+ return _PyBytes_CAST(op)->ob_sval;
+#define PyBytes_AS_STRING(op) PyBytes_AS_STRING(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+static inline Py_ssize_t PyBytes_GET_SIZE(PyObject *op) {
+ PyBytesObject *self = _PyBytes_CAST(op);
+ return Py_SIZE(self);
+#define PyBytes_GET_SIZE(self) PyBytes_GET_SIZE(_PyObject_CAST(self))
+/* _PyBytes_Join(sep, x) is like sep.join(x). sep must be PyBytesObject*,
+ x must be an iterable object. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyBytes_Join(PyObject *sep, PyObject *x);
+/* The _PyBytesWriter structure is big: it contains an embedded "stack buffer".
+ A _PyBytesWriter variable must be declared at the end of variables in a
+ function to optimize the memory allocation on the stack. */
+typedef struct {
+ /* bytes, bytearray or NULL (when the small buffer is used) */
+ PyObject *buffer;
+ /* Number of allocated size. */
+ Py_ssize_t allocated;
+ /* Minimum number of allocated bytes,
+ incremented by _PyBytesWriter_Prepare() */
+ Py_ssize_t min_size;
+ /* If non-zero, use a bytearray instead of a bytes object for buffer. */
+ int use_bytearray;
+ /* If non-zero, overallocate the buffer (default: 0).
+ This flag must be zero if use_bytearray is non-zero. */
+ int overallocate;
+ /* Stack buffer */
+ int use_small_buffer;
+ char small_buffer[512];
+} _PyBytesWriter;
+/* Initialize a bytes writer
+ By default, the overallocation is disabled. Set the overallocate attribute
+ to control the allocation of the buffer. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyBytesWriter_Init(_PyBytesWriter *writer);
+/* Get the buffer content and reset the writer.
+ Return a bytes object, or a bytearray object if use_bytearray is non-zero.
+ Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyBytesWriter_Finish(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
+ void *str);
+/* Deallocate memory of a writer (clear its internal buffer). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyBytesWriter_Dealloc(_PyBytesWriter *writer);
+/* Allocate the buffer to write size bytes.
+ Return the pointer to the beginning of buffer data.
+ Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_Alloc(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
+ Py_ssize_t size);
+/* Ensure that the buffer is large enough to write *size* bytes.
+ Add size to the writer minimum size (min_size attribute).
+ str is the current pointer inside the buffer.
+ Return the updated current pointer inside the buffer.
+ Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_Prepare(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
+ void *str,
+ Py_ssize_t size);
+/* Resize the buffer to make it larger.
+ The new buffer may be larger than size bytes because of overallocation.
+ Return the updated current pointer inside the buffer.
+ Raise an exception and return NULL on error.
+ Note: size must be greater than the number of allocated bytes in the writer.
+ This function doesn't use the writer minimum size (min_size attribute).
+ See also _PyBytesWriter_Prepare().
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_Resize(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
+ void *str,
+ Py_ssize_t size);
+/* Write bytes.
+ Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_WriteBytes(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
+ void *str,
+ const void *bytes,
+ Py_ssize_t size);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/cellobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/cellobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47a6a49149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/cellobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/* Cell object interface */
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef Py_CELLOBJECT_H
+#define Py_CELLOBJECT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /* Content of the cell or NULL when empty */
+ PyObject *ob_ref;
+} PyCellObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyCell_Type;
+#define PyCell_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyCell_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCell_New(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCell_Get(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCell_Set(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+static inline PyObject* PyCell_GET(PyObject *op) {
+ PyCellObject *cell;
+ assert(PyCell_Check(op));
+ cell = _Py_CAST(PyCellObject*, op);
+ return cell->ob_ref;
+#define PyCell_GET(op) PyCell_GET(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+static inline void PyCell_SET(PyObject *op, PyObject *value) {
+ PyCellObject *cell;
+ assert(PyCell_Check(op));
+ cell = _Py_CAST(PyCellObject*, op);
+ cell->ob_ref = value;
+#define PyCell_SET(op, value) PyCell_SET(_PyObject_CAST(op), (value))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_TUPLEOBJECT_H */
+#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/ceval.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/ceval.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9616bd6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/ceval.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_SetProfile(Py_tracefunc, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_SetProfileAllThreads(Py_tracefunc, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_DATA(int) _PyEval_SetProfile(PyThreadState *tstate, Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *arg);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_SetTrace(Py_tracefunc, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_SetTraceAllThreads(Py_tracefunc, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SetTrace(PyThreadState *tstate, Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *arg);
+/* Helper to look up a builtin object */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_GetBuiltin(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_GetBuiltinId(_Py_Identifier *);
+/* Look at the current frame's (if any) code's co_flags, and turn on
+ the corresponding compiler flags in cf->cf_flags. Return 1 if any
+ flag was set, else return 0. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyEval_MergeCompilerFlags(PyCompilerFlags *cf);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(PyThreadState *tstate, struct _PyInterpreterFrame *f, int exc);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyEval_SetSwitchInterval(unsigned long microseconds);
+PyAPI_FUNC(unsigned long) _PyEval_GetSwitchInterval(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_MakePendingCalls(PyThreadState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyUnstable_Eval_RequestCodeExtraIndex(freefunc);
+// Old name -- remove when this API changes:
+_Py_DEPRECATED_EXTERNALLY(3.12) static inline Py_ssize_t
+_PyEval_RequestCodeExtraIndex(freefunc f) {
+ return PyUnstable_Eval_RequestCodeExtraIndex(f);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SliceIndex(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SliceIndexNotNone(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/classobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/classobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7c9ddd133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/classobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* Former class object interface -- now only bound methods are here */
+/* Revealing some structures (not for general use) */
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyObject *im_func; /* The callable object implementing the method */
+ PyObject *im_self; /* The instance it is bound to */
+ PyObject *im_weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
+ vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
+} PyMethodObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyMethod_Type;
+#define PyMethod_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyMethod_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMethod_New(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMethod_Function(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMethod_Self(PyObject *);
+#define _PyMethod_CAST(meth) \
+ (assert(PyMethod_Check(meth)), _Py_CAST(PyMethodObject*, meth))
+/* Static inline functions for direct access to these values.
+ Type checks are *not* done, so use with care. */
+static inline PyObject* PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(PyObject *meth) {
+ return _PyMethod_CAST(meth)->im_func;
+#define PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(meth) PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(_PyObject_CAST(meth))
+static inline PyObject* PyMethod_GET_SELF(PyObject *meth) {
+ return _PyMethod_CAST(meth)->im_self;
+#define PyMethod_GET_SELF(meth) PyMethod_GET_SELF(_PyObject_CAST(meth))
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyObject *func;
+} PyInstanceMethodObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyInstanceMethod_Type;
+#define PyInstanceMethod_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyInstanceMethod_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyInstanceMethod_New(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyInstanceMethod_Function(PyObject *);
+#define _PyInstanceMethod_CAST(meth) \
+ (assert(PyInstanceMethod_Check(meth)), \
+ _Py_CAST(PyInstanceMethodObject*, meth))
+/* Static inline function for direct access to these values.
+ Type checks are *not* done, so use with care. */
+static inline PyObject* PyInstanceMethod_GET_FUNCTION(PyObject *meth) {
+ return _PyInstanceMethod_CAST(meth)->func;
+#define PyInstanceMethod_GET_FUNCTION(meth) PyInstanceMethod_GET_FUNCTION(_PyObject_CAST(meth))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // !Py_CLASSOBJECT_H
+#endif // !Py_LIMITED_API
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/code.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/code.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03834b20c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/code.h
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+/* Definitions for bytecode */
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef Py_CODE_H
+#define Py_CODE_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Count of all local monitoring events */
+/* Count of all "real" monitoring events (not derived from other events) */
+/* Count of all monitoring events */
+/* Tables of which tools are active for each monitored event. */
+/* For 3.12 ABI compatibility this is over sized */
+typedef struct _Py_LocalMonitors {
+ /* Only _PY_MONITORING_LOCAL_EVENTS of these are used */
+} _Py_LocalMonitors;
+typedef struct _Py_GlobalMonitors {
+} _Py_GlobalMonitors;
+/* Each instruction in a code object is a fixed-width value,
+ * currently 2 bytes: 1-byte opcode + 1-byte oparg. The EXTENDED_ARG
+ * opcode allows for larger values but the current limit is 3 uses
+ * of EXTENDED_ARG (see Python/compile.c), for a maximum
+ * 32-bit value. This aligns with the note in Python/compile.c
+ * (compiler_addop_i_line) indicating that the max oparg value is
+ * 2**32 - 1, rather than INT_MAX.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ uint16_t cache;
+ struct {
+ uint8_t code;
+ uint8_t arg;
+ } op;
+/* These macros only remain defined for compatibility. */
+#define _Py_OPCODE(word) ((word).op.code)
+#define _Py_OPARG(word) ((word).op.arg)
+static inline _Py_CODEUNIT
+_py_make_codeunit(uint8_t opcode, uint8_t oparg)
+ // No designated initialisers because of C++ compat
+ _Py_CODEUNIT word;
+ word.op.code = opcode;
+ word.op.arg = oparg;
+ return word;
+static inline void
+_py_set_opcode(_Py_CODEUNIT *word, uint8_t opcode)
+ word->op.code = opcode;
+#define _Py_MAKE_CODEUNIT(opcode, oparg) _py_make_codeunit((opcode), (oparg))
+#define _Py_SET_OPCODE(word, opcode) _py_set_opcode(&(word), (opcode))
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject *_co_code;
+ PyObject *_co_varnames;
+ PyObject *_co_cellvars;
+ PyObject *_co_freevars;
+} _PyCoCached;
+/* Ancilliary data structure used for instrumentation.
+ Line instrumentation creates an array of
+ these. One entry per code unit.*/
+typedef struct {
+ uint8_t original_opcode;
+ int8_t line_delta;
+} _PyCoLineInstrumentationData;
+/* Main data structure used for instrumentation.
+ * This is allocated when needed for instrumentation
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Monitoring specific to this code object */
+ _Py_LocalMonitors local_monitors;
+ /* Monitoring that is active on this code object */
+ _Py_LocalMonitors active_monitors;
+ /* The tools that are to be notified for events for the matching code unit */
+ uint8_t *tools;
+ /* Information to support line events */
+ _PyCoLineInstrumentationData *lines;
+ /* The tools that are to be notified for line events for the matching code unit */
+ uint8_t *line_tools;
+ /* Information to support instruction events */
+ /* The underlying instructions, which can themselves be instrumented */
+ uint8_t *per_instruction_opcodes;
+ /* The tools that are to be notified for instruction events for the matching code unit */
+ uint8_t *per_instruction_tools;
+} _PyCoMonitoringData;
+// To avoid repeating ourselves in deepfreeze.py, all PyCodeObject members are
+// defined in this macro:
+#define _PyCode_DEF(SIZE) { \
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD \
+ \
+ /* Note only the following fields are used in hash and/or comparisons \
+ * \
+ * - co_name \
+ * - co_argcount \
+ * - co_posonlyargcount \
+ * - co_kwonlyargcount \
+ * - co_nlocals \
+ * - co_stacksize \
+ * - co_flags \
+ * - co_firstlineno \
+ * - co_consts \
+ * - co_names \
+ * - co_localsplusnames \
+ * This is done to preserve the name and line number for tracebacks \
+ * and debuggers; otherwise, constant de-duplication would collapse \
+ * identical functions/lambdas defined on different lines. \
+ */ \
+ \
+ /* These fields are set with provided values on new code objects. */ \
+ \
+ /* The hottest fields (in the eval loop) are grouped here at the top. */ \
+ PyObject *co_consts; /* list (constants used) */ \
+ PyObject *co_names; /* list of strings (names used) */ \
+ PyObject *co_exceptiontable; /* Byte string encoding exception handling \
+ table */ \
+ int co_flags; /* CO_..., see below */ \
+ \
+ /* The rest are not so impactful on performance. */ \
+ int co_argcount; /* #arguments, except *args */ \
+ int co_posonlyargcount; /* #positional only arguments */ \
+ int co_kwonlyargcount; /* #keyword only arguments */ \
+ int co_stacksize; /* #entries needed for evaluation stack */ \
+ int co_firstlineno; /* first source line number */ \
+ \
+ /* redundant values (derived from co_localsplusnames and \
+ co_localspluskinds) */ \
+ int co_nlocalsplus; /* number of local + cell + free variables */ \
+ int co_framesize; /* Size of frame in words */ \
+ int co_nlocals; /* number of local variables */ \
+ int co_ncellvars; /* total number of cell variables */ \
+ int co_nfreevars; /* number of free variables */ \
+ uint32_t co_version; /* version number */ \
+ \
+ PyObject *co_localsplusnames; /* tuple mapping offsets to names */ \
+ PyObject *co_localspluskinds; /* Bytes mapping to local kinds (one byte \
+ per variable) */ \
+ PyObject *co_filename; /* unicode (where it was loaded from) */ \
+ PyObject *co_name; /* unicode (name, for reference) */ \
+ PyObject *co_qualname; /* unicode (qualname, for reference) */ \
+ PyObject *co_linetable; /* bytes object that holds location info */ \
+ PyObject *co_weakreflist; /* to support weakrefs to code objects */ \
+ _PyCoCached *_co_cached; /* cached co_* attributes */ \
+ uint64_t _co_instrumentation_version; /* current instrumentation version */ \
+ _PyCoMonitoringData *_co_monitoring; /* Monitoring data */ \
+ int _co_firsttraceable; /* index of first traceable instruction */ \
+ /* Scratch space for extra data relating to the code object. \
+ Type is a void* to keep the format private in codeobject.c to force \
+ people to go through the proper APIs. */ \
+ void *co_extra; \
+ char co_code_adaptive[(SIZE)]; \
+/* Bytecode object */
+struct PyCodeObject _PyCode_DEF(1);
+/* Masks for co_flags above */
+#define CO_OPTIMIZED 0x0001
+#define CO_NEWLOCALS 0x0002
+#define CO_VARARGS 0x0004
+#define CO_VARKEYWORDS 0x0008
+#define CO_NESTED 0x0010
+#define CO_GENERATOR 0x0020
+/* The CO_COROUTINE flag is set for coroutine functions (defined with
+ ``async def`` keywords) */
+#define CO_COROUTINE 0x0080
+#define CO_ASYNC_GENERATOR 0x0200
+/* bpo-39562: These constant values are changed in Python 3.9
+ to prevent collision with compiler flags. CO_FUTURE_ and PyCF_
+ constants must be kept unique. PyCF_ constants can use bits from
+ 0x0100 to 0x10000. CO_FUTURE_ constants use bits starting at 0x20000. */
+#define CO_FUTURE_DIVISION 0x20000
+#define CO_FUTURE_ABSOLUTE_IMPORT 0x40000 /* do absolute imports by default */
+#define CO_FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION 0x100000
+#define CO_FUTURE_BARRY_AS_BDFL 0x400000
+#define CO_FUTURE_GENERATOR_STOP 0x800000
+#define CO_FUTURE_ANNOTATIONS 0x1000000
+/* This should be defined if a future statement modifies the syntax.
+ For example, when a keyword is added.
+#define CO_MAXBLOCKS 20 /* Max static block nesting within a function */
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyCode_Type;
+#define PyCode_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyCode_Type)
+static inline Py_ssize_t PyCode_GetNumFree(PyCodeObject *op) {
+ assert(PyCode_Check(op));
+ return op->co_nfreevars;
+static inline int PyCode_GetFirstFree(PyCodeObject *op) {
+ assert(PyCode_Check(op));
+ return op->co_nlocalsplus - op->co_nfreevars;
+#define _PyCode_CODE(CO) _Py_RVALUE((_Py_CODEUNIT *)(CO)->co_code_adaptive)
+#define _PyCode_NBYTES(CO) (Py_SIZE(CO) * (Py_ssize_t)sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT))
+/* Unstable public interface */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyUnstable_Code_New(
+ int, int, int, int, int, PyObject *, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, int, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyUnstable_Code_NewWithPosOnlyArgs(
+ int, int, int, int, int, int, PyObject *, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, int, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *);
+ /* same as struct above */
+// Old names -- remove when this API changes:
+_Py_DEPRECATED_EXTERNALLY(3.12) static inline PyCodeObject *
+ int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, PyObject *f, PyObject *g,
+ PyObject *h, PyObject *i, PyObject *j, PyObject *k,
+ PyObject *l, PyObject *m, PyObject *n, int o, PyObject *p,
+ PyObject *q)
+ return PyUnstable_Code_New(
+ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q);
+_Py_DEPRECATED_EXTERNALLY(3.12) static inline PyCodeObject *
+ int a, int poac, int b, int c, int d, int e, PyObject *f, PyObject *g,
+ PyObject *h, PyObject *i, PyObject *j, PyObject *k,
+ PyObject *l, PyObject *m, PyObject *n, int o, PyObject *p,
+ PyObject *q)
+ return PyUnstable_Code_NewWithPosOnlyArgs(
+ a, poac, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q);
+/* Creates a new empty code object with the specified source location. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *)
+PyCode_NewEmpty(const char *filename, const char *funcname, int firstlineno);
+/* Return the line number associated with the specified bytecode index
+ in this code object. If you just need the line number of a frame,
+ use PyFrame_GetLineNumber() instead. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCode_Addr2Line(PyCodeObject *, int);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCode_Addr2Location(PyCodeObject *, int, int *, int *, int *, int *);
+typedef enum {
+ #define PY_DEF_EVENT(op) PY_CODE_EVENT_##op,
+ #undef PY_DEF_EVENT
+} PyCodeEvent;
+ * A callback that is invoked for different events in a code object's lifecycle.
+ *
+ * The callback is invoked with a borrowed reference to co, after it is
+ * created and before it is destroyed.
+ *
+ * If the callback sets an exception, it must return -1. Otherwise
+ * it should return 0.
+ */
+typedef int (*PyCode_WatchCallback)(
+ PyCodeEvent event,
+ PyCodeObject* co);
+ * Register a per-interpreter callback that will be invoked for code object
+ * lifecycle events.
+ *
+ * Returns a handle that may be passed to PyCode_ClearWatcher on success,
+ * or -1 and sets an error if no more handles are available.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCode_AddWatcher(PyCode_WatchCallback callback);
+ * Clear the watcher associated with the watcher_id handle.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success or -1 if no watcher exists for the provided id.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCode_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id);
+/* for internal use only */
+struct _opaque {
+ int computed_line;
+ const uint8_t *lo_next;
+ const uint8_t *limit;
+typedef struct _line_offsets {
+ int ar_start;
+ int ar_end;
+ int ar_line;
+ struct _opaque opaque;
+} PyCodeAddressRange;
+/* Update *bounds to describe the first and one-past-the-last instructions in the
+ same line as lasti. Return the number of that line.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCode_CheckLineNumber(int lasti, PyCodeAddressRange *bounds);
+/* Create a comparable key used to compare constants taking in account the
+ * object type. It is used to make sure types are not coerced (e.g., float and
+ * complex) _and_ to distinguish 0.0 from -0.0 e.g. on IEEE platforms
+ *
+ * Return (type(obj), obj, ...): a tuple with variable size (at least 2 items)
+ * depending on the type and the value. The type is the first item to not
+ * compare bytes and str which can raise a BytesWarning exception. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyCode_ConstantKey(PyObject *obj);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyCode_Optimize(PyObject *code, PyObject* consts,
+ PyObject *names, PyObject *lnotab);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyUnstable_Code_GetExtra(
+ PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index, void **extra);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyUnstable_Code_SetExtra(
+ PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index, void *extra);
+// Old names -- remove when this API changes:
+_Py_DEPRECATED_EXTERNALLY(3.12) static inline int
+_PyCode_GetExtra(PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index, void **extra)
+ return PyUnstable_Code_GetExtra(code, index, extra);
+_Py_DEPRECATED_EXTERNALLY(3.12) static inline int
+_PyCode_SetExtra(PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index, void *extra)
+ return PyUnstable_Code_SetExtra(code, index, extra);
+/* Equivalent to getattr(code, 'co_code') in Python.
+ Returns a strong reference to a bytes object. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCode_GetCode(PyCodeObject *code);
+/* Equivalent to getattr(code, 'co_varnames') in Python. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCode_GetVarnames(PyCodeObject *code);
+/* Equivalent to getattr(code, 'co_cellvars') in Python. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCode_GetCellvars(PyCodeObject *code);
+/* Equivalent to getattr(code, 'co_freevars') in Python. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCode_GetFreevars(PyCodeObject *code);
+typedef enum _PyCodeLocationInfoKind {
+ /* short forms are 0 to 9 */
+ /* one lineforms are 10 to 12 */
+} _PyCodeLocationInfoKind;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // !Py_CODE_H
+#endif // !Py_LIMITED_API
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/compile.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/compile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5a62a8ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/compile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* Public interface */
+/* bpo-39562: CO_FUTURE_ and PyCF_ constants must be kept unique.
+ PyCF_ constants can use bits from 0x0100 to 0x10000.
+ CO_FUTURE_ constants use bits starting at 0x20000. */
+#define PyCF_SOURCE_IS_UTF8 0x0100
+#define PyCF_DONT_IMPLY_DEDENT 0x0200
+#define PyCF_ONLY_AST 0x0400
+#define PyCF_IGNORE_COOKIE 0x0800
+#define PyCF_TYPE_COMMENTS 0x1000
+#define PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT 0x2000
+typedef struct {
+ int cf_flags; /* bitmask of CO_xxx flags relevant to future */
+ int cf_feature_version; /* minor Python version (PyCF_ONLY_AST) */
+} PyCompilerFlags;
+#define _PyCompilerFlags_INIT \
+ (PyCompilerFlags){.cf_flags = 0, .cf_feature_version = PY_MINOR_VERSION}
+/* source location information */
+typedef struct {
+ int lineno;
+ int end_lineno;
+ int col_offset;
+ int end_col_offset;
+} _PyCompilerSrcLocation;
+ (_PyCompilerSrcLocation){ \
+ .lineno = (n)->lineno, \
+ .end_lineno = (n)->end_lineno, \
+ .col_offset = (n)->col_offset, \
+ .end_col_offset = (n)->end_col_offset }
+/* Future feature support */
+typedef struct {
+ int ff_features; /* flags set by future statements */
+ _PyCompilerSrcLocation ff_location; /* location of last future statement */
+} PyFutureFeatures;
+#define FUTURE_NESTED_SCOPES "nested_scopes"
+#define FUTURE_GENERATORS "generators"
+#define FUTURE_DIVISION "division"
+#define FUTURE_ABSOLUTE_IMPORT "absolute_import"
+#define FUTURE_WITH_STATEMENT "with_statement"
+#define FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION "print_function"
+#define FUTURE_UNICODE_LITERALS "unicode_literals"
+#define FUTURE_BARRY_AS_BDFL "barry_as_FLUFL"
+#define FUTURE_GENERATOR_STOP "generator_stop"
+#define FUTURE_ANNOTATIONS "annotations"
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCompile_OpcodeStackEffect(int opcode, int oparg);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCompile_OpcodeStackEffectWithJump(int opcode, int oparg, int jump);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/complexobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/complexobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7d7283ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/complexobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef struct {
+ double real;
+ double imag;
+} Py_complex;
+/* Operations on complex numbers from complexmodule.c */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_sum(Py_complex, Py_complex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_diff(Py_complex, Py_complex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_neg(Py_complex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_prod(Py_complex, Py_complex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_quot(Py_complex, Py_complex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_pow(Py_complex, Py_complex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(double) _Py_c_abs(Py_complex);
+/* Complex object interface */
+PyComplexObject represents a complex number with double-precision
+real and imaginary parts.
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ Py_complex cval;
+} PyComplexObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyComplex_FromCComplex(Py_complex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) PyComplex_AsCComplex(PyObject *op);
+#ifdef Py_BUILD_CORE
+/* Format the object based on the format_spec, as defined in PEP 3101
+ (Advanced String Formatting). */
+extern int _PyComplex_FormatAdvancedWriter(
+ _PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ PyObject *obj,
+ PyObject *format_spec,
+ Py_ssize_t start,
+ Py_ssize_t end);
+#endif // Py_BUILD_CORE
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/context.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9879fc7192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef Py_CONTEXT_H
+#define Py_CONTEXT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyContext_Type;
+typedef struct _pycontextobject PyContext;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyContextVar_Type;
+typedef struct _pycontextvarobject PyContextVar;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyContextToken_Type;
+typedef struct _pycontexttokenobject PyContextToken;
+#define PyContext_CheckExact(o) Py_IS_TYPE((o), &PyContext_Type)
+#define PyContextVar_CheckExact(o) Py_IS_TYPE((o), &PyContextVar_Type)
+#define PyContextToken_CheckExact(o) Py_IS_TYPE((o), &PyContextToken_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContext_New(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContext_Copy(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContext_CopyCurrent(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContext_Enter(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContext_Exit(PyObject *);
+/* Create a new context variable.
+ default_value can be NULL.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContextVar_New(
+ const char *name, PyObject *default_value);
+/* Get a value for the variable.
+ Returns -1 if an error occurred during lookup.
+ Returns 0 if value either was or was not found.
+ If value was found, *value will point to it.
+ If not, it will point to:
+ - default_value, if not NULL;
+ - the default value of "var", if not NULL;
+ - NULL.
+ '*value' will be a new ref, if not NULL.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContextVar_Get(
+ PyObject *var, PyObject *default_value, PyObject **value);
+/* Set a new value for the variable.
+ Returns NULL if an error occurs.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContextVar_Set(PyObject *var, PyObject *value);
+/* Reset a variable to its previous value.
+ Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContextVar_Reset(PyObject *var, PyObject *token);
+/* This method is exposed only for CPython tests. Don not use it. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyContext_NewHamtForTests(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_CONTEXT_H */
+#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/descrobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/descrobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2ea1b9a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/descrobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef PyObject *(*wrapperfunc)(PyObject *self, PyObject *args,
+ void *wrapped);
+typedef PyObject *(*wrapperfunc_kwds)(PyObject *self, PyObject *args,
+ void *wrapped, PyObject *kwds);
+struct wrapperbase {
+ const char *name;
+ int offset;
+ void *function;
+ wrapperfunc wrapper;
+ const char *doc;
+ int flags;
+ PyObject *name_strobj;
+/* Flags for above struct */
+#define PyWrapperFlag_KEYWORDS 1 /* wrapper function takes keyword args */
+/* Various kinds of descriptor objects */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyTypeObject *d_type;
+ PyObject *d_name;
+ PyObject *d_qualname;
+} PyDescrObject;
+#define PyDescr_COMMON PyDescrObject d_common
+#define PyDescr_TYPE(x) (((PyDescrObject *)(x))->d_type)
+#define PyDescr_NAME(x) (((PyDescrObject *)(x))->d_name)
+typedef struct {
+ PyDescr_COMMON;
+ PyMethodDef *d_method;
+ vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
+} PyMethodDescrObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyDescr_COMMON;
+ PyMemberDef *d_member;
+} PyMemberDescrObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyDescr_COMMON;
+ PyGetSetDef *d_getset;
+} PyGetSetDescrObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyDescr_COMMON;
+ struct wrapperbase *d_base;
+ void *d_wrapped; /* This can be any function pointer */
+} PyWrapperDescrObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyMethodWrapper_Type;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDescr_NewWrapper(PyTypeObject *,
+ struct wrapperbase *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDescr_IsData(PyObject *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/dictobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/dictobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddada92202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/dictobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef struct _dictkeysobject PyDictKeysObject;
+typedef struct _dictvalues PyDictValues;
+/* The ma_values pointer is NULL for a combined table
+ * or points to an array of PyObject* for a split table
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /* Number of items in the dictionary */
+ Py_ssize_t ma_used;
+ /* Dictionary version: globally unique, value change each time
+ the dictionary is modified */
+#ifdef Py_BUILD_CORE
+ uint64_t ma_version_tag;
+ Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) uint64_t ma_version_tag;
+ PyDictKeysObject *ma_keys;
+ /* If ma_values is NULL, the table is "combined": keys and values
+ are stored in ma_keys.
+ If ma_values is not NULL, the table is split:
+ keys are stored in ma_keys and values are stored in ma_values */
+ PyDictValues *ma_values;
+} PyDictObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_GetItem_KnownHash(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
+ Py_hash_t hash);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_GetItemWithError(PyObject *dp, PyObject *key);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_GetItemIdWithError(PyObject *dp,
+ _Py_Identifier *key);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_GetItemStringWithError(PyObject *, const char *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_SetDefault(
+ PyObject *mp, PyObject *key, PyObject *defaultobj);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_SetItem_KnownHash(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
+ PyObject *item, Py_hash_t hash);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_DelItem_KnownHash(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
+ Py_hash_t hash);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_DelItemIf(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
+ int (*predicate)(PyObject *value));
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_Next(
+ PyObject *mp, Py_ssize_t *pos, PyObject **key, PyObject **value, Py_hash_t *hash);
+/* Get the number of items of a dictionary. */
+static inline Py_ssize_t PyDict_GET_SIZE(PyObject *op) {
+ PyDictObject *mp;
+ assert(PyDict_Check(op));
+ mp = _Py_CAST(PyDictObject*, op);
+ return mp->ma_used;
+#define PyDict_GET_SIZE(op) PyDict_GET_SIZE(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_Contains_KnownHash(PyObject *, PyObject *, Py_hash_t);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_ContainsId(PyObject *, _Py_Identifier *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_NewPresized(Py_ssize_t minused);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyDict_MaybeUntrack(PyObject *mp);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_HasOnlyStringKeys(PyObject *mp);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PyDict_SizeOf(PyDictObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_Pop(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+#define _PyDict_HasSplitTable(d) ((d)->ma_values != NULL)
+/* Like PyDict_Merge, but override can be 0, 1 or 2. If override is 0,
+ the first occurrence of a key wins, if override is 1, the last occurrence
+ of a key wins, if override is 2, a KeyError with conflicting key as
+ argument is raised.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_MergeEx(PyObject *mp, PyObject *other, int override);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_SetItemId(PyObject *dp, _Py_Identifier *key, PyObject *item);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_DelItemId(PyObject *mp, _Py_Identifier *key);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyDict_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
+/* _PyDictView */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyDictObject *dv_dict;
+} _PyDictViewObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDictView_New(PyObject *, PyTypeObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDictView_Intersect(PyObject* self, PyObject *other);
+/* Dictionary watchers */
+ V(ADDED) \
+typedef enum {
+ #undef PY_DEF_EVENT
+} PyDict_WatchEvent;
+// Callback to be invoked when a watched dict is cleared, dealloced, or modified.
+// In clear/dealloc case, key and new_value will be NULL. Otherwise, new_value will be the
+// new value for key, NULL if key is being deleted.
+typedef int(*PyDict_WatchCallback)(PyDict_WatchEvent event, PyObject* dict, PyObject* key, PyObject* new_value);
+// Register/unregister a dict-watcher callback
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_AddWatcher(PyDict_WatchCallback callback);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id);
+// Mark given dictionary as "watched" (callback will be called if it is modified)
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_Watch(int watcher_id, PyObject* dict);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_Unwatch(int watcher_id, PyObject* dict);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/fileobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/fileobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b70ec31898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/fileobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(char *) Py_UniversalNewlineFgets(char *, int, FILE*, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(char *) _Py_UniversalNewlineFgetsWithSize(char *, int, FILE*, PyObject *, size_t*);
+/* The std printer acts as a preliminary sys.stderr until the new io
+ infrastructure is in place. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_NewStdPrinter(int);
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyStdPrinter_Type;
+typedef PyObject * (*Py_OpenCodeHookFunction)(PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_OpenCode(const char *utf8path);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_OpenCodeObject(PyObject *path);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFile_SetOpenCodeHook(Py_OpenCodeHookFunction hook, void *userData);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_FileDescriptor_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/fileutils.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/fileutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b386ad107b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/fileutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+// Used by _testcapi which must not use the internal C API
+PyAPI_FUNC(FILE*) _Py_fopen_obj(
+ PyObject *path,
+ const char *mode);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/floatobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/floatobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..127093098b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/floatobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ double ob_fval;
+} PyFloatObject;
+#define _PyFloat_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyFloat_Check(op)), _Py_CAST(PyFloatObject*, op))
+// Static inline version of PyFloat_AsDouble() trading safety for speed.
+// It doesn't check if op is a double object.
+static inline double PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyObject *op) {
+ return _PyFloat_CAST(op)->ob_fval;
+#define PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(op) PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFloat_Pack2(double x, char *p, int le);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFloat_Pack4(double x, char *p, int le);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFloat_Pack8(double x, char *p, int le);
+PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyFloat_Unpack2(const char *p, int le);
+PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyFloat_Unpack4(const char *p, int le);
+PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyFloat_Unpack8(const char *p, int le);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/frameobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/frameobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e19535c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/frameobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* Frame object interface */
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* Standard object interface */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyFrameObject *) PyFrame_New(PyThreadState *, PyCodeObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/* The rest of the interface is specific for frame objects */
+/* Conversions between "fast locals" and locals in dictionary */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyFrame_LocalsToFast(PyFrameObject *, int);
+/* -- Caveat emptor --
+ * The concept of entry frames is an implementation detail of the CPython
+ * interpreter. This API is considered unstable and is provided for the
+ * convenience of debuggers, profilers and state-inspecting tools. Notice that
+ * this API can be changed in future minor versions if the underlying frame
+ * mechanism change or the concept of an 'entry frame' or its semantics becomes
+ * obsolete or outdated. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyFrame_IsEntryFrame(PyFrameObject *frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFrame_FastToLocalsWithError(PyFrameObject *f);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyFrame_FastToLocals(PyFrameObject *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/funcobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/funcobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f78f5868d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/funcobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* Function object interface */
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef Py_FUNCOBJECT_H
+#define Py_FUNCOBJECT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## globals; \
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## builtins; \
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## name; \
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## qualname; \
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## code; /* A code object, the __code__ attribute */ \
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## defaults; /* NULL or a tuple */ \
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## kwdefaults; /* NULL or a dict */ \
+ PyObject *PREFIX ## closure; /* NULL or a tuple of cell objects */
+typedef struct {
+} PyFrameConstructor;
+/* Function objects and code objects should not be confused with each other:
+ *
+ * Function objects are created by the execution of the 'def' statement.
+ * They reference a code object in their __code__ attribute, which is a
+ * purely syntactic object, i.e. nothing more than a compiled version of some
+ * source code lines. There is one code object per source code "fragment",
+ * but each code object can be referenced by zero or many function objects
+ * depending only on how many times the 'def' statement in the source was
+ * executed so far.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyObject *func_doc; /* The __doc__ attribute, can be anything */
+ PyObject *func_dict; /* The __dict__ attribute, a dict or NULL */
+ PyObject *func_weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
+ PyObject *func_module; /* The __module__ attribute, can be anything */
+ PyObject *func_annotations; /* Annotations, a dict or NULL */
+ PyObject *func_typeparams; /* Tuple of active type variables or NULL */
+ vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
+ /* Version number for use by specializer.
+ * Can set to non-zero when we want to specialize.
+ * Will be set to zero if any of these change:
+ * defaults
+ * kwdefaults (only if the object changes, not the contents of the dict)
+ * code
+ * annotations
+ * vectorcall function pointer */
+ uint32_t func_version;
+ /* Invariant:
+ * func_closure contains the bindings for func_code->co_freevars, so
+ * PyTuple_Size(func_closure) == PyCode_GetNumFree(func_code)
+ * (func_closure may be NULL if PyCode_GetNumFree(func_code) == 0).
+ */
+} PyFunctionObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyFunction_Type;
+#define PyFunction_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyFunction_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_New(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_NewWithQualName(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetCode(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetGlobals(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetModule(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetDefaults(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetDefaults(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyFunction_SetVectorcall(PyFunctionObject *, vectorcallfunc);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetKwDefaults(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetKwDefaults(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetClosure(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetClosure(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetAnnotations(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetAnnotations(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyFunction_Vectorcall(
+ PyObject *func,
+ PyObject *const *stack,
+ size_t nargsf,
+ PyObject *kwnames);
+#define _PyFunction_CAST(func) \
+ (assert(PyFunction_Check(func)), _Py_CAST(PyFunctionObject*, func))
+/* Static inline functions for direct access to these values.
+ Type checks are *not* done, so use with care. */
+static inline PyObject* PyFunction_GET_CODE(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyFunction_CAST(func)->func_code;
+#define PyFunction_GET_CODE(func) PyFunction_GET_CODE(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyObject* PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyFunction_CAST(func)->func_globals;
+#define PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS(func) PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyObject* PyFunction_GET_MODULE(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyFunction_CAST(func)->func_module;
+#define PyFunction_GET_MODULE(func) PyFunction_GET_MODULE(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyObject* PyFunction_GET_DEFAULTS(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyFunction_CAST(func)->func_defaults;
+#define PyFunction_GET_DEFAULTS(func) PyFunction_GET_DEFAULTS(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyObject* PyFunction_GET_KW_DEFAULTS(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyFunction_CAST(func)->func_kwdefaults;
+#define PyFunction_GET_KW_DEFAULTS(func) PyFunction_GET_KW_DEFAULTS(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyObject* PyFunction_GET_CLOSURE(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyFunction_CAST(func)->func_closure;
+#define PyFunction_GET_CLOSURE(func) PyFunction_GET_CLOSURE(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyObject* PyFunction_GET_ANNOTATIONS(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyFunction_CAST(func)->func_annotations;
+#define PyFunction_GET_ANNOTATIONS(func) PyFunction_GET_ANNOTATIONS(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+/* The classmethod and staticmethod types lives here, too */
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyClassMethod_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyStaticMethod_Type;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyClassMethod_New(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyStaticMethod_New(PyObject *);
+typedef enum {
+ #define PY_DEF_EVENT(EVENT) PyFunction_EVENT_##EVENT,
+ #undef PY_DEF_EVENT
+} PyFunction_WatchEvent;
+ * A callback that is invoked for different events in a function's lifecycle.
+ *
+ * The callback is invoked with a borrowed reference to func, after it is
+ * created and before it is modified or destroyed. The callback should not
+ * modify func.
+ *
+ * When a function's code object, defaults, or kwdefaults are modified the
+ * callback will be invoked with the respective event and new_value will
+ * contain a borrowed reference to the new value that is about to be stored in
+ * the function. Otherwise the third argument is NULL.
+ *
+ * If the callback returns with an exception set, it must return -1. Otherwise
+ * it should return 0.
+ */
+typedef int (*PyFunction_WatchCallback)(
+ PyFunction_WatchEvent event,
+ PyFunctionObject *func,
+ PyObject *new_value);
+ * Register a per-interpreter callback that will be invoked for function lifecycle
+ * events.
+ *
+ * Returns a handle that may be passed to PyFunction_ClearWatcher on success,
+ * or -1 and sets an error if no more handles are available.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_AddWatcher(PyFunction_WatchCallback callback);
+ * Clear the watcher associated with the watcher_id handle.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success or -1 if no watcher exists for the supplied id.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_FUNCOBJECT_H */
+#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/genobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/genobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7856481b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/genobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+/* Generator object interface */
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef Py_GENOBJECT_H
+#define Py_GENOBJECT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* --- Generators --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* _PyGenObject_HEAD defines the initial segment of generator
+ and coroutine objects. */
+#define _PyGenObject_HEAD(prefix) \
+ PyObject_HEAD \
+ /* List of weak reference. */ \
+ PyObject *prefix##_weakreflist; \
+ /* Name of the generator. */ \
+ PyObject *prefix##_name; \
+ /* Qualified name of the generator. */ \
+ PyObject *prefix##_qualname; \
+ _PyErr_StackItem prefix##_exc_state; \
+ PyObject *prefix##_origin_or_finalizer; \
+ char prefix##_hooks_inited; \
+ char prefix##_closed; \
+ char prefix##_running_async; \
+ /* The frame */ \
+ int8_t prefix##_frame_state; \
+ PyObject *prefix##_iframe[1]; \
+typedef struct {
+ /* The gi_ prefix is intended to remind of generator-iterator. */
+ _PyGenObject_HEAD(gi)
+} PyGenObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyGen_Type;
+#define PyGen_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck((op), &PyGen_Type)
+#define PyGen_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyGen_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyGen_New(PyFrameObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyGen_NewWithQualName(PyFrameObject *,
+ PyObject *name, PyObject *qualname);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyGen_SetStopIterationValue(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyGen_FetchStopIterationValue(PyObject **);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyGen_Finalize(PyObject *self);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyGen_GetCode(PyGenObject *gen);
+/* --- PyCoroObject ------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct {
+ _PyGenObject_HEAD(cr)
+} PyCoroObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyCoro_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyCoroWrapper_Type;
+#define PyCoro_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyCoro_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCoro_New(PyFrameObject *,
+ PyObject *name, PyObject *qualname);
+/* --- Asynchronous Generators -------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct {
+ _PyGenObject_HEAD(ag)
+} PyAsyncGenObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyAsyncGen_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyAsyncGenASend_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyAsyncGenWrappedValue_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyAsyncGenAThrow_Type;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyAsyncGen_New(PyFrameObject *,
+ PyObject *name, PyObject *qualname);
+#define PyAsyncGen_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyAsyncGen_Type)
+#define PyAsyncGenASend_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &_PyAsyncGenASend_Type)
+#undef _PyGenObject_HEAD
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_GENOBJECT_H */
+#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/import.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/import.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bca4ade4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/import.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__imp(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_IsInitialized(PyInterpreterState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyImport_GetModuleId(_Py_Identifier *name);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_SetModule(PyObject *name, PyObject *module);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_SetModuleString(const char *name, PyObject* module);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyImport_AcquireLock(PyInterpreterState *interp);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_ReleaseLock(PyInterpreterState *interp);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_FixupBuiltin(
+ PyObject *mod,
+ const char *name, /* UTF-8 encoded string */
+ PyObject *modules
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_FixupExtensionObject(PyObject*, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyObject *);
+struct _inittab {
+ const char *name; /* ASCII encoded string */
+ PyObject* (*initfunc)(void);
+// This is not used after Py_Initialize() is called.
+PyAPI_DATA(struct _inittab *) PyImport_Inittab;
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyImport_ExtendInittab(struct _inittab *newtab);
+struct _frozen {
+ const char *name; /* ASCII encoded string */
+ const unsigned char *code;
+ int size;
+ int is_package;
+ PyObject *(*get_code)(void);
+/* Embedding apps may change this pointer to point to their favorite
+ collection of frozen modules: */
+PyAPI_DATA(const struct _frozen *) PyImport_FrozenModules;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject *) _PyImport_GetModuleAttr(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject *) _PyImport_GetModuleAttrString(const char *, const char *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/initconfig.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/initconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbae97f12f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/initconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* --- PyStatus ----------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct {
+ enum {
+ _PyStatus_TYPE_OK=0,
+ _PyStatus_TYPE_ERROR=1,
+ _PyStatus_TYPE_EXIT=2
+ } _type;
+ const char *func;
+ const char *err_msg;
+ int exitcode;
+} PyStatus;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_Ok(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_Error(const char *err_msg);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_NoMemory(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_Exit(int exitcode);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyStatus_IsError(PyStatus err);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyStatus_IsExit(PyStatus err);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyStatus_Exception(PyStatus err);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyErr_SetFromPyStatus(PyStatus status);
+/* --- PyWideStringList ------------------------------------------------ */
+typedef struct {
+ /* If length is greater than zero, items must be non-NULL
+ and all items strings must be non-NULL */
+ Py_ssize_t length;
+ wchar_t **items;
+} PyWideStringList;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyWideStringList_Append(PyWideStringList *list,
+ const wchar_t *item);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyWideStringList_Insert(PyWideStringList *list,
+ Py_ssize_t index,
+ const wchar_t *item);
+/* --- PyPreConfig ----------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct PyPreConfig {
+ int _config_init; /* _PyConfigInitEnum value */
+ /* Parse Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() arguments?
+ See PyConfig.parse_argv */
+ int parse_argv;
+ /* If greater than 0, enable isolated mode: sys.path contains
+ neither the script's directory nor the user's site-packages directory.
+ Set to 1 by the -I command line option. If set to -1 (default), inherit
+ Py_IsolatedFlag value. */
+ int isolated;
+ /* If greater than 0: use environment variables.
+ Set to 0 by -E command line option. If set to -1 (default), it is
+ set to !Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag. */
+ int use_environment;
+ /* Set the LC_CTYPE locale to the user preferred locale? If equals to 0,
+ set coerce_c_locale and coerce_c_locale_warn to 0. */
+ int configure_locale;
+ /* Coerce the LC_CTYPE locale if it's equal to "C"? (PEP 538)
+ Set to 2 if the user preferred LC_CTYPE locale is "C".
+ If it is equal to 1, LC_CTYPE locale is read to decide if it should be
+ coerced or not (ex: PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=1). Internally, it is set to 2
+ if the LC_CTYPE locale must be coerced.
+ Disable by default (set to 0). Set it to -1 to let Python decide if it
+ should be enabled or not. */
+ int coerce_c_locale;
+ /* Emit a warning if the LC_CTYPE locale is coerced?
+ Disable by default (set to 0). Set it to -1 to let Python decide if it
+ should be enabled or not. */
+ int coerce_c_locale_warn;
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+ /* If greater than 1, use the "mbcs" encoding instead of the UTF-8
+ encoding for the filesystem encoding.
+ Set to 1 if the PYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSFSENCODING environment variable is
+ set to a non-empty string. If set to -1 (default), inherit
+ Py_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlag value.
+ See PEP 529 for more details. */
+ int legacy_windows_fs_encoding;
+ /* Enable UTF-8 mode? (PEP 540)
+ Disabled by default (equals to 0).
+ Set to 1 by "-X utf8" and "-X utf8=1" command line options.
+ Set to 1 by PYTHONUTF8=1 environment variable.
+ Set to 0 by "-X utf8=0" and PYTHONUTF8=0.
+ If equals to -1, it is set to 1 if the LC_CTYPE locale is "C" or
+ "POSIX", otherwise it is set to 0. Inherit Py_UTF8Mode value value. */
+ int utf8_mode;
+ /* If non-zero, enable the Python Development Mode.
+ Set to 1 by the -X dev command line option. Set by the PYTHONDEVMODE
+ environment variable. */
+ int dev_mode;
+ /* Memory allocator: PYTHONMALLOC env var.
+ See PyMemAllocatorName for valid values. */
+ int allocator;
+} PyPreConfig;
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyPreConfig_InitPythonConfig(PyPreConfig *config);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyPreConfig_InitIsolatedConfig(PyPreConfig *config);
+/* --- PyConfig ---------------------------------------------- */
+/* This structure is best documented in the Doc/c-api/init_config.rst file. */
+typedef struct PyConfig {
+ int _config_init; /* _PyConfigInitEnum value */
+ int isolated;
+ int use_environment;
+ int dev_mode;
+ int install_signal_handlers;
+ int use_hash_seed;
+ unsigned long hash_seed;
+ int faulthandler;
+ int tracemalloc;
+ int perf_profiling;
+ int import_time;
+ int code_debug_ranges;
+ int show_ref_count;
+ int dump_refs;
+ wchar_t *dump_refs_file;
+ int malloc_stats;
+ wchar_t *filesystem_encoding;
+ wchar_t *filesystem_errors;
+ wchar_t *pycache_prefix;
+ int parse_argv;
+ PyWideStringList orig_argv;
+ PyWideStringList argv;
+ PyWideStringList xoptions;
+ PyWideStringList warnoptions;
+ int site_import;
+ int bytes_warning;
+ int warn_default_encoding;
+ int inspect;
+ int interactive;
+ int optimization_level;
+ int parser_debug;
+ int write_bytecode;
+ int verbose;
+ int quiet;
+ int user_site_directory;
+ int configure_c_stdio;
+ int buffered_stdio;
+ wchar_t *stdio_encoding;
+ wchar_t *stdio_errors;
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+ int legacy_windows_stdio;
+ wchar_t *check_hash_pycs_mode;
+ int use_frozen_modules;
+ int safe_path;
+ int int_max_str_digits;
+ /* --- Path configuration inputs ------------ */
+ int pathconfig_warnings;
+ wchar_t *program_name;
+ wchar_t *pythonpath_env;
+ wchar_t *home;
+ wchar_t *platlibdir;
+ /* --- Path configuration outputs ----------- */
+ int module_search_paths_set;
+ PyWideStringList module_search_paths;
+ wchar_t *stdlib_dir;
+ wchar_t *executable;
+ wchar_t *base_executable;
+ wchar_t *prefix;
+ wchar_t *base_prefix;
+ wchar_t *exec_prefix;
+ wchar_t *base_exec_prefix;
+ /* --- Parameter only used by Py_Main() ---------- */
+ int skip_source_first_line;
+ wchar_t *run_command;
+ wchar_t *run_module;
+ wchar_t *run_filename;
+ /* --- Private fields ---------------------------- */
+ // Install importlib? If equals to 0, importlib is not initialized at all.
+ // Needed by freeze_importlib.
+ int _install_importlib;
+ // If equal to 0, stop Python initialization before the "main" phase.
+ int _init_main;
+ // If non-zero, we believe we're running from a source tree.
+ int _is_python_build;
+} PyConfig;
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyConfig_InitPythonConfig(PyConfig *config);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyConfig_InitIsolatedConfig(PyConfig *config);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyConfig_Clear(PyConfig *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetString(
+ PyConfig *config,
+ wchar_t **config_str,
+ const wchar_t *str);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetBytesString(
+ PyConfig *config,
+ wchar_t **config_str,
+ const char *str);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_Read(PyConfig *config);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetBytesArgv(
+ PyConfig *config,
+ Py_ssize_t argc,
+ char * const *argv);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetArgv(PyConfig *config,
+ Py_ssize_t argc,
+ wchar_t * const *argv);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetWideStringList(PyConfig *config,
+ PyWideStringList *list,
+ Py_ssize_t length, wchar_t **items);
+/* --- Helper functions --------------------------------------- */
+/* Get the original command line arguments, before Python modified them.
+ See also PyConfig.orig_argv. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) Py_GetArgcArgv(int *argc, wchar_t ***argv);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
+#endif /* !Py_PYCORECONFIG_H */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/interpreteridobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/interpreteridobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5076584209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/interpreteridobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* Interpreter ID Object */
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyInterpreterID_Type;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyInterpreterID_New(int64_t);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyInterpreterState_GetIDObject(PyInterpreterState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) _PyInterpreterID_LookUp(PyObject *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/listobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/listobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fa82122d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/listobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ /* Vector of pointers to list elements. list[0] is ob_item[0], etc. */
+ PyObject **ob_item;
+ /* ob_item contains space for 'allocated' elements. The number
+ * currently in use is ob_size.
+ * Invariants:
+ * 0 <= ob_size <= allocated
+ * len(list) == ob_size
+ * ob_item == NULL implies ob_size == allocated == 0
+ * list.sort() temporarily sets allocated to -1 to detect mutations.
+ *
+ * Items must normally not be NULL, except during construction when
+ * the list is not yet visible outside the function that builds it.
+ */
+ Py_ssize_t allocated;
+} PyListObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyList_Extend(PyListObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyList_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
+/* Cast argument to PyListObject* type. */
+#define _PyList_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyList_Check(op)), _Py_CAST(PyListObject*, (op)))
+// Macros and static inline functions, trading safety for speed
+static inline Py_ssize_t PyList_GET_SIZE(PyObject *op) {
+ PyListObject *list = _PyList_CAST(op);
+ return Py_SIZE(list);
+#define PyList_GET_SIZE(op) PyList_GET_SIZE(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+#define PyList_GET_ITEM(op, index) (_PyList_CAST(op)->ob_item[(index)])
+static inline void
+PyList_SET_ITEM(PyObject *op, Py_ssize_t index, PyObject *value) {
+ PyListObject *list = _PyList_CAST(op);
+ list->ob_item[index] = value;
+#define PyList_SET_ITEM(op, index, value) \
+ PyList_SET_ITEM(_PyObject_CAST(op), (index), _PyObject_CAST(value))
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/longintrepr.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/longintrepr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..692c69ba76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/longintrepr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* This is published for the benefit of "friends" marshal.c and _decimal.c. */
+/* Parameters of the integer representation. There are two different
+ sets of parameters: one set for 30-bit digits, stored in an unsigned 32-bit
+ integer type, and one set for 15-bit digits with each digit stored in an
+ unsigned short. The value of PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT, defined either at
+ configure time or in pyport.h, is used to decide which digit size to use.
+ Type 'digit' should be able to hold 2*PyLong_BASE-1, and type 'twodigits'
+ should be an unsigned integer type able to hold all integers up to
+ PyLong_BASE*PyLong_BASE-1. x_sub assumes that 'digit' is an unsigned type,
+ and that overflow is handled by taking the result modulo 2**N for some N >
+ PyLong_SHIFT. The majority of the code doesn't care about the precise
+ value of PyLong_SHIFT, but there are some notable exceptions:
+ - PyLong_{As,From}ByteArray require that PyLong_SHIFT be at least 8
+ - long_hash() requires that PyLong_SHIFT is *strictly* less than the number
+ of bits in an unsigned long, as do the PyLong <-> long (or unsigned long)
+ conversion functions
+ - the Python int <-> size_t/Py_ssize_t conversion functions expect that
+ PyLong_SHIFT is strictly less than the number of bits in a size_t
+ - the marshal code currently expects that PyLong_SHIFT is a multiple of 15
+ - NSMALLNEGINTS and NSMALLPOSINTS should be small enough to fit in a single
+ digit; with the current values this forces PyLong_SHIFT >= 9
+ The values 15 and 30 should fit all of the above requirements, on any
+ platform.
+typedef uint32_t digit;
+typedef int32_t sdigit; /* signed variant of digit */
+typedef uint64_t twodigits;
+typedef int64_t stwodigits; /* signed variant of twodigits */
+#define PyLong_SHIFT 30
+#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_SHIFT 9 /* max(e such that 10**e fits in a digit) */
+#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_BASE ((digit)1000000000) /* 10 ** DECIMAL_SHIFT */
+typedef unsigned short digit;
+typedef short sdigit; /* signed variant of digit */
+typedef unsigned long twodigits;
+typedef long stwodigits; /* signed variant of twodigits */
+#define PyLong_SHIFT 15
+#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_SHIFT 4 /* max(e such that 10**e fits in a digit) */
+#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_BASE ((digit)10000) /* 10 ** DECIMAL_SHIFT */
+#error "PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT should be 15 or 30"
+#define PyLong_BASE ((digit)1 << PyLong_SHIFT)
+#define PyLong_MASK ((digit)(PyLong_BASE - 1))
+/* Long integer representation.
+ The absolute value of a number is equal to
+ SUM(for i=0 through abs(ob_size)-1) ob_digit[i] * 2**(SHIFT*i)
+ Negative numbers are represented with ob_size < 0;
+ zero is represented by ob_size == 0.
+ In a normalized number, ob_digit[abs(ob_size)-1] (the most significant
+ digit) is never zero. Also, in all cases, for all valid i,
+ 0 <= ob_digit[i] <= MASK.
+ The allocation function takes care of allocating extra memory
+ so that ob_digit[0] ... ob_digit[abs(ob_size)-1] are actually available.
+ We always allocate memory for at least one digit, so accessing ob_digit[0]
+ is always safe. However, in the case ob_size == 0, the contents of
+ ob_digit[0] may be undefined.
+ CAUTION: Generic code manipulating subtypes of PyVarObject has to
+ aware that ints abuse ob_size's sign bit.
+typedef struct _PyLongValue {
+ uintptr_t lv_tag; /* Number of digits, sign and flags */
+ digit ob_digit[1];
+} _PyLongValue;
+struct _longobject {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ _PyLongValue long_value;
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyLongObject *) _PyLong_New(Py_ssize_t);
+/* Return a copy of src. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_Copy(PyLongObject *src);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyLongObject *)
+_PyLong_FromDigits(int negative, Py_ssize_t digit_count, digit *digits);
+/* Inline some internals for speed. These should be in pycore_long.h
+ * if user code didn't need them inlined. */
+#define _PyLong_SIGN_MASK 3
+#define _PyLong_NON_SIZE_BITS 3
+static inline int
+_PyLong_IsCompact(const PyLongObject* op) {
+ assert(PyType_HasFeature((op)->ob_base.ob_type, Py_TPFLAGS_LONG_SUBCLASS));
+ return op->long_value.lv_tag < (2 << _PyLong_NON_SIZE_BITS);
+#define PyUnstable_Long_IsCompact _PyLong_IsCompact
+static inline Py_ssize_t
+_PyLong_CompactValue(const PyLongObject *op)
+ assert(PyType_HasFeature((op)->ob_base.ob_type, Py_TPFLAGS_LONG_SUBCLASS));
+ assert(PyUnstable_Long_IsCompact(op));
+ Py_ssize_t sign = 1 - (op->long_value.lv_tag & _PyLong_SIGN_MASK);
+ return sign * (Py_ssize_t)op->long_value.ob_digit[0];
+#define PyUnstable_Long_CompactValue _PyLong_CompactValue
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_LONGINTREPR_H */
+#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/longobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/longobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90cc0f267a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/longobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_AsInt(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_UnsignedShort_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_UnsignedInt_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_UnsignedLong_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_UnsignedLongLong_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_Size_t_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
+/* _PyLong_Frexp returns a double x and an exponent e such that the
+ true value is approximately equal to x * 2**e. e is >= 0. x is
+ 0.0 if and only if the input is 0 (in which case, e and x are both
+ zeroes); otherwise, 0.5 <= abs(x) < 1.0. On overflow, which is
+ possible if the number of bits doesn't fit into a Py_ssize_t, sets
+ OverflowError and returns -1.0 for x, 0 for e. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyLong_Frexp(PyLongObject *a, Py_ssize_t *e);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyLong_FromUnicodeObject(PyObject *u, int base);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_FromBytes(const char *, Py_ssize_t, int);
+/* _PyLong_Sign. Return 0 if v is 0, -1 if v < 0, +1 if v > 0.
+ v must not be NULL, and must be a normalized long.
+ There are no error cases.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_Sign(PyObject *v);
+/* _PyLong_NumBits. Return the number of bits needed to represent the
+ absolute value of a long. For example, this returns 1 for 1 and -1, 2
+ for 2 and -2, and 2 for 3 and -3. It returns 0 for 0.
+ v must not be NULL, and must be a normalized long.
+ (size_t)-1 is returned and OverflowError set if the true result doesn't
+ fit in a size_t.
+PyAPI_FUNC(size_t) _PyLong_NumBits(PyObject *v);
+/* _PyLong_DivmodNear. Given integers a and b, compute the nearest
+ integer q to the exact quotient a / b, rounding to the nearest even integer
+ in the case of a tie. Return (q, r), where r = a - q*b. The remainder r
+ will satisfy abs(r) <= abs(b)/2, with equality possible only if q is
+ even.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_DivmodNear(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/* _PyLong_FromByteArray: View the n unsigned bytes as a binary integer in
+ base 256, and return a Python int with the same numeric value.
+ If n is 0, the integer is 0. Else:
+ If little_endian is 1/true, bytes[n-1] is the MSB and bytes[0] the LSB;
+ else (little_endian is 0/false) bytes[0] is the MSB and bytes[n-1] the
+ LSB.
+ If is_signed is 0/false, view the bytes as a non-negative integer.
+ If is_signed is 1/true, view the bytes as a 2's-complement integer,
+ non-negative if bit 0x80 of the MSB is clear, negative if set.
+ Error returns:
+ + Return NULL with the appropriate exception set if there's not
+ enough memory to create the Python int.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_FromByteArray(
+ const unsigned char* bytes, size_t n,
+ int little_endian, int is_signed);
+/* _PyLong_AsByteArray: Convert the least-significant 8*n bits of long
+ v to a base-256 integer, stored in array bytes. Normally return 0,
+ return -1 on error.
+ If little_endian is 1/true, store the MSB at bytes[n-1] and the LSB at
+ bytes[0]; else (little_endian is 0/false) store the MSB at bytes[0] and
+ the LSB at bytes[n-1].
+ If is_signed is 0/false, it's an error if v < 0; else (v >= 0) n bytes
+ are filled and there's nothing special about bit 0x80 of the MSB.
+ If is_signed is 1/true, bytes is filled with the 2's-complement
+ representation of v's value. Bit 0x80 of the MSB is the sign bit.
+ Error returns (-1):
+ + is_signed is 0 and v < 0. TypeError is set in this case, and bytes
+ isn't altered.
+ + n isn't big enough to hold the full mathematical value of v. For
+ example, if is_signed is 0 and there are more digits in the v than
+ fit in n; or if is_signed is 1, v < 0, and n is just 1 bit shy of
+ being large enough to hold a sign bit. OverflowError is set in this
+ case, but bytes holds the least-significant n bytes of the true value.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_AsByteArray(PyLongObject* v,
+ unsigned char* bytes, size_t n,
+ int little_endian, int is_signed);
+/* _PyLong_Format: Convert the long to a string object with given base,
+ appending a base prefix of 0[box] if base is 2, 8 or 16. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_Format(PyObject *obj, int base);
+/* For use by the gcd function in mathmodule.c */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_GCD(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_Rshift(PyObject *, size_t);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_Lshift(PyObject *, size_t);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyUnstable_Long_IsCompact(const PyLongObject* op);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyUnstable_Long_CompactValue(const PyLongObject* op);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/memoryobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/memoryobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3837fa8c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/memoryobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyManagedBuffer_Type;
+/* The structs are declared here so that macros can work, but they shouldn't
+ be considered public. Don't access their fields directly, use the macros
+ and functions instead! */
+#define _Py_MANAGED_BUFFER_RELEASED 0x001 /* access to exporter blocked */
+#define _Py_MANAGED_BUFFER_FREE_FORMAT 0x002 /* free format */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ int flags; /* state flags */
+ Py_ssize_t exports; /* number of direct memoryview exports */
+ Py_buffer master; /* snapshot buffer obtained from the original exporter */
+} _PyManagedBufferObject;
+/* memoryview state flags */
+#define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_RELEASED 0x001 /* access to master buffer blocked */
+#define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_C 0x002 /* C-contiguous layout */
+#define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_FORTRAN 0x004 /* Fortran contiguous layout */
+#define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_SCALAR 0x008 /* scalar: ndim = 0 */
+#define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_PIL 0x010 /* PIL-style layout */
+#define _Py_MEMORYVIEW_RESTRICTED 0x020 /* Disallow new references to the memoryview's buffer */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ _PyManagedBufferObject *mbuf; /* managed buffer */
+ Py_hash_t hash; /* hash value for read-only views */
+ int flags; /* state flags */
+ Py_ssize_t exports; /* number of buffer re-exports */
+ Py_buffer view; /* private copy of the exporter's view */
+ PyObject *weakreflist;
+ Py_ssize_t ob_array[1]; /* shape, strides, suboffsets */
+} PyMemoryViewObject;
+#define _PyMemoryView_CAST(op) _Py_CAST(PyMemoryViewObject*, op)
+/* Get a pointer to the memoryview's private copy of the exporter's buffer. */
+static inline Py_buffer* PyMemoryView_GET_BUFFER(PyObject *op) {
+ return (&_PyMemoryView_CAST(op)->view);
+#define PyMemoryView_GET_BUFFER(op) PyMemoryView_GET_BUFFER(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* Get a pointer to the exporting object (this may be NULL!). */
+static inline PyObject* PyMemoryView_GET_BASE(PyObject *op) {
+ return _PyMemoryView_CAST(op)->view.obj;
+#define PyMemoryView_GET_BASE(op) PyMemoryView_GET_BASE(_PyObject_CAST(op))
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/methodobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/methodobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d541e15494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/methodobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+// PyCFunctionObject structure
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyMethodDef *m_ml; /* Description of the C function to call */
+ PyObject *m_self; /* Passed as 'self' arg to the C func, can be NULL */
+ PyObject *m_module; /* The __module__ attribute, can be anything */
+ PyObject *m_weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
+ vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
+} PyCFunctionObject;
+#define _PyCFunctionObject_CAST(func) \
+ (assert(PyCFunction_Check(func)), \
+ _Py_CAST(PyCFunctionObject*, (func)))
+// PyCMethodObject structure
+typedef struct {
+ PyCFunctionObject func;
+ PyTypeObject *mm_class; /* Class that defines this method */
+} PyCMethodObject;
+#define _PyCMethodObject_CAST(func) \
+ (assert(PyCMethod_Check(func)), \
+ _Py_CAST(PyCMethodObject*, (func)))
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyCMethod_Type;
+#define PyCMethod_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyCMethod_Type)
+#define PyCMethod_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck((op), &PyCMethod_Type)
+/* Static inline functions for direct access to these values.
+ Type checks are *not* done, so use with care. */
+static inline PyCFunction PyCFunction_GET_FUNCTION(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyCFunctionObject_CAST(func)->m_ml->ml_meth;
+#define PyCFunction_GET_FUNCTION(func) PyCFunction_GET_FUNCTION(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyObject* PyCFunction_GET_SELF(PyObject *func_obj) {
+ PyCFunctionObject *func = _PyCFunctionObject_CAST(func_obj);
+ if (func->m_ml->ml_flags & METH_STATIC) {
+ return _Py_NULL;
+ }
+ return func->m_self;
+#define PyCFunction_GET_SELF(func) PyCFunction_GET_SELF(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline int PyCFunction_GET_FLAGS(PyObject *func) {
+ return _PyCFunctionObject_CAST(func)->m_ml->ml_flags;
+#define PyCFunction_GET_FLAGS(func) PyCFunction_GET_FLAGS(_PyObject_CAST(func))
+static inline PyTypeObject* PyCFunction_GET_CLASS(PyObject *func_obj) {
+ PyCFunctionObject *func = _PyCFunctionObject_CAST(func_obj);
+ if (func->m_ml->ml_flags & METH_METHOD) {
+ return _PyCMethodObject_CAST(func)->mm_class;
+ }
+ return _Py_NULL;
+#define PyCFunction_GET_CLASS(func) PyCFunction_GET_CLASS(_PyObject_CAST(func))
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/modsupport.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/modsupport.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2259291aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/modsupport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* If PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is defined, each functions treats #-specifier
+ to mean Py_ssize_t */
+#define _Py_VaBuildStack _Py_VaBuildStack_SizeT
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _Py_VaBuildValue_SizeT(const char *, va_list);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject **) _Py_VaBuildStack_SizeT(
+ PyObject **small_stack,
+ Py_ssize_t small_stack_len,
+ const char *format,
+ va_list va,
+ Py_ssize_t *p_nargs);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_UnpackStack(
+ PyObject *const *args,
+ Py_ssize_t nargs,
+ const char *name,
+ Py_ssize_t min,
+ Py_ssize_t max,
+ ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_NoKeywords(const char *funcname, PyObject *kwargs);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_NoKwnames(const char *funcname, PyObject *kwnames);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_NoPositional(const char *funcname, PyObject *args);
+#define _PyArg_NoKeywords(funcname, kwargs) \
+ ((kwargs) == NULL || _PyArg_NoKeywords((funcname), (kwargs)))
+#define _PyArg_NoKwnames(funcname, kwnames) \
+ ((kwnames) == NULL || _PyArg_NoKwnames((funcname), (kwnames)))
+#define _PyArg_NoPositional(funcname, args) \
+ ((args) == NULL || _PyArg_NoPositional((funcname), (args)))
+#define _Py_ANY_VARARGS(n) ((n) == PY_SSIZE_T_MAX)
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyArg_BadArgument(const char *, const char *, const char *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_CheckPositional(const char *, Py_ssize_t,
+ Py_ssize_t, Py_ssize_t);
+#define _PyArg_CheckPositional(funcname, nargs, min, max) \
+ ((!_Py_ANY_VARARGS(max) && (min) <= (nargs) && (nargs) <= (max)) \
+ || _PyArg_CheckPositional((funcname), (nargs), (min), (max)))
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject **) _Py_VaBuildStack(
+ PyObject **small_stack,
+ Py_ssize_t small_stack_len,
+ const char *format,
+ va_list va,
+ Py_ssize_t *p_nargs);
+typedef struct _PyArg_Parser {
+ int initialized;
+ const char *format;
+ const char * const *keywords;
+ const char *fname;
+ const char *custom_msg;
+ int pos; /* number of positional-only arguments */
+ int min; /* minimal number of arguments */
+ int max; /* maximal number of positional arguments */
+ PyObject *kwtuple; /* tuple of keyword parameter names */
+ struct _PyArg_Parser *next;
+} _PyArg_Parser;
+#define _PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast _PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast_SizeT
+#define _PyArg_ParseStack _PyArg_ParseStack_SizeT
+#define _PyArg_ParseStackAndKeywords _PyArg_ParseStackAndKeywords_SizeT
+#define _PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywordsFast _PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywordsFast_SizeT
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(PyObject *, PyObject *,
+ struct _PyArg_Parser *, ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_ParseStack(
+ PyObject *const *args,
+ Py_ssize_t nargs,
+ const char *format,
+ ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_ParseStackAndKeywords(
+ PyObject *const *args,
+ Py_ssize_t nargs,
+ PyObject *kwnames,
+ struct _PyArg_Parser *,
+ ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyArg_VaParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(PyObject *, PyObject *,
+ struct _PyArg_Parser *, va_list);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject * const *) _PyArg_UnpackKeywords(
+ PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs,
+ PyObject *kwargs, PyObject *kwnames,
+ struct _PyArg_Parser *parser,
+ int minpos, int maxpos, int minkw,
+ PyObject **buf);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject * const *) _PyArg_UnpackKeywordsWithVararg(
+ PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs,
+ PyObject *kwargs, PyObject *kwnames,
+ struct _PyArg_Parser *parser,
+ int minpos, int maxpos, int minkw,
+ int vararg, PyObject **buf);
+#define _PyArg_UnpackKeywords(args, nargs, kwargs, kwnames, parser, minpos, maxpos, minkw, buf) \
+ (((minkw) == 0 && (kwargs) == NULL && (kwnames) == NULL && \
+ (minpos) <= (nargs) && (nargs) <= (maxpos) && (args) != NULL) ? (args) : \
+ _PyArg_UnpackKeywords((args), (nargs), (kwargs), (kwnames), (parser), \
+ (minpos), (maxpos), (minkw), (buf)))
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyModule_CreateInitialized(PyModuleDef*, int apiver);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyModule_Add(PyObject *, const char *, PyObject *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/object.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/object.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae7f780a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/object.h
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NewReference(PyObject *op);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NewReferenceNoTotal(PyObject *op);
+#ifdef Py_TRACE_REFS
+/* Py_TRACE_REFS is such major surgery that we call external routines. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_ForgetReference(PyObject *);
+#ifdef Py_REF_DEBUG
+/* These are useful as debugging aids when chasing down refleaks. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _Py_GetGlobalRefTotal(void);
+# define _Py_GetRefTotal() _Py_GetGlobalRefTotal()
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _Py_GetLegacyRefTotal(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PyInterpreterState_GetRefTotal(PyInterpreterState *);
+/********************* String Literals ****************************************/
+/* This structure helps managing static strings. The basic usage goes like this:
+ Instead of doing
+ r = PyObject_CallMethod(o, "foo", "args", ...);
+ do
+ _Py_IDENTIFIER(foo);
+ ...
+ r = _PyObject_CallMethodId(o, &PyId_foo, "args", ...);
+ PyId_foo is a static variable, either on block level or file level. On first
+ usage, the string "foo" is interned, and the structures are linked. On interpreter
+ shutdown, all strings are released.
+ Alternatively, _Py_static_string allows choosing the variable name.
+ _PyUnicode_FromId returns a borrowed reference to the interned string.
+ _PyObject_{Get,Set,Has}AttrId are __getattr__ versions using _Py_Identifier*.
+typedef struct _Py_Identifier {
+ const char* string;
+ // Index in PyInterpreterState.unicode.ids.array. It is process-wide
+ // unique and must be initialized to -1.
+ Py_ssize_t index;
+} _Py_Identifier;
+#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
+// For now we are keeping _Py_IDENTIFIER for continued use
+// in non-builtin extensions (and naughty PyPI modules).
+#define _Py_static_string_init(value) { .string = (value), .index = -1 }
+#define _Py_static_string(varname, value) static _Py_Identifier varname = _Py_static_string_init(value)
+#define _Py_IDENTIFIER(varname) _Py_static_string(PyId_##varname, #varname)
+#endif /* !Py_BUILD_CORE */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Number implementations must check *both*
+ arguments for proper type and implement the necessary conversions
+ in the slot functions themselves. */
+ binaryfunc nb_add;
+ binaryfunc nb_subtract;
+ binaryfunc nb_multiply;
+ binaryfunc nb_remainder;
+ binaryfunc nb_divmod;
+ ternaryfunc nb_power;
+ unaryfunc nb_negative;
+ unaryfunc nb_positive;
+ unaryfunc nb_absolute;
+ inquiry nb_bool;
+ unaryfunc nb_invert;
+ binaryfunc nb_lshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_rshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_and;
+ binaryfunc nb_xor;
+ binaryfunc nb_or;
+ unaryfunc nb_int;
+ void *nb_reserved; /* the slot formerly known as nb_long */
+ unaryfunc nb_float;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_add;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_subtract;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_multiply;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_remainder;
+ ternaryfunc nb_inplace_power;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_lshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_rshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_and;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_xor;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_or;
+ binaryfunc nb_floor_divide;
+ binaryfunc nb_true_divide;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_floor_divide;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_true_divide;
+ unaryfunc nb_index;
+ binaryfunc nb_matrix_multiply;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_matrix_multiply;
+} PyNumberMethods;
+typedef struct {
+ lenfunc sq_length;
+ binaryfunc sq_concat;
+ ssizeargfunc sq_repeat;
+ ssizeargfunc sq_item;
+ void *was_sq_slice;
+ ssizeobjargproc sq_ass_item;
+ void *was_sq_ass_slice;
+ objobjproc sq_contains;
+ binaryfunc sq_inplace_concat;
+ ssizeargfunc sq_inplace_repeat;
+} PySequenceMethods;
+typedef struct {
+ lenfunc mp_length;
+ binaryfunc mp_subscript;
+ objobjargproc mp_ass_subscript;
+} PyMappingMethods;
+typedef PySendResult (*sendfunc)(PyObject *iter, PyObject *value, PyObject **result);
+typedef struct {
+ unaryfunc am_await;
+ unaryfunc am_aiter;
+ unaryfunc am_anext;
+ sendfunc am_send;
+} PyAsyncMethods;
+typedef struct {
+ getbufferproc bf_getbuffer;
+ releasebufferproc bf_releasebuffer;
+} PyBufferProcs;
+/* Allow printfunc in the tp_vectorcall_offset slot for
+ * backwards-compatibility */
+typedef Py_ssize_t printfunc;
+// If this structure is modified, Doc/includes/typestruct.h should be updated
+// as well.
+struct _typeobject {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ const char *tp_name; /* For printing, in format "<module>.<name>" */
+ Py_ssize_t tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize; /* For allocation */
+ /* Methods to implement standard operations */
+ destructor tp_dealloc;
+ Py_ssize_t tp_vectorcall_offset;
+ getattrfunc tp_getattr;
+ setattrfunc tp_setattr;
+ PyAsyncMethods *tp_as_async; /* formerly known as tp_compare (Python 2)
+ or tp_reserved (Python 3) */
+ reprfunc tp_repr;
+ /* Method suites for standard classes */
+ PyNumberMethods *tp_as_number;
+ PySequenceMethods *tp_as_sequence;
+ PyMappingMethods *tp_as_mapping;
+ /* More standard operations (here for binary compatibility) */
+ hashfunc tp_hash;
+ ternaryfunc tp_call;
+ reprfunc tp_str;
+ getattrofunc tp_getattro;
+ setattrofunc tp_setattro;
+ /* Functions to access object as input/output buffer */
+ PyBufferProcs *tp_as_buffer;
+ /* Flags to define presence of optional/expanded features */
+ unsigned long tp_flags;
+ const char *tp_doc; /* Documentation string */
+ /* Assigned meaning in release 2.0 */
+ /* call function for all accessible objects */
+ traverseproc tp_traverse;
+ /* delete references to contained objects */
+ inquiry tp_clear;
+ /* Assigned meaning in release 2.1 */
+ /* rich comparisons */
+ richcmpfunc tp_richcompare;
+ /* weak reference enabler */
+ Py_ssize_t tp_weaklistoffset;
+ /* Iterators */
+ getiterfunc tp_iter;
+ iternextfunc tp_iternext;
+ /* Attribute descriptor and subclassing stuff */
+ PyMethodDef *tp_methods;
+ PyMemberDef *tp_members;
+ PyGetSetDef *tp_getset;
+ // Strong reference on a heap type, borrowed reference on a static type
+ PyTypeObject *tp_base;
+ PyObject *tp_dict;
+ descrgetfunc tp_descr_get;
+ descrsetfunc tp_descr_set;
+ Py_ssize_t tp_dictoffset;
+ initproc tp_init;
+ allocfunc tp_alloc;
+ newfunc tp_new;
+ freefunc tp_free; /* Low-level free-memory routine */
+ inquiry tp_is_gc; /* For PyObject_IS_GC */
+ PyObject *tp_bases;
+ PyObject *tp_mro; /* method resolution order */
+ PyObject *tp_cache; /* no longer used */
+ void *tp_subclasses; /* for static builtin types this is an index */
+ PyObject *tp_weaklist; /* not used for static builtin types */
+ destructor tp_del;
+ /* Type attribute cache version tag. Added in version 2.6 */
+ unsigned int tp_version_tag;
+ destructor tp_finalize;
+ vectorcallfunc tp_vectorcall;
+ /* bitset of which type-watchers care about this type */
+ unsigned char tp_watched;
+/* This struct is used by the specializer
+ * It should should be treated as an opaque blob
+ * by code other than the specializer and interpreter. */
+struct _specialization_cache {
+ // In order to avoid bloating the bytecode with lots of inline caches, the
+ // members of this structure have a somewhat unique contract. They are set
+ // by the specialization machinery, and are invalidated by PyType_Modified.
+ // The rules for using them are as follows:
+ // - If getitem is non-NULL, then it is the same Python function that
+ // PyType_Lookup(cls, "__getitem__") would return.
+ // - If getitem is NULL, then getitem_version is meaningless.
+ // - If getitem->func_version == getitem_version, then getitem can be called
+ // with two positional arguments and no keyword arguments, and has neither
+ // *args nor **kwargs (as required by BINARY_SUBSCR_GETITEM):
+ PyObject *getitem;
+ uint32_t getitem_version;
+/* The *real* layout of a type object when allocated on the heap */
+typedef struct _heaptypeobject {
+ /* Note: there's a dependency on the order of these members
+ in slotptr() in typeobject.c . */
+ PyTypeObject ht_type;
+ PyAsyncMethods as_async;
+ PyNumberMethods as_number;
+ PyMappingMethods as_mapping;
+ PySequenceMethods as_sequence; /* as_sequence comes after as_mapping,
+ so that the mapping wins when both
+ the mapping and the sequence define
+ a given operator (e.g. __getitem__).
+ see add_operators() in typeobject.c . */
+ PyBufferProcs as_buffer;
+ PyObject *ht_name, *ht_slots, *ht_qualname;
+ struct _dictkeysobject *ht_cached_keys;
+ PyObject *ht_module;
+ char *_ht_tpname; // Storage for "tp_name"; see PyType_FromModuleAndSpec
+ struct _specialization_cache _spec_cache; // For use by the specializer.
+ /* here are optional user slots, followed by the members. */
+} PyHeapTypeObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _PyType_Name(PyTypeObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_Lookup(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_LookupId(PyTypeObject *, _Py_Identifier *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_LookupSpecialId(PyObject *, _Py_Identifier *);
+#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
+// Backward compatibility for 3rd-party extensions
+// that may be using the old name.
+#define _PyObject_LookupSpecial _PyObject_LookupSpecialId
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyTypeObject *) _PyType_CalculateMetaclass(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_GetDocFromInternalDoc(const char *, const char *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_GetTextSignatureFromInternalDoc(const char *, const char *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyType_GetModuleByDef(PyTypeObject *, PyModuleDef *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyType_GetDict(PyTypeObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_Print(PyObject *, FILE *, int);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_BreakPoint(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyObject_Dump(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_IsFreed(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_IsAbstract(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_GetAttrId(PyObject *, _Py_Identifier *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_SetAttrId(PyObject *, _Py_Identifier *, PyObject *);
+/* Replacements of PyObject_GetAttr() and _PyObject_GetAttrId() which
+ don't raise AttributeError.
+ Return 1 and set *result != NULL if an attribute is found.
+ Return 0 and set *result == NULL if an attribute is not found;
+ an AttributeError is silenced.
+ Return -1 and set *result == NULL if an error other than AttributeError
+ is raised.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_LookupAttr(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject **);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_LookupAttrId(PyObject *, _Py_Identifier *, PyObject **);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_GetMethod(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name, PyObject **method);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject **) _PyObject_GetDictPtr(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_NextNotImplemented(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyObject_CallFinalizer(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc(PyObject *);
+/* Same as PyObject_Generic{Get,Set}Attr, but passing the attributes
+ dict as the last parameter. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *)
+_PyObject_GenericGetAttrWithDict(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, int);
+_PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict(PyObject *, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_FunctionStr(PyObject *);
+/* Safely decref `dst` and set `dst` to `src`.
+ *
+ * As in case of Py_CLEAR "the obvious" code can be deadly:
+ *
+ * Py_DECREF(dst);
+ * dst = src;
+ *
+ * The safe way is:
+ *
+ * Py_SETREF(dst, src);
+ *
+ * That arranges to set `dst` to `src` _before_ decref'ing, so that any code
+ * triggered as a side-effect of `dst` getting torn down no longer believes
+ * `dst` points to a valid object.
+ *
+ * Temporary variables are used to only evalutate macro arguments once and so
+ * avoid the duplication of side effects. _Py_TYPEOF() or memcpy() is used to
+ * avoid a miscompilation caused by type punning. See Py_CLEAR() comment for
+ * implementation details about type punning.
+ *
+ * The memcpy() implementation does not emit a compiler warning if 'src' has
+ * not the same type than 'src': any pointer type is accepted for 'src'.
+ */
+#ifdef _Py_TYPEOF
+#define Py_SETREF(dst, src) \
+ do { \
+ _Py_TYPEOF(dst)* _tmp_dst_ptr = &(dst); \
+ _Py_TYPEOF(dst) _tmp_old_dst = (*_tmp_dst_ptr); \
+ *_tmp_dst_ptr = (src); \
+ Py_DECREF(_tmp_old_dst); \
+ } while (0)
+#define Py_SETREF(dst, src) \
+ do { \
+ PyObject **_tmp_dst_ptr = _Py_CAST(PyObject**, &(dst)); \
+ PyObject *_tmp_old_dst = (*_tmp_dst_ptr); \
+ PyObject *_tmp_src = _PyObject_CAST(src); \
+ memcpy(_tmp_dst_ptr, &_tmp_src, sizeof(PyObject*)); \
+ Py_DECREF(_tmp_old_dst); \
+ } while (0)
+/* Py_XSETREF() is a variant of Py_SETREF() that uses Py_XDECREF() instead of
+ * Py_DECREF().
+ */
+#ifdef _Py_TYPEOF
+#define Py_XSETREF(dst, src) \
+ do { \
+ _Py_TYPEOF(dst)* _tmp_dst_ptr = &(dst); \
+ _Py_TYPEOF(dst) _tmp_old_dst = (*_tmp_dst_ptr); \
+ *_tmp_dst_ptr = (src); \
+ Py_XDECREF(_tmp_old_dst); \
+ } while (0)
+#define Py_XSETREF(dst, src) \
+ do { \
+ PyObject **_tmp_dst_ptr = _Py_CAST(PyObject**, &(dst)); \
+ PyObject *_tmp_old_dst = (*_tmp_dst_ptr); \
+ PyObject *_tmp_src = _PyObject_CAST(src); \
+ memcpy(_tmp_dst_ptr, &_tmp_src, sizeof(PyObject*)); \
+ Py_XDECREF(_tmp_old_dst); \
+ } while (0)
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyNone_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyNotImplemented_Type;
+/* Maps Py_LT to Py_GT, ..., Py_GE to Py_LE.
+ * Defined in object.c.
+ */
+PyAPI_DATA(int) _Py_SwappedOp[];
+_PyDebugAllocatorStats(FILE *out, const char *block_name, int num_blocks,
+ size_t sizeof_block);
+_PyObject_DebugTypeStats(FILE *out);
+/* Define a pair of assertion macros:
+ _PyObject_ASSERT_FROM(), _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG() and _PyObject_ASSERT().
+ These work like the regular C assert(), in that they will abort the
+ process with a message on stderr if the given condition fails to hold,
+ but compile away to nothing if NDEBUG is defined.
+ However, before aborting, Python will also try to call _PyObject_Dump() on
+ the given object. This may be of use when investigating bugs in which a
+ particular object is corrupt (e.g. buggy a tp_visit method in an extension
+ module breaking the garbage collector), to help locate the broken objects.
+ The WITH_MSG variant allows you to supply an additional message that Python
+ will attempt to print to stderr, after the object dump. */
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+ /* No debugging: compile away the assertions: */
+# define _PyObject_ASSERT_FROM(obj, expr, msg, filename, lineno, func) \
+ ((void)0)
+ /* With debugging: generate checks: */
+# define _PyObject_ASSERT_FROM(obj, expr, msg, filename, lineno, func) \
+ ((expr) \
+ ? (void)(0) \
+ : _PyObject_AssertFailed((obj), Py_STRINGIFY(expr), \
+ (msg), (filename), (lineno), (func)))
+#define _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG(obj, expr, msg) \
+ _PyObject_ASSERT_FROM((obj), expr, (msg), __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
+#define _PyObject_ASSERT(obj, expr) \
+ _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG((obj), expr, NULL)
+#define _PyObject_ASSERT_FAILED_MSG(obj, msg) \
+ _PyObject_AssertFailed((obj), NULL, (msg), __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
+/* Declare and define _PyObject_AssertFailed() even when NDEBUG is defined,
+ to avoid causing compiler/linker errors when building extensions without
+ NDEBUG against a Python built with NDEBUG defined.
+ msg, expr and function can be NULL. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN _PyObject_AssertFailed(
+ PyObject *obj,
+ const char *expr,
+ const char *msg,
+ const char *file,
+ int line,
+ const char *function);
+/* Check if an object is consistent. For example, ensure that the reference
+ counter is greater than or equal to 1, and ensure that ob_type is not NULL.
+ Call _PyObject_AssertFailed() if the object is inconsistent.
+ If check_content is zero, only check header fields: reduce the overhead.
+ The function always return 1. The return value is just here to be able to
+ write:
+ assert(_PyObject_CheckConsistency(obj, 1)); */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_CheckConsistency(
+ PyObject *op,
+ int check_content);
+/* Trashcan mechanism, thanks to Christian Tismer.
+When deallocating a container object, it's possible to trigger an unbounded
+chain of deallocations, as each Py_DECREF in turn drops the refcount on "the
+next" object in the chain to 0. This can easily lead to stack overflows,
+especially in threads (which typically have less stack space to work with).
+A container object can avoid this by bracketing the body of its tp_dealloc
+function with a pair of macros:
+static void
+mytype_dealloc(mytype *p)
+ ... declarations go here ...
+ PyObject_GC_UnTrack(p); // must untrack first
+ Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(p, mytype_dealloc)
+ ... The body of the deallocator goes here, including all calls ...
+ ... to Py_DECREF on contained objects. ...
+ Py_TRASHCAN_END // there should be no code after this
+CAUTION: Never return from the middle of the body! If the body needs to
+"get out early", put a label immediately before the Py_TRASHCAN_END
+call, and goto it. Else the call-depth counter (see below) will stay
+above 0 forever, and the trashcan will never get emptied.
+How it works: The BEGIN macro increments a call-depth counter. So long
+as this counter is small, the body of the deallocator is run directly without
+further ado. But if the counter gets large, it instead adds p to a list of
+objects to be deallocated later, skips the body of the deallocator, and
+resumes execution after the END macro. The tp_dealloc routine then returns
+without deallocating anything (and so unbounded call-stack depth is avoided).
+When the call stack finishes unwinding again, code generated by the END macro
+notices this, and calls another routine to deallocate all the objects that
+may have been added to the list of deferred deallocations. In effect, a
+chain of N deallocations is broken into (N-1)/(_PyTrash_UNWIND_LEVEL-1) pieces,
+with the call stack never exceeding a depth of _PyTrash_UNWIND_LEVEL.
+Since the tp_dealloc of a subclass typically calls the tp_dealloc of the base
+class, we need to ensure that the trashcan is only triggered on the tp_dealloc
+of the actual class being deallocated. Otherwise we might end up with a
+partially-deallocated object. To check this, the tp_dealloc function must be
+passed as second argument to Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN().
+/* Python 3.9 private API, invoked by the macros below. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTrash_begin(PyThreadState *tstate, PyObject *op);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTrash_end(PyThreadState *tstate);
+/* Python 3.10 private API, invoked by the Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTrash_cond(PyObject *op, destructor dealloc);
+#define Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN_CONDITION(op, cond) \
+ do { \
+ PyThreadState *_tstate = NULL; \
+ /* If "cond" is false, then _tstate remains NULL and the deallocator \
+ * is run normally without involving the trashcan */ \
+ if (cond) { \
+ _tstate = _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet(); \
+ if (_PyTrash_begin(_tstate, _PyObject_CAST(op))) { \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ }
+ /* The body of the deallocator is here. */
+#define Py_TRASHCAN_END \
+ if (_tstate) { \
+ _PyTrash_end(_tstate); \
+ } \
+ } while (0);
+#define Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc) \
+ _PyTrash_cond(_PyObject_CAST(op), (destructor)(dealloc)))
+/* The following two macros, Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN and
+ * Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_END, are deprecated since version 3.11 and
+ * will be removed in the future.
+ * Use Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN and Py_TRASHCAN_END instead.
+ */
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.11) typedef int UsingDeprecatedTrashcanMacro;
+#define Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN(op) \
+ do { \
+ UsingDeprecatedTrashcanMacro cond=1; \
+#define Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_END(op) \
+ } while(0);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyObject_GetItemData(PyObject *obj);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_VisitManagedDict(PyObject *obj, visitproc visit, void *arg);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyObject_ClearManagedDict(PyObject *obj);
+typedef int(*PyType_WatchCallback)(PyTypeObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyType_AddWatcher(PyType_WatchCallback callback);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyType_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyType_Watch(int watcher_id, PyObject *type);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyType_Unwatch(int watcher_id, PyObject *type);
+/* Attempt to assign a version tag to the given type.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the type already had a valid version tag or a new one was
+ * assigned, or 0 if a new tag could not be assigned.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyUnstable_Type_AssignVersionTag(PyTypeObject *type);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/objimpl.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/objimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a8cdd57c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/objimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+static inline size_t _PyObject_SIZE(PyTypeObject *type) {
+ return _Py_STATIC_CAST(size_t, type->tp_basicsize);
+/* _PyObject_VAR_SIZE returns the number of bytes (as size_t) allocated for a
+ vrbl-size object with nitems items, exclusive of gc overhead (if any). The
+ value is rounded up to the closest multiple of sizeof(void *), in order to
+ ensure that pointer fields at the end of the object are correctly aligned
+ for the platform (this is of special importance for subclasses of, e.g.,
+ str or int, so that pointers can be stored after the embedded data).
+ Note that there's no memory wastage in doing this, as malloc has to
+ return (at worst) pointer-aligned memory anyway.
+#if ((SIZEOF_VOID_P - 1) & SIZEOF_VOID_P) != 0
+# error "_PyObject_VAR_SIZE requires SIZEOF_VOID_P be a power of 2"
+static inline size_t _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(PyTypeObject *type, Py_ssize_t nitems) {
+ size_t size = _Py_STATIC_CAST(size_t, type->tp_basicsize);
+ size += _Py_STATIC_CAST(size_t, nitems) * _Py_STATIC_CAST(size_t, type->tp_itemsize);
+ return _Py_SIZE_ROUND_UP(size, SIZEOF_VOID_P);
+/* This example code implements an object constructor with a custom
+ allocator, where PyObject_New is inlined, and shows the important
+ distinction between two steps (at least):
+ 1) the actual allocation of the object storage;
+ 2) the initialization of the Python specific fields
+ in this storage with PyObject_{Init, InitVar}.
+ PyObject *
+ YourObject_New(...)
+ {
+ PyObject *op;
+ op = (PyObject *) Your_Allocator(_PyObject_SIZE(YourTypeStruct));
+ if (op == NULL) {
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ }
+ PyObject_Init(op, &YourTypeStruct);
+ op->ob_field = value;
+ ...
+ return op;
+ }
+ Note that in C++, the use of the new operator usually implies that
+ the 1st step is performed automatically for you, so in a C++ class
+ constructor you would start directly with PyObject_Init/InitVar. */
+typedef struct {
+ /* user context passed as the first argument to the 2 functions */
+ void *ctx;
+ /* allocate an arena of size bytes */
+ void* (*alloc) (void *ctx, size_t size);
+ /* free an arena */
+ void (*free) (void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size);
+} PyObjectArenaAllocator;
+/* Get the arena allocator. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyObject_GetArenaAllocator(PyObjectArenaAllocator *allocator);
+/* Set the arena allocator. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyObject_SetArenaAllocator(PyObjectArenaAllocator *allocator);
+/* Test if an object implements the garbage collector protocol */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_IS_GC(PyObject *obj);
+/* Code built with Py_BUILD_CORE must include pycore_gc.h instead which
+ defines a different _PyGC_FINALIZED() macro. */
+#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
+ // Kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8
+# define _PyGC_FINALIZED(o) PyObject_GC_IsFinalized(o)
+// Test if a type supports weak references
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(PyTypeObject *type);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject **) PyObject_GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(PyObject *op);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyUnstable_Object_GC_NewWithExtraData(PyTypeObject *,
+ size_t);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/odictobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/odictobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3822d55486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/odictobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* OrderedDict */
+/* This API is optional and mostly redundant. */
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+typedef struct _odictobject PyODictObject;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODict_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictIter_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictKeys_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictItems_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictValues_Type;
+#define PyODict_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck((op), &PyODict_Type)
+#define PyODict_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyODict_Type)
+#define PyODict_SIZE(op) PyDict_GET_SIZE((op))
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyODict_New(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyODict_SetItem(PyObject *od, PyObject *key, PyObject *item);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyODict_DelItem(PyObject *od, PyObject *key);
+/* wrappers around PyDict* functions */
+#define PyODict_GetItem(od, key) PyDict_GetItem(_PyObject_CAST(od), (key))
+#define PyODict_GetItemWithError(od, key) \
+ PyDict_GetItemWithError(_PyObject_CAST(od), (key))
+#define PyODict_Contains(od, key) PyDict_Contains(_PyObject_CAST(od), (key))
+#define PyODict_Size(od) PyDict_Size(_PyObject_CAST(od))
+#define PyODict_GetItemString(od, key) \
+ PyDict_GetItemString(_PyObject_CAST(od), (key))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_ODICTOBJECT_H */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/picklebufobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/picklebufobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3cbaeef91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/picklebufobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* PickleBuffer object. This is built-in for ease of use from third-party
+ * C extensions.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyPickleBuffer_Type;
+#define PyPickleBuffer_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyPickleBuffer_Type)
+/* Create a PickleBuffer redirecting to the given buffer-enabled object */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyPickleBuffer_FromObject(PyObject *);
+/* Get the PickleBuffer's underlying view to the original object
+ * (NULL if released)
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(const Py_buffer *) PyPickleBuffer_GetBuffer(PyObject *);
+/* Release the PickleBuffer. Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyPickleBuffer_Release(PyObject *);
+#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_PICKLEBUFOBJECT_H */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pthread_stubs.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pthread_stubs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83f0b08693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pthread_stubs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_STUBS)
+# error "this header file requires stubbed pthreads."
+# define _POSIX_THREADS 1
+/* Minimal pthread stubs for CPython.
+ *
+ * The stubs implement the minimum pthread API for CPython.
+ * - pthread_create() fails.
+ * - pthread_exit() calls exit(0).
+ * - pthread_key_*() functions implement minimal TSS without destructor.
+ * - all other functions do nothing and return 0.
+ */
+#ifdef __wasi__
+// WASI's bits/alltypes.h provides type definitions when __NEED_ is set.
+// The header file can be included multiple times.
+# define __NEED_pthread_cond_t 1
+# define __NEED_pthread_condattr_t 1
+# define __NEED_pthread_mutex_t 1
+# define __NEED_pthread_mutexattr_t 1
+# define __NEED_pthread_key_t 1
+# define __NEED_pthread_t 1
+# define __NEED_pthread_attr_t 1
+# error #include <bits/alltypes.h>
+typedef struct { void *__x; } pthread_cond_t;
+typedef struct { unsigned __attr; } pthread_condattr_t;
+typedef struct { void *__x; } pthread_mutex_t;
+typedef struct { unsigned __attr; } pthread_mutexattr_t;
+typedef unsigned pthread_key_t;
+typedef unsigned pthread_t;
+typedef struct { unsigned __attr; } pthread_attr_t;
+// mutex
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex,
+ const pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict attr);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
+// condition
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond,
+ const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond,
+ pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond,
+ pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex,
+ const struct timespec *restrict abstime);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_condattr_init(pthread_condattr_t *attr);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_condattr_setclock(
+ pthread_condattr_t *attr, clockid_t clock_id);
+// pthread
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict thread,
+ const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr,
+ void *(*start_routine)(void *),
+ void *restrict arg);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_detach(pthread_t thread);
+PyAPI_FUNC(pthread_t) pthread_self(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_exit(void *retval) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *attr);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t stacksize);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *attr);
+// pthread_key
+# define PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX 128
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key,
+ void (*destr_function)(void *));
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void *) pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyctype.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyctype.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..729d93275e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyctype.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef PYCTYPE_H
+#define PYCTYPE_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define PY_CTF_LOWER 0x01
+#define PY_CTF_UPPER 0x02
+#define PY_CTF_DIGIT 0x04
+#define PY_CTF_SPACE 0x08
+#define PY_CTF_XDIGIT 0x10
+PyAPI_DATA(const unsigned int) _Py_ctype_table[256];
+/* Unlike their C counterparts, the following macros are not meant to
+ * handle an int with any of the values [EOF, 0-UCHAR_MAX]. The argument
+ * must be a signed/unsigned char. */
+#define Py_ISLOWER(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_LOWER)
+#define Py_ISUPPER(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_UPPER)
+#define Py_ISALPHA(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_ALPHA)
+#define Py_ISDIGIT(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_DIGIT)
+#define Py_ISXDIGIT(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_XDIGIT)
+#define Py_ISALNUM(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_ALNUM)
+#define Py_ISSPACE(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_SPACE)
+PyAPI_DATA(const unsigned char) _Py_ctype_tolower[256];
+PyAPI_DATA(const unsigned char) _Py_ctype_toupper[256];
+#define Py_TOLOWER(c) (_Py_ctype_tolower[Py_CHARMASK(c)])
+#define Py_TOUPPER(c) (_Py_ctype_toupper[Py_CHARMASK(c)])
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !PYCTYPE_H */
+#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pydebug.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pydebug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6ebd99ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pydebug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef Py_PYDEBUG_H
+#define Py_PYDEBUG_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_DebugFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_VerboseFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_QuietFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_InteractiveFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_InspectFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_OptimizeFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_NoSiteFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_BytesWarningFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_FrozenFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_NoUserSiteDirectory;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_HashRandomizationFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_IsolatedFlag;
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlag;
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_LegacyWindowsStdioFlag;
+/* this is a wrapper around getenv() that pays attention to
+ Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag. It should be used for getting variables like
+ PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME from the environment */
+PyAPI_FUNC(char*) Py_GETENV(const char *name);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* !Py_PYDEBUG_H */
+#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyerrors.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyerrors.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..156665cbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyerrors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* Error objects */
+/* PyException_HEAD defines the initial segment of every exception class. */
+#define PyException_HEAD PyObject_HEAD PyObject *dict;\
+ PyObject *args; PyObject *notes; PyObject *traceback;\
+ PyObject *context; PyObject *cause;\
+ char suppress_context;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+} PyBaseExceptionObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *msg;
+ PyObject *excs;
+} PyBaseExceptionGroupObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *msg;
+ PyObject *filename;
+ PyObject *lineno;
+ PyObject *offset;
+ PyObject *end_lineno;
+ PyObject *end_offset;
+ PyObject *text;
+ PyObject *print_file_and_line;
+} PySyntaxErrorObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *msg;
+ PyObject *name;
+ PyObject *path;
+ PyObject *name_from;
+} PyImportErrorObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *encoding;
+ PyObject *object;
+ Py_ssize_t start;
+ Py_ssize_t end;
+ PyObject *reason;
+} PyUnicodeErrorObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *code;
+} PySystemExitObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *myerrno;
+ PyObject *strerror;
+ PyObject *filename;
+ PyObject *filename2;
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+ PyObject *winerror;
+ Py_ssize_t written; /* only for BlockingIOError, -1 otherwise */
+} PyOSErrorObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *value;
+} PyStopIterationObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *name;
+} PyNameErrorObject;
+typedef struct {
+ PyException_HEAD
+ PyObject *obj;
+ PyObject *name;
+} PyAttributeErrorObject;
+/* Compatibility typedefs */
+typedef PyOSErrorObject PyEnvironmentErrorObject;
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+typedef PyOSErrorObject PyWindowsErrorObject;
+/* Error handling definitions */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_SetKeyError(PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyErr_StackItem*) _PyErr_GetTopmostException(PyThreadState *tstate);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyErr_GetHandledException(PyThreadState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_SetHandledException(PyThreadState *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_GetExcInfo(PyThreadState *, PyObject **, PyObject **, PyObject **);
+/* Context manipulation (PEP 3134) */
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.12) PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_ChainExceptions(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_ChainExceptions1(PyObject *);
+/* Like PyErr_Format(), but saves current exception as __context__ and
+ __cause__.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyErr_FormatFromCause(
+ PyObject *exception,
+ const char *format, /* ASCII-encoded string */
+ ...
+ );
+/* In exceptions.c */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyException_AddNote(
+ PyObject *exc,
+ PyObject *note);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnstable_Exc_PrepReraiseStar(
+ PyObject *orig,
+ PyObject *excs);
+/* In signalmodule.c */
+int PySignal_SetWakeupFd(int fd);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyErr_CheckSignals(void);
+/* Support for adding program text to SyntaxErrors */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject(
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int lineno,
+ int col_offset);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyErr_RangedSyntaxLocationObject(
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int lineno,
+ int col_offset,
+ int end_lineno,
+ int end_col_offset);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyErr_ProgramTextObject(
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int lineno);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyErr_ProgramDecodedTextObject(
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int lineno,
+ const char* encoding);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyUnicodeTranslateError_Create(
+ PyObject *object,
+ Py_ssize_t start,
+ Py_ssize_t end,
+ const char *reason /* UTF-8 encoded string */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_WriteUnraisableMsg(
+ const char *err_msg,
+ PyObject *obj);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN _Py_FatalErrorFunc(
+ const char *func,
+ const char *message);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN _Py_FatalErrorFormat(
+ const char *func,
+ const char *format,
+ ...);
+extern PyObject *_PyErr_SetImportErrorWithNameFrom(
+ PyObject *,
+ PyObject *,
+ PyObject *,
+ PyObject *);
+#define Py_FatalError(message) _Py_FatalErrorFunc(__func__, (message))
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyfpe.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyfpe.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc2def63aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyfpe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef Py_PYFPE_H
+#define Py_PYFPE_H
+/* Header excluded from the stable API */
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+/* These macros used to do something when Python was built with --with-fpectl,
+ * but support for that was dropped in 3.7. We continue to define them though,
+ * to avoid breaking API users.
+ */
+#define PyFPE_START_PROTECT(err_string, leave_stmt)
+#define PyFPE_END_PROTECT(v)
+#endif /* !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) */
+#endif /* !Py_PYFPE_H */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyframe.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyframe.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e2afff925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pyframe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyFrame_Type;
+#define PyFrame_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE((op), &PyFrame_Type)
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyFrameObject *) PyFrame_GetBack(PyFrameObject *frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFrame_GetLocals(PyFrameObject *frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFrame_GetGlobals(PyFrameObject *frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFrame_GetBuiltins(PyFrameObject *frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFrame_GetGenerator(PyFrameObject *frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFrame_GetLasti(PyFrameObject *frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyFrame_GetVar(PyFrameObject *frame, PyObject *name);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyFrame_GetVarString(PyFrameObject *frame, const char *name);
+/* The following functions are for use by debuggers and other tools
+ * implementing custom frame evaluators with PEP 523. */
+struct _PyInterpreterFrame;
+/* Returns the code object of the frame (strong reference).
+ * Does not raise an exception. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyUnstable_InterpreterFrame_GetCode(struct _PyInterpreterFrame *frame);
+/* Returns a byte ofsset into the last executed instruction.
+ * Does not raise an exception. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyUnstable_InterpreterFrame_GetLasti(struct _PyInterpreterFrame *frame);
+/* Returns the currently executing line number, or -1 if there is no line number.
+ * Does not raise an exception. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyUnstable_InterpreterFrame_GetLine(struct _PyInterpreterFrame *frame);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pylifecycle.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pylifecycle.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4daea33bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pylifecycle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* Py_FrozenMain is kept out of the Limited API until documented and present
+ in all builds of Python */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_FrozenMain(int argc, char **argv);
+/* Only used by applications that embed the interpreter and need to
+ * override the standard encoding determination mechanism
+ */
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.11) PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_SetStandardStreamEncoding(
+ const char *encoding,
+ const char *errors);
+/* PEP 432 Multi-phase initialization API (Private while provisional!) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_PreInitialize(
+ const PyPreConfig *src_config);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs(
+ const PyPreConfig *src_config,
+ Py_ssize_t argc,
+ char **argv);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_PreInitializeFromArgs(
+ const PyPreConfig *src_config,
+ Py_ssize_t argc,
+ wchar_t **argv);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_IsCoreInitialized(void);
+/* Initialization and finalization */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_InitializeFromConfig(
+ const PyConfig *config);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) _Py_InitializeMain(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_RunMain(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN Py_ExitStatusException(PyStatus err);
+/* Restore signals that the interpreter has called SIG_IGN on to SIG_DFL. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_RestoreSignals(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_FdIsInteractive(FILE *, const char *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_FdIsInteractive(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename);
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.11) PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_SetProgramFullPath(const wchar_t *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _Py_gitidentifier(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _Py_gitversion(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_IsFinalizing(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_IsInterpreterFinalizing(PyInterpreterState *interp);
+/* Random */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyOS_URandom(void *buffer, Py_ssize_t size);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyOS_URandomNonblock(void *buffer, Py_ssize_t size);
+/* Legacy locale support */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_CoerceLegacyLocale(int warn);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_LegacyLocaleDetected(int warn);
+PyAPI_FUNC(char *) _Py_SetLocaleFromEnv(int category);
+/* --- PyInterpreterConfig ------------------------------------ */
+#define PyInterpreterConfig_DEFAULT_GIL (0)
+#define PyInterpreterConfig_SHARED_GIL (1)
+#define PyInterpreterConfig_OWN_GIL (2)
+typedef struct {
+ // XXX "allow_object_sharing"? "own_objects"?
+ int use_main_obmalloc;
+ int allow_fork;
+ int allow_exec;
+ int allow_threads;
+ int allow_daemon_threads;
+ int check_multi_interp_extensions;
+ int gil;
+} PyInterpreterConfig;
+#define _PyInterpreterConfig_INIT \
+ { \
+ .use_main_obmalloc = 0, \
+ .allow_fork = 0, \
+ .allow_exec = 0, \
+ .allow_threads = 1, \
+ .allow_daemon_threads = 0, \
+ .check_multi_interp_extensions = 1, \
+ .gil = PyInterpreterConfig_OWN_GIL, \
+ }
+#define _PyInterpreterConfig_LEGACY_INIT \
+ { \
+ .use_main_obmalloc = 1, \
+ .allow_fork = 1, \
+ .allow_exec = 1, \
+ .allow_threads = 1, \
+ .allow_daemon_threads = 1, \
+ .check_multi_interp_extensions = 0, \
+ .gil = PyInterpreterConfig_SHARED_GIL, \
+ }
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig(
+ PyThreadState **tstate_p,
+ const PyInterpreterConfig *config);
+typedef void (*atexit_datacallbackfunc)(void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_AtExit(
+ PyInterpreterState *, atexit_datacallbackfunc, void *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pymem.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pymem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1054d7652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pymem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_RawMalloc(size_t size);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_RawCalloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_RawRealloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_RawFree(void *ptr);
+/* Try to get the allocators name set by _PyMem_SetupAllocators(). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(const char*) _PyMem_GetCurrentAllocatorName(void);
+/* strdup() using PyMem_RawMalloc() */
+PyAPI_FUNC(char *) _PyMem_RawStrdup(const char *str);
+/* strdup() using PyMem_Malloc() */
+PyAPI_FUNC(char *) _PyMem_Strdup(const char *str);
+/* wcsdup() using PyMem_RawMalloc() */
+PyAPI_FUNC(wchar_t*) _PyMem_RawWcsdup(const wchar_t *str);
+typedef enum {
+ /* PyMem_RawMalloc(), PyMem_RawRealloc() and PyMem_RawFree() */
+ /* PyMem_Malloc(), PyMem_Realloc() and PyMem_Free() */
+ /* PyObject_Malloc(), PyObject_Realloc() and PyObject_Free() */
+} PyMemAllocatorDomain;
+typedef enum {
+} PyMemAllocatorName;
+typedef struct {
+ /* user context passed as the first argument to the 4 functions */
+ void *ctx;
+ /* allocate a memory block */
+ void* (*malloc) (void *ctx, size_t size);
+ /* allocate a memory block initialized by zeros */
+ void* (*calloc) (void *ctx, size_t nelem, size_t elsize);
+ /* allocate or resize a memory block */
+ void* (*realloc) (void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t new_size);
+ /* release a memory block */
+ void (*free) (void *ctx, void *ptr);
+} PyMemAllocatorEx;
+/* Get the memory block allocator of the specified domain. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_GetAllocator(PyMemAllocatorDomain domain,
+ PyMemAllocatorEx *allocator);
+/* Set the memory block allocator of the specified domain.
+ The new allocator must return a distinct non-NULL pointer when requesting
+ zero bytes.
+ For the PYMEM_DOMAIN_RAW domain, the allocator must be thread-safe: the GIL
+ is not held when the allocator is called.
+ If the new allocator is not a hook (don't call the previous allocator), the
+ PyMem_SetupDebugHooks() function must be called to reinstall the debug hooks
+ on top on the new allocator. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_SetAllocator(PyMemAllocatorDomain domain,
+ PyMemAllocatorEx *allocator);
+/* Setup hooks to detect bugs in the following Python memory allocator
+ functions:
+ - PyMem_RawMalloc(), PyMem_RawRealloc(), PyMem_RawFree()
+ - PyMem_Malloc(), PyMem_Realloc(), PyMem_Free()
+ - PyObject_Malloc(), PyObject_Realloc() and PyObject_Free()
+ Newly allocated memory is filled with the byte 0xCB, freed memory is filled
+ with the byte 0xDB. Additional checks:
+ - detect API violations, ex: PyObject_Free() called on a buffer allocated
+ by PyMem_Malloc()
+ - detect write before the start of the buffer (buffer underflow)
+ - detect write after the end of the buffer (buffer overflow)
+ The function does nothing if Python is not compiled is debug mode. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_SetupDebugHooks(void);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pystate.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pystate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..628f2e0996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pystate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+Runtime Feature Flags
+Each flag indicate whether or not a specific runtime feature
+is available in a given context. For example, forking the process
+might not be allowed in the current interpreter (i.e. os.fork() would fail).
+/* Set if the interpreter share obmalloc runtime state
+ with the main interpreter. */
+/* Set if import should check a module for subinterpreter support. */
+/* Set if threads are allowed. */
+#define Py_RTFLAGS_THREADS (1UL << 10)
+/* Set if daemon threads are allowed. */
+#define Py_RTFLAGS_DAEMON_THREADS (1UL << 11)
+/* Set if os.fork() is allowed. */
+#define Py_RTFLAGS_FORK (1UL << 15)
+/* Set if os.exec*() is allowed. */
+#define Py_RTFLAGS_EXEC (1UL << 16)
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_HasFeature(PyInterpreterState *interp,
+ unsigned long feature);
+/* private interpreter helpers */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_RequiresIDRef(PyInterpreterState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_RequireIDRef(PyInterpreterState *, int);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyInterpreterState_GetMainModule(PyInterpreterState *);
+/* State unique per thread */
+/* Py_tracefunc return -1 when raising an exception, or 0 for success. */
+typedef int (*Py_tracefunc)(PyObject *, PyFrameObject *, int, PyObject *);
+/* The following values are used for 'what' for tracefunc functions
+ *
+ * To add a new kind of trace event, also update "trace_init" in
+ * Python/sysmodule.c to define the Python level event name
+ */
+#define PyTrace_CALL 0
+#define PyTrace_EXCEPTION 1
+#define PyTrace_LINE 2
+#define PyTrace_RETURN 3
+#define PyTrace_C_CALL 4
+#define PyTrace_C_EXCEPTION 5
+#define PyTrace_C_RETURN 6
+#define PyTrace_OPCODE 7
+// Internal structure: you should not use it directly, but use public functions
+// like PyThreadState_EnterTracing() and PyThreadState_LeaveTracing().
+typedef struct _PyCFrame {
+ /* This struct will be threaded through the C stack
+ * allowing fast access to per-thread state that needs
+ * to be accessed quickly by the interpreter, but can
+ * be modified outside of the interpreter.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This makes data on the C stack accessible from
+ * heap objects. Care must be taken to maintain stack
+ * discipline and make sure that instances of this struct cannot
+ * accessed outside of their lifetime.
+ */
+ /* Pointer to the currently executing frame (it can be NULL) */
+ struct _PyInterpreterFrame *current_frame;
+ struct _PyCFrame *previous;
+} _PyCFrame;
+typedef struct _err_stackitem {
+ /* This struct represents a single execution context where we might
+ * be currently handling an exception. It is a per-coroutine state
+ * (coroutine in the computer science sense, including the thread
+ * and generators).
+ *
+ * This is used as an entry on the exception stack, where each
+ * entry indicates if it is currently handling an exception.
+ * This ensures that the exception state is not impacted
+ * by "yields" from an except handler. The thread
+ * always has an entry (the bottom-most one).
+ */
+ /* The exception currently being handled in this context, if any. */
+ PyObject *exc_value;
+ struct _err_stackitem *previous_item;
+} _PyErr_StackItem;
+typedef struct _stack_chunk {
+ struct _stack_chunk *previous;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t top;
+ PyObject * data[1]; /* Variable sized */
+} _PyStackChunk;
+struct _py_trashcan {
+ int delete_nesting;
+ PyObject *delete_later;
+struct _ts {
+ /* See Python/ceval.c for comments explaining most fields */
+ PyThreadState *prev;
+ PyThreadState *next;
+ PyInterpreterState *interp;
+ struct {
+ /* Has been initialized to a safe state.
+ In order to be effective, this must be set to 0 during or right
+ after allocation. */
+ unsigned int initialized:1;
+ /* Has been bound to an OS thread. */
+ unsigned int bound:1;
+ /* Has been unbound from its OS thread. */
+ unsigned int unbound:1;
+ /* Has been bound aa current for the GILState API. */
+ unsigned int bound_gilstate:1;
+ /* Currently in use (maybe holds the GIL). */
+ unsigned int active:1;
+ /* various stages of finalization */
+ unsigned int finalizing:1;
+ unsigned int cleared:1;
+ unsigned int finalized:1;
+ /* padding to align to 4 bytes */
+ unsigned int :24;
+ } _status;
+ int py_recursion_remaining;
+ int py_recursion_limit;
+ int c_recursion_remaining;
+ int recursion_headroom; /* Allow 50 more calls to handle any errors. */
+ /* 'tracing' keeps track of the execution depth when tracing/profiling.
+ This is to prevent the actual trace/profile code from being recorded in
+ the trace/profile. */
+ int tracing;
+ int what_event; /* The event currently being monitored, if any. */
+ /* Pointer to current _PyCFrame in the C stack frame of the currently,
+ * or most recently, executing _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault. */
+ _PyCFrame *cframe;
+ Py_tracefunc c_profilefunc;
+ Py_tracefunc c_tracefunc;
+ PyObject *c_profileobj;
+ PyObject *c_traceobj;
+ /* The exception currently being raised */
+ PyObject *current_exception;
+ /* Pointer to the top of the exception stack for the exceptions
+ * we may be currently handling. (See _PyErr_StackItem above.)
+ * This is never NULL. */
+ _PyErr_StackItem *exc_info;
+ PyObject *dict; /* Stores per-thread state */
+ int gilstate_counter;
+ PyObject *async_exc; /* Asynchronous exception to raise */
+ unsigned long thread_id; /* Thread id where this tstate was created */
+ /* Native thread id where this tstate was created. This will be 0 except on
+ * those platforms that have the notion of native thread id, for which the
+ * macro PY_HAVE_THREAD_NATIVE_ID is then defined.
+ */
+ unsigned long native_thread_id;
+ struct _py_trashcan trash;
+ /* Called when a thread state is deleted normally, but not when it
+ * is destroyed after fork().
+ * Pain: to prevent rare but fatal shutdown errors (issue 18808),
+ * Thread.join() must wait for the join'ed thread's tstate to be unlinked
+ * from the tstate chain. That happens at the end of a thread's life,
+ * in pystate.c.
+ * The obvious way doesn't quite work: create a lock which the tstate
+ * unlinking code releases, and have Thread.join() wait to acquire that
+ * lock. The problem is that we _are_ at the end of the thread's life:
+ * if the thread holds the last reference to the lock, decref'ing the
+ * lock will delete the lock, and that may trigger arbitrary Python code
+ * if there's a weakref, with a callback, to the lock. But by this time
+ * _PyRuntime.gilstate.tstate_current is already NULL, so only the simplest
+ * of C code can be allowed to run (in particular it must not be possible to
+ * release the GIL).
+ * So instead of holding the lock directly, the tstate holds a weakref to
+ * the lock: that's the value of on_delete_data below. Decref'ing a
+ * weakref is harmless.
+ * on_delete points to _threadmodule.c's static release_sentinel() function.
+ * After the tstate is unlinked, release_sentinel is called with the
+ * weakref-to-lock (on_delete_data) argument, and release_sentinel releases
+ * the indirectly held lock.
+ */
+ void (*on_delete)(void *);
+ void *on_delete_data;
+ int coroutine_origin_tracking_depth;
+ PyObject *async_gen_firstiter;
+ PyObject *async_gen_finalizer;
+ PyObject *context;
+ uint64_t context_ver;
+ /* Unique thread state id. */
+ uint64_t id;
+ _PyStackChunk *datastack_chunk;
+ PyObject **datastack_top;
+ PyObject **datastack_limit;
+ /* XXX signal handlers should also be here */
+ /* The following fields are here to avoid allocation during init.
+ The data is exposed through PyThreadState pointer fields.
+ These fields should not be accessed directly outside of init.
+ This is indicated by an underscore prefix on the field names.
+ All other PyInterpreterState pointer fields are populated when
+ needed and default to NULL.
+ */
+ // Note some fields do not have a leading underscore for backward
+ // compatibility. See https://bugs.python.org/issue45953#msg412046.
+ /* The thread's exception stack entry. (Always the last entry.) */
+ _PyErr_StackItem exc_state;
+ /* The bottom-most frame on the stack. */
+ _PyCFrame root_cframe;
+/* WASI has limited call stack. Python's recursion limit depends on code
+ layout, optimization, and WASI runtime. Wasmtime can handle about 700
+ recursions, sometimes less. 500 is a more conservative limit. */
+# ifdef __wasi__
+# define C_RECURSION_LIMIT 500
+# else
+ // This value is duplicated in Lib/test/support/__init__.py
+# define C_RECURSION_LIMIT 1500
+# endif
+/* other API */
+// Alias for backward compatibility with Python 3.8
+#define _PyInterpreterState_Get PyInterpreterState_Get
+/* An alias for the internal _PyThreadState_New(),
+ kept for stable ABI compatibility. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) _PyThreadState_Prealloc(PyInterpreterState *);
+/* Similar to PyThreadState_Get(), but don't issue a fatal error
+ * if it is NULL. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyThreadState_GetDict(PyThreadState *tstate);
+// Disable tracing and profiling.
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyThreadState_EnterTracing(PyThreadState *tstate);
+// Reset tracing and profiling: enable them if a trace function or a profile
+// function is set, otherwise disable them.
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyThreadState_LeaveTracing(PyThreadState *tstate);
+/* PyGILState */
+/* Helper/diagnostic function - return 1 if the current thread
+ currently holds the GIL, 0 otherwise.
+ The function returns 1 if _PyGILState_check_enabled is non-zero. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyGILState_Check(void);
+/* Get the single PyInterpreterState used by this process' GILState
+ implementation.
+ This function doesn't check for error. Return NULL before _PyGILState_Init()
+ is called and after _PyGILState_Fini() is called.
+ See also _PyInterpreterState_Get() and _PyInterpreterState_GET(). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) _PyGILState_GetInterpreterStateUnsafe(void);
+/* The implementation of sys._current_frames() Returns a dict mapping
+ thread id to that thread's current frame.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyThread_CurrentFrames(void);
+/* The implementation of sys._current_exceptions() Returns a dict mapping
+ thread id to that thread's current exception.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyThread_CurrentExceptions(void);
+/* Routines for advanced debuggers, requested by David Beazley.
+ Don't use unless you know what you are doing! */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) PyInterpreterState_Main(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) PyInterpreterState_Head(void);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) PyInterpreterState_Next(PyInterpreterState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(PyInterpreterState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) PyThreadState_Next(PyThreadState *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent(void);
+/* Frame evaluation API */
+typedef PyObject* (*_PyFrameEvalFunction)(PyThreadState *tstate, struct _PyInterpreterFrame *, int);
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyFrameEvalFunction) _PyInterpreterState_GetEvalFrameFunc(
+ PyInterpreterState *interp);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_SetEvalFrameFunc(
+ PyInterpreterState *interp,
+ _PyFrameEvalFunction eval_frame);
+PyAPI_FUNC(const PyConfig*) _PyInterpreterState_GetConfig(PyInterpreterState *interp);
+/* Get a copy of the current interpreter configuration.
+ Return 0 on success. Raise an exception and return -1 on error.
+ The caller must initialize 'config', using PyConfig_InitPythonConfig()
+ for example.
+ Python must be preinitialized to call this method.
+ The caller must hold the GIL.
+ Once done with the configuration, PyConfig_Clear() must be called to clear
+ it. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_GetConfigCopy(
+ struct PyConfig *config);
+/* Set the configuration of the current interpreter.
+ This function should be called during or just after the Python
+ initialization.
+ Update the sys module with the new configuration. If the sys module was
+ modified directly after the Python initialization, these changes are lost.
+ Some configuration like faulthandler or warnoptions can be updated in the
+ configuration, but don't reconfigure Python (don't enable/disable
+ faulthandler and don't reconfigure warnings filters).
+ Return 0 on success. Raise an exception and return -1 on error.
+ The configuration should come from _PyInterpreterState_GetConfigCopy(). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_SetConfig(
+ const struct PyConfig *config);
+// Get the configuration of the current interpreter.
+// The caller must hold the GIL.
+PyAPI_FUNC(const PyConfig*) _Py_GetConfig(void);
+/* cross-interpreter data */
+// _PyCrossInterpreterData is similar to Py_buffer as an effectively
+// opaque struct that holds data outside the object machinery. This
+// is necessary to pass safely between interpreters in the same process.
+typedef struct _xid _PyCrossInterpreterData;
+typedef PyObject *(*xid_newobjectfunc)(_PyCrossInterpreterData *);
+typedef void (*xid_freefunc)(void *);
+struct _xid {
+ // data is the cross-interpreter-safe derivation of a Python object
+ // (see _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData). It will be NULL if the
+ // new_object func (below) encodes the data.
+ void *data;
+ // obj is the Python object from which the data was derived. This
+ // is non-NULL only if the data remains bound to the object in some
+ // way, such that the object must be "released" (via a decref) when
+ // the data is released. In that case the code that sets the field,
+ // likely a registered "crossinterpdatafunc", is responsible for
+ // ensuring it owns the reference (i.e. incref).
+ PyObject *obj;
+ // interp is the ID of the owning interpreter of the original
+ // object. It corresponds to the active interpreter when
+ // _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData() was called. This should only
+ // be set by the cross-interpreter machinery.
+ //
+ // We use the ID rather than the PyInterpreterState to avoid issues
+ // with deleted interpreters. Note that IDs are never re-used, so
+ // each one will always correspond to a specific interpreter
+ // (whether still alive or not).
+ int64_t interp;
+ // new_object is a function that returns a new object in the current
+ // interpreter given the data. The resulting object (a new
+ // reference) will be equivalent to the original object. This field
+ // is required.
+ xid_newobjectfunc new_object;
+ // free is called when the data is released. If it is NULL then
+ // nothing will be done to free the data. For some types this is
+ // okay (e.g. bytes) and for those types this field should be set
+ // to NULL. However, for most the data was allocated just for
+ // cross-interpreter use, so it must be freed when
+ // _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release is called or the memory will
+ // leak. In that case, at the very least this field should be set
+ // to PyMem_RawFree (the default if not explicitly set to NULL).
+ // The call will happen with the original interpreter activated.
+ xid_freefunc free;
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Init(
+ _PyCrossInterpreterData *data,
+ PyInterpreterState *interp, void *shared, PyObject *obj,
+ xid_newobjectfunc new_object);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCrossInterpreterData_InitWithSize(
+ _PyCrossInterpreterData *,
+ PyInterpreterState *interp, const size_t, PyObject *,
+ xid_newobjectfunc);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Clear(
+ PyInterpreterState *, _PyCrossInterpreterData *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *, _PyCrossInterpreterData *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCrossInterpreterData_NewObject(_PyCrossInterpreterData *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(_PyCrossInterpreterData *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_CheckCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *);
+/* cross-interpreter data registry */
+typedef int (*crossinterpdatafunc)(PyThreadState *tstate, PyObject *,
+ _PyCrossInterpreterData *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCrossInterpreterData_RegisterClass(PyTypeObject *, crossinterpdatafunc);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCrossInterpreterData_UnregisterClass(PyTypeObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(crossinterpdatafunc) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Lookup(PyObject *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pythonrun.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pythonrun.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb61765537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pythonrun.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleStringFlags(const char *, PyCompilerFlags *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyRun_SimpleFileObject(
+ FILE *fp,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int closeit,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(
+ FILE *fp,
+ const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
+ int closeit,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyRun_AnyFileObject(
+ FILE *fp,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int closeit,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags(
+ FILE *fp,
+ const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
+ int closeit,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveOneFlags(
+ FILE *fp,
+ const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveOneObject(
+ FILE *fp,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags(
+ FILE *fp,
+ const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyRun_InteractiveLoopObject(
+ FILE *fp,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_StringFlags(const char *, int, PyObject *,
+ PyObject *, PyCompilerFlags *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_FileExFlags(
+ FILE *fp,
+ const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
+ int start,
+ PyObject *globals,
+ PyObject *locals,
+ int closeit,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) Py_CompileStringExFlags(
+ const char *str,
+ const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
+ int start,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags,
+ int optimize);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) Py_CompileStringObject(
+ const char *str,
+ PyObject *filename, int start,
+ PyCompilerFlags *flags,
+ int optimize);
+#define Py_CompileString(str, p, s) Py_CompileStringExFlags((str), (p), (s), NULL, -1)
+#define Py_CompileStringFlags(str, p, s, f) Py_CompileStringExFlags((str), (p), (s), (f), -1)
+PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _Py_SourceAsString(
+ PyObject *cmd,
+ const char *funcname,
+ const char *what,
+ PyCompilerFlags *cf,
+ PyObject **cmd_copy);
+/* A function flavor is also exported by libpython. It is required when
+ libpython is accessed directly rather than using header files which defines
+ macros below. On Windows, for example, PyAPI_FUNC() uses dllexport to
+ export functions in pythonXX.dll. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_String(const char *str, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFile(FILE *fp, const char *name);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFileEx(FILE *fp, const char *name, int closeit);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFileFlags(FILE *, const char *, PyCompilerFlags *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleString(const char *s);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleFile(FILE *f, const char *p);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleFileEx(FILE *f, const char *p, int c);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveOne(FILE *f, const char *p);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveLoop(FILE *f, const char *p);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_File(FILE *fp, const char *p, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_FileEx(FILE *fp, const char *p, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l, int c);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_FileFlags(FILE *fp, const char *p, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l, PyCompilerFlags *flags);
+/* Use macros for a bunch of old variants */
+#define PyRun_String(str, s, g, l) PyRun_StringFlags((str), (s), (g), (l), NULL)
+#define PyRun_AnyFile(fp, name) PyRun_AnyFileExFlags((fp), (name), 0, NULL)
+#define PyRun_AnyFileEx(fp, name, closeit) \
+ PyRun_AnyFileExFlags((fp), (name), (closeit), NULL)
+#define PyRun_AnyFileFlags(fp, name, flags) \
+ PyRun_AnyFileExFlags((fp), (name), 0, (flags))
+#define PyRun_SimpleString(s) PyRun_SimpleStringFlags((s), NULL)
+#define PyRun_SimpleFile(f, p) PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags((f), (p), 0, NULL)
+#define PyRun_SimpleFileEx(f, p, c) PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags((f), (p), (c), NULL)
+#define PyRun_InteractiveOne(f, p) PyRun_InteractiveOneFlags((f), (p), NULL)
+#define PyRun_InteractiveLoop(f, p) PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags((f), (p), NULL)
+#define PyRun_File(fp, p, s, g, l) \
+ PyRun_FileExFlags((fp), (p), (s), (g), (l), 0, NULL)
+#define PyRun_FileEx(fp, p, s, g, l, c) \
+ PyRun_FileExFlags((fp), (p), (s), (g), (l), (c), NULL)
+#define PyRun_FileFlags(fp, p, s, g, l, flags) \
+ PyRun_FileExFlags((fp), (p), (s), (g), (l), 0, (flags))
+/* Stuff with no proper home (yet) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(char *) PyOS_Readline(FILE *, FILE *, const char *);
+PyAPI_DATA(PyThreadState*) _PyOS_ReadlineTState;
+PyAPI_DATA(char) *(*PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer)(FILE *, FILE *, const char *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pythread.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pythread.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..449b7cc6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pythread.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+#define PYTHREAD_INVALID_THREAD_ID ((unsigned long)-1)
+#ifdef HAVE_FORK
+/* Private function to reinitialize a lock at fork in the child process.
+ Reset the lock to the unlocked state.
+ Return 0 on success, return -1 on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyThread_at_fork_reinit(PyThread_type_lock *lock);
+#endif /* HAVE_FORK */
+ /* Darwin needs pthread.h to know type name the pthread_key_t. */
+# include <pthread.h>
+# define NATIVE_TSS_KEY_T pthread_key_t
+#elif defined(NT_THREADS)
+ /* In Windows, native TSS key type is DWORD,
+ but hardcode the unsigned long to avoid errors for include directive.
+ */
+# define NATIVE_TSS_KEY_T unsigned long
+#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_STUBS)
+#error # include "cpython/pthread_stubs.h"
+# define NATIVE_TSS_KEY_T pthread_key_t
+# error "Require native threads. See https://bugs.python.org/issue31370"
+/* When Py_LIMITED_API is not defined, the type layout of Py_tss_t is
+ exposed to allow static allocation in the API clients. Even in this case,
+ you must handle TSS keys through API functions due to compatibility.
+struct _Py_tss_t {
+ int _is_initialized;
+/* When static allocation, you must initialize with Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT. */
+#define Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT {0}
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pytime.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pytime.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16d88d191e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/pytime.h
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+// The _PyTime_t API is written to use timestamp and timeout values stored in
+// various formats and to read clocks.
+// The _PyTime_t type is an integer to support directly common arithmetic
+// operations like t1 + t2.
+// The _PyTime_t API supports a resolution of 1 nanosecond. The _PyTime_t type
+// is signed to support negative timestamps. The supported range is around
+// [-292.3 years; +292.3 years]. Using the Unix epoch (January 1st, 1970), the
+// supported date range is around [1677-09-21; 2262-04-11].
+// Formats:
+// * seconds
+// * seconds as a floating pointer number (C double)
+// * milliseconds (10^-3 seconds)
+// * microseconds (10^-6 seconds)
+// * 100 nanoseconds (10^-7 seconds)
+// * nanoseconds (10^-9 seconds)
+// * timeval structure, 1 microsecond resolution (10^-6 seconds)
+// * timespec structure, 1 nanosecond resolution (10^-9 seconds)
+// Integer overflows are detected and raise OverflowError. Conversion to a
+// resolution worse than 1 nanosecond is rounded correctly with the requested
+// rounding mode. There are 4 rounding modes: floor (towards -inf), ceiling
+// (towards +inf), half even and up (away from zero).
+// Some functions clamp the result in the range [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX], so
+// the caller doesn't have to handle errors and doesn't need to hold the GIL.
+// For example, _PyTime_Add(t1, t2) computes t1+t2 and clamp the result on
+// overflow.
+// Clocks:
+// * System clock
+// * Monotonic clock
+// * Performance counter
+// Operations like (t * k / q) with integers are implemented in a way to reduce
+// the risk of integer overflow. Such operation is used to convert a clock
+// value expressed in ticks with a frequency to _PyTime_t, like
+// QueryPerformanceCounter() with QueryPerformanceFrequency().
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+#ifndef Py_PYTIME_H
+#define Py_PYTIME_H
+Symbols and macros to supply platform-independent interfaces to time related
+functions and constants
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifdef __clang__
+struct timeval;
+/* _PyTime_t: Python timestamp with subsecond precision. It can be used to
+ store a duration, and so indirectly a date (related to another date, like
+ UNIX epoch). */
+typedef int64_t _PyTime_t;
+// _PyTime_MIN nanoseconds is around -292.3 years
+#define _PyTime_MIN INT64_MIN
+// _PyTime_MAX nanoseconds is around +292.3 years
+#define _PyTime_MAX INT64_MAX
+#define _SIZEOF_PYTIME_T 8
+typedef enum {
+ /* Round towards minus infinity (-inf).
+ For example, used to read a clock. */
+ _PyTime_ROUND_FLOOR=0,
+ /* Round towards infinity (+inf).
+ For example, used for timeout to wait "at least" N seconds. */
+ /* Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer.
+ For example, used to round from a Python float. */
+ /* Round away from zero
+ For example, used for timeout. _PyTime_ROUND_CEILING rounds
+ -1e-9 to 0 milliseconds which causes bpo-31786 issue.
+ _PyTime_ROUND_UP rounds -1e-9 to -1 millisecond which keeps
+ the timeout sign as expected. select.poll(timeout) must block
+ for negative values." */
+ _PyTime_ROUND_UP=3,
+ /* _PyTime_ROUND_TIMEOUT (an alias for _PyTime_ROUND_UP) should be
+ used for timeouts. */
+} _PyTime_round_t;
+/* Convert a time_t to a PyLong. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_FromTime_t(
+ time_t sec);
+/* Convert a PyLong to a time_t. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(time_t) _PyLong_AsTime_t(
+ PyObject *obj);
+/* Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to time_t. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTime_t(
+ PyObject *obj,
+ time_t *sec,
+ _PyTime_round_t);
+/* Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to a timeval structure.
+ usec is in the range [0; 999999] and rounded towards zero.
+ For example, -1.2 is converted to (-2, 800000). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTimeval(
+ PyObject *obj,
+ time_t *sec,
+ long *usec,
+ _PyTime_round_t);
+/* Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to a timespec structure.
+ nsec is in the range [0; 999999999] and rounded towards zero.
+ For example, -1.2 is converted to (-2, 800000000). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTimespec(
+ PyObject *obj,
+ time_t *sec,
+ long *nsec,
+ _PyTime_round_t);
+/* Create a timestamp from a number of seconds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_FromSeconds(int seconds);
+/* Macro to create a timestamp from a number of seconds, no integer overflow.
+ Only use the macro for small values, prefer _PyTime_FromSeconds(). */
+#define _PYTIME_FROMSECONDS(seconds) \
+ ((_PyTime_t)(seconds) * (1000 * 1000 * 1000))
+/* Create a timestamp from a number of nanoseconds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_FromNanoseconds(_PyTime_t ns);
+/* Create a timestamp from a number of microseconds.
+ * Clamp to [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX] on overflow. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_FromMicrosecondsClamp(_PyTime_t us);
+/* Create a timestamp from nanoseconds (Python int). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromNanosecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
+ PyObject *obj);
+/* Convert a number of seconds (Python float or int) to a timestamp.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromSecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
+ PyObject *obj,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+/* Convert a number of milliseconds (Python float or int, 10^-3) to a timestamp.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromMillisecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
+ PyObject *obj,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+/* Convert a timestamp to a number of seconds as a C double. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyTime_AsSecondsDouble(_PyTime_t t);
+/* Convert timestamp to a number of milliseconds (10^-3 seconds). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_AsMilliseconds(_PyTime_t t,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+/* Convert timestamp to a number of microseconds (10^-6 seconds). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_AsMicroseconds(_PyTime_t t,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+/* Convert timestamp to a number of nanoseconds (10^-9 seconds). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_AsNanoseconds(_PyTime_t t);
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+// Convert timestamp to a number of 100 nanoseconds (10^-7 seconds).
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_As100Nanoseconds(_PyTime_t t,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+/* Convert timestamp to a number of nanoseconds (10^-9 seconds) as a Python int
+ object. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyTime_AsNanosecondsObject(_PyTime_t t);
+#ifndef MS_WINDOWS
+/* Create a timestamp from a timeval structure.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 on overflow, return 0 on success. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromTimeval(_PyTime_t *tp, struct timeval *tv);
+/* Convert a timestamp to a timeval structure (microsecond resolution).
+ tv_usec is always positive.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 if the conversion overflowed,
+ return 0 on success. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimeval(_PyTime_t t,
+ struct timeval *tv,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+/* Similar to _PyTime_AsTimeval() but don't raise an exception on overflow.
+ On overflow, clamp tv_sec to _PyTime_t min/max. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTime_AsTimeval_clamp(_PyTime_t t,
+ struct timeval *tv,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+/* Convert a timestamp to a number of seconds (secs) and microseconds (us).
+ us is always positive. This function is similar to _PyTime_AsTimeval()
+ except that secs is always a time_t type, whereas the timeval structure
+ uses a C long for tv_sec on Windows.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 if the conversion overflowed,
+ return 0 on success. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimevalTime_t(
+ _PyTime_t t,
+ time_t *secs,
+ int *us,
+ _PyTime_round_t round);
+#if defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) || defined(HAVE_KQUEUE)
+/* Create a timestamp from a timespec structure.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 on overflow, return 0 on success. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromTimespec(_PyTime_t *tp, struct timespec *ts);
+/* Convert a timestamp to a timespec structure (nanosecond resolution).
+ tv_nsec is always positive.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimespec(_PyTime_t t, struct timespec *ts);
+/* Similar to _PyTime_AsTimespec() but don't raise an exception on overflow.
+ On overflow, clamp tv_sec to _PyTime_t min/max. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTime_AsTimespec_clamp(_PyTime_t t, struct timespec *ts);
+// Compute t1 + t2. Clamp to [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX] on overflow.
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_Add(_PyTime_t t1, _PyTime_t t2);
+/* Compute ticks * mul / div.
+ Clamp to [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX] on overflow.
+ The caller must ensure that ((div - 1) * mul) cannot overflow. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_MulDiv(_PyTime_t ticks,
+ _PyTime_t mul,
+ _PyTime_t div);
+/* Structure used by time.get_clock_info() */
+typedef struct {
+ const char *implementation;
+ int monotonic;
+ int adjustable;
+ double resolution;
+} _Py_clock_info_t;
+/* Get the current time from the system clock.
+ If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
+ On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and clamp the clock to
+ [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX].
+ Use _PyTime_GetSystemClockWithInfo() to check for failure. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetSystemClock(void);
+/* Get the current time from the system clock.
+ * On success, set *t and *info (if not NULL), and return 0.
+ * On error, raise an exception and return -1.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_GetSystemClockWithInfo(
+ _PyTime_t *t,
+ _Py_clock_info_t *info);
+/* Get the time of a monotonic clock, i.e. a clock that cannot go backwards.
+ The clock is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of
+ the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the
+ results of consecutive calls is valid.
+ If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
+ On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and clamp the clock to
+ [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX].
+ Use _PyTime_GetMonotonicClockWithInfo() to check for failure. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock(void);
+/* Get the time of a monotonic clock, i.e. a clock that cannot go backwards.
+ The clock is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of
+ the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the
+ results of consecutive calls is valid.
+ Fill info (if set) with information of the function used to get the time.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_GetMonotonicClockWithInfo(
+ _PyTime_t *t,
+ _Py_clock_info_t *info);
+/* Converts a timestamp to the Gregorian time, using the local time zone.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_localtime(time_t t, struct tm *tm);
+/* Converts a timestamp to the Gregorian time, assuming UTC.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_gmtime(time_t t, struct tm *tm);
+/* Get the performance counter: clock with the highest available resolution to
+ measure a short duration.
+ If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
+ On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and clamp the clock to
+ [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX].
+ Use _PyTime_GetPerfCounterWithInfo() to check for failure. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetPerfCounter(void);
+/* Get the performance counter: clock with the highest available resolution to
+ measure a short duration.
+ Fill info (if set) with information of the function used to get the time.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_GetPerfCounterWithInfo(
+ _PyTime_t *t,
+ _Py_clock_info_t *info);
+// Create a deadline.
+// Pseudo code: _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock() + timeout.
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyDeadline_Init(_PyTime_t timeout);
+// Get remaining time from a deadline.
+// Pseudo code: deadline - _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock().
+PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyDeadline_Get(_PyTime_t deadline);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* Py_PYTIME_H */
+#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/setobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/setobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20fd63eaae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/setobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* There are three kinds of entries in the table:
+1. Unused: key == NULL and hash == 0
+2. Dummy: key == dummy and hash == -1
+3. Active: key != NULL and key != dummy and hash != -1
+The hash field of Unused slots is always zero.
+The hash field of Dummy slots are set to -1
+meaning that dummy entries can be detected by
+either entry->key==dummy or by entry->hash==-1.
+#define PySet_MINSIZE 8
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject *key;
+ Py_hash_t hash; /* Cached hash code of the key */
+} setentry;
+/* The SetObject data structure is shared by set and frozenset objects.
+Invariant for sets:
+ - hash is -1
+Invariants for frozensets:
+ - data is immutable.
+ - hash is the hash of the frozenset or -1 if not computed yet.
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ Py_ssize_t fill; /* Number active and dummy entries*/
+ Py_ssize_t used; /* Number active entries */
+ /* The table contains mask + 1 slots, and that's a power of 2.
+ * We store the mask instead of the size because the mask is more
+ * frequently needed.
+ */
+ Py_ssize_t mask;
+ /* The table points to a fixed-size smalltable for small tables
+ * or to additional malloc'ed memory for bigger tables.
+ * The table pointer is never NULL which saves us from repeated
+ * runtime null-tests.
+ */
+ setentry *table;
+ Py_hash_t hash; /* Only used by frozenset objects */
+ Py_ssize_t finger; /* Search finger for pop() */
+ setentry smalltable[PySet_MINSIZE];
+ PyObject *weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
+} PySetObject;
+#define _PySet_CAST(so) \
+ (assert(PyAnySet_Check(so)), _Py_CAST(PySetObject*, so))
+static inline Py_ssize_t PySet_GET_SIZE(PyObject *so) {
+ return _PySet_CAST(so)->used;
+#define PySet_GET_SIZE(so) PySet_GET_SIZE(_PyObject_CAST(so))
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject *) _PySet_Dummy;
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PySet_NextEntry(PyObject *set, Py_ssize_t *pos, PyObject **key, Py_hash_t *hash);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PySet_Update(PyObject *set, PyObject *iterable);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/sysmodule.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/sysmodule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19d9dddc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/sysmodule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PySys_GetAttr(PyThreadState *tstate,
+ PyObject *name);
+PyAPI_FUNC(size_t) _PySys_GetSizeOf(PyObject *);
+typedef int(*Py_AuditHookFunction)(const char *, PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySys_Audit(
+ const char *event,
+ const char *argFormat,
+ ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySys_AddAuditHook(Py_AuditHookFunction, void*);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/traceback.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/traceback.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4e087b2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/traceback.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef struct _traceback PyTracebackObject;
+struct _traceback {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyTracebackObject *tb_next;
+ PyFrameObject *tb_frame;
+ int tb_lasti;
+ int tb_lineno;
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_DisplaySourceLine(PyObject *, PyObject *, int, int, int *, PyObject **);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTraceback_Add(const char *, const char *, int);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/tupleobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/tupleobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6a1f076e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/tupleobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ /* ob_item contains space for 'ob_size' elements.
+ Items must normally not be NULL, except during construction when
+ the tuple is not yet visible outside the function that builds it. */
+ PyObject *ob_item[1];
+} PyTupleObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTuple_Resize(PyObject **, Py_ssize_t);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTuple_MaybeUntrack(PyObject *);
+/* Cast argument to PyTupleObject* type. */
+#define _PyTuple_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyTuple_Check(op)), _Py_CAST(PyTupleObject*, (op)))
+// Macros and static inline functions, trading safety for speed
+static inline Py_ssize_t PyTuple_GET_SIZE(PyObject *op) {
+ PyTupleObject *tuple = _PyTuple_CAST(op);
+ return Py_SIZE(tuple);
+#define PyTuple_GET_SIZE(op) PyTuple_GET_SIZE(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+#define PyTuple_GET_ITEM(op, index) (_PyTuple_CAST(op)->ob_item[(index)])
+/* Function *only* to be used to fill in brand new tuples */
+static inline void
+PyTuple_SET_ITEM(PyObject *op, Py_ssize_t index, PyObject *value) {
+ PyTupleObject *tuple = _PyTuple_CAST(op);
+ tuple->ob_item[index] = value;
+#define PyTuple_SET_ITEM(op, index, value) \
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_PyObject_CAST(op), (index), _PyObject_CAST(value))
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTuple_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/unicodeobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/unicodeobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f177cd9e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/unicodeobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* Py_UNICODE was the native Unicode storage format (code unit) used by
+ Python and represents a single Unicode element in the Unicode type.
+ With PEP 393, Py_UNICODE is deprecated and replaced with a
+ typedef to wchar_t. */
+#define PY_UNICODE_TYPE wchar_t
+/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */ typedef wchar_t Py_UNICODE;
+/* --- Internal Unicode Operations ---------------------------------------- */
+// Static inline functions to work with surrogates
+static inline int Py_UNICODE_IS_SURROGATE(Py_UCS4 ch) {
+ return (0xD800 <= ch && ch <= 0xDFFF);
+static inline int Py_UNICODE_IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(Py_UCS4 ch) {
+ return (0xD800 <= ch && ch <= 0xDBFF);
+static inline int Py_UNICODE_IS_LOW_SURROGATE(Py_UCS4 ch) {
+ return (0xDC00 <= ch && ch <= 0xDFFF);
+// Join two surrogate characters and return a single Py_UCS4 value.
+static inline Py_UCS4 Py_UNICODE_JOIN_SURROGATES(Py_UCS4 high, Py_UCS4 low) {
+ return 0x10000 + (((high & 0x03FF) << 10) | (low & 0x03FF));
+// High surrogate = top 10 bits added to 0xD800.
+// The character must be in the range [U+10000; U+10ffff].
+static inline Py_UCS4 Py_UNICODE_HIGH_SURROGATE(Py_UCS4 ch) {
+ assert(0x10000 <= ch && ch <= 0x10ffff);
+ return (0xD800 - (0x10000 >> 10) + (ch >> 10));
+// Low surrogate = bottom 10 bits added to 0xDC00.
+// The character must be in the range [U+10000; U+10ffff].
+static inline Py_UCS4 Py_UNICODE_LOW_SURROGATE(Py_UCS4 ch) {
+ assert(0x10000 <= ch && ch <= 0x10ffff);
+ return (0xDC00 + (ch & 0x3FF));
+/* --- Unicode Type ------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ASCII-only strings created through PyUnicode_New use the PyASCIIObject
+ structure. state.ascii and state.compact are set, and the data
+ immediately follow the structure. utf8_length can be found
+ in the length field; the utf8 pointer is equal to the data pointer. */
+typedef struct {
+ /* There are 4 forms of Unicode strings:
+ - compact ascii:
+ * structure = PyASCIIObject
+ * test: PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(op)
+ * kind = PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND
+ * compact = 1
+ * ascii = 1
+ * (length is the length of the utf8)
+ * (data starts just after the structure)
+ * (since ASCII is decoded from UTF-8, the utf8 string are the data)
+ - compact:
+ * structure = PyCompactUnicodeObject
+ * test: PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op) && !PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(op)
+ * kind = PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND, PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND or
+ PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND
+ * compact = 1
+ * ascii = 0
+ * utf8 is not shared with data
+ * utf8_length = 0 if utf8 is NULL
+ * (data starts just after the structure)
+ - legacy string:
+ * structure = PyUnicodeObject structure
+ * test: !PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op)
+ * kind = PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND, PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND or
+ PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND
+ * compact = 0
+ * data.any is not NULL
+ * utf8 is shared and utf8_length = length with data.any if ascii = 1
+ * utf8_length = 0 if utf8 is NULL
+ Compact strings use only one memory block (structure + characters),
+ whereas legacy strings use one block for the structure and one block
+ for characters.
+ Legacy strings are created by subclasses of Unicode.
+ See also _PyUnicode_CheckConsistency().
+ */
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ Py_ssize_t length; /* Number of code points in the string */
+ Py_hash_t hash; /* Hash value; -1 if not set */
+ struct {
+ /* If interned is non-zero, the two references from the
+ dictionary to this object are *not* counted in ob_refcnt.
+ The possible values here are:
+ 0: Not Interned
+ 1: Interned
+ 2: Interned and Immortal
+ 3: Interned, Immortal, and Static
+ This categorization allows the runtime to determine the right
+ cleanup mechanism at runtime shutdown. */
+ unsigned int interned:2;
+ /* Character size:
+ - PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND (1):
+ * character type = Py_UCS1 (8 bits, unsigned)
+ * all characters are in the range U+0000-U+00FF (latin1)
+ * if ascii is set, all characters are in the range U+0000-U+007F
+ (ASCII), otherwise at least one character is in the range
+ U+0080-U+00FF
+ - PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND (2):
+ * character type = Py_UCS2 (16 bits, unsigned)
+ * all characters are in the range U+0000-U+FFFF (BMP)
+ * at least one character is in the range U+0100-U+FFFF
+ - PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND (4):
+ * character type = Py_UCS4 (32 bits, unsigned)
+ * all characters are in the range U+0000-U+10FFFF
+ * at least one character is in the range U+10000-U+10FFFF
+ */
+ unsigned int kind:3;
+ /* Compact is with respect to the allocation scheme. Compact unicode
+ objects only require one memory block while non-compact objects use
+ one block for the PyUnicodeObject struct and another for its data
+ buffer. */
+ unsigned int compact:1;
+ /* The string only contains characters in the range U+0000-U+007F (ASCII)
+ and the kind is PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND. If ascii is set and compact is
+ set, use the PyASCIIObject structure. */
+ unsigned int ascii:1;
+ /* The object is statically allocated. */
+ unsigned int statically_allocated:1;
+ /* Padding to ensure that PyUnicode_DATA() is always aligned to
+ 4 bytes (see issue #19537 on m68k). */
+ unsigned int :24;
+ } state;
+} PyASCIIObject;
+/* Non-ASCII strings allocated through PyUnicode_New use the
+ PyCompactUnicodeObject structure. state.compact is set, and the data
+ immediately follow the structure. */
+typedef struct {
+ PyASCIIObject _base;
+ Py_ssize_t utf8_length; /* Number of bytes in utf8, excluding the
+ * terminating \0. */
+ char *utf8; /* UTF-8 representation (null-terminated) */
+} PyCompactUnicodeObject;
+/* Object format for Unicode subclasses. */
+typedef struct {
+ PyCompactUnicodeObject _base;
+ union {
+ void *any;
+ Py_UCS1 *latin1;
+ Py_UCS2 *ucs2;
+ Py_UCS4 *ucs4;
+ } data; /* Canonical, smallest-form Unicode buffer */
+} PyUnicodeObject;
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_CheckConsistency(
+ PyObject *op,
+ int check_content);
+#define _PyASCIIObject_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyUnicode_Check(op)), \
+ _Py_CAST(PyASCIIObject*, (op)))
+#define _PyCompactUnicodeObject_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyUnicode_Check(op)), \
+ _Py_CAST(PyCompactUnicodeObject*, (op)))
+#define _PyUnicodeObject_CAST(op) \
+ (assert(PyUnicode_Check(op)), \
+ _Py_CAST(PyUnicodeObject*, (op)))
+/* --- Flexible String Representation Helper Macros (PEP 393) -------------- */
+/* Values for PyASCIIObject.state: */
+/* Interning state. */
+/* Use only if you know it's a string */
+static inline unsigned int PyUnicode_CHECK_INTERNED(PyObject *op) {
+ return _PyASCIIObject_CAST(op)->state.interned;
+#define PyUnicode_CHECK_INTERNED(op) PyUnicode_CHECK_INTERNED(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* For backward compatibility */
+static inline unsigned int PyUnicode_IS_READY(PyObject* Py_UNUSED(op)) {
+ return 1;
+#define PyUnicode_IS_READY(op) PyUnicode_IS_READY(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* Return true if the string contains only ASCII characters, or 0 if not. The
+ string may be compact (PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII) or not, but must be
+ ready. */
+static inline unsigned int PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(PyObject *op) {
+ return _PyASCIIObject_CAST(op)->state.ascii;
+#define PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(op) PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* Return true if the string is compact or 0 if not.
+ No type checks or Ready calls are performed. */
+static inline unsigned int PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(PyObject *op) {
+ return _PyASCIIObject_CAST(op)->state.compact;
+#define PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op) PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* Return true if the string is a compact ASCII string (use PyASCIIObject
+ structure), or 0 if not. No type checks or Ready calls are performed. */
+static inline int PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(PyObject *op) {
+ return (_PyASCIIObject_CAST(op)->state.ascii && PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op));
+#define PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(op) PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+enum PyUnicode_Kind {
+/* Return values of the PyUnicode_KIND() function: */
+ PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND = 1,
+ PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND = 2,
+ PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND = 4
+// PyUnicode_KIND(): Return one of the PyUnicode_*_KIND values defined above.
+// gh-89653: Converting this macro to a static inline function would introduce
+// new compiler warnings on "kind < PyUnicode_KIND(str)" (compare signed and
+// unsigned numbers) where kind type is an int or on
+// "unsigned int kind = PyUnicode_KIND(str)" (cast signed to unsigned).
+#define PyUnicode_KIND(op) _Py_RVALUE(_PyASCIIObject_CAST(op)->state.kind)
+/* Return a void pointer to the raw unicode buffer. */
+static inline void* _PyUnicode_COMPACT_DATA(PyObject *op) {
+ if (PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(op)) {
+ return _Py_STATIC_CAST(void*, (_PyASCIIObject_CAST(op) + 1));
+ }
+ return _Py_STATIC_CAST(void*, (_PyCompactUnicodeObject_CAST(op) + 1));
+static inline void* _PyUnicode_NONCOMPACT_DATA(PyObject *op) {
+ void *data;
+ assert(!PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op));
+ data = _PyUnicodeObject_CAST(op)->data.any;
+ assert(data != NULL);
+ return data;
+static inline void* PyUnicode_DATA(PyObject *op) {
+ if (PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(op)) {
+ return _PyUnicode_COMPACT_DATA(op);
+ }
+ return _PyUnicode_NONCOMPACT_DATA(op);
+#define PyUnicode_DATA(op) PyUnicode_DATA(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* Return pointers to the canonical representation cast to unsigned char,
+ Py_UCS2, or Py_UCS4 for direct character access.
+ No checks are performed, use PyUnicode_KIND() before to ensure
+ these will work correctly. */
+#define PyUnicode_1BYTE_DATA(op) _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS1*, PyUnicode_DATA(op))
+#define PyUnicode_2BYTE_DATA(op) _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS2*, PyUnicode_DATA(op))
+#define PyUnicode_4BYTE_DATA(op) _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS4*, PyUnicode_DATA(op))
+/* Returns the length of the unicode string. */
+static inline Py_ssize_t PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(PyObject *op) {
+ return _PyASCIIObject_CAST(op)->length;
+#define PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(op) PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* Write into the canonical representation, this function does not do any sanity
+ checks and is intended for usage in loops. The caller should cache the
+ kind and data pointers obtained from other function calls.
+ index is the index in the string (starts at 0) and value is the new
+ code point value which should be written to that location. */
+static inline void PyUnicode_WRITE(int kind, void *data,
+ Py_ssize_t index, Py_UCS4 value)
+ assert(index >= 0);
+ if (kind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND) {
+ assert(value <= 0xffU);
+ _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS1*, data)[index] = _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS1, value);
+ }
+ else if (kind == PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND) {
+ assert(value <= 0xffffU);
+ _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS2*, data)[index] = _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS2, value);
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(kind == PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND);
+ assert(value <= 0x10ffffU);
+ _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS4*, data)[index] = value;
+ }
+#define PyUnicode_WRITE(kind, data, index, value) \
+ PyUnicode_WRITE(_Py_STATIC_CAST(int, kind), _Py_CAST(void*, data), \
+ (index), _Py_STATIC_CAST(Py_UCS4, value))
+/* Read a code point from the string's canonical representation. No checks
+ or ready calls are performed. */
+static inline Py_UCS4 PyUnicode_READ(int kind,
+ const void *data, Py_ssize_t index)
+ assert(index >= 0);
+ if (kind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND) {
+ return _Py_STATIC_CAST(const Py_UCS1*, data)[index];
+ }
+ if (kind == PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND) {
+ return _Py_STATIC_CAST(const Py_UCS2*, data)[index];
+ }
+ assert(kind == PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND);
+ return _Py_STATIC_CAST(const Py_UCS4*, data)[index];
+#define PyUnicode_READ(kind, data, index) \
+ PyUnicode_READ(_Py_STATIC_CAST(int, kind), \
+ _Py_STATIC_CAST(const void*, data), \
+ (index))
+/* PyUnicode_READ_CHAR() is less efficient than PyUnicode_READ() because it
+ calls PyUnicode_KIND() and might call it twice. For single reads, use
+ PyUnicode_READ_CHAR, for multiple consecutive reads callers should
+ cache kind and use PyUnicode_READ instead. */
+static inline Py_UCS4 PyUnicode_READ_CHAR(PyObject *unicode, Py_ssize_t index)
+ int kind;
+ assert(index >= 0);
+ // Tolerate reading the NUL character at str[len(str)]
+ assert(index <= PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(unicode));
+ kind = PyUnicode_KIND(unicode);
+ if (kind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND) {
+ return PyUnicode_1BYTE_DATA(unicode)[index];
+ }
+ if (kind == PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND) {
+ return PyUnicode_2BYTE_DATA(unicode)[index];
+ }
+ assert(kind == PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND);
+ return PyUnicode_4BYTE_DATA(unicode)[index];
+#define PyUnicode_READ_CHAR(unicode, index) \
+ PyUnicode_READ_CHAR(_PyObject_CAST(unicode), (index))
+/* Return a maximum character value which is suitable for creating another
+ string based on op. This is always an approximation but more efficient
+ than iterating over the string. */
+static inline Py_UCS4 PyUnicode_MAX_CHAR_VALUE(PyObject *op)
+ int kind;
+ if (PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(op)) {
+ return 0x7fU;
+ }
+ kind = PyUnicode_KIND(op);
+ if (kind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND) {
+ return 0xffU;
+ }
+ if (kind == PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND) {
+ return 0xffffU;
+ }
+ assert(kind == PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND);
+ return 0x10ffffU;
+#define PyUnicode_MAX_CHAR_VALUE(op) \
+ PyUnicode_MAX_CHAR_VALUE(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* === Public API ========================================================= */
+/* --- Plain Py_UNICODE --------------------------------------------------- */
+/* With PEP 393, this is the recommended way to allocate a new unicode object.
+ This function will allocate the object and its buffer in a single memory
+ block. Objects created using this function are not resizable. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_New(
+ Py_ssize_t size, /* Number of code points in the new string */
+ Py_UCS4 maxchar /* maximum code point value in the string */
+ );
+/* For backward compatibility */
+static inline int PyUnicode_READY(PyObject* Py_UNUSED(op))
+ return 0;
+#define PyUnicode_READY(op) PyUnicode_READY(_PyObject_CAST(op))
+/* Get a copy of a Unicode string. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_Copy(
+ PyObject *unicode
+ );
+/* Copy character from one unicode object into another, this function performs
+ character conversion when necessary and falls back to memcpy() if possible.
+ Fail if to is too small (smaller than *how_many* or smaller than
+ len(from)-from_start), or if kind(from[from_start:from_start+how_many]) >
+ kind(to), or if *to* has more than 1 reference.
+ Return the number of written character, or return -1 and raise an exception
+ on error.
+ Pseudo-code:
+ how_many = min(how_many, len(from) - from_start)
+ to[to_start:to_start+how_many] = from[from_start:from_start+how_many]
+ return how_many
+ Note: The function doesn't write a terminating null character.
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyUnicode_CopyCharacters(
+ PyObject *to,
+ Py_ssize_t to_start,
+ PyObject *from,
+ Py_ssize_t from_start,
+ Py_ssize_t how_many
+ );
+/* Unsafe version of PyUnicode_CopyCharacters(): don't check arguments and so
+ may crash if parameters are invalid (e.g. if the output string
+ is too short). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyUnicode_FastCopyCharacters(
+ PyObject *to,
+ Py_ssize_t to_start,
+ PyObject *from,
+ Py_ssize_t from_start,
+ Py_ssize_t how_many
+ );
+/* Fill a string with a character: write fill_char into
+ unicode[start:start+length].
+ Fail if fill_char is bigger than the string maximum character, or if the
+ string has more than 1 reference.
+ Return the number of written character, or return -1 and raise an exception
+ on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyUnicode_Fill(
+ PyObject *unicode,
+ Py_ssize_t start,
+ Py_ssize_t length,
+ Py_UCS4 fill_char
+ );
+/* Unsafe version of PyUnicode_Fill(): don't check arguments and so may crash
+ if parameters are invalid (e.g. if length is longer than the string). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyUnicode_FastFill(
+ PyObject *unicode,
+ Py_ssize_t start,
+ Py_ssize_t length,
+ Py_UCS4 fill_char
+ );
+/* Create a new string from a buffer of Py_UCS1, Py_UCS2 or Py_UCS4 characters.
+ Scan the string to find the maximum character. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_FromKindAndData(
+ int kind,
+ const void *buffer,
+ Py_ssize_t size);
+/* Create a new string from a buffer of ASCII characters.
+ WARNING: Don't check if the string contains any non-ASCII character. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_FromASCII(
+ const char *buffer,
+ Py_ssize_t size);
+/* Compute the maximum character of the substring unicode[start:end].
+ Return 127 for an empty string. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_UCS4) _PyUnicode_FindMaxChar (
+ PyObject *unicode,
+ Py_ssize_t start,
+ Py_ssize_t end);
+/* --- _PyUnicodeWriter API ----------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject *buffer;
+ void *data;
+ int kind;
+ Py_UCS4 maxchar;
+ Py_ssize_t size;
+ Py_ssize_t pos;
+ /* minimum number of allocated characters (default: 0) */
+ Py_ssize_t min_length;
+ /* minimum character (default: 127, ASCII) */
+ Py_UCS4 min_char;
+ /* If non-zero, overallocate the buffer (default: 0). */
+ unsigned char overallocate;
+ /* If readonly is 1, buffer is a shared string (cannot be modified)
+ and size is set to 0. */
+ unsigned char readonly;
+} _PyUnicodeWriter ;
+/* Initialize a Unicode writer.
+ *
+ * By default, the minimum buffer size is 0 character and overallocation is
+ * disabled. Set min_length, min_char and overallocate attributes to control
+ * the allocation of the buffer. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_Init(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer);
+/* Prepare the buffer to write 'length' characters
+ with the specified maximum character.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+#define _PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare(WRITER, LENGTH, MAXCHAR) \
+ (((MAXCHAR) <= (WRITER)->maxchar \
+ && (LENGTH) <= (WRITER)->size - (WRITER)->pos) \
+ ? 0 \
+ : (((LENGTH) == 0) \
+ ? 0 \
+ : _PyUnicodeWriter_PrepareInternal((WRITER), (LENGTH), (MAXCHAR))))
+/* Don't call this function directly, use the _PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare() macro
+ instead. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_PrepareInternal(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ Py_ssize_t length, Py_UCS4 maxchar);
+/* Prepare the buffer to have at least the kind KIND.
+ For example, kind=PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND ensures that the writer will
+ support characters in range U+000-U+FFFF.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+#define _PyUnicodeWriter_PrepareKind(WRITER, KIND) \
+ ((KIND) <= (WRITER)->kind \
+ ? 0 \
+ : _PyUnicodeWriter_PrepareKindInternal((WRITER), (KIND)))
+/* Don't call this function directly, use the _PyUnicodeWriter_PrepareKind()
+ macro instead. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_PrepareKindInternal(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ int kind);
+/* Append a Unicode character.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteChar(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ Py_UCS4 ch
+ );
+/* Append a Unicode string.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ PyObject *str /* Unicode string */
+ );
+/* Append a substring of a Unicode string.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteSubstring(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ PyObject *str, /* Unicode string */
+ Py_ssize_t start,
+ Py_ssize_t end
+ );
+/* Append an ASCII-encoded byte string.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteASCIIString(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ const char *str, /* ASCII-encoded byte string */
+ Py_ssize_t len /* number of bytes, or -1 if unknown */
+ );
+/* Append a latin1-encoded byte string.
+ Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteLatin1String(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ const char *str, /* latin1-encoded byte string */
+ Py_ssize_t len /* length in bytes */
+ );
+/* Get the value of the writer as a Unicode string. Clear the
+ buffer of the writer. Raise an exception and return NULL
+ on error. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *)
+_PyUnicodeWriter_Finish(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer);
+/* Deallocate memory of a writer (clear its internal buffer). */
+_PyUnicodeWriter_Dealloc(_PyUnicodeWriter *writer);
+/* Format the object based on the format_spec, as defined in PEP 3101
+ (Advanced String Formatting). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_FormatAdvancedWriter(
+ _PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ PyObject *obj,
+ PyObject *format_spec,
+ Py_ssize_t start,
+ Py_ssize_t end);
+/* --- Manage the default encoding ---------------------------------------- */
+/* Returns a pointer to the default encoding (UTF-8) of the
+ Unicode object unicode.
+ Like PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(), this also caches the UTF-8 representation
+ in the unicodeobject.
+ _PyUnicode_AsString is a #define for PyUnicode_AsUTF8 to
+ support the previous internal function with the same behaviour.
+ Use of this API is DEPRECATED since no size information can be
+ extracted from the returned data.
+PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyObject *unicode);
+#define _PyUnicode_AsString PyUnicode_AsUTF8
+/* --- UTF-7 Codecs ------------------------------------------------------- */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_EncodeUTF7(
+ PyObject *unicode, /* Unicode object */
+ int base64SetO, /* Encode RFC2152 Set O characters in base64 */
+ int base64WhiteSpace, /* Encode whitespace (sp, ht, nl, cr) in base64 */
+ const char *errors /* error handling */
+ );
+/* --- UTF-8 Codecs ------------------------------------------------------- */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(
+ PyObject *unicode,
+ const char *errors);
+/* --- UTF-32 Codecs ------------------------------------------------------ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_EncodeUTF32(
+ PyObject *object, /* Unicode object */
+ const char *errors, /* error handling */
+ int byteorder /* byteorder to use 0=BOM+native;-1=LE,1=BE */
+ );
+/* --- UTF-16 Codecs ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Returns a Python string object holding the UTF-16 encoded value of
+ the Unicode data.
+ If byteorder is not 0, output is written according to the following
+ byte order:
+ byteorder == -1: little endian
+ byteorder == 0: native byte order (writes a BOM mark)
+ byteorder == 1: big endian
+ If byteorder is 0, the output string will always start with the
+ Unicode BOM mark (U+FEFF). In the other two modes, no BOM mark is
+ prepended.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_EncodeUTF16(
+ PyObject* unicode, /* Unicode object */
+ const char *errors, /* error handling */
+ int byteorder /* byteorder to use 0=BOM+native;-1=LE,1=BE */
+ );
+/* --- Unicode-Escape Codecs ---------------------------------------------- */
+/* Variant of PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape that supports partial decoding. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscapeStateful(
+ const char *string, /* Unicode-Escape encoded string */
+ Py_ssize_t length, /* size of string */
+ const char *errors, /* error handling */
+ Py_ssize_t *consumed /* bytes consumed */
+/* Helper for PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape that detects invalid escape
+ chars. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscapeInternal(
+ const char *string, /* Unicode-Escape encoded string */
+ Py_ssize_t length, /* size of string */
+ const char *errors, /* error handling */
+ Py_ssize_t *consumed, /* bytes consumed */
+ const char **first_invalid_escape /* on return, points to first
+ invalid escaped char in
+ string. */
+/* --- Raw-Unicode-Escape Codecs ---------------------------------------------- */
+/* Variant of PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape that supports partial decoding. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscapeStateful(
+ const char *string, /* Unicode-Escape encoded string */
+ Py_ssize_t length, /* size of string */
+ const char *errors, /* error handling */
+ Py_ssize_t *consumed /* bytes consumed */
+/* --- Latin-1 Codecs ----------------------------------------------------- */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_AsLatin1String(
+ PyObject* unicode,
+ const char* errors);
+/* --- ASCII Codecs ------------------------------------------------------- */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_AsASCIIString(
+ PyObject* unicode,
+ const char* errors);
+/* --- Character Map Codecs ----------------------------------------------- */
+/* Translate an Unicode object by applying a character mapping table to
+ it and return the resulting Unicode object.
+ The mapping table must map Unicode ordinal integers to Unicode strings,
+ Unicode ordinal integers or None (causing deletion of the character).
+ Mapping tables may be dictionaries or sequences. Unmapped character
+ ordinals (ones which cause a LookupError) are left untouched and
+ are copied as-is.
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_EncodeCharmap(
+ PyObject *unicode, /* Unicode object */
+ PyObject *mapping, /* encoding mapping */
+ const char *errors /* error handling */
+ );
+/* --- Decimal Encoder ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Coverts a Unicode object holding a decimal value to an ASCII string
+ for using in int, float and complex parsers.
+ Transforms code points that have decimal digit property to the
+ corresponding ASCII digit code points. Transforms spaces to ASCII.
+ Transforms code points starting from the first non-ASCII code point that
+ is neither a decimal digit nor a space to the end into '?'. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_TransformDecimalAndSpaceToASCII(
+ PyObject *unicode /* Unicode object */
+ );
+/* --- Methods & Slots ---------------------------------------------------- */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyUnicode_JoinArray(
+ PyObject *separator,
+ PyObject *const *items,
+ Py_ssize_t seqlen
+ );
+/* Test whether a unicode is equal to ASCII identifier. Return 1 if true,
+ 0 otherwise. The right argument must be ASCII identifier.
+ Any error occurs inside will be cleared before return. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIId(
+ PyObject *left, /* Left string */
+ _Py_Identifier *right /* Right identifier */
+ );
+/* Test whether a unicode is equal to ASCII string. Return 1 if true,
+ 0 otherwise. The right argument must be ASCII-encoded string.
+ Any error occurs inside will be cleared before return. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIString(
+ PyObject *left,
+ const char *right /* ASCII-encoded string */
+ );
+/* Externally visible for str.strip(unicode) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyUnicode_XStrip(
+ PyObject *self,
+ int striptype,
+ PyObject *sepobj
+ );
+/* Using explicit passed-in values, insert the thousands grouping
+ into the string pointed to by buffer. For the argument descriptions,
+ see Objects/stringlib/localeutil.h */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PyUnicode_InsertThousandsGrouping(
+ _PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
+ Py_ssize_t n_buffer,
+ PyObject *digits,
+ Py_ssize_t d_pos,
+ Py_ssize_t n_digits,
+ Py_ssize_t min_width,
+ const char *grouping,
+ PyObject *thousands_sep,
+ Py_UCS4 *maxchar);
+/* === Characters Type APIs =============================================== */
+/* These should not be used directly. Use the Py_UNICODE_IS* and
+ Py_UNICODE_TO* macros instead.
+ These APIs are implemented in Objects/unicodectype.c.
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsLowercase(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsUppercase(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsTitlecase(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsXidStart(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsXidContinue(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace(
+ const Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsLinebreak(
+ const Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */ PyAPI_FUNC(Py_UCS4) _PyUnicode_ToLowercase(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+/* Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) */ PyAPI_FUNC(Py_UCS4) _PyUnicode_ToUppercase(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) PyAPI_FUNC(Py_UCS4) _PyUnicode_ToTitlecase(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_ToLowerFull(
+ Py_UCS4 ch, /* Unicode character */
+ Py_UCS4 *res
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_ToTitleFull(
+ Py_UCS4 ch, /* Unicode character */
+ Py_UCS4 *res
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_ToUpperFull(
+ Py_UCS4 ch, /* Unicode character */
+ Py_UCS4 *res
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_ToFoldedFull(
+ Py_UCS4 ch, /* Unicode character */
+ Py_UCS4 *res
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsCaseIgnorable(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsCased(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_ToDecimalDigit(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_ToDigit(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyUnicode_ToNumeric(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsDecimalDigit(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsDigit(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsNumeric(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsPrintable(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_IsAlpha(
+ Py_UCS4 ch /* Unicode character */
+ );
+// Helper array used by Py_UNICODE_ISSPACE().
+PyAPI_DATA(const unsigned char) _Py_ascii_whitespace[];
+// Since splitting on whitespace is an important use case, and
+// whitespace in most situations is solely ASCII whitespace, we
+// optimize for the common case by using a quick look-up table
+// _Py_ascii_whitespace (see below) with an inlined check.
+static inline int Py_UNICODE_ISSPACE(Py_UCS4 ch) {
+ if (ch < 128) {
+ return _Py_ascii_whitespace[ch];
+ }
+ return _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace(ch);
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISLOWER(ch) _PyUnicode_IsLowercase(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISUPPER(ch) _PyUnicode_IsUppercase(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISTITLE(ch) _PyUnicode_IsTitlecase(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISLINEBREAK(ch) _PyUnicode_IsLinebreak(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_TOLOWER(ch) _PyUnicode_ToLowercase(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_TOUPPER(ch) _PyUnicode_ToUppercase(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_TOTITLE(ch) _PyUnicode_ToTitlecase(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISDECIMAL(ch) _PyUnicode_IsDecimalDigit(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISDIGIT(ch) _PyUnicode_IsDigit(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISNUMERIC(ch) _PyUnicode_IsNumeric(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISPRINTABLE(ch) _PyUnicode_IsPrintable(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_TODECIMAL(ch) _PyUnicode_ToDecimalDigit(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_TODIGIT(ch) _PyUnicode_ToDigit(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_TONUMERIC(ch) _PyUnicode_ToNumeric(ch)
+#define Py_UNICODE_ISALPHA(ch) _PyUnicode_IsAlpha(ch)
+static inline int Py_UNICODE_ISALNUM(Py_UCS4 ch) {
+ return (Py_UNICODE_ISALPHA(ch)
+/* === Misc functions ===================================================== */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_FormatLong(PyObject *, int, int, int);
+/* Return an interned Unicode object for an Identifier; may fail if there is no memory.*/
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyUnicode_FromId(_Py_Identifier*);
+/* Fast equality check when the inputs are known to be exact unicode types
+ and where the hash values are equal (i.e. a very probable match) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_EQ(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/* Equality check. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_Equal(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_WideCharString_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyUnicode_WideCharString_Opt_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PyUnicode_ScanIdentifier(PyObject *);
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/warnings.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/warnings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e3eb88e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/warnings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyErr_WarnExplicitObject(
+ PyObject *category,
+ PyObject *message,
+ PyObject *filename,
+ int lineno,
+ PyObject *module,
+ PyObject *registry);
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyErr_WarnExplicitFormat(
+ PyObject *category,
+ const char *filename, int lineno,
+ const char *module, PyObject *registry,
+ const char *format, ...);
+// DEPRECATED: Use PyErr_WarnEx() instead.
+#define PyErr_Warn(category, msg) PyErr_WarnEx((category), (msg), 1)
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/weakrefobject.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/weakrefobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd79fdc2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/cpython/weakrefobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# error "this header file must not be included directly"
+/* PyWeakReference is the base struct for the Python ReferenceType, ProxyType,
+ * and CallableProxyType.
+ */
+struct _PyWeakReference {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /* The object to which this is a weak reference, or Py_None if none.
+ * Note that this is a stealth reference: wr_object's refcount is
+ * not incremented to reflect this pointer.
+ */
+ PyObject *wr_object;
+ /* A callable to invoke when wr_object dies, or NULL if none. */
+ PyObject *wr_callback;
+ /* A cache for wr_object's hash code. As usual for hashes, this is -1
+ * if the hash code isn't known yet.
+ */
+ Py_hash_t hash;
+ /* If wr_object is weakly referenced, wr_object has a doubly-linked NULL-
+ * terminated list of weak references to it. These are the list pointers.
+ * If wr_object goes away, wr_object is set to Py_None, and these pointers
+ * have no meaning then.
+ */
+ PyWeakReference *wr_prev;
+ PyWeakReference *wr_next;
+ vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PyWeakref_GetWeakrefCount(PyWeakReference *head);
+PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyWeakref_ClearRef(PyWeakReference *self);
+static inline PyObject* PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT(PyObject *ref_obj) {
+ PyWeakReference *ref;
+ PyObject *obj;
+ assert(PyWeakref_Check(ref_obj));
+ ref = _Py_CAST(PyWeakReference*, ref_obj);
+ obj = ref->wr_object;
+ // Explanation for the Py_REFCNT() check: when a weakref's target is part
+ // of a long chain of deallocations which triggers the trashcan mechanism,
+ // clearing the weakrefs can be delayed long after the target's refcount
+ // has dropped to zero. In the meantime, code accessing the weakref will
+ // be able to "see" the target object even though it is supposed to be
+ // unreachable. See issue gh-60806.
+ if (Py_REFCNT(obj) > 0) {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ return Py_None;
+#define PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT(ref) PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT(_PyObject_CAST(ref))