path: root/contrib/tools/python3/Include/abstract.h
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authorAlexSm <alex@ydb.tech>2024-03-05 10:40:59 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-03-05 12:40:59 +0300
commit1ac13c847b5358faba44dbb638a828e24369467b (patch)
tree07672b4dd3604ad3dee540a02c6494cb7d10dc3d /contrib/tools/python3/Include/abstract.h
parentffcca3e7f7958ddc6487b91d3df8c01054bd0638 (diff)
Library import 16 (#2433)
Co-authored-by: robot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: deshevoy <deshevoy@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-contrib <robot-contrib@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: thegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-ya-builder <robot-ya-builder@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: svidyuk <svidyuk@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: shadchin <shadchin@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-ratatosk <robot-ratatosk@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: innokentii <innokentii@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: arkady-e1ppa <arkady-e1ppa@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: snermolaev <snermolaev@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: dimdim11 <dimdim11@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: kickbutt <kickbutt@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: abdullinsaid <abdullinsaid@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: korsunandrei <korsunandrei@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: petrk <petrk@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: miroslav2 <miroslav2@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: serjflint <serjflint@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: akhropov <akhropov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: prettyboy <prettyboy@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: ilikepugs <ilikepugs@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: hiddenpath <hiddenpath@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: mikhnenko <mikhnenko@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: spreis <spreis@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: andreyshspb <andreyshspb@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: dimaandreev <dimaandreev@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: rashid <rashid@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-ydb-importer <robot-ydb-importer@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: r-vetrov <r-vetrov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: ypodlesov <ypodlesov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: zaverden <zaverden@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: vpozdyayev <vpozdyayev@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-cozmo <robot-cozmo@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: v-korovin <v-korovin@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: arikon <arikon@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: khoden <khoden@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: psydmm <psydmm@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: robot-javacom <robot-javacom@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: dtorilov <dtorilov@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: sennikovmv <sennikovmv@yandex-team.com> Co-authored-by: hcpp <hcpp@ydb.tech>
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/python3/Include/abstract.h')
1 files changed, 899 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/python3/Include/abstract.h b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..064b0300b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/python3/Include/abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+/* Abstract Object Interface (many thanks to Jim Fulton) */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* === Object Protocol ================================================== */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ int PyObject_Print(PyObject *o, FILE *fp, int flags);
+ Print an object 'o' on file 'fp'. Returns -1 on error. The flags argument
+ is used to enable certain printing options. The only option currently
+ supported is Py_PRINT_RAW. By default (flags=0), PyObject_Print() formats
+ the object by calling PyObject_Repr(). If flags equals to Py_PRINT_RAW, it
+ formats the object by calling PyObject_Str(). */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ int PyObject_HasAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name);
+ Returns 1 if object 'o' has the attribute attr_name, and 0 otherwise.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: hasattr(o,attr_name).
+ This function always succeeds. */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ PyObject* PyObject_GetAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name);
+ Retrieve an attributed named attr_name form object o.
+ Returns the attribute value on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o.attr_name. */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ int PyObject_HasAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name);
+ Returns 1 if o has the attribute attr_name, and 0 otherwise.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: hasattr(o,attr_name).
+ This function always succeeds. */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ PyObject* PyObject_GetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name);
+ Retrieve an attributed named 'attr_name' form object 'o'.
+ Returns the attribute value on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o.attr_name. */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ int PyObject_SetAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name, PyObject *v);
+ Set the value of the attribute named attr_name, for object 'o',
+ to the value 'v'. Raise an exception and return -1 on failure; return 0 on
+ success.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement o.attr_name=v. */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ int PyObject_SetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name, PyObject *v);
+ Set the value of the attribute named attr_name, for object 'o', to the value
+ 'v'. an exception and return -1 on failure; return 0 on success.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement o.attr_name=v. */
+/* Implemented as a macro:
+ int PyObject_DelAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name);
+ Delete attribute named attr_name, for object o. Returns
+ -1 on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o.attr_name. */
+#define PyObject_DelAttrString(O, A) PyObject_SetAttrString((O), (A), NULL)
+/* Implemented as a macro:
+ int PyObject_DelAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name);
+ Delete attribute named attr_name, for object o. Returns -1
+ on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python
+ statement: del o.attr_name. */
+#define PyObject_DelAttr(O, A) PyObject_SetAttr((O), (A), NULL)
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ PyObject *PyObject_Repr(PyObject *o);
+ Compute the string representation of object 'o'. Returns the
+ string representation on success, NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: repr(o).
+ Called by the repr() built-in function. */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ PyObject *PyObject_Str(PyObject *o);
+ Compute the string representation of object, o. Returns the
+ string representation on success, NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: str(o).
+ Called by the str() and print() built-in functions. */
+/* Declared elsewhere
+ PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCallable_Check(PyObject *o);
+ Determine if the object, o, is callable. Return 1 if the object is callable
+ and 0 otherwise.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+# define PyObject_CallFunction _PyObject_CallFunction_SizeT
+# define PyObject_CallMethod _PyObject_CallMethod_SizeT
+#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03090000
+/* Call a callable Python object without any arguments */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallNoArgs(PyObject *func);
+/* Call a callable Python object 'callable' with arguments given by the
+ tuple 'args' and keywords arguments given by the dictionary 'kwargs'.
+ 'args' must not be NULL, use an empty tuple if no arguments are
+ needed. If no named arguments are needed, 'kwargs' can be NULL.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
+ callable(*args, **kwargs). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Call(PyObject *callable,
+ PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs);
+/* Call a callable Python object 'callable', with arguments given by the
+ tuple 'args'. If no arguments are needed, then 'args' can be NULL.
+ Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
+ callable(*args). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallObject(PyObject *callable,
+ PyObject *args);
+/* Call a callable Python object, callable, with a variable number of C
+ arguments. The C arguments are described using a mkvalue-style format
+ string.
+ The format may be NULL, indicating that no arguments are provided.
+ Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
+ callable(arg1, arg2, ...). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallFunction(PyObject *callable,
+ const char *format, ...);
+/* Call the method named 'name' of object 'obj' with a variable number of
+ C arguments. The C arguments are described by a mkvalue format string.
+ The format can be NULL, indicating that no arguments are provided.
+ Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
+ obj.name(arg1, arg2, ...). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallMethod(PyObject *obj,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *format, ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallFunction_SizeT(PyObject *callable,
+ const char *format,
+ ...);
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethod_SizeT(PyObject *obj,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *format,
+ ...);
+/* Call a callable Python object 'callable' with a variable number of C
+ arguments. The C arguments are provided as PyObject* values, terminated
+ by a NULL.
+ Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
+ callable(arg1, arg2, ...). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(PyObject *callable,
+ ...);
+/* Call the method named 'name' of object 'obj' with a variable number of
+ C arguments. The C arguments are provided as PyObject* values, terminated
+ by NULL.
+ Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: obj.name(*args). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(
+ PyObject *obj,
+ PyObject *name,
+ ...);
+/* Given a vectorcall nargsf argument, return the actual number of arguments.
+ * (For use outside the limited API, this is re-defined as a static inline
+ * function in cpython/abstract.h)
+ */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyVectorcall_NARGS(size_t nargsf);
+/* Call "callable" (which must support vectorcall) with positional arguments
+ "tuple" and keyword arguments "dict". "dict" may also be NULL */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyVectorcall_Call(PyObject *callable, PyObject *tuple, PyObject *dict);
+#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x030C0000
+ (_Py_STATIC_CAST(size_t, 1) << (8 * sizeof(size_t) - 1))
+/* Perform a PEP 590-style vector call on 'callable' */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Vectorcall(
+ PyObject *callable,
+ PyObject *const *args,
+ size_t nargsf,
+ PyObject *kwnames);
+/* Call the method 'name' on args[0] with arguments in args[1..nargsf-1]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_VectorcallMethod(
+ PyObject *name, PyObject *const *args,
+ size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames);
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ Py_hash_t PyObject_Hash(PyObject *o);
+ Compute and return the hash, hash_value, of an object, o. On
+ failure, return -1.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: hash(o). */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ int PyObject_IsTrue(PyObject *o);
+ Returns 1 if the object, o, is considered to be true, 0 if o is
+ considered to be false and -1 on failure.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: not not o. */
+/* Implemented elsewhere:
+ int PyObject_Not(PyObject *o);
+ Returns 0 if the object, o, is considered to be true, 1 if o is
+ considered to be false and -1 on failure.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: not o. */
+/* Get the type of an object.
+ On success, returns a type object corresponding to the object type of object
+ 'o'. On failure, returns NULL.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: type(o) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Type(PyObject *o);
+/* Return the size of object 'o'. If the object 'o' provides both sequence and
+ mapping protocols, the sequence size is returned.
+ On error, -1 is returned.
+ This is the equivalent to the Python expression: len(o) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyObject_Size(PyObject *o);
+/* For DLL compatibility */
+#undef PyObject_Length
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyObject_Length(PyObject *o);
+#define PyObject_Length PyObject_Size
+/* Return element of 'o' corresponding to the object 'key'. Return NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[key] */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GetItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
+/* Map the object 'key' to the value 'v' into 'o'.
+ Raise an exception and return -1 on failure; return 0 on success.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement: o[key]=v. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_SetItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *v);
+/* Remove the mapping for the string 'key' from the object 'o'.
+ Returns -1 on failure.
+ This is equivalent to the Python statement: del o[key]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_DelItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key);
+/* Delete the mapping for the object 'key' from the object 'o'.
+ Returns -1 on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o[key]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_DelItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
+/* === Old Buffer API ============================================ */
+/* FIXME: usage of these should all be replaced in Python itself
+ but for backwards compatibility we will implement them.
+ Their usage without a corresponding "unlock" mechanism
+ may create issues (but they would already be there). */
+/* Takes an arbitrary object which must support the (character, single segment)
+ buffer interface and returns a pointer to a read-only memory location
+ usable as character based input for subsequent processing.
+ Return 0 on success. buffer and buffer_len are only set in case no error
+ occurs. Otherwise, -1 is returned and an exception set. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_AsCharBuffer(PyObject *obj,
+ const char **buffer,
+ Py_ssize_t *buffer_len);
+/* Checks whether an arbitrary object supports the (character, single segment)
+ buffer interface.
+ Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */
+Py_DEPRECATED(3.0) PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_CheckReadBuffer(PyObject *obj);
+/* Same as PyObject_AsCharBuffer() except that this API expects (readable,
+ single segment) buffer interface and returns a pointer to a read-only memory
+ location which can contain arbitrary data.
+ 0 is returned on success. buffer and buffer_len are only set in case no
+ error occurs. Otherwise, -1 is returned and an exception set. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_AsReadBuffer(PyObject *obj,
+ const void **buffer,
+ Py_ssize_t *buffer_len);
+/* Takes an arbitrary object which must support the (writable, single segment)
+ buffer interface and returns a pointer to a writable memory location in
+ buffer of size 'buffer_len'.
+ Return 0 on success. buffer and buffer_len are only set in case no error
+ occurs. Otherwise, -1 is returned and an exception set. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(PyObject *obj,
+ void **buffer,
+ Py_ssize_t *buffer_len);
+/* === New Buffer API ============================================ */
+/* Takes an arbitrary object and returns the result of calling
+ obj.__format__(format_spec). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Format(PyObject *obj,
+ PyObject *format_spec);
+/* ==== Iterators ================================================ */
+/* Takes an object and returns an iterator for it.
+ This is typically a new iterator but if the argument is an iterator, this
+ returns itself. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GetIter(PyObject *);
+/* Takes an AsyncIterable object and returns an AsyncIterator for it.
+ This is typically a new iterator but if the argument is an AsyncIterator,
+ this returns itself. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GetAIter(PyObject *);
+/* Returns non-zero if the object 'obj' provides iterator protocols, and 0 otherwise.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyIter_Check(PyObject *);
+/* Returns non-zero if the object 'obj' provides AsyncIterator protocols, and 0 otherwise.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyAIter_Check(PyObject *);
+/* Takes an iterator object and calls its tp_iternext slot,
+ returning the next value.
+ If the iterator is exhausted, this returns NULL without setting an
+ exception.
+ NULL with an exception means an error occurred. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyIter_Next(PyObject *);
+#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x030A0000
+/* Takes generator, coroutine or iterator object and sends the value into it.
+ Returns:
+ - PYGEN_RETURN (0) if generator has returned.
+ 'result' parameter is filled with return value
+ - PYGEN_ERROR (-1) if exception was raised.
+ 'result' parameter is NULL
+ - PYGEN_NEXT (1) if generator has yielded.
+ 'result' parameter is filled with yielded value. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PySendResult) PyIter_Send(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject **);
+/* === Number Protocol ================================================== */
+/* Returns 1 if the object 'o' provides numeric protocols, and 0 otherwise.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyNumber_Check(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the result of adding o1 and o2, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 + o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Add(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of subtracting o2 from o1, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 - o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Subtract(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of multiplying o1 and o2, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 * o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Multiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03050000
+/* This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 @ o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_MatrixMultiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving an integral result,
+ or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 // o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_FloorDivide(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving a float result, or NULL on
+ failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 / o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_TrueDivide(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the remainder of dividing o1 by o2, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 % o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Remainder(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* See the built-in function divmod.
+ Returns NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: divmod(o1, o2). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Divmod(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* See the built-in function pow. Returns NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: pow(o1, o2, o3),
+ where o3 is optional. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Power(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2,
+ PyObject *o3);
+/* Returns the negation of o on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: -o. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Negative(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the positive of o on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: +o. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Positive(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the absolute value of 'o', or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: abs(o). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Absolute(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the bitwise negation of 'o' on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: ~o. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Invert(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the result of left shifting o1 by o2 on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 << o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Lshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of right shifting o1 by o2 on success, or NULL on
+ failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 >> o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Rshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of bitwise and of o1 and o2 on success, or NULL on
+ failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 & o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_And(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the bitwise exclusive or of o1 by o2 on success, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 ^ o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Xor(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of bitwise or on o1 and o2 on success, or NULL on
+ failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 | o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Or(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns 1 if obj is an index integer (has the nb_index slot of the
+ tp_as_number structure filled in), and 0 otherwise. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyIndex_Check(PyObject *);
+/* Returns the object 'o' converted to a Python int, or NULL with an exception
+ raised on failure. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Index(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the object 'o' converted to Py_ssize_t by going through
+ PyNumber_Index() first.
+ If an overflow error occurs while converting the int to Py_ssize_t, then the
+ second argument 'exc' is the error-type to return. If it is NULL, then the
+ overflow error is cleared and the value is clipped. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyNumber_AsSsize_t(PyObject *o, PyObject *exc);
+/* Returns the object 'o' converted to an integer object on success, or NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: int(o). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Long(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the object 'o' converted to a float object on success, or NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: float(o). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Float(PyObject *o);
+/* --- In-place variants of (some of) the above number protocol functions -- */
+/* Returns the result of adding o2 to o1, possibly in-place, or NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 += o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceAdd(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of subtracting o2 from o1, possibly in-place or
+ NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 -= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of multiplying o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL on
+ failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 *= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03050000
+/* This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 @= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceMatrixMultiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving an integral result, possibly
+ in-place, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 /= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide(PyObject *o1,
+ PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving a float result, possibly
+ in-place, or null on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 /= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide(PyObject *o1,
+ PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the remainder of dividing o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL on
+ failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 %= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceRemainder(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of raising o1 to the power of o2, possibly in-place,
+ or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 **= o2,
+ or o1 = pow(o1, o2, o3) if o3 is present. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlacePower(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2,
+ PyObject *o3);
+/* Returns the result of left shifting o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 <<= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceLshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of right shifting o1 by o2, possibly in-place or NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 >>= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceRshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of bitwise and of o1 and o2, possibly in-place, or NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 &= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceAnd(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the bitwise exclusive or of o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL
+ on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 ^= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceXor(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the result of bitwise or of o1 and o2, possibly in-place,
+ or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 |= o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceOr(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Returns the integer n converted to a string with a base, with a base
+ marker of 0b, 0o or 0x prefixed if applicable.
+ If n is not an int object, it is converted with PyNumber_Index first. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_ToBase(PyObject *n, int base);
+/* === Sequence protocol ================================================ */
+/* Return 1 if the object provides sequence protocol, and zero
+ otherwise.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_Check(PyObject *o);
+/* Return the size of sequence object o, or -1 on failure. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Size(PyObject *o);
+/* For DLL compatibility */
+#undef PySequence_Length
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Length(PyObject *o);
+#define PySequence_Length PySequence_Size
+/* Return the concatenation of o1 and o2 on success, and NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 + o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Concat(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Return the result of repeating sequence object 'o' 'count' times,
+ or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o * count. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Repeat(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t count);
+/* Return the ith element of o, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[i]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_GetItem(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i);
+/* Return the slice of sequence object o between i1 and i2, or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[i1:i2]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_GetSlice(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2);
+/* Assign object 'v' to the ith element of the sequence 'o'. Raise an exception
+ and return -1 on failure; return 0 on success.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement o[i] = v. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_SetItem(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i, PyObject *v);
+/* Delete the 'i'-th element of the sequence 'v'. Returns -1 on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o[i]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_DelItem(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i);
+/* Assign the sequence object 'v' to the slice in sequence object 'o',
+ from 'i1' to 'i2'. Returns -1 on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement: o[i1:i2] = v. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_SetSlice(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2,
+ PyObject *v);
+/* Delete the slice in sequence object 'o' from 'i1' to 'i2'.
+ Returns -1 on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o[i1:i2]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_DelSlice(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2);
+/* Returns the sequence 'o' as a tuple on success, and NULL on failure.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: tuple(o). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Tuple(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the sequence 'o' as a list on success, and NULL on failure.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: list(o) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_List(PyObject *o);
+/* Return the sequence 'o' as a list, unless it's already a tuple or list.
+ Use PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM to access the members of this list, and
+ PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE to get its length.
+ Returns NULL on failure. If the object does not support iteration, raises a
+ TypeError exception with 'm' as the message text. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Fast(PyObject *o, const char* m);
+/* Return the size of the sequence 'o', assuming that 'o' was returned by
+ PySequence_Fast and is not NULL. */
+#define PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(o) \
+ (PyList_Check(o) ? PyList_GET_SIZE(o) : PyTuple_GET_SIZE(o))
+/* Return the 'i'-th element of the sequence 'o', assuming that o was returned
+ by PySequence_Fast, and that i is within bounds. */
+#define PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(o, i)\
+ (PyList_Check(o) ? PyList_GET_ITEM((o), (i)) : PyTuple_GET_ITEM((o), (i)))
+/* Return a pointer to the underlying item array for
+ an object returned by PySequence_Fast */
+#define PySequence_Fast_ITEMS(sf) \
+ (PyList_Check(sf) ? ((PyListObject *)(sf))->ob_item \
+ : ((PyTupleObject *)(sf))->ob_item)
+/* Return the number of occurrences on value on 'o', that is, return
+ the number of keys for which o[key] == value.
+ On failure, return -1. This is equivalent to the Python expression:
+ o.count(value). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Count(PyObject *o, PyObject *value);
+/* Return 1 if 'ob' is in the sequence 'seq'; 0 if 'ob' is not in the sequence
+ 'seq'; -1 on error.
+ Use __contains__ if possible, else _PySequence_IterSearch(). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_Contains(PyObject *seq, PyObject *ob);
+/* For DLL-level backwards compatibility */
+#undef PySequence_In
+/* Determine if the sequence 'o' contains 'value'. If an item in 'o' is equal
+ to 'value', return 1, otherwise return 0. On error, return -1.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: value in o. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_In(PyObject *o, PyObject *value);
+/* For source-level backwards compatibility */
+#define PySequence_In PySequence_Contains
+/* Return the first index for which o[i] == value.
+ On error, return -1.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: o.index(value). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Index(PyObject *o, PyObject *value);
+/* --- In-place versions of some of the above Sequence functions --- */
+/* Append sequence 'o2' to sequence 'o1', in-place when possible. Return the
+ resulting object, which could be 'o1', or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 += o2. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_InPlaceConcat(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
+/* Repeat sequence 'o' by 'count', in-place when possible. Return the resulting
+ object, which could be 'o', or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 *= count. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_InPlaceRepeat(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t count);
+/* === Mapping protocol ================================================= */
+/* Return 1 if the object provides mapping protocol, and 0 otherwise.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_Check(PyObject *o);
+/* Returns the number of keys in mapping object 'o' on success, and -1 on
+ failure. This is equivalent to the Python expression: len(o). */
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyMapping_Size(PyObject *o);
+/* For DLL compatibility */
+#undef PyMapping_Length
+PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyMapping_Length(PyObject *o);
+#define PyMapping_Length PyMapping_Size
+/* Implemented as a macro:
+ int PyMapping_DelItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key);
+ Remove the mapping for the string 'key' from the mapping 'o'. Returns -1 on
+ failure.
+ This is equivalent to the Python statement: del o[key]. */
+#define PyMapping_DelItemString(O, K) PyObject_DelItemString((O), (K))
+/* Implemented as a macro:
+ int PyMapping_DelItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
+ Remove the mapping for the object 'key' from the mapping object 'o'.
+ Returns -1 on failure.
+ This is equivalent to the Python statement: del o[key]. */
+#define PyMapping_DelItem(O, K) PyObject_DelItem((O), (K))
+/* On success, return 1 if the mapping object 'o' has the key 'key',
+ and 0 otherwise.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: key in o.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_HasKeyString(PyObject *o, const char *key);
+/* Return 1 if the mapping object has the key 'key', and 0 otherwise.
+ This is equivalent to the Python expression: key in o.
+ This function always succeeds. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_HasKey(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
+/* On success, return a list or tuple of the keys in mapping object 'o'.
+ On failure, return NULL. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Keys(PyObject *o);
+/* On success, return a list or tuple of the values in mapping object 'o'.
+ On failure, return NULL. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Values(PyObject *o);
+/* On success, return a list or tuple of the items in mapping object 'o',
+ where each item is a tuple containing a key-value pair. On failure, return
+ NULL. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Items(PyObject *o);
+/* Return element of 'o' corresponding to the string 'key' or NULL on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[key]. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_GetItemString(PyObject *o,
+ const char *key);
+/* Map the string 'key' to the value 'v' in the mapping 'o'.
+ Returns -1 on failure.
+ This is the equivalent of the Python statement: o[key]=v. */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_SetItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key,
+ PyObject *value);
+/* isinstance(object, typeorclass) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_IsInstance(PyObject *object, PyObject *typeorclass);
+/* issubclass(object, typeorclass) */
+PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_IsSubclass(PyObject *object, PyObject *typeorclass);
+#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
+# include "cpython/abstract.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* Py_ABSTRACTOBJECT_H */