path: root/contrib/tools/f2c/src/defs.h
diff options
authoryuryalekseev <yuryalekseev@yandex-team.com>2022-12-28 18:34:10 +0300
committeryuryalekseev <yuryalekseev@yandex-team.com>2022-12-28 18:34:10 +0300
commit48aaf60ffad50a3cd1dd55d80d8d2fde282f9f26 (patch)
treec13dfc679b3ba52d0b2e3b49048f3c6d4529edf1 /contrib/tools/f2c/src/defs.h
parent7ee4233c4eea5893888ea9657229587d508662c4 (diff)
Move dstool_oss to ydb/apps/dstool.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/f2c/src/defs.h')
1 files changed, 1073 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/f2c/src/defs.h b/contrib/tools/f2c/src/defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f0a1c2d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/f2c/src/defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@
+Copyright 1990 - 1996, 1999-2001 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
+and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
+copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
+permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
+documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories,
+Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in
+advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+software without specific, written prior permission.
+AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to
+this software, including all implied warranties of
+merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T, Lucent or
+Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential
+damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
+data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or
+other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the
+use or performance of this software.
+#include "sysdep.h"
+#include "ftypes.h"
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "machdefs.h"
+#define MAXDIM 20
+#define MAXINCLUDES 10
+#define MAXLITERALS 200 /* Max number of constants in the literal
+ pool */
+#define MAXCTL 20
+#define MAXHASH 802
+#define MAXSTNO 801
+#define MAXEXT 400
+#define MAXEQUIV 300
+#define MAXLABLIST 258 /* Max number of labels in an alternate
+ return CALL or computed GOTO */
+#define MAXCONTIN 99 /* Max continuation lines */
+#define MAX_SHARPLINE_LEN 1000 /* Elbow room for #line lines with long names */
+/* These are the primary pointer types used in the compiler */
+typedef union Expression *expptr, *tagptr;
+typedef struct Chain *chainp;
+typedef struct Addrblock *Addrp;
+typedef struct Constblock *Constp;
+typedef struct Exprblock *Exprp;
+typedef struct Nameblock *Namep;
+extern FILEP infile;
+extern FILEP diagfile;
+extern FILEP textfile;
+extern FILEP asmfile;
+extern FILEP c_file; /* output file for all functions; extern
+ declarations will have to be prepended */
+extern FILEP pass1_file; /* Temp file to hold the function bodies
+ read on pass 1 */
+extern FILEP expr_file; /* Debugging file */
+extern FILEP initfile; /* Intermediate data file pointer */
+extern FILEP blkdfile; /* BLOCK DATA file */
+extern int current_ftn_file;
+extern int maxcontin;
+extern char *blkdfname, *initfname, *sortfname;
+extern long headoffset; /* Since the header block requires data we
+ don't know about until AFTER each
+ function has been processed, we keep a
+ pointer to the current (dummy) header
+ block (at the top of the assembly file)
+ here */
+extern char main_alias[]; /* name given to PROGRAM psuedo-op */
+extern char *token;
+extern int maxtoklen, toklen;
+extern long err_lineno, lineno;
+extern char *infname;
+extern int needkwd;
+extern struct Labelblock *thislabel;
+/* Used to allow runtime expansion of internal tables. In particular,
+ these values can exceed their associated constants */
+extern int maxctl;
+extern int maxequiv;
+extern int maxstno;
+extern int maxhash;
+extern int maxext;
+extern flag nowarnflag;
+extern flag ftn66flag; /* Generate warnings when weird f77
+ features are used (undeclared dummy
+ procedure, non-char initialized with
+ string, 1-dim subscript in EQUIV) */
+extern flag no66flag; /* Generate an error when a generic
+ function (f77 feature) is used */
+extern flag noextflag; /* Generate an error when an extension to
+ Fortran 77 is used (hex/oct/bin
+ constants, automatic, static, double
+ complex types) */
+extern flag zflag; /* enable double complex intrinsics */
+extern flag shiftcase;
+extern flag undeftype;
+extern flag shortsubs; /* Use short subscripts on arrays? */
+extern flag onetripflag; /* if true, always execute DO loop body */
+extern flag checksubs;
+extern flag debugflag;
+extern int nerr;
+extern int nwarn;
+extern int parstate;
+extern flag headerdone; /* True iff the current procedure's header
+ data has been written */
+extern int blklevel;
+extern flag saveall;
+extern flag substars; /* True iff some formal parameter is an
+ asterisk */
+extern int impltype[ ];
+extern ftnint implleng[ ];
+extern int implstg[ ];
+extern int tycomplex, tyint, tyioint, tyreal;
+extern int tylog, tylogical; /* TY____ of the implementation of logical.
+ This will be LONG unless '-2' is given
+ on the command line */
+extern int type_choice[];
+extern char *Typename[];
+extern int typesize[]; /* size (in bytes) of an object of each
+ type. Indexed by TY___ macros */
+extern int typealign[];
+extern int proctype; /* Type of return value in this procedure */
+extern char * procname; /* External name of the procedure, or last ENTRY name */
+extern int rtvlabel[ ]; /* Return value labels, indexed by TY___ macros */
+extern Addrp retslot;
+extern Addrp xretslot[];
+extern int cxslot; /* Complex return argument slot (frame pointer offset)*/
+extern int chslot; /* Character return argument slot (fp offset) */
+extern int chlgslot; /* Argument slot for length of character buffer */
+extern int procclass; /* Class of the current procedure: either CLPROC,
+extern ftnint procleng; /* Length of function return value (e.g. char
+ string length). If this is -1, then the length is
+ not known at compile time */
+extern int nentry; /* Number of entry points (other than the original
+ function call) into this procedure */
+extern flag multitype; /* YES iff there is more than one return value
+ possible */
+extern int blklevel;
+extern long lastiolabno;
+extern long lastlabno;
+extern int lastvarno;
+extern int lastargslot; /* integer offset pointing to the next free
+ location for an argument to the current routine */
+extern int argloc;
+extern int autonum[]; /* for numbering
+ automatic variables, e.g. temporaries */
+extern int retlabel;
+extern int ret0label;
+extern int dorange; /* Number of the label which terminates
+ the innermost DO loop */
+extern int regnum[ ]; /* Numbers of DO indicies named in
+ regnamep (below) */
+extern Namep regnamep[ ]; /* List of DO indicies in registers */
+extern int maxregvar; /* number of elts in regnamep */
+extern int highregvar; /* keeps track of the highest register
+ number used by DO index allocator */
+extern int nregvar; /* count of DO indicies in registers */
+extern chainp templist[];
+extern int maxdim;
+extern chainp earlylabs;
+extern chainp holdtemps;
+extern struct Entrypoint *entries;
+extern struct Rplblock *rpllist;
+extern struct Chain *curdtp;
+extern ftnint curdtelt;
+extern chainp allargs; /* union of args in entries */
+extern int nallargs; /* total number of args */
+extern int nallchargs; /* total number of character args */
+extern flag toomanyinit; /* True iff too many initializers in a
+ DATA statement */
+extern flag inioctl;
+extern int iostmt;
+extern Addrp ioblkp;
+extern int nioctl;
+extern int nequiv;
+extern int eqvstart; /* offset to eqv number to guarantee uniqueness
+ and prevent <something> from going negative */
+extern int nintnames;
+/* Chain of tagged blocks */
+struct Chain
+ {
+ chainp nextp;
+ char * datap; /* Tagged block */
+ };
+extern chainp chains;
+/* Recall that field is intended to hold four-bit characters */
+/* This structure exists only to defeat the type checking */
+struct Headblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ field vclass;
+ field vstg;
+ expptr vleng; /* Expression for length of char string -
+ this may be a constant, or an argument
+ generated by mkarg() */
+ } ;
+/* Control construct info (for do loops, else, etc) */
+struct Ctlframe
+ {
+ unsigned ctltype:8;
+ unsigned dostepsign:8; /* 0 - variable, 1 - pos, 2 - neg */
+ unsigned dowhile:1;
+ int ctlabels[4]; /* Control labels, defined below */
+ int dolabel; /* label marking end of this DO loop */
+ Namep donamep; /* DO index variable */
+ expptr doinit; /* for use with -onetrip */
+ expptr domax; /* constant or temp variable holding MAX
+ loop value; or expr of while(expr) */
+ expptr dostep; /* expression */
+ Namep loopname;
+ };
+#define endlabel ctlabels[0]
+#define elselabel ctlabels[1]
+#define dobodylabel ctlabels[1]
+#define doposlabel ctlabels[2]
+#define doneglabel ctlabels[3]
+extern struct Ctlframe *ctls; /* Keeps info on DO and BLOCK IF
+ structures - this is the stack
+ bottom */
+extern struct Ctlframe *ctlstack; /* Pointer to current nesting
+ level */
+extern struct Ctlframe *lastctl; /* Point to end of
+ dynamically-allocated array */
+typedef struct {
+ int type;
+ chainp cp;
+ } Atype;
+typedef struct {
+ int defined, dnargs, nargs, changes;
+ Atype atypes[1];
+ } Argtypes;
+/* External Symbols */
+struct Extsym
+ {
+ char *fextname; /* Fortran version of external name */
+ char *cextname; /* C version of external name */
+ field extstg; /* STG -- should be COMMON, UNKNOWN or EXT
+ */
+ unsigned extype:4; /* for transmitting type to output routines */
+ unsigned used_here:1; /* Boolean - true on the second pass
+ through a function if the block has
+ been referenced */
+ unsigned exused:1; /* Has been used (for help with error msgs
+ about externals typed differently in
+ different modules) */
+ unsigned exproto:1; /* type specified in a .P file */
+ unsigned extinit:1; /* Procedure has been defined,
+ or COMMON has DATA */
+ unsigned extseen:1; /* True if previously referenced */
+ chainp extp; /* List of identifiers in the common
+ block for this function, stored as
+ Namep (hash table pointers) */
+ chainp allextp; /* List of lists of identifiers; we keep one
+ list for each layout of this common block */
+ int curno; /* current number for this common block,
+ used for constructing appending _nnn
+ to the common block name */
+ int maxno; /* highest curno value for this common block */
+ ftnint extleng;
+ ftnint maxleng;
+ Argtypes *arginfo;
+ };
+typedef struct Extsym Extsym;
+extern Extsym *extsymtab; /* External symbol table */
+extern Extsym *nextext;
+extern Extsym *lastext;
+extern int complex_seen, dcomplex_seen;
+/* Statement labels */
+struct Labelblock
+ {
+ int labelno; /* Internal label */
+ unsigned blklevel:8; /* level of nesting, for branch-in-loop
+ checking */
+ unsigned labused:1;
+ unsigned fmtlabused:1;
+ unsigned labinacc:1; /* inaccessible? (i.e. has its scope
+ vanished) */
+ unsigned labdefined:1; /* YES or NO */
+ unsigned labtype:2; /* LAB{FORMAT,EXEC,etc} */
+ ftnint stateno; /* Original label */
+ char *fmtstring; /* format string */
+ };
+extern struct Labelblock *labeltab; /* Label table - keeps track of
+ all labels, including undefined */
+extern struct Labelblock *labtabend;
+extern struct Labelblock *highlabtab;
+/* Entry point list */
+struct Entrypoint
+ {
+ struct Entrypoint *entnextp;
+ Extsym *entryname; /* Name of this ENTRY */
+ chainp arglist;
+ int typelabel; /* Label for function exit; this
+ will return the proper type of
+ object */
+ Namep enamep; /* External name */
+ };
+/* Primitive block, or Primary block. This is a general template returned
+ by the parser, which will be interpreted in context. It is a template
+ for an identifier (variable name, function name), parenthesized
+ arguments (array subscripts, function parameters) and substring
+ specifications. */
+struct Primblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ unsigned parenused:1; /* distinguish (a) from a */
+ Namep namep; /* Pointer to structure Nameblock */
+ struct Listblock *argsp;
+ expptr fcharp; /* first-char-index-pointer (in
+ substring) */
+ expptr lcharp; /* last-char-index-pointer (in
+ substring) */
+ };
+struct Hashentry
+ {
+ int hashval;
+ Namep varp;
+ };
+extern struct Hashentry *hashtab; /* Hash table */
+extern struct Hashentry *lasthash;
+struct Intrpacked /* bits for intrinsic function description */
+ {
+ unsigned f1:4;
+ unsigned f2:4;
+ unsigned f3:7;
+ unsigned f4:1;
+ };
+struct Nameblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ field vclass;
+ field vstg;
+ expptr vleng; /* length of character string, if applicable */
+ char *fvarname; /* name in the Fortran source */
+ char *cvarname; /* name in the resulting C */
+ chainp vlastdim; /* datap points to new_vars entry for the */
+ /* system variable, if any, storing the final */
+ /* dimension; we zero the datap if this */
+ /* variable is needed */
+ unsigned vprocclass:3; /* P____ macros - selects the varxptr
+ field below */
+ unsigned vdovar:1; /* "is it a DO variable?" for register
+ and multi-level loop checking */
+ unsigned vdcldone:1; /* "do I think I'm done?" - set when the
+ context is sufficient to determine its
+ status */
+ unsigned vadjdim:1; /* "adjustable dimension?" - needed for
+ information about copies */
+ unsigned vsave:1;
+ unsigned vimpldovar:1; /* used to prevent erroneous error messages
+ for variables used only in DATA stmt
+ implicit DOs */
+ unsigned vis_assigned:1;/* True if this variable has had some
+ label ASSIGNED to it; hence
+ varxptr.assigned_values is valid */
+ unsigned vimplstg:1; /* True if storage type is assigned implicitly;
+ this allows a COMMON variable to participate
+ in a DIMENSION before the COMMON declaration.
+ */
+ unsigned vcommequiv:1; /* True if EQUIVALENCEd onto STGCOMMON */
+ unsigned vfmt_asg:1; /* True if char *var_fmt needed */
+ unsigned vpassed:1; /* True if passed as a character-variable arg */
+ unsigned vknownarg:1; /* True if seen in a previous entry point */
+ unsigned visused:1; /* True if variable is referenced -- so we */
+ /* can omit variables that only appear in DATA */
+ unsigned vnamelist:1; /* Appears in a NAMELIST */
+ unsigned vimpltype:1; /* True if implicitly typed and not
+ invoked as a function or subroutine
+ (so we can consistently type procedures
+ declared external and passed as args
+ but never invoked).
+ */
+ unsigned vtypewarned:1; /* so we complain just once about
+ changed types of external procedures */
+ unsigned vinftype:1; /* so we can restore implicit type to a
+ procedure if it is invoked as a function
+ after being given a different type by -it */
+ unsigned vinfproc:1; /* True if -it infers this to be a procedure */
+ unsigned vcalled:1; /* has been invoked */
+ unsigned vdimfinish:1; /* need to invoke dim_finish() */
+ unsigned vrefused:1; /* Need to #define name_ref (for -s) */
+ unsigned vsubscrused:1; /* Need to #define name_subscr (for -2) */
+ unsigned veqvadjust:1; /* voffset has been adjusted for equivalence */
+/* The vardesc union below is used to store the number of an intrinsic
+ function (when vstg == STGINTR and vprocclass == PINTRINSIC), or to
+ store the index of this external symbol in extsymtab (when vstg ==
+ STGEXT and vprocclass == PEXTERNAL) */
+ union {
+ int varno; /* Return variable for a function.
+ This is used when a function is
+ assigned a return value. Also
+ used to point to the COMMON
+ block, when this is a field of
+ that block. Also points to
+ EQUIV block when STGEQUIV */
+ struct Intrpacked intrdesc; /* bits for intrinsic function*/
+ } vardesc;
+ struct Dimblock *vdim; /* points to the dimensions if they exist */
+ ftnint voffset; /* offset in a storage block (the variable
+ name will be "v.%d", voffset in a
+ common blck on the vax). Also holds
+ pointers for automatic variables. When
+ STGEQUIV, this is -(offset from array
+ base) */
+ union {
+ chainp namelist; /* points to names in the NAMELIST,
+ if this is a NAMELIST name */
+ chainp vstfdesc; /* points to (formals, expr) pair */
+ chainp assigned_values; /* list of integers, each being a
+ statement label assigned to
+ this variable in the current function */
+ } varxptr;
+ int argno; /* for multiple entries */
+ Argtypes *arginfo;
+ };
+/* PARAMETER statements */
+struct Paramblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ field vclass;
+ field vstg;
+ expptr vleng;
+ char *fvarname;
+ char *cvarname;
+ expptr paramval;
+ } ;
+/* Expression block */
+struct Exprblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ field vclass;
+ field vstg;
+ expptr vleng; /* in the case of a character expression, this
+ value is inherited from the children */
+ unsigned int opcode;
+ expptr leftp;
+ expptr rightp;
+ int typefixed;
+ };
+union Constant
+ {
+ struct {
+ char *ccp0;
+ ftnint blanks;
+ } ccp1;
+ ftnint ci; /* Constant integer */
+#ifndef NO_LONG_LONG
+ Llong cq; /* for TYQUAD integer */
+ ULlong ucq;
+ double cd[2];
+ char *cds[2];
+ };
+#define ccp ccp1.ccp0
+struct Constblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ field vclass;
+ field vstg; /* vstg = 1 when using Const.cds */
+ expptr vleng;
+ union Constant Const;
+ };
+struct Listblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ chainp listp;
+ };
+/* Address block - this is the FINAL form of identifiers before being
+ sent to pass 2. We'll want to add the original identifier here so that it can
+ be preserved in the translation.
+ An example identifier is q.7. The "q" refers to the storage class
+ (field vstg), the 7 to the variable number (int memno). */
+struct Addrblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ field vclass;
+ field vstg;
+ expptr vleng;
+ /* put union...user here so the beginning of an Addrblock
+ * is the same as a Constblock.
+ */
+ union {
+ Namep name; /* contains a pointer into the hash table */
+ char ident[IDENT_LEN + 1]; /* C string form of identifier */
+ char *Charp;
+ union Constant Const; /* Constant value */
+ struct {
+ double dfill[2];
+ field vstg1;
+ } kludge; /* so we can distinguish string vs binary
+ * floating-point constants */
+ } user;
+ long memno; /* when vstg == STGCONST, this is the
+ numeric part of the assembler label
+ where the constant value is stored */
+ expptr memoffset; /* used in subscript computations, usually */
+ unsigned istemp:1; /* used in stack management of temporary
+ variables */
+ unsigned isarray:1; /* used to show that memoffset is
+ meaningful, even if zero */
+ unsigned ntempelt:10; /* for representing temporary arrays, as
+ in concatenation */
+ unsigned dbl_builtin:1; /* builtin to be declared double */
+ unsigned charleng:1; /* so saveargtypes can get i/o calls right */
+ unsigned cmplx_sub:1; /* used in complex arithmetic under -s */
+ unsigned skip_offset:1; /* used in complex arithmetic under -s */
+ unsigned parenused:1; /* distinguish (a) from a */
+ ftnint varleng; /* holds a copy of a constant length which
+ is stored in the vleng field (e.g.
+ a double is 8 bytes) */
+ int uname_tag; /* Tag describing which of the unions()
+ below to use */
+ char *Field; /* field name when dereferencing a struct */
+}; /* struct Addrblock */
+/* Errorbock - placeholder for errors, to allow the compilation to
+ continue */
+struct Errorblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ field vtype;
+ };
+/* Implicit DO block, especially related to DATA statements. This block
+ keeps track of the compiler's location in the implicit DO while it's
+ running. In particular, the isactive and isbusy flags tell where
+ it is */
+struct Impldoblock
+ {
+ field tag;
+ unsigned isactive:1;
+ unsigned isbusy:1;
+ Namep varnp;
+ Constp varvp;
+ chainp impdospec;
+ expptr implb;
+ expptr impub;
+ expptr impstep;
+ ftnint impdiff;
+ ftnint implim;
+ struct Chain *datalist;
+ };
+/* Each of these components has a first field called tag. This union
+ exists just for allocation simplicity */
+union Expression
+ {
+ field tag;
+ struct Addrblock addrblock;
+ struct Constblock constblock;
+ struct Errorblock errorblock;
+ struct Exprblock exprblock;
+ struct Headblock headblock;
+ struct Impldoblock impldoblock;
+ struct Listblock listblock;
+ struct Nameblock nameblock;
+ struct Paramblock paramblock;
+ struct Primblock primblock;
+ } ;
+struct Dimblock
+ {
+ int ndim;
+ expptr nelt; /* This is NULL if the array is unbounded */
+ expptr baseoffset; /* a constant or local variable holding
+ the offset in this procedure */
+ expptr basexpr; /* expression for comuting the offset, if
+ it's not constant. If this is
+ non-null, the register named in
+ baseoffset will get initialized to this
+ value in the procedure's prolog */
+ struct
+ {
+ expptr dimsize; /* constant or register holding the size
+ of this dimension */
+ expptr dimexpr; /* as above in basexpr, this is an
+ expression for computing a variable
+ dimension */
+ } dims[1]; /* Dimblocks are allocated with enough
+ space for this to become dims[ndim] */
+ };
+/* Statement function identifier stack - this holds the name and value of
+ the parameters in a statement function invocation. For example,
+ f(x,y,z)=x+y+z
+ .
+ .
+ y = f(1,2,3)
+ generates a stack of depth 3, with <x 1>, <y 2>, <z 3> AT THE INVOCATION, NOT
+ at the definition */
+struct Rplblock /* name replacement block */
+ {
+ struct Rplblock *rplnextp;
+ Namep rplnp; /* Name of the formal parameter */
+ expptr rplvp; /* Value of the actual parameter */
+ expptr rplxp; /* Initialization of temporary variable,
+ if required; else null */
+ int rpltag; /* Tag on the value of the actual param */
+ };
+/* Equivalence block */
+struct Equivblock
+ {
+ struct Eqvchain *equivs; /* List (Eqvchain) of primblocks
+ holding variable identifiers */
+ flag eqvinit;
+ long eqvtop;
+ long eqvbottom;
+ int eqvtype;
+ } ;
+#define eqvleng eqvtop
+extern struct Equivblock *eqvclass;
+struct Eqvchain
+ {
+ struct Eqvchain *eqvnextp;
+ union
+ {
+ struct Primblock *eqvlhs;
+ Namep eqvname;
+ } eqvitem;
+ long eqvoffset;
+ } ;
+/* For allocation purposes only, and to keep lint quiet. In particular,
+ don't count on the tag being able to tell you which structure is used */
+/* There is a tradition in Fortran that the compiler not generate the same
+ bit pattern more than is necessary. This structure is used to do just
+ that; if two integer constants have the same bit pattern, just generate
+ it once. This could be expanded to optimize without regard to type, by
+ removing the type check in putconst() */
+struct Literal
+ {
+ short littype;
+ short lituse; /* usage count */
+ long litnum; /* numeric part of the assembler
+ label for this constant value */
+ union {
+ ftnint litival;
+ double litdval[2];
+ ftnint litival2[2]; /* length, nblanks for strings */
+#ifndef NO_LONG_LONG
+ Llong litqval;
+ } litval;
+ char *cds[2];
+ };
+extern struct Literal *litpool;
+extern int maxliterals, nliterals;
+extern unsigned char Letters[];
+#define letter(x) Letters[x]
+struct Dims { expptr lb, ub; };
+extern int forcedouble; /* force real functions to double */
+extern int doin_setbound; /* special handling for array bounds */
+extern int Ansi;
+extern unsigned char hextoi_tab[];
+#define hextoi(x) hextoi_tab[(x) & 0xff]
+extern char *casttypes[], *ftn_types[], *protorettypes[], *usedcasts[];
+extern int Castargs, infertypes;
+extern FILE *protofile;
+extern char binread[], binwrite[], textread[], textwrite[];
+extern char *ei_first, *ei_last, *ei_next;
+extern char *wh_first, *wh_last, *wh_next;
+extern char *halign, *outbuf, *outbtail;
+extern flag keepsubs;
+#ifdef TYQUAD
+extern flag use_tyquad;
+extern unsigned long ff;
+#ifndef NO_LONG_LONG
+extern flag allow_i8c;
+#endif /*TYQUAD*/
+extern int n_keywords;
+extern char *c_keywords[];
+#ifdef KR_headers
+#define Argdcl(x) ()
+#define Void /* void */
+#define Argdcl(x) x
+#define Void void
+char* Alloc Argdcl((int));
+char* Argtype Argdcl((int, char*));
+void Fatal Argdcl((char*));
+struct Impldoblock* mkiodo Argdcl((chainp, chainp));
+tagptr Inline Argdcl((int, int, chainp));
+struct Labelblock* execlab Argdcl((long));
+struct Labelblock* mklabel Argdcl((long));
+struct Listblock* mklist Argdcl((chainp));
+void Un_link_all Argdcl((int));
+void add_extern_to_list Argdcl((Addrp, chainp*));
+int addressable Argdcl((tagptr));
+tagptr addrof Argdcl((tagptr));
+char* addunder Argdcl((char*));
+void argkludge Argdcl((int*, char***));
+Addrp autovar Argdcl((int, int, tagptr, char*));
+void backup Argdcl((char*, char*));
+void bad_atypes Argdcl((Argtypes*, char*, int, int, int, char*, char*));
+int badchleng Argdcl((tagptr));
+void badop Argdcl((char*, int));
+void badstg Argdcl((char*, int));
+void badtag Argdcl((char*, int));
+void badthing Argdcl((char*, char*, int));
+void badtype Argdcl((char*, int));
+Addrp builtin Argdcl((int, char*, int));
+char* c_name Argdcl((char*, int));
+tagptr call0 Argdcl((int, char*));
+tagptr call1 Argdcl((int, char*, tagptr));
+tagptr call2 Argdcl((int, char*, tagptr, tagptr));
+tagptr call3 Argdcl((int, char*, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr));
+tagptr call4 Argdcl((int, char*, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr));
+tagptr callk Argdcl((int, char*, chainp));
+void cast_args Argdcl((int, chainp));
+char* cds Argdcl((char*, char*));
+void changedtype Argdcl((Namep));
+ptr ckalloc Argdcl((int));
+int cktype Argdcl((int, int, int));
+void clf Argdcl((FILEP*, char*, int));
+int cmpstr Argdcl((char*, char*, long, long));
+char* c_type_decl Argdcl((int, int));
+Extsym* comblock Argdcl((char*));
+char* comm_union_name Argdcl((int));
+void consconv Argdcl((int, Constp, Constp));
+void consnegop Argdcl((Constp));
+int conssgn Argdcl((tagptr));
+char* convic Argdcl((long));
+void copy_data Argdcl((chainp));
+char* copyn Argdcl((int, char*));
+char* copys Argdcl((char*));
+tagptr cpblock Argdcl((int, char*));
+tagptr cpexpr Argdcl((tagptr));
+void cpn Argdcl((int, char*, char*));
+char* cpstring Argdcl((char*));
+void dataline Argdcl((char*, long, int));
+char* dataname Argdcl((int, long));
+void dataval Argdcl((tagptr, tagptr));
+void dclerr Argdcl((const char*, Namep));
+void def_commons Argdcl((FILEP));
+void def_start Argdcl((FILEP, char*, char*, char*));
+void deregister Argdcl((Namep));
+void do_uninit_equivs Argdcl((FILEP, ptr));
+void doequiv(Void);
+int dofork Argdcl((char*));
+void doinclude Argdcl((char*));
+void doio Argdcl((chainp));
+void done Argdcl((int));
+void donmlist(Void);
+int dsort Argdcl((char*, char*));
+char* dtos Argdcl((double));
+void elif_out Argdcl((FILEP, tagptr));
+void end_else_out Argdcl((FILEP));
+void enddcl(Void);
+void enddo Argdcl((int));
+void endio(Void);
+void endioctl(Void);
+void endproc(Void);
+void entrypt Argdcl((int, int, long, Extsym*, chainp));
+int eqn Argdcl((int, char*, char*));
+char* equiv_name Argdcl((int, char*));
+void err Argdcl((char*));
+void err66 Argdcl((char*));
+void errext Argdcl((char*));
+void erri Argdcl((char*, int));
+void errl Argdcl((char*, long));
+tagptr errnode(Void);
+void errstr Argdcl((const char*, const char*));
+void exarif Argdcl((tagptr, struct Labelblock*, struct Labelblock*, struct Labelblock*));
+void exasgoto Argdcl((Namep));
+void exassign Argdcl((Namep, struct Labelblock*));
+void excall Argdcl((Namep, struct Listblock*, int, struct Labelblock**));
+void exdo Argdcl((int, Namep, chainp));
+void execerr Argdcl((char*, char*));
+void exelif Argdcl((tagptr));
+void exelse(Void);
+void exenddo Argdcl((Namep));
+void exendif(Void);
+void exequals Argdcl((struct Primblock*, tagptr));
+void exgoto Argdcl((struct Labelblock*));
+void exif Argdcl((tagptr));
+void exreturn Argdcl((tagptr));
+void exstop Argdcl((int, tagptr));
+void extern_out Argdcl((FILEP, Extsym*));
+void fatali Argdcl((char*, int));
+void fatalstr Argdcl((char*, char*));
+void ffilecopy Argdcl((FILEP, FILEP));
+void fileinit(Void);
+int fixargs Argdcl((int, struct Listblock*));
+tagptr fixexpr Argdcl((Exprp));
+tagptr fixtype Argdcl((tagptr));
+char* flconst Argdcl((char*, char*));
+void flline(Void);
+void fmt_init(Void);
+void fmtname Argdcl((Namep, Addrp));
+int fmtstmt Argdcl((struct Labelblock*));
+tagptr fold Argdcl((tagptr));
+void frchain Argdcl((chainp*));
+void frdata Argdcl((chainp));
+void freetemps(Void);
+void freqchain Argdcl((struct Equivblock*));
+void frexchain Argdcl((chainp*));
+void frexpr Argdcl((tagptr));
+void frrpl(Void);
+void frtemp Argdcl((Addrp));
+char* gmem Argdcl((int, int));
+void hashclear(Void);
+chainp hookup Argdcl((chainp, chainp));
+expptr imagpart Argdcl((Addrp));
+void impldcl Argdcl((Namep));
+int in_vector Argdcl((char*, char**, int));
+void incomm Argdcl((Extsym*, Namep));
+void inferdcl Argdcl((Namep, int));
+int inilex Argdcl((char*));
+void initkey(Void);
+int inregister Argdcl((Namep));
+long int commlen Argdcl((chainp));
+long int convci Argdcl((int, char*));
+long int iarrlen Argdcl((Namep));
+long int lencat Argdcl((expptr));
+long int lmax Argdcl((long, long));
+long int lmin Argdcl((long, long));
+long int wr_char_len Argdcl((FILEP, struct Dimblock*, ftnint, int));
+Addrp intraddr Argdcl((Namep));
+tagptr intrcall Argdcl((Namep, struct Listblock*, int));
+int intrfunct Argdcl((char*));
+void ioclause Argdcl((int, expptr));
+int iocname(Void);
+int is_negatable Argdcl((Constp));
+int isaddr Argdcl((tagptr));
+int isnegative_const Argdcl((Constp));
+int isstatic Argdcl((tagptr));
+chainp length_comp Argdcl((struct Entrypoint*, int));
+int lengtype Argdcl((int, long));
+char* lexline Argdcl((ptr));
+void list_arg_types Argdcl((FILEP, struct Entrypoint*, chainp, int, char*));
+void list_decls Argdcl((FILEP));
+void list_init_data Argdcl((FILE **, char *, FILE *));
+void listargs Argdcl((FILEP, struct Entrypoint*, int, chainp));
+char* lit_name Argdcl((struct Literal*));
+int log_2 Argdcl((long));
+char* lower_string Argdcl((char*, char*));
+int main Argdcl((int, char**));
+expptr make_int_expr Argdcl((expptr));
+void make_param Argdcl((struct Paramblock*, tagptr));
+void many Argdcl((char*, char, int));
+void margin_printf Argdcl((FILEP, const char*, ...));
+int maxtype Argdcl((int, int));
+char* mem Argdcl((int, int));
+void mem_init(Void);
+char* memname Argdcl((int, long));
+Addrp memversion Argdcl((Namep));
+tagptr mkaddcon Argdcl((long));
+Addrp mkaddr Argdcl((Namep));
+Addrp mkarg Argdcl((int, int));
+tagptr mkbitcon Argdcl((int, int, char*));
+chainp mkchain Argdcl((char*, chainp));
+Constp mkconst Argdcl((int));
+tagptr mkconv Argdcl((int, tagptr));
+tagptr mkcxcon Argdcl((tagptr, tagptr));
+tagptr mkexpr Argdcl((int, tagptr, tagptr));
+Extsym* mkext Argdcl((char*, char*));
+Extsym* mkext1 Argdcl((char*, char*));
+Addrp mkfield Argdcl((Addrp, char*, int));
+tagptr mkfunct Argdcl((tagptr));
+tagptr mkintcon Argdcl((long));
+tagptr mkintqcon Argdcl((int, char*));
+tagptr mklhs Argdcl((struct Primblock*, int));
+tagptr mklogcon Argdcl((int));
+Namep mkname Argdcl((char*));
+Addrp mkplace Argdcl((Namep));
+tagptr mkprim Argdcl((Namep, struct Listblock*, chainp));
+tagptr mkrealcon Argdcl((int, char*));
+Addrp mkscalar Argdcl((Namep));
+void mkstfunct Argdcl((struct Primblock*, tagptr));
+tagptr mkstrcon Argdcl((int, char*));
+Addrp mktmp Argdcl((int, tagptr));
+Addrp mktmp0 Argdcl((int, tagptr));
+Addrp mktmpn Argdcl((int, int, tagptr));
+void namelist Argdcl((Namep));
+int ncat Argdcl((expptr));
+void negate_const Argdcl((Constp));
+void new_endif(Void);
+Extsym* newentry Argdcl((Namep, int));
+long newlabel(Void);
+void newproc(Void);
+Addrp nextdata Argdcl((long*));
+void nice_printf Argdcl((FILEP, const char*, ...));
+void not_both Argdcl((char*));
+void np_init(Void);
+int oneof_stg Argdcl((Namep, int, int));
+int op_assign Argdcl((int));
+tagptr opconv Argdcl((tagptr, int));
+FILEP opf Argdcl((char*, char*));
+void out_addr Argdcl((FILEP, Addrp));
+void out_asgoto Argdcl((FILEP, tagptr));
+void out_call Argdcl((FILEP, int, int, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr));
+void out_const Argdcl((FILEP, Constp));
+void out_else Argdcl((FILEP));
+void out_for Argdcl((FILEP, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr));
+void out_init(Void);
+void outbuf_adjust(Void);
+void p1_label Argdcl((long));
+void paren_used Argdcl((struct Primblock*));
+void prcona Argdcl((FILEP, long));
+void prconi Argdcl((FILEP, long));
+#ifndef NO_LONG_LONG
+void prconq Argdcl((FILEP, Llong));
+void prconr Argdcl((FILEP, Constp, int));
+void procinit(Void);
+void procode Argdcl((FILEP));
+void prolog Argdcl((FILEP, chainp));
+void protowrite Argdcl((FILEP, int, char*, struct Entrypoint*, chainp));
+expptr prune_left_conv Argdcl((expptr));
+int put_one_arg Argdcl((int, char*, char**, char*, char*));
+expptr putassign Argdcl((expptr, expptr));
+Addrp putchop Argdcl((tagptr));
+void putcmgo Argdcl((tagptr, int, struct Labelblock**));
+Addrp putconst Argdcl((Constp));
+tagptr putcxop Argdcl((tagptr));
+void puteq Argdcl((expptr, expptr));
+void putexpr Argdcl((expptr));
+void puthead Argdcl((char*, int));
+void putif Argdcl((tagptr, int));
+void putout Argdcl((tagptr));
+expptr putsteq Argdcl((Addrp, Addrp));
+void putwhile Argdcl((tagptr));
+tagptr putx Argdcl((tagptr));
+void r8fix(Void);
+int rdlong Argdcl((FILEP, long*));
+int rdname Argdcl((FILEP, ptr, char*));
+void read_Pfiles Argdcl((char**));
+Addrp realpart Argdcl((Addrp));
+chainp revchain Argdcl((chainp));
+int same_expr Argdcl((tagptr, tagptr));
+int same_ident Argdcl((tagptr, tagptr));
+void save_argtypes Argdcl((chainp, Argtypes**, Argtypes**, int, char*, int, int, int, int));
+void saveargtypes Argdcl((Exprp));
+void set_externs(Void);
+void set_tmp_names(Void);
+void setbound Argdcl((Namep, int, struct Dims*));
+void setdata Argdcl((Addrp, Constp, long));
+void setext Argdcl((Namep));
+void setfmt Argdcl((struct Labelblock*));
+void setimpl Argdcl((int, long, int, int));
+void setintr Argdcl((Namep));
+void settype Argdcl((Namep, int, long));
+void sigcatch Argdcl((int));
+void sserr Argdcl((Namep));
+void start_formatting(Void);
+void startioctl(Void);
+void startproc Argdcl((Extsym*, int));
+void startrw(Void);
+char* string_num Argdcl((char*, long));
+int struct_eq Argdcl((chainp, chainp));
+tagptr subcheck Argdcl((Namep, tagptr));
+tagptr suboffset Argdcl((struct Primblock*));
+int type_fixup Argdcl((Argtypes*, Atype*, int));
+void unamstring Argdcl((Addrp, char*));
+void unclassifiable(Void);
+void vardcl Argdcl((Namep));
+void warn Argdcl((char*));
+void warn1 Argdcl((const char*, const char*));
+void warni Argdcl((char*, int));
+void westart Argdcl((int));
+void wr_abbrevs Argdcl((FILEP, int, chainp));
+char* wr_ardecls Argdcl((FILE*, struct Dimblock*, long));
+void wr_array_init Argdcl((FILEP, int, chainp));
+void wr_common_decls Argdcl((FILEP));
+void wr_equiv_init Argdcl((FILEP, int, chainp*, int));
+void wr_globals Argdcl((FILEP));
+void wr_nv_ident_help Argdcl((FILEP, Addrp));
+void wr_struct Argdcl((FILEP, chainp));
+void wronginf Argdcl((Namep));
+void yyerror Argdcl((char*));
+int yylex(Void);
+int yyparse(Void);
+#ifdef USE_DTOA
+#define atof(x) strtod(x,0)
+void g_fmt Argdcl((char*, double));