path: root/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Utility/Complex.c
diff options
authoralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-06-13 11:05:01 +0300
committeralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-06-13 11:05:01 +0300
commitbf0f13dd39ee3e65092ba3572bb5b1fcd125dcd0 (patch)
tree1d1df72c0541a59a81439842f46d95396d3e7189 /contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Utility/Complex.c
parent8bfdfa9a9bd19bddbc58d888e180fbd1218681be (diff)
add ymake export to ydb
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Utility/Complex.c')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Utility/Complex.c b/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Utility/Complex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15d5f544dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Utility/Complex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/////////////// Header.proto ///////////////
+//@proto_block: h_code
+#if !defined(CYTHON_CCOMPLEX)
+ #if defined(__cplusplus)
+ #elif defined(_Complex_I)
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ #include <complex>
+ #else
+ #include <complex.h>
+ #endif
+#if CYTHON_CCOMPLEX && !defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__sun__) && defined(__GNUC__)
+ #undef _Complex_I
+ #define _Complex_I 1.0fj
+/////////////// RealImag.proto ///////////////
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ #define __Pyx_CREAL(z) ((z).real())
+ #define __Pyx_CIMAG(z) ((z).imag())
+ #else
+ #define __Pyx_CREAL(z) (__real__(z))
+ #define __Pyx_CIMAG(z) (__imag__(z))
+ #endif
+ #define __Pyx_CREAL(z) ((z).real)
+ #define __Pyx_CIMAG(z) ((z).imag)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && CYTHON_CCOMPLEX \
+ && (defined(_WIN32) || defined(__clang__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 5 || __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4 )) || __cplusplus >= 201103)
+ #define __Pyx_SET_CREAL(z,x) ((z).real(x))
+ #define __Pyx_SET_CIMAG(z,y) ((z).imag(y))
+ #define __Pyx_SET_CREAL(z,x) __Pyx_CREAL(z) = (x)
+ #define __Pyx_SET_CIMAG(z,y) __Pyx_CIMAG(z) = (y)
+/////////////// Declarations.proto ///////////////
+//@proto_block: complex_type_declarations
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ typedef ::std::complex< {{real_type}} > {{type_name}};
+ #else
+ typedef {{real_type}} _Complex {{type_name}};
+ #endif
+ typedef struct { {{real_type}} real, imag; } {{type_name}};
+static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} {{type_name}}_from_parts({{real_type}}, {{real_type}});
+/////////////// Declarations ///////////////
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} {{type_name}}_from_parts({{real_type}} x, {{real_type}} y) {
+ return ::std::complex< {{real_type}} >(x, y);
+ }
+ #else
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} {{type_name}}_from_parts({{real_type}} x, {{real_type}} y) {
+ return x + y*({{type}})_Complex_I;
+ }
+ #endif
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} {{type_name}}_from_parts({{real_type}} x, {{real_type}} y) {
+ {{type}} z;
+ z.real = x;
+ z.imag = y;
+ return z;
+ }
+/////////////// ToPy.proto ///////////////
+#define __pyx_PyComplex_FromComplex(z) \
+ PyComplex_FromDoubles((double)__Pyx_CREAL(z), \
+ (double)__Pyx_CIMAG(z))
+/////////////// FromPy.proto ///////////////
+static {{type}} __Pyx_PyComplex_As_{{type_name}}(PyObject*);
+/////////////// FromPy ///////////////
+static {{type}} __Pyx_PyComplex_As_{{type_name}}(PyObject* o) {
+ Py_complex cval;
+ if (PyComplex_CheckExact(o))
+ cval = ((PyComplexObject *)o)->cval;
+ else
+ cval = PyComplex_AsCComplex(o);
+ return {{type_name}}_from_parts(
+ ({{real_type}})cval.real,
+ ({{real_type}})cval.imag);
+/////////////// Arithmetic.proto ///////////////
+ #define __Pyx_c_eq{{func_suffix}}(a, b) ((a)==(b))
+ #define __Pyx_c_sum{{func_suffix}}(a, b) ((a)+(b))
+ #define __Pyx_c_diff{{func_suffix}}(a, b) ((a)-(b))
+ #define __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}(a, b) ((a)*(b))
+ #define __Pyx_c_quot{{func_suffix}}(a, b) ((a)/(b))
+ #define __Pyx_c_neg{{func_suffix}}(a) (-(a))
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ #define __Pyx_c_is_zero{{func_suffix}}(z) ((z)==({{real_type}})0)
+ #define __Pyx_c_conj{{func_suffix}}(z) (::std::conj(z))
+ #if {{is_float}}
+ #define __Pyx_c_abs{{func_suffix}}(z) (::std::abs(z))
+ #define __Pyx_c_pow{{func_suffix}}(a, b) (::std::pow(a, b))
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #define __Pyx_c_is_zero{{func_suffix}}(z) ((z)==0)
+ #define __Pyx_c_conj{{func_suffix}}(z) (conj{{m}}(z))
+ #if {{is_float}}
+ #define __Pyx_c_abs{{func_suffix}}(z) (cabs{{m}}(z))
+ #define __Pyx_c_pow{{func_suffix}}(a, b) (cpow{{m}}(a, b))
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_c_eq{{func_suffix}}({{type}}, {{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_sum{{func_suffix}}({{type}}, {{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_diff{{func_suffix}}({{type}}, {{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}({{type}}, {{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_quot{{func_suffix}}({{type}}, {{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_neg{{func_suffix}}({{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_c_is_zero{{func_suffix}}({{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_conj{{func_suffix}}({{type}});
+ #if {{is_float}}
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{real_type}} __Pyx_c_abs{{func_suffix}}({{type}});
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_pow{{func_suffix}}({{type}}, {{type}});
+ #endif
+/////////////// Arithmetic ///////////////
+ static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_c_eq{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a, {{type}} b) {
+ return (a.real == b.real) && (a.imag == b.imag);
+ }
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_sum{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a, {{type}} b) {
+ {{type}} z;
+ z.real = a.real + b.real;
+ z.imag = a.imag + b.imag;
+ return z;
+ }
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_diff{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a, {{type}} b) {
+ {{type}} z;
+ z.real = a.real - b.real;
+ z.imag = a.imag - b.imag;
+ return z;
+ }
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a, {{type}} b) {
+ {{type}} z;
+ z.real = a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag;
+ z.imag = a.real * b.imag + a.imag * b.real;
+ return z;
+ }
+ #if {{is_float}}
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_quot{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a, {{type}} b) {
+ if (b.imag == 0) {
+ return {{type_name}}_from_parts(a.real / b.real, a.imag / b.real);
+ } else if (fabs{{m}}(b.real) >= fabs{{m}}(b.imag)) {
+ if (b.real == 0 && b.imag == 0) {
+ return {{type_name}}_from_parts(a.real / b.real, a.imag / b.imag);
+ } else {
+ {{real_type}} r = b.imag / b.real;
+ {{real_type}} s = ({{real_type}})(1.0) / (b.real + b.imag * r);
+ return {{type_name}}_from_parts(
+ (a.real + a.imag * r) * s, (a.imag - a.real * r) * s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {{real_type}} r = b.real / b.imag;
+ {{real_type}} s = ({{real_type}})(1.0) / (b.imag + b.real * r);
+ return {{type_name}}_from_parts(
+ (a.real * r + a.imag) * s, (a.imag * r - a.real) * s);
+ }
+ }
+ #else
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_quot{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a, {{type}} b) {
+ if (b.imag == 0) {
+ return {{type_name}}_from_parts(a.real / b.real, a.imag / b.real);
+ } else {
+ {{real_type}} denom = b.real * b.real + b.imag * b.imag;
+ return {{type_name}}_from_parts(
+ (a.real * b.real + a.imag * b.imag) / denom,
+ (a.imag * b.real - a.real * b.imag) / denom);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_neg{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a) {
+ {{type}} z;
+ z.real = -a.real;
+ z.imag = -a.imag;
+ return z;
+ }
+ static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_c_is_zero{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a) {
+ return (a.real == 0) && (a.imag == 0);
+ }
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_conj{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a) {
+ {{type}} z;
+ z.real = a.real;
+ z.imag = -a.imag;
+ return z;
+ }
+ #if {{is_float}}
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{real_type}} __Pyx_c_abs{{func_suffix}}({{type}} z) {
+ #if !defined(HAVE_HYPOT) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+ return sqrt{{m}}(z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag);
+ #else
+ return hypot{{m}}(z.real, z.imag);
+ #endif
+ }
+ static CYTHON_INLINE {{type}} __Pyx_c_pow{{func_suffix}}({{type}} a, {{type}} b) {
+ {{type}} z;
+ {{real_type}} r, lnr, theta, z_r, z_theta;
+ if (b.imag == 0 && b.real == (int)b.real) {
+ if (b.real < 0) {
+ {{real_type}} denom = a.real * a.real + a.imag * a.imag;
+ a.real = a.real / denom;
+ a.imag = -a.imag / denom;
+ b.real = -b.real;
+ }
+ switch ((int)b.real) {
+ case 0:
+ z.real = 1;
+ z.imag = 0;
+ return z;
+ case 1:
+ return a;
+ case 2:
+ return __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}(a, a);
+ case 3:
+ z = __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}(a, a);
+ return __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}(z, a);
+ case 4:
+ z = __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}(a, a);
+ return __Pyx_c_prod{{func_suffix}}(z, z);
+ }
+ }
+ if (a.imag == 0) {
+ if (a.real == 0) {
+ return a;
+ } else if ((b.imag == 0) && (a.real >= 0)) {
+ z.real = pow{{m}}(a.real, b.real);
+ z.imag = 0;
+ return z;
+ } else if (a.real > 0) {
+ r = a.real;
+ theta = 0;
+ } else {
+ r = -a.real;
+ theta = atan2{{m}}(0.0, -1.0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ r = __Pyx_c_abs{{func_suffix}}(a);
+ theta = atan2{{m}}(a.imag, a.real);
+ }
+ lnr = log{{m}}(r);
+ z_r = exp{{m}}(lnr * b.real - theta * b.imag);
+ z_theta = theta * b.real + lnr * b.imag;
+ z.real = z_r * cos{{m}}(z_theta);
+ z.imag = z_r * sin{{m}}(z_theta);
+ return z;
+ }
+ #endif